#its really important that you all know Wes' username (which sadly was not on the screen during this) is WesSexHaver
canon-gabriel-quotes · 6 months
Wait he's Italian?????
Highly relevant clip here
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bandtrees · 7 months
yaaay, thank you caro! fanfic writer emoji ask!
🥺 Is there a certain type of moment or common interaction between your characters that never fails to put you in your feels? - (not... quite the answer to this question but i don't think my writing style applies here so i'll just pick specific examples i like xP) i love interpersonal tension so much, i love writing all brands of it, from active arguments to awkward conversations to everything inbetween :'D but if i had to pick favorite "sad conversation"s, i love the serizawa scene at the end of act 1 of tttaac, i remember, as i wrote that part, considering it a mini few-act-tragedy all on its own, the awkward hesitance with mob, the texts from tome, the bits where he's alone with reigen and ritsu... very very fun. i love writing characters who have history and a lot of weight to when they interact with eachother, and you can tell in tttaac xD (on that note: the garage scene in tttaac, the argument between dimple and mob, was one of the first scenes fig and i ever came up with for this fic, one we wanted to write from the very beginning. not only is dimple fig's favorite character and mob mine, but we both love their relationship so much, it's very important to us both (both in a 'well written and beautiful character dynamic in a piece of fiction' way and a 'show of our friendship too' way) and a biiig crux of this fic. we loved destroying eachother emotionally with tttaac but especially with everything about dimple and mob - i wrote the garage scene and then fig got back at me by adding the videos. sniffles sadly)
🤡 What’s a line, scene, or exchange you’ve written that made you laugh? - OH BOY. i love injecting little bits of silly into my mp100 fics in particular, because the show itself is very silly and it doesn't really feel like mp100 anymore if its not. in crowfic, sammi and i went back and forth figuring out increasingly sillier ways to describe teru's wig, and we also wanted banter between ritsu and mogami to feel appropriately lighthearted to show mogami wedging his fingers in. i also have to express. one of my favorite running gags in my and sammi's fics that i will never shut up about because i think it's entirely too funny. and i express it because i encourage everyone reading this to continue the bit: the baby episode the baby episode began as a joke in tttaac, a one-off line in the social media segment here (fun fact about this scene, the usernames are all pulled from usernames in various social media cutaways in canon):
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this was, out of universe, inspired by the fact that, to get a feel for "how subreddits for big longrunning reality tv talk shows talk", i went on the dr phil subreddit and found the only posts on it recently were a bot crossposting videos from the dr phil youtube channel and one guy asking about, quote, "the infantilism episode"
and i cracked myself up at my own joke. i don't know why i was so tickled by the string of words "supernatural detective baby episode", but i was. tttaac is a very heavy and miserable fic so we find spots of humor wherever we can, and i was just... so amused by the mental image of someone reading this fic and thinking, "what the fuck is the baby episode of supernatural detective" but of course our in-universe commenter does not elaborate. they know about the baby episode. this is a long-running subreddit for a show they're all superfans of, everyone knows about the baby episode. but you, the reader, seeing only a glimpse into these people's lives, do not. the conversation moves on. the fic moves on. the times a change. you cannot ask u/YUJIHAIZINOO what they mean by "the baby episode".
i don't remember how this part came to be, but as time went on, the baby episode became an injoke with my friends, and when sammi and i wrote ch4 of crowfic (which was published before tttaac but written long after the baby episode bit), we (sammi, specifically, who wrote this part,) decided to continue the gag. a piece of our cinematic universe
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now, this creates a world of implications. for starters, tttaac takes place in 2022-2023, and crowfic takes place in 2012. the baby episode has now been also described as "weird", existing in 2012, and, most importantly, potentially being lost media.
i don't know why this stupid gag has affected us so much but it has. and i beseech everyone reading this who writes mob psycho fanfiction: somehow, someway, please insert the supernatural detective baby episode into your text. please reference it in some manner no matter how small. i want the bit to go on. i need it to grow, like a wound. i want to eventually convince people reading mob psycho fanfiction that this is a canon event they just forgot about.
the rules to the supernatural detective baby episode go as follows: you cannot describe its contents in any way, shape, or form, you can only allude to its existence and optionally that it is, quote, "weird". it may or may not be lost media, as it's possible reigen is misremembering. it exists in 2012 and is likely even older than that.
Now go forth. Spread the Supernatural Detective baby episode wide and far.
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soulairee · 4 years
Note: Long before Rise came to be there was a file on my computer named “Untitled SasuSaku.” It has a little over 30k words and it’s been abandoned since 2017 because I decided the overall direction of the story didn’t fit what I wanted anymore. Instead I began writing Rise, in which I’ve corporated a lot of the themes and quite a few scenes from the original file. If you’ve read Rise you may notice something familiar in the story below. 
I was inspired by the #sssnippetaday tag on Twitter to post a snippet from the story (you can find me on Twitter under the username konohahoe). After posting the snippet I decided to skim through the rest of the story and came across the scene below. Reading it brought back a lot of warm memories (I remember it being so fun to write) and since I decided it worked well enough on its own and I would never be posting it otherwise, here we are! 
I hope you enjoy. <3
It's her twentieth birthday and Sakura wakes up after a good night's sleep to stretch, twisting the sheets around her ankles before pausing to stare contentedly at her ceiling. She plans on being utterly and completely lazy today, and with a yawn she rises from her bed to fix herself a nice, big, fattening breakfast.
She's just taken the first bite of her stack of chocolate chip pancakes when there's a sudden thud in her bedroom. Automatically her senses fan out, and her tightened muscles loosen when she recognizes Naruto, Sai, and Sasuke's chakra signatures.
"We could have just gone through the door, idiot," she hears Sasuke quietly mutter.
"But that takes away from the surprise!" Naruto shoots back.
"I don't think Ugly will appreciate us breaking into her house," Sai deadpans.
"Her name," Sasuke says slowly, deliberately, the iciness not hidden in his tone, "is Sakura."
"Shut up, guys." That's Naruto. "You're being too loud."
Sakura rolls her eyes but continues to eat, pretending she doesn't hear them. Some stealthily shinobi they are, she scoffs.
Another few seconds pass, and then her bedroom door creaks open. She twists her head to see Naruto's blond head poking out.
He freezes when he sees her, realizing he's been caught, and then grins. Before she knows it she's in his arms and trying her best not to suffocate in a crushing hug. 
"Surprise! Happy Birthday, Sakura-chan!" 
Sakura laughs as much as her constrained chest will allow her. "Thank you, Naruto," she gasps.
"Let her go, dobe," Sasuke commands flatly. "You're hurting her."
Naruto sheepishly takes a step back, and Sakura coughs a few times as she regains her breath. 
"What are you guys doing here?" she huffs, fixing them with a stern glare. “And have you heard of using the front door?”
Naruto pouts. "We're here to celebrate your birthday, of course."
"Did you have to show up so early in the morning?" she complains. Gesturing down at her abandoned stack of pancakes, she says sadly, "I haven't even eaten yet."
Taking her words in stride, Naruto strolls over to her small living room and plops himself down on her couch. Making himself comfortable, he responds easily, "No problem, Sakura-chan. We'll just wait until you're done."
Sakura rolls her eyes. She watches as Sai moves to sit beside Naruto, and just as she's about to take another bite of her pancakes Sasuke pulls up the chair to her left instead of joining their teammates on the couch. 
He meets her gaze, then glances down at the fork frozen in its path to her mouth. Sakura clears her throat. And even though she knows he hates sweets she holds the fork out to him anyway. "Wanna try some?" she asks meekly.
It's all she can do to stop her jaw from dropping open when he leans forward and closes his mouth around her fork, pulling the portion off as if it's the most natural thing in the world. 
She watches, nearly gaping, as he chews for a few moments; slowly his nose wrinkles, and he frowns.
"Too sweet," he states simply.
Sakura expels a short, breathy laugh. "I know. You don't like sweets. Why'd you even try it then?"
He shrugs, not meeting her curious eyes. "You offered."
She stares at him. Shaking her head, she forces herself to focus back on her food. "You're strange," she comments nonchalantly, and takes another bite.
He snorts. "And you're annoying."
Sakura's fingers tighten around her fork instinctively. She hasn't heard that word in a long, long time—hasn't heard him say it since the day he defected. It stirs her emotions in ways she can't explain. Her throat clenches and her chest suddenly feels too tight. 
It's like he never left. 
They're so different now, so irrevocably stained by blood and death and war that they'll never be the same again. They've lived through nightmares other people will never be able to understand, but in that moment Sakura feels so utterly whole, so complete, that she has to remind herself that she's no longer twelve and that it's been eight years since the boy she loved more than anything left her alone on that cold bench to conquer the demons from his past.
Swallowing hard, she smiles softly down at the table. "Yeah," she says quietly. "I know."
Her three boys linger around her for the rest of the day. Naruto says that they haven't been able to properly celebrate her birthday in years since she's either always had work at the hospital or they've been out on missions, so he doesn't want to miss a moment of such a rare opportunity. 
They've planned to take her to the village's Spring Festival (which just happens to fall on her birthday this year) later on that night, but just before they leave to get themselves dressed properly, Naruto beams and holds out a wrapped bundle containing her gifts.
Laughing, Sakura graciously takes the bundle from his hands and sits on the couch. Sasuke drops gracefully to sit beside her while Naruto and Sai fold themselves on the floor at her feet, watching her intently.
She pulls out a medium-sized orange package first. Even if the coloring isn't enough to tell that it's from Naruto, the blond's beaming grin is more than enough of an indication. Having received some extremely random and unexpected presents from her blue-eyed friend in the past, Sakura opens it with great caution, preparing herself for the worst.
An astonished gasp falls from her mouth as her hands come in contact with frayed, worn leather. The thick book now evident in her hands is ancient, but even so Sakura is able to make out the words spelled out in gold on its cover.
"This is Hamakura Renichi's 'Origin of Healing Ninjutsu'!" she all but squeals. "But, but"—her gaze flashes in disbelief up to Naruto's pleased blue eyes—"Hamakura-san lost this in a raid on his village before any prints could be made! He had to start all over from scratch and only recorded a third of what's in this before he died. And that was centuries ago! How in the world did you come across this?"
Naruto leans back to rest on his palms with a satisfied smirk on his face, obviously more than content with his work. "I found it while on a mission a few months ago. I stopped to rest for the night and went to go hunting and found this really small abandoned cabin—more like a shack, really—in the middle of the forest." He points to the book that Sakura now cradles against her chest like a baby.  "That was there poking out under a bunch of really nasty-looking blankets." With a casual shrug, he finishes, "I thought it looked pretty cool so I did a little research and once I found out how important it was I knew it would be perfect to give to you. You like it, right?"
Sakura throws herself at Naruto—mindful to gently place the book down beside her before, of course—so hard he tumbles over, and with her arms wrapped around his neck she nearly yells in his ear, "Of course!"
Naruto's laughing from beneath her, and she squeezes him tight once more before releasing him. Smiling brightly into his whiskered face, she says with the utmost sincerity, "Thank you, Naruto. This is just about the greatest thing you could've ever given me."
As she rises to sit back on the couch she sees Naruto shoot his other two teammates a smug grin out of the corner of her eye, almost as if in challenge.
Sakura decides not to comment. With a small smile she turns to her next present. It's encased in a large, rectangular wooden box tied shut with a simple navy blue string around the middle. There's a miniature uchiwa fan printed in the middle of it, a direct indicator as to who it's from.
Curious, she undoes the string with deft fingers and gently pulls the lid off. Sitting on a bed of shimmering dark blue silk is a pair of combat gloves, very similar to the ones she has now but—as she can tell when she picks them up to inspect them—made of much better quality material.
Sakura slips them on to find that they fit her perfectly. She squeezes her hand into a fist, marveling in the way the black material conforms perfectly to her movements. With her style of fighting she tends to go through at least fifty different pairs of gloves a year, but she has a feeling that these will last her for quite some time to come.
"They're perfect," she says, meeting Sasuke's gaze that has been locked on her the whole time and smiling widely. "Thank you."
He nods at her, an unspoken You're welcome. His dark eyes flicker back the wooden box, and she remembers the blue silk that still rests there.
Her curiosity doubles instantly. In all honesty she didn't expect much out of Sasuke; he's not one to care much about such occasions and she would've been more than content with just the gloves. She slips her gloves off to turn her attention to what else lies in the box.
Carefully she lifts the delicate-looking silk and holds it up in her hands. It rolls gracefully out of its careful fold like midnight-colored liquid pouring from her fingertips, and there's only a slight moment of confusion on her part before she realizes that it's a kimono.
Her eyes widen, mouth falling open in shock. The kimono is the single most beautiful piece of clothing she's ever seen. The material is downy-soft to the touch, such a deep, pure blue it could've easily been woven straight from the night sky. 
There's an intricate design stitched up and around the left side: a thin, curling silver branch holding a sparse number of pale pink cherry blossoms. At the bottom of the kimono, circling around the branch as if to reach up and pluck off the flowers, are three silver-and-maroon colored koi fish. They've been so neatly and expertly woven that with each small movement of the silk Sakura swears they're alive, swimming in the pool of midnight upon which they're placed. 
Lying in the box is a folded strip of silver cloth. The obi, she assumes.
"It was my mother's," Sasuke says quietly, instantly breaking her out of her entranced paralysis.
Sakura's eyes widen impossibly more. She slowly turns the kimono around, and sure enough—resting just below the collar—there's the small red and white Uchiha fan: such a simple emblem, so seemingly harmless, yet filled with so much history and significance that it transcends any possibly inconsequential first impressions a thousand times over. Such a precious, irreplaceable piece, and he’s decided to gift it to her.
It was my mother's.
"This—this was your mother’s? Sasuke-kun, I..." Her words falter and she suddenly feels like crying. "I mean, are you sure—"
"I want you to have it," he interrupts, voice not in the least biting or malicious yet undoubtedly stern. 
She twists her head to look at him from her place beside him on the couch. His black gaze is serious as she continues to stare wide-eyed at him, at a loss of what to say.
Finally Sakura finds it in her to muster up a wobbly smile. Blinking hard a few times to keep the tears at bay, she leans forward and—because she can't think of any other way to express how incredibly thankful she is—kisses him firmly on the cheek. 
He jerks back slightly at her touch, then stills. Sakura smiles against his skin before pulling away. And although the words aren't nearly enough to express how truly grateful she is, how touched, she says softly, "Thank you, Sasuke-kun. I—I can’t imagine how much this must mean to you. I’ll be sure to take good care of it."
Sasuke glances at her before looking away. There's another small nod of his head, but otherwise he remains silent, refusing to meet her gaze. 
Feeling a pair of eyes on her, she looks down to see Naruto watching her intently, a slow smile starting to show on his face. His eyes flicker over to Sasuke and his smile grows larger. She shoots him a puzzled look before her attention is drawn to Sai walking back from her bedroom holding a large rectangular package in his arms. 
"I wasn't sure what to get you," Sai tells her as he sets the wide, thin package in front of her. "You are hard to choose presents for, Ugly."
She grins. "That you even got me anything is enough to make me happy, Sai."
