#its interesting because he has such a good hold on his temper and he tries to think through most situations
invertedheaven · 2 months
If You Really Love Nothing
chapter 12: another one?
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And when sukuna met gojo half way the handshake held more weight and tension than any conversation could.
The employee who had been trying to chat it up with gojo immediately noticed the shift in energy and made himself scarce, he could tell this was a conversation he didnt want to be a part of.
“So its been a while” gojo joked uneasy, he doesn’t know how to explain it but he could feel that his father was watching
“It has” sukuna dryly responded “figured it’d be sooner considering the brat has been hanging around you lately”
“Around megumi, not me, I hardly see him” gojo lied and shrugged as he reached for a non alcoholic drink from the tray that a waiter was holding “Hes a good kid though, not sure how you guys are related”
Sukuna smiled with a glint of irritation behind the eyes that anyone else wouldn’t have notice but gojo had the luxury of being classmates in high school with this guy so his mannerisms didn’t go unnoticed
“So you and her?” referring to you, Sukuna bit the bullet and asked because at the end of the day both him and gojo knew the conversation would end up there
“What about her” gojo didn’t take the bait though
“Just didn’t take you for a guy who would take someones leftovers” sukuna shrugged he knew the line that came out of his mouth was gross and in no way did he view you in that manner but he just needed to get a reaction out of gojo and insulting you or that black haired loser gojo used hang around would be the quickest way
“So thats what you think of her? Im sure she’d be thrilled to hear that” gojo tried to temper his attitude but sukunas comment agitated him, even if he knew it was just to get a reaction, it was working.
The immaturity sukuna was displaying made gojos stomach turn at the idea that sukuna would talk about the mother of his kid like that (sure he doesn’t know airi exists but still why would he speak about you in that manner even if it was for provocation)
“Well she’s dating you, so I’m sure shes heard worse” sukuna bit back, still not getting a direct answer
“Thats interesting for you, of all people, to say” gojo smiled with a contemptuous look on his face. Sukuna was halfway to a response before he was cut off
“So I see you two are finally having a chat” Gojo Sr. cut in conveniently at the right time to which satoru rolled his eyes
“Yes, I can see your son inherited your way with words” sukuna changed his demeanor entirely as he addressed Gojo Sr.
“I hope you mean in a good way” Gojo Sr. joked as he and sukuna laughed, Satoru stared at them with a fake smile
“Yeah, sukuna here has shown me why you both were able to come to an agreement with a deal” satoru interrupted with a cheerful tone “Certain minds think alike”
“Don’t you mean great?” Gojo sr. corrected with a playful tone that had an edge to it
Satoru hummed “no, I don’t think so”
Before gojo sr. could say anything back he was called away by his assistant and Satoru couldn’t have been more thankful, he didnt need his dad trying to get involved. The man wouldnt ever stay in conversations for long but when he did talk he was insufferable. Sukuna watched the interaction keenly, it was obvious by the way Gojo sr. spoke of his son to sukuna, that there was some level of disdain— from both father and son and the interaction only proved to be a confirmation.
“What are your intentions?” gojo finally spit out after his father was out of earshot, Sukuna gave him a look as if asking him to elaborate so gojo said your name quietly and that gained a glint of amusement from sukunas eyes
“That’s something that is none of your concern” sukuna replied smugly. Just because you’d been with gojo for the past few years doesn’t mean gojo has any right to be involved in you and sukunas business, at least thats how sukuna saw it.
“Not my concern?” gojo laughed in disbelief “You mean the same way it’s not your concern what her love life is like, right?”
Sukunas eye twitched slightly before gojo continued “if you really cared so much why didn’t you reach out to her in the months you’ve been back?” gojo was venturing into territory you would’ve smacked him over the head for but he doesn’t care he finds he genuinely needs to know what sukunas playing at
Through the years gojo has seen you pick yourself back up and piece yourself back together, constantly trying to be better. Trying to be someone without sukuna, something you hadn’t known since you started dating him so young. The very idea that sukuna could prance into your life and possibly undo all that makes gojo seethe. Gojo knows you’re an adult who can make your own decisions, he’s just looking out for you the same way he’s sure you’d look out for him if the shoe was on the other foot.
Before sukuna could even respond gojo was being called over by his father to prepare for some ridiculous speech. Sukuna is not stupid he’s aware if he screws up here with his behavior it wouldn’t look good for either company. No matter his distaste for gojo it wasn’t worth losing his job over. He kept that in mind (even if he despised gojos words) as he watched the white haired bastard walk away.
Or at least he thought but as the night went on he felt genuine disgust just being in gojos presence. Even as both father and son made decent speeches about another successful year for the company, even as gojo had the ability to work the room with literally any conversation. Nothing about it was genuine though, and it made it sukuna scowl every time he was subjected to hearing gojos bullshit in the next group over. Sukuna smirked thinking about how it looked bad on gojo considering this was supposed to be “his company” someday, yet the lack of tact was alarming.
Whatever, it wasn’t his problem, but it was truly sukunas favorite pastime to judge and criticize other peoples poor decisions. He just simply would not find himself in such ridiculous situations, he thinks, as he overhears most conversations through the night. It was all just petty drama or conversations that he considered himself above. A couple of times, rei would try to engage in conversation with him but his mind was only on you. As if fueled by his confrontation with gojo, he now swears he’ll be back with you. He doesn’t care if you and gojo are dating, he knows you still love him. You have to, right? He’s never really thought about if you don’t.
On the other side, in all honesty gojo had forgotten sukuna was there as he focused on entertaining the party. He was able to ignore sukuna for the sake of his job, something that he knew if he didn’t put his all into he’d hear it from his father later. So sure, he caves in and does what he does best— put on a show. A passionate worker that looks forward to all the great things the company has in store…bullshit. He did have changes he wanted to implement but with his father still in control of most of it, it just felt like an endless cycle of going nowhere. It wasn’t even two and a half hours into the event and gojo found a way to ease himself out of a too long conversation, as he searched for his secretary.
“Hana” gojo half shouted to her as she was enthusiastically talking with rei, she glanced over and waved at gojo
“Haven’t seen you all night, I assume its been busy” Hana joked
Rei admired Hanas ability to speak to gojo with such ease, if rei was in hanas shoes she’d be a rambling mess. Hana is aware that rei would jump at the chance to be with gojo but its simply hilarious to her because if rei really knew how gojo was, that physical attraction could only do so much for someone with a strong personality like he has.
“Yes, but im afraid I have to go” gojo made sure to sound somewhat devastated
“So early?” Hana asked with a bit of concern
“A family emergency” gojo smiled apologetically. He was flat out lying but he had every intention of getting out of this party unnoticed by his father but he figured he should at least have Hana pass the word along if she was asked.
“Oh” Hanas brows furrowed she fights the urge to ask what happened, knowing he wouldnt even tell her with this many people around “If Gojo Sr. asks ill be sure to pass your message along” Hana bowed her head slightly
And with that gojo left with a weight off his shoulders knowing he did his mandatory appearance and got away from sukuna without too much of a hassle.
“Okay, but we only have time for one book” you picked up airi from the living room floor, she was practically falling asleep as she was brushing her dolls hair but she insisted that she wasnt too tired for a bedtime story
“I want the one about the worm that eats too much” airi pleaded
“The caterpillar?” You asked, she couldn’t really say caterpillar at the time you bought the book so gojo told her to call it a worm and the name stuck, you really had to fix that soon
You’re not even 4 pages in and airi knocked out, still holding onto the sleeve of your sweater as you knelt on the ground next to her bed. You took in every feature of her peaceful sleeping face, she was so precious and looked so devastatingly like Sukuna, you wonder if he saw her would he figure it out without being told?
You brushed her hair out of her face as you hummed a simple song, you didn’t want to leave her yet but the sound of the front door opening caused you to rush out her room to find satoru holding a bag of takeout leaning against the door taking his tie off. He wasn’t supposed to be back this early and you bit back a comment on how he probably escaped
“Im exhausted” he moved to take his shoes off as you took the food from his hands
“Was it that bad?” You asked
“Not so much, just cant stand my old man” he waved off the subject
You nodded in understanding as you took the takeout to the dining table, megumi had retired to his room hours ago and it wouldn’t surprise you if he actually fell asleep and before you could ask gojo spoke up
“Saw sukuna”
You hummed in response
“He asked about you” gojo reluctantly admitted
Your breath got caught in your chest, quickly recovering because its embarrassing that you feel giddy at the thought of him asking about you like some idiot with a crush “about me or about if we were dating” you snap out of your hopefulness knowing Sukuna probably didn’t really care to know about you but more if you moved on, which hurts you.
“Well about if were dating but” gojo sat down at the table pulling out his food from the bag “I don’t know, I asked him what his intentions were and he told me it wasn’t my business” gojo shrugged
You rolled your eyes “hes a grown man, if he had any intentions besides being petty about the idea that I might’ve actually moved on he should say it”
Gojo could tell the subject touched a nerve with you, there was no winning. You would’ve been unhappy if he didn’t bring sukuna up, thinking he didn’t even ask about you and here you are unhappy that what sukuna did ask was immature. Gojo tries not to laugh at how you seemed to never really change, and he guesses he hasn’t either
“Ungrateful children” Gojo Sr. grumbled as he stood next to sukuna “never have them” he continued, swirling the liquid in his glass which by the looks of him wasnt his first drink
Sukuna refrained from rolling his eyes but he was irritated for two reasons, he purposely secluded himself to the corner of the room where he wouldnt be dragged into conversations and the second reason being he didnt care one bit about this old man yet he played along
“I don’t plan on it” sukuna playfully responded
For the duration that hes been in collaboration with the gojos company, sukuna has been more or less working at an angle of trying to get Gojo Sr. to trust him, not for any reason other than it would get under gojos skin to see sukuna being chummy with his dad. That and maybe Gojo Sr. could tell him something useful about you and gojo.
He’d have to know something, yet as time went on sukuna lost hope, seeing as the old man hadn’t mentioned anything at all and seeing how this was probably the last night he’d be around the Gojos, he couldnt bring himself to pretend to care about what the old bastard had to say.
“I don’t understand, he’s getting this successful business I’ve built from the ground up, literally handed to him, and he cant even stay until the end of the event” Gojo Sr. scoffed “all for some ‘family emergency’ which is just a lie”
Sukuna glanced at Gojo sr. he didnt wanna make it clear that this intrigued him considering you were probably who gojo considered family. In the forefront of his mind he was wondering if something had happened to you. Were you okay? he didn’t care for gojos brat but he knows you cared about him, so for your sake he hopes nothing bad actually happened. He doesn't think for a second it involves his brother because yuji wasnt even supposed to be around the fushiguro kid today and if yuji was involved you would contact sukuna... or you should at least.
For someone who swore up and down about maintaining the family image, Gojo Sr. sure did a great job at undoing it in just a few minutes, thanks to a few drinks in his system and some misplaced trust. Sukuna had yet to say anything because for all he knows, Gojo Sr. could possibly get mad if sukuna does choose to say something, even if it was a chance to dunk on gojos character.
“Family this, family that yet those damn kids aren’t even his” Gojo Sr. turned to look sukuna directly in the face who now had a look of interest on his face “he should be more like you— motivated and passionate, hell you even stayed later than him” he dryly laughed as he took another swig of the drink in his hand
“Im sorry, kids?” Sukuna asked, he brushed off the other comment, he needed an elaboration. There was no way there was more than one, it’s just supposed to be fushiguro.
“That whore he lives with is using his no-- MY money” the older white haired bastard took sip of his drink “now my idiot son is raising some kid who isn’t even his” sukuna tries to keep himself composed, hearing you spoken of in such a negative way has him more irritated than any encounter with gojo could.
