#its so weird to not hate the ep and to actually have enjoyed a lot of it
Thirteen and Yaz are a tragedy they had no time left no time.  Yaz coming to terms with her sexuality was an amazing thing, loving the doctor was an amazing thing and knowing she felt the same in return...but their story was cut short. 
I love so many of the moments in POTD and Thasmin has some great emotional ones (carrying her bridal style HELLO KJFDGSDJBGDSJ) BUT I feel robbed and its not just because they ran out of time its more like missed opportunities for an extra scene or two, another conversation, another heartfelt truth.
Look I didn’t need a kiss (I hoped for it I even expected it honk honk) and I am the FIRST person to vouch for platonic love (most my otp’s are actually platonic soulmates in canon and I value that SO much) but Yaz and thirteen were no longer platonic, they were romantic. You don’t compare someone to your wife or go on a date with them if they’re not. 
So yes I was expecting more (even though Jodie and Mandip and most of the cast nailed their performances) and the ep overall wasn’t bad at all and some of it made me feel things but the way Yaz moved on seemingly so easily and so fast felt wrong, the way thirteen clearly loved her but wrapped that up in sentences with Graham and Ryan and Dan (and again I love platonic love more than anything but girl thasmin was romantic) Dan saw it, WE saw it. So why did they do barely anything with it in the finale? 
Its weird because I don’t hate the ep nor the thasmin beautiful crumbs we got but I do feel that it was rushed that Yaz would never leave so easily even if it was out of love and being strong to move forward with her found family and acceptance of who she is. I didn’t get enough of Yaz and Thirteen. Maybe that was the point. But I’m still sad and kinda crushed even whilst holding onto those moments tonight where their love for each other was clear (and thats kudos to Jodie and Mandip)
Anyway join me in my AU where Thasmin kissed, got married, got to live a long life together (Dan as best man ofc) in some Rose/Ten kinda deal anything to just give them that time because I’m happy here and also have cookies.
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lune-dreams · 23 days
Murder Drones Episode 8 and its Issues
It's been a hot sec since I've last posted, but I'm back!! Today's post actually concerns episode 8 and people's issues with it and I'll be doing my best to address every claim against it that has been made with negative connotations! #1 The runtime is terribly short, glitch should've made it longer
First of all, I feel like the murder drones community has a habit of forgetting that glitch is an indie animation studio and we can't expect them to give us amazing long content! On top of that, the writing was finished by Liam awhile ago so this was all already pre-planned and it was clear that murder drones had a very specific ending in mind! Finally the animation quality, was just amazing in this episode and I can't imagine the amount of work it must've taken them to animate such a detailed episode and it's 20 minutes on top of all of that, and not many indie animations have the ability to do all that within a year!! #2 The story didn't give us proper closure
I know that in the story there were a lot of loose ends that weren't tied up, however we did still get an ending. Liam is known for often dropping projects early on and we got very lucky that we managed to get some form of an ending!
See with this story the whole point of it was that they were trying to defeat Cyn and they pretty much accomplished that which essentially means the story comes to a close since there's no reason to drag on what is done!
#3 V coming back was bad
Okay I can see why you might say that, considering all her development lead up to her death which was a good wrap for her story, however keep in mind we finally got some form of closure between N and V! The hallway scene when V apologizes to N, I think that was definitely one of her biggest points of development and I think we owe Liam for that amazing writing, not only did he manage to give her a purpose in the new episode, but he was also able to tie up some loose ends with her issues and give her the final development that she really needed!
#4 Uzi was so cringey during this ep and that just sucks
Okay firstly, I understand that some people might view being cringy as weird and that's okay, but I don't see an issue with it whatsoever, people can be as cringey as they want if it makes them happy and doesn't hurt anyone! Now addressing Uzi's cringeyness, it's quite literally in character for her! If you've been watching the series since the beginning, her whole character has had this whole cringe thing going on and I'm not sure why you would hate on a character for just being themselves, she's just being her normal self when she calls herself a "damaged oc"!
Conclusion: I know that there's a lot of reasons why some people might've not enjoyed episode 8 of murder drones and that's completely okay, these are just my personal thoughts on all this and it's mainly to address all the hate against glitch for the episode, which btw they do not deserve! Please do not send hate to glitch, criticisms are okay, but hate is not. Anyways I hope that this post reaches those who have been looking for it or need it! Thank you for reading!
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storiesofsvu · 3 months
CM 17.3
Alright!! 17e3 here we go!!
(I meant to rewatch the first 2 eps before this but didn’t get around to it, so a more in-depth review/more film student analysis is still to come.)
Enjoy this chaos with no context for now! (a lot of it likely isn’t gonna be fully fleshed out cause I have a full thought/reply and try my hardest to type it all out super fast before the show moves on but I have to stop to pay attention OR something else comes up and im just SCRAMBLING)
Absolutely hate there’s no subtitles right away for this but I mean.. I could wait a couple of days til its on Disney I just have no patience.
GOD why is it so fucking dark.
Thank you Emily for not letting luke spill the beans, like, kinda like Rebecca as a person, but can’t trust her as long as her job goes
Okay, em is in the right here, both in the sense of keeping it quiet originally but also making luke keep hush. Cause im sorry but she’s right. It would’ve 1000% drove the team to the brink and split them apart AND made them spiral so deep about what was on the site/other people seeing them/trying to cleanse the web of them (which obvi is impossible). Esp jj of all people? Like I’m not really sure *what* is on there, but jj is the one with KIDS, a full family, she’s still in contact with her parents (at least the mom?) she’s probably likely known in the circle of the boys friends parents? Like that’s SO much damage control to stress over??
Im so fucking excited for prentiss’ wacko neighbour to come back loool
LOOOOLL em’s “oh.. oh no…” reaction. I love this.
Did pen just say “tik tack” instead of tik tok? or was I not listening properly lol
“what are you gonna do?” “put out fires” that is LITERALLY a boss’ job. This being said as a boss.
“I don’t want to say no to your face…” SAME girl… same
GOD Emily is so fucking beautiful
This back and fourth with Garcia and her opinions on tyler is SO annoying. At first she hates him and doesn’t want to even look at him, then they’re flirting, then they’re fucking. Then she’s all twitterpated and wrapped around his finger. Then she AGAIN wants nothing to do with him?? Even though in the last ep she was all high school girlie about working with an “ex”?? I GET that the writers/showrunners are piling the comic relief onto her/the situation but come ON.
“I didn’t call you” “your landlord did” BRUH. COME ON. I don’t care how crazy things are, you ALWAYS double check that! I once saw a dude backing into my driveway with a ladder and immediately went outside to be all “uh..hello?” he immediately pulled out his phone, named my landlord, pointed out what he was there for (damage to the siding of the house, I hadn’t noticed cause I hadn’t left the house and live in the basement) AND offered to call my landlord. ALWAYS BE SUSPICIOUS.
WHY THE FUCK ARE JJ AND LUKE PAIRED UP!!!!????? Jj’s a profiler, she’s obvi gonna be able to get it outta luke, or press him for details, or whatever. If he’s supposed to keep shit quiet why tf are they off together. (or were they specifically asked to be together by voit? Cause that’s just him playing into his bullshit again)
“Emily practising deception isn’t a lie. It’s good leadership” THANK YOU.
Also...to feed all the jemily shippers out there… if this was a fic written by me.. it would be bundled into the AI shit, but there would be pics of Emily and jj hooking up that were very easily proven to be legit and the entire situation would out them and that’s what the actual issue was/is with the site…
I understand jj is outside with Sydney and luke’s job is to keep the girls distracted inside but of COURSE its himbo’s first reaction to pull out the soccer ball INSIDE.
Okay is that just some weird direction/camera angles or are we eluding to the older sister being a cutter?
Emily’s reactions to brian were perfection.
JFC NO! who’s out there stalking them? Uggghh (though I will say that the moment something clinked in the parking garage I said to myself “pls don’t let her get kidnapped in ep 3…”
Why does it feel like tyler knows more about gold star than the bau does?
