#its just i don't trust my truck lmao
tigerr-cherry · 6 months
I'm trying to be so brave and work up the courage to run some errands by myself
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cybertroniannugget · 11 months
What if… Sam had a sibling who is very chaotic!!!! And they survive through out the Bayverse movies and when they meet Hound, Crosshairs and Drift, how would those 3 react to the crazy lil human?!? ;-;
(Could you possibly add Optimus Prime and Bumblebee!?)
Okay this is the first ever request I answer, kinda nervous tbh.
Hope you like it, and thanks for requesting^^
It's called Haiku...
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Also, I don't know what pictures to add lmao
About this fic: sfw, gn reader, takes place in aoe
901 words
Sitting in the passenger's seat, squished next to Shane, you look out the window.
Sure, it was uncomfortable, but there were only 3 seats for the 4 of you.
You didn't say anything though, after they had just lost their friend, complaining would be of no use.
So you watch the wide desert landscape going by.
A white truck drove by on the other side of the road, but you didn't pay that much attention to it.
That's when the truck you four were in started rumbling. At first you didn't know what was going on, but when the seats shifted back roughly, the worn down leather replaced by more comfortable fabric seats you kind of got an idea.
"A man of taste I see. Western Stars are pretty nice.", you complimented, after seeing the symbol on the steering wheel, before the autobot logo took its place.
You opened the window to take a look at the Prime's new altmode.
Red flames across the blue paintjob, and everything was just so shiny.
"I must say, you looking good Prime!", you laugh, sticking your head back in.
"It was awesome but it was insane!", you heard Shane yell out excitedly.
The Prime's deep voice echoed over the radio, calling for his Autobots.
"I wonder If I'll see Bumblebee again. I missed that guy."
"Bumblebee?", Cade asked.
"Yeah, he's an Autobot don't worry. He's no giant insect, if that's what you thought about."
The man just raised an eyebrow at you, making Tessa chuckle in amusement.
After a few more minutes of driving you all got out of the truck, after Optimus opened the doors for you.
"Your dad is nice, but he needs to relax a lil...", you whisper to Tessa.
"He sure does, but he's trying his best."
"Never doubted that, don't worry.", you add, nudging her arm gently.
Optimus transformed, being greeted by his bots.
"Mr. free leader of the galaxy. I knew you'd make it. I never doubted it."
"Just who are these guys...", you mumble, looking around.
The green one with what looks like a cape suddenly turned to point his guns at you.
"Oh okay, that one feels like killin today...", you say, raising you arms sarcastically.
When the biggest one started lifting his guns was when you started sweating though.
But having fate on your side, like always, Optimus stopped them.
"Thanks Prime, I thought I was done for this time."
"🎶...Survivor! 🎶", Bee's Radio echoed.
"What's he mean by that now?", Hound asked, adjusting his cigar.
"We go way back. I saw Megatron so many times already. He nearly killed me twice but meh, still alive and kicking"
"Wait, aren't you that human from the fight in-?", Drift turned to ask.
"Chicago? Yeah, I've been there. Threw a brick at Megs myself.", you interrupted, proud of your past actions, arms crossed before your chest. "I've been there since the beginning. When it was just about a pair of glasses from my crazy great grandfather."
"They have fought with us. They're the only human I know I can trust."
"Rude...", Shane mumbled under his breath.
"I mean, how'd a squishy survive all that?!", Hound asked into the round of Cybertronians and humans
"Who you callin squishy?! I'm not the big one here."
"Pff, that's just armor. I'm as fast as a horse!"
"Well first of, it's as healthy as a horse. And also, it's none of your damn business how I survived all the shit I've been through. Because honestly, I don't even know myself. Maybe I'm just lucky"
You shrug, looking up at Optimus, who's serious demeanor made your heart sink.
He's always been serious yes, but a kind soul. Always open for questions.
Now he's just, well... dark.
"Well, but I'm sure as hell gonna survive this, so when we startin?!"
"Enthusiasm, I like it.", Crosshairs mentioned, spinning a gun in his servo, before tucking in back into his belt.
"🎶Where have youuuu been?!����", Bumblebee sang over the radio.
"Oooh, Rihanna, you got some mad taste Bee!"
Sticking your hands into the pockets of your worn down jeans, you look up at the yellow and black bot, who's optics were fixed on you.
"Well, after Chicago I needed a new place to stay. So I applied to work in a different hospital. And it led me to Austin, Texas."
You laugh
"In the good ol' south", you say, mocking the southern accent.
"I think I like that one", Hound says, leaning back against a rock wall.
"They have what it takes, like sunset colors on blue,
strength guts and virtue.", Drift added.
"If this is another hiku I swear Imma blow you to shreds...", Crosshairs murmured, turning to walk away.
"It's called Haiku!", you correct him.
"What?", he mumbled annoyed.
"I don't care what it's called. I just want to leave this place."
"Well, I like it, thank you.", you say to Drift, smiling at the bot.
In this moment of peace, it was of course Crosshairs who needed to add something unnecessary.
"Nah, it's lame"
Without warning, Drift jumped at him, swords drawn, ready to attack.
"And I thought I was crazy...", you whisper to Bee, rolling your eyes.
The bot snickered.
"Lord may you give me strength to not make anyone here short circuit on purpose..."
You squint your eyes, thinking.
"I don't even know their names yet... Wow"
"🎶Still don't know your name🎶"
"Oh you're right tho Bee.", you laugh
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daphnebowen · 8 months
percy jackson episode five thoughts
I skipped a couple episodes where I wrote down my thoughts, but I'm about to rewatch and write don't worry! warning: lots of screaming, fangirling, heart attacks, and nonsense below :))
also these are all just copied straight from the notebook I use when I'm writing down my thoughts and I barely proofread them :)
Annabeths trust in Percy being alive is literally just like her belief that Luke is alive later on and even though it's kinda sorta different (or at least people are gonna treat it that way) I'm all here for it
AAAAAHHHH THE PERCABETH HUGGGG I IGNORED SO MANY SPOILERS AND IM SO GLAD 2 minutes in and I'm already fangirling so hard haha
is Grover blushing at them??
"surprise" omg Walker 😭🥹
the droplet of water clinging to walkers chin is so distracting
"I'm the last person to realize this aren't I?" It's okay Percy
his eyes are SO FREAKING BLUE it's giving zac efron from hsm2
"it doesn't have to be a thing, yk. That you hugged me." OHKAY HES NOT ENTIRE CLULESS THIS IS FAN SERVICE RIGHT HERE WE KNOW THAT IT MOST ABSOLUTELY WILL BE A THING LMAO and annabeths "oh boy" and Grover's clear exasperation HAHAH
where the heck did the motorcycle go lol we know it's ares but like it doesn't take that long to drive
"we're all gonna die... eventually" wise words Percy wise words
ugh the fact that it's Luke's string 💔
Ares ‼️‼️‼️
Ok but why is ares literally EXACTLY how I thought he would be?!?!
