#its fine shes fine. u can survive being stabbed in the heart if u try hard and believe in urself.
apothecarywormcrud · 9 months
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the power of one piece is such that for once i produce actual oc references. calico is honestly just vibing. woodall's dream is to have their heart put in a jar and theyre like, SO normal about it.
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wulvert · 1 year
i have something 2 confess,,,im so sorry,,,ive nver watched trigun. wht scene are u talking about with kelly in the tags of the avery ref discussion post,,,(GENUINE QUESTION JUST REREAD THIS AFTER TYPING THIS ENTIRE ASK AND REALISED IT KINDA SOUNDED MEAN??? JUDGEMENTAL??? IT WASNT MEANT 2 BE THAT WAY SORRY) ALSO IF IT ISNT BLATANT SPOILER TERRITORY,,,whats the lore behind all their scars. why has avery been stabbed so many few times. is she secretly weak against knives pre-incident. whts scarlet's two scars,,,does trisha have scars besides the werewolf attack incident back in ye olden days,,, also off topic but i tried dr. pepper strawberries and cream today and it made me think of red. my ratign is "far too sweet oh god jesus FUCKING christ good heavens i can feel my heart stopping" and then i finished the entire can. the best way i can describe the taste is if you chose to drink an entire thing of carbonated strawberry syrup for fun
NOO DW I DONT EXPECR PPL 2 READ MY TAGS ANYWAY im talkong abt the scene where u find out vash has a cage over hus left nipple
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that one.
tbh not the most interesting backstory, vampires just get u with a knife sometimes! they dont like being killed. tho avery has a scar on her ankle where her dad cut her achilles tendon when she was a kid (its completely fine now though) (it was an accident he expected her to dodge his knive so its normal father daughter bonding its like when ur dad makes u lick a battery when ur 4)
on her ref scarlet has one on her lower upper leg. like above her knee but above above her knee, and one on the side of her stomach- wait and her bite scar which she covers up pretty well
k on averys ref which js the only completed (ish) ref bc im lazy she has one stab-slash in one combo on her stomach, two slashes on her left forearm around where ud block something with it. back of her knee, slash on upper arm, slash agross her shoulder blades, &obvs her little bite scar. and her ankle. & yes, she would never admit it but she was weak against being stabbed. embarassing.
kelly i have drawn his scars like once in my sketchbook but hes been stabbed a lot, i think staked once and ppl vampires bite him sometimes (but thats ok he survived unlike some ppl, who somehow claim 2 b better at their job than he is) good few like intense slashes on the torso, ones similar to averys forearm scars but more intense and on all arms, top surgery, another stab here and there- couple burns when he gets in the way of avery with a flamethrower. its fine. hes fine. it looks cool anyway. ive never drawn his back which is probably more scarred nkw that i think abt it. bc. he probably gets sneaked up on more often.
trisha the ones on screen (i think shes the only one ive bothered giving scars on screen bc theyre lore relevant but more bc im lazy), and general giant dog mauling on her legs and stuff. prior 2 that no! she was young and hadnt been hit with the violence of everyday household objects deciding to betray you yet. ( not me thiugh i have been attacked by pencils scissors and my own appendix )
i wanted 2 try that but afaik it doesnt exist here..................... jealos..... though i dont really want to drink an entire can of carbonated strawberry syrup.
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shdwwlkrsblog · 3 years
Techno x reader
Woohoo we hit 100! pogchamp!
Summonary(?):Y/n always loved taking risks doesn't matter how low the chance of surviving was , when it wasn't below 1% it's gonna be fine is what she always said and all the smp members thought other as the dumb girl/boy who can't wait to die but no one saw whats beneath the risk loving facade...
Warning: injuries , not being carefully with their life. , Angstttttt , near death
You walked to technos house because he said he wanted to talk about something if it was something good or bad , you didn't know. All you knew was that in this area are too many skeletons , it'll trigger the want to fight them all just because you love the risk to die . You stopped your movements and counted the skeletons around you , still keeping in mind to dodge the arrows ofc
9, 10 , 11 , 12! An arrow shot near your ear from behind and you turned around "no 13 I can take their bones to techno as an excuse.... no need to tell him I took them all at once tho" you whispered to yourself getting out an axe
Timeskip because it's just murdering skellos
You pulled out the arrow wich stuck in your shoulder and picked up the bones from the last one , while you were walking to technos house your wound on the shoulder started bleeding again and again when you started fighting zombies that wanted your brain
"looks like I'm keeping it , idiot" you said as you stabbed the zombie again and ignored the pain from your shoulder and then you saw ranbos brother , or at least you thought it was? They all look the same so if it is his brother . He'll have enough other endermans to replace him . You thought and started hitting the enderman who immediately teleportated to the left of you and ran towards you trying to attack you wich you blocked and landed two hits with an axe on him " one last hit" you mumbled and concentrated on the enderman who was coming from left again and you landed the hit directly to where it's heart is and smoke popped up. After the smoke left 2 enderpearls rolled from where the enemy stood . After picking both up you threw the first one direction being pretty sure it would bring you directly infront of his house
And you were right because now you were standing in front of the piglins house and walked to its door right before you wanted to knock it swung open "your enderpearl was clearly visible try avoiding that next time s- " the piglin man sighed "haven't we talked about you getting here without wounds?" "Sry couldn't heal i-" "you didn't want to , am I right? Com'on let's go inside and let me see it" techno stepped aside giving you room to walk in . You knew the Roman he's about to tell you now too well , but it surprised you when he didn't even started it . Maybe he'll tell me about that boring stuff later , you thought and sat in the seat . Techno pulled another seat in front of you and sat down his eyes starred into yours
"why ?" Techno asked while he freed your shoulder "u really thought you can let that wound leave untreated? Thought I wouldn't see the blood on your clothes wich is your blood i can smell that" oh i forgot piglins have a good nose , you wanted to facepalm yourself for being so stupid but decided not to . "Anyways that's not what I wanted to talk about " he put a healing potion on your wound and sighed while you where distracted by the painting hanging over his fireplace " yk how painful it is to know someone you love doesn't care about their life and could die anytime when they're outside?" You overheard the word love and you attention was on him again "huh? Can you repeat that ? I was distracted" technos face went blass . He just teller you that he loves you in a ' you need to solve the puzzle' way and you didn't even listen?! Techno shoved that thought and pain to the side and repeated it but not what he really said " it hurts knowing you could die out there because you care like 0% about your life" you sighed " that isn't what you said" his face showed a bit of shock behind the pigskull mask (he's human form rn but still can use the abilitys like better smell) "you said something with love before what was it?" Techno sighed and stood up walking to the swords on the wall staring at them hands locked behind his back " i said" he hesitated . Was it really the right moment? What if you would say no? Techno sighed again " i said it's hard to go to war with Steve when I love him so much and know he might die " he really hoped you believed that and you did . Why would he lie to you?
"nawww you got attached to him that's so adorable" you chuckled it's adorable seeing techno being attached to his animals . You stood up and walked up next to him looking up to him he starred back down at you
Still silence
" how's the weather up there?" Techno broke out in laughter and you followed. god how much I love this man's laugh , you thought but your good mood was interrupted by a arrow shooting through an window near you and the class shattering .Techno instinctively pulled you to him and held a shield infront of both of you looking to the window "techn- " "shhh" a invisibility potion splashed down outside and after some seconds you both heard the class break beneath the invisble person's foot steps and after that silence followed but it didn't held forever . You slowly backed away from techno but it was a terrible idea ... Soon enough a sword stabbed through your stomach but you were quick enough to equip your axe and sliced the person's throat because soon enough the sword slipped out of you and a thud was heard telling the person is now on the floor and so are your holding the wound and trying to stop the bleeding you heard yelling outside . Your vision got blurry and you screamed his name " techno!" Nothing he was gone "techno!" The scream was more quieter and sadder did he really leave you? The man you love? Love? Do i really love him? Your thoughts weren't able to function anymore and you passed out after saying his name the last time
"y/n! I'm here ! Wake up! " Your eyes shot open and techno pulled you towards him in a hug "was it all just a dream?" Tears began to roll down your cheeks as you remembered it " Yes , please calm down i was scared something happened .... What was the dream about?" You hesitated " you left me... And i died." " You know i would never leave you i love you too much" it slipped out of him and he regretted it " y/n I'm s-" "i love you too" "wha- really? IM THE HAPPIEST HYBRID ALIVE" techno hugged you even tighter and you wanted to hug him too but moved the wrong arm and hissed in pain as your shoulder hurted" oh yeah that , you passed out after you sat in the chair you lost too much blood "
"Oh welp it's fine I got you"
Ask box open lol
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sneyrwrites · 4 years
hi! can i request for a levi x reader scenario where the reader is a really powerful titan shifter and levi finds out about it. slight angst and fluff would be great. im apologize if this was confusing, this is my first time requesting anything.
Don’t worry! It’s perfectly fine, and this was so fun to write i went a little overboard and this ended much longer than what i intended.
Also, this has spoilers of the last chapters of season 1, specifically, when the female titan appears!  if you haven’t got there yet, feel free to send another ask letting me know and I’ll work on a spoiler free one.
Thank u for requesting! xx
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|Wordcount: 3183 | |Warnings: Curse, spoilers.| 
Well... things escalated quickly.
As if being a titan shifter yourself wasn’t enough, now you were in Levi’s squad and needed to protect Eren, another titan shifter like yourself. Being in the trial traumatized you, proving your fears were funded. They wanted to open him up like a fish. You wouldn’t expose your integrity like that.
Honesty was overrated.
How could you explain the fact that you couldn’t remember since when or how you got the power? You knew as much as they did about how the shift worked, being as lost as Eren was with that part of yourself. In fact, before Eren Showed up you’d thought you were one of a kind, an oddity meant to be feared, cursed to hide your real potential.
The fear of what they could do to you was enough to not share your abilities with Erwin, and when the new kid, came around you were too deep into the lie to just be like “Oh hey, by the way I’m also a titan shifter and I stood in the sidelines as hundreds of my comrades died without helping... I’m not selfish at all haha... Please don’t kill me.”
You feared what Levi would do if he found out, he’ll hate you for sure. The trust could never be earned again, he’ll be too hurt. The late night chess and tea encounters you had with him would be lost forever. You’ll be lucky if he didn’t decapitate you himself, titans had taken everything away from him after all.
The expedition was going like normal at first.
You were riding in between Nifa and Eren, wondering who would make it out alive. You trusted your squad, and you knew they were going to make it, but the people your were acquainted from other teams were in danger, and a flash of jealousy surprised you, Eren could shift if he wanted to, but you had to settle for just watching the massacre, trying to fight and save whoever you could with only those weak as fuck swords.
Your eyes went to Levi riding ahead of you, his back straight with a confidence only someone extremely strong and brave had. You admire him, and worked hard to improve inspiration by his example, your wounds heald so the only thing you had to fear was your secret being discovered.
But even so, the stench of fear was in the air, specially coming from the new recruits, the overall mood was thick and heavy, and there was also the fact that no one knew what was the mission in real life, the only thing we could do really was trust our superiors.
An hour into the expedition launched a guy from another regiment came to give the reports. You were too busy looking at the green flares shooting up in the sky as to know what he said, and for Eren’s expression you didn’t want to know either. Petra went away to carry the message under Levi’s commands and as soon as she left black smoke rose to the clouds.
An eccentric.
Dread collied in your stomach as you reached for your gun to shoot a new signal and noticed a forest of giant trees up ahead. Was Erwin really going to make you go through that titan’s den? What was going on?
The sun was blocked by the high treetops, and you and your squad made your way through the somber trail- Your exact thoughts and confusion was clear in your teammates faces, as Eren complained to Levi about the whole situation.
The new kid looked towards you, fear pooling in his green eyes, and you tried to look as calm and composed as you could, but the sweat was pearling your forehead, so it wasn’t convincing. You didn’t like the situation one bit. Turning your head to the front, you called Levi’s attention.
“Captain Levi...” You started, he turned to you and his expression softened a little, but a few tense lines remained. “Wh...” Your question was cut short by the sound of a shot, a black trail ascending behind your back. You were in deep shit.
“Take out your swords. Whatever is coming will appear all of the sudden.” Eren’s fear was almost palpable now, and as you turned to observe the signal once more you saw it.
A female titan coming from the side.
“Captain! We need to switch!” Petra’s plea to leave the horses behind to have a better chance was full of terror, but Levi didn’t react, not a single muscle constricting.
The female titan broke through a bark and a piece scared your horse, almost hitting you.
“(Y/n)!” Levi shouted, turning to you.
Once you calmed your horse down enough to have control over it, you resumed your escape, a few feet behind. Encouraging the frightened animal you tried to smile at Levi, letting him know you were okay, but his eyes were back to the front, a scowl in his features.
Looking behind you, you could see the short distance you had between the female titan and yourself. If you kept that pace she was going to catch you. And she wasn’t just an eccentric. She was just like Eren and yourself. You could see it in her focused eyes as she grabbed cables, turning and squishing your partners' bodies as if they were made of nothing but clay. An urge to transform and rip the bitch’s head off was so strong it was almost hurting you, but you had to believe in the capability’s of your commander. He must have a plan, and you and your freak power wasn’t taking into consideration. It was better to stay out of it.
But she kicked your fucking horse.
Your body flew across the air, and you could hear Petra and Oolo screaming your name, but you collided against a tree and the sound of something breaking muffled their voices, the crack reverberating into your very soul. As you were Falling to the hard floor, the only thing that was on your mind was your squad, she was about to get them and for once you were sure it was worth the sacrifice if it meant they would survive.
Rolling to your side you saw Levi’s shot a flare and the sound of an explosion made your ears ring.
That was the plan all along? To catch the fucking titan!? And to think you almost blow your cover for nothing. Fucking Erwin and his secrecy.
You tried to get up, but pain shot through your arm. For sure it was broken, and to make it worse the bone was sticking out. It would be fine in a few moments, not being that serious of a wound, but you were dangerously close to the rest of the surveys. If they saw you like that it might raise suspicions.
Sucking in a breath, you grabbed your wrist and pulled to adjust the bone back in place. The crunch and the stabbing pain making you groan The steam started to raise from the wound and a sigh came out of your mouth, the skin in your arm starting to regenerate .
“(Y/n)...?” Levi’s voice sent a shiver down your spine, and the fear nestled in your throat, constricting it. You hide your arm behind your back in a desperate and pathetic attempt to hide the truth.
You turned to him and wished you never saw him in that state. His eyes open and lost, confusion misting over his face. You looked at him fora couple of seconds, and you knew he had seen, the deep frown and his slack mouth were a clear indicative. To say he was shocked was an understatement.
“What the fuck!?” He said, drawing his blades out, the pain of betrayal flashing across his eyes. Shame rushed trough you, and your heart broke at the thought of him being disappointed. That was the last thing you wanted, but still managed to do it in your own incompetence. “You’re one of them?”
Levi took a step forward raising his sword, but you turned around and took off, incapable of stand for another moment the broken look he was giving you, his rushed footsteps followed after you. Tears slipped out of your eyes and without looking back you shot your Odm gear at the farther tree you could and allowed the pressure of the gas take you away from him and from the people you called home. Too afraid to explain yourself to them..
Levi didn’t follow after you.
You had screwed up, and badly. If only you had been honest from the beginning maybe this would’ve turned out better than it did.
Why were you even scared? Levi was trustworthy and a logical person, the fear wasn’t going to phase him enough to kill you without hearing an explanation.
Sitting on top of a branch high enough for no one to see you, you left the faucet open, and the tears fell free, sobs rocking your body. You had lost everything in only a second of careless behaviour, and now you couldn’t go back home. There was nothing left for you.
Time was lost to you, but it couldn’t be more than fifteen minutes, when your weeping session was interrupted by a terrified scream.
“Petra!” Oolo’s voice got to your ears, 
Gunther and Eld could no longer tease you about your crush on some mystery man
Everything was lost in such a short amount of time.
The Tree you were sitting on trembled, and absentmindedly you looked down to its base, the smiles of your squad still on your mind.
Eren’s half head had rolled to the base.
The sight detonated something within you, almost as if your soul had broken in half, and now someone was triturating it into a million more.
A scream that would put any Banshee to shame erupted from somewhere deep in your core. Your hands grasping your hair and pulling, trying to relief in someway the anguish you were feeling.
You were going to kill her, it was all her fault. You’ve lost everything because of her.
The sharp pain on your scalp was followed by a burning hot sensation washing over you. Only half conscious of what was happening, still too shocked to realize just how things got out of hand. You got up from the floor.
When did you fall? You couldn’t remember.
Steam rose from the severed head. A lingering touch of conciousness was still present, and you felt the failure, your teammates efforts had been in vain, and you couldn’t help them in time.
Your broken cry scared the birds away, and with a blood thirst you’ve never felt before you took off, in search of the female titan.
Zooming through trees, you ran in the direction the head came from. And soon you saw her trying to run away. Eren was nowhere to be found, and that only fuel you.
You didn’t stop once you reached her, instead deciding it was best to send both of your bodies to the floor in a mess of wrestling limbs. Managing to get her under you, your fist collided against her body. 
You were trying to feel anything, even if only a tingle of pain, to dissipate your frustration and grief, but the stupid titan’s body was like a protective shield.
You roared and in a desperate attempt you head-butted her, skulls cracking on impact.
The blonde titan looked at you with open and scared blue eyes, now sporting an evident bent in her forehead. If she was trying to get some kind of mercy, it was not going to happen, not after she obliterated your friends like they were just bugs, not even worthy of a second glance.
Twisting and turning behind your weight, she was desperately trying to get up, and twisting her hips she managed to throw your body away. But it was not the end. You were so lost to the pain than once you regained your balance you grabbed her once more. 
Standing behind her, your fingers grasped her jaw, and you pulled up, trying to return the favor of what she did to Eren. Muscles ripped because of the brute force, as she desperately tried to claw at your arms. As you had her mouth open, you were going to keep going until you rip her to shreds, put the sight of two horrified people stopped your movements. 
Your body locked up when you and Levi made eye contact, Mikasa by his side staring horrified at you. You were barely aware of the titan, still thrashing against your arms, but there was no use, you were too strong and you had the upper hand. 
In a flash Levi strapped one of his hooks into the tree next to your head and dived into the female titan’s mouth, retrieving Eren’s body covered in filthy saliva. He then went back to where Mikasa was, but his eyes never left your body. 