He smiles at her and it's genuine. 
Pursing her lips, Sakura tears the plain brown paper open to reveal the corner of a canvas. The sudden notion that Sai might have painted something for her has her pulling the rest of the paper off in excitement. From the moment he first showed her his artwork years ago she's been his biggest fan, always wondering what his newest project is and peeking over his shoulder to watch him work his magic. 
Once the paper's completely off she has about a second to see what's on the canvas before tears begin welling in her eyes, promptly obscuring her vision. She presses her hand against her mouth to stop a sob from escaping.
Sai painted her a fully detailed portrait of the four of them together. Bright and full of life and color, it's a hand-made snapshot of Sakura standing in the middle of her three boys, Team 7's training area in the background. She's bending down slightly, eyes filled with undeniable joy as she laughs. The cause of her laughter and awkward position can only be Naruto, who sports a similar expression. He has evidently jumped upon her back, his arms wrapped around her neck and legs crossed over hers, suspended in time as he tackles her. Sai is smiling at the imaginary camera, standing to her left. On her other side is Sasuke. The Uchiha has a light frown on his face, glaring slightly at Naruto as he reaches an arm out to keep their only female teammate from falling over.
"Sai, it's beautiful," she exhales. The tears overflow, and she smiles a smile so big it almost hurts. A sudden laugh escapes her lips, and before she knows it she's placed the painting to the side, pulled Sai to her by the collar of his shirt, and hugged him as hard as she can without injuring him. "I can't believe—oh, thank you, Sai. I love it so much."
Sakura taught him a long time ago how to respond to such affection, and he's only still for a moment before reaching up and winding his arms around her back. "You're welcome, Ugly," he states simply.
Another laugh escapes her mouth. She leans back out of Sai's grasp slightly and with a hefty, "Come here, you two," pulls her other two teammates to her as well. 
Naruto joins in on the group hug in a heartbeat, but Sasuke shies away, eyeing them warily.
Sakura holds out her only free hand to him and raises her eyebrows, expectant. Sasuke just stares at her with a small frown, black meeting green.
But then he reaches out, just close enough to be in her reach, allowing her to thread her fingers through his and tug him down to her. 
Once he’s beside her she kisses his cheek again, just to see what he'll do.
He jerks back as he did before, obviously startled. "Sakura," he lets out, more of an instinctual reaction to her sudden movement than a sign of displeasure.
"Hm?" She tilts her head at him.
This time he holds her gaze for a bit longer, searching her eyes with his, before purposely focusing elsewhere. Sakura's grin only grows wider when she notices that he hasn't let go of her hand. And for a moment she pictures how they’ll look tonight at the Spring Festival, walking side by side, the Uchiha fan displayed proudly between both their shoulders.
“Thank you,” she whispers as she holds three of her most precious people in her arms, feeling overwhelmed at the thought and care behind their gifts. “So very much. I can’t even tell you how much this means to me. You guys just made this the most amazing birthday ever.”
“Only the best for you, Sakura-chan,” Naruto huffs. 
“The day isn’t over yet, Ugly,” comments Sai.
She laughs, then notices that Sasuke’s finally turned his head back in her direction. 
Meeting her gaze with soft, content eyes only she can see, he squeezes her fingers in his and quietly says, “Happy Birthday, Sakura.” 
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makorragal-312 · 4 years
Void (Part Seven)
And we’re back! Also, I officially launched my Ao3 account, so you’re welcome to read Void on there as well (username is the same, however I’m not good with links right now so you might have to find it manually until I can. *sweat drop*) But anyway, enjoy the chapter!
“What are you scared of?”
Lance sat up again, a feeling of uneasiness washing over him. He looked down at his hands, clasping them together as he tried to put his words together. He knew he could be honest with Keith and tell him what he was feeling, especially considering he’s been the most transparent with him for the last couple of weeks before now. But he knew that if he said too much at this moment, he might push him away. And for some reason, the thought of that made him feel small. A feeling he NEVER wanted to experience again.
“It’s just…I shouldn’t be feeling this way, y’know? I shouldn’t be feeling this conflicted. I mean, come on! I’ve had feelings for Allura for the longest time, you know that. But for all that time, she always brushed that aside, never taking me seriously. Honestly, there were some points that I just thought I should just give up, wipe my hands clean, and focus on…other things.” Lance tightened the grip on his hands.
“But then, she started to notice me a-and acknowledge my feelings. And she actually said yes! I asked her out and she actually said yes! This is the part where I should be happy, right? I should be smiling from ear to ear and screaming from rooftops. And then, I don’t know what happened, man. The minute my mom opened that door and Allura walked in, I was just…petrified.”
“Lance.” Keith started. Lance raised his head and looked at his leader’s eyes. They didn’t hold any pity, thankfully, but they did hold concern and some other emotion he couldn’t quite pinpoint. He smiled sadly.
“Completely, utterly petrified. It’s like, I was so ready to sweep her off her feet and kiss her at the end like in the movies. But when it came down to it, I couldn’t even deliver! I wanted to do it so badly, and I know that I keep on saying it but I did! But when I tried, it just felt…wrong.”
Keith raised his eyebrows in shock.
“Yeah, like. You know how you’re watching a baseball game and the player hits a home run and you somehow end up catching the ball? But then you see the little kid next to you looking at it like it’s their whole world so you decide to give it to them instead because at the end of the day you’re both happy? You caught it, but the kid gets to keep it. You’re not gonna lose sleep over it as long as you know you made someone else’s day and you feel good about it. THAT’S how I felt. I got Allura, she wanted to kiss me and I walked away because I WANTED TO. I know I did the right thing by not kissing her half-heartedly s-so why can’t I- WHY CAN’T I JUST GO TO SLEEP??!!” Lance wailed, clutching his hair as tears began to spill down his cheeks.
He heard Keith getting up from his stool and walking towards him, but at this point he didn’t really care. He couldn’t take these feelings of confusion anymore. He wanted nothing more but to take them and throw them to the nearest star system. But he couldn’t, not while it meant that there was a chance he would lose something important to him. Suddenly, he heard the sound of footsteps stop.
“I know why you can’t sleep.”
He felt fingers grip his chin as felt his head get turned upwards. He saw those purple eyes again, looking at him with the same emotions from before, only this time the emotion he couldn’t make out was making its presence more known in his gaze. Lance was blindsided and didn’t have time to react before Keith leaned in closer to him and opened his mouth.
“Because you’re thinking about me.”
Lance’s eyes sprung open as he gasped for air. He felt his hands clutching the blankets on top of him, making him throw them to the side as he quickly sat up. His eyes scanned the area, trying to find some familiarity. It took him a few seconds to realize that he was indeed in his Garrison bedroom, no threat in sight. He allowed himself to breathe a much-needed inhale and somewhat able to release a shaky exhale. He felt beads of sweat forming on his head as he continued to catch his breathe. What the hell was that about? He wiped some of the sweat off of his forehead, surprised to find the droplets even though he knew of their presence earlier.
After a few minutes, he was eventually able to calm down, but that didn’t stop the red paladin from feeling the intense whiplash from his dream. How can a dream be real and not real at the same time? Everything at the start of the dream he knew was real. He remembered taking his aspirin. He remembered talking to Keith. He remembered admitting to Keith how afraid he was of everything with Allura and him freaking out, which pretty much made the aspirin he took earlier pointless considering he felt a slight ache in his head. But what played out towards the end of the dream was something that definitely didn’t happen, because anyone would remember something as intense as that. No normal person could forget about someone walking up to them, turning their face to them and looking at them as if they had something to prove.
Because you’re thinking about me.
Keith’s words caused a searing heat all over Lance’s body. He could feel it from his aching head to his shaking hands. He could remember the look in his eyes, looking at him as if he was the most important person in the world. He looked at him like he wanted him to be okay. Like he wanted him to be his. He remembered how before he woke up Keith was leaning into him. Almost like he was going to do what he couldn’t. Guilt forced its way back onto Lance’s shoulders, though it wasn’t as heavy as before.
“I need to cool off.” Lance spoke softly, getting up and heading to his bathroom for a much-needed, arctic shower.
“Well, look who the love dove dropped in.” Pidge quipped with a smirk on her face.
“Ha ha, very funny.” Lance replied sarcastically as he sat at the table. After showering and getting ready, he had debated on what to do for the remainder of the day considering they weren’t under Honerva’s threat at the moment. He thought about going to Shiro and asking for advice, but he was already as busy as is and he didn’t want to add on to any stress he had. He couldn’t go to Veronica because she would just tease him and he was NOT in the mood for it…at all. For a second, he thought about finding Keith, but once he felt the heat in his body again he pushed out of his head, refusing to take TWO cold showers on the same day. Amidst that thought, he remembered that he owed Hunk details about the date, so he decided to just do that. Hence where he was now, in the Garrison cafeteria, sitting next to Pidge, who was working on some calibrations on her laptop and across from Hunk, who was looking through some of his family recipes.
“Soooo, how did things go?” Hunk asked eagerly. Lance shrugged, trying not to make a big deal of things.
“It was good. Got no complaints.” he replied, attempting to put up a smile. Unfortunately, that response wasn’t good enough for the table.
“Just good?”
“What did you do that made it ‘just good?'” Pidge teased, making Hunk snicker in response. Lance looked between the both of them, wondering why this wasn’t the end of it.
“Nothing. It was good. We went to my family’s house, had a delicious dinner, went to a nearby park and talked for a bit, and we came back and I dropped her off at her room. That’s all.” the red paladin recounted, trying his best to hide his frustration. Hunk and Pidge let out a unanimous “hmm,” indicating they were satisfied with the answer. Lance breathed out through his nose in relief, the frustration from earlier fading. He saw a recipe card for coconut cake laying out in front of him, and pulled it towards him. He couldn’t help but to notice the small yellow drawings splayed around the card. The contents were surrounded by yellow coconuts, smiling suns and yellow swirls. He was so entranced by them that he took him a minute to notice Hunk and Pidge staring at him.
“What?” Hunk and Pidge looked at each other, smirks growing on their faces before they turned back to them.
“Well?” Pidge said, laying her arm on Lance’s shoulder. The boy in question tried to hide his annoyance as he furrowed his freshly trimmed brows. Please don’t ask what I think you’re gonna ask.
“Well what?” Lance responded with gritted teeth.
“Did you kiss her?”
“Does it really matter, guys?” Lance responded, slowly getting more and more agitated. Hunk crossed his arms in fake stern yet firm intrigue.
“Uh, yeah. It’s your first date with Allura and we want to know EVERYTHING. So did you guys kiss or not?” Lance sighed hard, running his hand through his hair in frustration.
“WHAT?! Why not?!” Hunk wailed. The red paladin pinched the bridge of his nose as he explained.
“Because, Hunk, it was only our first date. Yes, I’ve been in love with Allura for what seems like forever but I don’t want to do something that scares her off, y’know? Besides, does anyone even kiss on the first date anymore?” Lance shook his head, trying to get back on topic. “The point is, I’m just going with the flow. I just…wasn’t ready.” Lance lied, though it wasn’t a total lie. He wasn’t ready to kiss Allura, but there was no way in hell he was going to tell them that it was because of their freaking leader. He felt Pidge remove her arm from her shoulder as she crossed her arms, tilting her head in thought. Hunk did the same.
“Yeah, that makes sense. I get you, dude. But good job, though.” Hunk responded reassuringly, sending Lance his big signature smile.
“Thanks, man. I appreciate it.” Lance exhaled, smiling back. He was glad that Hunk was backing up a bit. He was always the type of guy who never wanted to cross boundaries, something that Lance was immensely grateful for at the moment.
“Yeah, I get it, too. I just naturally assumed that you would go for it because of Lotor.” Pidge stated flatly. Once again, annoyance and frustration rushed through Lance’s body.
“Pidge. C’mon-” the paladin started. The green paladin raised her hands in surrender.
“I’m just saying. She and Lotor were getting pretty close to each other back in the Castle of Lions. They were literally side by side 24/7.” she pointed out. Hunk nodded his head in agreement.
“Yeah. Who knows, maybe if he wasn’t, you know, some crazy prince stealing the quintessence of other Alteans, he probably would’ve been her boyfriend by now.” Hunk said jokingly, making Pidge giggle in response while Lance was getting more and more agitated. It’s bad enough he had to pretty much lie to his friends about why he decided not to kiss Allura, it’s a whole other thing that now he needed to deal with hearing about Allura being with Lotor. And just when he had felt that every insecurity that he felt when Lotor was around pretty much vanished when Allura started noticing him. Lance clasped his hands together tightly.
“Okay. I think I see your point, guys.” Lance spoke lowly, his teeth gritted. But his statement was simply ignored as Hunk and Pidge continued.
“Did you see the way that Allura was looking at him? I’m telling you, man, I saw some sparks flying!”
“How could she not? With his long flowy hair and his princely charms?”
“Just imagine them working on stuff together and then out of nowhere they just start dancing around the room like in the movies?” Pidge cackled.
“And then he just starts twirling her and then holds her above his head like in that one cheesy dance movie?”
“And then Lotor looks deep into her eyes and says ‘Allura, my sweet princess, will you become my Altean dancing queen?”
“‘Oh Lotor, my gorgeous bad boy prince! I became your queen the moment I laid my eyes on you!’ and then they both lean in and-“
Lance stood up quickly from his seat, slamming his hands hard against the table, making Pidge and Hunk turn their heads at him in shock. He was visibly shaking, head down as his eyes were trained onto the table. He just couldn’t take it anymore. Every bad thought and insecurity he had been able to somewhat move past since readjusting to Earth, and it just came back in full force as if he had gotten sucker punched. He felt like he was back on the Castle of Lions, being ignored and brushed aside be everyone, his warnings and himself being forgotten.
Allura walking past him.
Pidge and Hunk ignoring him.
Shiro looking down on him.
Keith abandoning him.
Lance felt himself starting to walk away from his friends. He wouldn’t allow himself to hear this any longer. He knew they didn’t mean to tease him or bring Lotor back up to him, but that’s what it felt like. Lotor and Allura had always been somewhat of a sore spot for him. Something he tried to push to the back of his head to focus on everything else. But it’s like every time he tries to forget, it always comes back to bite him. And how could it not. Lotor was everything that he wasn’t. Of course, Allura would want him. Hell, if he hadn’t gone crazy and was still around, he wouldn’t have hesitated to kiss her the way that he did.
“Lance? What’s gotten into you?” he heard Pidge shout behind him.
“Yeah, man? You good? D-did we say something wrong?” Hunk asked worriedly. Lance stopped as he approached the doorway. He turned his head towards them, giving them a tired smile.
“No. You said everything right.”
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sillyjunebug · 4 years
You most likely know that your computer and your telephone have an IP address. A new version of the Web Protocol has also been created, known as IPv6. In contrast to its predecessor, IPv6 uses a 128-bit address, enabling for roughly three.4×1038 addresses, which is sufficient to assign a unique IPv6 address to each single atom on the surface of the Earth. Step four: Log in to the D-Hyperlink router with the administrator username and password. Go to this web site for more detailed directions and tools on finding your router's IP address.
