#its fine if not every little detail is explained anyway its not like thats what people read superhero stuff for
rox-reads · 2 years
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hmm i do wonder what happens like, biologically, when powers are unlocked 
clearly its different for everyone but there must be something everyone has in common (beyond the fact its a trauma response? that would only affect brain chemistry though)
also the power you get is related to the situation youre in when you unlock it, meaning it cant be genetically predisposed (like the x gene). so does it all start from the brain? how does it turn into whole body transformation like newters? 
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emptylotfiasco · 4 months
my review for yakuza 1 on the ps2 it is a really good game. you should play it forever and ever. i will probably replay it one day or like get round to finishing kiwami cause it was really fun i had a lot of fun with it <3 the minigames are cool and the substories are good and the localisation is funny and worth experiencing for urself but it also like its not a haha play this game cause its so bad its fun it is acutally a good game and i liked it a lot. 10/10 ten million thoughts under the cut
first of all minigames love in heart massage parlour my favourite it is very funny. talking to prostitutes minigame is fun i completed all of them. almost. haruka cock blocked me for one of them. baseball is good it turns me into the devil sometimes but i like it. gambling. suprisingly not that bad everytime i had to do it. i wish they would have let me skip the 60 second long roulette animation because i know that is not real. crane game. AHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!! AHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! moving on. slot machines. sucked but thats okay idgaf they should have figured out not to put it in subsequent games though. colliseum yeah i did it it was fine pretty typical.
substories were good i did almost all of them excepttt i missed the casino royale one because i progressed the main story too far rawr </3 oh i didnt finish the gangbusters either because i run away from random encounters as much as i can. so i also didnt fight amon. but i like how maybe because ps2 limitations and resource limitations substories were super short and simple. i think in kiwami it was mixing the longer formatted substories with what were originally very basic premises and it didnt work for me. it is what made the substories feel like a slog to me in the remake. but in this game it is easier to gaf about a simple substory when it doesnt take that long to complete. the original game had a lot of the funny ones the one where you give tissues to a guy who ran out of toilet paper in the public bathroom and the one where kiryu picks up a dead guys phone and follows every instruction given to him by a complete stranger until he is eventually hired to kill himself. and the one where tghe guy makes kiryu get all the toys from the crane machine for his sugar baby. and the one where kiryu has to talk a guy down from suicide. and there were ones that werent funny but i still liked like that one with the street artist because I thought it was cool how you can use items from that substory to complete other substories and that one really long chain of substories that takes you all over the map.
Unmm jingu is a shitty villain but I think that has been knew. I thought the story and the way it unfolded was really good until the very last few chapters where the government stuff really kicked in. I did know most of the story already but like. Some parts I liked were helping the counterfeiters at the hostess club and them saying they did a forgery for kazama 5 years ago. The body of the fake mizuki being explained by a a copycat bar that was trying to capitalise on Ares success having someone pretend to be mizuki and that person getting killed. I thought that was cool and interesting I like this level of detail in my weirdly complex crime drama plotlines. I think it was funny that he was voiced by Robert atkin downes. i liked haruka trust meter i thought it was so cute i liked increasing it by buying her things. I think Yumi is interesting and Reina <333 Reina <33 Reina <3 lalalalala Reina <3 kazama. nishiki wasn't interesting but like I've played yakoza 0 so like I know he is so it's fine. Sera... Idgaf like I kind of gaf but not really. I think maybe because the only involvement he had was the jingu stuff and jingu sucks so. That one guy that tortured kiryu. Actually that is an interesting part of his character that I have heard surprisingly little about. Who else. Oh yeah shinji. Anyways. Who else.
Majima category oh yeahhh Majima oh yeah . Majima was awesome because Majima is alsways awesome. People like to say wow can you imagine playing Yakuza 1 on the ps2 and thinking that one day people are gonna want to bone Majima. That must be so crazy so insane. My asnqwr is that you're not a real Majima fucker. I've always wanted to fuck him. I've alwayyysss wanted to fuck him. I was there from the start. And I want to fuck mark hamilljima too. There is no shame in this. I don't care how many polgyons he has the sleazy bpd princess with the steel tipped shoes leather pants snakeskin jacket eye patch knife bat and tits out is a monument to sex. When he threatens that one sex worker and he's like so what do you say you wanna be my bitch I'm like ohhhh do I. plus the whole point og his appeal is that hes kind of ugly. he was pretty in yakuza 0 because they gentrified him that is not the real majima. look at his ugly ass hair cut. hes fourty yhears old and a bowlcut on his head. So if you do nat wanna bone him then you cannot be trusted and I'm the only one allowed to fuck him sorry that's the rules. I swear I was going to actually write a review part here I don't know what happened. I'm just gonna move on.
the localisation is my favourite part of the game i really love how comically vulgar it is it gives me the same enjoyment factor as the silly writing from yakuza 0. it made the game very interesting and i would miss it dearly if it wasnt there. i liked it when kiryu said are you retarded or just deaf. and when yuya said look at you fuckhead. and when kiryu said i did have the urge to hit some balls today. seems like yours are gonna have to do. and when he said step the fuck up its time to die. i loved ten years in the joint fight. come on fucker bring that shit kazuma ten years in the joint made you a fucking pussy it made me say its kiryu time and i kiryued all ovedr the millenium tower. the delivery made everything really funny and like ueah it undercut the dramatic moments but it also made me like enjoy the finale scene with jingu because i kept laughing at everything everyone said so i think there was a net benefit. there was two scenes where i thought the english dub delivery made things funnier on purpose. one was where kiryu took haruka to the bath house and he was like its take your daughter- its a social studies field trip and the one scene where date was like lets break open the amulet and reina and haruka were like NO!! and he was like haha nevermind just kidding. and the one where kiryu explains what a bath house is to haruka was funny too. i love this va i think like. as strange as the action hero deep voice is for kiryu when u have not expereinced this game hes also so sooooo awkward. so awkward. and it wraps around to sounding very kiryu. cause like that kind of is him like hes intimidating but hes also awkward and autistic and doesnt know what a cell phone is or how to babysit a child so he lets her gamble away all his savings. by the way his ps2 model has very beautiful eyelashes.
OH YEAH. i like the combat. sorry. i forgot about the central gameplay mechanic of the whole game i got distracted. like of course it is clunky its a playstation 2 game. but it also was really fun <3 i especially liked. i forgot his name but the moveset of that guy that is like the captain of the nishikiyama family is kind of sick and it was cool to fight against. the combat in this game is the exact mixture of satisfying and so frustrating makes me want to rip the skin off my face and eat it that i love. kiwami is also like this. and i liked how short andd snappy the heat action animations were not to say i prefer them but just that like. i guess it made the fights feel fast paced and it felt just as good to do them as the overly animated ones. i liked how even hough some guys had huge healthbars fighting them didnt take ten million kajillion billion years. WAIT but fuck the komaki training i couldnt even complete it cause it was too hard. that was fucked up they were fucked up for that.
i really liked the style of this game i liked the art and i liked the models and. i looked at some of these cutscenes in a very damnn that looks good kind of way. that one post that is like ps2 is peak aesthetic is so true cause it looked really nice at times.
okay the end. do not expect anyone to read this becuse i said it all for myself. i wish i did get round to making the html copy of kiryus blog work cause that is probably where id ramble about yakuza. but i hate java script and also i dont care. so tumblr post.
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corpsoir · 2 years
hello! so I don’t really know how to word this in a non word vomit kind of way so my apologies ahead of time! One of my further questions about art especially digital art is finding a nice in between style of realism & “cartoony.” I personally struggle with the realism kind of art somethin about drawing real people is extremely difficult for me, I don’t want to draw them like fully real like but I do think my art could improve if I figured it out. Do you have any tips or recommendations to help with finding this? My other question is a bit more into coloring, i think I’m getting a little better at it but I’m still a tad confused on things like shading how to do lighting all that extra stuff people add when it’s not just flat color. Hopefully I make sense? I’ve been watching videos on digital painting & it’s helping but sometimes the ones I watch kinda go over my head & I was wondering you had any other tips/tricks or could dumb it down for me. Please & thank you sm again I really appreciate your help 💘
yeah sure i have lots of tips and thoughts im sure other people might find useful or fun to read as well!
i just wanna preface this by saying this is how just i do things and by no means am i saying im doing it "right" or that there even is a right way to do art. have fun! art is just a by-product of being human, nobody can do art more correctly or better than anyone else, its just art, its like breathing!
the best tip i can give to anyone looking to improve their art, especially when it comes to drawing people and light and shade, is taking a real life figure drawing class!
i know it can be expensive depending on where you live etc but if you ever get the opportunity, DO IT! its seriously so valuable especially if you have a teacher who is good at explaining 1) how to think when youre drawing and 2) can point you in the right direction and give you tips personally according to your abilities
when it comes to balancing realism and a more stylised cartoony style the best thing here is also to learn how the real human body works and looks. and again a figure drawing class can help here but so does looking at pictures, looking at your own body and how it moves and how light plays on your skin etc! i think in order to stylise something its always helpful to have that background knowledge of how something looks like in real life, that way you can sort of abstract the thing youre drawing and simplify it with simple shapes. i think one of my favourite examples for this that a lot of people struggle with is hands. people tend to want to draw every single finger in detail, and sometimes that can look a little bit stiff. heres a bunch of hands ive scribbled lately, notice how theyre all just. idk. shapes? especially the little negative spaces that trick you into seeing a finger when in reality its just a blob with a hole through it.
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you read them as hands but theyre really just. blobs mostly.
there are tons of books on anatomy for artists as well and those might help! i dont have any tips there though, most of my knowledge on the human form is from figure drawing and looking at my own body and stuff :))
and COLOURS! so i always work with a limited palette for my art. instead of going in and picking new colours all the time and ending up with an inconsistent muddy mess like i used to, i have made a nice palette with colours i enjoy and that go together well.
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lots of reds and browns and purples here, but thats just my personal preference for how i work with colours lol
and im gonna be really annoying with this but when it comes to shading things "right" this is something you gotta practice practice and practice, by looking at real world examples and trying to replicate it on paper (or digitally i guess). i still have a lot to learn, i struggle with light and shade still too and its fine, its a learning process!
but anyways this is how i usually do the light in my art, and i think this piece is the best example because its a very bright light source and stuff
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excuse my handwriting lol my thinking when it comes to light is just. im trying to think about what im drawing as a 3d object, so in my head i try to visualise for example how the light will fall on their weird hair shapes and their skin and clothes.
oh and also i just found a compilation of a bunch of videos by an artist who is really good at explaining a lot of stuff i do too! its REALLY long but she's got so many good tips on how to think about art and its really helped me a lot since i stumbled upon them. shes also really great at explaining colour theory in a way that made it so much easier for me!
hope this helps at least a little bit lol im not a good teacher sorry!!
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rotisseries · 9 months
scott and malia show up and theo and liam tell them and show them the bodies ans earlier scalia tried to get peter (malia's dad) to join the fight against the hunters but he refused and he just randomly shows up to where scott malia and thiam are gathered like "lets hope this thing doesnt feed off desperation because this room reeks of it." you got that the fuck right, theo's in the room. and he says something else about his perfect car being blown up with him in it by hunters and now he wants the demise of anything that could have caused that and pointedly puts down a charred wheel on the window sill and it shows liam looking back at theo like "yikkkesss😗👀" i thought it was soooo funny and kinda cute and very close after the desperation quote . i wont talk about it tho. ill sound delusional
anyway you may be thinking, jayme, you said scott has been chill with theo, everyone seems like theyre tolerating him just fine, maybe its okay now, they dont have to forgive him but maybe they understand hes trying. im here today to tell you, this is 100 percent not true. scott and malia are tolerating him bc desperate times desperate measures its supernatural vs hunters/humans and theo is unfortunately willing to help. because hes .. yk supernatural. but they will never accept him. like even if scott knew about the dread doctor thing, (which he kinnndaaa does because the dread doctors called him a true failure IN FRONT of scott and he saw how theo reacted.) he also knew deucalion was manipulating theo, leading him to kill his pack. i dont think he would really. care. like scott is very nice but i dont think he could understand him. and also theo KILLED him so i mean. the sympathy only goes so far. hes never gonna be truly comfortable around him again. i think he'll try tho. for liam. and malia. she holds grudges. theo shot her in the stomach and left her to get killed by her mom so. she hates his fucking guts and never wants to see him again but too fucking BAD liam is making him show up to every pack christmas i know it in my soul. anyway liam is bonded to him, he's quickly becoming anchored to him and learning to lean on him and listen to him in crisis and when hes hurt and angry. so. he likes him. he wont say that tho (atm. post s6 4 sure). stiles also rather kill himself than see theo again but he's gotta fucking deal. he likes to make his assumptions about people. not saying theyre always wrong im saying he doesnt Like being wrong and rarely is so hes gonna stick go what he thinks about theo. and continye being suspicious and skeptical of him and make snide comments for the rest of his life. mason saw the aftermath of what happened that night when theo killed scott and. yeah. not fond of him either. and i dont think lydia has strong feelings on the matter besides with tracy being dead. kira hates him but shes not here anymore. so doesnt matter. and corey. corey dislikes him. i think thats the best way to put it. hayden hates him but shes gone. and also idgaf what she thinks😐.
anyway next episode will show you just how deep a certain persons hatred runs. and its the worst possible one and i WILL explain why in detail. 
they can't hold on to that anger that's LITERALLY liam's poor little meow meow
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cogito-dreams · 11 months
Are Basil and Dorian... you know
VERY good question because the answer is yes...! and no. and maybe? its fucked!
im gonna put this beneath a read more as well, but before we get into it theres some necessary content warnings. first and foremost this will contain LOTS of spoilers for the picture of dorian gray which is a 150 year old book that most people know the plot of anyway, so while ill be doing a little explaining of context, some familiarity with the novel would probably be beneficial to get all The Themes. second for proper content warnings, its a fucked up book and thats part of the point! so the following will deal with heavy amounts of manipulation, gaslighting, obsessive behavior, generally very unhealthy relationship stuff. also murder.
lets get into it!
something important to know from the very start: this is not a healthy relationship. no one in this dynamic is in a good place or going into this with a healthy mindset. so while it becomes a little more clear cut later on who's fucking up who, it's also good to keep in mind that this relationship was doomed from the outset by both parties. fun!
lets start with basil! if there's one thing to know about basil, it's that he's... obsessive. there's a reason his weapon is called idolatry. to basil, dorian is the picture of perfection, beautiful in every way, and incapable of truly doing any wrong; any sins that dorian is committing is due to outside influence, and if basil could just be with him, if basil could just pull him away from lord wotton, if basil could just have him - then everything would be fine. dorian would go back to being perfect and charming and sweet and good, just like he used to be, just like basil always believes that he is. basil is so, so certain that anything bad dorian does is just a misunderstanding, or an accident, or a simple mistake.
up to and including dorians attempt to murder him.
pretty unhealthy!
and from dorian's side, basil is, well... little more than a tool, to be honest. dorian is vain. dorian enjoys attention. and basil will give it to him in spades, regardless of whatever dorian is up to. it's because of basil that dorian can stay young forever, all of his crimes and cruelty projected onto the portrait basil painted rather than sticking with the real dorian. hes too busy to model for basil's paintings anymore - part of the reason why basil has stopped painting - but the flattery from basil is enough for dorian to keep him around as essentially a plaything. it's fun to see basil's reactions to dorian's passions and cruelties. it's fun to drag him into a darker side of the city, pull him to the streets of flavor and laugh at the face he makes when he's realized what he's eaten. it's fun to act the innocent party, to poke and prod at basil's emotions and make him think that cruel, cynical version of dorian doesn't exist and is only a fabrication of basil's imagination judging dorian too harshly for doing what's normal in the city. it's all fun and games!
...and then, it isn't. after a little while, dorian finally grows curious as to why basil just sits back and lets him do all of this, why he keeps trusting dorian so dearly, why he puts him on such a pedestal. and when basil doesnt want to say, dorian forces the confession out of him anyway, and it's... boring. basil pours out his heart, and dorian gets his answer, and suddenly there's no intrigue left. basil is no more than a pesky fly buzzing around a sweet drink. even peskier when he still tries to separate dorian from lord wotton and his other friends, when he tries to preach about goodness and kindness and charity and all those other things that weak, lesser men think are necessary.
and so, dorian wants to be rid of him.
the murder attempt itself i still haven't worked out the details for, but dorian really doesn't care that basil survived; even after that near-death, basil still chooses to believe that it was some kind of misunderstanding, and dorian knows he'd never try to tell anyone. basil's obsession with dorian - because at this point it's really more obsession than actual love, even if that's how it might have started - prevents him from ever moving on or seeing dorian for who he really is. basil is constantly giving forgiveness for things he knows he should never forgive - such as dorian's murder of sybil vane, who basil knew personally in the city, though that could be a whole other post - but if he gives up dorian, what is he going to do with himself? he no longer paints, not after realizing what he's been creating. he has no career. dorian has destroyed basil's prospects in their home nest. his friends have grown tired of him and he has no relatives to go to.
so when a bus arrives, offering at least some kind of job, and a chance at a wish that could fix everything and bring basil and dorian back to where they started... he had no other choice but to take it.
help okay wait i didnt even answer the question. tl;dr basil is absolutely head over heels for dorian and dorian is 100% leading him on for ages and ages until he suddenly gets bored and tries to kill him. they havent seen each other since. healthy relationship!
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xxm0nstrrrk1dxx · 1 year
i went to therapy because i thought it was bad i used so many words to describe and define myself by- and in ways that contradicted itself. i thought i was confused and that i was using too many terms when maybe i was secretly ignoring the most obvious, all-encompassing descriptive word just for funsies ig. well my therapist was shit and i genuinely have no where else to turn except back, so im just raw dogging life now, and i still beat myself up over simple "i like both" feelings. but now im thinking whats so wrong with abundance? whats so wrong about wanting to expand on these little niche parts of myself and work very hard to dig so deep only to never go back down? i guess i just think "it doesnt matter/wont be useful in the long run, whats the point especially if theres no benefit, etc"
i think ive just been made to feel useless a lot for putting unnecessary, excessive detail on parts that "dont matter" but felt very happy making, like i absolutely love to get lost in the details of something and see each and every fiber of its being, but i always got told "youre annoying, youre slow, thats not good enough/thats wrong". like im seriously afraid to explain something too much to someone because like 1) theyll be overwhelmed by the information given and not process any of it 2) they already dont care 3) im annoying when i just keep talking and getting caught in the middle of a story describing something and start telling another story and it just keeps happening until i realize i should shut the fuck up.
anyways, working on it, totally dont wanna s3lf h4rm or unal1ve mys3lf because of it i am fine
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twodimecastle · 3 years
fifty bucks & six months.
spencer reid x gender neutral reader new relationship, secret keeping nonsense, 4.5k words, ao3 a/n; turns out i love writing texting fic but tumblr destroys the formatting rip
zero months.
You smile conspiratorially, extending a pinkie towards Spencer and he gives you a skeptical look.
“You know the odds of being found out immediately are-” he starts, but you cut him off.
“Astronomical, I know. I know. But don’t you think it’ll be fun to see how long we can push it?” you wheedle, not caring that your voice sounds more like begging than is strictly dignified because seeing the way Spencer’s nose crinkles in amusement at your heavy handed persuasion is too adorable to pass up. You scoot closer on the couch, tapping the end of his nose with your pinkie finger, letting him catch your hand between his as you continue “I think we’ve got a good shot at hiding it for a little while. It would be like a game.”
Spencer draws your captive hand to his lips, brushing them across your knuckles and watching fondly as you forge ahead in your campaign to persuade him, enjoying the show and the attention too much to tell you he’s already on board. Your eyes are shining with the prospect of the caper, and you’ve made no move to take your hand back from him, and Spencer’s pretty sure he’d be more than happy to sit with you in this moment forever. “I mean-” you go on, gesturing animatedly with your free hand, “you’re like-a really good liar when you want to be. And everyone else always forgets how good you are at it.”
He snorts at that and the sound makes you light up, eyes tracking the arch of his brows, the warmth in his soft brown eyes, memorising the way he looks like this; utterly unbothered, completely at ease. It might be your favourite version of him, but that race has always been a tight one with no clear winner in sight. You have lots of favourite versions of Spencer. Twisting your hand in his, you tangle your fingers together, savouring the way you feel his thumb glide delicately along your skin and the unhidden joy in his face at the simple show of affection.
