#its like 80% as good as harringrove
infestedguest · 1 year
Something I’ve never heard anyone talk about that bugs me is that on stranger things ao3 crosstagging has rendered the stancy tag functionally useless without filtering.
I would not be surprised if the vast majority of fics in the stancy tag are steddie and/or ronance or harringrove.
I have the most recent page of the stancy tag open in a different tab right now. 4/20 of those are actually stancy fics. I don’t even mean that it’s just a background ship for most of the other fics, 15 of those 16 remaining fics clarify in their other tags and in their summaries that they are about a different ship involving Steve or Nancy and are only using stancy as a narrative device to further the romantic storyline of the ship the fic is actually about. (In the 16th fic stancy was a background pairing, but even that one is also tagged “Nancy and Steve don’t stay together.”)
Some of these fics have additional tags that either:
Express the author’s distaste for stancy
Explicitly state that it isn’t a stancy friendly fic.
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The latter of which completely baffles me! Scratch that, both baffle me! Do these people not realize that people who ship stancy use the stancy tag? Honestly I’m not sure if some of them are aware that people who ship stancy actually exist.
Yes, I can just filter out other ships, which I do, that feature is a godsend, but I shouldn’t have to plug in every single ship involving Steve or Nancy into the filter just to be able to see more than one stancy fic in a row in the stancy tag.
This isn’t a problem for a lot of the other ships in the fandom (thought definitely not all of them). Hell, I haven’t encountered anything like this in the twelve years I’ve been reading fanfiction, it’s ridiculous.
To those considering crosstagging stancy in their steddie/ronance/etc. fic: just tag it “Minor Steve Harrington/Nancy Wheeler.” I don’t care if they’re relationship/breakup is a major plot point, it still doesn’t belong in the actual stancy tag. When you go into the steddie/ronance/etc tag are you looking for fics where that ship breaks up in order to progress a different ship involving one of its characters? Because that describes a good 80% of the stancy tag right now.
“Minor Steve Harrington/Nancy Wheeler” is better than “Past Steve Harrington/Nancy Wheeler” in my opinion, since last time I checked fics tagged with the latter still show up in the stancy tag.
Edit: I have been informed that “works tagged "minor [pairing]" are wrangled into that pairings tag if it's in the relationship tags. Has to be in Other Tags to not get wrangled there.” Thank you @monstrous-femme for your ao3 tagging wisdom.
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chrisbitchtree · 2 years
The Laws of Attraction
My fill for Day 1 of @harringrove-flip-reverse-it!
Prompt - SFW - School Project
2k - Rated E
“How’s that for chemistry, Harrington?” Billy asked, on the edge of a moan. Steve laughed, grasping Billy tighter and stroking faster, eliciting another deep moan from the blonde. “Too bad we can’t write about this for our paper. I’m sure we’d get an A+.”
It had all started when Steve had missed his Intro to Human Sexuality class three weeks before. Steve never gets sick. It’s his thing, and he’s weirdly proud of it. Healthy as a horse, with an immune system so strong that the pediatrician would joke that Steve should be studied by science every time he went in for a checkup. Steve would laugh long after the joke got old so he could always be sure the doctor would offer him his favourite sucker, a blue one, at the end of the appointment, after his reflexes were checked and the ice-cold stethoscope was pressed to his chest.
Being so healthy meant that Steve had to get really good at faking colds and flues so he could stay home and eat soup and crackers and watch either game shows, soap operas, or 80s sitcom reruns, depending on which nanny his parents had employed at the time.
Once Steve had started high school and his parents felt that he was past the point of needing a nanny to care for him while they were away and could always reach him on his cellphone if they needed to anyway, he was able to drop the sick act and just ditch school instead. Nobody was going to go to the trouble of tracking down his parents to bother them with the news that their son wasn’t in class that day.
It had gotten even easier once Steve had gone away to college. He would pick and choose what classes he felt like attending and didn’t need to answer to anyone as long as he kept his grades up.
But of course, the first time in his entire life that Steve was too sick to go to school, struck down by food poisoning from some questionable Chinese leftovers he’d found in the mini fridge he kept next to his dorm room bed and used like a fridge, unable to do anything except either puke or lay on the floor next to the toilet waiting to puke again, shivering, and shaking and wishing he was dead, refusing when his floormates tried to offer help. He just had to puke it out.
Finally, at about 8pm, he was feeling slightly better and like the illness had finally run its course. He dragged himself back to bed and curled up in a ball, picking up his phone from where he’d tossed it in the sheets when he’d run for the bathroom and checking his missed notifications.
He had a couple texts from Robin, updating him on all the Hawkins High gossip he was missing out on, and a whole string of them from Dustin that had gotten increasingly frantic as the day had gone on, but the ones that stood out were from Nancy, who of course had ended up at the same school as him, even sharing some of his classes. They’d talked on occasion since breaking up in the fall of their senior year, but it was usually only if they had something important to tell each other so he clicked on hers first.
Nancy – 11:12am: Steve, are you skipping health class again? I heard what Ms. Johnson said to you the other day about your attendance!
Nancy – 11:22am: Partners are being assigned for the huge project in Human Sexuality today. If you don’t get here soon, you might be stuck with Billy. He’s not here today either.
Nancy – 12:37pm: I’m sorry, Steve, you’re going to have to work with Billy. Your topic is chemistry and attraction.
Steve groaned. Just his luck, the one time he’s actually sick, something like this actually happens. He’d done his best to avoid Hargrove since their big fight at the Byers’ the fall of their senior year of high school, as much as you can avoid someone in a town as small as Hawkins, where there was one high school with one basketball team that they both played on.
He’d counted down the days until he was free and could make a fresh start, only to find out that it wouldn’t just be Nancy at his new school, Billy Hargrove would be there too. And then the first day of Human Sexuality, there were both Billy and Nancy, on opposite sides of the front row.
Steve does his best to pretend that Billy’s not there, tamping down an attraction that’s been there since the moment he laid eyes on the other boy. Billy hadn’t confirmed nor denied his sexual preferences since he’d come crashing into Hawkins with his stepmom and stepsister, Max, to be closer to Max’s grandparents after Billy’s dad had died that summer, but if the rumours were true, Billy happily slept with anything on two legs.
Steve doesn’t judge, has no room to, considering how many girls he’s slept with. But that was before Nancy. Since his time with her, he’s been a relationship guy, someone who wants heavy commitment, and Billy just doesn’t seem like that type of guy, so Steve pushes his feelings down, ignoring them in favour of finding someone he could have a relationship with.
 Now though, Steve had no choice but to spend time with Billy. A lot of it, considering that the project was worth half their grade. And of course, of all the possible topics, they got chemistry.
For the first few weeks that they met with each other to work on the project, they kept their conversations strictly school related, at Steve’s behest, both because Steve didn’t want to end up down a road he wasn’t prepared for with Billy, and because success in academics didn’t come easily to Steve like it did to Billy. Steve needed a good grade in this class, so he had to stay focused and work hard.
They divvied up the research, Billy focusing on attraction while Steve worked on compatibility. It was coming along good until they met to discuss their findings and work on their thesis topic. They were in Steve’s dorm room, Steve at his desk, and Billy sprawled out on Steve’s bed.
He had his textbook open and upside down across his stomach and his arms crossed behind his head. His white t-shirt was riding up, exposing a strip of flesh between the hem of his shirt and the waistband of his jeans, and Steve wanted to pull the shirt up, expose him, lick and kiss and nip his way up to Billy’s mouth, wanted to pull the backwards baseball cap off his head and sink his hands into Billy’s curls.
“Hey, Harrington, have you ever thought about whether we have chemistry?” Billy asked. For all his usual bravado, the question came out of his mouth quietly, as if he wasn’t even sure if he wanted Steve to hear him ask it.
Steve looks up, meeting his eye, and he’s giving Steve a look that’s equal parts considering and wanting, his eyes dark. They travel down the length of Steve’s body and back up again, and Steve can’t remember the last time he felt so seen, so wanted.
“What if I have?” he replies, trying for breezy, and failing miserably. He’s way too into this, and it’s showing all over his face.
“Come over here and tell me what you’ve thought about,” Billy says, sitting up and patting the bed beside him.
Steve closes his laptop and takes the few steps to his small bed. He sits next to Billy, their bodies pressed together from head to toe. Steve rubs his knees nervously, trying to wipe some of the sweat off as he psyches himself up to kiss Billy.
He doesn’t have a chance to before Billy turns to him, slipping a hand into the back of Steve’s hair and cupping the back of his skull. Billy pulls him in for a kiss that’s surprisingly tender, as deep and searching as it is.
They stay like that for a long time, exploring each other’s mouths with their tongues, getting familiar with each other in a way Steve’s only previously dreamed of. Finally, they pull back to catch their breath, and Billy gives him a dopey grin before leaning in to nip and suck at Steve’s earlobe. He lets out a loud moan at the contact, too turned on to be embarrassed by the sound.
“Like that, don’t you, pretty boy?” Billy asks, rhetorically, before returning to the task.
Unsure of what to do, Steve slides his hands up under Billy’s t-shirt, exploring the planes of his stomach and the pecs that were the driving force behind most of his senior year jerk off fantasies. And god, they feel just as good as he thought they would, soft and pillowy, but firm at the exact same time. He’s in heaven.
“Can I give you a hand, Harrington?” Billy asks, hand hovering over the button on Steve’s jeans.
“Yes, yeah. Can I, you, uh,” Steve replies, barely able to get the words out, motioning gracelessly at Billy’s own jeans, and Billy undoes the button on Steve’s jeans and unzips his fly. Steve stands and pulls his jeans and boxers down to his knees as Billy undoes his own pants and pulls them down.
Billy pulls him back into a kiss for a minute before pulling away again.
“You got lube in here?” he asks, even as he leans over and pulls a bottle out of Steve’s bedside table drawer. He squirts some on his own and doles out some to Steve before dropping it into the sheets.
