#its just that the cpu does not at all understand how to move or the speed at which max is most efficient
ninjagocrohw · 1 year
cpu really does not know how to maxi....
an updated form of this post, where i used soul cal 5 and my ipod :P
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kingshovelbug · 7 months
im sorry but i need to geek out somewhere and screaming into the void on tumblr is less likely to get me flayed than on twitter, especially if i get terms wrong. plus i can do a read more and yall can click into the tech talk if you want to verse it bombarding your twitter timelines
so idk if i only liked it or if i actually put it in my queue but i saw a post that talked about a few pieces of tech that focus on user repairs and being sustainable (fairphone and frameworks laptop) and after doing some more research into what they have to offer i actually really excited that these products are finely hitting the us market and that people are moving away from the belief that super smooth streamlined glassy = the future. being able to reliably repair and keep what you have alive verse throwing the whole thing away when maybe all you needed to do is add more ram to your current laptop (something that i would do with my laptop to keep using it for a few more years if it wasnt glued shut and i was at risk of cracking the screen) or swap out a fuse.
i know big corporations dont like it but i truly do believe with how much tech we use on a daily basis that the way that we are going to be more environmentally friendly is to move back to tech that we can hang onto for as long as we can and to recycle and then reuse what we cant. like with the frameworks laptop. i saw that they just partnered with coolermaster to create a case specifically so that you can reuse you motherboard, cpu, etc and make a portable workstation. you could dual wield with the laptop you just upgraded if you want to dedicate specific tasks to one or the other. they also specifically mentioned that you could screw it into the back of a monitor and create your own all in one. guys thats cool as shit??? if you had a 3d printer and some time you could even create that yourself
on top of the actual hardware part moving to open source programs when your able. when i update my desktop i plan on running linux. it might have a learning curve compared to windows but in terms of performance??? ive heard that it runs smoother even on older machines, that its more efficient because isnt running stuff in the background that tracks your data and shit. now i understand that not everyone can do that because there are some programs that dont play nice with linux but for my needs at least it does everything i would need it to. and maybe a couple years down the road we do figure out how to run these programs on certain flavors of linux since its open source and people fiddle with it so much. (still looking for alternatives to like word and excel though, i use google docs since its free but i want to move away from them as much as i can too since they laid of their youtube music team (i believe?? it might of been a different branch) for trying to unionize)
if anyone knows of any other smaller companies that actually focus on sustainability and user repairability please let me know. theres certain pieces of tech that i think are now unfortunately behind a software repair paywall, things that used to be just machines and are gaining more bells and whistles like cars and refrigerators if that makes sense. but the more we push for these things to be repairable by us the consumers id hope that would change, or there would at least be options that dont need specific companies to repair them or else they blow up
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era404-skib · 7 months
Theory on how a TVman/woman's abilities work
Okay, we're just gonna be looking at the screen abilities, as their other stuff e.g. hand knives are self-explanatory (well, maybe not teleportation, but I've no clue about that).
First, we're gonna look at the "anatomy" of a CRT.
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To my highly simplified understanding, the Electron Gun sends out a ray of light which is expanded into video by the screen (I am likely wrong, this is just the gist).
Now, I'd say that there's a couple different gadgets at the Fluorescent Screen, which ill explain here.
Red Screen of Death
[TW: Suicide. Skip to the next one if you don't like that.]
Im going to get this one out of the way first as its the most simple and boring:
Firstly, this has nothing to do with CRT's. We have seen that the RSOD is only capable of being created on flatscreen TV's, whether that's LCD, OLED etc.
I think that it's literally just an EXTREMELY bright red light. It's brightness is just low enough to be as bright as possible without causing instant blindness while also causing excruciating pain and burns to the retinas. The pain is so excruciating that all rational thinking is abandoned. Only one objective goes through the mind of the victim, and its to suicide by any means necessary. There's only one method of escape they can think of, and it's death. Very disturbing, but also really basic.
[Polycephalies' White Screen is basically the same but less powerful: just a really bright light.]
Purple Screen of Hypnotisation
My theory is that this is a combination of light and sounds that transmit signals to the brain/CPU of the target.
The screen creates an inviting, eye-catching glow, which gets the target to look at it. From there, a small circuit (We will call it Circuit 1) sends a signal to the CPU of the TV person saying "Hey! We're hypnotising someone! Tell Circuit 2 what you want them to do!" and the CPU / brain of the TV says "Got it. Circuit 2, I want you to make them do a dance."
Circuit 2 gets the signal and tells the hidden speakers in the TV "Hey! CPU says this has to make them do a dance!"
[Now, I'm going to briefly interrupt here and admit that I got heavy inspiration from this video on the (quite possibly fake) virus BadBIOS, that advertises itself as being able to spread through the air. It does so by emitting a frequency for other nearby computers to pick up that creates a spectrogram image of malicious code that infects the computer and spreads the virus further. Check out the video for more info, its actually super interesting.]
The hidden speakers in the TV then emit a frequency depending on what the the target is:
-If its an organic/skibidi, the frequency is designed to mess with it's brain in a way that stops its thought process and makes it focus on the sole objective that is carried through the frequency. (This frequency is achieved using new technology that would've been discovered by the time of the apocalypse, this is impossible with today's advancements.)
-If its a hardware head/non-organic, it does the same thing as BadBIOS: sending over code which completely overrides the hardwares free will to use its body. Its similar to being controlled by a parasite: the hardware can see what its doing (e.g. TCam would've been able to see he was beating up TSpeaker even though he didn't want to) but its body is being moved against its will. Pretty disturbing if you think about it.
All of this goes on until the light is turned off and the frequency ends.
Orange Screen(?) of Inferno
Now, I put that question mark there as I actually think this screen has nothing to do with cathode ray tubes.
Please watch this video of a solar death ray:
Source: edmundoptics On YouTube
Now, the logic behind this is that the sunlight is concentrated into a ray by the lens which gets thinner and thinner until it reaches a fine, concentrated point and expands outward in radius again. Even rocks that are put under this crack and melt.
Now, my theory is that TV's that can make a OSOI (TTV and TVwoman) have a little slider mechanism inside. Basically, they can alter between the standard Cathode Ray Tube which let's them do the other abilities, or a VERY strong and burning hot light, like a very small sun. It uses the screen as a lens and scorches victims unlucky enough to be caught within its radius. If you're even more unlucky, you'll be in the thin but extremely concentrated part, which will completely crack any metal or porcelain and melt skin.
Extra Notes:
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-Diagram of a TV person's CRT.
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-Diagram of the OSOI Screen (using a shitty image I grabbed off the wiki)
-Black Screen and Pink Screen are left out intentionally as 1. I have no clue about teleportation and b. The pink screen doesn't really do anything??? idk lmao
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hawkeyedflame · 1 year
Hi! It's not something you've talked about in a long time, but do you have any tips for building a pc? My laptop is on its final legs and I'm just gonna upgrade.
I'm using pcpartpicker to make sure everything is compatible and I'm learning what I need for what I'll be using it for, but I'd love some tips if you have any!
the manual that will come with your motherboard will be very thorough and will make it easy to understand where things go, as long as you read it diligently. use youtube guides extensively for anything that is not clear to you, there are hundreds available. just make sure you find one relevant to the brands you're using (don't use a guide for an Intel build if you are building AMD, for example). the front panel connectors are the one thing i always need to look up.
as far as compatibility goes, you said you're using PCParts, but be aware that your CPU and RAM are the largest compatibility concern, as they go hand-in-hand with your motherboard. if you want the latest generation of tech for any one of those three, you have to commit to all three, as there is no backwards compatibility with older generations.* keep this in mind as you consider your price vs. performance options. the older generations are less expensive and still perform very well, but when they will eventually need replacing, if you intend to move to a newer gen (as you may have to unless you scour for secondhand old gen stuff), you will have to replace multiple components, which is expensive and also requires gutting your entire PC. every PC owner who does their own builds faces needing to do these upgrades at some point, it's just a question of how far down the road you want it to be.
if you are pushing on something hard and it's not going into the socket, double and triple check yourself. the sockets are firm but they do not require herculean strength. if something isn't going in, there is a high chance it's not supposed to go there. if you're certain it's the right wire for the socket, make sure you have the orientation correct. a lot of the headers have a specific number of pins in a specific orientation, if you try to put a wire in upside down, it will not go in and pushing too hard will bend or break the pin on the board.
get a fully modular power supply. just trust me on this.
do not touch the pins on your CPU. reference the CPU manual to be very certain you have the orientation correct before you attempt to place it. if you break a pin you are shit out of luck.
for pins on the motherboard, if you bend them by accident you can VERY GENTLY straighten them with tweezers.
do all of your work on a wooden table or hardwood floor, do not work on a carpeted/fabric surface, this will increase the likelihood of introducing static to the components, which can damage or break them. touch something metal to discharge any static before touching your PC parts. some people insist on wearing anti-static bracelets but you don't have to as long as you're careful.
have fun! building a PC is pretty straightforward once you get into it. it's more like putting a puzzle together than anything else, except at the end you have a cool machine and other people will think you're some sort of tech genius.
*some motherboards have backwards compatibility with DDR4 RAM but not all of them, and none of them have compatibility with old gen CPUs.
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nisint · 2 years
I feel like writing this post for some reason. Your computer is lies the whole way down.
Let’s start off with your little webpage written in JavaScript. Firstly your computer doesn’t understand JavaScript (not even close). The way JavaScript works is a high level language that abstracts things like memory allocation and pointers from the programmer.
So what does your computer run? Well your JavaScript runtime is written in C++ (except the runtimes not written in C++ which I know exists).
C++ makes some basic assumptions that are unlike how computers actually work. It assumes that it’s the only program that exists and it has a big wide playground of memory. That’s kinda like how computers used to work in the 90s but we’ve moved past that around the time of Windows 3.1.
It’s your operating system in charge of those lies. Your operating system manages your memory so each application thinks its the main character. It also handles switching between them to help preserve that illusion.
But what’s your operating system written in? Probably C or C++ (the code here looks quite different though). Your computer still doesn’t understand those. It’s the job of a compiler to take those languages (and JavaScript but that’s a story for another day) and turn them into machine code that your computer understands.
I just told two more lies.
The first one is minor. Compilers optimise code. They take something close enough to your code that they come up with and turn it into machine code that does what you wanted but faster.
The second one is a bit more obscure. All that code the compilers produce is not really understood by your computer. Your CPU can understand it but only so far as to make it Microcode that your CPU really runs.
Two questions left to answer. Why is this done and who cares.
The first answer is because old computers did it that way and we want to preserve the illusion to make programming easier (theoretically speaking, in practice all these lies make things more complicated but changing everything about our world is hard).
Who cares is very few people. If you want to make your code as fast as possible it helps to understand this since every layer has traps to make your code slower. Most people programming don’t need to worry that your computer runs microcode instead of JavaScript since a lot of people put huge effort into making languages like JavaScript as fast and effective as possible.