"that's my cousin? what kind of family is this?" A dysfunctional one for sure, sorry Percy you're in for a rough ride
ares starting a fight on twitter is ABSOLUTELY CRAZY and yet so in character lmao
"I'm gonna kill him" same Percy SAME I will gladly help you - although all things considered I am glad they decided to keep delinquent percy in the show
they keep bringing up the "push someone down a flight of stairs" thing! There's no way this is just a coincidence anymore, what with chalice of the gods and earlier on with Annabeth and like... they're obviously doing it on purpose. is that gonna be the shows new thing?? trusting someone enough so that if they can push you down the stairs they're the one? idk man, love the metaphor tho
leah's eyebrow quirk is 💋
walker portrayed Percy's anxiety and nervousness and scaredness (is that a word?) perfectly
Can't tell if Grover is actually a history buff or playing Ares so he will talk but that scene was actually cool, I like the change they made to have Grover stay behind (this was what I wrote originally, but now after seeing peoples interpretations and opinions and things I know he was playing ares and I think it's BRILLIANT how smartly he played the god of war. Good for you buddy!)
"I didn't say anything" "I can feel you thinking it" OHKAY THEN
thrill ride of love = flawless. No words. I am speechless.
"I hate kids" relatable
ARES IS ACTUALLY BEING SMART AND MAKING SENSE FOR ONCE not to mention he's so funny and so relatable!
is Annabeth about to cry?!?!
yeah she's definitely about to cry
why am I so scared. This cannot be happening. What?? What??? he's the main character. main characters don't die. well except for Magnus chase BUT THOSE ARE DIFFERENT GODS AND DIFFERENT RULES NO WALKER
why am I actually so scared about this chair thing omg
(I would just like to say that I was so speechless and in shock throughout the whole chair thing, so I didn't write down a single quote but I loved them all I just was in too much shock to pause the show lol)
dude the way that door suddenly opened scared the crap out of me
leah is absolutely shining as Annabeth, her monologue was so profound and heartfelt, love that addition 💗
okay of course those of us who read the books know who really stole the lightning bolt and stuff but the clueless fools just watching the show are gonna be like OMG WHO WHO and even if they piece it together technically they'll only be half right. and their confusion and confidence in what they think they know is going to be SO entertaining in the coming weeks hehehehe and even throughout the whole series if we continue to get green lights for the series
but yes that episode was utter perfection! Now for the teaser...
duuuuude. The lotus casino is MASSIVE and actually super pretty I cannot wait for the episode tomorrow!
WHY IS PERCY DRIVING OMG THIS IS NOT LEGAL although tell me why he is literally better at driving than I am HAHAHAHAHAH
ugh and that is it! Those are all my random thoughts from the episode! thanks for reading :))
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danieyells · 4 months
Romeo is so pathetic (affectionately) I can't take any of his threats seriously lmao.
He is just so... all bark, no bite, it makes me wanna be mean to him sooo bad. He will try to make money from almost anything, Taiga suggest butchering and selling Ritsu and he backs off. He chases Kaito with his shotgun... filled with nothing but smoke bombs, nothing (ghoul)damaging. His underlings dont care when he threatents to shove one of them under a truck for insurance.
Now, the nsfw thoughts. He is sounds just so whiny, it brings the sadist in me out. Like, he gives me the vibes that he would complain endlessly in bed. That its too slow, too fast, too little, too much... Tying him up and overstimulating him until he stops complaining and cries... He feels too prideful to beg, but one can dream.
Like, I get why Taiga likes him so much, he is just so biteable, probably sobs so prettily too.
I GET WHY YOU WOULD THINK THAT HIS THREATS ARE EMPTY maybe it's just my wishful thinking but i'd like him to be a threat lol. Like we know he has no problem locking up Kaito, so we know the 'strip you and put you in a cage' threat is legitimate. And surely people wouldn't be so loyal to him if he was all talk--although they may also be loyal because he runs the casino. And he can't really shoot you close range because his sniper is a glorified grenade launcher because, in his own words, he shoots bombs, not bullets. Like yeah he only brought smoke bombs that day--he wasn't going on a mission so why bring actual explosive rounds or something useful? And according to Taiga he does actually fire off his gun all the time, and it can't possibly only ever have smoke bombs in it.
Although since he ains to capture his targets alive they presumably aren't explosives that'll kill you. . .or at least they won't kill anomalies. Humans, however, are fragile.
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"I shoot bombs, not bullets!" I think that is genuinely worse and more dangerous depending on the nature of the bomb, Romeo
But he hates getting his hands dirty--Taiga and their underlings are responsible for the hardcore messy stuff, he's content to snipe from the back and lead from the shadows. And even then he cringes away from when something bloody has to be done--just seeing Taiga kill and eat an anomaly made him cringe. On the other hand, there's a chance he doesn't want Taiga to go gutting anybody because they're already on probation and he knows about Article 78. The last thing he needs is for Taiga(or both of them!) to get imprisoned to make them money--there are other ways. No need to go to extremes before they have to.
And I think the Sinostra students did care about the threat! That's why the pc said they figured the casino would be open as usual--because everyone started working harder lol
BUT YEAH NO HE IS ABSOLUTELY A BITCHY PILLOW PRINCESS. I think he has the capacity to dom, he'd have to really like someone to let them be in control, but when he lets someone else on be in charge he is such a fuckin bitchy perfectionist. Complains so much you just wanna gag him or choke him til he shuts up. He'll complain about that too of course, but he might enjoy being put in his place. Taiga certainly doesn't bother with it.
Just a demanding brat. I don't think he'd cry easily but he'd definitely cry sooner than he begs unless he really, REALLY trusts you. And even then the natural response of tears might come first. Curse the absolute shit out of you, threaten you(mostly empty this time), but that means you're doing a good job. I bet he looks pretty when he cries too. Looks pretty, sounds pretty, and if you tell him how pretty he is even like that he gets all proud of himself because of course he's pretty. Do you know how hard it is to look pretty when you're getting choked and fucked raw? Not that he's putting on an act, he is just naturally pretty under all circumstances.
He is an absolute perfectionist and he wants things just how he wants them. And he will complain all throughout unless it's perfect. Ignore him, defy him, keep his mouth busy however you want, mock him--he'll complain when it's over too. About your performance, about being in pain or discomfort, about marks and mess. You really can't escape hearing him bitch and moan unless you've completely worn him out. And even then he might still have a few gasps and whines for you unless he is totally drained.
Unlike Taiga I don't think he's particularly masochistic but. . .I think he could get into it. As long as you have anomalous medicine on hand to clear up any bruises and aches you give him. Every single time he says "just this once" but he still lets you do it again and again. . . .
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minevn · 1 year
How would they react if Mc was killed?
EXTRA warning: I think I went a little ham with this one, like the thought processes are more unwell in this then my typical yandere posts I feel like. So if HEAVY suicidal thoughts/actions or death or survivors guilt or ANYTHING relating to death or the feelings that might come with death are triggering to you, PLEASE don't read it. messed me up a lil bit LMAO I tired keeping these short but I may have gotten carried away, AGAIN
Minato:...How? He had tried so hard to check up on you often so something like this WOULDN'T happen. He promised to protect you. It's all his fault. It's his fault that you died. it's his fault because he couldn't protect you. He's useless. He doesn't deserve to be alive anymore because its HIS fault that you're dead. He can't do anything for the next month as he lets his anger fester. He'll find whoever killed you and make them SUFFER. He WILL find them, no matter what. After he kills whoever killed you, he'll live as long as his grandparents are alive so he can finish taking care of them, then he'll join you and you two can be together again in the afterlife.