To discover your router's IP quantity, look subsequent to "Default Gateway" (listed final). Step 1: Initial of all, connect the Netgear router with your Windows Pc and then open Browser and sort > Enter. Examine regardless of whether the LAN wire is appropriately connected to your router and your pc or not. IP Address belongs to a Private or Reserved variety, most of the IP Address specifics are not available.
Step 4: Go to Wireless Setting and modify settings that you want. Step four: Modify WiFi Password and Router Username. Step two: Sort in browser > Enter. The router uses a diverse address than Open a browser and kind that IP address to log into the router using the administrative ID and password. In case you can't access your router admin configuration web page by means of , let's find out which IP address your router is employing.
A much better option is to give the printer a private IP address so that only devices on the same network can reach it. Even so, the IP address isn't usually utilized for printers but routers. All routers come with a internet interface that tends to make it possible to far more or less very easily modify various settings, and IP addresses such as , , or 192.168.. let you access it.
As we've just mentioned, it really is not possible to enter the 192.168.1. IP address unless you're connected to the exact same local network as the router to which the IP address is assigned. That should not be a dilemma if you are attempting to connect to your own property router. In some instances, it really is essential to connect straight through an Ethernet cable for security causes. I did the original setup, changed the admin admin password, designed a wifi network, it worked fine for a year (changins passwords after in a even though).
Following profitable login, you need to change the WiFi password and router username. Pick a strong password, a mixture of letters, symbols, and numbers. Here are some examples of how different router modes and switches would assign IP addresses to computer systems in a network. You will see the IP address next to default” (in the example under, the IP address is: If you do not bear in mind your username and password, you can take benefit of default login specifics that are presented on the globe wide web. When it's worked, you ought to be asked for your password. Then you have to enter a username and password. Determine on a mix of letters and numbers to develop the password powerful.
Well, your Computer is showing a routable IP address as properly as default gateway so it would appear your router isn't carrying out considerably of anything. To access the RT-N12D1 settings, reconnect to the wireless network and use the updated IP address and port number. If you would like to make use of a specific router behind your ISP's router, you have two options: change your default IP address or keep the present configuration. Nonetheless, if you want to use a router behind your ISP's box, it is not necessary to have the router mode enabled on the existing configuration.
Sadly, most users don't even know how to log into router let alone how to adjust the default router password to one thing more safe. As told, the ip is portion of a private class C network The range of this network is 192.168.. - This make the quantity of attainable IP addresses 65,535. This range is typically employed on private networks simply because several routers are configured with or as their default address.
When you discover the correct address, you'll have to sign in making use of the router's managerial password. To seek out the IP Address, an person can adhere to any 1 of the next three methods. Public IP addresses are exclusive on the world wide web, but the personal ones aren't. Your router is the center of your network. Everything from the laptop you use to make on the internet purchases and handle your savings account to the baby monitor in your child's space connects to it. Cybercriminals are nicely aware of the central importance of routers, and they've created several sorts of malware to exploit weak router passwords.
As soon as you have accessed the admin panel of your router, you can modify numerous possibilities there, which includes PPOE, DNS, LAN, WAN, WLAN settings, IP QoS, Proxy, safety alternatives, network management, MAC, WPS , DHCP client or even your modem or wireless router's default IP address. Comment your situation if you are facing any. Thanks for reading this report on IP address Login and Router Default Username and password. Also, Share us on Social Media.
Step 1: Plug D-Link router with your laptop or desktop with Ethernet cable. The number is the default internet protocol address (or IP address) for all types of TP-hyperlink, D-Link and Netgear models. This private IPv4 network address can be changed at any time utilizing your network router's management console. In the case of other routers, you can variety ‘admin' as the default username and password. Often, you can also type ‘pass' or ‘password' in the password box.
Step three. Click the Network & Internet” choice. Step five. Select how you are connected to your router. If you are hardwired to your router choose Ethernet. If you are connected to your router via WiFi decide on Wi-Fi. Please post back right here with the outcomes of the test and the information on exactly exactly where your Computer network cable connects. But in most cases, the default IP Address for Modems and Routers is Now you also need to have to Enter Default username and password in order to access its admin web page. The default username and password are diverse for a distinct manufacturer. Right here we are going to share all the possible Default Username and Password for 192.168.01 IP address.
Once you have carried out that, here's one thing else you can do. Disconnect your router from the world wide web and then guarantee you have your Pc plugged straight into a LAN port on the router. (NOTE: make note of exactly where each cable connects so you can place them back into the identical location after your accomplished. Make a diagram, take pic's with your smart phone etc.) As soon as you have the the two devices connected as I recommend, they will be isolated from almost everything else and this will aid to maintain troubleshooting as simple as possible.
192.1681.1 Router Admin Passwords and Login IP 192.1681.1 is an IP address which routers like Linksys and other network brands use as an access point or gateway.Firms set up router admin access in this address to enable network administrators to configure their routers and networks.Concretely one can manage Security Possibilities, Network Management, IP QoS, DNS, proxy, LAN, WAN, WLAN settings, DSL, ADSL, MAC, WPS block amongst others.
In this example the router's IP address is Now, if you want to adjust Router Password, then go to advanced settings, and from there, choose admin password > Modify it > Save Settings, and it's accomplished. You must now see a login window with two input fields: one for the admin username and 1 for the admin password. Often due to improper connection or broken cable, you can't access the Router house web page. In that case, change the cable. If you forgot your router username and password, then you have to reset it.
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iguukhuohvgu-blog · 5 years
Easy Guidelines To Who Viewed My Instagram Video Instantly
It is quite simple to use, although it doesnt have the most manageable interface, but you dont habit to spend much mature looking on it, maybe its not the prettiest website in the world, but it does the job it was expected for completely who views my instagram well.Can you see who views your Instagram, all you dependence to get to check Who viewed my Instagram profile is enter your username in the invade bin on the website and click upon the foundation button. Its quite simple, right?Are you an exhibitionist? accomplish you subsequently later than people watch you every the time? If yes, keep amused skip this paragraph. Surely next most people, you just want to share following those you in reality know.
Can You See Who Views Your Instagram Videos
So if you want to save your Instagram account secure, choose private account in the Options menu. I severely recommend this step to every parents who declare photos of their kids to stay in touch with friends and relatives in the region of the world. Unfortunately, this does not protect your account from everyone. There are tools out there that allow stalkers to view your private profile without next it. However, you can use the application we reviewed above in order to see who viewed your Instagram profile and block everyone whose username you dont recognize.Im not your parent, so, who viewed my Instagram. I wont say you what and to whom you can share, but my seek is to tell who viewed my instagram you that some frightening insane people can watch photos of your child or yours. They can say you where you be in and next and where you travel, or what extra deeds your child is attending or curious in launch the web application by clicking the button above.you may be wondering what the order of that list means. Many users are curious very nearly the order of follower and gone lists, likes, and financial credit views, as it is usually sure that the order is not chronological. The perfect description for the order of these lists is not enormously clear, but we know that it every goes urge on to the Instagram algorithm.who you engage bearing in mind the most on Instagram will likely appear at the summit of the list, which is why you often look your closest friends or partners as the first listeners on the list. Who Stalking My Instagram?So you cant look definitively who visits your Instagram profile, but is there a artifice to figure out your stalkers? Sadly, moreover no although there is more room for clarification upon this question.The Instagram Algorithm shows you posts and orders your followers and likes based upon three factors: your interests, your relationships, and reference. By interests we direct what you following and engage with.Relationship refers also to whos content you past and engage with, but in addition to who likes and engages gone you. This means that it could how to see who views your instagram vent who is stalking you. If someone is always the first in imitation of listed upon your photos and you dont regularly interact when them online, they may be an Instagram stalker.Insert your username. Click the launch button and wait for results
Firstly,New One Briefing
Now relax, hear to some music, watch some YouTube videos, create a coffee. Just dont near that website and wait patiently. According to the creators, depending on the current load upon Instagram API servers, this process can take anywhere from a few seconds to 15 or even 30 minutes in the most extreme cases. Its not happening to them. Its every happening to Instagram and their servers.The impact of social media and stalkers on our lives. Who is stalking my Instagram. Social media have led to a revolution in building social bonds and establishing associations taking into consideration supplementary people.Do you past once people watch you all the time? If yes, can you see who views your instagram story make laugh skip this paragraph. However, you can use the application we reviewed above in order to see who viewed your Instagram profile and block everyone whose username you dont recognize.Im not your parent, suitably I wont tell you what and to whom you can share, but my wish is to tell you that some frightening insane people can watch photos of your child or yours. They can tell you where you play a role and behind and where you travel, or what new events your child is attending or keen in. I accomplish not wish to warning you, but I want to remind you that there are many bad people in the world. The use of public settings could be recommended to those who essentially dependence to be visible and have no showing off out. The most important issue is that it does operate and it works fast. It was supposed to feign me who viewed my Instagram profile and it did. There is of course room for improvement, the addict interface is especially something that stands out as under average and should be revamped to ensure that this application is easier to use for your average user. But you should get into carefully. We have reviewed various stand-in applications who are always advertised as the lonesome real solution that allows users to look who has visited their Instagram profile. But this is not the single-handedly concern that they have in commonsee who views your Instagram the common denominator of these apps would be the fact that in most cases they clearly dont accomplishment as advertised. higher than time, it turned out that their use has an impact upon our amassed life. This is particularly felt today by pubescent people, for whom social media is straightforwardly an integral share of their lives.Psychologists have long been wondering whether (and if so, how) the use of social media affects our mental health. From mature to mature there are studies that describe, in the middle of other things, how the use of new technologies can be associated following setting disorders, whether it has a destructive effect upon interaction considering peers, or it affects the environment of spirit and the level of happiness. One of the biggest threats we face on social media platforms are stalkers which are sometimes definitely difficult to identify and most platforms dont put up to us when this issue past we cannot check who is viewing our profile, photos or videos. This is why its important for people to have right of entry to applications such as the mentioned above in order to identify who stalks their Instagram. This is the subject of the future, and in view of that we are next describing supplementary research upon this issue. Social media sometimes appear to be a crucial platform for young person people and a basic form of retrieve in the same way as the world. It is not only a ventilate in which one publishes self or comments, but as a consequence a form of communication, establishing associates subsequently people whom the minor who viewed my instagram person does not see, but who call contacts or acquaintances. The capability of social media and the gift of their upset are after that negative. We must not forget approximately cyberbullying, stalking and further negative experiences and dark social networking sites that be in peoples suitability of security, self-esteem and emotional condition.
We have already written a lot not quite passwords most important issue to recall is that you have to fine-tune them frequently and never reuse them.Surely taking into account most people, you just desire to allocation with those you really know. in view of that if you desire to save your Instagram account secure, choose to see who views your Instagram private account in the Options menu. I severely recommend this step to every parents who pronounce photos of their kids to stay in adjoin later connections and family how to see who views your instagram approaching the world. Unfortunately, this does not protect your account from everyone. There are tools out there that allow stalkers to view your private profile without afterward it. The fact is that one encouragement can be a gate to further social networks or email accounts, and previously it is quite common for social networks to use the same usernames, passwords should be mighty and unique.
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g-on-ef · 6 years
Dusk till Dawn
A/n: Guess who's birthday it is ??? This girl's !!!!! and in celebration of my birthday I am going to update all my stories this week ^^ starting with my favorite Dusk till Dawn hope you guys enjoy this chapter ^^
Chapter 1 
Chapter 2
Chapter 3: Rejected?
“I would kindly as you too not do it,”
Nine little words that have been floating through Damian’s head since he left the café, after Jon headed for the break room Damian wanted to run after him and ask him what he meant by that but before he could Kon, Jon’s older brother stopped him and told him that it would be best if he left him alone and kindly asked him to leave.
He didn’t want to leave if anything he wanted to fine Jon and talk to him but the look on the older boy’s face told him he should leave now unless he wanted trouble and if he were honest the last thing he wanted was for the paparazzi to find his hiding spot and give Kara as well as himself trouble.
His father made it clear that he wanted no trouble, no PR nightmares, no bad press from the media at all. With the wedding coming up soon his father was doing everything and anything to make sure nothing soiled the Wayne name.
Which is why Grayson was forced to stay away from Wally and spent as much time as he could with Gordon while Todd wasn’t allowed to be seen anywhere near Star City since people were already hinting he and Roy may or may not have something going on between them.
It bothered Damian to no end that he, Todd, Drake, and Grayson had to hide their sexualities from the world, but his father and Selina made it clear that everyone had to know or at least believe that the Wayne brothers were as straight as a pole. Which was stupid if you ask him.
One look at Grayson and you would no he was anything but straight. Rubbing his forehead, he entered the Mansion and was annoyed to find Melody and Selina sitting in the living room talking about Allah knows what.
“Should’ve gone to the park,”
Maybe if he was quiet enough he could sneak pass them and into his room so that he won’t have to deal with either one of them.  
Unfortunately, he didn’t get the chance to walk by undetected, Selina caught Damian trying to sneak pass them.
Damian cursed himself for not moving fast enough, turning around he saw Selina walking over to him, it took everything in him not to run the other way or yell at her and call her every horrible word he knew, and since he knew almost ten different languages he knew plenty of horrible names he could call Selina.
“What,” he asked rudely, Selina ignored his rudeness and instead continue speaking to him as if his hatred for her didn’t mattered.
“As you know, tomorrow is Gotham Fashion Week,”
“Yeah, I already know that,” he grumbled.
“Which is why you and Melody must be seen everywhere and anywhere as much as possible, it is important that nothing, and I mean nothing ruins the Wayne name before the wedding. Everything has to be perfect or as perfect as we can get it with you and your brothers,”
Damian just rolled his eyes and stopped himself from saying the first thing that came to his mind and that was telling Selina to shut up and not worry about his brothers or him since neither one of them had control over what the paparazzi say her and his father however...still Damian chose to say something that wouldn’t cause an argument which would result in his father punishing him,
“I already know this Selina, now, can I please go to my room there are somethings that I need to do,” she looked at him for a moment before dismissing him with the wave of her hand.
Damian rolled his eyes before he headed for his room. He’s twenty years old and yet Selina treats him like his sixteen or worse five.
Still, he had no time to worry about Selina and her stunts right now he had other things to think about. Once he entered his room he turned on his computer and waited for the monitor to finish loading. Once it was completed he began his search.
“It’s not stalking, I just want to know more about him,” one thing that his mother always drilled in his head was this, knowledge is a powerful weapon and the only thing that can make brute force fall to its knees.
He needed, wanted, had to know everything he could about this boy. From what he gathered is he is Kara’s nephew so assuming if she’s either related to Jon’s father or mother he should probably start with Kara first and work his way from there.
Looking through Kara’s social media he found some photos of Jon lucky for him she tagged him in them. Smiling to himself he clicked on Jon’s username on his Instagram and cursed out loud.
“Fucking hell! Why did you have to have it in private?”
Looking at Jon’s IG he saw that it was private and the only thing on it was a picture of him smiling, his arm around a girl with orange hair and freckles on her cheeks. She was cute, she was more than cute she was beautiful and her and Jon…they looked good together, maybe that’s why Jon asked him not to flirt with him, maybe Jon was already dating this girl and he didn’t want to cheat on her, Damian felt a little bad for flirting with someone who was taken.