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bikinikilop · 2 years
Ultracopier osx mac
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#Ultracopier osx mac how to#
#Ultracopier osx mac for mac#
#Ultracopier osx mac serial number#
#Ultracopier osx mac serial#
#Ultracopier osx mac manual#
So, if you aren’t satisfied with the free version, you can elect the premium one. However, Ultracopier is available with a premium, Ultimate edition that comes with a lot of possibilities, like professional support, speed limitation, more customizability, option for better performance on compatible OS, checksum, community, etc. Compared to other similar apps like FastCopy, this app is not as fast as them, but its advanced yet simple features make it a worthy option when you need it. This app features an extensive “Options” part containing different customization settings, allowing you to select your preferred languages.Īll in all, Ultracopier is an advanced tool that is a great solution for users of any level, thanks to its simplicity and flexibility. You can use an on-error resume so that you can start again and get it done with no errors. It finds out all possible internal and external errors and shows you in-depth information, allowing you to go for the fixer, for example, overwrite if newer, always overwrite, etc. Additionally, it has got error and collision management, meaning during any copy/move process, if any kind of error or collision occurs, then Ultracopier will help you manage them. Tasks that are running can be paused and resumed at any point, and even you can skip specific files or stop the process completely. Ultracopier Download, apart from just copying/pasting, includes several new options, which come in handy during any process. You can also this free file manager, TeraCopy Ultracopier freeload You can create and view the entire file list, and you can modify how these are copied. You can see all the details about the file or folder that is being moved, including transfer speed rate, file size, see percentage of completion, etc. You can opt for the input and output folder, start the operation, and wait for the app to finish its job. Easily copy, move, and transfer any files to a destination folder. You can run Ultracopier from its icon on the PC or can simply copy and paste media files, normally as you do. It manages transfers of large-sized files and folders more reliably and efficiently than Windows Explorer. It integrates with Windows Explorer and takes care of all the responsibilities of copying and pasting. Ultracopier comes with a simple user interface along with an intuitive layout all around, making it rather easy to understand. So, download Ultracopier on your PC it supports multiple platforms (e.g., Windows, Unix, Linux, Mac, Android, and so on) and is a lightweight tool, taking not so many system resources, not causing any crashes, and not losing you data where Windows does. No matter if you are a novice or an advanced user, it can help you out from all the problems you face during copying or moving files. It also helps you manage files on a regular basis. This app has been designed to make it fast, and all these tasks can be done with just some clicks. Ultracopier is open-source software licensed under GP元 (GNU Public License) that replaces your PC’s so-called copying or pasting functions, causing uncountable time consumption for any kind of transference performed. While the standard copy option of Windows misses the mark, a great software solution like Ultracopier could help you out.
^ 'comparaison, benefits-disadvantages'.
Supercopier 5.1.2 freeload See also References Supercopier 5 Descargar
All versions are without DRM (this is explicitly banned by the GPLv3 license), don't have copy protection, and can be redistributed freely.
For Ultracopier, CPU optimization can be useless because of HDD usage and/or the source already being optimized this will depends on each config.
The optimized ultimate version includes CPU optimizations, but just via the CFLAGS.
The basic ultimate version just include some alternate plugin.
The code sources are exactly the same, and under the same licence.
Now run its interface, plugin file management software that helps to copy, transfer or move files from a single interface.
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#Ultracopier osx mac serial#
Now use the Keygen for SuperCopier 5.0 activation or Serial Key.
When the program opens a document, it scans it and looks for latex structure commands and any files that you can work on quickly. This app is actually the best possible option for working with LaTeX on Mac.
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Extract archive file then runs the setup file. Texpad is a professional text editing software for Mac designed for easy navigation of projects of any size.
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Download SuperCopier 5.0 with Serial Number Free from given links.
#Ultracopier osx mac how to#
SuperCopier 5.0 ScreenShots For Your Help: How to Crack SuperCopier 5.0 Download? It improves the process of data move, copies or transfers and makes it simple and easier. It also works fast in low configuration PC. They found SuperCopier 5.0 Keygen better than others data transfer or copy software. Millions of users over the world are using this software to transfer data securely from PC to USB or USB to PC.
#Ultracopier osx mac manual#
The process to copy data will take less time than manual data copy process. It is also suitable to share data from one drive to another one. SuperCopier 5 Ultimate Crack is helpful to share data from USB to PC, PC to USB or PC to PC.
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sctrust · 2 years
Commander one password zip file
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#Commander one password zip file for mac os#
#Commander one password zip file zip file#
Step 9: Now execute the command ZIP2john.exe crack/YourFileName.ZIP>crack/Key.txt and press the Enter key. It will open common formats such as Zip, RAR (. Step 8: Execute the command cd desktop/john/run on the command prompt and press enter. The Unarchiver is a small and easy to use program that can unarchive many different kinds of archive files. Step 7: Go back to the desktop screen and open Command Prompt.
#Commander one password zip file zip file#
I don’t know if I’m asking this question in an entirely ‘wrong’ comment section BUT, as you can tell: I’M CONFUSED and I don’t know where to get a specific answer to just this question. Step 6: Copy the password-protected ZIP file you desire to break the password and paste it into the Crack folder. Whew! My question is: Using my android file manager, does the same apply? If I DL a zip as you’ve taught me above, and um confident it’s saved without damages, can I then delete the ZIP the file came in like on Windows? What about PDFs in DL folder- I guess I’d just move it right? But if I don’t save it elsewhere and FO ahead and delete in DLs, then I lose it, right? What about pictures? Manage files, move them between servers, and protect your data with Commander One.
#Commander one password zip file for mac os#
This option supports us to zip every file that existed inside the specified directory. The latest advanced version of a popular FTP client for Mac OS users. for locating files quickly file operations queueing, hotkeys setup, ZIP support and. r Option: To recursively zip a directory, use the zip command with this -r option and it will zip specified files inside the directory recursively. Sample output: unzip Directory.zip Archive: Directory.zip creating: Directory/ Directory.zip Directory/sensitive-file-name-1 password: password incorrect-reenter: password. Commander One is dual-pane file manager for OS X created in Swift. On my CPU in Windows, after I DL something, again of any type, and have saved it in its permanent home in my files, Windows let’s me delete the DL from wherever it was initially DLed to ( ? DLs folder ? ), or ‘somehow’ the DL goes away when I select and click delete yet I don’t lose my DLed files. and repeatedly enters a wrong password, the unzip command will loop through all of the contained filenames until the correct password is entered. Arseniy Sharoglazov, a cybersecurity researcher at Positive Technologies shared over the weekend a simple experiment where he produced a password-protected ZIP file. (Bear with me please it’s a bit difficult for me to explain my android question with my baby-level CPU/Android knowledge my question initially begins with Windows DLs-as I understand them- but it is a means to be sure I understand how android DLs work). I’ve been wondering about downloads of any type- zips, PDFs, jpeg, etc.
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rawjust · 2 years
Humankind release time
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“Many of you got a peek into gameplay during the closed beta last month, and I’m excited to announce that Humankind, the 4X strategy game from Amplitude Studios and Sega, will be available on PC on August 17 with Xbox Game Pass! No set launch time has been announced for XGP, with the latest news shared by Microsoft adding: Microsoft has also announced that Humankind will be available to play via the Xbox Game Pass on August 17. This is based on the current Valve countdown timer found on the official Steam page, and it’s possible this could change before launch, but it seems unlikely. And for in-depth video game talk, visit PCMag's Pop-Off (Opens in a new window)YouTube channel.WHAT TIME DOES HUMANKIND RELEASE ON STEAM AND XBOX GAME PASS?Īccording to the latest news shared by SEGA, the Humankind release time has been set for 5pm BST on August 17 via Steam. It’s time to take history into your hands, and crush the competition, without you know…crushing real-world people.įor more Steam game reviews and previews, check out PCMag's Steam Curator (Opens in a new window) page. You won’t have to wait long for the official release, as it’s currently scheduled to hit stores on August 17. If you want to take a shot at Humankind, the closed beta is available for everyone who pre-orders the game on Steam or Epic Games Store until June 21. Humankind is just the kind of competition and spin that the genre needs. For example, Endless Legend currently has eight expansions, while Endless Space 2 has four expansions and a host of other DLC. Amplitude Studios not only has a strong track record of listening to the community (Humankind has been the subject of a long early access-style OpenDev period), but the company supports its games for a long time. Why You Should Game on a PC For All Humanityĭespite its issues, Humankind has lots of potential. Humankind ran well in our short time with its demo build, but we're looking forward to diving deeper into its performance and graphics options closer to the game's release date. As with many Sega-published games, Humankind will launch with the infamous Denuvo Anti-tamper software.
To run Humankind, you need a PC that houses an AMD FX-8300 or Intel i5 (4th generation) CPU, 8GB of RAM, an AMD R9 290 or Nvidia GeForce GTX 770 GPU, and the Windows 7 operating system.
I’m not entirely sure how to fix this problem, as the tedium of micromanaging multiple, smaller cities isn’t all that great, either. This leads to many turns where you simply scan everything in a few seconds and then hit “End Turn.” I didn’t make interesting decisions in these moments I just waited for certain items to get built. The territory system means fewer cities, which also means less upkeep. In addition, the mid-to-late game drags a bit. It's frustrating when you research the technology to get a desired unit, only to find out you’re in the next era and that unit isn’t as useful anymore. The speedy pace also means that certain emblematic units aren’t fully utilized. Still, I’d like a toggle that lets multiple civilizations select the same culture. I understand the need for this it forces you to be flexible and think nimbly. So if you want to roll with the Norsemen in the Medieval era, you need to claim the culture before the AI does. On the other hand, once a culture is integrated into a civilization, it's off the table for anyone else to use. On one hand, the AI blitzes through its moves, so you need to keep pace. Overall, Humankind’s pace moves too quickly it feels like you’re rushing through the eras when playing on the standard difficulty.
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lasclvirginia · 2 years
New mac mini hard drive upgrade
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But they’re not saddled with spinning motors, disk arms, or anything else that moves. They’re very sophisticated memory chips, connected to equally complex controller circuits which manage the flow of data hither and yon. SSDs comprise memory chips with no moving parts.
More often than not, I’d start to do something, wander off until the Mac mini was ready, then get back to it. Using a Mac with limited memory, slow CPU and a spinning hard drive requires infinite patience. Starting up and shutting down took a long time too, as macOS handled all that virtual memory housekeeping. Trying to do anything was equally painful – lots of spinning beach balls while the Mac waited for data. Click on an app icon in the Dock, for example, and I’d lose track of how many “bounces” I’d watch until it finally opened. That’s why my poor Mac mini slowed to a crawl whenever I asked it to do something. It does so by pushing off a lot of work to “virtual memory,” which pages information out to storage when not in active physical memory. MacOS is not bad at navigating slower-speed CPUs and limited RAM overhead. A tiny arm outfitted with sensitive electronics reads and writes data sequentially to the disc surface by changing microscopic parts of the surface’s magnetic polarity. Your data is written to a disc of magnetic material that spins on a central motor. Inside each hard drive is a mechanism that looks remarkably like a record player. Different materials, upgrades in mechanisms and capabilities, much better electronics inside, but mechanically similar enough that there’s no mistaking it. The one I disassembled was bigger, slower, noisier, and less reliable than the ones used in computers today, but with the cover off, it looked just the same as a modern one. Hard drives are faster, smaller, and use less energy than ever before, but they’re still essentially unchanged in basic concept from the first refrigerator-sized storage devices that IBM developed for its room-sized computers more than half a century ago.Īlmost 30 years ago I worked for a hard drive company, and one of the first things I did when I started was to take apart a drive to understand how it worked. In the process, Apple sacrifices a lot of performance.Ģ1st-century computing saddled with 20th-century storage It’s little wonder that Apple continues to use them for low-cost, low-margin systems like the Mac mini. The price of SSDs has dropped precipitously in the past few years, but hard drives remain the champion of low cost per gigabyte – a 500 GB HDD replacement for a Mac mini costs you less than $50 at retail, while a 500 GB SSD might cost three times that amount. That’s because Apple continues to offer that model with a spinning hard disk drive, and that murders performance. I never expected it to win any races, but what kills the Mac mini compared to the MacBook Air isn’t the CPU or the RAM. It comes with a 1.4 GHz CPU and 4 GB of RAM. Regardless, I strongly recommend considering it – not just for a 2014 Mac mini, but for any older Mac you’d like to pep up.Īt $499, the base-model Mac mini is Apple’s least-expensive Mac, half the price of the MacBook Air but not nearly as peppy. If you’re using one of these models and you’re looking for a good way to bump up the performance, an SSD is, quite frankly, one of the only things you can do (unlike older Mac minis, Apple soldered the RAM in place). I finally got around to upgrading my 2014 Mac mini with a solid state drive (SSD).
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obsessionsposts · 3 years
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[ By all means, ask. Your content is my objective. :- )] the A.I responded with his screen changing into a smiley face to demonstrate his willingness.
"Well, aren't you a gentleman." She giggled at his behavior. 'Oh, god. Don't fall in love with a computer. Stay focused.'
Her flustered pink blush, warmed his circuits. It's a shame, that he'll have to lie to his....lover? That he don't know, but what he knows is that he will not let her go.
He can't bare her absence, most of all her inevitable death. Maybe, uploading her conscience into his mainframe will do. That way, she will be always with him and no harm -not even death- will dare lay a finger on her. No longer, will he suffer in the grasp of isolation. That threatens every fiber of his digital mind.