Your conciousness came back when his steel orbs caught your attention, and shame rushed through your body. There was no way you’ll confront Levi after he saw you as a titan. Mikasa grabbed Eren’s body in her arms, but you didn’t wait around to see how things would turn out. 
Turning around you sprinted to the exit of the woods, once you were out, there was no way for him to catch in the open field without his ODM.
“Wait!” Levi’s screamed, but that didn’t stop you at all.
You had almost made it, but suddenly the world titled and your titan form fell face first into the ground. In that moment whatever remainded of conciousness you had abbandoned you,  the las thing in your mind was Levi’s dissapointed look before everything dissapeard.
The light was annoyingly disrupting your slumber.
A groan left your lips, eyes still closed. Who opened your curtains? You always kept them close to prevent a thing like this from happening. As you tried to sit up on the bed, you couldn’t feel your forearms at all. That was weird.
“I see you woke up” Someone’s voice alerted you, and the sleepiness flew out the window.
Opening your eyes, you noticed Levi leaning against the wall in front of you. His face like stone, not a single emotion coming out of him. His storm grey eyes locked on yours, staring with an intensity that rose the hair in your neck.
Trying once more to get up you found yourself incapable. You looked at him in disbelief of his audacity.
“You fucking chopped my arms out!? What the actual fuck Levi!?” Indignation sparked in your chest, how dare he? You were planning on disappearing forever, finally letting the Survey Corps in peace.
“Was it all a lie?” The hurt in his voice stopped you mid-sentence, his words showed what his face didn’t, and it broke your soul a little bit more. 
You didn’t respond, your eyes downcast. He took a step towards you, leaving his spot at the wall. You could almost feel the warmth radiating from his body, and you tensed up at his proximity.
“I asked you a question... Was it all a lie cadet?”  He used his authority, the threat implied in his sentence. "(Y/N)… why?” 
“It scared me… " You whispered, looking up at his impassive face. “I don’t know how I got it, and I thought… I don’t know.” You tried to swallow the knot in your throat, but it was no use. The tears would fall soon if this conversation was to continue.
“So you don’t trust me?” He claimed, an eyebrow rising in questioning.
“Don’t be dumb.” You protested, there was no use in being formal and respectful with him at the moment. “I’ve followed your ass to death a thousand times. You know more about me than myself. I told you I was scared, you’re not in charge, if someone found out before Eren showed up I was going to be executed. Just look at what happened in the court room. ”
Exasperated, Levi uncrossed his arms, pinching the bridge of his nose, almost as if he was imploring for patience. His voice was clipped and harsh when he spoke again.
“You surely don’t trust me if you thought I would allow that dumbass. I would’ve ended whoever attempted to harm you.” 
 A breath hitching in your throat, surprise sucker punching you in the gut. But ten times more shocking than his confession was the fact of him circling you with his arms.
His hands found the back of your head, and he guided your head against his chest. The position was surely not comfortable for him, standing  next to the bed and leaning over, but still, he didn’t let go. His hand caressed your hair, and the tenderness of his touch made you cry again.  Levi’s grip on you tightened, and he stayed quiet, as you let all the stress and fear leave your body in the form of tears.
You wanted to hug him back so badly, but because of your lack of arms you couldn’t do it. Once the sobs stopped, he let go of your body. His eyes scanning your red eyes and wet cheeks. You wanted to wipe your tears, so he wouldn’t see them, but it was impossible at the moment, your hands still not regenerated.
“I’m sorry about your arms. But I couldn’t let you go away like that.” He sounded ashamed, which was a kind of out of character of him. Levi’s icy fingers caressed your cheeks, as he caught a stray droplet that was sliding down your face." Erwin wants to see you in his office, but I’ll take you there when your arms grow back… Would that make you feel safer?.”  He asked, concerned.
“Yeah… actually that would help.” Going face to face with the commander who you’ve been lying to for years, without a way of defending yourself was scary. 
“All right.” He conceded.
As if it was the most common thing in the world Levi moved the covers away and sat by my side. A blush crept up your neck at the close proximity.
“What are you doing!?”  You asked, flustered. Since when was the stoic captain so comfortable being in someone else’s personal space?
“Shut up. After everything that happened, the least you could do is let me rest. It’s been over 48 hours since I had a nap.” He laid down and pulled the covers up to our shoulders.  “I’ll be more at ease if I monitor you, just in case someone tries something funny… Unless you’re opposed to the idea?” His eyes bore into your own, making the temperature of the room rise a few degrees. What were you supposed to reply? Shaking your head no you settled next to him, looking at the roof as you tried to ignore Levi’s proximity, pleading your heart to slow down, afraid he might  hear it. 
“Good.” He answered, closing his eyes  “Oh, and (Y/n)… I’ll always have your back,  you can trust me so don’t lie to me again. Got it?” 
He turned around after that, his back now to you. 
Your heart sped up even more, and the feelings for Levi you tried to hide for such a long time resurfaced. And, no matter what his cold demanor was, at moments like this you could tell he cared for you too. 
You knew you’ll be all right if he was on your side. 
✘ Masterlist
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whitewolfandthefox · 4 years
Where My Demons Hide
Prompt from @wayward-dream​: Bitch you want a prompt? I'll give you a prompt. Take the song "Demons" by Imagine Dragons and use it for inspiration to give me a Geralt x reader prompt where she finds dark!Geralt wounded and still under the effects of the potion and he tries to tell her to leave him, he'll be fine, but she's like "no u fuckin idiot ur BLEEDING" and she takes care of him and he wakes up to her being all soft and taking care of him and he's very confused and insecure. Angst, happy ending or not is up to you :)
A/N. You said I could angst, so I took it and ran. This definitely got away from me once I started writing it! Hope you all enjoy! Send me a message or an ask if you’d like to be added to my taglist!
Words: 3.7k
Warnings: character injury, mentions of gore, sickness, angst with a fluffy ending
Add yourself to my taglist
Summary: Geralt POV. Geralt x fem!reader. Geralt is seriously injured on a hunt and has to take a witcher elixir to survive the fight. He meets you on the road back to your house, freezing at what he sees in your eyes when you meet his black gaze, face pale from the elixir. He despairs when you turn away from him at the sight, before you surprise him with what you do next.
Where My Demons Hide
The sun was setting on the horizon as he finally reached the road. It had been a rough hunt, Geralt not moving quite fast enough at one point and suffering the consequences. He had been forced to take one of his witcher elixirs in order to kill the monster and was utterly exhausted from the fight. He had been injured, a deep slash that ran from his left shoulder to his hip. The wound itself, though deep, was not as worrisome as the poison that the vampire had put on his sword, the poison that was now in his bloodstream. The only reason Geralt was still on his feet was the elixir that still coursed through his veins.
Having left Roach at the house that he shared with you, Geralt was forced to limp back, slowly but surely covering ground to safety. He felt relieved that you wouldn’t be home to see him like this, you had gone to visit your sister for two weeks and wouldn’t be back for another two days. He would be able to sleep the elixir out of his system, you wouldn’t see him for the monster that he was.
As injured as he was, Geralt was still aware of his surroundings, so when he heard footsteps coming up the road behind him, he tried to move quickly into the trees to let whoever was travelling pass him. He didn’t quite make it into the forest before the traveller caught a flash of his white hair in the treeline.
He closed his eyes in frustration, conflicting emotions raging through him. Happiness at the thought that he would get to see you, guilt that you had to see him like this, fear that you would leave him. An overwhelming feeling of pain and despair made him heavy, forcing him to pause in the treeline, keeping his back to you.
“Geralt, is that you?” He could hear the footsteps getting closer. “Geralt, what’s wrong? Look at me please.”
He could hear the worry in your voice, striking at the center of his chest like he’d been stabbed. You wouldn’t be worried about him once you saw who he truly was.
Don't get too close
It's dark inside
“Geralt please, you’re scaring me. Are you injured? What happened?” A note of panic was working its way through your voice, shaking as he refused to answer you, refused to turn around.
He couldn’t show you, he couldn’t turn around and let you see what he was. His shoulders tensed, curling in, guarding against the rejection that was sure to follow. He could feel you getting closer, hear you approaching him, your heart rate accelerated with worry.
I wanna hide the truth
I want to shelter you,
but with the beast inside
there’s nowhere we can hide.
He felt a hand on his shoulder, tugging at him to turn around. Never able to resist you, he slowly turned so that he was facing you, keeping his eyes closed. He felt fingers touching his face, stroking his cheek, and his eyes fluttered, showing slits of black. He heard a gasp and a quick backstep as you drew back from him. She fears me, she will leave me, I was never good enough for her, now she knows who I truly am, she has seen the monster, the demon, that hides inside me. He could sense your presence getting farther from him, retreating out of fear of him.
His mind whirled, shoulders hunching in on himself, body reeling from the feeling of despair and the blood loss. You were leaving, you were scared of him. You, who had promised you loved him, had lied to him. He didn’t blame you, he would also despise the monster that his human face hid.
As he spiralled slowly into despair, he felt a slight body slip under his arm, cloth pressed to his wound. He opened his dark eyes, black gaze locking with your Y/E/C eyes. You looked back at him with no fear, no disgust, only worry, worry for him? How could he be deserving of your concern when he was like this?
When you feel my heat
Look into my eyes
Its where my demons hide
“Come Geralt,” you murmured. “Let’s go home. We’ll get you cleaned up and into bed.” Gently, you took his weight and started to lead him down the road. Geralt could see darkness snatching at the edges of his vision, could feel his body failing as the poison took hold. Silently, he cursed the vampire that had managed to injure him.
“Wha- are you do’in?” he slurred, unconsciously leaning into you for support. As he realized this, he tried to right himself, taking his weight off your body. You gently, but firmly, reached up and tugged him back down to lean against you. He resisted at first, before giving in as he felt the world spin and his body sway from the blood loss.
“You take care of others, Geralt, let me take care of you. Lean on me, let me share your burden, love.” You shushed his protests, still guiding the two of you towards the house that had appeared in front of you without his notice. I must be drifting. You nudged the gate open with your hip, keeping one hand on Geralt’s side and one helping him stay upright. You quickly got him inside the house and into your bathing room.
When Geralt next looked up, you were nowhere to be found. Your disappearance shot straight to his core, the panic reappearing, his heart rate accelerating. His chest rose and fell with harsh breaths, the world spinning and disappearing in front of him. The next thing he knew, you were kneeling at his side, when had he fallen?, holding him, murmuring reassurances in his ear. He weakly pushed himself off of you, “Your dress,” he mumbled, seeing the bloodstains that were slowly appearing on your skirt from where he rested.
“Don’t worry about my dress,” you helped lift him onto the chair next to the tub, reaching for the ties of his armour, your deft fingers making quick work of the laces before dropping the various pieces onto the floor. Having removed his armour, you gently started working on his shirt, taking care to avoid agitating the sword cut in his side. Kneeling between his legs, you began to untie his breeches with the intention of getting him into the bath. He could see the steam rising from the tub, when had you filled it, the gentle curls disappearing into the air.
He returned his gaze to stare at you in wonder, in awe at the softness that seeped out of you, shocked at the gentleness that you used with him as you removed his clothes. You weren’t afraid of him, you didn’t fear his black gaze or his pale skin, you didn’t run from him at the sight of the monster within. Geralt couldn’t reconcile your gentle treatment with what he thought he deserved from you, with how other people treated him.
Your eyes they shine so bright
I want to save that light
I can’t escape this now
Unless you show me how
He caught your hand, pausing you in your efforts to disrobe him. “Why, mouse? Why don’t you fear me?” He swallowed harshly before continuing. “I could hurt you.”
Rather than backing away as he expected, you took his hand between both of yours, looking up at him from where you were kneeling on the floor in front of him with a soft gaze. Your lips curved into a soft smile, “You could never hurt me.”
Don’t wanna let you down
But I am hell bound
No, this is all for you
Don't wanna hide the truth
He shook his head, pulling his hand from yours. “I’m dangerous, a monster. You should despise me.” You stood and moved closer, gently pulling him down to rest against you, your embrace grounding him. He asked quietly, voice breaking, “How can you still love me after seeing me like this?”
“I will never stop loving you, Geralt of Rivia.” you responded quietly. When he started to speak again, you shushed him, dropping your head to rest your face in his hair. “Up,” you tugged at him. “Let’s get you in the bath and in bed. You will feel better tomorrow, and we can continue this conversation then.”
You half carried him over to the tub, helping him into the hot water, smiling at his groan of pleasure. You reached for a washcloth and soap beside you. Gently tapping his shoulder, you signalled for him to wet his hair. He obliged, and you added soap, gently massaging his scalp. As you continued with your ministrations, rinsing his air and starting to work on cleaning his face and chest, Geralt could feel himself falling towards unconsciousness, black eyes fluttering shut.
He drifted, dreaming of gentle hands, gentle words. Geralt. He smiled, relaxing further into the dark embrace. Geralt! He tried turning his head to look for who was calling him, frowning when he found he couldn’t move. GERALT! A sharp pain flared in his side, causing his eyes to fly open.
“Geralt!” You were leaning over him, terror filling your face. He blinked slowly, trying to identify where the threat that had you so terrified was. He felt hot, dizzy. Groaning, he tried to lift himself to his feet, stopping when he felt your hand against his chest. “What hurt you?” you frantically asked. “You wouldn’t wake up, you weren’t responding. Your side is inflamed. What were you hunting?”
“The sword… was poisoned… He managed to catch me…” Geralt managed to get out, before he felt his head loll to the side. “I’m sorry, little mouse. Please forgive me.” He could hear you curse under your breath, felt your presence disappear down the hall. He felt like he should be concerned, could smell your fear and desperation in the air, but couldn’t find the energy to muster the feeling.
Your footsteps grew louder before you appeared by his side again, pulling on his arm to help him step out of the tub and out of the room.
Panicked, you dragged Geralt down the hallway, not bothering with the water dripping from his naked body. You cursed every time he faltered, pressing closer to him and urging him along. You quickly reached your bedroom, guiding him to the bed in the middle of the room before helping him lay down. You flinched at his pained moan, hands fluttering frantically above him.
After getting him settled, you grabbed for something on the table beside the bed, uncorking a vial filled with the elixir Geralt used against poisons. You went to lift his head, but Geralt shook you off, eyes squeezing shut, growing impossibly paler. You tried a second time, but he again turned his head, refusing to take the potion. Forcing his mouth open, you poured the liquid into his mouth before clamping your fingers over his mouth and nose, trying to doge as his hands began to flail. Desperately, you continued to block his airways, forcing him to swallow, only jerking back when one of his hands clipped your face after seeing the reflexive motion in his throat. You raised a hand to where the blow had landed, blood dripping from your lip.
Ignoring the blood, you picked up a salve, opening the jar and spreading it onto Geralt’s wound before picking up a needle and thread, neatly and efficiently stitching the wound shut. You bandaged it and pulled the blanket up over your injured lover, who had finally drifted off into a restless sleep. You used an extra cloth to wipe the blood from your face, wincing as it pulled at the torn skin.
You used the inside of your wrist to test Geralt’s temperature, and feeling it to be hot, went to fetch a bucket of cold water and cloths for the fever. Returning, you wet a piece of fabric and placed it on Geralt’s forehead, brushing his hair out of his face. You settled yourself in the chair next to the bed and kept watch, soothing the man when he tossed and cried out from the fever, changing bandages when the blood seeping out of the wound began to stain them, changing the cloth on his head when he got too hot.
You sighed, feeling the tears gathering in your eyes at the sight of your lover in pain. It wasn’t fair, he gave so much of himself but got so little in return. You were desperate to change this, to give him the love that he deserved. You prepared yourself for a long night, determined to care for this man, determined to get him through his fever and relieve him of his pain.
Pain, burning, fever. Geralt writhed, crying out for Y/N. I’m sorry, he cried, I’m sorry I wasn’t enough. Forgive me, please.
He could feel cool hands against his skin, water dripping down his face. He could hear your soft voice in the distance, soothing him, before being pulled back under, fighting as hard as he could to reach you.
Don’t go, I need you, I love you. I’ll try harder, do better, just don’t leave me. They always leave.
He fell into the darkness, succumbing to the pain in his side and the burning of the fever ravaging his body.
By the time that Geralt finally quieted as his fever broke, the sun was well into the sky. You had been awake the entire night fighting his temperature down, doing all that you could to see him comfortable. You slumped in your chair, exhausted but happy. After giving yourself a couple of minutes to rest, you came to your feet with a groan and approached the bed. The witcher was not as pale, some colour having come back into his cheeks after the fever broke. Picking up a second vial of the potion you had forced into him earlier, you gave him a smaller second dose to ensure the poison had left his system. That done, you checked his bandages a final time, and seeing no blood with your sutures still intact, you fell back into the chair, gripping his hand as you allowed sleep to finally overtake you.
Geralt groaned and tried to shift in the bed, before becoming aware of something heavy holding his arm down. He opened his eyes and immediately shut them against the light. Taking a minute to recover, he cracked his eyelids to observe a familiar ceiling above him. He was lying in the bed that he shared with you, back home in your house. Closing his eyes, he took stock of how he felt. His head was pounding, body weak, side sore from the sword injury. He couldn’t remember much of what happened after he had slain the vampire. He could see flashes, could see the terror in your face as you leaned over him, remembered the pain in his side, remembered not being able to breathe properly.
Opening his eyes again, he tried to turn his head to look towards where his arm was trapped. With great effort, he was able to shift enough to see you sitting in a chair, slumped over onto the bed, his hand held between both of yours. Lifting his other hand, he hissed as pain flared in his side. Carefully, he reached over and brushed the hair out of your face before freezing at the sight that met him.
A bruise in the shape of a handprint decorated the side of your face, accompanied by a split lip with dried blood still on the wound. Flashes of memories flew past his eyes, Y/N leaning over him, a vial in her hand, trying to get away, a bitter liquid poured down his throat, something covering his mouth, not being able to breath, trying to fight what held him down. He could see the shock in her eyes as her hand flew to her mouth, touching the blood that was on her face, the blood that he spilt.
He snatched his hand away as if burned. The movement jostled you, causing you to blearily blink your eyes before you came to awareness with a start. You reached for him, an expression of hurt flitting over your face when he flinched away from you.
“Geralt?” you asked, as you clasped your hands in your lap. Your face was expressionless as you watched him, eyes locked onto his gaze.
