#its soooooooooo good
silviakundera 2 months
My fascination with Li Rong & Pei Wenxuan's original timeline continues... novel snippets
(good times)
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Li Rong did remember Pei Wenxuan's youthfulness.
Although it had been many years, she still remembered the first time the two of them kissed, Pei Wenxuan's cautious and panic-stricken appearance.
At the beginning, it was just a light touch of lips to lips, only feeling a little soft, but nothing else, not as mysterious as the rumors.
Later on, it was reckless and clumsy, with a little more desire, but Li Rong didn't feel much pleasure either, just a couple, just married, coping.
But her coping fell into the eyes of Pei Wenxuan, who had always been a good student and had learned to do her make-up and eyebrows for her, and would not fail to do so.
It was a funny thing to think about, but he was not ashamed to ask, and it really gave him a way out.
He could do a dozen types of make-up for Li Rong.
He could also, with a single kiss, give Li Rong the ultimate pleasure on earth.
(a covenant)
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Li Rong slowly calmed down at his words, such encounters were not new, she had experienced them countless times in her previous life, yet it had been many years since she had been tied together with Pei Wenxuan in such a way, living and dying together.
She could not help but look at Pei Wenxuan, sizing up the young man in his early twenties in front of her. Pei Wenxuan was leaning against the table, looking out of the window at the people coming and going, seemingly thinking about something, he noticed Li Rong's eyes and turned his head to look at Li Rong, seeing Li Rong gazing at him, he could not help but smile: "What is Your Highness looking at me for?"
"I just remembered," Li Rong smiled up, "it seems like the first time we did things like now."
"The first year we were married, we were quite close," Li Rong tapped her fan on her hand and turned her head to look out of the window with a bit of nostalgia, "but we were still young and ignorant of the affairs of the court, and we had never encountered such a big event."
"Later on, when things came up, you and I were already quarrelling a lot, and the only time I was touched by you was in prison. I thought at the time that you would abandon Chuan'er and I and defect to Concubine [Ruo]," Li Rong said and couldn't help but look over again, laughing, "Why didn't you run away then?"
Pei Wenxuan was silent, Li Rong didn't care much, and then added, "Later we couldn't say we were on good terms, defensive on one side and helpful on the other. It was never as cordial as it is now."
"What if I told you that I never wanted to give up on you?"
Li Rong looked up in surprise and saw Pei Wenxuan looking at her calmly, "The covenant you and I made in the last life, I never broke it."
So that year, when Li Chuan abolished the crown prince and Li Rong was imprisoned, he was in a high position and never thought of defecting to others.
Subconsciously, even though he had been arguing with Li Rong for years, he chose without hesitation to go to the prison in the first instant and watch that person make a promise to wait for him to return.
Li Rong couldn't speak, her eyelashes trembling slightly as Pei Wenxuan smiled, "We've been through so many trials, isn't it only right that you trust me in this life?"
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"I remember once in the tenth year of Kangping, you and I went to the Ministry of Punishment together." Li Rong leaned against Pei Wenxuan and listened to him talk about the past, "you watched the execution of the prisoner, I saw your hands shaking, you hid your hands in your sleeves and curled them on the handrail so that no one would notice, you kept that position for all afternoon.
"I don't remember."
"Then you came out and threw up, Su Rongqing stood by your side and kept calming you down, bringing you tea and water."
Li Rong did not speak, she listened quietly, then she heard Pei Wenxuan say, "When I came back that day, I kept thinking that I should have pulled you, should have lit incense, should have talked to you, maybe you would have been much better."
"In my last life there were many things I didn't do well and didn't do."
Pei Wenxuan said, looking down at Li Rong: "In this life, if there is anything I didn't do well, Your Highness remember to talk to me."
Li Rong leaned in quietly and listened to his heartbeat. Pei Wenxuan was puzzled, "Your Highness?"
"Very well."
(a second chance)
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Li Rong did not say anything, and Pei Wenxuan laughed lightly, "If that is the case, Your Highness must be blaming herself."
