#its her bf!! he's alive!! ...kinda!!!
lumpsbumpsandwhumps · 10 months
I forgot to mention this in my previous ask but what of they became lovers before he committed the murders will he still have killed people or not.
ah now I see
Probably, yeah. What led him to becoming a slasher was because he was accidentally killed in a fraternity hazing ritual (on top of weeks of cruel treatment in the house) and then had his death covered up by the school and everyone else involved.
Having a cute girlfriend wouldn't have changed his desire for bloodlust/revenge when he came back, although he would have started stalking her earlier because he knows he can't come back to her yet.
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lunas-side-anime-blog · 9 months
AOT Icks (Eren, Armin and Mikasa)
one thing about me: i am a hater
def has mommy issues and no woman could ever compare to her like good luck to any of his girlfriends lmao
^^ that being said, as a roommate he’s a nightmare like you can tell his mom cleaned up after him all the time because it doesn’t even occur to him to do so now
toxic gym bro who says shit like “we all have the same 24 hours”
def has the the 3 in 1 bottle in his shower, I just know it
prob calls women “females” 
the cringiest instagram captions like I know he will post sum: “I think my closet bi-polar, it keeps throwing fits💯”  like dude, get a grip
attempts thirst traps, he has a ripped body so it kinda works but the content is so transparent you can’t help but roll your eyes
go out to a bar with him or something and he’s the type to try to make everything a fight
like if someone bumps into you, he's quickly in their face like "what's good bro😡” and you know its not actually about you so much as eren tryna beat someone up
i think he’ll use spit as lube thinking he’s so bad boy and lewd when it’s actually just so bad for your PH like ewwww (if u have a vag ofc)
i feel like his hair would get so greasy, mikasa and armin have had to force him down with shampoo in hand before 
so gross but you came here for icks and I don’t believe Eren believes in holding back his farts for anyone
it can be the most intense and serious event like a funeral and he’ll rip a loud one and be like “what? it’s not good to hold it in??”
nail biter who will chew on them till the bone and you hear that loud ass “crONCh"
says he hates drama but that’s just something he says to not seem petty bc at the first sight of a fight best believe he’s sitting there, watching it all go down, wine glass in hand like "🍷🤨👂" 
lil shit will even add lil comments to keep the beef alive, like i can see him loudly asking “okay but jean didn't you say her outfit made her look fat though?”
if you're in a debate with him, he’s the type to say something like “you're so uneducated about the subject, I’m actually pretty well versed in it” and your like "okay so what's all ur research then?" and he'll just quickly change the subject bc he didn’t actually have sources to cite lmao
is one of those bfs who would make fun of you for liking trashy tv but guess who eats that shit up everytime? armin.
he does that dad thing where he walks around in the living room and acts uninterested with what’s happening on the screen but he’s actually so invested and would be fuming if you dared watched an episode without him 
i think he’d also be the type to try to be friends with his ex even if they obviously still have feelings for him, but if you dared even talk to yours he’d get all huffy and puffy like “go be with him then🙄” 
got obsessed with skincare after watching your routine but u kinda created a monster bc now he’s critiquing your products and techniques? “Babe you should really consider a gel moisturizer, it’s better for your pores'' and you're like, “boy you used neutrogena when I met you???” 
is that bf who will shower at your place and use up all your expensive washes and scrubs 
not the best gift giver tbh, I think he’s a firm believer that all gifts should be practical so even if it’s a romantic anniversary date and he slides over a lil present, it’s probably just gonna be socks or something, srry
applies her chapstick like a man (iykyk)
“he know where home is” bitch, I hate to say it
i think she’s a girl’s girl until her man cheats on her, then she’d be the type to fight the girl and not really address her man…which is just… 😣
as a friend I think she’s sadly the type to unintentionally embarrass you bc she doesn’t get some social cues.
like you can miss a hang and ppl ask where you are and she’d just say matter of factly “oh they’re fine, they just have diarrhea rn!” and she won’t understand why you’d be mad?
outfit repeater to the max, she has like three tops that she likes and all pics of her are with her wearing one of those three tops
a lil delulu and prob genuinely believes all the tiktok pick a card vids on her feed
likes her coffee black and somehow thinks she’s better than everyone for that???
as a gf she checks your snap score and location regularly and has no shame in it 🙂
fights in her sleep like you will just be sleeping next to her all soundly and next thing you know you get punched in the face? she refuses to apologize in the morning bc she “has a right to defend myself in a nightmare” or whatever
when shes mad at someone she’ll post like ultra specific lyrics or captions and it’s so obviously targeted at one person everyone else is like "girl go to bed, don’t even post the quote…"
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scekrex · 3 months
HIIIIII<33333333 i fucking love your Adam x reader fics ,im DYING to read more of them, so here is what we all love and crave
Adam x overlord reader. When reader found Adam after the battle, bringed him to his place with the garden etc, Adam lives here. Reader likes Adam and flirts with him often, trying to get closer to him. Adam, tho he would never admit it, likes reader back and plays along. Reader is also a very chill guy, so Adam feels surprisingly comfortable around him. He treats Adam as a equal person, not as some high-stated bitch who everyone need to bow to. As months pass, they are getting closer and closer, their relationship grow. But tho Adam likes reader alot, he still sometimes thinks about heaven, about Lute, about all he had left behind. Its not the same, down there. But this topic gets pushed aside whenever it pops up in his mind, cause he has his boyfriend(?) who loves him and gives him protection from all the sinners that want him dead. But deep inside Adam has that little hope that Heaven will send someone to get him back (tho they prob dont even know he is alive).
Meanwhile Lute was pleasing Sera to let her go down and look for Adam, who she belives is somehow alive. Sera eventually lets her and Lute comes down to hell and starts to look for Adam and ask everyone who she mets where he could be.
After these few months, once as the two enjoy spending evening together, they hear a ring to the door. They come out to that balcony and see Lute standing in the middle of the garden. She calls out to Adam to come back with her. Adam seems excited that his hope and his lieutant didnt let him down. But reader doesnt want to let Adam go. Adam complained from time to time that "what if heaven forgot about him and accepted the fact he is dead" And also reader knows Adams past from Eden. And suddenly reader switches from a chill guy to a serious manipulative persona. He starts to tell Adam things like "and it would take them so long to get you back? They dont really want you there", also mentioning how Lilith and Eve left him before, to hit Adams weak point. Adam, shocked by his bf suddenly mood switch and his serious harsh words, knowing how he have been acting in heaven, doesnt even realise the act of a fucking cruel, possesive manipulation and gives in, shouts at Lute to fuck off and he wont get back where nobody truly wants him. As they get back into the room, Adam from angry comes to sad and curles up into a broken, depressed ball of misery. Reader hugs him, gives him comfort, saying shit like "noone will hurt you anymore if you stay here with me" (still manipulation) while Adam totally breaks and starts to cry, feeling that he will never deserve a perfect live he was meant to have when God created him, that hes worthless and ruined himself
I need to see Adam switch right from his usuall confident, loud persona to a wet sopping cat, crying his eyes out in a sudden mental breakdown pls
You can change smth if smth bothers you, i know you will make it fucking fire as always i live for your writings<33333
I decided that this will not be part of the Bird of Hell's Paradise story bc that story is too soft and comfortable to add manipulation to. Reader is an overlord in this one, but it's not explicitly mentioned.
We'll be together, forever, we'll never ever part
pairing: Adam x male!reader
warnings: language, kinda toxic behavior, manipulation
note: not beta read bc fuck you
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Before Adam there had been loneliness and coldness, before Adam, there had been long nights and even longer days, before Adam there had been a lot of things and all of them were negative.