Oooo but he cloned the phone! Good boy!!
Penelope: in charge of tracking down tyler
Tyler: texts Penelope “I need to see you”
Penelope: “NO!” doesn’t reply….
Ah yes.. I was right about the cutting… oof. Uugggh talk about heartbreaking..
LOOOOL tara teasing rossi! “I think I pulled… everything…” HHAH
Im not gonna lie, I absolutely HATE that they went down this AI *porn* route, as if these fucking poor characters haven’t been through enough, and like, again as I said, JJ… she’s got the most damage control to do no matter what, and poor girl hasn’t dealt with more than half her trauma so far…
“but I didn’t exactly get it legally, so you know what rebecca’s gonna say” THANK YOU. But also, like fuck that. cause this show has ALWAYS been above the law in that sense. I can’t remember if I said it in last week’s summary or if it was another random post, but CM vs like, SVU is WILD because we NEVER see things past the cuffs being put on/the unsub getting killed/killing themselves. We never go to court, we never see the legal side of it BECAUSE 99% of them would be not guilty due to mental…defect? LOL I know that’s not the right word/phrase but you know what I mean. CM is about the mind of the criminal and chasing them down and finding out the trigger and stressor and figuring out the pattern, not seeing things through to court and prison.
and while I love the addition of her character (Rebecca), it’s making other characters act in ways they never have before/never would simply because now the show is implicating the legal side of things. again, love having Rebecca and that boundary in line for the team but it is messing with the normal dynamics we are used to. Like..as IF Penelope would have any issue using an illegally cloned phone in the past. She was all “don’t ask questions” “well yes I *could* get access to that record, but it is technically sealed” and hotch would be all “I didn’t hear anything…”
LOL Emily with a full bottle of wine at her desk. Love her. god she’s SO annoyed with brian and I love it.
SEE this is why luke never should have said anything. Cause it doesn’t matter how hard you try not to look, you’re never going to be able to resist being able to look it up, no matter how bad it is, how fake and evil and ugly it is, you’re still gonna want to know and jj didn’t need to see that/know about it. How is she supposed to go home and act ok now??
“okay they’re here… somehow” DUDE YOU KNOW BETTER EM! Doesn’t matter that youre in an fbi parking garage, no cop gets there that fast!!
Also..that red coat is TRENCH COAT. YEESSS
“FUCKING BRIAN!” thankkkkk you em
Also…in all seriousness. Em was in HER office at the BAU, somewhere you (I assume) need clearance to get on property, much less in the building or into the parking, so WHY/HOW the FUCK were both brian, the guys who beat him up and whoever took the pictures get clearance?? SHOULDN’T QUANTICO HAVE SOME PRETTY FUCKING HIGH SECURITY LEVELS???
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absolutebl · 1 year
This Week in BL - Drunken Shenanigans
May 2023 Wk 4
Being a highly subjective assessment of one tiny corner of the interwebs. Organized by which ones (in each category) I’m enjoying most.
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Ongoing Series - Thai
Step By Step (Tues WeTV & Gaga) ep 6 of 10 - this is Thai BL living its best life. Wait, who is Kong? Another ex? Ah just a Boy from the Past. (HI BIG, I love you, when you gunna lead a BL?) Chot & Pat’s friendship is giving me LIFE! It is the best thing in BL right now. Also this show is defining slow burn. Jeng & Pat both primping for their date? Come on! I am so glad I get to start my week with these boys. Also I would like to see the BL (within this BL) staring Up & Rice. They are VERY pretty together.
La Pluie (Sat iQIYI) ep 5 of 10 - I end my week with this one and it’s almost as good as starting with Step. The brothers relationship is pitch perfect younger to middle. P’Pat is serving up yacht rock visuals. (I’m not mad about it. Reminds me of Tay in DBK.) I do like them as a couple I just mistrust Pat’s constancy and motives. Although I am beginning to wonder if his motivation might feel suss because it’s pure lust (and we see that so rarely in a BL we innately mistrust it). Meanwhile, I like that Tai has a younger guy interested in him and with whom he has chemistry too. And it’s the one his brother likes. This is messy gay in a good way. 
Our Skyy 2 (Boss & Babe) eps 11-12 - I was drunk for this one, so I thought it was mostly just foolish. While Book seemed to be having a bumper of a time with his role as Lord of Misrule I fast forwarded through a lot of it. It did make me laugh with some of the wordplay, but the fact that they involved an entire office (non-consenting) in their kink rollplay was a bit weird for me. 6/10 
Luminous Solution (Sat Gaga) ep 1 of 6 - The subs are truly bonkers (including a few captions that seem the be the subbers notes to themselves). There are 2 lead couples: 1 is an LTR with an overworked doctor & his recently fired husband and the other is an E2L jock+nerd with high school students (way more my thing). It’s actually pretty good for a pulp, the acting is decent and the pacing on point. I’m not mad at it especially now Dome has shown up. 
Be My Favorite (Fri YouTube) ep 1 of 10? - I’m doing a trash watch! I was drunk, it wasn’t as bad as I was expecting, but the first 1/4 of a JittiRain BL never is. 
Past-senger (Weds Gaga) ep 12fin - thank fuck that ended but also: WTF is with that ending? Guess that’s a massive prospective age gap relationship. I’m… unsettled. (And age gap doesn’t bother me.) Anygay, anydaddy that’s the lingering flavor from this BL: unsettling. You know I tend to judge on endings... full review below. 
The Promise (Weds YT & WeTV) ep 10fin - did’t air to YT this week
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Ongoing Series - Not Thai
Our Dining Table AKA Bokura no Shokutaku (Japan Thurs Gaga) ep 8 of 10 - I love this show. I know everything that’s gonna happen and I’m still riveted. Sweetly awkward confession. 
Star Struck (Korea iQIYI & Gaga) ep 3-4 of 8 - I’m enjoying the complexity of this one. It’s like a combo of Shoulder and 8th but somehow easier-going than either. Not totally my cup of tea, in a way because of that complexity, but also I faintly mistrust its BL-ness. Also: That was one of the most painful confession scenes ever. Ouch. (Meanwhile, have I mentioned recently I hate icky’s interface? Well I do. Also iQIYI is now officially icky henceforth!)  
Love Mate (Korea Thurs Viki) eps 7-8fin - The asshole ex was perfectly cast but I felt a touch let down by this ending - it didn’t have the strength of its convictions. Full review below. 
Naked Dinner AKA Zenra Meshi (Japan Fri Gaga) ep 7 of 12 - I like the Taiwanese boss, he knows what’s up. Cool dude. Arranged a sleepover and everything. Also... we win when there is experimental kissing but odds are Japan is faking us out. 
Vian the series (Vietnam YouTube ) - is it me or did this not drop? If it did I missed it. 
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It’s Airing But ...
My Story (Pinoy Sat YouTube) 10 eps - I bounced at ep 4. Someone will tell me if I should bother with the rest after it ends.
House of Stars (Thai Mon iQIYI) 12 eps - I bounced at ep 3. Will binge if told it is worth it at end.
The Day I Loved You (Pinoy YouTube) eps 6-7 of 10 - Terminal illness for the sunshine. I bounced at ep 6. DNF. Ends next week, someone tell me if it’s as bad as I thought it was gonna be. 
Takumi-kun Series 6: Nagai Nagai Monogatari no Hajimari no Asa (Japan Sun ????) ep 1 of ? - NO ONE ASKED FOR THIS and no, I have no idea where to get it, why would I? (Say it with me everyone: Oh Japan, must you?*) also I’m really not inclined to hunt. 