Time to play your trump card.
“$50 says we can hide it from the whole group for at least six months. If everyone figures it out before then, you win. But if not everyone has worked it out by then, I win.”
The mischievous shine in your eyes is irresistible, and Spencer smiles, disentangling one of his hands from yours to extend his own pinky finger.
“You’re on.”
The words barely make it out of his mouth before you’re colliding with him, pressing your lips to his.
two months.
“So, how long has this whole thing been going on?” Derek’s question catches Spencer off guard, and, based on the way he can see you freeze in his peripheral vision, takes you by surprise as well. Sliding into the driver's seat of the SUV, Derek continues “I hope you didn’t think you were gonna be able to keep me in the dark for long, pretty boy. You should know better than that.”
Following mechanically after him, Spencer takes the passenger seat, trying to frame his next statement as carefully as possible as he hears your door close and the car start. “We were-going to tell you guys-” he begins uncomfortably, glancing back to you for support, but you look just as on edge as he feels. “We were just gonna-keep it to ourselves for a while-before telling Hotch and everything-” he tries again, the mounting tension levering his shoulders higher and higher with every passing moment, but then Derek just laughs, shaking his head.
“Hey, I’m happy for you, kid. For both of you.” He spares a look at you in the back seat through the rear view mirror, and you can feel the tension in your jaw relax, the furrows in your brow straightening out at the note of approval in Derek’s voice. “I’m glad you two finally figured it out,” he says, fondly, and you laugh.
“I bet Spence we could keep it from you guys at least six months,” you explain, reaching forwards through the centre console to link your pinky with Spencer’s, and the touch of your hand releases the last of the tension he had been harbouring as he covers your hand with the other one of his own. He knows Derek clocks the motion, filing it away in his mind somewhere, but he doesn’t care about the scrutiny so much right now. Not when your hand is so warm and comfortable in his.
Derek reaches for the dial on the radio and flicks through the channel, thinking about something, and as you watch, a slow mischievous smirk spreads across his face a moment later before he glances first at Spencer and then at you.
“I’ll tell you what,” he says to you, and Spencer can feel a familiar grin tugging at his own lips as he watches a plan take shape in his friend’s eyes. “I’m happy to sit on this information for a while for a cut of the winnings from whichever one of you comes out on top.” He snorts good naturedly as he continues “I have my own bet to win with Prentiss, so if you two help me win that one, I’ll cut you in too.”
“A quid pro quo of sorts,” Spencer says slowly, and he feels your fingers tighten around his, as you snort softly, and he knows instinctually you’re grinning the same way you always do when you’re winning a game. “I think we can do that.”
Derek grins, turning the music up as he nods, eyes on the road. “Then you two love birds have got yourselves a deal.”
two months and two weeks.
PG: youre not as slick as you think you are ;)
YN: ???
PG: ;))))))))) you should invest in some concealer for your work bag sweetness or tell the good doctor to pay more attention to whats visible in your work clothes
YN: oh my fucking god wait how do you even know thats how that happened
PG: im all knowing and all seeing im like the omnipotent goddess of the fbi
YN: derek blabbed
PG: he sang like a canary but also im an omnipotent goddess im also totally clued in on the whole bet situation with em so for the low low price of every single juicy detail about how this adorableness went down you can buy my silence :)
YN: im getting derek decaf coffee on all coffee runs from now on >:( traitors dont get caffeine
PG: darling sweet angel i need deets all of them like immediately
YN: >:( fine ok so. after that case down in georgia a few months ago? the weird one? with the creepy mother son thing?
PG: omg yuck pls dont remind me im here for the CUTENESS not the MURDER
YN: sorryyyyyyy anyway so spence was like being super weird about it all on the plane and whatever but he was doing that super annoying thing where he ignores it and says hes fine so everyone leaves him alone
PG: YEAH why does everyone here do that ALL THE TIME its SO annoyingggg
YN: ikr its insufferable and like super not subtle ANYWAY. spence was being weird and whatever and i just. refused to let him sulk on his own or whatever like i could tell there was something bothering him and so after work i insisted that we were gonna get like shitty diner food or whatever and watch a movie and he knows better than to say no to me
PG: smart boy
YN: so we got fries and milkshakes and then went back to his place to watch a movie and he was still like weird and silent and like brooding yknow? but whatever just figured hed talk about it when he was ready so i put on a movie and offered to make popcorn and then he was just staring at me and he looked so SAD and TIRED and i thought id done something wrong like the poor guy looked like he was gonna cry and i was panicking over fucking popcorn and then he says ‘why are you always so nice to me?’
PG: oh my god hes like if a sad victorian orphan was actually a triplicate phd holder
YN: i was SO thrown off i was like spencer. spencer were best friends. ive been forcing you to hang out with me for years now why do you THINK im being nice to you its bc i care about you asshole and then. like after another million years after letting me sweat it out over whether hes about to cry for like fucking years the asshole grabs my hand and says. i shit you not. ‘you know im in love with you, right?’ !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
PG: !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
YN: anyway hes my boyfriend now :’) dont tell anyone tho gotta win the bet
four months.
Lingering by the elevator, you glance around at the uncharacteristically silent office building, waiting for Spencer to leave the bullpen. The sound of his footfalls drawing nearer makes you smile and you mentally applaud yourself for suggesting the two of you remained behind after disembarking from the plane, taking advantage of the manufactured privacy to take the same car home, back to his apartment.
When he sees you waiting for him, he can’t help the soft fond smile that tugs at his face, as he reaches for your hand, sliding his fingers into yours with a gentle squeeze, the quiet of the building allowing him to indulge in the show of affection. You return the squeeze, leaning your head on his shoulder with a yawn and as he presses a fond kiss to your temple he’s rewarded by a sleepy hum of approval from you that sends a rush of quiet joy shooting through him.
“At least we won’t be sleeping in hotel beds again tonight,” you say, voice weary, and Spencer nods as he shuffles you into the elevator. The doors slide shut and the elevator starts to move and in the moment of absolute privacy, you steal a kiss, tilting your chin up to catch his lips with yours, revelling in the soft huff of surprise he lets out, even as he smiles against your mouth. Even after months, the simple act of kissing Spencer still feels new and thrilling somehow, like you can’t quite believe it’s something you’re allowed to do.
His nose brushes yours and he breathes “unless something big comes up, we get a sleep in tomorrow too,” and the way you beam at him sends his heart racing in his chest, unable to look away from the fondness shining in your eyes.
As the two of you exit the elevator and make your way through the Bureau car park, you tuck yourself against his side, wedging yourself under his arm with a happy sigh, eager to get yourself horizontal and asleep as fast as possible. Spencer brushes his lips against your temple again as the two of you close in on his car, almost free and clear of the office when a voice behind the two of you brings you up short.
Spencer is reacting before his mind catches up, turning on his heel towards the sound of Hotch’s voice echoing through the parking lot, conscious of the incriminating way you’re still tucked against his side, even as his brain is rifling frantically through any possible excuses for the current circumstances.
“Hotch-” you step away from Spencer, cheeks flaming, not wanting to chance a look at him. “I-we-thought everyone else had gone home,” you trail off lamely, trying your hardest not to balk under Hotch’s ominously impassive scrutiny. A second passes, then another, and the short silence feels like months, or years even as the three of you stand locked in a stalemate.
“I take it the two of you would prefer to keep this under wraps?” He asks, finally, and it registers with Spencer, somewhat belatedly, that Hotch’s tone isn’t admonishing. It isn’t enough to dissipate the tension coiling in Spencer’s muscles just yet, but he spares a glance at you as he nods, and a moment later, Hotch gives the two of you a curt nod of his own. “I’ll tell you what,” he says, a shade of irony colouring his voice. “If you two fill out the paperwork for in-team relationships for me, I’ll keep it to myself. I understand privacy is hard to come by in our office.”
The words take a while to fully sink in, and you’re conscious that you’re standing there blinking and gaping at your boss like a bemused fish for a good few seconds before you’ve composed yourself enough to say “absolutely, sir. Of course. Thank you.”
Hotch nods again, heading towards his own car, and as he passes the two of you, a brief smile flashes across his face.
“Congratulations, you two. Get some sleep.”
four months and three weeks.
Spencer isn’t sure how late it is, but he knows you’re not asleep yet, the faint glow of your phone screen casting faint distorted shadows across his room as your free hand rests lightly on his chest. In the dark blue twilight of his room, the space feels undefined and dream like somehow, the line between his mind and his surroundings blurry or indistinct somehow, and as you huff out a near silent laugh at something on the screen in your hand, a thought rises to the surface of his thoughts like flotsam on an unwanted tide.
The more clinical part of his mind notes the autonomic response in his body, the way his heart lurches unpleasantly in his chest, heart rate rising with an influx of cortisol through his nervous system, automatically rifling through ways to control the anxiety response. Age old instinct surges forwards, starting to push his spiralling anxiety down out of sight so as not to bother you with it, but then your hand shifts infinitesimally on his chest, fingers curling in the soft fabric of his pyjama shirt, and for once his body is miles ahead of his brilliant mind, your name is leaving his lips before he’s really aware of it happening.
Your gaze flashes up from your phone at the sound of his voice, soft and hesitant, and you let the screen go dark as you set it down. You can feel Spencer’s heart hammering against his ribs under your palm, and your brows knit together in concern as you shift closer to his side, tracing gentle circles over his shirt with your fingertips, the repetitive motion intended to soothe, though you’re not sure if it’s for his benefit or yours.
“Yeah, baby?” You ask softly, working hard to keep the rising worry from your voice. After three years of friendship and almost six months of dating, you know him well enough to sense when his propensity for overthinking and catastrophizing is slipping out of his control. You can feel his chest rise as he inhales sharply, whatever he’s about to say cut off by second guessing, doing nothing to pacify your concern. “Spence? Is everything okay?” You ask again.
“This-bet-hiding our relationship-it’s-” he trails off, throat tight as he rolls onto his side, facing away from you, and smushing his face into the pillow, already wishing he hadn’t said anything. You’re the kindest person he’s ever met, but offering up this kind of raw insecurity feels like pulling teeth. Even if it’s you. Especially if it’s you. He doesn’t know if he’s ready to find out if you care about him enough to stay when his racing mind gets the better of him. The pillow muffles his voice as he says “never mind.”
You feel your own heart rate tic up in response to that, matching the wild beat of Spencer’s that you could feel under your palm only a second ago. “Baby, talk to me. What’s on your mind?”
He shakes his head, face still hidden in the pillow. “It’s stupid.”
He can feel the rush of your breath on his back as you sigh, and your voice is almost achingly patient as you say softly “it’s not stupid if it matters to you.” There’s a long pause, and you press yourself against his back, settling close and letting your hand slide over his side to rest on his chest, the heat of his skin sinking into yours even through his thin shirt. In spite of his height, he feels so small as you wrap yourself around him, drawing closer, trying to reassure him without yet knowing what he needs to be reassured of. “Spence?”
“Are you ashamed of-being with me? Is that why you want to hide it?” The words are almost whispered, the sound almost lost against his pillow and your heart sinks, plummeting faster and further than if you’d dropped it off the side of a skyscraper. You should’ve known he might worry about that, should have realised it might have felt that way. Remorse rises hot and bitter in your throat and you swallow it down, trying to steady your voice.
“Spencer. Sweetheart. No. Never. I could never be ashamed. I love you. I’m so sorry.” Your arms wrap more tightly around him and you bury your face against the crook of his neck, the tension you can feel in every inch of his body making you feel more cruel and short-sighted than you already do. “I’m sorry I didn’t realise it might feel like that. I could never be ashamed of being with you, Spence. You’re my favourite person.” He takes the kind of shaky, shallow breath that comes with trying not to cry and your heart breaks a little more as one of his hands slowly moves to cover yours where it rests against his chest, just over his heart.
As his hand rests over yours, his thumb strokes lightly along your knuckles, and he knows you know him well enough to notice the way his hand trembles, just a little, because then your hand is shifting against his, turning to clumsily tangle your fingers with his, holding tighter to him as he tries to collect himself, drawing in a deep, shuddering breath as his eyes squeeze shut. He can hear the contrition in your voice as you say softly “I’ve never really liked having people know everything about what’s going on in my life. And I love our friends but-something like this, that’s so-special? So new? I wanted to be able to keep it to just us for a while.”
“I’m sorry.” His voice comes out a little shaky, scarcely more than a whisper, and it’s more than you can take as you pull back and gently force him to roll over to face you. He’s not crying, but his eyes are glassy and you recognise the fight to keep the tears unshed in the tight set of his jaw and the hard line of his lips. Leaning on your elbow, you lift your free hand to gently smooth out the furrows of his brow, letting your fingers linger along the planes of his face.
“Why are you sorry,” you ask gently. “You don’t need to be sorry, baby. Not for talking to me about things that bother you. We can tell everyone else tomorrow, if you want? We can call off the bet. Derek will live. If he’s got a problem with it I’ll turn all his shirts into crop tops.”
He can tell the joke is a last bid attempt to make him smile, to ease his fear, and it works. In spite of the anxious weight in his chest that feels like it’s pressing him into the mattress, Spencer laughs weakly, meeting your eyes, and he watches as a relieved smile breaks across your face, releasing your lower lip from where you’d trapped it worriedly between your teeth. The unmitigated affection that floods into your eyes renders him momentarily breathless as he takes in the moment. You’re still here, still trying to take care of him. Just as kind and steadfast as ever.
“No,” he says eventually, wrapping his arms around you, pulling you down on top of him like a living weighted blanket, letting your warmth chase the bulk of the tension from his body and luxuriating in the way you curl into him, one hand sliding into his hair. “We shouldn’t call off the bet. We still have to take Emily’s money, remember?”
Your sleepy laugh is the last thing he hears before his eyes close and the feel of your body wound around his lulls him to sleep.
five months.
SR: Can I talk to you about something?
DM: you dying or something? that’s a really fuckin ominous text to recieve out of the blue
SR: I’m not dying, why would that be what you assumed? I just have a question.
DM: just a figure of speech but what’s up?
SR: It’s about your bet with Emily. What’re the terms for it?
DM: wym?
SR: What exactly did you two make the bet about? What needs to happen in order for you to win the bet?
DM: does this count as collusion?
SR: Technically yes, but calling it collusion implies a certain degree of illegality.
DM: whatever anyway the terms i made with em were that you’d make some kind of move before your birthday but she reckoned you were gonna need some kind of near death experience to do anything about your crush why?
SR: I’m just making sure I have all the information.
DM: what’s going on pretty boy? you planning something?
SR: Maybe.
DM: not a helpful answer reid is everything good?
SR: Everything’s fine. We’re just figuring some stuff out. Nothing to worry about.
DM: is there something you’re not telling me?
SR: Don’t worry about it.
five months, three weeks and six days.
In the chaos that was the scramble from the briefing room to the jet, you haven’t yet had the chance to speak to Spencer about the outcome of his most recent thesis defence panel. By the time you’ve got a moment to breathe, the jet is underway, coasting across the country towards Montana, the whole team settled in for the six hour flight. You corner him in the tiny kitchen area of the jet as he’s making a mug of mediocre coffee, fingers tapping out an absent minded rhythm on the countertop as the coffee machine whirs, clearly not paying attention to anything outside of his head.
“Hey, boy genius.” He jumps, whirling around, eyes wide with surprise, and you smile fondly. “So?” You demand, and Spencer raises an eyebrow in confusion. You snort, rolling your eyes as you elaborate. “Your defence panel. Did it go okay?”
You’re shifting your weight and fidgeting restlessly with the belt loops on your pants and as he studies you for a moment, it occurs to Spencer that you’re nervous for him over this outcome. The thought brings an almost giddy smile to his face.
“You know this isn’t my first thesis defence panel, right?” He says mildly, deliberately burying the lede, enjoying the way you scowl in irritation too much to answer your question right away, too enamoured with this display of concern on his behalf.
“Don’t be difficult, Doctor Reid. It’s still a big deal.” He just shrugs noncommittally, and you huff, swatting his arm lightly. “So did it go well?” You ask again, eyes narrowing as you try to dissect his microexpressions, trying to discern the answer he seems determined to keep from you for yourself. A few seconds later, he relents.
“I can now add degree number six to my wall.” He confirms. Getting degrees doesn’t hold the same rush of pride for him now, the accomplishment feeling somewhat less exceptional as he acquires more of them, but the way your face lights up with pride for him reminds him how special the things he’s capable of can be. You’ve always made him feel like more than the sum of his parts somehow, like something infinitely more precious than he always assumed he is.
“I fucking knew it. That’s amazing, Spence,” you say, chest warm and full with pride and love, and his almost shy smile in return is enough to make a decision for you in a split second. Your hand dips into your back pocket, drawing something out, and you carefully hide it from view in your palm as Spencer tracks the motion curiously with his eyes.
Your eyes are shining with affection and something that looks like mischief and the way you’re smiling at him is more than enough to divert his attention as you step closer, just barely noticing as you slip something into his hand. You’re dangerously, distractingly close now, and he’s conscious, if somewhat distantly, that neither of you is concealed from the rest of the team, scant meters away in the seating area of the jet. But you’re smiling and close enough for him to feel your breath on his face and suddenly your lips are on his, and even after nearly seven months of being able to touch you like this, it’s enough to make him forget everything else as he melts into the contact, savouring the warmth of your skin and the faint smell of your shampoo.
You pull back a second later, the kiss over almost as soon as it started, but it’s enough to attract attention, and you can hear a belated ‘oh SHIT’ from Emily in the main cabin of the jet. In your peripheral vision, you can see money changing hands, your friends scrambling to react, but you don’t look at them, choosing to enjoy the bemused, affectionate look on Spencer’s face as his brain catches up to the events unfolding around the two of you.
“I was tired of keeping it a secret,” you say fondly, loud enough only for him to hear. “You win.”
Blinking in confusion, he finally tears his gaze away from yours, fingers uncurling to reveal the fifty dollar bill you had pressed into his palm right before you kissed him. The penny drops and he snorts with laughter, shaking his head in half hearted indignation as his other arm loops around you, pulling you in, letting you rest your head on his shoulder, hiding your face from the rest of the team as he kisses your temple, revelling in the way you wind yourself around him in response.
“I was gonna do this in like two days. I wanted you to win,” he murmurs against your hairline, and he can feel your faint laughter.
“Too bad, baby. I’m used to getting my way,” you say, pulling back to steal another quick kiss before peeling yourself out of his arms with a wink, turning to face the onslaught of ‘care to fucking explain that’ and ‘I fucking told you so’ from the rest of your friends, tugging him with you by your joined hands.
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sneezefiction · 4 years
hiii, can i request a hc with bukuto, kenma, kuroo and tsukki (AH IF THATS TOO MANY U CAN TAKE SOME OUT AHH) w a fem s/o who’s insecure ab her body 👉🏻👈🏻 i’m going thru some image issues and i want some of my fav boys reassurance
Bokuto, Kenma, Kuroo, and Tsukishima x fem!Reader - Body Image Insecurity Headcanons
a/n: hey anon!! just want you (and all my readers) to know, i believe you are all inherently and unchangeably beautiful inside and out. let me know if you need to talk and know that i’m always happy to provide haikyuu boy sweetness for u <3
warnings: addresses body image insecurities, anxiety
total wc: 960
you’re standing in front of the mirror, examining yourself again
it’s easy for you to pick yourself apart, deeming yourself too much in one place but not enough in another
what you don’t see is the adoring gaze from the doorway, silently watching you
he’s smiling until he catches a glimpse of your face
your usually etheral glow is replaced by a look of dejection and misery
the body that daily captivates and charms the grey-haired boy was being rejected by its owner. It’s caretaker
and before you can even react to the padding of footsteps behind you, Bokuto has wrapped his strong arms around your middle
he’s uncharacteristically quiet, but it soothes you
“You…” He kisses your hair, “are lovely.”
“You,” Turning you around to face him, “are stunning.”
“And you,” He’s kissing away little tears that spill out, “are so damn fine, y/n!” He exclaims through his most authentic grin, knowing you tend to copy his expressions out of pure habit
and it works
you smile, laughing at that last comment through a soft sob
he just holds you for a while
“You’ve gotten better with your compliments lately, Bo.” You note, tears having finally subsided
“I’ve had some great teachers… but an even better specimen.” He says cheekily, but you can tell he’s serious.
and to finish, he adds, 
“And I’m so glad you’re mine. I love you... everything about you, really.”