But having an angel roaming your halls certainly was not what you had planned for your life in Hell, but said angel definitely brightened your days - even though he was a - well let’s call him a special case. Adam wasn’t at all like the angels portrayed in stories, he was rude and harsh, respected no one but himself and the brunette loved to cause chaos on top of it all.
But to everyone’s surprise, the brunette angel settled in somewhat nicely once he realized that Heaven would not send their angels to bring him back, he even got used to having you around. Well, maybe the wording ‘he got used’ isn’t entirely fitting, Adam even enjoyed your company, sometimes he specifically requested it - when he was playing guitar for example. The first man was keeping you on your feet and moving at all times, that was for sure and if you were being honest, you didn’t mind it. It was a nice change from your boring, lonely life in Hell.
And even though Adam had everything he needed and wanted - you very obviously made sure that the angel never missed anything - you knew that he wasn’t doing as well with his new life in Hell as he pretended. Adam was a loud and cheerful guy, so when he went quiet for longer, of course you noticed. There was nothing you were capable of doing to help him through those times - he was simply homesick for Heaven. When things got really bad, you were even able to catch him praying before going to bed, praying to the creature he called father to bring him back, to send him Lute who would escort him back to Heaven, straight through the pearly gates without any complications - but that wasn’t happening. Every being had their reason to live in Hell, even Adam.
“Adam?” you asked with a soft voice, wrapping your arms around the first man’s torso from behind as you leaned your head against his shoulder blade. The man in your arms flinched at first, he had been lost in his thoughts and your touch caused him to snap right out of it. A slightly confused “Huh? fell from his lips before he looked over his shoulder to spot you. The confusion in his eyes was overplayed by an emotion you couldn’t name and the usual grin Adam somehow always managed to shoot in your direction laid on his lips. “Can’t get enough of me again, huh you shithead?” His words were teasing and not the slightest bit serious which caused you to chuckle softly. “You seemed lost,” you answered instead of agreeing with him, knowing damn well that his ego was already huge - bigger than Adam’s body.
Adam grumbled words you weren’t able to understand, then turned away and stepped away from the hug you had offered him. He didn’t want to talk about it - again. And that probably bothered you even more than the fact that he longed for Heaven’s pearly gates. You were fine with Adam having hopes and dreams, it’s not something you would be able to take from him, even if you wanted to, but he never talked about it. The only reason why you were aware of the Eden incident was because of the bible - Adam never talked about anything that involved his past, at least not about the negative things. What you did know was that he missed his band mates and playing gigs with them and that his lieutenant seemed to be a crazy bitch he liked a lot - not in a romantic way but rather in a platonic way, maybe he saw her as some sort of little sister, you weren’t sure.
You sighed as you watched Adam go. He needed time and you would not deny him that.
Lute was walking up and down in Sera’s office, explaining her detailed plan on how they would get Adam back - she hoped it would be quite easy because Adam never actively fell, he had never truly died. So technically there was still divine blood pumping through his body which would let him cross the pearly gates back home. Sera sighed at Lute’s idea, rested her head on her hands and watched as Adam’s former lieutenant never stopped walking.
“Lute,” she interrupted the exorcist who stopped in her tracks to look at the tall seraphim angel, Lute clearly had not expected Sera to interrupt her. “We can’t bring Adam back, he is gone,” she explained as the seraphim slowly got up from her chair and crossed the room to face Lute properly. The white haired woman was not having it though, she stood up for herself, “You’re wrong.”
It was only a few hours later that Lute flew through one of the shiny golden portals and landed right in front of your house. She knocked against the door quite loudly, even kicked and slammed her shoulder against it, “Adam!”
You turned your head as you heard an unfamiliar voice calling out for the person of your desire and watched as Adam rushed over to the balcony. What the fuck was going on and who was calling for your lover? You followed Adam with heavy steps. Once you stopped right next to the tall and loud angel you wrapped your arm around him as you looked down only to see a woman you had never seen before - she appeared to be an angel too and you instantly feared for the worst.
“Lute!” he yelled back and was about to jump off the balcony to get to her, but you stopped him by tightening the grip on his hips, a little confused he looked down at your hand, then his eyes met yours, “Y/N?” he asked quietly so his former lieutenant wouldn’t hear. You immediately knew you wanted him to stay with you, there really was no way you would ever let Adam leave again, not when he was very much able to stay with you for the rest of eternity. And it wasn’t that you weren’t aware of how wrong that seemed, but it had been long since the last little toy that brought you happiness and joy, so you would hold onto Adam for as long as possible.
You simply shook your head and pulled him a little closer against your side, “If they truly want you back, then why would it take them so long to come and get you?” That caused Adam to close his mouth and he seemed to genuinely think about your words - he came to the conclusion that you had a point.
“C’mon Sir,” Lute yelled up at the balcony where you and Adam stood, “We’re going home.” Unsure eyes roamed over your body and you could feel that Adam waited for you to say something, you were right after all, why would Heaven wait so awfully long to bring him back? The expression on your face was blank and your usually soft sounding voice turned bitter and cold, “She wants to take you from me, Adam. She wants to separate us like Lucifer separated you from your past wives.” And that caused Adam to freeze, he slowly backed away from the railing of the balcony. “Darling, she could have taken you back ages ago, yet she waited - for what though? She seems to be out for power and she realized that you are the only powerful thing she can possess and get away with at the same time, all while she can stay in Heaven,” you hummed as you backed off alongside Adam, slowly guiding the golden winged angel back inside.
“Fuck off, you can go back to crawling up Sera’s fucking ass, I ain’t coming with you, cunt,” the brunette in your arm yelled and flipped the smaller angel in your garden off. A victorious grin appeared on your lips, your plan was working out just fine.
The door to the balcony fell shut and you heard how Adam crashed down onto the couch, he laid there, face buried in the soft fabric it was covered in and his wings were tightly wrapped around his body to isolate him from his surroundings. He looked so miserable, so helpless, so lonely and you hated seeing the usually loud angel so quiet. Your voice softened a little as you sat down next to Adam, you had forced him to stay simply because you wanted him to stay, now the least you could do was to lure him into the thought of protection and a good, bright life.
“Hey now,” you mumbled quietly as your fingers combed through Adam’s soft brown and messy hair, pushing it out of his face - his face which was still pressed against the couch. Your other hand gently moved up and down Adam’s back and when you heard the brunette sigh, you knew you had him wrapped around your finger just fine. “Noone will hurt you, not if you continue to stay with me,” you hummed, the tone you spoke in remained soft and calming and when you saw how Adam lifted his head to look at you, your heart did shatter a little.
His eyes were red, slightly puffy and his lip was quivering. The first man moved his head from the couch to your lap, pressed his face tightly against your belly and cried - it was the first time he was showing so strong and overwhelming emotions. His nails dug into your sides as he held onto your waist to keep you close, to feel you under his hands and to keep you from leaving like everyone else did, he wanted you to stay just as much as he wanted to stay with you.
And the worst yet best part of it all was that the brunette hadn’t even noticed how manipulative your words were, let alone your soft, comforting actions. He was yours through and through and there was nothing in this world - Hellspawn or Heavenborn - that would ever separate you from the brunette man crying against your belly.
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grecoromanyaoi · 1 month
ok decided to post this publicly. the current name is 'when in rome' but im not sure i like it. it will ideally b a sitcom/comedy but unfortunately i keep putting in terrible and horrendous things into the plot that make it kinda hard to b a strictly comedy. like theyre a rich family in 1st century bc rome (60 bc to b exact). theyre imperialists. they have slaves. im trying to b as respectful as i can + trying to b comical so more under the cut. the characters r v basic for now.
so basically its abt the avianii, a rich patrician family. the parents are lucius avianus honorinus (sr) and cantilia. they have 5 children- lucius (jr), tiberius, aviana the elder, gaius and aviana the younger.
