#its cause he was fucking right
gumgumvibecheck · 2 years
the thing about whiskey peak zoro is that i think its him really solidifying for himself that joining up with luffy was absolutely the correct step on the path to the world’s greatest swords man. he’s so fucking gleeful because he won, he gambled on being better than anythign baroque works had to offer and boy did it pay off, because here he is slicing through these clowns like butter when they were the ones who asked him to join up and work under them
like think about it, your 19 and you’ve got oodles of manic confidence, but there isn’t really a blue print for this either. you got approached by this big hot shot bounty hunter/assassin org - and you think your better than that, but fuck you’re a kid ya know. then you turn around and decide to work under a rubber menace who black mailed you. and sure you’re having a great time, but is this how you get to the top? you’ve gotten your ass whooped by mihawk, so you know your ceiling - but is joining up with a cartoonish rubber boy really going to get you further ahead than working as a bounty hunter or becomign a hired assassin?
the answer is hell fucking yeah it was the right call, and i think he’s really reveling in that
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severedegg · 9 months
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oouuuurhgghghghghghghghhhhhhh i looked at the website today cause id been meaning to for a while and............. i love them so much................................ so cute to me...... eddie my beloved (platonic)
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lazycranberrydoodles · 7 months
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diversity win! your doomed greek tragedy ship is genderfluid!
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The boys...
Vincent Price, Peter Lorre, Basil Rathbone and Boris Karloff publicity photo for The Comedy of Terrors (1963)
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albus severus is the human embodiment of be gay do crime, in this essay I will-
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floorpancakes · 2 months
ok but im rly into the idea of till having a new era that brings the light back to his eyes and drives him forward if he gets to escape the arena. idk where he'd go from there but i want to see ivans sacrifice both haunt him and drive him to actually live his damn life after being the captured bird refusing freedom cause of mizi. once he knows she's alive with the resistance he might be able to actually experience other things and widen his world and if that happens and he puts his personal sense of rebellion towards the human cause OR settles into finding some other way to feel fulfilment that isn't a single person that could be deeply fascinating to me i think
#alien stage#ramble#idk#till alien stage#as an xxxholic fan i want to see caged birds fly and all the fear and loss and grit and progress that comes with it#till era would be so fucking fun#especially when characters r built arnd one person or one goal or something you want to see them find new things to suffer or thrive abt (?)#random inconsequential thought imagine till hooking up with hyunas besties and they become a resistance throuple#idk i just want till to experience the wider world as the one that was the most restrained by his heart AND literally#cause even compared to the other anakt kids he suffered so much in those damn buildings and labs#i wanna see him freed and what that means for ivans legacy as the person who was unseen but someone who both contributed to and desperately#tried to stop his pain and confinement no matter what#honestly the thing i wanna see most rn off the top of my head is#till coming to terms with what he knows and sees about ivan now#no matter how he feels about it i think ivan wont be forgotten that easily#i want to know whats going thru tills head rn immediately in this moment#cause this snapped him in some way and he is acutely aware of things he didnt even notice before#while handling the mizi desth thing#that he assumed was happening#if he is assumedly saved i want to see the explosion that is knowung mizi is alive#knowing ivan is dead and how ivan felt#and knowing he has a way out of the cage#because its a triple whammy#i want to see his brain exploding in real time thinking abt all these things#and what sort of person the revelations will make him become#also i want to see mizi and till have like an actual conversation cause itd be a wildcard especially right now
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transgenbur · 5 months
in the au wilbur doesn't understand why fundy's school wants to get the kid an autism screening. because when presented with the symptoms fundy's showing he's just like . Well no i do that and so does my little brother its just how we are its perfectly normal.The school psychologist just kinda looks at him like Sir
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haunted-xander · 7 months
Childe would unironically make a really good Warrior of Light
Like, okay, not only does he get to fight a bunch of ever increasingly powerful enemies (such as several angry deities, an extra powerful combo machine of said deities, dragons almost as old as the star itself, SEVERAL ACTUAL GODS and then some!) but he also gets to team up with a group of (mainly) strong warriors that you KNOW he'd be just dying to spar with (also you can't tell me he wouldn't take one look at the twins and go 'my siblings now').
He's also very loyal, so once he's in with the Scions he is IN ya know? Like he would kill and die for them no questions asked. They're also not really bound by law so he can do whatever he wants and what is the law gonna do? Arrest him? THE Warrior of Light? Don't think so.