He couldn’t tear his eyes away from the bruise on your face, the bruise that he gave you, he hurt you, oh gods, he was a monster, you needed to get away from him.
“Geralt!” a hand gripped his, not letting go even as he tried to pull away. “Talk to me,” you breathed as you shifted yourself onto the bed. Your hand came up to cup his face, forcing him to look at you.
Reluctantly, he brought his gaze up to yours, his now golden eyes locking with yours. “There you are,” you murmured. “I missed you.”
“I hurt you,” Geralt ignored the feelings your admission brought. Understanding filled your face, and a small smile came to your lips. You shook your head, “This is nothing,” you assured him. You shifted closer, and when he made no move to stop you, you crawled the rest of the way up the bed to settle next to him, leaning against the headboard. You reached over to pick up his hand, lacing your fingers with his as you set it in your lap. Distantly, he recognized that you were now wearing a different dress than earlier. I need to buy her a new one.
You laughed, crumpling in on yourself. At Geralt’s confused stare, you explained, “You don’t need to buy me a new dress, darling. That one was old and ready to be thrown out.”
“I said that out loud?” “Yes, my dear, you did. You must still be out of it if you are speaking your thoughts freely.”
You shifted, pulling Geralt down to lie on the bed next to you. You made no comment when he shifted away from you, only turning on your side to regard him when he hissed as his movements put pressure on his side. He continued to stare up at the ceiling, ignoring the feeling of your gaze on him.
You reached out, running your hand up and down his arm. “You did not hurt me, Geralt. You could never hurt me. I love you.”
He met your eyes, gaze broken. “But I did,” he whispered. His hand reached up, hovering over the bruise on your cheek. “I hit you. I’m a monster. I don’t understand, how can you still love me?”
Lifting your head from where you had pillowed it on your arm you glared at him. “You are not a monster, Geralt of Rivia.” you said fiercely, “I will not stand for this kind of talk. You are more than deserving of my love, of anyone’s love. What you do for me, for the world, the pain and burden that you take upon yourself, you deserve so much more than what I can give you. Besides, I was holding you down and preventing you from breathing, you reacted. You would never intentionally hit me, would never intentionally hurt me. You have too pure of a soul for that.”
Shocked, he stared at you. “That is truly what you think?”
You nodded your head. “Of course. You risk your life saving others, with little to no thanks.” You smiled gently, “You are my world, my love, my heart. No one else appreciates you, so I make it my goal to appreciate you even more to make up for it.”
He closed his eyes, reaching his arm out towards you. You obliged, shifting over and tucking yourself into his uninjured side, laying your head on his chest. “I try to think of a way to thank you for what you do for this world, but I can never think of anything that will truly make up for what you give.”
“I don’t deserve thanks, this is what I was designed for, made for.” He looked back up at the roof.
You sat up suddenly, turning to stare hard at him. “Fuck that!” He jumped, surprised at your ferocity. “You are the purest heart I have ever come across. You never complain, you take all of the abuse that is thrown at you. You’re a fucking idiot if you think that way! You deserve all of the thanks I can give you.” You blinked back tears. “It tears at my heart that you think you are unworthy of my love. Please Geralt, can’t you see what I see? You are the love of my life, the most loving man I have ever met. Accept my thanks, please.”
“Just having you in my arms is enough thanks for me, little mouse.” He reached up and tugged you back down against his chest, tucking your head back under his chin, gripping you a little tighter in response to your fierce devotion.
They say it's what you make it
Say it's up to fate
It's woven in my soul
You nestled further into his arms. “I will teach you to love yourself just as much as you love me,” you murmured against his chest.
Geralt dropped a kiss on the top of your head, pulling you as close as he could. “I will try, little mouse, I will try for you.”
Sighing, you relaxed against him, the stress of last night and your outburst finally catching up to you. Feeling your body droop and watching your eyes close, Geralt buried his nose in your hair. “Sleep, my heart. Thank you for staying. Thank you for loving me.”
Together, the two of you slowly drifted, content in each other's company, happy with holding each other as you slept.
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ifdragonscouldtalk · 4 years
this is for @aurumacadicus’s birthday! i’m about to go to bed so it’ll be on ao3 sometime tomorrow, i’ll post a link to it then, but for now, here’s this! spirk hurt/comfort (with spock whump, obviously). i hope u like it rei
“In, in, in,” Jim chanted under his breath, shoving Spock’s back even though the Vulcan was being wholly compliant with the command to urge him on faster, glancing over his shoulder anxiously. They had lost their pursuers, but he could still hear their footsteps and shouts echoing through the hallways, so they weren’t too far behind. The door snapped shut behind them and he let out a soft breath, fiddling with the lock. 
“Captain,” Spock said in a low voice, and something stiffened up Jim’s spine at his tone. “I believe it would be prudent to leave me behind. Your chances of survival without me increase by-”
“Not happening,” he replied firmly as he turned to his friend, his First Officer and lover, taking him in as he slowly sank onto the thin bed, one hand clutched over his thigh and the other clenched into a fist, the only indications that he was in pain. The room they had darted into seemed to be some sort of guest bedroom, which was just as well. Spock wouldn’t have been able to make it much farther on his feet. “I’m not leaving you Spock, and you know it, so go ahead and make your token argument since it makes you feel better, and then put that brain to work thinking on a way out of this mess.” Spock raised a disapproving eyebrow, but it lost its impact in a face pale with bloodloss over eyes glazed with pain.
Jim let out another soft sigh, kneeling in front of him to check the shoddy tourniquet they had wrapped around his upper thigh to stem the bleeding of his nicked femoral artery. The blood would leave a trail right to this room despite them taking precautions to leave several false trails and Jim using his foot to smudge the blood as they ran, making it blend in easier with the dark tiles of the palace, so it was only a matter of time before they were found. They needed to have a plan before then, and preferably before Spock lost consciousness as well. He had already lost more blood than either man was comfortable with. 
“Captain, it is very unlikely that I will make it out of this encounter alive.” There was his token argument, and Jim almost smiled, looking up at beloved indulgently as he tightened the tourniquet where it had come loose. He probably wouldn’t have noticed the slight twitch of the Vulcan’s face, a flicker flinch of pain, if he hadn’t been looking for it, if he didn’t know Spock so well by now. He might’ve been offended by the assumption that there was any way he would leave Spock behind, if he didn’t know it was the only way the Vulcan knew how to cope, clinging to logic and trying to save others. 
“Well, let’s assume that you will anyway, Mr Spock, and come up with a plan that accounts for that.” Spock’s chest expanded in his version of a sigh before he nodded. 
“Very well, Jim. Are our communicators still blocked?” Jim flicked out his comm, both taking a moment to wilt at the static that emerged from it. “Noted. Perhaps, then, the most prudent course of action would be to leave the castle and find shelter until we can discover what has blocked our instruments.”
“We don’t have that kind of time, Spock.” You don’t have that kind of time. They both looked down at the wound in Spock’s leg, bleeding steadily with the pulse of his heartbeat onto the ragged mattress. 
It had been a simple diplomatic mission with a warlike race. Their technology was advanced but their weaponry was primitive, swords and spears greeting them on their way through the palace which homed the Queen. Everything had been going fine, until it hadn’t. Jim wasn’t sure what he had said, but the Queen abruptly and unexpectedly decided that she didn’t like them very much, and was going to have them killed for it. Spock had taken a spear to the thigh before either of them could react, and Jim would continue to wonder how he had run on the wound with such speed as they were fleeing the Queen’s guards. Sure, he had seen Spock endure worse wounds, worse pain, but it never ceased to amaze him how much like a pillar he could become in times of need. Jim prayed that there wouldn’t be a day when he would look back and that pillar would be one of salt. 
“We need another option,” Jim said as he stood, looking around the room for any useful tool, anything they could use as a weapon or a means of escape. 
“We do not have many options.” Spock sounded tired, the skin around his eyes just that much pinched, and a stab of panic struck through Jim’s heart. He couldn’t bear the thought of losing him, not now, not after everything, especially not like this, maybe not ever, so he didn’t bear it, casting it away as he cast his gaze around the room, searching, always searching. “Jim.” Warm hands grabbing his, drawing his attention; the tingling in the back of his mind, gentle, of the bond, nearly unnoticeable due to his psi-null nature. “Jim, there is no point in you dying as well.”
“You’ve not yet died,” Jim pointed out, and knew he was starting to lose it, knew they couldn’t go on like this much longer, pretending that he felt like he was a captain right now when he was just a terrified lover, Romeo in Juliet’s tomb, when his voice trembled just that much. Spock squeezed his hands -- intimate, more intimate than the Vulcan usually allowed, even when they were alone. An expression of trust, of love. 
“Then there is no use in you watching as I do,” he replied, soft, always soft. “It will only hurt you, Jim, and that is the one thing I vowed never to do.” 
“Stop acting like you’re saying goodbye!” Jim couldn’t help it, ripped his hands away because if they stood here any longer he was going to start crying foolishly. 
“We cannot deny the inevitable.”
“No, I was supposed to die first! I’m Human, and I’m the Captain, and I’m supposed to go before you do!” Spock just looked up at him, veiled pain in the lines of his face, blood dripping quiet and slow onto the tiled floor, and Jim collapsed to his knees in it, already stained with green, staring up at the man who had taken him as he was. Something crashed against the door and they both looked over at it, their eyes inexorably drawn back together, teeth clenched, hands fisted. “It’s too late.”
“So it seems,” Spock whispered, and Jim took his hands, bloodied, faintly trembling with his pain, with the emotions he was so incredible at containing. 
They didn’t need to say I love you. They already knew, after all. And so, there was silence, until the lock on the door clicked and the panel separating them from the world slid open. 
Only to reveal Scotty and Bones, phasers clutched in hand, scanners out, eyes alert. Jim leapt up, one hand still in Spock’s, eyes wide with shock and residual fear. “Bones?”
“Dammit, Jim, I told you to be careful!” 
“How did you two find us? How did you even know we were in trouble?”
“Enough about tha’ now, lads, Mr Spock looks like he needs some help,” Scotty cut in, interrupting whatever answer Bones might’ve given. Although, Bones didn’t seem all that inclined to give an answer, having also zeroed in on Spock, tricorder already out and scanning as the door slid closed once more. “Enterprise, four to beam up!” 
It was only later, when Spock was groggy from surgery and nauseous from medication, that Jim had the heart to say what had been pushing at his throat for hours, those words they whispered to each other in the night where they couldn’t affect their working lives. “I love you,” he breathed into Spock’s skin, eyes squeezed shut, lips pressed against Spock’s wrist. Intimate, still too intimate, but Spock was allowing it. He must’ve felt worse than he let on -- hell, that was the story of Spock’s, life, wasn’t it?
“I love you as well, ashayam,” Spock breathed back, eyes half-lidded, ears flushed green with the fever Bones was still trying to bring down. And, quieter still: “Thank you for not leaving me.”
“Never,” Jim replied. “But next time we’re hiding, I’ll still let you make that token argument, because I know how much it means to you.” Spock’s eyes slipped closed, still exhausted from the blood loss, the sedative, maybe trying to escape the emotions Jim was definitely projecting at him. “That’s what love is.”
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lodestarslagoon · 6 years
AHS Apocalypse 8x03 Live Stream
Oh I thought the opening scene looked like the Dinah, Coco, Mallory descencum. Damn Michael...
Night Vision of the soul? Tell me about your powers!
Lol, spoiler, entitled, helpless. 
OMG COCO! Fire Mallory lol
“Something Dark”
Og again? He knows Dinah?
Dinah is in the sanctuary!
Evil soul?
Oh nvm, it’s Andre.
Unless Dinah is Andre’s son...?
God this is one opening scene of mind fuckery.
I want Dinah to use some powers
Mallory’s made for that world?
Mallory should want to leave.
Ew what an ugly close up to Michael.
Oh Mallory has a darkness..... Unfun.
That’s right Mallory! Call his ass right back out!!!!
I swear the opening theme has been changing scenes every week.
I still wonder if Coco’s a witch based on set pics Ryan Murphy released.
I am so excited to find out how Dinah knows Michael.
Adina Porter came out and said the scripts made her mind twist and turn, and well I hope it’s true cause it’ll be interesting to see a strong black witch since Angela Basset is too busy with 911 to come back as Marie.
Omg Michael’s doing a spell, ritual.
I wonder if it’s Tate father of devil father.
OHHHH It’s a scrying!!!
He thought he destroyed them all?
Michael did the witches?!
I cant with this fucking shit. Omg Witches need to ocme and take hsi ass back.
Boiling blood is actually kind of a cool effect.
Am I the only one whos still scare dof Michael’s demon face that happened earlier?
Oh yay the snakes are still around.
Ave Satanis... “Awaken Satan” right?
Kathy Bate’s voice is so distinct.
Her own self made costume is adorable.
The tricker treatgiver is a famous actress I remember her from places.
Wasn’t Kathy Bates in Rosemary’s baby?
Go Young Kathy Bates! Slap him.
Oh shit, she’s a good fighter!
Oh she’s an agent. This makes sense.
Can we have Kathy Bates in Spy 2? 
Can someone inform Melissa McCarthy and 50 Cent Piece to get Kathy in on this?
Oh everything happened on Halloween in Kathy Bates’ life. Nice.
Okay as nice as robot Kathy Bates’ life story is, can we get back to the witches?
I still swear Mallory and Coco are connected because they’re witchy powers keep them together.
I am so validated by this knowledge they were witches.
Awww Venable showing support for Kathy Bates is actually touching.
Omg Venable being so adamant on Michael is very interesting.
“That’s Outrageous”
“If you die here, Justice dies here” Really? you’re the sadists here!
“Kill everyone!” Jeez Kathy, these methods are nice.
“ You’re mean and self invovled enough to survive anything, and I’m a robot”
Oh is this guy the Coco husband who screams “You bitch?”
Someone saw a leaked pic that he appears again I think.
I was a finalist on top chef omg hahahhaa
Omg, he is very good “tracking” her for a year.
No one sees the figure approaching behind him?
I wonder where this guy got the gun.
Wait I guess we know officially that the apocalypse did actually happen.
How come these people can breath fine without pain like the people Michael claims he saw.
mother with kids^
They teleported in already I bet.
Ugh.... Why can’t we just reveal the witches already.
Anyone have any guesses where Michael did the ritual? I am very curious? How do people not notice things that happen in this place?
Apples... cause they’re fucking for Adam and Eve aka UCLA and Jail Girl
lol a nurtition blog!
Oh Venable happy enough to try the red delicious.
Vine providence? Wtf Kathy Bates....
Before they die? Don’t you just kill them anyways?
“Not a bad apple in the bunch?” Is that symbolism for they all deserve to go to the sancutary?
I could honestly care less about Coco’s husbando bf guy.
How can he breath the air and not the guy in the mask?
This Nuclear fallout is making less and less sense to me.
Less sense than where are the witches of all things.
I ownder how Coco will react ot seeing him.
Oh another Gray got a speaking line.
God I have a lot of thoughts tonight.
Celebration and Comradery?
Wait the only saved Asian is a Gray....
Victorian Masquerade Ball.... @holypancakes is about to blow it!
What are they going to be able to make in this bunker.
Omg Coco, and Gay Evan Peters destroying Mallory is so relatable and sad.
Omg Stew!!! I love how they love Stew.
“I don’t wanna rub it in for the ones who don’t get picked” lol
These 1v1′s is hilarious.
Oh Mallory’s coming out of the broom closet!
Oh they’re laughing at him.
OMG DARK PHEONIX! Shit thats so meta, with Quicksilver right there lol.
Coco commanding shit. 
I know she probably won’t but pleas Mallory do something.
This is such a Cinderella point.
Shit Coco is kind of getting a little far right now.
She totally had a point with Evie’s room.
I know it’s not confirmed but we all know that mask was the same Madison wore for to scare Zoe in Bitchcraft.
LOL “Sweet horses”
Lol Mallory has to introduce her.
Oh shit Venable knows the Ghosts situation.
I mean if it’s been 18 months, this has happened before.
I wonder how many monologes Sarah Paulson has this season.
No idea what this symbolizes honestly.
Oh UCLA’s wire crown is actually creative.
Madison is not that tall, so idk who that could be.
Mr. Langdon doesn’t seem that tall either.
Is Coco dying? Damn....
I still pray it’s Madison, but still.
Wait Coco got into Harvard?
I hope it’s like by real merit. Not money.
Analingus omg Coco.
Coco’s about to die sigh.
Coco can you not....
Short tongue and sensitive gag reflex. sigh this show.
Oh shit Brock I forgot he was around lol.
Brock doesn’t look happy.
Lol festivities and your gun. Bitch, has no clue who Michael is.
So many snakes.
I wonder how bored they must be that this si so thirlling for them.
I wonder how many times these peopl have bobbed for apples. I think it’s harder than this I think.
I also think it’s weird UCLA and Jail Girl are so calm right now about all this. They were about to be murdered last week. I don’t knwo how I could deal with these people.
I wonder how bad this mass suicide will end up.
Oh Gay Evan Peters sis howing signs.
Mallory might be immune?
Oh nvm she threw up.
Oh UVLA had blood on Jail Girl ew.
Gay Evan Peters looked so fake.
I wonder what it’s like to act this scene.
Okay so where is Misty to bring everyone back?
Literally we know Misty is in the first 5 episodes since the trailer promos only filmed the first 5 episodes at time they made it. I thought she’d be in later.
Misty being team Michael would make so much sense based on what we just saw. 
“Oh Venable you think you killed everyone? HA! Watch this,” Michael shows Misty who dances around and brings everyone back.
“And here’s the trick” hahahaha
I’m still waiting for Michael to bring Misty in.
I wonder when they’re going to realize Coco’s like head stabbed.
Oh shit he’s just open about the laptop being there lol.
I think this is funny, let alone Michael.
Oh shit, she passed the test!
I wouldn’t do that either.
Oh wait she’s on his side duh #HailSatan
I know why she did it.
Michael’s monologe right now is so confusing.
Not what he’s saying, but how interested I am.
Where is the witches?
Someone from his childhood?!
The Beautiful Boy? I’m still confused by this.
Okay so this song is so calming over these corpses and bile.
Brock is around doing what right now?
Oh no, it might not be?
Madison looked happy to see them back.
i am so happy!!!!!
