#its the auto gameplay relation
flovverworks · 2 years
actually i find it superfunny when athree fans turns out to be prommy of wizzie fans too
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bellshazes · 1 year
dreaming up a syllabus for an imaginary course on metanarratives about gameplay, which i think would go something like:
unit 1: who do you think you are i am - auto-documentary & games
Vlogs and the Hyperreal, Folding Ideas
The Slow Death of Let's Play Videos, Meraki (to ~10:00)
World Record Progression: Mike Tyson, Summoning Salt
ROBLOX_OOF.mp3, hbomberguy
Life as a Bokoblin: A Zelda Nature Documentary, Monster Maze
optional: Braindump on the History of Let's Plays, slowbeef
unit 2: what like it's hard? - intro to challenge narratives
Chapter 26: Games as Narrative Play: Two Structures for Narrative Play, Rules of Play
A different kind of challenge run: Minimalist 100% (BOTW), Wolf Link
Surviving 100 Days on Just Dirt, Mogswamp
Can You Beat DARK SOULS III with Only Firebombs, the Backlogs
Is it Possible to Beat Super Mario 3D World while permanently crouching?, Ceave Gaming
The Pacifist Challenge - Beating Hollow Knight Without Collecting Soul [CHALLENGE] - Sample
optional: How to 100% Snowpeak Ruins in under 15 minutes, bewildebeest
unit 3: nelly you don't understand, i AM the narrative - form and function
The Future of Writing about Games, Jacob Geller
Can You Beat GRIME Without Weapons?, the Backlogs
Mushroom Kingdom Championships, Ceave Gaming
My Life as a Barber in Hitman 2, MinMax (Leo Vader)
MyHouse.WAD - Inside Doom's Most Terrifying Mod, PowerPak
optional: Mega Microvideos, Matthewmatosis
the theme and structure is mostly intended to introduce at least one critical or historically contextual work followed by examples of the type of narrative in question.
in unit 1, this is the idea of "How do people talk about their own experiences in the context of YouTube and playing video games?" across three rather different kinds of documentaries. unit 2 is intended to take that lens of who is telling what tale and dial in on challenge running, where i first noticed the way some videos turn the story of overcoming a challenge into its own narrative that is distinct from but related to the narrative events of the game itself. unit 3 circles back to the bigger picture with a variety of examples that, to me, are maximally metanarrative, the emergent story of the player-narrator now functionally replacing the game's embedded narrative.
bonus unit: broken narratives
Glitch & the Grotesque at the MLA, Sylvia Korman
Watching time loop movies to escape my time loop, Leo Vader
The Stanley Parable, Dark Souls, and Intended Play, Folding Ideas
Breaking Madden, Jon Bois
The TRUTH about the Pizzaplex in FNAF: Security Breach, AstralSpiff
this one is highly underdeveloped, but i'd love to work out something more robust building on randomizer challenges that produce intentionally bizarre, semi-ironic "lore," and bois-esque endeavors to break games so hard the story itself crumbles. but that's really out of scope so i'm just including the links to things i couldn't bear to get rid of. more rambling abt the challenge runs I chose under the cut.
Challenge runs represent one of the most obvious places to start, due to being extremely plentiful and having a hook that makes a "here's how I did X thing in Y video game" format almost unavoidable. Minimalist 100% is an underrated and sweet straightforward example that I mostly include as a baseline for reporting-out style narrative; here are the facts, here's what happened, this is the thing that it is. Mogswamp's 100 Days on Just Dirt is similar in style, but the physical measuring of days is a delightful and, more importantly, external narrative device.
Now oriented, we get a taste of Ceave Gaming's narrative approach to Mario challenges with the no-crouching run, and while we still aren't at the degree of player-characters being constructed for the narrative's sake, the spirited belief in crouching sets the stage for other rhetoric in more extreme cases we'll see later.