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Ended this week
Past-senger - Marc (My Gear & Your Gown) & Copper (My Engineer) star in a time slip story of a 90s kid who travels to 2022. The central premise was solid and the actors gave it their best but the show was bloated with unnecessary awkward side couples and the ending went from confusing to unsettling to plain old (and I do mean OLD) not good. 4/10 NOT RECOMMENDED, FATALLY FLAWED
Love Mate - Launched very much openly gay older uke with commitment issues and a romantic if arrogant younger seme with no respect for boundaries. Workplace harassment much? That’s BL for ya. (Also a nonBL Kdrama specialty.) So yeah it’s questionable, but so is my taste. The ultimate premise that someone badly hurt shuts themself off to romance is very similar to Happy Merry Ending or 8th Sense but this version was more about fear than abuse or trauma. For me, this made Love Mate more relatable since fear of love makes it about the couple rather than one person’s self-acceptance journey. However, because the denouement in Love Mate was driven by a late in the run faen fatal and not the central relationship, the conclusion felt forced. I can, however, see myself rewatching this one, so if falls into the general rank of 2023′s KBL AKA solid high standard and eminently watchable. 8/10 RECOMMENDED 
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In Case You Missed It
Both the Egoist (Japanese movie) and Tie The Knot (Pinoy series) got picked up for international release. Tie is coming to Prime. Not yet sure who bagged Egoist but at least it has distribution. These both seem more “messy arse gay” than BL but I have been waiting for them. About Us but Not About Us (2022 Pinoy movie) is also coming to Prime. 
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Next Week Looks Like This:
6/2 Stay (Pinoy YouTube) 7 eps - Andre, a film maker from the Philippines, works in LA. He finds a Korean-American roommate, Joshua,  who helps him navigate the challenges and uncertainties of living in America. The two develop a bond, but then it’s time for Andre to go home. It’s mostly in English and set in LA so I won’t watch this. 
6/3 Let’s Eat Together AKA Aki wa Haru to Gohan wo Tabetai (Japan movie) - Japanese cinema release means no inter distribution. Looks cozy: daily lives of college students and roommates who enjoy meals together, and a v codependent, adaptation of yaoi Let’s Eat Together Aki and Haru. I’ll keep an eye open for it but assume we can’t get it for now. 
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June 2023 Line Up
6/7 Love Tractor (Korea iQIYI) 8 eps - announced in 2022 from WATCHA (Semantic Error) I've been WAITING for this one. About a stressed-out law student who family obligations force into the countryside where a series of strange encounters and misunderstandings with his hunky young farmer neighbour. Will this be an extended version of Strongberry’s Some More? Or Korea’s take on Restart After Come Back Home? I'm chuffed. Country boy meets city boy is a very underused romance trope in BL.
6/9 Boys Love Omegaverse AKA The Boys Love sequel no one asked for (Japan movie) - everyone jockeyed to release the first ABO but it looks like Japan will take it. They do like to do all things BL FIRST. This seems to just be borrowing the branding of Boys Love, showing little resemblance to either original, since it's about 4 men in an idol group. (But could go very dark with that title. Boys Love is technically the first and one of the darkest BLs ever made.) Movie+Japan = no inter distribution. 
6/15 Tokyo in April AKA Shigatsu no Tokyo wa (Japan ????) 8 eps - Based on a yaoi, this is a reunion romance that takes place in an office. Japan does Our Dating Sim? Cool. Of course no idea where to watch it. Oh Japan, must you? 
6/22 About Us but Not About Us (Pinoy movie from 2022 on Prime) - A professor grieving the loss of his partner meets an ambitious literature student.
6/24 Why You (Khmer BL ????) - Billed as a horror romance, not sure if this is a movie or a series where it will air... nothing except that it exists.
6/24 Tie The Knot AKA Under the Same Sky (Pinoy movie on Prime) Trailer - I guess Prime is coming for our Pinoy BL? From OXIN Films (Rainbow Prince), announced for 2022 based on a true story, Briggs's family runs a bridal business but he has never had a chance to fall in love until he meets Shao, a groom to be.
6/25 Dinosaur Love (Thai ????) Trailer 5 eps - from Ultimate Troop about a cute uni student, Rak, whose partner cheats on him with Rk's best friend. This gives bad boy hazer Dino an opportunity to hit on Rak at last. From The Yearbook people so I will not watch this as it airs. After Remember Me? Never again with them.
2023 forthcoming BL master post (see comments, some are inaccurate, NOT KEPT UPDATED)
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This bit made me bark laugh. The more Thai BL I watch the more I get the word play jokes the funnier they are. Language is so cool. 
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Dear Boss & Babe your ForceBook is showing. 
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Yes! One of my favorite dishes too! Nam Khao! Try it some time, you will not regret it. (Step by Step) 
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These too are gonna break us. (Star Struck) 
(last week)
Current Kpop earworm? P1Harmoney’s Peacemaker  
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melissa-titanium · 4 months
which kind of stories do your ocs like? (can be any oc) like, how we read books and watch shows, which kind of stories would your ocs like?
OMG HI AZ. HI HI HI HI fuck ok that is a very good question.
oryx because i've been thinking about him lately... he's a doctor, so very analytical and has similar interests to mel (though he LOATHES that fact.) often reads nonfiction, usually factual things like studies of the brain and soul magic. despite being a physical doctor, he reads a LOT about mental disorders & the like. if you asked him what stories he liked, in terms of fictional ones... he'd probably like something like evangelion. he'd definitely watch house md, and find the medical practices funny. though again, humans don't really exist in this era so house md wouldnt.,... like.,......happen . eva either. but like HYPOTHETICALLY. you know.
mel will read anything and everything. stories, anatomical reference books, automotive mechanic books, pre-koboreal invasion literature, fucking give him a 600 page book on cleaning bathroom floor tiles he Will Read It. he wants to KNOW shit. he fucking HATES movies, but because he's a contrarian there are some instances where he'll watch them. he can't sit still long enough to watch entire hour long movies/episodes etc but if you give him something to do while listening in the bg he'll be set for life. he's ME so he'd watch what i watch, mp100, dunmeshi, murder drones (he would LOVE murder drones. ep 4 would make him hungry for oil, which is dangerous because he works as a mechanic on occasion LOL) you could never get him to admit it but he's probably watched twilight. he's a vampire and he LOVES wolves. (i... don't share this trait. i haven't watched twilight. mel would NEVER watch true crime/horror movies. not because he's scared of them or anything similar, because he much prefers when the violence is actually happening in front of him, ESPECIALLY when he's the one doing it. don't forget he is a mass murderer & a cannibal who enjoys violence.
draco is illiterate. she's not stupid, but she, similarly to me, struggles in investing herself in a story unless she really clicks with it/its characters or story. she probably likes MAKING stories more than reading them, honestly... the issue with that though is that she can't write because of her claws. she's too insecure about her own opinions to think too hard about characters & stories and even MORE so to even share them, but maybe at some point she read with magmivit, & they helped her write! you gotta consider she was living away from civilization with nothing & no one but her freak ass of a mom & crazy bitch dad out in the woods, she never had stories, so she really likes them. she'd much rather cozy up and struggle to read a book than go out and do something on her own, unless the "doing something" involved being useful for others. stories that are more blunt & obvious in their delivery but still handle mature themes would be good for her... atla, mlp, guardians of gahoole would be good for her. i think she'd like warrior cats if it didn't make her sad.
TROUT! manga reader. anime watcher. she's kind of a weeb... DEFINITELY WATCHES RWBY & AMPHIBIA & HOMESTUCK my main inspos for her were ruby, marcy & june after all . haha. she watches eva because of oryx, when your weird adoptive cat uncle/past life recommends you a show you HAVE to watch it. she doesn't *read* a lot, she likes picture books & comics more than big walls of text because of how easily she's bored. action movies would be something she likes. she's museful, but likes to shut her brain off sometimes. not very character-analysis-y, prefers when characters are easy to read & relatable.