Haruto: He's a mess without you. it's not even worth living, you're all he has, the only one who didn't add onto his pressure. He'll ask his connections to find out who murdered you. When they do Haruto is heading over quickly to get rid of them. He's going to torture them. How dare they even THINK about harming you let alone killing you. He'll find out who the murderers family is and kill them in front of the murderer. The murderer took away Haruto's most precious so now he'll take away all of the murderer's before killing the murderer. Haruto got his revenge for your murder but the killer will never get his revenge, and something about that satisfies Haruto. He'll go to your grave or ern or wherever your remains are and kill himself next to you.
Jun: Starts sobbing and runs to you when she sees you. She refuses to let go of your body. If the police or ambulance try to take you away Jun will scream at them to let go and not be so rough with you. Aki will have to come and pull Jun off of you. Jun can't take this cruel and awful world anymore. She's tried so hard to stay positive and be nice, but no more. Jun can't do anything anymore because everything reminds her of you. She hates talking to people now and gets snappy with them. He's trying to stay strong for his sister but he just CAN'T. He's tired. He thinks she'll join you.
Hoshi: no no NO! You were one of the only people he trusted, someone who was kind and patient with him, someone who accepted him, why did YOU have to die? It should've been him. Someone as pure and kindhearted as you shouldn't have been taken away. He'll isolate himself. Now he really doesn't want to get close to another person, he won't EVER allow himself to. The rare times he does come out of his room he'll do things he used to do for you, like get two glasses of water because he knew you struggled taking care of yourself, or do the laundry so he can not only ease some of your stress but also get praise. and then he'll remember you aren't there, it hits him like a truck, continuously running him over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over again. No matter how much time passes it doesn't get better like people say it will, they will NEVER understand what it's like losing someone THAT important to you. He can't do it anymore.
Habiki: Despises all of the condolences he gets. He hates how fake they all sound, he hates being reminded, hates the fact that those people probably think it'll ALLLLLL get better now, IT WON'T! like their words mean something. It's all just pity to try and make themselves seem like the better person, no one gave a shit about him before but now that you're gone NOOOOOW they care, it's all bullshit. After he met you his dreams all included you, but now you aren't here. You helped him be someone he liked better, you wormed your way into his heart just to be taken away. You promised you wouldn't leave him, but you did. Even if he were to find out who killed you what would it change? Nothing! Because no matter what you AREN'T. COMING. BACK. Gives up on everything. He KNOWS you'd be disappointed in him for starting back at square one after all the progress and hours you put it thawing out his cold heart, but he can't help it. He thinks he would be happier if he joined you.
Kage: First his parents and now you? He's paranoid that his older brother is going to be taken away next. He doesn't want to lose anyone else. He isolates himself that way he loses any connection he had with people, just in case they died too. Every second of the day he's sobbing. He knows he can't do anything for revenge either, but he hopes the murderer suffers. He can't stop doing things that remind him of you, it's torture, but he physically can't stop. Even more now, you're the only thing on his mind. You'd usually be here to comfort him. He still sees and hears you, every time he thinks you've come back but then you leave him again. He's plagued by nightmares from now on. He was already suicidal before but your death is what tips him over the edge. Maybe now you'll stop disappearing.
Kei: He feels numb. He hasn't cried yet, hasn't processed the fact that you're really gone. It comes slowly, but when it does it comes and hits him hard. Everyday for months he starts crying. He swears to find out who did this to you and get revenge, and he does. He finds them easily and takes care of them. But now what? He doesn't feel better. He just feels more guilty because he knows that's not what you wanted. He can't sleep because every time he closes his eyes he sees you, he'll flood himself with work to try not to think about you, but you've been plaguing his mind ever since high school, it won't be easy to just forget you. So instead he embraces it, and joins you, hoping that there's an afterlife.
Yani: Goes on a killing spree. the ONE person who accepted him, wanted to HELP them be a better person, CARED for them, was murdered. He KNOWS no one will love him the way you do and so he kills people, what's the point? Besides even if someone else liked her now, she wouldn't accept. The main reason being she's devoted to you. The authorities could try to stop it's murderous rampage but will just end up dying in the process. Yani kills well over 100 people in the span of an hour, and she doesn't plan on stopping till everyone in the area is dead, that way she can be sure she got your murderer. The universe won't stop her from seeing and being with you though, death cannot separate her from you, she's joining you, wherever you are.
Aki: You were her best friend and soulmate. Aki changes drastically, basically dressing up and acting like you. She WANTS you to be there near her. She knows it's not healthy, to cling to you this hard, but this is the only way she can think of to cope that isn't physically hurting herself. She tries, she tries so hard to stay alive for you, she knows you wouldn't want her to kill herself. That's the only reason why she goes on, but...it's getting harder. The countless breakdowns, the one where you can't breathe, can't suppress your sobs, the one that feels like your heart is actually being shattered and your brain feels like it's about to explode, the one where you think you'll ACTUALLY die it hurts that bad. She tried getting help, but it feels like no amount of help will ever heal the wounds. She could stay alive for 15 years longer and it hurts just as much as it did the day it happened, it doesn't get better, nor does it get easier, it just gets worse and worse for some people until they can't take it anymore.
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ohbo-ohno · 1 year
Im late to the game but i just finished your trucker ghost fic and. Omg. I am like. PHYSICALLY UNWELL at how much i loved it hrnnnnrnrnnnn *gnawing gnashing at the bars of my enclosure* like omg first of all even just the PLOT idea is so deliciously juicy and theres so much you can do with it, so even if you never write more of it theres so much that your fans can imagine in the AU. secondly your writing was soooo good and u made ghost feel so creepy too >:) i like how reader went back and forth between trusting and distrusting ghost. Because thats the thing: he's not trustworthy in the way that he'll literally kidnap you, but he IS trustworthy in a way where he'll make you eat, and make sure you shower, and protect you from other people (aka he's insane lmao). Ugh i just loved how u described when reader woke up in the dark truck and ghost was just staring at her dressed all in black ugh so creepy so delicioussssss! And for what it's worth i think you handled the ending really well! I know you were debating about its ambiguity but i thought it was rly fun to end on ghosts POV just to get a little hint about what the future holds 👀👀 wow i realize i didnt even get to sharing any like headcanons or ideas in this ask so it's just my incoherent ramblings BUT i rly rly enjoyed your fic, i LOVE how you write darker topics!!! With love from: the newspaper cage anon (you know the one babeyyyy 😈😈😈)
"my fans" thank you for thinking i am so much cooler than i really am
you are literally so sweet!!!!! such kind words from someone who's sent me one of the most deranged asks i've gotten lmfao i love you so much
im glad you liked the ambience!!!! i don't think im particularly good at using unique words to really set the tone throughout a story, so i always kinda worry that the tonal shifts might be sudden and jarring. im glad to hear that they weren't completely, at least!