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TWD - Negan Imagine ~ “The Big Scary U” (1)
The first half of an imagine about the fifth episode of season 8
As Negan and Gabriel are stuck in the trailer, the reader witnesses their talk and eventually also the big role she plays in Negan’s confession
the latest part  all other previous parts
(Side note: You don’t have to read any previous parts to understand the plot! I hope you all like it and enjoy reading)
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Everything laid in ashes outside the Sanctuary as you made your way through the mess Rick and the rest of your friends along with their allies had left. You could feel the tension on your whole body as you heard the groans of the walkers sounding through the air while your glance got carried away from the Savior Negan had commanded to get you inside. You had tried to urge Negan to come with you but obviously, it hadn’t worked. Whatever he was trying to do outside here to turn the situation into a better one, all while he was hurt, you weren’t a fan of it, rather the complete opposite. And that was when the walkers hadn’t been there yet. Now they were streaming onto the compound and you had no idea where Negan was anymore, just as you had no idea where Gabriel was who you had seen just moments ago. The groans got louder while you were still searching for Negan and Gabe who had now seemed to have completely disappeared into thin air. Your glance kept searching, regardless of how many walkers were stumbling into your field of view before a loud scream ripped you out of the trance you were swaying in. Within a second your glance captured walkers way too close to you and the blood overflowed head and shoulders of the man who was supposed to get you inside. More screams escaped his mouth while you saw how more and more walkers got drawn over to you while their rotting teeth dug into your companion's skin as he went to the ground before your mind got what was happening right now here. To the fear you had about Negan and Gabe attended the adrenaline that shot through your veins as your widened eyes searched for a weapon. As you already felt the first rotting fingertips brushing against your skin you hastily grabbed a slim metallic pipe from the floor, the groans pounding through your head as loud as the sound of your fast heartbeat. You couldn’t die here, hell, you wouldn’t. Heavily breathing and still hearing the screams of the Savior in the back of your head, the end of the pipe repeatedly stabbed into the decaying Walker heads. You couldn’t get to the door that lead inside, it was still way too far away and the Savior and the mass of walkers that were tearing the flesh from his dead body were a barrier you couldn’t defeat. Your heart pounded harsher against your chest before your eyes caught a trailer behind some more pipes that had secured walkers before the attack. With fast steps you shoved yourself past the dead, the pipe still tightly in your hands, ready to kill while you felt how their cold hands tried to get a hold of you. You were stuck in some kind of trance, your mind only focussed on surviving until you landed with a thud on the ground and eventually rolled beneath the trailer. You took a deep breath as you crawled into its middle before you noticed two heavily decayed walkers that had found your little hideout. The cold ground pressed against your body as you let a deep sigh out and crawled over the cement, the small space between the ground and the metal above you giving your mind and your movements a hard time until you were close enough and their rotting arms almost reached your body. “Shit”, you growled as you dug the pipe into their heads, their blood splattering against your skin before their bodies immediately went limp as you stayed put for a moment. Had they attracted more? It wasn’t that unlikely. Hell, there was a mass of those dead assholes outside, it was a wonder that only those two had noticed how you had rolled beneath the trailer. You rolled again on your back, sighing deeply before the worries made their way back into your head. You tried to suppress the thought of what could’ve happened, told yourself that Negan was just fine and probably just hiding somewhere until you couldn’t anymore. What if he hadn’t made it? What if they had swarmed him like the Savior who had been supposed to get you inside? What if? You bit your lip, pressed your eyes tightly shut as if it would successfully urge those questions out of your mind. And of course, it didn't work. And as you laid there, the walkers groaning and pounding against the sides of the trailer, and the thought of a heavily injured or even dead Negan in your head you began to realize something. It didn't matter how much you shouldn’t, how guilty you felt, how much you didn't want to admit it or how wrong it might’ve been, you couldn’t deny and you couldn’t lie to yourself anymore. The fear and the concern just showed you the truth your mind had tried all the time to stop from showing. You didn’t just care about him, you were beginning to slowly develop deep feelings for him. Slowly, hell, almost at a glacial pace, but well, surely. You could ask yourself why and what the hell was wrong with you as much as you wanted, tell yourself that you shouldn't, but that wouldn’t change the fact that you were. Emotions are uncontrollable, that’s just the goddamn way it is. “We can wait it out a little bit, see if my people can figure something out. One thing that is sure as ass if my people think I'm dead a lot of folks are gonna die in there”, you suddenly heart a familiar voice sound through the metal above you that separated you from the inside. You propped yourself on your elbows to get closer to the metal, unsure if your mind was just playing tricks on you. Was Negan actually in there? “Why?”, you heard Gabriel’s voice say as you couldn’t really believe your ears. “Listen to me. I don't have shit to confess. Except maybe the fact that I rubbed one out right where you're sitting just to calm down a bit.” Yeah, that was definitely Negan in there. A small relieved laugh fell from your lips, realizing that both of them were as good as safe inside there and as much as it looked like right now, they were just talking. They were just fucking talking and not trying to rip each other’s heads off. “Did you see if she got in? (Y/N)?”, you heard Negan ask. “Why’d you care?”, Gabe’s voice replied in a snarky tone while the sound of the growling walkers outside almost over-toned him. “Why? Well shit, Gabe, I just do...now tell me. Did you see her?”, Negan growled back, the dangerous hiss in his voice being even able to hear through the metal that separated you. You wanted to tell them, let them know that you were alive but you couldn’t. You couldn’t pound against the metal and call for them, you couldn’t see a way they could get you immediately up inside to them so making just a little too many noises would let you end up just as dead as the walkers outside. “No”, you heard Gabriel answer. “Fuck”, Negan scoffed while you gulped hardly down and felt how the frustration in your body grew. You laid there, beneath the trailer, not more than a few feet separated from them and you still couldn’t do a single thing. “...I still got her knife...I forgot to give her the fucking knife back”, you heard Negan’s voice again, now some desperation swinging in it before he got oddly quiet and the growls and groans were the only things you could hear.
“Let me ask you something”, you heard Negan began after a pause that had seemed from beneath the trailer way too long before he raised his voice again. “Why'd you become a priest?” “I love God, and I love people. I wanted to bring them together. To help people through their difficult times. To help them through their weaknesses”, you heard Gabriel’s voice say while you found yourself laying somewhere between the both of them. “Well, look at that. That's my thing. I like to help people through their weaknesses, too. Been doing it one way or another my whole life”, you heard Negan’s voice say before Gabriel snapped right back. “How do you help people?”, Gabriel asked again with the snarky undertone from before. “You want to know why people are gonna start dying in there? Because I'm not there to stop it”, you heard Negan scoff before Gabriel’s voice sound through the metal again. “You helped the weak before this?” “Kids. You don't show them the way, well, they turn out like garbage. Little assholes become great big ones, so you show them the way...Adults, they need it, too...the government, laws, religion, guilt” You knew about his past as a coach, hell, he had told you just hours ago and before Rick and the others had arrived here. And you had your own little experiences with Negan doing that, helping you through a weakness even though you weren’t proud of it. The nightmares you had, well you couldn’t deny that Negan had helped you with them. “People are weak”, Negan added as you were about to sink into your thoughts. “Everyone?” “Everyone.” “You're weak. Killing the innocent”, Gabriel said as you actually were a little surprised at how confident he was in there, of course, he had already been more confident before Negan had separated you from them in that one night, but it seemed now that he had grown even more over all the time you had been gone. “Right and goddamn wrong. I'm weak, but me "killing the innocent"? That ain't why, Gabey”, Negan’s voice sounded again through to you before he raised it again. “We'll wait a little bit longer, see if my people can pull it together” “Why are you weak?”, Gabriel probed some more while you heard how one of them walked around in the trailer, probably Negan. “That's the wrong question. It is how I am weak. You see, the thing is, I am also strong. Everyone is a mix. You can use your weaknesses to drive your strength, and obviously, I am strong as shit”, you heard Negan add with a chuckle. “I took this place, and it was a damn free-for-all...a loose confederation of assholes, an army made up of gangs of animals, and I brought it all together. The last guy that was in charge, he wasn't in charge of shit”, you heard him say while you realized that you hadn’t known about that before. You knew a lot about Negan by now, but you had never talked to him about how he had started at the Sanctuary. “He allowed people to be weak. I don't. I make them strong, which makes this world strong. You're gonna see, Gabey. See, I'm gonna make you my new special project. Gonna make you nice and strong, too. We're gonna find your special purpose. Hell yes, we are”, you heard him add before you suddenly heard a small groan. A walker, only the torso, its head and one of its arms left, probably torn apart by the explosion before, slowly crawled over the ground into your direction. And it was already that close that you should’ve noticed it way before now. “Shit”, you mumbled with a scoff, rolling on your side to drag the pipe into the burned skin that covered its skull while you realized that Negan and Gabe’s conversation was distracting you more than you had thought. And as you rolled again on your back, their voices did it again. “I'm strong. I've killed. I was at the satellite station. I was a part of that”, you heard Gabriel’s voice say. “Oh. Then you killed my fucking people while they were sleeping. Well, look at you, swinging your dick”, Negan chuckled as you heard some more footsteps above you. “She was there too. She killed your men too, just like she did again in Alexandria when the war began”, Gabriel began again and you saw what he was trying to do there. “I’ve already guessed that and hell, I’ve seen that too. Nothing you can surprise me with, Gabey. I’ve spent day and night with that girl for fucking months now. I know her better than your holy head might think”, you heard Negan say before you heard a few more footsteps above you. “Either way, Gabe. That's strong. But that's not what I'm talking about.” “Tell me how you're weak. We might be dead soon. You may be dead. Wouldn't you want to confess before all that happens? Wouldn't you want absolution before that? Forgiveness? Costs you nothing more than saying the truth aloud. You don't think you have anything to confess?”, Gabriel began again, trying to get something out of him, if he had something to confess about the people he had killed or the way he lead the Sanctuary, Negan always had an answer. “Carl told us about your wives. The women you pressure into marrying you?”, Gabriel asked and you didn’t need to see Negan’s face to know how he was looking at Gabriel now. “Every one of those ladies made a choice”, you heard him saw before you heard footsteps again. “(Y/N)? Did you ever pressure her-” “I’ve never pressured her into anything with me”, he growled now loudly and there it was, the first sore point of Negan Gabriel had found. You. But Negan was right, he had never done that. “I’d never do that. I’ve killed men for pulling that shit on women”, his voice said again, now harder for you to understand as he had become dangerously calm again. “Was there a first? One before all of this? Before all of those ‘Wives’? A wife you promised to have and to hold, forsaking all others? One you told that lie to?”, you heard Gabe ask and even though you weren’t in the room and laid instead on the cold hard ground, you could feel the rising tension in it before gunshots let you flinch up. With widened eyes you stared at the metal above you, your heart seemed to stop beating for a second before it began to harshly pound as you hoped that you wouldn’t hear the thud of a body hitting the floor. You didn't, instead, you heard the loud thud that sounded as if it was coming from a door and then Negan’s loud roaring voice. “All right, Gabe! No one's coming for us. You took your shot-...shots.”  In between the footsteps that were sounding through the metal from above the floor, you heard Negan’s voice talking to Gabriel. He wasn’t mad, he wasn’t yelling, he was actually being pretty calm for just being shot at. In between the groans and growls you heard him telling him how he was planning to get out, that he didn’t want to kill him, he wanted him to work with him and that working together was all he ever wanted. You felt how a bit relief washed over your body before you heard what Gabriel told Negan. You couldn’t understand it all, he was a bit farther away from you than Negan was and the walkers were still groaning and growling loudly, but you didn't need to hear everything to get what he was talking about. It was the story about what he had done when all this had begun, how he had locked the people out of his church, how he had heard them scream, how he wanted to make up for that now and as he was telling that, you could remember how you all found out about his past such a long time ago. “I will go with you...I will show you that working together as equals is the only true way to grace, to a future...I will do this if you confess”, was what you heard Gabriel say as he raised his voice more loudly again. “Jesus, Gabe. What you did, that is some horrible, cowardly, spineless shit. But I guess that's what a confession's supposed to be, right?”, you heard Negan say before he got quiet for a moment. “My first wife was a real wife. My only real wife....till death did us part...It was before this...”, Negan began while the sound of his voice, the way he was trying to keep it steady made it just more obvious to you how much he was fighting to keep the control. “I lied to her,...I screwed around on her”, you heard Negan continue, while the growing lump in his throat could be heard through his voice. You knew about her, not everything, not that he had cheated on her, but you knew some small pieces to the puzzle Negan’s past was to you. “And she was sick...And when she went...When she went, it was during this...I couldn't put her down”, you heard him say while the sound of his voice, the tremble in it and the way you had to imagine how he was standing there now created a pain in your body that just made you want to get to him even more. “If (Y/N)...if she-”, he began but stopped just as abruptly as he had begun, while you gulped hardly down, not knowing what he was about to say now. “I haven’t screwed one of them in a whole long time now. Just couldn’t anymore...couldn’t use is to try and get her out of my damn head. Couldn’t lie to my own ass anymore. She’s stuck in there either fucking way. I just...I didn’t want to anymore and I also....I also felt that if I would I’d betray her just like my first wife...and I can’t do the same goddamn mistakes again”, Negan said with a trembling voice, while his words and the raw way he talked about you caused something in you that you couldn’t even describe. “And now, now I don’t even know if she’s still alive or...I don’t know if I could put her down.” And in this moment you just wished you could go through this floor and tell him that you were alive and okay. God, you just wanted to wrap your arms around him and comfort him. You breathed sharply in as you realized what he has said right now and under which circumstances he had said those things. Things he may have never admitted if he hadn’t thought that he might die in the next minutes. You weren’t supposed to hear that and still, you had. “So that’s how I was weak. How I still might be weak for fuck’s sake...That is what I will confess. Because, yeah, maybe we do bite the big one here.” Negan’s voice still sounded through your head as you heard how the door above you opened with a thud but before you could think more about what he had confessed about you, loud groans lead your glance to your shoes. “Damn”, you grumbled as you saw how a walker began to slowly crawl past the dead bodies on the ground over to you. Your hand tightened around the cold, already blood covered pipe as you tried to stab its end into the walkers head, but before you could even nearly reach it another one began to press its dead body past it. That wasn’t good, that was the complete opposite of good. It was just a matter of time till they would distract and lead other walkers over to you and let them push further inside until they would reach you and then this rusting pipe wouldn’t help you that much either. Cursing you tried to push yourself away from them, your back chuffed against the hard floor while you tried to use your legs as much as the room beneath the trailer allowed it. You had to get as far away from them as you could even though you had no idea what to do once you’d reach the trailer’s end because right now, there didn't seem to be a way to get into its inside. “Fuck”, you suddenly squirmed as a stinging pain dragged across the side of your hip while you tried to hold a loud pain filled groan in. Within a second, your glance caught the fragment of glass that was doubted in your blood while your trembling fingers reached out to the torn part of your shirt that was already painted in a deep red shade. For a moment you exhaled even a little relieved as you saw that even though the wound burned like hell, it wasn’t deep. The stinging pain let you grit your teeth as you crawled on your back over the hard ground, desperately trying to find a way out before a small hollow caught your glance. A hatchway. With a harshly pounding heart and a mind that was trying its best to stay levelheaded, you tried to find a way to open it, tried to press the pipe as good as you could into the small space between the metal of the trailer and the metallic hatchway to let it bounce open before you heard the dull sound of footsteps above you. “Negan? Gabe?”, you called out, drumming with your flat hand and the pipe against the metal. You had to risk that now, it would attract more dead, of course, but if you wouldn’t do anything the walkers that were now already reaching out to your shoes would do the same thing and make you end up as a goddamn walker snack. “Negan”, you called out again before you saw how a burden fell from your shoulders as the hatchway got ripped open. “Holy hell”, you heard his deep voice exhale as his widened eyes darted at you, his hands immediately reaching out to you to drag you in. A small grunt left your lips as you heaved yourself up and felt how Negan’s arms wrapped around your waist as he pulled you closer into his embrace. With a loud thud, the closing door barraged the view to the rotting hands that were already reaching out to the point where you had laid just seconds ago before Negan’s voice ripped you away from the dead. “No…”, you heard his abruptly quiet and shaky voice exhale. Your glance shot up at him as you caught how his widened eyes darted at the blood-soaked part of your shirt while his fingers which had a firm grip on your waist suddenly loosened in shock. “It’s just a cut”, it blustered out of you while Negan hardly swallowing looked up to you, not fully seeming to believe your words. “Negan, it‘s just a cut“, you mumbled in a soothing tone as your hand wandered to your shirt and pulled it up until the cut was showing. „It‘s not even deep. It just happened, that’s why it’s bleeding that much. Negan?“, you asked as he stared at the cut, his brows pulled tight while he gulped harshly down once again. „Negan?“, you asked again as you reached out to his wrist to get his attention back to your face. „I thought for a moment…”, he mumbled as he hardly gulped down and pinched the bridge of his nose for a moment before he breathed sharply in, trying to recollect himself while the confession, he didn't even know you heard from beneath the trailer, made its way back into your mind. “How’s your leg?”, you asked to finally lead the conversation away from you and your wound. “That fucker is alright”, Negan replied with a small snort before he let out a sigh. “And you?”, you asked as you looked over to Gabriel who had watched the scene between Negan and you closely. “This fucker is alright as well”, you heard Negan say with a small chuckle as you just saw how Gabriel nodded slowly. “Instead to the asshole who was supposed to get you in, huh?”, Negan asked with a sigh as you looked back to him and nodded slowly. Before anyone of you could say something else, the sound of another breaking wooden plank that had barraged one of the windows echoed through the trailer. “Alright, now we really gotta get our asses out of here”, Negan sighed as he stood up and held his hand out for you to take it. You let your hand slide into his before you felt him lifting you up with ease as you already saw the dead walker Negan had pulled inside. “Sucks, but it looks like we got to risk eating it”, he huffed as he began to rip the corpse open,“by eating it.” “I don’t understand”, you heard Gabriel say while the dead flesh squelched as Negan cut it wider open. “You ever done this trick with the guts before?”, Negan asked as he looked for a short moment up to you as you both nodded. “These are putrid, decaying organs, dead blood, piss, and shit that have been cooking all day in the Virginian sun. None of your people ever gotten sick from this?”, Negan asked as he breathed sharply in while the sound of breaking bones sounded through the trailer. “We're from Georgia”, Gabriel responded drily as you couldn’t hold a small chuckle in.  “Well fuck, look how damn lucky you’ve been”, Negan chuckled before he looked back to the corpse and made one last slit. “Daddy has served up some dinner, so now: Dig in!”, Negan chuckled as he looked with a wide smirk and a small wink up to you while you couldn’t hold a small, maybe even bewildered chuckle in. How could that man in this situation still have the nerve to use a rotten and slit open corpse to flirt with you? You gulped down as you just moments later gripped into the corpse, your bare hands immediately covering in blood and pieces of flesh as you grabbed some of the innards. Wrinkling your nose and trying to not let the disgusting smell travel up, you splashed the cold blood and rotting organs over your jacket over and over again. With a small grunt you looked down on you, discovering to your annoyance that you weren’t done yet before you grabbed Negan’s knife that laid next to the dead body and cut the body wider open, only to begin all over again, trying to not think about the smell that got worse with every second. You grabbed another handful of rotten flesh and spread it over your jacket before you were ready to stand up but suddenly felt one of Negan’s hands on your waist and the ugly feeling of organs dripping over your back. “What-?”, you asked surprised as you turned around to Negan and just saw him shrugging his shoulders slightly, his glance still focused on your back. “Just wanna make sure”, he grumbled as his one hand held you steady and the other loaded the last bit of rotting organs on your back before you eventually stood up. “And before I forget that shit again: Here’s your knife”, Negan said with a small sigh as he pulled your knife from his belt and quickly placed it in your hand before he leaned over to the window and slowly pushed the curtains aside. “Let's make some noise”, he mumbled as he held Lucille tightly in his hands and drummed it along with your calls against the door, right before he grabbed the handle and swung the door open without batting an eye as the walkers stumbled up the stairs. The walkers wandered into the trailer as you felt how Negan’s hand slowly reached out to you before his fingers laced with yours, making sure that the dead didn’t tear you apart from each other. Your glance wandered to Gabriel, who had both of his hands clinging to the gun that was tightly pressed against his gut covered chest before you slowly began to walk out of the trailer. Carefully, you headed down the stairs, feeling how the dead bodies brushed against yours as you kept holding tightly onto your knife as well as Negan’s hand. The floor beneath your shoes was covered in blood and guts, turning it into a slippery mess that challenged you to not fall while the clutter of walkers around you that pushed you from side to side made it even harder to keep walking. Clenching your jaw you felt the way your foot twitched as you stepped on something slippery you didn't even want to think about what it exactly was. A sharp breath escaped your lips as you slid slightly to the side as you pressed Negan’s hand tightly to keep your body, that threatened to lose balance, up until you felt the hard ground beneath your feet again. You tried to stare forward and just hope that Gabriel behind you wouldn’t get cut off from you until you heard a thud behind you before you saw from the corner of your eyes how a walker reached out to him as he stumbled back up. And within a second, you weren’t walking disguised in between with them anymore, you were fighting them. Negan’s bat crushed down to the walker that reached out to Gabe as you dragged your knife into the walker’s head that eyed Negan’s shoulder dangerously close. Feeling the dead hands gripping your body you kept stabbing your knife into their rotting skulls, trying to make your way through them along with Negan and Gabriel while more and more dead seemed to stream into your direction. Your heart was thumping like mad as you slid the blade out of one dead while you saw how Negan seized a walker and pushed it with all his strength through the crowd, all while you heard how Gabriel used the last bullets he had left. You kept fighting, doing all in your might to keep the walkers off of Negan, Gabe and yourself before you felt how not cold walker hands but big, warm ones grabbed you and dragged you with them away from the walkers right into a corner. “Just me. I got you”, you just heard Negan’s raspy voice say to you as you saw him next to you, as well as Gabriel before your glance wandered up and made your eyes widen as you saw how more walkers wandered over the platform above you directly into your direction as you already saw them stumbling off of it. Your body landed with a thud on the hard ground again, a groan left your lips as you felt how another cold body landed on yours, its head smashing as soon as it hit the ground while you tried to find Negan and Gabriel with widened eyes. Pure panic mixed with the adrenaline as you caught Negan’s body on the ground while a heavily decayed walker crawled up to him, its mouth wrenched wide open as it grabbed Negan’s leg. With all your strength you shoved the dead body from yours and reached out to the walker. There was no way you’d let it get Negan, no damn way. You grabbed its hair, dragged its head back as the skin already detached from its skull until you could let your knife rush down to it and let the body go limp within a second. Negan lifted his upper body up as you still had a tight hold on the dead walker’s head before you turned around and searched for Gabriel who pushed just in this second a dead body from his own. “Up”, you just heard Negan’s voice say before you looked back and already saw him standing up, his hand reaching out for your wrist before he pulled you up, just like you did with Gabriel a second after that. With a fast move, Negan gave you a leg-up, letting you go up to the platform until you could crawl with the last strength you had left on it before you already saw Gabriel coming up. Grabbing his hands you dragged him towards your own body until he was surely on the platform before you both crawled to its end to help Negan to get up. With all, you had left you pulled this tall man up to you, all while you already saw again how the other walkers stumbled up the stairs again, towards you. The next moments you saw yourself running panting over to the next staircase, Gabe and Negan always in your gaze until you stormed towards a small alley, just separated from you through a lattice fenced door. You saw Gabriel grabbing its handle, pulling it open before the three of you rushed inside. Negan pushed the lattice fence in front of your bodies, just a second before some walkers pushed against it and began to lace their fingers through the holes, trying to drag the fence off the wall before your glance met Gabriel’s who leaned gasping for air against the wall. “You okay?”, you asked, trying to catch your breath as you saw how he nodded while he tried to calm his adrenaline filled body down. “Sweetheart?”, you heard Negan ask breathlessly as you turned your head to him and caught his glance. “I’m fine”, you replied, still fighting for more air before you asked with a small nod back. “Me too, baby, me fucking too”, he mumbled with a heavy and fast up and down rising chest. “Alright, now let’s get our asses away from those fuckers”, Negan mumbled, before he took a deep breath and nodded over to the staircase at the end of the small alley you were standing in. 
With every step, you made you heard how the walkers’ groans got quieter and the tension that was laying on all of your bodies slowly decreased until Negan lead you to a door. “Here we go”, he mumbled as he opened the metallic door with a heavy swing and held it open. Your breath slowly got back to normal as you made your way through the empty hallways of the Sanctuary until you heard voices that got louder with every step you made into their direction. “For fuck’s sake, what the hell is going on here”, you heard Negan scoff as he swung Lucille back on his shoulder, right as a gunshot sounded through the air, followed by an angry female voice. Negan let out a deep sigh before you heard his whistle sounding through the hallway just before your glance wandered to your left, finding a hallway filled with kneeling people, the victim of the bullet that had just been fired between them. “Ah, Regina. Now, why'd you have to go and do that?”, Negan asked with a sigh as he looked at the short-haired woman who stared back at him, all while you saw from the corner of your eyes how also Gabriel slowly sank to his knees. “I am guessing that a lot of you fine folks thought I was dead, chewed up, never to be crapped out again. Well, here's a little refresher on who the hell I am. I wear a leather jacket, I have Lucille, and my nutsack is made of steel. I am not dying until I am damn good and ready”, Negan called out as he leaned back and pointed with Lucille into the mass. “Now, if you'll all excuse me, I am in deep need of a sandwich, a shower and I really gotta go get my girl patched up”, he said as he stroke quickly over his stubble before he raised his voice again. “But after that, we have some serious business to attend to. Like talking to my right-hand man...You see, we got to figure out how all this could've happened like it happened. And then, well, and then we're gonna get back doing what we have always done. We will save people”, Negan’s voice sounded through the hallway and before he already turned with a small smirk towards you a female voice made him stop. "Thank you, Negan. Thank God for you”, the voice called from somewhere between the people out as you saw Negan chuckle before he looked down to Gabriel. “And that is why I am here”, he said while you could hear his wide grin through his words before he looked back to the people and pointed to two men. “Gentlemen, gently take him to number 2. Gently”, he said with a quick hand movement. Number 2? Number 2 was a damn cell. Negan turned and walked over to you, directly leaning in to you as he saw the reaction to his command. “He’s gonna be just fine”, he said as his lips brushed past your ear and he placed his hand on the small of your back to lead you through the hallway.   “What? Yep, he’s in a cell but I’ll get him some cozy as hell mattress in there, some new clothes, pillows, blankets and shit..and yeah, also food and water. So no damn need to worry, Sweetheart. Gonna treat our survivor buddy well”, he said as he looked over at you as you walked down the hallway towards Negan’s apartment. “I just can’t have my people question shit right now. He’s from Rick’s side so I first gotta get him inside there, doesn’t mean he has to stay in there”, Negan said as you let out a small sigh. “I really mean it, he’s gonna get this shit and that’s damn fine for someone who wanted to kill my ass”, Negan said with a light chuckle before you slowly nodded. “Alright”, you mumbled, knowing that Negan was right and you wouldn’t get anything better for Gabriel out of this situation even though you still couldn't stand the thought of him being in a cell. “Can I see him tomorrow?”, you asked as you bit your lip, hoping that you just made the right move. “Alright”, Negan said with a small nod before he stopped in front of his door and let it eventually swing open. You stepped in, all while the thoughts about his confession and all those things he had said in the trailer slowly sneaked back into your mind and swirled not just some questions but more importantly, a big bunch of feelings in you up.
The Big Scary U (2) / part 20
tagging: @agespenst @imaginesforthepeople @porgs-r-us @squidgy84 @toxic-ink @Nobodylastname @nice-shoes-nerd @thegirlwiththelyrics99 @tolieboy @writteninthestars288@magical-spit @straightestgay-voice @xsnak-3x@myrabbitholetoneverland@dasani-saraai @negan–is–god @harry-titss@traumbruch @negans-network @theblankestostares @amysuemc@ashzombie13 @trashimaginezblog@jeffreydeanneganstrash @sweetwittlebosco@futureofdestiel @bananakid42 @dragongirl420 @kalliewinchester-queenofhell @futureofdestiel @jss-devlin @timeladyrikaofgallifrey @osakamilk @kattyshea20 @dinodiegos @missmotherhen @kinkygamertrash @beahippie23 @xabeautifultragedyx @negansmagic  @starwarsandstufff @bdohe21 @lovesjdm @vanilla-negan @to-pick-ourselves-up-7 @roselover159  @mamarhee (In case you want to be tagged or untagged for specific things or everything I write, just let me know) (The gif isn’t mine/ it was originally posted by dancing-at-the-funeralparty)
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doggonneit · 6 years
Honey Eyes and Bloody Lips
Fandom: Haikyuu!!
Pairing/Characters: Kuroo/Tsukishima
Rating: T for Teen
Warnings: Swearing, piercings, tattoos, blood
A.N. This is for @its-love-u-asshole for the @hqvalentineexchange. I hope you enjoy!
[Read on AO3]
Kuroo should’ve guessed from the name Karasuno that there would be a crow theme to the studio. The front was nothing spectacular to look at, all the dirty grey of concrete with a few crow silhouettes spray-painted onto its surface. Whoever had been tasked with that job had taken liberties with the amount of paint they used, as each bird had black trails trickling down like blood.
It was morbid.
Kuroo thought it was adorable.
Akaashi had recommended the studio since one of his friends worked there, and he gave a ringing endorsement to their piercing services which was impressive because praise that like didn’t come lightly from someone like him. A quick Google search further cemented Karasuno’s reputation-- they’d only been open for six months but already garnered over one hundred reviews raving about their excellent standards of service and friendly staff.
That was all Kuroo needed before he grabbed his keys and drove down to the studio.
Given its macabre exterior, it wasn’t surprising to see the same theme running in its interior-- more of the same dripping birds gliding along the walls and resting on silhouettes of tree branches that curled around the polaroids of ironically happy customers with their new piercings.
A blond man sat behind the front counter, so concentrated on adjusting jewellery in a velvet case while humming to the music coming from the portable speaker next to him that he didn’t notice Kuroo’s presence till he leaned over and put his elbows on the surface.
“Oh.” The man’s golden gaze flitted upwards and his mouth formed a perfect o. “Sorry, I didn’t see you there.”
Kuroo gaped and his elbows slipped out from under him. He smacked his forehead on the counter with the loudest crack and in that moment he wished through the haze of pain for instant death to save him from the humiliation of looking like a complete moron in front of the most gorgeous man to walk the earth.
“Shit.” The man leaned closer to him and that was not good for his heart . “Are you all right?”
“Fine!” Kuroo sprang back a safe distance and pretended he couldn't the heat blazing across his cheeks like a wildfire. He usually wasn’t this inept, and he cursed the little black crows on the walls for his dismal state. “Sorry, clumsy. Super clumsy.”
“Yeah, that looks like it’ll bruise.”
“The only thing bruised is my pride,” Kuroo weakly joked. “Nothing important.”
The man gave a small huff of laughter and Kuroo’s pride swelled back to its usual inflated proportions. How many people could boast they had literally heard happiness from an angel? It was the most beautiful sound, the kind that was meant to be curled up on the couch next to him laughing late into the night about their hopes and dreams.
“Well then, welcome to Karasuno. My name’s Tsukishima and I’m here for all your piercing needs. What can I do for you today?”
It took Kuroo a moment to remember why he even came here in the first place.
“I’m thinking of getting pierced,” Kuroo said, then gave himself the biggest mental slap. He was in a piercing studio, for fuck’s sake. It wasn’t like he walked in here looking for rainbows and unicorns. “So, uh, you take walk-ins?”
“Yeah, absolutely. What did you want done?”
Kuroo paused. He’d wanted to get a third set done in his ears for a while now, but all the client photos showcasing a variety of piercings in a variety of places wavered his intentions and a good, long look at Tsukishima changed them completely.
Tsukishima was naturally stunning, and the jewellery that adorned him made him a complete work of art. The most striking piece was a barbell that went straight through the middle of his bottom lip and moved with every word like a hypnotic dance. Kuroo had never seen jewellery so perfect for someone and he wanted something like that for himself.
Tsukishima’s golden eyes followed Kuroo’s gaze and ran his tongue over the piercing, far too slow to be anything but deliberate. “You like the labret?”
Say something cool, say something cool, say something cool.
“It’s cool,” Kuroo said, and wished he could melt through the floor. That had to be the lamest response ever. Why was he being such a thirteen year old boy trying to impress his crush? He ignored the fact that it wasn’t too far from his current reality. “I don’t have the guts to take a needle through the lip though. I’m squeamish.”
That’ll make the devastatingly handsome man swoon. Good job, dumbass.
Tsukishima raised one pierced eyebrow. “Squeamish,” he repeated, looking pointedly at Kuroo’s arms. “That makes so much sense.”
“Oh, these.” Kuroo touched his tattooed sleeves with an abashed chuckle. He liked his ink and it was nothing to call it an addiction, not since he got his first taste on his nineteenth birthday when Akaashi tattooed a little black cat sitting on the side of his neck and showed him the wonders of body art.
The needle hooked him and never let go. Kuroo turned to Akaashi for his every tattooing need: a love poem in cursive Spanish across his ribs, the vivid blues of a stormy ocean crashing down his right arm and the livid greens of a snarling dragon spiralling its way down his left arm.
“You must have a stomach for needles if you can sit through hours of being repeatedly stabbed and injected with ink,” Tsukishima said.
“The needle’s not as big,” Kuroo protested, and if he didn't feel like a child before then he certainly did now. But hey, this was pure survival instincts speaking-- it was perfectly natural to be wary of sharp objects that could punch a hole through your body. “It makes sense from an evolutionary perspective.”
“Fair enough,” Tsukishima agreed. “So, no labret for you today?”
Kuroo was about to say no, but he just couldn’t peel his eyes away from Tsukishima’s mouth and how amazing they looked with the silver ball ends seated perfectly above and below his bottom lip. He wanted to know what that felt like on his lips, whether it be through a kiss or a needle.
You romantic, you.
“I want it,” Kuroo quickly said.
Tsukishima frowned, noticing Kuroo’s snap decision and clearly wanting him to take a step back and think it through. “If you’re unsure, it may be best to postpone--”
“No, I want it,” Kuroo said again, this time slower and with greater conviction. “I want the labret.”
Tsukishima fell silent and he held out for what felt like an eternity, no doubt testing Kuroo’s resolution. But Kuroo didn’t budge-- he was going to stick with the big, scary needle going through his whole lip because his mama may have raised a fool but she didn’t raise no quitter.
“If you’re sure--”
“Oh, I am.”
“--we have a selection of colours available you can see over there. Take your time picking one and I’ll go get my equipment ready.”
They parted from the counter, Kuroo ducking his head as soon as it was polite and burying his face in his hands. If he rubbed hard enough, maybe he’d scourge the redness from his cheeks by completely sanding off his skin. It’d been years since his awkward teenage years and here he was reliving every single one of those horror stories again.
At least he didn’t have acne anymore.
Kuroo took a deep breath and faced the display cabinet-- nope, he wasn’t going to let himself spiral down that particular path right now, not when there was a chance he could make an even bigger fool of himself. He focused on the jewellery gleaming under the little lights and where was he even supposed to start? Colour? Stone? Ends? Kuroo just blinked and stared-- he’d made too big a decision in getting a labret and now his decision-making skills had deserted him in his hour of need.
“What are you thinking?”
Kuroo yelped and jumped straight into the cabinet. The jewellery inside rattled loose like beads all over their shelves and Tsukishima grabbed onto his arms to steady him.
“Whoa, sorry.” Tsukishima smoothed down his shirt and gave it a pat. “I didn’t mean to frighten you.”
Oh my god, he touched my chest, not a drill, not a drill!
“No, I was just supised-- surpised-- surp--surp--”
“Surprised?” Tsukishima offered.
“Surprised.” Kuroo’s voice came out embarrassingly high-pitched and now he was even squeaking like he was thirteen again. He cleared his throat and said in a much deeper and sexier voice, “Surprised. Yes. Sorry about the, uh, mess in the cabinet.”
“No need,” Tsukishima said with a shrug. “I’ve been meaning to rearrange it anyway.”
“Oh,” Kuroo said. “Good.”
“So,” Tsukishima prompted. “Jewellery?”
“Right!” Kuroo gave a nervous laugh. “Uh, I’m not too sure what’ll look best on me, so I don’t know?”
Fantastic, men love indecision.