"You go out!"
"Guess so." Pei Wenxuan got happy, Li Rong squeezed her pen tighter and stared at him warningly, Pei Wenxuan laughed out loud and shook his head somewhat helplessly. "You," he said, he reached out his hand and took the person in his arms.
This was something she had never experienced before.
In her last life, when she was young with Pei Wenxuan, she was rarely involved in political affairs. Later on, the two of them also went their separate ways, and when it came to sad matters, it was good if this person did not mock. When was there such a gentle time.
Li Rong leaned against his chest and he did not say anything. After holding the person quietly for a moment, he said in a slow voice, "Your Highness is not happy, so talk to me about it."
"I don't want to talk about it."
"In my last life, when you were sick, I went to ask the doctor," Pei Wenxuan wrapped his arms around the person in his arms. Remembering the last days of his last life, he couldn't help but soften his tone, "The doctor said you were depressed and worried too much, in your last life you were a bored gourd, no one listened to you. Now I am here, can't you talk about it? Can't you still talk about it?"
Li Rong leaned against Pei Wenxuan, she closed her eyes for a long time before saying, "I thought you would have wanted me to die back then."
"I did think so when we were arguing," Pei Wenxuan laughed, "but when I thought about it, I felt a bit sad, thinking that you, an old demon, should live a long life."
When Li Rong heard this, she couldn't help but laugh out loud, and when Pei Wenxuan heard her laugh, he knew she was happy. He thought for a moment and bowed his head, "Your Highness, in this life, you really must live a long life."
In her last life she had been in poor health since then, and when winter came she was on her death bed, and he sometimes went to see her and heard the news that she was ill. And he was standing at the door talking to her about the dynasty, listening to her coughing intermittently.
He did not want to go through this again; he wanted to live this life with Li Rong, to live to old age, and to be at peace, unstained by illness.
Thinking like this, he couldn't help but hug Li Rong a few points tighter, Li Rong sensed his emotions, she leaned against him and after a long time, said in a slow voice, "Pei Wenxuan, what use do you think the princess has?"
Pei Wenxuan took her in his arms and listened quietly, Li Rong was still a bit raw when it came to these things, but she leaned against this man and heard him say that he wanted her to have a good life, so she didn't hold back and opened her mouth.
"Xun Chuan asked me how it could be so difficult to ask for a fair share of justice, something that should be in the world. In fact, I think she asked a childish question, there is no real justice in this world, but when she asked me that, I was sad. Do you think I am the one who is childish?"
Li Rong said, and couldn't help but laugh, "What business is it of mine about these things? She is a teenager, she should be naive, how can I be upset by all this when I am so old?"
Pei Wenxuan did not say anything, he took a moment and then slowly said, "Your Highness, do you remember, when I sent Yang Lie out, you asked me: you said that when I was young I also wanted the common people to have a better life, but in the end I still fought with you for my personal rights. I did not argue with Your Highness at that time; in fact, I was afraid that Your Highness would laugh at me."
Li Rong listened to these words and raised her eyes to look at him, a little strange. Pei Wenxuan looked at the eighteen-year-old girl, he gently laughed, "In fact, I am also several dozen years old, and my heart is also the same as your highness."
"When I see injustice, my heart will be sad."
"When I see people displaced, my heart breaks."
"When I see soldiers fighting in the sands and not returning, I wonder when there will be peace and prosperity and when we can live in peace."
"Of course I am not a saint or a good person, I also want to live, and live well, and have peace and stability for my family before I think about this. Even I am much more cowardly than Your Highness, and I am much more concerned about gains and losses."
Pei Wenxuan said, and sighed, "Just like that case of the Su family back then, I also felt it was inappropriate, but I didn't dare to dissuade it like Your Highness did, for fear of losing His Majesty's heart. In the end, it was only because I saw that His Majesty had developed guilt and was afraid that something would really happen to Her Highness that I went to persuade His Majesty."