They grasp each other in their slicked up hands, and holy shit, Steve’s not going to ask long. It feels too amazing to finally have Billy’s hands on him. If the little whimpers and gasps coming out of Billy’s mouth are anything to go by, he’s not going to last long either.
They stroke each other at a fast pace as Steve tries to see how many hickeys, he can give Billy before they both cum. Three’s the magic number, then Billy’s bucking into Steve’s grasp, and Steve’s doing the same for him, then they’re coming all over each other’s hands and stomachs, gasping into each other’s mouths as they come down from their shared high.
They’re laying in bed after, sweaty and panting, Billy starfished out over Steve’s body, with his boxers pulled up but his jeans kicked off onto the floor, a heavy, reassuring weight. When Steve used to fantasize about this moment, he always pictured Billy to be the kind of guy that would hook up and run, but if anything, he seems to be settling in, using Steve’s chest like a pillow, and twining their legs together. It’s exactly what Steve would have asked for if he could decide how this would go. It’s nice, it’s sweet, and Steve could get used to it.
“So, Harrington,” Billy says, his voice quiet but rough, probably from how deep he took Steve’s cock into his mouth. “Do you think we should add this to the paper? Maybe we’ll get extra credit for doing hands on research.”
Steve snorts, swatting him. “As much as I could use the extra points, I think I want to keep this all to myself.”
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camaro-and-smokes · 11 months
Chapter 1: LV-444
Summary of the fic: Billy Hargrove and Steve Harrington were well known xeno hunters. Well, in their respective circles, of course. That weren't military or huge galaxy-sized tech businesses. Or even closely legal entities. Okay, they were doing what they did when the money was right, no questions asked. And they were good in what they did. They got even better when Eddie Munson, a crazy scientist, joined them. They had the gear, the knowledge, everything. All was going smooth, smoother than it had for a long while. So, they docked on Space Station U.D. on the orbit of planet LV-444. It was supposed to be a short, a few days long maintenance stop on their way to do some client work. Unfortunately, the client work seemed to have found them a bit sooner than expected...
MIND THE TAGS - S E R I O U S L Y. This is a horror/scifi/creature movie crossover and loyal to the film. If the image below makes you queezy, this is not for you. Unless you like that queezy feeling, then, happy reading :)
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Rating: Explicit Warnings: Graphic Depictions Of Violence Categories: M/M/M Relationship: Billy Hargrove/Steve Harrington/Eddie Munson Tags: MetalSandwich Movie Mania, Movie: Aliens (1986), Aliens AU, Horror, Body Horror, Blood, Blood and Gore, Gore, Xenomorphs, Aliens, Metalsandwich, Mungrove, Harringrove, Science Fiction, Military Science Fiction, Crossover
Chapters: [CH01] [CH02] [CH03] / ?
Read on AO3 >>
Notes: This fic hits more than one of the @now-showing-at-the-hawk-events Metalsandwich Movie Mania 2023 categories: Scifi film, Action film, Horror/creature feature film and iconic movie - since Aliens is THE scifi film of the 80s and still one of the best horror/military scifi films ever made. I tried to fit in some romance too, but if you know the film, space for romance is, uh, limited. I'm a huge fan of space opera because of this film, so it's been an absolute joy to write this.
Billy held the long, pointy head in front of Eddie’s face and nudged him until he awoke. “Argh!” Eddie screamed in horror, scrambling away when the first thing he saw was an eyeless stare and the row of pin sharp teeth of the deadliest creature he’d ever come across. When he realised it was Adam’s head, he hit it hard enough it fell off of Billy’s hand. “Jesus H. Christ, Hargrove! Get that fucking thing off my face!” he shouted.
The long, pointy skull flew on the floor with a hollow clank and continued its way skidding over the cabin floor and lodged itself under a bunk on the other side of the room, its deadly grimace shining under the bunk like a...well, like a monster under the bed.
Billy flopped on his bunk, cackling. “You should’ve seen your face! We’ve been hunting these bastards for years and you still get scared when you see one. And besides, it was Adam. You should’ve recognised it.” “I wouldn’t have wanted to have Adam an inch away from my face even when it was alive, you asshole! I almost shat my pants,” Eddie exasperated. Billy grinned. “Nah, you weren’t even close. And if you would’ve, we still would’ve remained as your family.” Eddie couldn’t hide a small smile. “Fuck you,” he muttered as he got up, throwing his t-shirt on Billy and going to the head.
Steve walked into the cabin. “Okay, I see that you both my darlings are awake, so allow me to finally get some shuteye, will you?” he said and flopped next to Billy, rubbing his eyes with his fingers. “Mother can take care of the flying for now, since all she needs to do is to follow the beacon of the space station. But as I already told you, she’s not working as she should. Somebody needs to take a look at her.” Billy wrapped his arm around Steve’s shoulders and placed a kiss on his temple. “I’ll make sure she’s taken care of when we get to LV-444.” “The ship needs to be docked manually,” Steve said with a wide yawn. “I’ll take care of that, too. You just have your beauty sleep, princess,” Billy said and stood up. Steve grabbed his hand and pulled him back down. “I didn’t get my goodnight kiss,” he said. Billy smirked and leaned down to kiss him. “Sleep. Me and Eddie take care of the docking.”
A few hours later Billy sat down on the pilot’s seat of their ship, commercial assault vessel Petrini, and put his headset on when the space station on the orbit of LV-444 hailed them. “This is Space Station U.D. LV-444 actual. Please confirm your status and state your business.” “U.D. actual, this is Executive Officer Hargrove of the Commercial Attack Vessel Petrini. Our Mother has been misbehaving and someone needs to inspect her. We’ve understood that your station has someone who knows how to do that on an ex-military vessel. Sending you our initials now.” After a moment of silence, the U.D. LV-444 actual replied, “Petrini, your initials have expired. Please send us updated ones.” “Shit,” Billy muttered. He searched a file on his screen and looked at the first ones on the list. He quickly typed the initial codes on the field where he could send them to the space station. “Sorry for the confusion. Here are the updated ones.” After a moment of silence, the space station returned on the line. “Your initials check out. Please, for the future, keep the initials updated for a smooth transition to station space.” “Yes, ma’am,” he acknowledged the request. No way was he telling that they didn’t actually have initials of their own but a list stolen from a vessel that probably would never set foot in space this far out and that he had to type the initials by hand to the required field. A proper hailing system would naturally give up-to-date initials automatically. But some things they had weren't actually legally acquired, so... “Our station maintenance crew can do the work for you. However, the next available time slot for commercial vessels is in two days from now.” Billy muted the mic to groan. Then he unmuted it. “Acknowledged. That works for us.” “Docking permission granted. You may proceed to dock O-7. Please note that U.D. is a military station with limited civilian access.” “Acknowledged. Proceeding to dock O-7. Petrini out.”
Eddie slumped to the second pilot’s seat next to Billy. “Do I have to stay on the ship the whole time again?” he asked. “They said the civilian access is limited, not forbidden. Besides, none of us could really access any military stations unless we were 'subcontractors'. But it doesn’t hurt that I’m ex-marines with Harrington.” “Yeah, I’m just the monster geek,” Eddie scoffed, and readied systems into docking position on his side of the dashboard. Billy looked at him and interrupted his own preparations to reach his hand out to Eddie. “Hey, I didn’t mean it like that. You’re the reason we’re out here. You’re precious cargo. For a lot of reasons.” Eddie glanced at him, not convinced. “Right. And it’s not even really me. It’s just what I can do.” “Come on, Eddie. Don’t make me get up and cuddle with you to assure you’re important while we’re in the middle of docking. You’re the sole reason we are on this mission. You’re actually important.” “Well, you shouldn’t have woken me up with Adam in my face. It made me grumpy,” Eddie said. Then he pointed a finger at Billy. “And by the way, if it broke when it hit the floor, it’s on you and you’re going to catch a new one for me.” Billy’s eyes grew wide, and he turned slowly to look at Eddie. “You’re kidding? Right?” “Messing with the one who handles the monsters has dire consequences.” Billy swallowed and returned to his task in guiding the Petrini into the correct docking ring. Not that he wasn't experienced with the xenos. Eddie just had ways to make him do what he told him to do. After a while, Billy reached his hand out again, this time squeezing Eddie’s arm gently. “Hey, I’m sorry. I really am.” When Eddie didn’t reply, Billy let go and returned to doing his own check-ups. He’d have to come up with a way to do something nice for Eddie.
The space station grew larger on the screens that displayed the view from outside sensors. It was a ring that had several other rings around it, each a dock. They were assigned to dock on O-7, which meant that they were going to dock on the other side of the station.
Billy activated the docking systems. “Unable to engage the automatic docking sequence,” Mother, the ship's AI, said. “Yes, Mother, I know,” Billy replied to the AI. “Manually overriding the docking sequence." “Affirmative. Manual docking sequence activated," Mother confirmed. “Okay, let’s go,” Billy said and guided the ship towards the correct docking ring.
While they flew over the station towards their dock, they had the time to admire the view of the planet LV-444. It was magnificent. The station was a mere speck in the orbit of the gas giant and it filled all of their screens almost in full. The surface of the planet was in a never-ending turmoil, dark clouds swirling on its surface, forever changing their patterns. The planet was called a planetary gas station: it had high levels of helium, neon, and other gasses in its atmosphere that were needed either in production of fuel for ships - or weapons. Which was why the military station was located here.
Once the ship was docked, Eddie went to wake up Steve. He sat next to Steve on the bunk and brushed his hair gently with his hand. “Hey, Steve, pumpkin, wake up. We’re here.” Steve let out a deep sigh and turned on his side, wrapping an arm around Eddie’s waist. “Come to bed,” he whispered. Eddie smirked. “Would love to. Can’t. We just docked. I need to find those new batteries for my hunting suit.” Steve rolled on his back on the bunk and let out a breath. “I had already forgotten the whole battery thing. I’ll come with you.” Eddie grinned. “Does Billy know you just assigned him to be in charge of Eve?” Steve chuckled. “He’s going to be so pissed when he hears about it.”