Lucius Avianus Honorinus (jr) is one of the main characters. he is kind of a loser.  He hates doing what he’s told. He hates not fitting in, but he also hates everything fitting in requires, because it's just not him. He’s neurotic, obsessed with getting positive reassurance. He can’t find it in society or his family, so he looks for it in sexual partners. He wants to be loved, to be desired, to be appreciated in any way. He’s desperate for it. Wants to please his parents and society but knows he never truly will. He wants to be a poet. His poetry is not great. hes got a working class greek immigrant bf and theyre being weird and gay abt it. he doesnt identify as nonbinary bc that label or idea didnt rly exist yet, but if he were alive today hed probably identify as nonbinary.
Lysandros (said bf) is realistic, sometimes borderline pessimistic. Grounded in reality. He’s sarcastic (deadpan snarker). He’s hilarious. He is a stonemason? smith? goldsmith? baker? builder? He’s good at his job, whatever it is. His wife, Laodike, and mother are back in Boeotia, and he sends them money. He doesn’t particularly like his wife, and she doesn’t like him either. They have a kid, Aristokles, who Lysandros figures isn’t his.
Aviana (the elder) is also a main character. she is a bit odd. Kind of a goofball. She says whatever she thinks all the time, never once stopping to think whether it’s appropriate or what the consequences will be. An autism diagnosis will do her a great good. She’s far from stupid, but people often think she is because they don’t understand the way she thinks. Often oblivious to situations around her, but sometimes understands/figures out more than she lets on. she dreams of a great love, but gets married to a man who turns out to b rly shitty and abusive, so she cheats on him w Adiantunnos, her gaulish (gaelic? idk. from gaul) bf who actually respects her (who is the only good parisian perhaps to this day).
Tiberius Avianus Honorinus is way too into the military and makes it his entire personality bona dea Tiberius shut uppppp nobody wants to hear abt ur siege in germania for the umpteenth time. He definitely takes after his father (i need to continue this im lazy)
Gaius Avianus Honorinus doesn’t talk at all. He is a high support autistic, and very likely has some sort of an intellectual disability as well. He likes listening to music, but only to very specific music. He only likes women’s singing, not men’s singing. his siblings (aside from Tiberius) love him very much, but Diotima (enslaved character) is the only one who understands him and knows how to care for him.
Aviana (the younger) is like 9 so i havent really thought about her yet.
Cantilia is a bit of a bully. She wants all her children to present as perfect, and for them to look like the perfect family. The fact that she rarely cares about her children’s feelings, wants or needs, and even Gaius’ mere existence makes it impossible for her to present them as the perfect family. Often jealous and especially mean to young women in her husband’s vicinity, especially to Boudilatis (enslaved character), because he pays them more attention than he does her.
Lucius Avianus Honorinus (father) is high key a terrible person. He definitely has autism but he displays it in ways that pass it off as his “man traits”, for example how he talks about politics and the military almost nonstop. He doesn’t understand his wife nor his children and doesn’t care to. Can be very cruel to his wife and children, and even worse to the slaves. He wants his children to be perfect, and for his sons, when he says ‘perfect’ he means ‘just like him’. He is only proud of Tiberius because he follows in his footsteps and succeeds at a military career. He is very disappointed in Lucius, but claims that “at least he’s not Gaius”. Highly misogynistic and homophobic, and quite a womanizer.
im trying to avoid anything controversial n racist so im keeping all the enslaved characters "white" (not how they saw race but whatever), mostly greek and gaulish, which were v common. Diotima will probably b a main character. she is the oldest one, and practically raised the children. she doesnt give a fuck anymore. she literally says to lucius one time 'theres nothing ur parents can do to me that they havent already done' (after he said they would get mad at her). her father was a prominent scholar in Greece, and he named her after a character in plato's symposium. he and his family were enslaved after he tried to lead a rebellion against the romans. she is extremely intelligent and has a vast range of knowledge about philosophy, literature, history, etc. its just that nobody knows this bc they didnt care to ask.
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“You know that trope? That one trope *Everyone* hates? The trope in which a well meaning antagonist to our heroes, one looking out for the good of a certain community, suddenly does something horrible and drastic to make not only them, but the ideology they stand for the most villainous of all?”
NOW IS THE TIME TO BATTLE THEM OUT! Like Ken dolls, fighting for survival! Like your Polly pockets discarded in the closet, we’ll see which of these bitches jumped that slippery slope harder! Whose character did numbers on y’all, and blew up a bunch of grandmas and babies and hospitals with it!
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Dany propaganda (TW: domestic abuse mention, slavery):
“Sold off as a slavewife to a warlord in another country. Slowly rises up gaining the love and trust of the warlords people, eventually becoming their leader after his death. Goes on to conquer another nation and free all the slaves. Deals with her quickly growing list of real and perceived enemies in increasingly awful ways. More stuff happens. Eventually she makes her play for the throne of Kingslanding and forced a swift surrender… but instead snaps… over…? and instead starts killing everyone in the city indiscriminately because the only way to build her great version of the world everyone who even remotely likes the current one has to die.
And then her sorta bf kills her.
Its kinda funny how the US was also founded on a revolution lead by people with Not Great Morals and its media industry loves to now churn out stories where revolutionary figures turn out to be bad guys, actually, so you shouldn’t revolt and just accept your place in their world. Is this actually a British psy-op to get americans to accept the error in the ways and rejoin the UK?”
“daenerys propaganda: the literal in-text justification d&d gave for dany always being secretly evil and destined to massacre innocents was that she was too mean to the slavers that crucified a bunch of children. so they had this domestic violence survivor die of yet more domestic violence. they couldn't even let her go down in battle, she had to be assassinated by her lover in a moment of physical intimacy. (and tyrion, who literally strangled his gf to death and burned a fleet alive, suddenly became the audience avatar fretting about ethics.) the only woman permitted to retain power at the end of the show (sansa) was the one who said being raped and abused made her strong; dany, who explicitly condemned physical and sexual abuse and took steps to eradicate the perpetrators and break the wheel that crushed the oppressed, had to go crazy and die. the script explicitly condemned what they referred to as "liberation theology." d&d are the ultimate centrists and they turned dany into a fox news caricature of an activist.”
Lotor propaganda (TW: xenophobia):
“He wasn't exactly presented as a straight-up villain initially, more like a rogue agent. He wanted to reform his father's evil empire to be less tyrannical and xenophobic (the 2nd one is especially relevant because he's only half Galra. He went from an enemy of the heroes to an ally, then oops! turns out he's actually been a genocidal mass murderer with a god complex this whole time and then he dies in the most horrible way. It's been a while since I watched the show but I will never stop being mad over how they did my boy dirty.”
Always feel free to rb with more propaganda :)
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eggsyondaside24 · 9 days
Anaiya Winnow (Hunger Games OC)
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Victor of the 60th Hunger Games
25 years old
Anaiya is Toby’s mentor and one of the more well-adjusted victors. Sober, well-liked by the Capitol, architect, a loving bf, a living family (mostly), all in all a pretty good life post-Games. Personality wise, she’s a goofy and free-spirited girl, often being the one to stay positive when everyone gives up. She’s protective and caring, especially when it comes to her tributes, and refuses to give up or keep an emotional distance on them no matter how low their odds are in the Games (or how suicidal they are lol). But despite how hard she tries, none of the 14 kids she mentored before Toby and Briar have won, with most of them dying in the bloodbath, and its kinda driving her insane. By the time Toby and Briar (another OC I'll get into later) were reaped, she’s quite literally on the verge of a mental breakdown, and will do absolutely ANYTHING to keep one of them alive. It causes her to do some pretty terrible things to herself and to Toby.