Sukuna is still convinced this escaped nursing home patient is just confused “i’ve met the kid, he’s well mannered” he tries to frame it in a way that’ll get Gojo Sr. to elaborate
“Not that one… that kid” he waved his hand in the air in a dismissive motion “his dad died years ago” Gojo Sr. shook his head at the memory
Sukuna hoped he wouldn’t elaborate he didn’t care for a back story right now (hes pretty sure he’d already heard it from you anyways). Right now he’s finding out you and gojo might actually have a kid together. He thinks this old man must lying about it not being gojos kid since it seems he doesn’t like you at all. Sukunas too focused on genuinely trying to keep his shit together
“There’s another one” Gojo Sr. bitterly continued “he thinks I’m not aware but I know and I don’t appreciate him being played for a fool its bad for our image and damaging financially” Gojo Sr. doesn’t really realize, through his buzzed state, that hes revealing more than he would had he been sober and it didn’t help that he truly thought positively of sukuna.
Another one? An actual second kid? Whatever else the old man was saying was drowned out by the ringing in sukunas ears. He could feel the sweat building up on his forehead as his heart beat wouldn’t slow down. He swears he feels himself grow light headed. Years of memories flashing in his mind as he accepts the reality that you’re actually with gojo, hell you even have a goddamned kid with him. His mind is racing genuinely questioning if you truly moved on so fast. He really thought he’d get you back but now? That seems like the most unlikely path in this scenario. His mind finally registers the old gas bag next to him is still talking and he catches onto something that he wishes he misheard, for the sake of his sanity
“That whole mess was... 4 years ago. I haven’t heard much about that disgrace of a woman since, but she’s still being a gold digger” Gojo Sr. sighed “I may have found out but my son does a good job at keeping his affairs private, I’ve only met that woman three times”
4 years? sukuna doesn’t want to let himself think about the fact that the timing was weird. Were you cheating on him with gojo? Did you rebound as soon as sukuna broke up with you? Every possibility was running through his mind until a horrifying possibility hits him as if a bucket of ice cold water had been thrown on him. That couldn’t be it… there was no way.
Sukuna thinks back to how the past two weeks yujis been avoiding him in ways he didn’t before. The kid can barely make eye contact and while sukuna initially thought maybe he was just hiding bad grades, was it actually something serious?
Theres no way you had a kid and it was sukunas, he refuses to accept that reality because the you that he knows and loves, would tell him. You wouldn’t keep something like that from him, so sukuna decides to convince himself that the idea of you possibly rebounding with gojo hurt less. He also refuses to accept the idea that you’d cheat, in his mind he creates an elaborate reason that maybe you and gojo had a kid for tax benefits or something along those lines.
Even if yujis awkward and terribly distant behavior was an indication that he’s hiding something and even if the way you no longer looked at sukuna with stars in your eyes, none of that was enough to convince him that you had his child, and decided not to tell him. And even worse, his own brother knew of this and didnt say anything. He rules this idea out of his mind as he doesn’t even realize its become painfully obvious how fast he’s spiraling.
Gojo Sr. finally realized sukuna was no longer paying attention to him “Are you okay there? You look awfully pale”
Sukuna abruptly ended the conversation, excusing himself as he ran to the nearest bathroom, he splashed water over his face and stared at his reflection for longer than he realized. He needs answers, and he needs them now. He knows he’d be able to get something out of yuji, the brat couldn’t lie to save his life, and now that sukuna knew what he needed to ask, he was gonna see what exactly yujis been hiding from him.
Sukuna didn't even remember his drive home, his mind was simply not present. He really truly hopes he’s being unreasonable and piecing together a theory that could very possibly be incorrect it was more than likely he was dead wrong and yet he's never felt so anxious in his life. You having a kid is enough of a shock for him— but it possibly being his? He cant even wrap his head around it. He actually finds himself hoping that its actually gojos, because if you knew… if you knew the kid was sukunas and didn’t tell him. He doesnt even stop to allow a logical thought like adoption or something, no he immediately jumped to conclusions, because when it was you all rationality was thrown out the window.
As sukuna slammed his car door, fumbling with the keys in his hand and struggled with the door knob just long enough that yuji swung the door open with an agitated look on his face — frustrated because he had to pause the movie he was watching when it was at the best part.
But the frantic look in sukunas eyes was enough to have yuji quickly making his way back to the couch
“Wait” sukuna said so quietly yuji would’ve missed it had the house not been dead silent
Yuji turned awkwardly to look at his brother. Yuji was never truly afraid of his brother, he’d always considered him all bark no bite, but there was something about the almost crazed state he was in that made yuji doubt that judgement in this moment. What could possibly have him this frantic? Yuji wondered, it was truly out of character for his brother, he was always composed even in the worst situations. Yujis breathing got heavier as he realized theres exactly one thing— one person, who could have him on edge like this. He’s scared to think of what would come out of sukunas mouth next
Sukuna mumbled your name so quietly, it was enough for yujis to hold his breath as he waited for sukuna to continue “does she have a kid?”
Yujis eyes widened and he took a few steps backwards, his heart was beating so fast he swears you’d be able to hear it thudding. How sukuna found this out was still a complete mystery, yuji swallowed slowly trying to think of words to say but this was not his conversation to have. Did sukuna talk to you? Or Gojo? Yuji genuinely had no words, nor was he ready for this.
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belle--ofthebrawl · 5 months
Rating: Explicit
Word Count: 2.6k
Pairing: Ifrit/Rain, mentions of Ifrit/Dewdrop/Rain
Tags: Public Masturbation, Semi-public blowjobs, possessive behavior, Cuckolding, kink denial on Dew's part but it's fine he's fine it's fine they're all fine.
"Dewdrop." He finishes stupidly.
Rain shrugs, a strap of his camisole falling down one shoulder with the motion.
"My Dewdrop…" he muses, tracing patterns on Ifrit's thigh. "I like the sound of that."
Ifrit doesn't remember how the night began and he's certain he won't remember how it ends but that doesn't matter right now. Right now he's got a nice buzz going, a nice grassy spot under a tree to stare at the sky and his hand wrapped around his cock because hey. Why not.
If he concentrates, he can hear the others by the bonfire, still whooping and hollering as they dance and fight and fuck. He could join them but that would mean moving more than just his hand across his dick and he's not really feeling it right now. More interested in feeling himself. Maybe one of the others will stumble across, offer their own hand or mouth or even more but for now, Ifrit's intent on a little self-love.
There's no point in saying he's not vain because he absolutely is. This physical form had been good-looking to start with and when he found out he could modify it? Just by moving around or getting inked up? Siblings were practically lining up at the gate for his, heh, personal attention in the gym as a trainer. He was completely focused and professional during classes. But once that session was up? They knew where to find him.
Wasn't just the human Clergy either. Mist liked it when he wrestled with her, winner take all. Alpha needed the occasional beatdown too and Omega was perfect for when he wanted his ankles by his ears and a fat cock pushing so far into his guts he could taste it.
Just thinking about it made a pretty pearl of cum bead up from his tip. He smears it over the ruddy head with his thumb, rolls his hips as he toys with the slit and thinks about the others.
Dew was so cute to rile up. He could get spitting mad over some teasing and all Ifrit would have to do was look down and see where all the blood went. Only made the little guy madder, but all Ifrit had to do to apologize was kiss it until it was all better and the flush on Dew’s face was from pleasure and not fury.
Been a while since they hooked up, Ifrit thinks. A little bittersweetness lies in the memories, how Dew had found himself wrapped up in a new role and a new pack while Ifrit was left behind but he doesn't hold a grudge. Just wishes they could meet up again, see if he still has a temper or he’s gotten it under control. Ifrit's seen the way that multi-ghoul needles him, nothing short of a masterpiece there. He’d love to team up with him to make Dew cry sometime and his cock throbs in agreement.
Then there's that pretty water ghoul. Rain. Ifrit's been dying to get to know him all kinds of ways. See if he gets as wet as Dew used to, before his transition. He saw the two of them earlier, before the party really got going and okay, they looked good together. Dew looked downright snappy whenever someone tried to lure Rain away and that was just adorable. Like a dragon angrily guarding the first shiny trinket of its horde.
Monogamy isn't really a thing to the ghouls. Why would it be? Still, sometimes they can get possessive over each other. Dew's definitely got the worst case of it Ifrit's ever seen over Rain. He'd curled himself tight around the water ghoul, scenting him something fierce. Ifrit could pick it up from halfway across the field. And okay, it was a little cute. New love, and all that.
He blinks. Right, that's how he came to be here pumping his dick. He got so caught up in the vision of Dew and Rain and their entangled limbs, combined with the noises of a few threesomes happening, his mind laid out a beautiful picture of himself sandwiched between the two of them. Maybe he could coach Rain on how best to rile up Dew, get his little cock as red as his face. What to say to make his brow furrow even as he huffs out a too-quick orgasm.
Speaking of…
His balls already tight, Ifrit lets himself go and sighs at the way it aches when he does. He's got better stamina but he's been here a while, whatever he drank is working its dirty little magic on him and the night is still young. Wouldn't want to wear himself out too quickly.
If he listens, he can hear Mist crying in that perfect way she does when someone's licking her cunt and someone else is doing her gills. Belial, she's cute. Maybe he just has a thing for water ghouls, but who wouldn't with all their sensitivities and tendencies to get so wet. Maybe he should get up and join them, attack her gills from the other side and really get her going, get a few fingers stuffed up her cunt, make her squirt like she always does. His hand wraps around himself again and before he knows it, he's got his tongue in Rain's gills instead, frenching him from the inside while he bounces on Ifrit's lap, claws digging into his shoulders. Feeling Rain gasp for air as he creams around Ifrit's cock, Dew’s eyes dark with fury.
“You look like you're having fun.” Comes a soft voice and Ifrit chuckles, squeezing the base of his cock.
“Just thinking about you.” He says honestly, cracking his eye to peer at Rain. He looks good tonight. Always looks good but this is the first time Ifrit's seen him in something other than his uniform, a pair of light blue shorts that skim the tops of his thighs and a sleeveless shirt with thin straps and thinner fabric. Ifrit’s eyes lazily slide up and then firmly look back down, no shame. Dew’s not here to hiss and snarl, Ifrit's going to take advantage. As much as Rain will let him.
“We’ve never been properly introduced.” Rain muses, coming closer. “I know your name though. Seen you around. Seen some footage.”
“Do you like what you see?” Ifrit asks, angling himself so Rain can get an eyeful of his body, toned muscles and cock on full display. Like before. He's not shy about his own vanity. He half expects his confidence to intimidate the quiet water ghoul but Rain…Rain laughs at him. No one's ever laughed at Ifrit before.
He doesn't know if he likes it or not.
“Dew said you were cocky.” He drops to his hands and knees, tail coiling behind him. His eyes narrow as he comes up between Ifrit's thighs and smiles with a little too much fang for comfort. “He wouldn't be happy if he knew I was with you.”
“Then why are you here anyway?” Ifrit asks bluntly, trying to regain a foothold in the strange shift that he's pretty sure just happened.
“Because sometimes it's better to ask for forgiveness than permission.” Rain tells him with a nip to his skin that sends Ifrit reeling. No way this is happening. He can still smell Dew on Rain's clothes, smoke and anger and lust. So much lust.
"Isn't Dewdrop your, uh…" Boyfriend is the first word that comes to mind but it doesn't feel right. Too human, too exclusive. Packmate would be the best option yet it still feels too casual for whatever the hell those two have going on. He and Dew were packmates and they were never so touchy-feely as he is with Rain. He vaguely remembers Dew getting a little weird about Aether when he was first summoned but it still had nothing on how he behaved now. Rain seems to humor it and continue to do his own thing when Dew's not looking but he still doesn't want to get on the little guy's bad side and ruin any possibilities.
"Dewdrop." He finishes stupidly.
Rain shrugs, a strap of his camisole falling down one shoulder with the motion.