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arcplaysgames · 2 years
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HUGE fan of Naoto's shadow. The childishness of it, the big chunky ray guys, the jet wings, the racing stripes.
Naoto keeps being told he's so mature for his age, and it's very obvious that it comes from taking every youthful impulse and crushing it down into a little box until it reaches critical mass and explodes.
Also, this fight was pitifully easy lmao. Either I'm overleveled or the game was not prepared for me to bring in Kanji, who hits like a motherfucking truck. Also Yosuke now dodges like 90% of attacks and I have no idea how he's doing that but it's great.
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hoooooly shit this is so affecting. gold star performance form the VA. the sniffly loneliness of the shadow is so good. i want to hug them.
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Naoto's gender is "detective" basically.
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also god i really need to contend with how to refer to Naoto. so far i just don't know enough about how they feel about their gender to just swap to "she", and BELIEVE ME, the way the game is doing it is giving me fucking agida, since I am looking through my screencaps and lemme tell you, Naoto doesn't indicate that's cool with them.
So yeah, I think I answered my own question there. Naoto is gonna be "them" in my mental narrative until further notice. Certainly until I know more about how they feel about all this.
I'm just saying, dude, if being a girl is a prison and being a boy is a slow poison, maybe opt out of both? That's what I'd do, pal.
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back home, Adachi is drunk???? Why are you here. Why are you drunk? I spoke to him on the way to find Naoto and he didn't seem terribly concerned about the disappearance.
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oh so dojima knows too. I wonder what his motivation is for not speaking up. He also, upon our return from Iwatodai, asked Reverie to befriend Naoto and indicated things were rough for them. So he's sympathetic to the ace detective's ideas about the case too.
(man even writing "them" is really hard. this whole situation sucks lmao. thanks persona. I might use they/he? nothing fits right.)
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I wish I could record clips because. There is something about this line read that made me stop and just stare at the screen for a bit... Adachi really really does give me Ryoji vibes, as in intense "I cannot trust you" vibes. But I'll get into that some more next post, as I did hit Rank 6 on his SLink, which is apparently the final rank????
ALSO THERE IS A WEIRD MOMENT THAT I LITERALLY CANNOT CATCH WITH A SCREENCAP. While Dojima is in the room, Adachi is doing the swaying drunkenly thing that Yukiko and Rise did too when they were "drunk" at the party. But like the moment Dojima leaves?
He stops swaying.
/lifts eyebrow
WITH THAT, I FINISHED NAOTO'S DUNGEON ON THE FIRST DAY. I gave the fox so much yen and just kept powering thru. SINCE THEN, I HAVE MAXED OUT KANJI AND YUKIKO! And I made a lot of progress on others. I'll summarize that later, it is almost midnight.
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man of steel watch 2023😁(long af reactions under the cut lmao copied from twitter)
fuck it you already know
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still wonder what zacks plan was with the codex🤔🤔🤔was it just there to thematically be him carrying the kryptonian refugees or was there more
still crazy that zack in his unsubtle way made the villain colonizing eugenicists and people got mad at him for saying the appropriate response was killing them lol
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minor thing but appreciate jor not saying anything when zod was pleading that lara abort the launch, just a look, he trusts her, feel like thats paralleled with clark and lois's relationship later, again minor but superman medias all about speeches so lmao
"his name is kal, son of el and he is beyond your reach"🥺
lara's theme is so good
the pan to his abs, zack knew the demographic he was reaching for
the worlds too big scene😭😭
if i saw a big breasted man run boobily across a lawn and steal some clothes i wouldnt snitch
he aint need to throw ross out the water like that but he uses words like dicksplash so he deserves it
😭😭😭(got nothing to say about the "maybe" scene, im tired lmao)
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forgot how many emotional hits they roll out so early in the movie lmao
lmao remember when people said ludlow wouldnt try to fight clark cuz he was huge, cuz as we all know toxic masculinity definitely doesnt make men act stupid and vile lol anyway proud of clark for fucking up his truck sexual harassers deserve nothing
its her lois lane shes here
genuinely didn't know joe was clark for my first 3 views of this movie lmao
the flashlight to clarks laser eyes transition was cool(so was the pod landing in the farm transitioning to the boat crashing against a wave scene)
super buff sexy drifting doctor clark kent
fuck this nerd who sold lois out after she gave him info. zack was already laying the seeds of the media being dicks from this one blogger lmao
"and kal, that's my name "🥺
jor-el's power point presentation let's go
do remember someone in good faith(hopefully lol)saying jor was "glorifying" colonization when he spoke "fondly" of the era of expansion of krypton, and maybe fair though that could also be why he and lara chose not to escape with kal, the whole they were a part of the problem
genuinely fav supes suit I get the desire to have the ma kent suit but i cant see it anymore as anything other than him reassuring his loyalty to earth(america) to the gatekeepers, martha had a whole lifetime with him let him have one of the few connections to his culture he has
first flight😃😃😃😃
seeing this for the first time as a teen and finally understanding "you'll believe a man can fly"
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no superhero media has done flying as good as this, not even bvs or zsjl theres just something about MoS's flying that makes my brain light up
don't forget lois lane figured out clarks identity(b4 he even went public) without luther or bruce's resources, smartest bestest investigator in dcu🗣🗣🗣
should they have had a younger actor play 18 yr old clark in the argument with jonathan in the car scene, maybe, though cavills teen angsty" i didnt say that!" and "you're not my dad !>:(" voice was p believable lmao
the way she drops the biggest story cuz her kindness is as big as her drive to get the truth, no wonder she's what inspires him
ngl recently heard laurence fishburne in moon girl and devil dino and the whiplash between his 2 performances lmao
seeing the butterfly trapped in the chain has new meaning now
soundtrack: *hits those mos piano notes* me everytime:
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well maybe for a little bit⚰⚰⚰
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you think swanwick was watching the your are not alone message and thought it was a cliche
the military people behind the glass watching these two flirt right in front of them
when he breaks the cuffs while standing up😛😏
"it did to me"
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maybe love is real idk
the ship atmosphere thing was such a good way to foreshadow kryptonite lmao(yes did still take notes while my twitter was down lmao)
Jor-els fun informative power point presentation vs zod's very bad no good drug trip
clarks mind vision of himself is literally still a farmboy idk why people still think he isnt "connected to his humanity" in the iteration lmao
black suit but with no silver to symbolize pure darkness, death and to make him look the same as zod
though not to jump to zsjl but we know zack had to smuggle the black suit in with the metal padding and post color editing in that movie do wonder if he was gonna go with a totally different design if he had complete control, maybe capeless, pure metal for the silver and a beard? do also remember him teasing the long hair in one interview lmao
watching superman sink into a mountain of skulls really rewired my teenage brain since i only knew of him from pop culture at that point ngl