"I didn't dare to tell anyone about this, especially not Your Highness, for fear that Your Highness would laugh at me."
"What is there to laugh at?" Li Rong said, "It's good that you have a good heart."
"So," Pei Wenxuan turned to her and returned her words to her, "it's good that Your Highness has a good heart."
Li Rong froze, and only then did she realise that Pei Wenxuan had gone round and round in circles, but was actually advising her.
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elkaseltzer 2 months
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"I have none to give."
-Chapter 28: Memento Mori
guess who just binged The Red Thread That Binds Us by @scun-gilli ? me. i did. and im obsessed with it. i beg of you, read it.
lighter shading/original lineart below :>
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bdor1995 7 months
i need everyone to do this right now
fry an egg with chili crisp and the oil. i take my eggs over easy but cook it however you want
make some toast. spread some guacamole or cut up some avocado slices on that
put the fried chili crisp egg on top
eat that
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sirfetchd 9 months
started watching natsume yuujinchou with my sister yesterday and she likes it 馃榿 and that makes me sooo happy 馃榿馃榿馃榿 one of the best anime ever made istg
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proseandpeonies 1 year
just had paneer for the first time. religious experience
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bookskittychad 10 months
dude the entire 10 minutes of mellow dream is so good from beginning to end omg
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chitaquahq 2 months
In Game of God everyone is so scared of Dean going back to the way he was before Kansas City, including Dean himself.
I think that book captures very well the utterly stress of the circumstances and how it builds in every character. They are cranky, they are afraid, they are defensive, they haven't sleep properly, they are in the middle of an siege on a demonic version of a zombie apocalypse, their friends are dying, some of them are betraying them, they don't know what is happening...
So all the hope Dean gave them after that night in Kansas City? That's what triggers the fear.
They remember improving Chitaqua, learning to do more things, learning to trust in others and to trust their own capabilities. They remember Cas sober and proud of them, worried about them, a man they feared and now they care deeply about. They remember Dean actually seeing them and maybe that's the worst part.
Even if they don't know it, they can feel it.
Dean showing them how to take their lives back and actively live them. Dean reading their reports and stopping them to talk. Dean among them and with them.
When Dean starts acting a bit like that again...
Chitaqua is so aware of who and where they were and who and they are and what they can become, good and bad options. They had always needed Dean, but now they want him. Now they're scared to lose them not only because he's their way to survive it. That's not just the face of their army, he is Dean!!! They don't want to lose Dean!!!!
I guess what I'm trying to say is that the conflicts involving Dean and Chitaqua in Game of God are delightful to read.
It speaks not of damage, but of the desperation born out of the strength of their bonds.
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rereading the beginning of moby dick is so fucking funny. ishmael really walks onto the page like "hi call me ishmael. that may or may not be my real name but don't worry about it. oftentimes i want to kill myself so bad i go to sea about it, btw have you ever had the roast fowl in new bedford? it's so good. anyways here's how i got married to a fellow seaman in a hotel" and you're only like 10 pages in
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asurrogateblog 2 months
as a media psychology researcher 85% of my job is figuring out the most horrifically academic way to say "you idiots wouldn't last a day on tumblr"
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vaugarde 5 months
pokeani moments that exist purely to make Me miserable:
the line where they call ash's oshawott a throwaway pokemon in the unova league so they're just flat out saying they think it's a worthless pokemon
to thine own pokemon be true (extra angst points for me bc ambipom was my second favorite on the team at the time)
the granddaughter of the guy who trains gliscor calling gliscor pathetic and weak to her face despite gliscor being an extremely sensitive pokemon
pretty much everything about that gible
blue episode (favorite color but they made it a fetish somehow and also dewott and brionne and meowstic are all there and its so bad)