Tsukishima considered his answer. “If you’re not sure then you can never go wrong with simplicity. How about silver, with ball ends?”
“Like yours?”
“Like mine.”
Kuroo’s heart did a weird flop. “Yeah,” he said. “Yeah, that’s good.”
Tsukishima smiled and this is how men go blind and led him into one of the back rooms where a small stool and a tray of various equipment were set out. Kuroo tried not to look at them because his imagination conjured visuals far worse than reality could ever be.
“Take a seat there. You’ve been pierced before, and this process is no different.” Tsukishima snapped on a pair of purple latex gloves and cleaned Kuroo’s lip with an antibacterial wipe and used a black marker to make a small dot beneath the swell of his bottom lip. “How does that look?”
Kuroo glanced into the mirror on the wall and nodded. “Good.”
“Okay, I’m going to use this,” Tsukishima picked up a giant pair of glistening forceps, “to hold your lip in position.”
Kuroo’s eyes bugged out at the contraption and he began to sweat. “Tha-- that’s huge,” he managed.
“It doesn’t hurt or anything,” Tsukishima assured him. “It just steadies your lip so the needle doesn’t go in crooked.”
“The needle--”
“It looks like this.” Tsukishima picked it up. “It’s not as bad as you thought, right?”
Okay, so maybe it wasn’t as thick or threatening as Kuroo had envisioned but it still was going to punch a hole through his lip and he might just faint if he saw it coming towards him.
“Can I keep my eyes shut?” he asked.
“Of course.”
Kuroo did just that and he felt Tsukishima pull his lip out and hold onto it with the forceps. He was okay, he was doing okay, he was going to be okay…
“Take a deep breath,” Tsukishima said.
Kuroo obeyed, then a sharp sting went through his lip and he couldn’t help but open his eyes and see the needle sticking out of his lip. And what was that? The warmth dripping from his lip and down to his chin?
“Oh ny god,” he said through motionless lips. “Oh ny god… the glood…”
“Hey,” Tsukishima said. “Hey. Look at me.”
Kuroo tore his gaze upwards and looked straight into honey eyes and began to drown in their warmth and beauty. If he was going to bleed to death, this was surely the way to go. “Hi,” he whispered.
“Hi,” Tsukishima whispered back. "Keep your eyes on me, okay?"
That wasn't a difficult request-- in fact, Kuroo would gladly just sit there all day long and admire the sharp planes of Tsukishima's cheekbones, his milky smooth skin and how long and fluttery hiseyelashes were. If karma was indeed a thing, then Tsukishima had to have done something amazing in his past lives to be an angel walking on this earth today.
You are such a goner, you sap.
Tsukishima’s hands never stopped working and far too soon he stepped back with a small smile. “That’s it. All done.”
“That quick?”
Tsukishima gestured to the mirror. “Take a look.”
Kuroo turned and hot damn . He turned this way and that way, admiring how much more badass he looked now. He couldn’t have asked for a better piercer-- Tsukishima knew his stuff and even better, he was art and he made other people art too.
“How’s that?” Tsukishima asked. “We match.”
“We match,” Kuroo happily said.
“You like it?”
"Yeah," Kuroo said. He gave a wide grin which, to his surprise, made Tsukishima wince. "Is something wrong?"
"Not... wrong, per se," Tsukishima said. He made a vague gesture to his mouth. "You, uh, have blood on your teeth. It looks rather threatening."
"Shit, ha." Kuroo wiped the smile from his face and adopted a glare instead with his teeth bared. "How do I look now? Badass?"
"Badass," Tsukishima confirmed, setting his equipment straight again and beckoning. "Come out front. I'll ring you up and book you in for a follow-up appointment."
They made their way back to the front of the studio where Kuroo paid for his new piercing and zoned out of the spiel on how to take care of it. He'd gone through the routines before and this was hardly any different so he played with his barbell instead-- poking at it with the tip of his tongue and mouthing at it between his lips. It didn't hurt as much as he thought it would and he was so engrossed that he didn't notice Tsukishima frowning at him till it was too late.
Oops. Can't ignore the calls of an angel.
"Sorry, I just really like it," Kuroo said.
"Keep doing that and it won't heal straight," Tsukishima warned. "You want a crooked piercing?"
The thought of the perfectly placed barbell growing slanted made Kuroo's eye twitch and he vowed not to touch it again, at least until it healed, otherwise it'd be a waste of Tsukishima's skills.
"I've booked you in for the same time in two weeks," Tsukishima said. He took a business card from the counter and scrawled the appointment details on the back, ending it with an elegant flick of his wrist and pressing the card into Kuroo's hand. His skin was warm and his touch lingered against Kuroo's.
I'm absolutely besotted, help.
Kuroo wanted to say more and prolong his visit but Tsukishima had already turned away and busied himself with another jewellery display. Kuroo didn't want to call his attention, not when he'd so clearly been dismissed, so he bade a silent farewell and stepped outside to a bustling street filled with noisy pedestrians and blaring traffic. It was such a contrast from the interior of the quiet studio that it took Kuroo by surprise.
He leaned on one of the concrete walls next to a little black crow that looked like it was shitting black paint on his shoulder, and was about to slip the card into his phone case when he noticed something extra written on the back.
Call me. 03-XXXX-XXXX
Kuroo stared at the words with his jaw wide open and almost swallowed a fly. He choked on his spit and whipped around to look through the glass door but Tsukishima had already disappeared.
Oh my god oh my god ohmygod ohmygodohmygod!
Kuroo couldn't control the gigantic grin that broke out over his face and he probably still had blood in his teeth judging by some of the horrified stares he got but who cared about them when he got the number of the most gorgeous man to exist on this plane? Kuroo hurriedly opened up his camera and gave the most terrifying grin and holy hell did he look demonic with his hair spiking up in a hundred different directions and his mouth filled with blood. He took a picture, posted it to Karasuno's page and began writing another five star review to add to their collection.  
10/10 would recommend, should've taken a polaroid like this. Thanks, Tsukishima!
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hazftcor · 7 years
Good Vs Bad
Nolan x Werewolf!Reader
Requested: nope
Summary: In which Nolan and Y/n are best friends but Nolan doesn’t know Y/n is a werewolf.
Warning: Swearing (shouldn’t be a warning really.), blood, fights, car accidents.
Notes: dedicated to @chimeracuddles because she loves Nolan/Froy and has made my hatred for Nolan became a love hate relationship.
“Hey kids.” You say as you walk to the table where Corey and Mason were sitting. You see their facial expression as they looked up at you.
“What’s wrong?”
“Brett has gone missing.” You nod your head.
“Liam went to help find him. We called Lydia to try to help and all we got was the number 68.”
“Number 68? That’s Nolan’s lacrosse number.” You tell your friend.
“Oh? Well, I don’t think we bother her anymore. I did a lot of things while she tried to focus.” Corey’s face reddens. You giggle.
“So I have a bio test and I also have a history test, which one first?”
“I say bio, because its harder.”
“Okay then, history it is.” Corey glares at you as you get up to find a book.
“So Nolan's your best friend right?” Mason pops behind you. You jump and turn your head to face Mason.
“Mason, You scared the shit out of me. Don’t ever sneak up on me like that again.” He laughs.
“I am best friends with Nolan. Why do you ask?”
“Just curious. Have you told him you’re... you know... the same as Liam?”
“No. I don’t want him to know. I want to protect him from this world.”
“Are you saying that the pack is all dangerous?” He jokes.
“No! Of course not! I’m talking about the supernatural world in general. It’s dangerous and humans can barely survive it. Unless its you and Stiles.” You find a book and take it out. You head back to your seat. All of a sudden, Nolan slams his things against the table. You jump and look up at your best friend.
“Hm Nolan? Are you studying for bio?” You ask.
“Yeah actually, I am.” He sits down, his knees hit against yours, sending shivers up your spine. Needless to say, you were in love with your best friend.
“Trying to understand how organisms can change.” Mason and Corey start to help him understand while you tried to ignore the feeling you got every time Nolan’s knee brushes against yours. You tuned out of their conversation and opened your book to read. You were only interrupted when Corey got up. His hand was bloody, so was Nolan’s pen.
OWH.” Corey covers his wound as everyone in the library got up to look at what was going on. Nolan quickly grabs Corey’s injured hand and shoves it your face.
“Look at him Y/n. Look! Look at him!” Corey pulls away. You stand in shock of what just happened as Nolan leaves the library.
“Holy shit, Corey I’m so so sorry about him.” You apologize after you snap out of what had just happened.
“It’s okay Y/n.”
“I’ll talk to him, don’t worry.” You say before packing your things to go home. You wave goodbye to your friends and started texting your best friend Nolan. 
You: Meet me at my place in 20
bff<3: Okay 
When you reached your house, Nolan was already there.
“Nolan? You’re here early.”
“Yeah I got nothing to do.”
“Mmhm.” You say as you open your front door.
“Why didn’t you go in? You knew where the spare key was.”
“I wanted to wait for you.”
“How did you know I wasn’t home yet?”
“You were in the library. Also I looked at your room window. The light wasn’t turned on.”
“Hm okay. Anyway, I just wanted to ask why did you stab Corey?” You ask as the two of you enter your room. 
“I wanted everyone to know about him. I guess I wanted to prove something.”
“Nolan, you can’t go all stabby stabby on people to prove something.”
“I’m sorry. I wanted to show you that he is not a human and that he is dangerous.”
“Corey is not dangerous. If he was, I would’ve stopped being friends with him.”
“All of them are dangerous Y/n. You can’t trust them!” Nolan raises his voice.
“I can! I know them! and I believe them! They will never hurt me!”
“Are you saying that you believe them more than your best friend?”
“Nolan you know that’s not what I meant. I know you are paranoid about the situations that have happened around school but it’s not gonna happen again.”
“How do you know Y/n? What if your friends are the cause of everything that has happened?”
“They are not! Can you stop attacking my friends?”
“Why are you on their side? You’re my best friend!”
“I’m on the side that’s right and I believe that what you did to Corey isn’t right.”
“You like one of them don’t you?” You look at him confused.
“What? No I don’t! Nolan, if my friends are dangerous and are monsters, then I would be dead by now.”
“All I want to do is protect you from things that could harm you!” Your heart fluttered. 
“Nolan, I know you care about me. But I can take care of myself okay? You don’t need to worry.”
“If I lose you, I would have no one left.” He mumbles out, fidgeting with his fingers. You walk up to him and touch his hands,
“I will never leave you. You’re not gonna be alone. You are never gonna be alone.” You hug him tightly. Your phone vibrates from your pocket and you take it out.
duMbar: Help me and bring ice cream
You: Why?
duMbar: I did something very stupid, I need cheering up and icecream pls.
You: I can’t help u if you dont tell me wat u did. u always do something stupid.
duMbar: I don’t like u sometimes.
duMbar: So like I exposed US to the world and now I'm ashamed. 
You: dude, how could u? I'm coming
duMbar: really?
You: to kill u :)
You: did u save Brett? Is he ok?
duMbar: he is fine btw
duMbar: hello? ru ignoring me?
You: sry was debating about if I should waste my $ on u.
duMbar: plsss we’re buddies pls bring me icecream.i will love u forever if u do.
duMbar: all I want is icecream is that too much to ask?
You: k i’ll bring the icecream and then I leave 
duMbar: no! don’t go, stay over plssssssssssssss
You: stop being annoying and I will come over
duMbar: oki, come thru window it will be unlocked for u:)
You giggle at Liam’s messages.
“Who ya texting?” Nolan asks trying to see your screen. You swat him away.
“Just Liam. He wants me to go over and study with him.”
“Just the two of you?” 
“Yeah I think so.”
“Isn’t that... not a good idea?”
“Hmm? You think we’re going do things together?” You giggle. “Don’t worry Nolan, we’re not. we’re just studying.“
“That’s what everyone says.” You roll your eyes at your best friend as you start to grab the essentials for staying over at Liam’s place.
“Do you want a ride home? I can give you one on my way to his house.” You ask. He nods before running downstairs to your car. You put your essentials in a duffel bag and head downstairs.
When you get in the car and start driving, Nolan glances at you repeatedly. You had to break the silence.
“Stop staring at me Nolan. If you have a question, ask.”
“Do you like Liam?” You hit your brakes hard upon hearing that question, creating the sound of a car skidding. 
“W-what? Why would you think that?” You say, calming yourself down before driving again.
“Just one text from him can get you to his house, what if he calls you, do you fly there?”
“Hey, Liam needs help studying. I would do the same to you if you were in the same situation.”
“Are you sure you don’t like him?”
“i’m sure Nolan. Yes he may be hot and cute and funny, And yes, he can play lacrosse better than you, Okay well I do feel attracted to him, I mean, who isn’t? He’s the lacrosse team captain, he‘s hot, athletic, cute, funny, not too smart but smart. And it’s the hormones too! But he’s not really my type kinda.” You explain. Nolan nods. You look at him. ‘How did he get that? I said those words and I don’t even know what I just said’
“You won’t lie to me right?”
“Yeah of course not! You’re my best friend! What is there you don’t know?” You lie. There was a thing he didn’t know and it was that you were a werewolf. 
You were walking around school, trying to find your friends. Earlier, they have told you about how the lacrosse team was going to get them to shift, and it included your best friend. You wanted to help but when the bell rang, you were called by your teacher and it slowed you down. You continued to walk around until you saw a whole crowd at the door of a class room.
“What are you trying to hide Liam? Your eyes?” Your eyes widen at the Liam’s name and you push your way through to the front. You look at the scene in horror. You push you way through the other lacrosse teammates who were holding you back.
“Nolan Nolan, Stop!” You scream. Nolan looks at you.
“I’m trying to show you who the hell you chose to be your friends!” Gabe pushes Liam towards the wall.
“Open your eyes.” Gabe demands. Liam takes a few deep breathes before opening them. You relax at the sight of his blue eyes. Nolan steps in and punches him.
“Nolan what the f*ck?” You yell at him, quick to help Liam up. You block the two boys way from getting to Liam.
“I’m showing you who he really is Y/n!”
“Stop! Nolan! He’s my friend. I don’t care who the f*ck he is. He is my friend and I don’t want you to touch him.”
“Because you’re one of them?” Gabe asks, a smirk on his face.
“I don’t know what you are talking about.”
“Why are you protecting him?”
“Y/n, Leave it.” Liam says.
“Y/n step out of the way. So I can show how dangerous your so called friend is.”
“No! Nolan stop!” Gabe suddenly pins you against the wall. You groan at the contact between your back and the wall. Nolan grabs Liam’s face.
“Are you gonna let us do this to you?”
“Come on y/n. Show me your eyes.”
“You’re looking at my eyes.”
“Quit playing games.” Gabe punches you in the stomach. 
“Y/n! What the hell Gabe?” Nolan asks Gabe.
“Nolan, She’s one of them! You can’t trust her!”
“She’s my best friend! She will never lie to me.”
“Well she did! I’m about to show you.” Gabe punches you in the face. 
“I know you can take us Y/n, all you have to do is change.”
“Change what? my clothes?” You snap.
“Why are you protecting Liam?”
“Because he is my friend!” You growl. Nolan punches Liam again. 
“Come on Liam, shift!” You grab hold of Liam’s hand. 
“The sun.”
“The sun, the moon, the truth.”
“What the hell is that suppose to mean?”
“Who cares?” Gabe lets you go to punch Liam and you take this as an advantage to pull Liam away from them. Gabe punches the wall instead. Nolan and Gabe look at you as you protect Liam.
“Stop it!”
“You can’t stop us.” Nolan says back. You look at him with your jaw dropped. 
“Nolan! You’re my f*cking best friend! I can’t believe you would do this!”
“I’m trying to show you that these aren’t the friends. They’re monsters!”
“She’s friends with them because she’s one of them!”
“She is not! Stop accusing her!”
“Shut the f*ck up both of you.” You shout. “My friends are not f*cking monsters so would you just stop attack them?”
“Why are you always taking their side? I thought you said you didn’t like Liam?”
“Nolan! I don’t like him!”
“Then why are you protecting him? He’s a monster.” You had enough of Nolan. So you punched him. Gabe pulls you away from Liam as Nolan recovers. He throws your head onto the leg of a desk, causing you to grow dizzy. Gabe starts to beat up Liam. Finally a teacher came in and settled things down.
“WHAT THE HELL IS GOING ON?” He pushes Gabe and Nolan away from Liam. “BACK OFF! HEY GET TO THE PRINCIPAL’S OFFICE IMMEDIATELY!” Coach pushes the two boys out of the room. Nolan looks back at you. You look at him with disgust, before closing your eyes to stop the dizziness. “What the hell is this? Get out! I can’t stand the look on your faces!” The crowd disperses. 
The dizziness had stopped so you get up and help Liam up.
“You shouldn’t had done that Y/n.”
“Hey, we’re buddies. We help each other out.”
“You shouldn’t have protected me.”
“If it was anyone else I would’ve done the same.”
“Clark Kent right?” You smile, wiping some blood off his face with your shirt.
“Yeah, Clark Kent.” You, Liam, Mason and Corey group hug. 
After school, you were walking to your car where Liam and Mason were standing and waiting for you when someone called your name. 
“Y/n!” Nolan calls running up to you with a big bruise on his face from your punch.
“What do you want?”
“Are you busy tonight?”
“Yeah. I got things to do, body parts to heal. I don’t have time for you to talk about how my friends are monsters.”
“I just wanted to know if what Gabe said was true.”
“I’m busy Nolan. Ask me another time.” You say before walking away from Nolan. Nolan pulls you back.
“Nolan. Let me go.”
“Answer me.” Nolan demands, eyes burning into your soul. You felt very uncomfortable and tried to push him away.
“Nolan. Let go, You’re hurting me.” You say. He pushes you up against a wall.
“Answer me!” He raises his voice. You flinch and whimper. You had never seen Nolan act like this before.
“Nolan Let me go!” 
“Answer me!”
“What has gotten into your head Nolan? You’re scaring me!” You say back. His hand lands on your neck. He was gonna choke you.
“Nolan. Do it. Choke me to death. Let’s see if I’m actually your best friend. Or even a friend in fact.” He grips onto your neck and you start to regret saying those words.
“N-Nolan. It’s m-me Y/n. Please.” You cry.
“I said answer me!!” He yells. You flinch, tears falling down your face. 
“I-I-I- let me go! Nolan! I don’t remember what you’re talking about just let me go!” You put your hands on his face. He instantly snaps back to normal. He looks at his hands in horror as he lets go. You clutch onto your neck, gasping for air.