The biggest fuck up she does is encourage Toby’s rizzing strategy despite knowing full well it would motivate Snow to traffick him. It’s not like she’s just throwing Toby under the bus, she’s literally selling herself off as well for sponsor money and as part an agreement to keep Toby from doing the same for a few years, but she doesn’t warn him about any of that because he knows Toby would not only stop him from rizzing people, but literally off himself since he wouldn’t want Anaiya to literally self destruct for him.
She represents what I think mentors go through when they haven’t had a victor in a long time, which is being so desperate for a victor they do literally anything to get one. Either they think getting a victor will solve all their problems, feel like a complete failure to save someone, or they’re just sick of watching their kids die. Also she's kind of like a selfish manic pixie dream girl, helping our good old male protagonist find happiness for her own pride
Other OCs: Toby Morrow
Also sorry for the potentially bad outfit, I've got the fashion sense of a hobo so idk how to design good ones lmao
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yayyjezii · 1 year
i have a jjk angst idea
ok but hear me out. What if, WHAT IF Yuji had a girlfriend right? and he's you know, your typical golden retriever bf yeah? so one day, yk after yuji transfers schools, she confronts him abt him leaving so suddenly and he ends up telling her everything. so let's say she's very supportive of him but wants him to be safe. so when that mission comes around (yk the prison thingy thing(where he dies-)) she's just like 'ok, but be safe ok?' kinda thing yk? and when she finds out that he's 'dead' she kinda like goes from a sunshine-y kind of girl to just an absolute mess. so much so that her health like kinda deteriorates and she ends up.. 🪦. so when its revealed that yuji is actually alive, her mother answers the door like, absolutely shocked. like omg ur still alive?! and she bursts into tears and yk, tells him she just died and he just crumbles. it's been weeks of wanting to hold her and he just comes back to.. this.
so yh. i feel like someone's already done this but imma make it anyway-
ty for listening to my ted talk :]
- jezii
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transfemmbeatrice · 10 months
parker's personal much ado primer
i'm gonna keep posting much ado shit so here is some background on my personal favorite interpretation of the characters; this is not a primer on the actual play and these opinions somewhat differ from my like. canonical readings of these characters. this is what my personal action figures are like when i'm talking about aus. i'm mostly leaving physical descriptions out bc they can vary quite a bit.
when i say "we" i mean me and my wonderful spouse @zaxal because so much of this we sort of developed together over the years and none of these characters would be quite who they are to me without them.
Beatrice: beatrice is a trans woman to me!! i talked about this a bunch here. she will also always have red hair to me (thanks catherine tate for that one). she's hot, she's confident, she doesn't give a fuck what anyone thinks about her, she has relatively good judgement, she sometimes struggles to be vulnerable or soft with other people, she loves hero more than anything. she's also arrogant as hell! and often quite angry. beatrice is all fire all the time, she is alive and loud and proud and really likes having the last word. you will always know when she is in the room.
Benedick: oh this man is such a slut. grade a whore. pansexual as shit too. always cracking jokes to cover his own insecurities, desperately needs to be liked or if not that at least the center of attention--even if people don't like him, if they're thinking about him and watching him, that's good enough. he loves being witty and he is prideful and acts somewhat detached when in reality he feels things the Most and gets desperately attached to people and doesn't truly believe they could love him back.
Pedro: strong sense of duty. pedro is one that tends to vary more wildly because we've fallen into "suffocated by responsibility and shitty father, actually kinda shy and dumb and kind" which i love but in the play he is mostly just kinda shitty but i don't WANT him to be, so sometimes we try to lean more into the shitty side of him but often he is an earnest idiot (affectionate)
John: as mentioned in my beatrice post, i hc him as a trans man! sometimes more genderfluid or nonbinary. he's quiet, serious, and calm, and has been done fucking dirty by his dad/the world. generally our thought is that he was raised by his mom until about age 12 when she died and he got dumped on the palace steps and the king extremely resented taking him in and everyone was shitty to him because he's illegitimate. everyone thinks he's a villain and he knows he'll never convince them otherwise so he doesn't try; he just keeps to himself and doesn't form many attachments.
Hero: usually soft spoken but whip smart, doesn't like a lot of attention, stem major, big lesbian facing comphet vibes. she and beatrice are basically sisters. she's insightful but she doesn't share those insights with most people, and is by far the one who calls beatrice on her shit the most. we've ended up friendshipping hero and john because they're both such flat characters who exist at the whims of others and i love the idea of two wallflowers finding each other.
Claudio: obviously the villain. there are lots of different approaches to this--he might be an entitled golden boy, or a rich kid not used to hearing no, or an incel--but essentially he's a bully. i think its most interesting when he appears very nice at first and then when there's any amount of pushback things get ugly but i hate him so much i often make him pretty rancid from the start.
Margaret: outgoing and fairly relaxed, a jock, bi, in love with hero.
Conrade: john's bf, utterly loyal, and by a twist of fate it has become a running joke that he has tumblr disease (purple eyes/white hair). we usually depict him as similar to john--stolid, serious, not interested in taking anyone's shit, but lately i've been wondering if maybe he should be the bright sunshine in contrast to john.
Borachio: essentially a stray dog john and conrade adopted. he comes and goes. he's a mess.
Antonio: beatrice's surrogate parent, and elder queer genderfuck who uses ve/vir pronouns. general chaos agent.
ship abbreviations:
b&b: beatrice/benedick bbp: beatrice/benedick/pedro benepedro: take a guess beap: beatrice/pedro heromeg: hero/margaret johnrade: john/conrade
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weirdcat1213 · 1 year
volume 12 already? damn that went fast. just yesterday we were crying about vash drinking in a church
anyway :D volume 12 thoughts time
chap 1:
-chronicaaaaaaaaa :3
-these quiet panels are the fucking best/worst thing that have ever happened to me
-too many memories :c
-YES LINA IS THERE THANK GOD (at the same time this is heartbreaking as fuck)
-all the enemies after all the people he has ever loved/helped
-im gonna go cry now
-i wonder what "anti plant" entails...is it a special material?
-ok fine, chronica can call knives a terrorist. she gets a pass
-oh sweet geesus
-oohhhhhh.....ok fuck
-nothing can stop the hatred of this man. kinda admirable but as the song says "your misery and hate will kill us all"
chap 2:
-"corrosive thunder", love the title
-OH SHIT DOMINA NO, pls dont let him get to you
-the plants kinda look in pain there....
-for pain purposes, i choose to believe that when they resonate they hum like vash did in stampede
-aaand shes gone
-oh god, the end of evangelion flashbacks
-tbh everything in your ship just being consumed by someone else so quickly must be scary af. nothing belongs to them anymore and soon, chronica could even loose herself
chap 3:
-oh shit oh fuck oh shit
-oh shit not thors hammer
-omg look! the laws of physics!
