#its cool though i love all of them the same
eustassslut · 17 hours
Hi c': I saw that your requests were open! I was wondering if it's possible to request a Luffy, Law, Kid, and Zoro(separately)(if you can't add Zoro, that's fine!) with a s/o that's basically deemed a Nobody? They have no devil fruit, no special Haki skills or some super power hidden gift. The most they can do is doodle every now and then and that's it.
The main prompt is basically their "Nobody" s/o doodles their boyfriend(s) in their spare time, and gifts them the drawings c': They know that it may not do much, but their love language is showering them in drawn sketches of them(almost like a little kid aha)
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Luffy is the biggest hype-man and supporter of any hobby you might have.
He regularly asks the other Strawhats for advice on what art supplies to buy you with his left over money.
He also keeps every sketch you've ever given him in a special box that he asked Usopp to make him so they're kept dafe. Will ask you to paint on the box so its extra special.
If you ever showed him any new sketches or doodles you've done, he'll beg you to let him keep them as well.
Whenever you draw him, he gets really happy and becomes even more hyper than normal. He'll be desperate shows everyone on the crew the doodles you've made of him.
Wants you to draw him doing literally everything, from going to the toilet and holding a bug to him as a bug and eating meat.
Repeatedly makes you promise you'll draw him reaching Laughtale and becoming King of the Pirates.
Luffy also boasts to everyone who will listen about you and randomly starts up conversations with strangers or his allies about you and your art supplies.
Frames everything...or he tries to before Nami tells him they have no space to store it all.
Carries some of drawings and doodles you've done of him everywhere so he can show off if he has a chance, he'll be fighting an old enemy and will pause to ask if they want to see something cool.
You have a fan in Crocodile now though who is quite invested in your art journey; but you're not sure if that's because of the rumours he's your boyfriend's parent or if it’s because the older man just enjoys art.
But if anyone was to interrupt or insult you by calling you a nobody or implying he deserves better, he'd go completely feral and has to be pulled away by you so he doesn't try to fight them.
Strong believer in earning the right to have dreams and earn a reputation for your skills so he doesn't really care if you're seen as a nobody (he still hates hearing it said to you or him though) because he used to be one as well when he started his journey.
Luffy is nothing but your biggest fan and he hopes everyone will one day see the same value and talent he sees in you.
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Law acts like nothing you do effects him and that you don't get under his skin, but it's always obvious upon looking closely at him just how flustered he gets each time you hand him one of your drawings.
Will just say "thank you, it's lovely" or "thank you, you're so talented my love" and give you a kiss before putting it in his desk draw, showing he appreciates it but not on the same scale as Luffy or Kid.
However, you will later find your drawings pinned to his fridge or tucked away in medical textbooks as Law uses them for motivation to work hard so he can impress you in return.
Law struggles a little bit to show love for you, having lost so many loves ones so young but he tries his best to show through his actions that he thinks you're talented and that he really appreciates being given anything you do.
Gets drunk on one occasion and cries to you about how he's scared he'll forget what his family looked like overtime, then cries harder when you ask him to describe them so you can draw them for him.
Keeps the sketches of his family and Corazon on his desk, next to a drawing of you and him since he wants everyone he loves to be together in one place.
Very much a man who uses his actions to prove he loves you and sees your talent. He'll clear out some of his medical books for any books on art he can find and always makes sure he cares a sketchbook and materials for you in case you want to draw.
At the end of the day Law loves you for you, he doesn't care if you have no devil fruit or if you're perceived as a 'nobody'. He probably even prefers that you prefer quietly sitting nearby or on the Polar Tang because it means he always knows you're safe.
He's not like Luffy though and he will not try to fight anyone if they called you one to his face but he would threaten them and reassure you in private that you're not a nobody, instead you're the most important person in his life to him.
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The king of insanely loud cringe worthy support and also gift giving back to support your hobby.
When you first show you like to draw, Kid would clear out some space in his workshop so you can have your own studio to quietly draw if need.
He sees quality time together as very important so he wants to quietly sit and do your respective hobbies together; pausing to show each other what you're both doing and exchange compliments.
Will try to copy any doodles you do and make metalwork versions out of them. Definitely makes you a necklace with a metal copy of a doodle you drew of you and him kissing.
Encourages you to paint on his bedroom walls if you want to and also to draw on tables.
Insists you sign all of your sketches and doodles so they're official.
Claims he needs to make sure he has the biggest art collection so that when you become famous he will be extra rich and he can add art collector to his long list of achievements (aka his crimes).