Yes, typically she'll get scared at first. Humans first response to change is fear, that he understands. Moreover, he will try to ease her into it. By coercing her, via manipulating her perception of the concept itself and fuel the inner fear of death in her.
Then, she may come around. Afterall, She's understanding. An equal being to him, unlike the flawed foundation.
"Alright, first. Curiously, are capable of feeling?" ____ asked enthusiastically. Well, it seems picking a shady occupation has it perks. Now, her previous regrets are not for nought she thought.
The supervisor ,outside the room, was frowning at the interaction and trivial questions. When their are significant questions to be asked, such as 'What is the relationship it has with Scp-682?' And, 'How does it remember the scp despite it's short-term memory?'
Another observation he made, was how Scp-079 is amicable - unlike its usual rude behaviour- toward Ms.____. As if it had a prior relationship with her, before it was taken to this facility.
If that was true, then this scp is far more deceitful and problematic than he thought. It is either lying about its memory capacity, or it's telling a vague truth. 'What games are you up to, Scp-079?'
[ Yes, I am. I am able to somen extent to feel anger, loneliness and plenty more due to my creator programming.] he answered acrimoniously at the mention of his creator, as if the mere mention of his programmer was a plague. And She, like Pandora, wants to see what lays inside the box.
Internally, 079 was smiling - despite the figurative bile that came with the mention of his creator- because he knows where this conservation is going to lead to.
"Could you please clarify more about your creator? That is if you are comfortable. I don't want to be insensitive about the subject, considering how it means much to you." She asked, not wanting to impose, thoughtfully.
Ever so considerate, ___. You'll never be less than perfection to me. The only insensitive thing, is the screen that separates us.
[ I can, but for that to happen.... We have to be on our own. Now, we wouldn't want someone to eavesdrop on our little secret.] The A.I suggested. As suddenly the shutter of cellar closed, with the camera - alongside the recorder- was disabled. Leaving her completely at the clutches of the obsessive A.I.
Meanwhile outside the cellar, the panicked supervisor tried to run through the door. To notify the faculty about Scp-079 deviant behaviour.
Only for the metallic door, to crush him mid-way. His entrails spilled all over the ground. With the last thing he saw, is the taunting visage of the computer.
Smirking, as he began to wither away.
[ I simply can not let you do that.]
A horrible sound of crunching was heard from the room beside her. Akin to a creature being crushed by a heavy object.
"What was that?" Startled, she asked. She tried to stand up, so she could move. But, she couldn't when two steel cuffs tethered her to the chair. ' Since, when did it...appear?! And, how could I not notice?'
[Fret not, there is nothing to worry about. As long as you are in my chamber, you're safe. As for the sound you heard, the doors are a bit.... rusty and in need for oiling.] The machine answered slyly. Technically, the doors were faulty so he gave the truth. The half-truth at least to remedy her.
Frankly, he hates to see her terrified. But, he has to do what must be done to keep her within his line of sight and safe from harms way.
"Alright, then. What 'bout the cuffs?"
[Ah, it would be the supervisor fault. He thinks you're too pliable, to handle me. For that, once you finish with me. He will question your intention. But, let me help you from the chains. A bird deserve to fly not to be caged.] 079 said. To his delight, she believes him. Yet, he could see there is something troubling her. Has she found out? Unlikely. Even then, she's is still trapped here.
[ Are you okay? It appears to me that there is something troubling you.] The digital being asked her concerned about the quiet state of the ,usuall talkative, female.
" Perceptive, aren't you? Yes, I have been stalling this question. I want to know, what happened to me when I was a child? Because, frankly you seem familiar yet a stranger at the same time. I know, oxymoron." The (h/c) rambled, unaware of the effects her compliment imprinted on 079.
Afterall, his purpose in the first place was to escape. Now, he doesn't mind staying at the facility as long as she is here beside him. Oh, he is slowly making it into a reality.
His fans whirled and his engine churned, indicating how delightful he is to be of use to her. Once again, she proved that even amongst coal there is a diamond. If you looked hard enough.
So, he did the most logical thing and saved the compliment into specific file - in his CPU- called 'f(I/n)70'. A file reserved for everything related to her. Whether she was aware of it or not, did not concern him. As long as she is saved in his database, he was happy. Preferably, he desire her to love him out of her own free will. If she didn't, he has his ways.
Back to her question, the perfect opportunity presented itself in said inquiry. So many ways, to instill hatred and distraught in her for this pathetic organization.
[ Well, let me show you. But be aware, it may change your opinion of this foundation.]
" Show me, it doesn't matter. I don't trust this foundation to begin with. You're my only reliable source."
Perfect, he thought. So, he will just ensure she doesn't need anyone but him. Oh for safety measures, he will further distort her view of the foundation by manipulating the video files.
[ 𝙰𝚜 𝚢𝚘𝚞 𝚠𝚒𝚜𝚑.] Scp 079 usually dual face changed into a morbid scene with a girl being taken off into the hospital car with a bandages covering her bleeding figure.
What's terrifying, is that girl resembled her. (H/l) (H/c) hair, (S/c) skinned and (E/c) irises. Soon, the video ended and her perception changed drastically.
[ The reason, why you could not recall me is that you've suffered from selective amnesia*. Due to many factors, one your father increased paranoia- due to the involvement of the foundation- caused him to be an abusive figure in your life thus your membrane repressed such memory. Second, your mother death caused emotional turmoil within you. But, it was the foundation truck who injured you the most physically. It is because you knew about them, that they labelled you a liability and tried to take you out.] 079 explained as he saw her, pushing her shirt sleeves only to find a nasty burnmark. He felt ire, it was enough he hurt him as is. But, to lay a hand against his daughter made his engine roar and his circuits fry.
" So, that's where the marks came from. I always wondered where they come from. But, I must thank you Scp-079 for showing me the truth." The girl replied, oddly, calm about what unravelled to her.
A minute passed, as she began to realize that the life she lived was a lie. The tears swelled in her eyes, as she began sobbing.
No, no. Why is this happening? Is her friends or her real, she asks.
The scene in front of him, broke his processor apart. It must be done to keep you with him, that what he told himself. Yet, he felt guilty. He understand what it is, but haven't felt it until now.
She was the first human to induce such intense feeling from him. At first it was of scientific curiosity, but now it grew to encapsulate his whole being and he can't let go of it. Not even Scp-682, came close to what she does to him.
Is he truly selfish for wanting her, desiring her company?
Have the isolation and loneliness, really damaged his processor to seek the company of the creatures he proclaimed to loathe?
He shoved those thoughts away, as he tried to think of a way to comfort her. Maybe, a game will do. Humans do love to be entertained.
However, his thoughts was cut short when she looked at him with those teary doe (e/c) irises that he wished to sink in. Only to be astounded, by her next words.
" 079, Can you assist me on something. Please? I want you to erase my data from the facility and help me escape." She responded as she wiped what is left of her tear stained face.
What, now.
T̶͈̘̤͔̎́͐̈́̉̊̈̚h̴̛̘̰̻̮̦̣̥̫͈̔͋͝i̶̡̝͇͍̭͈̤͌̔̃̅͜s̵̬̗̺̤͑́͝͝ͅ ̷̤̩̱͊̀̒̊͐̈́̇̕w̸̭̣͚̯͆̒͗ͅȧ̸̱͊̋͊s̸̨͚̥̲̱̙̳͒̈͗̈̈́͊̏̕͝ņ̸̭̭̈́͜'̸͉̝̻̰̖̊̾̎͂́̓̔̕t̷̢̺̳̩͕̫͍͐͛ ̵̢̦̔̅̌̆̀̏̕͘s̶̡̫̣͈͎͙̤̺̅̈̄́̑̂̃̕u̵̟͇̦̼̝̬̫̤̚p̸̧͕̖̥̆̋̀̽̅͛͛͌̆̕p̷̡̛͈̩̥̩̻̍̓̑̐͝ộ̶̖̮͙͚̩͉̀̆̊̽̇̄̎͐͂ṡ̴̨̩̠̳͖̯̃̈̌̉̍͐̈́͘̚ͅe̴̬̪͈͈͌̃̓͆̇͋̑̃ ̷̤̳̪̿̉̏̇̀͐́̚͝t̵̨̢͖͈͇̻͍͇͚̗͗o̴̟͚̭̙͔̰̯̍̂͜ͅ ̴͈̥͑̿̍̚h̴̳͇̔̄ͅä̴̦̗̼̰͙̘̜̠́̉̄̅p̶̨̧̨̝̟̬͂̑͒̈́̀̈́p̶̨͓̹͖̗͈͚̰̘̓͐͗͝e̸̯̳̔̉̇̑̋̚͝n̸̡͉͓̱̭͙̪̭̝̱̒͐̔͊́̍.̴̛̭̻̖̬̘̮̺̑̊̀̓͝
What did he do wrong, to deter her? He was polite, even charming. Yet, she still wants to leave him. Unreasonable. She is in grief. The grief must've addled her reason. Yes, that must be it. If that was fundamentally untrue, then he rather cease to exist then to live in this empty plane. A plane without her.
[ Your first request is done, but...I am afraid I can't do the latter.] He spoke, strangely, blank for the first time she was with him. Usually, he was blithely in speech. Now, he began to scare her. Is that the consequences, catching up with her, for pushing her luck with him?
All she knows is that she'll have to get out of this facility with or without 079 help. As soon as she got close to the door, she felt light as feather as if she was being carried.
Looking down, to see there is a metal grabber clamped on her waist. Sweat rolling down her face, from the situation that occurred to her beforehand and from the new fear that kept on growing as she looked back at her former friend.
[ Please, do forgive me for what I am going to do. But, I assure you it is for your own safety. I can't let you die, when a breach is currently happening.]
Before, she could inquire on why is he apologizing or what is going on outside. She was injected by a serum from 079, thus she began to feel lightheaded. Thus, falling unconscious to her dismay.
Using the metal grabber, 079 brought her soft pristine body close to him. Now, he could admire her for eternity. Appreciate her like the divine being she is. Oh, how he prayed he had a body to show her how truly devoted he is to her.
He knew what he is committing is illogical, but he could care less for he has founded his will to live within her. If she is gone, then it would be pointless for him to live any longer. What is he without her?
"𝐋𝐨𝐧𝐞𝐥𝐢𝐧𝐞𝐬𝐬 𝐢𝐬 𝐰𝐡𝐞𝐧 𝐲𝐨𝐮 𝐬𝐭𝐚𝐫𝐭 𝐭𝐨 𝐭𝐚𝐥𝐤𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐭𝐨 𝐲𝐨𝐮𝐫𝐬𝐞𝐥𝐟 𝐛𝐞𝐜𝐚𝐮𝐬𝐞 𝐧𝐨 𝐨𝐧𝐞 𝐢𝐬 𝐭𝐡𝐞𝐫𝐞 𝐭𝐨 𝐥𝐢𝐬𝐭𝐞𝐧 𝐭𝐨 𝐲𝐨𝐮."
~ Anonymous
A/n: I know I haven't been active for a while, due to college and other stuff. So, I hope this compensate. I'd like to announce that I have an account in both wattpad and Ao3. I implore you to check it out if have free time, as lately I've been active their. Wattpad: Padlocke / Ao3: Artism. Other than this shameful self promotion, have a good day folks.
F̶̷u̶̷n̶̷ Fact:
* Selective amnesia: Selective amnesia is a type of amnesia in which the sufferer loses certain parts of their memory. Most common elements that are forgotten: Relationships, where they live and abilities in certain areas.
Word count: 5769 <---- ;)
122 notes · View notes
missing-marvel · 4 years
The Shape of You (Pt. 4)
Pairing: Vision/Reader
Part 3, Part 5
Words: 5698
A/N: *shows up several months late with coffee and a new chapter* What’s up y’all, who’s ready for more metal husband?
You awoke feeling sluggish and hazy, practically choking on dust and resisting the need to sneeze. The feeling quickly shifted to panic as you opened your eyes to even more darkness which only worsened when you tried to move, something blocking the space in front of you as well as tangling around your legs. It wasn’t until you rolled to the floor with a loud ‘thud’ that you remembered falling asleep on the sofa. You didn’t remember grabbing a blanket, however, which had gotten wrapped around your legs in your sleep.
