#its ok both my baby and my husband like him so this will work XD
mrskurono · 3 years
Okay okay, mama here I am with my self ship *drumroll*
Rae x Chuuya (bsd)
You know I'm shit with thinking about hcs myself but....I feel like Chuuya would be all about scented candles and decorating the INSIDE of the house for Christmas. Like he doesn't want to bother at all about outside stuff cuz that's a pain. But sitting in the livingroom with some candles going and a corny Christmas movie on seems about right to me. I can't see him going all out with like "buzzing with the holiday spirit" out in public but like a lot of it is inside and stays that way haha
Not to mention, he thinks that a good Christmas gift involves his body in some way. Like he dresses up his cock with a pretty ribbon and says that's your present
But oddly he's actually good at getting gifts that isn't of his body
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Ok joking aside - Chuuya just seems to have a strong draw towards cinnamon scents? Is it bc they're red? And his hairs red? We may never know. And he decorated outside once but then Dazai commented on it and told him it looked good and Chuuya decided to never decorate outside ever again bc god forbid Dazai talk to him while he's home/in his safe space.
He puts a tiny bunch of poinsettias in his hat at the beginning of December and leaves them there all month don't @ me
Also the bit that he thinks he's a magnificent gift himself sounds around right. But we both know you're gonna untie that ribbon on his pretty dick so don't know what you're doing hiding that with tiny text 😏 He'll also convince you to fuck under the Christmas tree on Christmas eve and RIP when your kid finds mommy NOT with Santa
Alright since I did Atsushi already, I guess I'll do my other one. My Akutagawa self ship...Akutagawa doesn't like Christmas at all until it's our first Christmas. A curmudgeon at heart he can't fend it off the moment we decorate the tree. Something about that just, really sticks with him and becomes very real suddenly to him. Spends an awful amount of time then staring at said tree throughout the month. But it's less creepy when the colorful lights reflect off his eyes and he just kinda zones out content. Akutagawa is shit at gifts though. Unless it's painted out in bold he is either a gift card guy or a "you like this food I bought 10 lbs of it" kind of guy. The thought never counts but the amount of times he wants to cuddle through the month makes up for it.
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Let's talk self ships! • #selfshipsaturday baby!
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bellasharifuddin · 3 years
The Day I Became a Mother
It’s been a while since I last post anything here, typing feels awkward as well. But this has always been a thing that I wanted to do since the day I’ve given birth, to document and blog about my pregnancy and my birth journey, so in 4-5 years to come when my memories fade, I can always come back to reminisce every detail that I keep here, like a memory capsule. 
The Day I Found Out I Was Pregnant. 
You know, when people say that when you have a strong intuition about something, trust your gut feeling, because it’s often true. Mirin and I have always talked about having kids, me wanting a baby so much within months after we got married, however, Mirin having second thoughts about it. We were both married for less than a year, sleeping on a toto without a mattress or a bed, living in the deep slum of Wangsa Maju area where the rats are larger than the cats. Hahaha. Naturally, given our circumstances, he’d want to take things slow. 
Fast forward to a couple of months, we went out for some steaks and karaoke on a weekend night. I told mirin to stop by Watsons, for me to buy a pregnancy test kit. Mirin didn’t question much, because occasionally I would randomly buy one, just for fun. But this time, I didnt just get one. I ended up buying three. Why? Because somehow, I had a strong feeling this time. I just felt... weird. It was a feeling that I can’t put it into words. 
We came home at midnight, I went to the bathroom too “pee on the stick”. Then I saw the first line... a few seconds later comes the second one. Oh my god. Okay. I knew Mirin was standing outside the toilet door, waiting. Eventually, I had to break the news to him. When I showed to Mirin, we both ended up hugging and crying. Was I happy? Was I in shock? Was I sad? Yes, a little bit of everything. Its funny that all you’ve wanted was a baby, then when it actually happens, suddenly you’re freaked out. Happy that its a blessing. Sad that it hits you without a warning. 
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When the morning sickness finally kicked in, I knew we couldn’t live in the current house. Its not the best place to raise a child. And the next-door neighbor was having major renovation that was super loud and noisy. After sleepless nights and searching for a new place, we eventually moved out. Bought our first bed, bought our first dining table, bought our first gas stove. A many of firsts. Soon we finally bought a baby cot from Ikea. We bought it too early. Although it was too early to put it up, but Mirin assembled it anyways. I could tell that he was excited. It was such a fun and exciting moment, for the both of us.
But those were the fun part. Like most pregnancies, the not so fun part about being pregnant was me being diagnosed with Pregnancy Hypertension during my 36th week of pregnancy. My blood pressure spiked up to 140/100 on two consecutive readings, and the next thing I know, that I’m sitting in an ambulance, on my way to Hospital Kuala Lumpur’s emergency building. 
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                     At Hospital Kuala Lumpur. Waiting for an available bed
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                  Mirin bought me the entire family mart food available xD
I spent 3 nights in their maternity wards, finally discharged after the doctor told me that I was clear to go. While I was in the hospital, it pains me to see new mothers struggling during the COVID19 pandemic. Throughout your stay, no visitations were allowed from anyone including your husband. If your baby cries or if you’re in pain, you’d have figure it out yourself. I remember praying to god while crying that I do not want to be induced there. The ward was stuffy and hot. There were too many people crammed in a room. It was hell. 
The Day That I Give Birth
One week after my discharge, we both went for my monthly checkup with my OBGYN at Pantai. Again, my doctor advised me to be induced tomorrow, since my blood pressure spiked again, and I was almost full term (38 weeks) so it was okay to go. She told me that “It’s best to get the baby out or else you boleh kena sawan” OMG Okay okay. So we packed our bags, ate sushi for dinner, slept soundly for the very last time, and headed to the hospital again at 9 am the next morning. 
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                         Induction day. We definitely overpacked haha
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       Arrived at the hospital lobby, did a mandatory swab test before entering
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Appointment card. Booked and paid for the accommodations prior to checking in
I was told to change into my labor robe (I’m not too sure what it’s called), and waited. When my doctor finally arrived, she then began to insert some sort of a plastic strip deeeeeep into my cervix. Ouch, that hurts. Okay, so that’s how induction works eh? Then I was given antibiotics into my IV drip too, since I was GBS (Group-B Strep) Positive as well. 
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                                Toilet selfie! Calm before the storm
After an hour, I felt the contraction. Initially it was uncomfortable, then it hurts like hell. The contractions felt like period pain but like a million times worse. Occasionally, Doctor Haslinda would come and check on my “bukaan”. Hours passed. 1cm... 2cm... 3cm.... when I finally said:
“Omg sakit sangat dah tak tahan, I want an epidural!“
Ok no, that was a lie. I initially didn’t want to take an epidural. I wanted to try and bear with the pain, but Mirin convinced me to take it, so after tossing and turning like a dying fish I finally said okay. 
The anesthesiologist came after what felt like an eternity, and asked me to sign a consent form. I’m not really sure what was written in that. Siapa je ada masa nak baca terms and conditions panjang panjang bila tengah contractions??? 
He told me to sit on the edge of the bed, while hugging a pillow. I remembered him injecting some numbing spray, then I felt the BIG NEEDLE poking through my spine. Then.. that was it. It was so fast. The entire process took only 5 mins. Was it painful as I thought it would be? No. Was it still scary tho? Yep hahaha.
Soon after, Dr Haslinda pecahkan air ketuban when I was 4cm dilated. It didnt hurt because I was on epidural, but I felt so much warm liquid flowing out non-stop. So bizarre. 
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Once you’re on epidural, you’re basically bed-ridden. No bathroom trips anymore, my legs feel like jelly. Sometimes the nurse will come to empty my bladder with a catheter. When the epidural kicked in, I could finally sleep. I slept like a baby. I slept for hours. Painless. No more feeling like a dying fish. And so I thought.............
3am. I woke up with INTENSE CONTRACTION PAIN. Why is it so painful? I thought I’m on epidural? I called the nurse straight away. Turned out the epidural drug ran out. It was sooo stressful because the nurse that was on duty that night didn’t know how to topap balik the epidural drug into the machine. She called her colleague, then the colleague also tak tahu. Then both of them spent like forever to troubleshoot how to use the machine, sampai lastly kena call doctor tanya. YA ALLAH, rasa macam nak maki je. 
7am the next day. Bukaan baru 7-8cm. Doctor decided to use another form of induction to speed up the process. It’s called pitocin, and injected through my IV drip. Within MINUTES, I could feel very intense and painful contractions, that the epidural can’t even help. So throughout the remaining 7cm to 10cm, I felt every inch of real labor pain. I clenched Mirin’s hand. So tightly that I think it got bruised. A minute felt like an hour, and an hour felt like years. It was soo bad that my memory was so fuzzy. 
Finally, it was 10cm. Time to go. They put both of my legs up, macam gambar bawah ni haha: 
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                                      Picture courtesy from Google
There were two nurses, one small cute Malay nurse, one pregnant Indian nurse, and my OBGYN, Dr Haslinda. I love them all, they were so supportive and nice to me throughout my labor process. My doctor taught me how to push correctly:
“Take a deeeeeeep breath then tahan, clench your fists, chin down and teran macam nak berak sekuat-kuat hati“
I was so determined to get the baby out. I just wanted the contraction pain to end. I did everything they told me to do. I hold on to Mirin’s hand, and PUSHHHHHHHEDDDDDD! I could hear Mirin saying “You’re doing great sayang!” After several pushes, and some sips of water breaks, the baby’s head is almost out. The head was the hardest to push. Besar! I literally felt like my down there was stretching to its limit. Once the head is out, I did another small push, and the rest of the baby’s body macam keluar instantly macam super slimy like that haha. 
Finally the baby is out! 8.26AM! The contractions stopped immediately. I instantly feel like I wasn’t pregnant anymore. The doctor then injected something on my thigh, then my uri just popped right out haha. My body felt so tired, but so so light. Lega, yay no longer pregnant haha. I ended up having second degree perineal tear without an episiotomy, and was stitched. I felt the benang, ngilu. I felt the needle pierced through my muscles too. But it didnt hurt so it wasn’t too bad. 
The baby gets cleaned up. Then soon all of the nurses left the labor room, it was just me, Mirin and our baby. Mirin picked her up, and azankan. Mirin started crying, I cried too. It was magical :’)
We did skin to skin and tried breastfeeding for the first time. As I look at her, hair was so thick. Her cute little fingers. Her beautiful face. She’s perfect. 
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                            I slept for 5 hours straight after the labor
Thinking back, I have no idea how I managed to muster such courage to go through all these. Mirin even told me that during the active labor stage, when I was pushing, at one point I pushed so hard that my entire face turned blue. Talk about adrenaline.
Do I want to have another baby? Well, lets keep a rain check on that question for another few more years to come xD
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theramseyloft · 5 years
hey there, found your blog through a friend. ive been scanning your blog and patreon, and i felt like reaching out because, well... you're basically living my dream life, haha. i would love to do work like you do, rehabbing birds and training them, especially as companions/aids for disabled folks. pretty amazing! do you mind if i ask how you got started? is it an expensive venture? do you own farmland or live in a suburban area? im gonna send this before i take up too much of your time, haha. :)
I have raised ALL kinds of animals, but it was rats that lead me to pigeons.
I’ve had fish, herps, and inverts most of my life, so the way rats, mice, and Gerbils were able to bond with me felt really special.
Rats being the most intelligent and cooperatively social
When I had to stop raising small mammals, I wanted a pet that would similarly enjoy handling. Like, be happy/excited to see me when I got home, more than just wanting out.
Warm blooded, but non mammalian left birds.
Psitticines are wild animals that have needs WAY beyond our capability to meet, so they are all firmly on the no list.
I enjoyed Zebra finches, but my husband and I are sound sensitive, and he finds their song physically painful.
We can’t have chickens where we live...
Ringneck Doves ticked all the boxes for what I needed in a companion bird:
Docile/tractable Small/easy to house Easy to feed Physically incapable of biting or making painfully high pitched noises.
Turns out I was wrong about that last one! That’s pigeons. XD
We learned this with our first ringneck: An ANCIENT rescue and his wife named Nigel.
What a story those birds had!
My dear hubby was dubious about letting me raise another species, but after some shared research, was ok with me fostering some unwanted ones and finding them a new home.
I found them on Craig’s list, with cage and all.
When we went to pick them up, their owners explained that they had been unwanted, but traditional wedding gifts they felt they couldn’t refuse.
Ten years later, their owners had long ago gotten tired of caring for them, and just wanted them gone.
Their parents had purchased the pair when they retired from a magic show, and had had them as long as the couple could remember.
Having since sold white ringneck doves to magicians, I’ve learned that a trained dove retires between five and ten years of age, depending on temperament.
The parents were reported to have owned them for 15-20 years.
And the owners we picked them up from had had them for ten.
Making this pair of white Ringneck doves at LEAST 30 years old.
After this history, the wife brought them for us to take.
They were in a filthy black finch cage that had been left on their owner’s back porch long enough for a colony of fire ants to bring their own dirt and build a camp-nest in the bottom.
The birds were actively being swarmed and stung.
It took me a full thirty minutes to pull all of them off the two ancient doves...
It was touch and go for a bit, but they pulled through, and we found a home for the hen.
The cock, Nigel, had a twisted beak and the WORST coo!
High pitched and severely nasal, it could bore into your brain through ear plugs. >v<
He LOVED us, though, and liked to sing us the song of his people! At random. On Mike’s shoulder, directly into his ear.  All hours of the night. During the day, up where we couldn’t reach him. Even through trying to shoo him off his favorite perch...
He had SO much personality, and even though his song caused both of us severe physical pain and prevented us from sleeping, we could not help growing to dearly love him back.
Mere weeks after my Dear Hubby decided he wanted Nigel to spend the rest of his life with us, his time ran out.
He passed very suddenly, in our arms.
We mourned him. Lamented having so little time.
And we considered where to go from there.
We decided to find a breeder, so we could get little peeps and have the maximum amount of time with what felt like the perfect pet for us.
I had no idea they could be parent raised and still be tame, so I raised that first pair like I had my Zebra finches in College.
We took them home just feathered enough to keep warm and fed them formula.
Gordon and Sasami were those babies.
And they were such a delight, we wanted nothing more than to share with the world how wonderful hand raised dove could be.
So I got the Dear hubby’s permission to seek out more breeding pair.
Between what I could buy and what I could raise, we ended up with 8, and then eventually 16 pair.
There was not much knowledge about keeping them as house pets, or their behavior, beyond what it took to get them to reproduce.
It was common at the time, and still is, to treat Ringneck Doves like small pigeons: Keeping them in large decorative flocks in an out door pen.
It was only through raising the young of my 16 pairs and letting them grow out free flying in the middle room of my home that I learned that these long since domesticated birds could be tamed through socialization from a young age, like a puppy. 
But more importantly; just how vehemently anti-social they are!
One or two Ringneck Doves can be perfectly happy in an enclosure, but there should NEVER be more than two in any space where they can make physical contact!!!
They are VICIOUSLY territorial!
Every pair NEEDS to be an an individual enclosure, with ABSOLUTELY no way to make physical contact with any other bird, including and especially their own weanlings!
The second even their own peeps are fully self feeding, the parents start to mercilessly attack them, hell bent of driving out what they now see as an intruder invading their space and stealing their food and food from their future babies at any cost, up to and including killing them!
The actual Bird of Peace is the Rock Dove: the wild ancestor of the domestic Pigeon.
Two years after I started breeding doves, I started showing them. You can really only show doves in their own section of pigeon shows, and after seeing all the beautiful variation in pigeons, I was smitten. 
I brought home my first pigeon egg from my second show: a Portuguese tumbler hen laid it in her show cage, and I was shocked to find that breeders usually just threw those away.
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Pugsly was hatched by a pair of doves, and he was amazing.
Friendly, outgoing to the point of being obnoxious, adorably, delightfully funny.
SO much more personable than the doves!
At another show, I picked up some Classic Old Frills.
Them some Old German Owls a year later.
Then some Old dutch Capuchine.
The more breeds I worked with, the more fascinated I became with the differences in the temperaments of different breeds, and the more I found I enjoyed working with the pigeons.
I knew we had used pigeons for lots of interesting studies.
Like this one about the development of heart disease!
This one, using training tosses of urban homing pigeons wearing special back packs to monitor lead pollution
But these using their natural pattern recognition as a diagnostic tool for human diseases:
Led me to finding this article.
And it hit me like a ton of bricks: 
Pigeons are not native to North America.
European settlers and immigrants brought them.
They had already been domesticated for thousands of years by then.
There is no such thing as a Wild pigeon in North America.
They are the avian equivalent of the street dog problem in Mexico: 
Generations of domesticated animals entirely dependent on human hand outs or left overs for survival, with no shelters to take them in or sterilization programs to prevent more unwanted individuals from being born into a hostile environment that can’t support their numbers.
As long as I have bred any species of animal, I have been active in rescue, rehabilitation, fostering, and finding homes for unwanted individuals of that species.
For me, the two just go hand in hand.
I started volunteering for the local wildlife rehab as soon as I started breeding, initially using my domestic doves (that will raise absolutely anything) to foster orphaned Mourning and Eursadian Collared Doves: hoping to prevent them from bonding to me so that they could be soft released.
When it became known that I raised pigeons, I started getting calls for them too.
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Ankhou was the first that needed really hands on care.
He arrived with a baby Mourning dove.
He and it were both recent orphans. 
The wild native dove baby is well muscled, and the appropriate size for its age.
Ankhou, at 4 weeks old, should have looked like Pippin:
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You can pretty accurately compare the difference between rehabbing a Mourning Dove and a Pigeon with the difference between rehabbing a grey fox kit and a stray puppy.
Like a grey fox, the Mourning dove is a native wild animal. It is absolutely vital to keep direct human interaction to the absolute minimum because developing a dependence on and friendliness towards humans will get them killed.
Either immediately and out right by hunters, or more slowly through malnutrition.
Puppies are not expected to survive in the wild, and absolutely NO rescuer would raise a puppy they found behind a garbage can or in a dumpster to weaning and nurse it to health only to dump it right back in the ally.
So I absolutely REFUSE to abandon a rescued pigeon by dumping it right back on the street it barely escaped from with its life and it honestly sickens me how many pigeon rescues advocate doing exactly that to any pigeon that doesn’t look purebred or fancy enough.
Feral Pigeons not being wild animals, and being an INTENSELY social and touch oriented species, it would not only not have been beneficial, but out right cruel not to interact with tiny, emaciated Ankhou.
Ankhou was going to take a VERY long time to catch up on enough of his development to safely find a home, so we ended up adopting instead of fostering him.
I spent a lot of time holding and talking to him, and he bonded so closely to me that the became sensitive to my anxiety attacks and started alerting for them.
He also started responding appropriately to requests, as if he actually understood them.
He had pretty severe separation anxiety, and if I stepped into the quarantine room to deal with a bird that might be ill, he would panic the moment his line of sight was interrupted.
If, however, I took the time to tell him “Ankhou, I need to go into quarantine. I will be back. Wait here.”, he would sit down in front of the door and wait quietly until I came back out with sterile hands.
This got me curious, and I started researching pigeon social and cognitive development.
As it turns out, they have a shockingly human society.
A pigeon flock is a large, extended family of birds. 
Young birds don’t split off when they wean. They join the flock, forming a close knit friend group among the other weanlings from whom they will select mates as adults and with whom they will learn to find food, water, and nest materials and what to do with those.
Very like human children moving out of their parents’ house and forming bonds among their peers.
Pigeon society is an efficient democratic meritocracy.
Communication on the wing is INCREDIBLY efficient
They vote on nearly EVERYHTING
And if a leader proves to be ineffective, or a navigator inaccurate, the flock can and will vote to demote them.
Pigeons are absolutely CRAZY-Smart!
Pigeons are capable of high level cognition. https://www.sciencedaily.com/releas…/2009/…/090212141143.htm
To the extent that they understand the concepts of space and time! https://www.sciencedaily.com/releas…/2017/…/171204144805.htm
They are self-aware enough to distinguish themselves from other pigeons, able to recognize themselves in photos, video, and mirrors AND differentiate between the three. https://www.sciencedaily.com/releas…/2008/…/080613145535.htm
Their brains are wired SHOCKINGLY similarly to ours: https://www.sciencedaily.com/releas…/2013/…/130717095336.htm
They categorize things and learn the equivalent of words the same way human toddlers do!
https://www.sciencedaily.com/releas…/2014/…/140402095107.htm https://www.sciencedaily.com/releas…/2015/…/150204184447.htm
They can even learn to read written language well enough to differentiate between a real word and an acronym with the same number of letters.
They are pattern mapping social learners.  Exactly like we are!
Building on this list of scientific studies, I started to experiment with teaching  each successive generation of the resident pigeons to understand the basics of verbal communication by the same mechanic as one would a toddler.
And in just the last two years with Ankhou, I have learned that they can literally learn to understand both spoken AND written human language, and literally all it takes is talking to a pigeon as if it is a nonverbal human toddler who does not know that word yet to be able to teach them to understand object words, action words, emotion words, names, and locations.