Definitely calls you the worst nicknames you've ever heard in your life, like his gorgeous talented artistic boopsie bear and the ball wrangler of all art. Genuinely means them as compliments to uplift you as well.
Loves giving you excuses to draw so he gives you awful prompts out of the blue and a time limit.
Kid will ask you to draw his crew so he can always have proof they sailed together and keeps those drawings in his bedroom.
Will try to frame everything he can like Luffy would, but he does have limits and eventually just invests in a big set of drawers designed for storing art.
Refuses to steal art supplies because he believes in supporting artists so he makes sure to take you art supply shopping and then leaves tips.
Casually has a very good reputation now in the art world and they all really admire you for winning him over with your art.
But thoughts and prayers for anyone who ever calls you a nobody, they're about to get beaten up almost to the brink of death. It's a bold decision to say anything about you in front of him.
Kid doesn't care if you're seen as weak or powerless and art is seen as the only thing you have going for you. He likes being able to keep you safe and protect you but recognising you're not strong (especially compared to him since he's literally a beast) is very different to seeing you as a nobody.
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Zoro is probably such a mess when it comes to supporting your hobby but he's trying his best for you and at the end of the day you know he sees you as the most important person in his life.
I feel like the first time you draw something and give it to him, its a doodle of Chopper and him on a napkin at dinner and when you sheepishly give it to him as a way of showing your affection he'd accidentally use it.
Just so oblivious that he does not realise why everyone at the table is staring at him in horror and you look like you might laugh or cry. Eventually looks down and apologises so much when he notices, claiming the stains on it make it even more special because it adds to value??
Does not understand art at all.
Zoro can tell that you're talented though and recognises your passion so he tries his best to support you with verbal praises and his actions.
However, he's so emotionally constipated its insane; literally does not how to express his affection for you without either being a sassy little bitch or just coming across insane.
Like you could mention you like roses and he'll come back the next time you dock with a full rose bush he's torn out of someone's garden by its roots, but then say you can throw it away if you want. He's just a weird feral man.
He'd probably learn how to make paper so you could have drawing materials (he also has no money so he has to adapt to the obstacles ahead).
Commissions you to draw several new horrific wanted poster versions of Sanji to torment the blonde with. Sanji can't get mad at you though because he thinks you're talented and likes that you get to practise.
Is very similar to Kid and likes when you sit in the lookout nest and quietly draw whilst he trains beside you. He does pose a little because he knows sometimes you like to draw him and he wants you to get his best angles.
Tries to call you talented every time he talks about you or talks to you. Zoro is very verbal about how incredible you are.
Will not tolerate anyone calling you a nobody (he will beat them up if you want him too) and it hurts him the most if you call yourself one because he knows what its like to feel inferior to those stronger.
You don't need to fight anyways since you have him but if you want to learn he'll teach you in exchange for more horrific Sanji doodles.
Your talent is more then enough to eventually earn a reputation anyways so who cares if you can't fight or you're weaker.
King of pep talks and reminds you constantly you don't have to be strong to be important, you just need to believe in yourself.
No matter what he's always in your corner and supports you in his own silly weird ways.
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nekovmancer · 3 days
Hello, I was wondering if you could make zenyatta and ramattra with Cyborg!Reader like genji, but their body glows if they have too much energy.
overwatch headcanons: cyborg!reader with Ramattra and Zenyatta
warnings: mentions of violence, trauma and such, a bit platonic and… ye, pretty much fine, nothing graphic
a/n: my love for Zen is 100% dear and platonic yet- well, you guys know. RAMATTRA!!! 
will do them separately in the present game timeline and then together back in the monastery and… it’s past midnight here, my eyelids are heavy, but there’s no sleep in between me and writing fanfiction so, sowy for the mistakes ahead, I will correct them tomorrow!! anxiety kept me awake and obligated me to post as soon as I’ve finished, you know
btw!! thanks for requesting. I love to write it and I hope you also enjoy. (˶˃ ᵕ ˂˶)
OPEN FOR HEADCANON REQUESTS! Send yours here, but read rules first
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A Ravager was responsible for your body’s destruction, so it’s only natural you’re shaking on its presence
Back when it happened, omnics were still under Anubis’ control, so it’s not like you blame him or any other R-7000 for their doings
Still, you got these chills running down your spine now that you stand face to face to Null Sector’s infamous leader
But the thrill is even stronger when he proves all your believes to be wrong, being to one to extend a helping hand to prevent your body to overheat
As Genji, your parts were substituted with cybernetics: flesh, muscle and metal bounding into one thing to keep your alive
Though, you weren’t lucky to be shaped by doctor Ziegler’s careful hands, which lead to several problems, including the overheating itself, caused by your frenetic running while trying to escape Toronto during the Invasion
Ramattra saw you and couldn’t help but be… fascinated 
You were not an omnic, so his helmets were useless, still you’re shaped in metal, no sight of skin showing. A human, without humanity’s resemblance 
He caught your heartbeats, their rhythm more and more violent, growing exponentially as the glow from your cybernetics, a flashing red of warning
He’s so intrigued he founds himself kneeling in front of you, one hand reaching out while you press your back to the wall behind you; no way to run out of this
“Hush now. If I was to hurt you, why the ceremony?” 