(Also if he ever met Zenos all hell would break loose. The entire region is decimated and it's a miracle there even is a region left to begin with. They'd be the best worst rivals in existance and it would be everyones problem)
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“Amity and Hunter maul each other” listen to me carefully we were all FOOLS. Luz and Hunter maul each other on the living room floor and yes biting IS on the table. Amity and Hunter are competitive rivals who are extremely sassy and petty when they talk shit. They are the only people in the entire family who can say the most SCATHING out of pocket things to each other and take it as friendly banter.
Make no mistake, sometimes it would result in a brawl, but these two are such near-mirrors of each other that it’s never serious and they think they’re hilarious. "How’s the divorce?” “Horrendous. How’s the face?” is a greeting they’ll have at like 8 in the morning and give everyone instantaneous cardiac arrest
#the owl house#toh#amity blight#hunter toh#hunter noceda#luz noceda#amity and hunter#text post#jokes#rivalry#drabble post#hunter and amity siblings#siblings#listen to me. luz and hunter may be the siblings. but amity has 2 actual older siblings#she has 14 years of experience shes not here to play games. luz initiated him into the family and now hes fresh meat#this is her future in-law shes going to MAKE him handle her at her worst. a sentiment hunter also shares#theyll compete over literally anything. it doesnt matter whos right in the end its about WINNING#unless they decide to team up in which case F to whoever theyre against cause theyre about to lose breathing privileges#theyre not therapy buddies not in the slightest but one of them will say something incredibly fucked up and the other just nods sagely#like theyll try. every once in a while theyll attempt something genuine. its always awkward but the heart is there they appreciate it#everyone ELSE thought they hated each other bc of the insane shit theyll say. but no. this is how they coexist with each other#like cats who were shoved into the same living space without sniffing each other through the door#hunter bullies amity for literally just standing in the same vicinity of luz. she hits him with the maidenless behavior#realizes he got a crush on willow. her bestie. and mocks his ass for the rest of his LIFE#she is only letting that shit go when she DIES. maybe not even then#hunter hits her with the motherless behavior. before remembering this also applies to him and amity bullies his ass again
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sea-buns · 5 months
Forgive me if I'm a bit nervous about Gorgug this season. It's just that the last Zac Oyama pc was Colin Provolone, who was arguably one of his greatest D20 performances, if not the greatest.
Zac always does great with every pc he plays, but Colin was something else. He came out swinging with actions and words that were teeming with unspoken emotional baggage. The way Colin's presence affected the other pcs; there was this level of depth that I don't think I've seen in any of his other characters. It was understated and quiet in that signature "just a guy" way that he tends to be, while still captivating everyone instantly with just how raw it was.
Not to say we haven't seen emotional depth in Gorgug. It's just that, compared to the other Bad Kids, Gorgug's journey and progression as a character has been very... impersonal? Like, yes, he found his birth parents, and he found friends who appreciate him, and he faced his insecurities about his intelligence, and he navigated relationship troubles, and his trial through the claustrophobic bug-tunnels was a horrifically-uncanny parallel to how he's spent his entire life trying to make himself as small as possible.
But how much of that has actually changed him from the Gorgug we started with? I would agree that he's definitely happier with his life, given all the loving and supportive people that have been added to it when it used to be just him and his parents. And he's certainly grown into himself and become more self-assured in his abilities, even if he's still, and always will be, our anxious little guy. And there's nothing wrong with that. I've always liked how Gorgug was a representation of all the little things. The subtle acts and kindnesses that don't seem like much to most, but to some are everything.
We don't need another Bad Kid living in fear that their mouth could be shit-in at any moment. We've already got one-too-many.
All that being said, I just feel like Gorgug's personal story beats are much easier to sweep under the rug than everyone else's. He has the same soft and understated quality that Colin held, but they lack that extra oomph that pushed Colin over the edge from being just another guy in a series of dudes, to a character that the vast majority of us could not get out of our heads. He took someone who was anxious and softspoken, who ultimately never wanted to be violent— someone who is remarkably similar to Gorgug in many ways— and maintained that demeanor and core in Colin's character while still hitting us in the feels with character development at max velocity at every turn.
I think Zac gets better and better at this with every season that goes by. With each new character, there is always something that leaves me stunned in awe. And it's been, what, three? Four years since we last saw Gorgug?