Billy walked into the cabin. “I’m going to be pissed about what?” His jaw went slack when he saw both Steve and Eddie grinning at him. “No. Fuck no. I’m not going to...Shit. You’re both going?” Billy’s voice went from groan to whine, “Eddie, you can’t leave me alone with her!” He looked at Eddie deadly serious. Eddie chuckled. “You’re supposed to be the ex-marine who fears nothing, yet...” “Hey, any marine, active or not, who has even a sliver of self-preservation skills left, agrees with me. Eve is fucking huge, all teeth, and she hates me with vengeance. I can't handle her.” Billy glared at Eddie and wrapped his arms around himself. Eddie got up and walked to Billy, hugging him. Billy wouldn’t look at him. “There’s no need for you to go down there," Eddie assured Billy, "and she doesn’t want to leave her habitat. Neither of you want to interact with each other. You’ll be fine.” “You better come be quick about it," Billy mumbled.
Eddie and Steve exited their ship and started to walk towards the commercial section of the space station. “Why did you need the new batteries for the hunter suits again?” Steve asked. “Weren't they supposed to be self-charging?” Eddie looked to his feet for a moment. “Uh...that might have not been the whole truth.” Steve stopped. “What do you mean?” When Eddie noticed that Steve wasn't by his side any more, he turned around. “I gathered parts from wherever I found them. Yes, some of them are self-charging. One in your and one in Billy's suit. The ones in my suit are not.” Steve tilted his head and smiled a sad smile at Eddie. “Why didn't you say so?” “Well, I did now, didn't I?” “I mean,” Steve said and walked to Eddie, wrapping an arm around his shoulders, “that if you'd told me that sooner, we could've snatched some of them on the last gig. There were plenty of them in that warehouse and we didn't take them with us since I and Billy thought we wouldn't have needed them. You need to talk to us.” “I know,” Eddie groaned. “But it's not easy. I've been doing this stuff alone for so long and...” Steve interrupted him. “I know. But you have to start trusting us more. Especially since we have Eve. We need to work as a team with her. It means trust. Right?” Eddie nodded as they started to walk again.
They arrived at the commercial section and started to look for a electrical part dealer. They knew there was one on all space stations, but they were the legal ones. Now, finding one that wasn't so strict about registering the sale to the legal systems was another thing. And as sure as there was a legal dealer, there was always one of the later too—especially on a space station this big. Luckily Eddie knew all the tricks to find one. He'd been doing the crazy scientist stuff by himself for a decade and it had taught him more than any schooling ever. And ever since giving birth to Eve he'd ascended to a whole new level. Except that while he was the one who could control her, he himself sucked at shootings and booby trappings and making safe spaces on an enemy ground – stuff he should've known how to handle. But he was a scientist, not a marine. That's why he had Billy and Steve. They had gotten a bit over halfway of the commercial section when an alert started sounding from all the speakers around the area with the pleasant voice of Mother: “This is not a drill. Containment breached. Please proceed to the closest escape pod.” Steve and Eddie looked at each other. Eddie frowned. “A breach that's severe enough for us to escape the station? This station has parted structure, right?” he asked Steve. “Yeah. That doesn't sound right. They should be able to seal just the breached part.” The alert sounded again. “This is not a drill. Containment breached. Please proceed to the closest escape pod.” Steve's brows knitted together. Then he glanced at Eddie, worried. “This is also a research station. New fuel solutions.” He paused. “And weapons.” Eddie bit his lip. “Could they have...” “Fuck. Anything is possible.” Eddie looked at Steve for a while before speaking, “You've seen this before, haven't you?” Steve sighed. “I hope not. On the last station like this—part military, part research, part commercial—the bastards were all over. The shit had already hit the fan.” “This is not a drill. Containment breached. Please proceed to the closest escape pod.” “Should we get going then?” Eddie asked and started to run back towards the dock where they'd docked Petrini.
After Eddie and Steve left to find the parts Eddie needed, Billy spent the first hour dozing off on the pilot's seat and listening to the radio chatter of the space station - illegally, of course. When the chatter suddenly became irregular, accompanied by calls for help that stopped in the middle of the call, Billy perked up. Icy coldness spread into his stomach and he hailed his companions through their scrambled team radios. "Eddie, Steve, please come in." No reply, only radio static that crackled a little from time to time. "Eddie? Steve? Please come in. It's Billy." Still nothing. Shit, Billy thought, this is bad. He turned the space station radio frequency back on. It was still all screams and irregular calls for help. He squeezed his eyes closed. "This isn't happening", he groaned. "This ain't fucking happening". He once more tried to hail Eddie and Steve on their private radio. He listened to the radio static for a while, when he recognized a familiar set of clicks. Three short ones, three long ones, three short ones. His stomach dropped. Eddie and Steve were in trouble. And since they used morse code, they most likely were hiding and couldn't speak. He'd seen this before. Only, he'd been the first one to come to the scene when the shit had already hit the fan and the results were running rampant. Though this probably wasn't far from that situation. They were here probably just a few days earlier than back then on that other station. He took a deep breath. He would have to find them.
Then a realization dawned on Billy. He buried his face in his hands and cursed. “Ffffffffffuck.” The only way he’d have any chance of finding Eddie and Steve quickly was to take Eve out for a walk.
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hellfireheroes · 6 months
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🎸 Hello! This is an Indie, Semi-Selective and Crossover/OC friendly 80s and Horror Multimuse! 🎸
I do not own any of the muses mentioned besides my own OCs.
I am aware of the actions of two of the cast members of Stranger things regarding real world events and I do not support or condone such behaviors.
Free Palestine.
This blog is a sideblog. All likes, follows and interactions will come from my blog (@scribsmcgee). This blog is also mobile bound but I will cut my posts and write multiple paragraphs and will do my best to fulfill any standards regarding your rules about lengths of posts and such.
This also explains why my gifs are different sizes and icons are different sizes. My apologies.
I am a Semi-selective blog which means I’m a tad picky on who I interact with. This also goes into unfollowing. If I unfollow you, I can’t see our muses working out anymore or our writing styles. Don’t take it personally, this is a hobby after all. This also means don’t drag me into bullshit if I unfollow you, I have my reasons. I have the right to follow and unfollow who I wish and the same goes to you. Remember boundaries are important folks!
This blog will contain canon divergent aspects for certain characters and verses. I will also be sprinkling in my headcannons for these characters and a few world building headcannons.
Crossovers are 1000000% welcome! I encourage you to throw your funny guys at my guys!! I will need some guidance on muses I don’t know though so be prepared to plot plot plot!!
This blog is mega 21+ given the content of the show and that I’m an old fart (23). I won’t hold back on getting into more heavier topics such as Child abuse and Neglect, Drug abuse, Alcoholism, Trauma, Other worldly body horror, Eldritch horror, Gun violence, Body violence, mind control, Misunderstanding and blackmailing of someone who is neurodivergent, The Mun is Diagnosed, (Not from the muses themselves but will be referenced in their bios), blood, gore and etc.
Seriously, if any of this shit above affects you, I urge you to proceed with caution. I’m not responsible if you get upset with the warning label above.
I will tag any and all references of more heavier shit with the tags below. If you need something tagged let me know and I’ll happily do so!
That being said, this blog will NEVER UNDER ANY CIRCUMSTANCES write problematic content. None. I’m talking proshit and other nasty shit.
I mean it, don’t bring it in my house.
This blog Will however, write ships!
The ship I mainly write is Steddie but I am open to more ships.
The ships I will not write but will still take interactions on are:
I won’t write shipping content in any form with Minors.
I am comfortable writing some NSFW but no hardcore stuff. Ask me what level I’m comfy with but I’m okay with some stuff.
I prefer not to list it here due to comfort reasons.
I’ll also say this here aswell. DO NOT GUILT TRIP ME OR MANIPULATE ME INTO REPLYING or FOLLOWING YOU BACK. I will not have that on my blog. Do not pull that with me I will block you.
For callout and cancel culture I’m a bit of a middleman. I don’t particularly like it due to its problematic history itself but I fully believe warning people about problematic and dangerous people in the RPC is a good thing! But there are often times alot of claims are bullshit and just make things messy for no reason other than petty disputes. I will 100% believe any accusations on anyone I interact with if there is proof of their shitty behavior or disgusting acts. I try to see things as innocent until 100% proven guilty and if anyone I interact with have such a history with disgusting things PLEASE LET ME KNOW WITH PROOF I AM VERY STUPID!
If you wish to warn me about a dangerous individual please don’t send me an anon all ‘hey so and so is bad’ and not give me any proof or what exactly makes them bad because I’ve had that happen before and it just makes you look silly friend. Again, Please provide proof for me.
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meowmeowbilly · 2 years
Fellow mungrove fans.. hear me out..