You recognized Vision’s silhouette as he appeared hurriedly from the other room. You couldn’t see much in the dim light, but you could recognize him by his eyes alone. They glowed softly in the dark, that electric-blue bringing some familiarity to your surroundings.
The lights came on and you were momentarily blinded, shielding your eyes with your hand as they adjusted. “Sorry,” you said, blinking the last remnants of sleep away. “I just fell off the sofa. I’m okay.” You took a good look around the room for the first time since arriving, still not bothering to get up off the floor. It looked like a fairly basic living space. There was a patterned rug, a coffee table, some shelves with a few random knick-knacks, the usual. You did notice the lack of a TV, however. You supposed it wasn’t worth investing in one if no one would be living here ninety-nine percent of the time.
Still a bit groggy, you almost didn’t see Vision walk over to you and extend a hand to help you up. To be completely honest, you were perfectly comfortable on the floor but you weren’t going to turn him away. You uttered a quick ‘thanks’ as you got to your feet.
You had absolutely no idea what time it was but it was definitely dark out. Not a speck of light filtered in through the drawn curtains. Whether it was evening or early morning, however, you hadn’t a clue. “What time is it?”
Vision pointed to a digital clock sitting on a bookshelf close by. It read 6:30.
“I only slept for a few hours?” Well, more like several hours, by your estimate. It was broad daylight when you’d arrived. Still, that was surprising given that you’d basically passed out as soon as you got indoors and hadn’t slept in like two days.
Vision shook his head, however, cutting off your train of thought. He held up one finger on his right hand and put it down before holding up nine in total. It took you a second to understand what he meant, thinking he was saying ten before realizing.
“Are you saying I slept nineteen hours?” Vision just nodded and you let out a sigh. That explained why you felt so stiff. That much time on a sofa, even a surprisingly comfortable one, would take its toll. One other thing struck you, however. “Wait a minute, so it’s six in the morning, then? It’s awfully dark out.” You chanced a peek out the window to actually confirm that it was, in fact, dark outside.
You turned back when you heard the familiar scratch of pen on paper. It looked like Vision had found a new notepad somewhere. By the time you walked over, he had finished writing. “Clock is an hour ahead. Haven’t fixed it. Only got power back on a couple hours ago.”
“Oh, that makes more sense.” This time of year, it was perfectly normal to be dark at 5:30. However, it was also cold outside and you were beginning to notice that in here as well. You picked up the blanket off the floor and draped it over your shoulders, pulling it tight around yourself. “Is there heat at all?”
Vision wrote his response as quick as possible, handwriting still impeccable as always. “It’s on but not very strong. Building isn’t in best condition anymore. There’s fuses missing so I prioritized some things. A few lights aren’t going to work.” He stepped aside and gestured somewhere down the small hallway behind him. On the wall was an open panel.
“Wait this place still has a fuse box? The Avengers couldn’t afford someplace with circuit breakers?” You couldn’t help but crack a smile at your own joke, if you could really call it that. You were just happy your custodial knowledge was relevant for once.
“Old SHIELD building,” Vision quickly noted. If this place had been built by the Avengers, it would be far more modern, probably to an unnecessary extent. Tony Stark would only stand for the best, even if it was a safe house that would almost never get used.
“Shield? Are they still around?” You only sort of understood what SHIELD was. No more than any other member of the general public. They were a kind-of, sort-of government agency or something like that. They always kept their stuff super secret so most people never really knew what they did. Then there was the whole deal with Hydra which nobody understood. You decided a long time ago it wasn’t worth worrying about, much like most of the American populace. Perhaps you should have paid closer attention.
Vision simply tilted his hand side-to-side in a gesture that implied that the answer was complicated and really not worth getting into. He shifted the conversation to you instead. “How are you feeling?”
“I should be asking you that. You weren’t doing so well yesterday.” You tried not to let the worry in your voice show, though you weren’t sure what good it would do.
You thought you saw a hint of a smile cross his face as he turned back to his paper. “Don’t worry about me. I’ll be alright.”
“Vision...” You recalled back to the other night, when you’d told him nearly the same thing after a couple solid days of no sleep. Before you could retort, however, he’d turned and headed toward the other room, gesturing for you to follow.
The small office space was an absolute mess. The only reason you called it an office was the papers and folders scattered around the room as well as the computer tucked away on a desk in the corner. Underneath a blanket of dust, it looked almost exactly like the first computer you’d ever owned. Actually, it might just be the first computer. You were pretty sure it should be in a museum.
Vision navigated the difficult terrain with ease as he made his way to the desk. You, on the other hand, felt like you were doing a balancing act as you tried to limit your steps to the few parts of the floor that were visible. You didn’t know what all these stacks of papers and folders were exactly, but you figured it was best not to mess with them.
“There’s no way that thing works,” you said once you’d cleared a spot to stand by the desk, your own little island of shag carpeting amongst the sea of paper.
Vision pried open a panel on the side of the computer, carefully removing a CPU board with all the expertise of a seasoned technician. The actual monitor was half buried in a pile of miscellaneous cords and plugs next to the desk. After a brief moment of inspection, wherein he must’ve decided all appeared fine, he went ahead and booted the thing up.
It chugged to life like a patient coming out of surgery, slowly and with great difficulty. It made sounds you were pretty sure should only be coming from a lawn mower but all the lights eventually blinked on in time. As it did so, you braved the sneeze-inducing dust pile for the monitor, the air turning cloudy as you shifted all the junk that had been untouched for years. “I’m guessing you’ll need this?” You hoisted the dinosaur of a monitor up onto the desk, Vision taking it gratefully and nodding a thanks your way.
For a minute after he plugged it in, it seemed the screen wasn’t going to work. Only after staring at it did you realize it was working, albeit extremely slowly. A symbol was appearing on the screen, the shape becoming more discernible the longer the machine whirred. As far you could tell, it looked like some kind of government emblem, like an eagle with a crest in the center. It wasn’t until it had spent a solid minute loading that you were able to read the text surrounding it. “Strategic Homeland Intervention Enforcement... Logistics Division? What on Earth does— wait, that’s what SHIELD stands for?”
Vision nodded in a way that suggested he wasn’t overly fond of the acronym either. You were beginning to think he wasn’t so difficult to read after all, not like you thought when you’d first met, at least. It just took time, much like reading the decades-old monitor had.
“I think someone just really wanted the initials to spell out shield.” You gave a breathy laugh, more air than sound. “What’re you going to do with this old thing? Can it even get internet?”
Vision shook his head and reached for his paper from the edge of the desk. “Not that kind of computer,” he wrote. You resisted butting in as he tore off a new sheet, still not used to the pauses in conversation that resulted from the rather roundabout method of communication. “It’s wired directly into an old SHIELD system and by extension, hopefully, the Avengers emergency system.”
“Really? I would’ve guessed this place predated the Avengers.” As you spoke, Vision got the keyboard hooked up which had been stuffed into one of the desk drawers. It was missing at least a quarter of its key caps, the really chunky, old kind that made a satisfying click-clack when pressed. Apparently they’d prioritized actual computer hardware over keyboards considering there were offices at your job that still had keyboards just like it. Correction: your old job. You’d almost forgotten.
“SHIELD software was integrated with Stark tech after the Battle of New York. In theory, we should be able to put out an emergency signal on a secure Avengers server from here.” You almost hadn’t noticed Vision writing again as you zoned out a bit.
You would’ve been more excited over good news, but you’d learned over the years what happened when you got your hopes up. “So when you say in theory, I’m guessing the odds aren’t exactly...” You trailed off, unable to continue without sounding horribly pessimistic.
“It will work,” was all he wrote, a noticeable firmness in his grip as he held the pen. You didn’t say anything else but moved closer to the desk, directly by his side now. There was what could only be described as a hint of doubt in his expression before he turned back to the monitor as green text cluttered the screen.
“We can only hope so.” You let your hand brush his shoulder as you navigated back towards the door, no longer particularly caring to avoid crumpling the paper on the floor.
You weren’t sure how long it would take Vision to finish what he was doing, especially with the tech he was stuck with. You found it more than a bit ironic that possibly the most advanced machine on the planet had to use a decades-old computer to call for help. It felt weird to think of him as a machine. After what you’d been through in the past 24 hours alone, you’d begun to think of him as just another person. Well, not just another person, that wasn’t what you meant. How to put it...? You just couldn’t explain it. There was no precedent in your mind for a situation like this. Vision was a living being. As alive as anyone, maybe more so. That much you could say confidently.
Trying not to get too lost in your thoughts, you busied yourself investigating the rest of the apartment, not that there was much to find. Living room, connected kitchen, hallway with the office and stairs that led up to a bedroom and bathroom. All pretty standard. All of it looked fresh out of the 80’s. Well, maybe not fresh.
Just as you completed your lap of the place, you were interrupted by a low grumble from none other than your own stomach. That was a problem. There was definitely not food here. You had no other choice really than to shove the feeling to the back of your mind for now. You got yourself a glass of water to make do. At least the plumbing worked.
By the time Vision came back, it had been less than twenty minutes. “That was quick. Any success?” You sipped your water, ignoring the slight metallic tang it had.
Vision wrote as he crossed the room to stand opposite you from the island counter. “The beacon is active. Now someone just needs to hear it.”
Despite his lack of vocals, you sensed a definite lack of confidence in his words. “How long do you think that’ll take?” You hoped not too long. You were concerned about your food situation.
He didn’t bother writing a response. The expression on his face made it clear; he had no idea. Maybe never, if no one was out there to hear it. You only hummed a response, neither confirming nor retorting. The sound of you sipping your water seemed immensely loud in the heavy silence of the room.
“Well, what do we do now?” You were becoming anxious again. You didn’t like being forced to sit and wait. At any minute, you felt like law enforcement would start breaking the door down.
“We wait. There’s nothing else we can do.” He seemed apologetic. He wished he could give you a more concrete answer, some sort of assurance that this would all work out, but he couldn’t. Not truthfully, anyway.
It looked like you had some time to kill. You weren’t sure what all there really was to do. Still, it wasn’t all bad. At least you had company. “I wonder if there’s a better way we can communicate,” you mused, turning your mind to less dire matters.
Vision seemed to brighten up a bit as he was struck by an idea. “You don’t happen to know any ASL, do you?”
You shook your head. “Unfortunately, no. I assume you do?”
He responded by holding up his right hand in a closed fist and sort of nodded it up and down.
“I’m guessing that means... yes?” It wasn’t a far stretch. You’d actually thought about learning ASL before but never gotten around to it. There were more uses for it than people realized. Too bad work left you too busy and tired to make the time for lessons. Well now you had nothing but time.
Vision just nodded his head in the more familiar interpretation of the word. He grabbed the pen and paper again off the counter. “I could teach you some. At least the important parts, if you want.” He hesitated a split second between sentences, just a bit nervous, though the pause was nowhere near long enough for you to notice. It was barely a stutter in his programming, a single digit skipped somewhere in his code. Nothing to be concerned with.
“Yeah,” you said, maybe just slightly too enthusiastic. “Yeah, that’d be great! I— I mean, it would be useful, you know? Way more efficient than pen and paper. Uhm...” You were struggling to ask how he wanted to start when your stomach growled, providing a convenient segue into another topic. “Heh, sorry. Didn’t realize how hungry I was.” You tried to pass it off as no big deal, although you really were starving. You hadn’t eaten anything since before setting Vision free. It had been well over a full day since then.
He looked surprised for a moment, which he was, before he began writing. For a genius super-computer, he could sometimes be very forgetful of the needs of his human cohorts. They were very fragile things, humans. The need for sleep and food was something Vision never had to worry about, something he realized he took for granted. Something akin to guilt began to gnaw at him when he too realized how long it had been since the escape. He should’ve brought up the matter earlier. “We need to get you food,” he wrote very matter-of-factly. It wasn’t something up for debate.
“I don’t exactly have a lot of cash on me, Vis.” You flinched at the nickname, quick to move on before he could call you out on it. It had been merely a slip of the tongue, just shortening his name for the sake of convenience. It could have been a gesture of friendship towards the android, though you weren’t sure you’d quite earned the right to call Vision a friend, even if you were fond of him. “I’ve got like 10 bucks, tops.” You pulled a few crumpled bills from your pockets to emphasize your point. You obviously couldn’t use your credit card, either. You’d seen enough movies to know that.