Despite all those cheating rumors, Damian hated cheating, despise to the point where if he saw anyone doing it he would do everything in his power to ruin them, maybe that’s why he hated Selina. Oh, who was he kidding it was exactly why he hated both Selina and his dad.
Taking a deep breath Damian rubbed his temples, he did not need to think about his dad or Selina; right now, what he needed to do was go back to Kara’s café and apologize to Jon for even trying to flirt with him.
Sure, he didn’t know he was taken but he still felt bad for even thinking of asking the boy out. Taking a deep breath, he turned off his computer grabbed his keys and headed back for the café, if he explained his reasons maybe the boy would forgive him and hopefully they could be friends. Maybe not friends since the only thing that he will be thinking about is having the blue-eyed angel beneath him, or above him whichever works well for him.
“No, stop Damian bad thoughts very, very bad thoughts,”
Leaving the room, he went through the back door of the mansion to go see Jon, no way in hell did he want to see either one of those money grabbers at the moment.
Damian stopped dead in his tracks. Cursing everything he knew he turned around as his father stepped closer to him.
Most people say he looks like his dad but then again, if anyone saw his mother they would surly change their opinions and say he was an exact replica of his mother.
Bruce Wayne was a good man, sometimes when he wasn’t trying to control of his sons lives, of course his status of playboy billionaire did back fire even if it was just a ploy that he for some reason wanted the world to believe he was.
Because of his sleeping around resulted in four children being born out of wedlock. Dick Grayson was an accident that happened when his father was only 18, Bruce met a woman who was traveling with the circus a one-night stand resulted in his older half-brother.
Unfortunately, Grayson’s mom died in a horrible accident when Grayson was only eight.
Todd’s mother was a prostitute and didn’t want her son to do anything with Bruce Wayne, sadly for her she had no choice but let him in Bruce’s life, when it was discovered that Todd was his second son, Bruce filed for custody and won, because of her addictions as well as her profession she was seen as an unfit mother despite her doing her very best to make sure that Todd had a happy childhood, still, the court didn’t care if the child was happy they only cared about the money and Bruce’s lawyers paid them a lot of it.
Drake’s mom wasn’t anything special, she just slept with him, had the kid, dropped him off at Wayne Manor and left. No one knows where she went or who she really was since Bruce found out that everything about her was a lie and vanished into thin air.
The final woman his father had a child with was Talia Al Ghul. A beautiful woman who was once an actress, then model, then a fashion designer. She was a successful woman whose career ended before it began but that was something Damian did not like to think about if he did he would feel more anger towards his father and that harlot.
“Yes, father?”
“Where are you heading off to?”
No way in hell was he telling him where he was going, the only people who knew of the café where his brothers and all four of them sworn to secrecy and never tell Bruce about it. It was their go to place to be whenever they needed to escape the craziness that is their life.
“I was going to the park,”
Bruce looked at him before saying,
“Well, your stroll to the park can wait you and I are needed somewhere,”
“We need to go with Selina and do some wedding shopping, I also need you to be seen with Melody as much as possible,”
“We’re going to town so that the paparazzi can see me walking with the beard?”
His father glared at him,
“Melody is your friend and I already promised Dick after your break-up with Kitty you’ll be taking a break from bearding,”
Damian rolled his eyes, both he and his father knew he only said that bullshit to Dick so that he will get off his back about Damian and the unnecessary bearding.
“Then why does Melody have to come? More importantly why don’t you and Selina go off by yourselves and let me head over to Maya’s instead?”
“I already told you Damian, the wedding is all Gotham and the world is talking about and everyone knows about your relationship with Selina and how you don’t get along with her-“
“Not my fault,”
“Damian,” his father turned into a disapproval tone one that made him roll his eyes.
“I already told your brothers and you from the beginning that I do not want anything to ruin this wedding and the public needs to know that you and Selina are getting along,”
“You mean they need to see me getting along with her and they need to see me dating a girl so no one assumes I’m anything but straight right?”
Bruce stared at his son while Damian glared at him,
“Of course the public also needs to see me as a cheater, a liar, and someone who breaks their precious blond princess, they also need to see me as white as possible so that my music could sell faster, of course that doesn’t stop them from calling me every horrible name in the book because my mother is Talia Al Ghul, but of course they already saw me as a horrible person when I punched a guy for calling me and Maya horrible names and instead of helping me you allow the story to spin to see me as the bad guy and Kitty as my ‘savior’,”
Damian glared at his father as he continued with his speech, he wasn’t sure why he was lashing out at his father, but he felt great about to do it,
“You and Selina say you don’t want any PR nightmares or for the Wayne family name to be soil but don’t you think it’s already too late since both you and Selina were the ones who allowed The Word, and every other source of media to talk shit about me, hell you guys were the ones who decided to give me the playboy image, but now with this stupid wedding coming you want me to be well behave young man? Fuck that,”
Bruce’s face was bright red as Damian threw every horrible thing the media has said about him back at him and while he didn’t want to admit everything he said was true he couldn’t help but feel slightly guilty for putting Damian through all of the crap he’s endured and instead of helping him he made it worse.
Before Bruce could even form a retort the door from the back open and in came Maya.
“Hello Wayne family!”
Maya was a beautiful woman and Damian’s best friend; the girl wasn’t afraid to speak her mind or tell the world that she was a proud lesbian. It swelled Damian’s heart with joy that his best friend was free and able to be herself, she was an amazing person and deserve to be happy. Like Damian, Maya was a singer as well as an actress and she was amazing in both. Her voice was incredible and was able to go through different styles of music, she even won a Grammy for her album.
“Maya, what brings you here?” Bruce asked confused as to why she was hear.
Maya smiled brightly at him before she hooked her arm around Damian’s and lead against his shoulder.
“The answer to that is simple, Damian and I made plans for lunch and I decided to swing by early so that we can head over to our favorite diner since it’s always pack during lunch time,”
“I see,”
“Welp, if you need us you know where we’ll be,”
She then pulled Damian out the door before Bruce could say or do anything, once the two were out the door they looked at each other before sprinting to her car. Knowing Bruce, he’ll come out the door and order them to stop whatever it is they are doing and force them to go with him and Selina to go wherever it is they were going.
Once they reached her car, they both got in and drove off.
“Where to bro?”
“Kara’s café, I need to see someone,”
“You, need to see someone at Kara’s café?”
Maya knew about the café, she was one of the few Damian trusted to know about the place, not only did she know but she was also a frequent customer, the two loved the place and always enjoyed going there together whenever they could.
“And who is this someone?”
“Some guy I met,”
“Oooh, Damian Wayne met some guy and he wants to see him?”
“Yes, but it’s not like that,” he quickly said before she could form an idea that he did not want to hear.
“You sure?” she asked giving him a smirk.
“Positive, I just need to talk to him and apologize,”
“For what?”
Damian’s became a bright red color before he said,
“Flirting with him when he has a girlfriend,”
Maya looked at her friend, if there was one thing she knew about her friend in shock.
“Did he tell you? More importantly did you know?”
“No, and no,”
“Then how do you know he has a girlfriend?”
“Because I was going through Kara’s Instagram and found his Instagram and in his profile pic was of him and cute red head hugging each other and smiling with one another,”
“And that made you think he had a girlfriend?”
“You know, that might just mean they are friends, right? I mean you and I cuddle all the time and we’re still friends,”
Damian thought about her words, of course she might have a point, the two might be friends but then again…
“I don’t think they are friends,”
“What makes you say that,”
“Well, when I was at Kara’s café earlier today I saw him and flirted with him and he looked uncomfortable, so I think she might be his girlfriend,”
“Ahh, okay so maybe he is taken,”
“Yeah so I need to apologize to him,”
“Question,” Maya asked as she pulled into the parking lot of the café.
“What’s that?”
“How are you gonna tell him that you know he has a girlfriend without sounding like a stalker?”
Damian’s eyes widen in fear, he…hadn’t thought of that…  
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dailynewswebsite · 4 years
Your personal data is the currency of the digital age
Many on-line customers give consent to be used of their knowledge with out worrying in regards to the implications. (Shutterstock)
The commodification of the web within the early 1990s introduced western societies into the digital age and has modified the best way customers work together with industrial enterprises.
The digital trade corporations have one factor in frequent: using the person’s private knowledge via expertise to achieve aggressive benefit.
Spotify, Amazon, eBay, Apple, Google Play: these firms have reached a stage of product and repair customization by no means seen earlier than. Spotify’s algorithm, for instance, presents you artists and playlists primarily based in your age, gender, location and listening historical past.
Administration researchers are focused on these new types of commerce for 2 essential causes: they mark a break with standard enterprise fashions and have a tendency to do higher throughout crises.
New enterprise fashions
Current analysis from the Massachusetts Institute of Know-how signifies that in June 2020, on the top of the primary wave of the COVID-19 pandemic, digital companies had a mean return on funding of 10 per cent, whereas conventional companies had been nonetheless destructive at -14 per cent in August. The authors’ conclusion is unequivocal: 21st century organizations should undertake these new enterprise fashions on the threat of perishing.
Nonetheless, this enterprise mannequin just isn’t with out threat for the buyer. I’ve been writing about this phenomenon for somewhat over 5 years. My analysis has led me to suggest a brand new mannequin for generic administration of this new trade and to take a look at the results that customers face.
The brand new enterprise fashions suggest a elementary break with these usually taught in enterprise faculties. Whereas the commercial age positioned capital (and primarily cash) on the centre of all transactions, the digital age favours data as a supply of liquidity.
This disruption of the medium of alternate in a industrial transaction is especially salient in sure industries. Readers of a sure age will certainly keep in mind printed maps. To get updates comparable to avenue identify modifications, you had to purchase a brand new map. Google, for instance, presents its customers GPS performance up to date in actual time free of charge.
A personalised expertise
Some companies use twin monetization of their services or products. That is notably true within the cellular gaming trade. For instance, some video games use a freemium strategy primarily based on monetizing person knowledge after which inserting paid components. Briefly, the very best of each worlds!
This kind of mannequin just isn’t dangerous in itself and even has benefits for the buyer, together with the personalization of their expertise and entry to free presents and trials.
For instance, once you seek for a restaurant on Google Maps, you hope to get outcomes primarily based in your location, and once you store on-line, merchandise are recommended primarily based in your buy historical past.
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Trying to find eating places on Google Maps will pull up addresses close to your location. (Shutterstock)
The shopper is the product
These advantages to the buyer also can backfire. A number of researchers be aware a rise within the complexity of the shopper relationship. Research have proven that the overload of data out there within the Canadian telecommunications trade can be utilized as strategic leverage by the vendor.
For instance, a person could also be required to create a Pinterest account — recording private data comparable to identify, e-mail deal with and birthday — as a way to view the location’s content material. Different websites will deny entry to content material if the person has blocked cookies or trackers for promoting.
Shoppers even have the correct to marvel if they’re changing into the product. For instance, Google makes use of AdSense to gather the non-public knowledge of their customers as a way to monetize them to 3rd events, typically for promoting functions. Equally, Google advantages from providing companies for gratis, as a result of the extra customers use its companies, the extra data it collects about them.
It’s in Amazon’s finest curiosity to encourage us to browse its website — even when we don’t purchase something. The historical past of things seen, key phrases used or time spent on a web page can all be monetized.
The marketplace for focused internet marketing could be very profitable. Based on the annual Interactive Promoting Bureau 2017 report, internet marketing generated revenues of US$88 billion in the US alone in that 12 months.
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Internet marketing is a big trade that continues to develop in scope, measurement and class. (Shutterstock)
Decreasing your digital footprint
It’s arduous to be completely invisible within the digital age! Certainly, it’s uncommon that a person just isn’t a part of any social community, doesn’t have a cellphone or doesn’t use the online every day. What’s extra, the erosion of privateness has been so gradual that most individuals aren’t conscious of the quantity of data they reveal daily. Nonetheless, options exist to cut back one’s digital footprint.
Earlier than getting into their knowledge, customers might ask themselves in the event that they really want the services or products, even whether it is free. Is it actually important, for instance, to create an account to seek the advice of a doc or view a picture on a website to which you’ll by no means return?
Corporations that accumulate customers’ private data should first acquire their consent. These consent varieties are sometimes very lengthy and written in jargon. Most individuals merely click on on “I agree” with out worrying in regards to the implications.
In excessive circumstances, this easy gesture authorizes the agency to put in spyware and adware in your gadget. Websites like Phrases of Service; Didn’t Learn supplies an outline of person agreements and recognized the weather that might have a destructive influence on the person.
All requested data?
When the buyer creates an account, they have to additionally query the relevance of giving all the knowledge requested. Though it is very important point out an precise start date on a credit score utility, is it actually obligatory to offer this data on a dialogue discussion board?
Additionally it is necessary to keep away from utilizing the identical username (usually e-mail) and password for various accounts. Some companies use modules to gather knowledge that hyperlink a number of companies. Even when data is lacking from one of many accounts, the module can cross-reference that account with these registered with different suppliers. As well as, if there’s a knowledge leak, it turns into straightforward for fraudsters to check the e-mail and password mixture on completely different platforms.
The supplier guarantees to safe the non-public knowledge of its person. Sadly, a number of circumstances of current leaks present us that this isn’t at all times the case.
Web sites like Have I Been Pwned lists knowledge leaks together with e-mail addresses and different data which will have been leaked. In case your deal with has been leaked, it’s strongly really helpful that you simply change your password and examine your accounts utilizing the identical deal with.
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Guillaume Desjardins doesn’t work for, seek the advice of, personal shares in or obtain funding from any firm or group that will profit from this text, and has disclosed no related affiliations past their tutorial appointment.
from Growth News https://growthnews.in/your-personal-data-is-the-currency-of-the-digital-age/ via https://growthnews.in
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umair-hashmi · 5 years
Why WordPress Website Security is Important?