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meruz · 2 years
hey what’re your thoughts on bnha rn. you’re like one of the only dudes i trust with opinions on this manga/anime lmao
LOL idk why im one of the only guys u trust for manga/anime opinions BUT SURE do you mean like... what do I think of the current plot? or mha in general? (I will answer both. i love to talk) current plot: (SPOILERS) It's clearly the final arc and its clearly taking longer than Horikoshi intended lol. Overall it's decent shounen fare? Nothing mindblowing but it's well drawn and weekly developments r fun so im not complaining. I'm not the type to get rly invested in villains so AFO/shigaraki even Dabi are only interesting to me thematically and as characters I don't rly care but the visuals are cool enough. I love the pure white negative space hair and Horikoshi clearly loves AKIRA LOL. I will say I LOVE the ongoing Boku No Open Heart Surgery saga that's going on with Bakugo though. I love that they have to save him in some ridiculous weird power-based way lol, normal first aid would be booooring!! + I think its smart for the manga to keep him teetering on the edge of death and flashing his lifeless body every 5 pgs (lol) because it means even if the final fight drags a lil I'll keep tuning in.
in general: There's a lot of shounen manga out there but there's only one shounen manga that caters specifically to people who love the school aspect of x-men comics so I think I'm pre-disposed to love mha based on that alone. Beyond that, I love how idiosyncratic and energetic horikoshi's art style is.. I feel like the two things u can tell right off the bat abt his drawings is that he draws rly fast and that he rly loves his characters lol. Evident in the sketches he puts on twitter and the bonus content in all the tankobon volumes (it's also great for ""content""" he's a good content creator), he's always coming up with situations and outfits and concepts on the fly for those kids like they truly live in his brain. Also the more I read the more I realize I actually quite enjoy Horikoshi's writing too? I think he really clearly grew up with and adores paying homage to corny shounen superhero stuff but he's also very genre savvy and (I think) purposefully avoids a lot of common criticisms and pitfalls. Like the power scaling is pretty tame, the adults never truly give up responsibility of the kids & continue to own up to mistakes/endangerment (but never so much as to prevent the kids from doing cool action stuff!! duh), the cast is relatively well balanced despite being so big etc etc... It's not perfect, there's pretty significant failing on gender parity, and some of the pacing is way better in archival format > week-to-week but it's pretty good overall. Also its funny?? I feel like in the midst of 9486135613 action battle series + generic anime comedy we forget to address when something actually has good jokes and i think mha does. The aoyama cheese stuff made me laugh, the kids protesting biased commentary was funny as hell, and honestly i think mirio distracting afo with his ass?? funnier than naruto's final yaoi no jutsu imo. Sorry if you wanted me to dish out criticism I know its kind of popular to hate on mha rn because it's pretty generic low-brow shounen. And also adults who obsess over yaoi-ifying these kids are like the butt of the joke on the internet rn. But I don't rly run in fandom circles, it's just a solid manga to me with fun characters. Actually 90% of the reason I started reading mha again was because I listened to the mangasplaining ep abt it recently and they made me remember how much there was to like! Good to listen to if you want a more fandom-free objective take on the manga. Also Horikoshi credits all of his assistants in a bonus page in every volume! just a cool thing to note! kinda rare for a mangaka and kind of important for a series that requires as much assistant work as a wsj shounen. I feel like the amount of assistants that have gone on to lead mha spin off manga projects is kind of testament to how good his relationship w them is.
Ok thank you for reading my long thoughts. as a reward heres some drawings of deku and bakugo as splatoon characters that ive been sitting on for a while and have yet to finish LOL
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baelatargaryen · 1 month
overall thoughts on s2?
ah. well. 😔 you know. i have so much to say really and generally, you can kinda tell how i feel about a season from how much i gif it versus how much i don't and same for each episode and character lmao. sorry for how long this is gonna be, i'm gonna split it up into general thoughts and then more character based thoughts:
if i had to sum up hotd s2, i would say two things come to mind immediately. the first is that, even with the show's heavy handed writing, i couldn't as an audience member understand where this season really was culminating. for me, there was an overall lack of tension that really drove towards a finale, in some sense it's a season that cuts short of where it should be going bc of the hbo limiting them to 8 episodes.
my other perspective is that, s1 gets a lot of flack for its speed and the significant jumps we make for characters, and yet i felt that this season actually did a far worse job juggling the appropriate amount of screen-time but also remaining consistent to the character's core motivations.
the 8 episode limitation i do think affected them for some characters. there are jumps in character motivations that are essentially a flick of a switch with no lead-up, certain storylines are really left loose and not tied up or fully reach a conclusion.
but more than that, the 8 episode limitation doesn't really matter. yes, it's limited screentime but it's still 8 hours of screentime. i've seen shows with that amount, or less, that have done a more coherent job with just better writing. ik a lot of people take issue with the show not having more "action" or battles (and some of it is probably valid!) but for me the prevalent issues where with character writing, allotting screen time and pacing.
overall, season 1 > season 2. for me, personally.
my favourite episodes were 2, 6, & 4. i do think they kinda messed up b&c but on rewatch i enjoyed it fine, still think there were some weird beats in it but phia does an amazing job. i think ep 7 was very well done but i'm not sold on the direction they're going with rhaenyra yet. weakest episodes for me were 3 & 8.
characters under cut:
warning: lot of criticism below so if you don't want to read negativity just stop here bc it's mainly me ranting about the bits i didn't like. tldr; aegon - best writing of the season, aemond & alicent - weakest writing of the season. that's not intended as character hate, it's intended as criticism of how the characters are written and utilised this season.
i would have cut the harrenhal storyline. i know people like it, but what at first is a surprise to the audience quickly loses its luster when the contents of daemon's vision are nothing more than rehashing his season 1 storyline. and in a season of 8 episodes, you don't have time to waste somehow relitigating the same thing you have since your PILOT. it's really a fault of s1's writing for kinda putting daemon aside post episode 5, but even then what's the point? i have an issue with the harrenhal plotline because it's not believable — as an audience member, i don't expect daemon to betray rhaenyra and i don't buy that he will. the contents of the vision and daemon's reaction to them make it clear it is an obstacle for him to overcome, a lesson to learn let's say, rather than true temptation. in the meantime, the action in the riverlands stagnates and daemon is essentially made to look incompetent — rather than being able to muster an army for rhaenyra after the mistake of b&c and prove himself to her via his own actions, he loses their support, is essentially schooled by a 14(?) year-old and then an army amasses just in time for him to wake out of the visions which somehow (even when they're direct parallels or mirrors to scenes which took place in REAL life) have a more significant impact on him than, say, oh idk, the very real argument he had with his wife in episode 2.
this constant need to circle back to this show's primary understanding of women in power being "women are actually peacemakers who avoid bloodshed at all cost, and it's men who are driven to reckless violence and war" is actually regressive af and i don't care to see it. am i here to watch a tragedy or not, because if so the show needs to allow these elements play out for it to feel like one.
rhaenyra & alicent, & even more so rhaenys, are just pigeonholed into these women desirous of peace even when it's at the cost of the people they are supposed to LOVE most in their lives, and in doing so they no longer feel like relatable characters to the audience at times. this show is 10x better when it's female characters are allowed to be ugly, to rage and to be vengeful instead of becoming a living soapbox for the writers' "stop the violence" shtick. and helaena is right there along with them, phia saban is amazing during b&c (even if they managed to fuck that up too), and episode 2 as well, only for her grief to be resolved by episode 3 and then. then, the most staggering of all, by episode 8 her story culminates in a vision where she is bran-stark 2.0, all-knowing with her powers controlled (who knows how) but also more of a plot-device than a fully fledged character, there to apparently TELL daemon what to do (just like alys ofc, cause who knows what her backstory or motivation is. certainly not us).