I'm just,,, I'm cautiously optimistic but also going into a bit of a worry about what violence this man may inflict upon us
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moeblob · 4 months
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Happy birthday to my raccoon son, Right! Who is, once again, the guy on the left. (why do I never draw him on the right of the picture? We may never know. but it does put him on the right of who he's talking to so he's the right hand man - it works out somehow.)
For his bday he gets his love interest to cuss in his presence cause it's very funny to him and makes him happy to be a bad influence. Good job, Brent. You can say a bad word and make the love of your life happy.
For fun I did the lil DnD AU since cleric!Right is still fun to draw and I never actually drew bard!Brent except for a bust shot.
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floydsteeth · 16 days
new oc!!!! Meet Odilia Elodie Lucinenne Abreo
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Info on her down here (still a w.i.p will be updated as i go(im lazy ok and over excited to show her off even if shes underdeveloped))
Pairing: Leon (might change)
Age: 30
Backstory(kinda): Odilia is the youngest of 4, daughter of to earl Guillaume Abreo, having grown up in a loving household she was lucky enough to have an identical education as her brothers quickly excelling in math, science and gaining a huge fascination for astronomy, a field which was rather under developed in rhodolite. While yes her education was identical to her brothers, being a lady meant along with her tutor she had a governess teaching her of the more lady like things, the extra hours of learning were exhausting but she gained a love for the arts, and learned how to paint as well. At a young age she had managed to succour a position in an academy in the capital, her family residing closer to the border with bentonite, moving to the capital expecting only to stay for a few years, before moving back home to be married so she throw herself into her studies, she viewed these as her only years of freedome not being pressured to marry or debut in society, at the academy she started learning more literature and philosophy but her passions still lied in math and astronomy, she was surprised when she was given the opportunity to continue her studies in astronomy in rhodolites palace, she quickly accepted this opportunity thinking it would never happen again and seeing this as a way out of any possible arranged marriages. Living in the palace meant access to the library a place where she'd like to spend most of her time, but having only ever heard rumors of prince Chevalier she wasnt particularly enthusiastic to bump into him, but living in the palace makes it impossible to fully avoid the princes's. Even though she came to the palace for an education and an opportunity to start her research she quite enjoys the balls and social evwnts happening st the palace, realising that being a lady of science doesnt mean giving up being a lady of status as well, she will put her status of being a lady above her status of being a scholar, that doesnt mean she takes being a scholar any less seriously infact she takes it much more seriously for that reason, she needs to work less to be seen as a lady as she does a scholar.
Her relationship with leon: i honestly have no idea how they'd get together or why, i need to finish Leon's route :P
personality: shes a very headstrong, determind and confident woman, shes focused and goal oriented, curious and quite hardworking. she's social but not overly talkative, polite, perceptive and opinionated.
-More will be added soon-
@olivermorningstar @solacedeer @m-mmiy @keithsandwich @lorei-writes
Because i feel like you guys would wanna be tagged
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sorry im coping with aus again oopsie daisy. anyway here's my take on a fantasy au
it all started with me rewatching the D&D movie and thinking "hm. what (broad) classes would the neighbors have?"
and after much thinking i came to the conclusion: Barnaby = Bard / Eddie = Paladin / Sally = Sorcerer / Julie = fighter / Frank = monk / Howdy = Artificer / Poppy = Healer / Wally = 'Wizard'
those seem fitting! BUT i don't like restrictions or rules so in this very light worldbuilding for a casual (strongly glaring at myself here) CASUAL au, it's only dnd-esque. not actually dnd yk yk
in my head, they're not technically puppets for this au. they're flesh and blood, they've got bones, etc. they're actual Creatures, though they still look like Them! Julie's still pink w/ candy-corn-horns! Frank is still a gray tube! Barnaby is a big blue dog! they're just... not puppets. it's the same for the other beings in this fantasy world - they all keep the style, but they're all flesh n' blood if that makes sense. a cartoony fantasy world
so they have their little found family adventuring group titled, of course, The Neighborhood. because when they were first forming, Wally went "oh! are we a neighborhood? i've always wanted neighbors!" and it Stuck. so they all lovingly refer to each other as neighbors, even though the closest they get to being actual neighbors is pitching their tents next to each other & staying at an Inn in neighboring rooms
like your classic group of adventurers, they're almost constantly on the move. the longest they stay in one place is a couple of months - the rest of the time they're wandering! they take quests, get roped into general Shenanigans, etc. they adventure! and get into a lot of battles of varying severity
so Barnaby is still kiiiiind of a bard? best i can describe him is jack-of-all-trades moral support! he provides battle music, keeps the mood light, and stands off to the side to offer quips and tips. he prefers not to fight, and only Gets Involved when the others need Backup. even then, he usually takes the role of defending his neighbors. he has a good eye for whether or not physical support is needed - he never needs to be asked when there's a legitimate need for him! unless he's thoroughly distracted from the goings-on. he does have magic, but it's more for show / defense-based
Eddie's still pretty classically a paladin. healing powers, armor, there to be on the front lines and Protect! the group's sword and shield! he technically serves a god but he forgot who <3 he just makes the occasional general offering and mumbles some vague prayer. he's super friendly! super helpful! super willing to dive into the line of fire! Will disregard his own safety without a second thought! his magic is pretty much restricted to healing, and it's weak healing at that (maybe because he can't properly serve his god...), so it's mostly good for quick mid-battle heals and little wounds. temporary fixes!