The Backlogs' entire body of work qualifies here, but GRIME is the strongest inspiration for putting this list together. I include the DS3 firebombs run because what was initially a factual description of how his wife's use of firebombs inspired him to play differently in the original DS1 firebombs run has developed into full-blown multi-game narrative arc with the Firebomb Goddess (his wife, who also voices the character) compelling his in-game character to achieve his destined quest. Grime takes that even further,
In-Game Documentaries
I include Life as a Bokoblin mostly as a contrast to My Life as a Barber - there is a level of fictionalization and roleplay involved in the Zelda in-game documentary that highlights exactly what I want to single out when I am talking about metanarrative, the story about a story.
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rrrrinmaru · 1 month
liveblog of 01 - to begin
first thoughts are that i really like the podcast-esque opening of the prologue with DPSC FM - it's giving wtnv vibes and the va does an excellent job of delivering his lines. i would actually enjoy hearing a full podcast version of the events of this game narrated through a radio station i think...
"traceback ii is about to pass the event horizon and enter the black hole" / "we are stuck in this loop, in this never ending journey" - pensive... is this related to the main storyline or is this foreshadowing about the multiple world theory?
"metaflux index" - it's fascinating that they've developed the technology to sense this metaflux index and identify problem spots in the city where wanderers are more likely to appear. they seem to be able to predict the rough locations where the wanderers will appear and likely can dispatch hunters to these areas on standby, but i wonder if they can narrow it down to the time itself?like "1400, wanderer attack down at the pizzeria", or if it's a shorter warning time, like the metaflux index spikes and it signals a wanderer attack in the next 20 minutes?
deepspace tunnel appearing leading to anomalous geomagnetic storms, which caused the wanderers to appear - i'm assuming the deepspace tunnel is something like a wormhole / space portal. does this mean the wanderers entered our planet through some portal / wormhole tearing a rift in space and time to deposit them directly on our planet (think loki and the first avengers movie when he brought the chitauri over with his spectre)? did someone create this portal or was it like some act of mother nature?
if you listen carefully during the 01 story, when tara is speaking to you, the president in the background says "but we only care about results. the ends justify the means." considering they view the wanderers as invasive aliens (zergs www), the standpoint makes sense, but it is quite funny to hear it be declared so self-righteously. does make me wonder how much you can get away with if you claim it's for the purpose of defeating the wanderers though... severe structural damage ala the avengers?
it seems that the new list of hunter graduates are released ahead of graduation and the leaders (?) of each hunting division / squad / team get to select the rookies they want to join their team - there doesn't seem to be any autonomy on the part of the graduates to indicate which team they want to join.
i do wonder why mc is the first rookie called up to receive the badge: from a gameplay perspective, it makes sense since it would be a chore to have to "sit through" other people before it reaches our turn. i don't think it's based on alphabetical order either since all the players' names are different, and it's likely that any numerical number (e.g. student number 12020) would be in order of name. from a plot perspective, are we like... hunter valedictorian???
tara being into tarot cards is so funny i won't lie. all this technological advancement and the venturing into space to see all the planets and having a wormhole tunnel appear in our planet and having to fight aliens and still bestie believes in fate. i mean so do i but it's still kinda funny wwww she's super cute though. i love her short bob.
interesting how mc uses a gun for the first mission - are they assigned guns only as beginner rookies? it's clear mc can use other weapons from the battle mechanics, so why gun - more importantly, have they invented auto aim in plot yet or does she still have to manually aim at people?
not sure if this is a gameplay thing or intentional plotwise - xavier's wounds were glowing with "metaflux" (suggests that wanderers' attacks use metaflux?) but the moment you touch him to try to wake him up, the glow disappears.