Kozume is pretty damn smart.
there aren’t many things he doesn’t pick up on
especially when it comes to you
the way you speak about yourself and, more specifically, your body
how you joke about what you gained/lost in the past month
how that one shirt never fits quite right, but it’s your fault for letting yourself get that way
you laugh when you speak about it, but Kenma couldn’t be less convinced by it
he wishes you could see yourself how he saw you
so he takes some relationship advice from Kuroo,
“Just write her a letter! Girls love letters, trust me.”
so he sets down his Gameboy (a truly dedicated bf) and gets to writing over the course of the week
that weekend, before you start your day, you see an envelope attached to your mirror
your curiosity is piqued and you immediately open it
your heart is being flooded with intricate words and details
Kenma somehow managed to document all the little bits and pieces he loves about you
from how you wake up in the morning to the weird way you order food at that one restaurant, it’s all there
paragraph after paragraph, you’re being affirmed. noticed. known. and he leaves your body for last, reminding you that he loves that part of you too.
he loves how you move and how change isn’t bad, that your body is meant to be protected and cherished
and that he’s there to love you. the you that’s on the inside and the one on the outside too
you’re trying on outfit after outfit for a gathering tonight
jeans don’t fit right today, dresses seem to hang oddly, and shirts pull in areas you didn’t even realize they could
Kuroo, waiting patiently on the bed and scrolling on his phone, notices your struggle
as the clothes become a huge mass on your floor, your frustrations begin to spill out with them
you curse angrily under your breath, holding up a shirt in front of your exposed body
Kuroo looks up and immediately notices how short your breath is getting
“Kuroo… I can’t do it. I don’t want to go out. I’m sorry.” You're getting teary, “I’m really sorry.”
“Hey, heyyy, let’s stay here tonight, okay? Let’s just hangout.”
he lets you slip on something you’re more comfortable in and leads you back to the bed
he sets up Netflix and he makes sure to cradle you in his arms, his body warm against yours
“It’s more fun with just me anyway, isn’t it?” He jokes, gauging how bad you really feel right now
when you don’t respond, he pushes the laptop away from your lap
he just begins to give you little kisses across your face
when you seem more comfortable, he places kisses into your palms and up and down your forearm
this leads to him tracing your hips and arms and legs, commenting on just how perfect every inch of you is
he has a one-sided conversation with you, just him explaining how lucky he is to have such a “hot girlfriend” with the most perfect body
he comments on how well you take care of it, how beautiful your skin is, how unique you are
and finally, once he’s affirmed every physical part of you, he captures your lips in a gentle kiss that seems to say:
“And I mean every word of it.”
he may not say it, but Tsukishima believes you are something to behold
you stood up to his abrasive personality, spoke your mind with him, and chose to stick by his side even at his angriest, lowest moments
Tsukki admires almost no one. but you? you’re the exception.
you are strong, passionate, and charming… attributes Tsukki didn’t feel he possessed
so when he realized that you lacked confidence in your physique, he was so perplexed
for someone so brilliant, how could you have gotten it into your head that you weren’t also beautiful?
he actually feels insulted lmao
when you both started dating, he wordlessly promised that he would fight anyone that ever tried to hurt you
but you’re beating yourself down
so i guess he has to fight you, now?
he goes about this strategically
you’re checking yourself out in the mirror?
“Oye, stupid, you look great, let’s go.”
you make a self-deprecating comment to yourself?
he’ll kiss you before you can finish your sentence, even if you’re in public
you visibly try to hide parts of your body in public?
Tsukki has his arm around you, tucking you into him like a little duckling, just to make you feel a bit little safer
yeah, his attempts to distract and deter self-hate leave you flustered, but slowly you catch yourself being kinder to yourself
and, for that, you can’t complain about your irritating, but loving boyfriend
tags: @cherryonigiri
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lovenhlboys · 3 years
From A Distance (E.Pettersson X Reader)  
Chapter 3
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A/N: Hellooooo there!!! here is the next chapter, sorry it took me so long, I hope the others will not take nearly as long!! anyways, I really hope you like it and lmk what you think PLEASE!!! Also biggest thanks to Ash cause like, why not, she’s helped me with this and literally everything😂😂
ALSO this one is from both of their POVs, so the change in POV is signalized by:
Y/N= regular ELIAS= italics
(any other info is on the masterlist)
Warnings: lots of cursing, mentions of Pretty Little Liars, another attempt at Swedish (if its wrong pls lmk) I think thats it, if you think I missed a warning please inform me!!! 
Summary: Brock has a plan... he executes it.
Word Count: 2.7k
<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< ———————— >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>
PRESENT (thoughts) ---------------
For you, your hardcore crush on Elias was very secretive. Only you, Quinn, and Marky know about it and you are not about to tell anyone else. Elias, he’s so funny, his humor is the exact same as yours and he never fails to make you laugh, even though he barely talks to you. He makes fun of your brother, just like you, and is extremely quick-witted with his comebacks.
And as for Elias, he's the only one who knows about his feelings, because he has worked hard to suppressed them. She has the best laugh. Elias tries his hardest to make her laugh whenever he can because every time he hears it makes his chest fill with warmth.
He has the best style and it’s so fun to see what he wears. Every once in a while there are a few questionable items, but overall, he always looks great. You love to see that he’s willing to take those fashionable risks. It’s better than what every other hockey player wears. The go-to of shorts and a t-shirt with a beanie. 
She looks amazing in everything that she wears without even trying. She could be in a dirty sweatshirt and sweatpants and he would still think she was the most beautiful girl he's ever seen. Her hair, her shoulders, the curve of her hips and back, all of it was perfect. But his favorite thing had to be her legs, they went on for days and the contour of her muscles was so beautiful to him. Safe to say any day she wore shorts, Elias had to try extra hard not to stare.
He has the most beautiful face you've ever known. His jawline was immaculate, like nothing you'd ever seen. His light golden blonde hair was so unique and it reflected the light in the prettiest way, at every angle. His smile, while dorky, was also something you couldn't stop yourself from staring at, always making you smile too, at how adorable he looked when he was happy. 
She is totally off-limits.
He doesn’t like you.
You loved your brother, but my god could he be stupid sometimes. He’d texted you TWENTY minutes ago to meet him in the break room and he still wasn’t there. You’d texted him 7 times and he hadn’t responded. You had started to text him an eighth time when the door opened.
“There you ar- Oh. Hi Elias, what’re you doing here?” instead of your brother, like you had thought, it was the gorgeous swede, wearing a pair of glasses that complemented all of his features, a light blue sweatshirt, a backwards snapback, and a nice pair of black sweatpants...needless to say he looked quite sexy. Especially compared to you, you were wearing one of Quinn’s Canucks sweatshirts (that you definitely didn't steal), leggings, you had your hair up, you didn't have any makeup on so you looked, well, not sexy (in your opinion).
“Uh, hi Y/N, um is Brock here?” he asked as he closed the door behind him and looked around the room.
“No, he told me to meet him here like 20 minutes ago and he still isn’t here,” you said.
“Weird, he told me to meet him here like 15 minutes ago,” Elias explained.
You shake your head and laugh, knowing exactly what’s happening.
“What?” he asked, reasonably confused as to what’s going on.
“Elias can you do something for me?” you asked, he nodded. “Go try and open that door, please,” you instructed him.
He walked up and just like you were thinking, the door didn’t move.
You laughed again then shouted, “OH, FUCK YOU BOESER!!”
“What’s happening right now?” Elias said tugging at the door still.
“Brock is a FUCKING CHILD is what’s happening, he locked us in.”
“What? Why?”
“Who knows?” you, that’s who. You knew precisely why Brock would want to lock the two of you in together. Because his best friend didn’t like you and he wanted the two of you to get along. You pulled this trick on Brock and his friend Julia, in high school when they had a big fight. 
“Well, how long will he keep us in here?” Elias questioned.
“Why, do you have somewhere to be?” you asked him.
“No, I’m just wondering.”
“Don’t want to be alone with me that long?” You said with a laugh, even though you weren’t joking (he didn’t have to know that).
“What? No, why would you think that?” he seemed genuinely upset at your suggestion.
“I don’t. It’s just- never mind” you stopped yourself.
“Y/N, what is it?” he pushed.
“I don’t know,” you said, then you gave in to his request, “it’s just that you never want to be alone with me, and you never talk to me, I just assumed you didn’t like me”
Elias let out a loud laugh and sat down next to you on the couch, “Why wouldn’t I like you? You’re my best friend’s little sister.”
“Well let’s see the evidence shall we…”
You went on to describe the events of the summer party at Bo’s house in August of 2019. The night you felt confirmed your suspicions that the swede didn’t like you. 
It was early August so you were wearing a white short-sleeved blouse with pink flowers, and a white denim mini skirt. You and Brock had arrived late because Brock was trying to get his hair all “floofy and perfect”
As you walked in, you said hi to everyone, made your rounds of greetings. Once you finished, you ended up right where you thought you would, talking with Thatcher and Troy. As you were talking, you made eye contact with Elias across the room and waved at him. But he didn’t wave back or smile or nod like you were expecting, he rolled his eyes and turned around.
Elias stopped you there
“Wait wait wait, that’s is not what happened” he dismissed your details of the story.
“Yes, it is! I waved and you looked so annoyed!” you insisted.
“Ok, this is what I remember...”
Elias was talking to Brock about God knows what. Brock was in the middle of talking when he glanced over and saw Y/N, Troy, and Thatcher all talking to each other. He was looking at Troy who was pointing at Y/N and Thatcher making kissy faces. Implying what he was afraid of: Thatcher and Y/N were together in some way. So yeah, he rolled his eyes and turned around, because he was a little hurt and a lot jealous. (though that's not exactly what he told you)
“I rolled my eyes and turned around because I thought It was so ridiculous to think that you would ever like Dems,” liar, “like I thought Stech was being stupid, that would make no sense YOU liking HIM,” he laughed, he’s a lying liar who lies. Though he did think that wasn’t even possible. Having seen how annoyed she gets around Thatcher now, the thought that she’d ever like him in a way that was anything more than ‘annoying friend that I have to deal with’ Seemed inconceivable. She is so far out of his league it’s not even funny.
You didn’t say anything, just looked down at your feet. The boy you have a very hardcore crush on right now is talking about his good friend that you had a minor crush on back then. 
Elias could apparently tell you weren’t telling him something “...Y/N”
“Mhmm” you hummed, still no eye contact.
“What is it?”
“Uhh, so, here’s the thing,” you said sounding quite guilty, “I may or may not have, you know, hadacrushonthatcher… back then” you mumbled.
Elias was silent for about 5 seconds and it felt like you had died and come back to life within those seconds. “I’m sorry, did I hear that right?”
“I don’t know,” you turned to the door, “hey Brock, now that you’ve humiliated me, may we leave? I would like to go home and wallow in my self-pity.”
“No, wait Y/N. It’s fine, why does it matter? You don’t like him now?” he correctly assumed.
“God no, ew,” you scoffed.
“Ok, so why does it matter?” he genuinely wanted to know.
“It doesn’t, I guess. I just don’t want you to think I like him is all” God he’s going to figure it out.
“Yeah, no. I’ve seen how annoying he is'' Elias replied. Thinking the only reason she didn’t want him to know was that you liked a certain friend of his. The other Swede in the group. Since the incident at Brock and Y/N’s place, he has come to learn that they aren’t together, he’s familiar with the term “cuddle buddies” now which doesn’t make any sense. But he can’t deny how Y/N and Jacob act around each other. Sure, Quinn explained that they don’t think of each other as anything more than that. He even said that Marky goes on dates all the time. Even still, he knows he’ll never be the one Y/N has her eyes on, and even if she went crazy and did think of him that way, he could never act on it. Brock would kill him, and as he keeps having to remind himself: his friendship and on-ice chemistry is too important to risk. 
“Yeah well, Marky’s great too,” he said, pulling your attention from the way he looked in those glasses, and that hat...damn.
“...Yeaaaah?” you said, suddenly quite confused as to where he was going with this. You nodded your head, wordlessly telling him to continue.
“And, uh, I think he’s great… really…. great'' he almost seemed annoyed by what he was saying. More importantly, you were extremely lost.
“Elias, stop being vague. You're confusing me,” you said plainly.
“What Y/N, do you not know what I'm getting at?” he said, assuming you knew what he meant, continuing to stay all vague and Swedish.
“Obviously not,” you rolled your eyes and looked back at his still annoyed face.
“You and Marky? I think he's great...you know…” he paused and took a deep breath, then mumbled, “for you”
You burst out laughing, “Elias Fredrik Pettersson”
“Fredrik?” he whispered to himself with a smirk at the way you said his full name.
“I’m not dating, nor do I want to date Jacob Markstrom.”
“Yeah right,” he said in his classic sarcastic tone. 
“I don't! Our personalities clash so bad! Have you not noticed that?” you shouted trying to make it clear to him.
“I mean, I don't know” his face was turning red at his seemingly wrong and laughable accusation.
“Ok, Elias, look at me,” he did with his goddamn beautiful eyes, “Think about it,” you told him.
And he did as you said. 
One night, in particular, stood out, it was about 4 weeks ago and the Canucks were on the road. Quinn and Elias were sitting on Quinn’s bed. The door burst open, Y/N ran in, Jacob following close behind. 
Y/N sat next to Quinn and tucked her head into his neck.
“Woah, Y/N/N what’s wrong?” Quinn held her head and hit pause on the episode of Pretty Little Liars they were in the middle of watching. Elias turned and watched the events, knowing he’s most likely going to just be an observer for the rest of this interaction
She pulled her head out of Quinn’s neck. At this point all of them were sitting up, Jacob on his bed, the other three all on Quinn’s, “Marky is an ASS,” she said, looking directly at Marky.
“I am not, she’s being a drama queen,” he defended himself.
“I’m sorry have you met her?” Quinn laughed, “She’s literally the complete opposite of a drama queen”
“Fine, ask her what happened then” Jacob gestured at Y/N.
“Y/N/N” Quinn asked her to continue.
“Well” she started, “this dumbass Giraffe tried to get me to talk to the ever so beautiful Gabriel Landeskog.”
“How is that so horrible, he’s such a nice guy?” Jacob seemed genuinely confused.
“I’m not social Marky!! I don't do that, he so hot and I looked like an idiot.”
“No, you didn’t. oh my god,” Jacob said, rolling his eyes. “du är precis som Elias (you are just like Elias)”
“aj (ouch)”
“God, I hate it when you guys do that” Quinn whispered.
Y/N continued, “JACOB, I said, and I QUOTE, ‘Woah, damn’ and then stood there staring at him like an IDIOT”
“You did not?” Quinn said, laughing.
“Huggy, I swear to god, I will slap you” she turned and looked at Quinn with legit murder in her eyes.
“Ok, but yeah, Marky you don’t do that shit to Y/N. She’s just like me, we don’t socialize well.”
“I don’t get it, like I know you’d rather stay in when I want to go out, I just didn’t think it was this bad.”
“Fuuuuuuuuck,” she said, shoving her hands in her hair, “I looked so stupid. And did I mention HE’S HOT”
“Wow, you really have a thing for Swedes, huh?” Quinn quipped.
Her eyes widened. “Quinn Hughes, shut the actual fuck up” she shoved the giggling defenseman. Quinn just stayed laying down and continued to laugh, he then looked at Jacob with a knowing glance and a grin, and Marky giggled. Elias assumed it was because Jacob was aware of Y/N’s feelings.
Elias had been observing this interaction from afar, afar meaning about 2 feet away on the opposite side of the bed. He completely agreed with her, if he was shoved into an uncomfortable situation with someone he’s never met, he’d act just about as stupid as she did. And even he had to admit, Gabe Landeskog is hot as FUCK.
“Ok, Y/C/N/N, I’m sorry. But I didn’t know it was that bad. Side note, how come all of my close friends except for like 3 are super antisocial. I mean look in this room. You three are the exact same.”
“Wow… this right here, THIS is why you are only good for hugging” she gets up and walks over to the other bed where Marky is sitting.
“You’re so sweet to me, you know that?” sarcasm evident in his tone, he hugs her.
“Marky, you know I’m not sweet.”
Elias grinned to himself at that. She was right, she’s not sweet. She’s not mean but she surely isn’t sweet. Just like him. And she was the perfect amount of smartass, beautiful, loving, funny, antisocial, tough, and strong. She was literally everything he could’ve wanted.
Before he let himself get too lost in that thought of her again, he responded “ok, yeah I guess.”
“Didn’t Quinn tell you that I don't like Marky like 10 times?”
“Yeah, but I just- the way you guys act around each other. It just would make sense.”
“Well, now you know.”
Silence filled the room once more, you looked over at Elias. he was smiling and looking down at his hands. You continued to be mesmerized by just how beautiful the boy in front of you looked. With his backwards snap back and sweats, it seemed as though he had just thrown on a random outfit, and to anyone else that was probably what they would think. But that didn't matter to you, he was just so pretty and it filled your brain with too many thoughts. thoughts that you knew you shouldn't be having about him because he clearly wasn't your biggest fan. But that got you thinking even more (which is dangerous), he was acting different, it seemed as though he had let his guard down. He's never done that with you, in fact it felt like when you were around him, his guard was reinforced. He looked a little softer, sweeter, the guy you met at the Dice-and-Ice gala, you think. All you wanted was for that guard to stay down, giving you access to the guy you had a crush on, not just his hard outer shell. 
<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< ———————— >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>
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bowtied-pasta · 3 years
Splendor and True
You know what it do 😩👌
“So,” Offender began. “Splendor, huh?”
True sighed. It had been a decent night, and now he wanted to grill her for the juicy stuff. It was supposed to just be movies, snacks and a sleep over at his. She didn’t know what she was expecting, honestly. The man was worse than middle school gossip, he wanted to know everything and he always had a way of finding out. It didn’t help that he could read her mind on occasion either.
“Okay, I get it. You don’t want to talk about it, but I think if anyone could help you, it would be me. Us being the same species and you not knowing much about our courting or the like.” He nudged her side gently, trying to coax her into admitting it.
She rolled her eyes, smiling up at him gently in amusement. Nudging him right back. “Don’t lie to me like that, you’re just nosey.”
He rolled his eyes, in his own way. So much like the way she did, but he didn’t have the organs to show for it. Always something interesting to notice with these men. “Okay, yeah. I want the hot, juicy details about my newest little pals not so little crush. Can you blame me? It’s not too often I get to be involved in a situation like this.”
Wearily watching him smile down at her, she felt rather targeted. “I... well. Fine. I do like him.”
He hardly got any time to have a victory moment at hearing he was right as she began spiraling on. “I like him very much but I can’t tell him because oh my god what if he doesn’t like me and he just tolerates my existence in his home until he can help me figure some stuff out and then he’ll send me on my way to do who knows what because he probably just plans to ship me off to my ancestor when we find him and its not that I’m not open to getting to know them when I find them, but I sure would like to stay with him and-“
She silenced when he placed his large hand on top of her head. “Hey. It’s not like that. I wouldn’t tell you to go after him unless I thought he liked you too. I mean, I like to play but that would be kind of cruel.”
She sighed, nodding as she plopped down onto the couch they were sitting on. She had to hand it to them, wherever these guys got their furniture from, it was always comfortable despite it being larger than what she was used to. Her human proportions making her feel like a child when sitting in any of their homes unless she traveled into proxy dwellings, more human sized accommodations always in those portions. “Yeah, okay... I just. Well, it’s like you said. I don’t understand the courting stuff. I’m afraid he doesn’t like me like that, I mean honestly, why would he want me? I may not be entirely human, but thats what I was raised as. I’m weird and I don’t conform to your norms and ideals. He has standing and a reputation, I offer him nothing that would better that.”
“That’s not what he cares about.” True looked over at him, watching as he shook his head and waved off her apparently ridiculous worries.
“Oh yeah?” She huffed, slightly miffed that he continued to brush off her worries without actually explaining why. “What gives you that idea?”
He appeared to think for a bit, over exaggerating by crossing his arms and humming in thought. She knew he was about to do something she would regret allowing, but he moved on before she could stop it. “Oh, you know, probably has something to do with the fact that he’s said things about you to me already.”
Her head shot up, looking at him incredulously. “He talks about me? Well, I mean I guess he would. I am living in his home.”
