#its definitely the most beautiful area especially in the sunrise/sunset
for-the-love-of-avo · 11 months
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Fable screenshots pt 6
Brightwood tower
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umichenginabroad · 2 years
Pompeii, Sorrento, Capri, and More!
Ciao! This week was full of exciting experiences that I can't wait to share with you, especially our CEA trip to Campania.
Before getting to the trip, a quick detour – my roommates and I figured out (a little late, unfortunately) that we can go up onto the roof of our apartment building for a beautiful view of the Vatican City and Rome! We had dinner on the rooftop when the sun was setting, and it was a great time.
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The rooftop views of St. Peter's Basilica
Friday and Saturday was our CEA trip to Campania (a southern region of Italy) , which was super exciting! We took a high-speed Frecciarossa train from Rome's Termini station to Napoli around 9 a.m. on Friday morning. Once we got to Napoli, we took a bus to Pompeii. The city of Pompeii was destroyed by the eruption of Mount Vesuvius in 79 AD. The entire city was blanketed by several feet of volcanic ash, and thousands of people tragically lost their lives. We took a tour of many of the city's ruins which have been excavated and preserved. We saw remains of food stores, houses, and even brothels.
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The main forum of Pompeii (with Mt. Vesuvius in the background)
After the tour, we had a quick meal, and then took the bus to our hotel in the town of Sorrento (which is right on the coast of the Bay of Naples). We went swimming in the hotel pool and then explored Sorrento afterwards. Unfortunately, it started pouring rain as soon as we went out, but that didn't stop us from getting mango and lemon gelato from Raki (supposedly the best gelato shop in Sorrento), checking out some interesting shops, and looking out on the bay! One store in the town I would definitely recommend going to is Limonoro. Sorrento is famous for its lemons, and Limonoro has all things lemon (limoncello, cookies, candy, etc.). On top of that, we got SO many free samples that we weren't even hungry for the dinner at the hotel. The weather thankfully cleared up later in the evening, and the view of the sunset from our hotel was absolutely beautiful.
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Sunset in Sorrento, as seen from our hotel
The next day, two of my friends and I were determined to see the sunrise, so we (painfully) woke up a little before 5 am and walked to a viewpoint on the coast. The struggle was most definitely worth it and the view was an amazing start to the morning.
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Sunrise in Sorrento (ft. Mt. Vesuvius)
We then took a ferry to the island of Capri, a tiny island which is just off the coast of Sorrento. Without a doubt, Capri is one of the most beautiful places I have visited. A big group us CEA kids went on a boat tour around the island, and we were even able to jump off of the boat and swim in the sea at one point! Overall, it was an amazing experience and I would highly recommend it. Once we got onto the island, we walked up too many stairs to the top of the island (where most of the action is) and explored around the area.
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Picture from the boat tour around the island of Capri
We ate lunch at one of the best restaurants in the island, Ristorante Pizzeria Verginiello, and it was one of the best meals (if not the best) I've had in Italy. Being in Capri, we ordered the local caprese salad (a simple appetizer of buffalo mozzarella cheese, tomatoes, and olive oil, which tasted so good that I can't put it into words). I then had a shrimp and tomato pasta dish which the restaurant is famous for, and it was the BEST pasta I've had in Italy. If that wasn't enough, the restaurant also overlooked the water. In other words, it was a 10/10 meal, and anyone who goes to Capri needs to go to this restaurant. Afterwards, we explored the island further, and walked to the other side of the island and up more stairs to Belvedere di Punta Cannone for the best view of the island and the water. Soon it was time to head back, and after a combination of the ferry, bus, high-speed train, and metro, we were back home in Rome. This weekend was one of my favorites in Italy, and I wish we could've spent more time in Sorrento and Capri!
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The best pasta I've had in Italy! Homemade pasta with basil, shrimp, and tomatoes.
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Amazing views from Belvedere di Punta Cannone in Capri!
Hope you enjoyed my recap of the week, and looking forward to filling you in on my last (unfortunately) week in Italy!
Sid Makkar
Mechanical Engineering
IPE Rome, Italy
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treechangeseachange · 3 years
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The return
It’s coming up to 3 months since we returned to our block and it took us 8 weeks to slow down. On the weekend we slowed down we enjoyed the first official Friday night catch up with our neighbours as the full moon rose. On Saturday we went out for brunch. No sport on Sunday morning meant a sleep in. I played handball with my boys for the first time ever in my life. Lamb shanks slow cooked on the wood heater. We squeezed in a late Sunday afternoon fishing trip. It took us 8 weeks to find some calm. We had forgotten how to do normal. I haven’t written for this blog since um wow December?! My leisure time since then has been extremely limited and when it occurred I prioritised my mental wellbeing and sleep.
This journey has brought me to the edge of my psychological and physical limitations. I watched my husband do a terminator style non stop renovation while trying also to commence a rebuild. His promises to take time off over Christmas dwindled to 2 days. There was so much to do. I helped with whatever jobs I was able to and then focussed on the household and occasionally, our boys. Midway through January this year we realised trying to work on both the renovation and the rebuild was insanity. The local real-estate market was booming. Post COVID, Sydney city dwellers realised they could put in a few days in the city then work from their coastal holiday pad the rest of the week. We decided to get our investment property, come bushfire haven, onto the market before the summer ended. We mapped out each remaining job and the days required to accomplish them. We calculated selling time, settlement time and remaining bank balance. What were need to do’s and what were optional extras. If everything went to plan, we could pay to get some work done at the block and make it habitable enough to move into. It was an extreme test of time, energy and resources.
It worked. We listed by the end of February, sold in three weeks and settled five weeks after settlement. I write that all in one glib sentence. Of course all of that only happened with considerable focus and effort. Life for the boys was hectic. 99% of their toys were packed and moved into storage weeks before the house went on the market. As the house neared completion we stressed about them damaging something. When the house was on the market we stressed about them getting things dirty - the walls, the windows or the cupboards. I banished them from the bathroom, they had to brush teeth in the laundry and shower outside. Luckily it was warm and didn’t rain much in those few weeks! Anyone who has sold a house while living in it knows how painful open homes are. The logistics and effort of cleaning and styling, while working full time from home, scheduling everything between work appointments, getting the dog out of the way and the boys to school, nearly broke me. Thankfully the selling process was short, but we packed a lot of opens into that time and by the end of it all, I had become a shouty, grouchy mum and wife. It was also a real highlight to hit menopause and bring some phenomenal hormonal energy into the mix. Phew.
Before we packed up and left I was lucky enough to have a week away with the boys. My fully wired self hit Melbs and my family gave me refuge and forgave my intensity. We managed some fun and the change of scenery was a big relief. Husband, however, stayed behind to work on the temporary shed home. Holiday behind me, I returned to packup and clean and polish the house for the financial return of our lives. Literally.
Can you then imagine our triumphant and spectacular return to our block bathed in happiness and light? Um well perhaps instead picture this - we arrived exhausted to an unpowered, work in progress temporary residence in the middle of a mice plague and endured 200ml of heavy rain in four days leaving us surrounded by mud. Happy to catch the rain in our tank? I wish! The new tank leaked 8000L the week before we moved, and only our neighbour’s spare tank loan meant we had any water at all. But being so small, it overflowed and made even more mud. The heavy rain was so loud on the tin roof it frequently woke the kids in the night (who then woke us), mice ran across the floor, huntsmen spiders dropped from the ceiling. With nowhere really to unpack things, cooking became like the biggest ever memory game, which box were the bowls in? Where did I pack the cutlery? The rain delayed our solar power install so for 10 days we lived out of an esky and by torchlight. We both kept working full time, getting the boys to school, after school sport commitments and then husband kept building after he got home and into the night. After a week of stress and chaos we knew something had to give, fortunately husband could take time off work to focus on our build and family life.
Fast forward to now. The financial pressure of the summer has eased. The temporary living quarters are functional and steadily improving. We have a beautiful wood heater. Our off grid solar system is powering us even during these short winter days. I have more kitchen cupboards than ever before, plus a dishwasher! I have hung up my clothes in a full wardrobe for the first time in nearly four years. The boys each have clean new wardrobes. Their separate rooms are still being built so they are in what will be our room which is insulated and wall paneled. We can cope with an outside shower and toilet. My husband is a legend.
What’s it like actually being back? I confess I was nervous about my own and the boys emotions. Eldest son is extremely happy to be back. Youngest son has taken time to adjust but that has more been due to his fear of the dark. The noises of the bush are unfamiliar and there are no streetlights out here! There has only been one time where a prebushfire memory overwhelmed me. Every person’s bushfire experience and recovery is unique. Unlike many others we are fortunate have the opportunity to not have to build on the exact footprint of the old place and I think this is psychologically helpful. It’s not the same space, and with some trees dead and gone the landscape is altered, its a slightly different perspective. The boys are older now, so our lifestyle is different too. Slowly we are finding a new rhythm on our land. The boys are absolutely loving being back on their bikes on bush tracks.
I was excited to resume my morning walks, although maybe not as excited the dog! He’s happy to have his off-lead roam again. But the first week of walking I found tough, the burnt and recovering state forest I traverse didn’t bring me the joy it used to. In the heavily logged areas where only isolated saplings were left unlogged, they couldn’t survive the heat of the fire or they didn’t have community trees to share nutrients through their roots to support recovery. The undergrowth is now the canopy and is booming with all the extra sunlight but when I look at it, all I see is fire hazard. Then as the weeks went by, my view softened, I recognise the bush is healing like me. I am appreciating small wonders of nature. A spider’s web highlighted with morning dew or the fascination of new plants thriving. There are trees that have fully recovered, others seem to be doing well, and there is much green in the landscape to enjoy.
On my morning walk I also see which animals are about in the night from what they leave behind. There is at least one very busy wombat! We see wallabies reasonably often and last week one morning I found big roo prints in the clay right near our place. We hear a boobook owl calling most nights and more frogs chirping croaking from the gully than I ever remember. Which now makes sense, we definitely were in drought for some years prior to the fires and the creek has this year been running for months. Less exciting is hearing foxes at night, my son especially dislikes their eerie calls. In daytime the bird life is altered. We are down to one lyrebird, there used to be two with adjacent territories battling loudly with their extraordinary mimicry. But at least there is one, how a ground bird survived I can’t imagine. The yellow robins aren’t around us now, we have wrens in the cleared spaces and in the lush shrubs busy brown gerygones dart and chirp. A shrike thrush has made a nest in our bushfire remains pile, her song is piercing and wonderful. Rarely are the yellow crested black cockatoos here now. This past weekend we did see two circling wedge tailed eagles the silent assassins of the sky wheeling high over the gully with that phenomenal wingspan.
Surprisingly my greatest source of happiness in these first few months being back has come from the sky. Unobstructed by buildings, the sky feels bigger in the bush. I’m loving the late winter sunrises. My very favourite time is just after the sun has risen when the horizontal sun rays set tops of the trees bright orange. Those are magical minutes of golden tinged trees. The sunsets. The stars. The moon. the sky has been a revelation and a source of happiness. Maybe because I’m spending more time outside I notice it more. Seeing glittering stars through the steam of a hot outdoor shower makes the cold walk inside completely worth it!
Slowly I am regaining my sense of gratitude for this place. The quiet. The privilege of not seeing another house. Having no curtains and that not mattering. Not worrying about noise and neighbours. Lack of street lights at night.
All of a sudden things aren’t hectic and we are settling in. It still amazes me after 6 moves in 5 years how intense moving is and then how imperceptibly things transition to not being new anymore. Normalcy sneaks up on me every time. Clearly this isn’t really normal but we’re enjoying this new start in our old place.
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Third Time’s The Charm! Iceland Summer 2021 Trip Reflections
Though slightly different in feel and activities when compared to previous trips, this latest installment of Iceland travels was fun and productive in its own way. 
When I helped plan this trip with Minh, because it was my third time to Iceland, it was important that I was able to visit and see places and do things that I hadn’t done before so that I could at least experience novel things, which can sometimes be difficult if you visit a country so many times. So it was a balancing act between letting others choose places they wanted to go, even if it meant that I had to revisit a ton of places, and choosing new places that I wanted to go. Of course, a lot of the places I asked to visit (because I had never visited them before) were time-consuming trips that led us to beautiful places located in difficult-to-get-to areas. And those characteristics made it slightly difficult to convince others on the trip that these places were worth the trouble. Or to convince myself that in our tight schedule, it would be worth it to spend a lot of time driving somewhere just to see one thing. 
It’s always a little difficult (as I have learned more and more over the years traveling with my family) to travel the way you are used to traveling (i.e. solo or with only your partner) or want to travel when with others, especially your older parents, or with people who prioritize things that you don’t necessarily prioritize. These differences always lead to arguments or tempers, especially when people are tired or sleep deprived, especially for us on this trip. But at the end of the day, despite the messy mood in the car from time to time, Cynthia and the family genuinely enjoyed this trip to Iceland. Which, at the end of it all, is the most important thing. 
And the success of our Iceland trip was really due to a few things. 
Volcano chasing. Despite the unpredictability of erupting volcanoes and weather conditions in Iceland, we were fortunate enough to check off “active volcano eruption” from our life bucket lists. The biggest reason I decided to plan a trip to Iceland was to see the volcano. And luckily, not only were we able to see the eruption at Geldingadalsgos once, we were actually blessed with great conditions and were able to make it 2 for 2 in terms of successful trips to the erupting volcano. Not everyone who has attempted to see the erupting volcano/vent can say that.
Beautiful, non-rainy Icelandic weather. In Iceland, you can never predict the weather you’re going to get the next hour, the next day, throughout the next week. It’s always so unpredictable. And when the weather does turn sour, it turns horribly sour. Luckily for us, this trip was blessed with beautiful weather the entire 10 days we were there. We barely got even a sprinkle of rain on this trip. The wettest we probably got was at Dynjandi. And the windiest it got was our hike to the volcano on our first day. Otherwise, we were super lucky. It’s rare that you enjoy an Icelandic road trip with 80-90% of the time there filled with sunlight from the never-setting sun. 
4WD and Waterfalls. The biggest difference between this trip and the two previous trips I took to Iceland was having a 4x4 car. Especially in the summer, having a 4x4 car in Iceland does wonders for travelers who are into nature and photography. Because we had a 4WD, we could drive comfortably and fast on gravel and dirt roads without feeling like our tires would die or we could mess something up. And because we had a 4WD, we could drive up mountain F roads and get to and see places that none of us had ever seen before, providing us, especially me and Minh, with brand new landscapes to view and capture. To be able to get off the main road and drive into the less-traveled interior of Iceland was amazing and something that I will do every time I go to Iceland going forward, weather and season permitting. And even though we didn’t get to see a ton in the highlands, the few things we did see were totally worth paying for 4WD! 
Meeting up with friends in Iceland. On any international trip, it’s always awesome to be able to find time to meet with friends on your trip because it’s very rare that 1) you have friends in another country you can reach out to and meet up with and 2) you have friends from the States visiting somewhere at the same time as you are and whose itinerary intersects with yours, especially in a place like Iceland. For us, we were fortunate to not only meet up, eat with, and hike with our very good friends from Colorado, Maggie and Ben, but to also randomly run into Bryce Kam, a Stanford tennis class buddy, and his wife Ruby in the streets of Reykjavik. On top of that, despite a loaded schedule, we were able to successfully meet up with three groups of local Icelandic friends that I had kept in touch with over the years. Thorsteinn and Thordis. Sveinn and Kristin. And Kristin. It’s hard enough to find time in people’s busy schedules to meet up. But when you’re on a tight schedule yourself, it speaks volumes to how great your friends are when they make time to see you. So very thankful for my friends in Iceland and all over the globe who are always willing and excited to meet up when I visit! 
Lodging Options. For the most part, we had great and comfortable relatively budget-friendly lodging options while in Iceland. Though we moved from place to place pretty frequently, we were able to enjoy ourselves in relatively comfortable AirBnBs, cabins, guesthouses, hotels, and suites at every stop along the way. And not only were the rooms comfortable, but the non-AirBnBs served great breakfasts. And the AirBnBs were conveniently located for downtown city explorations.  