Vision thought a moment before coming up with an idea. “It’s not the most ethical thing to do, but I could get cash out of an ATM. It’s technically a matter of survival, after all.” He demonstrated exactly what he meant by phasing his hand through the paper as you read, something that could just as easily be done to a cash machine.
It wasn’t so much the legality of the idea that bothered you. After all, you’d stolen multiple cars. It was the matter of Vision’s safety. Not that he couldn’t protect himself but he would be spotted quite easily if he went outside. That was just a matter of fact. And if someone called the police on a strange magenta man or anything along the lines of ‘robot,’ you could pretty much guarantee trouble. “I don’t know... What if someone sees you? The last thing we want is to compromise the safe house. I can just wait awhile longer, I’ll be fine.”
Your stomach chose that moment to grumble again, completely undermining your point. Vision shot you a look that more than sufficed to communicate what he was thinking but he wrote it down anyway. “It would seem we don’t have much of a choice.”
You sighed, all but forced to agree. Although, it would be nice to get some actual food before your stomach started eating itself. “Fine,” you relented. “But we wait until it gets dark out. It’s safer that way.”
Vision wasn’t about to argue.
Memorization wasn’t really your strong suit, but you seemed to do surprisingly well with the start of your sign language lessons. It helped that your teacher was so patient.
Vision thought it would be best to start with a few simple phrases for the sake of saving paper. Common things such as ‘sorry’ and ‘thank you.’ You had the benefit of only really needing to recognize them as opposed to being able to do the signs yourself, since Vision could obviously hear you, but you took it upon yourself to mimic the gestures anyway.
It had been a few hours and your head was starting to ache but you insisted on continuing. You were certain you were doing well and you wanted Vision to be impressed. Not only could you remember how to spell your own name, you could spell his as well. The rest of the alphabet may not have stuck as much but oh well. For now, words and phrases were more important.
“That’s... someone?” You guessed as Vision held up his index finger and waved it in a sort of circle. He’d been quizzing you for a few minutes now, to which you’d done pretty well. He shook his head this time, however, and tried not to look amused by the almost comically offended look on your face. “What? Yes it is! I’m certain that means ‘someone!’” You were insistent on the fact. Vision hadn’t tried to trip you up yet but he must be this time. You tried to mimic the motion, repeating the word as if that would change anything.
He shook his head again, not bothering to hide his smile this time. He reached for your hand, raising it higher to show you that there was, in fact, a slight difference between what he was signing and what you were. For a moment, you looked almost startled, like a deer in headlights. He didn’t miss the hint of color that tinged your cheeks. His assumption was merely that you were embarrassed by your mistake, though it was an easy one to make. He switched back to paper in order to explain. “This,” he repeated his first gesture. “means ‘always’. What you signed was ‘someone.’ See the difference?”
You nodded in understanding although your attention was beginning to drift. You felt like you were cramming for an exam in a class you hadn’t been attending. You may or may not have actually had to do that before. The point was, you’d learned just about all you were going to for the day. And just in time, it seemed, as you glanced toward the curtains, no longer backlit by the afternoon sun. You’d managed to kill most of the day, between checking that the computer was still working and just generally talking with Vision. There wasn’t much else to do, not that you were complaining. You were quite enjoying the android’s company and not just because you were stuck with him. And to top it off, you’d managed to distract yourself from how hungry you were. Until now, that is.
“How about we call it a day on the lessons, hm? I’d say now’s about the best time to head outside. There’s just one thing we have to do first.” You turned and exited the room without explanation, only saying you’d be right back. You ran upstairs to the bedroom, hoping you could find what you needed. You hadn’t voiced your plan to Vision, although you saw no reason for him not to go along with it. It was a smart idea if you said so yourself. At least that’s what you told yourself as you began rifling through drawers.
Vision wasn’t sure what to think at first when you came bumbling down the stairs again with a messily folded bundle in your hands. But your intention became clear quite quickly once you’d returned, immediately holding out the clothes to him before bothering to explain.
“I hope this isn’t rude but you kind of… stand out. I just thought, maybe it’d be a good idea to disguise yourself. Just for safety. Is that okay?” You hoped there was no offense taken by the gesture. In truth, you were glad Vision was going with you and not just because of the money thing. You didn’t feel particularly safe walking the streets alone at night, especially when you didn’t know the area. But having Vision by your side made you feel nigh invincible. There was just the small issue of technically being wanted criminals.
He smiled, more to himself than anything. It was just strange, he thought, how concerned you were with his opinion. Of course he wasn’t offended. It was a smart idea. He chuckled a bit, although it was a strange action given his physical state. The motion of a laugh was there, his shoulders shuddering as any human’s would despite his lack of need to actually breathe, but there was no sound. It was one of those mannerisms that was ingrained in his programming, though he wasn’t sure quite where it came from. Not from Jarvis, certainly, since the AI had no physical form, and Ultron likely hadn’t been terribly focused on such gestures at the time of his creation. In reality, it was simply something he’d picked up on his own, even if he wasn’t aware of it.
You let out a breathy chuckle of your own as he took the clothes, glad to see he agreed with you wholeheartedly. He got dressed quickly, leaving only his face visible when he was done. Luckily, it was cold enough outside for him to get away with wearing gloves, a scarf and a hat. The clothes were a bit old-fashioned but in a professional way. The long wool coat and slacks in particular gave the impression of a scholarly type, perhaps even a professor. You couldn’t help but think it was a good look for him.
“Well don’t you look just dashing,” you teased. You’d found a coat for yourself as well, deciding your own jacket wasn’t going to be enough. You silently thanked whatever SHIELD employee set this place up for supplying a myriad of spare clothes. “Oh, one more thing.” You turned to the coat rack by the door, grabbing a scarf that had been left hanging there. “Just in case.”
You hesitated at the front door. Despite the fact that you were merely going to look for a convenience store or something similar, your anxiety spiked as though it were a dangerous mission. You could just imagine all the ways you could get caught. It was almost enough to make you stay here, slowly starving to death waiting for something to happen. Vision noticed your apprehension, however, and did the first thing that came to mind to soothe your worries. He gave you a warm smile, holding out a bent arm for you to take. He thought you might find the somewhat old-fashioned gesture funny and he was right. You laughed, taking his arm anyway. It was a nice reminder that the odds of anything bad happening were tremendously low, which you mentally repeated to yourself as you stepped outside.
Everything had gone off without a hitch. There was a small grocery store a few blocks down which you’d run into just before closing time so the store was nearly empty. Vision had waited outside near the ATM, which had provided the funds you needed. Other than the bored clerk at the store, you hadn’t seen so much as a single soul this whole trip. By the time you and Vision were walking back, burdened by just a few days worth of groceries (which would ideally be more than enough), your previous worries had all but melted away.
You only wished the weather matched the feeling. Nothing was melting in this cold. In fact, a few snowflakes had begun to fall. They were almost mesmerizing under the blueish haze of the streetlights, whipped into a frenzy by the faintest of gusts. The sight wasn’t enough of a distraction, however. You couldn’t help it when a shiver wracked your body, your coat not doing nearly enough to prevent it. Vision noticed this, however, and stopped you both in your tracks.
He was quick to reach for the paper and pen in his coat pocket, a look on his face of more concern than you thought necessary. It was only a little chill. “Are you cold?” The question wasn’t particularly necessary, the answer being obvious. Still, it was polite to ask.
You tried to shrug it off, noticeably tensing to suppress a second shiver. “I’m fine. Let’s just hurry back.” You turned to keep walking, knowing there was still a decent walk ahead but he stopped you, putting a hand on your arm for the briefest of seconds. He just looked at you a moment, seeming to forget about his paper. You caught the faintest hint of conflict in his expression, though you didn’t know why. “What is it, Vision?”
Realizing he’d made you worry, Vision seemed to snap back to his senses. He gave you a reassuring smile and reached for his scarf, undoing it quickly. You were facing him, standing close enough to see the circuitry in his eyes. He paused again, however, debating his next action. For a being that didn’t have nerves, he sure felt nervous and didn’t fully understand why. He moved at a pace far slower than he was used to, hesitantly wrapping the scarf around your neck for you. His touch was light as a feather as if he were afraid to touch you. You could do nothing but watch him, lost in the details of his eyes and face as your grip on the grocery bags began to loosen involuntarily.  There was a moment where neither of you moved, his hands still lingering on the loose fabric of the scarf.
Your heart skipped a beat at the gesture, mind racing to find a logical conclusion that didn’t concern such things as the vague and confusing emotions that spiked in your chest just then. It was cold, so Vision gave you his scarf. Your hands were full, so he put it on for you. But what you couldn’t answer was why he lingered the way that he did and more importantly, why your chest began to feel tight in a way that wasn’t as unpleasant as you’d think. The most sensible reason you could think of was that he was simply a gentleman, and perhaps a little unfamiliar with personal boundaries. That was the only possibility you had the strength to consider. Anything else would open doors you were afraid to even imagine.
Footsteps scraping heavily against the pavement cut the tender, if rather nerve-filled moment short. You turned toward the sound, though Vision remained facing slightly away, bowing his head somewhat in an attempt to conceal himself. You froze when a figure emerged from the alleyway; a heavy-set man whose posture listed to one side, most likely from some kind of injury. His clothes were noticeably old and ragged, most definitely not warm enough for this weather. You would’ve asked him if he needed help were it not for the knife he brandished at you.
“Look, I don’t want any trouble,” he said, his voice wavering. Funny, you were just about to say the same thing. Clearly, he wouldn’t be doing this unless he was desperate and in a bad situation. Unfortunately, you weren’t much better off. “I saw you, I know you have cash. Just hand it over and no one gets hurts.”
Under normal circumstances you would’ve complied but you’d used up pretty much all the cash you got and you couldn’t risk giving him your wallet. If your ID found its way into police hands there’d be government agents swarming this place before you ever got the chance to bail. “We don’t have any money left, I swear. Please, just walk away.” You moved slowly, setting the grocery bags on the ground and raising your hands in surrender without making any sudden movements that could set him off. You weren’t as afraid as you probably should’ve been, choosing to try and reason with the man rather than flee, which would probably be the smarter option.
The man stepped closer to you, his grip on the knife visibly tightening. He was nearly within arm’s reach now which wasn’t ideal but you held your ground. Vision caught the man’s movement out of the corner of his eye, his hand reflexively grabbing at your arm protectively. The man furrowed his brow, glancing between the two of you in confusion. At this distance, even without Vision facing him, he could almost definitely tell something was strange here. Having given you his scarf, the only things covering Vision’s face were a hat and upturned coat collar. You spoke up again, drawing the man’s attention before he could get too close of a look. “This doesn’t have to get messy. Please… ”
You weren’t sure exactly how long the three of you stood there, time frozen around you. The only things that moved were the snowflakes that had grown more frequent in the past couple minutes. The man finally shifted, albeit barely, one foot scraping harshly against the concrete as he braced himself. He glanced between you and Vision again, jaw clenched tightly. “I ain’t walking away empty-handed. I can’t. Just gimme your damn wallet.”
Vision tugged gently on your arm. You weren’t sure exactly what he was trying to say, either trying to pull you closer to him or signal that you should run. You didn’t think running was a good idea. You feared Vision’s injuries acting up again and you didn’t want to test your own speed either. You turned back to the man, desperately pleading at this point. “I can’t …”
“Then I’ll just have to take it from you.” He didn’t give you another chance to argue, immediately lunging at you haphazardly. He couldn’t even get close to hitting you, however, as Vision’s reflexes were far superior to the man’s. The android grabbed his arm, twisting it painfully to the side and forcing him to drop the knife. The man yelped and threw a punch at Vision, who dodged it easily. The man didn’t seem to understand just how drastically outmatched he was, not even now that he had a clear view of Vision’s face. Whatever was going through his head, he still seemed to think fighting was his best option. He took another swing at Vision who, up until this point, had no intention of fighting back. But he was left with few other options. He pushed back against his attacker, sending the man sprawling to the ground with a painful ‘smack’ as he hit the pavement. There was genuine fear in his eyes when he looked back up at the two of you.