Tutting at her, he waggled his finger and smirked in her direction. “No, no. You don’t understand. He talks about you a lot. Oh, how did he word that one thing he said the other day? I think it went something like... ‘Oh! True is just so wonderful! Amazing! I don’t know how I got so lucky, finding her first.’”
She stared at him, frozen in astonishment at what he was doing. His voice had pitched upward, the gravel gone from his deep voice as he mocked the way Splendor’s tenor would sound. “Are you being serious right now?”
“Why ever would I kid about this!?” His hand flew to his chest, acting offended that she would accuse him of such behavior. “I am simply telling you of the time he said things such as ‘I just think she’s very cute, with her glasses and such pretty hair.’”
His voice pitched upward again, mocking Splendor again as his hands interlaced and he held them up to his face like the love sick saps in old cartoons, making her jump to Splendors defense. “Shut up, he doesn’t sound like that!”
He laughed, dismissing her rebuttal gently with a wave of his hand. “Oh yeah? Then what does he sound like, huh?”
“His voice is nice! It’s light and it almost always sounds so happy. Sometimes it makes me smile to hear it, even if it’s not me he’s talking to. And he calls me little nicknames sometimes, which is the only reason I gave him a nickname too, not that he knows that. He’s soft and careful and kind. He’s very patient with me, and it’s not just me either, he’s patient with his proxies too. And when he laughs, oh it’s wonderful, I work so hard to hear him laugh, to get him laughing because of me. And… well, his eyes are pretty. I know, they don’t have any color, but the way his eyes are is kind of like... if I look in them just right, then its like stars in a sky of darkness. I’ve only seen his hands maybe once or twice, and I think he probably hides them because of how scary he thinks they are, but I think they’re wonderful. Holdable. Kissable. They’re very pretty, and I can only assume the color tapers off, which must be wonderful to look at. I hope to one day get a chance to look at it myself. And I really like-“Her eyes widened as she slapped her hand over her mouth, whipping her gaze toward Offender who was looking down at her with a cocky grin.
“Got ya to talk, did I?” He chuckled at her. Patting her head as she processed her little splurge of simpery for Splendor. “You might as well keep going, little buddy. Better yet, write him a letter.”
She exhales heavily, crossing her arms and turning her head away from him. “Not that its any of your damn business, but I actually have. He will never, ever see them though. End of discussion. And now that I’ve divulged my feelings for Splendor at your demand, can we please watch the movie?”
The silence that followed was telling. He wasn’t done. No where close to it, in fact. She fought herself to keep her eyes locked to the screen, watching as a guy on screen jumped off of a cliff and into an ocean. She wasn’t sure where the movie was shot, but the waters were very pretty as they crashed against the rock face. Of course, the scene didn’t last very long, leaving her confused about the fate of the man. Though it seemed she wouldn’t find out what happened at all. No sooner than she had let her guard down had Fen appeared in front of the tv with some papers in his hands, making her jump at his sudden appearance, as she thought he hadn’t moved from his spot on the couch.
“Must you always pop in and out like that? By the way, you make a horrible window. We’re supposed to be watching a movie, remember?” She rolled her eyes before eyeing him closely. Taking a look at the papers in his hands, her eyes popped open wide in recognition. “No.”
His smile was answer enough, but he gave one anyway. “Oh, yes. They were quite easy to find actually.”
Shooting up off the couch, she tried to snatch the papers out of his hands before he could hold them any higher, but it was a losing battle as always with most enderbeings. Hopelessly tall while she was hopelessly short.
“Come on, please? You don’t need to read those, I promise they’re no good. Just the rambling of me at three am every day.” She poked and prodded at him desperately as she begged him to give her the papers back. She didn’t know how he had found them so easily, or even how he teleported to her room without alerting anyone to his presence, but she knew those were the letters to Splendor.
He remained silent as he seemed to skim over three of the letters. He took his sweet time, nudging her away with his leg if she managed to distract him too much, but he never looked away from the papers. She was thankful he wasn’t doing a live reading of it while mocking her voice, but this was still embarrassing regardless.
Finishing up the last letter, he merely folded it back into thirds and slotted it back into its envelope and handing her the whole stack with a large grin on his face. “Now that is what I’m talking about. You should just hand those to him, and while I admit staying still would be the most courageous and correct thing to do, you could always just toss them at him and run. Gets the confession out of the way.”
Indignant and fuming, she hugged the letters to her chest and glared up at Fen. “But I don’t know how he’ll take it. I mean… are the letters really okay? Could I really just give him these and expect it to be okay? What if-“
She gets cut off as he groans, dragging a hand down his face in obvious exasperation. “Honestly, you two are just insufferable. I can’t stand this for much longer. Look okay, if you don’t confess then I’ll act as your little birdy and let a certain someone know that a special someone loves them very much.”
The idea was terrifying, and as serious as he looked, she wanted to think he was joking. “He has no reason to like me. He’s so much older than me, not to mention more capable of things as well. I’m…. very human. I’m weak compared to all of you, and I mean… reading intent means nothing if I cant do anything about what they intend to do. I can’t just walk up to him and think a confession will go over well. I have no reason to think he could like me.”
She jolts when he flicks her forehead. Its nowhere near as hard as it could have been, but she yelps and covers the spot with her hand. She startles when he kneels down to her height suddenly and grabs her shoulder. “I don’t know how many times I’m gonna have to fucking say this True, but he doesn’t care about that shit. Never has. All of this,” he shakes the letters in his free hand. “You don’t need to say any of this. I know you think words are scary, so let me help you, okay?”
She took a moment to glance at the letters that would never be delivered. The pretty paper she had written them on bright and colorful and unavoidable. She should have just written them on white paper, then he likely wouldn’t have found them as quickly, if at all. “As long as you’re telling the truth, then I guess I’ll listen.”
He muttered what sounded like praises to the ceiling above him as he stood and led her back to the couch. “Good, now all you have to do is a few simple things, and I promise you’ll make him the happiest man alive.”
It was now a week later, and she found herself sitting on Splendor’s couch as he started up a movie. Movie nights happened once or twice a month, Splendor’s candy business getting rather time consuming lately, with paperwork and other things she really didn’t understand.
She hadn’t been taught much about his business, but she knew he was very successful and she really liked his products. He had gifted her test products before and had let her sample things before they went out. After having dragged her birthday out of her, he had even gifted her a basket of stuff that she had yet to get through even though it had been quite a while since her birthday.
“You haven’t seen this one before I think. It’s a bit old, in terms of what I’m sure you’re used to watching, but it’s in color.” He laughed as he sat next to her. Getting comfortable in the blankets that were piled around the two of them.
“I’m sure it’ll be fine.” She watched him nuzzle into the blankets before he handed her the bucket of popcorn to hold. She stuttered over herself as she remembered what she needed to do now that they were here. “Besides… I’m with you, right? Can’t be too bad if you picked it out.”
He took her statement at face value it seemed, and softly hummed before patting her head and hitting play on the remote. For a moment she thought maybe Fen really was wrong and Splendor didn’t like her that way. But just as she was about to zone out while staring at the screen to remove herself into her thoughts, she felt something wrap around her under the blankets.
She stayed still as it did, knowing it was one of his tendrils. She took a minute to enjoy it, waiting for the movie to become a little interesting before leaning against his side. She fought to stay casual when she felt eyes on her, not wanting to appear tense. Next would come the hardest part, but she supposed it was only difficult because she understood the meaning behind such a gesture now.
We she felt him relax again, and she was sure he was watching the movie instead of her, she moved one of her hands through the blankets in search of his tendril. Finding it had somehow wrapped around her under all the blankets and had managed to stay outside of her shirt. Regardless of his mastery with the appendage, she set her mind back on track as she lightly grazed her fingertips over it while in search of the tip.
She found the bell with little trouble and grabbed just under it before bringing it up through the blankets and toward her face. She didn’t dare look up at him, she already knew he was watching her. Fighting through the blush rising on her face and the butterflies tearing through her body that made her jittery and nervous, she brought the bell up for a little smooch.
The near moment her lips disconnected from the bell, she felt herself get pushed gently against the back of the couch and he suddenly had a soft grip on her chin, tilting her head back to make her look up at him. His cheeks were more flushed than normal, his eyes locked on hers as he stared her down while seemingly taking a moment to think on what to say. “Do you mean it?”
Did she mean it? She doesn’t understand how she couldn’t. It would be hard for that to be a mistake, and honestly if it hadn’t of been for Fen’s help then she wouldn’t have even known to do it. “Yes.”
She yelped suddenly when she found herself pulled onto his lap. Blankets tangled around her body acting as annoyances when she discovered she was practically bound by them. Regardless, she couldn’t get away if she wanted to. The tendril wrapped around her ensured that.
“If you’re sure you know what it means.” His face hovered closer to hers, his eyes searching her face for any doubts.
“Yes. I… liked you for a while now. I accept.” Her hands found a comfortable resting spot as her arms rested over his shoulders, only bringing them closer.
Silence ruled for a moment before she felt a hand tangle in her hair. The distance closed rather quickly, despite the softness on the kiss. It was a gentle, loving and warm kiss. Conveying finally being able to do what he had been longing to do for a while.
She was struck stupid when they finally parted, gently panting to catch her breath as her glassy eyes met his again. Letting out a muffled noise of surprise, she barely had time to catch her breath at all before he went in for another kiss. This one a little more desperate than the last. His tongue teasing along her lips until she allowed him to deepen it in her shock.
Shaking and desperate for oxygen, her brain went fuzzy and she moaned at the current assault her emotions had on her body. Light, fuzzy and warm. The feel of his lips on hers and his tongue exploring her mouth was something she hadn’t dared to think about before, but it was mind consuming.
She struggled not to embarrass herself when they separated by leaning back in for more. Finding him a little starstruck while looking down at her. Softly panting while she was near gasping for air. “Well then… uh… this makes us significant others. Yes. Right.”
He chuckled at her, moving his hand to instead begin combing through her hair, watching fondly as it made her melt against him and attempt to lean into his touch. “It makes us mates, schatz. Of course, were not mated, but that can come later. Much later, if you’d prefer. However it works out.”
She hummed, relaxing against his chest as he played with her hair. The movie still playing the background of little interest to either of them anymore. His next words made her eyes open as she tensed though. “Now, who told you about the tendril thing?”
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In Your Honor - CH. 2
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Luz has wanted nothing more in life other than to join the ranks of the Emperor's Knights - the highest rank of royalty defenders, but after a disaster of a first impression with the bratty princess, she starts to wonder if it’s worth it.
Previous Chapter
The Blight Castle was even more extravagant in person. Tall white stone walls surrounded the beautifully crafted towers, lined with gold that sparkled in the sun. Stained glass windows with murals of the past Blight family members doing acts of greatness could be seen from the front gate, the gate itself made of polished brass shaped to look like roses.  Standing on each side of the gate were two members of the Emperor’s Knights. Their white capes flutter in the mid day wind and faces obscured by their expertly crafted bird head shaped helms. The two guards didn’t so much as move as Luz approached, her aunts lunch in hand.
“Uh, Hello! I'm here to see Lilith? She’s my aunt.” Luz explained nervously, holding up the lunch her ma had made. “I'm supposed to bring her this?”  The two guards looked at each other, one nodding its head before the other turned to pull a lever. The large brass gates open effortlessly as one of the guards motions Luz to enter.
“You’ll find your aunt on the second floor, in the study.” The guard explains as Luz walks through the gates.
Luz gives the guard a quick nod, her excitement from meeting an Emperor’s Knight barely contained, before she heads to the castle's main entrance. She heads up a large flight of stairs to the main castle entrance where she meets two more guards. Luz opens her mouth to explain herself but one of the guards simply holds up their hand to silence her. The other guard opens the door and ushers her inside before closing the door behind her with an echoing loud thunk.
If the outside of the castle was beautiful, the inside was breathtaking. Large marble columns reached up higher than Luz had ever seen. The sun shining through the stained glass windows cast gorgeous colors along the white marble floor. Satin purple runners lead to and up a large set of stairs at the far end of the room. If this was the main entrance, Luz couldn't wait to see the rest of the castle. Quickly she headed to the large stairs and up to the second floor where she was greeted with even larger halls filled with doors leading to who knows where.
Luz wandered the halls, looking for the study she was told to meet her aunt in. Along the way she ran into the knights training hall, followed by the medical ward where she got to visit her mom for a short bit of time before she had to head back to work. She managed to get exact directions from her mother on where to find her aunt. She followed the hallway she was currently in until she reached a fork, where she took a left and found the third room on the left hand side. She stopped outside the large wooden door. The handle and hinges were a polished brass while the images of ravens in flight were carved into the solid wood. Luz reached up to the knocker in the center of the door, a ring hanging out of a ravens mouth, and gave it a gentle clunk against the wood. She waited a moment before trying again. When no one answered she simply grabs the handle and twists it, peeking inside.
Standing in the middle of this room is a single person, her back turned to Luz as she looks over a book. She mumbles something Luz can’t quite hear then flips the page of her large tome. The girl looks to be about Luz’s age with green short hair pulled back. She’s wearing a lovely pink dress that complimented her pale complexion. Luz catches a glimpse of her face as she turns to look at another tome she has to her side, grumbling again as she turns another page.
“Que bella ..” Luz whispers as she leans against the door, the hinges creaking as it shifts under her weight. The sound alerts the girl to her presence and she whips around. Her face melts from surprised to mild irritation as she looks over Luz. The girl's simple garb giving away her commoner status.
“Who are you?” The girl asks. Her voice is as elegant as her features, though it was also stern and demanding.
“I'm Luz," the witch in training introduces herself, holding out her hand. "Luz Noceda." The other girl simply looks at it, her golden eyes hovering on her hand momentarily before meeting Luz’s eyes.
“Amity Blight.” The girl curtsies slightly out of sheer politeness, but it's apparent that that's the only reason. “So.. are you lost or something? I can call the stable master to come get you since it seems to be your first day.”
“I'm sorry, what?” Luz tilts her head in confusion. Was this girl calling her a stable hand?
“Well, you obviously don't belong here so.. shoo.” The elf girl makes a single shooing motion with one hand as she returns to her tomes.
“Excuse me?” Luz scoffs. “For your information, I’m looking for my aunt."
“Your aunt?” Amity returns her attention to the commoner girl, single eyebrow raised in judgement.
"Yes, my aunt." Luz confirms, matching the other girls facial expression. "So freaking rude.." The brown haired girl mumbles under her breath.
Amity whips her body to face Luz in agitation, clearly having heard that - she opens her mouth to protest -
-“I'm sorry to keep you waiting, your highness.” Lilith enters the room as if summoned by her title, arms full of scrolls.
“Auntie!”  Luz squeaks as she launches herself at Lilith, hugging her tightly.
“Auntie?” Amity echoes Luz in confusion as she watches her teacher pat the other girls head. She looks between the two. Her teacher, and elegant and well dressed member of the Emperor’s Knights and fellow elf, and Luz the.. human.
The gears in her head are turning more now than they ever had in all of her years of studying.
“I brought your lunch, just like mami asked me to.” Luz smiled, a beaming ray of sunshine in the otherwise dim room.
“Thank you, Luz.” Lilith returned the smile as she laid out the scrolls on a nearby table. She removed the lunch from the younger girls hands then thanked her by ruffling her hair. Luz giggled as Amity still stared in confusion. "You know.. while you're here, how do you feel about a tour of the castle?"
"What, really?" Luz exclaims, bouncing slightly with excitement. "That would be so cool!!"
Lilith steps out into the hall for a moment, hush voices following as the door closes. Amity simply huffs and crosses her arms as she awaits her mentor's return. For a brief moment she wishes her two companions Skara and Bascha were here to fill the silence with their bickering. Instead she was stuck with a human. Not exactly ideal to the young elf girl. Amity risks a glance at the strange being, the other girl simply bouncing with anticipation.
"Alright, Luz, if you go down the hall you'll meet with a girl named Willow." Lilith finally returns to the room, giving Amity a chance to relax as the human girl follows her aunt out the door.
Luz makes her way down the hall as her Aunt had described, taking in all the little details she could. She turns a corner a little too quickly and runs right into another person. The two tumble to the ground, a tangle of limbs.
“I’m so sorry!” Luz stands up first and goes to help the other person up, another young elf girl around her age. This one was slightly shorter than Luz and had fluffy dark hair. A pair of glasses laid skewed on her face as she dusted herself off with Luz’s help.
“No no, it's my fault.” The young elf girl says, adjusting her glasses. “Oh wow! You’re human.” She gasps, eyes lingering on Luz’s ears.
“Yeah, I’m Luz.” The bubbly girl introduces herself. “I was just looking for the girl who's supposed to give me a tour.”
“Thats me, I'm Willow!” The smaller girl circles Luz with excitement. “You must be Mrs. Noceda-Clawthornes daughter, then.” Willow deduces as she faces Luz once again. “It's been a big buzz around the castle, a human healer is kind of a big deal.”
“That’s my mom.” Luz beams proudly. “And one day I’ll be the first human to join the Emperor’s Knights.” She holds her hand out as if wielding a sword and swishes it around, the elf girl giggling at her antics.
“Well, let me show you the castle," Willow loops her arm with Luz's "Since you'll be working here some day."
Luz and Willow continue their walk through the castle, this time stopping every so often for Willow to give information on parts of the castle and Blight history. Finally they reach a room where the doors are wide open. Inside Luz could see a few students accompanied by a large purple horned woman who had to have been the teacher. Luz watches as the teacher ends the class, giving the students homework that insites a unified groan. The human girl waits to the side as Willow explains the Illusions class they had just witnessed. As she talks, a small elf boy who was in a very animated conversation with a set of twins, doesn't notice Luz standing there and runs right into her.
"I'm sorry!" He blurts out as he jumps back. He looks up at Luz and gasps, immediately reaching for his ears and pulling on his lobe. "Your ears! You're a human!"
"I'm starting to realize that's strange around here." Luz laughs. "I'm Luz, by the way." The girl introduces herself and holds out her hand. Before the boy can shake her hand the twins he had been talking to push him out of the way and both reach for her hand.
"Pleased to meet you." Luz shakes their hands respectively.
"Your highnesses." Willow bows to the twins, the two giving a small nod in response. "Ed and Em are the prince and princess." She explains as Luz tilts her head in confusion.
"Oooh!" Luz smiles before bowing as well. "I apologize , I'm still learning about the elven kingdom."
"Oh it's completely fine." Emira laughs. "We aren't really that big on royal stuff anyways."
"Too stuffy for our tastes." Edric adds on with a wave of his hand.
"That's only because you two get in trouble all the time." The small elf who had ran into Luz speaks up finally before returning his attention to Luz. "I'm Gus, by the way."
"Wow, you guys are all so nice." Luz smiles as she shakes Gus's hand. "A lot better then the first girl I met…"
" First girl?" Willow tilts her head.
"Yeah! She was really rude and thought I was a stable hand!" Luz grumbles, crossing her arms. "Do I look like I'm good with horses?"
"What did she look like?" Gus asks, still amazed he was getting to speak to a real life human.
"Oh, she was pale, had short green hair, and a really bad attitude." Luz counts out the descriptors on her fingers. The twins share a knowing look and Luz raises her brows in question. "Do you know her?"
"You could say that.." Edric chuckles.
"Though I never thought I would hear someone describe Mittens so plainly." Emira adds.
"Mittens?" Luz is now very confused.
"They're talking about their younger sister, Princess Amity." Gus clarifies.
"SHE WAS A PRINCESS?!" Luz practically yells before slapping a hand over her mouth. "I mean, she's a princess?"
"Mittens is actually the heir to the throne, believe it or not," Emira explains. "Mom and Dad couldn't pick between us so they picked her."
"There's more to it then that." Edric corrects his sister. "But who cares about that! Let's talk about you." Edric points to Luz.
"Me?" Luz mimics Edric, pointing to herself.
"Yeah!" Emira agrees with her brother. "A human in Bonesburough, that's exciting."
"It's been kind of terrifying, actually." Luz chuckles nervously. "But I'm happy for my mom, and ma seems to be excited to be home."
"Well, you should totally hang out with us sometime." Emira winks at Luz, getting a blush from the human girl.
"How about this weekend?" Gus speaks up, casually reminding the group that he was there. "You can come as one of our plus ones to Skara's birthday party."
"Great idea Gus!" Willow practically bounces in place. "You can hang out with us and learn about elves."