Traveling with Money. Traveling with money makes a huge difference in how comfortable you are on a trip and, sometimes, how much fun you can have on a vacation. And we definitely had fun while being relatively comfortable on this trip. Because this was the first time the now-fully-employed little kiddos planned and spent money on a family trip. With a financial cushion, we paid a little more to stay at nicer places. We ate nicer meals without feeling like we had to cut corners and be cheap to save money. We rented a 4x4 automatic midsize SUV, which is much more expensive than the regular cars we usually rent, which allowed us the opportunity to see new areas. And Cynthia and I were able to do an impromptu horseback riding trip without feeling like we were breaking the bank and emptying our wallets. And compared to how I traveled to Iceland as a poor pre-med student in 2013, this experience was totally different because of the financial flexibility that I earned for my hard work over all of these years. 
Of course, with all the good parts of the trip listed above, there were aspects of the trip that I wish had been a bit better. I wish the lighting, the skies, and the overall photography conditions were better. Even though you have almost 24 hours of sunlight, sometimes, that’s not necessarily a good thing for trip-limited landscape photography. I wish the eruption in Geldingadalir and Fagradalsfjall was crazier with cool-looking lava waterfalls and lava streams and lava spews the two times we went so that my photographs would have turned out awesome-r. But unfortunately, it only started getting really cool about a week after we left, with the volcano now way more active (in spurts) and now overflowing with lava rivers and lava waterfalls carving their way through the dark landscape and dark nights. I wish we had maybe 5 to 7 more days in Iceland. If we did, we could have slowed things down and spaced out our driving a little more so that we didn’t feel like we were driving most of the day. With more time, we would’ve been able to sleep in on more days. With more time, we would’ve been able to fit in some of the sights that we skipped due to time constraints (though part of the trip’s time constraints was due to something we couldn’t have predicted or planned for). And with more time, we would’ve been able to spend more time in Reykjavik soaking up the city life and meeting up with friends without having to stuff it all into a 24-hour period. 
But at the end of the day, we made the most of our trip, saw spectacular things, had fun with the family and with friends, and made it home safely. You can’t really ask for anything more than that when going on a slightly last-minute trip during the COVID pandemic with older parents and with Cynthia working remotely and making a huge trip out of the original idea of solo volcano hunting. Nothing is perfect but at least we all had a great time and came home with great memories and photos to share! 
And to end my trip reflection, just a quick word/phrase dump of things that I’ll remember most from Iceland v3: 
Erupting Volcano/Vent With No Name. Geldingadalir. Fagradalsfjall. Highland Waterfalls. Zooming with 4WD. Midnight Sun. Gravel Roads. Cynthia Half-Days. Colorful Puffins. Chasing Waterfalls. Short and Stubby Horses. Sunrise and Sunset. Friends. 2021 Kia Sportage. Myvatn. Friendly Locals. Good Food. Homecooking. Restaurants. Sleep Deprivation. Engagement Photos. Third Time. Fjords. F Roads. Right Heel Pain. Photos Galore. Midnight Volcano Hike. COVID-19. Mom and Icelandic Names. Windy. Lupines. Hikes. Free Delicious Breakfasts. Trip Delay. Pandemic Travels. 
Trip Superlatives
Best Waterfalls:
1. Haifoss
2. Sigöldugljúfur
3. Dynjandi
4. Svartifoss
5. Hrafnabjargafoss
6. Aldeyjarfoss
7. Kirkjufellsfoss
8. Skogafoss
9. Seljalandsfoss
10. Goðafoss
Best Photo Opps:
1. The Geldingadalsgos Eruption
2. The Colorful Puffins at Borgarfjörður eystri
3. The Icelandic Wildflowers Everywhere
4. Vestrahorn at Sunrise
5. The South Highland Waterfalls (Haifoss and Sigöldugljúfur)
Most Incredible Views:
1. The Geldingadalsgos Eruption
2. The Lupine Fields in South Iceland
3. The Colorful Puffins at Borgarfjörður eystri
4. Dynjandi Waterfall and Cascade
5. The South Highland Waterfalls (Haifoss and Sigöldugljúfur)
6. Fjord Views in the East Fjords
7. Sunset/Sunrise Skies
Best Hike:
1. Erupting Volcano/Vent-Viewing Hike at Geldingadalsgos
2. Dynjandi Waterfall Hike in the Westfjords
3. Svartifoss Hike at Skaftafell in Vatnajokull National Park
Most Underwhelming Sights:
1. Asbyrgi Canyon
2. Aldeyjarfoss
3. Vestrahorn at Sunset
Best Accommodation:
1. Sel Hotel Myvatn in Myvatn
2. Our AirBnBs in Akureyri and Reykjavik
3. Black Beach Suites Outside of Vik
Best Homemade Meals:
1. Huy’s Icelandic Hot Dogs for Lunch
2. Modge Podge Leftovers Mi Xao for Dinner
3. Hot Sausage/Egg/Bread for Breakfast
Best Restaurant Meal:   
1. Lunch at Salka in Husavik
2. Dinner at The Restaurant at Sel Hotel Myvatn in Myvatn
3. Dinner at Strondin Pub in Vik
Best Accommodation Breakfast:
1. Breakfast Spread at Sel-Hotel Myvatn in Myvatn
2. Breakfast Spread at Malarhorn Guesthouse
3. Breakfast at Guesthouse Nypugardar
Best Dessert/Bakery:
1. Pastries at Sandholt Reykjavik on Laugavegar in Reykjavik
2. Soft-Serve Ice Cream at Ísbúðin Akureyri
3. Orange Cheesecake from Blaa Kannan Cafe in Akureyri
4. Pastries from Kristjan’s Bakari in Akureyri
Best Road Trip Snack:
1. Savory Snacks (Chips, Chex Mix)
2. Fruit Snacks
3. Pastries and Baked Goods
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arandompostarchive · 3 years
SALEM - Ch. 16
Summary: In all the centuries of your existence, you had never been dragged out of hiding by another god, put in a superhero team and forced to save the universe. But it seems your luck has run out.
Salem was nothing like he remembered it.
The town was quiet. No soft shouting in the background, or small children running around, bumping into him. You hadn’t sensed his arrival and run out to meet him with your usual wide smile.
There was nothing.
In fact, he smelled fire, ash, and some sort of cooked meat.
His nose wrinkled at the scent. He had never liked the smells fire left behind for whatever reason. He walked into the town and immediately sensed the use of magic. The grass was wet with red, but there were no bodies in sight. He was sure he sensed recent magic, maybe someone had decided to clean the place up.
But from what he could tell, there weren’t any humans around to do that. He looked around more, trying to figure out exactly where you were. Looking closer, he saw there were a few bodies, though they had been burnt to char. His eyes widened. He became a bit more nauseous now that he was able to identify one of the smells.
The bodies, whoever they were, seemed to have been haphazardly thrown by someone else. The saw the town’s square, a stacked of burnt wood in front of its usual decorations. There was another body tied to it, also burnt. It seemed less charred than the others but was still most certainly dead.
He rushed over to it. There was a nauseating squish sound beneath his shoes, a small amount of blood splashed onto his pant leg, staining the fabric. He recognized the woman there, he was sure of it. He couldn’t place it though.
The skin was charcoal black.
He ran his hand over the face. The red-black of the skin flaked under his head and he struggled to identify what he felt.
It was most certainly your magic.
It floated around the burnt wood, hovering in the air. It was stronger than he had ever felt it before. Strangely strong. It almost reminded him of his mother’s power. A strange, intense type of magic.
This had to be you. There’s no way you, even if you were a demi-god, could release this much power unless it was revenge for your own death. They had killed you.
He felt an extreme type of rage. A boiling kind of rage. The kind that bubbles in the pits of your stomach and makes you see red. He could feel water run does his face. He hadn’t even realized he’d started crying until he felt the tears drip from his chin.
He untied the body. He managed to teleport over to a nearby bench, something he had never perfect it. He’d never use it for long distances, but small ones were do-able.
He laid you down next to the lake he had met you at and slowly started at the sun. It was a sunrise instead of a sunset, and somehow that made this all worse. The universe had given you a sunset at the beginning and a sunrise at the end. Everything seemed to be backward. He would’ve laughed at the circumstances, but all that came to his ears was silence. His silence.
Your hands were frozen in place, creating a terrifying statue. An actual person etched in time. He used magic to drift your body out before allowing it to sink.
Loki woke up sweating, his shirt sticking to his back. He was breathing heavily as he whipped his head around, looking at his surroundings. His room. Rather the one Stark had assigned him. It didn’t quite feel like ‘his’ yet, but it was where he was supposed to sleep. Thor had somehow convinced the man of iron to let him stay on the same floor as you and share a small common area with you. Leave it to Stark to make over the top living areas. Usually, he wouldn’t mind silence. Especially since he spent his childhood with Thor, who wasn’t exactly known for being quiet. But with the knowledge that you were supposed to be there too, it felt unsettling. Odd.
He ran his hands over his face, feeling the sweat on his forehead. He had been dreaming about you. He didn’t want to get Stark’s hopes up. He may not like the man, but Loki wasn’t cruel. That and he’d seen rock fall from above him as he left. He was too far sense where you were, not that he was even sure where he should be looking. He wasn’t certain how to get to Kalan from Earth, Kalan to Earth, he’d much rather find a ship and fly. If you were dead, there was no point in going now. If you weren’t, you were probably already on your way. Either way, waiting seemed to be his only option.
He hadn’t spent any time outside of his room, aside from the day or two he was in the Avenger’s medical wing. Some of the team had come up to his door, asking questions.
Peter was the first one. He tried asking what happened, but Loki simply ignored until the boy eventually left, telling Loki that whatever happened wasn’t his fault.
It didn’t help.
Tony came several times.
At first, it was yelling. Mostly questioning why he was there and you weren’t.
And of course, there was Thor. Thor was concerned about Loki’s health, encouraging him to eat or get out of his room. It never worked.
Then, late that night he heard the soft, recognizable footsteps of the spider boy.
“Hi, Mr. Loki.” Peter started. There was a chair next to Loki’s door. Peter wasn’t certain who had put it there, but he pulled it closer to him and sat down.
“She left that note behind when you first left.” Peter held the letter in his hand. “Seemed like she wasn’t sure if it was a good idea in the first place.”
Peter’s hand was shaking. He could hear shuffling behind the door. He took a deep breath.
“I’m just going to read the note.”
Hello, all.
Well, this letter certainly won’t be the nicest thing you’ve ever read.
If this actually opens, I’d say chances are high that I’m dead. Don’t give up hope on me completely though. But, still.
Moros is still dangerous. If I’m not back, we probably didn’t manage to kill the asshole. I’m sorry. I’m sure I tried, but fighting isn’t an exact science, you know? I hope you’ll eventually forgive me for leaving without you.
Cap, you never really liked me. I was hoping that maybe by breaking the rules successfully, you might have more respect for me. I guess I failed that one. I’m sorry I never really proved myself a worthy teammate.
Tony, you are the best brother I never wanted. Thanks for showing me more about technology and humanity. It’s been a while since I’ve spent this much time with mortals. I know you’re upset, and I’m sorry. All my life I’ve wanted to be the hero. The person people think of when they need help, someone they feel they can rely on. You showed me I could do that. And for a moment, I really was a hero. I doubt you understand how much that meant to me.
Peter, I hope that project went well. Sorry I couldn’t help. I’ll miss you, kid. You’re smarter than you give yourself credit for. For once, just let yourself be in the spotlight, huh? You may not be an official Avenger now, but you will be. I promise.
Loki. Hopefully, I’ll find a way to save you even if I can’t save myself. I loved you years ago. And well I wouldn’t use the word “love”, I definitely feel strongly for you now. Maybe we could’ve been something again. I hope to see you in Elysium.
Everyone else. I didn’t know you well. I hoped that we would be close. That I would be a real part of this team, but it never seemed to happen. Still, thank you.
Your name was signed messily on the bottom. You had clearly been rushing. Peter was sure he heard something on the other side of the door. Your letter may speak about you like you were dead, but you asked him not to give up hope.
So he wasn’t going to.
Tony didn’t speak too much. I spent most of his time in his lab, which wasn’t too different from his norm. But he didn’t seem to make the same jokes. He hadn’t called anyone a nickname in a good few days. But even Nat missed Tony’s sarcastic comments.
Peter tried his best to get through to Tony, and Tony was clearly trying his best to make Peter feel better, but it didn’t seem to be helping either of them.
Loki stayed away from everyone. Everyone took turns bringing him up food. Most of the time he ate it, though sometimes he just didn’t want to get up. Losing you once was hard, losing you twice was taking a toll.
He went over every detail of the past two weeks in his head. Moros and Ker, Kalan, then hell itself. The small, chaste kiss you had planted on his lips before sending him back to Kalan. He wished he held it just a second longer. Maybe argued against you more. Tried to stay in Tartarus as long as he could. But no. He didn’t do any of that.
Centuries ago, you were the greatest person he had ever met. Nothing had changed.
On your travel, you dozed off more than once. Piloting a ship alone was boring. Insanely boring. And it’s like finally being alone let your body catch up with the events of the past two weeks.
Two weeks.
It seemed like longer.
Much longer.
You weren’t certain how long it took you to get home. Space was pitch black, and it was harder to navigate than you’d like to admit.
Over your life, you’d spent time in space. Gods were used to that sort of thing. But that doesn’t mean it was somewhere you liked spending your time.
You were sure it was at least a few days before you began to recognize the star patterns. By then, the ship was running low on whatever fueled it. You were thankful you didn’t have to teleport yourself again, you weren’t sure if you could handle that again. Physically or mentally.
The small patch over your eye made it difficult to see, much less find your way to Earth. You had never really gotten to see the stars around Earth up close, and although they were beautiful, you had much more important things to do.
You paced around the back of your ship, waiting to get the alert that you were entering Earth’s atmosphere. You let out a small groan. Not like there was anyone around to hear you.
It was silent. Eerily silent. Not a single sound around and it was beginning to drive you insane. You had started humming songs you’d learn over the past few hundred years. Some melodies you had overheard a century ago, other modern songs you had heard Stark playing in his lab.
You paced and hummed, trying to create some sort of sound besides the drowning quiet of space. Eventually, you heard a small siren sound, and the front windshield of the ship flashed red. A symbol came up in a language you hadn’t seen before. Thank the gods for Allspeak.
It seemed to be the Kalan equivalent of an exclamation mark, which was never good when accompanied by sirens and flashing lights.
You rushed to the front looking over some of the systems. The ones you understood at least. It seemed you were approaching Earth’s atmosphere far too fast.
You sat down in the pilot’s seat and steered the ship. Hopefully, it would stay intact enough to land.
Loki had spent the two weeks sitting in his room or in Tony’s garage. It had the body of the ship you had stolen. Tony didn’t want to rebuild it, so it made for a nice quiet place that nobody would look for him in.
He had brought a few books down, mostly Midgardian ones you had shown him centuries ago. Everyone was preparing to fight Moros, and he had sat in on more than a few strategy meetings. They mostly consisted of him repeating the same information over and over.
But the garage was quiet.
He paced around, picking his palm. It was a bad habit he had picked up from his mother over the years, but it helped calm his nerves. As he walked back and forth, the metal beneath him creaked. It was less than stable, which wasn’t reassuring, but at the moment he wasn’t particularly worried.
As he walked toward the back of the ship, he heard a soft crunch beneath his feet.
He lifted his boot and some broken petals fell from his shoe. It was the flower he had discarded into the ship after it had scratched you. He picked it up. The petals were only beginning to dry, and some were still the same soft purple they had been before. It really was a pretty color.
One thorn of the rose-like flower still had a small bit of blood on it. He frowned at the now dried liquid. He carefully set the flower aside and sat down on the floor, his head in his hands.
He took a deep breath before the ship shook. There was some sort of loud sound in the background and a few seconds went by before he heard a voice address him.
“Loki, Captain Rogers has asked you to meet the team outside immediately. He has also said you may need your armor.”
Loki sighed and stood. It felt more like clawing his way out of a whole than simply walking out of the garage. His armor appeared on him as he walked outside. He heard some yelling and other voices in the distance. And maybe someone crying?
When he stepped outside he saw a ship that had landed. Well, it was closer to ‘crashed’ but it was certainly better than his landing.