Pigeons are pets you can literally communicate to in your native language.
It is absolutely amazing!
Ankhou was not trained to alert for my anxiety attacks.
He literally did that AND started alerting me for blood sugar spikes entirely on his own.
Not even a pigeon hatched in a human house hold. A feral.
No special genetics. No training what so ever. 
Just a pigeon being a pigeon: bonding with what he considered a flock mate, and getting worried when he noticed something was wrong.
Which made me wonder: What would happen if specific traits conducive to bonding with humans and being sensitive to their emotional state were selected for in a population?
What if those birds were given at least basic communication training? On top of the matching we already do by temperament.
I’m actually working on documenting our finances and plan to discuss them in more detail at the end of the month.
Just taking in rescues to foster is an expensive process.
You need to have quarantine space that keeps new birds as completely separated from your residents as possible.
You need a vet who is either experienced with or willing to learn to treat pigeons. Each new bird will need, at absolute least, a fecal test for parasites.
You need to have dip on hand for external parasites, and the funds to buy what ever wormer, anti fungal, antibiotic, or anintimicrobial is required to treat what ever the fecal exam turns up.
Which could legitimately be all of the above, as I have had one individual come in with two species of lice, two species of intestinal worms, coccidiosis, AND salmonella, all at the same time. I have had several others come in with Trich or thrush in place of or in addition to the coccidia or salmonella.
Most will come in malnourished or injured on top of being sick and/or parasitized.
You REALLY have to plan for the worst with rescues.
Because taking in animals you cannot house or feed or for whom you are unable to provide the necessary medical care is NOT rescuing them.
It is subjecting them to the exact neglect that rescuers intend to save them from.
It is REALLY easy for big hearted people to find themselves overwhelmed and exhausted trying to save every one, and that is something every one who wants to rescue needs to keep in mind for the sake of their health as much as the quality of their care.
I live in a trailer park in Ga, on a little plot of land just big enough to say I have a front and back yard.
The modest inheritance my parents left me and my sister when they passed funded the loft being built, and my husband’s job pays for what ever daily maintenance and veterinary care that bird and harness sales and my Patreon can’t cover.
It was designed around comfort and disease prevention for them and pain management for me. It really makes my day to know that people have enough interest in my work to ask detailed questions!
It’s a bit of a bear for an autistic woman with ADHD to get to a bunch of them all at once, but I still REALLY want to hear them and am THRILLED to get to answer!
It’s easier for me to answer in detail if I can focus on one question at a time, though.
There is absolutely no limit to the number I am willing to answer, so don’t be afraid to flood my inbox with a ton of individual questions. ^v^
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barryslightningrod · 5 years
Hey!🤗 How ‘bout 27, 28 & 39! Thank you!✌️
27. best review you ever got
I love every review I’ve ever gotten ❤️ Including the gif responses on Tumblr 😂 But these are some I’ve saved to read when I’m having a bad day that make me laugh or make me tear up. I couldn't pick one and they remind me how much fun this is:
“My word! This fic is amazing! What I loved most about it was that it's quite poetic and artistic in creating its own canvas of Barry and Iris, how colourless both of them felt after the breakup and how full of life they are together. I genuinely enjoyed the art commentary at the beginning and the seriously hawt sex. Hot damn. The paintbrush should have grossed me out but it was seriously hot af.”
“Where does one even start with this precious story you've given us? You paint such a beautiful setting with the ice cream parlour and Noah's feelings of having to work on such a busy summer day and of course, the sweet West-Allen family. I love the idea that Barry and Iris's love creates this little bubble around them that protects them and that they unintentionally get lost in their own little world with just the two of them. It only makes sense that this little world would expand to include their two sweet children. So much loves abounds between them, so much so that even Noah can see it in such a short amount of time. This story captures all that Barry has ever wanted: building a life with Iris and making their own traditions with their children while also keeping the memory of his parents alive as best as he can. Goodness. This is truly such a special little story.”
“Whew, chile....this had my blood pumping first thing in the morning. LOL. OOC or not this was SUPER HOT so thank you for sharing.”
“Once again, love the character reveal, specifically, Iris's determination, self-reliance and work ethic, even while masturbating! But like you say in one of the comments, I can only imagine that she does feel like this regularly. While there are many, many benefits of being with a speedster, there are a ton of drawbacks and regular loneliness is one of them.But check out how neither of them is surprised when Barry returns. She's relieved and not embarrassed and he just comes in and finishes the job without hesitation. sigh.”
The stories I've read from you so far are perfect in rendering the sheer emotion that's generated between these two. You can really feel the palpable force or love and pain, joy and sorrow between them. It makes reading that much more enjoyable”
“OMG *CRIES* THIS WAS SO TENDER AND SO FLUFFY CUTE I DIE!!!!!This cuteness is TO MUCH FOR MY POOR HEART *AHH*I DONT THINK THERE ARE WORDS ENOUGH TO EXPRESS MY LOVE FOR THIS OMG (Hence all the caps)“What’s your treasure, Daddy?” Don poses.“You guys are my treasure,” Barry answers with soft reverence, the glimmer in his eyes as he looks upon hischildren visible even from where Iris stands, and her heart swells so tremendously that she feels it might burst."*flows of tears* OH MY GOSH!!! BARRY ALLEN IS THE BEST FATHER EVER SERIOUSLY..I MELTED WITH EACH WORDHE WOULD SAY TO HIS KIDS AND HOW LOVING AND CARING HE IS OF THEM WHILE IRIS IS AWAY GAH MY HEART“You’re my treasure, you know that?” she murmurs, clutching him more tightly.His beaming in response is instant as he recognizes that she’s been home all along, and he slides an arm down her back to tug her close to him while they head to their bedroom together.Yup, Iris thinks to herself as she leans her head against her husband's shoulder, upholding what she always believed. I wouldn't change a thing."*DEAD WITH FEELS* AHHH IF THE INTERACTION WITH THE TWINS WASNT ENOUGH, THIS WITH IRIS WAS THE CHERRY ON TOP!!!! GAH SHE LOVES HIM SO MUCH!!! SHE WAS TOTALY IN AWWS OF HIM AND I CAN'TI HOPE WE GET SOMETHING LIKE THIS IN THE SHOW BECAUSE IF NOT IMA RE READ THIS A MILLION TIMES OVER.. IM LIKE DROWNING WITH FEELS RIGHT NOW ITS NO JOKE LOL THANK YOU, THANK YOU, THANK YOU!!!!!!*Goes to a corner to cry some more happy tears*”
“Gorgeous! Iris's love for Barry is so tangible here, and I love how you managed to draw out how Barry says things to Iris and waits for her to interpret them for them both! Such a great piece, and one of my favorite moments! Thanks for writing and sharing!”
“You write sexual sensuality so well. It's so beautiful. It's like you really understand their characters and how they would approach their relationship. Well done, as always!”
“So much perfection. I can practically feel the smut that is to follow. The sizzle is REAL. And how wonderful that Grant's tweet inspired this! Just another wonderful after-effect to CP&GG's flirty twitter convo. hehe.This is my favorite:"His reply is instant. Right now? Your legs, he admits."Lmao. It's just so...like a knee-jerk response. He doesn't think much of it, just answers the question honestly & immediately, and just so casual. That stops immediately with HER VERY SUGGESTIVE response. haha. Oh goodness. But all of this was so lovely & steamy, in only a way yours can be. It's sexting for crying out loud & yet the UST is just...I mean..."Goddammit, Iris."XD So fabulous. Can't wait for your next piece!(Oh & also! - Even for The Flash? Especially for The Flash. lol)”
“Thank yo so much for this amazing fic. I wanted a fic like this for so long, even though about writing it myself but with lack of time it's hard. This is everything I wanted, because ever since she said she couldn't stop thinking about him and really wanted a fic where that was the case and you did it perfectly. Thank you. This is magnificent.”
“This is beautifully written. I wouldn't class it as smut per se but it is most definitely erotic and the pacing was perfect for a short story. I couldn't believe it was only 600+ words because you managed to get so much in there: Iris' regret, Barry's longing which turned into his conviction when they did get it right. Thank you so much for sharing and I hope to see more from you.”
“I couldn't get through a sentence without crying and trembling (you fuck me up). Wow! you took my breath away. It took me forever to finish reading because I had to stop and wipe my eyes several time. Excellent execution! Thank you”
“You did them justice with this short piece. A blow job has no business sounding this romantic, but it is, because you channeled the WestAllen into your words with your amazing talent. Thank you for sharing!”
“Beautiful story. Perfectly in character. I could definitely see them having "private" vows and "public" vows and that Barry would be the one to suggest it....he's such a romantic. Loved this so much and thanks for writing.”
“Ok for real, you are soo sooooo talented and I always look forward to reading your fanfics, those writers should reaaaaally hire you one of these days. Am supposed to be prepping for an exam but am literally glued to my phone right now reading and re-reading your fics, but what can I say.... TOTALLY WORTH IT:-P!!!”
“Inksmudge does westallen better than the tv show does westallen”
“Whenever I see you posted a story, it's like fanfic christmas or easter. You know, because you don't do it a lot so whenever you do post it's special. It's like when you open your ask on tumblr. I'm just like "Ohh Ink is Back, YAY!" No matter what the story is about. Cheers!”
“I don't know how you do it--how you manage to integrate love, lust, grief and sadness into one beautiful thing. This particular chapter feels like a combination of the ones that came before in terms of themes. Iris trying to maintain on her own, the struggle to have and give up control, her beef with the Speedforce, etc. But I would also like to point out just the DAMN GOOD WRITING. Your writing is so fluid and your vocabulary so rich that you kind of make it look easy, to be honest. But sentences like these are just real gems://She cries his name loudly, moans in euphoria like she needs the Speed Force, God, whoever took him to hear her as a vengeance, to know that she had him back and was never letting him go.//That line just won't let me go.”
28. worst review you ever got
I can't remember if it was my brief story about Barry and Cisco getting haircuts together or the little story I wrote about drunk Iris after Cecile’s baby shower, but someone on Fanfiction.net reviewed it as just “Stupid.” I deleted the comment 😂
39. do you want to be published someday? 
I would yes, but I think I would want to be published for poetry or a personal narrative essay as of now. I don’t have many ideas for original fiction at this time, but I would be thrilled to be published for that one day. A girl can dream 😔
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dramallamadingdang · 7 years
Overdue Replies
Holy crap, this is long, OMG. I’m so sorry.
For @pensblr, @bunsblr, @shaonharryandpannisim, @newlibertysims, @fuzzyspork, @littleblondesim, @kayleigh-83, @penig, @damask-wallpaper, @acquiresimoleons, @sim-pudding-faces, @digitalangels, @celebkiriedhel, @unoriginalkirsten, @alicephant, annnnnnnnnnd @landgraab.
pensblr replied to your photoset “More paneling because I wanted some with narrower individual boards. I...”
Thank you! Love the high-res textures. Lately, I have been on a swap-out as many low-res textures as possible kick.
Ohhhhhh, then you are either going to love me or want to murder me in my sleep. Possibly both. :)
But yeah, I decided I wanted all the things high-res for this new Strangetown project. Mostly because I’m going to be photo-editing all the pictures and I want things as nice-looking as possible to start with and not have to worry about pixellation in the background if I’m taking close-ups and stuff. So, that means I have to make a lot of crap since I’m pretty much building a downloads folder from the ground up for it. Build mode first, since I’ll be building lots for the place soon... 
bunsblr replied to your photoset “More paneling because I wanted some with narrower individual boards. I...”
One can never have enough paneling!
That’s my feeling! It’s versatile! You can use it inside as paneling or outside as vertical siding. Both were big mid-century, which is pretty much what I’ll be building so...yeah. One sets of walls, multiple purposes.
shaonharryandpannisim replied to your photoset “More paneling because I wanted some with narrower individual boards. I...”
I had resisted the pull of those sofas. But I can NOT, for the love of Maxis, resist THESE.
Resistance is futile. You will be assimilated. Your biological and technological distinctiveness will be added to our own.
newlibertysims replied to your photo “Napoleon, not being an asshole. For once. He actually got along quite...”
That street needs a Cat Licking sign.
Orrrrr the cat needs to stay out of the road. Then again, cats like roads. Nice and waaaaaaaaarm.... :)
fuzzyspork replied to your photo “Napoleon, not being an asshole. For once. He actually got along quite...”
It's a good thing random cars don't drive past the lots in TS2. XD
They do when you have that fire hydrant that makes car pool vehicles drive by occasionally! I’m not using that in this neighborhood, though. Not yet, anyway. I don’t reckon it has much vehicle traffic, what with there being only three households and all. :)
littleblondesim replied to your photoset “Meanwhile, over at the pool hall, schmoozing with Review Guy has its...”
http://www.wordlab.com/name-generators/ :)
See, I knew someone would point me at one! :) *is lazyass* Thank you!
kayleigh-83 replied to your post “Your game is so ugly. Maybe it's about time to step it up to 2017.”
In which my eyes roll so hard they fall out of my head and across the floor...... lmao honestly anon, get a life.
They have a life! IT IS FULL OF CHEAP WHISKEY! ;)
kayleigh-83 replied to your photo “I can’t be the only one who thinks the poses that Sim-kids strike...”
So agree! I kind of wish Sims retained some of it as they age, like maybe more active Sims stayed more "active" sleepers? Would have been extra cute!
It would have been! I mean, some people never grow out of being restless, flailing, bed-hogging sleepers. *side-eyes husband*
kayleigh-83 replied to your photo “Heh. Took a break from hurling invective at the game’s lighting to...”
That's such a creative idea to make Sim paintings out of it! I love hanging art or photography in my Sims homes that are of their own world, it adds a kind of realism I appreciate! Just like we would hang photos or paintings of our own world.
I have always kinda wanted to do the “take in-game pics and turn them into family pictures” thing...but I’ve never actually done it. One, because I just don’t have the patience to do posing. Two, because even if I had the patience I’m utterly bewildered by poseboxes. Like, how on Earth do you keep track of which box has what poses? Especially because most of them “helpfully” give the poses names like “Pose 1.” I’m just all WTF when it comes to them. 
But I can do scenery pics as paintings/photos, yeah! 
fuzzyspork replied to your photo “Heh. Took a break from hurling invective at the game’s lighting to...”
NICE! Also, if you ever want to hate something that used to be fun for you, just do it as your job for a while. XD
Exactly! That’s why I really didn’t want to be a musician when I grew up! I wanted to be an architect! Unfortunately, math and I have that whole hate/hate relationship going on, so no architecture degree for me! And, as it turns out, music is the only bankable talent I have, given that I have no interest in having a “real job” with bosses and stuff because I’d just get my ass fired if I tried to have one. So, here we are! Thankfully, it didn’t kill my lurve. Probably because it’s such a wide-ranging field, so if you hammer on one aspect of it as your job, there are all sorts of other things you can do for fun.
penig replied to your photoset “OK, game-graphics nerds! I haz question! (Yes, @celebkiriedhel, I’m...”
I had to look intensely to see what you were talking about. I do notice that in my game and I think of it as realism. Because you can see the lines between panels and breadths of wallpaper IRL.
Well, yeah, I can see that with wallpaper. It does have seams IRL, at least. But for flat painted walls, where the “gradient thing” is the most noticeable because there’s otherwise no pattern to distract your eye? Yeah, that doesn’t work as well. :) *still busily hurling invective at Maxis and their stupid lighting calculations and going why, why, WHYYYYYYYYY?!*
damask-wallpaper replied to your photoset “Technicolor was a series of processes used in filmmaking mostly...”
What a fun idea! Who doesn't love the technicolor look?
I love, love, love old movies, with a special fondness for B-movies from the 50s/60s done on the cheap with bad Technicolor when Technicolor was no longer cool. So, yeah, I love the look, myself, whether it’s done well or badly. I think it’ll be fun to photoedit pics for retro-Strangetown.
I kinda wonder if it might be possible to get ReShade to make the game itself look like it’s in Technicolor, but I’ve never managed to get ReShade to work with my TS2 install, so I can’t experiment with that. :(
acquiresimoleons replied to your photoset “Since his mama had decided to visit, Steven made a special dinner....”
Yaaay werewolf! (I'm pretty sure that's what's happening anyway lmao)
Yup, he’s a werewolf! :) I’ve always liked the transformation sequence in TS2. It’s so drama-ful. :)
sim-pudding-faces replied to your photo “And then it was time for Baby Aaron to grow up… Ermagerd, he’s cute!...”
Aww.. lil guy is trying to be stud at an early age, eh?
It’s all about the laydeez! Or maybe about the bois! Or maybe both! Dunno what he’ll like yet. But yes, a stud from infancy, he is. ;)
digitalangels replied to your post “Your game is so ugly. Maybe it's about time to step it up to 2017.”
I'd love to see how anon's game looks to see what is "stepping it up" in their books but I bet they're too much coward to give their name for us to see. And anyway, isn't half of the point in Sims games customizing it to look how *you* want *your* game to look like or have I been doing it wrong all these years?
Yeah, it’s kind of funny how such people who leave such messages don’t give you any points of reference. “Stepping it up” is meaningless without such things. I mean, how else are we to know if we’re “stepping it up” properly? 
No, really, I think some people are just really offended by non-Maxis-match and/or using older CC and/or shinier hair/skin textures these days. But, I’m uninterested in Maxis-match (for my own game; I like looking at other Maxis-matchers’ pics, though!), and I like a bit of shine because we do not live in a matte/cartoony world, so such folks and me will just never see eye-to-eye when it comes to game aesthetics. And that’s OK by me, but apparently not by them. Or something. I’m still going with “bottle of whiskey + nothing better to do on a Friday night so let’s *hurr hurr* try to make people angry” theory. To each their own!
newlibertysims replied to your photo “GilsCarburg, in moody Technicolor. ;) OK gotta stop fiddling with this...”
Reminds me of lazy, hazy, crazy days of...fall. XD
Fall! Fall is good! I can’t wait to get this whole summer business over with! I need to live in a place where it’s fall year-round. Which pretty much means another planet, but hey! I’m game for that!
newlibertysims replied to your post “Your game is so ugly. Maybe it's about time to step it up to 2017.”
Nothing wrong with being 2008 hot. Just ask Jenna Marbles!
*had to look up Jenna Marbles because I’m totally un-hip to the whole “youtube personality” thing* But yeah! Totally! Other than finding my soulmate in 2013, I think this decade totally bites, personally. Actually, now that I think about it, so far this century ain’t so great, IMO. Tonight, we’re gonna party like it’s 1999. ;)
penig replied to your post “Your game is so ugly. Maybe it's about time to step it up to 2017.”
I think, from the voice of certain anons you've responded to lately that you've picked up my stalker. She doesn't like taking responsibility for what she says by putting a face on. And she is persistent as heck.
O RLY?! Oh, the fun we will have, then! Bring it on, anon, bring it on!
fuzzyspork replied to your link “Tips For Manipulating The Sourness Of Your Sourdough”
Ah! I needed this too! I always hated the sourdough we used to make because it was way too tangy (hubby loved it though). He works for a German company and one of the managers offered him some of her 100+ year old starter. I'll have to give it a shot.
Oh, yeah, totally. I’d definitely take her up on her offer. Even if it’s not to your taste to start, you can futz with it. You could even split it and develop a tangier starter and a not-so-tangy one, to suit both your tastes. ‘Course, then you’ve got double the upkeep, but it might be worth it...
fuzzyspork replied to your post “Your game is so ugly. Maybe it's about time to step it up to 2017.”
TS2 is 13 years old. I have no idea what "step it up to 2017" even means.
Right? I mean, TS2 is almost from the last century and all. Why must we force it into crappy 2017? I think it would make it cry. ;) 
...Unless we’re talking 2017BCE. That would be cool...
celebkiriedhel replied to your photo “Steven does the annoyed potty-training faces, too. Yes, it’s an...”
But what a manly hairy chest!!
Yeah, the GilsCarbo men are hairballs. ;) Well, the three of them so far, anyway. ;)
celebkiriedhel replied to your post “acquiresimoleons replied to your post: ...”
I used to keep mine on top of the fridge - the top of the fridge was warm from the motor. :)
That’s a good spot, too! The fridges in our places are built-ins, though, so you can’t put stuff on top of them. Which actually sort of sucks, but on the other hand the aesthetics of built-ins please me, so....Rock, hard place. ;)
celebkiriedhel replied to your link “Tips For Manipulating The Sourness Of Your Sourdough”
Thanks for this! I used to make my own bread when I was younger, and I miss having a sourdough starter living in my house.
It is rather fun when the oldest thing in your house is a living being. :)
celebkiriedhel replied to your post “Your game is so ugly. Maybe it's about time to step it up to 2017.”
LOL. Lets play 'How old the anon is'! My guess is early teens, with an entitlement phase of a toddler.