"Brilliant!" Edric and Emira speak in unison.
"So we'll see you this weekend, Luz." Gus smiles as him, Emira, and Edric leave to their next class.
"Alright, I think this brings our tour to a close." Willow claps her hands together. "I'll take you back to the front gate."
"Sure thing! And thanks for the tour!" Luz loops arms with Willow again before they both set off towards the castle gates. Willow bids Luz farewell before the human starts her trip back home.
The sun begins to set just as Luz reaches home. She enters the front door and announces her return, Eda responding with a greeting as the young girl enters the kitchen. Luz takes a seat at the table and begins to fill her Ma in on everything that happened. Eda listened intently as she prepared dinner, interjecting here and there. Eventually the two were joined by Camilia, the older woman sitting at the table across from her daughter. Luz excitedly tells her mother about all the new friends she made and their plans for this weekend.
Luz went to bed that night with plans to pick up something nice to wear to Skara’s birthday, thoughts swirling with all the new friends she just made.
Except, you know, for the princess.
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p---ink · 4 years
Stark Contrasts: Chapter Three
Author’s Note: Hello all! For those of you following this series this is part 3 in my Tony Stark Fan-fiction. Part one is here, and part two is there. So sorry for the late update by the way. Writer’s block is a bitch. But I refuse to post something I don't at least like a little bit. That being said, I loved writing this chapter. Honestly if I can get just one person to read this and say they like it, I’ll be so grateful. It’s full of “angst”. I still use that word lightly, because to me it’s a drama instead of a story that makes you feel dread or anxiousness. Anyway I really hope you guys enjoy it, because this one took me a while. 
Summary: Upon finding about you and Tony’s romance, Edward Stark loses it. Pepper Potts steps in to help mediate the situation. 
Warnings: Angst, Language. No smut this time, sorry. :(
Song: Cry by Cigarettes after Sex. 
Word Count: 8.8k
Parts: one | two | three | four | five
Chapter Title: Mother Knows Best
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 The concept of silence was made by man. We know this, because the world around us is never truly silent. You could argue differently though, because in this moment it felt like time stood still. You couldn’t even hear the sound of the clock ticking, as it rang loudly throughout the quiet room. Even the sound of your heart beating rapidly against your ribcage, fell on deaf ears. The one thing that was apparent to you however, was the rage behind Edward’s cool facade. Though it didn’t make a physical sound, it screamed louder than any noise had ever made.
You stopped embracing Tony and stepped away from him.  “By all means, please don’t stop on my account.” Edward chuckled. 
“I thought you were asleep.” Tony admitted, as if his thoughts helped the situation. He didn’t say it in an apologetic or shameful way, more so just stating a preconceived notion.
“Would that have made a difference?” Edward questioned, furrowing his brows inquisitively. “You know believe it or not, I felt guilty for leaving my girlfriend all alone in an unfamiliar town.” He stated, turning towards you and putting emphasis on the word unfamiliar. “When I heard your taxi pull up, I decided to come down and make sure you arrived safely. Can’t say I wasn’t surprised to see such a beautiful declaration of love.” He relayed his thoughts and actions as if he was telling a close friend a funny story. 
“Edward, we—” You start to explain. 
“We?” He interrupts, smile dropping for a second. But as quickly as it disappeared, it was back again. He began shaking his head in disbelief as he repeated the word ‘we’. “So you guys are a ‘we’, now? This is too fucking rich.” He laughed.
His grin was so wide, it almost looked genuine, and had you not known the story behind this reaction, you would of thought his joy made him look even more handsome. Right now, however, all it did was scare you.
“You know. I always thought it was weird how close you guys were.” He confessed, waving his finger in a playful ‘you-got-me’ kind of manner. His voice was sickeningly sweet, and it made your stomach churn. “But I told myself, that it was a good thing my dad liked my girlfriend so much. You know some people can’t say the same. Man was I foolish!” He exclaimed, looking between the two of you. While you gnawed at the inside of your bottom lip and averted your gaze away from Edward in shame, Tony rolled his eyes and scoffed at the display in front of him. 
“Dad tell me” He started again, pausing for a second to meet Tony’s eyes. “This is why you needed me at my desk right? So you could fuck my slut of a girlfriend?” If the words themselves didn’t make you wince, the tone they were laced in certainly did.
“Watch your mouth, when you address her.” Tony snapped through gritted teeth. 
Edward quickly threw his hands up  in defense before saying, “I’m sorry dad, you’re absolutely right. I should have said your, slut of a girlfriend. Please forgive me.” He smiled, watching his father’s fists clench. When you grabbed one of Tony’s hands, and whispered a ‘calm down’, Edward lost it. He focused on the way your chin rested on his father’s shoulder as well your hand on his a little too long. 
“How long has this been going on?” He asked coldly, abandoning the amused act. It stayed silent for a moment, and since he didn’t address a specific person, you took it upon yourself to answer. You felt you at least owed him that.
“A little over—” you try to answer, but your attempt is short-lived. 
“I was talking to my dad” He snarled, raising his voice and a hand to silence you. Turning his attention back to Tony, he repeated his question. “How long has this been going on?”
“Does it matter?” Tony quickly retorted, growing tired of the way Edward had been talking to you. 
“You know what, I think it does.” Edward challenged, eyes turning into thin slits as he looked his father up and down. “I deserve to know when this all started.” He said as if it was a matter of fact
Tony scrutinized him for a second, contemplating on whether or not he wanted to be mature or petty. He chose petty. “Fine. Since you insist on knowing all the juicy details: I’ve wanted her since the first day we met.” He revealed, shocking both you and Edward. “Now you do the math.”
  Now really thinking about it, Edward gradually stood from his seated position on the stairs. He tried piecing everything together, but it was hard because when he was home, he really wasn’t present. The evidence was still there, however, and even a blind man could see it. How could he have missed those longing stares from across the room? The lingered touches that Tony would press against the small of your back. He somehow even managed to dismiss the way the room would go quiet whenever he walked in. The way Tony whispered to you secrets that would make your thighs clench. What innocent thing could he be saying that would make your body react like that? As you two watched anger consume him, Tony gently pushed you behind himself before Edward spoke again. 
His nails had a grip on his palms so tight, you were sure they left blood, or at the very least dents. His chest, was rapidly rising and falling, as if he was having trouble keeping air in his lungs. His jaw produced a slight bulge, that was a direct result from the way he fastened it shut. “Dad.” He growled, his carefree demeanor now long gone.“How could you? She was mine.”
“See that’s your problem Edward. She doesn’t fucking belong to you, or anyone else for that matter.” Tony corrected, matching his son’s hostile energy. “And if you really cared about her, maybe I would have never had the chance to fuck her.” Your brows furrowed at his choice of words, and you gave him a sideways glare. He was purposely trying to evoke a reaction.
He got what he wanted, because as soon as he said it, Edward moved like a blur as he crossed the room to connect his fist with Tony’s face. He caused him to fall to the ground before catching himself with his palms. You gasped, and dropped to the floor beside the fallen Tony, who was now licking a busted lip. 
“I hope she was worth every minute.” Edward spat, kneeling down to clutch his father’s collar.
“Every second.” Tony teased, finding a smirk under the sting he felt from his lips. Edward delivered another punch, this one landing on one of his eyes, then another that found its way under the side of his chin, leaving only a few seconds between each blow. Had you not pushed yourself between them he would have left his father’s face a bloody and swollen mess. 
“Stop!” You shriek, holding your arm up to shield any further blows. He did stop, but you two held each other’s glares. His hand was still fixed in an attack position, and thats when you began to soften your features. You realized that he was seriously considering whether or not he wanted to hit you as well. Before you just knew he wouldn’t harm you, but seeing the look on his face now you weren’t so sure. Was that how bad you had hurt him? 
Edward decided against striking you. Though his father had been taking his hits like a champ, that would quickly change as soon as Edward laid a finger on you. Fire burning in his eyes and a serious conflict within, he stood to collect himself. “You’re dead to me, Y/N.” He stated, lowly. You wanted so badly to say ‘I’ve been dead to you for a long time now’ but decided that now wasn’t the time. 
He began straightening the wrinkles from his shirt and running his long digits through his raven black hair. “I’ll send for my stuff.” Was all he said as he took a step over both you and Tony, walking away in search of his keys.
“Better send someone quick, before they have to sort through ashes!” Tony shouted, rolling to his side to pick himself up with your aid. Edward neither spared him a glance, nor another word. 
When you heard the door click, you helped Tony readjust. Once he was put back together, you pulled your hand back as far you could to deliver a solid smack to his arm.
“Ow” he wailed, grasping the area you hit. “Haven’t I been hit enough today?” 
“No. Why did you have to act so childish?” You asked, demanding an answer.
Still rubbing the sore spot on his arm, he looked down at you with a blank expression.  “He deserved it.” Was what he said in an indifferent tone.  
You rolled your eyes, before saying “Even if that’s the truth, he was upset and he had every right to be.”
“No Y/N, he didn’t.” He said slightly raising his voice, and talking with his hands. “How he could even call you his girlfriend after all of this time, is beyond me. He doesn’t get to be upset.”
“Tony we violated his trust.” You cried, searching his frustrated face in hopes of finding a sliver of empathy for his son. 
“Edward is a self-serving jackass, who relatively no one can trust. Do you really think he holds weight in this matter?” He countered, raising a brow. In realization that his face was now forming bruises, you asked these next questions.
“You have all of the answers don’t you? Was this all worth the black eye and busted lip?” You ask, gesturing towards his face.
“Absolutely.” He answered referring to both questions. “I’d do it again if it meant seeing the look on his face.” He stated proudly.
“You’re impossible.” You grumble, as you walk away to grab a dampened rag from the bathroom. 
“Edward’s the one who’s impossible!” Tony shouted from the other room.
You rolled your eyes for what felt like the tenth time tonight at his comment. “Why is he being so immature?” You mumbled to yourself, before walking back to the foyer washcloth in hand. You found him in the family room instead, studying a younger photo of Edward. He did feel guilty, he was just to proud to show it. You sighed alerting him of your presence. He instantly reacted by sitting the frame back down on its floating shelf, clearing his throat and pretending that you didn’t just capture him longing for the days when Edward was at the very beginning of his youth. You decided to play his game, choosing not to mention his shame, but still acknowledging that it existed. That was enough for you. To you it meant he was a good person. 
“Come here” you quietly say. He sauntered over to you slowly, reaching down to take the cloth from your hands. You playfully jerk it back from him, before giving him a fixed look. Pushing him down on the nearest couch to stand between his legs, he holds onto your waist to keep you steady. The cool washcloth dripped water down your arm, as you reached up to nurse his bruises. Apparently Edward had been wearing a ring, because a cut had formed just above Tony’s brow. He winced when you pressed the cloth over the mark to clean it. You couldn’t help but feel guilty, feeling to be the cause of this all.
“Did you mean what you said earlier?” Tony asked breaking the silence.
“What did I say earlier?” 
“You said you love me.” You could tell he felt insecure, and your prolonged answer only made it worse.
“Of course I did silly.” You say, pecking the tip of his nose, literally kissing his worries away. “And what about you, did you mean it when you said you’ve wanted me since the first day we met?”
“Every word of it.” He smirked. You grinned back, finding comfort in his words. It didn’t last longs though, as tonights events kept replaying in your mind. 
“So…where do we go from here?” You asked softly, voice just barely above a whisper. Had you not been standing right in front of him, he would have missed it.
The cloth covered one of his eyes completely, so he looked at you with the free one. But even with no eyes, he would be able to sense the worry in your voice, and imagine the worry on your face. He cupped the hand that was on his cheek, and kept his other hand on your hip. 
“We just wait, The hard part is over now.” He assured,  leaning in to plant a kiss to your forehead, then your nose, before settling in on your lips, tugging your shirt to deepen it.
After you finished up his face you guys prepared to go to sleep. It was the first night since your being together where you weren’t afraid of being caught. You laid in bed, and thought of his words as you forced yourself to sleep. You wished you could believe them, but knowing the man that Edward was, you knew tonight was nothing compared to what was to come. 
“You slept with his girlfriend, and you have the nerve to tell me to calm down?” Was what you heard when you woke up. A few days had passed since Edward found out about you two. You were trying not to think about it too hard, but life had other plans. You wiped the crust from your eyes, and slowly sat up to yawn and stretch, focusing in on the conversation unfolding downstairs. 
“Tony, among all of the morally fucked up things you’ve done, this has got to be the worst! And Stark Industries used to cater to the advancements of industrialized weapons.” Pepper. That voice belongs to Pepper. You thought.
“Okay Pepper, you’re being a little dramatic. The weapons are obviously worse.” Tony said, in a fed-up tone. You carefully let your feet hit the floor to silently go eavesdrop from the top of the banister. 
“We both know that’s not the point.” She said bringing her voice down an octave. 
“Then exactly what point are you trying to make, Ms. Potts? Why are you here?” Tony retorted. He spoke in hushed tones, but the annoyance in his voice was clear.  
“I need to see Y/N, so—”
“No.” Tony quickly interrupted, but Pepper continued.
“—So we can figure this mess out.” She cried. 
“Hell no Pepper, I’m not letting you bother her with this bullshit.” Tony bit.
“Edward is really upset!”
“Unfortunately, I am all out of fucks to give about Edward’s feelings.” 
“Tony, look at what he’s threatening to put out.” You could tell she was showing him something, you just didn’t know what “If this reaches the public people are gonna start piecing these things together, and realize it has to do with you.”
“Let me speak to Y/N.”
“No.” At this point you began making your way downstairs, curious as to why she came all this way. You liked Pepper. You met her after meeting Tony. They had been separated for months. Despite Tony’s horror stories, she was always nice to you. Perhaps the divorce helped her find herself, because the Pepper you met was nothing like the one he described. 
“Y/N! Please come down!” You hear Pepper yell from the foyer. 
“Pepper, are you out of your mind? For crying out loud.” Tony cries upon seeing you descend. He was facing the staircase, hands on Pepper’s shoulders trying to urge her out of the door. Her back was turned, until she followed Tony’s line of sight, spinning to focus her smoky blue eyes on you instead. 
Her golden blonde hair was done up into her typical tight ponytail. Makeup light, consisting only of a simple peach colored lipstick and mascara. She wore a tan pencil skirt, white blouse and safe nude pumps. As per usual, Pepper was perfectly primped, not a gold lock out of place, save her bangs and a few intentional strands that cradled her face. If only her appearance could match her attitude.
She fully turned her body so that her attention was on you. “Y/N, please tell me this whole thing isn’t true.” Pepper pleaded.
“I’m afraid it is Ms. Potts.” You reply, sheepishly, suddenly feeling ashamed again. To have Pepper disappointed in you, felt worst than getting caught by Edward himself. 
“Jesus.” She sighed, closing her eyes shut and pinching the bridge of her nose. “You two, have royally fucked yourselves.  Take a look at this.” She stepped closer to you with an iPad in hand, dragging a skinny finger across the screen to reach the content she wanted you to see. She came to a stop and handed it over to you once she reached a page that looked like an article, or at least the rough draft of one. It was clearly about you and Tony, as the entire thing talked about Edward dealing with the betrayal of two people closest to him: a person who gave him life, and a person whom he gave his love. He was the victim, and though he did not put a name to his betrayers, they were clearly the decorated villains. It was very well-written. He even added parts to the story that not even you knew happened. 
Tony watched you panic. He watched the worry lines etch themselves in your skin. He snatched the iPad from your wandering fingers, and then he watched confusion take the place of worry. “You have to get ready for class. Besides, Ms. Potts was just leaving.” He firmly stated.
“What? No Tony. I don’t think it’s a good idea for her to go to school today.” She suggested as Tony handed her the device back. “We have to figure out what we are going to do about this.” Was what she said as he gently pushed her out of the house, and closed the door in her face.
He was really upset with her for upsetting you. Maybe he was also upset about Edward, but he felt his son couldn’t do any real harm. However, he knew you felt otherwise.
“Don’t worry about him.” He assured. “Eddy is just throwing another tantrum.” 
“Another?” You questioned, both worry and confusion working hard to dominate your features. “What are you not telling me?”
“Stop worrying. That’s what I am telling you.” 
“How can I not? Tony you keep telling me not to be worried, but you and I have seen what he can do when he’s upset.”
“Yea well I taught him how to do it. His ‘power’ comes from me, and I can assure you that. Everything will be fine.” He assured once again.
You blow out hot air threw your nose, frustrated with his naivety. He was really acting like the problem didn’t exist. “I have to get ready for class.” You stated, flicking your hands in the air as if to brush off his words before stomping away. 
“Baby?” He yells from the foyer, as you retreat up the stairs.  
“What Tony?” You yell back, once you make the bathroom. 
“Are you mad at me?” He whines.
“Yes!” You scream.
“Well, I love you!” You can practically hear the grin in his voice.
“Fuck you Tony.” You yell, mocking fake agitation.
 “Sure, but we have to wait until after you get home from school.” Well at least he learned his lesson from last time. You think to yourself, smiling as you get ready for the day. 
It felt like days had passed as you watched Professor Maxwell drone on and on about quantum mechanics. In reality, it had only been about 4 hours since you left the house. This was your last class of the day, so of course he had to drag it on.
You sat alone in his huge lecture hall, half-heartedly scribbling down notes. Though you were easy to get along with, and many people thought you were cool and nice, you found it hard to make real friends with your peers. You attended a prestigious university and most of them came from different backgrounds. Of course, for the most part, there was nothing was wrong with that, but it did make it harder to find common interests from time to time. It wasn’t like you didn’t have any friends though, just not in this particular environment. This fact alone helped you excel in your studies and passions. You found with no social distractions you could get more done. Right now however, you were more distracted than you had ever been.
You kept thinking about Edward’s article. You kept thinking about Edward. You really hurt him. But Tony was right, Edward had been hurting you since the beginning. It still didn’t make it okay for you to cheat, let alone sleep with his Dad. Preoccupied with your self-guilt, you didn’t notice the dings that sounded off around the quiet auditorium. Gasps, and soft whispers, followed, as people looked at you, but you were far too focused on your own problems to pay attention to theirs. You weren’t too focused to not hear the professor signal the end of class though. 
Shoving your laptop in your bag, you sprung to your escape. Bursting through the grand oak doors of your university’s science hall, you rushed to be the first in line at the school’s popular little cafe. Grabbing their pastry of the day became your favorite ritual. 
You leaned down to take in all of your choices. The warm yellow light of the display case illuminating your face. You could hear a faint buzz coming from it over the humming of the espresso machines, the overplayed pop songs, and the chatter from your fellow students and locals that frequented it. Coming here was peaceful. It was much like the library would be to someone who needed to focus. You found the busyness of the world relaxing, because no matter how many problems you faced, everyone else just kept moving.  
You thought about how you were gonna treat yourself. Maybe you would have an apple strudel today. Or perhaps a blueberry cannoli? Peach scone? You decide on the strawberry shortcake, it was a classic and to die for. You pointed it out to the pastry clerk, and he was happy to go and prepare it for you. 
“What, your sugar daddy not giving you enough sugar at home?” You heard a voice ask from behind you. You mentally groaned and rolled your eyes at the sound of Amber. She was a girl from Edward’s past that had a personal vendetta against you for reasons unknown. They were long done before you entered the picture, but Amber must of felt otherwise. 
You turned around to greet her, and as always you were astonished by her appearance. She had these catlike hazel green eyes that could burn a hole through steel. A strawberry blonde curly mane cascaded down her shoulders. She also had a natural sun-kissed golden tan, and she stood at a tall 5’11. She was gorgeous. Why she was still hung up on Edward, you would never know.
She had with her, Cassie, a faithful fan of hers who couldn’t form her own standing opinion . She kissed Amber’s ass so much you were surprised to find out she didn’t live in her toilet. She also brung Jasmine one of her new recruits, a petite mousy-like sophomore. Jasmine was okay, but she was a try-hard in constant need to of approval, hence why she hung out with Amber. 
“Hi Amber.” You smile, mustering up your last bit of fucks to give. You were too tired to acknowledge the meaning behind her comment, but not too tired to throw her a bone. 
“Hi Amber.” She mocked, slurring your words. “You had everyone around you eating out of the palm of your hands, but I knew your goody-two-shoes act was just that: an act.” 
“What are you talking about?” You asked, heart dropping to your stomach. You hoped she wasn’t talking about what you thought she was. 