"My Dewdrop…" he muses, tracing patterns on Ifrit's thigh. "I like the sound of that."
His fingers tickle dangerously high and Ifrit squirms against the tree.
"Well," Rain continues thoughtfully, casually wrapping his hand around the base of Ifrit's cock, hiding the sudden flare of his tattoos as he begins to stroke him slowly. "My Dewdrop said he didn't want you touching me. So don't touch me. And we'll be alright."
Ifrit feels far from alright at this moment in time, but then Rain's bowing to dab his soft tongue to the underside and he can't find it in him to argue. The first gentle lap hits him harder than a punch, the second, somehow even worse. Rain entertains himself with Ifrit's cock like he's got all the time in the world; sliding the foreskin to and fro over the ridge, mouthing at the tip and going even lower to fit both of Ifrit's balls in his mouth. Going back up and rubbing his cheek against the head to smear the beads of pre cum all across his face.
"These are pretty," he remarks, so casual as if he was admiring a garden or a display of jewelry. Ifrit doesn't even know what he's talking about at first until Rain starts tracing the outline of his tattoos with his tongue. He got them done months ago, glyphs written and designed to further pleasure a partner. Maybe one or two thrown in so no matter how he thrusts, he always hits the best spots.
"Enchanted?" He asks, looking at Ifrit with his dark eyes, pressing a kiss to the shaft. Ifrit nods stupidly, fingers curling in the grass to keep from grabbing Rain's head and pushing him down again, make that pretty mouth drool with how Ifrit would fuck it.
"Thought so." Rain says with satisfaction. "I like the way it tingles when I touch them. Must feel good to get fucked by a cock like this."
"I've had no complaints." Ifrit gasps as Rain lays his tongue flat to slap his cock against it. He's such an active participant in his past flings that it feels off-putting to just sit here and let himself be…be toyed with. He doesn't even think Rain's blinked once since settling between his thighs and it's unnerving.
"When Dew calms down a bit," Rain starts, moving Ifrit's cock this way and that to admire all of his tattoos as they glow. "With this whole possessive thing. Maybe I'll ride it."
"Fuh-" Ifrit hisses as a large blurt of precum oozes out of his slit. Rain drinks it down then goes even further, opening his jaw for Ifrit to easily slide in without grazing any fangs. "Fucking, oh, oh that's good."
He's so pent up from touching himself earlier, thinking he wouldn't have to worry about stamina. Now he's got Rain making the sweetest, choked noises as he fucks his face on Ifrit's dick, nice and sloppy, getting his saliva all over Ifrit's balls while he gags on it. Ifrit's tearing up handfuls of grass as Rain brutalizes his own throat, moaning and trying to stifle his moans at the same time, lest Dewdrop catch them in the act and get royally pissed off.
Rain would probably just kiss him with a mouth of Ifrit's cum, his brain offers up and it's over.
He cums with a pained noise, faster than he'd like to but again he’d been working himself up decently beforehand and if he knew Rain was going to go to town on him, he would have saved his stamina. He tries to warn Rain with a stuttered exclamation as his body locks up. Rain just pulls away to tug at his cock and Ifrit starts praying Rain will put it back in his mouth and swallow but he keeps pumping his hand at first. Aims so the first spray lands thick over his eyelashes, the second glossing his full lips, smearing the head around before kissing it and pushing down to take Ifrit in, letting him finish directly down his tight throat.
“Fuck!” Ifrit shouts, hitting his head on the tree when he throws it back, trying to fuck Rain's mouth for the last few flexes of his cock. Rain keeps still, lets his jaw hang open as Ifrit pushes his cum back in as it drools out, relishing the slide of Rain’s tongue on his skin even as he slips into oversensitivity and the friction is too much. Rain lets him go with a final kiss and wipes his mouth with the back of his hand as he sits up tucking a lock of hair behind his ear. Ifrit's cum is dabbed off Rain’s eyelashes with his ring finger, also licked clean. There's something almost feline about him as he does it, looking so beautiful in the fractured moonlight coming down from between the branches.
"Can I," Ifrit starts. "Do you…anything?" He sounds stupid to himself and can't even imagine what he sounds like to Rain, staring down at him with a passive, unreadable expression.
"I already got mine." He says carelessly, flopping back and spreading his thighs to show off the wet fabric of his tight little shorts clinging to his cunt. Ifrit swallows thickly, eyes riveted on the way he drags his fingers softly over it. He can see the way they bump over the shape of his swollen clit and Ifrit moans right along with Rain when he rubs the tip of it.
"Swiss and Aether." He tells Ifrit, a subtle lift at the corners of his mouth. He raises a leg and uses the motion to flip himself over, lifting his tail to reveal another damp spot just underneath that's slowly drooled out enough cum to combine with the first one.
Ifrit practically convulses with the longing stab of arousal the sight gives him, wheezing as Rain wiggles his shorts down to give him a better look at his well-used holes, swaying his hips and letting them gape for the briefest of moments, before shimmying his clothes back on and doing something elegant and twisted that results in him standing up, hand on his hip. Looking down at Ifrit with an amused little smile.
“Dew always forgives me if I confess everything. Helps to give him a demonstration too…So he knows what he missed out on.” It's said in such a blaisè tone for all the heavy implications in the words, Ifrit can't quite believe what he just heard. Just stares open mouthed at Rain with his soft cock wilting against his thigh and his ears ringing. Rain covers his laugh and leans close. Lets Ifrit get a nice view of his tits down his top as he takes two fingers, the two he'd touched himself with, and pets Ifrit's tongue. Before he knows what he's doing, he closes his lips around them and sucks, shivering at the faint taste of salt and sex.
“You're cute.” Rain says. “I hope I get to play with you again.”
He tries to say something but what exactly he wants to say he doesn't know. It just comes out as a stupid little uh-huh around Rain’s fingers as he withdraws them. He chases them but then Rain’s giving him a little head shake, wiping them on Ifrit's cheek and he falls back, defeated and stunned. Rain giving him that mischievous little smile the whole time.
“See you ‘round.” He says, tapping those same two fingers against his eyebrows, giving Ifrit a lazy salute. The fingers go from his temple to his mouth, where Rain spreads them and licks lasciviously in between with a wicked little wink before turning and walking off, leaving Ifrit to stare at the way his hips swing in well fucked and insouciant little half circles. How he's not limping is beyond anyone's guess.
“Damn…” he wheezes, head hitting the trunk. “Just… damn.”
What a night.
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zayray030 · 3 months
Summary: Ace understood that over-exaggerating something is common. However, he would like to have whoever said dating Leona would be a pain to be burned at the stake for blasphemy.
Ace and Leona are dating and reveal it to a few people. They're also disgustingly in love.
Note: This is a gift for @lummyzzz . I hope you're doing okay and to congratulate you on Lionheart
Other note: I am also doing comissions. All info is on my pinned.
If Ace had to say one thing that everyone was good at it would be over-exaggeration. And see, the thing is he gets it. It is so easy to embellish or to stretch out what truly happened and sometimes people cannot help but to add a little sparkle to their words. He understands, okay? Hell, he’s almost the kind of over-exaggeration when it comes to being in pain. So, he can forgive and understand why people might sometimes not tell the full truth and might be dramatic.
However, he would like to have whoever said dating Leona would be a pain to be burned at the stake for blasphemy. Because in all honesty, it is the best thing that’s happened to Ace.
Sure, dating the Lion can have its challenged. For one, he rarely ever texts back and when he does is the slowest and blandest texter. Quite frankly he can get more riveting conversation from talking to housewarden Riddle about Hedgehog maintenance. Also, the other has the tendency to be far too logical about things which can cause him to sometimes stream role through Ace’s feelings without taking a moment to think about them. Also, the other has a temper with a short handle on it.
However, Leona is also incredibly perceptive and is always able to make up for whenever he messes up. He also knows what to get Ace, what Ace likes and so much more even though he pretends he isn’t paying much attention to Ace when he’s rambling.
Leona is also extremely comfortable to snuggle, and surprisingly he is always up for cuddling, even when it doesn’t seem like it. He’ll just casually pull Ace into his lap or his bed, wrapping his arms around the younger and burying his face in Ace’s neck as he holds him as if he is the only one that matters.
And the dates! They vary based on the mood of the couple and whilst sometimes the other might not initially want to do something, they enjoy seeing the other happy. Like when Leona took Ace on a mini shopping spree even though he had no interest in being around all the noise, but seeing his boyfriend giddily find matching outfits and jewellery for them had been worth it. And Ace playing a game of chess with the other, simply because he enjoys seeing Leona so confidant and smart and simply being at ease with where he is.
Their relationship worked. All the way from Leona convincing Ace to grow out his hair by caring for it himself, to Ace indulging Leona’s wandering hands and possessive tendencies.
The problem was informing everyone. Especially after almost 6 months of dating.
“So Acey, what’s up? Why the nerves?” asked Cater, looking up from his phone to find Ace nervously fidgeting with his magical pen as he cast his eyes over Cater, Riddle and Trey one-by-one almost as if assessing which one is the biggest threat and danger.
‘Oh shit, what did he and deuce do now?” thought Cater mentally as he thought of ways to pacify Riddle, already watching as the other had crossed his arms and furrowed his eyebrows expectantly.
“Yes Ace, what is the matter? Did you do something?” asked Riddle, anger in his tone. Both Ace and Trey winced at the tone and Cater wondered, not for the first time, if this was the day that Trey was going to finally start developing grey hairs.
“Well technically, I didn’t do anything.” Ace tried to argue back but shrank back down when Riddle’s glare grew. Cater raised an eyebrow the reaction, because this was typically where Ace got even more jokey and sarcastic. “So, I just wanted to tell you three, because you are by dorm upperclassmen, and you deserve to know first before discovering it from an idiot who can’t keep their mouth shut.” Ace started rambling before a pointed cough from Trey caused him to pause and take a deep breath. “I am dating someone. In this school. And no, it isn’t a 2D portrait” Ace gave him a pointed look, as is sensing the joke that was about to come his way.
It was silent for a few seconds, before Riddle smiled brightly at Ace and gave a light chuckle. “Oh, is that it Ace?” he asked, shaking his head and getting up from his perch on the couch. “There was no need to be so nervous. We would never judge you for this.” He talked as he approached the younger, standing in front of him, smile relaxed. “So long as you are safe and happy, that is all the matters.” He patted the youngers shoulders.
Clearly, their reactions were not Ace was expecting because he stood there, jaw dropped as if someone told him that Riddle had told a particularly funny joke or that Deuce had gotten 100 on a written exam.
“Riddle is right.” Nodded Trey, smiling teasingly at the other.” There was no need to be so nervous.” The older got up and made his way to the kitchen with Riddle following him. “Now pie, anyone? I’m sure I have a few spares…” he trailed off, walking into the question with Riddle behind him.
That left only Cater and Ace in the room. Cater gave a smirk before swaggering over to Ace who already seemed to dread the conversation that was about to happen. “So Acey-pie?” cooed Cater, resting an arm on Ace’s shoulder, “Who on earth are you dating?” he asked the most vital question that seemed to slip from the other two’s mind, most likely just grateful that Ace hadn’t gotten into any major trouble. “There is no way you would be just scared of coming out to them. So, Who. Are. You. Dating?” asked Cater, punctuating every word with a finger to Ace’s chest.
Ace stared at the older wordlessly, before letting out an annoyed sigh, and ruffling his hair which Cater noticed had some considerable length to It compared to the previous hair style.
“And I thought I was gonna get away with it!” whined Ace, pouting at Cater.
“Nope!” giggled Cater, as he threw his arms fully over Ace’ shoulder and brought him closer. “So now, spill!”
Ace paused, as if almost contemplating if running was worth getting cornered later on before he sighed and turned around to fully face Cater. “It’s Leona.” He answered.