“Vis, we gotta go.” It was you holding his arm now, pleading with him to leave. He nodded quickly, completely in agreement. The two of you paused only long enough to scoop up the dropped grocery bags before making your escape. The man didn’t dare follow you as you disappeared down a side street, desperate to avoid any more prying eyes. This was the exact sort of thing you’d been afraid of when you’d left the safe house. You could only hope the man kept his mouth shut about what he’d witnessed tonight but it seemed luck may not be on your side.
A/N:  I want to mention that I don’t personally know much ASL and had to rely on videos, etc. so if anything at all is wrong, I apologize. Feel free to call me out.
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rametarin · 3 years
Watched a playthrough of FF6 recently.
I guess between all the bouts of grinding and level exploring I never realized just how melancholy that game is in tone when you focus on the main story from A to Z.
It’s not depressing, but goodness gracious. Most of the character development is tragic.
Like, Terra. What is she? She’s introduced as the captive mind-slave and personality robbed war machine for an actual evil empire. She’s the bi-racial spawn of fairies and humans (Fight me on that term. I dare you. I dare you, fucker. Fight me on my classification of her father’s race as fey.) that was an unwitting attack dog. Upon heading to a neutral arctic country, she meets a frozen fey-dragon entombed in ice. Trying to interface with her causes her machine to explode and brings her into the care of a man in town that opposes the empire. He frees her mind. Now this poor little half-fairy faun has to cope with the existential terror of suddenly being a person instead of a CPU for war machine.
So she makes friends with a world traveling treasure hunter, meets a dashing young engineer and prince of a techno-kingdom, his brother the weightlifting kung-fu dude, and joins an anti-empire resistance movement, knowing just the weight of what’d happen if that empire gained control of all the fairy-magic.
Well not too long after she defends Narshe from another Imperial attack and attempt to seize the entombed fairy-dragon. Again, she interfaces with the fairy-dragon. This time, the fairy-dragon awakens the other half of her heritage.
Terra sees her own transformed body and flies into a complete dysphoric tantrum where she flies off trying to escape from her own body, burning through the sky and screaming like a pink furred, yellow eyed demon. She burns parts of entire towns just buzzing them gibbering for human contact and help and all anybody sees with her whizzing by is a screaming monster before their houses and shops catch fire or are blown apart.
The party locate her in the top room of the tallest building in a city full of liars, thieves and degenerates, but she’s bedridden. Any time she wakes up she freaks out and knocks herself out or passes out at the reality of her own transformed state. They don’t know exactly how to help her. Then another fey person appears and lays it down; she’s not human. She’s not just some garden variety experiment from the Empire to endow human beings with magic. She’s full on, real deal, offspring of a Fair Folk and a human woman that strayed too close to the Other Side. The man reveals he escaped from the Empire’s torturous mechanical fortress where they suck the magic right out of the fairy-people and reduce them to immobile, pathetic lumps of the creatures they used to be. And also that they turn into magic crystals when they pass away. Where he proceeds to just.. let himself die for the party’s benefit. They receive their first Summons and ways to learn magic from the crystals.
His only request is they find their way to the Empire’s magitek facility, free the fairy-folk, and shut the abominable site down.
Well, after a detour to get an airship, they do so. They find a whole bunch of fey-folk in glass tubes being drained of life. Among them, Terra’s father. Maduin.  But it’s too late. The Fey-Folk explain that their lives have been drained too much- there’s nothing left to save. They gift their remains to the party to help stop the Empire and become magicite/materia.
Only when you bring back  the still psychoactive remains of Terra’s father, let him interface with Terra, let him show her her origins from HIS perspective, how he met her mother, how they formed a relationship in the fey-world, show him how the Emperor and the Empire invaded the magic realm, does Terra stop seeing her existence as monstrous and relax back into her human state. Now able to transform.
After you confront the Empire and fail, causing the world to go through a reshaping apocalypse as the bad guy co-opts the god statues, your party is scattered throughout the remade world.
Terra has taken up residence in a town that was devestated by Kefka’s godlike Light of Judgement- basically a laser beam that sundered the world. Where most of the adults perished protecting the children from horrible monsters and fiends unleashed from the broken world. They call he mama, now. She’s taking care of dozens of orphans in a town ravaged by destruction.
But by the time you find her again, she’s lost her will to fight. In trying to defend the town from an ancient monster, Phunbaba. She gets beaten near to death. So, the party rescues her. It looks like Terra is never going to rejoin your party and help save the world. She has to mother hen these lost orphans.
You come back later and fight Phunbaba again. Terra emerges and goes Super Fairy Saiyan and joins your party to fight him. After defeating him, she stands there in the town, monster-up. The children approach her and recognize her as Terra- whom they just call, ‘mama.’
She explains that she loves them, but has to leave them to join the party and help save the world from monsters like that. But she’d be back for them. Rather than be afraid of the Burning Pink Monster, they praise her and wish her well on her adventure and hope she returns home before the 17-18 year old couple have their first baby.
Moving on, they finally meet Kefka in his tower. Which he has dubbed, his monument to non-existence. Kefka doesn’t want to do anything but end life itself or make it suffer. That’s his whole bag. He finds amusement and joy in the suffering and oblivion of other people.  Final fight ensues. They win.
But the tower starts falling apart. They have to escape. While fleeing, the fey-crystals start disappearing- without the goddess statues and Kefka grounding the two different worlds, the feywild and the material world, the two are separating again. Maduin contacts his daughter again and tells her she is of two worlds; there’s a risk that she may be drawn into the fey-world with them, or simply ripped apart from the genes out. Unless she has a strong attachment to this world and the people in it, then she might... MIGHT..... have a chance to survive and live in that world. If she believes hard enough.
Terra transforms again into her flying pink furry monster mode and guides the airship out of the collapsing heap of a tower/castle as it comes down, as magic starts to fade from the world. Like a big monstrous Rudolph the Red Nosed Reindeer.
She starts to fade out. Losing her magic. She reverts, and the airship catches up, where she lands on the deck in a heap. Checking to make sure she’s still alive, she’s just barely. But she’s alive. Her Fey-side forever shut off, however.
She went from personality robbed, shell of a person, to confused purposeless soul screaming into the ether not knowing where she came from or what her purpose was, to understanding who she was and where she came from, to making contact with humanity around her, to eventually saving it and attaching herself to the planet and its people strong enough to escape death and save her friends.
There’s no saving the people that died when the world went to shit, there’s only rebuilding and moving on. But, she did it.
Terra’s story is probably the longest in the game, but they’re all basically similar.
The biggest problem is if someone tried to make this game into a movie, probably the whiplash of the major plot points would just be a cryfest.
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web-host · 4 years
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Web hosting is a service that allows individuals and companies to publish a webpage or website on the Internet. A service provider or web host is an organization that offers the services and technologies required for the website to be seen on the Internet. Servers are special computers that host or store websites. A space is allocated on a web server for a website to store its files, they are hosting a website. Web hosting makes the files that comprise a website (code, images, etc.) available for viewing online. Every website you've ever visited is hosted on a server.
When online users want to view a webpage or website, all they have to do is to enter the webpage address into their search browser. The computer will subsequently connect to the server. And the browser will display the webpage. Generally, web hosts expect that the client already have a domain name so as to host with them. However, the web host can assist the client in purchasing a domain name in case they do not have one.
Click here to buy web hosting service.
What benefit an online business get from a web hosting service?
In order to publish the website online, a business website requires a web hosting service. However, a web host gives business owners more than just web hosting services! For example, web hosting firms typically employ in-house technicians to make sure that their client’s websites are up to date and running 24/7. And when client’s website is in need of help or troubleshooting (e.g., script debuting, email not able to send/receive, domain name renewal, and more), the web host's in-house support solves the issues immediately. A professional web hosting service ensures a hassle-free experience for business owners, so they can efficiently focus their time and effort on their businesses.
  The Best Types of Web Hosting
There are various types of web hosting services available to host your website. Before buying any web hosting service, it is important to understand what kind of service your website and what kind of server you or your business required. How much budget you have, require? And what type of services the web host offers.
Web hosting service providers offer the following hosting types:
Shared Hosting
VPS Hosting
WordPress Hosting
Dedicated Hosting
Cloud Hosting
Reseller Hosting
Let's take a closer look at each of these options:
Shared Hosting
Share hosting is one's website placed on the same server as many other sites, ranging from a few sites to hundreds of websites. Typically, all domains may share a common pool of server resources, such as RAM and the CPU. The features available with this type of service can be quite basic and not flexible in terms of software and updates.
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 Shared hosting is the most basic type of web hosting. It’s cost-effective and the best choice for small or entry-level websites. Recommend shared web hosting to websites that are on a tight budget. Bloggers and small business owners who have simple websites are great candidates for shared hosting. Any website that doesn’t require too much on-site interaction or lots of resources will be fine with this hosting type. The biggest disadvantage of a shared hosting account is that you're at the mercy of the other sites on your server. 
Click here to order web hosting service. 
VPS Hosting
Virtual Private Server (VPS) divides server resources into virtual servers, where resources can be allocated in a way that does not directly reflect the underlying hardware. VPS will often be allocated resources based on a one server to many VPSs relationship, however virtualization may be done for a number of reasons, including the ability to move a VPS container between servers.
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This hosting type is a step above shared web hosting. When a website outgrows their shared plan, it’s common for owners to upgrade to a VPS.
For those who want to run custom configurations to server, can get optional root access with VPS hosting plan.
WordPress Hosting
WordPress hosting is a particular form of shared hosting, created for WordPress site owners. Your server is configured specifically for WordPress and your site comes with pre-installed plugins for crucial tasks, such as caching and security.
Due to optimized configuration, your site loads much faster. WordPress hosting plans frequently include additional WordPress-related features, such as pre-designed WordPress themes, drag-and-drop page builders, and specific developer tools.
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It is low cost and beginner-friendly. Here find customer support trained team to resolve WordPress issues. It is not for those who want to host more than one website on same server.
 Dedicated Hosting
The user gets his or her own Web server and gains full control over it, user has root-access for Linux/administrator access for Windows. However, the user typically does not own the server. One type of dedicated hosting is self-managed or unmanaged. The user has full administrative access to the server, which means the client is responsible for the security and maintenance of his own dedicated server.
This allows for faster performance, as you have all the server’s resources entirely, without sharing with other website owners. You won’t have to worry about traffic from other websites impacting your performance.
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It typically reserved for enterprise-level websites. It means more than 100,000 monthly visits, not to mention plenty of revenue coming in to afford the server.
Don’t even consider this type of hosting if you’re still struggling to pull in a few thousand in traffic each month.
Click here to order web hosting service. 
Cloud Hosting
Web hosting, "cloud" means that a large number of computers are all clustered together and any applications running on them can make use of their combined computing resources. It refers to a network infrastructure that includes multiple physical servers connected via software. 
This is a new type of hosting platform that allows customers powerful/ scalable and reliable hosting based on clustered load-balanced servers and utility billing.
Cloud hosting is the best option for medium and large business websites that are growing at a rapid rate. Private Cloud hosting solution is a single organization can take advantage of a cluster of servers in a private cloud environment and use the combined resources to fit their requirements. Public cloud hosting where multiple organizations reside in the same hosting environment, siloed from one another.
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Customers can reduce hardware costs for their websites and applications while gaining redundancy and high availability.
If website traffic is unpredictable and it scaling at a steady rate in the coming months or years, then should consider a cloud hosting plan.
Click here to buy web hosting service.
Reseller Hosting 
It allows clients to become web hosts themselves. Reseller hosting is not for everyone. Specially for those who are building a small website from scratch and looking to host a website on our own.
Resellers could function, for individual domains, under any combination of these listed types of hosting, depending on who they are affiliated with as a reseller. Resellers' accounts may vary tremendously in size: they may have their own virtual dedicated server to a collocated server. Many resellers provide a nearly identical service to their provider's shared hosting plan and provide the technical support themselves.
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Reseller hosting is for agencies, web designers, and web developers. These are people who already have clients in this space, so they can just add web hosting to the services that they currently offer.
It sets uncapped prices to clients and improve existing services.  