Sally has innate fire/light magic, and she's very showy with it! she puts Flair and Pizazz into all of her casts and is very dramatic on the battlefield - she manages to turn her fights into a performance. She tag-teams keeping the Neighborhood entertained with Barnaby. he handles the humor/lightheartedness, she handles the escapism/encouragement. she writes scripts & stories in her off-time, and often reads them (or spins a new one) after dinner. when they have weeks / month breaks in one spot, sometimes she'll recruit local thespians to create a play
Frank is all about that hand-to-hand combat babey! he wants to feel bones break under his fists! he wants those split knuckles! he very often starts fights, and even more often finishes them - what he lacks in raw power he makes up for in vicious tenacity. he just Keeps On Going! he seconds as the group's Knowledge Guy. while his hobby is studying insects, he also catalogues/studies monsters and enemies and terrain so that the Neighborhood can always be prepared. the only time he stays out of fights is when he's researching or note-taking. he tries to micromanage the battle from afar anyway
Julie is like... put a druid, a fighter, and a barbarian in a blender. she's got a big sword! she's got seemingly endless energy in battle! she can talk to plants, especially flowers! her flora magic is very minor, so it's not like she's making giant roots burst out of the ground and strangle people. but plants can give her information, and if she asks nicely and they feel like it, sometimes they'll help her out. in battle she's a force to be reckoned with! nothing will stop her and her sword! she's usually the second (closely following Frank, with Eddie hot on her heels) Neighbor charging into battle - but she's the one with the stellar war cry! & where Sally and Barnaby tend to the Neighborhood's emotional wellbeing & entertainment, Julie keeps things fresh with Physical Activities during their downtime!
Poppy is a powerful healer! she draws on an individual's energy (often taps into her own as well) to convert it into healing power. it's draining but it's damn good healing! she also takes the role of the Neighborhood's cook (the others still like to help, especially Frank who is essentially her sous-chef) and makes sure they're all healthy. she hangs back during battles, waiting to (and hoping that she doesn't have to) heal a wounded Neighbor. if one of them is badly hit, she forces herself to run into battle and drag them to safety before working on their injury. she has a tiny bit of illusion magic, which she'll cast from afar to assist her Neighbors. she tries not to use it outside of emergencies - it takes a lot of energy, which she tries to conserve just in case.