AU where Billy survives Starcourt. He's been in the hospital for months, everybody but the party thinks he's dead, that's what they've told everyone. The one person who knows otherwise is Eddie. Did Billy get in a shit-ton of trouble for dialing an unauthorized number from his hospital room phone?? Absolutely. Was it worth it? Absolutely. When it's finally time for Billy to be released, he's sure as hell not going back home. He's free of Neil now, he's never going back. Could he stay with Steve, or even Joyce? (The Byers don't leave for California and Hopper isn't "dead") Sure, probably. He's had issues in the past with Steve, and he also thinks the guy is hot as fuck, so.. sure, he could stay with him, but it would be a nightmare. Billy's in pain and struggling with mobility and nightmares and a ton of other shit, he'd snap and absolutely scare Steve away. Joyce is an okay enough option, but she's dealing with Will and El and there's definitely not enough room in her house even though she'd say otherwise. Billy doesn't want to feel like a burden. The nurses ask him if he's got a place to go, and he lies, says yes, but realistically, he's terrified. As they're wheeling him out of the hospital, Eddie's already there. He tells Billy this whole big story about how after he found out what happened he chewed out some people at the lab and basically convinced them that Billy deserved a place to live for his trouble (and shouldn't they keep an eye on him, after all?) and Eddie just happens to be his new roommate (if Billy wants, of course, Eddie hasn't moved anything in yet, but he's got an overnight bag) and god, Billy's the happiest he's been in a long time, despite all of the pain. The thing with Eddie is that he's good with broken things. Maybe Steve is too, Billy doesn't know, but Eddie is a stable, steady force that is somehow incredibly non-reactive, even in the face of Billy's biggest blow ups and meltdowns. He always has been, even before Starcourt. Billy knows that he's going to be safe, loved, and cared for no matter what. While he's going to try his absolute best not to lash out or meltdown, he knows that if he does, Eddie can take it. Eddie always knows it's not personal, it's never about him. And if they happen to fall in love while Eddie's living there and helping Billy return to normalcy? Well, it's just a bonus.
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Harringroveson Bingo Fic Rec
For @harringroveson-bingo
Square A1 - "Rockstar"
Rec #1
Title: I Think I'm In Love Author: thebeautyinchains Rating: E Word Count: 3586 Ship: Harringrove Major Tags: None Official Summary:
It isn't until the stage lights up that Steve realizes that Dustin has pulled him front and center. And that front and center is where they put the front man. The ridiculously gorgeous, big-bulge having front man. Who is staring right at Steve. The toes of his big glossy boots nudge Steve's fingers where Steve's clinging to the stage. He grips the mic stand and sinks down low, scarf swishing tantalizingly in front of Steve's nose. "Well, well, well. Wasn't sure they'd like a Pretty Boy like you into a place like this," he rumbles, "But I'm glad they did."
Why you should read it: So, this is a modern au, with Dustin taking a preppy Steve to a concert with an 80s cover band with Billy as the lead singer and he's all dressed up like an 80s hair metal rockstar who hits on Steve while on stage and it is very fun and a good time and cute and seriously fun.
Rec #2
Title: Track in a Crowd Author: @jellyfishloveletterghosts Rating: T Word Count: 3624 Ship: Harringrove Major Tags: None Official Summary:
Billy and Steve find each other by scent at a party. - Billy does not want to interrupt but when a server puts a tray of fresh mini sliders on the end right behind them Billy moves closer, he loves mini sliders, the one good thing about these parties. He is just passing them when he catches a scent, a really good scent, smells like home and comfort and Billy wants to chase it. “Uh Billy boy what are you doing to Carol?'' Robin asks and it is only then that Billy realizes he has stuck his nose against Carol’s shoulder. “My bad.” He mumbles pulling away cheeks pink. He really needs a drink, or maybe no drink, maybe he has had too much to drink without enough food, he has never done something like that before, just pressed his nose against someone else that he does not even know.
Why you should read it: This story features a kickass model Steve and rockstar Billy who get a whiff of each other's scent at a party neither really want to be at and its cute and they have to try and find each other and its fun and Billy was ready to be ride or die the moment he laid eyes on Steve and Steve gets to win a fight!
Rec #3
Title: Cum on Feel the Noize Author: @whoringrove Rating: M Word Count: 1728 Ship: Harringrove Major Tags: None Official Summary:
Rockstar!Billy Hargrove puts his boyfriend Steve Harrington's moans in one of his songs. Why you should read it: Rockstar Billy writes a song for, about, and featuring Steve and Billy makes sure he gets to see Steve's reaction to hearing the song for the first time up close and its hot and its good and Steve's reaction is delightful
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superstarbarbie · 2 years
Ok so I know I said I was writing harringrove with prominent mommy kink and I am I promise, but while typing I got distracted and wrote a shitpost chatfic i started before I finished the show. It’s like 80% finished so I’ll post a teaser now for fun
Harringrove Family
Mom added Billy Hargrove to the group
Mom: everyone apologize
Ellen Degenerate: sry
MadMax: sorry
Mom’s fav: sorry I called you mean and scary, Billy
Billy Hargrove: you are forgiven
Billy Hargrove: Except max
MadMax: Oh no! Anyway
Billy Hargrove changed his name to “MILF lover”
MILF lover: ily Stevie <33
Mom: ily2
MadMax: barf
MadMax: anyway
MadMax: how is mike both gay and homophobic 
Mom’s fav: He’s still figuring himself out, coming to terms with his feelings
Mom’s fav: and aren’t you being homophobic towards mom and his bf
Mom’s fav: just to be clear, Billy. You are not my dad
MadMax: no im barfing bc its my brother lmao
MILF lover: Ill be ur step dad some day
Mom: don’t be a dick dustin
Mom: and gay marriage? In this economy?
Mom: for the record I get all my political knowledge from rob and the milf lover
MILF lover: we’ll have to speed things up then, pretty boy ;)
MadMax: double barf
Ellen Degenerate: ^
Ellen Degenerate: I’m right tho
Ellen degenerate: as usual
MILF lover: true. We are correct.
Ellen Degenerate: We should start a club
Ellen Degenerate: Democratic Socialists of Hawkins- but with a different name so we don’t get blacklisted asjdhakjsf
MILF lover: can Stevie come? As a class pet >:)
Mom: :(
Mom: you’re just going to laugh at me
MILF lover: ok maybe we were. But I promise if you come we can help you read theory and shit 
Ellen Degenerate: and debunk propaganda
Mom’s fav: my mom can help! She voted for Mondale 
Mom: Claudia Henderson is a based queen
MILF lover: :(
Mom: I said A!
Mom: ofc you are THE based queen
MILF lover: I better be
MILF lover: or else you little brats will be children of divorce
MadMax: lmao remember when n*il got arrested for jan 6
MadMax: Barbie and I keep his mugshot framed in the living room
MILF lover: I bedazzled the frame
Ellen Degenerate: camp
Ellen Degenerate: also back to our club Nance can come
Ellen Degenerate: but NOT Mike (derogatory)
MILF lover: lmao not you inviting the neolib girl boss
Mom:… why can’t mike come
MadMax: he loves Andrew tate
MadMax: he cried when he got banned everywhere HA
MILF lover: also he called my earring gay as an insult
Mom’s fav: he’s trying, and Will is making him better
Mom’s fav: Mike’s a good guy, his parents are two bigots so he has some catching up to do
Mom: *a biggot and a sex pest
Mom: completely unrelated, im starting the “I hate K*ren Wheeler” club
MILF lover: 🥺🥺🥺
MILF lover: Steven
Mom: What she did to you is completely unacceptable and predatory
Mom: people would have pitchforks if the genders were swapped
Ellen Degenerate: im so proud of our malewife’s growth @MILF lover
Ellen Degenerate: sorry no filter
Ellen Degenerate: Steve’s right
Ellen Degenerate: im VP of the anti K*ren club
MILF lover: aiusehbiuyasebfiuasehbfiuasbfhiuasfbasiufhbasiufhbasiufs
MILF lover: you guys are amazing
MadMax: ill bite her ankles too Barbara
MILF lover: thx shitbird
Mom’s fav: im sorry I inadvertently brought her up, Billy
Mom’s fav: like im still scared of you and stuff but ik thats deep shit
MILF lover: its ok, kid
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mrsblackruby · 3 years
“Here ye Here ye the court is now in session will the defendant Billy Hargrove please stand.”
Me reading to much into the politics of Billy Hargrove / Harringrove
I would first just like to communicate that I recognize there are much bigger problems in the world that we should be focused on organizing against. (capitalism is a threat organize against it) and you are in no way shape or form a bad person for engaging in the behavior I criticize in this post.
Humans have flaws and in media characters having flaws can make them more relatable to the audience. Film and television can offer a way to engage in modern problems that feel way less traumatic. I feel like discussing child abuse through how media portrays it can be less traumatic.
I’m am a Black Genderfluid Queer 18 teen year old and I am a victim of child abuse (You don’t have to believe me but I am) and the reality of my experiences have shaped how I see this character so I wanted to share my analysis on how stranger things treated Billy Hargrove and especially how the fan base has treated this character.
I hope I make my points clear and I’m open to respectful criticism. I’m interested in the conversations we can have about this character. And look maybe there’s no correlation between how you treat human beings and fictional characters but I still think it’s worth analyzing just to be sure.
If you’re a Harringrove Stan I hope this makes your day better. If you’re not, I still hope you have a good day but don’t harass people who do like Harringrove.
I personally do interpret Billy as Racist I think it adds dimensions to his character but that’s the thing I interpret it as racism.
I personally think you’re giving the Coke Cola and KFC product placement writers too much credit when you say Billy is a definitive racist. They left it up to interpretation by never explicitly addressing racism in the show. I think it’s heavily implied Billy is racist and it wouldn’t be far fetched based on the time period. I definitely felt the weight in the “certain type of people” comment. That’s the thing tho I felt the weight of the line because it was only an implication not a confirmation. people don’t have to read into it as a criticism of racism especially if it’s not tied to explicit themes on racism in the text.
Also this goes to a much larger critic I have of stranger things. that it doesn’t try to even tackle racism in a big way. The 80s saw crack planted into black communities only for those same communities to be demonized and criminalized. I mentioned that cuz If you are going to present racism in your show about the 80s potentially down playing it into one bigoted character instead of a whole system that everyone in the world building participates in means that subsequently your writing is just beating up on one character but you are not truly exploring the racist system in your fictional world. So you’re definitely not making a smart critic of racism in the real world. Stranger Things just simply fails to explore racism in its cannon and being mad at people for not interpreting something left up to interpretation baffles me. I’m finna get eat up in theses comments
Billy Hargrove is definitely one of the most sexualized characters in Stranger Things and even though we were introduced to his character when he was 17 the camera frames him in such a hyper sexaulized manner. I personally do feel slightly uncomfortable with the overt sexualzation of Billy's character. I also feel rather uncomfortable by the age gap relationship that they explore in canon between Billy and Karen. I myself find no interest in forming a romantic relationship with someone the same age as my parents.