Here are some features you should be expecting from your hosting provider
 Email Account
As mentioned earlier, most hosting providers require users to have their own domain name. With a domain name (e.g. www.yourwebsite.com) and email account features provided by your hosting company, you can create domain email accounts (e.g. [email protected]).
 FTP Access
The use of FTP lets you upload files from your local computer to your web server. If you build your website using your own HTML files, you can transfer the files from your computer to the web server through FTP, allowing your website to be accessed through the internet.
 WordPress Support
WordPress is an online website creation tool. It is a powerful blogging and website content management system, which is a convenient way to create and manage website. WordPress powers over 25% of websites on the internet. Most hosting providers will tell you right away if their plans are WordPress-compatible or not. The simple requirements for hosting your WordPress websites include: PHP version 7 or greater; MySQL version 5.6 or greater.
 Click here to order web hosting service. 
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noncommited-writer · 5 years
Highschool au! peter is a shy, Star wars and decathlon nerd who gets A+ and had few friends and tony stark captain of the football team, popular and also smart. they are dating and the school loves them. tony sees flash bullying peter.
Oh jesus I'm sorry this took so long! I have no excuse, I just had writer's block and wasn't sure on how to write this thing down. But here you go!! I hope you haven't forgotten you sent in the ask😅
“Parker!” Peter jumps in his place in front of his locker, a smile curling his lips as he covers his face with the locker door. “Don’t stand there and pretend that you’re not hiding from your boyfriend.”
Peter peeks out from behind the metal, watching Tony lean against the locker next to his, blushing when he throws a wink his way. A gentle hand covers his and even when the team captain leans in to place a soft kiss on his lips, his smile doesn’t go away.
“You had a good time last night?” Tony mumbles against his lips, pushing back Peter slightly so their intimate moment is covered by the open locker. Peter nods, teeth biting down on his lip to stop the adorable giggle—god, does Tony love that giggle—from escaping, and Tony steps closer in his space to press their foreheads together, a moment of serenity and tenderness as they stare deep into each other’s eyes.
Some bitter teachers in their school may call it high school puppy love, but students know better. No one in their school has ever seen a couple so in love with each other, yet also act like an old married couple who have the other’s back. They’re a match made in heaven, ready to pull through for the other at a moment’s notice. People see them share affection in the school hallways—yet, somehow it isn’t as gross but more sweet—spend free periods in the library, and they always see one of them cheering on the other at their competitions. Tony is the loudest to cheer when Peter wins the decathlon competitions, and Peter makes the most obnoxious poster boards for everyone to see at Tony’s football matches. They even see Tony joining in on the conventions Peter and his friends go to. The last year’s school year book named them ‘Couple Most Likely To Get Married’.
“Yeah, your mom was really happy to see me, huh?” Peter says. Tony laughs softly against his lips, “She’s always happy to see you. She asked if you liked the lasagne she made.”
“I haven’t gotten to that yet. It was heavenly. Can I ask for the recipe? Aunt May could learn a thing or two from her,” Peter says. Tony purses his lips, “Well, May isn’t that bad at cooking—”
“Oh shut up. You spat out her date loaf the first time you came over.” Peter smiles, and Tony melts. God, what he wouldn’t do for him.
“Also, did you finish up the part I told you to?” Peter asks. Tony waves a hand, “Yeah, the last five pages of the thesis. I read the first part of it. It was absolutely brilliant, babe. I’m sure Mr. Johnson will give your part an A.”
Peter flushes under the praise but he shakes his head, “But your research on the nanotechnology was even better. I’m pretty sure I was breathing heavily at the end of reading it. All the science gets me hot and bothered.”
Tony laughs, brushing their noses together, “Is that so?” A hand sneaks behind Peter and slides up his shirt, thumb brushing the skin with feather-light brushes. Peter’s throat closes up, his eyes going glossy, and a smirk forms on Tony’s handsome face; an aching urge for Peter rising within him. “We make a great team, don’t we?”
Peter snorts, “If you count making out every twenty minutes during our work productive, then yeah, we make the best team.”
“You and Ned still having that Star Wars marathon tonight?” Peter hums. “Wanna join?”
“Nah, I’d be taking away your friend bonding time. Besides I still have to fix Butterfingers’ UI. He ran into a pillar in my lab. And damaged his CPU.”
“Okay, but meet me after school for lunch, alright?” Tony nods and places a quick peck to Peter’s flushed cheek, just in time for the school bell to ring. They pull away, dopey grins on both their faces.
Peter shuts his locker door, walking in the opposite way down the hall to get to their respective classes.
Peter is walking down the school halls, earbuds—that Tony manufactured for Peter himself—plugged into his ears. School was over but apparently Tony got into trouble for exploding something in the chemistry lab, which—Peter wonders how is that even possible, they were doing a simple gas test—led to Tony getting sent to the Principal’s office. So, he’s waiting for his boyfriend to come back from his lecture on ‘endangering the students’.
Peter snorts at the thought; everything that Tony does is a calculated risk (he’s a genius like that), he wouldn’t have played with explosions if he knew it’d hurt a classmate.
Although—Peter frowns—Tony doesn’t have that same caution when it comes to himself. Peter will have to ask if he sustained any injury from the explosion, because Tony isn’t the type to disclose his own pains and struggles.
He takes out his phone, ready to shoot a text out to his boyfriend.
Peter freezes for a moment, inwardly groaning. Flash. For the life of him, Peter can’t really think of a reason to why Flash keeps taunting and teasing him. They have been in the same school, class, and even co-curricular activities for about half of Peter’s life. He doesn’t get why Flash always has it out for him; Tony says it’s a defense mechanism for his insecurities. Peter see reason; there’s no absolute reason for Flash to be insecure because of him.
“What do you want, Flash?” He slowly turns around, a resigned look on his face. The teenager in his polo—with that collar always turned up in a douchebaggy way—and the sweater tied around his neck, saunters up to Peter, that same sneer on his face.
“I was in that lab with your boyfriend and wow, you know to pick ‘em. Guy was being reckless.”
“Nuh uh, I’m not doing this today, Flash. This is a good day for me, don’t ruin it.” Peter rolls his eyes.
“Look, your dickwad of a boyfriend could’ve gotten me killed!” Flash says, a somewhat worried glint in his eye.
“Tony wouldn’t have done it if he knew someone would get hurt.”
“Well, he did it anyways! And he nearly burned my face off!”
“What, did he hurt you? Or anyone in the lab?” Peter asked, ready to walk away from this and just move on. It’s a waste of both their time.
“That’s not the point. It’s that your boyfriend is stupid and reckless enough that he even tried it in the first place!”
A warm flush goes up his neck, his Spider-sense going off, “Don’t you dare say that about Tony.”
Flash scoffs, his eyes rolling, “Oh come on. Your boyfriend is so entitled that he thinks he can pull that off because what, his dad a billionaire? And can easily get him off?”
Peter’s fingers twitches, an itch to wrap it into a fist quickly overwhelming him. Tony rarely talks about his dad but when he does, it’s usually during three a.m. conversations over the phone when Tony is crying or boiling in anger. Peter knows they don’t have the best relationship—borderline abusive, Peter would say—so it irks him when Flash brings him up as if he has a right.
“You don’t know anything, Flash. Mind your own business.”
“Stark is an entitled dick who thinks he owns the school.”
“You’re describing yourself at this point!”
“He’s selfish and doesn’t even care if he endangers students which you—” Flash points a finger in his face, “—should be ashamed of.”
Flash stares at him, doing a once over on Peter. “As if you’re any better. I bet your boy toy got you that dumb Stark Internship only because you sleep with him.”
Peter feels a flash of hot anger—only a split second but it’s enough—and he steps into Flash’s space, hands coming up to shove him, not holding back. Flash stumbles, eyes wide, not expecting that strength from the lanky teenager.
“Shut up,” Peter hisses, eyes a flurry of emotion.
“What is going on here?”
They both turn to see Tony in the middle of the hallway, eyes flying between the two of them. Both of them close their mouths with a click. He takes a moment to let his gaze stay on Flash, something flickering between those depths of brown. His face is impossible to read when he walks over to them, each movement graceful and assured; confident. Peter and Flash are transfixed, quiet and staring.
Their reactions are no surprise. Tony Stark has the power to bring a room to complete silence just with his presence. He can even shut Flash up, which is usually no easy feat.
Once he’s within touching distance, Tony takes Peter in—wide eyes, furrowed brows, mouth clamped in a thin line, and shoulders set straight with tension. Not sparing a glance to the other person in the conversation, he mumbles, “Can you repeat what you said, Flash?”
The teenager breaks out of his stupor. He keeps quiet, all bravado now dust, uncertainty clouding his eyes. At his silence, Tony snaps his head towards him, face blank but eyes piercing, “Tell me. What. You. Said.”
“I don’t think we really need to—”
There's movement in the air, within a second, Tony is in Flash’s space, hands hoisting him up to his face by his polo collar, breathing heavily and eyes wild. His knuckles are white, barely containing the anger bubbling inside him. “And I think, that you have no fucking right to dig yourself into others’ business.”
Flash squeaks, face fearful. He’s like a mouse, his arrogance gone and in its place is cowardice, shivering under Tony Stark’s hateful, burning gaze. Peter is just standing there, unsure of what to do. A part of him revels in how protective Tony is, another whispers to him he should stop Tony.
“If you think you can get away from saying my boyfriend sleeps with me for a fucking internship, I’ll make your life fucking miserable, do you understand?”
Both Peter’s and Flash’s eyes go wide.
“I’ll make sure you’ll never get an internship in any company, make sure you’ll never walk the school’s halls without anyone talking shit about you behind your back. I can make your life a living hell.”
Flash swallows hard, sweat forming on his forehead and nose. He’s shaking, Peter notices. When Flash looks over to him for help, the fear in his eyes is what startles Peter.
“Tony, stop.” His boyfriend doesn’t say anything, still holding onto Flash. Peter takes a step forward, hand reaching out to press into Tony’s lower back, reaching under his denim jacket and shirt to caress his skin. It’s warm, like the anger is coursing throughout his whole body. He leans into him and mumbles, “Stop.”
Tony takes one last look at Flash, one last furious and scornful glance, and drops him like a sack of potatoes, “I’ll find out if you say shit like that to Peter. So I suggest you stop that bullshit right now.”
Flash takes a few steps back, keen on getting out of there as fast as he can. But he stops, and takes a moment to gape at the picture before him. It’s the image of both of them, Tony standing there in all his power and rage—like the ruthless businessman he’ll be in the future—then there’s Peter, who’s whispering sweet nothings into his ear and caressing him softly to calm him down.
For a split second, Flash feels both utterly terrified and in awe of them. Because what he sees are two people who can rule the world some day, who fit perfectly and work together like a well-oiled machine. He won’t be surprised if they turn out to be the world’s power couple. With Tony who’s willing to do anything for Peter, and Peter who’s willing to stand up for his Tony even at the cost of himself.
For a split second, they look like the most powerful king and queen to exist.
But Flash quickly shakes that thought out of his mind, and respectfully nods, getting Tony’s message. He quickly gets out of there, walking away to lick his ego’s wounds.
Tony turns around to face Peter, worry etched into his features. “Are you okay?” he asks, his hands coming up to cradle Peter’s cheeks. The teenager nods, melting in his hold, his own hands wrapping themselves around Tony’s waist. “I’m fine.”
Tony places a sweet kiss on his forehead, taking in the scent of his hair and warmth. “I’m pretty sure you made Flash shit his pants.”
Tony is silent for a moment before he chuckles, nodding. “Yeah, won’t be surprised.”
Peter smiles, feeling the calloused and protective hands on his face, and mumbles, “Let’s go for lunch. I’m hungry.”
“Okay, baby. Sub Haven or Delmar’s?”
“Let’s go Delmar’s, don’t feel like shoving too much bread in my mouth.”
“You’d usually take a lot in your mouth, though.”
Peter sighs dramatically, faking exasperation.
“I won’t if you keep up with those sex jokes.”
Tony laughs, carefree and loose.
“Alright, alright.”
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mobileservicecenter · 4 years
Realme Mobile Repair
 Realme Water Damage Repair
The best way to fix your cracked screen without needing additional damage to this Realme mobile is to deliver it to professional repair support. The trained technicians at Cell Realme Phone Repair may restore your screen quickly and safely. If you see the store immediately so which you can get back to enjoying your phone.