The man of iron and the Captain were yelling at each other, and he saw a body lying on the ground. He walked a bit quicker toward the group. The closer he got, the better he could hear the argument.
A doctor rushed past him toward the body, sitting next to the spider boy. She seemed to be checking vitals, and she gestured to someone behind him before a few other doctors walked past Loki with a stretcher. They picked the body up (which he could now tell was a woman with a large scar and a patch on her face).
“Tony you need to calm down. For all we know, Moros is coming here now. We need to wake her up as soon as possible.”
“I don’t care Steve. I thought she was dead. Everyone thought she was dead. She wrote a note saying she was dead! Let her relax for five seconds, will you?”
Peter was trying his best to get you up. At the very least, he wanted to make sure you were alright.What the hell had happened? The was a slight, still raw-looking scar on about half your face, though it was partially covered by a white and red patch. He assumed the red was blood, but did his best to ignore that.
Steve and Tony were yelling in the background, everyone else was talking amongst themselves and interjecting every so often. Thor and Clint had gone in to get Cho not too long ago and help her with any supplies she’d need and soon they had all returned and you were taken away. Loki had arrived, and Peter saw his face shift into one of horror as you passed.
“What is going on?” Loki said, rapidly looking between Tony and Steve.
Steve sighed before answering. “It seemed Y/n is alright. Broadly speaking that is. We need to wake her up immediately and get her back with the team. It’s not ideal, but we need information and we need it now.”
Tony rolled his eyes. “She needs rest. Whatever happened to her obviously took a toll. She’s missing a fucking eye! At least let her heal a little bit, god man.”
“She’s a god, you’ve heard her. She heals fast. She’ll be alright. She needs to push a little longer, I know it’s not—”
“You’ve never liked her. I get it, really I do. A random girl shows up and her ex is the guy who tried to take over the world. But she needs longer than a few minutes of rest. If we woke her up, she’d say she’s fine and just push through it. I know better than anyone that she’ll just crash and burn. Now, I’m going to go stay in her room with Cho. If you get a few more brain cells, come visit.” Tony walked off.
“Tony, that’s not it at all.” Tony didn’t turn back, he simply continued the walk toward the tower.
“With all respect that is due, Captain.” Loki started, facing Steve. “She’ll need recovery before she is capable of helping in any way. Stark is correct, she’ll only pretend to be alright until she eventually tires herself out. Then she’ll be of no help at all. It may be best to ignore Tony’s offer of visiting. I’d rather not have to hear another one of those fights in the near future.” He too turned away, and Peter followed after them quickly.
Loki was still slightly numb from the shock of actually seeing you.
Were you okay?
Where have you been?
Why didn’t you go with him?
What happened to your face?
You sat up quickly, your hair sticking to your forehead. For a second, you panicked that you couldn’t see out of one eye until you remembered the past… however long it had been. You could feel your shirt sticking to your back. You tried your best to take deep breaths and figure out where the hell you were.
There were a few people sitting around the room.
“Hey, you’re alright, it’s us.” You heard from right next to you. It startled you for a second before you saw Tony’s face next to you. You let out a sigh of relief and slowly lay back down.
Peter and Loki were both asleep in chairs on the other side of the room. Peter had a blanket draped over him and a piece of paper crumpled in his hand.
“Hey, kid.” You laughed a bit.
“Tony I’ve been alive longer than you were a thought in the back of your parent’s head.”
“Okay, okay kid.” You smiled at him. You missed him.
“How long have you been waiting?”
He sighed and sat back in his chair. “I think you’ve been out for around 24 hours? Cap isn’t happy about waiting this long to talk to you about what happened.” You nodded, sensing there was more he wanted to say. “Listen, I understand wanting to be the hero, I really do, by why on Earth would you try to make us think you were dead?”
You sighed. “Because I’ve fought with my siblings before. Fights usually last a little while before my mother steps in and breaks it up. I thought that would happen. If it took more than two weeks… I was fully expecting not to be here. I’m sorry.”
He nodded a bit but stayed silent.
Loki’s eyes slowly opened in his chair before he stood up and walked over to you.
“Are you alright? Do you feel okay?” He was showing more emotion in front of Tony than he usually would, and you suspected he was just too tired to keep on his usual straight face.
“Loki, I’m fine.” You smiled at him. Tony stood up and let Loki pull his seat closer to your bedside. Tony went to wake up Peter before he dragged him out of the room. Peter seemed more than a little upset, but eventually nodded at Tony and followed him out of the room, offering you a cheerful smile as he walked away.
Loki wrapped his arms around you, pulling you close to his chest. He had about a million and thoughts rushing through his head at once, and he wanted to ask you all of them.
But that didn’t matter right now. Whatever happened, you were at least alive. He’d take what he could get.
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millie86 · 3 years
Top 5 Places to Visit in Dubai
Dubai is definitely one of the top holiday destinations of the United Arab Emirates. This area, which is full of skyscrapers and shopping malls, has successfully become a popular destination for tourists to shop, enjoy the sunshine and have family fun. Dubai is an awesome place to visit, whether it is a weekend, business trip, luncheon or some other gathering.
Nevertheless, getting around the city sometimes becomes tricky for foreigners, to save yourself from such problem you can get help from any of the local online ride booking company.
Though things to do during the day are almost endless, there are hardly any shorter places to visit in Dubai during the night as well. A brand-new adventure continues, as day becomes night. The Burj Khalifa (the world’s highest building) and shopping malls with aquariums and indoor ski slopes are well known for their touristic attractions in Dubai.
There are many fantastic attractions, but this article is summed up the top five tourist attractions in Dubai.
1.Burj Khalifa
A beautiful way to begin with your time in Dubai to get a sense of how huge the city is, go to the highest building in the world-the Burj Khalifa. You can enjoy views from here of the whole city, but remember that every day, the view shifts.
There is no bad day to visit the Burj Khalifa; however, it seems extra enchanting when you sight it at twilight while you can observe the city turning into sparkling illuminations. Sometimes the view could be unclear due to fog, but on a clear day, you can see far out.
You can also see sunrise and sunset and get on top of the clouds, just make sure you schedule a visit a couple of weeks before you go on a trip as this tower is reserved each day. Moreover, while keeping everything in schedule always schedule your conveyance rides as well. It can save you from a lot of fuss and confusions. You can easily book a ride using online booking apps in Dubai.
2.Palm Jumeirah Beach
A group of islands containing luxury hotels, residences and resorts is a manmade island shaped in a palm tree. It is a little tricky when it comes to exploring it because you cannot really see the palm shape of the island instead you have to fly to Palm Jumeirah from afar. If you look at it from the Dubai Marina, tower or you fly a seabed, skydiving or helicopter you can experience its exotic palm view.
One of the most iconic experiences you must experience here is a helicopter flight through the city from above to see the Palm. This is a perfect way to see Dubai from above and have a Birdseye panorama of the city.
If you do not want to board a plane, it will be better to visit the summit of Burj Khalifa and hope for clear skies to see this beautifully outlined palm shape. In addition, the best way to travel between all these places is through Dubai taxi booking services.
3.Global Village
Global Village is a multicultural fun and thematic park influenced by numerous cultures and nations is one of Dubai’s finest locations to visit at night. Global Village is better experienced after dark when the sun is over, and outdoors you can be comfortable. To have an unharmed travel to global village utilize the services of Dubai taxi booking online that aims to facilitate all the tourists and locals in the Dubai serving their best.
Shopping is not even the main draw of this world fair, but Global Village is the location for good value equipment for many people. Any of Dubai’s contemporary attractions can be lacking, but Global Village is full of family fun, with tours, booths and performances by foreign entertainers.
The factor “Global,” where each represents one country, refers to its 38 pavilions. Come on and you will find fashion, food, crafts and cultural exhibitions that characterise one specific country. The Persian carpets in the Iran pavilion, Indian gold jewellery and Egyptian cotton articles are especially good for shoppers looking for selection.
In addition, Global Village presents various free shows, concerts and fun for young and old both. Most shows will be free of cost; some will be paid additionally (for example stunt show). Even, you can enjoy exciting rides at the largest funfair of the area as if it were not enough!
4.Dubai Mall
The Dubai Mall is a huge building, situated just a few minutes’ walks from the Burj Khalifa. However, why walk when you can avail luxurious and comfortable ride to Dubai mall. Just book your ride with WOW to get the best experience and view while getting around. WOW Leader will give you complete comfort.
Dubai Mall has a wide array of entertainment, shopping and dining events. The large theatre, the ice-skating rink and the gaming room are some of the favourite locations in the Dubai Mall. Events such as festivals and concerts take place in the mall as well.
The Aquarium and Underwater Zoo are possibly the most impressive feature of the Dubai Mall. It provides visitors with a view of the living underground of 140 marine life species. If you want to be conservative about your practices, you will go into aquarium tunnels in the Aquarium Zoo. Cage snorkelling and shark diving are also possible if you wish to be adventurous.
The Dubai Mall should be the first stop on any shopping list, being the largest supermarket, leisure and entertainment destination in the world. It houses all the major brands in the world with over 1,200 outlets, including clothes and footwear, household products and electronics.
5.Dubai Marina
The Dubai Marina is popular with both visitors and locals and perfect for a night’s walk, or a night out with friends. In the evening, you can even catch a dinner cruise on the canal. Dubai Marina is a 7 km long walkway between stunning manufactured canals that provides a spectacular view of the vibrant skyscrapers.
In addition, in late hours the place is quite safe and draws many tourists and local crowds for an evening walk. Dubai Marina is one of the best places for visiting Dubai free during the night, so you can take a break and use the many benches, and you cannot pay any money.
JBR Marina is another fantastic hangout in Dubai late at night. JBR Marina is the place to enjoy evening activities as the sun goes over the United Arab Emirates. A stunning waters way, nightlife zones, bars, hotels and famous Jumeirah Beach Residences (JBR) is a scenic district surrounded by Dubai Marina.
However, if you want dinner at night in Dubai Marina, you will not really have a lack of good bars, street food and ice cream stalls along the way. Moreover, if you want your day to end smartly, a comfortable dining experience and an outstanding night are provided by the Dhow cruise, Dubai Marina.
The highly decorated Dhow Cruise still offers its guests a festive and enjoyable atmosphere. A tasty meal and traditional Middle East music can be enjoyed onboard. The view from the Dhow cruise ship to the Dubai skyline is also incredible.
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dyinglightroleplay · 5 years
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NAME : James Ahmad Potter RELATIONSHIP TO THE ORDER OF THE PHOENIX : Member ( active - duty ) AGE / BIRTHDATE : 19 Years Old / born 27 March 1960 at 6:27am GMT ZODIAC SIGN : Aries ( sun ), Aries ( moon ), Aries ( rising ) EDUCATION : Hogwarts Graduate ( Gryffindor House ) BLOOD STATUS : Pureblood
✧     Ambrose Thomas ( platonic ) ✧     Marlene McKinnon ( antagonistic ) ✧     Caradoc Dearborn ( wild card ) ✧     Lily Evans ( fiancée )
Entering the Shrieking Shack following the Battle of Hogwarts.  It is unknown if he was accompanied.
PLAYER : Mod Rivka FACECLAIM : Fady Elsayed URL : @marautyr
ZERO / RISING. * How is your character perceived by others?  What mask do they wear, and is there more than one?
ARIES, TRIPLED.  Beginnings, always, love or light or success or birth, a sharing of progress both inward and OUTWARD.  Rising, it’s heart - magic : effusive affection, agape love, deep wells of empathy and compassion, boundless creativity and warmth, sunlight, a space made and a space kept / SUN RISES and turn inward, toward the everlasting conversation of a well - cultivated inner life full of opposites, intuition blocked by repression, emotion tempered by fear of rejection, pre - dawn or twilight, half - light, somewhere in - between.  Always rendered as overflowing, Aries is more beginnings than endings ––––––– or perhaps even ONLY beginnings, in spite of the possibility for endings.  They live in that moment, in the sunrise of opportunity, of love, of closeness, not quite caring about the eventual necessity of sundown.
At this level of blinding brightness, James is an easy person to misread, in a lot of ways : he can seem to be a relatively quick study, he can seem simple, he can seem one - dimensional in his loud, intrusive, high - flying way.  ( James has never been able to not run toward the flames, the danger, the anger, the fear, the unknowable, the unknown : one day, they very well may rise up to meet him. )  And maybe that’s what everyone’s just telling themselves, now, that all this is bravery.  Because all bravery is grown up out of foolishness, some way, isn’t it ?  And it’s easy to write him off as moody, hot - headed, childish, impulsive, aggressive, particularly when it becomes as obvious as it seemingly does that he doesn’t care.  And that’s what is so singular about James Potter : he is, largely, unremarkable except in his AUTHENTICITY.   For better or worse, James doesn’t wear a mask, in fact he couldn’t even if it was required of him ; he’s a lover and a fighter, a man of emotions at volume regardless of their temperature, with his heart irrevocably attached to his sleeve.  To those that don’t know him, this is easily misinterpreted --- --- or truly, just interpreted --- --- as overwhelming, obnoxious, invasive.  If anything, the mask he wears is the subversion of others’ perception, it’s a dogged refusal to do anything but exist precisely how he means to, how he’d like to, regardless of expectation or consequence or outside judgement or input.  What you see is what you get, and he is unbothered about whether or not you like it.
ONE / THE SUN. * Choose one to explore : what about their personality, general preferences, sense of self / ego, or fundamental traits attracted you to them?
I’ve always had a very specific Type ™ of character that pulls me in, and James dovetails right in there so easily ––––––– he’s a man of extremes, a character that’s easily reduced to two or three obvious traits ( especially by fandom ), but also one that carries so many layers that I’d love to peel away and explore.  He’s brash, loud, egotistical, but all of that comes from a place of boyish authenticity, and it lies beside equal empathy, loyalty, and steadfastness, even if some of those manage to eclipse the others, especially when he was younger.  He’s a polarizing figure ; he’s not necessarily easy to like, or easy to get to know, and he definitely makes enemies as easily as he makes friends.  He’s been an unrepentant bully and an equally fiercely loyal friend.  He’s determined at the same time he’s arrogant, he’s conceited, he’s passionate and reckless in equal measure.
( You can hardly discount James’ stubborn determination when it comes to his friends.  After all, he did spend three years teaching himself to become an Animagus just so one of his closest friends wouldn’t have to feel alone.  However, that’s not just stubbornness, and it’s not just some crazy disregard for rules.  The root of James’ determination, always, is outward facing : he wants to take care of his own, he wants to make himself indispensable, he wants to shield people and stand in the gap.  Yes, especially when he was younger, there was a major element of ‘ look at me ’ at play, but as James has gotten older, his determination hasn’t ever waned, but simply shifted.  The young man who at twelve or thirteen was so determined to help is friend has become the young adult who is equally determined to fight Lord Voldemort, to expose his corruption, to track down Dark Wizards to his detriment.  James’ determination is all-consuming ; he burns bright, and hot, and has no problem allowing himself to be consumed if he thinks the end result will be ultimately beneficial. )
Alongside, James’ arrogance is almost cartoonish.  He’s cocky, self - assured in the extreme, and really, there’s little stopping him.  All of this comes from a very deep desire to be needed, to be the best, to be the one at the center of everything ––––––– he was raised as the apple of his parents’ eyes, told that could do anything, be anything, and he holds that so close to his chest that it’s become compulsive, almost defensive.  James doesn’t need approval from anyone to know that he’s good at what he does, or so he thinks, when in reality his own arrogance has built up as a way to ensure that he doesn’t.  James is arrogant so that he doesn’t have to be needy ; if he can convince himself he’s the best, he doesn’t need to live or die by someone else’s opinion, or worry that it may not match his own.  It’s a very self - fulfilling situation, and one he certainly needs to unlearn ( but likely won’t without a major event or loss to help him ).