Cater froze. A part of him wanted to laugh it off as one big joke and teased Ace into telling him who he was actually dating but one look at Ace’s face made the words dry up his throat.
His eyes were wide and honest, almost scared as if sensing the incredulity that Cater had. Cater stared into Ace’s eyes for a moment, almost as if hoping to see if there was a sign of a lie but there was none. Instead, Cater threw him arms around Ace and gave him a tight hug. “Make sure you get that bag, Ace,” He whispered jokingly to the younger giving him a quick squeeze before letting go and going into the kitchen. “Good luck telling everyone else!” he called behind him, waving at Ace.
“Ace, who’s face had gone cherry red at Cater’s first sentence, immediately paled dramatically as he realised what’s going to be instore for him and Leona.
“Hey crabby!” called out Floyd as he watched Ace dress quicker than the other has ever done before. “Whatchya doin’?” he asked.
“Getting changed?” replied Ace, slightly perplexed at the obvious question. He was already halfway dressed and now in the customary wite collared shirt and school pants, whilst everyone else was still taking their time, discussing the club session and improvements they can do to beat RSA.
“Duh!” snapped Floyd annoyed, crossing his arms at the tone. “Buy why on earth are you of all people getting changed so quick?” he asked, his mis-matched eyes furrowing in confusion before lighting up with teasing glee and loudly asking “Got a hot date?” asked Floyd, leaning into Ace’s personal space.
“Can’t a guy just wanna leave a locker room after a sweaty club session and get away from the smell?” asked Ace, pouting at getting asked such an embarrassing in front of everyone, who all seemed to latch onto the bait like eager sharks.
“I mean, that could explain why he tried so hard at today’s club session.” Slinked in Jamil, mocking smile on as he watched Ace jump a foot in the air at the sudden appearance. “Wanted to brag about becoming the new ‘star’ of the club?” he teased, enjoying the red on Ace’s face as he spluttered at the accusations. The rest of the club let out little titters at the red-heads reaction.
“I have no idea what either of you are talking about!” Ace huffed as he used one of the cherry clips gifted to him by Leona to clip back his hair. “1) I simply wanted to impress Vargas -sensei so I can have an excuse to skip out on the next PE lesson.” So, Leona can use him as on over-sized pillow. “2) Everyone here smells like ass, and I simply do not want to have to walk all the way back to my dorm with that lingering on me.” Also, Leona gets incredibly jealous when he smells other people on the redhead and Ace had just ordered a cool new top and he would like to wear it without his neck looking ravaged. “And 3) If I did have a date, it would be none of your concern.” Leona was planning on having Ruggie bring something form the monstro-lounge as a little mini date.”
At the end of his little mini tirade, he had finished stuffing his clothes into his bag and swung it over his shoulders. “Any questions?” he asked, turning around to give them a petty glare.
“Yeah, the hell did crabby mean when I smelt bad?” glared Floyd, rage clear as he stood up and advanced threateningly towards the younger. Ace cringed and cursed his big mouth and his emotional response. Thankfully however, his ticket out had spawned.
“Exactly as spikey said, you all smell like a barnyard.” They’re stood Leona, ears twitching in annoyance, leaning on the door frame for his boyfriend. “Don’t get mad at him for telling it how it is.” He flicked his tail at Ace in a come-hither motion. Ace eagerly did so, sidling up to his tall boyfriend and leaned up, wanting a kiss. Leona, reciprocated, to the shock of just about everyone in the room. He finished off the kiss with a quick nip which promised Ace more when they were safely back in Leona’s room before said boyfriend turned to address the room.
“Deodorant and anti-perspirants are fucking cheap and if Ruggie can afford them then you fuckers have no excuses.” He left them with this final message before wrapping an arm around Ace’s shoulder and guiding him out of the room and to Leona’s dorm room so they can have their date.
The basketball club stood there silent before a rare Igihide student turned to a Diasmonia student and held their hand out. “That’s 100 thaumarks, thank you very much.”
“What?” asked Floyd irritably, turning to glare at the two students.
Rare Igihide must either be dumb or far too excited about winning money to care about Floyd’s tone and now hightailing it out of there. “We had a bet to see whether Ace or Leona would get together prior to Leona leaving for his internship.”
“And what made you think Leona and Ace would be dating?” asked Jamil, folding his arms and raising an eyebrow.
“Ace is one of the few students that Leona allows to interrupt his naps, Ace has started to wear extremely expensive watches and jewellery. Leona has started to carry out more hair bands and Ace has also started to grow his hair out more. Ace has also been spotted wearing a few of Leona’s shirts, even the dorm shirt one time. Also, Ace has had multiple wounds on his neck which he plays off as mosquito bite, however if you look carefully at this bite and compare it to a lion’s mouth, they do look similar.” The Igihide student had taken out notebooks, all filled with evidence of Ace and Leona’s relationship, and they were standing in front of everyone holding the imagine of a lion’s mouth and a grainy picture of bite wound on Ace’s neck.
Everyone stood there silently as they watched the crazed student, all who were close to him, moving back a few steps as to not catch whatever crazy he had.
“Man, you’re even creepier than seagull.” Floyd told him, pulling a face at his peer. He grabbed his bag and stormed out of the club room, with many following suits, not wanting to be alone with the other student.
“You know.” Jamil began as he and Floyd walked side by side to the mirrors. “Polyamory is always a thing.” He said cryptically before walking to the mirror to take him to his dorm.
Floyd stared at the mirror, almost hoping to summon the snake back before he sighed and ruffed his hair. ‘Too many emotions for the day.’ He thought to himself.
The first years all stared Ace down as he attempted to ignore them and focus on his cherry pie that Trey had baked him as an apology for Riddle’s earlier outburst.
Eventually, Sebek had finally lost his patience. “HUMAN!” he yelled loudly, attracting attention from all the poor people who happened to pass by.
“Idiot.” Replied Ace, as he ate another part of his apology pie. He isn’t gonna lie, hearing Sebek splutter over the insult was so far from his favourite memory of the other.
“Ace.” Began Epel, sitting down next to him and shooting the cherry pie a quick glare before turning soft eyes on him. “We’re sorry that we didn’t believe you about Leona and laughed at you when you said you were.” Apologised Epel, big eyes growing even wider. “Can you please forgive us?” asked Epel, leaning in closely.
“So long as you stop glaring at my pie as if killed your entire family.” Replied Ace pettily which caused Epel to let out a little snicker and punch him lightly on the shoulder. Ace finally looked up to the rest f his friends and was both shocked and pleased to see them seem genuinely remorseful.
“Leona gave me an earful when I got back to the dorm, and I really am sorry.” Ace couldn’t help but feel slightly bad, especially at the kicked puppy image that Jack was exuding. “I just thought that you would never go out with Leona because it didn’t seem like you two would get along and from what you told us about your ex, I just thought that you were in general not looking for a relationship.” Ace had to give it to the other, for as much as he tried to play the tough guy image, he can be incredibly sweet.
“I forgive you as well.” Sighed Ace and tried to not laugh as Jack’s tail began waggling excitedly.
“I believed you from the start!” declared Ortho and Ace smiled as he wrapped an arm around the younger’s shoulders. “I know you did.” He said, squeezing the other into his side, so far, his favourite first year.
“I GOT IT!” Interrupted Ace, absolutely not in the mood to put up with such foolishness any longer. “Sit down.” Ace demanded before turning to Deuce who immediately crashed into Ace. Ortho, thankfully, already sensing what was about to happen, jumped out of the way just in time and the rest of the friend group watched as Ace frantically attempted to comfort a near-crying Deuce.
“Sorry, sorry, sorry, sorry, sorry, sorry-.” Apologised Deuce over an over. He had bene the last one to find out that Ace was dating Leona and that had come from an extremely loud screaming match between Ace and Riddle over Riddle finding out that Ace was in fact dating Leona. It had led to hurtful words coming from both sides with an eventual pie apology from Riddle, who seemed shameful of his actions. Clearly getting chewed out by both Trey and Cater had been the wake-up call for him.
“Okay I got it!” Yelled Ace, trying to not let out any pained noises as he tried to get used to the pain on his back from being tackled by his best friend. “I forgive you just let me up so I can finish my pie!”
And because all of his friends are assholes, not a single one attempted to help, instead they all just sat there laughing at him. Thankfully, they all hated cherry too much to eat his pie.
“You know, we could have just made out in the cafeteria to reveal everything.” Leona grumbled as he brushed Ace’s hair for him.
Ace gave him a non-committal hum and continued scrolling through his messages from people congratulating him on his relationship to still complete disbelief about his relationship with a prince. And then there was Azul trying to pressure him into having a date at the monstro lounge. Sigh. Businessmen and their schemes.
“You could have also made sure that Rook was turned into a sand sculpture.” Replied Ace sweetly as he tilted his head back, pouting his lips for a kiss. Leona allowed it and leaned it. They held the kiss for a few slow moments before Ace pulled back, eyes twinkling. “However, I must say watching Riddle-senpai beat him up with his staff for asking how we ‘mate’ was the best part of the week.” He grinned cheekily.
“Really?” asked Leona, raising an eyebrow at the freshmen. “Even better than when I took you to that dessert shop and let you pick out as many things as you want?”
“Even better than when I got you than new watch and let you get it custom made.”
“Even better than when I put you in front of my mirror and fu-.” The rest of Leona’s world were muffled as Ace sprang from his lap and turned around; face beat red as he glared at his boyfriend. Unfortunately, that glare had no affect and only caused Leona to let out a low laugh.
“Okay, no, but still. It was pretty great you have to admit.” Pouted Ace at getting teased.
“Can’t disagree.” Agreed Leona as he turned Ace around and finished doing his hair. When he finished, he planned several kisses on the back of Ace’s hair. “Let’s sleep now.” And it would have sounded like a demand if Leona were talking to anyone else.
“okay.” Ace turned around again and planted a kiss on Leona’s cheek before flopping down on the bed.
Leona joined him and cradled him in his arms. And with that, the happy couple fell asleep in each other’s arms.
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breannasfluff · 1 year
Time is not angry. In fact, he’s so not angry that he waits until mid-morning to calmly ask to borrow a stable horse for a few hours.
The boys have earned a day of rest and Legend is surprisingly even-tempered. Wind tears through the forest behind the stable as Wild points out items to forage.
Still, he had to double-check, because the safety of his boys always comes first. “Champion, are we safe here?”
Wild glances up, in the process of yanking up a large radish with both hands. His feet are braced against the trunk of a tree as he pulls. “Safe,” he chirps before the radish pops free and he falls to the ground with a thud. His hands come up to sign, ‘Very safe! No monster reports nearby, so we’ll have to travel to keep looking for them. A good place to rest.'
The baseline of worry, ebbing and flowing in a never-ending river, calms slightly. “And what about the surrounding area?”
Wild tilts his head and an ear flicks. Wolfie does the same thing.
“I was thinking of exploring the area just a little; borrowing a horse for a ride?”
The Champion dusts off his hands and points out some more mushrooms when Wind races over, arms full. The new supplies vanish in a swirl of blue and he waves for Time to follow. “My horse is stabled here; you can borrow her. The stable doesn’t rent horses.”
Hmm, an interesting stable. “Why not?”
Wild turns to skip backward so he can switch back to signing. ‘Resources. Before this, it was hard to care for many horses and keep them safe. Bokoblins steal them to ride. Sometimes things happen on the road.’
He shudders and shrugs the thought away. Then he’s at the entrance to the stable and a flurry of sign is passing back and forth.
Twilight is nearby, splitting wood for the communal fire. He pauses and waves before joining Time, looking curiously at where Wild is still signing to the stable master. “What’s going on?”
Time tries for lightness. “Wild says the area here is safe, no monsters, so I was thinking of taking a little ride.”
“I’ll come with you,” his pup immediately volunteers.
“Alone,” Time stresses. Twilight is giving him a look, so he unbends slightly. “Just…need a little break. Everyone does.”