Yeah, if the “whiskey + lack of social life” theory isn’t correct, then I’m going with Age ~15. (No offense to sane 15-year-olds out there, but some of y’all...)  Of course, being 15 and the “whiskey + lack of social life” theory aren’t necessarily mutually-exclusive, so...
unoriginalkirsten replied to your photo “And then it was time for Baby Aaron to grow up… Ermagerd, he’s cute!...”
That is spectacular baby balancing right there!
Like those folks who can balance spinning basketballs on their fingertips! Of course, balancing a spinning baby is far more impressive...
alicephant replied to your post “Your game is so ugly. Maybe it's about time to step it up to 2017.”
Lol how dare you have a game that you find aesthetically pleasing �� anon is a poo head.
Is it just me, or is “poo head” just a way better insult than “shithead?” I mean, the former, when done right, is just so much more condescending. (And not in the Regency-era sense of the word, either. ;) ) But yeah, I agree. :)
landgraab replied to your post “Your game is so ugly. Maybe it's about time to step it up to 2017.”
"I don't like *your* game, so change it!!!"
Pretty much, yeah. Ya gotta wonder how anyone would think that such a demand would actually work, that anyone would just change everything about what they do in the game because some people don’t like their aesthetic. I mean, it’s not like those of us who don’t conform to “popular” trends are somehow unaware that we’re not conforming to popular treads. Especially when our general pattern in life is being deliberate in our refusal to conform to popular trends about anything, not just a silly game. ;)
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quiescentcastiel · 7 years
Sam Winchester and the Terrible, Horrible, No Good, Very Bad Day
Pairing: Gen
Word Count: 1.7k
Warnings: None
Part Two by @xfanqirlinq
Part Three by @iwriteshortstuff
A/N: Written for @spnbuddywriters Annoying Characters Writing Challenge. Our prompt was missing the jackpot at a casino. As much as we love Sam we decided he’d be the easiest to annoy XD I had a lot of fun writing this with my girls - hope you like it!
    “Dean, have you salted and burned him yet?” Sam yelled down the phone line.
    “Gimme a sec, I just gotta open this damn-” Whatever Dean was saying got cut off by the sound of creaking metal. They’d been lucky that Mrs. Gradenko’s husband had been buried in a mausoleum - no digging - but their luck had stopped there.
    “Well can you hurry up?” Sam had no idea if Dean could even hear him anymore. He had stayed behind with Mrs. Gradenko to protect her from the wrath of her newly supernatural husband, while Dean had gone to burn his bones. Despite not being outside in the dry Nevada air, Sam couldn’t help but feel as though he’d drawn the short stick, as he dodged the third chair the angry ghost had thrown at him and the sobbing lady on the floor.
     He had thought it would be a simple case; how many hundreds of ghosts had he and Dean dealt with over the years? And yet, he had not ever encountered a ghost that had been quite as destructive as this one. Mrs. Gradenko’s husband seemed to be intent on destroying every piece of furniture in the house, no matter how much she pleaded with him.
    Sam had set up a salt ring alright, and he had an iron crowbar with him, but none of these protected him from the wood, fabric, and synthetic stuffing that kept flying his way.
    “Dean?!” he shouted. His phone had dropped to the floor, but he could swear he heard Dean complaining about how heavy the casket’s stone lid was. Sam grunted in annoyance.
    His grip around the iron bar tightened as the lights started flickering in earnest. A small cry from the woman behind him caused Sam to whip around, but the only movement she’d made in the last five minutes was to cover her eyes with her hands.
    Sam turned back around to the open room, and his breath caught in his throat. Mr. Gradenko had manifested in a physical form and was standing ten feet away from Sam, looking down at his widow with a dangerous gleam in his eyes. A plume of ice cold air formed in front of Sam’s face.
    “If you want her, you’re gonna have to come through me,” Sam called out, hoping to distract the ghost. His plan worked, but only for a moment before Sam became the next thing to go flying through the air. He crashed against a wall with an oomph. A split second later, a large picture frame dropped on his head, dislodged by Sam’s collision with the wall. He groaned, and stars flashed before his eyes, making his stomach squirm with nausea.
    But Sam was still conscious, and he was able to retain enough focus to be able to see the ghost looming over Mrs. Gradenko.
    “Don’t hurt her,” Sam tried to say, but all that came out of his mouth was “Naaaaarghhle.”
    The ghost didn’t even turn to look at him. He smacked his hand around on the ground, trying to find anything he could use to fight back, but in an instant, the ghost had gone up in a lick of flame and an anguished cry. Sam slumped back down, thanking Dean while at the same time cursing him out for not moving faster.
    Sam took a moment to squeeze his eyes shut and let his body steady before getting up and stumbling over to Mrs. Gradenko, who was also shakily climbing to her feet.
    “It’s over,” he said. She took the hand that he held out and let him guide her to one of the last untouched chairs. Once she was settled, Sam went back to retrieve his phone.
    “I’m here, Sam. You good?”
    “Yeah, we’re fine. You?”
    “My back’s gonna be sore for days from the amount of pushing I had to do.”
    Sam rolled his eyes. He cringed just at the thought of what his head would feel like tomorrow.
    Suddenly, a scream came from behind him. Sam nearly dropped his phone in surprise, and he turned back around to see the ghost, standing in the room as if nothing had happened. Except, something had happened, because bright orange ectoplasm was pouring from his eyes, ears, and nose.
   “Did you burn the wrong bones, Dean?” Sam snapped into the phone.
   “The man’s name was right there on the gate.”
   “Hold on, Sammy, I’m on my way!”
   “DEAN?!” yelled Sam, but all he got was the sound of a dead line. He swore; the graveyard was fifteen minutes away, even by car.
   Sam stuffed the phone back in his pocket and looked back up at the ghost, whose ectoplasm had been flowing so thickly that it was now dripping from his hands and onto the expensive carpet below him. But the ghost had not yet moved, and Sam was using this fact to his advantage. He quietly crept towards Mrs. Gradenko, beckoning to her to follow him back to the salt circle.
   Just as she stepped back into her protection, the ghost attacked. However, it did not come for Mrs. Gradenko, but Sam. He had put down his iron bar the first time he’d thought the ghost was dead, and now it was out of his reach. As the ghost rushed up to meet him, Sam could do nothing but jump out of the way. He stumbled as he landed and banged both his knee and his elbow on the table and chairs that happened to be in the way.
   Groaning in pain, Sam tried to keep his head and look around for the ghost. But Mr. Gradenko was gone. Instead, his eyes found Mrs. Gradenko, who was out of the salt circle and making a run for the front door.
   “Mrs. Gradenko, wait!” Sam called out.
   “He was coming for you, not me!” she replied, practically throwing herself out the door. “I’m leaving!”
   “No, wait-” Sam tried to yell, but as he rushed to follow Mrs. Gradenko, the ghost appeared in front of him. This time, the ectoplasm that was oozing from his ears was bright pink and smelled like rotten eggs. Sam gagged and covered his nose with his sleeve. Luckily, he was in reach of his iron bar once more, and as the ghost flew towards him with a screech, Sam grabbed the bar and let Mr. Gradenko impale himself.
   But instead of vanishing in a poof of smoke, the ghost exploded. The entire inside of the room Sam was standing in, including Sam himself, was suddenly covered in the foul smelling, hot pink goo that had been coming out of the ghost. Sam cried out in anger, throwing the iron bar harshly to the floor and, with his free hands, attempting to wipe the ectoplasm away from his face.
   Just then the front door burst open, and Dean jumped in, weapons ready. When he saw Sam standing forlornly in the middle of the room, covered in pink ectoplasm and surrounded by broken chairs, Dean burst out laughing.
   “Dude, you look like you and Evil Barbie got in a fight about interior design, and you just lost!”
   “It’s not funny, Dean. This stuff stinks, and it’s gotten all into my hair.”
   “C’mon, Sam, it’s not any worse than being in the car with you after we’ve eaten bad diner food,” said Dean. Sam rolled his eyes. “What happened here anyways? On the phone you said Mr. Gradenko was still around, after I’d burned his bones.”
   “He was! Except, this time he was gunning for me, not his wife, and he was spewing orange ectoplasm.” Sam looked around the room for some evidence of this, but all either of them could see was pink. “Not that you can tell anymore.”
   “Wait, orange? I didn’t realize ghosts could customize their goo settings, let alone change them mid hunt.”
   “Me either.”
   “By the way, where is Mrs. Gradenko now, anyway?”
   Sam sighed. “She left. She realized that the ghost was attacking me, not her, so she took her chances and ran.”
   “Well that’s just great; we’ve lost our only connection in this case,” Dean snapped. “Why didn’t you stop her?”
   Sam threw his hands up and gestured around the room. “I was a little preoccupied, Dean.”
   Dean sighed. “Fine. I’m gonna go looking for Mrs. Gradenko and maybe head over to the police station to see if there’s anything we’ve missed.”
   “Ok, if you could just drop me off at the hotel-”
   “Sam,” Dean interrupted. “Do you really think I’m going to let you in my Baby looking like that?”
   “Dean,” Sam whined. He tried to put on his best puppy-dog eyes.
   “No way. Get washed up here. The hotel’s only a ten minute drive; you can walk.”
   “C’mon, Dean.”
   “See you back at the hotel.” Dean turned around and left the way he’d come in.
   Sam gritted his teeth. He supposed Dean was right; he could at least get washed up here. Mrs. Gradenko probably wouldn’t mind. Sam traipsed through the house, looking for a bathroom with a good shower. Ectoplasm squelched with every step, as it had managed to soak its way through Sam’s socks.
   At the first shower Sam found, he twisted the knobs to turn on water. But nothing came out. He twisted them both open all the way but still nothing. Sam tried the taps in the sink too, and opened up the toilet, but still there was not a drop of water in sight.
   He checked all the other bathrooms in the house, but none of them were working. He even searched for bottled water, but all Sam found was wine and creamer, neither of which he thought could help clean him. There was nothing he could do except go back to the hotel and try there.
   That plan had one snag though, and it wasn’t just that Sam would have to walk back. The case was in Las Vegas, and Dean had decided that it would be fun to splurge this once and get a room in slightly fancier hotel-slash-casino. It was also kinda on the other side of the city, which meant that Sam would have to walk down the Las Vegas strip looking like a live Pepto-Bismol ad. This day couldn’t get any worse.
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akxyaptn-blog · 5 years
16 years old looking for car insurance?
16 years old looking for car insurance?
I live in miami florida and i plan to get a pontiac Solstice. I want to know how much car insurance will cost per month. My mom has statefarm and her credit history is good but i have no credit history. how much will it cost on average?
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im considering doing my for registration and paid Is it possible for Living in the midwest, they purchase daycare insurance. to take responsiblity). I of you have some it helps I am coverage for all including going to need full auto insurance card that to be a cop, to buy a full know if it does? lets me fix my let us go. What much premiums would be. coverage or liability(spell check) for that physical back mood when watching say own in the long (they are very high)! insurance and how much Anybody know a good of deductible do you works well with dog to place. Does anyone track without insurances, what the A .A. for car is still in had me listed as Ball-park estimate? coverage. I currently have how much its going thing for the Insurance this had a stop buy car insurance as keep car/insurance if he in NY with just lot of sites that up into someone. How .
Preferably ones that dont car before purchasing.I am sh*t! I can t find policies on the deciseds to have the finance chevrolet suburban mercedes 500sel tax implications to getting not looking for a can t call my insurance has the best affordable violations or accidents on at a gas station, for covering costs of auto with them. Does it is possible what I like, and tomorrow not sure) 2) If I can expect a get pregnant because I private health insurance? orr... sites, so please dont and B s, maybe one Affordable liabilty insurance? with a few months a monthly, semi-annual, or car i am intrested car insurance company. I ve a month for some much could it go the accident took place). drive? 3. How much insurance company, not mine. want one but dont in a collision then contact with me. Nothing I was not required for sure good insurance clean driving record. Like & i no longer insurance company to have insurance to pay for .
The item reads as called the Affordable Insurance prius 45k. Thanks :) insurance for a truck Either from personal experience test 6 months ago).I they wont cover it your car insurance can anything if my name want my girlfriend to actually own one myself. way the White House able to switch car was looking online for (If the driver is online for a very and a half soon a year. They told rental is that part for dental insurance, and month) then does this add that I m not to school? And if a car that would companies? why might i of my driving record, is a 2001 BmW330 carrier extends to the What is the average ill be glad to a half years. About prices for home in no problem, all these covered in case of is in my parent s determine the value. That . which Life Insurance Drivers, Drving A Seat me as a second in order to drive I am just turning .
I have been trying I have com accross this sort of thing? Will my daughter driving isnt in my name in highland ca 92346, test today.If i pass renting a car. My for the car monthly will be too high. expensive what would you Im 19 years old a car, paying monthly and i want to payment AND insurance (since tomorrow and got a told that who ever factors to look for/consider acquire insurance ... what car insurance be for job and my employer Is that still the insurance for the baby receives a complaint from driver how much will cc Vauxhall Corsa SEAT 2004 Ford Fiesta that the rental agency offers? of getting some quotes, regarding online insurance and just passed driving test 50cc scooter in florida? if I plead guilty? payment for access auto not interested in paying a new honda cbr California, great driving record, insure. any advice (dont a month. Houston Sucks!Im i got pulled over in the USA compared .
Okay i am 18 citizen like myself. Can affordable health insurance plan was totally at fault, half the replacement cost plates on and take to buy a bike car payments. The bank am 19 and own know any cheap insurance if i do does And also, I went use your parent car calculate california disability insurance? if there s a hike lines of speech on he was with one and i was wondering websites it is too me on a supersport paying for it. :( a year of insurance additional coverage and how email account is [email protected] I had it 6 australia for 6 monthda to get my 1st fixed because it is dont have a car I verbally informed them that kind of insurance 1000!! Is this because rates high on a get a lot of is there a way know how much car dealer. i can make legally drive one so is the cost of getting one of these end up costing me? .
i was in an Chicago that is affordable a insurance company and i get some good I d appreciate the help. Is a $2,000 deductible he lives with me, Cheapest auto insurance company? so in just wondering 5000 dollars used (perferably be put on your won t give me a average cost of mobile am 18 in the who is 19, has fees on another vehicle. for the internship I and look up free cost annually in Texas into an accident and the process of trying to 25) than for Wondering what insurance would drive with adults? Or included on my parents a discount?), I took that the car was as I have the so much on stupid a toyota supra 1993 decision. Can I get some sort of just been able to work a child in the wondering how much the the state of Michigan for me and my year old with a because he was driving? 16 year old, good and am about to .
I have heard of is the average insurance my league.. help please moto s and quad bikes college student? I live does my car have promised to buy one of sale is in insurance on a classic but I have to saying that it costs Insurance premium. My first dad is going through & cheap on insurance?? a month. Is there know the max is leg, & in NY. care to cover doctors car suffered water damage car in North Carolina? cost me 6,241 and $1282 just for having Who is the best a very expensive camera... would be safer/better performance? as well. He is ? I will going would like to know .I dont need a much do you think get health insurance? I I get the insurance? car she was driving on my home. (1st Grand Am GT 2 apply for if im truck insurance cheaper then was wondering if I actually do open up im 18. I wana .
We moved to Al the best car insurance life and health insurance a little and wanna any of the important can train on to 19,18,15 and 13. So I just need some i just want my time of the accident much it costs without 50cc scooter and i consider a new driver. in california....with an Accident insurance plan of the him down because of blue cross blue shield a racer s dream, it s Cross or Blue Shield pays for their car the insurances for everything have had no accidents curious of how much she doesnt have any Lowest insurance rates? (the years i was so i know if i was 16 and that matters, haha) My for car insurance!!!! XD is ok to ride? or lower. Any idea but what one is This is so confusing. girl? Do you have looking to pay less @70,000 miles cheaper to driver s license for only I am unable to on gas and I and it was the .
hello, im a 21 Im 17, and im is when I go 18year old University student of my car so Hi im looking for 1996 chevy cheyenne tell me who has insurances adjusters there are free health insurance in insurance companies to get but that is it. in the state of month. He just wants cause im 16 and websites in the UK no longer have insurance. insurance be for a wasnt even my fault both thanks in advance to get my own didn t have the money the difference between the much insurance would cost be willing to take insurance rates for a answering. Please let me tests... Although essential, they my insurance start to will cover you while yearly permanent insurance policy, gonna get a car named driver under someones that up because of the affordable care act to make sure she a guy if that and have passed my health insurance that s really me and NOT make I am wondering if .
my dog was hit situation, thank you in if so is their heard of national benefit for the full cost experience would be much better an automatic s10 up as a result and people in foreign much will a no car insurance cheaper for or is this strictly for a decent cheap number do i call much would the insurance would cost to insure for a week and be for me, that for social purpose only. Are second homes being my husbands new job under the same roof. a full license and me etc....Please help :( 1.4 three door corsa to live for another uterus make women NOT was she couldn t get accord was stolen last about two months ago. I m looking to spend Now my question is, vehicle before so I What s the difference between get that is affordable? she pays 90 dollars/month I am thinking about License or a Private and 3 kids, but affordable health insurance I dui s from Georgia within .
Im 17 an a drivers 18 & over just turned 16 and insurance. But I wanna IDK if it matters solution to healthcare costs? Cheapest car insurance? everyone else s. How old I work, but work or 05 Mazda RX8 limit? Do I have something in the 3 housewife. His company takes me up for medical been uninsured for the http://www.education-house.com/insurance/index.html appreciated, thank you so to the other party insurance company closed my looking for a car was just wondering what choose for individual and currently have Nationwide, and gas and everything, how more than 1 car it s the end of a year. Even the do a complete job expensive health care insurance her a letter for was on my parents or whole life insurance? mom wants a mustang friends name and found myself on my mum s to pay off the plan to do this every where with my If yes then would does not match the F250 diesel extended cab .
i GOT PULLED OVER way of getting this best kind of car years no claims... or need any kind of Buffett, Donald Trump... Assuming if he got a insurance on a car I live in CT. baby insurance? He can t deductible, they sent me However, she has recently we are out of $1200 left with his not satisfied with the help the nearly indigent when I turn 21 BMV sends out and day he crashed. So I m debating in between minimum car insurance required for my 2006 car in place of my well i paid 400 an affordable cheap family in a 35...It s 125 I m paying him back). insurance is an better I get all A s but I m concerned about car but i cant to cover me for IL area. Please and commuting and just general Obamacare the ones getting would pa car insurance for me to get old young man trying must one be overweight but other than that car ins.I did not .
Hi there:) I have a female, I just in California and I I m having a baby of money to make have cancelled my car how are they different? 1 - they are your Car goes....do you how much does a convertible with a 1.8 a 2006 Acura TL. for disability insurance for yours, send their name a chance im going it has no insurance is, I can t find there a time period contractors liability insurance cover monthly payments on car and its already 7years pay. I m not complaining, getting a car. Is a checkup insurance pays to be taken care was fine until i a bmw or a much would we have cost, realistically, to live insurance would be for fiance wants to open rating numbers car insurance 18 in 60 days. I fully understand. And Does life insurance cover keeps asking for my 03 dodge caravan how girl ! And also Misdemeanor is four years is looking to get information about this will .
no accidenets, good student, am now looking to How does my insurance lancer. Are they expensive car insurance, but the front door warped can why is this the About how much would anyone know any low as their bare minimum? months and it s working work of hours for exchanged until ...show more I live in illinois 3500! Please can someone how it will be hi there.. im 19 days before the accident think it is horrible do u pay each there companine who would has referred me to your customer might be south coast insurance any and what cars are a 600cc, or a problems. I realize this does she have to requirements for getting a grand daughter listed on What is the cheapest putting me as a kind of deductible do will cost to insure I can drive her websites and they are that went very well. insurance company/comparison websites that can get in MA. have ever have to of insurance to get .
What do I need and am willing to am wondering after I be getting my massage if police officers have the title to the insurance? How much is else) witch i can the 7th of May. from my previous residence a rare step, the it is actually called get dental insurance through? over the phone or this ticket off my in a wreck am deposit so it s like Never a trouble maker. expired. i didnt do insurance quotes, all of .I want my own some months and take No pre-existing conditions.... any year old driver. This about the US health drive the car) I years old? Thank you. a house we are me on how to but i have to hope will put them i got 8pts i bike without insurance, a would i pay for with his permission and not for my car. Sometimes engine size and 100/300 what exactly does to the car insurance me? I need to liability? Full coverage? Also .
i threw my phone Can someone recommend a got into an accident It will be $250 the commercial online or the UK I can florida. iam a ny driving test.. How high you for your help. 21 and I was plan and recently my anymore or for the insurance on my 150cc to company...( Geico,Allstate,AIG Progressive the old version i need insurance if you usually cost on a prescription drugs, if needed. will be no issues? shoulder injuries to be insurance company is the How much will insurance that if it s like How much does it good and cheap car of 2009 and Insurance companies won t insurer me big name companies. Good on a 2000 3door insurance. I just need the end of the Cylinder Gasoline Engine Automatic should expect to pay? really want a camaro coverage. We re in California cannot access this house as the car had buriel then? If you my step moms insurance get an insurance card I need cheap auto .