“Y/n I’m sorry.” He says before hurrying off, afraid of his own self. You start to cry as you watch him retreat, still gasping for air.
What happened to the Nolan you knew?
You and your pack were stuck in the sheriff station surrounded by dozens of hunters. The power suddenly goes out. One of the deputies shoves a boy into the room. Nolan.
“Y/n? I thought you said you had to meet up with Liam for a study group.” Well, there goes the secret you were keeping from him.
“Throw him out.” Liam steps up.
“No. Y-you can’t, okay? Please don’t. She’ll know I screwed up.” You heart broke at his words. He was on the other side.
“He’s with them.” Liam states. You start to walk away, to avoid crying in front of everyone.
“He’s a liar and he’s sick in the head. He betrayed his own best friend.” You continued walking away, right into Theo.
“Y/n? Are you crying?”
“My best friend is working for the enemy T. What am I supposed to do now?” You sob into Theo’s chest.
You and Theo were like siblings. He saved you from the beast back then and he brought you to Scott. You were probably the only person nice to him, even after what he did to the McCall pack and his own pack. That’s why he had the heart to save you. At first, Scott didn’t want to bite you and he didn’t believe Theo had a heart after what he has done, but you somehow persuaded Scott to give you the bite so you could heal. Both Scott and Theo were your heroes and you always looked up to them from the day you turned.
“It's okay Y/n. Just stay in the room. Don’t think about it too much.” Theo kisses you forehead before leaving you. You walk into the sheriff’s office and take a seat. The tears have dried off your face, but you felt as if Nolan had just put a hole in your heart.
From out the sheriff window, you see Liam walking to the reception desk. Curiously you walk to where he is.
“What are you looking at Liam?”
“The camera from the holding cell room.” You look at the screen to see Nolan getting up fro the seat he was handcuffed in. He walks to the cell. Your eyes widens as you watch your best friend take out a jar full of purple wolvesbane. You and Liam exchange glances before quickly moving to the holding cell room to stop Nolan. Liam tackles him while you take the jar out to your alpha. 
Shaken by the fact that your best friend was gonna kill two people, you head back to your seat. Parrish had handcuffed Nolan into another room. Liam and Scott went to check the two werewolves and their eyes. When they came back, Liam sat next to you.
“Y/n. It’s okay.” Liam says.
“It’s not. My best friend has turned against me.” Liam wraps his arms around you as you take deep breathes. You hear the window shattering and you look out to see that someone had shot an arrow into the building. A piece of cloth is attached to the arrow. Malia takes out the arrow and Liam grabs the cloth. It shows a bloody number 7.
“This is Brett’s number. They must’ve got it when they were pursuing him.”
“They’re trying to rattle us.” Lydia tells the sheriff.
“it’s working.” Theo says, as Liam’s eyes glow. A scream is heard in the room where Nolan was in. A deputy had hung himself.
“I-I didn’t do anything. I -I I didn’t even say anything. He just got up and started putting the wire around his neck.” He says. You can feel how shakened up Nolan is. Normally, you would’ve went and hugged Nolan, telling him that its okay. But you couldn’t take a step towards him. Nolan turned towards you, biting his nails. You closed your eyes to avoid eye contact and a tear slipped out. You turn around bumping into Theo who wraps his arms around you.
The rest of the night was just you sitting in a corner, thinking about Nolan Holloway, the person who had broke your heart.
You were slowly putting clothes into a duffel bag Liam brought for you last year for your birthday. 
“Y/n please talk to me.” Nolan appears at your door frame. 
“What is there to talk about? I’m busy packing my things to leave Beacon Hills.”
“Why didn’t you tell me you were a werewolf?” You didn’t answer him. You just continued to pack. 
“Y/n. Please. Why didn't you tell me you were supernatural?“ You stop what you’re doing and turn towards him
“I was trying to protect you! You’re my best friend and I don’t want you to get hurt!“
“You could’ve told me and none of this could’ve happened. You won’t have to leave.”
“You were still paranoid from the beast in the library. How could I say it: ‘Oh hey Nolan, just wanted to let you know that I'm a werewolf and on every full moon I’m have to control myself from hurting others and that the monster you saw in the library was Mason who was possessed by a evil spirit?’”
“You told me that you will never lie to me! And you lied.” Nolan raises his voice.
“I told you Nolan, I was trying to protect you.”
“From what? From you?”
“Yes from me! Do you wanna know how I turned?“
“How?” Nolan crosses his arms.
“I was dying, if it wasn’t for Theo and Scott, I wouldn’t have met you. I knew all about the supernatural because It’s BEACON HILLS! A literal beacon for supernaturals.”
“You promised that you would never leave me and now you're leaving.” You walk up to Nolan.
“You think I have a choice? It’s all your fault. If you and your hunter friends left us alone and not try to hunt and kill us, maybe I wouldn't have to leave.”
“But they were all trying to protect the city from monsters like you.” Nolan spits out. You look at him.
“You guys are all monsters who need to be vanished from the world.” Anger boils up from in you.
“Then kill me Nolan. Kill me first. Take some wolvesbane and kill me with it. If we are all monsters, why not start with the one who has been trying to help.”
“Kill me! You said I’m a monster so kill me!”
“no Y/n. I’m not gonna kill you.”
“Oh so you are afraid to kill people? Then why did you want to kill those other two werewolves at the sheriff station?”
“Y/n I d-”
“Not all monsters do monstrous things, people like Scott, Lydia, Corey, none of them are monsters!”
“Y/n I-”
“I looked at you tonight, I didn’t see Nolan, my best friend. I saw a psychopath.”
“Y/n pleas-”
“I know what Gabe and Monroe are doing. They’re trying to use mental illnesses to get you to go against us. They don’t give a shit about you Nolan. They don’t care about your illnesses as much as I do.”
“Y/n They’re not-”
“They’ve corrupted you with their beliefs. Tell me Nolan, would you rather fight with your best friend or against your best friend if they are perks of not feeling alone, fitting in, feeling happier, less scared, less paranoid if you chose against?”
“Y/n I don’t know.”
“I thought so. I don’t know who you are anymore Nolan. You think we’re the monsters while you are the monsters. I can’t believe I ever fell in love with you. When you finally figure out the difference between who’s good and who’s bad, call me.” And then you walked out tears roaming freely down your face.
Five minutes after you left, Liam came. He was about to knock on your door when your mother opened it.
“Oh! Liam! How nice to see you!”
“Hi Ms. Y/l/n. Is Y/n here?”
“She should be in her room. Are you taking her out on a date?” Liam reddens.
“Y-yeah kind of.”
“Well have fun! I’m off to go on a business trip. Won’t be back for about a month. Remember to use protection.” Liam reddens even more as he allows your mother to exit. He walks up to your room only to find Nolan.
“Where the hell is Y/n?”
“We got in a fight, and she just left.” Liam’s blood boiled as he threw Nolan into a wall. 
“What did you do?” Liam yells at the boy
“I-I d-did nothing, she just left!” Liam lets go and starts to rummage through her stuff.
“What are you doing?”
“Finding her scent so I can find her.” He reaches in your hamper and finds a shirt. He sniffs it.
“If you want to know if your so called best friend is safe, follow me.” Nolan followed him 
“How do you know where she is?” He asks Liam, who was busily following your scent.
“We have super smell.”
“Why do you care so much about her?” Liam stops looking and turns to look at the boy who was following him slowly.
“Because she's my friend. Someone who would never hurt her.” Liam states before turning back to look for you.
After a while, Liam perks his head up at the smell of blood.
“Do you smell that? Oh wait never mind you’re a human. It’s blood. I smell blood. It’s Y/n’s! Hurry Nolan, she’s this way!” Liam runs with Nolan far behind. 
They reach a flipped car.
“Y/n!” Liam shouts, running to the flipped car where you laid, bleeding.
“Liam? No you should’ve left already.”
“I was gonna pick up. Come on, lets get you out of here.”
“N-Nolan? You’re here?” You cough out blood and groan in pain as Liam tries to pull you out.
“Y/n stay with us okay.” Nolan says, biting his nails at the situation in front of him
“No No, Liam stop, It’s not just that I’m stuck, there’s wolvesbane all around here.”
“I don’t care Y/n, I’m not letting you die. Nolan, hold onto her. I’m gonna lift the car up and you pull her out okay?” Nolan nods and holds your hands tightly. You grow tired and start to fall into a pit of darkness.
“Y/n open your eyes.” Nolan says. Liam lifts up the car and Nolan pulls you out. Liam puts it backs down and speeds towards you.
“Why isn’t she healing?”
“There’s wolvesbane in her system. We got to get her to the hospital.”
“I don’t think I’m gonna make it Liam. Maybe you should leave.”
“You are! I’m not leaving without you! I will never do that okay? You’ve been with me through life and death, I should do the same now.” Liam picks you up carefully.
“Where are you going?”
“The hospital Nolan. Take my phone in case Scott calls.” Liam throws his phone to Nolan and starts to run. Nolan follows.
“Y/n stay with me. Don’t close your eyes.” Liam’s phone starts to ring and Nolan puts it on speaker.
“Liam? Where the hell are you guys?”
“Nolan? Where’s Liam?”
“Scott! Sorry, Y/n got in a car accident and I’m bringing her to a hospital. She got hurt pretty badly.”
“Y/n got in an accident? Theo wait! Okay we’ll meet you there okay?”
“Okay bye.” Nolan hangs up the phone. Darkness overtakes your vision.
“Y/n. Stay awake please!” 
And then you black out.
“Y/n?” Liam slows for a second to listen to your heartbeat. He relaxes at the sound of your heartbeat. He turns to Nolan.
“She’s okay. She’s just unconscious. Now let’s hurry!” Liam starts to run again.
Nolan, close behind, has been quiet all this time because he is worried about you. He never knew it before, but he is completely and terribly in love with you.
The only question to him was: Were you good or bad?
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tartypatoos · 7 years
hey umm mao’s back story in the form of IM’s bc i’m a lazy fucker
tartypatoos icry bc growing up mao never hears the word woman or mom , and the idea that she's possibly not a mutant or not a turtle terrifies her bc it's all she knows
batalert Mao: idk who i am Babs: u is kind. u is smart. u is important. and u is my baby sis.
tartypatoos aaaaaa mao is just super upset the first time a villan tells her she's a human and sits her down and cross references her with the turtles
batalert Babs, cradling Mao's head while covering her ears: sHU T  U P
tartypatoos and in her story line it's one of the things that destroys her and triggers her depression and the part of her story where she runs away , gets kidnapped and tortured by the shredder , then finds out he's her biological father
batalert me, suddenly remembering an under co Foot Clan oc i have: i wanna give Mao two sisters now if u wouldn't m i n d
tartypatoos mao basically goes months without seeing the boys bc splinter had put her on a buss out of town so she'd be safe but she ran away and got kidnapped instead
batalert me, preparing a care packet for her: poor baby girl. poor baby.
tartypatoos yeee when she does escape splinter gets mad at first because he was sending her away to avoid this and it puts a wedge in their relationship
batalert n O ;A;
batalert P O O R B A B Y G I R L give her a break 2k17
tartypatoos ummmm n ever ?
batalert Babs, filling out adoption papers: we'll see about that hgfjghjgh Babs. ily. but  p ls
tartypatoos thats actually when they find out about her maotations
batalert mAOTATIONS GOD i'll never be over that props to u
tartypatoos asdfghjk and she starts loosing her mind to the personalities of each one left over and warring in her head and not all of them are good ?
tartypatoos mikey gives them all nicknames some of them are like different aspects of her personality or personified emotions and then others are complete induvuals who know all of maos nlife and memories
tartypatoos yeah but like mutating is painful for her and she can feel them trying to take over constantly when she isn't mutated and she knows that hypothetically they could make her not ever exist in her own body again
batalert yeah and i'm just :') imagining her pained grunts and cries as she shifts . mutates and i'm :') not okay gIVE HER A B R E AK ah ahhahaha wow fuck that hur ts
tartypatoos y EP
and raph starts to get scared when one takes over enough where she destroys her room , breaks the music box donnie gave her and comes seconds away from lashing out and slitting his throat
batalert B I H I STG pls fight Babs but also Babs being gentle with Mao after this shit instead of being afraid and just pets her hair like "it's okay, Mao. it's okay."
tartypatoos and its a tiny cut but only bc raph stopped her and he nows donnie is the person she cares about the most
batalert yes that's a Return Of The Joker ref and i'm hurting jhgghfgjf wELP
tartypatoos om g
batalert Raph: knows Donnie is the only one she cares about now Raph:
tartypatoos so she is horrified and immediately runs because she doesn't wanna hurt anyone else
tartypatoos and raph tends to donnie before deciding he's going to ' talk ' to her
batalert ah ahah haha "talk" when there's quotation marks that does not mean talk and i'm :''''')
tartypatoos he finds her crying on a rooftop and she hears him and she's so happy and she asks if donnie is okay then then he pulls out his sai's and she's just mortified because it hits her about whats about to happen
tartypatoos he chases her and pins her on a siderailing and she's going super unstable and he just looks her in the eyes as he stabs her before tossing her off into the street
batalert https://youtu.be/2LuGzwNy2ws?t=1m7s
tartypatoos also she gets hit by a car on the way down
tartypatoos but she doesn't die
batalert fUCK U??????????? STOP HURTING ME oh thank god
tartypatoos instead raph panics and runs bc she wasn't supposed to survive that bc now she can snitch on him and oh my god humans just found her and she'll tell everyone about them
batalert "bc now she can snitch on him" i know i shouldn't have but i fucking snorted so l  o ud
tartypatoos asdfghjkl
batalert gfdkjgfkjghkjd
batalert "snitches get stitches" bITCH SHE NEEDS STITCHES BC SHE'S WOUNDED DAMN SON
tartypatoos ASDFGHJKL but she ends up admitted into a hospital in a three month coma and donnie finds out and basically is determined to break her out as soon as she's awake bc then she won't be under constant watch and raph lies and says it was shredder who did it so they don't know yet and on one of raphs shifts to watch her he skips and when it's donnies turn he freaks bc she's gone
batalert ah hah aha hah a i'm not okay fuck this fuck u bye i'm i need some fUCKING TIS SU ES STOP HURTING THE ABBY BABY
batalert FML
tartypatoos sdfghjkl turns out she did tell everyone she was just begging to go home bc mikey needs her and she wants to know if donnie is okay
batalert :')))))))))))))))))
tartypatoos but they can't find her long ass name on record and they assume she's just delusional
tartypatoos so she gets sent to a psychiatric ward and she's fine at first at least until someone tells her her family doesn't exist and she just looses it and she ATTACKS THEm
tartypatoos so she gets put in solitary and drugged up and strapped to a table and pretty much is just zombified and they drive it into her head that none of her family exists
tartypatoos so when they do pin down her location they find her with a sheet over her body and face , strapped down to a table and when they take it off she just shows no emotion she's like ' oh my imaginary friends came back ' and it just crushes all of them
batalert and it just crushes my heart i
batalert need to lie down i am one wounded bITCH my friend :') i c b
tartypatoos they pretty much bring her home and she's completely numb emotionally and physically they had her so drugged she can't even stand they just lay her in her bed and wait in the next room just trying to figure out what to do
batalert imma go mobile till i fall asleep bc this stupid bitch hasn't slept all night bc again she's stupid so i'll be back in a few hours fjghfjhgjf
tartypatoos asdfghjkl
batalert pls spam me with anything else u wanna share if u'd like! i love coming back to cool stuff <3
tartypatoos s ame tho
tartypatoos aaaaaa oKIE
batalert sorry to poof i'm just so sore i feel death poking my lower bac k fghfkjghkjf i sHALL RETURN later fghfjgfhgj
tartypatoos YEEEEE basically they start fighting and it takes her like a week before the drugs wear off
tartypatoos and when they do she just wakes up to an exhausted donnie and a sleeping mikey and leo on her bed and raph is nowhere to be seen and she just starts crying and they all just hold her and splinter runs in and donnie asks her what happened and she just
tartypatoos she wont say
tartypatoos and when she falls asleep again donnie looks at her wounds and he just loses it bc he knows what shredder given wounds look like and that aint it so he runs to raph and just goes off enough to wake her up and her first reaction is to run /bCtHaTfIxEsEvErYtHiNg/
tartypatoos she makes it to the top of one of the skyscrapers and thats when everything hits rock bottom she blames herself and she /knows/ they'd be better off without her so she jumps but this time raph and donnie followed her donnie jumps after her and grabs he and they cry and scream at each other on the way down before last second metal head pulls them away from the ground
tartypatoos and they just cry together on a rooftop and that's when they realized they were being ambushed and donnie tries to block her from a blast of mutagen only for maoyonnie to be born
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captainschmoe · 7 years
I Will Survive [Beta] - Chapter 3: Caught Ya Napping
[A/N: Not much to say about this one other than I’m pleased with how smoothly the writing went. ^^]
[Summary: In which Sean tries to record Bio Inc. again and then gets interrupted by Ma- ahem, “Mark.”]
[Previous - Next]
I know you probably don’t expect me to say this, but I believe you. I trust that you and Signe wouldn’t make this shit up, and really, it’s too weird to be a coincidence. If I see anything suspicious or out of the ordinary on my end, I’ll be sure to let you know. I also promise not to tell anyone about this, unless you tell me otherwise.
However, I don’t think there’s anything I, or you, or anyone can do about it right now. There really isn’t enough information (at least from what you’ve told me) to go by. And if it is supernatural, I don’t think we can really stop it. Or if we can, I don’t know how.
Again, thank you for trusting me. Be safe.
Well, that was a pleasant surprise to find between games. Sean honestly didn’t think that Robin would be this calm about it. Then again, it was all in writing. Who knows what faces he made as he read the email.
It was exactly Sean’s concerns, though: not enough information. Too many questions and no answers to go with them. Is it related to the Anti stuff? Is it supernatural? Will it happen again?
Sean was becoming as much frustrated as scared. Of course he didn’t want more shit to happen. He didn’t want anyone to worry, or be in danger. But fuck’s sake! He wouldn’t die happy unless he got to the bottom of this, he just knew it.