"it activated its protofield" - are there any repercussions to like... just ignoring the protofield? like you see it manifest in front of you and you know a wanderer's lurking inside and you just decide no thanks and walk away? obviously you cordon off the area so the public can't wander in and stuff, but apart from that are there any... space time repercussions? like the protofield gets bigger the longer it goes ignored, or the wanderer can just dismiss the protofield and come back out to walk the earth?
protocores are crushable??????
erm very bold of xavier to just take my wrist and drag me along but ermmmmmmmm hehe hehe...... let's just say i'm agreeable.
hm i'm a bit confused. luminivores eat light - xavier's evol is light - they eat the light he produces (??) - therefore the warehouse full of luminivores is likely a trap for him. i think xavier mentions that the luminivores will respawn with the light if they don't defeat the luminivores quickly enough, meaning the luminivores consume the light and use it as refuel / to respawn with health. but when mc and xavier resonate, the combined power of the resonated light evol is "so bright" it seems to dissolve all the luminivores? does this mean it's like a speed / intensity thing? shine a bright enough /damaging enough light on the luminivores to hurt them faster than they can devour the light and it's enough to destroy them? maybe part of the hunter gear should include really, really, really high powered industry grade flashlights
protocores seem a lot weaker than i imagined... can they really be destroyed so easily? xavier crushed them in his palm and they were disintegrated by the power of the resonated light evol? regardless, protocores can be broken into protocore fragments - can they be pieced together to form a new protocore?
i do wonder - they can sense metaflux energy levels, and a high enough metaflux energy level typically means that wanderers will be appearing / have appeared in the area. is the reverse true, whereby a metaflux "explosion" (maybe in the research of metaflux energy and somehow the scientists accidentally create an explosion), will it draw wanderers to appear at that location like a beacon?
tara was about to try every method possible to contact mc, both scientific AND mystical? i would give money to see tara conduct a seance in the abandoned warehouse to try to triangulate my location. maybe pull out an ouija board. speak with any lingering spirits to figure out if i'm having a little tete-a-tete with a hot single silver-haired injured man in my area.
do teams like data analysis go into the field as well? that is so funny... imagine joining the hunter academy (?) because you've always been fascinated by metaflux and want to help develop technology / weapons to better sense and identify and hunt wanderers, and you suck it up throughout all the combat fitness and field training because you just want to be Where The Scientists Are and when you finally get assigned to data analysis you find out you still have compulsory field assignments. like i would end it all
mini drones with 360 degree eyes and infrared sensors designed to monitor wanderer activity patrol the sky - oh so we are in the Surveillance Society that all the sci-fi books predicted. got it
if jenna saved tara 14 years ago during the wanderer attack, and assuming jenna was like employed with some kind of law enforcement at the time, putting her at maybe 20-22 (at least), she should be about >= 34 years old? sexy... ok i am seeing the tara/jenna vision...
i wonder if they have flying cars....
fucking funny how rafayel just catches the fish and. lets it flop on the net pathetically for however long he talks, SUFFOCATING, before he plops it in your water container. he was really ready to just chat with you while he let his friend (fish are friends not food) die
HE JUST WALKS OFF OH MY GOD ok lilydally i see what you see in him. the bitch energy is hilarious
mc says she hasn't met zayne for over a decade and only recently met him 6 months ago for a follow-up checkup for her heart, but their families are friends and meet occasionally for meals - did they just stop meeting post wanderer attack? actually, did mc's grandma take mc in before or after the wanderer attack? if mc met zayne when she was 8 (and assuming this was pre-wanderer attack), she's at least 22 years old
not gonna lie if my ex-childhood friend turned out to be my primary care physician i might ask for someone else to be my physician... unless they were the best at their job and irreplaceable (which i assume zayne is?)
damn this office is fancy as hell... what kind of doctor's office has a whole ass couch inside? with a long table? with multiple couch cushions??
i like how low caleb's bar is. what matters is that you're alive. thank you chief.
military flights go INTO the deepspace tunnel?! by military she meant SPACE EXPLORATION? < with hindsight i now know by military, caleb is in the deepspace aviation administration. it's funny how they still call it aviation. the sky is vastly different from space, methinks........