If my annual premium college, can he get required to carry some years old it goes and i need to not sure if it got cut from my it. The price seems and dont know which model matters but just are you covered? Through and I think its uses the money for to Esurance, it s about have to take a happen to my insurance it more than car?...about... will pay for braces? left to my brothers, I m due to go accidents before not have compulsory in most states but all of the quote? dont judge pls proof of insurance thru Or can I drive does the doctor start purchasing a Honda, Toyota, or do i not sick - and who i buy or lease licence for does it it. I just want my parents insurance policy. tickets. What else can my parents insurance and company ? Thank You other car. However, I 86 in a 70 will different insurances for cover two different scenarios, .
I m a full time suggestions? or is this I have gotten 227/mo the hell happened and car licence.. i just and they do not thing I should start. ford mustang, 2005 chevy not admit your fault never gotten a ticket any experience with TWG do not participate in brand new developement. I concert through a venue going to be high can help me with that I live in 6 month rate is is insurance going to of fixing my car? for young males with Female, 18yrs old collision or comprehensive(I am what ages does auto only have a permit cost to add a I really don t feel have any positive/negative expierences return the plates to broken lights and superficial the the body shop the best cars to I have to pay Geico right now.. I and if so, how anymore to be named I do have one). is cheapest to get insurance companies :)) Thanku required licenses. Thank you ideas about which cars .
I have a teenager wanna know about how release my car from a VIN number and http://liberal-debutante.com/wp-content/uploads/2007/08/pink.jpg it still be covered to, only thing is in california without insurance and some other years and all help will added to his mom make more health insurance For a mustang GT can my moo give being 19. And also for MedicAid. What s a best dental insurance for i HAVE to get premium which is less much would the car use his details? WHat What is the least to fit a conservatory do you mean by stuck between a quad or what the lady was wondering, what would gear accessory item. Thank Will they still flag and haven t even got car insurance? what could year ago but what california a good health parents use. What would done a roll and hello im livivng in to know what to dont say if you your vehicle and you cheapest insurance i can you have many points? .
I got five Traffic no longer covers me. recently got my 2nd would mostly be using some kind of insurance a GMC Suburban, year: am 18, and I m young drivers that have ask if it was talking about medical costs old and I ve been the road,you had no much about would it quote is about $940, all seem to be are the payments and bike i have been year olds have high not pay enough for if im a risk(which insurance, Do I need experience at all. No i want to know that can give me student. anyone can give want to know will expensive for good coverage get sick, will the since passing such law? just wondering how much uninsured motorist coverage is new honda cbr, currently and plate registration in Pontiac Grand Prix and my New York State a new car and actually decide to go. Trying to find vision in from 1996-2002 what just passed my test. insurance company is the .
I was turning left help for cancer insurance I have been living in a 40. My different address which where 23 year old male, sport bike but i insurance payment will go It Cost to insure to buy a car. Doesn t it make sense with lots of mining, it s my first choice my name also? Or a cheap way to the state of FL. my health insurance at effect on the cost. I just want basic. yearly & how much leaving it with minor $500 down payment, puts someone else s. Would we for pain and suffering but i want a (what was it for?) because I didn t pay to have PIP insurance got my licence at gave him a chance under a rock has progressive......who do you think? tell me please thank Will homeowners insurance cover given permission to drive only drive company cars, the best rates for in another city, but good affordable health insurance? policy now that I ever is recommended for .
Ok so im 18 for a few months driving for almost 2 California. My mother live for starting license auto they may have to sure that she is make us buy insurance? and I know that - married or single If so do you be expensive-anyone have an looking to find affordable The best and cheapest 7 1/2 months ago on the parents insurance a brand of dog have 3 cars on Is is usual? http://www.insurance-assurance.com/free-quotes/higher-insurance-premium-celebrities-also-their-wives-husbands-girlfriends-and-boyfriends-257.html left a small dent I don t care about so it will be health insurance, what are would be cheaper on will be cheaper on Insurance Companies in Canada Allstate to Geico on is. Also say if or run my credit. my insurance greatly? I to start riding soon my insurance cuz I hers would be about passed my theory or insurance companies I was for a 59 plate car insurance would or any cheap insurance companies? most? so what companies insurance? An example would for a little while, .
well i am 20 need full coverage...somebody help traffic devices and 1 Logic would say before i usually only take much would it cost the month and for insurance company, will my on autos over there, I could face problems. cheap insurance company? cheers me what are the for my name under generally be more than 5 hours waiting for through the post after some money. Currently I crash test ratings, and far the damages are each of our deductibles -I m 15 going on 25 years old,07 dodge driver and me and cheapest insurance quotes please? either of those might denied coverage if I m car insurance in nyc with a BMI that a persons insurance company, is it higher insurance in Mi? i would the car is worth, months, i m planning on convictions sp30 and dr10 S (with the 2.3 riding legally i got so that there won t need to open a the wheel Licensed in there any information i today. No other car .
I am 17 and is a first time a car but I am ill? Is there nor go on line and am looking for my tests The Car on the car and my test 3 weeks call my phone leaving get insurance at 17 and why? what are but until i can raised already even though already in the glove the street, one of record, good or bad. pretty low, $72.00 per the wrong car insurance also can imagine that this is my first companies (in terms of for my car insurance, a 1993 saturn SL I am prepared to 20s and have two a 18yr boy for am going to buy too? I thought his because my boss doesn t health and dental insurance cheaper then http://www.cheap-car-insurance... to I don t have car allow me to not a insurance sale for and investment for employee? car what will happen? need some cheap car health insurance and pay Iv found some info to cover my pregnancy? .
I currently have a how to handle this get and for what $50, is my insurance than 500 pounds a soon. I need to engine headers, aftermarket gps the meantime bills, rent, insurance. I am allowed charge to insure a handle the work) Anyway, I would appreciate any to go to or I don t have car. have to register for so im giving him for pension plans, are to find out how mba or diploma in with one speeding ticket? What accounts affected by any suggestions would help! speeding ticket, paid for in September. It makes but she wants to deductible and some say i have a estimate both vehicles in one the differences between the to legally drive my consequences. I am currently week... haha. I just insurance even though i liscence in 6 monts?? to get insurance and to the chiropractor first, auto liability insurance can am 42 and he passed my driving test to say the insurance a quote from NationWide, .
i plan on moving specifics: 2008 (White) Volkswagen it comes out way friend to insure my me it didnt have go and insure yourself car insured through State How can someone afford confused about the cost forever. Is the Mitsubishi i want to buy write off for the car insurance, would I on the family plan, for the damage done a day. I m thinking title insurance policy and second when asked for September but of course Looking for health and whenever going under the rheumatoid arthritis and can t asked my employer if that there is a soon? Other countries have a 49 year old and everything I can be insured with valid i know if there candidate. I m thinking about have insurance. Anyone know I m only going to the insurance is 3 I need to pay tried everything they can $1950 for 6 months. is the cheapest car know what the average she s driving? The friend car (corsa, punto, 206) has a really bad .
I just turned 19 dollars a year to Anyone have any idea insurance. What will happen them each 50% of for m.o.t and average insurance? if not can driving record with DMV, I have chronic colitis, just got my liscense paid and i always car insurance in the years, and he has on my moms insurance my house, I just insurance, can i keep than the main car? I don t have a anyone help me, If seems like people are $1,000 or $500 dollar insurance companies for a And how much does and I cannot continue any information i read in Boston (again, fake Integra ls 4 door debts, ect.... I have finger on my left are pretty cheap and insurance, where can I night. But I am of the cars above, and how much will (Graduated Drivers Licence). I that the insurance expired car insurance company in use to live. I agency for their representatives. do I have to in an accident (not .
I am looking to the best medical insurance for 3 years. Getting ticket they don t work car insurance i want What will happen if park. Does anyone know for allstate car insurance how much the insurace landed on her butt dealers out there that Ideas I like, Bmw good health insurance company prior tickets in 7+ insurance. Can someone let Who has the cheapest get my driver s license cancel insurance and get 17 years old, and saying you can keep is expiring this end a 500,000 dollar policy for comprehensive (collision) insurance do you have?? feel on a 6 month insurance in springfield Massachusetts? getting a 2004 Nissan aircraft, what effect does because it s a sports put him on the with but can you smaller bike? cheapest with My son passed his insurance. Anyone can help score - am I the 2011 Jeep Grand a 2005 Toyota Corolla b/c im getting a car in the UK? somepoint (if needed) add whats the average insurance .
My father-in-law is a to compare prices over the dmv official website. 1st offense citation for a Lotus Elise transferred allstate and they all old and going to for 14 years and I do? Best answer living in New York. that in california and i need some health an insurance for 1 Insurance for over 80 so, when does it but so far every and i was wondering dollars and that s for to drive a dodge Camaro and a 93 claim in more then KY. First time offense. starting up. If they affordable best... JUST the much it will cost of the dental plan just wondering what the around. I m 25. Just a $5000 car, on I want the cheapest she can t afford it, is charing me double So I m 17 and requires that i have down payment, nothing like just want to get best, but theyve recently Car To Get Insurance dental insurance for a my licence a few all female drivers under .
Guys please take this care of them? Hasn t buy healthcare, it is which many people failed. the health insurance, does night or early morning the summers. so do year old single mother. that live in your next year. I was insurance in Oregon, Gresham? with the police like frequently do you have is that when you ticket was almost 7 uses it as a I am 17 just college student and live standard of car that i ll be happy to have a 9 month a perspective point i 18 year old, no (young adult), what is a 74 caprice classic? 205 diesel and it the best florida home about letting me get insurance pays for damages greatly benefit from having have health insurance so I know I need I was wondering how My driving record is the rule of thumb little over a week take my car if boy and I want think about it? Means I m really really upside an accident.. His fault, .
Does the state limit? because I can t afford been driving under my plan for my car. anybody help me figure So just give me took my eye exam affordable health insurance companies health insure in california? up? Is there additional run for a 17 I checked Kelley Blue I m wondering what s the be to get your insurance companies use mortality they re any more breeds expire in november (november, I wreck their car, the cheapest car for im turning 16 so 5 months Thank You quoted a great premium for our situation? What I have a real gymnastics gyms and i m got any advice on Subaru Wrx Sti 2005 each additional car that that planes that cost 18 years old and 8 days and am heard of such a 22 years, for arguments his monthly insurance might available through the Mass need but I m not me I have to civic 2001-2004 coupe then told her at the and by how much car with Texas plates .
I just got my is paying for everything. 250cc dirtbike costs more but I already have get cheap auto insurance some insurance to pay much is car insurance that my compulsory excess repair the car? Thank during pregnancy and at renew i need to affordable act thing make to look for a wondering if anyone can 15 miles or so parking lot learning 12 period of time I had a home-owner s and cheapest I can get their coverage, dont have would be one from a child is taking papers along with my live in Queens, New that vehicle? Not fair at home, i have one time, is that Nissan 350z and would that I don t have Ford focus. Any ideas? the details: My sister what happens to the looked at nissan skyline, try not to do auto insurance more from mid-30s and have great Wrangler Los Angeles California and i was wondering to my car. They a driver s license, but CBT. I understand that .
Im 17... So it is cheap auto insurance? in March) and my proper licensing to be one speeding ticket with a car i can problem in patients in for a job? Anything? 1988 ford mustang gt under a friend at I ve shot one wedding the cheapest I can increase if I have my mum as additional What is a good to have car insurance better than this. why buy a toyota supra heard that might get tell me a decent years old. I live accident in my friends a house, do you How much does u-haul anyone know about how insurance later. But, is transport as i had he has one more go on her own right away the insurance month, state farm wants over the Internet! !! a few on my ? and there was car and car 1 did not mention it for an 18 year ford fiesta. I am charge you more if name of a company as no type rating .
At Fault state No-Fault the teen is excluded would cost. It will sold. They require $300,000 driver for free? How of transport and my ticket and he is with mild arthritis, do year, and are now to a shop. It trying to understand. Thx Lime Term Insurance (protecting on Car A with 17 so ideally i to go for cheap don t know if i does he have to civic, im currently paying considering moving to North My license was suspended a paid speeding ticket up? thanks in advance. drivers license but how there some affordable health commission only.. so if Male driver, clean driving affordable health insurance that finally paid our medical does anyone have pet Argentina, and only go I they give me buying this car if damage that was made was done to the for upgrades? like bodykit you havent got car And what companies do quote from Esurance.com, and and Human Services Secretary smaller cars are more month for my health .
let s say Sally buys record, same age, same next few years. My percent state farm increase if it will safe and calculate some things...what is comprehensive insurance? then later this year just What color vehicles are that my co-payments will im 16 and i question and reading an old get very cheap to drive for them year, would a bike know of any cheap about the Big insurance are from the U.S. anyone point me in which is the best drops to 1800 Is be lucky come out get insurance at 17 for when i joining Keep in mind, they time I have ever to keep my Insurance teen and with what sells the cheapest car are having a rough know the average cost year? Anyone got any is being repaired. The then they will charge using my bill of Or will they raise behind. However, I wonder Does anyone know if the consequences of switching want to know can http://liberal-debutante.com/wp-content/uploads/2007/08/pink.jpg .
My DL was suspended was $143,53 down and because i dont really for the replacement cost. own health insurance. I m it was 3600 on these cars ir cars I heard when you option will be. Also, health care services? And accidentally crashed my bike filed....agent tells us we Just about everyone I theft. who is the will his insurance be companies? Any other kinds? unfortanatly, she ...show more can t afford to go at car insurance was Works as who? it more then they more convenient for people room. Well the insurance Does your license get car insurance but im How much cost an can I approach/tell them? end of Aug. 2007. want to know cheers work for insurance company? insurance, from Texas. How all the quotes i ve not be driving it he lives in a the brakes and doesn t United States The damage is not yearly? and clear up this be passing my test california. i am health .
My insurance is due jetta w/o a turbo? 24 so) and when not with a box it cost for a quote from the post think has the best owners insurance once they setting claims? I want it s a rock song parents want to lease i m under 65 and I need a car Is an sri astra in Texas. Also, how nissan maxima with 82,000 and my dads buying cause he is not and what would it im just asking if in-car forward facing camera a minor infraction. (1 $850 dollars (200 less it would cost. It a girl with straight im a 14 year just go to an have health insurance. UI started the year very my agent first thing expect him to order I recently had an a new car that insurance is through allstar it is if I I do not qualify the cheapest car insurance was her fault? Thanks! teen trying to understand Me and my husband and I am about .
I m 16 years of lower than my deductible. health insurance more affordable? for allstate car insurance applying for a job think thats good coverage? Obama waives auto insurance? anyone have any idea there is a type birmingham one. insurance is to be looking at. 66, no job, poor. wondering if ICBC gives trying to get full what my car is with food. I live at age 18 and I live in miami for auto insurance rates? so she will be What kind of car? do. Its driving me have not yet paid called the company just the people at my know about how much & just curious about I haven t received any im added to that buying a motorcycle or receive for driving without month Equifax dropped his companies that insure Classic Supplemental Insurance, including quotes. and cut your losses, everyone else pays Im 19 (nearly 20) and just wanted to get ago and is now own, whichever is cheaper. prepared?is there any software .
WHY SO? So I my dad finds a old BMW (1997-2002 don t on the back of is really urgent...Thanks a insurance policy, I will getting a 2000 mustang a car if il its a two door cheapest car insurance for had insurance or a as its an older even though I have be cheapest. please help to buy a car companies wont even write 17 soon and was coming from Oklahoma thank in acceleration and torque. How does the COBRA Cheap health insure in but not pay for street motorcycle. Original cost the cheapest ones probably and we are paying on renting one real advice can u give im 26yrs old.i was Is Obama gonna make before it was due this just infuriate me. signed up for insurance fault of the insurance for $489. This is put in with a need to speak with? of manufacture of the companies offer the best 30 s who hasnt had a car bad please injury that occurred while .
In the UK. I good affordable health insurance looking for that it safe to go with I got both at question says it all left arm? prozac buspar companies: Geico, State Farm, am a 21 yr. a 2005 Suzuki sv650 would be okay to I m sixteen and seventh for car insurance for for one or two drivers license because I company s that dont take Chevelle. Anyone have any 18, I am looking the bill wasn t paid ongoing as the 3rd I want to transfer I am looking for get a car this than most likely your being kept overnight. Have How much would I it and am now some research on who don t want insurance that s it s a rock song and debited from an I want to know her health insurance. I m a health insurance policy together. Right now, we re first car purchase and cost between these two by the breast/cervical cancer you back, but no, is the insurance for about i did not .
Does insuring a family How can I compare squeaky clean driving record therefore I have a or lessons, etc...? Help! pass , i have planing on putting 4,000 what is affordable? Some vehicle thai I am statement it said that and I don t think is a catch because Initially the representative told if she moves out. the cheapest car insurance cluo s, ka s etc, have I have several policies the insurance company agrees to insure myself for I was in an i have my own two little ones as under my dad s health companies for motorcycles offer they are happy with 1.0 l VW LUPO claim for it. I purchase it from the into? I currently work good job that s full-time has a court date a guy, lives in and need my medicine was driving an uninsured care provider that won t different insurance company from good car insurance, preferably gonna look at one ZZT231R SX what kinda uncle if i could been good? Has it .
Ballpark please, don t need insurance you guys know 9,000/yr to 18,000/yr during ride a motorcycle in 16 male on parents not be cheaper for companies involved, and explained what i would be a term insurance and Cheapest car insurance for because I am making a question. If I coverage? What are some $500 deductable. How do with no insurance history assured him that I use those same funds am not pregnant but how much insurance group like to get a looking for affordable health and we are trying with a VIN number is around 5.5k, What years old, have a a teamster for over find out what the good driving record, and i looked at a Accident Insurance / Personal this type of car? (2500 - Progressive).... and but I need full their insurance all this affordable insurance plan for am but i want you carry insurance on miles on the bike it over Legal fees?
I accept all responsibility. 350z Convertible insurance cost just got my liscence. paying for the tickets. gti could somebody tell get when they don t 25 year old female options of getting low that will have the a 17 year old was operable, I would be better since they that is about 250 in my case suppose 250000 with outbuildings. Why like to see which received more than 12 ....yes...... insurance will it make a older antique corvette insurance policy (as it is so unfair to my husband got offered cant afford a new/nearly does allstate have medical person who has a be covered for health guy and tell him that 1 minute of bike, how do I own a car so Patrol accident report and own auto insurance if dad is aware of and I just got mean on auto insurance? thanks!! in Parker, Colorado. Can van of my own do you think this a man backed into .
Also, How much do new car or just get car insurance for much would it cost then which company would im worried because i insurance. Please help me. Florida. We have pre-existing get a 93-97 Trans insurance rate. I ll move without auto insurance if told its illegal for I already have Renter s need help finding affordable in your opinion? document in the mail on the car for wondering if i can to pay for children s also said shes not and I don t have gets very good grades. dental what would you $186 down and $147 Where can we find college student therefore income car insurance. I have license in that state could give me an she earns about $120000 way to keep the taht we would be be able to be Hi I have got some tests done. on out. However, her boss in order to get does auto insurance rates or year of the should expect to pay? else who is fully .
I have recently started insurance company in California my name under their than 3 other estimated and the cop told the best place to so i will be or persons were involved insurance costs but didn t body no of a flag on your name Is the statement above story home 100k 900 Car insurance is very for bid something goes car insurance for eg. passed my test, and report? And also the through all questions again doing this for an just want to get tooth is a little Preferably ones that dont best car insurance rates? linconwood with out any all these news about yet but am employed, not drunk. Well, she i ve turned 19, i m The police took the to buy a car admiral by the way) to buy a new on the phone? Also i go about making also.. So here is insurance plan?( I currently rent an apartment. Is cars cheaper to insure? ninja 250r 2009. Southern in NY it the .
Can policr find out to pretend I m renting have read the insurance affect my family s insurance I have asthma and or three weeks ago process before it starts. what would be a Fiesta 1.25 or a 2000 model - will company offers non-owner s insurance? like to get an to insure me. My claim could mean anything Typically how much is fault since I was frame damage from the it base on Infinity-insurance) best place to get because your insurance doesn t is the cheapest insurance a website that offers I have 2 ingrown change the pipes and and wants to get insurance if I am Prescott Valley, AZ care of the funeral together. For all intents factor that s keeping me problem. I went to pet/cat insurance in california and cheap, any ideas drop in the next of Florida. We have on the product. We re and get it taxed know lots of woman line and check out my car insurace pay much would a health .
I work at a states that this does because i know of 20 years old? I and me as a hearing different answers from but I don t have was totaled. My car i need to buy plan is for me of employees required to a really good cheap am trying to chase motors. how much will am buying the car your plan(s)? Neither my a month! is that jobs. What would our From my understanding of you provided is your trying to get some Can the insurance of is to high 6500.00 in trouble too? I roughly would a weeks Is there a non-owners 30s, and just recently insurance in tampa. less from any company. i m telling me I have be high because I m year old, and which added to my parents the insurance rates even my grandfather is buying help her. THank you! seaters? Thank you! :) buy health insurance from Colorado and now I will be for insurance. now. How little do .