-noooo :c we dont get to know domina too much but its still sad
-ohhhhhhh okok i get it
chap 4:
-childish is a good word for it cuz knives just doesnt want to accept hes wrong and scared
-is vash pausing cuz even though his plan was to kill knives hes kinda sad that knives wants to kill him? i may never know
-let him use his fucking gun ok? hes an expert. also i like to think he uses it to stay grounded. like to stay with the people hes fighting with. hes not superior or anything
chap 5:
-omg right it hated this. hes just a baby :c
-so vash left with a stranger? i forgot about that
-honey just be glad YOU ARE ALIVE
-BECAUSE HES VASH THE STAMPEDE- i should rewatch that episode huh
-tbh vash, you should have. then and now
-tbh i would also think thats enough to break the chain. hmm
-"stay with me" vash pls i cant jump into the void rn
-GEESUS CHRIST, the cleanest cut in the west
-also you think vash made that face cuz the last time he made someone bleed was rem-
-"we dont belong in the future of this planet" dont fucking say that
chap 6:
-actually wanting to humans to talk with plants is a great step for improving their relationship but sure knives, whatever
-ive said this before but as someone who was mocked by wanting context before judging people, vash is so...reassuring. like it wasnt wrong of me to want to know all the sides of one story. im glad
-also i completely forgot about that town and radiation. how tf radiation happens in that planet, what am i missing
-oh nvm, thanks nightow
-WHY IS IT THEN? HUH KNIVES?- oh shit what
-yknow what, ill give knives the fact that humans are ignorant and we are repeating history etc etc, but im done. finish him vash
-for some reason this reminds me to that scene with the soldiers in ep 12. my man really cant catch a break
-"you've been abandoned" maybe by some but not by everyone. and thats the whole point
-awww :c
chap 7:
-ofc the military would be like this
-i literally cant say whos bleeding
-ah fuck ok
-ugh no...pls dont tell me hes fucking bleeding through his eyes...pls dont (if i see stampede vash bleeding like that i will eat my pc piece by piece)
-chronica :c
-OMG YES, YES, IM SO HAPPY. quoting 98 "and i know in my heart he would have done the same"
-oh well thats not fair, hes too cool
-wait why is knives not wanting to kill vash bad?
chap 8:
-considering the blockers chronica has, entering a fused entity must be scary but also exciting
-ngl i dont get the spikes on the screen thing
-wait no i want to see whats happening with vash- and its livio time
-oh hes alive thank god (this is my 2nd read why am i surprised)
-i hate seeing his eyes like that if im being honest, its scary
-OH SHIT its my wife
chap 9:
-omg its the legato episode
-what is happening, what am i looking at
-oh oh shit
-what is happening?
-ok flashback time
-yeap. its that time. shit
-geesus fucking christ. tbh ofc legato would think knives is right. there was nothing to prove him wrong
-yeap. i would do the same actually. stomp on his head
-oh honey...honey thats gay-
-is that why he has short hair...cuz knives gave him a name AND A HAIR STYLE??
-damn son
-also i may be wrong but where do people get the idea he inserted metal in his own brain to have those powers?/gen
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violet-of-the-stars · 3 months
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Guess what time it is? Week 2 tiiiiime!!!
This is Gary! He’s a ghost. I was originally gonna make him alive and have him killed (kind of) by the second character you’re gonna see in this week, but decided against it because his human form looks wayyy too plain. You’ve seen him before probably, from one of my posts or the hopeless romantic stuff made by Cole (hi Cole) but I redesigned him. He was originally an OC for the FnF mod, Mario’s Madness, based on the ghost designs of BF and GF featured in the song “Alone”. But forget about all of that- he’s a hopeless romantic character now. Because I said so.
Gary used to be a painter. He ended up going to a freaky forest one day to paint some nice landscapes, but got way too lost and ended up starving.
Week 2 takes place on Halloween night. After some trick or treating, Denny decides to hang out in the local haunted forest to chill out, rest their legs, and munch on some candy. They get jumpscared by Gary sneaking up behind them and jumping at them, because he finds scaring people hilarious. Denny offers to rap though, and Gary decides to give it a shot.
First two songs go smoothly. Third one does not.
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This is Aster.
I’m realizing now to explain Aster’s whole lore, it’s gonna take like. A LOT of explaining, but it is what it is yk. So, if you know my blog qubodeathscreen, its lore is connected to that. But for people who don’t, I’ll explain the whole thing. There’s a place that exists somewhere deep in the depths of the multiverse, called the land of the forgotten. It’s where scrapped, unused and long forgotten characters are sent to, where they all slowly but surely rot and melt away into a substance called gray matter.
There’s also another place really far away, called the Vessel Containment Facility. It contains entities called “Vessels”, thus the name, but also is involved with a bunch of other stuff in the multiverse, like messing with fate and shit. Very few people work there, but the only one you need to know right now is a scientist named Dr. Breakfast. Don’t question the name. He was tasked with going to the land of the forgotten to retrieve some of the rotten characters, and bring them back to life. He figured out a method of doing so, but unfortunately, things sort of went haywire. While reviving the first person, the gray matter of all the other beings he gathered all sort of flew towards the one he was reviving, merging them all together, and creating Aster. The doctor’s boss was actually surprisingly pleased with his newest creation, and Aster was then sent to the world of FNF: Hopeless Romantic to live out its life.
Ok, back to the main story. In og FNF fashion, everyone vanishes except for Denny in the third song. Aster emerges from the shadows, and decides to sing a little song with them. Her goal is not to eat Den, but instead to sort of merge with them, making them a part of itself. It basically promises them eternal joy and life, but Denny is not really having it. Aster would actually sing with words in the song btw. And uhhh yeah that’s it! At the end of the song, Gary comes back and tries to fight Aster to save Denny, but ends up getting assimilated and becomes part of it in the process. Denny gets away, though.
Sorry this one was kinda.. lore heavy. Things get less complicated next week. The Vessel Containment Facility will pop up again after the events of the 8 main weeks tho sooo. Yea.
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Very quick concept cuz I actually have to go somewhere Right Now BYE BYE
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agaypanic · 1 year
okok idk how unpopular these opinions are gonna be tbh
Malcolm in the Middle: i lowkey hate craig, i think he's creepy ESPECIALLY in earlier seasons. you'd think that after your MARRIED coworker tells you that she doesn't like you back and there's no way in hell that she'd ever be with you, YOUD TAKE A FUCKING HINT. also while it's on my mind, i remember writing a reese x reader where readers is basically allison in that episode where craig gives her and reese a ride to the concert but he ends up ruining their date, but anon asked for them all to have a good time together and it was SO hard to write! bc if i had paid for concert tickets (most likely really expensive) for me and my bf and my ride purposefully made me miss the concert because he had a "better" plan for "our" date, i would've blown up the car
Malcolm in the Middle: i honestly didn't like the series finale. the only endings i really agreed with were malcolm's and francis' (malcolm was totally meant to go to harvard by any means necessary, even if it meant working a million jobs between classes to cover that tuition. and although he's probably still a bit of a menace, i love that francis got his act together and got a steady job). i think reese deserved a better ending, i think he could've had a really good culinary career instead of being the janitor at his high school. and i know it was probably for a gag/twist ending but i don't like that they made lois pregnant again. GIVE THE WOMAN A BREAK!!