you can find wanderers IN the deepspace tunnel? like are they floating? are they in their own spaceship of some kind? how do their bodies adapt to the change in pressure from space and on earth? if it's revealed wanderers are capable of flying spaceships too that would be so funny.... forget hand to hand combat on solid ground. let's have a laser battle in space in the deepspace portal. we'll see whose nuclear shields hold up better
caleb doesn't like cilantro... i will remember this
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topgamestodayps · 11 months
Spider-Man 2: A Stunning Evolution of NYC
The Manhattan map in the 2018 Spider-Man game was a marvel of open-world design. However, the bustling streets and iconic landmarks felt somewhat lifeless when compared to its successor, exclusively powered by the PS5. In this sequel, players can truly appreciate the potential of Sony's cutting-edge hardware. It expands the virtual world to include a detailed rendition of Manhattan, Harlem, Brooklyn, Queens, and Coney Island. The result is a more vibrant cityscape, with more yellow cabs zooming down Fifth Avenue during rush hour, tourists snapping selfies in Times Square, and an overall sense that the virtual metropolis is teeming with life beyond the main action.
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Combat: Lightning-Fast Reflexes and Tactical Choices
Surviving the frenzied wave-based battle royales in Spider-Man 2 demands lightning-fast reflexes. Players must fluidly transition between different attacks, utilizing the square button to strike, the circle button to dodge, and the triangle button to close in on the nearest enemy. Special abilities add a strategic layer to the combat, no longer tied to specific suits as in the first game. Now, players can assign abilities through the pause menu, allowing for greater customization and tactical depth. Mixing and matching these abilities becomes crucial in determining the most effective combination for your play style. One viable combo that players interested in buying PS5 games might appreciate could start with a Reverse Flux to immobilize foes, followed by a Chain Lightning to eliminate weaker enemies. This sets the stage for unleashing Thunder Burst, a powerful area-of-effect attack, and Galvanize, a focused strike that sends one enemy airborne while damaging nearby foes. Managing cooldown timers and building your focus bar through regular attacks are essential aspects of combat strategy for those diving into Marvel's Spider-Man 2. Only when the focus bar is maxed out can you heal or perform slow-motion takedowns, either solo or in tandem with your spider companion?
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Skills and Gadgets: Versatility in Combat and Traversal
A suite of skills, gadgets, and suit tech options complements the dynamic combat system. Players can unlock improvements using skill points earned from winning battles and discovering secrets. Both Peter and Miles have unique combat traits, while a third tier of shared unlockable skills offers broader advantages for both combat and navigating the city. The traversal aspect of the game benefits from the addition of a 'web wing' wingsuit, allowing gliding through the skies at any altitude instead of solely swinging from high platforms. This feature proves invaluable when crossing the East River towards Queens and Brooklyn. Wind tunnels and updrafts, indicated by glowing rings on-screen, help maintain aerial momentum, adding a touch of puzzle-solving to the traversal experience. Marvel's Spider-Man 2 boasts an impressive roster of 66 spider suits (34 for Peter and 32 for Miles), each paying homage to specific eras or storylines from Spider-Man's rich history, making it a must-have for fans looking to buy PS5 games. Notably, the symbiote suit holds a special place within the game's narrative, though discussing its significance would reveal major story beats.
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Accessibility Options: Enhancing the Gaming Experience
Marvel's Spider-Man 2 features a comprehensive suite of accessibility options, catering to a wide range of player needs, including those who may want to buy PS5 games. These options include Hearing Presets for adjusting subtitles, colors, music volume, and vibration settings. Motion Sensitivity Presets offer control over camera-related features like shake, blur, and depth of field. Motor Presets aid aiming, melee combat, and parkour, with options like continuous dodge, enhanced auto-aim, and QTE autocomplete. Vision Presets offer various gameplay aids such as auto-heal, chase assist, and waypoint navigation.
Exploration and Side Activities: A Living, Breathing World
Unlocking the diverse districts of the game is a more organic process compared to its predecessor. Discovery now depends on physically entering areas, as opposed to the comms tower interactions reminiscent of Far Cry. The map of Marvel's Spider-Man 2 is filled with extracurricular activities apart from the main quest, including designated photo ops, raidable enemy gang strongholds, randomly generated crime scenes, and time trial-style puzzles. Completing these activities rewards players with tokens, which can be used to unlock skills, suit tech, gadgets, and more. To put the game's scale in perspective, completing just the Story Mode leaves over 50% of the content unexplored.