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Some folks suppose that they need not care a lot in regards to the safety of their WordPress web site. Sadly, most individuals notice the significance of safety solely when their web site or weblog will get hacked. WordPress is on the checklist of most user-friendly and common content material administration programs that you'll find today. On the identical time, this platform is a typical goal for spammers and hackers. Based on the latest report, 9 out of 10 websites that get hacked are primarily based on WordPress. Nevertheless, it is very important needless to say WordPress is among the safest platforms. In the identical method, in case your web site is correctly maintained and secured, it will not be simpler for hackers to assault it. Really, most hackers do not assault unpopular platforms. Subsequently, they assault WordPress web sites as a result of 61% of internet sites of immediately are WordPress primarily based. Now, you might be questioning why your web site is in danger although it has very low site visitors. Really most hackers hack small, unpopular web site to not delete essential information or steal information. Their purpose is to make use of your internet server so as to ship spam emails. Really, after hacking your web site, they'll set up a particular software program program that may ship numerous spam emails. And you will not realize that somebody is profiting from your server without your permission. You do not be scared. We're going to share with you a number of essential ideas that may provide help to save your WordPress web site. 1. Do not Go for Premium Plugins which are provided for Free If you're working your on-line enterprise on a good price range, you're searching for methods to save cash. That is fully comprehensible. Nevertheless, it isn't a good suggestion to obtain your required premium plugins from any web site they're bought on. What it's essential to do is go to the official web site of the plugin at any time when it's essential to reinstall that plugin. What occurs is that free plugins comprise malicious software programs reminiscent of Malware. Subsequently, you might wish to purchase the plugin you want from the official web site of the service supplier. 2. Use .htaccess to defend your essential data In case you have been a skilled WordPress person, you'll have accessed and used the .htacces file. After getting modified this file, know that it's going to have an ideal impression on the safety of your web site. In case you have by no means labored with .htaccess, it's essential to learn about it first. Mainly, this file is liable for the configuration of your internet server. Apart from, it incorporates particular guidelines that your internet server follows so as to deal with the information on your web site. Primarily, this file is used for creating user-friendly URLs for every internet web page. Except for this, it's also used to make obligatory security-related modifications to your web site. Given beneath are some things that the file will permit you to do to your WordPress web site so far as safety is worried: Block suspicious IP addresses Deactivate listing searching Enable chosen IP addresses to get entry to wp-admin Block dangerous bots 3. Conceal your Writer Usernames It's not a good suggestion to make use of WordPress defaults. The reason being that nearly each WordPress person is aware of the default username that WordPress makes use of for every web site. Typically, the default writer username of a WordPress web site is the administrator. Subsequently, you must change it. In the event you do not change it, it is going to be simpler for hackers to enter your web site and use its contents and different options. In case your web site has a couple of writers and no one in all of them is the directors, you're good to go. Nevertheless, if in case you have a small web site and you're the solely administrator and Arthur, you might wish to create a separate person to your submit. Remember to assign the writer position to the person. That is essential since you can't enable that person you've all of the rights to make obligatory adjustments to your web site. In different phrases, the person ought to have a restricted entry. 4. Conceal your web site Login Web page In case your safety technique entails hiding login pages and information, it will not be sufficient. In spite of everything, all these components of your WordPress web site usually are not going to stop hackers from having access to them. However it can at the very least make it tougher for them to hack your web site. Hiding your web site login web page will not require quite a lot of seconds when you go for the proper technique, reminiscent of a plugin. In the event you transfer or rename your WordPress login web page, it can make it a lot tougher for a hacker to get unauthorized entry. Really, most forms of assault are programmed. Subsequently, if in case you have a unique login web page, they must put money into way more effort to assault your web site. You possibly can select from numerous plugins that may make this job simpler for you. For instance, you'll be able to check out WPS Conceal Login for this goal. 5. Go along with a Dependable Internet hosting Firm Based on statistics, Four out of 10 web sites are hacked simply because they have been extra weak. This vulnerability is a result of the internet hosting platform. Subsequently, it's a nice concept to decide on a number that has a high-security stage. Given beneath are a number of options for a very good internet hosting service: Malware scanning and detection of suspicious information Computerized theme updates Firewall safety Optimized for phrase WordPress Assist for the latest model of MySQL and PHP These are just some essential issues that may provide help to select the proper internet hosting firm. Selecting the most well-liked and dependable supplier is a superb concept if you wish to be on the protected facet. In brief, in case you are searching for tricks to save your WordPress web site, we propose that you simply comply with the ideas given in this article. It's not a good suggestion to disregard the safety facet of your web site in case you are critical about what you're doing. Bear in mind the safety of your web site is of paramount significance. Read the full article
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z5061241 · 5 years
Something Awesome! Week 6
“The world today abounds in open information to an extent unimaginable to intelligence officers of the Cold War.” - CIA
Welcome back for another week of stalking... Last week I managed to find some social profiles, evidence of exchange, usernames and Andrew’s Full Name! (surprisingly hard to find). This week I’m hoping to be able to find more email addresses and social profiles like github/bitbucket, tumblr, twitter, etc.  Google Dorking + Social Media Searching I started with trying to target the social profiles first via google. Literally, nothing came up. I tried each site’s own search engine with the emails I found earlier, the two user IDs from Facebook and LinkedIn and sensible variations of his name as a username but I couldn’t find a profile that matched Andrew’s.
At this point, I was getting a little worried, because I’m sure Andrew has a github profile, twitter and he has to have tumblr otherwise I’m not sure how he will mark our work, but I couldn’t find any such profiles. It is entirely possible that he has made his profiles unable to be found via search, but I had no way of confirming this.  I tried to get creative, I know he is the wellbeing head at UNSW SecSoc, so I tried checking the twitter followers of UNSW SecSoc, Lachlan Jones (caff), Adam Smallhorn, Richard Buckland and some others. I wasn’t just looking for an @andrewcarmichaelTwitter account, I had a feeling he would use a username that was obscure so I even checked out most of the accounts with obscure usernames to see if it was even remotely possible for them to be Andrew’s Account. Nothing.  In a similar fashion, I tried on github. I checked the followers of unswsecsoc’s github account, Lachlan Jone’s account, etc. I was hoping he had made a commit in some repo and that information would pop up but still nothing. It’s quite possible that he doesn’t actually use github/bitbucket but rather something like gitlab where everything is already private. If that is the case, then there's no way to find his account. What makes it even harder is that he doesn’t have a personal website, usually people who have a personal website will have the code on github somewhere and you can find their account via the commits for that repo.  :( 
I still had hope. There’s one thing left to check. Google Docs.  Andrew made the initial doc for the first chapter of the course textbook, maybe there’s a way, perhaps through comments or version history, of checking his profile and getting his gmail address. Sadly, the OSINT Gods are looking favorably upon Andrew - not me. Google Docs doesn’t expose the email address of the person making changes, only the full name.  Maltego (pls...help meh)
Since last week I have watched a couple of videos on how to use Maltego so this was the perfect time to give it a go. As I’ve explained in some previous blog, Maltego is a data mining and visualising software, you basically add information as nodes in a graph and Maltego runs little programs on each node trying to find out more information! I decided to start with Andrew’s full name. 
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This gave me a set of companies (mainly based in the UK), some really arbitrary documents and some names of people (again mainly based in the UK) who could be associates of Andrew.  The documents were very random and definitely not related to Andrew. Since most of the people were registered in the UK, I felt that they weren’t relevant. They could have been some cousins/extended family but I didn’t have a way of confirming this. I tried to look up his name without the second middle name. 
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While the connections with people were the same, this search yielded the same kind of results as the previous one. A bunch of random documents/records from the UK ranging from 1600s-1800s. Upon reflection, I realised that this is most likely because Maltego doesn’t have access to Australian records since our current records aren’t public.  Interestingly, I ran all transforms available on both names and neither one revealed a useful email/social media profile/phone number. Some of this could also be because I’m using the community (free) edition of the software, thus I expect that the search results are limited.  I tried to run direct searches on the LinkedIn and Facebook profiles, but the main transform required API keys for a paid service. My search resulted in no new information. 
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Lastly, I tried to use the known emails so far to generate new information. This was finally getting interesting! 
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As expected, I found links to UNSW and UNSW SecSoc. I also found links to ANZNN (Australia New Zealand Neonatal Network), a research organisation that seems to be managed by UNSW. I cross-checked the phone number and email addresses found to the contact us page on the ANZNN website.  Is Andrew involved in international neonatal research? Since he is a mechatronics/compsci student with a strong interest in security, it seems unlikely. I tried to check for Andrew’s name media or papers released from the organisation but as expected I found nothing. I think the only useful information I got from running all this was finding out that his emails haven’t been breached according to haveibeenpwned.com. Namechk
I hit up bellingcat’s online investiagation toolkit again to see what resources it had for social media information and found Namechk. It’s a site that lets you test usernames to see how many different social media profiles already have that username taken. I think it’s good for people who only want one username on all platforms, for me however, I can use it to see if any of Andrew’s known user Ids are used anywhere else.  andrew-rc-carmichael: Apparently invalid on all sites since its too long? andrew.carmichael.395: Apparently besides facebook, this username is invalid on all other services?? (is this site broken or is there actually a 12-15 char limit?) arc: There are a few sites I found which could have accounts that likely belong to Andrew:
Twitter: Account seems like a bot, only follows Japanese content, no likes, no security-related content. Not Andrew
Flickr: 1 Follower who I can’t check, but joined in 2004 (Andrew’s approx age at the time would’ve been 7-8 - who has an email at age 7/8?). Not Andrew
Steam: From Profile: Szymon Herman (Slaskie, Poland). Not Andrew
Soundcloud: Profile photo doesn’t match at all. Not Andrew
CoderWall: Account belongs to an Aaron Crane. Not Andrew
Disqus: Old account (2008 - seriously, Disqus has been around since then??), only 1 comment about getting some bank ID? Not Andrew
Codecademy: Of course, I’ve left the best to last. This account belongs to a ‘Michael’. This is significant because there’s no or names or identifiable information on the profile. There's only ‘Michael‘ with the username ‘arc’.  Given Andrew’s last name and experience with code, it’s possible that this account could be his!!! This could be Andrew!
What’s the impact of having this data? None?? Given what we already know about him from his LinkedIn profile and University degree, having an account on Codecademy hardly adds anything new to his profile. What would be interesting, however, is if Codecademy had a known data leak/hack. If a hacker exposed user accounts/emails and/or passwords then by getting a hold of that dataset and checking for user ‘arc’, we might be able to find his password or email. Thankfully Codecademy hasn’t had any such data breach.  Reflection From a pure data gathering point of view, this week feels like a waste. I barely secured new information, and I think it’s better to move on to set a different goal of finding information such as where he might live or places he visits. I know this is harder to find, but I think I’ve reached a dead end here.  From a learnings point of view, this week has been fruitful! And that is more important to me. I came up with creative ideas for getting information (even though they failed) and that strengthened my skills of thinking like a security engineer and problem solving. I also learned how to use Maltego which is sooo common and widespread in the industry. Even though I didn’t get much information on Andrew from Maltego, I understand why, for American targets and under a professional Maltego license, investigators love this software. It allows you to step through the OSINT Methodology and takes a lot of the manual searching out of your hands so you can focus on organising and creating links in your data.  To put things in perspective for myself: My target is a professionally certified hacker and security tutor, it was never going to be easy.
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6 Annoying Router Problems And Solutions
These days, having access to wireless broadband is an absolute necessity for home offices and small businesses. And after more than a decade of innovations, you would think that the standard wireless gateway/router would be a picture-perfect product by now.
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While many routers offer good features, most still come with flaws that can make life a lot harder, such as confounding setups or limited security.
What follows are six router problems that, quite frankly, I find the most annoying. I looked for possible solutions, and while I didn't find one router that addressed all my concerns, I did discover features -- and routers -- that could make things a lot easier.
1. Difficult configuration
The problem: How long does it usually take you to set up your router? When was the last time you were able to get it right on the first try? What about when you wanted to add a new PC to your wireless network? And how about getting your wireless printer to connect to your network?
best router for comcast high speed internet , and getting the right combination of settings can be confounding. For example, even some reasonably experienced PC hands may not understand the differences between security settings or know that WPA-2 offers better protection than WEP and ordinary WPA.
These and other hitches are why setting up any router can still be vexing, even to an experienced computer user. Some, such as the Buffalo AirStation Wireless-N 300Mbps Cable Router WHR-HP-G300N ($53), have crowded menus with multiple layers that make navigation painful. Others, such as the Netgear RangeMax Dual Band Wireless-N Gigabit Router WNDR3700 ($170), rely on a protected setup that has a long series of instructions that have to be followed to get a new PC on your network.
Possible solutions: Various vendors have tried to make things simpler with easy-setup CDs or one-click connection buttons, but they can't cover every possible circumstance. Buffalo's and Netgear's setup instructions go the extra mile by explicitly detailing the order in which you need to you plug everything in before you run the CD. (Cable modems in particular should be powered on before you connect your router to them.) That's a nice touch -- but it assumes you've read the printed instructions that came with the router. When was the last time you read the manual before you plugged in your new device?
Almost all routers have Web-based configuration screens, and as long as you remember the device's IP address, default username and password (which you should have changed when you set it up), you should be able to get into the setup screens and make any adjustments you need. It's just a matter of figuring out which adjustments are necessary.
The Cisco Valet M10($100), part of Cisco's recently introduced Valet line, comes with a USB key that has the configuration software on it. Once you set up one PC on your network, you use the key to run the configuration on any other PCs or Macs (the key also includes Mac software) without having to write down the wireless encryption key or other information.
Cisco has also made it a lot easier to set up other devices, such as wireless printers, by providing a summary screen with all the relevant information about your wireless network that you can print out for easy reference when you run the setup program on the USB key.
Buffalo has a nice diagnostic routine that checks to see if you have Internet connectivity and that your router is configured properly. You run it from the Web configuration console.
Apple's AirPort Express ($99) is simple to set up and has some neat features, including the ability to share USB printers and to share audio across the network to a connected stereo receiver. You can also extend the range of your existing AirPort base station, which is something that most Wi-Fi routers can't easily do. But if you've got a Windows PC, you've got to install Bonjour, and adding a new PC to an existing network isn't as easy as it could be.
2. Enabling file sharing from your router
The problem: Why spend money on a separate network-attached storage (NAS) unit when you can use your router for sharing files? Many routers come with USB ports to which you can connect an external USB drive for simple backup or file sharing.
Sadly, although plugging in an external drive should be as easy as -- well, as just plugging in the drive -- getting that drive set up isn't always simple. The Linksys WRT610N Wireless-N Router ($200), for example, has a complex setup screen that you need to fill out when you attach a USB drive to it.
It would be nice to have software that enables the sharing without a lot of setup hassles. It should be easy to connect the computers across your network to this shared storage, by using either the router's SSID name or IP address. You also need to be able to password-protect your shared drive so that it isn't open for anyone who's connected to the network.
Possible solutions: Various routers include USB ports, such as those from Linksys, Belkin and Netgear.
It's all a matter of what software is used to configure the USB drive and whether you need anything else on the Windows or Mac client end to connect to the shared drive.
Best available routers: The Belkin N+ Wireless Router ($120) has a separate software configuration utility that works for both Windows and Mac systems and needs to be run only once to set up the external shared drive. After that, you can connect to the shared drive by entering its IP address, such as \\\sharename. The product isn't perfect, though: There is no way to password-protect the files on the shared drive.
The Netgear RangeMax doesn't require any additional software and can password-protect the files. It also offers a wide variety of access methods, including FTP and Web sharing, from its setup screen.
3. Performing firmware updates
The problem: Router firmware is an important first line of security defense on your network and needs to be kept up to date. But finding firmware updates on a vendor's Web site is not for everyone, and many vendors don't make it easy.
You have to bring up your browser, go to the vendor's support site and try to track down the current version for your particular router model. You then have to download the file to your PC and upload it to your router in the right place in the router's Web control panel screen.
To complicate matters, vendors often have several different versions for each router model, because they make frequent improvements to the router, often changing chip sets but keeping the version number the same.
Possible solutions: Make the update automatic or at least easily selectable, so you don't have to go through the tortured process of downloading and uploading the file.