However I don’t think the exploration of Billy’s sexuality is a harmful thing. I was 17 a couple days ago and I’m 18 now like how Billy was in season three. I’m very aware that teenagers have sexuality. I think there is a cautious step to take when exploring the sexuality of a character who just turned 18 in fandom. I’ve seen things that have made me feel downright disgusted. On the other hand It’s more likely for me to see fans going out of their way to tag their posts , art, and fanfics to create a safe environment to portray Billy's sexuality.
I also see fans trying very hard to be respectful to the actor and not down right sexually harass anyone and if someone does I’m willing to call them out for It and I see others willing to do the same.
All in All, Billy's character is definitely sexualized and the more toxic aspect of that sexualization is not inherent to the Billy Hargrove/ Harringrove fandom but fandom culture at large. I’m also willing 2 die on the hill that season 3 handles Billy’s sexuality worse than many fans. I don’t think ur a bad person if you “ship” (using the definition of ship very leniently) Billy/Karen and can recognize the harmful power dynamics in the relationship. I just think the show fails on many levels to set up the relationship. that they didn’t really frame how toxic an age gap like that could be. The show fails to really hold Karen accountable for crushing on a 17/18 year old and putting him in danger. And Like many other shows in the industry, deciding to sexualize teen characters by having adults play them is a little off to me instead of having less sexualized teen stories. I digress tho we should all be cautious of how we present fictional character’s sexuality at any fictional age.
The Redemption by Death Trope
One valid statement I do believe is warranted is Billy did not have the chance to lead a better life in the fiction. if you think he was completely redeemed I don’t fully agree with you.
This is one reason I hope Billy Hargrove comes back someway in the show because if not he will fall victim to one of the biggest tropes in media. “Redemption by death” popular examples include Kylo Ren, Loki ( too many times to count), Killmonger, etc. This is a very popular trend in Hollywood and it’s not inherently bad. Some people do die without the chance to heal and those stories deserve to be told. However, telling this same story over and over again can make the themes kinda become demoralizing like there is no possible way morally gray characters like this can heal (I will expand on this later).
Now I may have poorly named this trope because there is no redemption in death. Your character arc is finished so the audience doesn’t get to see the work it takes to actively become less harmful just a self sacrifice. And/ or the character does change and the audience doesn’t get to see the work they put in before they die. ( it rubs me the wrong way seeing character’s self sacrifice a lot of the time because it makes me question how much that character valued their life but it’s much more likely that the writers or audience just didn’t value the character. And if that’s the case why is that?)
I connect to everything in canon about Billy’s character. I’ve made worse decisions than we see Billy make in the show and understand that when you make those mistakes it’s mostly likely a call for help. If I were to die before I could say sorry and prove I will never make the mistake again. That would be a tragedy not a redemption.
What does it mean to not be redeemable in fiction?
Now in response to me some people will just say Billy can not be redeemed. And in response to that I ask what do you mean?
I personally believe anyone in the real world can be redeemed as long as they are breathing. They can learn and grow and try not to cause harm. So of course I believe in a constructed world you can choose to give any character a redemption arc.
This is where I will expand on the demoralizing nature of the over use of redemption by death stories. In my opinion I don’t see how anything Billy has done is justification for him to be deserving of death in the media or be left to rot. But sometimes that is the message people get from death in fiction that somehow the character was “deserving” of it. As if it were destined and not constructed.
This saddens me because what message are we sending when we say the actions Billy took in fiction means he was only meant to be left for dead. What could we possibly be saying about our fellow human beings who have made mistakes or abused us in the past?
Let’s take a look at Billy’s actions because he has done wrong in the fictional world. I personally do headcanon Billy as racist so let’s examine that first. Racism is taught not an innate quality of a human being and can be unlearned. Racism in the real world is built into the foundation of society and we’re all conditioned into it. To fight racism we must be willing to unlearn it and unlearning can be the first part of healing. Racism is so fraught that in unlearning it you must realize the only way to truly destroy racism is by killing/ fighting the systems that manufactures it. So yes I think Billy is racist but he can learn to not be.
The next thing is Billy beating up on kids. I understand the context he is coming from and why he could have responded that way since he was beat up on as a kid but to be able to grow from the situation he must learn that doing something that low again is something he should probably consider wrong, understand boundaries, and the effects his actions had on the group. And clearly learning to not physically assault people is not that linear but I think it can be learned and Billy may not be fully forgiven but he can learn to do better and learn that what he did was wrong. Now the question is are we gonna leave space for characters to be redeemed?
The overt villain coding of My Rat Boi
This will be short but sometimes villain coding can make it hard to sympathize with characters and we start to see them as beyond redemption. I say this because I disagree with the Duffers when they say they wanted an antagonist beyond redemption so they made Billy. Billy is not beyond redemption and even though he is framed that way it is still possible he can be redeemed in the plot line. Also when we code characters as villains we could start to dehumanize them and think of their actions as monstrous evil and think no decent human could ever commit such an act. When the character might just be imitating very common human behavior. I think in a story like stranger things we should be seeing the humanity of all the characters, even the demo dogs. Whatever tho end of short villain coding rant
Queer coding
Alright here it is Harringrove, I am chaotic!!!
Okay so I also headcannon Billy as queer for multiple reasons some being because I connect better to his character. Other reasons being that it adds dimensions to his character.
I personally think it can explain a lot of the actions we see Billy take in the story too. Like I understand how he acts more in the basketball scene if he is repressing a forming crush he has on Steve. However, Billy can be queer and not have a crush on Steve. I just think Billy being queer adds a lot to the story.
I think there is a lot of overlap between Billy acting hyper masculine but also holding a lot of insecurities that I think queer people can relate to. I think it would hurt more when Billy’s father calls him the f-slur. I just think a lot of queer people can read into Billy actions as it being coded that’s all. To me It honestly feels like all his interactions with Steve’s character are obviously sexually charged. “Am I dreaming or is that you, Harrington” “Yeah it’s me don’t cream you’re pants”
Their our so many ways to reimagine their relationships. A story where the two come to terms about their fight and the consequences of it. Our maybe the fight never happens at all and they both learn about each other secrets. Billy learns about the dead demo dog and Steve learns about Billy’s home life. So once again I am baffled on why so many people say if you ship Harringrove you are romanticizing abusive relationships. When clearly that is not the case for every shipper. Look you don’t have to headcanon it but let me reimagine my angsty enemies to lovers.
How Billy and Max’s sibling dynamics map on the real world?
Tw/ indepth reference to child abuse
I was abused as a child. When I was younger me and my little sister had a very toxic relationship. She would snitch on me whenever I did anything against the rules and in turn I would be given an ass whooping. After I was punished I would then get into a physical altercation with my sister because I was mad she told on me.
The complex relationship we see Max have with Billy is sadly more common than some would think in abusive environments. I’m kinda uncomfortable elaborating any further but me and my sister have apologized to each other and I would like to think we have both grown from it.
So the relationship Billy and Max have really speaks to me. I wish we got to see more of it and understand why Max acts so differently towards Billy in season 3. To hear people harass Billy stans who don’t think Billy deserves to die for what he did to Max doesn’t make me feel good. I imagine to a lot of abuse victims in complex family situations it’s very isolating.
End of Tw/ indepth reference to child abuse
How Billy’s trauma responses relate to real world ?
I feel like Billy as a character has a lot of the same coping mechanisms I have. I get angry, impulsive and make a lot of decisions I might regret later. I make stupid mistakes that put me and others I love in harms way sometimes. I’m not perfect but these coping mechanisms don’t mean I deserve death so of course I don’t think a fictional character like Billy does and I just want my RAT boi back!!! Pls stop comparing how other people respond to abuse as if there’s a right way every victim reacts differently and has a different support system and some have no support at all. Best advice meet them where there at or not all. Just don’t demonize their coping as they try to heal and become better (and when I say demonize I mean act as if they are irredeemable, you can still hold them accountable and call out/ call in)
How would you feel if you could relate to a character so many people said deserved to die? If you could relate more to the character if you head cannon their sexuality as being queer like yourself and people say you romanticize abusive relationships? How would you feel if people assumed your entire hyperfixation with a character was solely because they are a white cis gender man you’re attracted to? When it’s actually because so many stories about abuse are given clear black and white portrayals in media and after a lifetime of little to no representation of your experience a more nuanced portrayal (even though it’s not perfect and sadly set in a “race blind” environment) comes around and a community forms where they explore the complex tragedy in abuse. Also I find it hard to hate people who envision a relationship from fiction different then intended or from how I interpret it. But I sure don’t like it when people degrade others for how they choose to connect to the media.
You don’t have to like Billy or his character and your interpretation of his character can be more simple than mine but why harass individuals for their more complex interpretation of Billy? I’m not even saying you can’t have a “harmful” interpretation of the media , just that mine and a lot of people's connection isn’t that harmful of a coping mechanism.
We are all just people and no one is better than you but no one is worse than you either. I find it hard to believe I am the only one to ever cause harm to the ones I love. To deeply regret it afterwards but understand you can never go through life without being hurt or hurting someone but you CAN always grow from it and change.
Howdy🤠there do you want more content from me?