Particularly now, involved in the Order, the duality of James’ passion but lack of focus will come under heavy scrutiny.  To be blunt, James has spent the majority of his life relatively charmed ; he’s taken a million risks, but never had the bill come due, always managing to escape from punishment or consequences at the last moment.  But there’s a marked difference between breaking Hogwarts rules to sneak out of unmarked passageways and fighting a war, and I don’t think the magnanimity of that difference has quite dawned on him, yet.  He’s still riding very high on the thrill of the subterfuge, the excitement of War and of involvement in the Order, and he hasn’t yet really had a taste for the reality of it yet.  Sure, the Battle will certainly give him a little perspective, but even that will likely do little to dispel his nearly lifelong belief in his own ability to bounce back from nearly everything ; to hear James tell it, he just has good luck.  That will not always be the case.  But he’s invested, he’s so passionate that he’ll let it consume him ––––––– the problem is, he won’t ever see the obvious pitfall until it’s too late.
All of these qualities --- --- and their existence inside duality --- --- is what drew me to James, is what keeps me fascinated with him.
TWO / THE MOON. * Which color would you associate most strongly with them and the emotions that dominate them?  Describe however you’d like.
GOLD.  The indestructible tomb of the Pharaohs, Ra appearing as a mountain of gold, the skin of the Gcds, wealth and security indescribable all bound up in one of the softest metals known to man.  Something divine, ceremonial, certainly, but beautiful, playful, glimmering and winking in firelight --- --- Mamma’s musical bracelets and the ring on Lilah’s finger, the blazing - brilliance of a sunset seen as it sinks into the Mediterranean Sea --- --- warm, enveloping, unforgettable even behind closed eyes.  The hottest heart of a flame, the snap of a gilded - scarlet banner, the elusive shimmer of the Snitch as it flirts its way across the pitch ; something that refuses to dull, but shows its wear, showing scratches and scrapes and buffed - out engraving as a past un - erasable.
THREE / MERCURY. * What is this character’s area of expertise? Where do they excel?
In school, James took to Transfiguration like a natural, because he was ––––––– he was one of the few Hogwarts students to excel in the subject so quickly that he was invited to attend more advanced lectures ahead of his year.  However, much to his professor’s chagrin, James refused, choosing instead to keep behind so that he could continue studying alongside his friends.  ( His increasing boredom became more evident in class disruptions, but once James found himself in pursuit of a new project — — a.k.a. animagus study — — his natural talent and studious nature took over once more. )
As illustrated by the creation of the Marauders’ Map, James also has an eidetic memory, put to use more for secret passages and pranks than much else, but an area of expertise all the same !
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tamboradventure · 5 years
17 Things to See and Do in Taiwan
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Posted: 9/3/2019 | September 3rd, 2019
I used to live in Taiwan for a few months as an English teacher. I loved the time there and have always felt the country was really under appreciated. So, in this is a guest post by Carrie Kellenberger from My Several Worlds and an expat living in Taiwan for ten years, she lists out all the amazing things you should see and do there.
Every country in Asia is beautiful, but Taiwan is special for many reasons. The people are warm and hospitable. In March 2019, Taiwan was listed as the happiest place in East Asia.
While it might be a small island, you would be amazed at the never-ending variety of sights and fun things to do here. With over a hundred mountain peaks above 3,000 meters, over a hundred hot springs scattered around the island, both golden and black-sand beaches, nine national parks, world-class museums, glittering skyscrapers, stunning temples, and a huge number of night markets that are second to none, Taiwan has something that everyone can enjoy.
To this day, nearly 14 years after I moved here, I still think Taiwan is one of Asia’s best-kept travel destination.
Here are some of the best ways to spend your time in Taiwan:
1. Eat, Eat Eat!
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The national pastime in Taiwan is eating. Taiwanese, both adults and children, are very work and study oriented, so their lifestyles demand healthy food that is available on the go. Moreover, there is always an abundance of fruits and vegetables, so visiting a local market can be a delight when you find out how cheap it is to eat fresh food.
As a result, Taiwan has become an epicurean’s playground. The food scene is an international smorgasbord of culinary delights, for every budget and almost every diet.
Night Markets While there are five-star international restaurants of every variety throughout the country, the night markets are where the real gastronomes go. They promise to keep your belly full while your wallet remains relatively unscathed.
There are over 30 night markets in Taipei, New Taipei, and Keelung (and over 70 night markets across Taiwan). If you’re not sure which one to choose, visit this list of night markets in Taiwan and take your pick. My personal favorites are Shilin, Keelung, and Roahe Street in Taipei.
Here are a few things you should try:
Xiao long bao, also known as soup dumplings, a favorite staple food here. They are made out of a thin pastry folded into a type of bag that is then stuffed full with a meat-and-vegetable mixture and a tiny amount of soup, then garnished with raw ginger and soy sauce. Biting into one of these is a flavor explosion in your mouth. Plenty of street vendors at night markets offer fresh xiao long bao for around $2 USD for a basket of 10-12. There is really no reason not to try them. I’ve yet to meet a visitor to Taiwan who hasn’t loved their xiao long bao experience. I promise you will not be disappointed.
Oyster vermicelli
Oyster omelets
Beef noodle soup
Deep-fried chicken
Tian bu la (a type of fish cake fried with coriander with a dash of pepper and spice)
Sweet Taiwanese sausage or BBQ on a stick
Stinky tofu
“Coffin bread” (a tasty bread bowl shaped like a coffin)
Pig’s blood cake (It’s made from pig’s blood, sticky rice and soy broth and tastes much better than it sounds, I promise!)
Shaved ice
Zhen zhu nai cha (Taiwanese bubble tea)
Taiwan Beer (it’s the most popular local beer)
No matter what you decide on, you’re sure to have a great meal at a low cost while experiencing Taiwanese culture at its very best. You’ll be amazed at what you can buy for dinner for just $5 USD! You’ll definitely find some things that you hate, but you’ll also find things that you’ll love. It’s all part of the experience, right?
2. Visit a Taiwanese Teahouse
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Tea culture in Taiwan is wonderful, and there are many options for tea lovers.
Maokong Gondola – This gondola will whisk you four kilometers to a mountain peak in a glass-bottomed cable car, from which you can view the tea plantations built into the side of the mountain as you zoom up. You can catch it at the Taipei Zoo MRT station; a ride costs 120 NT ($4 USD) each way. Once you’re at the top, there are several winding paths for a pleasant mountaintop stroll and a great selection of teahouses to choose from when you’re ready to enjoy a cup of fresh mountain tea.
Jiufen – If you’re heading out of Taipei, Jiufen is one of Taiwan’s most popular tourist destinations, owing to its appearance in the Studio Ghibli film Spirited Away. This seaside mountain village offers some terrific shopping opportunities, as well as all the different kinds of foods you see in the movie. It’s one of my favorite places, because it is also home to some beautiful teahouses in the most glorious setting. Imagine sitting at the top of a mountain, looking out over the ocean in the comfort of a traditional tea house. It is truly a magical experience, especially if you can get there for sunset. Go on a weekday to avoid the large weekend crowds.
Jwu Jiu Teahouse – If you make it as far south as Chiayi, be sure to find Jwu Jiu Teahouse, a hidden gem that is like taking a step back into the past. Jwu Jiu is a traditional wooden teahouse set above enormous stone ponds filled with hundreds of giant, brightly colored koi. Feed the fish while sipping on your tea, and enjoy some traditional dim sum in the loveliest setting you’ve ever seen. The grounds belong to a local family, and the teahouse uses a well that is over a century old, in which the water still runs deep and pure. The owner has kept most of the original structures and bricks, plus a hundred-year-old Osmanthus tree, which is associated with many traditions in China and Taiwan. If you’re a history buff, you’ll enjoy the teahouse’s long history, displayed with pride and obvious care.
3. Check out the Northern Coastline
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Head to the coast for some incredible lunar-like landscapes at Yehliu Geopark. There are some unique, otherworldly rock formations, including one that looks like Queen Elizabeth (though it took over 4,000 years to form) that are a popular tourist attraction. Try to get there early to beat the crowds.
4. Hit the Beaches
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The beaches of Kenting on the southern tip of the island offer fun in the sun. White Sand Bay is the most popular and a great place to soak up the sun, swim, snorkel, or even go diving (just keep an eye out for jellyfish!). Other great beaches are South Bay and Little Bali Bay.
5. Soak in the Hot Springs
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Taipei has its very own active volcano in its backyard, and because of the volcanic activity in the area, Beitou Hot Springs enjoys a steady stream of visitors and locals who love to bathe in its healthy waters. Prices start around 40 NT ($1.30 USD) per person for a soak in the hot springs, making it a very affordable choice for anyone looking for some R&R.
6. Go Island Hopping
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The beautiful islands of Penghu just off Taiwan’s western coastline will delight your sense of wanderlust and are especially well known for their golden beaches. This island archipelago has islands that are all distinct.
Boats will drop you off at one island for a few hours and then take you to the next one, so you can literally go from snorkeling to observing sea turtles to wandering through traditional aboriginal villages made out of coral in a single day.
7. See Old Taiwan
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Two groups of islands that make up the Kinmen Archipelago off the west coast of Taiwan, just a couple miles from mainland China — and they are old Taiwan at its best. Here you’ll be able to see some traditional architecture, and there are also insightful museums that highlight the ongoing tensions between the People’s Republic and Taiwan.
8. Get Off the Beaten Track on Orchid Island and Green Island
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Located just off the southeastern coast, these lush islands are a treat to visit. Here you’ll find hiking, swimming, diving, and amazing hot springs. You can also get further off the beaten path and have an adventure by renting a scooter to traveling around the islands yourself!
9. Explore the Green Mountains
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Grab a scooter and head up into the green mountains, which extend over five ranges the length of the island. If you want to stretch your legs, climb to the summit of beautiful Jade Mountain and watch the sunrise; this beautiful peak is almost 4,000 meters above sea level, making Taiwan the world’s fourth-highest island.
10. Visit Wuling Peak on Hehuan Mountain
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If you’re still craving some climbing and hiking, head to Wuling Peak on Hehuan Mountain, around 3,275 meters above sea level, making it another good hike for anyone looking to spend more time outdoors. But what really makes this place special is that the peak is so high, you can look down into a sea of clouds below!
11. Go Hiking in Taroko National Park
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Ready for another city break? This national park offers visitors a chance to hike through mountainous terrain and gorges, and you can even stop to dip your feet in swiftly flowing mountain rivers. Covering just under 100,000 hectares, it’s one of only nine national parks in Taiwan. Admission is free.
12. Head East
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To really enjoy Taiwan’s majestic beauty, don’t forget Taiwan’s eastern coastline. The east coast highway has some of the most dramatic coastal scenery in the world, from plunging sea cliffs and splashing surf to beaches, nature reserves, and rural towns a world away from the big city.
13. Witness Some Chaos
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Check out the feeding frenzy of the markets in Taipei, or enjoy a stroll around cool Ximending, the gay district and Taipei’s answer to Tokyo’s Shibuya. Ximending boasts a massive outdoor plaza behind the Red House (a well-known cultural landmark) and a pedestrian shopping zone filled with the latest fashion trends, coffee shops, restaurants, and local artisans.
Give yourself bonus points for checking out all the super cool graffiti; you won’t find it on the main thoroughfares, but if you venture onto some of the smaller side streets, you’ll soon find yourself in world of brightly decorated alleys and lanes.
14. See Tianhou Temple
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While you’re in Ximending, it’s worth stopping by one of the oldest temples in the city, Tianhou (also known as the Ximending Mazu Temple, after the in-house deity Mazu, goddess of the sea). Around since 1746, it’s one of three major temples in Taiwan from the Qing period. It’s located on a main thoroughfare — but it’s very easy to miss the entrance.
Stepping through the entrance to this beautiful Taoist temple filled with mythological creatures, smoky incense, lucky goldfish, and people paying respect to the gods is truly a surreal experience. You’d never know this quiet oasis is in one of the busiest areas of Taipei!
15. Explore Fo Guang Shan Monastery
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If you have your own ride in Kaohsiung, I strongly encourage you to stop by Fo Guang Shan Monastery and pay homage to the monks that live there. An ultra-Zen monastery open to the public, the complex is massive and stunning, leading to the Great Path of Buddhahood, a broad pathway flanked by eight identical pagodas.
You can explore each as you walk your way up to the Big Buddha, the highest seated bronze Buddha in the world. I’ve been to many temples and monasteries in my lifetime, but this one takes the cake.
16. Visit a Taiwanese Aboriginal Village
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There are many knowledgeable local guides that can introduce you to the aboriginal way of life in Taiwan. The Formosa Aboriginal Culture Village near Sun Moon Lake is the most popular destination to learn more, but it’s certainly not the only one — there are lots of villages to choose from.
17. Take Part in the Pingxi Lantern Festival
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One of the coolest events in Taiwan, the Pingxi Lantern Festival involves releasing hundreds of paper lanterns into the sky. (Many newlyweds also include this meaningful tradition as a part of their wedding celebration.) If you don’t want to brave the crowds, you can easily purchase a lantern and light one on any of Taiwan’s beaches.
Taiwan is very environmentally friendly, so make sure you go with the eco-friendly paper lantern options that disintegrate, leaving no residue, and don’t cause fires. The company My Taiwan Tour also currently offers biodegradable paper lantern tours in Shifen.
There are many things about Taiwan that make it an incredible place to live; it’s easy to take some of those things for granted once you’ve been here for a while. I frequently hear that people think Taiwan is very Westernized, and while I agree that it is to some extent, there are still plenty of authentic Taiwanese experiences to be had!
Taiwan is and continues to be an unexpected travel destination that continues to delight visitors to this day. There is no place like it!
Canadian expat Carrie Kellenberger has been living in Asia since 2003. She moved to Taiwan in 2006 and became a permanent resident in 2012. She loves entertaining guests and travelers to Taiwan. You can read about her adventures and life there at her blog, My Several Worlds.
Book Your Trip to Taiwan: Logistical Tips and Tricks
Book Your Flight Find a cheap flight by using Skyscanner or Momondo. They are my two favorite search engines because they search websites and airlines around the globe so you always know no stone is left unturned.
Book Your Accommodation You can book your hostel with Hostelworld. If you want to stay elsewhere, use Booking.com as they consistently return the cheapest rates for guesthouses and cheap hotels. I use them all the time. My favorite places to stay in Taipei are:
Formosa 101 – This hostel is located right near the Taipei Tower and the Tonghua Night Market. They offer free breakfast and have a laid back lounge for relaxing.
Meander Taipei – The staff here is really helpful and the beds are comfy. They have free breakfast as well as other daily activities available.
Don’t Forget Travel Insurance Travel insurance will protect you against illness, injury, theft, and cancellations. It’s comprehensive protection in case anything goes wrong. I never go on a trip without it as I’ve had to use it many times in the past. I’ve been using World Nomads for ten years. My favorite companies that offer the best service and value are:
World Nomads (for everyone below 70)
Insure My Trip (for those over 70)
Looking for the best companies to save money with? Check out my resource page for the best companies to use when you travel! I list all the ones I use to save money when I travel – and I think will help you too!
Photo credits: 9 – David Hsu, 15 – Yi Chen, 16 – Huicheng1967
The post 17 Things to See and Do in Taiwan appeared first on Nomadic Matt's Travel Site.
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aurorabeatriz · 5 years
BATANES: North Batan Tour
Who would not want Batanes in their bucket list? The northernmost province of the country is known to be the hardest and most expensive trip every traveler had to encounter, unless of course if you take advantage of the airlines’ seat sale like I did. This is because of the notion of harsh and unpredictable weather condition, expensive cost of ticket, food and other expenses and and a long distance travel. But every cent you spend in this beautiful place is worth it.
BUT I DID NOT CARE! Batanes is my dream destination that I’ve never dared book an out of the country trip unless I visit this breath taking place. Last year, I promised myself to spend my birthday in Batanes, no matter how expensive the plane ticket is, no matter what the circumstances are, including the three-day work in research and my family’s disapproval of travelling during birthday occasions because birthdays are a family affair.
I’ve been searching for this place since last year. According to bloggers, the best time to visit Batanes is during the so called winter season on December to March. Many said that during summer, the hills are brown and the weather is very hot that you would rather stay in the shade than to visit the places. I would figure out that tourists cannot sing “the hills are alive.” Luckily, my birthday in on the third week of January. And mind you, the network signal in Batanes is very strong. I got an LTE connection for globe even in Sabtang.