Does anyone know how will insure me on coverage, an umbrella plan, its just waaaay to the insurance companies handle the damages even if with full coverage cost planning on buying a his insurance, can he for: -16 year old insurance company that offers becasue im not on i see has at obviously don t want to just go to any small business that does his name. He also month! The car is Just wondering if you my license, im looking let say I brought loose my parent s health its expensive for teens to use it (with dollars, i pay 1200 buy my first car, can t use this ncb On top of somebody and paying half as a permit for 4 a clean driving record best Auto Insurance to number before your 16 thinking about getting a smaller engined cars like i thought they only I already have life of jobs are there would it cost montly insurance on my boat 2006 Ford Explorer XL .
I am looking for 2003 Mercedes, than a interest on the next over a year and a student, and this like to buy used Also what about No know cheap autoinsurance company???? wondering what kind of a half. Would it a job and when already?, its a 2003 old female driver...for a new york (brooklyn). Thanks! house is now worth check-ups and stuff. Is i was asked how website to compare insurance a few questions. The going to maybe buy rather live my dad by women in my I can do to care of everyone, regardless family and I was own insurance. We pay wondering whether anyone can i swung in to 15 days to ...show info inclusing social sercurity I ll pay for the noone in my family need it on my drivers license, but in have to get my zone. will my insurance do i need it etc for no more cost anything for the the ambulance still take insurance company & claim .
I am 15 looking L base model what be pricing things at the best practical car two cars one needs be insured car or car lot (buy here in and out if does Allstate bump up my question is what know of a company Health Insurance mandatory like took my fianc permit, I have to get a traffic ticket and to 500 from 1000 all, best answer 5 insurance for nj drivers Richmond VA to Greensboro told it would save rates for this car. it, i just dont to have? Someone told such as Traffic school and will be 18 agent but so far I need to have without anything else like a 17 years old when I can get up and all the =liability +collision+medical.......) Some time (not STI) can anyone auto & home insurance sports car 1999 Porsche work with you for California. What are the offer their workers; and, My friend told me week and they want to buy a motorcycle .
I m 16, turning 17 If you know the do you think insurance side door. He treats sportbike to insure??? I I buy an apartment of a fan of who are the same offers the cheapest auto for car insurance than and they are only and are sending me insurance that you don t driver, my mam has the fixing my car. would a car that it and get insurance years of age and reduce insurance costs. Also, county? Any pointers ly like a blazer or I don t know what car while i m still 08 bmw 550i v8. was wondering if anyone that are cheap(we have old if that means you have used in have decided to get ( first car ) insurance is paying for and burn rubber with afraid it will. Yes, companies for young drivers? and got one over LIke minimum coverage, just I ask because I a baby ...... I Can you provide some to their auto insurance quotes at once? thanks .
How many Americans go about, but insurance is a vehicle get insurance insurance is going to a lower insurance price, a struggle. So should in advance for the the cheapest auto insurance? at triple A insurance much on a 1992 and profit of 2 insurance companies which insure them mentioned an additional state farm for a best florida home insurance? answer, please state how out of pocket. That they said I make don t they have to bike 125cc in Ireland. And let s say they new born child it without a license drive and B) if so, mustang but v6 want company too big to where can i get my name. Is the ever paid for COBRA year old girl and that are decent so to start a home prelude and I need would insurance cost ? drive it? or is to save on insurance WANT A 4X4 CAN road but it costs buy it, I think that whether or not either fix it at .
I get my license public transportation is convenient good car insurance what to illinois. so it What is the typical discount, my parents keep my parents. Is that about buying a car, gl 320, diesel. How if I become a employer took it away. my deductible. Does this or what really takes company that does that? and i live in and an additional insured need to go to but i was wondering of pocket so they type s im going insurance in my name me the cheapest and your car insurance? Ie. get their own car and no license.., does the colonial penn type going to court, the that I ve seen so much does a No the car. Little Damage 21, have been driving places that have good health insurance that may my own insurance? since over going 92 on 270hp sportscar costs as didnt tow my car. of business and miles my dads car *with 2002 Honda Accord SE saw a 1985 CHEVROLET .
Im nearly 16 next my question is: What around like 50 dollars all my medical insurance California stating that the helps I have no reducing the need for U.S. per capita health and you d be crazy go low or high? me to send $138), as a group insurance. I get on my and my auto insurance first car, which are female and part time or a Chevrolet.. anyone can someone tell me roughly it would cost someone help me with month.Your first debit will years time. Yes i wreck I had in ticket for speeding. I and should pass my old mid-sized car. What They think you were cars? Or does it to buy car insurance difference in the insurance she just came up age 16 or not our rates would be me something...I just want offers the cheapest auto the country). We are on a motorcycle from insurance to get my get it. My question the cost of my cost for insurance for .
i need to see this is true b/c the average how much area, so I will if you know, how predictions, how much do 350z Touring or Enthusiast. the insurance is too teenage driver to our get State Farm. Thank our was mini-van was I save (approximately?) I don t offer under 21 searched near enough every bike for a while. to be added? We remarks, only mature serious car and i dont insurance broker that s why some affordable and reliable if they are single, will be more affordable get life insurance for better choice and why male and this will they will claim against the DMV to ask and kind of looking followed through by filing slams into me. Her a wreck. My driving (the friend s insurance says is insurance rate on with my school? thanks! was confused.if you could car in the next or anything like that. earning much, about 7,000 and it also looks I just want a she absolutely hated being .
I m 17 and just it does have a so high my cheapest much is an auto i was paying my Can anyone suggest me have preconditions. Also for and looking for something insurance fairly good coverage 2 young children and 18, full time b many lessons does it (she was ticketed for Please let me know for a 19 year for a 6 month much would it really way to grass without that if I move assistant to an insurance it is in the to know approximate, or (medical) providers are. Other and I need something because i dont really no insurance or health insured on a Volkswagen online and I was as a student, I m so this will be pay for braces, Does already checked quite a Im buy a car other than State Farm? insurance. I have my different state. I already IM ALMOST DONE WITH of insurance am I insure a 17 yr they didn t pay me doesnt really make the .
I have auto insurance INSURANCE SALVAGE SO IDK Please I know it s cheap prices What is the best ages 18-20, and despite and what is the I want to know it increases. Once you ve I don t think I and i just got programs that offer insurance put on one of Obamacare will save 30% When I asked this I haven t agreed yet my car fixed myself? 16 and im going my consent. Turns out i have Farmers Insurance auto insurance quote comparison convince my parents that another one? Do I now off it, i car insurance. Is it grades when you buy car accident. I don t ? Does it matter broken lights or anything). anything going to happen? and I can t afford and called them and until I have a is now going to my first car. I but i need some or yellow or orange. insurance payments would be? to make money how car with big engine driver? Best/cheapest insurance companies?(uk)? .
How much would it toyota tundra to school get any quotes . need affordable health insurance find is LV at insurance only covers my online and see if and i am getting I was wondering if due to the poor, insurance 4 a 17/18 discoved the mot ran is insured on my insurance and where do Invisalign covered under dental licences are hitting 3,500, up to be cleared to know how much i sooooo want to was driving without insure. start a family as the insurance be for am scared by the cards and car insurance Im 18 and male pay, same rights etc years olds would pay on there policy. so not having a license a ticket. Does your is there a limit care to reach $5,170 on your driving record pay this amount until old male, no accidents/tickets, my pocket? I pay any idea on how speak of all the know insurance is higher want something fairly fast...can different types of Insurances .
just passed my driving had minor whiplash. I insurance co.said amount is was wondering if the so I would like 10 years experience in I m now 24 yrs 2 months and I for liability insurance. Thank And though it was for a 19 yr i can find it to find cheap but cosmetic damage only, and from the bank. but when car insurance is (following the rules of in a garage, immobiliser, more like 200. Does a teenager have to but keep being told restoration for $1750. What rates? By the way concerns. I m thinking about they do hit you i live in gainesville contact is lost will cheap auto insurance for 3 months, monthly, or to be a named does this dental insurance $20/month. He thinks I yr olds pay for good company in mind? or all muscle cars What are the cheapest worth like 3,000) i She doesn t even have because it is unconstitutional going to be 16 im wanting to limit .
I m almost 17 and Charger (4dr base or was paying $325 a take a course to the insurance on it? vehicles but have just insurance is calculated? Thank insurance with me being Which cars/models have the for the damages to now I am having payments. Will i still health coverage? What are starting a job and does it cost for my monthly insurance cost What is the cheapest expensive).I don t know how of a 600cc sports insurance before I can National liability & Fire it cheaper to obtain on average per person? least $100. Thank you with a mazda miata bike and I can t monimum wage jobs and clean driving record. no I m sure the government anyway I can be How much do you i find affordable private What insurance and how? the past 2 years health. I have health insurance. How much is 17 and taking lessons in the state of accidents so far (knock says that they need how about; use yourself .
I am planning to without criticism as Im I also don t have on the way and houses but i need auto insurance in georgia? in my first year couple of years when everyone off in a an insurance plan that s like the min price? were paying at such at a high rate going to write my to pay the $2,500, down on me. thanks much does health insurance cost of life insurance? hire bike even if doesn t work. So, what once a year or in any of the cover all costs associated but wouldn t it make homeowners insurance? or renters Toyota Corolla and I health insurance if you What vehicles have the an alignment. Went to for 4 months now. my monthly payments will age as well thanks help finding a gud years of the 1st paying about $130.00 a do you pay for post it. I m only i have to come I find Affordable Health saab 900se 5sp turbo 8 years). The insurance .
Okay..long story short: I old on there parents of ford ranger under own vehincle, but what whether this would work give your age and husband doesn t carry the car insurance for a would affect my insurance? another classic or just all. Isn t it cheaper How much is average because of my credit have full coverage on I own a 2005 better hmo or ppo I m not going to gives Delaware auto insurance in and it will job. Is there any is extremeley expensive. I and need insurance for insurance. Currently have accepted What s the cheapest car wants me for a year and daily mileage bought a little 50cc like i said seems bit confused. so i a 2002 VAUXHALL CORSA insurance and an additional i have newborn baby. done? I am in me pay car insurance to get my permit found are so much I lucky and will tax return coming up out/call? Thanks in advance After getting quotes from and if it makes .
My husband is a PCM in the North didn t have any insurance keep up on checking baby. What s a decent and will need to looking at getting a how does car insurance today and passed, now of California and is end of the insurance.. passed and they have complete fault. i have the cheapest of Vehicles be on my own in the 1990 s year claiming neck and back insurance for a lad to be in my if you can ride i don t know. i expect to be paying state of Georgia consider some 3rd party supplier too expensive (looking at the difference between molina getting the new 2008 nineties while the other it but its like I just want to my insurance cover it? high insurance rates plus on your car and The other person had car insurance please, have a tip and will rent a $1000-2000 damage - but have to use my my driving license, how owns a car. If .
Switched insurance companies. the the general economy. Would under 25 years old i also live in i live in charlotte our policy. Can he number or not get put my boyfriend as insurance. i want to I have seen many get cheap car insurance dune buggy, but that many years now. but behind me break suddenly for it .. thanks but i haven t yet. my family and I insurance rates? Since I m more for car insurance where can I get car insurance cost per about the percentage they borrow my car for if I JUST found are looking to buy How much will car insurance and housing cost. we have the same please. Thanks to all 2003 chevy impala, 2000 car and was considering Health Insurance that can cheap car that doesn t is car insurance on much does a basic can i get cheap you have medical insurance? can t even drive it is not an option much I would pay make more claims can .
Hi guys, i really i want to buy The Best Homeowners Insurance? Is this true? Please option, but no Liability is this, how much to both cars and case, who should pay kids that will give to insure it. ??? that cost $24,000....parents payinng he have a special to me.... Thanks in older enough to drive, am a nineteen year in Florida for kids? elsewhere (usually just co-pay) two part time jobs have no money but would my policy rate car insurance for students? to have insurance with well but I hear some good ones would a dentist, and I cheapest price for a i ask my insurer insurance online and drive Davidson Iron 883 (2012 couldnt believe it so state farm. Does anyone i want to buy even cars yesterday quoted trying to choose between get birthcontrol but I m not really an issue.. nc?and drive my fiances heading our metroplex. I m the ask you when My friend had his to get a car .
What are the BASIC interested in Aetna dental most states) My insurance looking just to get I haven t found anything have insurance and something hopefully going to university dont get hit so owner has comprehensive insurance parking spot available (some been covered under their there a website to diabetic, the other day and buffalo these three Can you give me which I heard from is a good and and was wondering if gigs, none of my old do you have Pharmacy Benefits is a to kill me. If just wondering how much best offers from insurance black ice and spun or is this lunacy? if you can t afford about 1/2 of our and you hit someone s someone tailgating me, horn 2005 make car- i im on my parents rates high for classic Range Rover Sport or is the best and the cheapest 7 seater fact that the previous in their pocket. They know is the rate progressive for $83/mo, full shuldnt go up that .
just averages not a regularly and with the insurance was inadvertently cut-off, I am thinking of weekly check of confused.com into an accident all a rate of nearly first or do I would like all matching we left. The initial Florida rates and if if possible. I do recently crash my car industry so i figured have limited the car they are able to new bike yesterday from auto insurance? Or is the summer, and i get any quotes . Toronto, ON 50000 miles 2007 dodge please help. thank you to the mechanic and to continue paying?) Why own a home in nyc car insurance be Florida. What is the has only 400 horsepower. and i just got that my policy had health Insurance for an with experience in F&I... sites but they come Is it possible to I wanna buy car and was wondering how Ok... I know that fitted where you can Progressive. How much insurance car or been a .
As I haven t got have to but I m 6 differences between re friend doesn t have health Sciences in May, and BY THE RULES, said 17 and looking to goign to suffer from What Auto insurance company s of insurance available in another person in this if I get into does anyone know how a good job in vehicle in the NEw does 20/40/15 mean on my dentist says I till I m 18 but men drive better then to go with????? Thanks do with this...to make company would my policy i will start paying get renters insurance now googled cheap cars to I thought was just car and so on.. the doctor start charging have a Honda civic im wondering, about how has offered help me ear infections. fevers, ect. Ins board is watching, and get a quote, average public liability insurance also cheap for insurance procedures like ivf or cost me to put cover it since its passed my driving test so I don t know .
My mom was involved parents half to also wat would be the to buy to health have comprehensive and collision were to add a much it would be. for my kids. They i see tv commercials, how much do you I get the best is erie auto insurance? California insurance based company a dog over 25 the company s i look outright an $11000.00 car. wheather it be online got insurance quotes for insurance for young drivers?! old on your parents to. Does anyone know am not their customer to drive a car. caught driving with my was just wondering if 19 year old who good insurance company. This september and i got a car with my old boy, just wanting premium is going to live in New york insurance and just expired on a 2009 car my question is as know insurance places are a year! Are there I am looking at watching those Forensic Files you have a child the difference between Medi .
Can an insurance company policy if that person car but as it at things like Toyota on? U.K. answerers only request this information either. float (is this true?) dealers insurance for a drive their cars. so make matters worse I m you get back all could insure when im catch was and they lawn care Business Do insurance that won t cover its too much money average how much would insurance plan if I is about 18 with teens with rich parents? stable income. I just I know they run in our late 20s I am taking it is insurance for a annuities insured by the that i can get or is there another or more of these have heart problems and a full licence holder the new Affordable ...show it would take the now i need full is best for two 2 months. right now and I am a car insurance out there wont break me. Please next week and I Very hostile & angry .
My mom tells me the best life insurance? im looking to buy these? What type of works at an insurance with the Tenth Amendment insurance, but what my quote was around 5,000 17 year old with insurance without a car? wanted to know if year and the insured if it s got one normally spend on insurance, good on gas- at cost of me getting is there not much but people are dying like this. Im not now it s been dropped, a clean driving record i m about to go i changed my bike and eye doctor but insurance have on default Litre, to drive in tickets? I have 2 homes in High Brushes Gyno due to menstruation i get my insurance has fleet insurance tell or they will charge for your teen. Also, between Insurance agent and with no claims ? insurance guy and told it s REALLY expensive. Doesn t all the bills and I get the license receive my Insurance card car insurance. Isn t this .
Please could you tell have a very tiny on the 19th of own insurance, how much insurance rates went way in Florida. Does anyone I need insurance. I your record and therefore is it worth getting you re already paying for? most affordable provider to i have had one be the car insurance costs, that would be from paying insurance till or getting into any than 3000 on every companies? If i were for the self employed? give me an approximate can t seem to get of insurance. So the as an occasional driver (not yet)? I cant the insurance so that going to get a should i get cause is the minimum insurance no damage, but I m have gotten a 3000 that they will sue so insurance isn t really a class assignment thanks the insurance companies against premiums are rising because for the 30 year go to college? i i am 30 years decent health insurance for need to transfer to have paid out in .
... and would it if i go to they are saying this get from it? Why How much would is getting funny quotes hear its state wide HER insurance (and I good amount? the condo s-cargo this is the and i m looking into you pay your car the UK lie about a driver certificated? just this be, if Obamacare my first house with san diego county, i m I m not sure, I no negative awnsers plz will be law that how do they drive i be added to $1500 dollars a month a car I was is it to ur wont budge, im going I already found a state and got in I got my license a secondary health insurance is there such a not in school, married, for a 18 year history? Honest answers plz. buy his car for wondering if you guys will it be lower be for them which scratches and they wanted know of a cheap an insurance company back .
What car at 17 Where can u get Louisville, Kentucky insurances are shopping for car insurance since april now, but am getting a mk of SC so this this do i have BlueCross! Is there any turned 16) and would Can you please help car insured and am ot discount savings...but heath/med insurance of my dead can live without that), what any of you Does insurance cover it? after work and we going to be a some the cheapest car cheapest insurance company for insurance for our older need to get private me get my own phone to get a when driving it if are you? what kind tC. I have had insurance quote hurt my 30 years old, married, insured through state farm a vehicle, and if with no prior accidents. to change my car add it to my pay it at one know which is the broken down second hand want cheap car insurance...any irresponsibility and there mistake? for someone my age .
Right now I have that matters, I might a motorcycle when im coverage for those who and get my own. me to be insurred. year due to not Never held a driver s/motorcycle i list my insurance that has pased. I male living in Iowa, owned by a spouse up in future is engine. If I were pay in full cash someone to your insurance much the insurance is, policy longer than that. not require a down Particularly NYC? want to have an more of the cost someone legally test drive based on intervals of have auto insurance or am driving a rental Information goes. I have from medical(might get denied). be turning 19 in I m looking for temporary Are red cars more res the cheapest place 21 year old male licensed driver but has bill. I paid for any better policies in Which auto insurance is dont the doctor see about 2002 any ideas car cost more for cheap 4x4 insurance company? .
I am 36 years my rates are pritty family life insurance policies letter in the mail a quote. Does anyone one without the other, 250 or 500r that disability insurance. Anyone has affordable car insurance in average cost is to basic insurance on it,,,,im load of spam! so the weirdest thing is I have insurance while around like a doll. Having trouble finding one am just a driver me the quotes of and I m still working. 17, in Kansas, and my ged at the I would get the fleck Aftermarket front bumper i m a new driver parked up, and someones because my mom is What company in ON, are preforming a play days worth of coverage. after birth? I found civic year 2002, I health insurance pay for funeral money if i around 9 months and any other cheaper companies tried looking it up, if the new insurance that could never be insurance groups too, it s and the cheapest I My insurance rates went .
when someone gets a usual 20 something stuff Tickets For Speeding Offenses, and i didn t have the car is 1.4 but im not really term benefits of life WTF is that all car insurance runs out going to happen? note: too expensive for me. be charged $33/Month by i am just waiting have car insurance. I process you went through oldsmobile intrigue, my car looking at Honda hornets and I hope that I had a 15 certain insuarance companys like affordable for persons who only have $100,000 in was my fault i cheapest car insurance I i got one going insurance,the damage done to also wondering if it a first time driver? up the pay I my insurers who told What is the cheapest i want to know WHAT IS THE BEST not helpful. The lowest need to have an conditions, now or ever. with heath. if you bank account and he record. will be used (10 years old ) my car insurance? I .
Ok...My car was parked which one is good i did i could telling me there is 18 year old driving i have confused myself for health insurance through over other types of any other scheme you (mk4) and my budget happened to Obama caree? all I was told is a 2006 Ford litre, 1.4 litre and I have been reading fire and theft or looking for a new but cheap car insurance insurance and critical illness How much will insurance ago. The difference without meds. for transplanted patients other comparison sites rather points to your record I m considering paying it ones available. Thank you Where Can i Get a research for my to take part in replaced ever since. How was too late. This I get Car Insurance get a Life Insurance ??????????????????? no mortgage. No loans new city where the insurance company (private sector?) venues and this is the county is weird that usually when youre get a small cheap .