boxing heracross immediately. also that battle frontier episode where it's literally the only returning ash mon (barring torkoal i think but i dont count it bc its native to AG) to get humiliated onscreen
pidgeot returning but gliscor didn't even show up in the miniseries despite being an Actual Character
#sorry ik i keep bringing up the throwaway line but like. its SOOOOOOOOOO bad holy shit#the heracross one isnt aaaaaas bad tbf bc they really make up for it in the sinnoh league#but aside from one ep in the miniseries we never quite get an episode where oshawott proves itself in a battle#i still love that episode bc it still kinda feels like an apology for all the oshawott bashing in bw but i am a little :/#that battling didnt even come up once#ive kiiinda eased up on gliscors benching episode bc at the end of the day it isssss pretty good to her. also its the best animated one#but its treatment like what i mentioned that still really drags it down to me#and also like. i know ppl praise gliscor being so powerful after the episode but i really dont get why we couldnt have just#had a gliscor training arc onscreen. but ig we wouldnt have that stupid ass gible plot that went nowhere now would we#but like.... we had such a huge stretch between that episode and the league. i really dont get why we couldnt have had a mini arc#where gliscor realizes shes not pulling her weight that well and really starts hauling ass#she doesnt really even sweep in the paul fight. she gets beaten immediately by ninjask#the drapion part was awesome tho yayyyy#but my point is that it wouldnt really change much if gliscor just stayed and got stronger on its own#have the bench episode be a wake up call for gliscor rather than a goodbye one and she becomes super competent#like im not just saying this bc gliscor is my favorite character in the entire show. i feel like its straight up kinda lazy and less reward#rewarding#imagine how the drapion fight could be EVEN MORE cathartic if we saw gliscor struggle and fight to get better throughout the show#as much as i like that specific battle and ash vs paul as a whole... it just kinda proves my point that sending gliscor away at all#was kind of a shitty move#like ohhhhh ash's team is all getting revenge for lake acuity yay!!!!! oh one of them was kicked off for the sake of a shitty gible plot th#which really only served to make shitty piplup bashing jokes and only actually had a conclusion in the league itself#by which time it was too late to actually do anything else with it. yeah we kicked someone off for that. but shes back now!!!#like it doesnt weaken the battle THAT much. in fact theres some value in how ash went out of his way to make sure gliscor could be there#so her defeat could also be avenged. and its still my fave battle in the whole anime. but it just proves to me how pointless that was reall#echoed voice
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spohkh 11 months
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GODDDDDD THIS EPISODE WAS SO FUCKING GOOD GIRL LOOK AT THIS FACEEEEEE.... hes absolutely living for this knowledge that dong soo can be so vengeful. like he was intrigued/amused by dong soo before but now hes like oh there is DEFINITELY something fucked up about that little dude and i am INTO IT... do young can see sooo clearly all of the twisted up gnarled rage inside of hds that he tries so hard to hide.. "his revengeful spirit" uggghhhhhhhh yes do young is going to hit at hds' fault lines until he bursts right open!!!! the fucking little smile on hds' face when sdy showed him the picture of moon in the car accident MA'AM? LET THAT REVENGEFUL SPIRIT RIPPPP!!!! ONLINE GAMBLING KINGPIN!!! FAST TRACK ON THE DOWNWARD SPIRAL!!!
do young is like dong soo. you freaky little attorney. take my unlovable hand in yours. lets go full no children in this bitch.
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chewwytwee 3 months
people conflate being nice with not being critical. Being nice to people doesnt mean never presenting them with any kind of negative information or feedback it means don't be a prick while doing it
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dracoj 7 months
kaiji is SO AWESOME. It鈥檚 SOOOOOO AWESOME!!!!!! FUCK YEAH. every arc just gets better and better like fuck you funai. Fuck you tonegawa. FUCK YOU Hyodo. AND FUCK YOU OTSUKI!!!!!!!!
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infizero 2 months
randomly rewatching the mlp s4 finale is bad for my health is anyone else seeing this
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honeyboyfelix 2 months
listening to runners by stray kids is not enough....i need it to become part of my soul
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loverofallthingssmart 11 months
just wrote a sonnet. i now understand what shakespeare was on about
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