Howdy has Zero Magic! none! four hands and none of them are magical! however, he's a damn good inventor & a whiz at potion making. he can Use magical items like there's no tomorrow - he just can't wield it himself. he supplies the group with potions, helpful items, all sorts of goodies - given that they can trade for it with anything he'd accept in-canon. the only exception is when they're mid-battle - he hands stuff out when needed without haggle. he supplies the group with their cash when they're not getting it from looting/quests - he has a magic backpack that can unfold into a fully-stocked merchant stall! he sells at towns, on the road, anywhere he can! In battle he hangs back with Poppy and, yes, supplies items, but he also uses ranged attacks - magical weapons that cast for him, magic 'bombs', that sort of thing! but there's a little secret - he's the Neighborhood's secret weapon. he invented fantasy guns! four magic revolvers that, when the 'second safety' is turned off, multiply into a giant clusterfuck of guns (with ammo ranging from magic 'bullets' to essentially rocket launchers). unfortunately he can only use this setting once & for a limited time before the guns overload & have to be manually repaired. so he either uses them off of the first safety (i.e, they're 'normal'), or not at all. you know shit is Really hitting the fan when he joins a fight
and Wally! Wally Wally Wally... you may have noticed that i put his class 'wizard' in quotes. that's because he says he's a wizard, but he's not! he just says he's one due to the automatic stigma and fear of what he really is - a Warlock! his patron is Home, an eldritch horror that many would classify as a demon. they have a very special, codependent pact that neither of them can live without - Wally wears their 'seal' as a house-shaped pendant on a choker (necklace) hidden under his clothes. Home is extraordinarily powerful, but Wally barely taps into that power. he has a grimoire that Home inscribed with a bunch of sigils that convert into spells when drawn & then cast in the air. the only other powers he uses are seeing-in-the-dark, seeing-magic, and opening teleportation doors! Wally can't sleep, but he can doze - though he's never fully unaware of his surroundings (its kind of like how dolphins only sleep with one half of their brain). he still eats with his eyes, which both feeds him & acts as a form of providing daily energy to Home, since Home can't exactly consume souls every day. If Wally uses too much magic, he has to rest inside of Home's house-form, which is the only time he actually fully sleeps. no one knows about Home, or that Wally is lying about his wizard status.
Home is a lovecraftian being with three forms. the first is the lowest power level - a cute one-room house with Eyes! i.e: Home Classic! Wally's pendant unfolds into it, and it's the main way Wally and Home physically interact & communicate. the second is possession - if Wally explicitly allows it, Home can completely take over his body and kind of 'tuck him away' to have a nice deep nap while Home takes the reins (Home can technically force this, but it's very difficult and would not go over well w/ Wally - it would also be an unstable possession). the third is Home's true form - a massive shadowy eldritch monster made of writhing darkness and nightmares that no one in their right mind would look at, let alone fight. Home has very complicated feelings about Wally & the Neighborhood. they are also, quite literally, Wally's heart - which is part of their pact.
i have some scene ideas & little Plot Concepts (most notably the times the Neighborhood learns two Very Big Secrets about Wally, one of which being the warlock/Home reveal).
but yeah that's moooostly it. basic stuff yk, not very in depth! just fun things to feed my maladaptive daydreaming & escapism
#warlock-masquerading-as-a-wizard wally is fun#cause youve got this funny little guy! in his little wizard outfit and his staff and classic wizard eccentricities!#but he has a lovecraftian horror curled up in his chest excited for its next opportunity to consume souls#home when making wally's body: ah fuck how do people eat again??? with their eyes right??? that sounds right... thats how i eat...#home a week later: shitshitshit their MOUTHS they eat with this Mouths goddamn it.... too late to fix it now#cut to wally internally panicking while watching other people drink/eat normally#hm i Realized that like... half the Neighborhood more often than not doesn't outright fight#poppy hangs back. howdy hangs back. barnaby rarely joins. frank is often busy researching#and then you've got eddie & julie going full-tilt nonstop absolutely mowing down enemies like there's no tomorrow. sword besties <3#wally and Sally casting from the middle ground...#wh fantasy au#maybe the howdy enthusiast in me is jumping out lately but hes soooo good in this au i swear#he's out here bargaining over a potion with his own neighbor mid-battle#bc he Will be funny about it when the stakes aren't high#forcing them to go through transactions even though he'd give the goods to em anyway#him vibing with poppy & barnaby while explosions go off in the background#and then when shit hits the fan he gets to be a Certified Badass and whips out the big guns with the cockiest grin you've ever seen#hes fun. i love him.#they're all fun. i love them.#home & wally make me especially Ough in this au. their relationship is so messy and you literally cannot have one without the other
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grogumaximus · 1 month
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youngpettyqueen · 6 months
I wish Julian and Martok would interact more cause I think they could have the funniest possible dynamic. they spent 5 weeks together in a Jem'Hadar prison I just know they have a friendship that looks fucking INSANE from the outside looking in
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silverlininghills · 1 month
maybe this is just me clowning but ever since they announced they were doing a music video for every song on clancy + that they wld all drop on album release day ive been CONVINCED that we're getting Something Else afterwards. cause normally the post-release music videos are how they continue moving the narrative forward throughout a cycle, so without them to look forward to there has to be SOMETHING else to take their place. now, with tylers whole "final battle later after the end of the record" im even MORE convinced, and also terrified. what the fuck is gonna happen after the 24th???
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