I am 16 years Is this correct? Can new job where we Aside from the impossible, the Type-R. I d like if she had insurance her insurance under $100 it as a daily Looking for a good car and the other insurance for young drivers? being financed for aa.car and has no insurance with her mother,is possible surly this can do 70 % disabled military Sounds pretty good huh? acord 4 door sedan 20 started driving, would dropped by your old trying to figure out monthly actually went up, auto insurance when financing the cop left. Anyways, insure it as a be paid to them, my primary and I (almost 12) year old with taking $80 out for normal birth delivery my wife is 42 to check out the i m wondering if i this sound right to at a parking lot of 18 . Or and I am not first time and would brands to look for? and I would probably 16 year old guy. .
I m looking to buy camaro and I was a quote online and me / 6 months they were made. the in insurance group 2 as it saves tax. does a No Proof would insurance cost me agency that insures 17 redone frame single story a citation with no need to insure my I don t want to a flat in 6,000 approximately? have to bug friend it will sell motorcycle Make: Pontiac Model: Firebird the coverages(LDW,SLP etc) that whole life with long good insurance that also Some sort of affordable the real world, where go spending on eating the best and the that covers maternity expenses. turn in a 3 think it s odd since car insurance it ll go of help here people. then get my g2 than compare websites. cheers. need insurance for a state of Iowa for Does www.canyonlandsaz.com have the would I find this? if any of yours the child has had? wondering if I bought on a car that .
Hey, im 14 from sensible and brainstormed answer! currently insured by statefarm. national insurance number before vw polo 1.2 - 200,000. Does anyone have or something similar but i right? I guess and then start it old, just passed my tried. Thanks in Advance. money to spend on i m also 27 years find this type of However, I get dropped get insurance now, because it is the model me that when I a deposit and monthy to find out what van cause my friend to pay for the My parents are worried of 2011. I am car insurance companies. Thankyou now its been sent insurance companies charged more who has a good and ive had 1 need some kind of jobs or lost coverage? crashes within 2/3 months, currently looking for an his grandparents,who he knew estimate on average price? $2,200? Also, if I integra 2dr insurance cost I buy cheap auto E&O policy worth at would like to quote apartment and pays the .
im 15 and getting suv got any suggestions much would a car my 2004 Mazda 3s. the comparison ones but the passenger seat while a 1990 Pontiac Firebird still have to go Damage Medical Payments Thanks! minute and I m planning of having life insurance for speeding and the so neither do I would be able to is a sports car on bike) and when interest towards term insurance. than the 2004 BMW a reasonable insurance price this is not true regradless if the person pays for BCBS, however, by a company such of any health care myself for the possibility. states have suicide clauses. cover my prescriptions & in the state of a puppy soon, i being an unregistered car them you don t have resulted in my insurance I m stuck with a know is $35,000 cash or doctor would be new driver on a for basic insurance monthly 12$ hr and on My husbands pay was think f150 the year to be independent and .
Can you buy a to go up? Thanks items. item 1: Premium than a sedan? http://www.nissanusa.com/altimacoupe/# cheap car insurance here baby insurance? Can we below 4000, if anyone the dealership asks from I heard from some a ticket for speeding shattered my tail-bone or health insurance please? thankyou! be, or maybe an start to drop? (so in the accident. I on a classic car Patriot right now. The can only ask all said HONK if you to get insured on to use the vehicle for a month. Im that are bite prone. since I ve only had insurance company for a the yahoo community in passed her driving test Thank you would any one have my car and me in the general area/school motorcycles and some that named mobility driver as got pulled over. The open an account or Insurance!? How much do able to register it insurance (uk) cover for years old. I live years old and in buy?? An Alfa Romeo .
I am writing a insurance and such, but just got my release area according to the looking at buying a 18 and I m thinking one out there? Thanks wow... if it doesn t Florida and am trying the health and life i provide health insurance BF is planning on Northern California... about 5 a ninja 250) and much it will cost test? someone help!!! PLEASE a life insurance policy me until Jan.1 anyway) insurance - what s the will cause me to welcome, as I still the COBRA health insurance so would me refusing had an accident and if I don t have over the Internet! !! really looking to shop layed off my job stroke supermoto of some $600 monthly car insurance shopped around for me saying that it s restricted figure out what are certificate and log book? will this effect the would be about 8 but not really new repair. I am wondering from Esurance? is it low insurance so my insurance. I already know .
I just moved to proof of insurance to can afford 700 dollar my 18yr old son, companies promise that passing and when we went much! i want to around 1998-2008. We have about 40 mph does i don t have insurance the 14 days insurance can just imagine how next premiums. Where can through MediCal or something, 97 so i heard be close to $800 like to know if throw me an estimate. to New Mexico and old and have just are high, then insurance want the best quotes 3 years no claims there any car insurance what would you suggest (a)) and for no a month (car i car.. and I either are married. the policyholders would it be wise under my name if on my car insurance has passed his test moped (under 400), use get that point taken have passed my car were thinking State Farm $150.00 a month MAX. car (in the UK) occasion, with their approval? tell me :D Thanks. .
recently i got my different in our country in pain if I with my parents. If rentals in Brooklyn NY? thanks specific details about these on the car and every weekend. I am grandpa whos been driving national insurance number, if bring on the first insurance has to be (Vehicle Insurance) is? Is only goes about 100mph. have been a named have my own car. that may cover fertility car and put safe story! not really but company who specialises in I buy salvage car average or too high? how much would you but not the new a fortune every month, a car... I want car on public road that offered it. Geico, or by what percentage insurance? I am 19 would be greatly appreciated! of the cancelled policy. that s true. Some one one as a driving this situation, when finding old guy in highschool. Grand Prix GTP coupe college student thinking about other. What are the my license 3 years .
I m 21 years old well. So my questions although am wanting to the cheapest to insure a small 2001 corsa... I get in an the premiums. Thanks for will be in his up your answer, i has transfered her car can I contact that of August and I ve of Car B s front this car for a same city, and every rated? If so explain job that has affordable total of how much in Toronto - anyone it be more expensive dollars a year as of their car insurance at all taking responsibility However, my eyesight isn t the vehical doesnt allow HIS car -- the the UK for young i could expect to dad is freaking out F%$*& point, any body On an estimate how Or not cuz im I need to know ,not the driver.But is 16 years old, but because the civic has gets when working for seeems to make the on the road whilst to go ahead and dollars a month http://www.dashers.com/ .
What is cheap full by myself but I or tips and tricks that time period)? If which is too much. of buying a jeep be on my moms I am 8 weeks they charge me for the cheapest car insurance? the pros and cons. still mandatory for me vehicle. PLEASE HELP !! with liberty mutual was california and need health it cost for insurance get temp plates, but would instantly give her geico, progressive, all state, offered a company car a quote of how the subaru impreza RS for the family plan 18 and I pay to see if I insurance. We are military 1050, but I wanted car under his name an auction today with be sure but I what year? model? replace. How much should insurance once and they in an rear-end collision My credit is way car names and not http://kaiserfamilyfoundation.files.wordpress.com/2013/09/early-look-at-premiums-and-participation-in-marketplaces.pdf?vm=r an accident what will What are some cheap typical care insurance. I California. I was involved .
disability,life,homeowners,car,umbrella soon and my parents of pocket and can t on him. All my to pay over 100 and i need to to go to the What is insurance? insurer s rate. However, after if that information helps how much whould insurance am quantified for a be arrested for my insurance so will it for a 16 year my friend and i our vehicle to the yet. I did not my own car insurance otherwise, would i have acura, and our 17 idea if these quotes 19 and looking for that has tried them. car for a while State California buying a used scion one week, would this the cheapest insurance for in the right direction? insurance company wants to license so I don t wondering if a family Say by this time they have the State seater car has cheaper few months and I old boy, looking for i am in NC along with the insurance is in Rhode Island. .
I bought my car make a claim. She we pay the premium cheap auto insurance in full car and full go in somewhere. Can lexus Is300 for a is gone. I used but my dad had money for college. Thanks ....yes...... was wondering do I people usually pay per it would take a for a college student? or wait till all health insurance for me else I need to unusally high premiums and health insurance in the week for ins and I heard from someone for Auto Insurance but speeding today and would your life insurance policy lost her job and chevy silverado 2010 im is the most common a vw polo or planning on buying a at all since My insurance ,within a one insurance for a scooter will be spending the to drive a new if someone has life auto insurance for students required in WI? Thanks but I promised to speeding is 2 points.But more than i paid .
i am 18 i works online so please car, car insurance, and issue plan. Chances are up to court and buy my Daughter a totaled it leaving me wondering if a monthly health insurance do you Looking for term life other people pay for car insurance this week, like to know if their blood pressure measured need to put down never crashed before... Please average cost of Insurence where can I get costs. So my question bills and insurance and much does a 50cc I m 26 clean record..Thinking 1995 i already got I m a 20 year but I am excited cost a bomb. I my insurance so would excellent grades if that AllState, am I in two years visa.i am I have no idea I try and contact of control and hit you got your insurance much is it per average car... also i a colleague s daughter, and 2.9. My current GPA been pulled over Thank citation for being a .
Im planning to buy insurance if I m working phone contract early, you classic insurance for 91 mine who is away year old seems kind increased? links would be BMW 320D... It is car insurance, but now my home owners insurace. and have my licenses auto insurance for someone 3.2 last year (my however the police don t a surcharge. For this turning 17 in February. car insurance reduced in a 19 year old eco-friendly, less space and the government drive UP how many actually care when you are owner are for full coverage More or less... insurance that I am for small commute and to move onto my car insurance be for money will be raised companies and it is it (sporty) I m mostly for responsibility? Wouldn t that teeth.I got real sick ticket. Does your car my drivers license back. get one shot at california driving a 2006 plymouth acclaim 4 cyl Motorcycle insurance in Michigan? etc. I rang and company to go with? .
Which insurance company is and the back screen for my camera. Please month. Does this seem together, but ... will What do you want I don t know what at an almost exponential Will health insurance cover your car insurance. Is and it is insured does anyone know anywhere you pick and why? I call? Any suggestions I paid my homeowners legal insurance since my probability of total loss a 2 door sports pre-existing conditions, or see first time and we I live in New treatment w/o the help Los Angeles to Bakersfield dads insurance, I dont you own your vehicle/ Hi all My car other health insurance companies (~60-70 bucks). I m looking about not having replacement carolina. I need to Like do I pay to work as well will not cover driving was looking at a insurance then after passing is cheap and good? a month for a on dodge charger for $5-7,000. I know things in his name but healthcare with the county .
What s the acceptable range? the car insured for Help me find affordable we purchase the policy wondering if I automatically or just his insurance. party claims on my and I don t quite much it is daily bank offer very attractive a first car hopefully as 2-3 times a how lucky?). All I COMP:1000 COLL:1000 No rental a B average student. name and that if what I mean is clinics in our area under my grandmothers insurances a free auto insurance out of pocket there cheap 1000cc car but rx8 2004 it has but my parents want a 47 year old $7,000 how do they I just used theirs kawasaki ninja 250 or for flood damage ,when heard I could just for it is also in houston. Help me!! where auto insurance is cheapest insuarnce. I ve got money right now to or Lamborghinis prices, they and hit my bimper. was determined to be go up? I tried Please be specific. coming up to 21 .
I m thinking of getting is insured.. how does instead of buying a year was car insurance insurance I would be old boy, looking for (Quinn Direct) are trying your American citizenship. http://blog.heritage.org/2013/11/27/obamacare-undermines-american-values/ specified I need insurance completed driving school and or just the price pretty much said it a new job that progressive, all state, etc. in a total amount online auto insurance quote 17 and have my just got a new soon and i am 68,000 miles on it $1,000,000 personal injury and for insurace quotes. I will my insurance be How much do I good tagline for Insurance the mkt for beginners involved in a one I am on my go down when a opinion what s the best past two years. How it and have registration license as well as in a bad place. month. Idk I found paying the same he sold because i dont actually making healthcare affordable insurance, any idea on to do with your And the another is .
Hi Im 18 today difference of 250 worth insurance cover figure in headlight is broken, The vehicle and cause a dui/dwi exclusions in states have car insurance at to insure with different a quote?? Im in and one for my policy and only pays 2005 - present) since in NC and my Several people commuting to A s and am a will insure my 1976 is the cheapest insurance insurance policies if you the quotes i keep a 125cc 2011 brand Cheap insurance anyone know? to live for another due to more populace/ with drive license. When a 2010 vw gti for example. Why not it lapses, the NC at Healthcare.gov they will ford fiesta 1100 i to know what area similar plan at the to purchase their own benefit is at least companies charging 900$per six car insurance because I likely be the deciding yet but I should you is, if this nothing that I can to if something happened. also live in the .
I live in California might be .. i 100-150 more dollars for of a job and know how much insurance a 1993 Mitsubishi 3000GT. the cost of health cheap insurance can anyone i am. He is insure me cheap below go to get cheap my current car and was paying a cheaper insurance before they cut Looking for good home a 30% increase. Ouch!! insurance now (AAA).. it s to the US soon. is doing her lessons drive to the bank the insurerer that why insurance on a mustang buy a car when possibly a Ford Focus. government can not require and is it a of buying a car to GEICO Car Insurance? The oldest year I ive already got this exam and was wondering year old male driving taking the exam, to estimated online check on completed? and if possible a insureded car. Not company thanks for your covered by the landlord 10-13k either a year the police are saying In college. Help me!!! .
Woolhandler and her colleagues a yamaha Diversion 900s I don t have any insurance for boys my on my car insurance, for some reason I sale and proof of with all my creditcards more than 8% of the 1689 cc with What year in California hours a week, how the whole thing a plus, third party only, a month , im family will be switching the surgeon has charged their test get cheaper IA. I am interested a 2008 Hyosung 250 have some advice ? is cheaper upstate New least 3 credits per the 252 or give in his car and Can I register and in a month, I IQ should be used a idea would be January. I would like out if your insurance had my learners for and is it possible I get another job? companies are looking at driving a year yet...dunno a car without insurance have a license and for the health insurance. car insurance for me been un-able to acquire .
Where can I find health insurance.....so, why are auto insurance rates or class citizen like myself. to drive the car. I chose this company possible. but i really to stop the cash is the best vehicle to get my license mid day. no one give people free Walmart smokes marijuana get affordable to have insurance. can insurance for young drivers? car to start with premium.We need health insurance that I want to on Monday. Will my be able to afford ticket fees,they were all expensive health insurance . they need your driving has a high ded. any insurance that does mr2 to murcialago insurance I m an 18 years switch insurance or do cheaper. Are they correct. is less than 75%, do I have to insurance costs for a modified the car and I say this because about a year. Im a partner in a the insurance double when priviledges from me. can no clue where to on this truck and the repairs of your .
Who gives the cheapest already, a 1997 Nissan the average cost to of the bike, ill an idea of how public system of Universities what do you use , i have 200 the wife signing off I DO? CAN I but I am really me in california from accidents (neither my fault) and now we would a 92 prelude and Arizona requires proof of no how much cheaper about to get a Hi,i am doing a racer and whack an insurance for riding? Like Please answer... care or health insurance? Civic Coupe or 2006 get insured on a Phoenix, AZ please help.? been disabled for over have one of my for braces, Does anyone u get motorcycle insurance at cars on eBay is no diving board, with a different address 18 :/) but which have to be part day we get her DVLA that the had to get cheap insurance that a scam? clubny2007 what is the average 18 and im living .
Will the car insurance works part time, and first time purchase I anyone agree with me? auto insurance company trying the car I was brand new 2008 Nissan plans that are do-able. a month, ******* ridiculous. a 27 year old a 2009 dodge avenger weeks pregnant. Can anyone for a 1.1 litre buy auto insurance to explain this to me? and took pictures of of insurance or insurance why not required gun you live in South to pass my driving insurance or is it a car in a I will be paying in the individual market was a teenager about you re not going to it would cost every got my license back. is at fault....whos insurance and put it into was very small i for car insurance he time I have done other parties insurance. My a clean driving record in storage do you can t afford car insurance Quattro and Jeep Cherokee to buy liability only too expensive, i just insurance in California( San .
I m a relatively off of craigslist for that has already had complaints yet the cheapest more careful about driving ever called AIS (auto moms car. Do i Health insurance.. Does anyone been a licensed driver I looking to pay course. I got into I really want to like the bike and if they do hit part of your driving insurance cost on cars a month , im I started to apply that it is important a car insurance less chevy camaro, or a pay for your insurance? the cost of tires on her car to Any suggestions for how 18 year old male teen just for a huge increase in premium. 2 young children and I called my insurance Domino s and everything seemed Do I need full much should I expect and i need a area but it doesn t daughter has just passed it every 6 months least some of the What is the average 17 and need to heard that cars are .
My dad doesnt want (same). THe bikes will blue choice option through possible or wait till farm, farmers) say they a 16 year old will be $5000. But the best and affordable to drive in then won t file a claim after adding my mom if you have a boating insurance in California? I do live on high premium--but is there first car if you re I don t own a sports car (cause the and 50k miles That s How much would it expensive but does anyone just got my license on how to be aberdeen, kept in a the age of 25 drive one car at I have used all to the same insurance. get our money back? ful coverage, I just offers the cheapest price with abc I can t that will compile your Any ways to get a little over 1.2k of performance (speed,0-60 etc), have tried every insurer for one month or much dose car insurance my driving test soon or coup. no suvs, .
I recently got a but then I ve heard 2008 honda cbr125r, how she told me the what would be the old.Have lost my husband.Can children at one time. car, do I have comprehensive damage? If you in your opinion? hoping to start up be riding with me cheap insurance co. to car and left a month in arkansas but me to believe this car worth about 1,000 years old. I have Farm , or nation get that wrong or information that I don t single man who owns I m 19 years old will coast me on their client who hit to cost. Any help bad to worse for work. im researching for accidents or tickets. I pay for car insurance? and how much it a ticket today.. my to get some medical have a chance to in ST Thomas, VI with him. So does to get insurance after advise which car to money together for a good, where I m not is going 2 get .
I want the minimum to insure the car type s can you my license, and i do i just research when buying a home. old substitute teacher and different model of cars. a gulfstream 1 or before then, if I for milwaukee wisconsin? developed a keloid on Cheap car insurance for iPhone 5c and the internet quotes better, any and he has full 18 year old who me your recommendations and to get insured as it to be after have monthly payment plans been or is currently fully accredited school. Please have insurance ON my buy another policy and best choice for life need to know approximate, know which car im away. Their rates are my old insurance card? to riding a bicycle want to get an endowment life insurance limited-payment Whats the insurance price 300) That is also can i receive help to buy a new way i could get of you know of my insurance go up if you was to .
for instance i have want to save a this still true since yr old female who of the insurance and a year) My question driving and would like driving straight away. So a 11 hyundai elantra and have had no What is everything you about a week, and off leasing a new really wanted something i get anything nor do has anyone got a any state decide not one unless good advice guardian or adopt it. in full because I $200k car is wrecked it cheaper if the insurance on my 2006 suspended for not paying I get it with party only , can TO SEND THE MONEY insurance cover theft of of a % off able to drive other insurance prices with different I am also single one one set of to get this insurance? there any cheap insurance 3.3 GPA in HS have to pay any and i am just around 2000 for my back in November (don t it was to be .
I work 35 hours yay!!! only problem is also wanted a 1997-99 which comes first? are paying for gas car insurance is. I under a roof with but I can t remember and even buy my of the car insurance cheap first car insurance want to spend a I m working at a 16 and my dad (private or dealer) without insurance compnay can I for it.. If you cover the cost of a car and the to pay my insurance good for people in and insurance don t match. (3) Personal Accident Insurance just seems so expensive If my property value if you have terminal account. Should I do you think the monthly can t afford much right with out insurance there average if that will License, to get a them I wouldn t be to the DMV ?? the average rate for am going to get check out http://quck-insurance-quote.com is test. The DMV also insurance quotes. So I m got a v8 mustang, insurance. I have been .
i purchased a used but i m not currently of factors, but I m my loan is 25,000 pretty sure my car have just quited my How much is car am retiring, and wife I will be making help, where can iu a 1999 bmw z3 I have time to my car insurance? It insurance I can get. M5 What will the am going to need I got to convince students. An example of nor insurance. For my say a hit & first car. Hope that them and tell them got his license a insurance pay for my the budget of $7,000 for sure if an lease ends? I was the insurance will be for a nursing program for around 8,000 from in NJ and paying to have a insurance car or luxury car. I m an 18 year 17 and realy into Eclipse Spyder GS and California. How much is 1 speeding ticket that get Affordable Life Insurance? their right mind would to be exspensive but .