Twilight still doesn’t look happy, but Time isn’t changing his mind. They’re grown-ups; they’ll both be fine with some time apart.
“You wouldn’t happen to be heading in the direction of those ruins, would you?”
Blast his perception. Time merely gives a thin smile. “Perhaps. Perhaps not.”
A horse is being led around to the front and Wild sidles up to him. Its coat has almost a pinkish hue, equally split with white. The Champion is bouncing on the balls of his feet and the horse nickers as it sees him. Wild coos and takes the reins from the stable hand before letting them drop loosely to the ground. The horse stands patiently.
“This is Cream. She’s not the fastest, but she’s a gentle soul and happy enough to take another rider.” Wild nuzzles into her neck and runs a finger across her carefully braided main.
She’s no Epona, but nothing will replace that horse for Time and she looks sweet. He steps over and holds out a hand for her to sniff. “Thanks for letting me borrow her. I’ll take good care of her.”
Wild spins to pin him with burning blue eyes. “You will. Keep her safe.” His voice grinds on the words and he switches to sign. ‘If monsters attack and you need to dismount, make sure she won’t tangle in the reins. She’s gentle, but she’ll take care of herself. She may run a bit, but she’ll stop and wait where it’s safe.'
Time nods and subtly scoots a few inches back. Wild is mildly terrifying in clear devotion for a horse in his care. “I promise, Champion. We’re just going for a ride.”
Wild nods, frowning as he pats Cream’s coat again. Then he grabs the slate and scrolls till a carrot appears in his hand. Cream wuffs in delight and delicately accepts the snack.
‘If you don’t push her too hard the magic in the carrot will help if you need to get away.’
Strange magic, but Time nods again. Then he edges around Wild to swing into the saddle before the Champion starts listing preferred grooming routines. He’s certainly heard it from Malon before.
“I’ll be out for a few hours, don’t worry. If it’s longer, keep an eye out for Wolfie and he can help track me down.” Twilight knows where he’s going so it’s a moot point anyway.
With a final wave, he kicks Cream into a trot and then a canter, pointing her nose down the path to the Ranch Ruins.
Read the rest here!
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headsinsand · 3 months
what!!!! guide to ocs please ms饼 🫶
Help never thought one day I’d have people ask about my children. I’ve never done this before so I’m not sure how much information I should put…I also do not have complete lore figured out (it’s been two years what I am doing) but I have something about them as individuals…
*pulls out old notebook from two years ago*
So the story is set in a fictional country that has been conquered, the story would be told through the lens of Lucius Flavius Dvorak, who has his parents taken away from him at a young age in front of his eyes, leading to a deep hatred of the occupation, he was taken in by an orphanage and develops his love for music there, especially composing (he was inspired by this conductor that came to our school, he was a really interesting guy…). He was discovered by a donor to the orphanage and adopted because of his musical talents. He’s sent to university at the capital city which sparks his revolutionary zeal (inspired by the 五四movement) which is where he meets the next character in the trio…As for his character he’s very passionate about what he believes in and has a short temper and is not afraid to speak his mind. It’s his temper that kills him in the end
Camille Dmitrov is part of an aristocratic family that lost its glories because of their adamant defense of the former monarch. He’s the head of the family, his father was executed and his mother is sick, so he’s trying to hold it in all together and be strong for the rest of his family (oldest siblings let’s go). He wants to restore the old monarch and restore the name and prestige of his family. He hears about Lucius because of his musical talents and commissions him to compose smth for his younger sister. As for character the best way I can characterize him is a chameleon (are we smelling the Octavian), he’s calm and good mannered, hardly showing his true feelings to anyone. Tries to appeal to everyone while standing his ground (manipulative much). Was good friends with Lucius until there’s ideological disagreements, offs himself when he realizes
Last main character, Eleanor Dmitrov. My beautiful beautiful daughter oh… She’s the little sibling of Camille and have no clear stance on the Revolution in the beginning and goes with the flow, acts as an intermediary between her brother and Lucius when they get into fights. Also a chameleon if I’m gonna be honest, looks innocent and uses her looks to her advantage but have big ambitions hidden inside… Becomes the leader of the secret society of revolutionary students, in the end takes complete control of the country (do you smell it)
To conclude:
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dustteller · 5 months
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Yknow, I think this passage really captures how Ouyang views Esen, especially in contrast with how Baoxiang views Esen. Ouyang geuinely believes the best of Esen, he genuinely belives that Esen is good and pure and kind and that it's himslef that is taining him into being otherwise. And while Ouyang is right in that he's technically responsible for Esen’s current emotional state (he did very much kill Esen’s dad and frame his brother for it, that is very much a thing he just did), for once it isn't his fault for the everything else going on with Esen?
I do think Esen is generally good-natured, and tries to be kind and generous to those he loves, but it's very clear that Ouyang has reduced him to JUST that in his head. He only sees Esen’s best qualities as inherent to him, and all the bad ones are Ouyang's fault somehow. He blames himself for Esen not understanding him (because there's something wrong with him, and even when he's mad at Esen for not caring enough to notice certain things he justifies it in his head by making it about his own unmanliness or whatever and Esen is just to perfect for that), for any failure in battle (yeah you're the general but Esen also approved this hes your boss dude), and generally for any moment where Esen exhibits less than stellar behaviour/capacity/etc. When in reality, we have a lot of moments where Esen is just sort of a dick, many of which are pre-ouyang (courtesy of HWDtW wbx flashbacks, which, granted, are also biased but my point still stands). We see Esen's constant and usually unjustified frustration with wbx and sometimes Ouyang, we see him be dismissive of the things they tell him, in the pre-order reward its pretty much stated that he makes a habit of dumping Ouyang outside brothels for hours while he goes inside to get laid, in one of his first scenes we see how much he enjoys it when Ouyang spends the whole morning tormenting Altan (altho tbf he kinda deserved it, altan suuuccckkss), and in general Esen just kinda treats people like crap sometimes. He's snapish and short-tempered and stubborn and imperious, loves whining about stuff, and is a shitty brother and best friend. He's got a lot of good qualities too, like how he's one of the few people that treats Ouyang with respect and tries to treat him as an equal, how his first reaction when wbx is insulted is to come to his defense (even if wbx usually foils his attempts by immediately clapping back and storming off), how we see him recognize he gets frustrated witj wbx too easily and tries to hold his temper back, how he immediately self-sacrifices to save Ouyang from his dad, how even after thinking wbx killed their dad he does really want to forgive him.
My point is, Esen is trying, but he's a very flawed human being, and Ouyang just can't seem to grasp that. He looks at him with rose-colored glasses. And it's so interesting that amongst all the shitty things Ouyang has done (and this duology really just is Ouyang and WBX fuck up yuan dynasty china to truly Epic proportions), the one he feels worst about is the one that isn't actually his fault (sorta). He may have killed Chaghan and been the catalyst for Esen's emotional blow up, but he isn't responsible for Esen having the capacity to burn WBX's books. That was Esen's decision. He hasn't somehow manipulated Esen into an eviler, crueler version of himself by virtue of existing evil-y and eunuch-y and revengefully im his vicinity. Esen was always capable of this, even if we take out Ouyang's actual manipulations, and I think this whole I-tainted-hin mentality really encapsulates how fucked up their relationship and Ouyang's mental state are in general. After all, Ouyang doesn't feel bad about the murder, or the framing, and he feels guilt about causing Esen pain, but most of all, he feels absolutely terrible that he's shattered what he sees as Esen’s purity, which in reality is mostly just the pedestal he himslef put him on. Man, what a fucked up little guy.
#she who became the sun#man i need to stop being like heyy ill just post smt quick just a few sentences and then I'll sleep#it always ends up as a shitty 3am essay#also i need to re-emphazise how much he did not feel bad about the murder portion of this.#and how he felt even less bad about having wbx take the blame.#in his mind they deserved it! chaghan for killing his fam and also being a dick#and wbx for being annoying and understanding him too much.#which btw is another great example of how ouyang views himself bc somebody else being like him at all is an execulate offense in his mind.#he wants both wbx and zhu dead the moment he realizes they're like him in some manner bc that's what he would want for himself.#even the crime of understanding him is sacrilege and means the person is irredeemably tainted in some manner.#which is why paradoxically he can be angry at esen for not understanding him but also have it be his fault.#bc Esen cannot understand him bc if he did then that would mean Esen is also tainted#and as we have established Esen is NOT tainted. he is immaculate. practically the virgin mary (but with more wives)#and if he IS tainted its Ouyang's fault too bc clearly he did not come that way these are ouyang-cooties#so its a GOOD thing esen can't understand him actually you guys#man. what a guy. someone should put him in a cetrifuge and distill some extra virgin self hate oil or whatevef#(only in main canon tho in the preorder reward it'd be eau de self hate or something i suppose)#also if u wanna laugh imagine a crossfaded ouyang explaining this train of thought to an equally xfaded (and very confused/worried) xu da#general ouyang#esen temur
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cherubchoirs · 10 months
Quick question about Raphael, could you please give us some more insight on him? He's always portrayed as positive and "we can do this" in Spite of his brothers reluctance, how is this boi actually doing?
raphael's emotional state is actually pretty interesting, as he is basically made to be the one that acts as an anchoring force for the others. in this way, he's very difficult to actually wear down, with his positivity ingrained into his very being as an angel and essentially where he operates from as a default. that being said, i think his current situation in the au is what has been able to truly shake him for the first time (barring the war in heaven, when he was still rather young) and everything raphael relies on externally to help him maintain has collapsed. it obviously began with god's death, enough to make the whole of heaven unbalanced, but the deterioration of his family has multiplied that far beyond its initial impact - uriel fell into his coma, michael abandoned them, and gabriel was worked to the point of falling. as it stands, these issues are at best half-resolved as their family reconnects, leaving raphael in the middle of a complete mess that he doesn't have god to fall back on in while he tries to process a lot of pain and conflicting interests. so. he's. kinda actually stressed out for once.
however, like i alluded to in the ask about how the brothers might show their appreciation for him, he doesn't want anyone to know that he's beginning to buckle, and there's several reasons for that. the first is inherent, that this is part of his role as an angel and to fail at your fundamental work is a great shame to the host of heaven. the second is how he feels he's the last one still standing, that while he's taken several hits emotionally, he's really all they've got to hold them together considering what's happened to the other three beside him. the third and final ties into the second, that raphael simply feels he hasn't earned feeling stressed - gabriel has fallen and now must reside in hell, uriel has no more work to be done and can't seem to fully recover his consciousness, and michael now carries on all his previous responsibilities in a dead body. what does raphael have to complain about? it's just him. as he always was. he's okay. he hasn't been hurt the way they have, hasn't lost so much the way they have. of course it's hard for them, look at all the suffering they're each going through, the least he can do is be a soft place to fall for them all when he's come out so unscathed. he needs to fulfill his role now more than ever, yet he knows more and more he's running off of his own personal store of positivity. it refuses to give out, but it's proving to not be enough when he's asked so many times to provide it. and all he can feel is an ever-growing guilt.
however...i do think this works its way to a very much needed breaking point for raphael, because a key point of his personality is that he's painfully non-confrontational - if he ever had problems with someone, he inevitably would tattle on them to michael or gabriel so they could sort them out lol but now, he obviously doesn't have that option, and for the good of all of them he sort of...needs to allow himself to get angry. because he has been left to bear the brunt of all this emotional pain, because this comes at the end of possibly centuries of him doing this exact same work for a grieving heaven. raphael really hasn't been given his chance to mourn, to break down, to give space to all the negative emotions that have built up in this chaos. and in a way, he does feel so left behind. they all left him, and while he understands the choices they made, he can't stand how broken they've become - and so he loses his temper, though his anger is largely focused on michael. his insistent dogma is destroying their family and himself, he's so badly needed in heaven but he's totally preoccupied on restoring the punishments of hell. he must let go, he must see what's most important now is achieving whatever sense of peace they can. stop fighting gabriel, stop trying to kill his robot, and stop making it your personal mission to see every little torment of hell reinstated!!!! heaven should be michael's priority, rebuilding and helping the citizens adjust to so much newfound freedom. hell is beside the point!!! the prince of heaven needs to be in heaven!!!!
gabriel and uriel think for a minute they'll get off free, but they don't once michael's given enough to think about (it's a lot to be yelled at by raphael, who's never so much as raised his voice) gabriel NEEDS to stop antagonizing michael, he's absolutely belligerent and often challenges his belief in god which he KNOWS is going to inflame him!! fair enough that michael started it, but gabriel's absolutely let his temper get the best of him when it comes to how he's handled michael (gabriel's ready to offer a myriad reasons, but raphael sternly tells him he will hear him out later!!) and uriel has been far too silent altogether - raphael knows he agrees that what michael's doing is wrong, but he hasn't confronted him a single time. like i previously talked about too, uriel is likely closest with michael at this point and often spends time with him, so he knows his opinion is valuable not only in their relationship to each other but for his wisdom. raphael doesn't really get into his own feelings on the matter, but he says more than enough when he makes it clear he will no longer facilitate their implosion. unless they want true progress toward harmony and reconciliation, he wants no part in it. he's pretty much exhausted after taking such a stand and likely does later apologize for any harsh words, but his points all stand regardless. they can see raphael's not holding together as he once was (how could he) and they can see too they're all reaching a point of no return. while it should be obvious, raphael has made it clear this has gone far beyond any past bickering, and they need now to make the decision to remain a family or see what they have left collapse.