i liked alicent and rhaenyra's relatonship in s1. it was fine. did i think it could cause potential issues down the line, yeah i did and i wasn't fully happy with the effect of aging down alicent to be a child-bride and a victim of marital rape, but i took it in stride. but this was their backstory. and that's how it should remain. we have 8 episodes of limited screentime, and really, if they had at least stuck with the actual friends-to-enemies that i assumed was the intent, it would be fine bc guess what — there IS a reunion in the book that they could have adapated perfectly fine. but instead, we are treated to not one, but TWO, two! reunions which are nonsensical, but more than that, are honestly...insultingly bad? i re-watched s1 directly before s2, and i also rewatched the first two episodes of s2 at one point and i have to say after episode 2 of s2, the show feels markedly different. even rhaenys death doesn't really have the impact it should? the characters just. don't act like themselves at times, and idk what it is - the lack of a court environment? the lack of domesticity and characters being separated? dialogue that is driven more by s1 plot points than what just occured last episode?
alicent. well. idk what to say. the amount of screentime that is given with giving olivia nothing to do is awful. it's three times the screen-time aemond gets for example. i'll say no more bc ik people love alicent and olivia, but the writing for alicent was appallingly bad this season - truly a disservice to the character. abandoning larys & alicent's relationship was a mistake, as she no longer even attempts to cling onto power, and once otto leaves in episode 2 there's no one for her character to essentially play off of, leaving for the most lackluster of writing. oh well.
idc about those reunions at all. i was kinda taken aback by having two, which i think undercut each other tbh, but i knew at least one would happen. and i expected the tension and energy of 'driftmark' not whatever this was. and the acting couldn't save it for me, alas.
aegeon received the best writing this season by far. i would say its a marked improvement from the writing in s1; aegon still feels like a continuation of s1!aegon (pathetic, a drunk, incompetent and crude), but given more depth and range, with a storyline that takes him from an incompetent king, all the way through his grief, to realising he is nothing more than a pawn to his family, and to the betrayal at rook's rest after which changes him significantly and sets the stage for the third season. aegon & larys' relationship too is a standout, because it's the only part of the show that bothers with political intrigue the way it's predecessor did. the rest is abandoned.
aemond is given. well. almost no writing or screentime! i'm not really a big fan of aemond in many ways (if i could be more honest, i really don't care for him at all), but really, the guy has barely any more screen-time than he does in s1, even though he's not only a) partially responsible for the outbreak of this war (cutting the f&b scene where he informs his family was insanity.), but b) literally becomes REGENT in episode 5. the brothel plotline as an aside to justify his betrayal of aegon was unnecessary tbh, it dislocated him from the main plotline. for those first 3 episodes he feels like he has no presence in a story, even after b&c has happened. he literally commits the act of burning an entire town (sharp point) off screen. we don't see it! only the aftermath!
criston, criston, criston. tbh, i was pleasantly surprised by criston at certain points of the season (i do think he had more screentime than he should have though) — he is a FAR better and more interesting character once you remove him from the confines of the red keep. putting him opposite someone like gwayne made for much better screentime than his lackluster, completely passionless romance with alicent.
speaking of which, i thought alicole would at the very least has some effect — lying to aegon's face about what happened during b&c, helaena finding out, larys figuring it out. but no. the only confrontation comes from gwayne of all people as cole sniffs a handkerchief, and which is of no consequence. so much for 'political intrigue' right.
gwayne: a welcome addition and freddie fox is brilliant. that's all.
jace/baela/rhaena/corlys/dragonseeds/mysaria....and etc:
jace after aegon is the most consistently written character imo. harry did a good job for the most part i think, you feel that jace has gone from a teenager to someone on the cusp of adulthood, a dutiful heir, stricken by insecurity and affected by his brother's loss but also who deeply desires to fight for his mother and his own claim after hers. i wish we spent a bit more time with him in the north or the vale, but at least we know he went and achieved something, plus the idea of the dragonseeds comes from him — he definitely stepped into his own this season.
baela & rhaena: should have both received more screentime. baela's scene with corlys was good, i wish more of the scenes centred around baela's feelings as opposed to jace but i did like it even if it felt a bit overacted at times. as for rhaena? phoebe is such a good actor (honestly a standout in the minor screentime she gets), but gets so little writing even now. i can only hope we actually see rhaena claim sheepstealer and that it isn't another scene relegated to offscreen.
corlys: steve is one of the best actors in the show and he is underutilised this season imo. he is confined to that shipyard, and although his interactions with alyn are well-written, it still leaves him removed from the rest of the action. he teleports between there and dragonstone, but it's not until the last episode that you really get the sense that he's rhaenyra's hand even though he has been since episode 5 — he should have been present at dragonstone much more and earlier, and addam and alyn moved to dragonstone earlier to allow for more interaction too imo.
mysaria: clearly not her book counterpart, but i enjoyed her story this season a lot. do i think it's a bit on the nose the way mysaria speaks of rhaenyra as a cue for the audience but i'm hopeful it goes in a more interesting and nuanced depiction and in the meantime, i enjoyed their screentime
dragonseeds: meh. honestly, hugh's backstory is very cliche and i found his wife a far more interesting character but maybe that's just me, at the very least he's likeable and GETS a backstory. idc about ulf, at all bc idk who he is and his sole trait atm is being irreverent and in a story where you are personally attached to the characters he is insulting it doesn't make you sympathetic to him really (which is fine), but i would have rather seen rhaena claim sheepstealer which we built up all season, than watch ulf fly on silverwing for the simple purpose of having aemond see it so that he can become aware of rhaenyra's dragonseeds.
who gives a fuck about the triarchy and how jason lannister got them btw. just have that first meeting, even the 2nd mud fighting one okay but a THIRD scene in which he sings and gets asked to fuck someone's wives? this is a narrative choice that's being made, they could have just as easily had the triarchy capitulate and side with jason, but instead i'm treated to his aside of adventures in essos which would be fine but it's the FINALE and we need for these stories to culminate and you are giving me almost (almost) got-level writing.
anyways. sorry for all of this. i don't mean it to be hateful it's just me ranting 😭😭😭
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astro-break · 9 months
Thoughts on the 13th and final ep of Hypmic Rhyme Anima+. For one last time, spoilers beware
Season 1 | Ep.1 | Ep.2 | Ep.3 | Ep.4 | Ep. 5 | Ep. 6 | Ep. 7 | Ep. 8 | Ep. 9 | Ep. 10 | Ep. 11 | Ep. 12
Final episode lets gooooo I'm sad that it been such a ride but all good things must come to an inevitable end
Damn i hoped there would be a chuuoku girls song
good, let it be destroyed, it would save the plot honestly
OOO new secret aliens song? Oh that english was smoothhhhh tom's VA's pronounciation has become very nice
LMAO poor kuko
awwww thats so soft of him, living in a willing illusion
as they should, good for them. Honestly i don't hate chuuoku but it just find it weird that get why the main characters wouldn't team up with him when their goals align
LETS GO I CALLED IT, I hope they actually don't use jakurai to heal him tho it feels like it would be a waste of character to do so
ah so a battle of differing ideals to a common goal? unfortunate if only they talked and let themselves come to a compromise, they would have been fine
oh thats cool, i like that speaker concept. very crumbling empire. very litterally hyakiyakou huh
hahaha that upsidown star is so on the nose that this man is The Big BadTM oh my gods hypmi does not know the meaning of subtle
awwww even in spirit they are still alive. Its the whole you die twice, once with your physical body and second with your memories
I love the typography for kaibyakumon's rap, its really pretty and the effects? damn the eam who worked on this particular rap really busted their asses huh.
something i do with they had akira and satoru speak with a bit more of an accent. like i get it, they moved to tokyo when they were young but they did come from nagoya and oosaka respectively. Betcha didn't know that huh, its only a tidbit on the official site
wwwww return of the sunfish!
hm, at least he makes some sense. I still don't like it but it does seem like a logical conculsion
oh thats proper body horror imagery there i do like it, very creepy
aww power of gay and friendship
i do think this song is nice, it has good flow and the beat is pretty nice with lots of oppertunies to change the genre. Like this big group piece is probably the bridge which is a nice connector to any more hard hitting places
and honestly i do like that they went for a softer approach here, that the thing that won in the end wasn't perpetuated violence but something gentle.
please don't actually, it would be fun if they were dead
oh i like the fact that []'s face is covered in shadows giving her the feeling of evil intent.
noooo poor doppo rippp
LMAO rip them their all stuck here
ah i do like having them being battle idiots, theyr so silly
eyyy hoodstars! ah, this was a nice final episode
i feel like it wasn't the best ending out there but it was satisfying. tied up some ends pretty nicely and kept the status quo without mucking canon up too hard. As an anime original storyline i think they handled it quite well
WHile I don't have all the thoughts to encompass this episode yet, it was overall really nice! i enjoyed the story overall and while the pacing was meh as always and you could tell where the budget went, the anime introduced really good characters that I really enjoyed. Beginning Gate quartet was so much more intresting to me than Secret Aliens. THe only thing I wish they could have done better is put some more focus on BAT and DH as it is their anime debut. Oh well, I'm happy with what we got anyways.