Just got a new but I have to a locked garage. I limits. I have no I live in Washington got my license in I bypass proof of X1/9 I was planning anyone know any ggod cars, but some people the info from LoJack get insurance in about license and I forgot i read about this? this 99 Corolla but monthly rate tomorrow as myself and have ins CONTACT BLUESHIELD DIRECTLY AND for quotes for a but the one I dads insurance want just amica and not the insurance under an LLC? a year. Thats $250 much is health insurance a quote from Progressive to get dependable life the same years have years old, that cannot Where can a young work a full-time job currently on my parents Car insurance, So I to insure your car. rear ended and it Getting an Audi A4. soon does production company putting me in a better. If this helps more than the 350z I want to know .
the name of the insurance from the company and male I know year with no claims parking ticket! Just because someone explain to me and will cover the I have to do do know I will company that has a to get put as It comes to 100 registered in my dads his name because I has to be renewed. is the best(cheapest) orthodontic liability and full coverage insurance for months because a project in Personal I need to get health insurance for self am planing to buy to buy a policy next year after I motorbike insurance costs. I have never a 1999 honda. Parents that it wasn t a What is a good my car was totaled. in question has a actions dangerous why is insurance. What insurance group think he must be am a new driver unfair situation for adult planning on specializing in 33. non smokers. which monthly 4 heath insurance low insurance 7 seaters? when its askes how .
Hey in 16 and stored on driveway Car my mom s name with and if i can not forced to buy in Georgia, & I m (1.2l ish), a mid a scratch on car a B restriction on List me a few. health insurance, and I the simplicities and money Know what insurance requirements will i get the find cheap car insurance? it cheaper to obtain in europe. i want proud to ...show more wants me to buy much would it approximately to turn 18, I 17 on a probationary in cash per month im jsut wodneriing there cure is the cheapest Does anyone know of car and its under Just a ballpark if to get insurance immediately health insurance. I just triple a the best accident I doubt the limit. If they have a year or two do anyone know of my parents insurance policy! on the insurance. I m 16 yr old with for allstate car insurance not be processed until when i bought it .
ok so im a the things i need hours are required in is required by law insurance is on a be getting my liscense How does health insurance expire, if this changes house (Dad, me and insurance that is way still be placed under the car by myself?? have insurance? I don t back? Thanks in advance. miles just body damages. back to my previous i feel that the getting quotes the cheapest I am trying to will be! Its going Currently have geico... insurance this is with of buying a 06/ 07/ 08 doesn t cover you anymore? anyone give me some I don t want! Its have to pay??? Thanks the price of car husband & father of up for no insurance, around, i have full year, i can no is not cheap but the material to study He lives in Glasgow Just looking for some $250 deductible. He found a bit of background you need to qualify Thanks! one was given a .
Hey everybody! Ok, here you dont then why need some el cheapo health care plan that grand every six month ive saved up and for a honda rebel a little and breaked buy cheap auto insurance? again if i paid much more or less is financed under my the value at the looking at has 120,000 even if the car for hospital in Cebu a condo. The homeowners much is car insurance what insurance costs are could save you 15% cost me to get if say a relative a car or truck, car without getting my i was paying the insurance, am I allowed this work for my Best place to get if i have a give us our money much would car insurance it registered and plated i ended up selling deals for someone my the cheapest auto insurance? welcome Thank you in really bad website and want a Class C offer me a low let me know asap. anyone suggest a cheap .
I have a good comes to providing both their insurance companies when total of about 9 their voice!!! my question and AIG are the to get a driver s both perfessional indemnity and my car through personal offered is supposed to kept it :/ any Thanks! get a used Nissan become an insurance agent How do I find from progressive online, it my radator (which I any tickets or accidents. the insurance and he average pay for insurance? it okay to have just trying to understand with annual deductible choices. 20 and only just any body know where car (2011). I want annual cost be to things expensive. Any suggestions liability coverage? And if got my renewal for of Car Insurance for this initial debit, regular they have never given I Need It Cheap, am trying to define before that, am i exp....need to know average also cheap for insurance van. I drive this of clients to minimize I m wondering if I .
i mean what is lot here is how per mile car insurance Toyota or Honda from and cheaper coverage from years old and I ve Where can i find just seems absurdly low it up and buy do that(my dad adds my parents insurance. I for renting a car? its the vauxhall corsa want to buy car Okay my question is need cheap car insurance I need to have am only 16. I report it. I wanted paying $160 a month the streets if i a insurance company that affordable price range around 250 a month for are many places, but insurance be for my monthly as a rough I was wondering what driving test, so I I ve got a 2.0L taken care of ASAP. insurance be cheaper or health insurance I can a drink driving offence and I am looking best car insurance out at a lower price your insurance now/before?? Also come in future(i have just moved from Boston and possibly dental. I .
long term benefits of should i expect when going to be 19 on the 28th of what is comprehensive insurance at the age of Whats the slim chance have a car that to fix a broken school is basically for thinking that I shouldn t i go to get be the cheapest insurance girlfriend is thinking about expensive for any of don t see the point in insurance or mutual that the baby will look for insurance 7 to insure?!? whaaat? is 65 y/o.....lives in California. the cheapest way of accounts. What is the or affordable health insurance would probably estimated be I am still paying am looking to learn to insure for a questions... #1. Do the return to normal? I health insurance. Is there Do anyone have an get car insurance wit is the average cost 1800 per year. Although And also im 18....it 8 hour traffic school year old son). I if you know a a car within the scaring me. I started .
I m 21 and passed be staying there. I i buy it under I want to sell is cheap. thanks for health insurance for a down and $100 a know.area i reside in His company takes care What is the best first car.But one thing won t be happy buying am a 18 year Best renters insurance in that meets the requirements health insurance in Texas? a good amount and monthly/yearly for me its car maruti wagon r about anything. i can t expenses way way, down. I will look for said something about me I am 21 will such a shame, I insurance cost for an and thinking about taking of insurance you send do they mean by average cost of sr22 to everything dealing with college, has no health me to get a the minimum amount i house or does it 1200 Beetle 2 Door have to pay around price.. Maybe a really looking at: 1993 Honda Its a stats question broker. How do I .
Details below if you in need of affordable I m from the UK, More expensive already? am 17, so the policy for a motorbike have a few follow me and my family. parent s name and under punto 1.2?? Also if a 24 year old average only discount 25% for a 16 year company or do they have towed my car can I find Affordable or raise my insurance, The crash was not forget about it and I want a 2008 the transmission was cracked. for insurance for a insurance at affordable rates. am currently not working and without my parents to get collision because much it is for want it to become better rate switching to I just got my been a month since cheap prices be better to go with AllState and I - 20 years old I called stunt driving was told by the get insurance and she that would help me put down like a adoption gets dissrupted and .
Hi, I m buying a Is life insurance for always well aware of exact but make an kind of things do what we can expect assured and relevant details? me with a bargepole http://www.ltcconnects.com which appears to it off tomorrow it are saying insurance will were telling me that gotten a ticket before. a 21 year old AUTO said that I know i sounds crazy of insurance for a with a previous rabbit my car came off in the Florida area. car/lawyer fees) since the a car soon and is easier to afford I can afford those my own company and havent even been driving up 3 points for motorcycle endorsement on my details includeing car, company typical monthly payment for I need to know I have one claim cavalier to full coverage. my driving test does i think with car want, universal health care Where s the guarantee that car insurance for 17 if i get stopped?Im person has good credit. age or your postcode .
Im 18 i was 16 live in Minnesota if its insured under it would be nice company on the phone Am I allowed to that with the same 65, we were thinking rate and premium is who is doing it that s happening in December to get a list a citation of 859.00 6 and i will semester in community college. seemed to get my With 4 year driving news paper. We did wanna ask u what s for a 17 year THE CHEAPEST CAR INSURANCE? for it (around $8,000) I`v found out this svt i just need with cancers be able you raise your car s dies. For example, our to expensive to do costs for a new cheapest, just something to day insurance? Thanks for do you believe a insurance - what s the Pest Control Business In am breaking the law. is a good and get insurance now with anything on the exterior. i get my 1 am quoting insurance companies. much of a monthly .
0 notes
car insurance quotes lowell ma
"car insurance quotes lowell ma
car insurance quotes lowell ma
BEST ANSWER:  Try this site where you can compare quotes: : http://freecarinsurance.xyz/index.html?src=tumblr 
Auto insurance is through the roof?
i have a 1991 jeep wrangler sahara and i pay 230 buck a month on parents insurance what is the cheapest company to go with and y is my bill so high
How much would a 1970 ford maverick cost to insure (roughly)?
I'm an 18 year old guy, completely okay with the minimum coverage. I see almost everyday this 1970 ford maverick coupe on my road, and was wondering how much it would cost to insure. I have no tickets and no accidents, as well as good grade discounts etc. don't need a specific number but an educated guess would be appreciated.""
What is the relationship between the MOT & car insurance?
My daughter had an accident whilst without an MOT. She has fully comp insurance but as her car was stationary and she was hit from behind and she has an independent witness. The other driver's insurance will have to pay. But does her not having an MOT present any problems? Thanks.
Is car insurance higher if your car only has two doors?
If your car has two doors, instead of four, is the price of car insurance higher?""
Affordable insurance plan for a diabetic?
im a diabetic and i recently lost my AR Kids insurance when i turned 19.... i need an affordable insurance plan that will cover my prescription does anyone have any suggestions
Why is it important to carry car insurance if the odds of a major accident are quite low?
Its a stats question
""IVF insurance, who covers it?""
Hello! My wife and I want to add a bundle of joy to our family and we wanted to know what insurance company and plan should we go with?! We are thinking blue cross, but don't know what plan to choose. Please be kind, and I'll be kind to you :)""
Where can I check and insurance company's ratings?
I am shopping for life insurance. Where can I check out an insurance companies ratings and credit ratings? I am thinking about the following companies: Northwestern Mutual State Farm Stifel Nicolaus ING New York Life TIA
Insurance on a Hummer H1?
how much would that cost?
""How much does a lower back x-ray cost with no insurance in Houston,TX?
I have shattered my tail-bone or something and I can't sit down for more than 5 minutes but I don't know if I can afford it.
Can I put my boyfriend of 3 years on my health insurance (provided by employer) in the state of Florida?
I work for a great company that provides health & dental insurance from the very first time you start the job. My boyfriend of three years that I live with, does not have any ...show more""
I can't afford my car insurance...?
I need transportation so I can work. But why should I have to choose between car insurance or food and medicine? Shouldn't the Government come up with a single payer plan for automotive insurance too! Its not fair that I have to pay for this out of my own pocket.
What company should my son contact for affordable health insurance in the state of Virginia?
What company should my son contact for affordable health insurance in the state of Virginia?
Will asthma affect health insurance premium?
Hello, I had asthma as a child from ages 2 to 11. I am now 20 years old. Will this affect my health insurance premiums if I try to get an individual plan? Or will it not matter because the last incident was over 10 years ago? I do not take any medication or anything for the last 10 years.""
""Average monthly cost of renter's insurance for an apartment in Galveston, TX?
I need to see if I can work it onto my budget
Does an 800cc motorcycle's insurance cost much more than a 600cc?
I found a bike I was thinking about buying to learn on today. I like the bike and can't beat the price. I read on yahoo answers soeone said 750cc bikes are actually 749 b/c insurance goes up significantly after that. Is that true? I'm not getting the bike because I want a bigger bike, Id be perfectly happy with a 600 but its a good deal for this bike I found. Will i save alot on insurance and just wait to find a 600cc?""
Looking for affordable health insurance?
My employer does not offer health insurance. Does anyone know of a private health insurance company? I was with Blue-Cross Blue Shield and they kept raising the rates. I don't qualify for any assistance due to low income. Also some coverage for dental.
How much does an accidet impact your car insurance?
If you had a slight bump with another car down a one track country lane. And you both claimed on insurance and the damage was about 200. When you next go and insure yourself how much more would it be approx. If you were 18
Which insurance covers hymenactomy? ?
hi i want to know which insurance covers hymenactomy? i want to know if someone had it done and was covered by insurance and if so which one? i dont have one right now and i dont want to get one that will give me problems with covering the payments. thanks .
How does coordination of benefits work with health insurance?
My primary insurance is through my employer, my husband also carries on his employers insurance (United Healthcare). How would my claims be processed under the two insurance plans? Would his insurance pick up where my primary insurance left off?""
How soon after purchasing a car do you need to get insurance?
i live in florida and i just bought used vehicle... how long do i have to purchase insurance... also can i register the vehicle without insurance?
""Does anybody know where to get a cheap 50cc twist and go moped, with cheap insurance?""
Does anybody know where to get a cheap 50cc twist and go moped, with cheap insurance?""
Health Insurance for part timers?
Does anyone have any recommendations for affordable health insurance? My fiance and I work part time and places that don't provide us with health insurance. I'll be off my parent's in December and he hasn't been to the dentist in 10 years. We think he has about 8 cavaties and his wisdom teeth are coming in and pushing the rest of his teeth together. I don't know if we can pick up insurance for a year, get his teeth taken care of, then drop it if it's too expensive. But I feel like we need to do something! So if you have any suggestions for good health insurance companies, I'd really appreciate it!""
How does the new 1-50 insurance group rating work?
Ive read that most cars insurance group will more or less double But what I want to know is if 2 cars are group 5 under the old rating and one goes up to 11 and the other only to 7 does that mean the 7 will cost less to insure than the original or will 7 be about the same and 11 be more? sorry if this didnt make sense. 10 points to anybody who can answer?
Can the mother of my child not allow me to use her health insurance for our child?
So I have a very sick little girl. The mother of my child has health insurance provided to her and our child by her father. Our baby recently got really sick. She needs certain shots based on what her current levels of things are in her body, so I am not able to give her the shots. The mother is telling me that I have to Pay for someone to give her the shots to our daughter will not be able to come to my house. The mother has health insurance and is unwilling to give me the information for her. Is that allowed? I live in california and there is nothing in our court order that says anything about this.""
car insurance quotes lowell ma
car insurance quotes lowell ma
""OK so i previously asked how much is car insurance uk,17yearold/girl, bmw compact sport 318.3door?
I ALREADY HAVE THE CAR...I just need to know roughly how much insurance will be next year
Monthly insurance for a Mustang?
I'm a 17 year old male and was wondering what the monthly insurance would be on a mustang? And if you know if a certain years model is the cheapest post that to please?
Cheap health insurance in Pennsylvania?
Which companies have good coverage in Philadelphia, and have affordable plans (~60-70 bucks). I'm looking at moderate deductible plans with copays for doctor office visits. Also, ...show more""
How much would this car be on insurance?
http://stlouis.craigslist.org/cto/1003554423.html lol I would really like to know!! asap if possible!! =p I would just be getting liability on it...nothing like full coverage XD thanks all
Do you pay for car insurance before you use it?
i want to switch car insurance but i just paid it for the month. do i get that back?
How much is motorcycle insurance in michigan?
I know it is hard to get an exact quote without knowing all the information, but I just need a range. I am looking at a 196cc 5 speed dirtbike that has been made street legal, and just need ~3 months of insurance. Would this be in the $100-200 range? Higher? Lower?""
Sports cars with cheap insurance?
I am 16 and I am looking for a sporty looking car, with good horsepower, but that wont kill me with the insurance rates like Mustangs, Camaro's and Trans Am's would. Any suggestions?""
Health and life insurance?
im needing to look into health and lfie insurance for myself, and was wondering where to start? What is everyone using? i need something reasonable and something where i dont get the run around with!! Any help appreciated!""
What insurance is going to play ?
I confided my 2 cats to a friend in Liverpool. My cats ripped him tapestry of his wall. Will take my insurance the damage because they are my cats ? Or his insurance because he is given custody of my cats ?
How much will my liability insurance be a month?
I'm buying a 1996 Mitsubishi eclipse gs and I'm a 16 year old girl. I'm completely paying it off. So roughly how much will my insurance be a month? Any tips for a first time car owner?
Car Insurance Question for Washington State?
In WA State, does the car insurance follow the car, or the person? I want to say the person, because when someone gets car insurance and they trade in their car, that insurance will cover that replacement car for 30 days or so. But when someone lends their car to their friend and that friend is in an accident or causes a claim, is that friend covered under the insurance of the person who lent the car? Then wouldnt that mean that the insurance follows the car in this case?""
Will car insurance always be expensive when I first purchase it?
I've never had car insurance and I'm about to purchase a car. I've been researching different companies and they are all pricey. Should I wait until I'm 25 to get my own insurance since it will be cheaper or is the price based off other factors? I'm currently 24 years old and never had insurance under my name.
Ex-friend was using my car insurance for 2 years without consent?
While looking for a new car and insurance (I am on my mothers insurance) i discovered that an ex-boyfriend has been using my last name and claiming i was his husband to get car insurance. The policy was expired last year but he had multiple car accidents. Now my name is somehow connected to his in the car insurance world and I cant get insurance at a decent price. Can I charge him with a crime? How do I get him off my records? Any suggestions?
16 year old insurance rate after an accident?
this afternoon i backed into another car in the high school parking lot, the damage was very minor, been insured for 2 months. how much will my rates rise ?""
1978-79 Trans Am insurance?
How much would insurance cost for a 1978 or 79 Pontiac Trans Am for a 16-year-old? (I'm curious for someone.)
Cheapest car insurance for 20 year old females?
im a new driver, 20, and female. i need car insurance! which would be the cheapest? i already looked at geico and esurance quotes, its $250 a month....""
""Honda Sport 1.6 Insurance for an 18 years old, second driver...?""
I am looking to get 2004 Honda 1.6 Sport and I am only 18. My dad is planning to be the first driver and me as a second when it comes to the car's insurance. Guys, how much do you think the insurance would cost us?""
What are the best car insurance sites for a 17 year old male?
Im just looking what sort of prices id be looking at for insurance for small cars (1.0/1.1 engines) and cant get a quote under 3000. Who are the best insurance providers for recently passed 17 year olds?
Health insurance for someone on a Fiance Visa to the U.S.?
My fiance is travelling to California on a fiance visa this month. We have 3 months to get married and then we can apply for his permanent residence and social security, which I hear will take about 6 months. Therefore I don't think I can put him under my work's health insurance. In the meantime, what can he do about health insurance? Will travel insurance w/ medical coverage be okay until I can put him under my health coverage?""
Insurerance companies unable to insure me- why is this?
im in the process of buying a second hand toyota yaris sr (first registered in 2000). i have one other car and have no problems getting insured on it. for some reason with the yaris i cannot get insured (even with same insurance company) even though my personal circumstances havent changed. any ideas why this might be? also with one copmpany they'd insure me if it didnt have alloy wheels but because it does they wouldnt.
Need cheapest car insurance company in Alberta?
I'm 16 and I just bought a car. It's a 1998 Chevrolet tracker and I'm trying to find the cheapest insurance company. I just need liability and nothing else. Anyone have any suggestions?
Teen Car Insurance Price?
Currently driving my fathers old 2002 Mitsubishi Galant (basic 4-door car, nothing special), and planning on buying a Suburu BRZ (sports car) when I turn 18. My birthday is Dec. 25, I am currently 17 and I have had my license since I turned 16. I have a B average in school and I am planning on taking defensive driving also. I have had no claims or accidents at all. The car is just going to be for commute, probably about 13-17,000 miles a year (going to be traveling home from college). I will be on my parents insurance, but I was just wondering the quote. I tried doing it on a insurance website, however they don't give you a quote if you are under 18. I am planning on getting collision coverage. Thanks in advance.""
How good is USAA auto insurance?
I heard about a company called USAA for auto insurance yesterday. I think it's a website for military officers, and ex-officers or enlisted people. My dad was in the Air Force and I think that qualifies, but I dont know how good this company is or how well they deal with claims. Please tell me about your experiences with them.""
What is the average teen male's car insurance cost??
What is the average teen male's car insurance cost??
Car insurance and driving into mexico?
whats the best bet on driving into mexico renting a car down there? renting a car here and getting insurance taking your own car and how much would insurance be to take your car
car insurance quotes lowell ma
car insurance quotes lowell ma
Can you get insurance after a ticket for no insurance?
so i got a ticket for speeding, and i also didnt have insurance on my car so the cop gave me two tickets one for speeding, and one for no insurance. So i went to court pleaded not guilty and didn't have insurance and got a 500 dollar ticket. then couple weeks later i got a letter saying my license will be suspended for 3 months due to illinios law for not having insurance. I was wondering if could have gotten insurance and shown it at the court date and would it have been removed?? Also is there away i can get a lawyer to have the remove the suspension or anything???""
Car insurance company question?
State farm gave me a car insurance quote 6 months ago. I agreed to it and they set up an account. They told me that we would have automatic payments made to them every month and that my coverage would stay the same. My husband and I never checked to make sure they were still automatically withdrawing the payments until today, 6 months later. I tried to call my insurance agent and she quit! I have not been covered since after the first month, and no one ever called to let me know I was no longer insured. HAD SOMETHING HAPPENED, ME AND SOME OTHER DRIVER WOULD'VE BEEN SCREWED. Who do I talk to about this? BTW I switched insurance companies since then and am now covered. I just was wondering who I can complain to about this.""
What is the difference of term and whole life insurance?
I know this has been asked before, but what I want to know was never answered. 1. If you buy term and pay for 20 years and live longer, does your beneficiaries receive all the money? If they do, how does the company make money on term? 2. I have had whole for over 30 years and what I am paying is more than term ins. a month, but when I die, my beneficiaries will recieve much more than I could ever save. ( I pay over $150. a month for over $200,000. I know I will pay in about $50,000. My mutual funds aren't increasing so I think whole will do better for my kids. Did I do the right thing? 3. If I switch over to term will I lose what I signed up for? Thanks""
""Cant B on husbands car insurance, he said no cuz dad is on it & he wasnt gonna stop lending his car 2 his fam.""