Check the firmware update section in each router's Web setup screens to see if the router can automatically upgrade itself.
Best available routers: Belkin's N+ Wireless and Netgear's RangeMax both have a menu-selectable software switch to enable the updates. Once this is set, you can forget about it and be confident that you will always have the latest firmware.
4. Enabling temporary wireless access
The problem: If you have visitors or needy neighbors, do you really want them to have permanent access to your entire network? Even if you trust them on your network, do you know how good their own security is? (For example, will your neighbor's notebook end up in the hands of his teenager?) If you simply give a visitor your router password, then you probably need to change this information when he leaves your home or office -- which is a real pain.
Possible solutions: A good idea would be to grant them temporary guest access that gives them just an Internet connection and nothing else on your network, such as shared drives or printers.
Vendors have begun to enable this on their routers in a variety of ways. Belkin, for example, has an option it calls "Hotel-style," meaning that users are directed to a Web landing page where they enter a special guest password. Other vendors make it easy to set up separate wireless networks just for guests. (If you use Apple's AirPort Express, on the other hand, you're out of luck -- there isn't any guest access.)
Best available routers: The USB key that you can create with Cisco's Valet can help here as well. You need to run an automated setup routine from the USB key (rather than from the Web UI) on each of your guest computers. Once you do, it will set up a separate wireless network with a different name and password that only allows Internet access.
5. Determining who is on your wireless network
The problem: Just because you think your network is secure doesn't mean that it is. It's probably a good idea to regularly check to see who is using your router -- especially if you haven't changed your router's default password. However, in a world where it's hard enough to remember to back up your computer, it's unlikely that most of us have the time or inclination to regularly check who has been on our networks.
And even if we want to, it's not always easy. Typically, most router Web UIs indicate who is currently connected, but finding this out requires digging through many menus. Sometimes the vendors hide this information under a title like "DHCP client list" and/or give you just the IP addresses and host names of current connections.
Wouldn't it be helpful if your router notified you every time someone connected? Even better, how about a historical view that shows you when and who connected to your network over the last week?
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sweetspicyx-blog1 · 7 years
Kik Messenger APK 7.9.zero.143
There isn't any doubt that Kik Messenger apk is a hugely in style immediate messaging app.  Exe information (.exe) are the file extensions for executable file codecs (exe is brief for executable). Additionally, possibly the explanation no one can use Kik without it crashing is as a result of there's too much data on Stickers, Video Chat, Bots, Games, and many others.
Please remember that APK20 only share the unique and free apk version for Usernames for Kik Messenger v1.1 without any modifications. NOTICE: Each APK file is manually reviewed by the AndroidPolice staff before being posted to the site. On this article I am going to elucidate you how one can obtain Kik messenger in your Android Cellphone.
If Google Play Retailer is freezing or not working in your Phone, we advocate you to download KiK Messenger APK 2017 from beneath. Ever because the latest replace the app is draining the battery of Samsung telephones whereas additionally making the units run sizzling with out every other apps being opened.
So when you've got a video clip containing any moment from an important day, then use Kik to share the video with folks you care about. Before you run an emulator on Manymo, you'll need add an APK file to run in that emulator, as a result of there isn't a Google Play Store in a Manymo emulator.
Whereas you should utilize other android emulators and other Apk hyperlinks too, Bluestacks is extra preferable and clicking on the above Apk link; obtain will begin instantly. You'll be able to then share the celeb information, gossips or newest articles with your pals utilizing Kik chat.
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Search for the most popular Kik mods on the Web or in an app provided byapk file websites. Download Kik Messenger Apk allows the customers to speak in actual time (backwards and forwards). Here is the link by way of which you can immediately download and install Kik messenger in your Android phones from Google Play.
Not every instant messaging utility enjoys a wonderful destiny as the KIK does. KIK app helps us to discover new associates across the globe, who shares the identical interest as you do. This manner you can keep in touch even along with your new buddies in addition to your shut friends too.
No Cellphone Numbers: With Kik app for Android, you need not enter your cellphone numbers in the app. This isn't a difficulty when your obtain and put in the Kik Messenger app from the Google Play app retailer or the Apple app store directly to your good cellphone or every other mobile machine appropriate with Kik Messenger.
The one factor we will tell you about it if that if you're meaning to switch the APK file to your good phone or cell gadget after you downloaded using an Android emulator (for example, if you are wanting to put in an older version of the Kik Messenger app), you'll need to alter your security settings in your mobile device.
The benefits of utilizing an Android emulator is that it is possible for you to to make use of all of the apps accessible for Android good phones and cell units on your laptop. Now run your desired display dimension emulator and Kik Messenger will run as soon as the emulator is loaded.
It is usually attainable to download and install Kik Messenger on your Windows laptop or Mac OSX. It's possible you'll not have the ability to use some of the app's features whenever you modify it, and the developer group at Kik Messenger is not going to provide any form of technical help for a modified app.
You need to be certain that to know the kik password earlier than you restarting your account. Launch the set up of Kik Messenger and enroll or check in with current username. No wonder Kik is the number one method folks join in other social apps like Instagram, SocialCam, and Viddy.
You will get the same features and the advantages you get with cell kik messenger, by utilizing kik for laptop. There for this may turning into an incredible profit for all kik users. But if you wish to download the KIK APK file then you possibly can download them from the trusted web site simply.
Nevertheless, if you wish to obtain the latest Kik Messenger APK in your cellphone and set up it manually, then you can do so utilizing the link given beneath. Another good feature of BlueStacks is that it really works with a bunch of different apps and has been tested lots by a lot of different customers.
Step eight: So now you will discover the installed kik messenger app on your android cellphone. With the most recent model of Kik app for Android, you may delete a chat out of your conversation in order that nobody is aware of what message you sent. If the system of this application is simply too sophisticated for you, you possibly can ask the Kik Bot a number of questions on it.
Regardless of the distinctive feature it has, Kik is able to operating easily in Android units. Messages and chats made via Kik will not price any cash so you can take pleasure in long conversations together with your family members on the go with out worrying about the cost.
Use your Kik username and password to login on-line to your account and that way you will sync your entire conversations from your iPhone or Android onto your LAPTOP. Inside BlueStacks, open Google PlayStore and obtain the Android model of Kik. Newest replace of apps is 2017-06-02, you probably have any trouble with Kik, feel free to go Kik Interactive web site( GO ) and get in touch with to developer.
Different mods don't open up the Smiley Shop packs however allow you to get 1000's of Kik Factors to buy them. The Manymo service is totally free, however, you will kik apk messenger login have to sign up for it so as to access the emulator and be able to upload the Kik Messenger app into the digital platform.
Be a part of US on Facebook , Google + , Twitter and Pinterest for latest updates about APK apps, Games, Themes, Stay Wallpapers and plenty of extra. Sorry it took me so lengthy the location was hacked into and the sites dev lastly fixed it. I'd rate this kik #1 on the listing however that's simply my opinion.
To fix this situation you'll be able to take updated kik model or you can follw bellow steps. Launch the Kik Messenger app , for the primary-time person it needs registration process. Although, as you keep on writing, Kik messenger might begin to lag as some phrases will increase that's not a lot of an issue as it is not that disturbing.
Simply click on downloading links given under for Kik messenger to obtain it to your androids without cost. When I do open the app, my cellphone buzzes to show I've gotten a message but it would not present up when Kik masses. For that, you'll need a Apple ID. Sadly, there aren't any other methods to make use of KiK Messenger on Apple devices.
Customers have defined Kik Messenger as the most stunning and on the same time the easiest smartphone messenger. So, the iOS device (iPhone, iPod) and any of your Android devices (together with wearables and VR). Say goodbye to the old Messenger and welcome the new KiK Messenger Android App into your life!
Having its launch available in the market virtually 6 years in the past, Kik messenger is an on the spot messenger software which works on Android gadgets, iOS, and even Home windows phone. You may easily download the application in your smartphone by going to Google Play Retailer but if you want to get the most recent Kik Messenger APK then you should use the under obtain hyperlink.
Our immense passion and information of BlackBerry by our editors and neighborhood members make this the perfect useful resource for BlackBerry you'll find anywhere! Kik online messenger is a new COMPUTER-based mostly app that permits you to entry Kik Messenger on-line from the comfort of your personal Home windows primarily based laptop.
Furthermore, the improved Kik Messenger allows its customers to have entry to My Little Pony Sticker, Costume Social gathering and Stickerfy packs. Kik Messenger is the quickest smartphone messenger in the marketplace which allows you to learn, type and ship notifications and messages with the contact of a slide.
There are loads of different options in this APK as nicely which you'll be able to explore after installing it in your gadget. In case, when you do not feel like downloading the KIK APK file in your device then you'll be able to instantly download the KIK App from Google Play Retailer or you may instantly click the link below to obtain the App.
Modded Kiks are unauthorized variations of Kik Messenger which were changed in a roundabout way. Due to this fact, if you wish to obtain the KIK APK file on your gadget then simply go and visit the advocate web site and download it. Or you'll be able to immediately faucet on the link beneath to download the KIK APK file in your device.
Yes, emojis, with which you can communicate whatever involves your mind along with your pricey ones regardless of wherever you might be either in class or schools or anywhere else KIK at all times received lined. Now we have obtained this to work by utilizing a fundamental Android emulator and combining it with the apk file of Kik Messenger.
One other huge professional is that it's utterly free, however there are suggested and sponsored apps that come preloaded on Bluestacks. Typically your finest wager there is a YouTube video search utilizing the terms kik mod” or modded kik” as keywords. You may obtain Kik messenger apk for iPhone, Android Telephones like Samsung, Lenovo, Read ME, Moto etc.
It is rather straightforward to download and install kik apk on COMPUTER but you need an Android Emulator to take action. This Android Emulator is a software program to run Android Apks on Home windows LAPTOP. BlueStacks is a really secure android emulator when compared to other android emulators.
When you notice it stays at S” on all of a pal's messages, yet they reply to your texts, chances are high good they are using a modded Kik. You can depart the folder that the Bluestacks installer chose untouched and just click on subsequent to move on to the following step.
It is extremely easy to obtain the KIK APK both from Google Play Retailer or App Retailer, but in case in case you don't wish to download the app then you'll be able to go for KIK APK file from the really helpful sources. If Recorder for Kik apk obtain infringes your copyright, please contact us , We'll delete it in a short time.
While you kik a pal utilizing a modded Kik, the learn receipt in your end turns to S” standing and never modifications. Kik messenger has a built in net browser in it. With you can go to other web sites all when you're in the Kik app. Step 5: Now disconnect the COMPUTER with the telephone and navigate to the app out of your listing from the place of APK is transferred.
Just like other messaging software Kik additionally comprises all the features like particular person or group chat. If this sounds slightly bit too highfalutin to you, all it boils right down to is that APK file is the name of the file that Android functions (such because the Kik Messenger app).
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oldmarsies · 7 years
#10 from the first section?
omlllll this took me awhile but i found an old story i wrote when i was like 12 on a fanfic / online books website.the "book" was called Cyber Friends and it even had its own cover lmao. ( im on my phone atm but i will post the cover when i get on my computer )WARNING: hardest try not to cringe challenge ahead. you have been warned.1. The MeetIt was the last day of home-schooling. Summer vacation was only ten minutes away, then; good bye Homework. Good bye long and useless essays. Good bye listening to an online teacher for hours. Good bye everything school related.Tic... Tok... Tic... Tok... was all that Emilia heard. Sometimes, minutes felt like hours, hours felt like days, days felt like weeks.... and so on.Tic... Tok... Tic... Tok... five minutes left. Tic... Tok... Tic... Tok... four minutes left... Come on Algebra! Finish quicker!Tic... Tok... Tic... Tok... three minutes left, Two.... One.... Hooray!She shut down the computer as quickly as possible and ran out-side to the fresh, breezy summer air. She inhaled deeply to get used to the outdoors, she doesn't go out much since she's always busy with her school work, she wouldn't be without her extra careful mother.She loved her mother. She's the only family she's got; no brother, no sister, no dad... she misses her dad, but sadly he went to military business a few years ago and he.... he never came back.'But if you kept thinking about the past, you'll never get to live the future' her mom always told her that ever since the.... accident happened, now she never thinks about anything bad that happened before, she just keeps calm and carries on!She laid down on the dewy grass, looking right up at the sunny sky, which was a big mistake. The sun shone so brightly that it blinded her temporarily. She immediately sat up and rubbed her hazel eyes till she saw clearly.... kind of.She looked around to test if she could see better, she could only see dots. The forest behind her house was just a bunch of different sized dots, the fence gate was more like long, thin lines instead of dots. She saw a giant dot come walking to her, she blinked a few times till she found out that the dot was her mom."Hello, mother" she said trying to put on a fake British accent, which she failed at. "Emilia Catherine Hart, what are you doing out here?" she asked, "just getting some fresh air, mom. It is summer vacation" Emilia said in a matter-of-factly tone. "I mean, aren't you supposed to finish your Algebra class with Mr. O'lary?" she demanded, "well, we finished classes" she told her as she laid back down on the grass and looked back up at the sky... and then the whole seeing dots episode repeated.She sat up again and blinked till she almost saw her mother, wow, even partly blinded you could still see her angry. "mom!" she whined, "don't look at me like that!" she got her vision back and saw her mom red-faced from both anger, and heat."Listen dear, just go inside. it's too hot." she said to her daughter, who was shocked at her mother's words. "I never heard of a mom telling her thirteen-year-old daughter to go inside and use the computer!" she exclaimed, she was really was shocked, usually the mother would tell her teenage child to go out side and leave the computer, but this is the total opposite!"Come on sweetheart, just go inside where I know you'll be safe" she begged, Emilia could hear a tint of sadness in her voice, she got up and walked over to her mom, who was on the verge of tears, and hugged her. Ever since her dad left, her mom was always worried about her safety, even if she was in the backyard - she gets worried because of the forest behind it. Whenever she left the house, she took Emilia with her - afraid of the people close by, although they live no where near people or the city for miles."Its ok mom, I miss him too" Emilia said, also on the verge of tears as well, but held them back and comforted her mom instead. After ten minutes of comforting and cheering up they both went inside, she decided to go look for sketches online, she's not a great artist.... she's not an artist at all, but just because her mother got her a sketch pad and some fancy colored pencils for her birthday last year, so she decided why not? trying new things is always a new safe adventure, she told herself and went to her bedroom and got her MacBook from her desk that was under the window, to her queen sized bed, it had a white head board - nothing too fancy - and had light purple sheets, like a lavender-lilac color and lots of throw pillows that she made, it was supposed to be a school project, but she kind of carried away. oh well...She typed in the password and saw her screen saver, it was her and her mom, they were hugging a person in the middle, but his face was cut off... it was her dad. She remembered when her dad was gone, she cut off his face so she wouldn't miss him as much. At times, it worked. Other times, not a bit.She went into Safari and looked up some websites for art inspiration, she found a blog called; Ray's Days (sorry couldn't think of a name) she opened the page and was immediately greeted with loads and loads of amazing art work, some of people, some of animals, some of mythical creatures, and some things she couldn't tell what it was. I could never draw like this!, she thought, she kept looking at the pictures on the website... it was amazing, she look at the side of the blog and saw info of that person;Hi I'm Ray, I'm 13 and live in Malibu, California. All drawings you see here are drawn by me. Any requests just send them to me on a private chat, and have a good day :)Emilia read it over and over, that person is only thirteen and can draw like that? She read it one more time before deciding to ask that person some questions, she went into privet chat and clicked on 'New Message'. but it wouldn't let her unless she has an account, she immediately clicked on 'Sign In' and put the important things in like password, first and last name, Email.. all that stuff. All that was left her Username, she started thinking about a name, she didn't want to put her Nickname and a random number, she wanted to be creative.She kept thinking until she finally thought of a good user name, Andystar23.She chose Andy because thats her dads name, and star because her dad always told her 'you're always going to be that shining star that lights up the whole night sky', and she put 23 because that was her birthday, 23/12/2000, yes her birthday was two days before Christmas but that never changed anything, that day was the only day that she and her family got together. She missed those days.After she made her account, she went into private chat and clicked on 'New Message' and decided to start;Andystar23: Hey excuse me but I have a few questions.She started and got immediate responseRay's_Days: Hey 2 u 2Andystar23: well i was just wondering how did u learn 2 draw like that?Ray's_Days: when i was 9 i started drawing random stuff then i taught myselfAndystar23: how?Ray's_Days: i just kept trying and slowly it workedAndystar23: really? that seems impossibleRay's_Days: well it was hard but then it got easyAndystar23: ok well thank youRay's_Days: your welcome anything else?Andystar23: no thank youAndystar23: well it was nice meeting uRay's_Days: meeting me? u don't even know anything about meAndystar23: yes i doRay's_Days: o really?Andystar23: yes u r 13 and live in Malibu and.... thats allRay's_Days: and all i know is that u r andystar23Andystar23: well lets get 2 know about each otherRay's_Days: ok how old r u?Just as she was about to respond her mom walked in to check on her, she saw that Emilia had her MacBook and wondered what she was doing, she usually uses the Desktop down stairs unless she has something private or just wanted to stay in her room, "hey sweetheart, what are you doing?" she asked sweetly, "nothing mom, just... ok ok you got me I was just talking to someone" she blurted out. "Ray's Days? who's she?" her mother asked "she?" Emilia asked "yeah, Ray is a girls name, didn't you know?" she asked, Emilia just shook her head "well Andystar23" her mom said "I'm not going to delay you anymore, have fun" she walked out of the room to give her daughter some privacy, for the rest of the day Emilia kept texting Ray, I think I made a new friend, she thought.