Why Batanes? Why not! With its unspoiled postcard perfect hills, picturesque beaches, mouth-watering Ivatan foods and delicacies, traditions and rich historical and cultural treasures, it is definitely a dream destination for photographers and travelers. Or maybe because as a double major in Political Science-History, it fascinates me to visit a place with rich historical and cultural background. Batanes is the country’s smallest province in terms of population (home to 17,000 Ivatans) and land area. It is dubbed as the Land of the Winds and Paradise of the North. Three of the islands are inhabited namely Batan where the capital of the province, Basco, is located, Sabtang and Itbayat.
I endured a very exhausting connecting flight from Iloilo to Batanes because of the cold Amihan wind affecting the whole country (I’m not used to cold) and the delay in the runway. But I am still grateful for the experience.
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As the plane descended in Basco airport at ten in the morning, tourists and travellers were welcomed by the majestic view of Mount Iraya, an active volcano that erupted in the 1400s. We also had a glimpse of the well-known stone structure of the airport’s departure and arrival area. I also enjoyed the free airport service of Marfel Lodge.
I stayed in the most recommended accommodation in Batanes, the Marfel Lodge’s main building. I was greeted by Ate Emy and Ate Kris who tended to me for my five day-four night stay. They are so very friendly and accommodating. The lodge has its own version of the well-known honesty store, an unmanned store where tourists buy the products and leave their payment. What to do in Batanes? Just be honest, pati sa imo feelings J. My room is very clean and comfy too! Everything in the lodge screams of simplicity and cleanliness.
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I decided to take a bath after the exhausting trip. The weather is so cold I forgot to use the hot shower. I spent a lot of time in the bathroom because I enjoyed seeing my breath J. Then I slept for an hour then started the North Batan Tour. It was a joiner trip offered by Marfel Lodge and Chanpan Tours where I got to know other tourists. On the first day, we were eight including our tour guide, Kuya Art and his apprentice, Krista. During my last day in Batanes, Krista told me that their afternoon class is spent for fieldwork, which means they get to join tours as part of their curriculum given that Batanes is known to be a tourist destination. We first ate our lunch and Kuya Art gave an orientation about the tour then proceeded to Batanes Provincial Hall to pay for the Batanes Environmental Fee worth P350.00 and Protected Area Entrance Fee worth P50.00.
North Batan Tour (January 25, 2019)
Mount Carmel Church (Tukon Church)
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Our first stop in the Mount Carmel Church also known as the Tukon Church, which is under construction during our visit. The church’s walls are made up of boulders, the door is wooden, and the windows are stained glass with images of church’s icons. Inside are the images painted in the altar and the ceilings. At the back of the church is the view of Mount Iraya, on the left side is an ocean and on the right side is the green hills. I spent few minutes appreciating the scenery while waiting for the front church to be vacated by other tourists.
Pag-asa Weather Station
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Then we proceeded to the Pag-asa Weather Station of Basco located in a hill, just a few meters away from Tukon Chapel. It was formerly looked like a ball atop a building, however, according to Kuya Art, it was destroyed by a recent typhoon. It also offers a good view of Basco’s landscape and seascape. We had a nice view of the hills and winding road at three in the afternoon.
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Dipnaysupuan Japanese Tunnel
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This Japanese tunnel was built during World War II by local Ivatans and served as the Japanese military’s hideout. It is located strategically in Tukon hills with a view of Basco’s town proper. We had to do a duck walk to safely exit the tunnel. Above the exit is a hill offering a good view of Mount Iraya, Basco airport runway and the Pacific Ocean.
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Fundacion Pacita
Fundacion Pacita is not part of the itinerary, however we tried our luck to visit the place but luck is not in our favour because it was closed for an event. It was decorated mby a well-trimmed and managed garden with a restaurant known as Café Tukon for those who fancy eating Batanes’ popular foods. Then we had a glimpse of the place from afar.
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Valugan Boulder Beach
Valugan Beach, locally known as Chanpan (according to its marker where Chanpan Tours derived its name), “is a sacred fishing port of the fishermen, most especially those from Barangay San Joaquin.” The boulders “are said to be evidences of geological forces from the volcanic eruptions of Mt. Iraya around 325 BC and two others around 286 AD and 505 AD. This stretch of boulders and gravel, smooth over time by the strong waves of the West Philippine Sea and the Pacific Ocean, is a habitat to a variety of marine crustaceans and molluscs.” It is also a favourite destination of photographers and tourists who want to enjoy the sunrise and the sunset.
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Vayang Rolling Hills
Vayang Rolling Hills is one of the most popular attractions in North Batan. It is made up of different hues of green hills, with grazing goats and cows, and chickens and a magnificent view of the sky and ocean. Itbayat can be seen from this place. It also offers a view of the Basco lighthouse.
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I was mesmerized by the place that I forgot to take a lot of photos and instead spent time sitting and watching the greenery view and the contrasting afternoon sun light in front of me. Thank God for letting me meet Krista, I had somebody to talk to while admiring the view. There were countless times that I exclaimed “Shet! Ang ganda” the entire tour, most of which when I was in this place. I told her that may be this place is a cure for a depressed person because I felt like my problems vanished like a bubble by just inhaling the fresh air and looking at the beautiful creation in front of me.
Naidi Hills and Basco Lighthouse
This is the last stop of the first day tour in Batanes where we got to spend the sunset as the temperature got colder. The Basco lighthouse can be seen from the airplane’s A window seat as I approached Batanes. It is made of stones or rubbles and the only lighthouse in Batanes where tourists can climb the top and get to see the view of Basco. Not too far from the lighthouse are two renovated structures of the World War II ruins that once were old telegraph facilities of the Americans. The far end is the dark structure, evident from the ruins of the bombing.
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The Basco lighthouse is also the favourite destinations of photographers who love to do astrophotography. Kuya Art even invited me to a photoshoot for my birthday (see my South Batan Tour blog post). Thank you Kuya Art!
After the spectacular glimpse of Batanes North Batan Tour, I dined with Patricia, also one of those who availed the Chanpan tour, in the Pension Ivatan, a restaurant offering a reasonable price for a sumptuous meal. We tried the uved/uvud balls popularly known in Batanes and it did not disappoint. It was a tasty treat for us.
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I was so excited for the next day tour that I slept early (plus factor the no rest-tour agad). We had to wake up early the next day for the Sabtang tour. ###
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Italy has become a firm favourite of ours in the last couple of years.  Whether we are lazing on the soft golden sands of the Adriatic Coast, or meandering through the cobbled streets of Florence; we simply adore this beautiful country.  So, why did we choose Aparthotel Des Alpes in Cavalese for our first family ski holiday?  Easy!  Unable to drag ourselves away from Italy, we chose a ski resort almost unknown to the British and Irish…Alpe Cermis in Cavalese.  In Summer, Eagles soar high above the Dolomites on the rising warm thermals.  In Winter, deep snow attracts skiers and snowboarders from across Europe and beyond.
Alpe Cermis – a skiers paradise
Located in the beautiful Val di Fiemme region of the Italian Dolomites, just one of the many properties owned by Trentino residences; Aparthotel Des Alpes is perfectly situated for exploring the outstanding natural environment of Alpe Cermis.  A brisk 20 minute walk or a 5 minute drive will take you to the heart of the picturesque town of Cavalese.  Unfortunately, the town is up a steep hill so we always took the easy option and drove.  Cavalese town began with a small settlement in the Bronze Age.  During the late 16th and early 17th centuries, Cavalese became the holiday destination for the regions bishops and aristocrats.  Many of whom greatly contributed to the development of Cavalese.
Palazzo della Magnifica Comunita di Fiemme
A view of Alpe Cermis from a balcony in Cavalese Town
A view of Alpe Cermis from Cavalese Town
Over the years the town has grown to what it is today with traditional restaurants, bustling bars, fashionable boutiques, gift shops and a thriving tourist trade in both summer and winter.  We found an amazing little shop where Lily-Belle was able to personalise the gifts she was purchasing for Nana and Granda.  Cavalese is also very well-known for its local craftsmanship (iron, wood and marble) and a very social cheese factory.  Who knew cheese was social?  Does this social cheese have a Facebook page?
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The main reasons for choosing Aparthotel Des Alpes was the price and the locality to Alpe Cermis which was just a 5 minute drive away.  Plus Aparthotel Des Alpes ticked several other boxes.  Close to Alpe Cermis for skiing, a short distance to Cavalese Town for shopping and sightseeing, indoor swimming pool for relaxing in at the end of a ski day, fantastic views of the surrounding Dolomites and a really modern fresh looking room.  Aparthotel Des Alpes houses 200 apartments ranging from studios to 2 bedroom apartments, all recently refurbished.  For our stay we booked a Superior Studio Apartment.
Check in at Aparthotel Des Alpes is from 16:00 to 20:00.  Upon arrival we were warmly greeted at the reception by Cinzia.  Cinzia was extremely helpful in telling us all about the hotel facilities, what the local area had to offer, including supermarkets for groceries, restaurants for dining and of course, the best gelateria’s for ice cream…a must for our girls when we are in Italy.  One thing to note is that the local supermarkets close very early in the evening, it was a little after 19:00 and they were already closed.  Thankfully Cinzia was able to take an order for fresh croissants to be collected from the restaurant the next morning.  
A warm welcome awaits at Aparthotel Des Alpes
Come in, sit down, relax
Credit where credit is due, Mummy definitely excelled on the room front this time.  The Superior Studio at Aparthotel Des Alpes was spacious and modern with storage space galore.  A must if you saw how much Lynne had managed to pack!  The apartment was split into 4 areas; bedroom one with bunk beds, main lounge area/2nd bedroom with a dining table and chairs, spacious bathroom and a small equipped kitchenette.  Outside there was a balcony for watching morning sunrises and evening sunsets.  Lily-Belle and Matilda immediately fought over who was sleeping on the top bunk.  A bit of a no-brainer for Mummy and Daddy, but try telling 3 year old Matilda the dangers of falling out of a bunk bed and see where it gets you! 
Open the apartment door, and you walk immediately into the hall/bunk beds.  Directly opposite the bunk beds was the bathroom; a large walk-in shower, toilet, wash basin with under-storage, bidet, mirror but unfortunately no bath.  Daddy loves soaking in the bath, bubbles overflowing.  A very decent sized bathroom indeed.  We’re not ‘posh’ and this was the girls very first experience of a bidet, much to their amusement and ours!
The battleground of children
Bathroom Rules: wash, brush, floss, flush
There was a small kitchenette with a hob (no oven), microwave, kettle, cutlery, plates, cups (plus other kitchen items), perfectly adequate.  In the main lounge area, which also served as the second bedroom, there was a huge pull down bed that could have (and did on 2 occasions) accommodate all 4 of us.  Plenty of wardrobe space beside the bed.  Inside the wardrobe there was a safe for keeping your valuables, well…safe.  The lounge also had a dining table and chairs, with a flat screen TV on the wall.  The room summed up in a word…perfect!
Photo credit: Aparthotel Des Alpes
Photo credit: Aparthotel Des Alpes
One thing we loved about the Superior Studio at Aparthotel Des Alpes was the dividing door between the bunk beds and the main lounge-come-bedroom.  The divide allowed Mummy and Daddy to sit and enjoy a glass of wine in the evenings without disturbing the girls when they were in bed.  The apartments have all the equipment required for having an excellent self catering holiday.  Superior…it certainly was.
The pool, just like many others, had a deep end and a shallow end with the addition of a shallow children’s splash pool at one end.  Around the poolside a few loungers for those simply wishing to sit and relax.  As is the standard in most European swimming pools, a swim hat must be worn.  Having a head like a billiard ball, Daddy did manage to negotiate not wearing one!  The pool is ample for a few lengths, or in our case, a splash about with the girls. The kiddies pool was perfect for Matilda to enjoy. 
Life is simple if you sleep, ski and swim
The Jacuzzi was by far the biggest we had ever seen and even better that there wasn’t the typical ‘No Children Allowed’ sign, so were all able to enjoy the bubbles.  Definitely a bonus to be able to soak aching muscles after skiing….and that was just Lily-Belle and Matilda.  Has someone been eating beans, there’s an awful lot of bubbles!  We are normally ‘all systems go’ throughout our holidays and this one was no different, especially with so many things to see and do within our short period of one week, so the pool and jacuzzi were very welcome.
Eat beans…make your own bubbles
Beside the pool is a stylish modern spa which offers adults the chance to unwind child free.  Seriously luxurious and free tea, great if you’re a tea drinker but I (Daddy) much prefer coffee.  The spa has outstanding facilities; Finnish saunas, Turkish steam room, sinks full of ice for cooling off, showers and a large relaxation area with loungers.  Do expect full frontal nudity if you visit the Spa.
Mirror, mirror on the wall…
Dip your face in at your peril
Slippery When Wet…but not Bon Jovi
There is a very colourful Play Room at Aparthotel Des Alpes.  Although we didn’t avail of this facility we did pop our head through the door.  From what we saw the large play room is aimed at younger children and toddlers.
Photo credit: Aparthotel Des Alpes
Very important.  On holiday we take lots of photos and videos.  Rather than clog phones and cameras we tend to upload everything to the cloud each evening.  Wi-Fi is free in the main reception area, and also free if you book your stay at Aparthotel Des Alpes direct with Trentino Residencies.  Otherwise Wi-Fi costs €15.00 per week for a password (available at the reception).  We use Sky Go to watch movies when we travel and not once did we experience any poor signal or dropouts in our apartment.  Excellent Wi-Fi which we utilised to the full during our stay at Aparthotel Des Alpes.  Just a note to say that reception is open from 08:00 – 22:00 (close for lunch).
Free Wi-Fi in the reception area
Right next door to Aparthotel Des Alpes is Restaurant Des Alpes.  Although the restaurant isn’t very modern with its decor or styling, it was clean and the food was always exceptional.  One evening Lily-Belle and Matilda ordered a pizza and they were ecstatic when the pizza arrived at the table in the shape of a bunny.  The menu is typical of Italy; pasta, pizzas, select meat dishes and my favourite Italian dish, risotto.  We ate in the restaurant on a few occasions and always had a wonderful meal, plus the odd glass (or two) of Aperol Spritz.  On the odd occasion we also took advantage of the available take away service.  Fresh croissants and breakfast can be ordered from reception the night before.
Get in our bellies Mr Rabbit!
Daddy’s absolute favourite…risotto
Food of champions…stew
Aperol Spritz, the thirst quencher of giants
There is ski storage available at Aparthotel Des Alpes but no drying facility for boots and clothes, best to take these to your room.  We didn’t need to use the ski storage at Aparthotel Des Alpes as we hired the girls skis, boots and helmets from Sport Cermis at Alpe Cermis.  Thankfully we could leave the hired equipment at Sports Cermis each evening, then collect them again the following morning.  Very handy!
There is a free Ski Shuttle Bus to the regions main ski resorts such as Obereggen and Latemar.  Pick up-drop off is directly outside Aparthotel Des Alpes.  For our Alpe Cermis holiday we hired a car therefore we didn’t use the bus.
We have to give a special mention to our new friend Cinzia.  Cinzia worked on the reception at Aparthotel Des Alpes and was always polite, courteous and smiling.  Always at reception with a warm smile when we left each morning and the same friendly smile when we returned each day.  Chatting with this lovely young lady we found out that Cavalese doesn’t get many visitors from the UK and Ireland.  Cinzia was interested to hear all about us, where we were from and all about our travels.  Equally we loved chatting with Cinzia each day and we were keen to find out more about her and life in this region of Italy.  Lily-Belle and Matilda enjoyed picking up a few Italian phrases from Cinzia each day.  Cinzia was a wealth of information and we were truly thankful to her for making our stay very memorable.
Without hesitation.  Aparthotel Des Alpes is a fantastic hotel with self-contained apartments.  Perfect as a base camp for exploring the Italian Dolomites, and in particular, Alp Cermis, which is right on the doorstep.  The local town of Cavalese is not too far away and is a lovely town for exploring and looking at the local heritage. Aparthotel Des Alpes gets our seal of approval.
LILY-BELLE (age 9) SAYS I loved that I was allowed to go in the jacuzzi.  Our room was really comfy and I enjoyed sitting out on the balcony.  Do people really wash there bums in the bidet…eurgh, that’s gross!