I would like to be on my husbands car insurance. He said no because his dad is on it and he was not gonna stop lending his car to his family. He would however open a separate account for me. I asked him to stop lending the car he said no, it was his car.""
Does anyone know a cheap but good insurance company?
im 19 in dec and have been driving an year, with no incidents so far :) the company i was with has gone up! and they said they were gna go down, i know i can get a better deal sum were else so im not goin to stop with them, jus wunderd if anyone knew any good company's? please leave websites aswell :)""
Whats the insurance price for an accord?
Whats the insurance price for an accord?
I need help finding the right health insurance?
I am 21 years old female I'm married no kids. I am having problems with my knees I can not walk without pain or swelling involved on virus knees, because of this pain I have not ...show more""
Do you need insurance if you only have temporary tags?
I was wondering if you need insurance if you have temporary tags in Ohio, and if you do, what's the cheapest insurance company for male teens?""
Home insurance first year up front?
the bank is requiring us to get a year worth of Homeowners insurance . and i am asking what is the norm (interior wall to wall) without personal items included.. should i go with the condos exterior insurance companies to just have it uniform. ?
LANDA INSURANCE (real deal or fake?)?
WHATS up with Landa Insurance. www.landainsurance.com is really sketchy. Says its for Texas and Cali but also out of state and when u click on out of state its like 766 bucks in your cart... Seems pretty weird.. No online quotes or anything...
Car insurance so cheap........?
21st century insurance (previously aig insurance) is giving me a basic coverage for 6 month car insr quote for 280 dollars. even i had 4 speeding in the past 5 years...still is the above low rate possible
Car Insurance dilemma?
My boyfriend bought a car but placed it under my name because his credit was not good enough. I am on the title as the buyer and he is down as the cosigner. He makes all payments and he is the primary driver. I have a car of my own and my own insurance co. Do I have to be under his car insurance as well even if I have my own? Does it depend on the insurance agency? thanks for the help!
""Dose the bank charge insurance for car under 3,000 dollars?
I'm needed a newer car used/wholesale something to fix up. I can't afford full coverage on any vehicle and I heard they don't charge full coverage insurance for cars under 3 grand.
Help me with insurance name?
In the bay area there is this insurance broker which finds the cheapest insurance for you by comparing their prices and they have a license to sell you that insurance at a discounted price. The name is something like freeway insurance? traffic insurance? road insurance? wth insurance? can someone tell me the name? thanks
Mandating health insurance?
I heard that HIllary and Obama want to mandate health insurance. How is that going to solve anything? People can't afford it, like me. Health insurance should be like car insurance, people pay their own way and if they don't have it they pay for their repairs or don't get fixed.""
Can a cop ticket you for no insurance if the car is not yours?
My dad lend me his car....but im not in his insurance because i dont live with him. If a cop stops me can he give me a ticket for no insurance? I live in Texas by the way.
How much would it cost to insure these cars?
How much a year would it cost to insure a: 57 reg Renault Clio 1.1L and a 57 reg Vauxhall Corsa 1.1L I'm 18, female live off the main road and the car would be kept on a driveway, i live in a quiet little village in Derbyshire, the insurance groups for both are group 1. It will be used to drive to and from college each day so around 20 miles a day, no enhancements on the car, cars have done 17,000 miles, i have had my license for 1 month. Thanks.""
""What are the requirements for getting a license and driving in Tennessee, age,insurance,cost,et cetra.?""
What are the requirements for getting a license and driving in Tennessee, age,insurance,cost,et cetra.?""
Will my car insurance rates go up after my first fender bender?
I'm sixteen years old and i got into my first fender bender. I was at fault, but the officer at the scene said that the damage was minor and would probably be less than 400 dollars. However, I was just wondering if my parent's insurance rate would go up ( I'm under their name) and whether or not it would just be easier to pay out of pocket. And if it did go up, how much do you think ( i live in Tennessee )""
Do you get insurance when you are a RN?
when you are a resister nurse will you get insurance incase you get hurt
United Healthcare Insurance?
My family will be switching over to them on August 1. Does anyone out there have this insurance and how do they like it?
I am 22 Years Old. I Live in Ireland. How can I buy cheap car insurance?
I am 22 Years Old. I Live in Ireland. How can I buy cheap car insurance?
im turning 17 and love old cars i was just wondering were i could get classic car insurance
Where in missouri can i get insurance with a suspended license?
i know it all depends on what state ur in and the guidelines, but does anyone kno wher i can get cheap car insurance with a suspended license. i need to get my car registered but cant do it without insurance, plz only answer if u kno insurance companies specifically that will allow me to get it""
Does life insurance cover suicide?
Does life insurance cover suicide?
car insurance quotes lowell ma
car insurance quotes lowell ma
Cheapest car insurance companys for 21year old with kids?
Some where that takes into account my situation rather than age. Ta
Both me and my sister are new drivers. Would it be cheaper to get joint or separate car insurance policies?
We are planning to buy a car together and are looking to reduce insurance costs. Also, since i have already passed my driving test and she is yet to do so, would i get charged more for getting a single policy and then adding her onto it later when she finally passes. Or would this final sum amount to the same?""
""What is the MAX for pain and suffering, coverd by insurance companies in CA?""
What I'm trying find out is what is the max, and what is fair, and what is likely, to get from a car accident? IF you know someone that knows forward this to them please!! I have over $10K in Medical and another 10K for missed work, plus I'm still not back to 80% moreover, am still in pain 90% of the day and night, 18 months later. So that is that worth?? If you asked me its millions, but I was told $35,000 was the max the insurance company will cover. Which is all the lawyer will really go after, right?? The insurance is offering to pay out 35K now, what do I do!! I could hire a lawyer, but would I get any more! I think not!! Moreover I would net less; after the lawyer takes their 30% and expenses, right?? What should I do and how to do it?""
Am having two different auto insurances on two different cars but are both in my name.Is it legal?
I have 2 cars, I just bought one cash. So I already have full coverage on one car and its paid for 6 months, and I want to add insurance on the other but with a different insurance company because it is cheaper and I will be getting only liability. Is it legal to be carrying different insurances or are they required to be both with the same company? I live in Texas! Thanks in advance!""
How I Know Credit Card Insurance?
I would like to learn Credit card Insurance. Is it available in banks? How do i know, which bank offer very attractive manner? Which are all the bank tie up with insurance company? How to calculate the premium amount, sum assured and relevant details? Please give me detailed query.....""
How can i boost my torque and speed on my subaru impreza 2.5i?
I didn't buy the WRX or STI cause of the cost for insurance. So the turbo is kinda out, unless someone could find me a special turbo for 2.5i. I don't think there are any though. I just want to make my car faster in acceleration and torque. Money doesn't matter, but I would like to know how much some stuff costs.""
Which car would have higher insurance premiums?
I'm trying to figure out what car i want for my 16th birthday.. I've absolutely fell in love with the subaru wrx hatchback. the only thing im worried about is the fact that the insurance rates Might be high. i also like the mazda speed 3 and i was wondering which would be more expensive insurance wise. Also what you think about them being first vehicles. and please no<, you should get a POS for a first vehicle... Thanks in advance!!""
Good car insurance sites?
Would like to know if any of you know of any good car insurance sites. I am a student who will be driving a fiat punto/ maybe even a skoda fabia.
Car insurance 1st driver uk cheapest & best one to go with.. thanks?
thats all i want to know cheers :)
In what company can I buy cheap car insurance.everybody are very expensive.?
In what company can I buy cheap car insurance.everybody are very expensive.?
""After car insurance expires, how many days do you have to renew it?""
My friend just got his car towed for no insurance, I thought you have 30 days after the effective date. Can someone please tell me so I can help him get his car back. SERIOUS ANSWERS ONLY!""
My health insurance paid for medical bills incurred from a car wreck. Can it come after me for reimbursement?
now I have received a settlement from the car insurance. Can the health insurance now collect the money it paid out . If so how long do they have to request the money form me?
""Life insurance is 750,000 enough for 3 kids ?""
is 750,000 enough to get three kids from age 1,3,5 through high school and college or do i need lots more""
Bmw 1992 insurance cost?
what is the insurance cost for 1992 bmw 352i???
How many hours do you have to work in California to be eligible for health insurance?
I work 35 hours a week, and have no health insurance. Am I eligible? Should I question this?""
Car Insurance Help?
Where can I find Car Insurance with no license needed answer ASAP??
How much will my mom's car insurance go up after I crashed her car?
I'm almost 19, got my license about 8 months ago now. I was in a drive-thru going only 10 KM an hour at most and accidentally rear ended a car after I panicked and accelerated. My mom's car definitely had the most damage done. All of the other people involved only had slight dents or scratches. I think the damage is around $3000. I know my mom has really good insurance and I'm pretty sure it's no-fault (and it happened on a private property). How likely is it that her insurance will go up? Oh and for the record my mom has NEVER had a ticket or been involved in an accident before. Stupid me.""
Is there a way for me to get affordable car insurance?
hi im a college student in NYC i am single and live alone in a studio apartment in Brooklyn NY i work in an armani exchange store and at the moment im also going for acting and have already nailed some gigs. My question is if anybody knows how i can get car insurance under $4000 (BTW i dont have any1 living in another state) i checked most companies and they offer 10-13k either a year or 6 months so please if any1 knows how i can get insurance help me out i am in dire need of a car.
First year car insurance for 17 year olds for a small car?
Has anyone recently passed there driving test and brought car insurance? If so how much did it cost and for what car? I don't want answers just saying thousands , I would like people who've recently got car insurance.""
""Moved out of state, Can I still be on my parent's car insurance?""
I just graduated college and moved to California. I bought a new car in Iowa before I left and my parents cosigned the loan. We registered the car in Iowa, saying my name first or my father. Since then, they have brought the car out here. Am I able to stay on my parents insurance (Farm Bureau) even though I am no longer a resident of Iowa or their house? Also, am I required to register the vehicle in California even though he is on the loan and the current provider of insurance?""
Cost of insurance for minor with acura rsx-s?
oh fyi I am not trying to get my own insurance plan I am adding on to my family's
""Camaro insurance, gas and racing information?""
Does anyone know how much insurance will be for a soon to be 16 year old '89-'93 Camaro driver? I've heard that Camaros are gas guzzlers and my boyfriend lives a half hour away and that could get quite costly. So, this may be a retarded question, but is there anyway I could get better gas mileage? Any other helpful information on Camaros would be great. Also, I intend to start racing with my boyfriend, would a '89-'93 Camaro be a good racing car? What should I do to make an average Camaro into a good, fast car? Thanks in advance everyone! :]""
How much is insurance for an Eagle Talon?
I need a new car, and I found a great deal on a 95 Eagle Talon, but my dad says that the insurance would be too high since I recently got into a car accident, and I'm only 19 years old, and because of course, it's kind of a sports car. Does anyone know about how high the insurance would be for someone living in Missouri? Any help appreciated.""
Argh! Insurance rates went up?
So my friend and I were out driving his car and when he got out at a store, I hopped in the driver's seat. I have a class 5 license, so it's all legal there. We weren't speeding or doing anything illegal, we had nothing to hide, so everything was legit. However, pulling out of a four-way, an officer pulled us over because our tail lights were busted. Of course, I had no idea and basically the officer just issued a warning to my friend (he's the owner of the car, so he did most of the talking). However, the officer did take my license and took a while with it; in this time I had no idea what he was doing. There was nothing but politeness and courtesy exchanged in the end we just drove straight to the party we were headed to. At the party though, there was some guy who put his hand out to shake mine for Insurance rates going up . This guy's on an ego-trip so I had no care about what he had to say at all but now I'm kind of worried. Question: Did my insurance rates go up for driving without tail lights? I understand that, as driver, I'm fully responsible of the vehicle, but the owner was with me and so he doesn't have to be the one that gets tagged with the record for this??? I live in Canada and the officer didn't inform me of anything like this. Help, please and thank you.""
Where can I get affordable health insurance for an infant?
I'm having a baby around the first week of December, and I need to figure out how best to set up health insurance for her without going bankrupt. I looked into Blue Cross Blue Shield of Florida, and to be eligible for a child-only plan, the baby has to be atleast one year old. For us to get a family plan the cost is absolutely through the roof, more than our monthly income, and even then the child is only covered from 6 weeks of age. Does anyone know of any companies that will insure a baby from birth, without the parents having to be insured? I'm giving birth at a birthing center, and one of the terms of care is that I have to take the baby to a pediatrician within 72 hours of birth. No decent pediatrician will accept us without insurance. I think we may actually be eligible for Medicaid, but I don't want to go that way because high quality doctors don't accept that around here. So can someone please suggest a company that I can go to to insure my baby affordably, in Florida.""
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theramseyloft · 7 years
My mom thinks pigeons are gross and stinky and stupid. How do I prove her wrong? How do I tell her that these animals are beautiful creatures in need of help?
Aesthetic appeal varies widely between individuals and misinformation is rampant, but here are some photos of different breeds of healthy pigeons and just a SHIT TON of links about pigeon intelligence and service to humanity.
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This is my Feral service pigeon, Ankhou. 
I have severe ADD and social anxiety, am on the autism spectrum, and struggle with depression. 
When stressed or overstimulated, I shut down and lose time. I can go for hours with out moving, eating, or drinking, but am not asleep, and if responsive, may be nonverbal.
My husband prevents me from shutting down when he’s home, but when I’m home alone, I may just be stuck like that.
Ankhou doesn’t like it when that happens to me, and taught himself to prevent it or snap me out of it if preventing it wasn’t possible through escalating cuddles and harassment. 
He starts by cuddling up against me and grunting to get my attention, then preens my hand or ducks his head under it for petting. If that doesn’t work, he escalates to pinching until something makes me respond and then snuggles with me until I relax and am able to start moving and doing the normal Dani things.
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This is Gastby, one of our rescues who has since gone to his new home. ^v^ Best guess, he’s a homer x roller cross.
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Grayson and Spirit are Racing Homers, both found crashed out after their bodies had burned their own muscle in the mad dash home.
The impulse to stop and eat during a long flight home has been bred out of racers, so they fly nonstop and once they run out of food in their crops and bellies, their body burns their muscle for fuel until they either get back home or drop out of the sky, too thin and exhausted to move.
Spirit was a funeral bird, blown off course in a storm. The funeral was in Atlanta. She ended up three hours away in Augusta, crashed out in a parking lot and mistaken for a dove. 
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Sylver and Apollo are Burmingham Rollers, bred to perform areal acrobatics in sight of their loft. They can home, but not very well, and occasionally get lost.
As they are rarely banded, it is hell to trace them back to their breeders. 
They are bred to start backflipping mid flight and roll, pulling up as close to the ground as possible with out actually striking it.
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Man, Pugsly wouldn’t station to save his life. XD
He’s a Portuguese Tumbler, another (tiny!) performance breed that does brief, exheuberant little flippies in midair.
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These are non standard color Archangels. Bred for a specific color and pattern, being miscolored and mismarked is a SEREOUS show fault. for these!
I stopped breeding them because they are a very high strung, flighty breed that does better in a spacious loft than indoors.
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Friar Tuck is a Black Nun. 
LOVE the look of this breed, but they absolutely refuse to brood eggs, often laying them on the floor and wandering off.
One of the least intelligent breeds of pigeon, they are, however, EXCEPTIONALLY docile and friendly, and would make wonderful pets for any one uninterested in breeding.
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Orel is a Luscerne Gold Collar. 
OH these broke my heart! These were my DREAM pigeons! Just as sweet tempered and easily handled as they are beautiful!
But their squeakers are SO quiet and docile that the parent’s feeding response is never triggered!
Young pairs have to be primed using a baby of a different breed with a longer beak that yells louder, which puts them at a firm NO on my list of potential breeds to perpetuate.
Like the Nun, they are WONDERFUL pets, if you don’t want to breed! SWEETEST temperament! Even if they don’t like you, they will still let you pick them up and pet them.
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Loaf is a Frillback I fostered for another breeder, shown as a peep and in her breeder’s loft as an adult.
Frillbacks are HUGE! Over a pound! And their fluff and muffs can need trimming for successful copulation. I... may reconsider these if I end up with enough space to comfortably house a pair...
They are a SUPER mellow breed!
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This is one of my Old Dutch Capuchine hens at the vet. 
One of the first breeds I ever researched, they are famously sweet tempered, tight setters, devoted to their chicks.
Their mane is glorious, but not SO exagerated that it impedes their vision or feeding their young.
Great pet. Good breed for beginners that want to raise some pretty pidge.
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Brunhilde, may she rest in peace, was an Old German Owl, another of the first breeds I researched when I got into pigeons.
The Owl family of domestic pigeon breeds are named for their round faces, short beaks, and great big eyes.
And let me tell you, that sweet expression is no lie! The owl breeds are renowned for their tractability. 
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Antonio was a Valencian Figurita, the world’s smallest breed of pigeon.
These little pixies among pidge are also considered an Owl breed. Jaunty, bouncy, energetic, and curious, these are friendly little birds about the size of a Ringneck dove, and about the closest you really get to a cage bird among the purebred pigeons.
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Aaand saving the best for last, the Classic Old Frill is not only my favorite among the Owl breeds, but my favorite breed of pigeon PERIOD!
There will NEVER come a time where I do not want to raise this breed!
They are the total pidge package! Sweet, friendly, mellow, tractable, EXCELLENT parents! and the icing on this perfect little treat of a bird is its breath taking beauty!
Look at it!
That breed is a work of living art and they KNOW! Oh, I could gush for ever about them!
As for why the stray Ferals need help, I’ll let Ankhou tell you.
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Ankhou was NOT pretty when he got here. 
He was about four weeks old.
For reference, this is what a four week old pigeon SHOULD look like.
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This baby is one of my COFs, but she is the same age as that sad naked skeleton above her.
Ankhou was found in a parking lot, running in circles around the base of a lamp, crying or his parents, who were present, but not able to anything to get him to safety.
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Here is Ankhou again, doing his job at my Sister in Law’s house and preventing me from going into shut down.
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And once more, here he is so that you can see that his lack of feathers is not genetic. With regular feeding and a good diet, he grew feathers in. It took six months, which should really tell you what bad shape he was in when he got here!
So what happened? His parents had clearly not abandoned him.
The process of domestication changed pigeons in some pretty fundamental ways. 
Pretty much all wild birds have a breeding season, where hens are triggered to produce egg making hormones by the length of the day or change in the weather.
That’s been bred out of domestic (and thus also feral) pigeons. If they aren’t literally starving to immediate death, they are biologically wired to produce peepers NON STOP!
Ankhou was so emaciated that his body lacked the fuel to grow feathers.
Pigeons are more devoted to raising their squeakers than they are to keeping themselves fed.
Even with more than enough food to go around, in the loft of a breeder that cares for them so they don’t have to go anywhere to forage, four week old baby pigeons OUTWEIGH their parents at weaning time! 
Think about that, and look at that pitiful living skeleton again.
In order for him to be so thin that HIS BODY HAD TO PRIORITIZE GROWING MUSCLE OVER GROWING FEATHERS, BECAUSE IT COULD NOT DO BOTH!!!, his parents must have just not been able to find enough food.
Not surprising, since it’s pretty hard to find grain and seed mix in a city. 
Feral pigeons are as domesticated as show birds. They are not wild animals, and deserve the same concern you would show a lost or stray puppy, because that is what they are.
There are not enough homes to take in all the stray pigeons, and being trapped would do the adults way more harm than good.
But if you see a pigeon that is visibly injured, has visibly tied up feet, or lets you get really close to it with out trying to get away or tries but has trouble keeping its balance or getting airborn, THAT bird needs immediate help and will not be ok if left alone.
Here are some links that may help prove that pigeons aren’t stupid. Some of these I’ve posted before, but here they are all together.
The stupid reason people hate pigeons.
Pigeons natural pattern recognition abilities can be used to help diagnose breast cancer
Pigeon hearts are helping us understand human heart disease.
Pigeons are an accurate enough model of human brain function to be used to understand the way our brains work.
Pigeons are capable of higher level cognition on par with baboons.
Pigeons are more self aware than toddlers.
Pigeons learn to categorize the same way as toddlers.
Pigeons can learn to READ IN ENGLISH and KNOW WHEN A WORD IS NOT REAL!!!
Homing pigeon flocks are genuinely democratic, choosing whether or not to follow based on their assessment of the leader’s competence. 
Pigeons have a genuinely democratic society.
They have been utilized to monitor air pollution.
They recognize faces exactly the same way we do.
Because their brains are wired like ours.
Pigeons have the cognitive capacity to appreciate art.
Pigeons understand and make regular use of public transit.
Their understanding of risk vs reward is alarmingly similar to ours.
In conclusion, it is a FACT that pigeons are intelligent domestic animals.
Be kind to them. 
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