*groans and booing*
Alright well since y’all keep begging me. I made a whole case 4 rat man on my blog it’s right here if you’re interested
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trailerparkflower · 4 years
🍁 🍂 Harringrove fic rec for cozy autumn reading while you self isolating as a responsible member of society! :)  🍂🍁
Here I Go Again by HeckinaHandbasket - too cool for school alpha lifeguard Billy doesnt let full time nanny omega Steve with a pack of kids live at the pool. So, they are bickering ALL the time. What wouldnt be so bad if Steve, at least, wouldnt get so wet thinking about stupid sexy hunk Billy.  abo, enemies to lovers, the funniest Heather Holloway ive ever saw! sweet and relaxing amazing read!
Wreck Me by TeenCaterpillar - naturally dominant Billy who doesnt know anything about personal space and horny, confused, whiny Steve who is actually still fierce little Hawkins Keg king. What a duo, am i right?  (d/s hints, big sexi)
Half in shadow by A_Quiet_Place  - Steve with s1 Will Graham vibes, a young cop why heavy trauma and ptsd, moves back to Hawkins. Its kinda boring, until he doesnt meet something feral and predatory and full of sharp teeth. Or, actually, someone....Who was supposed to die in the Battle of Starcout, 1985. Feral monster Billy, suffering and full of rage and pain but still longing and having a real dirty mouth + haunted by past, deer eyed, stubborn Steve with trembling hands and bleeding heart what a lovely way to burn by CeruleanHeart - its Hawkins, its summer heat, its 80s, its Billy & Steve laying around lazily in their secret spot. They are friends, just two bros chilling, nothing more. Or?....  😏
Like you never lost a war by Boudoir_Writer - Steve is like, rly into some freaky stuff. He loves being humiliated and dominated and this is a huge problem-he loves it so much what he Hates it (and himself). Billy in this is charming, chaotic, awful, but also with a hint of some real deep. Steve is in internal struggle, in a war with his own darkest fantasies,,
This Might As Well Happen by skoosiepants - Stargate Atlantis AU. Steve and Billy work in one team. They kinda hate each other but also kinda find each other hot, which was pretty useful when Steve, a dumbass in every universe, drinks juice what makes him really horny. Billy helps, and simple as that Steve gets to bear an actual child... Stargate Atlantis au, mpreg, dramatic and super comforting and sweet, team leader Steve with a sensetive heart and gross brave grumpy obnixious Billy <3
oh, give it a rest (i could persuade you) by moonlight_xx - Fluffy and cozy and lovely read! Lawyer Billy who protects abused kids. All bussiness, determination, expensive suits and confidence.+ Teacher Steve with messy hair and in overalls, absolute softie when is isnt grumpy, hehe.+ One cute corgi =❤️ Solidarity by MissGillette - GIRLS. STEVIE AND BILLIE. ghjkldfjh!! Hawkins high, pinning, soft, angsty and very sexy. Billie is sneery, Steph is pouty, and yet they are incredibly good at taking care of each other. Dom/Sub, of course, thats Harringrove, after all!
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memes-saved-me · 4 years
Your kiss and I will surrender
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《Sneak peak at my Harringrove Twilight AU》
Within a day of moving to Hawkins, Indiana Wolf Shifter Billy Hargrove imprints on new Vampire Steve Harrington. Giving in to his feelings and staying loyal to his pack become difficult when tensions boil over because of the violation of a treaty the California wolves had no knowledge of.
(Still set in the 80s but in the Twilight Universe with its lore intact, along with Billy's pack not being related to the Quileute Tribe because we aren't stealing from actually Natives, thank you... they're a completely unrelated set of shifters and I probably won't explain it because again, I'm not going to pull a Meyers) ⬇️Fic extract below the cut!!⬇️
It hit him like a punch to the gut. This sudden wave of emotions that he didn't even know he could feel, one after the other. Fear, anger, sadness, complete and utter joy and then the need to protect. This overwhelming need to destroy anything that could cause harm. All because he caught the eye of the brunette on the other side of the car park. Smiling all smugly to some girl under his arm. A girl who he immediately took a disliking to.
Billy knew instantly what this was, what this meant. The fact he wanted nothing more than to touch this stranger, to be by his side for the rest of his life and beyond. The fact his fingers were clinging to the hood of his car for balance, or that he was just beginning to take air back into his lungs. It was the best and worst moment of his life, finally imprinting on someone but that someone being a stranger. A stranger with a girlfriend.
If Billy was honest he always prayed he would imprint on a girl, someone cute or just nice who liked what he did. Someone to just spend his life with even if he didn't love her. Do what his father, the leader of the San Diego pack wanted. Just as he always did. Except, there he was the boy he was doomed to crave for the rest of his existence. Probably on his own in the shadows. Something that made his gut twist at the thought as he watched him walk towards the school entrance with his arm around the girl's waist.
Someone nudged him and he almost lost his footing but managed to put his hand out and lean on the blue Camaro to stop himself from tumbling to the wet ground. It was Sid looking at him concerned, he had clearly seemed spaced out for quite some time. "You good?"
"Yeah, let's get this shit over with," Billy threw the cigarette that was starting to burn his fingers onto the tarmac and began walking towards the school's entrance. Hands in his denim jacket pockets, Sid following close behind him as he pushed open the door and entered the almost empty hallway. They were late on their first day but only because of Billy's...situation.
"Where's Wayne?" Sid asked, pulling out a crumpled piece of paper and trying to figure out where he needed to be.
"Didn't want to come."
Sid shrugged and went back to checking door numbers before be stopped and sighed. "This is me. See you later," he waved and opened a door Billy didn't get the number of.
Being alone with the thoughts of that boy were going to drive him insane so he pulled out his own class list and followed the doors until he found the one for his English Lit. He didn't knock, just walked right in and the teacher looked at him with a glare that let him know not to do that again.
"You must be Hargrove," she fake smiled at him before walking over to whisper in his ear not to be late again. "This is William-."
"Billy," he interrupted.
"Billy Hargrove and he's just moved here from California," there were a few murmurs throughout the class but Billy wasn't paying full attention because sitting right at the back staring out of the window was the brunette. Not evening aware Billy had entered the room, the damp weather outside much more interesting. "Take a seat besides Harrington at the back."
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missroserose · 4 years
oh right!  It’s Wednesday.
Time for a reading meme!
What I’ve just finished reading
Paper Girls, volumes 1-6 (the complete series), by Brian K Vaughan and Cliff Chiang.  I’d subscribed to this ages ago and then dropped off reading, so three of the volumes were completely new to me, but it’d been long enough that I just went ahead and read straight through from start to finish.  A thoroughly entertaining romp; it occasionally gets compared to Stranger Things (80s-era pre-teen girls on bikes encounter supernatural phenomena) but while there’s some shared DNA, it goes entirely different places; in this case, the band of main characters encounter a temporal war of sorts, with one side wanting to work to change the future and the other invested in preserving the status quo.
Sadly for ethics nerds like me, it becomes pretty apparent towards the sixth volume that the series is less invested in exploring the (potentially fascinating) arguments on either side than it is in designing more and more fantastic cityscapes and creatures for the girls to encounter.  That said, there’s still a lot of interest here, including the budding friendship between the girls and the always enjoyable stories-out-of-order gymnastics inherent to any good time-travel tale.  I was particularly entertained by the recurrence of the apple/Apple symbolism and some of the ethical gymnastics of Team Status Quo (”It’s okay if we raise dinosaurs to ride!  We nabbed them from just before the asteroid hit Earth, so the timeline remains intact!”).  One of the writers also worked on Saga, a series whose strength has long been the contrast between fantastical large-scale scenarios and smaller, more intimate, thoroughly human drama; there’s a lot of that here, and it works better for being constrained to a smaller arc.
What I’m currently reading
The Brotherhood of the Wheel, by R.S. Belcher.  This was recommended to me by @laveracevia specifically when we were talking about audiobooks with amazing voice work, and I’ll be damned if she wasn’t 100% on point—the narrator goes from Louisiana bayou drawl to Appalachian twang to “North Carolina by way of Glasgow” without breaking an (audible) sweat.  I consider myself pretty good at reading aloud (in English, anyway)—I’ve been reading Gideon the Ninth to Brian at night, and have been able to reasonably approximate Moira Quirk’s voices, at least for the first few chapters—but I wouldn’t have the first idea where to start with this.
As to the story—so far it’s a solidly entertaining American road culture noir.  There was one sequence towards the start that had me concerned it was going to go all-in on the Grittier And Darker Than Thou aesthetic, which, okay, valid choice, it’s just not my cup of tea—but so far (a couple of hours in) it’s actually been pretty interesting, with some killer action sequences and promising characters.  I’m looking forward to seeing where it goes.
What I plan to read next
I’ve been eyeing Astrid Lindgren’s Ronja Rövardotter on my shelf, but despite having thoroughly finished Duolingo Swedish, it still seems a bit out of my vocabulary range—I managed to get maybe 30% of the first couple of paragraphs without pulling up Google Translate.  So I may have to save it for when I'm willing to invest that kind of time and effort.
Fanfiction Spotlight
I recently found myself going down a bit of a rabbit hole with, of all things, Harry Kim/Tom Paris slash.  This seems a little odd, given how my usual tastes (Wincest, David/Michael from The Lost Boys, Harringrove) all center heavily around shifting power dynamics and obsessive angst, and Star Trek: Voyager was hardly an angsty or particularly changeable show (they tried, in places, but were overall roundly defeated by the arguably overbearing can-do optimism of 90s-era Star Trek).  I think it’s been about nostalgia as much as anything; Voyager was the first show I ever wrote fanfic for (in long-form, on a paper tablet from OfficeMax with a colorful border I can still envision), waaaaaay back in high school before I even knew fanfiction was a thing.  So there’s something weirdly comforting, here in these profoundly uncertain times, in reading these stories where the stakes are relatively low and nothing feels particularly life- or universe-threatening.