“So you can’t read now? Let me say this slowly so you can comprehend.” She cleared her throat for a comedic effect before she spoke again. “Edward finally let the rest of the world know what a gold digging slut you are!” She smirked, throwing out her hand to Jasmine who wasn’t paying her any attention. “Jasmine!” Amber shrieked, causing the poor girl to jump. She quickly recovered from her incompetence, and scrambled to pass Amber her phone. Amber passed it to you, careful not to take her eyes away from yours. She didn’t want to miss the face of a girl who’s life was about to fall apart.
On the phone, was the same article Pepper had shown to you earlier, only this time it had been updated with even more lies spread throughout. Edward played the part of an unsuspecting, loving, and caring son/boyfriend, who was blindsided by the treachery of his beloved father and girlfriend. 
Again no names, but if it wasn’t already obvious, people knew it was you now. You looked up to Amber, a smug look playing on her features. It didn’t unsettle you as much as she wanted it to. What unsettled you though, was when you looked around the cafe. All the noise and chatter had all but come to a cease. The humming from the coffee machines, the overplayed pop song, and the buzz from the display counter were all that could be heard. They were waiting. Waiting for an answer. Waiting for your reaction. 
No. You thought. I am not gonna give this bitch or anyone else the satisfaction of my reaction. You tighten your jaw, and turn to pay for your pastry, now in a hurry to leave the shop. 
Amber was not having it. “So you have nothing to say?” She scoffed loudly. “I am clearly talking to you.” She harshly grabbed your shoulder to turn you around. 
You were ready to throw hands but before you could you were promptly cut-off by someone else.
“Leave her alone Amber, before I fuck you up.” They commanded. Everyone’s necks snap to investigate the source of noise. Eyes land on the pink-haired girl at the back of the cafe. She had chosen a cozy little corner booth, where she could kick her feet up to watch all of those around her. 
“Excuse me?” Amber sneered.
Nao, if you remembered her name correctly, swung her feet out of the booth to make her way through the crowd. She came to stand in front of Amber’s frame, before she addressed her again. “Let me say this slow enough so that you can comprehend” You smiled, as she borrowed Amber’s words from earlier. “I said: ‘Leave her alone Amber, before I fuck you up.’”
“What are you gonna do to me Nail?” Amber challenged, feeling quite good about herself for the joke she made. 
“It’s Nao, but you knew that already, and you don’t want to try me” She warned. 
“What could possibly be worse than sleeping with your boyfriend’s dad?” Amber asked a little too loudly for your liking, she earned an uncomfortable laugh from Jasmine, and a cackle from Cassie, who playfully tapped her shoulder in approval. There were also a few scattered snickers from other people in the cafe.
“I don’t know, maybe you should ask all of those married men, who you slept with over the summer.” Nao suggested, eyes wide mocking innocence. “If they don’t know, their children and wives might.”
‘Ooo’s’ and ‘ahh’s’ erupted throughout the quiet space of the cafe. Someone whispered, “Did she say ‘men’, as in plural?”
Amber looked like she had seen a ghost as Nao looked her up and down, daring her to spill another word. Cassie took the dare.
“Nao, that’s not true! And even if it was it’s none of your business you nosy little cunt.”
“Don’t get me started on you Cassie. We all remember that time you sucked off Bryson Kidd, for a bag of hot Cheetos and a kiwi strawberry Arizona.” She said as she twisted her neck to look at Cassie’s mortified expression. Then her eyes traveled, landing on Jasmine,  who shook her head as if to say she didn’t want any part of this. 
Nao let her be, then turned to address the rest of the room, “Anyone else?”  She asked, gruff voice now coated in honey. She continued her scan around the shop, trying to bait people. This was fun for her, she knew they were scared. They knew she was a revered tech major, at the top of her class. Her know-how with computers wasn’t the reason she knew about Amber though. She wasn’t invasive like people thought she was. She was just quiet and observant. 
Nao continued her rant, “Are we all forgetting that Edward Stark has slept with at least half the women in this room alone? Mind you while he and Y/N were still in a relationship.” She looked around, disappointed in her peers. She caused some of the women in question to avert their judgy gazes away from you, mumbling profanities about Nao being a snoopy bitch. Nao turned back to Amber, who was still hot from embarrassment. “Where were your words of judgment then Amber?” She said leaning in to whisper in her ear. “Oops my bad. I shouldn’t expect you to say anything to him while his cock is stuffed down your throat.” 
The light pink that dusted Amber’s cheeks, deepened to a crimson that spread across her entire face and neck. She huffed, and turned on her feet to excuse herself from the cafe, Cassie and Jasmine both hot on her trail.
When they were gone, the conversations around you picked up again as people tried not to stare. 
Nao, finally turned her attention towards you. The smile you sported throughout her entire show dissipated as you realized she was about to tear into you now. She stepped closer, and closer to you, instantly making you shy away. When she was close enough to examine the pores on your face, she took out a crinkled 10 dollar bill, that she handed to the cashier. “I’ve got this one.” She declared, smiling in reference to your strawberry shortcake. The clerk handed her the bag, which she handed to you before taking a step back. You could tell she struggled with personal space.
“Thank you” You start. “But why did you do that?”  
She knew you were referring to Amber. “You never bother anyone Y/N. You’re always so nice. If you ever need me, just give me a call.” She motioned to your phone, “May I?”
“Oh yea, sure.” You say, before handing her your unlocked device so she could type in her number. While she input her contact information, you took advantage of the temporary distraction to really survey her features.
She was Japanese,  you remembered that from the icebreaker you had in a shared class a year ago. Brown freckles, that looked like constellations were sprinkled along her rosy cheeks. Long lashes, fluttered every time she opened her eyes to blink. And as mentioned before, she had pink hair, a wavy pixie cut to be exact, that sat on her head like a fluffy cloud. She was tall, but not as tall as Amber. Lanky, with long limbs. Bushy black eyebrows sat above her honey brown eyes. Her nose was so small, you wondered how she could breathe out of it. She, like Amber, was very pretty, only in a “non-traditional” way. 
You had a girl-crush. You were giddy by the fact that a strong woman came to your aid, batting for you like that. When she looked back up at you, you realized you were staring, so you ripped yourself out of your daze of admiration. “Thank you again. Also thank you for this!” You exclaimed, lifting up the brown goody bad. 
“Its no problem. Enjoy it. It’s almost as sweet as you.” She smiled at you widely before turning to leave.
What a great way to start off your Monday. 
“Tony I’m back!” You called throughout the house. Your echo was the only thing to greet you back. Must not be home. You thought to yourself.
You sit your keys in the dish next to the door, kicking your shoes off, deciding to worry about them later. Grabbing yourself a bottle of wine, and a glass to pour it in , you drift into the living room. You take your seat in your favorite chair, ready to kick your feet up and relax. 
“Hi.” Pepper says behind you, making you spill your grown-up juice on the seat beside you, as well as on Tony’s equally expensive rug. You knew that neat-freak was gonna lose his shit. 
“Pepper!” You squeal, “Why didn’t you say anything when I called out earlier?!”
“I didn’t want to startle you.” She explained rushing to grab some club soda and a dish rag from the kitchen. 
“How is this any better?!” You yell, as she reenters the room, falling to the rug to clean out the stains. She threw you a spare cloth and handed you the soda to tackle the spreading splotch on the couch. 
“I don’t know! Give me a break for at least trying.”
“How did you even get in here?” You ask, vigorously scrubbing into the fibers of the couch. 
“Y/N, I used to live here.” You abruptly stopped as she continued. At the mention of it, you cringed at how awkward this might have been for Pepper. You were Tony’s new plaything, while she was his old one. Not to mention the fact that you also had been with her son. 
“I forgot.” You sigh, before apologizing. “I’m sorry for all of this Pepper. This must be really strange for you.” The spot on the couch was now faint, so you abandoned your previous efforts. 
Satisfied with the removal of her designated stain as well, Pepper stood from her knees to occupy the seat opposite to you. “Nonsense dear.” She replied, giving you a tight smile. “Sit, please.”
“Where’s Tony?” You ask as you do as she says. She must have some idea, since she was here but he wasn’t. 
“On his way to get this article pulled. I can imagine he’ll want to confront Edward as well.” Pepper informed you, crossing her legs to get comfortable. You let out a huff of air, seeing as the last time they saw each other, it didn’t end quite well. “Speaking of Edward, he’s the reason I’ve come to see you. We have to talk about this.”
“Not to be blunt Pepper, but what else is there to talk about? Everyone already knows about it, how much worse could it get?”
“That’s the thing. It will only get worse if you two continue your affair. Edward is talking about filing an injunction against Tony. He could lose his position as CEO of Stark Industries.” You eyed her in disbelief. You knew Edward was capable of being vindictive, just not this much. 
“Can he really do that? Is what I have with Tony that serious?” You were genuinely concerned.
“Ordinarily CEO’s don’t get removed because of their personal relationships, but because you and Tony have something different, I believe Edward has a fighting chance.” She paused to exhale as she surveyed your features. “Tony’s face is plastered everywhere in the world. He is Stark Industries, and a lot of his success comes from his fame. To be associated with such a scandal could prove very harmful to the future of this company.” She finished. 
Just like Edward worked hard to prove himself to Tony, Tony worked harder to prove himself to Howard Stark. He risked everything, putting his all into Stark Industries. Erasing the blemish of  its past with weapons of mass destruction, he had successfully turned it into a clean, and sustainable energy industry that had proven just as, if not more, successful than its predecessor. He also dabbled in AI, robotics, and non-lethal ways to disarm enemies. You would not be the reason that all got thrown away. Still you couldn’t help the sinking feeling in your gut.
“So I have to just stop seeing Tony?” You asked, internally pulling yourself together.
“I wish I could say it was that easy, Y/N. But we both know Tony won’t just stop seeing you.”
“So what do you suggest I do?” You asked her now slightly agitated. 
She sensed your irritation, but elected to ignore it, opting to continue her use of a soothing voice instead. “I understand you have an internship in France. I’m also sure that Tony, knows about it. Correct?”
“Yes. What about it?” You ignore the fact that she knows this despite not telling her. You had long given up on how Pepper acquired her information. Perhaps Edward had mentioned it, but you couldn’t see why it would be of interest to him. 
“Well Tony can’t know where you’re going. So how would you feel if I told you, I could pull some strings to get you an all-expense paid internship somewhere else?” 
“What’s the catch?” You ask sighing. This was all too much to process. 
“Instead of leaving in May, you’ll have to start preparing things now. You’ll need to leave as soon as possible so that you can get settled in by next week.” She quickly replied.
“Next week?” You gasp. “That doesn’t give me enough time to prepare. What about my course-load and credits? And my family, my friends? What would I tell them?”
“I already have everything handled.” She said raising her hands in a ‘calm-down’ kind of way. “Also, if you decide to leave you’ll need a place to stay for the time-being. I would offer my home, but Tony is too smart to not look there. You’ll need to stay somewhere he won’t find you until we can get you shipped out.” 
Is she for real? You thought to yourself. “Wait, you’re really serious about getting me to leave.” You say, through a pained chuckle.
“This is what’s best.” She simply replied, pursing her lips. 
“What do you get out of this Pepper?” You ask deciding now was the perfect moment to let your frustration boil over. “I mean, Tony is your ex, and I am the on who cheated on your son with said ex. You should be happy that Edward is about to ruin us. Why should I trust you?”
“Well first, let’s have the Tony conversation, it clearly makes you feel guilty.” She said drawing in a sharp breath. “His and my relationship was over before it even started. We were supposed to remain friends instead of lovers, but we ruined that with marriage. There are no hard feelings, so I don’t care who he’s with, even if it’s you. Now, on to Edward.”
She sat up in her chair to clasp her hands around her knee. “I am the reason he is the way he is. And for that, I apologize. In all honesty Y/N, I always liked you. I saw myself in you, and I still said nothing as I let him ruin you. I felt that you would be good for him. I ignored the fact that he wasn’t good for you. Guilt has consumed me, and the only way I see fit to redeem myself is to do my part in making sure he doesn’t ruin his father and you. I am trying to help.”
You wanted to believe her, but you still had your doubts. “How do I know this is all the truth? This whole injunction thing could be a ploy to get me out of the picture.”
Her patience was thinning. “If you want to risk it, then go right ahead. But don’t forget who you’re dealing with here. Edward has promised to stop if you leave. At least this way, everyone gets to keep what they worked so hard for. That article can do serious damage to your future career and Tony’s current one. And Edward will not stop until he’s satisfied.” 
At this point Pepper had said all that she came to say. So she stood to leave, but not before saying one last thing. “Tony doesn’t know I’m here. I’d like to keep it that way. Also, you don’t have much time to think about this one dear. The longer you stay, the more you risk. Contact me once you’ve made your decision”
You looked at her with your eyes full of sorrow. Pepper’s eyes could only offer you sympathy. You really wanted to believe she was telling the truth. But if she was, you had a lot to think about. You wished someone else could make the decision for you.
“Sweetheart!” Tony shouted, voice booming off of the walls. “Did you spill something on the rug?!Wait the fucking couch too!” 
How the hell did he see that, we scrubbed the shit out of those stains. You think to yourself, without answering him.
You could hear him as he stomped up the stairs, searching the rooms to find the one you were in. He found you in the laundry room, folding his and your clothes. “We have a housekeeper you know.” He reminded as he leaned against the doorway amused by the sight before him. 
“She’s a little weird, I saw her admiring my panties.” You answered weakly. 
He shook his head, as if you were the one being absurd. “That’s not weird, I do it all the time.  Anyway, did you spill wine downstairs?” 
“Yea sorry.” You reply. He could tell you were a bit off, since you didn’t laugh at his joke. You hadn’t even looked at him since he arrived. 
“Are you okay?” He asks stepping a bit closer. 
“I’m fine.” You responded, absentmindedly folding one of his shirts. 
“You’re lying.” He stated, pretty sure of himself. “If this is about the article, I got the publisher to pull it. It’s gonna be played off like a rumor.”
“It’s not about the article.” You sigh.
“So it is something. What is it?” He pressed, placing a hand over your folding ones to get them to stop
You knew he wasn’t going to give up, so you decided to just get it over with. “I had a talk with Pepper today.”
“Not this shit again.” He grumbled dropping his hands to exit the room. 
“Tony listen. She made a few good points.” You say following him as he strides away to his bedroom. 
“I don’t care about the points she’s made Y/N. I told you that you have nothing to worry about.” He countered, sounding exhausted. He had been exhausted since that night with Edward. 
“If that’s true then why did you go see Edward today?” 
“Who told you that?” He asked, spinning around to eye you suspiciously
“You just did.” You watched his face change from curiosity to awe. It was rare for you to outsmart him. “If you’re not worried, why were you there.”
He turned back around to loosen his tie, before saying “I don’t have to have this conversation right now.”
You exhaled loudly, frustrated with his stubbornness. “Either we have this conversation now, or we never have it.”
“What is that supposed to mean?” He asked in an amused tone. 
“It means, you should say all you want to say to me now, before I leave.” You answered. This got him to turn back around and face you. 
“Before you leave? What kind of bullshit has Pepper been spewing now?”
You pause and think before saying another word. You had already said too much. He wasn’t supposed to know you were leaving, let alone that Pepper was even here. If you were gonna do this though, you didn’t want any words left unsaid. That was your reasoning behind what you would say next. “She thinks it’s best if I leave.”
“Leave? For what?” He asked closing the distance between you. 
“Edward is calling for your removal as head of Stark Industries.
“Oh that? I'm not worried about that. Like I said, it’s another tantrum and it will blow over.” He stated, pushing a strand of hair behind your ear. 
“Your son throws huge tantrums Tony. And this one doesn’t seem like its gonna just blow over. This is really serious, and Pepper feels like he has a fighting chance.” You state, ignoring his fingers that wandered along your skin. He always tried to use sex to take your mind off of things.
“A fighting chance? On the grounds of what? That I stole his little girlfriend.” He teased, grabbing your lower back to pepper kisses along your neckline. 
“Quit it, this is serious.” You whined, shoving him off of you. 
Sighing from both rejection and frustration, Tony lowly replies “It’s really not.” 
“You know what, maybe not to you, but I will not let you throw away your entire legacy. I’m leaving so you don’t mess your life up.” You bite, frustrated with his indifference. You began making your way to your old room to go and pack your things.
You were almost in the door until Tony harshly gripped your wrist, whipping you around to face him. “Who are you to make that decision for me? Huh? You don’t know a fucking a thing about this.” He barked, tone getting more aggressive the longer he spoke. “Who cares about Edward and his little temper-tantrums. Even if he takes the company, at the end of the day, I’m still filthy, fucking, rich. And if I wanna have you, I’m gonna have you. You’re mine. No one else is gonna tell me different.” He spat. 
“Let go,” you said, flinging your wrist free of his grip. Once free, you immediately began to back away. Tony’s glare weakened once he realized how badly he overreacted. He had began to succumb to all the stress that this was all causing him. He took it out on you, which he immediately regretted. You would be a damn liar though, if you said hearing him speak that way didn’t make you sexually frustrated. But you had a face to uphold in that moment. He needed to think you were mad at him. “What happened to me not belonging to anyone? You think because you’re ‘filthy, fucking’ rich’ you can just make me yours?”
Tony let his guilt show, “Kitten, you know that’s not what I meant.”
“Goodnight Tony.” You say, as you slink in to your old room, the one you and Edward used to share.
“Wait, please.” He begged, taking a step forward. 
You slammed the door shut before he could reach inside, sliding down the cool wood until you reached the floor. He began knocking against the door, pleading with you to open it so that you could talk things out. Tony was not a man in need of much, so to hear desperation overtake his emotions left you wrecked. 
You immediately began sobbing into your shirt, doing your best to muffle your cries. You did not want to leave, but you could not be the reason his life’s work got flushed down the drain. 
He would be over you in no time. You would get over him as well. That’s what you had to keep telling yourself as you texted Pepper your decision to leave. 
Jerking awake after your fight, you realized that the sun had gone down. You checked your phone, and saw that it was almost time for you to leave. Pepper would be over to pick you up soon, so you quietly got up to pack, careful not to alert Tony if he was near. 
You packed light. Very light. Everything fit into a bag that you could carry over your shoulder. You were only taking the things you felt absolutely necessary, like your toothbrush, underwear, a few outfits, and anything else that you could fit into the small bag. Pepper insured that she would take care of the rest. You informed of her of your fight with Tony. She was disappointed that you let him know you were leaving but she expected it from you, which is why she never told you exactly where you were going. 
You had to stay with someone else until your departure, because it would be easier to keep the secret of your destination away from Tony among other things. Now the problem lied in where you would stay. He knew all of your friends. He had even met some of your closest family members through Edward. And as Pepper mentioned before, you couldn’t stay with her, because it would be one of the first places he checked. You thought of Samuel and Elise from your favorite restaurant, but decided against them because you didn’t know where they stayed, nor did you have any way of contacting them. 
Maybe Nao. You thought, before shaking the idea out of your head as quickly as it came. There is no way she would let me, we just met and she didn’t mean her offer literally. 
But if she didn’t mean it, she wouldn’t of given me her number. Plus, Tony doesn’t know her, so she’s perfect. You silently debated with yourself. You were desperate so you shot her a text pleading your case. You gnawed at the inside of your cheek. You weren’t one to really ask people big favors like this one, so you were nervous. 
Nao replied back not even two minutes later, offering you an invitation to bunk with her for as long as you needed. You immediately shot her a thank you and continued your packing. 
You had to move quickly before you changed your mind. Everything that Tony got for you would remain here. Not having much money to your name, you could have sold it and made yourself a pretty coin, but that wasn’t the type of woman you were. Besides all of it meant so much to you, everything had sentimental value, just because he had given it to you. You decided to display every single thing he ever got for you on the bed and floor. The shoes, the lace, the bags, clothes, etc. When you came across the jewelry that he got you, it proved to be a challenge. Every one he had purchased on very special occasions, like your birthday, Christmas…Valentine’s Day. You thought when you came across the destroyed remains of the Cartier bracelet he got for you that day. ‘My heart belongs to you, T.S.’  You wanted to take it. You desperately wanted to take it to have something that reminded you of him, but seeing as the small plaque itself probably cost him thousands you decided to leave it. Rubbing the cold metal between your fingers one last time, you set it down. 