His words had logic, true, but fear was devouring you
The last time you were this close to a Ravager was the last time you still had much of your organic body parts
“I may be of help, if you let me” 
What choice did you have anyway? If he didn’t kill you, your body would do the job alone 
 Ramattra escorts you to safety, and ironically it means the very ships vomiting killing robots a while ago
You stay in his workshop as it takes little time for him to figure out how to cool down your body, and the glow is long gone by the time he’s done
“Not an omnic, yet not fully human…  where do you find a place for one as yourself in this doomed world?”
Here’s the thing: you don’t
That’s why you accept his offer to stay, despite all of your fears
In the end, the hands who once destroyed you were the same who saved you from death
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Omnics and humans coexisting peacefully was a metaphor to your own state: both human and machine sharing the same body, trying to not repel one another
A heart of flesh habitating a chest of metal, you tiptoed the lines between the two worlds, but you didn’t felt as part of any of them
Still, you find solace in the words of a monk by the name of Mondatta. He spoke of hope and understandment, of peace above the conflict. Without even knowing, he brought balance to your turmoil; past and present
But hope was a dangerous thing for the ones like you, if there was anyone else sharing the burden of a dreadful existence as yours
And you’re quick out of reasons since Mondatta’s death
You weren’t welcome among the omnics, and humans saw you as a freak. Any chance of normality was eradicated 
As a last act of faith, you did Aurora’s peregrination to Shambali. You didn’t know what to expect, but surely the villagers near the monastery left a very bad impression
Along with the exhaustion, you entered the sacred halls with your cybernetics glowing red, a flash of the eminent chaos that would erupt if you’re not stabilized quickly enough
A monk comes to your aid, and by staring at his faceplate alone you can feel something different stirring within you. A long lost calmness tossing your circuits errors aside
You wouldn’t forget his name not even in a million lifetimes: Zenyatta, the one who offered you a place to rest after your journey, and the very first to be interest in you
His genuine interest, plus the care, was touching. No one ever did anything similar to you, not after Talon decided you could still be a soldier even without most of your body
Which led to you running away, not soon enough to prevent Doctor O'Deorain  from damaging your body though. Another monster carefully constructed to be Talon’s pawn, no matter how much pain came from it
But you’ve already paid the price for your mistakes, and one thing is for sure: you’re no monster
Among the monks, you could feel that familiar peaceful feeling lingering under your skin, resonating through the circuits of your cybernetics
For once, you did not felt cast aside, most thankful to Tekhartha Zenyatta
His harmony orbs helped to regain a balance you thought to be long lost, and not only: the chaos within you, something you tried to ignore, was embraced as it should be also cherished 
“No living being is completely pure, nor completely evil. We’re both our strengths and flaws: to deny one existence in detriment of other is to deny yourself.”
Even the worst of you was forgiven; by him first, and you last. Where you felt shame for your wrongdoings, Zenyatta pathed a lesson that erased your doubts
Through meditation, you found not only peace with your inner self, but with the world surrounding you
The balance of energy through your body presented you with a new glowing: not the crimson red of tiredness and rage, but a warm yellow that irradiates warm as a small sun; the energy of the Iris found you
“My dear friend, I bathe in the light of your soul. May it keep us sheltered during the dark times ahead of us.”