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ya-chytouch · 5 months
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best quotes
“But magic has a habit of lying low, like a rake in the grass.”
✦ .  ⁺   . ✦ .  ⁺   . ✦
“Do you think I used magic?” Esk looked down at the queen bee. She looked up at the witch. “No,” she said, “I think you just know a lot about bees.” Granny grinned. “Exactly correct. That’s one form of magic, of course.” “What, just knowing things?” “Knowing things that other people don’t know,” said Granny. ”
✦ .  ⁺   . ✦ .  ⁺   . ✦
“It’s a witch’s hat because you wear it. But you’re a witch because you wear the hat. Um.”“So—” prompted Granny.“So people see you coming in the hat and the cloak and they know you’re a witch and that’s why your magic works?” said Esk.“That’s right,” said Granny. “It’s called headology.” 
✦ .  ⁺   . ✦ .  ⁺   . ✦
“ Most people’ll get over most things if they put their minds to it, you just have to give them an interest.”
✦ .  ⁺   . ✦ .  ⁺   . ✦
“But you must know that a body is like—like a jelly mold. It sets a shape on its contents, d’you see? You can’t have a girl’s mind in an eagle’s body. Not for long, at any rate.”
✦ .  ⁺   . ✦ .  ⁺   . ✦
“ Look ’em right in the eye, Granny had always said: focus your power on ’em, stare ’em out, no one can outstare a witch, ’cept a goat, of course.”
✦ .  ⁺   . ✦ .  ⁺   . ✦
“The fact was the magic only really worked when she wasn’t thinking about it. Her mind seemed to get in the way.”
✦ .  ⁺   . ✦ .  ⁺   . ✦
“It must be understood that while the majority of Zoon cannot lie they have great respect for any Zoon who can say that the world is other than it is, and the Liar holds a position of considerable eminence. He represents his tribe in all his dealings with the outside world, which the average Zoon long ago gave up trying to understand. Zoon tribes are very proud of their Liars.
Other races get very annoyed about all this. They feel that the Zoon ought to have adopted more suitable titles, like “diplomat” or “public relations officer.” They feel they are poking fun at the whole thing.”
✦ .  ⁺   . ✦ .  ⁺   . ✦
“Not that she was homesick, exactly, but sometimes she felt like a boat herself, drifting on the edge of an infinite rope but always attached to an anchor.”
✦ .  ⁺   . ✦ .  ⁺   . ✦
“He tried hinting that she should obey the unwritten rules of Zoon life and stay afloat, but a hint was to Esk what a mosquito bite was to the average rhino because she was already learning that if you ignore the rules people will, half the time, quietly rewrite them so that they don’t apply to you.”
✦ .  ⁺   . ✦ .  ⁺   . ✦
“And it was while Granny Weatherwax, sweating and cursing, was running along a forest path holding the damn thing at shoulder height for the tenth time that she had found the bear trap.
The second problem was that a bear had found it first. In fact this hadn’t been too much of a problem because Granny, already in a bad temper, hit it right between the eyes with the broomstick and it was now sitting as far away from her as it was possible to get in a pit, and trying to think happy thoughts.
It was not a very comfortable night and the morning wasn’t much better for the party of hunters who, around dawn, peered over the edge of the pit.
“About time, too,” said Granny. “Get me out.”
✦ .  ⁺   . ✦ .  ⁺   . ✦
“Foolish child. All you could tell was that he thought he was telling the truth. The world isn’t always as people see it.”
✦ .  ⁺   . ✦ .  ⁺   . ✦
“The Shades, in brief, were an abode of discredited gods and unlicensed thieves, ladies of the night and peddlers in exotic goods, alchemists of the mind and strolling mummers; in short, all the grease on civilization’s axle.”
✦ .  ⁺   . ✦ .  ⁺   . ✦
“Be a fool if you must, but you might at least be your own fool.”
✦ .  ⁺   . ✦ .  ⁺   . ✦
“Granny had some quite complex theories about space and time and why they shouldn’t be tinkered with, but fortunately good fortune-tellers were rare and anyway people preferred bad fortune-tellers, who could be relied upon for the correct dose of uplift and optimism.
Granny knew all about bad fortune-telling. It was harder than the real thing. You needed a good imagination.”
✦ .  ⁺   . ✦ .  ⁺   . ✦
“There never seemed to be any practical magic, it always seemed to be just words. Wizards seemed to like words.”
✦ .  ⁺   . ✦ .  ⁺   . ✦
“All this hanging around wizards has made you take them seriously, my girl. They all call themselves the Lord High this and the Imperial That, it’s all part of the game. ”
✦ .  ⁺   . ✦ .  ⁺   . ✦
“Fury rose like bile. She turned and set out after the noise, fighting the seductive forces that kept telling her how nice it would be just to relax her grip on her mind and sink into a warm sea of nothingness. Being angry, that was the thing. She knew it was most important to stay really angry.”
✦ .  ⁺   . ✦ .  ⁺   . ✦
“You don’t know anything about boats!” Cutangle protested.
“I shall have to learn quickly, then,” replied Granny calmly.”
✦ .  ⁺   . ✦ .  ⁺   . ✦
“Lots of things have never happened before. We’re only born once.”
✦ .  ⁺   . ✦ .  ⁺   . ✦
“The important thing about magic is how you don’t use it,” said Esk, taking Simon’s arm.”…“No, the thing is…well, not using magic because you can’t, that’s no use at all. But not using magic because you can, that really upsets them. They hate the idea. If people stopped using magic they’d die.”
“Because you’re saying that the real power is when you go right through magic and out the other side.”
✦ .  ⁺   . ✦ .  ⁺   . ✦
“Perhaps you would care to dine with me this evening and let me know?” said Cutangle, his eyes agleam.
“What’s to eat?”
“Cold meat and potatoes.”
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nevermeyers · 2 years
: ̗̀➛ yakuza! shinwaka headcanons pt 2 𐇵
> short version. pt 1
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» Wakasa was thinking about a new hairstyle for Shinichiro. It occurred to him that he could make him a mullet and bleach it blonde, or leave it in its natural color. However, that proposal never came to anything. Shinichiro is too fond of his own hair.
» Wakasa is usually carried away by anger and will surely respond badly to anyone who crosses him after a day of work so he appreciates that Shinichiro is able to make cold decisions.
» Shinichiro loves to play pool. He is a hobby that he discovered Wakasa's club. He likes to play quietly, with time for himself and his own thoughts. The sound of the balls colliding is pleasant and keeps you awake. Wakasa prefers poker.
» So, every Friday, on the top floor of that big building, while downstairs the men chat and surround themselves with women, Shinichiro plays pool alone. Surrounded by huge windows that make the sky seem close, with the stars hidden by clouds and the lights of the city on. Wakasa always watches him without saying anything.
» Shinichiro never left the house he grew up in. He never threw away Manjiro's things, he never stopped waiting for Emma. Wakasa moved to the richest neighborhood in Tokyo, but spends more time at Shinichiro's house than at his own.
» Black shirts. Sleeves rolled up to the elbows. Wakasa can't look away from those arms every time Shinichiro hands him a folder with who knows what the fuck is on it.
It turns out that Shinichiro is great at economics and finance, despite the fact that he was just an average guy in high school. His fingers brush as he takes the folder and melts into the black of his eyes, tense. Shinichiro makes him nervous, it's a fact.
» Wakasa knows that Shinichiro will always be there when a negotiation starts to turn aggressive. He knows where he keeps the gun, he knows how precious that Beretta looks when he holds it up to someone's head. He would say that that Shin's heart had been completely emptied if he were not filling it, the same with his own.
» Wakasa always tried to suppress his feelings. Ever since he was fifteen years old and found himself thinking of Shinichiro too much to be normal, ever since he noticed the way his heart beat for him. Years later, his heart doesn't beat, it burns.
» Shinichiro is surprisingly soft on Wakasa, as if his hands weren't stained with murder.
When they're alone and he holds his face lovingly, when he sits Wakasa on the kitchen counter and listens to him complaining about some shit from the Police. Shinichiro is good at listening, nodding, kissing. For someone who has lost everything, losing himself in another body doesn't sound like such a bad idea if it's with Wakasa.
» Shinichiro loves touching the tattooed roses on Wakasa's arms, sliding his fingers across the petals of his skin until reaching those of his lips.
» Wakasa has a bad temper. He's been getting worse over the years, honestly. He is not the type of boy who likes to show his emotions, even in front of Shinichiro. That is why it affects him so much that he touches it with such delicacy.
His own death didn't matter to him, but Shinichiro's? Shit, his biggest fear in those moments where he wakes up in his arms it's losing him. It is being abandoned.
» Shinichiro always acts with deliberate calm. He rarely allows himself to lose control and prefers to unload at the gym or by smoking. There isn't a day that I don't think of Manjiro. He can never get him out of his head.
He loves staying in bed with Wakasa, just staring at the ceiling, especially when it's still dawn and he feels him asleep in his arms. He will not allow himself to lose him.
» Wakasa would obediently fulfill any wish of Shinichiro, if he were asked. Not just because it would turn him on to be controlled by a man like him. He likes that Shin shows interest in him. A "stay" is enough to make him cancel any plans he had just to stay by Shin's side.
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da-bombishere · 2 years
R-T headcanons! (Plus one 8-Bit headcanon)
These are in no particular order. Its just me rambling and putting my random thoughts on here hee hoo.
I uh-
Made more than I thought so I’m gonna hide it because it’s a lot 😅
R-T has that it/he agender swag going for it. I like to think that R-T mostly prefers it/its but doesn’t mind being call he/him on occasion.
R-T is an introvert. Very much enjoys his alone time and doesn't really like to talk to anyone (especially guest). That's why I think his voice lines are a little awkward. He's just not used to talking to people. Makes his job easier though because he's all the way up in his watchtower with all the alone time he wants.