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kadobeclothing · 5 years
45 Tech Terms Translated Into Plain English
Ever seen the movie The Social Network about Mark Zuckerberg and the founding of Facebook? In the movie, people kept saying “he’s wired in” or “they’re wired in” over and over again in reference to people coding intensely with their headphones on. Not knowing anything about programming, I always imagined that being “wired in” meant the programmers were somehow listening to the computers, or that they were connected to the code somehow … or something weird that us non-programmers would never understand. Turns out it just meant they were concentrating really hard with headphones on. Well, good thing I never hypothesized out loud. We all misinterpret some of the techy terms floating around web and product design nowadays — but now more than ever, marketers need to be familiar with this vocabulary so we can communicate better with our IT, web design, or product development departments. To help bridge the gap, here are 45 techy terms every marketer (and human) should understand. (For a few of these, we drew on these 60 marketing acronyms every industry pro should know.) 301 Redirect A permanent redirect from one URL to another — usually from a company’s old website to their new website. They’re also used to redirect web traffic from those old web pages to the new ones that have replaced them. 404 Web visitors see 404 error pages when they try to reach a web page that doesn’t exist. This usually happens when the web page has been deleted or the visitor mistyped the URL. Check out HubSpot’s 404 page here. Alt Text “Alternative text,” or “alt text.” The text associated with an image. It’s usually the file name of that image, but alt text can be customized using most content management systems (like HubSpot’s). When an image isn’t able to load in an email, website, or blog post, the alt text is displayed instead.  It’s important for all the images on your website to have alt text because it’s the only way search engines like Google can understand what an image is about, which helps you optimize your website for search. It also makes images accessible to the blind because screen readers can read aloud the alt text. API “Application programming interface.” A computer programming term meaning a series of rules. APIs allow an application to extract information from a service and use that information in their own application, or sometimes for data analysis. It’s kind of like a phone for applications to have conversations — an API literally “calls” one application and gets information to bring to you to use in your software. APIs facilitate the data needed to provide solutions to customer problems. HubSpot has APIs that developers use to get information from our software into theirs. It’s important for marketers to understand what APIs can do to factor them in to their marketing strategies. Learn more about how marketers can use APIs here. AWS Amazon Web Services is a service that helps web developers and ecommerce owners in developing certain shopping-related features of their websites.  Browser Cache The appliance or instrument through which a browser saves the data needed to see a website, like images and HTML. When you revisit a web page, it’ll take less time to load than the first time you visited it because a cached version of the page was already saved the first time you were there. Because you have a cached version of the page, your browser doesn’t need to send a new request to see that page. Learn more about browser caches here. “Cached out” can also be slang for really, really tired. Blockchain In simple terms, blockchain is a ledger system that uses an open, distributed record to keep track of transactions — transactions could mean cryptocurrencies, medical information, voting or home records, and more. Cart Abandonment When people add products to online shopping carts but don’t check out and actually purchase those products. According to Fireclick, 62.30% is the average online cart abandonment rate. It’s a common problem for many ecommerce stores. Learn 8 reasons for cart abandonment and how to combat it here. CDN “Content delivery network” or “content distribution network.” A system of servers on the internet that provides content rapidly to multiple users by duplicating the content on multiple servers and directing the content to users based on proximity. CDNs enable better performance and availability — plus, they offload traffic served directly from the content provider’s website. They’re especially good for streaming audio, video, and internet television programming. To give you a better idea of how the system works, CDN operators get paid by content providers (like media companies and ecommerce vendors) to deliver their content to end users. In turn, CDNs pay ISPs (internet service providers), carriers, and network operators for hosting its servers in their data centers. Cookies/Tracking Cookies A small file that a web server automatically sends to your personal computer when you browse certain websites. The identifying information they contain includes login credentials (including usernames and passwords), shopping cart information, and preferences. They’re stored as text files on your hard drive so servers can access them when you return to websites you’ve visited before. Ever made a return visit to a website like Amazon and seen content tailored to your user preferences? That’s because on your first visit, a cookie was installed. When you came back, the website server read your cookie and recognized you. Learn more about how marketers can use cookies here. CMS A CMS, or content management system, is a platform that allows less-techy people to build websites and content from professionally designed templates. More tech-savvy users can often further customize these templates or website themes with HTML edits or plug-ins, which you’ll learn more about on this list. Notable examples of CMSs include WordPress and WIx. CSS “Cascading style sheets.” A language that manages the design and presentation of web pages: color, look, feel, and so on. It works together with HTML (see HTML), which handles the content of web pages. “HTML is the skeleton of your web pages, while CSS is the clothing,” as one of our colleagues says. With CSS, you can create rules to tell your website how you want it to display information. And you can keep the commands for the style stuff — fonts, colors, and so on — separate from the commands for the content. They’re called “cascading” because you can have multiple style sheets, with one style sheet inheriting properties (or “cascading”) from others. Learn more here. Disaster Recovery Plan A plan that helps an organization prepare in the event that its website goes down or something happens to the webmaster. These disasters could be hard drive failure, hackers, and so on. Disaster recovery plans include recording important website information, performing and saving regular backups of your website, determining an implementation plan for recovering your website should anything happen, and keeping an extra copy of your website data in a safe place. DNS “Domain name server.” Servers that translates web addresses into one or more IP addresses. This is why you can enter HubSpot.com instead of having to remember our IP address. DoS/DDoS Attack “Denial-of-service” or “distributed denial-of-service” attack. An attempt to make a machine or network resource unavailable to its intended users. DoS threats usually target websites or services hosted on high-profile web servers like banks and credit card payment gateways, but they’re also common in business in the form of website attacks. For example, one common type of attack on businesses would be attempting a service overload — i.e. flooding a network with so much information that it either can’t respond to legitimate traffic, or responds so slowly that it’s basically useless. Sadly, there isn’t much you can do to avoid being a victim of a DoS attack except securing passwords and installing anti-virus software and a firewall. Signs of an attack are unusually slow network performance, unavailability of a website, or the inability to access a website. Contact your IT team if you sense something’s off. Hosting Servers The web servers where website files are housed, served, and maintained. HTML “Hyper-text markup language.” The language used to direct the architecture of your website, landing pages, and emails. HTML lays out the structure of your website, from the title and first header, to a bulleted list, to your footer. Remember, “HTML is the skeleton of your web pages, while CSS is the clothing.” Learn more here. Interface/GUI GUI stands for “graphical user interface,” known also as simply “interface.” An interface is the part of a piece of software that the end user actually sees and interacts with. IPaaS IPaaS, which stands for Integrated Platform as a Service, is a cloud-based platform that connects various applications, systems, and technologies within the cloud or on-premise. It allows for the deployment and maintenance of integration flows without the need for hardware or middleware either within an organization or between an organization and third-party software. IP Address “Internet Protocol address.” A numerical label assigned to each device participating in a computer network that uses the Internet Protocol for communication. ISP “Internet service provider.” An organization (commercial, community-owned, nonprofit, or otherwise privately owned) that provides internet services. Javascript A computer programming language used to create interactive effects within web browsers. For example, it allows you to perform calculations, write interactive games, add special effects, check forms, create security passwords, customize graphics, and so on. It has become the standard equipment in virtually all web browsers and is well-suited to a large range of non-web-related applications.  Mimification Mimification involves going into a web page or piece of content and pulling out all of the useless or excess code or spaces. This can help to increase page load speeds which can also boost your Google SEO.  Machine Learning Machine Learning is an artificial intelligence technique where algorithms are trained to recognize patterns and respond to them by performing tasks. For example, a customer service bot for a travel site might be trained to send you deals related to Bermuda if it recognizes the words, “beach vacation” or “Bermuda.” NLP NLP, or natural language processing, is when machine-learning algorithms are trained to comprehend large amounts of human language and respond to those commands. You might hear about this machine learning technique most when you are reading about voice assistant products that can respond to multiple spoken commands at once, like Amazon’s Echo.  Parallax Design You’ve probably seen those super-cool scrolling website designs like this one from Wildlife, this one from Bagigia, or this one from Honda? That’s parallax — a web design that takes a visual storytelling approach to guiding visitors through a website, and brings user experience to a new, interactive level. Pixel Pixels from external ad networks work similarly to the HubSpot tracking code. Once installed on your site, the pixel detects visits to your pages. This data is the basis for creating ad audiences. These ad audiences to target ads can be used to target your ads at specific visitors. Pixels also collect data that can help optimize ads and measure your ads’ results. Plugin/Plug-In A software extension that adds a specific feature to an existing software application. You’ve probably heard of plugins in the context of web browsers to add new features like virus scanners, for example. Ever enabled Adobe Flash Player or Microsoft Silverlight QuickTime Player on your internet browser? Yup — those are plugins. Registrar A company that registers domain names, like GoDaddy. Responsive Design The method of designing web pages that automatically appear in their optimized form on all devices. In other words, responsive design automatically reformats your website for all screen sizes so your website visitors can easily interact with your site no matter what device they’re using. Due to the rapid increase in mobile usage in recent years, responsive design has become somewhat of a necessity. Here’s how responsive design gets you more from your website.  RSS Feed “Rich site summary feed.” A web feed that publishes frequently updated information like blog posts and news stories. They let publishers syndicate data automatically, which is why they’re sometimes known as “really simple syndication.” When you subscribe to a website’s RSS, you no longer need to check their website for new content — instead, your browser will automatically monitor the site and give you timely updates. SaaS SaaS stands for “Service as a Software.” This acronym categorizes platforms that help professionals and B2B employees with daily tasks or other aspects of their own job. Examples of SaaS platforms are HubSpot, Slack, and DocuSign.  Sandbox A place to run a program for testing and experimenting in software development. Basically, it’s a testing environment that isolates untested code changes and experimentation. This isolation protects live servers and their data from changes that could be damaging. Scrum A framework for managing product development used in agile software development. In Scrum, projects are divided into succinct work cadences known as “sprints,” which are usually one, two, or three weeks long. At the end of each sprint, the team meets to assess their progress and plan the next sprint. One key to Scrum’s popularity and success is that it has a simple set of roles, responsibilities, and meetings that never change. Learn more about Scrum here. Session In computer science, a session is a dialogue, conversation, or meeting between two or more communicating devices, or between a computer and a user (like a login session). It typically involves saving information about the session history in order to be able to communicate.  SEO SEO or search engine optimization is a strategy that optimizes your site and content so it can easily be found and promoted on online search engines. Showstopper Slang for anything that could stop the launch of a new product, like a bug. Site Map Site maps show a hierarchical view of a website’s pages and content. It helps website designers figure out what content is needed on a website before they begin designing it. Site maps can also be web pages that offer links to all of the pages on a website. UI “User interface.” A type of interface that allows users to control a software application or hardware device. A good user interface provides a user-friendly experience by allowing the user to interact with the software or hardware in an intuitive way. It includes a menu bar, toolbar, windows, buttons, and so on. Learn how to create a user-friendly website registration process here. UTM A UTM is a code that shows up in a tracking URL that allows a website, such as HubSpot to track views from a specific source, such as a social post or promotional email. Learn how to create and track UTMs and tracking URLs here. URL “Uniform resource locator.” Also known as a web address, a URL is a specific character string that refers to a resource. It’s displayed on the top of a web browser inside an “address” bar. Learn how to optimize your URLs for search here. UX The overall “user experience” a customer has with a particular business, from their discovery and awareness of the brand all the way through their interaction, purchase, use, and even advocacy of that brand. To deliver an excellent customer experience, you have to think like a customer, or better, think about being the customer. Learn more here. Vector Graphics A computer graphics term to describe the use of “geometrical primitive objects” like points, lines, curves, and shapes to represent images. Here’s an example of a real phone that has been “vectorized.”                    Waterfall Development A sequential design process often used in software development processes, where progress is seen as “flowing” steadily downward through the phases of conception, initiation, analysis, design, construction, testing, production/implementation, and maintenance. The point of waterfall development is to spend more time in the early stages of the software production cycle because catching bugs and other issues early on is cheaper and easier to fix than catching them later. Web Accessibility The ability for your website to be accessed by people with different physical and mental abilities, age, location, and so on. The UN Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities recognizes access to the web as a basic human right. Properly designed websites and web tools can be used by people with disabilities. Here are a few examples from W3C of things to include on your website to make them accessible to people with disabilities: Alt text for images — Alt text makes images accessible to blind people because their screen readers, which read aloud the information on a page, also read out the alt text for visual images. It also makes the image information available to people who turned off images on their mobile phones to lower bandwidth charges or people in rural areas who turn off images to speed download. (Alt text is also important for SEO purposes because it lets Google know what the subject matter of the image is.) Transcripts for videos and podcasts — Include transcripts to give access to people with hearing disabilities. Wired In Working with headphones on, indicating you don’t want to be disturbed. When programmers write code, sometimes they’ll plug in earphones to isolate themselves from the outside world so they can be totally focused on coding. Editor’s Note: This blog post was originally published in July 2014, but was updated in November 2019 for comprehensiveness. 