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Ramattra & Zenyatta
When the brothers found you, they first thought you were an omnic
Judging by the people screaming around you, tossing stones, displaying the worst of their violence and, of course, the fact your whole constitution was pure metal
It’s only when they take you to the monastery that they knowledge the other side of your face, the one that’s still flesh 
No questions were asked, but none of them are naive. Being a cyborg meant something, and this something tiptoed around the lines of violence
And despite it all, cyborgs are quite rare. Especially ones glowing as you did, with your joints pulsating with energy
It was easy to distinguish your humor by the light radiating from your body: usually soft, it could be oversaturated when your humor reached peaks, transiting through a rainbow of colors depending on what you had in your mind
At first, a light tone of red flashed whenever they approached. Despite being your saviors, you still felt a bit of distrustfulness towards them
Humans saw you as an aberration, and you did not have too much time with sentient omnics to put their behavior to test. Not that you felt inclined to do so. To deal with humanity’s rejection was enough
Zenyatta was patient, but Ramattra… no metal in this world could undo the fact you were a human. And he also had his share with humanity to know how incredible terrible they can be 
That’s why, maybe, it’s easy for you to approach him 
Ramattra resented humanity, despite his best efforts to find harmony through his want for peace and his desire for revenge. Not that you had the guts to do anything but lament over your own dismay, but… you could relate
Zenyatta, on the other hand, touched your deepest cravings for being a better person, standing above those who abused you. You did not wished for violence, despite your rage: to be comprehended was your key 
And both of them did it, in their own way
Through your days in Shambali, you felt part of their brotherhood. Not exactly as such, but… cherished. Each of them bonded with you in their own unique way, understanding your pains, your dreams, your wants. Piece by piece, the three of you found a way together
Now, whenever you meditate with Ramattra, concentrating the energy flow in your body, a glowing purple flashed through your cybernetics. But with Zenyatta, a deep golden color showed itself
And that’s why you could never choose. Your love for them was measured equally: if cut in half, one part would still be of Ramattra, and the other would belong to Zenyatta
So when Ramattra leaves from Shambali, and both you and Zenyatta decline his offer to follow his path off the Monastery, there’s no way from you in the opposites side, but through the middle-term
You still dream of the day you three will meet again. For the good or for the bad, you missed them for a lifetime, and to be separated brings up this feeling all over again
Now, whenever you concentrate your energy, it’s grayish: devoid of color, deepness and light
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catsurfavs · 4 months
Question: What is Freak Fortress (all I know is that it's an alternate universe) and how does one go about getting into it? I've seen it around for as long as my current interest in TF2 has been around, but I'm only now starting to take a real notice to it
to be honest I myself am kinda new to it, so dont take my words as gospel lol xd
But from what I can gather, Freak Fortress is basically where people can make their own TF2 ocs but with different kinds of abilities/powers, imagine something like SCPs with how each monster is a different entity. On youtube they like pitting the freaks against each other in a sort of 1v1 match thing where they fight each other with their powers and see who wins, though some of these freaks have lore
There isn't reaally a starting point since everyone has their own story and universe for their freaks (though they do collab their freaks sometimes), but some famous ones are painis cupcake, christian brutal sniper, ass pancakes, etc.
You can start with the wiki, just search up a freak you're interested in and go watch all the videos linked to it, or you can try your luck on youtube, which is where most of them originate from. Just know that it can get confusing since some videos have been taken down/pirated
This is how I got into it anyways, I still dont know a lot of freaks other than the more popular ones- the freak fortress enthusiasts can tell you more than me for sure...any of you out there feel free to comment because i wanna know more too LOL
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valtsv · 2 years
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heartorbit · 13 days
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ahappydnp · 7 months
i just noticed in this video that phil's laughter lines/crow's feet reach all the way to his hairline and something about that makes me emo (product of living with your soulmate for 15 years blah blah blah)
"i'll see you in the future with your laughter lines" or whatever that one phan edit said ;____;
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tompoose · 1 month
if you had to smite from the earth either nixon or garfield who would you eliminate. history will continue unchanged except if you smite nixon all the nixon memes disappear and if you smite garfield the orange cat goes with him
I would sacrifice anything that is dear to me to scrub this animal from all the veins of culture that it has slithered into. I was frustrated with the Garfield comic strip from the twentieth of August, 2024.
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Jim Davis has given up trying to claw from the mud. He has drawn a cat looking at the reader and telling a wet joke. By making Garfield a mere static image to surround text, Davis has taken the work of his heart and lowered it to the level of the borders that surround a pop up window. My feelings on this topic eclipse and obliterate any other nuances to your question. If ever presented a shot at this king, I would take it.
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itsjustdotsandcrosses · 4 months
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Archmage Vishalny, Arcane Diplomat and Master of Enchantment (DND NPC)
#5, Vampire and blood/gore stimboard
Themes of blood on the hands, gore/hearts, corsets and spooky fashion, spraying calligraphy, fangs (smiling). A vampire stim board, touching the feelings of satisfaction of blood finally being presented. Expressive conflicting emotions, dark and spooky fashion.