will say kinda funny that clark is clearly torn up about killing while lois was just blasting kryptonians blam blam🔫🔫🔫girl boss
the escaping the ship ost is so good😩why wasnt it on the official soundtrack, i know theres a good youtube ver of it but lmao
ok starting to think the jor colonization criticism wasn't in good faith cuz clark does kinda bring up the whole "do you agree with zod about wiping out humans???" thing lmao
clark saving lo in the escape pod scene got me tense af in the theater
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do like when clark is a lil petty lmao "cranky cuz your momma didnt teach you to not be overstimulated hmm"
neat little quirk clark does in all of zacks movies, before he gets in a serious fight theres usually a shot of him clenching his fist lmao
nam-ek popped the pilot like a blueberry
faora's so cool
my man fighting for his life in this ihop in front of all his old friends too
flying really was his one advantage against these soldiers and he loses that when he fights zod too they really put him thru it on his first day😭
faora made him waste all his bullets, wait till he pulled out a knife and then pulls out a bigger one like
like to think zack having the military drone strike smallville is a parallel to when the US did it to the african village in BvS
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yeah big floaty alien thing in the middle of the city may be a lil overdone now but half dont look as good as how zack did it back then
world engine sound design so sexy too😋
zacks cape porn👌🏽👌🏽👌🏽
oh god🥺best scene, yes am getting emotional, scene means a lot to me
also kinda weird when zack does invoke the moses allegory people arent like "he's literally saying supes is moses!" like they do with jeezy creezy and his imagery lmao he's literally looks like he's parting the sea here lmao
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in the wider snyderverse am realizing theres more moses stuff you can connect to even if the timeline is wonky and its not 1:1, obviously darkseid is the pharaoh with his whole enslavement thing, him turning supes to his side could be interpreted as ramses and moses
in this way zod, who believes in kryptons removal of "free choice" like jor and lara said, is the guard moses kills when he sees him mistreating one of his people
and the destruction of the genesis chamber and the other kryptonians being sucked back into the phantom zone could be an allegory for when god killed the first borns of egypt, no moses expert tho so could be reaching lol but fun connections, tangent i know lmao
oh also rather than a race thing it becomes more that clarks "people" are the ones who believe in free will and choice while darkseid and zods dont lmao anyway
"krypton had its chance!" still to this day lives in my mind rent free
lmao love that lois and clark are just horny for each other no matter who is watching not the military not lois's coworkers or the other survivors
zod's monologue👨🏽‍🍳👌🏽
to this day idk if i can think of a cbm fight thats topped superman vs zod, just in like raw visceral action and the fact they actually have stakes in it
thinking about how i remember shannon telling zack "as long as my suit isnt cgi i dont wanna wear those pajamas" or something and zack said yeah and then it was lol
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my superman hates and constantly destroys military drones
and welcome to the planet! Glad i watched this again after so long, definitely needed that, hopefully work lets up enough for me to watch the rest of the trilogy✌🏽
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wonwooslibrary · 2 years
hi sammie :3 i just wanted to apologize for not sending you any messages all this time TT i've been so busy all my hw and projects have been piling up
AYAYAYAYA CONGRATULATIONS ON SOCIOLOGY IM SO PROUD OF U U WORKED SO HARD :D yeah it hit me like a truck when i also realized i had to write... i haven't written anything in ages so i'm way too rusty... beware of poor writing.
omg im so happy u enjoy the matching tattoo prompt cus im doing something similar to that for my fic to you ehe
omg i have so much nostalgia from pokemon, esp pokemon xyz. i get so emotional thinking about it. and the lore is just *chefs kiss*. my fave games tho are rhythm games because i love to jam out to music and break my thumbs in the process. IM SO SORRY BUT I ABSOLUTELY HATE MIRACULOUS. i loved it a lot before but they keep on drawing out marinette and adrien's entire love story so now i hate it ToT. i just don't have the patience for that long, esp with love stories.
social anxiety is the worst TT its ironic because humans are meant to be social creatures that rely on interdependence. I've been trying to get medication for it since it's been getting increasingly worse to the point i feel like I'm gonna get a heart attack ??? yeah but somehow im being "dramatic"... anywho enough ranting
sigh i love people whose love language is physical touch <33 esp since i love to be hugged. my personal love language tho is words of affirmation simply because i also love to read!! im not much into tiktok romance books (ironic because here i am on tumblr to write the corniest stuff ever) but i like to keep those two realms separate ykyk.
it's question time! im just gonna send u one question this time tho.
what do you do whenever it's the holidays? anything fun?
i love talking with you, stay safe <3
HIII ANON <3 pls don't apologize for not sending a lot of messages, I understand that people are busy!!! trust me, i am also busy with coming home for the holidays and helping my parents around the house in their new apartment.
OMG POKEMON i used to play pokepark 2 on the wii with my brother all the time and that game is one of the many reasons why gen 5 is the best pokemon generation...also bc snivy, tepig and oshawott are the best starters :)))
RHYTHYM GAMES OMG i used to play the superstar series and i cried for WEEKS when superstar bts was shut down...and then again when superstar pledis was shut down. i love playing rhythym hive tho!! i acTUALLY PULLED AN XR MINGYU EARLIER TODAY???
Also pls so many people hate miraculous and I'm ngl it's so dumb but sam (pls ignore the 3rd person lmao) is brain empty no thoughts so dumb plots with overly cliché main characters and extreme slow burn that lasts 7 years makes me happy (tho apparently the timeline in the show it's been like 9 months??? weird)
To answer your question, i honestly don't really do anything that interesting during the holidays. my family celebrates Christmas and so we just have a small Christmas at home, and then we go to my grandma's for a bigger Christmas with all of my aunts. What about you? what holiday do you celebrate? do you have any cool traditions?
sorry about the short message, i can't wait to hear back from you!!
happy holidays, sammie <3
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so i told him to fuck off and we would need to be boyfriend and girlfriend for me to want to come to his house and hang out and for me to be comfortable to send those. i swear every conversation leads to my ass, what im wearing, i need to show him the leggings im wearing and/or sex. i am attracted to him but i am not at that level with him if that makes sense?? ill go out but i dont know him/ trust him enough to talk dirty and talk to him that way. he says he "wants me" but never planed dates, its always a snapchat saying i should come see him at his job (which is as a ranger at a statepark and he sits in this truck and helps people) or for me to come to his house or some bar hes at. then he gets mad and says i hurt his feelings when i say i cant go or im in the middle of something. I am just so done like if you actually talk to me and stuff i could plan my week better with school and work to hang out but its always at the last minute. its like he doesnt care and im so turned off by all of it lmao. thanks for letting me rant there were some days where i was like maybe im the crazy one but if he cant respect me then im sure theres a guy out there who will.
UGH THAT'S SO ANNOYING BABY I'M SO SORRY 😣 Tbh the older I get the less I want my time wasted and the more I don't want to deal with people who put in zero effort. Which it sounds like that's what he's doing. If he's willing to treat you this way right now, just imagine how he would treat you if you were in a full on relationship. You deserve better than that!