You thought to leave your phone. Tony had it replaced it for you when you lost it in Italy  on one of your trips. You weren’t certain about whether or not he would trace it if he was really desperate. Okay now I’m being ridiculous. He doesn’t care about me that much, you thought, before placing the device back in your pocket now heading to the door. 
Even while touching the knob you were careful. Making the slightest sound could set him off to your presence. He was a pretty light sleeper unless he was blackout drunk, so you weren’t wrong for your caution. Turning it slowly, opening the door even slower, you slipped through it once it was wide enough.
“Y/N” you heard him murmur from behind you. At the sound of his voice you stifled a squeal of surprise. When you turned to confront him, determined to make your case for leaving, your eyes had to travel down to the floor where he resided. You saw him fast asleep, back against your doorway. Had he been there since your fight? Your thoughts were interrupted when you saw the flashing of lights outside, signaling that Pepper was there. You were starting to unravel. Tears did not threaten to leave your eyes, they promised. As they spilled down your cheeks you shook them away along with your weak thoughts. The sight of Tony at your doorstep almost made you drop your bags and forget all your previous worries. 
  A/N: Please do not claim my work as your own. Please leave a comment, a like, and reblog, it honestly really means the world to me when I get comments. 
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The Scourges Caretaker
This takes place pre-game and has been on my mind for a while sorry if its rushed its late and I need to sleep. Enjoy!!
The scourge is escorted back to his chambers. Bloody, tired, hungry, and upset.
His opponent today was a middle aged man charged with theft assault and resisting arrest. He doesnt know all the details, but from what he knows the man stole food and money from a merchant in the market and they got into a verbal argument when he was caught. It escalated and they started to fight then were both apprehended. The man decided to try to run hit the guard and tried to make a run for it, but didn't make it far.
Muriel kept thinking why that man even did something like that. Was his family in danger? Did he need the money to pay off someone? Was he in need of it more than the merchant?
This always happened after a match he would wonder what happened with that person. He would wonder why that person had to be killed. Sometimes for petty crimes, for things that were serious, and crimes that don't warrant death most likely just for the counts entertainment.
By the time they get to his cell he is done overthinking everything and just feels heavy. Yeah he is a big man, but he feels like he has 5 weights tied to his ankles.
He sits in a corner in his cell while suffering in silence. Cuts and bruises feeling like he is being burned from all angles.
"Aww, Scourge don't be like that. Hey, I actually have someone for you to meet." The counts annoyingly snarky voice rings out over the silence.
Muriel just groans in response subconsciously thinking, 'Great, another person to be bothered with. Another person to judge me even if they don't look like they are.'
Cutting into his subconscious jeers he hears a kinder unknown voice, "Hi Mister Scourge, From now on ill be you caretaker, nurse, healer whatever you want to call it."
He looks up to see someone that doesn't seem to want to hurt him, but he still doesn't trust them. He has been betrayed before.
They slowly walk over noticing his slight fear and crouch down a bit so they don't look so menacing to him.
"Well ill be leaving you too alone. (Y/N) when you are done with him tell this guard to bring his food." The count says leaving a guard at the door then leaving.
"Okay its just us....do you want me to show you my things so you can trust me more?"
Muriel gives them an unknowing look, but nods to give them an okay.
They start to unpack their supplies. He scans them and sees somethings that can be used as weapons, but they are normal things that they would have so he is slightly more at ease.
"I should tell you what my job is with you because its gonna get kinda...personal if you get what I mean."
He might not talk to many people, but he gets what that is supposed to mean. He doesn't like it. He gives a knowing slightly disgusted look.
"I think you get what I'm going to say, but im going to explain anyway." They say while checking his wounds. "Okay so I'm going to be healing you after fights, making sure you eat, checking on you every night before I head home, and...um...uh....I have to bathe you."
That last one make him flinch kind of violently. His face gets really hot just at the thought.
"Okay compromise though i spent some money on a tub that you can fit in so you won't have to feel that uncomfortable. You can get undressed while I'm not looking. It doesn't come in until tomorrow though."
'They thought about me...well...that was nice of them. I guess they are trustworthy.'
They were together getting slightly closer everyday. Finding out they have a common friend in Asra. Telling each other things they wouldn't tell anyone. They even started to sneak food into his room because they didn't feed him right. They had a strong bond.
Then one day (Y/N) comes in looking pissed off and heated. Muriel notices the difference and asked whats wrong. He didn't have a match that week, so he felt well enough to get up and ask.
"Hey whats wrong....did something happen?"
They sigh and answer back, "Yes, something did happen. Asra happened."
He mentally rolls his eyes, but doesn't want to be rude so he asks, "What did they do?"
"They said I couldn't go and help the plague victims in the Lazeret. Yes, I know its dangerous, but I can handle it. He keeps trying to shelter me, but I can do things for myself."
He didn't know how to respond to that. Yes it is extremely dangerous, but they are a strong person with a kind heart. He's torn between telling them to go and telling them to stay.
But he does choose.
"Make sure you come back safe. Okay?"
They raise their head and look with a happy smile.
"I promise, but I will be gone for a while, so tonight ill teach you how to properly clean your wounds since I can't heal them myself."
They spent the night going over everything until the moment they had to leave him.
"Welp I guess thats everything." They say while grabbing their stuff and their extra bag they were taking with them.
Muriel stared at them with a sad look on his face. They noticed and went next to him grabbed his chin and made him look up at them.
"Hey don't worry about me okay I'll be fine I promise."
"Are you sure you will be back?"
"Come on you sound like Asra right now. Yes ill be okay."
They hold their arms out to hug him and he accepts the embrace hoping to hold onto them for a little while longer before they are gone possibly for good.
They stay like that for a about a minute before (Y/N) notices their shirt is a bit....wet.
'Is he crying...?'
Muriel didn't realize how much he loved their presence and how lonely his cell was until he finally has to go back to that quiet and melancholy feeling. He couldn't control it. All of these feelings were bottled up and it finally just came out.
They stroked his head to calm him feeling his hands and arms trembling slightly against their back.
Once he finally stopped he looked awful. His face was wet, his eyes were red, face was flushed, and his nose was running.
They were quiet for a while waiting for Muriel to clean his face. When he was done he asked once again.
"Please come back....I'll miss you."
"I swear I will."
They locked up thinking of him while they walked out.
Muriel stared at the tub they bought him when they first came and the promise they made together as he slowly went to sleep.
But not all promises are made to be kept.
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seijch · 3 years
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omg hi ... im like . ashamed to come back after saying brief hiatus in october and then disappearing off the face of the earth til FEBRUARY but under the cut i will be explaining myself and the following, if youre interested (and a tl;dr at the very bottom if you don’t wanna scroll thru this obnoxiously long post):
the reason(s) i was gone for so long
what i was doing during that time (its just a personal account yall can scroll past this idrc)
the status of those um . halloween requests
the future of this account
i. so . Hiatus .
i know. i know . i probably mentioned it when i made the announcement post, but my mental health likes to go on one of those rides. yknow the ones where you go like up rlly fast then down maybe and then up then DOWN .... its like that. i needed a break and every time i wanted to come back or thought about it, something would happen and i would get stuck in my own head.
a big reason for getting stuck in my head was (and i hate to admit this ... i hate to admit that i have Insecurities On The Internet) my feelings of inadequacy regarding my writing. i love to plot fics, i love concepts and characters and making little headcanons but i dont ... know if i love writing rn. and i thought for the longest time that like . whatever ill just push thru it its fine ill be fine but it kinda wasnt lmao you can kinda see it in my halloween reqs and what become of them when i get to that but i began to feel like nothing i had put out or would put out would hold up prose wise (and normally i dont feel like this im much more “idc its my life im living it” but thats not a rant for tumblr LMAO). i still feel like that -- like im better as a reader than a writer. but . You Know :-)
tl;dr: mental state go brrrrr
ii. anywhere here’s wonderwall
when i left, i was in a steadily decreasing mental and emotional state, made worse by a situation at work that really was a case of petty jealousy on my end and rlly isnt very consequential now despite how much pain and resentment it gave me when it Was a problem so i wont get into it. the tl;dr of november and december was me using work as an crutch and distraction -- i know my job, i do it well, it helped me not think about my responsibilities and obligations and inadequacies. of course, as the holiday season grew busier n busier i was scheduled so often that i moved 88 or so miles (according to my apple watch, which i ONLY wear at work since im never anywhere else outside my house) and fell into a cycle of showering n sleeping at my house before going back the next day. (theres definitely something to be said abt capitalism and “grind culture” here but once again its not the time or place snsjkdfds)
at the turn of the new year, i happened to remember a birthday card i hadnt filed away for safekeeping from a friend of mine that id been horribly out of touch with til that point. i started crying because i realized how out of touch id been in general up until that point. the month of january was great for me: i was focused, happy, and in a much better place than i had been before. the end of it brought me down focus wise and im hoping that enough time away from my distractions will refocus me bc i ... need it LMAO and though ive burned out from that level of productivity and gotten distracted again im ... trying to stay positive which i think is the most i can do 😁👍🏼
media wise, i got real into stardew valley (but burned out bc i played it extensively as a way to wind down after work), the pokemon platinum romhack renegade platinum (still havent finished it bc of school n i played it w the intent to see if i could nuzlocke it ... bitch its so hard but its so fun bc of it), briefly assassins creed: odyssey (im one of those ppl who completes an entire region before i move to the next so you can tell i burned out of that one + wouldnt have the time to properly devote to it even if i didnt), got back into genshin impact after pulling for xiao (after not touching it for like . months), and danganronpa. yes . danganronpa 😐 i Know. i stopped playing it after the second trial of the first game bc i was so hurt by the outcome and picked it up in late january only to get sucked in (thank god i had the foresight to buy the second and third games during the steam winter sale). rn im at the start of chapter 4 if anyone wants to come in my asks and um . talk to me abt danganronpa
tl;dr: I’m Into Danganronpa Now
iii. you realize halloween was three months ago right
i mentioned this in the first section, but i love to plot things. every request is plotted or at least has a solid foundation. i had fun detailing what concept i wanted to go with considering what i was given, and there were some bangers i might touch up in the future. but heres whats going to happen to the requests themselves:
there are two finished requests. one will be posted tomorrow and the other will be touched up (just bc i finished it doesnt mean its good 🧍‍♂️) and scheduled for next saturday. as for the ones i never got around to ...
i will not be finishing those requests. i hate to be That Person, but i feel like we all expected this 🧍‍♂️ what i will do is post all of my notes for each request in batches -- requests that have an @ to go with them will be mentioned in the post proper, but anon asks will be pictured. (there are some asks that came from blogs who are now deactivated but i wrote down all the prompts and remember most of those askers so ill cross that bridge when i get there) there will most likely be an excerpt or two simply bc i think i mightve written a few plot points or interactions in the form of bullet points. i rlly am sorry about doing this but i remember looking at my notion doc with all the prompts and feeling ... like i wasnt measuring up n it wasnt just to myself or to some intangible concept of “other” id constructed but it was instead to those who requested n actually WANTED to see and hear and read my writing and i ...... im gonna admit thats another big reason i avoided this site.
regardless, youll definitely get what i have (and likely more than just my bullet points and illegible handwriting).
tl;dr: im sorry. what i have in terms of plot, concept, and interaction for every request will be posted, but i cant say ill ever complete them and mean it.
iv. so what now?
well i mean . im not entirely sure how sold i am on haikyuu in the content creation department (as a creator n to a lesser extent, as a consumer). as mentioned previously, its no longer my primary focus. it doesnt mean im not into haikyuu anymore; i have a lot of love for those boys but i cant rlly say im even caught up w recent fandom activity and also havent even finished s4 pt2 LMAO thats on my to do list
and despite all that, i still want to share my plots n concepts and snippets and maybe even fics. it wont happen anytime soon. it might not even happen. but i mean . its better than me saying i wont write ever again shjdkfs but either way ill probably use this blog as a personal blog w the occasional ask game for dialogue prompts (those are always so fun i love making up aus to fit like . the most mundane prompts)
as for my works (past and any potential future), ive opened an ao3 acc here n ill be editing n possibly expanding on my old works to post there. tumblr, to me, is The x reader hub, but i figure more x reader fics on ao3 is never a bad thing.
ill be deleting/posting drafted posts to the queue since they were all meant to be queued anyway as well as (sorry again 🧍‍♂️) deleting or answering asks in the inbox. (moots if you get a notif from me saying i rbed your post from months ago ... mind your business) im very hard to get ahold of and its ... a problem. expect an overhaul of the nav n shit to reflect my new direction n also because i feel like i cant tell if my passion for carrd is shared by the majority HSDKLFS maybe its better to read my info in a normal post ykwim .......
and of course . if youve read all this n decided im no longer worth the follow, i sure as hell cant stop you. thank you for wanting to, at some point, hear what i have to say -- it means more than you think.
tl;dr: writing will be edited and reposted to ao3, this blog will be a personal blog with a hint of writing (sometimes)
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the tl;dr to end all tl;drs:
im back! i wont be as active as i used to due to a lessened interest in haikyuu in general, but i have an ao3 acc now where all my past work will be edited, possibly expanded, and reposted. any future work will also find itself there. my halloween requests will be posted in batches as incomplete concepts, plots, and snippets of scenes; i wont be promising to finish any of them.
there are still fic concepts im attached to and want to finish, but i cant promise any more writing on my end. this blog will be a personal blog with maybe writing, not a writing blog with my personal thoughts all over it.
regardless if you stick around or not, its been crazy sexy cool (equal emphasis) being on haikyuu tumblr even tho i wasnt around for long ... even tho its not my main focus anymore, im still excited to see what the future might hold 🤝
love, ari 💌
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muwur · 4 years
idk if this counts as an emergency or comfort request but ive been havin a REAL bad body image week nsnnnsnnnsnn could i maybe request headcanons for either oikawa or kuroo (u can pick if u wanna) with an s/o who is rlly self conscious about being chubby/has a really hard time with food and mayb feels like worthless because theyre not the ideal body type? idk sorry if thats dumb aaaah thank u sm if u choose to do this
♡ scenarios ♡ for oikawa and kuroo
❧ gn reader
✎ 3.7k words
a/n: hey hun, im sorry to hear you’ve been having a rough time lately. this kind of request actually rlly hits close to home, and if u ever need anything, ur mor than welcome to reach out to me :) i can also help look for resources for help, anything really. this goes for all y’all! i dont want none y’all to feel alone with anything ur going thru cuz we’re in this together! and no need to thank me, the pleasure is mine luv 🥰💕 nothing about this is dumb, ur feelings are valid. i hope this will bring you n many others some comfort. also,, FUCK BODY STANDARDS MAKIN US BELIEVE THERE’S AN IDEAL TYPE BC THERE IS NONE N Y’ALL R BEAUTIFUL N IF U DUN THINK SO I WILL COME OVER DER,,, ok im done 🥰🥰 (more notes at the bottom of this, i talk a lot n think its important, didnt wanna add it up here bc it was too long lolol) tw: mentions of bad body and implies disordered eating behaviors
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♡ Oikawa was pretty keen, so when he observed a gradual shift in your behavior, he definitely took notice
♡ One day when you showed up to lunchtime empty-handed and sat with your two friends, casually chatting, Oikawa and Iwaizumi gave you a questioning look
♡ “Where’s your lunch, y/n?” Oikawa asked
♡ “Oh, I, uh, ate it already, actually.”
♡ Iwaizumi raised an eyebrow and offered you some of his, but you declined, thanking him and stating you were already full
♡ Later that day in class, however, Oikawa couldn’t help but notice the absence of your boxed lunch container in your unzipped backpack
♡ The next day, you came empty-handed again, blaming it on your forgetfulness during your rush to get to school
♡ However, it became a normal occurrence over time, and while you seemed fine, uneasiness began to prick inside Oikawa’s stomach
♡ Those smiles you wore appeared fragile, and the laughter that rumbled from your throat felt restrained
♡ You seemed more tired and unfocused than usual
♡ Preoccupied, withdrawn, and distant
♡ He could sense something was bothering you, no matter how much you may (or may not) have tried to hide it
♡ On his way to school one morning, he made sure to stop by a convenience store to pick one of your favorite snacks, thinking it was a simple gesture to brighten up the somber aura he’s been detecting from you
♡ “I have a surprise for you, y/n~” Oikawa announced with excitement, rummaging through his bag to pull out the snack and show it to you. “Look, it’s your favorite!”
♡ You could only offer him an uneasy smile, “Oh, you shouldn’t have...” You really shouldn’t have...
♡ When he noticed the tension in your body and expression, a frown appeared on his lips
♡ “Y/n? Is something wrong?” He reached out to place a comforting hand on your shoulder but you swiftly flinched away
♡ ”I’m fine..!”
♡ Surprised at your sudden movement and outburst, you both felt a split second of apprehension crackle in the air before you started to gather your items in a rush
♡ Sighing, you repeated, “I’m fine.”
♡ He wasn’t sure whether you were speaking to him or yourself
♡ “Thanks for the snack, but I’ll pass. Have it for me. You need it more, anyways; you have volleyball practice. I’ll see you tomorrow, Oikawa,” you offered him a solemn smile and left before he could even reply
♡ Some time had passed before he could finally get you to open up to him
♡ And when you did, it crushed his heart to see how much your insecurities broke you
♡ It hurt to hear how low you thought about yourself; how you couldn’t see the beauty in your being; how you deemed food, your body, and yourself as your worst enemies
♡ Thus bringing you to the conclusion that maybe you’d be happy and like yourself if you could just give up that midday snack or your school lunch
♡ Even raincheck a cafe date you were supposed to have together
♡ Maybe also skip dinner, sometimes breakfast the next morning as well
♡ You could manage on just water
♡ Little sacrifices to shed some weight, feel better, and get closer to your ideal body goals
♡ You admitted, however, to questioning whether any of it was worth it
♡ The constant states of hunger, pain, and defeat you lived in
♡ Only to feel as though you were getting nowhere
♡ Oikawa was well aware of today’s beauty standards. I mean, he himself was often praised for his natural charm and beauty
♡ And you felt you could never reach that ideal
♡ “Oikawa, you’re too good for me.”
♡ His eyebrows knitted in concern as he lifted his right hand to caress your cheek softly. “And why do you say that?”
♡ Tears threatened to prick at your eyes. All you could was stare at the ground in silent shame
♡ When you still said nothing, he leaned in closer, his brown gaze softly pleading
♡ “Y/n, look at me.”
♡ When your eyes flickered up to meet his own, Oikawa asked, “You know I love you, right?”
♡ His question was met with a meek, “Yes.”
♡ From your clouded glaze, he could tell that you had a hard time believing in your own response
♡  “Do you know why?”
♡ But before you could respond, he was already answering his own question
♡ “Well...” he began, glancing up in thought and wearing a small smile
♡ “Something about you makes me want to be by your side. I love to see your smiles and hear your laughter, but I always want to be there to hold you when you’re crying and in pain.”
♡ “You’re supportive. You understand what I need, and I don’t always have to explain myself to you. You take your time with me and make me feel like I can be myself. Not many people have stuck around to actually get to know me. Because of that, you’ve never failed to make my day a little better with just your presence.”
♡ “You’re strong and caring. I can rely on you to have my back, and I hope I provide that same comfort to you as well.”
♡ “I love being able to lazy around with you or go on adventures and discover something new. It’s comfortable and exciting at the same time.”
♡ “Your hands feel like they were made to hold mine.”
♡ He reached down to squeeze your hand gently
♡ “Kissing you makes me forget about everything else on my mind. I can just live in the present with you.”
♡ He moved close and gave you a peck above your eyebrow
♡ “You make me want to work hard and be a better person. You help motivate me to try my best, and you never give up on me. Why would I ever give up on you?”
♡  “I learn something new with you everyday. Like right now, I realize that I’ve never met someone who could so easily make my heart race as they could make my heart break.”
♡ “When I look at you, all I can think about is how beautiful you are and how lucky I am to have you in my life as a partner and one of my best friends. Nobody else could fill the gaps within me the same way you do.”
♡ Leaning over to brush his lips against your forehead, he muttered, “I’m going to love every part of you, inside and out. You’re already my ideal. I couldn’t ask for anything more. I could go on about every detail on why I feel so strongly for you, but I’m here to show you everything there is to appreciate about yourself because you’re worth every ounce of care and effort. And if you can’t see it in yourself right now, I’ll love you more than enough for the both of us until you learn to love yourself. I’m here to help.”