MATILDA (age 3) SAYS Mummy wouldn’t let me sleep on the top bunk, she’s so mean, it’s not fair!  I liked going into the swimming pool and the bubble bath.  Daddy: the bubble bath is the jacuzzi.
Aparthotel Des Alps
Date of stay:  21st – 27th March 2018 Flights (2 A + 2 C):  Ryanair – Belfast to Milan Bergamo – £152.00 (plus £30.00 for 1 x 20kg checked bag) Car Hire:  Firefly – €59.22 for 7 days (plus €350.00 refundable security deposit) Price:  Aparthotel des Alpes – €668.29 (plus €150.00 refundable security deposit)
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  REVIEW: APARTHOTEL DES ALPES, CAVALESE, ITALY APARTHOTEL DES ALPES Italy has become a firm favourite of ours in the last couple of years. 
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havingahelagoodtime · 6 years
Talk Too Much (L. L.)
Pairing(s): Loki x Reader (with powers)
Description: Loki simply talks too much, and Y/N has had enough of it. (based on the song “Talk Too Much” by COIN)
Word Count: 2,615 (i write a lot, i’m sorry!)
Warnings: none
AN: first time writing a loki fic or writing a reader insert fic. hope you guys like it, and if you do, please like, reblog, or comment to let me know! :)
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Loki had been waiting for Y/N to get out of the shower for over thirty minutes.
He knew that she took long showers; it was something that anyone who knew Y/N and lived in the same area as her would know about her. They usually lasted between 30 and 45 minutes, unless she was in a hurry. The hurried showers were always 20 minutes or less. But, she rarely ever seemed to be in a hurry, and so her shower times would always end up past the 30-minute mark but before the 45-minute mark.
Loki also knew that she usually came back downstairs if she took her showers in the late evening, and she would make herself a cup of coffee. This especially confused him because he knew that coffee contained caffeine, which would normally cause a person to feel more energized. Logically, the caffeine in the coffee would cause her to become more awake, essentially defeating the purpose of trying to go to bed a little while after she was finished with the cup. However, that never seemed to be the case with her. She would drink the coffee, watch television for a half hour or so, and then go up to her bedroom (which, Loki had noticed when he first arrived at the Avengers Tower, was only on the next floor.) Midgardians held strange customs, especially this one. In order to talk to her, though, he knew he must begin practicing these customs as well.
To put it simply, she interested him. The way she spoke, the television shows she always watched, the subtle things about someone that he rarely ever cared enough about to pay attention to… all of these interested him. On any normal night when they would occupy the same room, he would watch her while she wasn’t looking, observe the way she drank her coffee and muttered things to herself while sitting on the couch. This may have been considered creepy to others, but in his defense, he couldn’t help it if she was doing something quirky… or perhaps even cute. Tonight, however, he planned to actually talk to her. Not the normal quick greeting between them, but actually having a conversation with her. The thought excited him and scared him to death at the same time, although he would never admit to either of those.
caffeine, small talk
wait out the plastic weather
mhm, uh uh, discussing current events
When he heard footsteps coming down the stairs, he had been sitting on the left side of the couch, the opposite of the side she always took when she watched television. It’s time, he thought to himself. As casually as he could, he looked up to see her making her way down. In the split second he allowed himself to look at her, he couldn’t help but narrow his eyes at the robe she wore. Normally, she wore a short-sleeved shirt and a pair of shorts, with the only variations being the colors and designs of said clothing articles. This time, though, she’d worn a fluffy, white robe. He wasn’t the only one changing things up tonight. She noticed him looking at her and smiled. Her smile.
“Hey, Loki,” she greeted as she walked towards the kitchen area. The way she said his name sounded different than it normally did. Or did it?
“Hello, Y/N,” he replied, watching her until the wall blocked his vision of her. That could’ve gone better. He heard her opening the cabinet and then something hard hitting the counter in the kitchen. She was beginning to make her coffee. Taking a deep breath, he decided it was time. He slowly stood and made his way into the kitchen, where he saw Y/N standing at the coffee maker. She stood with a hip jutted out, one hand in a robe pocket and the other on the counter, tapping her fingers impatiently. She turned her head away from the coffee maker to see Loki enter the room, and she smiled again.
“It only takes a few minutes, but it still makes me impatient,” she said, laughing a little at the end of her statement. His heart sped up a little more at the sound of her laughter, and he only smiled back at her in response as he continued toward her. He couldn’t speak and let a shaky voice betray his true feelings. Once he reached the counter space next to her, he stood in front of her and leaned slightly up against the counter, letting it dig into his hip a little. His eyes met hers for a second, and he could tell from the way she looked at him that she was confused. This was not acceptable; he could not allow her to think too long about why he was in there with her.
“What kind of coffee are you making?” he asked, glancing between the coffee maker and her. He knew it was not the best way to start a conversation, but at this point, his increasing heart rate and blanking mind needed him to settle for just okay.
“Oh, just normal black coffee. I usually add some creamer and sugar once it’s done, though,” she answered, and she looked down at the coffee maker. Although he knew it was wrong to stare, he did it anyway. She had a beautiful face, beauty that matched the most valuable pieces of art and the finest sunrises and sunsets back on Asgard. He simply needed more of that beauty in his life; he hadn’t experienced very many truly beautiful things in his life, but somehow, he had a feeling that seeing her face more often could make up for that.
i’ll take my time
i’m not the forward thinker
you read my mind
“May I try some of this… coffee?” he blurted out. She quickly looked back up at him with an even more confused look on her face. He couldn’t help it; he needed to talk to her, and any way of doing this was fine to him. Even if it meant having to try coffee.
“You want to try it? I’m surprised. I didn’t really think you’d be a coffee kind of guy,” she replied as a smirk crossed her face. Her lips looked so nice resting in that smirk, bold but soft and gentle. What he would’ve given to have a taste.
“I can be full of surprises,” he shot back, a smirk of equal size crossing his own face. One of her eyebrows rose just a little, and she looked at the ground and shook her head before meeting his gaze again.
“I would expect nothing less from the supposed ‘God of Mischief.’ Of course you can try it.” It was almost wrong how much he loved her calling him that. The coffee maker beeped, putting a crack back in his self-confidence. “Looks like the coffee’s done. Can you grab another coffee mug, please?” He nodded and quickly went to the cabinet, opening its door and looking through the selection of mugs. A plain black mug sat off to the side on the first shelf, and he grabbed the handle of this one before shutting the cabinet door and eagerly placing it next to her pastel pink one. The now slightly-full coffee pot sat on the other side of her mug as she went to the fridge and opened its door. “It seems like we only have French Vanilla creamer, is that okay?”
“Yes, yes, that’s fine. That’s definitely fine. That’s…fine,” he quickly told her. Too quickly. Embarrassingly quickly. His eyes closed, and his head dropped. He couldn’t believe how worked up he was getting over this situation; he was supposed to be a silver tongue, but now, his way with words could not help him at all. She glanced over her shoulder at him and narrowed her eyes at him for a second before looking back in the fridge and grabbing the bottle of creamer.
“Well, at least you’ll be starting with a good kind. I’ve tried some really shitty types of creamer in my time of borderline coffee addiction, and this here is not a shitty type.” She closed the door of the fridge and began walking back to the counter, giving him a small smile. That smile allowed him to breathe easier, but only for a second. He could feel words coming, words he could not stop. His need to talk to her was overpowering him.
“I’ve noticed that you often have a new type of creamer in the fridge,” he began. Furrowing her eyebrows, she met his gaze again.
“You have?” she inquired. He nodded, and she shrugged before looking back to the coffee pot and mugs on the counter. “I don’t think it’s been that often-”
“It is relatively often,” he interrupted. “You’ve had peppermint mocha, hazelnut, coconut crème, pumpkin spice, salted caramel chocolate, and others, and they’ve all been in recent weeks. They are never in the refrigerator for too long, usually for about a week or so, and then a new one takes its spot. Although it did seem like the more unpleasant flavors seemed to last a little longer than-“
“Okay, I get it, you don’t need to tell me,” she exclaimed, holding up her hand and laughing. “I go through those bottles pretty quickly. I got it. But you know what I’m not getting here?” Now it was him furrowing his eyebrows.
“Why you came in here in the first place, just to chat me up about my coffee habits. I always come down here and get coffee after I take a late shower, and not once have you shown any interest in it before. Why now?”
better to leave it unsaid
why can’t i leave it unsaid?
His eyes widened a little bit. He should have known that question would eventually come up; Y/N wasn’t stupid. He needed to distract her again, lead her away from her unsettling line of questioning.
“Is it wrong for me to ask for the opinions from an expert of coffee such as yourself?” he inquired with a smirk. She laughed and turned to the counter, placing the bottle of creamer next to the coffee pot. The adrenaline flowing through Loki’s veins quickened, and his smirk dropped. “Why are you laughing?” Her head shook as her laughter tapered off, and she opened the door to the cabinet above her and reached her hand in, pulling out the sugar container.
“I think you’ve forgotten why I’m part of the team in the first place,” Y/N stated matter-of-factly, and she glanced at him for a second before beginning to pour some sugar into his black mug. She only needed that second to get her point across: she knew something that he didn’t know she knew. His body stiffened.
“I don’t believe I was told in the first place,” he cautiously replied. Instead of explaining, she now began pouring sugar into her own pink mug. Loki watched her actions with anticipation, his eyes frantically searching her face for any sign of her knowing his true intentions. The seconds passed by agonizingly slowly, and he soon wondered if she was enjoying being able to torture him like this. Once she was done pouring the sugar, she placed it back in the cabinet and picked up the pot of coffee.
“I was brought here for one reason and one reason only, and that reason is my power,” she started as she poured large amounts of coffee into both of their mugs. “When I was growing up, I didn’t understand how it worked. It still surprises me sometimes. Right now, though, it confirms what I’ve been suspicious of for a while now.” One thought passed through his mind: Oh shit. She placed the coffee pot back into its holder and picked up the creamer bottle, pouring the same amount into each mug. When she was done, she placed it on the counter. “Would you get a spoon for me, please?”
“Of course,” he answered quickly, reaching into the silverware drawer next to him to grab a spoon. After closing the drawer, he held it out to her, and as she grabbed it from him, her fingers brushed against his skin. A force of undeniable power washed over him instantly as her fingers stayed in contact with his hand, freezing him where he stood, and his eyes widened even more in surprise. “What the hell are you doing?” Her eyes were closed, a soft smile that slowed down his heart rate just by a smidge crossing her face.
“I understand now,” she said, her eyes snapping open before taking the spoon from him and releasing him from his frozen stance. She dipped the spoon into her pink mug and began stirring.
“Understand what? What did you just do?” he rapidly questioned. Petrified confusion and a hint of anger bubbled in his stomach. No Midgardian should have been able to control him in such a way, especially not from just a brush of her fingers. She pulled the spoon from her own mug and stirred the mixture in his mug.
you know i talk too much
honey, come put your lips on mine
and shut me up
we can blame it all on human nature
“I can read thoughts, but not in the most conventional way.” After she finished stirring his coffee, she crossed the room and placed the spoon in the sink next to the fridge. When she returned to her spot next to him, she leaned up against the counter and looked up into his nervous eyes. “I can’t hear what people think, but I can see the images that they think. The images you were seeing about you speaking to me tonight bombarded me as I walked down the stairs, and by touching you, I could see all of the other images you’ve thought about me recently. But I didn’t really even need that, considering you’re talking too damn much to just be cordial.” Before he knew it, she reached her hand to the back of his neck and gently pulled him towards her, meeting his lips with her own. His brain couldn’t comprehend the absolute gorgeousness of the moment for a long second, but when it did, he closed his eyes and allowed himself to kiss her back. The warmth of her hand seeped into his skin as their lips moved together, and he couldn’t believe how much sweeter her lips were than he had expected. However, it was over as quickly as it began, and after she pulled away, she smiled at him again. “You like me.”
stay cool, it’s just a kiss
oh why you gotta be so talkative?
If he hadn’t been stuck in a stunned silence, he probably would have futilely attempted to deny it. It was childish, liking somebody, but he wasn’t about to fight against it. Not when it allowed him to have such a thrilling, beautiful experience as what had just happened. Removing her hand from the back of his neck, she reached down and picked up the black mug, carefully handing it to him. He smiled after a second, a genuinely content smile, and he nodded in thanks. Speaking was just not something he’d be capable of yet.
“Come watch TV with me,” she quietly requested before picking up her mug and heading towards the doorway of the kitchen. Before she left the room, she looked over her shoulder at him and met his gaze, smiling at him. That was all the encouragement he needed to begin following her to the living room.
i talk too much, we talk too much
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recentanimenews · 3 years
FEATURE: Anime vs. Real Life — Escape the Monotony of Life With Laid-Back Camp Season 2
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  I just can’t thank Laid-Back Camp enough for providing me with a weekly dose of eye-cleansing, soul-soothing escape during these times. Like many, I’ve been more or less confined to my same four walls for what feels like half an eternity by now, so getting to admire the sunrise from atop Mt. Minobu, watching the waves at Cape Omaezaki, or just enjoying the sunset over Lake Hamana, has been a more than welcome diversion from the current monotony of life. Of course, there’s nothing I’d rather do than go and visit all of these locations in person again like for the first season, but that’ll have to wait. But even while I was only sifting through these places on Google Street View in preparation for this article, I often found myself wandering off for hours on end, just taking in some of these gorgeous locales I’ve never seen before. So in the hope that they provide you with the same feeling of diversion I got from them, let’s take a look at over 60 real-life locations from the first three episodes of the second season of Laid-Back Camp! 
  *Author's own images are marked as such, all other images were taken with GOOGLE STREET VIEW
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    The show’s opening shot paints a familiar picture, as we once again get to experience the serene and beautiful Japanese countryside by following Rin and Nadeshiko on their little camping adventures. The main setting of the show is once again Yamanashi Prefecture, specifically the area along the Fuji River and around Minobu, which is only about two hours away from Tokyo. 
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      And just like in the first season, it’s so easy to get swept away by the show’s beautiful and accurate portrayal of the great outdoors. 
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      At the end of the first episode, Rin sets off from around Furuseki in Minobu and passes this little train crossing near Tokiwa on her way to Nambu.
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    While there are some truly magnificent views along the roads that follow the Tokiwa and Fuji River, it’s also fun to just virtually wander off into some of the smaller villages and valleys around the area, as there are some really cool little shrines and scenic spots to discover. 
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      On her way to her next camping destination, Rin passes through the small town of Nambu, which is also where Nadehshiko lives. And as it so happens, the two run across each other after Nadeshiko grabbed herself a small breakfast at the Daily Yamazaki convenience store (pictured below) before her shift. 
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      From there she sets off to Cape Omaezaki in Shizuoka Prefecture, but more on that a bit further down in this article. 
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        While Rin is off on her solo adventure, it’s back to work for Nadeshiko, who delivers the mail for the Minobu Post Office as part of her part-time job.
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      Luckily for her, Ena also works at the Minobu Post Office, so the two friends get to enjoy their lunch break together along the nearby shore of the Hagii River.
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          Rin is cycling across Hagii Bridge here, which crosses the small Hagii River in Minobu. 
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      Wilhelm Donko
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  Wilhelm Donko
  Not too far from the Minobu Post Office is the 1,153-meter tall Mt. Minobu, which is easily accessible via ropeway. Chiaki and Aoi decide to visit their first shrine and watch the first sunrise of the new year here together. 
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  Wilhelm Donko
  Called hatsumode — hatsu literally means first and mode means shrine visit — it’s an annual tradition in Japan to visit a shrine (or temple) within the first few days of a new year to make a couple of wishes and do a few prayers. Chiaki and Aoi do that at the Okunoin Shishinkaku Temple atop the mountain, which is part of the larger Kuonji Temple at the base of the mountain. 
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  Wilhelm Donko
  Watching the first sunrise of the year is another popular custom in Japan, which kind of sets the tone for the whole year to come. Mt. Minobu is definitely a good place to do just that, as it also offers a glimpse of the magical Mt. Fuji. I got to visit Mt. Minobu back in 2019 when I was in the area taking photos of the locations from the first season, but, just like Chiaki who wanted to see the Diamond Fuji phenomenon, I also got a bit unlucky with the weather up top. 