The Naturals: i've made tiktoks about this (which yall don't know about bc you dont know me outside of this platform teehee) but i hate the way lia treats cassie. sure she got kinda better at the VERY end of the SERIES (4 books). but imagine your mom has been missing and presumed murdered for YEARS and (spoliers for books 3-4 teehee) finally the police find her body but it's not actually her and then you find out your mom is actually alive and a captive/prophet for this murder cult AND THAT YOU HAVE A SISTER THAT WAS CONCEIVED INSIDE THAT CULT. NOW imagine that while you're going through all these events, some bitch keeps telling you to keep that shit to yourself bc other people in the group are having more pressing issues and that the group is at problem capacity. BITCH ALL OF YOU HAVE ISSUES, INSTEAD OF WORKING FOR THE FBI YOU SHOULD GO TO THERAPY
Charlie's Angels: im a really big fan of the 2000's charlies angels movies but was a bit disappointed when i watched the 2019 one. dont get me wrong, its good. i just kinda wished there was some more callbacks to the 2000s movies. like imagine my disappointment when the new charlie wasn't revealed to be dylan (which would've given her character a good ending bc dylan couldn't imagine herself leaving the angels, it would make SO much sense if she ended up heading the agency. even making her a bosley would've been good)
That 70s Show: this isn't really that unpopular but the last season honestly sucked. drew gooden made a pretty good video talking about it (i love drew gooden ugh). imo, moving to africa and then breaking up with donna made no sense for eric's character. especially after donna dropped out of college to stay in point place with him! hyde and jackie breaking up? horrible. jackie and fez getting together? why???? (also the timeline for that 70s show makes no sense at all. theres this channel that did a kinda indepth vid on it and tried pinpointing when the show actually would've ended based on the episodes (mainly the holiday episodes, i think making the holiday specials really screwed over the overall timeline))
i cant think of any more opinions teehee
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thisisanude · 2 months
it hurts so bad it hurts so bad God God God i’m fucked i’m fucked this is so painful i don’t know how to deal this hurts so bad i feel like my body is shutting down i feel like i can tdocsnhthjgg and there’s no solution there’s no fix because there’s no way i could ever 1) come out to my family and 2) leave my perfect boyfriend that my family loves and that i also love and have so many good memories with ???? but why am i so sad why does it feel so bad how am i going to get over this im literally nonstop feeling this awful feeling of impending doom and it’s just getting worse and seeing her feels so good but hurts a lot like so bad and i can’t do this i really don’t know what to do i need to make a choice i don’t want to make it i really don’t want to please don’t make me please don’t i hate this so bad and the guilt of emotional cheating is eating me up so bad actually eating me alive. like i can’t eat i feel bad all the time and to be fair im anxious about a lot of things rn but this is one of the top and nothing makes me as guilty as this. i’ve never felt this guilty before i really haven’t. in front of my boyfriend, in front of my family. not to mention this is how my relationship right now kinda started. like not fully but kinda this time with a lot more nuances. in my past relationship i loved him but i was never in love with him i don’t think. i knew i didn’t wanna be with him forever. and i wanted to break up months if not a full year before actually breaking up. i was just too pussy to do it and i was going back and forth with it but i was questioning our relationship and i wished i was single but in like a lowkey way like if he broke up with me id be ok type of way but i cant break up with him also i still like having a bf IDK. but my current boyfriend i was in love with for multiple years and even tho we’ve had periods in our relationship where it was rough we always came back and i really genuinely always thought we’d be together forever. i mean we’ve been together for 5 years and i feel like our lives are so intertwined like i have so so so many memories with him so many periods of my life where im like heavily with him and so many gifts from him and so many inside jokes and inside fun and i don’t understand what happened i really don’t i’m so lost im so lost i don’t know how this could’ve happened i just want to be honest honestly but i can’t i can’t i can never hurt him hes so precious and i love him so much. i don’t understand how i can love him as much as i do with my newfound issue like im doing the thing that hurts him the most by having feelings for someone else how dare i say i love him. im such a bad person i want to tell everyone they’re right and they need to stay away from me and i dont deserve to be happy and i just want to die honestly this makes me dissociate so heavy that maybe its a good thing that my mri was moved because im gonna be dissociating more heavily now. im not ok at all this is too much i cant handle it i feel so bad i dont know how to be a real person i just want to feel normal i just want to be ok. i keep thinking about spring semester and how good it was like up until april i would say except april was really good but really bad at the same time because that is when i realized it. i really wish i could have both of them i really wish that i was polyamorous but he is really not so thats never going to happen. but this makes me think back and think why did this happen like did our relationship also go downhill without me noticing. and it felt like we were having some upsetting fights not long before then like the one in august and then another 2 in november ? but then december felt really good with him it felt like things were getting better we had another fight in january but i don’t even remember what it was about. and it’s been a long time since then wow i feel like a fully different person. it’s crazy how much things have changed. i don’t know who i am anymore. i really don’t. i’m scared. i’m really scared. i just want to go home and feel normal and feel grounded and
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storiesofsvu · 2 years
thursday thots
Happy Thursday!
Okay… happy couple getting engaged right at the start of a cold open only for them to get immediately targeted?? Didn’t we do this on svu like two weeks ago.. ugh..
Also I JUST finished last week’s OC before this started and I’d like to say: jet, amazing, love her so much, her and Danielle absolutely CRUSHED their performances. I’m also salty murphy got away, and lowkey salty that Elliot stopped Ayanna from shooting him, because you cannot tell me that if he knew about lewis he would have murdered him with his own bare hands to get revenge for olivia….
ANYWAY, back to this week:
Listen… OC needs to get their shit together about how they’re running the show. I don’t mind doing the ONE perp over the ENTIRE season, but they only managed that with Wheatley, s2 was split between Elliot UC and the brotherhood, and s3 has somehow linked the whiney casino man into the murphy arc and that’s now over but also not really over, and it only spanned like, 3 episodes… like.. FIGURE IT OUT guys…
January 91… excuse me… I’m 99% sure Elliot started as a detective in 89… but why do I even THINK the writers, esp of different shows would bother to look into that kinda shit before scripting it…
Yeah I’m not here for this, I’ve already stopped paying attention. LOL
3d printed GUNS!?? Wtf….
This bruce guy is obsessed with jet. Like.. do not blame him, but LOVING the protective mama bear Ayanna giving him a death glare.
Yeah… did not care about that AT ALL.
I missed the very first start, just caught the part of shaw being frisked by uni’s. fucking oof.
“smells like he bathed in merlot”  “that bottle’s probably the murder weapon.” This girl has sass. Love her.
This uni comes to “apologize” to shaw ONLY because he’s up for detective and doesn’t want to risk that promotion?! Maybe you shouldn’t be a racist POS before you get to be detective. “the colour blue” yah go FUCK yourself….
I’M SORRY. Was I LISTENING CORRECTLY!?? Was that guy’s name Donnelly?!! Come ON.
 Okay… but are we actually ignoring the connection of the victim, his ex wife’s new bf who works with the perp?? Even if it was self defense there’s still something fishy going on…
Okay so it may not be the new bf, but there’s definitel still some kind of connection going on, im only half paying attention, y’all know this already lol.
Okay, overall, a decent good episode for once. Not enough sam but that’s always the case.
SVU time. Finally
Wow… what a fucking SAPPY start to the cold open jfc…
“who’re we interrogating?”  “you.”
Jesus. This is cold. Like how is this going to work out? What angle were they going with this story line? What is the POINT??
At least its giving octavio a good chance to show off his acting.
Honestly this episode is beautiful, heart wrenching but beautiful
More churlish!!!???? Tbh  I really like her, so I’m totally down if she joins the squad. And we already know she’s got more eps coming up thx to molly’s insta story…
“you’re 180 lbs of water in the shape of a man, you take the shape of whatever you’re poured into.” Olivia benson when did you become a profiler because you are spot on. Poor boy’s been through so much trauma he’ll do basically whatever to stay alive. He’s always wanted to do what’s right, to make good of the wrong’s he’s done in the past, let’s stick with that arc, okay? (also 180… cmon…)
Okay, overall, great episode. Now I wish we could get back to the full ensemble cast eps and cut this crap of not seeing someone for 2 weeks at a time. Ugh.
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spotlightstudios · 2 years
Something, something, Nash is very near and dear to me, whatever. Can I *please* articulate how my party/dm unintentionally influenced this man's story so intently? (I refuse to believe any of it was on purpose unless it was Maldric (my bf's character) Or Nylia (another pal's character) because they didn't care enough.)
So, Nash. Introduced as this socially awkward, but ultimately charismatic and really strong person, right? He gained the respect of the entire party thanks to one chance Nat 20 roll to strength at their guild assessment. Knowing nothing, these people all assigned him as leader for their first quest. He did his best to keep everyone safe, and did well to keep himself alive. Had some really epic moments that kinda cemented him in that leadership role, even though he was just desperately trying to keep his party alive.