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astralleywright · 8 months
As someone who's used to seeing Orym getting a lot more credence regarding his actions and thoughts, it is SO weird watching all these posts crop up calling him a selfish jackass that just wants Imogen to kill herself.
i will admit as an Imogen and Ashton girlie my first impulse response to this was, "yeah lol, join the club i've been in since ep 49," but that's not necessarily fair to you, anon! I don’t know your life. welcome to the club if you were not already in it. it sucks here.
unfortunately its kind of what happens with conflict or tension between characters, fans feel the need to determine which side is Correct and Good and which one is Wrong and Bad, and the character whose in the latter tends to be interpreted as the worst faith version of themselves bc people like winning and hating more than complicated characters and stories, I guess.
and also with an ensemble cast such as this, a lot of people have favorites, as well as characters they don't care about or like as much (and as such probably don't understand as much). so when one of the latter characters hurts one of the former, well! it can get ugly quick.
it is kind of surprising to see it finally happen to Orym though, given that you could scarcely suggest that anything he had ever done might have caused harm six months ago without people in the tags losing their minds. i enjoy the opposite viewpoint about as much (not at all), but i'm also finally starting to see people have like, actually nuanced and realistic takes on Orym that's stuff people got mad at me for aaying six months ago, which is great and fun! so i cannot find it in my heart to complain too much, bc at least we have that now.
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I'm never around for the drama that unfolds bts since i don't hang around in the fandom much. so these are my (mostly) unbiased opinions lol
when i see comments saying cps don't have chemistry in dramas i end up confused because i enjoyed their drama because of how good they were romantically lmao even if the plot is weak. but honestly im not the best judge at that because if i don't vibe with the drama, i usually say it's not my type and move on. the fact that the plot could be at fault never crosses my mind until i see others opinion [looks at hidden agenda] (im sorry HA enjoyers im glad you liked it but it wasn't my type)
probably why i was able to enjoy bbs and its our skyy 2 and thought ohmnanon had strong chemistry. it was only after our skyy 2 did i know about their "break up" and that was very weird to me because they seemed pretty good friends in the bts I've seen. i wasn't a fan but i did like them a lot. And then i see comments saying they did not have chemistry in our skyy 2 which always gets me cause wdym they didn't look like they were in love
another one would be jimmysea in vice versa that some seemed to think got no chemistry either which i don't agree with because while the plot was all over the place with the constant ads, i never felt like they weren't into each other. i struggled through the drama because i wanted to see them end up together cause they were cute af. saw someone say it's probably because they don't fit the uke/seme stereotype which could be it? idk. I'm not a fan of the actors but im glad they got last twilight cause they seem to be nailing their roles in it.
unpopular opinion im guessing but i thought perthchimon had romantic chemistry in dr. i won't say it's strong like others but i watched it for them so. the theme didn't remain the same after ep 2 but a cute bl is up my alley so I wasn't that disappointed lol. though they can't kiss for shit lmao but im not the one to shame them and i hope they get better at it if they have another bl. i watched nlmg after and chopper stole the show for me. i liked both of them in it too (more than the mls but it's mainly because i couldn't stand their dynamic. phuwin character being whiney and having pond character fall for him again annoyed me because it reminds me of futs and i was against them ending up together in it lmao. i just wasn't able to get into nlmg much. genuinely no offense im glad there are others who enjoy them fr)
discourses online say all these cps were too bro-like which i get why but as a fellow gay man, this does happen irl. I've had people who were shocked at the fact that my partner and i were actually dating because we act like bros lmfao. and tmi, but who cares, im often called a twink irl. anygays these three really stood out to me because i liked them a lot in their shows so yeah i had to drop an ask since prev anons were discussing this lol
I get where you’re coming from, I'm also someone who doesn't engage in fandom very assidiously although my desire to know everything about everything means I usually know what's going on regardless whether I particularly want to or not. A lot of information seems to just randomly fall into my lap!
I partly agree with people who say that the OhmNanon chemistry was somewhat diminished in Our Skyy 2 though not so dramatically that it wasn't enjoyable.
Agreed on JimmySea and Vice Versa, I don't actively hate it but most of the reason I stayed was them. Those ads truly did some damage there. Last Twilight, though, holy shit! I would now kill and die for JimmySea. I really don't know if their distance from the usual relationship roles had anything to do with their popularity - or lack thereof -, it's really not something that had occurred to me before now, so thank you for that fresh perspective!
Yeah, Dangerous Romance wasn't excellent but I've seen much much worse and while it's true there's a lot of room for improvement ("PerthChimon can't kiss for shit" got a genuine laugh out of me), they weren't completely unsalvageable.
As for PondPhuwin, Phuwin does seem to get that type of character a lot and in terms of their dynamic, it can get old fast. I will say, though, that FUTS had me laughing irl a lot so I tend to hold a little more affection for it than I do NLMG. But that's just me.
And hell yeah for that last part! The discourse that pisses me off the most about BL is when people get upset about couples in stories not conforming to their idea of what a relationship should look like. If I'm being completely honest, I think GMMTV tends to use the same dynamic more often than other production houses which I sometimes find extremely frustrating because when something new and different comes out a lot of people get upset it doesn't align to the standard GMMTV sets by virtue of being arguably the most popular producer of BL.
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permetscore · 1 year
question: is gundam witch mercury (?) actually gay, or is it just baity. i'm curious about it and need to know.
short answer: yes + pls watch it, its free on youtube
long answer: only 13 episodes are out (i think abt 50 r expected as per typical gundam, but def at least 24) so we havent had like, a Conclusion to a romance, but imo it's p canon gay!!
some details (nothing rly spoilery beyond ep 1 so dw):
the setup is utena-esque, with miorine (white haired girl) being an arranged bride to whoever wins the school's duels. the engagement is very real, but in like a, arranged financial marriage situation. miorine hates the situation, but is happy to have suletta (red haired girl) as her fiancee bc she trusts her (more than the previous fiance at the least)
when suletta is first engaged to miorine, she says the "b-but im a girl?!?!" line to which miorine says "wow i guess the place youre from is pretty conservative, thats normal here???" aka "why would us getting gay married be weird"
when boys ask out suletta, she declines specif bc thatd be disloyal to her fiancee
again as of rn, theyre not Together and Kissing, but imo its v explicitly meant to be romantic, just still developing (which i enjoy a lot). i think most m/f romance anime tend to be even less explicit
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r4bbitdragon · 2 years
hello! sorry to bother you but im currently watching kabuto. does like, a yonemura cut Exist? would you genuinely recommend watching it? can you actually just skip all the episodes on wikipedia that say inoue on it? im on ep 8 and having a lot of fun, and kinda morbidly curious about how much everyone seems to hate his eps. on the other hand i like enjoying the things i watch
ahaha yeah. so a yonemura cut doesn't 'exist' as it's own edited thing. for the most part it would literally just be consulting the wiki, and skipping the inoue eps, yeah. the thing is, as jarring as you'd think this'd be, there's very little of grander plot... relevance that happens in the inoue episodes? there's one character (drake) who appears near exclusively in the inoue episodes, and there's a few plot beats that happen, but generally as an after or side note. and theres one character resolution that happens in an inoue ep, but its bad and he basically also got a character resolution the episode before, so.