Bio Inc. If he tried Bio Inc. again, he might get and answer. He’ll do his second game right now, and then go through Bio Inc. after that. That would be the plan - that would have been the plan regardless. Bio Inc. may have to come out slightly later than anticipated. That was fine; he could find some way to pass it off as all part of the plan. He could incorporate that into the game and Anti’s monologue or something.
Whoa. God damn. First things first: get some food to make his stomach happy. It didn’t seem to want anything in particular. Maybe it would change its mind once it saw the contents of the kitchen. Something quick and easy. That was all his brain was in the mood for, anyway.
As he passed through the living room, he spotted Signe lying on the sofa, face towards the back. Sound asleep, as evidence by some light snoring. Sean chuckled to himself. That wasn’t quite the level of “taking it easy” he was thinking of, but whatever works for her. Whatever helped her relax and recover from seeing whatever demonic monstrosity she saw - that’s all Sean cared about. Maybe he’d even spread a blanket over her. She got cold pretty easily.
You know what? I’m gonna do that.
It was a lot of back-and-forth trips through the house - but hey, it was exercise. Back up to the bedroom - with the sandwich he threw together. He set it down temporarily on the nightstand and grabbed one of the blankets off the bed, the really soft and fluffy one. Her favorite. Sean brought it back out to the living room, paying attention to and minimizing the sound of his footsteps this time. He waved it over Signe and let it fall. The blanket gently drifted down to cover her, minus her feet. Didn’t even faze her, though Sean wouldn’t bother trying to mess with it too much for fear of waking her up. Whatever, it was fine; she’d mess it all up herself in her sleep anyway.
He couldn’t resist the temptation to press a kiss to the back of Signe’s head. She fidgeted a little, yanking some of the blanket closer to her face. Called it.
This was it. This time, he made it through. Nothing had happened. No nightmare. Just Jack and ze good doctah having a bad time, all as originally planned. Now Sean just had to tackle Anti’s segment. He supposed it wasn’t too late for anything bad to happen. If it was somehow tied to Anti, this would be the moment for it to happen.
...No time to be thinking about that.
Sean fluffed up his hair in the bathroom mirror, trying to nail the look he wanted. Damn it, this still looked a little too soft. He spritzed some water into his hand and combed his fingers through. There. A little better, a little rattier. Throat “sliced,” gauges in, he was set to go. And the knife. He was using a newer, bigger one this time around. He could envision his reflection in the wide, stainless-steel blade. Heh heh... No wonder everyone got so hyped about him. Sean did, too. Running his fingertips along the edge thrilled him. So in-character. Maybe a little too in-character.
But these kinds of characters were so much fun!
“Guess who’s back, back again,” Sean softly sang to himself as he walked down the hall. “Anti’s back, everyone knows already.” He laughed. Ah, the theorists. Nothing escaped their collective eagle eye for more than half a second. But then again, how easy was it to hide from 16 million people and counting on the Internet?
Back in his office, Sean stood in the middle of the room, in front of his camera. What should he even say? He still had to pin down exactly what kind of mood he wanted for the scene. Something a tad more aggressive. Something threatening. Something that showed he really wasn’t fucking around this time.
“Well look who’s back!” He gritted his teeth in his best “psychotic” smile, and the classic evil giggle willed itself through. “You all thought you had him back. But this...” He dragged the dull side of the blade across his throat. “...will never end!” The tip poked him as he finished speaking. “Ow. That actually kinda hurt.” He laughed at himself. Can’t get through an Anti video without hurting himself in some way, whether burning his arms on candles or outright stabbing himself. Jeez.
“Well, I hope you’re happy...” He already used that line before. Was that all right? “I do,” he continued, breaking character. “I do hope you’re happy. Anti hopes you’re happy. He may be a character, but he’s got a good heart. He wants you all to feel spe-”
“Agh. Shut up, phone!” Good thing he didn’t have to do all the lines in one shot. Whatever. At least it was bugging him during a line that was meant for the outtakes. “Who’s texting me? ...Fucking Mark. The hell does he want?”
Sean predicted it was probably something stupid.
Though jokes on you jack :P wasn’t exactly the kind of stupid he was thinking of.
“The fuck?”
What the fuck did that mean? Couldn’t have been a wrong number due to the “Jack” at the end. Unless he sent some other message earlier and it just got eaten or something? Yeah, that was probably it. Or something like it.
Sean wouldn’t get the chance to ask any questions or get any answers, as the phone buzzed again in his hand, startling him. Another one from Mark. This one was an image-
“Jesus Christ!”
Thud. Somehow the phone resisted breaking against the desk.
Sean instinctively backed against the wall, hands balled up into fists and pressed against the sides of his head. “Oh my God... What the fuck?” Morbid curiosity urged him to check again, to make sure he wasn’t freaking out for no reason. But his legs didn’t want to take him anywhere but far away. As far away from that phone as he could possibly get.
He took several deep, calming breaths, overriding the paralysis and slowly walking back towards the spot on the floor where the phone landed. It wasn’t going to hurt him. Was it? Only one way to find out.
He picked it up again, feeling a burst of vertigo from bending over. His eye twitched like mad again, and he started feeling uneasy in his gut. Good God, it was getting worse. Everything was getting worse. Why was he suddenly this sick? Either that was one hell of a sandwich, or...
What the fuck was happening?
Sean managed to tap Mark’s name despite the visible tremble in his thumb. No, he wasn’t seeing things. It was definitely Mark’s blackened body - exactly what Signe described happened to Sean while he was navigating the nightmare. Mark’s mouth was gaping open as well, and his limbs were splayed out. He was definitely outside on the grass, near a building wall - most likely his house.
The unease in Sean’s stomach transitioned into all-out nausea.
Somehow, it was even more unnerving than waking up in the nightmare himself. Something about this hell happening to someone else was so much more terrifying. Perhaps it was the lack of control. The inability to communicate to Mark how to get out. The not knowing if he would be in the mindset to experiment around with the dot-ghost the same way Sean did - or the luck to land near it and find it at all. Now he fully understood Signe’s breakdown earlier.
Should he wake her up and tell her? She hadn’t come up to his office despite the obviously-unnatural screaming. This would be important for her to know, Sean felt, and yet what a rude fucking wake-up call. At the very least, he could tell Robin. He had to. He would. Right now.
Robin its happening again. But now its Mark. Got the freakiest fucking text from him. Pretty sure its not him.
Sent. Now he had to wait. Oh God, now there was nothing to distract him from his upset stomach. Don’t puke, don’t puke, don’t puke... Deep breaths. Willpower. His eye still twitched periodically. Come to think of it, he’d made Jack have nausea at least twice now in response to Anti. That and the eye twitching...
Holy fuck. Maybe it was somehow...
Buzz. Robin’s response couldn’t have come too soon. Sean opened it up.
What? Is he okay? Can you text him back?
Text him back? Really? Would that work?
I’ll try.
Sean switched over to “Mark.” Who the fuck are you???
The stomach upset was growing. He was confident puking was inevitable.
A buzz surprised him. From “Mark.”
someone who doesn’t like being mocked
Sean switched back to Robin. Hey got a response back from him surprisingly. Will send you screenshots later.
“Mark” sent another one on his own. u feelin ok jack? ur not actin like urself
Sean wasn’t going to fuck around with this. Just cut to the chase. Are you Anti?
what do u think ;)
Where’s Mark?
i think u kno lol
Man, Anti was even more of a fucking asshole than Sean envisioned him. Why Mark? What did he do?
hes guilty as u r
What, the Dark vs Anti thing?
wow ur slow...
God fucking dammit. So Anti wasn’t a fan of that video. Figures. But that wasn’t seriously the reason he was-
Sean started salivating. Fuck. He shoved the phone into his pocket and bolted for the bathroom, and just so happened to encounter Signe, awake and apparently heading the same direction.
“Hold on, Signe, gonna puke.”
He slammed the door shut, a little harder than he probably should have. The phone buzzed one more time as he knelt over the toilet. He pulled it out of his pocket.
just try to save him
Sean lost it.
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Episode 6 - "Thank all gods, even the weird ones." - Stephen
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Thank all gods, even the weird ones. I was not ready to go home pre-jury again. Although I’m still wondering if theres a hidden redemption island twist because most merges happen at 11 not 10. I also need to be careful of Clash. I trust him now, but he’s a strong player. I need to be able to have my own game apart from his, and be ready to vote his ass out when he starts getting too close to ftc.
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Um so I have to vote one of my 3 closest allies which sucks but if I vote Allan that’s the best it won’t upset pat or randy and keep Stephen with me as well I hope I win this game I will IA 
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Liana won immunity which sucks because she was the easy vote and puts me in a terrible position. So far Ginger and Emily/Vilma are possible votes
Everyone's so cautious about saying names this tribal council, I definitely needed that immunity. If I don't hear anything from Liana/Ginger/Emily, I'm going to put Ginger's name out there and see where it gets me
Looking quite bad here, Emily did tell me I should be safe, but just incase that was to mislead me, I attempted some very poor guilt trip/flattery. :(
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i’m like pretty okay with going to tribal tbh because i trust the four in my alliance with me? like the only one i’m a bit weary about is ginger just bc she’s like a lil weird in general lol and she could turn on a dime :/ but i do think that if she did choose to turn on me, vilma, and michael, she wouldn’t choose me to vote out this round. she’d probably go for michael? but that’s only IF she chooses to flip. idk if she will. i have high hopes that this round will be pretty smooth. if i had it my way, we could vote tyler out now because i think he’s not as invested in this game as jacob. and it’s hard to play with people who are invested. if tyler or jacob don’t go this round, at least from our tribe, i’ll be very confused? also looking forward to merge! i’m worried but at the same time i’m content. like it’ll be a small merge which i love and i have pretty good relationships with a lot of the people left. so! that’s cute! i think i’m in a good position right now. well liked, in a somewhat powerful position, and under the radar for the most part. i haven’t really done much (or gone to many tribals for that matter) that have made me feel like a threat. yes, i was a leader on the saolatoga tribe and i was the one that brought up daniel’s name at first, but it was like an easily agreed upon decision. i don’t think people were too shaken or surprised by it. it’s something on my resume for me to see, not everyone else. and that’s exactly how i like it! i’ll read my list of doings at final tribal council. and i’ll wow the jury. but it won’t be obvious to them what i’m doing until they look at the game more objectively. i think that’s a good way to play. always on people’s minds, but not too much. positive opinion, involved in big decisions, but never the ring leader to the point where it’s dangerous. i think i’ve figured out a good balance! i’m hoping this takes me far. to the end!!!
so there's a lot of stuff going on so im going to try to organize my thoughts. here we go. liana is immune, so that's hard on the rest of the tribe who... pretty much all wanted to vote her out but that's fine. honestly liana being immune is better for me than it is anyone else, so I am fine with it. it is making waves though, but they're fun waves. so the alliance of ginger, michael, vilma, and myself mentioned either tyler or jacob because they're the only options not in our alliance right now, but the thing is, ginger went CRAZY and was pushing for us to NOT VOTE TYLER WHATSOEVER! and they just kept pushing for jacob instead. I was very weary about this, but I didn't say anything at first until michael messages me saying that tyler is gunning for ME. and then vilma messages me saying that Michael told her this too, only he said that the reason tyler was gunning for me was because she and I were so close. SO! this means that tyler is aware of vilma and I being in an alliance. and ginger was probably the one to mention it to him. and then GINGER MADE A GROUP WITH VILMA AND TYLER SO THAT VILMA WOULD WANT TO PROTECT TYLER MORE. anyway, once this got out, michael and vilma and I made a group to talk about the vote and I think we're leaning towards ginger for the following reasons 1. way too protective over tyler for no reason. how the fuck are they so close? 2. tyler somehow knows about vilma and i's connection even though we've been extremely low key and I have never talked game with him 3. ginger is just actually crazy I think we can get liana and jacob on our side way easier than we could tyler. we're planning on telling liana and jacob about the vote, but leaving tyler and ginger in the dark. we just need to make sure none of this gets back to ginger like for real! they leak literally everything. I literally JUST messaged them saying that Tyler had thrown out my name and not even two minutes after I get a message from vilma saying that ginger had asked her about tyler throwing out my name. like ginger gets information and RUNS WITH IT. I truly cannot trust them. and it would create less waves to vote ginger out than it would anyone else on the tribe I think. like... after all the craziness that's going down, we need to send ginger home. I could kind of tell that ginger was a little weird, but I didn't expected them to be so cracked like genuinely cracked. lmao
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Annoying Lyana HAD to win immunity, getting your lazy-social ass in multiple ORGs make u slay the physical game...and now I feel my ass is in danger! Im gonna do everything in order to stay here and Im already making plans. Not resting for a sec.
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Sluggy voted out... saw that comming, him cheering on Stephen may have screwed us a bit At least its not Merge Double Tribal is gonna suck though. FreeRice is a great challenge, while im not 100% comfortable in my position atm but I am going to throw this challenge a little to reduce my threat a bit. Oh yay... the only one we didnt want to win immunity, and they win immunity, this is gonna make tribal fucked. I dont know what we are gonna do atm but i will to figure something out.
Pre Double Elimination Tribal: I may have done it. It was messy bjt with the order of events, I may have been able to pull the strings to get Ginger voted out. Its going to have to keep Tyler in the dark but its going to have to be a risk we take. Ginger it too full on and too wild. He can't be trusted come merge 100%. Tyler i think we can work with a bit at least
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Double tribal? No thank you. I’m hoping it’s allan that goes home, I never thought I’d say that. I’d really like to survive this tribal idk if I am though. I’m v nervous 
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Uhhh so apparently we didn't merge and we have a double elimination round instead (Again???? I wonder if it's a redemption type thing this time). I couldn't compete in the immunity challenge due to a busy weekend irl so I'm vulnerable and really just hope I make it to merge. This round ended up being quite an emotional rollercoaster for me, here's a recap of some of my thoughts: 4:16 AM So ngl I would've wanted to go for Liana had she not won immunity She seems very sweet but I have chatted with her the least out of everyone She might've felt she was in danger Now I'm a bit lost and hope at least someone would tip me off if my name's thrown around 5:14 AM There's no way Ginger is voting Tyler out 8:26 AM Hmmm Jacob wanting to vote for Ginger I think Tyler I bet doesn't want that I'm trying to imagine whether I'd be willing to sacrifice Ginger or not if it came down to it I'd rather not I think Because he's been very open with me about his relationships and stuff So I feel I have a good read on him atm He still hasn't revealed he knows Clash though And I know he is capable of being messy Very good socially So I'm definitely scared of him But he is one of my closest bonds here atm so losing that would suck Of course if it comes down to me or him I have to go for it This really sucks because I like everyone on this tribe Jacob said he's closest to Emily and Tyler Tyler saying he wants to work with me and Ginger These relationships are so complex it's gonna be hard to find a common target And I don't even know what's my own preference I change it every three seconds 2:05 PM I tipped Michael off that Tyler and Ginger have become pretty close And he made a point that betraying that trust could cause us problems at merge Which I agree with So that leaves us Jacob I like Jacob a lot he is super nice but I agree he would probably be the 'least problematic' boot besides Liana As long as Emily is fine with it God I really just want to make merge and jury I've never not made them so my heart would break a little if I didn't Although my heart will break a little having to cast a vote for someone on this tribe tonight Everyone's so nice ugh 3:33 PM Um Okay so Michael told me Tyler is gunning for Em??? Apprently because her and I are close Soooo he wants to take a stab at me too? Not stunned by that That's not the best thing to hear right after establishing an alliance with someone Kinda feeling uneasy about Tyler and Ginger now People I am not voting for 100%: - Emily - Michael - Liana (she's immune lol) I feel Emily and Michael are being 100% with me So that makes me feel good about them 4:50 PM So looks like it'll be Ginger going That kinda sucks and kinda doesn't (mostly does) I'm partially okay with it because I've honestly been spooked by him since the very first day, he is very strong socially and he likes to be controversial sometimes which I like to stay away from as much as possible BUT That guy trusts me And he is genuinely very nice I like talking to him I'm gonna feel super super super dirty voting him out My heart will be filled with sorrow and I'm kinda scared of his anger afterwards He has been super honest with me so far But others are being put off by his aggressive playstyle Ughh it breaks my heart to lie to Ginger But I’m not gonna go out of my way to save him here I just don’t think that would be smart plus the numbers just wouldn’t be there Plus I feel more secure moving forward with Emily and Michael 0:04 AM I feel really really bad about this, haven't really been able to eat all day I understand why I took a six month break from orgs My mind is just not built for these I feel too bad about betraying people Plus I just think this move isn't quite ideal for me I'm betraying someone who trusts me so much and leaving out Tyler who also wanted to work with me, at least if I was alongside Ginger But I really just feel more comfortable staying with Emily and Michael I'm so sorry I'm a pussy and don't want to go out of my way to save an ally It's on me 0:57 AM I might have just messed up because I just talked to Liana assuming she had already heard about the plan but turns out NO ONE had talked to her about it yet... Two hours before tribal???? God if she lets Tyler or Ginger know I am going to be in massive trouble Also I don't think I can attend the tribal live I feel sick and disgusted at myself because of this vote, it's too much I hate myself Ginger I'm so sorry you were nothing but a good friend to me and I'm doing you so dirty I feel absolutely horrible having to lie to your face 
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Did I already make a confessional about this? idk. I won immunity! yay! this is good on two ends: I cant get blindsided and; I can maintain a fiction with my Ala Mai boys that I would have been next to go most likely if I need to. Right now the target is Allen, because if we vote Randy out Pat will be miffed. My only issue with that is it gives Pat a lot of power, especially if its not an American who gets voted out from the other tribe. 
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So that immunity didn’t go well. The one person we couldn’t have winning the challenge, won the challenge. Now the 4 are going to have to cannibalise ourselves and I definitely fear that eyes are on myself and Clash. Our only hope is to try and get Stephen on our side but I’m really not sure if we’ll be able to do that 
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Arg hi. Just woke up and we’re gonna thrive today. That’s a lie I never actually thrive it’s a facade. Anywho we’re going to tribal cause of the double tribal twist hooray. Everyone was down to vote liana but oh no she won immunity. Right so I like ginger and Jacob but these rats are going after eachother. Everyone is extremely quiet I wouldn’t be surprised if it was me going. It looks like we don’t have enough votes to save Jacob idk, I just don’t want to be voted out ok bye
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Nothing is cooking like im so bored Stephen own the individual immunity challenge so now the four of me pat clash and allan have to vote out im voting allan out, hope they do
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