There was a time when the party had a character killed off by a favorite npc just to get that member a new character. Nash was dead-set on saving this guy, despite his sudden turn to the dark side, and had to watch him killed before his eyes. Nash was the only one that mourned the loss. Everyone went along like normal, but Nash was sudeldenly a lot more weary towards threats with his remaining party.
He got married after only a few quests. At first, it was a spur of the moment thing. He and Maldric had been subtly flirting, but when an npc married one of our party members, Maldric proposed to Nash. However, this was the best possible thing, because after that point they were inseparable. Even if the world crumbled, Nash would have Maldric.
Then the big baddy fight #1. Nash had been managing the party's new kingdom as the main King, and recieved letters from neighboring kingdoms begging for help. Threats from their enemy. So, he rallied his party and set off. There they found the place destroyed, and a huge hole. One of their party members entered, only to get chomped up by a giant worm thing. Nash and Maldric teamed up to get that member out, but they ended up getting attacked instead.
Nash got swept up in its jaws, and the party held Maldric back while Nash tried to keep its jaws open and prevent it from swallowing him. He ended up getting bitten pretty badly and swallowed, but a few minutes later a new party ran into the fight and her God blessed her with a powerful attack. It killed the worm thing, leaving Nash behind in the disintegrated remains. He was in such bad shape though, and he couldn't be saved.
The party has to return to the castle, Maldric taking over as King in Nash's place, and everyone grieving for their lost leader, fridnd, and even lover.
Months later, they took a journey to Elysium. They traded Nylia's life for Nash's, knowing full well that they couldn't continue on without him. His soul was sent to where his body was kept in the graveyard back at the kingdom, in an elaborate mausoleum, meant to house all of the council when they died.
Nash had no memories besides the fight before he died, so he pushes the lid from his casket and stand up normally. He literally reaches through the bars of the door to the burial and snaps the lock off, and exits into broad daylight. With all of the chaos with undead lately, the guards and the citizens nearby panicked to see their dead king walking again. He'll never forget the fear on their faces, nor the way they scattered.
And of course, he's so glad to be back, for everyone's sake. Yet, the loss of Nylia, that chunk of memory he's missing, his reputation as an undead among his own? He worries he'll fail everyone all over again. That he'll slip and give into the dark control of their enemy. He doesn't bleed anymore, his blood is congealed and black. He's pale, and cold. The sun is his only source of warmth now that his heart doesn't beat.
He doesn't feel right anymore.
I want to continue his story, and expand on what happened to him and his party. I want to know how he copes with their deaths. How he sees their quest all the way to the end, even with losses along the way. By the end of it, he'd be a broken husk of who he once was, but he'd have saved the world and made it better for the rest of the world. His siblings, his Husband, his people. He'd be the king of heroes and the ruler of survivors, his kingdom a sanctuary. Yet, he would be a living reminder of all that pain and terror people went through to find peace. Centuries into the future, He'd be a name of legend rather than a ruler.
Maybe, just maybe, he would be allowed to ascend rather than be taken to the underworld. He's finally lost enough of his humanity that he gives in, and on the banks of the river, they ferryman denies him, and instead he's met with Helios and Hestia, and the spirit of Maldric. They welcome him and guide his tired spirit to his own throne in the realm of the gods. Nash, the God of Leadership, Compassion, and Unbreakable Bonds.
He'd finally be at rest. Able to see his companions again, able to be alongside Maldric and his siblings. Then he'd finally not be so cold.
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dykeyote · 2 years
hi i do not know what the theia n adam thingy is about but. please do elaborate because now i am curious
OOOOO OKAY so quick theia summary [SEASON 2 JUNOVERSE SPOILERS IN THIS WHOLE POST LOL i try not to spoil any more than is necessary but i do spoil a Lot just bc u kinda have to . no spoilers for anything after that tho i havent even listened to s4] is that the theia in the penumbra podcast is basically this cybernetic eye that the protagonist is given by this like sort of father figure thats attempting to manipulate him through positive attention and shit theres a bunch of other lore going on there but thats all u really need to know for this post . it starts as helpful and gets said protag back on his feet but begins to take more and more control of his life and it looks like his weirdo bf at one point . this isnt a great summary whoopsie but it serves
n e ways so my thought is that sydney having that and it being adam and taking advantage of his emotions of loneliness would be kind of cool .... and instead of being a robotic woman voice its jsut this weirdo fucking guy who he sort of hallucinates in his vision because of how the eye works . i think lucille gave it to him partially bc of similar themes to the original show but also because lucille would totally just have like freaky future age technology lying around for no reason to manipiulate people plus it furthers the themes of sydney relying on her medically . also the adamtheia is red instead of blue bc thats cool
anyway so adam sort of acts as a therapist still but maybe a physical therapist also?? bc he controls sydneys faculties kinda . which sydney at first finds great becasue hes not lonely anymore but he starts slowly realizing hes losing his autonomy but by this point its too late . i think adam does take the form of jedidiah sometimes also to make a point or to trick sydney which happens in the show as well but defintely NOT in the way the show did bc jedidiah would be too embarrassed to ever wear that fucking slutty little nightgown and sydney would know something was up instantaneously lmao
ermies but diverging from the canon stuff MORE i think itd be cool if adam was more sentient and maybe kinda diverged from what lucille wanted?? like lucille had her own weird manipulative gains but adam is weird and freaky and alive and tries to make things happen to fuck lucille over and get his own weird goals achieved
also i think itd be cool if like . idk how sydney lost his eye but Somehow he did idk ill work this out later and the weird uppy adam eye was originally jedidiahs work?? maybe thats how its so freaky and magical and advanced engineering-wise . bc i do think hed make a cybernetic eye that is maybe a little overly helpful to the degree of having some queries about whether its healthy for it to help u w so much or if its bordering on losing full autonomy but it wouldnt be MALICIOUS or intentionally controlling or violating jedidiah is just weird about being helpful . but then some Force like probably a mix of both lucille and just adams ai take it and warp it and make it way more Maliciously controlling and intentionally intrusive (mostly bc i thinkt he parallels between jedidiahs Unhealthy But Well Intentioned controlling traits and other characters including lucille's Malicious controlling traits are quite interesting)
i imagine this being kinda vaguely season one.... like a season one divergent thing . i think itd be kinda cool if there was a parallel of the gun scene from promised land (for context the theia manipulates the protag into shooting someone) but with elijah .... mostly bc i thnk Wihle jedidiahs actively ignoring sydney would make sydney very easily manipulated via his loneliness and need for guidance which adam-theia-thing would provide 2 him
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m1ckeyb3rry · 2 months
FR!! I love the whole universe that’s been established through all the characters and dynamics like >>>> and it’s also not just ships palooza which is honestly refreshing
No because sometimes I find some Naoya memes funny where people are shitting on him and even his character is sometimes SO ridiculously misogynistic it’s funny like how do you even exist?? I love naoya slander jokes fr though (I forgot but it’s literally so ironic apparently the way Naoya speaks is a bit lost in translation and he kinda talks like a little girl according to some jp users who’ve pointed it out?? Like BRO) but yeah the only thing he has going for him is his face card maybe (also I originally thought his hair was gonna be green but)
Oh I was not aware oh that foreshadowing!!! Haha!! Self sacrifice!! Lol!! It’s ok y/n’s alive now though so!! But yeah anyways I’m also like…in the scope of jjk0 there’s quite literally only (including y/n) 5 characters/classmates that fit into like the friend group positions? And excuse the collateral slander one of which is a bear, the other quite literally cannot talk, one who acts like a bully, one who was BULLIED like adding ocs helps broaden the dynamic possibilities a lot more?? Like there’s ofc no problem NOT adding ocs but I don’t see how you can blame someone for wanting to add them because that’s literally the tiniest class of students I’ve ever seen?? Let’s give our protag some more friends…also if you don’t like it just close the tab and go for a different fic?? I seriously don’t understand the need to vocalize complaints like this when they won’t benefit the anyone in any way like also wait THAT WAS THE COMMENT?? Wow really came full circle with BLLK Karasu and PI but BRUH yeah maybe it’s just a wattpad thing….although this is kinda unrelated I’ve also seen some really rude anons here too? Like I’ll just scroll through a tag or a blog and I see like, someone asks anonymously and goes “you’re so fucking annoying and your work is shit” BRO WHO IS COMPELLING YOU TO SAY THIS??? The fact that they take the time of day to go find their ask box and submit something like what does this achieve?? The audacity of some people it was nice to see other blogs like quote reposting and calling anon out for doing such heinous shit but what even….