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indefenseofkara · 10 months
My (mostly silly) thoughts while playing the MWIII Campaign
spoilers under the cut, obviously
Operation 627
was this man wearing a suit in prison?
wonder what the 141 was about to do before learning about Makarov
RIP Dena, first named side character to die this game
Precious Cargo
if Graves was serious about helping Urzikstan he'd pronounce Farah's name right
I tried to be stealthy. it never works 😢
omg Graves is so annoying and won't stfu. he even interrupts himself
RIP Ivan, you were just trying to do the right thing
i don't think patches really tear and attach that easily
Gaz's headshot is really so much better than everyone else's lmao
once again i tried to stealth and failed
"I'm going loud" yes?? of course??? i just blew up a helicopter! is there a way to stealthily blow up a helicopter????
gave Price lung cancer oops
ghost is so proud of his joke lol
finally Farah learns about what Shadow Company did in Las Almas (kinda i guess Price didn't mention all the innocent people killed lmao)
aw but Price trusts Farah
i kept pressing the button for exiting recon drones in MP/WZ but it's different in the campaign 💀
my left joystick keeps drifting and idk whyyyy
the bunker dining room is set up so nice. table cloths and flowers!
damn Farah really gets everything done, the other 141 boys didn't stop their missiles
Nikolai! Rocking out to metal! I love it!
is Kastovia in Russia? I thought it was a country
Deep Cover
i'm Laswell!
for like 2 minutes lmao damn that was short af
oh god No Russian coming up
do i have to shoot civilians this time?
bruh wtf is this?
why was Makarov even on the plane?
could/should have been a cutscene
Farah is my badass motorcycle gf
"Yes, ma'am" Alex knows what's up.
Crash Site
ooooh i found a crossbow!
goddamnit Alex i just took down like 30 men and you got caught by 3?! get it together man
the game wouldn't let me dramatically zipline in to save alex, rude.
Farah continues to be the most capable person in the series
Aww Gaz and Nik being bros
this post is supposed to be silly thoughts but what is going on with this timeline? Price and Soap and Ghost are together but not part of the 141 because that hasn't been made yet. Also they're all British SAS why are they reporting to Shepard? (that's a question for all the games but especially in this pre-141 scenario) (ok back to silly thoughts)
i shoved Makarov so much lmao (i also shot him but that made me fail the mission)
everyone is gloating so much get it together
Herschel lol
he clearly has a plan and they're all like "what are you talking about Makarov we totally got you"
oh look i was right
oh look it's my least favorite people
"Ghost that is not nice" ok that got me i cackled
Gaz is distractingly pretty rn
listen i swear i'm trying really hard to be stealthy i don't know why i'm so bad at this i'm on recruit ffs
good cop bad cop
"to hide my face" he has a point
i have strong doubts that Milena actually worked for that money lol
Makarov talking about a "Shadow" and i am shocked. Shocked, I tell you! (i am not shocked)
this was a fun level
Nolan's talking shit after i shot him, but i didn't even know i got him - i downed him while blinded by a flash grenade lmao
when did Price hook into the skyhook? nearly had a heart attack when we took off
oh its the high fashion mission coming up
Frozen Tundra
godammit another mission where i want to shoot the guy we have to keep safe for some dumb reason
Gaz is the voice of reason again
soap keeps running away when i try to get ammo from him 😭
lmao gotta love these scenes where everyone is part of an intimidating conversation
Gora Dam
i didn't even try to go stealthy this time, immediately stole a truck with a sentry turret on the back
Graves ugh
Gaz not shaking his hand, ICONIC
Danger Close
not really a fan of these types of missions
accidentally used a missile to take out one person but that's ok because i got an achievement for it called "your tax dollars at work" 🤣
yeah he's not dead
huh Shepard telling the truth, shocker
lol jk still lying too
lmao where was Alex in that little scene. "Nik take Farah back to Urzikstan" and Alex? where'd he go??? weren't you in Urzikstan? You left just to talk about this with Farah but not Alex? WHAT IS GOING ON? DID YOU THINK I WOULDN'T NOTICE DETAILS LIKE THIS
Trojan Horse/Countdown
actually liked the CCTV bit, it's realistic
got runover by a train because my joystick keeps drifting 💀
playthrough interrupted for cat snuggles
"chunnel" lol i forgot some people call it that
RIP Soap, that was a pretty definite death
"one KIA" you mean one task force member... all the police with you are KIA too damn way to be insensitive Price
Uh does Soap not have a family?
Lol Gaz is the only one who took off his hat/hood
Tbh i was expecting a tragic military funeral with bagpipes
this was too short i didn't even have time to process before it was over. didn't cry.
Bonus scene
thank fuck he's dead. now let's get Graves.
lol what is this music? (oh it's 21 Savage)
production babies!
someone is named Amish.
I know some of these people!!!! I sat through over 10 minutes of credits to cheer for my pals suffering under the evil overlords at Activison!
there wasn't a "thanks for playing" picture at the end what
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one-abuse-survivor · 1 year
im struggling so much lol. im the anon who mentioned on christmas that going back brought no feelings up and stuff, and the one who moved into their uncles place,but once i got home and slept ans stuff it hit me like a truck. i couldnt stop shaking my heart rate was so high and i couldnt believe i went near my dad or like the same house as him lmao. the memories have been coming back one by one since then and its just so draining and i dont really know how to cope. im trying my hardest to not fall back into old patterns and self destructive behaviours but, with each memory comes like a new self revealation?? like i always thought i was okay, that despite all i went through im actually doing moderately okay for myself. but nope. im realising now that i have terrible social skills and cant even keep a conversation going because theres so much fear inside me about messing up and being screamed at and threatend, and i have some major trust issues lmao god damn its insane its all just mindblowing to get all at once i want it to slow down a bit lol. idk im finding hard to balance my work life, social life and now all this 'new' trauma and the pain and memories it just makes me feel so hurt and angry at my parents like why couldnt they just be normal parents??but its been validating on new years eve though. they apparently argued right as the clock hit midnight and were awful to eachother the whole time ( my sister told me). just like they did last year, and the many more before that. they havent changed at all which to me is very validating because i was constantly told that theyve changed lol. thanks for letting me vent, i hope your new year went as well as it couldve gone :))
Just saw this ask right after replying to your previous one. I'm really sorry you went through this, nonnie. It's so awful when trauma hits you like a truck this way and all the emotions feel suffocating and overwhelming. I really hope you gave yourself time to grieve the childhood/adolescence you could've had and to feel all the anger you need to feel.
It sounds like the reason you didn't feel scared or triggered while you were with your parents might've been because your body simply didn't feel safe enough to feel all those emotions in their presence. That might be why they hit you hours later when you were already back home; that's probably when your body felt safe enough to let them all out.
It's always hard to realise how much you're struggling, and it's no wonder you wanted it all to slow down. I hope you know it's okay to tackle all of these issues one at a time and at your own pace. You don't have to face all of these struggles at once. And the fact you're struggling with so many things now doesn't mean you always will. Things do get so much better with time and support.
And, yeah, abusive parents (&co) do tend to claim that they've changed and they're no longer who they used to be. 99.9% of the time, that's just an attempt to guilt-trip the victim into falling back into the abuse, and completely untrue. But even in the 0.1% of cases when abusers really have changed, they have no right to contact their victims to tell them as much. Their victims don't owe them literally anything, much less forgiveness or another chance. So, yeah, I'm glad you got confirmation that their claims were bullshit, and I hope you know you do not owe your parents anything; not even to hear them out when they claim to have changed.