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  Wilhelm Donko
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  Wilhelm Donko
  But that wasn’t too much of a problem for me, as I treated myself to some sweet, sweet dango skewers in return. The grilled rice dumplings were served with a slightly sweet and sticky walnut sauce, and yes, they tasted just as good as they looked.
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  Wilhelm Donko
  Situated a bit further down the mountain is the impressive Kuonji Temple, which was founded in 1281 by Nichiren. The tucked-away temple features a spectacular five-story pagoda and a highly picturesque 287-step staircase, called the “steps of enlightenment.” 
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      The gang didn’t get to see the so-called Diamond Fuji on top of Mt. Minobu, which occurs when the rising or setting sun aligns just perfectly with the peak of Mt. Fuji, so they tried their luck elsewhere by checking out the viewpoint from this parking lot in Takaori. However, they were just a tad too late again. 
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    Meanwhile, Rin decided to spend the beginning of the new year in Shizuoka Prefecture, making a quick stop at the Omaezaki Lighthouse, which is situated at the southernmost point of the Prefecture. I’ve always been a big fan of the most extreme geographical points of an area, so Cape Omaezaki definitely made it on my future travel list. 
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      But that’s not all the place has going for it, the view from up top is also pretty amazing. 
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      We know the drill by now — empty roads as far as the eye can see, beautiful landscapes left and right, and Rin riding her scooter, heading for the Ryuyokaiyo Koen Auto Camping Ground this time around.
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      Along the way, she decides to take a quick break for tea at the Kimikura Café and later pays the Mitsuke Tenjin Shrine a short visit. 
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      Rin spends the night at the Ryuyokaiyo Koen Auto Camping Ground near Hamamatsu City, but unfortunately, I was not able to get any good pictures of the place. From there it was on to the next camping ground for her. 
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      You can spot the Shinkansen Bullet Train in the background.   
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    This little bridge close to the Nagisaen Camping Ground was featured a couple of times already during the first season (although from the other direction) since this was close to where Nadeshiko lived before she moved to Yamanashi. 
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    Rin uses the day in Hamamatsu by visiting some of the local sights, such as the 632-meter long Hamana Bridge, which spans across the canal that connects Lake Hamana to the Pacific Ocean.
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    And since this is Rin we’re talking about, she also treats herself to a quick hot spring visit at the Kaishunro Onsen Hotel, which has a nice view of Lake Hamana and its famous floating torii gate. 
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    The 18-meter tall torii gate was only built in 1973, but it has soon become one of the symbols of the area, and is at its prettiest when the sun sets just right into the gate. 
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    On her way to the next destination, Rin crosses Hamanako Bridge, which leads her to Kanzanji Onsen. 
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      If you haven’t already noticed in the anime, the Kanzanji Onsen resort area, which is located on an inlet on the eastern shore of Lake Hamana, is famous for one thing, and one thing in particular: eel!
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    Lake Hamana is the birthplace of eel farming in Japan and is known for the finest and priciest eel (called unagi in Japanese) the country has to offer. This is also why just about every restaurant in the area is specialized in eel.
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        You’ll find the word eel written here just about everywhere you look … oh, the eel pressure.
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    However, since eel is fairly pricey (especially the famous Hamana eel) Rin opts to just visit the Shizuhana sweets shop instead. 
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    Fujitaya is another sweets shop close to Kiga Station.
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  After getting a call from Nadeshiko that she’s also in the area, Rin heads to the nearby Hamanako-Sakume Station to meet up with her.
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  And just like in the anime, the tracks of the station are often filled with seagulls in real life as well.
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  Even though Rin was a bit strapped for cash, it just wouldn’t be a trip to Hamamatsu without even trying some of its famous eel, so Nadeshiko treats her to the Unagi Sakume Restaurant close to Hamanako-Sakume Station.
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    It’s only a short walk from the station to Nadeshiko’s grandmother’s house. 
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      However, the location used for her house in the anime is currently just an empty lot, which marks a good end for the first rundown of all of the locations of the second season of Laid-Back Camp.
  In case you virtually want to check out any of these places yourself, check out my newly updated map below:
      What's a place from Laid-Back Camp that you'd like to check out some day? Sound off in the comments below!
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      Wilhelm is an anime tourist, who loves to search for and uncover the real-world spots he sees in anime. You can talk with him on Twitter @Surwill or on Instagram wilhelm_donko.
  Do you love writing? Do you love anime? If you have an idea for a features story, pitch it to Crunchyroll Features! 
By: Wilhelm Donko
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edhaneyyy · 4 years
It's More Fun In The Philippines
Where do you want to spend your vacation? Or what are the wonderful places to visit? During a holiday or end of the school year, do you usually get asked by one of these questions? Maybe, some would answer Bali, Japan, South Korea, Europe, but only a few will say Philippines.Many of us dreamt about going outside the country, yet have we asked ourselves first if we already saw those beautiful and surreal places in our country?
The Philippines is a nation situated in Asian landmass in the western Pacific. It is a free republic that involves over 7, 000 islands. Throughout the long term, the nation has stayed a protected and appealing vacationer location. The nation has been getting various guests both from the inside and global travelers. The Philippines has a dominant part of vacation spots going from characteristic marvels, amusement, authentic milestones, expressions, diversion, culture, and conventions just to make reference to a couple.
The Philippines is likewise home to widely acclaimed regular miracles like an underground stream and rice porches, amazing jumping spots wealthy in biodiversity, vivid public transportation, exceptional cooking from appetizing to sweet, energetic celebrations that exhibit its beautiful culture, and neighborly local people viewed as probably the most joyful on the planet. You see, we define our country as a beautiful place filled with smiling people. Before we get down to the top places in the country, I shall give you a few reasons why I recommend Philippines as your vacation destination.
First, Philippines is a tropical country, which means we only have two seasons: dry and rainy season. So if you want some “sunkissed” photos in a beach, our country is the best place for you visit especially if you love beaches. The dry season covers November to May while the stormy season is normally from June until October. During the stormy months, it's as yet radiant and warm so visits in the Philippines are as yet progressing and are just vital when there's a hurricane.
Second,if you only have low budget then, worry no more. There are destinations that are budget friendly. Travel expenses in Philippines are affordable such as day tours that only cost PHP1000 or 20 in US dollars. You will find that there's a great deal of convenience alternatives for you in the Philippines also: from lodgings to modest overnight boardinghouse, convenience that are both ideal for explorers. Food in the Philippines is modest as well. For generally around PHP100-150(USD2-3), you will get yourself a respectable breakfast place that offers exemplary Filipino food with espresso. The equivalent goes for your lunch and dinner.
Third, Filipinos are friendly and very accommodating. Aside from the picture worthy destination, you have us, our hospitality and warmth is one of the reason to visit Philippines. The moment your plane lands here, you are greeted by the genuine and bright smile of the my fellow Pinoys. Also we love and we’re proud of of the beauty of our culture. If you worry about how you can communicate with us, I must tell you that communication is never a problem for tourist like you.Filipinos are bilingual, some are even multilingual.We understand and speak English making it convenient for foreign visitors to come here. You don’t have to worry about getting lost here because you can ask questions on your way, Filipinos are always ready to guide you. Filipinos are entirely accommodating as well. They have solid family ties as a feature of their way of life. On the off chance that you have Filipino companions who welcome you to their home, they will deal with you like you're an aspect of their family and may even serve you a gala of home-prepared Filipino food. The people alone will make you feel that Philippines is your home.
Fourth, we have a unique transportation. When you get here, maybe you’ll wonder and ask, what are these colorful vehicles an how do Filipinos call it? Those are jeepneys which is the main public transportation of our country. Travelers especially foreign one says that it is a must do to ride a jeepney. The fare is also cheap. By riding this vehicle we can see the helpful trait of Filipinos because we help pass the payment one person to another to the driver. Another interesting mode of transportation is the Philippines’ version of a rickshaw, also known as the tricycle or trike. This is almost comparable to Thailand’s tuktuk, only it is a motorbike with a sidecar attached to it.
Fifth, as perhaps the most joyful individual on the planet, Filipinos realize how to toss the best gatherings, be it in the city or in the unblemished white sand sea shores and islands. It's modest and is viewed by unfamiliar explorers as truly outstanding on the planet. Another acclaimed party movement in the Philippines is karaoke where you belt out your main tunes whether in the city or in a private room.
Sixth and maybe the last reason, the tourist spots in the Philippines.We are not just visiting the country because of the party, the vehicle and all of the reasonon mentioned above.In this section, we take a glimpse of the paradise like destinations.Many spots stand out from other destinations in our country.Here we come
1. Siargao made its first claim to fame as the Philippines’ surfing capital, and recently as the “Best Island in the World” (awarded by Condé Nast readers for 2018). The charming tidal ponds of Sohoton Cove, a characteristic marvel that is definitely justified even despite the 2-hour diversion from the Cloud 9 riding sea shore. The primary island is loaded up with unblemished normal spots also, including white sand sea shores, dazzling islets, huge coconut woods, cool lagoons and more.
In the event that you need to appreciate a laidback island way of life, Siargao is perhaps the best spot that sightseers can go to. You'll discover a blend of "unfamiliar" and "nearby" here. It is far off yet open, and not very swarmed regardless of the happening to new improvements lately. Located along the eastern coast of the Philippines (facing the Pacific Ocean), Siargao is best reached by air. Fly direct to Sayak Airport (IAO) in Siargao Island from Manila, Cebu, or Clark. Flight duration is 2 hours from Manila or 1 hour from Cebu. From the airport, the land trip to Cloud 9 beach, the main tourist area, takes around 45 minutes. You can also reach Siargao by taking a flight to Surigao Airport (SUG), found in mainland Mindanao. Then, hop on a 1.5-hour fastcraft ferry to Dapa Port in Siargao Island.
2. Boracay is a vacationer’s paradise. When talking about beaches and white sand, boracay is well known. Taking center stage is 4-kilometer White Beach, prized for its incredibly inviting blue waters, fine white sand, and perfect sunsets. This island is the place to go if you want to take it easy and you’re looking forward to enjoying a tropical resort experience. As you can expect, Boracay caters to a more upscale crowd, but don’t fret, there are many budget-friendly options available. Boracay is small yet we have variety of souvenir shops, places to stay, parties, and some water activities. Boracay’s white sand has it’s beauty of it’s own.
3. Batanes is the northernmost province of the Philippines. These remote islands are shaped by volcanic forces and strong typhoons. The natural landscape of Batanes is distinct from other parts of the Philippines. Here, you’ll find vibrant green rolling hills, grazing cows, steep seaside cliffs, sparkling clear blue waters, traditional stone houses, and iconic lighthouses. Batanes is home to the Ivatans who are much admired as the “True Insulares”. Ivatan Tribe is the first settler in this province. They came from Formosa which is known as Taiwan today. They have kept the purity of their culture and traditions through the years.
4. The Chocolate Hills of Bohol are one of the most iconic locations and natural phenomenons in the Philippines. The geological formation of the chocolate hills will leave you in awe, even more so at sunrise or sunset! With over 1,260 hills rolling into the horizon, they are covered with lush greens except during the dry season where the grass turns brown and gives the hills their name. This has to be one of the most unique landscapes in the Philippines and maybe even the world! There are many things to do there,trekking,searching for the tarsier, and visiting the hinagdanan caves.
Those are only four out of many tourist spots in the Philippines. By coming here in the Philippines, you could discover and visit more destinations,experience the hospitality of the Filipino. These places can be special because it will surely give you wonderful experience and your stay in every island is memorable for sure. What are those places that makes you come back over and over again? For those who haven’t gone here, would you even miss the chance to see the beauty of our country? If no then piliin mo ang Pilipinas because it's more fun in the Philippines!
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supernoondles · 6 years
this year i learned that (white) people send holiday cards, and i guess these posts have always been mine. to revive the three pronged thesis from the trenches of middle school: i traveled a lot, i started grad school, and i became more horny.
on travel
i kept track of every place i slept this year. here is a map:
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and a bar chart:
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locations serve as a good summary of stuff that i did for “work” or “career” or whatever. life fell in segments. having graduated undergrad, i interned at [generic tech company] while living in san jose from the beginning of the year until mid may. one time i fell asleep in a meeting that i called. around late feb/march i also missed over 15 days of work (lol) because i was touring all those phd programs--that was a lot of fun!
i went to 3.5 conferences this year: one in cyprus that was my first talk (though about work i think has fundamental flaws), a preconference in san diego for communications that was awful, one at MIT with an associated week long ‘summer school’ that i enjoyed, and one in orlando for digital humanities that made me very grateful to be in HCI.
i spent summer in europe and that was the dream. i was a really bad researcher, but can anyone focus on doing work when surrounded by the beauty of paris? after my research stint ended (and financed by that internship money) i did what every other college grad with newfound wealth did and traveled around europe. i went to iceland, which i had been wanting to do since i was 12! on my way back to the states, i stopped in chicago to see some friends and also drove down the pnw to see the solar eclipse. a lot of planes this year! feeling bad for my carbon footprint. oh, i also bought my first car (i survived in the peninsula for 10 weeks without one...sigh), so that ain’t helping either. though i do now commute by bike to school, which is really great (and good cardio)!
a brief media interlude
here is my annual best of playlist. this year i went to at least 15 shows, mostly in the bay area. the ones i remember: thom yorke, grizzly bear, tennis, badbadnotgood, radiohead x 2 (berkeley + arras), avalanches x 2 (sf + boston), andrew bird x 2, gorillaz, the national & sufjan stevens et al (planetarium) in paris, mitski, the xx, blood orange, lcd soundsystem. when i saw thom in december my first thought when he stepped on stage was ‘he’s so fucking ugly and needs to wash his hair so badly,’ a stark contrast from the first time i saw him (at 14) which was incoherent crying and worshiping--character development, i guess?
this year, more so than any other (perhaps my nomadic nature), i’ve started to have vivid associations of songs with place. kendrick’s damn (album of the year) or tennis’ (band of the year) yours conditionally: listened to heavily while carpooling to work in the south bay in a truck 20 years older than i. radiohead’s man of war: dashing to the pompidou when it was released to watch the music video as i didn’t yet have data, and then blarring out of speakers in a late night coffee shop as folks wandered the streets of arras, waiting for the first morning train home.
i also read 14 books this year, potentially the most books i’ve read in any year in recent memory--that’s what graduation affords. i started actively seeking out stuff written by asian americans (especially millennials) and i am soooo glad that i did. favorite ones are pamela: a novel (pamela lu), when i grow up i want to be a list of further possibilities (poetry, chen chen), chemistry (weiki wang), and sour heart (jenny zhang). is this how white people feel all the time, seeing their stories and narratives and experiences captured and validated and published?
on grad school
i spent a few weeks agonizing where and with whom to spend my next ~5 years, which to like literally anyone not in the academy as a computer science phd student just sounds like crying because you can’t decide between artisanal ice cream flavor x or y, so i won’t elaborate. but--i visited the campus i’m now at the day i had to make a decision and met with some faculty on the roof of the new art building. the bay stretched the distance, sunkissed. when they left, i just sat, waiting for my mom to pick me up, and i started crying, because i felt so lucky, because i felt like i really had the opportunity to achieve my dreams, and i didn’t even know what those dreams were (i still don’t). i’m trying to hold on to that feeling.
it’s only been 10 weeks, and i definitely am having a good time (the cushiness of private school!), but i still miss my undergrad. i moved out of a 140 person co-op and into a 2 person apartment (heavily subsidized by my school) in the heart of silicon valley that i think is bigger than the house my parents live in. no more spontaneous dinner hangouts because campus is its own city and the downtown 1.5 miles away is too fucking expensive anyway. while the peninsula can’t compete with east bay, i have met some really radiant folks here, but i wish we hung out more. in the start of this year, when i was still living in berkeley, i was getting dinner or exploring the city or doing something dumb (or just doing work together and getting distracted) with people i really loved every day. i didn’t expect graduate students to be closer to working adults than undergrads in terms of their social lives, but that’s what i’m feeling. 2018: a year of foraging closer bonds, the kind that make you feel like you’re overflowing. also 2018: a year to get serious about school again. i feel like i just had a lot of fun in 2017! gotta work harder.
on being horny
this year i had a very necessary and very belated realization of my attraction to the White Man™ (just look at the kinds of media i idolized when i was younger, or my hometown). i was also in love, at some point, with two of them. one helped me formulate my own definitions and actions around romantic love (granted, this has always been/will always be happening, but it was a catalyst to get me to explicitly think about these things). one helped me further that and also breach into the realm of touch. i had identified somewhere in the grey ace spectrum for the last 4 years of my life (around the same time i realized gender was a painful lie, the same time i went to college and escaped white suburbia, stumbling upon the qpoc oasis i’m still trying to create in grad school) but i think a lot of it was because i associated sex with shame and denial. but hey, physical intimacy is cool! i know it seems painfully obvious, but it wasn’t to me.
six chronological selfies from 2017
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mt haleakala at sunrise / cyprus at sunset / me as asian fuckboy / me as asian tourist in versailles / me as european fuckboy post italian haircut + glasses / the most beautiful place on earth
i wore 4 different pairs of glasses (most current not pictured) this year cuz i kept on breaking ‘em!! 2018: the year where my ass sits only on things it should.