so i do think a 'yonemura cut' where you just watched the main writer's episodes, with maybe a supplemental list for when the very few relevant inoue episode beats happen, would be a feasibly coherent way to watch kabuto. if i ever rewatch that's probably what im doing, and taking the chance to avoid all of inoue's weird OOC takes on the cast.
but, yknow, if it's your first time through you could also try the inoue episodes and see how you feel if you want to. not everyone will be as inouekabutophobic as my watch group. i do think that at least keeping aware of when writers switch back and forth though, might help you develop a more coherent read of the show as things start getting wacky
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rrxnjun · 2 years
ohh nooo that sounds like a heartbreak for my minecraft obsessed self!! yeahhh i heard a lot of not so good news about the sidemen or more so about ksi but some of the clips i saw from them on tiktok were very funny!! yes i meant that podcast!!! i literally listened to so much podcasts in quarantine that i can't listen to any now tbh💀 and i might check out the memelous videos later when i have time cuz that sounds funny af
aespa is just so good so i'm glad u stan them!! but that is kind of life changing to hear they are the girl version of nct i'm just :o never would have thought of that :o
DONT WORRY LISTEN TO WHENEVER U WANT TO LIKE I SAID THE SONGS WILL WAIT FOR U and also it's just better to listen to when u are in the mood iguess so actually just take ur time💕💕
oh my totally same tbh!!! and like teen beach movie is still one of my fav movies and i feel like that says a lot about me xd every time it played on disney chanel i was just seated and also the songs still slap so much!!! tbh i was kind of a big r5 girlie but im happy that ross and his brother are doing the driver era cuz they just fit my music taste so much better now!!! ahhh i really liked the lyrics for wish me luck!!! THAT IS SUCH A CUTE NICKNAME WHATTHEHECKKK but that is actually ur song then like properly UR SONG :oo (that sounds like a fun dream and just such a better solution!!)
i was partially scared from that and also just getting ur music taste wrong and u absolutely hating them xd but i'm very glad u enjoyed them🥳🥹 as u should shit posting in ur own language is just so fun sometimes!! well the only thing that matters is that u like them tbh!! and i listened to them and my fav was definitely my by yael i even added it to my liked songs!!! i really liked that one!! and i also liked the other ones as well!! my second fav would probably be the valeriya one!!! and like the punk rock songs just felt so nostalgic even though i heard them for the first time ever i really liked them as well!!!!! I will be visiting Bratislava!! u know u might have heard of it before /j
i deff understand!! i think my brain just stopped working when i saw those pics!! THAT IS SUCH A FUNNY TITLE!! and i'm very excited about reading more simp stories😌(liebestraum anon💕)
and yes i'm sorry to anybody's dash these get on!! and for the person who said the convos are cute thank u that u don't mind!!💘💖💓
i honestly dont know whats going on w ksi recently but i used to like some of his music too so my music taste is honestly kind of questionable.... me and podcasts arent friends i just. i dont get the appeal😭😭😭 and let me know if u do!! his vids where they watch the ancient aliens are my comfort videos i always laugh so much at them
i listened to the songs on my way to uni yesterday!!!! i rrally really liked them and added them to my playlist hihi my fav was definitely you're here that's the thing 🤭
NO BECAUSE YOU GET IT!!! i wantrd to watch the chilling adventures of sabrina bc i wanted to consume as much ross content as i could but...i heard its bad and the first ep didnt really vibe w me so i didnt continue on w it 😭😭 i did watch my friend dahmer bc of him tho lmao. omg recommend some r5 songs i need to get into them more bc i still to this day have loud, smile, want you bad and pass me by in my playlist (pass me by changed me as a human being when i saw the mv as a 10 year old)
AAH i get u i get u!! but i definitely enjoyed the songs and ive been listening to them a lot lately! My by yael is such a good song especially when it plays in the club 😩😩 HAHA im glad u didnt hate them!! i definitely have a weird love/hate relationship w slovak songs because i tend to dislike the lyrics and also there arent many artists which genre would fit my vibe i think (or at least i dont know of any). the punk rock songs u said sound nostalgic 😭😭😭😭are actally kinda old😭😭😭so maybe thats why😭
omg bratislava wOAH /j 😭😭 hope u like the city!! i really like the historical centre, altho ive been there only like 3 times 😋
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good4olivia · 2 years
okay so thoughts on the finale of PLL OS ! spoilers ahead!!
so many thoughts!! first off, i wasn't a huge fan of the ten episodes in four weeks thing UNTIl i realized its basically like the perfect combo between full season drops and like an ep of a week!
OKAY SO chip was the assulator, i saw a few people point this out from the start and i didn't want to beleive it but when he started dating Imegon and acting a bit weird with her, he def seemed sus. Before we found out who he was, I just felt bad that he was cleary in love (obessesd maybe is the better word) with Tabby and was only dating Imegon cause he couldn't have her.
Now with the reveal - when we saw the clearly younger version of clayton in the caf with the girls, my mind did go there but then i honestly forget about it. I think if they had done a better job of setting up clayton as a character, the reveal would have more of a punch (like with chip.) Also, I'm sorry but A being Angela's brother come on? Did they not learn anything from the OG PLL, I get that its different situations but it still felt like a cop out
that's my segway to Sheriff Beasly. I'm happy he wasn't A but I also wouldn't have minded if he was A, I guess it was too obvious? From a a POV of caring about the charactes, I'm happy he's dead. But from looking at the plot and future seasons, I think it wouldn've been more interesting to keep him alive.
Overall, I did really enjoy the show and the characters. I can see improvement from the OG but I will say, the whole "A-ness" of the new show did not match the old one, which I guess was the point, they didn't want to just copy and paste. I'm wondering now if there is two As, the one who didn't sign the texts and the one who did?
With the ending, A is out for Chip but like we already know who A is ? (Please his name being Archie knowing that Riverdale exisits in the same universe makes me laugh) So in my feelings, it doesn't really feel like a cliffhanger cause I don't really care what happens to Chip and they didn't set up a new A or any cliffhangers wiith the girls.
I really thought Kelly was Karen so I guess I'm shocked, it's actually Kelly though I think a apart of me will also be ready for a reval that it's Karen lol
I'm also suprised that Wes wasn't apart of anything at all? I hope he ends up apart of it in the future, maybe they could do what they should've done with Ezra - make him a big bad and keep him that way. Though in saying I don't want Tabby and him to date.
And the nod the OGs of having Aria and Ezra apdot Imegon's baby like ugh lol, i don't hate it but idk i don't love it either.
I could probaly say. a lot more i just wanted to word vomit my thoughts lol
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uweiy · 3 years
I'm intrigued by Love is Science? but know nothing about it. Can you give me a run down on what kind of thing to expect and who it might appeal to? Thank you!! 😁
Ooooo boi *gremlin smile* I'm glad you asked. You've entered the dragon's den, broken the dam and thus this post turned out to be a monster so I'm gonna link here another post from @accidentallyadramablog which imo gives a nice (and short) overview.
That said let's get into
Love is Science?
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Summary :
Yan Fei is a the CEO of the Love is Science marriage agency, that matches people based on scientific data. Hsuan Yu, 8 years younger than her, is a promising young hairstylist who has been in love with her thoughout their entire childhood when she has only ever seen him like a little brother.
Unexpectedly they meet again. Between the way they've each built their lives and how Yong Yan Fei's ex husband still looms over Yan Fei's life, how will their relationship develop this time around ?
just reading that summary I know what you're thinking.
Indeed, if you have some experience with dramas, you might recognize some TYPICAL TYPICAL tropes – let's get them out of the way :
love triangle (though we all know who she is going to end up with don't we)
childhood friends
'noona romance'
And they are every bit as present and as trope-ey as you would expect.