You're welcome for letting you vent; I'm glad I could provide a space to do so! Sending a huge virtual hug. Hope you're doing well ❤
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gunmetal-ring · 2 years
11x15 stream of consciouness
Mmmm... gross. Dead as hell. Something about Daryl in this long sleeve shirt is sending me like yum.
Lol Aaron and Gabe like. Mhm. Nothing to see here. Why is he asking Daryl like obviously Daryl will be on their side. Hm I wonder if Lance backed off bc he's like "if they lie about this then that means they don't trust the commonwealth which means they might help me overthrow it" Oh wait no it's bc he's gonna fuck w em. Oo daryls annoyed... oo... it's bc he's SICK OF FIGHTING AND JUST WANTS TO GET ON THE ROAD AND GO!!
Oh SHIT Mercer is so fuckin hot. YES princess GET IT. Lol. Mercer is jelly. Shit princess is a babe g.d sign me tf up. Although I rly wish she wasn't uncrazy I miss her being crazy now she's just like. Socially quirky. Who is saying she can't listen?! Mercer don't be a dick.
I love this sleuthing reporting sister dream team.
Awww aunt carol!! And theater kid zeke is back yes!! Aw Carol and her self esteem 🥺 aww zeke is so in love still its heartbreaking. Reminds me of @waynedunlaptheorgandonor recent drabble 😏
Tch Lance. God he's such a good villain. Yeah they CAN fuckin handle themselves!! OH! DARYL! HA! and here w are I guess at the six month time jump? Fuckin annoying.
Oh... more yumikos brother... gr8 so glad that he's got an extra storyline... gahh I'm so annoyed at the ongoing bloated cast but at least Carol and lydia are getting some screentime. Also is this friend a lie to see how outside the system the brother will go or are we rly gonna have an appendectomy girl show up?
Lol young psychopath. Michael Mercer idk if we knew that but Michael is not what I was expecting. Feel like it doesn't rly fit
I love this mean Maggie tbh especially when it's not abt negan bc I am over it. I rly can't believe its been 6 months that's so annoying ugh but I'm not gonna do that rant again
I feel like John Mercer would have been cool bc it's like oh he's just another soldier not gonna ruffle feathers nameless faceless fall in line and then BOOM he rebels against his name and subverts our expectations! But whatever. Lol they look up to you literally bc hebis on a poster but also he is big and orange. Bro I rly like him
OK I guess there is a surprise appendectomy?
Lol Lance I cannot believe how much I love him!! I've gotten so used to the dick measuring male villains this is awesome. Wonder why the truck didn't start? Clearly Daryl and maggie expected it to
Carol's old man I love learning more about her!! Lol love zeke w the black market health care I fuckin love him. It's the hope that kills you. Hm. Feel like that's alluding to Ed and how she stayed hoping for it to be better etc etc etc
Princess ilu but also you did not use a special sense to tell that Mercer wasn't OK like he is pretty shitty at hiding his emotions lol. Aw but I love that he's rly confiding in her but also maybe don't do it in the hallway? Do it in the apartment w privacy instead? Mercer is tired of the fighting too. I bet he's gonna be on the caryl spinoff. Told you it was platonic. I'm joking don't kill me
AW! AW HERSHEL!!! AT GLENNS GRAVE!! AWW!!!!!!!!!!!!! omg lance.. I'm surprised Maggie isn't guarding hershel. Uh hershel isn't a fuckin snitch Lance. Stranger danger and all that too. Oh no!! Glenn's hat!! Lance good detective work but like its a hat not a glass slipper a hat will fit plenty of ppl. Elijah yes! Whoa f bomb! Damn! Also when did Daryl lose the uniform?
Ugh I guess Leah and Carol probably won't meet... unless she pulls another spidey sense that daryls in trouble or something. But I think Daryl is probably gonna kill Leah to earn back trust at the commonwealth. Blugh. Telling myself it's good writing and makes sense.
Aw Carol my heart keeps breaking. OMFG CAROL JUST REJECTING ZEKE POINT BLANK LMAO. I guess they're making antibiotics still hm.
Ik the love story is a Big Deal but I gotta say I am just fully uninterested. Hope fake Stephanie doesn't return bc that love triangle would be so un-compelling.
My guess is that Leah is like 30 feet away from daryl or something. Maybe they take her to commonwealth and put her in jail? And then she and Carol can meet? Bc Lance asks Carol to interrogate her or something? Ugh stop it don't let the hope take over. Damn she's such a babe. Oh SHIT YES SHES GOING TO COMMONWEALTH AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH ugh fuck goddammit Maggie is gonna be the reason Daryl kills her God fucking dammit jfc this is so fucking stupid and annoying and terrible fucking writing. Ok end rant I gotta stop this train in its tracks.
Overall decent episode. One of the better ones of the season. Idk. Im rly looking forward to Leah's arc being over so that I can stop hoping for her to meet Carol. Anyway. I guess yumikos brother is gonna play a big part in overthrowing the commonwealth. It's a shame that honestly at this point I'm kind of waiting for the show to be over bc I'm so unimpressed but oh well.
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jellyfishfics · 7 years
hii i'm the anon that sent the landscaper truck ask lmao i just wanted to let you know that i'm sorry that you keep getting plagiarized and that i hope you don't end up deleting everything bc of it 😞people can suck really sometimes but your writing is so beautiful so i hope everything works out
i’m not going to delete everything (though i was really tempted to) but i’m seriously debating just…not posting fics in a public space anymore.
i can’t give up writing fics because i have too many ideas and i like to use it to practice for my original work, but i don’t want to create something just to watch it get stolen and get hurt.
i’m not sure what my options are, probably opening a google drive for my completed works and just sharing it with trusted friends…apparently ao3 and its users can’t be trusted.
the first couple of times someone copied or screenshotted my work with no credit i brushed it off…but five times? apparently i’m just a fool that people like to take advantage of. it’s too upsetting for me to keep going with no retribution. there’s only so many times i can try to bounce back.
thanks for enjoying my writing up until now though. whatever’s on my ao3 account might be the last i share for everyone to read.
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omglr · 5 years
patiently momming the shit out this fuckin' potential serial killer...
You're now chatting with a random stranger. Say hi!
You both like feminism.
You: hi
Stranger: hi
Stranger: asl
You: 33 f
You: canada
You: you?
Stranger: m22 canada
Stranger: feminist?
You: yes
You: you?
Stranger: fuck no
Stranger: feminism is sexism and hatred of men, why would I support it?
You: meninist?
Stranger: not really
Stranger: just knowing the truth
You: where do you get this information from?
Stranger: online
You: ok
You: have you considered.... reading a book?
Stranger: no
Stranger: because with the ability to be anonymous online people will say the truth without fear of being outed for it.
You: interesting
Stranger: yeah
Stranger: Feminism isnt about equality, its about hatred of men and female superiority
You: ok, if you say so
Stranger: how is it now?