I particularly enjoyed Epiphany, by @rembrandtswife.  The premise is so thoroughly 90s fandom:  a sexually enlightened alien culture contrives to lead our main characters—in this case, Paris, Kim, and B’Elanna Torres—through the realization of their feelings for each other.  That’s it, that’s basically the story.  But its genuine earnestness is honestly endearing, and the author’s clearly put a lot of thought into the aesthetic; and there’s something I can’t quite pin down about the sex scenes that really sticks with me—a certain quiet vulnerability, maybe, that I think is undervalued in a lot of contemporary fic (cue that post about how orgasms always hit like a truck or a freight train...).  In any case, I enjoyed visiting that world, and it’s given me a bit to think about in my own writing.  (Also, if I might indulge my inner 13 year old for a moment, I’m rather entertained at having offered up the 69th kudos. XD )
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localdadfriend · 3 years
Tagged by my friend @daggers---drawn
Nickname: Trist or Tiger, sometimes Sammy
Zodiac: Scorpio
Height: 5'3"
Last movie I saw: 'He's all that' it's a Netflix original. It's based on the 90's film and it was actually cute.
Last thing I googled: An online school thingy
Favorite musician: Musician or band? Cause band, All Time Low. Musician, Ed Sheeran.
Song stuck in my head: Lately its been random MCR songs.
Other blogs: @thesummerof84 - Harringrove blog. I have an 18+ blog, & my old ass blog from 2014- @spookyboyssystem
Blogs following:  180-something?
Amount of sleep: anywhere between 8 and 10 hours. If I get less than I get brain fog and feel like crap basically until I get back to sleep.
Lucky number: 23
What am I wearing: I'm in bed so currently just my boxers
Dream job: Voice actor, poet, artist, parapsychologist and marine zoologist
Dream trip: To see my grandfather's home town in Italy with my family and baby boy @pretty-bratty
Languages: Only English currently, but I'm hoping to start Italian soon
Favorite food: Pizza!! But also Alfredo and Chinese food!
Play an instrument: Nope. I always wanted to though.
Favorite song: Good Times by All Time Low
Random fact: When I'm put under pressure I can't think of a random fact 😁
Describe yourself as aesthetic things: 
Uhhh... 2007 Pop punk meets 80's bad boy teen heart-throb meets 70's Cali surfer era skater boy all wrapped up in a rainy fall day- Harry Potter movie marathon... with a sprinkle of 90's Goth in my gooey caramel center.
Tagging: @pretty-bratty @prettyboyporter @memes-saved-me @greyspilot @hartigays
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cupidssrosses · 4 years
i. love. ship. playlists.
so, i know for a FACT that im not the only one that uses songs to picture scenarios with a pairing i really love. like, sometimes im so set on the idea of a ship that i have to rewrite the entire show in my brain, rework it so that they end up together logically. songs are always so good to visualise too. harringrove is the BEST for this, because the show itself uses scenes set to 80s music all the time. 
anywho, this is a really longwided way of saying hey heres my harringrove playlist enjoy :)
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this song has always been made for a scene where tension has to slowly build.
so, instead of the scene with billy and neil happening at the end of the season when theres much more world-end-y  things to deal with, it happens earlier. 
the  scene happens, billy goes to find max and ends up finding steve and the kids in that junkyard. 
“am i dreaming or is that you harrington”
(really rushed) “yeah its me dont cream your pants what the FUCK are you doing here hargrove you have to leave right now”
billy won’t shut the fuck up so steve has to cover his mouth and try to push him into the bus. then we hear a demidog, steve gives up on billy and gets ready to fight, quietly hands billy a broken pole or something just in case. 
the song starts from 0:00 right when billy sees the demidog, the camera pans in on his face, just so confused and scared, processing what hes seeing. then he joins the fight, he and steve back to back protecting the kids. this leads to billy being part of the gang, at least in some respects. hes strong as fuck and now they have to fill him in on the circumstances now so hes around more often to help. he wants to protect max, but also be near/protect steve. 
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so ! during subsequent fights/situations, billy and steve get a little closer, damn they’re not in love but hey they’re getting more comfortable and theres deeeefinitely some mutal attraction, the energy from those shower and basketball scenes hasn’t gone away. if steves the mother figure billys the dad. 
on the “i need a hero” (BAM) part that leads into the chorus, billy saves steve with some kind of big action you know? RIGHT on the beat i swear i get chills every time i picture it to this song. like he pushes something off of him or pull him out of the way really suddenly after running reaaaallly fast to get to him. right after it cuts to steve looking all suprised and impressed while billy keeps fighting. 
same applies to the part that goes “watched out here i COME” in the second song, except its steve saving billy. 
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since two thousand and fucking 17 ive seen this song as billys image of steve. it always sounded like his thoughts about him. 
this is one of the first moments billy realises he might really REALLY like steve. hes not just horny he might actually love this moron. at around 2:07 when all the instrumental goes away and its mainly the drums, thats when it happens. 
hes picking steve up from somewhere. theyve been spending more time together as buddies. he apologised for being a dick, theyve had some more serious conversations. hes taking him to hang out with the kids, maybe he just needed a ride home from school or work. anyway, its golden hour. hes waiting to see him and hes weirdly nervous, more than he ever was waiting to pick up a date with one of the hawkins girls.
and then he sees steve walk out onto the street, or come around the corner.
his heart STOPS. steve just looks so beautiful. the light hitting his hair. he smiles at someone he knows as the walk by. billys just HIT with hoe much he loves this stupid moron and his stupid fucking smile.
steves looking around for the car and looks so. happy. when he sees billy, billy smiles back. its been a while since hes smiled that genuinely. 
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billy really really part of gang now. this might be sometime after the final events of season 2 i think?? billys saved them all, had a lot of experiences, hes built up some trust with the group and it feels normal that hes there. hes part of the family, and thats what this songs about. 
it night time, theyre at steves house, all the kids, nancy, jonathen, etc. some are swimming, everyones dancing, things feel a little more okay. 
at around 1:54, (again im a sucker for stripping away most of the instrumental and relying on a few key sounds, including loud drums) billy looks around. he has for one of the first times in a while this sense of FAMILY and ACCEPTANCE and SAFETY.
theres all these shots of everyone having fun, like 2 or 3 cuts, then to steve. just standing there laughing, hairs all wet from the pool, towel around his shoulders. he looks over, catches billys eye, gives him a smile, it feels like he knows what hes thinking, and he feels the same way. 
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same night, during the part build up that starts at around 2:53, everyones trying to get billy to dance, hes been smoking on one of the pool chairs, not antisocial just not dancing. not his thing. plus he doesnt want to look like an idiot infront of steve. anyway. 
one of the kids starts it, starts gesturing for him to get up, pointedly singing the lyrics, the rest join in unti theyre all singing and chanting for him to join, all while the song builds and builds. finally steve joins in. maintains eye contact. thats enough for billy. he just keeps his eyes on steve as he stands up. its more like theyre dancing together, less like the kids are there. right at the end of that bridge he just lets go. takes of his jacket and dances around with everyone. he doesnt look stupid either. he looks good. and steve notices 
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this is a small one, i dont even have a story to it. all i know is that comparisons between the scene that accompanies this song in top gun and the basket ball scene in st2 have been made, and itd be a super fun, corny scene :)
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starts at the very begining. this song has ALWAYS felt so magical and me. i get chills every god damn time i hear the intro. i want their first kiss to be to the intro. 
its after the last fight of season three. someone else was flayed, someone we dont love. obviously billy survives. in FACT, he was along for the ride with robin and steve, all the shenanigens with the russians, billy was tied up and drugged too. BOTH he and robin admit their sexualities. 
billy still sacrafices himself to save the kids from the monster, he says something cute like “see ya round pretty boy” or some corny shit like that before he goes to run and save el, theres a moment when steve knows what hes about to do, theyre staring at eachother and theeeerse the electricity steve knows so much about. theyre really about to kiss, staring at eachothers mouths, but the monster makes a noise and billy knows its now or never, so he runs off. 
steve tries to save him but gets nocked out. he goes unconcious thinking billys going to or is already dead. 
it cuts to the end scene when theyre all in the car park. steves got an icepack to his face, hes obviously been sobbing. 
but he heres a voice. 
(clearly overjoyed and kind of smug) “am i dreaming or is that you harrington”
he looks up. its billy. we get a nice long run-jump-hug. steves in billys arms before he can even finish his sentence:
(nearly crying but SO excited) “yeah its me dont cream your pa-”
NOW. OKAY SO. i love love love they idea of billy steve and robin going home with murray, or at least showing up at his place. maybe billy cant stand the thought of going home, hell maybe neil was the one that got flayed and died idk. anyway.
nancy and jonathen are like, we know a place if people dont want to go home, and they go murrays place. when they show up at the door murray KNOWS. hes like “ffs two more people who have repressed feelings for eachother what am i a therapist. but he lets them in and they have a similar conversation that murray had with nancy and jonathen/joyce and hopper. poking fun at how much they like eachother etc. 
billy and steve have a really intimate talk. not sexaul intimate, just really open. theyre both so tiered, steve thought billy was dead, billy had to say goodbye to steve, who he KNOWS hes in love with by now, thinking he was about to die. they both KNOW how the feel about eachother now, but they havent said it explicitly. just lots of “i really thought id lost you”, “your my best friend”, “i cant believe youd do that for me” etc etc. 
they decide to go to bed, billy walks steve to his room, the one nancy stayed in when she and jonathen got together, theyre standing at the door. just staring at eachother like they were during that fight sequence. the energies back. billy really thinks he might go for it, but decides he doesnt want to ruin things if steve doesnt really feel the same way. he doesnt even know if he likes guys yet. so he just says “night steve” (steve, get it, not harrington, cause theyre close now and he loves him and those defensive barriers are down ahhhh). 
just as he turns to leave, steve does this:
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this exact thing. he grabs billys arm, leans down and kisses him. he thought he lost his chance once, he nearly died like a million times in the past 48 hours. he cant stop himself. 