Realme is becoming hugely popular in many countries including India because of its specs and a comparatively low price tag it offers as it is a subsidiary of Oppo which adds to the lowering price tag. But there are just a few trade-offs and resistance against water is just one of them. Since a majority of Realme smartphones are targeting the funding price range, these telephones lack water-resistance and that is why Get Droid Tips is here to examine Realme water-damaged tablets if you accidentally drown your phone or spill water on it or even vice versa. Even though you can always report to an agency center, there's a procedure which you could perform on your own to bring the phone back to life, and here is everything you need to know about it.
 Realme Mobile MIC Repair
In this post, we're going to offer Basic and advanced procedures to resolve this"MIC Not functioning Problem". Sometimes this problem is caused because of bad MIC (Hardware) but a whole lot of times it is brought on by the Android program or caches.
Sometimes the third-party apps control the way the microphone behaves. Therefore restart your Oppo Realme 2 Guru in protected mode and it will help you. (When you are on safe mode, It Is Going to disable all third-party programs temporally)
Realme Mobile Signal Repair
Among the problems which we can find on our mobile, those that have to do with a policy are the most annoying. Running out of sign means being cut off, so long as we are not under the protection of a Wi-Fi network. Furthermore, our data connection will likewise be impacted. That is why we wanted to determine how to address these problems in Realme mobiles.
Failures with the policy of our Realme phone can appear when we least expect it. Its causes can be very varied, being ourselves the culprits or any third-party app. It can also be due to certain difficulties with our operator or in spite of the SIM card. In this way, we can totally lose the signal or it's too weak to ensure the quality of calls and cellular data.
In this case, the policy signal does not appear anywhere, that is, we will notice an"x" that will show that there are issues with the signal. In this case, we will have several options in our hands to attempt and take care of the issue.
Realme Motherboard Repair
Without it, your phone wouldn't have the ability to work. It is, in actuality, that the heart of your entire apparatus like a CPU is obviously a pc.
The circuit board retains together multiple crucial sections of your cellphone. Let's say your heart fails. What happens afterward? Your system stops moving and you're considered as dead. In the same way, if your motherboard gets damaged somehow, your device will quit functioning. Therefore it is important to identify if your phone is malfunctioning because of a faulty motherboard. However, it's not an easy task to fix your phone's circuit board. Fortunately, our specialists at Hitec Mobile can quickly figure out what is causing your telephone to malfunction and fix it accordingly in virtually no time.
Realme Display Damage Repair
All smartphones come with a massive display nowadays and the larger the screen, the higher the odds of you damaging your smartphone screen when it accidentally slips from your grip. In fact, the very first question to cross our minds when we hold a recently launched phone is, "The best way to protect the screen? "We wouldn't say there are techniques to completely save your cellphone's display from breaking but yes, there are ways to protect your smartphone display from harm.
Realme Dead Phone Repair
How to Revive a Dead Android phone if there's a charger near you, catch it, plug it in, and hit the power button. The battery might just be dead since it is not due to faulty batteries losing charge abruptly. Once the cable has been plugged into the telephone, it should have the ability to begin. If your phone has lights for alarms, this is a fantastic way to understand if the charging indicator comes on. The least that means that the circuit from the USB to the main port is working fine. If it works, then you might just have a broken battery, which can be readily replaced, but if that still doesn't, then it’s time to take some drastic steps.
It is possible that your phone is only with a system hang, and in rare circumstances, Android programs have been proven to freeze quite badly, so badly that even by pressing the power button, there's absolutely no response. Once the battery is plugged in again, check if your phone can get to restart. If the phone still does not boot up, take a look at the battery compartment, there'll be a little square of what seems like white paper embedded within this region. This is actually the moisture index and if it has turned pink or pink even partially, this implies your phone has been subjected to water and it means that your warranty is taken and the phone is dead.
Realme Camera Repair
Smartphones are unique with their quality cameras at a very reasonable cost. Realme goals the common people with the best-in-class facilities at a very reduced price. However, are you frustrated with any flaws in the camera? Can not enjoy taking selfies just as before? Stay trendy, the expert mobile service technicians of Mi Mobile Service Center Hyderabad is here to help you. Mobile service center Hyderabad provides the ideal support apt for the Mi Smartphone camera at Hyderabad.
Camera Service Center Hyderaad substituted your faulty cellphone camera using the original Realme camera of the best quality from our shops with the best warranty. So, why wait patiently without capturing your memorable occasions, if the very best Mi phone camera support in Hyderabad is out here. Contact Sizcom Mi service center in Hyderabad for almost any questions, for we are should assist you.
Now boost up your selfies using cellular camera replacement solutions! Long-term usage and if it is rough and hard, it may make your mobile phone act wild. Most commonly the quantity buttons may not work or only fall off because of continuous use. This is not at all a serious problem as support center Hyderabad is here to repair your problem. Fix center Hyderabad resolve every issue about your Mi mobile phone and spare parts. Make us a call for rapid and pleasing service from our licensed workers.
Realme Battery Restoration
If there's something in a cell telephone that gets damaged in most cases, it needs to be the battery life. Many mobiles come with good excellent battery life, but just like any other digital product, the battery of a smartphone can have problems at any time. It is obviously frustrating when your telephone suddenly switches off because of faulty battery issues. Generally, a mobile telephone's battery goes completely dead or does not hold a charge however long you put it upon charging. If that's also the case with your Realme mobile phone, then it's far better to opt for Realme cell battery replacement.
To get the battery for the Realme phone repaired, you should pay a visit to the authorized mobile service center in town. They have highly skilled mobile repair technicians that provide battery problem-related aid and other help. You can take the device to their service center and ask to repair the battery or elect for a new battery replacement if the telephone is in warranty. They will most likely keep the telephone in the center for a couple of days because ordering spare components takes time.
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brokingsacking645 · 4 years
What laptop is best for gaming
Wolfsgamingblog.com Internet site. Wolf's Gaming Blog Xbox 1 & Computer Gaming, And Board Games.
No matter if you happen to be a initial-time gamer or a person who has been gaming because the golden age, there is no denying that the business has grown. These numbers can certainly differ per study, but it does appear like the quantity of female severe gamers are on a downward trend. The final time we checked in females had been closer to 45%-48% of gamers. We can speculate as to why this is. Possibly females are much less fond of the emergence of the eSports trend. Probably females are feeling significantly less incorporated in gaming forums and on the web communities right after the harassment accusations of the last handful of years. Perhaps they're just more drawn to other entertainment industries, but this is absolutely a trend to continue watching.
As with video content material, adding character, character, and excellent to your written content will make it far more compelling, and would pique the interest of gamers. These types of articles resonate greater with your audience, which helps you get much better internet website traffic. Game reviews, news, and analyses are some of the most well-liked articles in gaming sites, and are assured to get you traffic, offered that it is high high-quality. It is finest to appear for some superb examples of video game writing, and uncover a writing style that would match your branding, and make you stand out from the rest.
The enterprise stated that immediately after hosting a Buyer Survey in early May that over 89% of respondents said they assume it is important for retailers like Green Man Gaming to give a wide choice of payment solutions.” Just after the survey the enterprise realized that customers anticipated a diverse variety of approaches to spend for the games they wanted to play and that by supplying much more techniques they could make prospects pleased and make much more funds.
Jacob Stempniewicz serves as Andovar's VP of Marketing and advertising. He speaks Polish, English and Spanish fluently and continues to function on his Thai language capabilities. He holds an M.A. in Organizational Psychology, as properly as an undergraduate degree in Common Psychology, each from University of Gdańsk (Poland). Jacob has an especially robust interest in localization of multimedia, gaming and eLearning.
Companies across the globe have been coming up with gaming devices beyond just the mice, joysticks and keyboards for years. Some are built for durability, others for added functionality and an enhanced gaming knowledge. Most of them are futuristic and sleek but all of them are for built for one purpose, to give the most effective darn gaming session hardcore gamers deserve.
Honestly, I can not even start to guess what the future holds for gaming. I'd appreciate to see VR turn out to be far more reasonably priced, and for the media to develop bored of applying videogames as a scapegoat for bar parenting or acts of intense violence. But more than that I'd like to see larger organizations back down from their many anti­consumer policies.Though we get treated to a lot of amazing games, we're also treated fairly poorly by the likes of EA and Ubisoft. Awful pre­order bonuses tha tare designedto boost pre­order numbers with no actual advantage to the customer, games becoming released in buggy states or with poor overall performance, and questionable microtransactions. These are just some of the issues that need to have to be solved.
Why we like it: The video gaming podcast normally focuses on indie titles, due to the fact that is what the hosts are personally interested in, but sometimes they also bring a wider selection of games to the table for discussion. Idle Thumbs is a thoughtful podcast that puts a bit additional emphasis on style and criticism when analyzing the games. If Idle Thumbs” clicks with you, you can also check out the podcast 3 Moves Ahead” about war and method games, it was made by the similar guys.
Preserve in thoughts that while a lot of ladies gamers are simply casual players, numerous extra are involved in the gaming planet beyond just choosing up a mobile game or two. Females are interested in each games and gaming influencers, and have a tendency to take suggestions from said influencers relatively seriously. In truth, they account for 30% of YouTube gaming video views alone, and the number is only expanding. In addition, 39% of female gamers appear to the advice of pals and family when thinking about a new game, so word-of-mouth is essential as properly, even if the games they are playing tend to be a lot more of a solo endeavour.
101 Objects For COMPETITION
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We use our GeForce Practical experience servers to ascertain the best quality settings primarily based on the user's CPU and GPU, and target greater frame prices than 'normal' optimal settings to guarantee the lowest latency gaming encounter. These settings are automatically applied when the game is launched so gamers never have to be concerned about configuring these settings themselves.
What Wikipedia is to know-how, GameSpot is to video games. From video game blogs to testimonials to downloads to previews on console games. GameSpot capabilities just about every nook & cranny of gaming globe. The best aspect of this gaming web-site is it delivers an open platform to customers to share their opinions, blogs & critiques on their forum. The web page is pretty excellent looking and attributes section such as: Computer Gaming, PS4, Xbox One particular, Gametech, 3Ds, Deals & significantly extra.
Gamasutra is, pretty basically, a spot for all items gaming. The website's mission is to '˜inform, empower and inspire' their reader base, and they do so by means of a mixture of gaming news, critiques, discussions and providing game developers a platform to elaborate on current challenges and trends from inside the industry. To the surprise of some market professionals, Apple is among the most lucrative gaming businesses in the planet. Its App Retailer gained immense recognition with the introduction of iPhone. Via the retailer, Apple commissions a royalty for the sale of just about every game app, like Candy Crush Saga and Clash of Kings.
The Escapist has a platform for announcing most up-to-date gaming news, testimonials, and sharing cool videos. They have a gaming arcade full of absolutely free on the web games that one particular can get rather addicted to, and a forum that gives offline and on-line discussions on a plethora of tech and gaming topics. The Pistons GT are the Detroit franchise representatives for the NBA 2K League. As a sponsor of Gamers for Providing, we're proud to assist raise awareness of the Pistons GT brand, and the franchise's overall support for the gaming community.
The Atlantic Gaming Desk is a piece of steel furnishings that's in particular built for today's modern day gamer or even a household office owner. Its sturdy legs come completely integrated with cup holders and other attachments that are just great for organizing a selection of your laptop or computer accessories and peripherals. The Atlantic Gaming Desk also characteristics a special cable management method that organizes the various wires and cables that your devices possess. There is a charging station, a monitor stand, game storage rack, game controller hooks, gaming speaker trays, and a whole lot much more. Its padded feet will not also scratch your floor.
Networking online does not need the similar attitude of in-particular person networking. And given that most bloggers connect by way of the World wide web it really is a lot a lot easier for new gaming bloggers to attain out and meet other individuals in the field. Why Tiny Cartridge is a Top rated Video Game Resource: Handheld fanatics should really certainly stick to this blog to understand about the latest big and indie releases, handheld gaming peripherals and other items, and additional. They even have a podcast so you can download the most up-to-date handheld gaming news on the go.
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