Speaking of voice lines, one of the one that I thought was interesting was "Accessing anger management module". I made a joke that that line was for Ash but now that I think about it I'm pretty sure it's actually for R-T. I'm pretty sure this implies that R-T has a temper, but unlike Ash I like to think that it has better control over it. Plus some of it's voice lines kind of sound like R-T is holding back on blowing up on someone. (Guess dealing with stupid guest getting lost at the park really does a toll on ya huh? Lol)
*Pats the top of R-T's head* this robot can fit so much autism in it. Specifically the type that make you not understand social cues and makes you BRUTALLY honest. Of course its (mostly) unintentional and he's been getting better at not blurting out whatever comes to his mind.
I feel... like R-T isn't really liked amongst the brawlers...
Mainly because well... its knows EVERYBODY'S dirty little secrets though I wouldn't think it would used those secrets against them??? Who knows maybe it does, but I like to think not. That and well the whole wkbrl connection... I can see why some brawlers wouldn't like or at least not trust R-T entirely.
But speaking of secrets, R-T definitely knows how to keep them (obviously it's his job lmao). When somebody tries to make him spill the tea he doesn't because
a) that's a shitty thing to do (ESPECIALLY if they're trying to get a embarrassing secret out of him)
b) despite how some brawlers see him he respects all of them enough to not just spill all their secrets out in the open. (Plus that would put a huge target on his back)
His "lips" are sealed tight when he finds out or someone tells him a secret. Really its more of a curse than anything because of all the weird shit he learns about certain brawlers *looks at Ash*.
Colette and R-T would be good friends. They both like to watch people.
8-Bit would also be friends with R-T. They both give off that big bro/little sibling vibes.
My reasoning as to why they would hang out with R-T is because Colette already does what R-T does but on a more personal level and they would bond over that. For 8-bit well... tbh how I see him, he wouldn't really give a shit as long as R-T doesn't go telling everybody everyone's secrets.
Actually I can see all of them hanging out. 8-Bit playing his video games while R-T and Colette talk about what they saw that day and occasionally watched or even join 8-Bit. A weird little trio they are.
Ok so this is more of a 8-Bit headcanon but... I like to think that 8-Bit has a very neutral opinion of R-T and Colette's hobby. Mainly because he feels like it doesn't affect him as much as other brawlers. 8-Bit wouldn't say he was boring, but not as interesting enough to be watched. Plus its not like he has anything to hide from them (or anyone really). He just wants to chill and vibe that's all.
Edit: Ok so for some reason some of the headcanons weren't showing up??? So I just added them back in.
Anyways that's all for now :]
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silvysartfulness · 1 year
12, 17, 19, 22 for the choose violence ask game👀
12. the unpopular character that you actually like and why more people should like them
Oh man, like. All of them? I tend to only fall for unpopular characters, so that's a long list. But keeping it just to a few choice people in the Untamed;
Xue Yang. Obviously. He's brilliant, he's dedicated, he's fucked up in some really interesting ways and he got so close to having a redemption arc and happy ending before everything came crashing down! If he'd been the protagonist/viewpoint character, you know he'd be getting the fandom's WWX cinnamon roll treatment. But alas.
Jiang Cheng. That so many people dislike him honestly baffles me? I see so many takes that are frankly based in extremely shallow readings, disregarding his trauma, his world context, the impossible balance between his crushing responsibilities and the people important to him. He's not your homophobic dad or schoolyard bully, he's a deeply traumatized person doing the best with what he's got despite losing everything dear to him over and over, and he's trying so hard. He's loud and has a hot temper, but for fuck's sake, there's so much love there and you'd almost have to be willfully blind not to see it!
Jin Guangyao. Another of those "if he'd been the main character/viewpoint character, people would have loved him" ones. He's intelligent, determined, hardworking and loyal - though frequently pushed way beyond his breaking point in that loyalty. Pragmatic to the point of ruthlessness, but it's because the world's one big trolley problem to him - he sacrifices the few to help the many (even if yes, that does include himself in 'the many'), but he doesn't take pleasure in the hurt he causes (except in that one pretty understandable case of his dad). He deserves so much compassion, or at the very least understanding!
Should I put Song Lan on here? A lot of people seem to hate on him for very shallow, ship-related reasons, but within the plot, he tried his very hardest to set things right. It's not his fault they were all already doomed by the narrative and he walked into Yi City that day as the unwitting catalyst.
17. there should be more of this type of fic/art
For fics, Yi City fix-its that don't count killing Xue Yang as "fixing it". Stories digging into the hot mess of the complex, fascinating canon-verse, or at least reincarnation.
More fics with characterization I vibe with - a complicated, rough-edged but ultimately lovable Xue Yang, a compassionate but stubborn and somewhat brittle Xiao Xingchen and a Song Lan who feels so much and is so bad at showing it. More SXX fics overall!
For art, more art with the CQL character designs! The designs for the other adaptations are kind of cute, but they're just not my guys, and I feel pretty lukewarm toward them on the whole.
(And fellow artists - please, please, please don't forget Xue Yang's missing finger! 😭 I see so much fanart with either 10 intact fingers, or a glove with a fully articulated left pinky. His lost finger is the driving force of his entire character arc, don't just forget about it...😢)
19. you're mad/ashamed/horrified you actually kind of like...
Hmm... 🤔 On the whole, I don't feel a lot of shame for my tastes in fiction. I'm surprised I actually ended up really liking the main couple as much as I did - in a love story, no less? That literally never happens, I always go for the sideline gremlins.Other than that, though...
Trying very hard to hold up the blorbos and my usual go-to tropes, groping around for any sense of horror or shame, but I can't think of anything really. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
22. your favorite part of canon that everyone else ignores
I guess I'm that one (1) person who actually likes the Yin Iron plot? I genuinely think CQL made a lot of good choices to tie the sprawling narrative together more cohesively, and I liked the introduction of the Yin Iron and how it led into the creation of the Yin Tiger Seal rather than tossing the latter in as an "Oh yeah, this was a thing that totally existed all along, forgot to mention". (I know MDZS was written and posted in installment, and that can make it hard to work with foreshadowing etc, but even so. I do think CQL did a good job tightening up the story in many ways.)
And don't get me wrong, I absolutely don't mind the idea of Xue Yang as an absolute nobody clawing his way up from nothing! It's a delicious version, too! But there's just something about the idea of a family he could have belonged to, a sense of community he could have had, ripped away centuries before he was even born.
If I want to be a petty, I guess I could put "Xue Yang is canonically brilliant" under this question, too, because I wish that was explored in more fics and meta. The boy is a prodigy. He's a genius. He's also a street-brawler, petty thief and murderous little piece of shit, but that doesn't take away the first point. Let Xue Yang be the highly, dangerously intelligent Problem that he actually is!
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justsomeno1s · 2 years
BasilKel swap AU notes
Woo! I've been sick since friday, so I figured I'll post some BK swap notes! These are from text messages with my irl friend- We finally beat the Omori route, and were supposed to do the Sunny route this weekend, so if some things seem off, its cause they don't know The Truth yet. (ALSO: THEY KNOW MY USER NOW!! HII!!!)
Anyway! Notes under Read More!
Idea originally came because of the Blurry Kel drawing/mod on Tumblr. Friend lit said "Man, imagine if Kel is the one who went missing instead of Basil?" and so it began.
A couple of HS Skill ideas for Basil: Plant powers, such as vines to slow enemies down or flowers to affect EMOTIONS. Also, I realized the pun Flash Bulb (As in, the kind used for old photography, and plant bulbs) and that's too good to not mention.
Friend was the one who came up with Kel Recording idea, b/c we were discussing what we wanted "his" house to look like. (In replacement for Basil's Shoe, Kel and Hero get a Blanket Fort! You'll see soon!)
This one's a bit weird, so stick with me: Kel's Pet Rock, formerly Hector, currently Roro, is going to be tied to the fast travel/Pluto "replacement". All we have nailed down for now is that most of the planets are going to appear and speak in one way or another (Roughly around Sweetheart's Castle section), and that the Mars representative is going to a giant space dog named Rover, and he'll act as fast travel. [Look, look- No one on this team should learn Flex /hj]
Hero's gonna end up being a bit short tempered by the end of the Headspace section. At first, he can hold it together, but as they search more and Kel goes unfound, the pressure makes him snappy.
Original text from friend: "Hero replacing Kel in bickering with Aubrey because of how callous she is acting about Kel's disappearance and Hero just not taking this well, snaps at her from time to time [return] Basil is just trying to break it up whenever it happens" (I'm not 100% sure how I feel about The Older Brother (tm) arguing with a kid, but it could be fun- or at least interesting)
Black Space is going to be fun! And by fun I mean angsty (hopefully")
I don't think Kel would go quietly. If he can fight, he will. The Neighbor Area and Spider Area would show that best, featuring Kel actively entering a battle against the friends (and dying after refusing to hurt Hero) and fighting Something in the Walls (Overwhelmed and consumed by Sunny's fear) on his own.
The other three are a bit harder to place/closer to the original:
Melon would need to be changed to match the pillows/cardboard aesthetic, but functionally could be the same.
Raft would be weird, b/c again, Kel would fight! If Omori attacked him, then he'd try to fight back, right? Unless he was killed in one hit, I guess, but still.
Treehouse... I mean, I guess it works! Don't fully get the Subtext of that one, tbh.
Then there's the room of original content!! Woo!
Remember Rover? Giant Space dog? I kinda want him to kill Kel in a Black Space room. Like, Rover has a key in his mouth, and Kel trusts him not to bite, so he reaches in to grab it, and naturally, Rover would bite him in half, then spit out the key.
Maybe a side room, where Omori tries to walk somewhere, but his feet get cut up by glass shards? idk
When I get some more time, I'll talk about some of the Real World ideas we came up with.
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randomnameless · 2 years
(voice line anon) Sothis says this when engaging Seteth in battle: "The Hammer of Judgment, hm? I see that time has not been kind to you." And this when she defeats him: "I see the weariness within. Too weak to lift your hammer now?" Her unique praise line for him is also interesting: "Do not deny your age and strength! Embrace your might!"
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Voice Line Anon (unless you want to be called something else?), you're saving me much trouble!!! Thank you!
Here goes!
my useless comments under the cut
I love how Seteth'n'Flayn have lines with random knights of Seiros lol
Seteth tries to train/tutor Catherine while they fight/train, but it's funny because Rhea doesn't and they just enjoy a good sparring (is it bcs Rhea's actually similar to Catherine and Seiros the Warrior used to Leeroy Jenkins her way when she was younger during the WoH?).
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Is he joking here or sounding serious?
But he always has compliments for the random knights and a special one for Catherine, that's so wholesome, Seteth really tries to mentor/help the people from the KoS/CoS!
(Support Unit) Rhea - "Like this, Lady Rhea. Ha!"
omg Flayn - she's s trying to show the example to Rhea it's so cute
(Active Unit) Flayn - "Understood. Ha!"
And Rhea plays along 🥺 "Alone B4 U since Zanado + had no one with who i could be rhea" my ass
Cyril - "Do not hold back because I am your opponent, Cyril."
Cyril - "Are you hurt, Cyril? It is alright, you can tell me."
Flayn having a friendly exchange with her totally not-cousin 🥺
Knight of Seiros - "You know, in some tales the princesses defeat the knights."
What is a random KoS supposed to reply to this?
Rhea - "I have never seen anyone fight as elegantly as you, Lady Rhea!" 1,000 Enemies Defeated - "I know violence is not your way, but your strength is unparalleled, Lady Rhea."
But I thought Rhea had a hair trigger temper, of course violence is her way???
Catherine - "You are simply radiant, Catherine! I truly admire you."
You can't tell me Catherine isn't a member of their family at this point, Flayn looks up to Rhea, she looks up to Catherine and somehow, is proud to be Seteth's "sister"!
Jeralt - "I am certain that she would lament you and I crossing swords."
You don't say Rhea, but Sitri lamenting over Jerry's stupid actions would imply calling him out on his shitty general behaviour, and the Fodlan verse isn't ready for that.
Seteth - "We have not sparred in quite some time, Seteth." Seteth - "This reminds me of our friendly bouts in days long passed."