Stranger: not*
Stranger: women demanding a safe space free of men is seen as just fine
Stranger: a male only space is seen as "sexist"
You: uh, do you think their aren't men only space though?
Stranger: feminism cries about male dominance in politics and management positions , but when it comes to male dominance in jobs like trucking, mining, construction etc, feminists dont say a word
Stranger: there is men only, and to feminists thats seen as sexism
You: you seem a little worked up
Stranger: I mean, Boy scouts of America now allows girls in... wtf its the BOY scouts, girls want to be a scout? there is a thing called girl scouts of America too
You: yeah girl guides is a much better organization anyway
You: they also accept boys
Stranger: LMAO wow what guy would joint girl guides.
You: idk, a kid who likes camping and cookies
Stranger: I do like cookies
You: yeah, cookies are great
Stranger: yeah
Stranger: women are also entitled and selfish and think they should get stuff just because they are a woman
You: i think the word entitled gets thrown around a lot to describe people
Stranger: women expect a man to pay for the date.
You: but its mostly about folks asking for respect
Stranger: but I thought you bitches wanted "equality" oh wait...
You: like millenials are real entitled
You: for wanting jobs that pay a living wage
You: says boomers
You: who dont want to pay a living wage
Stranger: yeah
Stranger: but you NEED a living wage
You: yeah, we all need a living wage
Stranger: but women are entitled and think they deserve only the best of the best of the very best men who will do whatever she says and wants and no matter what shes always right
You: this seems like a narrow focus on what women are like
Stranger: its the truth
You: like, this is a pretty shallow stereotype that might be true for like 10% of college girls
Stranger: lol its true for all girls
Stranger: girls are shallow
You: but i guess if thats who you put on a pedestal, shallow girls
Stranger: all girls are shallow
You: mmmm, i mean, you might be misinterpreting women's intentions
Stranger: how so?
You: like if i saw you at a coffee shop and over heard you talking this conspiratorial feminist is evil game, i wouldn't be interested in you
Stranger: Im not 6'0 or taller, im not ripped af and I dont drive a BMW, your not interested in me
You: eh, again, i didn't say that
You: i'm not interested in cars or money or height
Stranger: sure
You: or muscles
Stranger: sure
Stranger: so your a lesbian?
You: but i can tell a dude is a self loathing weirdo pretty quick
You: i'm bi
Stranger: ok
You: women are easier to date
Stranger: sure
Stranger: im 22 and still a fucking virgin
You: for me anyway
You: yeah, that happens
You: some folks are late bloomers
Stranger: LMAO no, women are shallow
You: alright, well if you want to believe that that's up to you, but your world view determines your world
You: so if you can't open your heart and learn to trust women, you'll probably keep thinking worse and worse thoughts about them
Stranger: well im not good looking so...
Stranger: LMAO trust women... that is horseshit.
You: and find yourself in more situations where you can prove yourself right
Stranger: women are nothing but cheaters and liars
Stranger: let me tell you something?
You: ok
Stranger: I met a girl on here 2 yrs ago, shes down in Tennessee, we kept in contact on skype, became friends, fell for each other, admitted our feelings, fell even more for each other, hoped to meet one day, have our first times, maybe end up married and be forever. She met another guy and threw me away.
You: so, you were 20 years old and an internet girlfriend ruined your life forever?
Stranger: nope
Stranger: it just proves how unloyal and unloving women are
You: idk, that sounds kinda stupid
Stranger: plus my 3rd ex cheated after a month, not to mention other BS she did, I'll share if you wanna know,
1st and 2nd ex never even liked me
You: like, i'm being pretty patient with you here
You: this self loathing rap is pretty pathetic
Stranger: lol its hatred of women
You: yeah, its called misogyny
Stranger: and feminism is misandry
You: eh, not really
Stranger: sure
Stranger: women are hypergamous whores
You: eh, i mean, if you and i were the only people on the planet, i would say men are toxic dudes who have little self awareness and say abusive bullshit with so little life experience its kinda tragic if not a little dangerous, and that women are extremely patient and nurturing even to weirdos who don't deserve it
Stranger: sure.
Stranger: if you think im ever going to trust a woman again your insane
You: i guess it was more advice for your sadness but its up to you
Stranger: im not sad
You: eh
Stranger: I just know the bitter truth of life
You: i mean you sound angry, but its obvious where its coming from
Stranger: yeah
You: lol, what is the bitter truth of life?
Stranger: that women are nothing more than shallow unloyal unloving whores who only care about themself, love isnt real. together forever doesnt exist
You: are your parents divorced?
Stranger: never married, dont know my father
You: what's your relationship with your mom like?
Stranger: its fine
You: does she love you?
Stranger: yeah
You: is she loyal to you?
Stranger: i guess. im her only child
You: would she give you her kidney if you needed it?
Stranger: idk, shes not in great health herself tbh
You: would you give her your kidney if she needed it?
Stranger: yeah
You: well that's good
You: have you heard much about internet feedback loops and how it can hurt your self-esteem?
Stranger: yeah
You: i kinda think you should look into your online peer group and figure out if thats who you want to be?
Stranger: Im not on any forums or anything like that
You: like... behind the "women are all cheating selfish shallow whores" is like "a woman would never be loyal to or love me or find me attractive"
Stranger: that is true
You: and that says something about you that isn't true
You: that you aren't unlovable
Stranger: Im not
You: eh, you probably are, or could be
You: just maybe chill with the incel stuff
Stranger: im not. for one im not anywhere near cute. That alone keeps love away.
I have huge trust issues. A short temper,
You: have you considered seeing a therapist?
Stranger: no
You: i've been seeing therapist for like 6 years, they are pretty great
Stranger: well I dont need one
You: what about the trust issues and the short temper?
Stranger: you cant fix those.
You: yeah, that's what therapists do
Stranger: and all it takes is one asshole to come along and destroy it
You: they help you work through those things
Stranger: honestly, I rather just blow up when im man
Stranger: mad*
You: eh, again, you do you, but this is real good advice honestly
Stranger: im fine
Stranger: as for trust issues, I tried to get over it, just to be fucked over again
You: eh, yeah,
Stranger: so I will stay single
You: i have had shit come up in cycles through my life too
You: its hard
Stranger: yeah
You: anyway bud, i should go, but take care of yourself, enjoy this summer :)
Stranger: yeah, but you know whats painful
Stranger: ?
You: what?
Stranger: seeing a hot af girl at the beach in a bikini and knowing I'll never get to smash that
You: dude, just see a sex worker
Stranger: I dont wanna pay for it
Stranger: or get aids
You: eh, don't be cheap and use a condom
Stranger: I am very cheap
You: ok, well, put a fuckin tin can in your room, and everytime you think to yourself "I'm unlovable" but a dollar in it
You: or what ever mean things your brains says to you
Stranger: I've got a peanut butter jar of like $400 change in my room. just because why not
You: yeah, well $400 will get you a good looking woman
Stranger: yeah.. or it can sit here and be mine.
You: or like half an xbox
Stranger: ok
You: ok, good luck
You have disconnected.
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