I’m laughing like theoretically when I put the puzzle pieces together…yes bf material..? But also my brain says um. LMAOAOA it’s so funny I mean I don’t doubt that he would be a good bf but I can’t wrap my head around bf material and todo being in the same sentence HAHAHA
The shitty familial clans always get me the fact that they kept refusing to heal sorcerers associated with y/n?? And then tullia was truly the final straw…but so real I know they aren’t l/ns but I mean dad’s side of the family smh the hiiragis too in hollyhock <<<<<<
“Quick and easy” LMAOOO sorry it makes me laugh sm because in the span that we’ve been talking there’s already been multiple incidents of “this turned out way longer than it was supposed to” HAHAHA yk…if you just make an approximation and multiply it by 2.5 i think you’ll be good LMAO bro really said lemme churn out the Walmart version for otoya so I can get cracking on masterclass version for Karasu (I say Walmart version lightly because I know it’ll still be top tier LOL) but honestly so real gotta do the best for our man karasu
Ok by association (?? Ik there’s a better word than this but I can’t think of it LMAO) if otoyas is at 10k rn does that mean Karasu’s is gonna but the 20’s /j
Imagine it was angsty and karasu drowns (im joking no one dies in soccer!!!!!!!!!) but OMFG. I AM. SO. READY!!! LETS GOOO I LIVE FOR MEDIOCRITY COMPLEX KARASU ANGST!!! EVERYBODY CHEERED WAHOO ok but im fr so hyped for the lineup of BLLK fics you have in the works it’s been awhile since I’ve seen sm quality content being posted its such a change from the disappointingly inactive tags LMAO
This would be the crossover of the century y/n and her mom going to watch the BLLK u20 match causing and even BIGGER commotion with the press too like imagine all the cameramen who are there for the match swerving to look at the models LMAOOO I can imagine Yuki being really close to her and looking up to her almost like a mentor or cool aunt(kinda giving Gojo’s role to the jjk students except, well mrs l/n does not act like a teenager LMAOO) I bet Yukimiya would have to reign everyone in like a THATS MY BESTIE/BASICALLY MY SECOND MOM???? It’d be funny to see yuki kinda lose him temper like “no you stay TF away from them I will not allow you to taint them with your weirdness”
I’m ngl I was fr just a reader/lurker until recently, I actually used to just use the web version without an account because I was too lazy to set one up and have another thing potentially entering my email inbox until the site started forcing you to get the app which requires an account so I was like ok well gotta do what you gotta do….and then I proceeded to do exactly what I did before (literally just lurking and silently enjoying LOL) and not try to explore any of the app features and uh. Well here I am!! I’m sure I’ll figure it out someday when something prompts me to do so LMAO the platform in general is so interesting though especially compared to most other social media platforms out there!! I don’t feel like conquering that learning curve today oops
-Karasu anon
there def are some side ships (togetullia, mrs l/n and toji, elakshi and noritoshi) but for the most part yes there’s not a ton of romance going on!! plus of those three relationships only one even works out so 😓 truly the strength of pi imo is the platonic relationships it has (tullia and y/n will always be famous to me like it’s not at all romantic but the way they loved one another is so integral to the story it makes me emotional 🥹)
NAOYA IS JUST CRAZY TO ME LMAOAOA like he truly feels like a govt experiment…he kinda looks like raichi from bllk (or raichi looks like him idrk which one came first) but raichi is so enraged 24/7 that no one acknowledges his face card 😭💔
NO THAT’S WHAT I’M SAYING like sorry i want to have more than female character in my stories…sorry not every single character is in love w y/n…LMAO also yeah idk why people haven’t grasped the concept of just clicking another story HAHAHA like?? if you don’t like it then read something else!! why would i change how i like to write because some random on the internet is annoyed, esp considering how many people love my stories?? the entitlement is weird to me but i try not to complain abt it a lot because ik that in terms of hate i’m very lucky in that i’ve never gotten anything too bad…i have seen those types of anons it’s insane!! personally somehow i’ve avoided getting any myself HAHA idek what i’d do if i did 😩 i try to stay relatively unproblematic and in my lane on here so i haven’t ever gotten involved in tumblr drama like a lot of other accts have but i live in fear of the day that someone comes in my inbox and is a jerk 😰
when you think about it objectively todo is a good bf but when you see him you’re like “well…” HAHA i think having him as a weird rival bestie is the best in between because you get the benefits of him hanging out w you without it being romantic
please i need to just stop having expectations atp because i KNOW it’s going to be crazier than what i think…LMAO the otoya one is silly and unserious and more along the lines of the last part of fwtkac but i’m planning on having something a bit closer to the instrument for the karasu version where it’s more serious (we’ll see though because something abt tabieita brings out the crack fic writer in me so there’s a chance it’ll end up silly as well) HAHA as much as i love otoya i fear karasu deserves the best so my time love and energy will be going into his version
atm i’m hoping for something in like the 6-9k range for the karasu version?? so make of that what you will…the otoya version (which i should be posting in the next hour or so i hope) is almost 13k words so obviously i’m way off in my guesses as it’s over 3-4 times longer than i initially thought 😭 if the karasu version ends up being 20k words i might cry HKDJDJSK i think i’ll have written more for him than even nagi w peregrine at that point 😩
omg ykw just because you said that i’m going to make him drown LMAOAOAAO not permanently though but like 😏 mediocrity complex karasu my beloved…i’m so excited to get working on that HAHA i need to get the otoya version over with so i can focus on my main man 😢 HAHA i’m doing my best to contribute to the fandom i think i’ve written over 100k words of bllk fics since may so yk i’m putting in the work
LITERALLY omg y/n and her mother are the WAGs of all time 😭 everyone in the crowds in shock because it’s the most random soccer match ever and for some reason famous former model mrs l/n is there?? and her daughter is equally as pretty?? i feel like having endured the modeling industry mrs l/n would def take yuki under her wing and try to help him through it (maybe he was signed to the her old agency or smth) and she absolutely would NOT let y/n anywhere near that whole scene even though agents keep trying to scout her 😩 omg yuki would be sooo pressed it’s like that one tik tok sound that’s like “how old is your dad—” “TOO old for you!! and he’s married!! stay away from my dad guys he’s married!!” HAHAHA and if yuki and y/n are just friends and not dating at that point i bet otoya and aiku would try to rizz her up and she’d be so uninterested 😰 honestly besides yuki i could maybe see her going for hiori LMAOAOA so like imagine karasu’s face if he tries to flirt with her and she’s like “cool 👍 abt your friend though…😏🤩🥰” (the friend in question has zero clue what’s going on and is completely confused when she tries to talk to him)
it def is a learning curve but once you get it it feels intuitive ig?? until they throw another curveball at you 😰 even now i’m still discovering features that i didn’t realize existed 😳 i was def a silent reader/lurker for a while too!! i feel like i still am a lot of the time haha it doesn’t help that i rarely read other people’s fics because i’m usually working on my own 😓 if you ever need help w anything on here lmk though i will do my best to give advice 💪🏻
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