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ravenwolfie97 · 5 months
all pokemon games are good but they are not all equally as good
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#pokemon#as a person who has played pretty much every main pkmn game in some capacity#i can find things in them that are worth praise#but like obviously they can't all be the same level of good. there are so many factors to a pkmn game to be balanced#some have a great region. some have a great story. some have just a solid gameplay experience. all of them have great music lol#i could even play devil's advocate and praise bdsp for being a truly faithful remake and pretty incredible for a studio first Real game#but mainly i keep thinking like. everyone has shat on the new pkmn games ever since gen 5 especially#but then over time people are like Huh they aren't so bad after all#like once you get out of the gamehate wormhole generated by inflammatory social media posting you can appreciate a thing more#and there may still be people out there who think red/blue are the best ones. and y'know they have a point#even though objectively those games were littered with bugs to the point where some normal mechanics were not correct#and things just got more complicated and sophisticated with abilities and new types and better moves and stuff#the original games are absolute Miracles to have been made at all and for what they're worth they were Revolutionary#it was a simpler time but the ideas put forth were still pretty complex. especially considering this was the First One#this is the foundation all pokemon games thereafter rose from. and it's a pretty solid foundation despite all the hardships#anyway. i love pokemon. and i love that even after all this time - over 25 years - its spirit from back in 96 still remains in some form#it may not be about catching em all anymore. because physically that's really hard to do with over 1000 guys now#but it's still about finding joy in following a dream of adventure with a bunch of cool animal friends#and sometimes you save the world a little bit. that's p cool
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todayisafridaynight · 5 months
I’m fairly new to the fandom, but I do have a question if you can answer it! Why do people ship Daigo with Aoki / Masato? I tried looking to see if they’ve interacted before, but couldn’t find anything! Sorry for asking I’m just </3 dumb AND I LOVE YOUR ART OF THEM!!! Nerd looking ahhhhhh
hi ! welcome to the community i hope you're having a lovely time so far and ty for enjoyin my stuff :) no need for apologies it's a very fair question to have :]
i cant speak for everyone (all. ten people into masadai anyway) but Personally To Me i just think the idea of them together is very funny. thats quite literally it im afraid..
#snap chats#//twenty page google doc in the background// ignore that. it's mostly for comedic purposes#might also be my fault idk sorry about that. allegedly. idk ive had like three people tell me they started to ship them cause of me 🧍‍♂️#@mementoasts is another person who's drawn masadai and whose stuff i love and am inspod by .. i love their disneyland fic sm ...#there was another artist on twitter who posted a neat drawing of them but i cant remember who they were and i didnt bookmark it //screams//#recently there's been ANOTHER masadai artist ive started following on twitter - @wifekiryu. his account's n/s/f/w fyi before you go looking#he has a tumblr too @foxdies. i say cause i realized as much recently vjeaKLGJALKGJ#oh but I GUESS ill get deeper into why. /i/ personally ship masadai or whatever#first off they're opposing factions yet their character alignments Do Not Match their roles. stereotypically anyway#aoki who leads the 'surface' of society and is meant to be an admirable figure and someone 'just' when really. he sucks LMAO#though that's not atypical of politicians but just from a stereotypical This Is A Respectable Individual perspective of his role#daigo on the other hand leads the 'underbelly' of society- yk comprised of dangerous criminals and outcasts and whatnot#yet as we know him daigo's compassionate and considerate of his men- he doesnt treat them like tools like aoki does#if put in a room with the two daigo would be most people's choice of person to hang out with. probably open a trapdoor on aoki tbh#and i think thats really cool and epic i always love that kinda Subverting Expectations thing#theres also the fact they both started off like. edgy/angsty in the franchise and then brush up down the line#masato does a stronger 180. publicly. obviously but its still really funny they both have to get their act together#if you wanna talk about in-text reasons. there really is none LMAO I TELLS YOU masadai is pure crack#but if i wanted to pull a muscle reaching then there's daigo being on aoki's side while everyone else is on arakawa's during the funeral#im lying of course. mitsu was behind him. rgg tryna make me forget mitsu exist .... put him back in y8 ....#and ofc ichi joins that side to even out the seating but moving on another Goofy Reason is arakawa being like#'the chairman and my son are like p much the same age Surely he knows how he thinks :)'#and then i just think daigo being all smarmy about outsmarting aoki is really goofy and im choosing to interpret that as personal#they both also have issues with their dad. s. dad/s/. anyway.#tbh the google doc tag was a joke but i really could sit here and list every dumb reason why i think theyre funny together#like i started going over the tag limit so uhhhh yeah needless to say i have a lot of. dumb reasons 💀💀💀💀#one day ill use the main text for long rambles like this but todays not that day Point Is my imagination is rampant im afraid#so the short and sweet of it is I Think It's Funny. And They'd Be Terrible Together. Which Is Why It's Funny.#and the unfortunate part is anything i find funny i obsess over for a year so. //gestures to the mountain of bullshit thats my masadai tag/