♡ And after crying out your tears into his shoulder as he held you close and rubbed your back, you both went to his house to relax and have some dinner
♡ He was patient with you, taking into account how having a meal may have made you feel anxious
♡ It was something small and simple that you two agreed to prepare and share, after some tender coaxing from Oikawa
♡ He later made a list in his journal about tips to keep in mind:
♡ ‘Check up on y/n often to see how they’re feeling’
♡ ‘Encourage them to eat meals/snacks. Don’t be too pushy, but be patient. Try to have eat with them when you can!’
♡ ‘Remind them they don’t have to earn the right to eat, and that their body doesn’t define their worth‘
♡ ‘Look into some mindfulness techniques!’
♡ ‘Don’t overvalue physical appearance. Also focus on all the other redeeming qualities y/n has! But of course I’m always gonna tell them they look cutee--’
♡ True to his word, he remained understanding
♡ He’s there to listen to you, or to sit with you in comforting silence
♡ During lunch he would share his food with you, reassuring you that it wasn’t something you had to avoid
♡ Some days he succeeds in encouraging you to share a milk bun or your favorite snack with him
♡ And on days you really didn’t feel like it, he never forces anything onto you and instead made sure you at least hydrated
♡ Oikawa spends some time doing research and gathering tips on how to help you
♡ Always reminds you of your worth and how you bring out the best in him
♡ He’ll never hold it against you if you ever become hostile, irritated, or in denial. He knows you’re hurting and doesn’t take it personally
♡ Sends you cute memes with all those emoji hearts
♡ Also some food puns (Oikawa: “I’m soy into you. Please brie mine. We are mint to be. I ap-peach-iate you. You got a pizza my heart. Olive you--” ; You: *puts a hand over his mouth* ; Oikawa: 🥺 ; You: “...olive you, too”)
♡ Always ready to give up what he’s doing to make sure you’re okay
♡ Will stay up with you late at night to talk on the phone
♡ Reminds you you’re beautiful at least 8 times a day
♡ If y’all ever go shopping and you try things on in the fitting room,, Oikawa would be your #1 hype man
♡ One time you tried something on, and you were almost too ashamed to step out and show him
♡ But when you did, you were met with his surprise and excitement
♡ “dfghjklkuyfuh” was all you could process from his incoherent speech before he insisted on treating you by purchasing it for you (Oikawa: “Can you wear this for me, like, everyday?” ; You: *weird look* “Why are you like this??” you love it tho--)
♡ Gushes internally over how cute you are during your movie + cuddle sessions, mostly pays attention to you rather than the movie
♡ Mid-movie be like:
♡ Oikawa: “So, uh, what’s happening again?
♡ You: -.- “You might as well google the whole synopsis instead of watching it”
♡ Oikawa: “...it’s not my fault you’re distracting, babe”
♡ Always politely excuses himself from his fangirls to get to you. Also reassures you he much prefers to be with you than anyone else and that you’re the best catch ;)) (You: “Oikawa, no” ; Oikawa: “y/n, yes”)
♡ Suggested doing some meditation together once
♡ You listened to a recording and you sat side by side on a mat, but Oikawa thought the person’s voice sounded funny so he had a hard time focusing
♡ But it ended with y’all laughing and making jokes as he lay his lead on your lap and you played with his hair
♡ Y’all get better at it tho
♡ Cooking dates! To try to show you that food isn’t an enemy and can bring people together :)
♡ Puts music on so y’all can jam together (Oikawa: “Oh my gosh, y/n, this is my favorite song, you’re not even rEADY to see me perform-- ; You: “Oikawa, t-the food! It’s burning!!”)
♡ Cooking dates also show that you should never leave the stove unattended
♡ Every once in a while he suggests seeking professional help. He wishes he could take away your pain and help you all his own, but he knows this is more complicated and required outside help, too
♡ Has help resources READY
♡ As well as small snacks like granola bars for you if you ever feel faint
♡ He doesn’t hesitate to confront you when he feels it’s necessary and he’s worried about your habits
♡ He handles things well, though, and often convinces you to take care of yourself more, even though he’s there to look after you
♡ Has made it his mission to help you win against your battle with insecurities
♡ Overall, he’s very caring and empathetic, hoping one day you’ll see yourself the way he sees you 💖 : strong, amazing, breathtaking, & perfectly imperfect
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♡ Occasionally, you would think about the day you broke down in front of him
♡ Your body racked with repressed whimpers as you tried to wipe the tears from your eyes and describe the recent state of your mind through choked sobs
♡ Lately, your thoughts were being especially relentless in making you feel miserable
♡ Oftentimes you’d be able to shove the negative thoughts to the back of your mind and carry on your day as usual, expertly acting as though everything in your life was going smoothly
♡ However, you found yourself fighting a losing battle against your own conscious, heavily preoccupied with thoughts of your own worthlessness
♡ And so you tried to cope
♡ But you were painfully aware of everything you felt was wrong with you
♡ You felt uncomfortable in your skin
♡ Every time you passed by your own reflection, you couldn’t help but mentally recoil at the image looking back at you
♡ Your clothes didn’t fit right
♡ Even when you opted for baggy clothes, you felt like you were taking up all the space in them
♡ Maybe it was the weight gain. You could see and feel it in your face, your arms, your stomach, your legs... everywhere
♡ You just wanted to hide away your shame
♡ Perhaps it was the dessert you allowed yourself to eat the other day. Foolish of you to think then that you wouldn’t regret it as much as you did afterwards
♡ As a consequence of those foolish actions, you made mental notes about anything and everything you ate. What it was, how much of it you had, etc
♡ Trying to restrict so that maybe you would lose some weight and come to like how you look
♡ Your obsessive thoughts of food and weight overtook your mind like a dark cloud
♡ Your favorite foods, which before would never fail to brighten your mood, taunted you with shame and guilt
♡ Exercise? Sometimes it was an activity you genuinely enjoyed. Other times, a chore that made you feel shitty or numb and reinforced your unhealthy desire to lose
♡ And you sometimes found yourself crying over your last meal, one you know you didn’t need. One you didn’t deserve
♡ And each time you released the reins on your self-control, you felt pathetic going against the vow you made to yourself  
♡ At this rate, you’d never be beautiful or be happy with yourself
-You’d remain unworthy, fat, disgusting--
-But before you could continue, your story was cut off by the impact of Kuroo’s embrace
-Your surprise silenced your sobs, and you could only stare wide-eyed at the space in front of you as you felt his arms squeeze tightly around your frame
-You both sat there for a few moments on your knees, with your back lightly leaning against a wall
- “I’m sorry for the pain you’re experiencing,” he begins softly. “Thank you for sharing with me. It must’ve taken a lot for you to do that.”
-He was right. It was your first time reaching out to another person about this. It was the last thing you thought you would’ve done today
- “I want to let you know that you shouldn’t be ashamed for feeling this way. Reaching out is important and brings you the help you need to get better. I know you might not want help right now or think that these thoughts and behaviors are a problem. However, telling me about all this shows that some part of you is recognizing there’s something wrong and you can’t always handle it on your own.”
-There were many reasons you kept this to yourself. You didn’t want to bother anyone else. Your problems seemed so trivial.  You worried saying them aloud would confirm your beliefs. You were scared people would see you differently. You--
-The intrusive thoughts never failed to make you feel ashamed
-However, it was oddly comforting to release the pent up emotions. To know you didn’t have to bottle up this burden anymore, and that you weren’t alone
-You were about to murmur in response when,
- “Also, you’re an idiot, y/n.”
- “Wow, thanks, as if I don’t already think that about myself,” you bit back in response
-You were about to shove him away just when he released his grip around your body and placed his hands on your shoulders
-His eyes shone with determination and a faint, inviting smile spread on his lips
- “You are the one of the single most important things in my life. I just mean you’re an idiot in the sense that you’re overevaluating one aspect to define your whole self. You’ve forgotten about all your other redeeming qualities that contribute to who you are.”
♡ “Your size, weight, shape; none of that matters. What matters is your health and happiness. Neglecting yourself in order to reach an ‘ideal’ that you’ve concluded is the answer to your self-worth is only bringing you farther away from what you truly want.”
♡ “I don’t mean to downplay any of your emotions or how significant this is to you. Your first step was to put your trust into someone else about this. That’s done. Now, I’m here to help you undergo self-evaluation and serve as encouragement on your journey to self-love and acceptance.”
♡ “I also want to remind you progress is not linear. There will be times when things are harder, and that’s okay; it’s part of the process. If you’re open to getting better in the future, I’m sure as hell going to be there every step of the way.”
♡ And with a soft peck to the forehead and another hug, he nuzzled into your neck and muttered, “I love you. And I want you to love yourself. So, please, allow me to help you through this and I guarantee that by the end of it all, it’ll have been so worth it.”
♡ Unsure what to say, you gripped his jacket tighter, buried your head in his shoulder, and muttered, “Thank you.”
♡ While the negative feelings about yourself remained afterward, you were relieved that your boyfriend was supportive and calm
♡ He treated you the same as always, teasing you over dumb things while making you feel like you stood among the highest peaks on Earth
♡ The day after, he had shown up to your house, weary-eyed and carrying his backpack
♡ “Kuroo? Why are you here? Also, why do you look so tired??”
♡ He stepped into your house with a yawn. He stretched his arms, then reached for his bag and whipped out his laptop
♡ “I stayed up a bit last night to do some research, babe! I also learned a lot about nutrition and molecular gastronomy, so I could help you come up with a meal plan that you’re okay with!”
♡ You were touched he was educating himself on how to help you
♡ But you drew the line at the science jokes-- (Kuroo: “You know you love them.” ; You: “‘Na’ I don’t.” ; Kuroo: :ooo “Did you just-- Marry me.”) (Na = sodium lol)
♡ His nutritional research helped you to learn the contents of food beyond calories; mans explains the vitamins, nutrients, amino acids, etc in them that you need and their benefits
♡ “Trout, avocados, and almonds have vitamin E, which is good for your skin! Oh, and don’t get me started on bananas. Yes, they have carbs (which your body needs anyway as a source of energy!), but POTASSIUM?? Shit’s gonna regulate your fluid balance, maintain heart health, stimulate normal muscle function, AND help your brain to communicate with the rest of your body!”
♡ ALSO cooking dates; just as chaotic (“Aw mannn, the egg exploded all over the microwave!” dont ask y it was being microwaved)
♡ Over time, he’s taken mental notes about your thoughts, feelings, triggers, etc
♡ He’s quick to pick up on your mood and will always ask you how you’re doing
♡ Tries to do something special for you on days you’re especially not feeling well, like taking you on a spontaneous date! (You: “Do you know how to ice skate?” ; Kuroo: “Uhh,,, after today, I will hopefully”)
♡ But will also opt for staying in with you and cuddling when you don’t want to go out (Kuroo: “I heard this movie is soooo bad! ...wanna watch it?”)
♡ Invited you to the beach with his team during the first week of summer
♡ You were unsure about this, since that meant going out in public, potentially with minimal clothing
♡ You initially sat on a beach towel under an umbrella, wearing the security of a T-shirt. He’d been aware of how you felt ever since he asked you to come, so he would sit with you and link an arm around your shoulder
♡ “I’m lucky I get to spend this day with you,” he’d say. “You look gorgeous. You always do. Now, I wanna see you smile and have fun. Let’s go take a dip, yeah?” He offered his hand, which you shyly took, and pulled you up
♡ Then immediately picked you up and started running to the water to get you soaking wet, and you were forced to ditch the heavy, waterlogged shirt
♡ However, you silently thanked him for his sweet words, making you feel secure enough to just forget your worries and enjoy the warm sun and cool water
♡ He also tries his best to lessen your anxieties over food and often shares/eats meals with you
♡ Reminds you everyday how much you’re worth to him and that there’s nothing about you that needs to change
♡ This sweet, protective, n smart boi will treat you how you deserve. It’s a guarantee he’ll be there through thick and thin, and he’s excited for the day you realize you’re just as amazing as he knows you are 💕
a/n: oop this was rlly long lol mb, i just may or may not personally know a bit about this so i went oFF
also neded to some som silly n fluff bc we all need dat
also, these r like kinda hc’s ?? but also a deconstructed oneshot/scenario?? bc they provide some rly brief bg story? one from more  of the character perspective while the other more on y/n before we get  to the hc’s about how he treats y/n. how everyone struggles w body image is different n i wanted to portray a bit of what it felt like and how it could manifest in ppl’s behaviors/thoughts. however, this is not to say that everyone feels exactly like this. what i wrote only represents a fraction of it all.
by providing some sort of bg i hope im not making u feel like this isnt u  or that u cant relate, pls lmk if i need to change anything to make it  right for u <3 ok now im actually done sry long author’s note  rfguhofe this is just rlly important to me y’all  , stay safe n take care, much luv for u <3
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shiir00oo · 4 years
If i would have to say when this chapter takes place in the anime i would say about a few days before the Kalos League I guess?
Idk somewhere between those times.P.S i just fixed some writing errors-
An Unexpected Reading Partner
The Pokemon Center still shone bright from the dark atmosphere outside and behind the building was a young raven haired boy training his pokemon, A Greninja, Pikachu,Hawlucha,TalonFlame and lastly a Noivern all together, the boy knew fully well that he had only limited time before came the time when the league starts and he was willing to stay up all night to train but he also knew that he would have to give his pokemon time to rest so he ordered them to retreat back infront of him, the boy smiled "You did great today guy's we'll surely win the league after all our hard work!" Ash exclaimed pumping a fist into the air as his pokemon let out cries of joy Ash then looked up at the sky and saw the moon almost at its full peak "Its getting late,I think its time to head in" Ash said as he started pulling out his pokemon's respective pokeballs and pulling them back in, Pikachu however leaped back up his shoulder and began taking a nap, Ash chuckled a bit and petted his partner gently and began walking back inside the pokemon center and towards the room of which he rented out for him and his traveling companions,
Once he entered the room he found two beds already occupied by the two lumiose siblings but immediately realized another bed was empty, he scanned the room for a sign of the honey blonde haired girl and eventually found her sitting on a couch reading what seemed like a book from under the shelf of the television, the girl didnt seem to have noticed Ash coming in seeing as she was so sucked into her book, the boy raised an eyebrow in curiosity,wondering what type of book she was so engrossed in that she hadnt even noticed him entering the room,he chuckled a bit from her determination to finish that one book even if she was looking a bit tired, unfortunately his light chuckle managed to grab the attention of the busy honey blonde "Ash! Your back!" Serena beamed and Ash smiled back "Yep,figured my pokemon could use a little down time, even pikachu agrees" he said gesturing by pointing towards his mouse like partner now sleeping on top of his head, this earned a giggle from the girl on the couch "Anyway, what happened to those two?" Ash said while walking towards his own bed and placing his partner upon it then pointed towards Clemont and Bonnie, Serena turned her head following the direction of his finger "Oh them? Im guessing Clemont was really tired from running all the way here, I mean once we entered the room he actually just went face first unto the bed, and Bonnie? Im not entirely sure to be honest, I dont know maybe she was just exhausted from being really hyper on the way here?"Serena explained earning a laugh from Ash "And how about you? Arent you tired?" Ash asked taking a few steps closer to the girl eventually ending up standing infront of her, making the honey blonde blush ever so slightly although that moment didn't last long as she was suddenlt interrupted by herself yawning all of a sudden this earned a light chuckle and a small smirk from the boy infront of her "Yeah, But i thought it wouldve been rude to sleep when you havent even came back the room yet,then i found this book and decided to read it to, I dont know, pass the time while waiting for you," She came to a pause and looked back at the pages of her book "And turns out this book is really interesting, i honestly got so intrigued by it when i reached the 5th page" She explained her eyes roaming left to right reading the book "It must be if your still up reding it," Ash responded "Say, what's the book called?" Ash asked as he sat down next to the girl earning another slightly darker tone of red from her cheeks but of course Ash hadnt noticed that small detail "Well its called 'Amour Journeys' (fite me i couldnt think of another book title lmaooo) its about a girl and a boy with their group of friends traveling around the world with their pokemon but that girl and boy had feelings for each other and didnt know how to tell each other" Serena rambled on, seeing her so happy about something always made a smile on Ash's face beside her,  laughing a bit he then said  
"So its that good then?" Ash asked raising an eyebrow in amusement Serena then nodded with a big smile on her face twisting her self to face him while doing so, she shoved the book inches away from the boy's face expecting him to be able to read it but from that angle it was nearly impossible but she hadnt processed that bit just yet "See! It's really romantic!" Serena gushed out dreamily as she retreated back to her previous sitting position and continued on reading, a smile still evident on her face, her words got Ash intrigued and honestly he was not one for reading but if Serena spoke so highly of it he thought it wouldnt hurt so he could gave it a look, he leaned in closer to the girl earning another blush from her but nonetheless she kept silent and continued on her reading but unfortunately the feeling of Ash's warm breath just at the edge of her neck tingling her was now starting to be distracting her and now she couldnt keep her mind straight, Ash had finished both pages and was expecting Serena to flip to another one but weirdly she never did,he look at the girl to see she was looking a bit, Overwhelmed(?) "Uhh Serena are you okay?" Ash asked completely oblivious to the situation he trapped the girl in "Uh-H YeS im f-Fine!"she stammered out and used her shaking fingers to turn the page and the both of then continued reading.
A few more minutes went by, maybe 20 or 30? But either way time had went by and weirdly enough Ash found himself enjoying the book and was now totally sucked into the story however Serena grew even more tired by the minute, every so often her eyes drooped close but bolted back open when she felt herself falling asleep, Ash seemed to notice her groggy behavior but didnt say a word and continued reading 'ill wait till she falls asleep, then ill take her to bed' he thought to himself.
Another 10 minutes went by and Serena couldnt keep herself awake much longer, she gave into her exhaustion and closed her eyes shut completely forgetting about the fact that right next to her was Ash who was reading with her, her hands was still gripping the sides of the book but her head was dropping down and eventually landed on Ash's shoulder.
Noticing the sudden weight on his shoulder he looked down to see the honey blonde peacefully asleep on him, he didnt know why but he felt a small tinge of warmth crawl up his cheeks,but he didnt mind it and honestly he quite enjoyed it but he figured Serena would liked it if she were in a much comfier and comfortable position rather than just sitting up.
He then carefully took the book out of her grasp which was quite easy to do so, seeing as her hands were loose and relaxed, he placed the book down beside him then looked at the girl sleeping on his shoulder once again, he smiled then altered his position for him to lift the girl up in his arms like how a newly wedded couple would hold his wife, he then walked to his bed seeing as it was the closest to the couch and placed her right next to pikachu who had seemed to notice the figure laying down beside it and immediately cuddled up next to the girl, who subconsciously wrapped her arm around the pokemon like it was some sort of stuffed animal, Ash smiled and laughed lightly at her child like demeanor when asleep, his thoughts were cut short when he suddenly felt a gush of cold air brush right past him and immediately realized the his bed was right infront of the air conditioner and that without a blanket a person sleeping on it would most likely be freezing and shivering while asleep, so he took off his electric blue jacket and placed it on his pokemon aswell as the honey blonde,thinking that merely his jacket wasnt enough, he went to the tip of the bed and lifted up the comforter that was neatly folded and placed it just above the shoulder of the honey blonde aswell as his pikachu.
He noticed a stray strand of hair infront of the girl's face and made a sudden move of tucking it back behind her ear, he found himself entranced by the girl's face,her beauty perhaps (a shit here we go again with the sappiness and cheesiness, great job me-)
He felt a familiar warm feeling crawl up his cheeks once again, he then stroked the girls hair wondering how ones hair could be so smooth even though the wind and air outside was so humid to make even his own hair frizzy but nonetheless he liked the feeling of her honey blonde locks, he stopped doing that thinking it was rather weird then stood back up and walked towards a nearby light switch and flicked it off and then found himself back on the couch, he didnt bother changing seeing as the other havent aswell and the cold air wasnt that much of a bother for him infact he kind if liked it, he then glanced back at his bed where Serena and his pikachu laid sleeping peacefully and smiled to himself and eventually found himself dozing off aswell.
...little did they know Bonnie saw the whole thing from under the thin sheets of her bed.
Oh boi they gon have a buncho questions for the next day I-
Shhshs k thats it i have nothing else to say
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