#its like almost 2am now I might wake up wanting to delete this lol
seventh-fantasy · 6 months
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江湖风波恶 楼里莲花清 (the outside world of jianghu is perilous and it is pure as the lotus within this tower)
lotus tower is his body
(never beating the i'm thinking about lhl with reference to nezha 1979 allegations)
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kimbap-r0ll · 2 years
Hello. May I request a first kiss scenario with Vil, Rook, Jade, (+Neige if you can)?? Like a kiss that's passionate but not to the point its basically making out. Please only write this if you are comfortable with writing this though !! Otherwise you can delete this request!! Plus congrats for reaching 550+ followers!!😊🥰🎂🎂🎊🎁🎉
Hello, thank you for the request! This is super late, and I'm so sorry about that! There's been a lot of requests in my inbox and I'm taking time to catch up rn. Either way, I think what I'm understanding from this is that the kiss is supposed to be a deep one? Like Disney "true love's kiss" kinda feeling? At least that is what I'm going with, hopefully it's an enjoyable read!
Vil, Rook, Jade, Neige x gn!reader giving them a nice first kiss
He was returning from a fashion show and you were anticipating him that night. He promised to meet you at your dorm when he came back, and though he warned he would come late (as in like, 2am) you still stayed awake to greet him!
He knocked on your door, and, being careful not to wake up Grim who was sleeping upstairs, you shuffled quickly to the front door and opened it to see Vil. He was still wearing some makeup from the show and he had a bunch of designer gifts he had received in his arms.
"I wanted to share some of these with you. I think there's a perfume you might like in one of these," he said before stepping in. He set the items aside and opened his arms to give you a hug. You basically jumped on him and gave him a kiss there.
He froze up. You also realized you had kissed him for the first time. "Oh, I-I'm sorry! I was just so excited to see you-" "Darling, you should kiss me like that again, it was really good." He ends up being the one to make you red in the face. He would be lying if he said the kiss wasn't good, it was like he was melting actually!
He gives you a soft kiss on your lips before taking your hand in his. "Y/n, that was quite brave of you as well. Never thought my first kiss would be so passionate." You blush harder as he continues to tease you about it.
He was planning on kissing you during one of your walks outside. He was done with the science club meeting he was in and you greeted him at the botanical garden.
"Mon amour, you look stunning as always!" he picks you up and twirls you around. You give him a hug as well before asking where he wanted to go to next. The two of you had been almost everywhere together, so now it was the most obscure places left. He suggested to just stay on campus this time, perhaps closer to the woods.
You guys end up walking around for twenty minutes, and right before you can ask him what else he wants to do now, he asks if you had heard a tale about a princess who woke up by a kiss. He ends up narrating the story dramatically and right at the part where he explains the kiss, he kisses you.
You turn red of course, you hadn't expected him to kiss you and it was his first kiss at that! Yet, you let yourself kiss him back, perhaps deeper than you had expected. The two of you pulled away at the same time as well, and he gave you a small smile.
"Y/n, I didn't know you were such a good kisser," he compliments. You blush and say that it was your first time as well. "I felt like I was floating in the heavens..." "Ah okay, you don't have to compliment me more haha" you end up stopping him before he gets carried away with words lol
He was, too, planning on giving you your first kiss himself. But it turns out you had been one step ahead of this eel!
You two were out collecting mushrooms together, a date routine the two of you had grown fond of. He was planning on kissing you somewhere here but he hadn't really thought out when. Then, before he knew it, the two of you were going back to Mostro Lounge, he had missed his opportunity! But no fret, there was still the lounge that the two of you were planning to chill in.
While the two of you are sharing a drink, he does the classic "I think there's something on your face" move before going in to kiss you. You were a bit confused at first, but then you saw him come closer and were immediately like "yep, I know what you're doing." Then, you just quickly place your lips on his and he ends up being the one with wide eyes.
He didn't expect to like kissing this much, but here you were basically making him melt into you! He ends up letting himself hug you, closing his eyes and helping you take the kiss deeper. But then Floyd showed up with Azul from seemingly out of nowhere and saw what you two were doing.
"Shrimpy, Jade! Whatcha guys doin' there?!" Floyd yells, and the two of you pull away immediately. Jade has a slight blush on his face but quickly gives you a smirk. "You're a very good kisser, y/n," he whispers before helping you up and telling Floyd that the two of you were just talking. You're going to get a lot of teasing from Jade here on out haha.
You were waiting for him to finish up filming for a commercial. You were right outside the studio, some of his fans were outside as well but you knew that he would find you in the crowd of people.
Neige stepped out eventually, being the nice celebrity he is he ended up taking an hour to fully escape his fans because he was busy with autographs and pictures haha. He ends up taking you to a nice park where you guys can chill.
He tells you about his day, but he wants to hear about you. "Well, I didn't do much, mainly just finishing homework," you explain. "We should do something exciting now then!" he stands up from the park bench you guys were on, then he asks what you want to do the most right now.
You take this basically as a chance to kiss him. You stand up, tell him "this" before planting a kiss on his lips. His eyes go wide, but he ends up smiling and kissing you deeper. Neige's arms wrap around you and you can feel the kiss go more passionately than you had expected. You two both pull away together.
"Well, that was definitely something more interesting than homework I hope?" he laughs, giving you a peck on your cheek and taking your hand. You nod, giving him a smile as well. "Now I'm going to feel like I'm floating for the rest of the day," you reply. "Great! I think I'll be the same," Neige says. You two end up spending the entire day together, returning to your dorms almost at midnight haha.
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