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Found a very cool pastel cat sweater at the bins but I have literally nothing that matches it well, so I always struggle to make outfits with it lol
#ootd#pastel#I really really want to SELL CLOTHES I keep talking about selling clothes.. its just such a process..hhhhhhh#Because you have to take pictures. edit the pictures. list them somewhere. write descriptions. choose a price. advertise the fact you listed#it somewhere. Repeat with literally hundreds of items (since I get bulk clothes at the bins and etc.). I have a lot of cool stuff that I thi#nk people into similar styles would want to buy. and I always need money to fund art and healthcare expenses and eventually moving to a diff#erent place someday. replacing broken electronics. etc. etc. So a wise decision is 'well sell a lot of the old clothes you have'. It is so#difficutl with my specific functioning issues though since it's such a long process and also packing things up. taking them to the post offi#ce etc. takes timing since I always have to be driven by roomates and stuff. etc. etc.#I think the way I was considering getting around this was to sell clothing in 'packs' like.. A pack of 5 or 6 matching items the same shade#of pink. or all green items with flowers so it's the same 'nature theme'. Or even selling full outfits or something. so that way I can kind#of bundle items. Instead of the effort of photograohing and listing literally 50 individual items. Turn them into 5 packs of 10. Or 10 packs#of 5. etc. ? But I think I never got too far with that because I was uncertain how that'd actually go over in terms of whether people would#buy groups of items instead of just individual. Especially whole outfits or something like. I think you'd get a wider audience giving people#more individual choice to choose seperate things instead of putting them together and going 'this is just what you get' or etc.#but I could also see it being cool. You already have some guaranteed stuff that matches. They have a theme. Especially if it's something you#like. Love brown themed mori kei items? here's 5 of them already together. etc. etc. etc.#ANYWAY. Came to mind because as much as I love anything with cats on it that's a light color. I also am chronically warm natured due to my#health issues so I overheat immensely if I wear sweaters. even in the winter I don't wear that many layers lol. So a sweater like this is ju#st impratical for me outside of taking one or two outfit photos with it. but I don't think I could ever actually wear it even if I really wa#nt to. But it's nice! and very cool!! so a good candidtate for selling. Give it to someone who would be happier to have it than I would in#the sense that maybe they could actually WEAR it lol.#ANYWAY... rhgh#everything......... difficult.......... whye#Also sweater is too hot for me and doesn't match anything I own even though it's perfect and I love cats..... whye....... cruele world#self
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i feel like one of the themes of regular show is healthy masculinity, especially when it comes to male friendships. i’m sure there’s plenty of shows that display healthy male friendships, but i feel like regular show does it better than the rest; i mean, the plot is quite literally about a bunch of bros who keep and get each other out of trouble. that’s like, most of the episodes from seasons 1 to 5. there are countless moments where rigby and mordecai show affection and care, then go on to deem it because “you’re my best friend”, without a second thought or word about how it’s cheesy or something like that because they’re dudes. alongside this, there’s skips saving the entire staff several times, muscle man & high-five ghost’s entire origin story, mordecai & rigby saving benson and vice versa, etcetera etcetera. they all very clearly love each other, and between men that’s not something that’s portrayed in a positive light often; it’s usually passed off as gay or “soft”, but i think regular show does such a splendid job at showing it naturally, like it’s not a big deal
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seafoam-taide · 1 year
tumblr is so awesome anything that lets me passively collect friends is awesome. shoutout to my mutuals from like over a year ago who i still reblog from / who i still see in my notes we are walking by each other on the street and waving hello
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milkweedman · 1 year
I've rapidly become obsessed with that belt, I Need to make a recreation...
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indigopoptart · 11 months
HIII- sorry I’ve been acting dead, my computer fried and I’m currently using my iPad 😅-
how are you doing 😁
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ft @akemima and @sammysun. yall real ones fr
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ran wanderhome for the first time, idk if this group is suited to it but it was fun!!! once i figure it out better i think itll make more sense but at least they liked it
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