However, as they say, the devil is in the details.
And particularly, in the side characters. Let me give you a quick rundown of the lot of them :
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As such, we follow the stories of multiple relationships that develop parallel to one another.
The relationships
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• Yan Fei/ Hsuan Yu : Not much needs to be added I think. Their storyline might be the most predictable but they are pretty sweet and heartwarming. pining for like 12 years though poor Hsuan Yu. Anyway you can enjoy it or find it boring or but you can't hate it.
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• Mark/Ouwen : Noooow we're getting to it. Their dynamic is so... Refreshing and unique. Confident gay with a soft heart and dumb disaster bisexual I mean *chef kiss*👌delicious
After the disasters of their first meetings, it's a cat and dog relationship where Ouwen is the hsssssss don't touch me– cat and Mark is the golden retriever trailing after him not really realizing the rampage he's creating in Ouwen's heart. while Ouwen is like "Remind me why the FUCK I caught feelings again ?".
IDK it just has everything 'Enemies' to friends to lovers, (not actually) unrequited love, pining, sweet moments, jealousy, feelings realization, snarky banter... What more could one want.
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• Cho Nai Hui / You Fu : they are. So. So sweet. Both are older and have experience, and as such they are not so naive or stupid as the youngsters. Them sharing their life experiences and going on dates like typically teenagers (in movies or TV shows anyway) would is refreshing to see and really really heartwarming.
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• Liu Sheng Ying/ ??? Her ex ? : The show hinted at a wlw storyline and this arc seems to have JUST begun. Basically Sheng Ying's ex comes to Love is Science as a client and requests Sheng Ying as an advisor, while Sheng Ying still seems heartbroken over her. I can't WAIT to see how it develops.
The friendships :
Something I greatly appreciate is that both the romantic relationships AND the friendships have a great importance in the drama.
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• Joanna and Yan Fei : Jo, queen Jo 👑. She's just here to gossip, get all the gossip and be the voice of reason and we love her for it. You can see how comfortable they are around each other and how they were there for each other during tough times and still are. Kudos to the actresses because I believed the characters were besties in a heartbeat.
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• Hsuan Yu and Mark : they are honestly... Such polar opposites you kinda wonder how they became friends but they are and it works perfectly.
Hsuan Yu still hasn't gotten he maybe shouldn't take Mark's advice, and Mark still hasn't gotten that he, definitely should take Hsuan Yu's. It also enables to develop a more playful and mischievous side to Hsuan Yu, giving him more depth?
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• Ouwen and Sheng Ying: rivalry to reluctant solidarity to friends-but-i-will-deny-it-if-asked to just friends. IT'S GREAT
I also ejoy the fact that these multiple storylines are allowed to coexist. The romantic ones, the friendships, older, younger, m/f m/m and f/f like take your pick !! And tbh a WLW storyline ?????? These are so scarce I will take anything.
The recurring themes :
The show more or less subtly touches on some topics/issues, to which the dating aspect contributes to.
A non exhaustive list would be
Divorce, and how divorced women can be viewed as failures for some reason
How successful men over 30 are sought after but successful women after 30 are somehow deemed undatable
Preconceived notions and homophobia
And beyond the topics, there's just things like... Joanna not being interested in long term relationships nor wanting to get married, reporting sexual harassment, older people going on dates.... I'm not saying it's a groundbreaking activist drama –which is not really what I was looking for– I just appreciate the fact that it is a pretty mainstream drama and that these things are there.
Mad respect if you've made it up to here ! but we're not quite done yet.
The cast and crew :
The other element that made this drama stand out for me besides the side characters is the cast.
It might be weird that such a meta thing impacts the appreciation of the show but it did, for me at least.
For me what happened is I stumbled onto Mark and Ouwen cuts on YouTube, then somehow onto the behind the scenes. They weren't subbed at the time so I could barely understand a word of what they were saying, thus I'm not sure what but something about how the rest of the actors, the director and the crew were interacting just told me it was a show worth watching or at least checking out.
The cast honestly seems to have a blast and to have, how to say it, come together really well. It seems like most of them have become genuinely friends, or despite differences in personality have truly enjoyed working with one another and with the rest of the crew, and it shows.
Where it's lacking
In my opinion the show does have some aspects where it underperforms.
As previously mentioned, the main plot is kinda tropey, furthermore, in a drama typical fashion when something is about to get resolved, immediately something else happens. Nothing unexpected from a drama though.
The pacing : Some moments of the main plot especially dragged on, so I admit I skipped through some parts.
Because I feel so strongly about all the characters though, I don't really mind the previously mentioned points. I just think it's a shame because I feel like if it had been crafted a little bit better it could have made the show go from an 8/10 good drama to an 11/10 friggin amazing drama easy.
Lastly, there is a pretty unequal time distribution so Yan Fei and Hsuan Yu do tend to occupy the most part of an episode. However some episodes are more centered on some pairings (like ep 11 that will probably have an important Mark/Ouwen part).
it's a drama that warms my heart, as simple as that. It's not that deep, it's pretty funny, the acting ranges from good to excellent and I have taken a liking to a lot of the characters, which is what I think fuels my interest for the drama.
And I feel like it managed to attract a wide range of audiences because the romances and relationships are so diverse. Whether you watch the show for its entirety or for one aspect/storyline/character is entirely up to you and I feel like the creators of the drama are aware of it as well : and you can easily find subbed compilations about each specific pairing on Settv's official YouTube channel.
Take that aspect that you like–if you find one of course–and enjoy it, that is all ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
What's left to say besides.... 🎉🎊 Congratulations for making it to the end of this lengthy post !
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breanime · 2 years
Of Manny Montanas characters, who do you think has watched any episodes of the Twilight Zone? If any, do they have a favorite/most thought-provoking/most chilling?
I actually put a weird amount of thought into this so, lemme know what you think:
Never seen it: Zap (Undrafted), Logan (I Hate the Man in my Basement)
Manny (Mayans MC) isn't a regular watcher, perse, but he'll sit and enjoy an episode or two if he catches a marathon or something on TV. He hasn't seen a lot of episodes, mostly just the ones that end up on Top Ten lists, but he likes "The Dummy", "The Lonely", and "Living Doll" the most so far.
Rio (Good Girls) randomly started watching it with his Abuela when he was a kid. Fav eps are "A Piano in the House", "A Nice Place to Visit", "Living Doll" and "Death's Head Revisited" because he loves seeing assholes get what's coming to them (coughcousinNick). He also likes "To Serve Men" for the twist at the end, and "The After Hours" because he always found the plot so intriguing as a kid. He likes to show others (Mick, Rhea) "It's A Good Life" because Rio thinks the plot and horror are so well done, and he is right.
Frankie (Conviction) started watching it in prison, and he was hooked. He got a few of the other guys to watch too, halfway for the show and half for the after show discussion Frankie always started afterwards. Frankie finds "People Are Alike All Over" to be especially compelling, as well as "The Sixteen-Millimeter Shrine"; he really feels for the protagonist. He also likes "Eye of the Beholder"; he hosted a 45 minute discussion in the library about that one the first time he saw it. But his all time favorite is probably "Nightmare At 20,000 Feet".
Johnny (Graceland) loves The Twilight Zone. He thinks about "The Monsters Are Due On Maple Street" almost everytime he has to do crowd control for his job. His favorite episodes are "The Howling Man" for its intensity, "The Whole Truth" for its humor, and "Five Characters In Search Of An Exit" because it leaves his mouth open every time. Johnny also likes "The Chaser" because he feels like the main character got the perfect karma. He thinks "The Mask" is damn near perfect TV. He likes "Time Enough At Last", but he always feels really bad for the protagonist.
This was so fun, thank you anon! You really merged two of my loves: Manny characters and The Twilight Zone! What are YOUR favorite episodes?
Johnny intently watching "The Man In The Bottle" while workong out.
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He's my favorite.
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