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Norway Road Trip with a toddler
If you ever considered visiting Norway, I have one thing to say to you - Go! Go! Go! CI could easily become a number one fan of this country and send messages to a random people convincing them to go there, but I am already nr 1 fan of Mia and it takes all my spare time. One is for sure - it is one of the most beautiful countries I’ve been to (and I’ve been to many) and I don’t even know how to start describing it, as all the words coming to my mind are more or less like “magnificent”, “stunning”, “incredible”, “unspeakable”, “unique”.
Here are some basic and useful info:
- internet - we got a SIM card at Telia, it gives you 10GB for a week and each week you’re there you can add 10 euros and get another 10GB. The only problem was that we could not charge it online by using a German credit card (only Norwegian works). It was a problem, as there’s not too many stores you can recharge it on a way. Having a Norwegian friend could be helpful. I didn’t have one so I ended up asking a salesman in a store to buy it for me and I gave him cash.
- costs - travelling around Norway in a motorhome is a great idea. You loose all the big costs like accommodation, camping sites, restaurants and cafes. In Scandinavia there is this beautiful law that land belongs to everyone, which means that you can park wherever you wish (of course not at someone’s backyard). We did free camping all the time. We cooked in a van and took a shower over there as well. There’s a lot of places where you can refill the water and get rid of the black and grey one. There is also this magical machine, where you place your toilet cassette inside and it does all the work for you (if you ever emptied one, you know what I mean. And… you will never forget the first time you take care of “this business”). Products in shops are a bit more expensive, that’s true. But what can you do, you need to eat plus it’s a very small price to pay for all the beautiful things you’ll see around. You can save money on drinking water, as it’s everywhere around.
- currency - we used a card everywhere, I did not use an ATM once.
- sleeping - anywhere, just like this. There’s so many beautiful spots over there. We did not plan overnight stops, we stopped wherever we love a place. The beautiful thing is that you can make a campfire in Norway. You will see so many prepared by previous travellers places for a fire. You can also use the campground, which are very well prepared and offer a shower :D
- food - I read somewhere that you do not travel to Norway for food. I think that this person did not try delicious fish they have. Another friend told me that she used to spend all her pocket money on fish when she was a kid. I am not surprised at all. They also have amazing local meat and goodies from a forest like blueberries in sugar - definitely recommended! We did not eat in restaurants, we cooked almost all the meals. We like to cook out of local products, it’s exciting and it’s fun to search for new goodies in a local store.
- Norway with a toddler - I think that there’s no better country to travel with a toddler. You have a beautiful animals everywhere, stunning views, many playgrounds. We could not go on a trekking as Mia was simply not interested. Not at all. But we still managed to see stunning places and experience a lot just by driving. Finding a place to stop and explore is not a slight problem and you can share your knowledge of plants and animals with them (mine is not impressive but for Mia I was a plant specialist). The thing about Norway is that, except for a beautiful nature, there’s not much to do. It helps to disconnect, focus on what’s important - hugging and kissing your kid. Just remember that your toddler will not stay happy only with kisses, it needs entertainment. If I can give you one advise about a toy that made our journey so much easier is a modelling clay aka plasticine - Mia loooooooves it! She could spend hours playing with it and making up her strange and super cute stories. She cooked many cakes and pizzas out of it.
- highway - is paid. You can register online and they will send you a bill via email.
- while travelling in Norway you will most probably use some ferries. Nothing to worry. You just go wherever you wish and when you get to the port, you wait in line of cars and give your card or cash before boarding. No need to go anywhere or book things. Easy. It’s also another way to see unique views.
- when to go. We went there in August and there were not that many tourists. July is apparently very busy, but also warmer. I’d love to go back in winter, but for this Mia has to be slightly older and my camper van slightly younger.
Our route:
Let me just write that you don’t really need to focus on getting to places. The whole road to your destination is stunning. If I could, I’d stop each 20m and take pictures. Unfortunately, my kid will make my life a hell if I did so I didn’t. But I did admire it through the window.
Hardangervidda nasjonalpark - We went through while driving from Oslo to Odda. I remember being shocked how stunning it is. We could see the traditional houses with roofs covered in grass, horses and beautiful views. If Mia was more optimistic about trekking, I’d definitely do some. But for now I have a plan to come back when she’s older.
Eidfjord beautiful town with stunning fjords. We stopped there just to take some pictures as you cannot pass next to this view. They do have a good coffee as well :)
Odda - it’s not about Odda itself, but its surroundings. There are some beautiful trekking options in the hood and the town itself is pretty. Little houses on hills are cute as well.
Fjaerland we stopped for a night under a glacier. How crazy amazing is this! When I was travelling with Mia in New Zealand we had to take a helicopter to enjoy it. In Norway it’s just there, waiting for you :D
Skei I Jolster - was my coffee stop. I made my own coffee and stood there staring at this stunning view. There was a house just next to it. If they ever sell it, I’d love to buy it. So I guess I have to start saving 10 years ago.
Loen - one of my favourite spots. Turquoise water, stunning fiords and we had fun over there with Mia. On the end of the road, there’s a very lovely camping site.
Stadlandet - it’s surfers beach and there were many surfers over there. It’s one of these unique places where you have to go down with a very narrow curly road and need to look at all the stunning views on the way. The only minus I guess is that you cannot stop there just like it, you need to pay. It’s obviously more than worth it! We stayed for the sunset over the curly road and it was one of these pure happiness moments.
Runde - unfortunately I did not manage to take pictures of the island as Mia fell asleep on my hands and it was carrying her around for about 45 minutes. After this experience I had to wait a bit before driving as I could not operate the steering wheel. The Island is beautiful and I definitely recommend visiting.
Alesund and Stiftinga Sunnmøre Museum- it’s a village which is a museum. You can check out how they used to live in Norway and it’s pretty cool. You can visit an old shop, check out the buildings or go on a Viking boat!
Trollstigen - this is a hell of an experience, especially for a driver. You want to go down with this road! Not up, at least I prefer not to with my 23 year old van. I do not have a support in a steering wheel and I did it! Just look at all these curly roads.
Atlantic Ocean Road - each part of this road is stunning. These are small islands connected by many bridges. All of them covered with green grass (most probably in the summer) and tiny houses. Behind one, there’s a ship wreck.
Trodheim if I only could sit in one of the cafes and enjoy a view. Meantime, I kept running after Mia, which was pretty awesome as well.
Foldereid we stopped here on our way on the ferry to Lofoten. It’s not a special or a popular spot, I just truly enjoyed the surroundings and took 1000 of pictures over here.
Lofoten - is a unique place in Norway. I will risk writing that it’s a must if you want to see an unspeakable beauty of mountains thrown into a water. Lofoten includes islands connected by bridges or not (so you need to use ferry sometimes, but you don’t need to, depends on where you go). I think that the most popular part is at the end. We got there by ferry and started from there. If you travel without a toddler, I believe you can make some awesome trekking. But I do travel with one and she prefers short ones, which means 15 minutes max. We stopped at a few stops, but to be frank, the whole drive is simply beautiful.
Husoy, Senja - a tiny town located on a tiny island which creates a spectacular view.
Oldervik - town at the end of a road. It’s something what I am glad I experienced as the way over there was filled with horses and beautiful sunrise and I woke up to one of the most beautiful mornings.
Nordkapp - I wanted to skip this part, as thought that I saw enough beauty in Norway and nothing will surprise me. I was obviously wrong. Nordkapp is a must in Norway, at least from my perspective. This is a place where you can hang out with reindeers and I mean it. I woke up to them in the morning. They were sleeping in front of my camper’s door. And I give you 100% chance that you’ll meet them a lot :) The area is also beautiful. I wanted to go there for a day, but I stayed for long. I can totally see myself staying there forever.
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kuwahuru · 4 years
6 days Kilimanjaro Machame - Route
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The Moment you land at Kilimanjaro international Airport, Great Adventure begins,  You will be met by our staff at the airport and transferred  to Arusha town in the peaceful surrounds of our comfortable pre and post trek accommodation in Arusha – Green view Mountain Lodge,  from where there are great views of the mountain. You can relax by the pool before your briefing with the Guide, who will provide the essential information for your trek to the roof of Africa. Day 1  Machame Gate (1490m) – Machame Camp (2980m) Habitat: Montane forest The climb starts from machame gate (1800m) after registration  Once at the gate you will be given a packed lunch, your climb will begin with ascending into the rainforest. During the day – The path follows a ridge through dense montane forest. This is the richest forested area on the mountain, and also the zone from where 98% of the water on Kilimanjaro orginates. On sunny days, and especially in the dry season is very lush and beautiful; it can also be a very muddy experience, partculary if it has rained recently. About half way up – we will have a break and you can enjoy your packed lunch. Your porters (arriving at the camp site long before you) will have erected your tent on your arrival We will reach the Machame Camp in late afternoon. After your arrival and registration at Machame Camp you will be taken to your tent which has already been set up by the porters who ran ahead, where you will greeted with hot washing water. Once you have freshened up and settled in,a hot dinner will be served in the mess-tent. We may get our first closer look at the glaciated dome of Kibo if the evening clouds permit. Day 2  Machame camp (2980m) – Shira camp (3840m) Habitat: Moorland You rise early at Machame camp and after breakfast you climb an hour or so to the top of the forest and then for 2 hours at a gentler gradient through the moorland zone. After a short lunch and rest, you continue up a rocky ridge onto the Shira plateau. By now you will be able to see in an easterly direction, the Western Breach with its stunning glaciers. You are now due west of Kibo and after a short hike you will reach the Shira campsite at 3 840m. The porters will boil drinking and washing water, before serving dinner. The night at this exposed camp will even be colder than the previous night, with temperatures dropping to well below freezing. Day 3  Shira (at 3840m) to Lava Tower (at 4630m) to Barranco camp (at 3950m) Habitat: Semi-desert The route now turns east into a semi desert and rocky landscape surrounding Lava Tower, where you reach an altitude of 4630m after about a 5 hours walk. Lunch is served in a designated area before ascending the rocky scree path to Lava Tower (4630m). This is definitely the toughest day so far. It is normally around this point, where for the first time, some climbers will start to feel symptoms of breathlessness, irritability and headaches. After lunch you descent again by almost 680m to the Barranco camping area and after reaching the high altitude of 4600m at Lava Tower, the true acclimatization benefit of this day becomes clear. This descent to Barranco camp takes about 2 hours and offers great opportunities to take some beautiful photographs of the Western Breach and Breach Wall. The camp is situated in a valley below the Breach and Great Barranco Wall, which should provide you with a memorable sunset while you wait for the preparation of your dinner. Day 4  Barranco camp (3950m)- Barafu camp (4550m) Habitat: Alpine desert After spending a night at the Great Barranco Wall (a very imposing sight at first), you make your way up this awesome looking obstacle, which in the end normally turns out easier than what you anticipated. Topping out just below the Heim Glacier, you now appreciate just how beautiful Kilimanjaro really is. The route then heads down through the Karanga Valley over intervening ridges and valleys, and then joins up with the Mweka route. This is the preferred route down from the summit, so remember it. Turn left up the ridge and after another hour or so, you reach Barafu Hut. The last water stop on the route is the Karranga Valley, as there is no water at Barafu camp. Barafu is the Swahili word for “ice” and it is a bleak and inhospitable camping area to spend the night. Totally exposed to the ever-present gales the tents are pitched on a narrow, stony, and dangerous ridge. Make sure that you familiarise yourself with the terrain before dark to avoid any accidents. The summit is now a further 1345m up and you will make the final ascent the same night. Prepare your equipment, ski stick and thermal clothing for your summit attempt. This should include the replacement of your headlamp and camera batteries and make sure you have a spare set available as well. To prevent freezing it will be wise to carry your water in a thermal flask. Go to bed at round about 19h00 and try to get some precious rest and sleep. Day 5  (Summit attempt) Barafu camp (4550m) – Uhuru Peak (5895m) – Mweka (3100m) Habitat: Stone scree and ice-capped summit You will rise around 23h30, and after some tea and biscuits you shuffle off into the night. You will head in a north-westerly direction and ascend through heavy scree towards Stella Point on the crater rim. For many climbers, this 6-hour walk to Stella point is mentally and physically the most challenging on the route. At Stella Point (5685m) you will stop for a short rest and will be rewarded with the most magnificent sunrise you are ever likely to see (weather permitting). From Stella Point you will normally encounter snow all the way on your 2-hour ascent to Uhuru Peak. The time you will spend on the summit will depend on the weather conditions. Do not stop here for too long, as it will be extremely difficult to start again due to cold and fatigue. Enjoy your accomplishment and a day to remember for the rest of your live. The walk back to Barafu from the summit, takes about 3 hours. Here you will have a well earned but short rest and collect the rest of your gear continue to mweka camp. The route is not difficult and will take you down the rock and scree path into the moorland and eventually into the forest. The camp is situated in the upper forest and mist or rain can be expected in the late afternoon. Dinner and washing water will be prepared. Day 6  Mweka camp (3100m) – Mweka Gate (1980m) Following a well-deserved breakfast, your staff will have a big celebration full of dancing and singing. It is here on the mountain that you will present your tips to the guide, assistant guides, chef(s), and porters. After celebrating, you will descend for three hours back to Mweka Gate. The National Park requires all hikers to sign their names to receive certificates of completion. Hikers who reached Stella Point (5685m) receive green certificates and hikers who reached Uhuru Peak (5895m) receive gold certificates.. You will be served a hot lunch then you will drive back to Arusha Green view mountain Lodge, for long overdue showers and more celebrations. Trekking Kilimanjaro for Charity Challenge? The above climb can be undertaken for your own personal, charity or group charity. Kilimanjaro prize Includes: Tanzania VAT on tourism activities and park fees Transfers from and to Kilimanjaro airport Hotel Lodging the night before and after the climb. Transfer from and to  your hotel to starting point of your climb Large portions of fresh, healthy, nutritious food All Kilimanjaro National Park gate fees, camping fees and climbing permits. Kilimanjaro National Park rescue fees (Kilimanjaro Rescue Team) Emergency oxygen (for use in emergencies only – not as summiting aid) Basic first aid kit (for use in emergencies only) Qualified mountain guide, assistant guides, porters and cook Salaries for mountain crew as per guidelines set by Kilimanjaro National Park Breakfast, lunch and dinner, as well as hot drinks on the mountain Camping equipment (tents, camp chairs and tables Water for washing up daily Porter to carry your duffel bag (max weight 15kg / 32 lbs) from one camp to the next camp. Kilimanjaro National Park certificate for your successful summit attempt A comprehensive Climbing Kilimanjaro travel info pack Kilimanjaro price Excludes: Flights and airport taxes Items of a personal nature Compulsory tips for guides, porters and cook (average tip is anything from US $ 330 to US $ 400 per hiker – depending on number of days / how many hikers in the group and route chosen) South African passport holders do NOT require a visa for Tanzania, however most other Nationalities require a visa for Tanzania Health requirements (Yellow Fever compulsory if traveling to Tanzania recommended) Highly recommended travel and medical insurance. Personal hiking/trekking gear – we can rent some of the gear from our equipment store in Tanzania Optional but highly recommended Portable toilet Snacks, personal medicine and water purifying tablets Read the full article
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