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source https://www.kadobeclothing.store/45-tech-terms-translated-into-plain-english/
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jamesbyerj · 5 years
A soup-erb interview - ElSopa
[b]Today we are talking to [url=https://www.nexusmods.com//users/6960827?tab=user+files]ElSopa[/url] - long-time member of the site, texture artist, and creator of "[url=https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/78537]I can't believe it's not an ENB[/url]" as well as several SkyUI themes and widget designs.[/b] [center][youtube]MA8w4yABPPQ[/youtube][/center][center]Note: features swearing/inappropriate language.[/center] [b]BigBizkit: To start this off, why don’t you tell us a bit about yourself?[/b] ElSopa: Well, first of all, I want to thank you guys for giving me this space, as you have given other super talented authors! About myself, well it's kind of, let's say, complex? Years ago I used to play this online game, and to make it as short as possible, some really troubled guy got obsessed with me and then I found that he even travelled to my neighbourhood to find me, it was really creepy. Some sort of dangerous stalker, since then I'm very very reluctant to talk about myself online, I hope you understand! But I can say I'm a dentist and I live in Argentina (I found some people who think I'm a woman... sorry guys!). [b]Your username translates to “The Soup”. How did you come up with this soup-erb username?[/b] LMAO When I was young (even younger than today!) I used to watch a TV show called "The Soup". In this online game I mentioned I had a different name in Spanish that sounds really controversial in English, so I changed it to "Soup". Many players were from Argentina and called me "Sopa", so that's the origin of my name.  (I wonder why that question surprises me coming from someone called Bizkit). [center][img]https://staticdelivery.nexusmods.com/mods/110/images/93729/93729-1567086818-1251225847.jpeg[/img][/center] [center][quote][b][size=3][i]"Fun fact: I don't like soup."[/i][/size][/b] [i][size=2]- ElSopa, modder named after a creamy, tasty liquid commonly known as "soup"[/size][/i][/quote][/center] [b]What kind of mods do you make mostly? How would you describe them? [/b] 90% of my modifications are textures, then there are replacers for icons and [url=https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrimspecialedition/mods/25417]my beloved SkyUI theme[/url] (it's not abandoned, stop asking :D ). And how would I describe them? Hmmm, I try to add some spark of creativity when possible, for example, I remember a grindstone retexture I did, I added the mark of the foot to the wooden pedal, I guess it's reasonable after so much use. [b] You’ve been a member of the site for over six years now. What got you interested in modding initially and what was your modding journey like?[/b] Oh, my first contribution was [url=https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/38026]a SweetFX preset[/url], it's still there, it's not too nice tbh, but I tried my best to make it better, and after that, I did one called "[url=https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/48554]I Can't Believe It's Not an ENB[/url]". I had a pretty weak PC and running ENBs was impossible for me, so I made this preset to be used in combination with [url=https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/17802]Climates of Tamriel[/url] (a weather mod, for those who don't know) trying to make it look like an ENB. It got super popular and people loved it (even Gamwich praised it, I even embedded a screenshot of that to the description page haha). It's still being downloaded years after! After that, I made 3 more ICBINEs. And never had so much fun: for each one I made [url=https://youtu.be/bEAvPB-13Wg]a short animation of a guy having bad experiences with ENBs[/url] and moving to my preset. Watch the 3rd one, it's my favourite. Watching the YouTube views counter explode after each release was so satisfying  :) After that, I realized I couldn't achieve anything better with the shader injectors and stopped for a while. I tried making one for Skyrim Special Edition but I never liked it - maybe there are better alternatives. Then I tried my luck with textures until today and I am still learning. [b]How do you usually go about creating your mods/textures? What tools do you use and how did you learn to use them? [/b] Well, I find something that I think I could improve (at least for me) then I search for textures I like and that are royalty-free, that's important since I don't want to get banned. About the tools I use: I love Paint.NET, it's super lightweight and you can add plugins for many things, I'm really used to that, I tried Photoshop once to warp some textures for a strider but never used it again. I use a program called Mindtex2 for some normals, it's a clone of Crazybump but way cheaper, and Materialize, which is better in my opinion. Then GIMP for giving the final touches on the normals, oh, and I am slowly learning Substance Painter and even more slowly I am learning Blender. That's basically it. I also use Adobe Flash for my icons and all the UI mods -  I was lucky because I got used to it from making animations, without that practice I doubt I would ever touch it, it's kinda tricky and weird. Oh! and how did I learn to use them? Trial and error AND MOTIVATION (aka fun), I get frustrated really fast so I guess those programs are easy to use. [center][img]https://staticdelivery.nexusmods.com/mods/110/images/93729/93729-1567086745-1236365862.jpeg[/img] [img]https://staticdelivery.nexusmods.com/mods/110/images/93729/93729-1567086748-1697701146.jpeg[/img][/center] [b]How much time passed between you realising that there are ants in Skyrim (yes, it’s a thing!) and you deciding to create [url=https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrimspecialedition/mods/26715]a retexture for them[/url]? Could you even play the game without an HD ant retexture at this point?[/b] Hahahaha, well to be fair, my ants retexture must be the 3rd on the site at least. There were others before me I realized later. Yeah I can forget about retextures in-game because I haven't even played the game lately, lol. when I'm sitting in front of the computer I'm making textures, or experimenting to learn more stuff (there are some atrocious experiments that I guess will never see the light of day). [b]Have you ever collaborated with other modders on projects? What was the experience like?[/b] Yeah! Now I can't remember exactly how it was, but thing is, I ended up making some icons for the unique weapons on iEquip (be sure to find them all, there are some cool easter eggs) - it was a great experience, Dunc (the author) was nice and often gave me raw meat, and he even allowed me to go outside the basement dungeon for a bit before resuming my work on the icons. I was also force-... I mean invited to watch all the seasons of Airwolf until I liked it (chained to the wall sadly). Hi Dunc! I was contacted by the Beyond Skyrim team once, too, but I didn't feel I could contribute in a way that was fun to me, so I left. Oh, also I helped some Spanish speaking guys with translations of their modpages, and other small things. And apparently my name will be added to an easter egg for a... uhm... certain Solitude mod. [b]Do you have any favourite mods from other authors?[/b] You know what, I could name the obvious more popular mods everyone already knows, but I'll take this opportunity for naming some talented mod authors that deserve at least a peek at their profiles: [url=https://www.nexusmods.com/users/470953]mnelson999[/url] is an incredibly talented guy, I used his Nexus Mod Monitor since the ICBINE days until lately when the site changed and made it obsolete, check his profile now!!! [url=https://www.nexusmods.com/users/1892037]MrNeverLost[/url], what a guy! He helped me a lot with stuff I didn't know about modding, and he is always so kind. [url=https://www.nexusmods.com/users/55773412?tab=user+files]RayMaster901[/url], he's new to texturing and learning fast! Also, I want to thank [url=https://www.nexusmods.com/users/28794?tab=user+files]Schlangster[/url] for giving me permission to mod his incredible SkyUI!!! There are others that I'm not mentioning because they are recognized widely, like: [url=https://www.nexusmods.com/users/34063535?tab=user+files]Dunc001[/url], [url=https://www.nexusmods.com/users/13953925?tab=user+files]Kojak747[/url], [url=https://www.nexusmods.com/users/3447031?tab=user+files]QueenieAngel[/url], [url=https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/92893]Cuyima[/url], [url=https://www.nexusmods.com/users/39335975?tab=user+files]Rallyeator[/url], [url=https://www.nexusmods.com/users/52194591?tab=user+files]Winedave[/url], sorry if I forgot anyone!!!! Also, [url=https://www.nexusmods.com/users/11835658]Nazenn[/url]! he's super cool! and we're working on something amazing! [b]What other hobbies do you have?[/b] I love playing the guitar, singing, and keeping up to date with the UFO investigation scene (which is in a sad state lately). Oh and if there's anyone from Argentina (zona sur) playing instruments I want to form a band. [b]Do you have any tips for people who are interested in getting into modding themselves? [/b] Find something you think you could do better or different, and forget about getting instant big results, start with something minimal and see it in-game, even if its some simple line on a texture or whatever. First time I edited a texture, when I saw it in-game, it was like drawing a moustache on Captain Picard's face.  Ask for help, watch a lot of youtube tutorials. [center][img]https://staticdelivery.nexusmods.com/mods/110/images/93729/93729-1567086742-915956581.jpeg[/img][/center] [b]Is there anything else you would like to say to our community? [/b] That it's great when you find good people and sad when you find the wrong people - focus on the good ones and have lots of fun! And one last message for the people in Argentina please: Aguante los Redondos, Soda, Avant Press, Spinetta y Charly papá! [line] A big thank you to [url=https://www.nexusmods.com//users/6960827?tab=user+files]ElSopa[/url] for taking the time to respond to our questions. As always, if there are any mod authors or mod projects you'd like to hear about, don't hesitate to send a message to [url=https://www.nexusmods.com/users/31179975]Pickysaurus[/url] and [url=https://www.nexusmods.com/users/64597]BigBizkit[/url]. Published first at A soup-erb interview - ElSopa
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vcsavgqaueoc-blog · 5 years
Perfect Way To See Who Viewed My Instagram Profile Quickly
It is quite easy to use, although it doesnt have the most genial interface, but you dont compulsion to spend much period looking on it, maybe its not the prettiest website in the world, but it does the job it was expected for unconditionally who viewed my instagram video well.Can you look who views your Instagram, every you need to reach to check Who viewed my Instagram profile is enter your username in the capture bin on the website and click on the instigation button. Its quite simple, right?Are you an exhibitionist? complete you once as soon as people watch you every the time? If yes, keep amused skip this paragraph. Surely afterward most people, you just desire to allocation in the same way as those you really know.
Who Viewed My Instagram
So if you want to save your Instagram account secure, pick private account in the Options menu. I intensely recommend this step to all parents who post photos of their kids to stay in adjoin following contacts and intimates regarding the world. Unfortunately, this does not guard your account from everyone. There are tools out there that allow stalkers to view your private profile without next it. However, you can use the application we reviewed above in order to look who viewed your Instagram profile and block everyone whose username you dont recognize.Im not your parent, so, who viewed my Instagram. I wont tell you what and to whom you can share, but my try is to say can you see who views your instagram you that some frightening insane people can watch photos of your child or yours. They can tell you where you bill and once and where you travel, or what other activities your child is attending or impatient in establishment the web application by clicking the button above.you may be wondering what the order of that list means. Many users are curious more or less the order of fan and once lists, likes, and bill views, as it is usually definite that the order is not chronological. The correct description for the order of these lists is not entirely clear, but we know that it all goes support to the Instagram algorithm.who you engage next the most on Instagram will likely appear at the summit of the list, which is why you often look your closest contacts or partners as the first viewers on the list. Who Stalking My Instagram?So you cant look definitively who visits your Instagram profile, but is there a pretension to figure out your stalkers? Sadly, moreover no although there is more room for clarification upon this question.The Instagram Algorithm shows you posts and orders your associates and likes based upon three factors: your interests, your relationships, and reference. By interests we goal what you once and engage with.Relationship refers then to whos content you similar to and engage with, but moreover who likes and engages behind you. This means that it could can you see who views your instagram tune who is stalking you. If someone is always the first considering listed upon your photos and you dont regularly interact similar to them online, they may be an Instagram stalker.Insert your username. Click the initiation button and wait for results
Firstly,New One Introduction
Now relax, hear to some music, watch some YouTube videos, create a coffee. Just dont near that website and wait patiently. According to the creators, depending on the current load upon Instagram API servers, this process can take on anywhere from a few seconds to 15 or even 30 minutes in the most extreme cases. Its not taking place to them. Its every happening to Instagram and their servers.The impact of social media and stalkers on our lives. Who is stalking my Instagram. Social media have led to a disorder in building social bonds and establishing relationships bearing in mind further people.Do you afterward subsequently people watch you all the time? If yes, can you see who views your instagram videos keep busy skip this paragraph. However, you can use the application we reviewed above in order to see who viewed your Instagram profile and block everyone whose username you dont recognize.Im not your parent, fittingly I wont tell you what and to whom you can share, but my aspiration is to say you that some frightening insane people can watch photos of your child or yours. They can tell you where you action and as soon as and where you travel, or what other deeds your child is attending or impatient in. I attain not point toward to fear you, but I desire to remind you that there are many bad people in the world. The use of public settings could be recommended to those who really compulsion to be visible and have no habit out. The most important matter is that it does bill and it works fast. It was supposed to pretense me who viewed my Instagram profile and it did. There is of course room for improvement, the user interface is especially something that stands out as below average and should be revamped to ensure that this application is easier to use for your average user. But you should entre carefully. We have reviewed various swing applications who are always advertised as the isolated real solution that allows users to look who has visited their Instagram profile. But this is not the deserted event that they have in commonsee who views your Instagram the common denominator of these apps would be the fact that in most cases they helpfully dont take action as advertised. higher than time, it turned out that their use has an impact upon our comprehensive life. This is particularly felt today by juvenile people, for whom social media is simply an integral portion of their lives.Psychologists have long been wondering whether (and if so, how) the use of social media affects our mental health. From era to era there are studies that describe, along with additional things, how the use of other technologies can be united subsequently atmosphere disorders, whether it has a destructive effect upon associations as soon as peers, or it affects the mood of vibrancy and the level of happiness. One of the biggest threats we outlook upon social media platforms are stalkers which are sometimes utterly hard to identify and most platforms dont help us following this event in the past we cannot check who is viewing our profile, photos or videos. This is why its important for people to have right of entry to applications such as the mentioned above in order to identify who stalks their Instagram. This is the topic of the future, and in view of that we are then describing extra research upon this issue. Social media sometimes appear to be a crucial platform for juvenile people and a basic form of contact like the world. It is not abandoned a melody in which one publishes self or comments, but then a form of communication, establishing intimates following people whom the pubertal can you see who views your instagram person does not see, but who call links or acquaintances. The capacity of social media and the aptitude of their move are moreover negative. We must not forget about cyberbullying, stalking and supplementary negative experiences and dark social networking sites that accomplish peoples prudence of security, self-esteem and emotional condition.
Final Words
We have already written a lot just about passwords most important concern to remember is that you have to tweak them frequently and never reuse them.Surely later than most people, you just want to allowance once those you in point of fact know. hence if you desire to save your Instagram account secure, pick to look who views your Instagram private account in the Options menu. I highly suggest this step to every parents who herald photos of their kids to stay in lie alongside as soon as connections and family see who views your instagram concerning the world. Unfortunately, this does not guard your account from everyone. There are tools out there that allow stalkers to view your private profile without later than it. The fact is that one promote can be a contact to extra social networks or email accounts, and back it is quite common for social networks to use the same usernames, passwords should be mighty and unique.
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