"Remember how I kicked your ass back then ?" "I let you win else you'd cry" "I totally and legit won every duel we had"
Cyril - "You have grown much, Cyril. You may even surpass me before long." / Cyril - "You are doing so well, Cyril. Your bravery is worthy of praise."
She encourages him it's so fucking cute 🥺
It's funny how she has a line for everyone, commenting on the fight or their growth, and then there's this :
Edelgard - "Wilhelm. If only you were alive today." Edelgard - "You bear such a resemblance to him.. It breaks my heart that I must defeat you."
With Supreme Leader she goes "WILLY :'("
-> no words about Supreme Leader's performance, or why they are fighting, or anything else, she's just a reminder that Willy's gone lol she even praises personally dimitri, but Supreme Leader? Nope
1,000 Enemies Defeated (same quote for Seteth) "We must strive to build a world where you need not dirty your hands in such a way."
It's interesting! Is Rhea Implying she's willing to dirty her hands to make a better world, but regrets having to involve those two?
Catherine - "Absolutely masterful, Catherine. It is a great comfort to have you with me." 1,000 Enemies Defeated - "Nothing is more reassuring than having you at my side."
Catherine is here to provide comfort and to be at her side, just another day for a Faerghus knight and her liege. Faerghus Chivalry at its finest here rhea abandoned Adrestian values to adopt the Faerghian ones? Or didn't download the Adrestian update since willy's passing?
Yep, I've seen on how you commented about Rhea'n'Sothis's VAs being different lol, but that's the lolcalisation for you/us hahaha. Is Rhea pausing after the "Wilhelm" in the line where she wishes he was alive? In PK we have suspension dots, but it could be similar to her FE16 line, her pause was longer in the jp version than in the lolcalised one (as was her tone but this is beating an undead horse now) but yeah, bar the ultimate WTF blunder between Flayn and Sothis, the lines seem to be similar!
(seem to because Sothis's lines sound way harsher in the loc version, and that's without having the VA delivery!)
If it's not too much to ask, are Cyril's lines also available?
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leafanight · 2 years
Rengoku: Loves him, adores him, is infatuated with him. Barely shows it out of respect but will become flustered and stare a lot. She adores and respects her master and regards him as the greatest man in the world. She loves to be by his side and shows her more goofy and clumsy side to him. So she’s constantly embarrassed but when they are sparing is her favorite moments. She loves her master and always wishes to make him proud but if her master is shirtless on a hot training day let’s say Kurai really has to train through the heat.
Mitsuri: Irritated by her presence and can’t stand her for to long. Doesn’t like how bubbly she is but still respects her and acknowledge her as a good person she can rely on. She’s actually a good friend who she has a good time with but still gets on Kurai’s nerves easily.
Giyu: Second favorite Hashira after Rengoku she actully like Giyu and hates when others are mean to him. She can relate to him in some ways and most people think Kurai is just the angry version of Giyu. But when shes with Giyu she acts like a 180. It’s because she just wants Giyu to get some kindness and affection that he deserves. Tho she does like to tease him too with Shinobu. But this has led to the misconception that Giyu is the one she has a crush on. Only Shinobu knows the truth. Still highly respect and regards Giyu a excellent Hashia and friend. A kind guy who is funny but doesn’t realize hes not being funny on purpose. They tend to go out to eat with Rengoku and Kurai being the mediator for Giyu.
Shinobu: Loves her with all her heart and regards her as her best friend. She loves training with Shinobu and gets along with her well. Kurai can be a bit push always wanting to help Shinobu. Kurai means well its just she doesn’t have many friends and Shinobu is one of her only few female friends. She highly values Shinobu and respects her dearly. Thinks Shinobu is the impediment of class and beauty. but doesn’t like when she teases Giyu too much or teases him without her.
Obanai: She thinks he’s full of himself and loves to prank him. but she tries to hold back or bring along Mitsuri every time she has to interact with him so she can be with Kaburamaru. Tho she does try to be nice to him because she knows he’s not that bad of a guy and actively helps him with Mitsuri. in exchange for lunch with Kaburaru while the two are on their lunch date.
Muichiro: Doesn’t know how to feel, they talked to each other twice and both times they said less than four words. She would like to see him fight one day
Sanemi: She likes his temper, sometimes he’s a great challenge for her. She always down to train with him but when he goes too Far she steals his sword and hides it.  there mutuals and she really prefers Genya over Sanemi. She can manage five minutes of conversation before they naturally part ways. she likes Sanami but there isn’t much interaction between the two.
Gyomei: Thinks he is a kind man and loves to talk to him when she can. She believes he holds so much wisdom and kindness she usually talks to him when she to afraid to talk to her master. She thinks she’s lucky to know him and she gets to hang out with Genya too so it’s always a treat to visit and see him.
Tengen: Absolutely hates him she cannot stand sitting or even being near him. If it wasn’t for Rengoku she would of stabbed Tengen, again. She just hates his ”flamboyant“attitude and how he gets away with almost anything. She respects him as a Hashira and thinks his breathing style is interesting. but that makes her hate him  more. Even when he manages to show he’s not that bad of a guy he manages to still piss her off.
I said I update a oc master list but it’s kinda hard when one of your oc has like eight years of progress you have to condense and instead of refining it all you make more ocs. I have three major oc I’m always working on and decided to start with this to get my feet in the door. I’d be happy if anyone asked question on my oc and I’m almost done with her official art.
I should do the upper moons plus Rui too
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Whumptober Day 1:
Adverse effects
Emil is seething in a jealous mire for reasons he will not scrutinize.
He spends his afternoon messing around in his test chamber, grinding this and that into fine powder and throwing ingredients into the cauldron in no precise quantities. He’s honestly just kind of going through the motions of productivity today. The only reason he stops when he does is because he runs out of things to pulverize.
Peering at the contents of the cauldron, he doesn’t really know what he’s looking at. It’s a dark, ugly green, with a pungent and peppery aroma that threatens to burn the hairs of his nostrils. His face scrunches in disgust. What in the world was he thinking when he made this?? It can’t possibly be a good idea to imbibe any amount of it.
He’s going to, though. For science.
Once he is certain that the cooking process is not making it any better, Emil stops stirring and taps his spoon-wand once, twice, three times on the cauldron’s rim, signifying the finalization of this particularly foul potion. He kills the flames, removes the pot carefully from the heat, doles out a drinkable portion into a little bowl, and sits by the window while he waits for it to cool.
It… doesn’t. He waits a bit longer. Steam continues to waft and curl from the sample; what’s more, even the bowl is still quite hot to the touch.
Well, there’s only one thing left to do. Before he can second-guess himself, he snatches up the bowl and brings it to his lips. He has to hold his breath to keep from gagging, as the smell of it has only gotten worse. It slides down his throat and sticks to his teeth like slime.
And burns.
A shock of pain erupts on his tongue, races down the entire length of his esophagus, beats at the lining of his stomach. The bowl in his hands clatters to the ground, the skin of his palms turning redder and warmer as he clutches at his throat. Noxious steam billows out of his mouth with every heaving, panicked breath.
Emil wasn’t yet unfortunate enough to have been set aflame at any point in his life, but he can’t imagine that being much different to this. It feels very much like being cooked from within. His stomach churns and contracts and threatens an upheaval- but the potential of it burning doubly as it comes back up scares him much more than the damage he sustains by keeping it in. Shivering and sweaty, he throws open the chamber door and lurches down the stairs in search of water.
The water was a terrible idea. He tries to take a single sip and it fucking evaporates partway down his throat, sending him into a coughing fit as it comes back out. It takes all his willpower not to retch just then. He dunks his hands in the water basin and splashes his face, begging for relief; it’s scalding.
Well what the fuck else can he do??
Despite the tender state of his innards, Emil can’t temper the scream that claws its way out of him. He’s at his boiling point, agony and rage and venom igniting his blood. He collapses to the floor a convulsing, aching mess, and doesn’t dare move for a very long time.
Upstairs, steam continues to waft and curl from the foul concoction. The breeze from the window picks it up and carries it harmlessly away, until eventually, all that’s left in the cauldron is a coating of slimy ashen residue.
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blaebeast · 2 months
Character Bio: Kanne
Name: Kanne
Age: 35(?)
Sex: Female (She/They)
Weapon: Greatsword
Faction: Cruelty
Occupation: Primord
Relationship Status: Single
Close Friends:
Friends: Hadet, Farris
Knows of: Sirit, Hugo, Bones, Salome
Family: None
Goals and Motivations:
- I exist to fight. The call of war fills my lungs. The urge of battle runs amidst my veins. The desire for bloodshed runs inherent in all Beasts, but I have mastered it. I am a warmonger. Battlemaiden. A true conquerer.
- I have only ever lost one battle in my entire existence, and that was to Hadet in the Primord Battles. How he was able to beat me is beyond my comprehension. Because of my defeat, I am below him, and he is always ready to remind me just how he beat me. No matter how much I train and fight, Hadet always wins when we spar. He never cheats. He fights like a true warrior. He is honorable. I respect him, fear him, and hate his guts. I have no choice but to listen to his orders.
- Sirit and Grows-Bones are unfit for the role of Primord. For years, Primords have been the most physically strong and capable Beasts, and while Sirit is a powerful mage, she is weak without her magic and her monster. Bones, though imposing in stature, cannot fight and does not care for battle. Both are weak, and I’d love to usurp them of their titles, but Hadet protects them. They do not have my respect.
- Farris what happens to weakminded Beasts that give in to their carnal desires and do not temper their minds. I may be violent, but at least I am sensible and calculated. Farris is truly an untamed monster who listens to only Hadet and I through use of violent force. I think he should be castrated.
- I’ll never admit it aloud, but I am terrified of becoming pregnant. The idea of a living creature, growing inside of your organs and feeding off of your body is nauseating to conceive. Plus, if I were to become pregnant, I would have to stop fighting to raise offspring, putting all of my desires and missions on hold for at least 20 years. It is selfish of a child to demand so much help, so I refuse to become pregnant, have sex or even date. I take herbs that keep me from going into Estrus. As a Primord, however, there is the expectation for females to produce offspring. I have been approached by many males, didals, and even females, who have tried to demand my body from me, in which case I remove their offenders from their body. I dry them out and string them on my wall in the Bulwark as a reminder to all to leave me and my body alone.
- My breasts removed for two reasons: they got in the way of me fighting and they were an easy target for people to grope. So I cut them off. I like the scars and find them a testament to my devotion to war.
- I’d love to remove Hadet from his rule over us Primords and rule all of Cruelty with an iron fist. I want to rule the world.
- I worship the god of Victory and the god of Death. My weapon can have its heritage traced back to the god of Victory.
Personality and Interests:
- I love to fight. I don’t mind sparring, but I want to cut into opponents with actual metal, not wood or leather.
- People either fear me or revere me. I am popular with the people of Cruelty for my violence. I’m fine with this, so long as they don’t get in the way of my goals.
- No one should fear death if you die honorably in battle.
- Sending Sirit body parts of fallen foes is like a little game for me. Which opponent has the best muscle tone? Who’s swing stung me the hardest? Were there any with interesting traits? Although Sirit is weak, I am fond of her as a little girl. She is cute and helpless, like a baby animal. Sometimes, if I notice that a foe was well endowed, I will send it to Sirit for her to use on her Monster. She and I have a magical box in which I can place and item and she’ll receive it.
- I’m not much of a talker. Sure, you can talk at me, but good luck having me respond. I don’t care about you.
- I like to look good and take care of my body. I am only efficient as a war machine if my body is in good condition. Being aesthetically pleasing helps my morale, too.
- For me, personally, Kanne is the weapon more than the flesh. Kanne is the action of the body using its weapon. Kanne is the greatsword, and I become like her when she is out. This may be hard to explain to non-Beasts.
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