RIGHT HERE is when the intro to jump kicks in. FUck that synth, the rumbling note that runs through the whole thing. time. stops. its perfect. billys wanted this for so long, so has steve but in the grand tradition of fanfiction he didnt know it until he nearly lost billy for good. 
their arms are all over eachother, just as the rest of the instruments come in, at like 0:15, they both smile into the kiss and shut the door behind them, and it cuts away :). 
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theyre finally together!!! theyre in the happy, honeymoon stage of realtionship. god theyre just fucking every. chance. they. get. i think this is a new season. it’s a montage of them hooking up all over hawkins. 
in the back of the video store, robin covering for them. in the car, outside school, steves house. someone walks in and billy has to hang out of the window. he makes a noise and steves like “thats probably just a bird or something” and billy MAKES A BIRD NOISE TO THE BEST OF HIS ABILITY. 
when steve helps him back inside he just stares a him with that “youre a moron but your my moron now” face. “~mimics the sound billy made~ really?” and then billy just laughs and goes back to hooking up with him. 
theyre just HAPPY. theyre comfortble, theyre stupid idiots whod die for eachother and horny as fuck allllll the time, like young guys are. i just want a really lighthearted, NOT INNOCENT, but lighthearted tone to a whole montage of them just being happy and stupid together. 
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aaaaand we’re bassically at the end of the storyline i have for them based on music. these three i just like the thought of. i want steve do dance super shamelessly in his bedroom in a towel, not in a sexy way dont get me wrong he looks DUmb, and billys at his door window just admiring this stupid idiot dancing around. i cant believe im in love with this man this graceless lanky man i had to choose this one. but ill be damned if i wouldnt give my fucken life for him
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and finally trust me go listen to any scorpions song its bassicaly a harrington anthem. it all started with rock you like a hurricain for me, i saw steve look at him, i saw billy and listened to the lyrics and just thought theres no god damned way this man is straight whats the bet hes into steve and then BAM same season hes just so obviously flirting with him constantly i-
anyway okay so
this song, like many other scorpion songs is allll about billy and steve in my opion. go have fun. 
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PlayerEntity made this gif not me all credit to them i just wanted to include it cause its my favorite edit of them ever. 
and thats all!!! if youre seeing this and you thought it was cool thanks i had fun. i really just wanted to get this shit out of my brain its been up there since i was a fuckn 14 year old, now im 18 lol. 
i love these men more than myself and sometimes i forget that theyre not acutally together in show cause i live so completely through fanfiction and the sequence of events you just read. 
fuck why am i signing out like you just watched a youtube video or something i should just post this okay by now xxxxx
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elysiumwaits · 5 years
No Dialogue Tag Game
@billy-baby tagged me in a no dialogue drabble challenge for Harringrove, and as we all know, I’m allergic to drabbles, so here’s like 800+ words of a songfic! Because listen, Whiplash Smile is the best Billy Idol album, and “To Be a Lover” is one of my favorite songs.
I’m Gonna Spend My Life (Have Mercy) on AO3
Pairing: Billy Hargrove/Steve Harrington
Rating: Mature
Tags/Warnings: 80′s Music, Billy Idol Lyrics, It’s a songfic, what year is this?
Summary: Billy doesn’t apologize with words, but Steve understands him anyway.
Billy doesn’t apologize with words often.
Well, okay, amendment to that statement: Billy doesn’t apologize with words and mean it often. Steve can count on one hand the number of times that Billy has said the words “I’m sorry,” and they were all shit-meet-fan moments. Once while Steve was bleeding out thanks to a monster, once while Billy was bleeding out thanks to a monster, once following a mutual gay crisis they had before they got their shit together, and once when Billy had accidentally clocked Steve in the face with the cabinet door because he hadn’t known Steve was there (which was shit-meets-fan in its own way, considering how Billy had paled when Steve had sat down on the kitchen floor hard, covering his nose). The other times that Billy has actually verbally apologized have been laced with sarcasm, and they don’t count.
So what usually happens is this: Billy and Steve will get on each other’s nerves every so often. Maybe it’s a mix of work stress, family stress, life stress, or something. Maybe it’s the piles of baggage they have between them coming to a head. Maybe it’s something as stupid as drinking directly from the carton, maybe it’s something important like Steve’s father making little jabs about Billy at dinner so that it all just erupts into a passive-aggressive pissing contest.
And sometimes, Steve doesn’t even know what sets it off. He just knows that he and Billy are, like, opposites attract in all the ways that don’t matter and similar in all the ways that do. So occasionally, they’ll have a good old-fashioned argument about absolutely nothing, because they just so happen to be annoyed by the other’s existence that day. 
Which is ridiculous because, like, Steve misses Billy when they fight, even if he was annoyed by Billy an hour earlier. It’s worse when he has to go to work after one of their little “marital tiffs,” as Robin so helpfully calls them, because then he gets to sit there and be cranky and anxious for no good reason for around eight hours. 
And maybe he’s a little annoyed still when he finally gets to go home. Maybe there’s a part of him that’s always a little worried that this will be the stupid, silly thing that blows this whole relationship up in their faces. Maybe he’s scared that he’ll go home to find an empty house and a note, all of Billy’s records and posters and clothes and books just gone.
(It hasn’t happened like that, of course. Billy knows about that particular fear and even when they fight for days, he’ll make sure to leave a note or something on the fridge or bathroom mirror with “still fucking mad at you but I love you, I’ll be back around 10” or something.)
Most of the time, though, when they fight and finally getting around to making up, Steve gets off work and comes home to Billy trying his best to make it clear that he’s sorry. Because Steve? Steve will apologize, he’ll say the words. But Billy either can’t or won’t, so he apologizes in the only way he really can - with music.
Tonight, Steve gets in the door and kicks off his shoes to Billy Idol’s Whiplash Smile. As he closes the door and throws the lock, he hears the music stop suddenly in the middle of “Fatal Charm.” A second later, the needle drops again, and Steve can’t help the smile tugging at his lips at the opening music. 
“Have I told you lately that I love you?”
Steve feels hands slide from his shoulders to his waist, no hesitation, and lips press to the curls at the base of his neck. They alternate between kisses and mouthing along with the song against Steve’s skin. 
“If I didn’t, darlin’, you see, I’m so sorry.”
The trick to Billy’s apologies is that Steve doesn’t accept them right away. He makes sure to replace the little smile with a scowl, even as he lets Billy turn him around and tug him away from the front door, down the hall to the living room. He very carefully doesn’t grin when Billy falls back onto the couch and drags Steve down so that Steve’s straddling him, doesn’t laugh even though Billy’s fingers tickle when Billy gets his hands under Steve’s shirt to skate along his stomach to his back. 
“Didn’t I reach out and hold you in these lovin’ arms?”
Billy’s arms come around him to drag Steve even closer, hand coming up to tangle in his hair. Steve turns his face just enough to dodge the kiss Billy tries to pull him into, so that Billy’s lips land on the corner of his mouth instead. At this point, the fact that Steve hasn’t pushed himself off of Billy is proof that he’s just being petulant, drawing it out as much as he wants, to milk it. He is who he is, and the glorious thing now is that Billy wants him, spoiled brattitude and all. 
“If I didn’t, baby… I’m so sorry.”
Steve will loosen up, give in as the song goes on. By the time the record moves to “Soul Standing By,” he’ll be letting Billy pull him into a long, affirming make-out that will last through that song, and possibly clear through the chorus of “Man for All Seasons.” 
The music will more than likely fade into silence long before they do, but Steve will check out of the record around the time this song ends. Even as Billy Idol sings about coming in from the storm and souls on fire, his Billy will be singing this one into Steve’s skin, and Steve will hear the words in his mind as he does.
“Gonna spend my life makin’ love to you.”
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gabbia · 5 years
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Me every time seeing people freak out by the rumors came from that shitty twitter account Walkinginhawkin.
1) She is a friend with a crazy jancy fan, who keeps spreading hate against Billy, Dacre, Joe and of course the whole harringrove fandom.
2) when the paparazzi photos of El on the beach with a little boy came out, I saw them laughing at those Billy stans who believed Billy will have a storyline with El on Twitter.
Yeah it seems like she worked there for maybe a few days and had some sources about s3 but it’s very likely that she just knew 20% of it and maked up rest of the 80% to get the attention.
I don’t believe Billy will die in S3. Its a bet between me and myself 😂
I just don’t think his death will bring anything good to this story from a script writing perspective. Most of the main characters in ST are either good or bad and very predictable at this point. Billy is probably the only character who can make audiences feel uncertain. He has so much potential as a character who could be hateful, be likable, be hot or be scary between few episodes.
I don’t see why the writers will put so much effort on his storyline than kill him easily in one season. There are probably 2 seasons left so they will probably save him as a plot twist in the next 2 seasons.
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tenderbyeler · 5 years
marinechinaski replied to your post “wHY are some of you saying billy deserved better??? are you guys...”
wtf is goin wroing with people being ok with a teenage boy being killed? I mean Billy was an asshole but at least just a kid, he needed a lot of teraphy no fucking murder. I will not excuse what he did but he was a boy young enough to reintegrate into society.
1. he.. he was not a kid 2. this is a tv show set in the 80′s, your views on mental health treatment are fairly modern (and i agree ofc im not a dumb fuck, therapy > murder) 3. a tragic backstory doesn’t excuse you from being a disgusting human 4. the way they wrote his death was good, to me it was fair and gave him a purpose other than just being a disposable villanous character. it made way more sense for him to sacrifice himself than for example, just someone shooting him and thats it 5. going back to my point in my og post, he literally tried to murder actual children, if you think him getting an ending like the one he got was worse than an almost child murder (twice for that matter, not even mentioning all the racism and homophobia) i think you’re the one needing to revaluate your choices in favorite characters
6. im not gonna keep replying essays to harringrove shippers, its a waste of my time lmao.. and oh, im not american.
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