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Conclusion: The Pinnacle of Superhero Gaming
Marvel's Spider-Man 2, developed by PlayStation Studios and Insomniac Games, represents the culmination of years of evolution and refinement, both within the developer and the superhero action-adventure genre. The game offers numerous improvements over its predecessor, featuring a combat and gadget system that pays homage to Rocksteady's Batman: Arkham series, and traversal that caters to anyone who ever dreamed of swinging through the city skyline. In summary, Marvel's Spider-Man 2 sets the bar high as the ultimate superhero gaming experience.
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gertlushgaming · 1 year
G.I. Joe: Operation Blackout Review (PlayStation 4)
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For this G.I. Joe: Operation Blackout Review we welcome G.I. Joe and Cobra back! G.I. Joe: Operation Blackout is a team-based third-person shooter where you play as your favorite characters from Team G.I. Joe and Team Cobra. Experience the action from both sides as you help G.I. Joe restore order and lead Cobra to world domination.
G.I. Joe: Operation Blackout Review Pros:
- Decent cel-shaded graphics. - 12.12 GB download size. - Platinum trophy. - Game settings-auto aim, subtitles, and tutorials. - Invert axis and sensitivity sliders. - Solo and Co-op campaign support. (local) - Four difficulties-action figure, government issue, man of action, and real American hero. - Solo gives you an AI partner. - Multiple controller layouts including custom rebind. - 3rd person shooter gameplay. - 12 characters from the series Eyes, Duke, Lady Jaye, Sci-fi, Scarlett, Roadblock, Cobra Commander, Storm Shadow, Firefly, Baroness, Destroy, and Zartan. - Reload-fast reloads by timing your reload. (think Gears Of War active reload) - Ammo and health pickups. - a short starting tutorial section to go over the controls. - Ultimate unique attack for each character that builds over time and when you kill enemies. - Cartoon-looking stills are used for cutscenes. - Unlock new weapons and character skins. - Team battle-four player local MP with six maps, three modes (team arena, assault, and CTF), and settings for kills to win or match time. - Collectibles-comic covers and earn videos. - Bio section for all the characters. - Can replay levels. - Each level shows how many Collectibles you have found, the side objectives completed, and the best time and score. - Can skip the cutscenes. - The story goes between Gi Joe and Cobra. - Stop start animation cutscenes. - End of level breakdown for your score. - Each mission/level lets you pick from the two available characters. - Modifiers-13 of them and they can make the game harder or easier. - On-screen icons for objectives. - Each character has unique attributes. - Decent loading times. - Interactive points and most of the time will trigger a mini-mission like an event. - Can change settings in the pause menu. - Pick up new guns in the level. - Horde mode-style events. - 29 comics to collect showing off classic comics. - Many boss fights with the main characters. - Combo counter for kills to build your score. - Vehicle missions.
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G.I. Joe: Operation Blackout Review Cons: - No field of view slider and the view is quite close. - Hard to pick out enemies. - Auto-aim is not good as it loses lock on with any movement from you or the enemy. - No real replay value. - Characters don't move their mouth when talking. - Shooting in general is just not good. - Heavily scripted fights that break the immersion. - Small text. - They took good mechanics from popular games and mashed them all together. - Pain-in-the-ass trophies are like a load of multiplayer ones. - A lot of the levels are just go here fight a wave, go to next shoot some guys the end. - No online multiplayer or co-op. - Bad Ai pathfinding. - Your AI partner is completely useless. - Comic Collectibles are just the front cover and you can move it around. - Can't skip the ultimate animation. - Can't use modifiers on your first playthrough. - A lot of pop-ins and textures fill in as it loads. - It doesn't use the main 1980s TV show theme tune! Related Post: YO JOE! G.I. JOE Makes Its Way to World of Tanks
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G.I. Joe: Operation Blackout: Official website. Developer: GameMill Publisher: GameMill Store Links - PlayStation Read the full article
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sims-letsplay · 1 year
Starting Generation 1
Starting out fresh and attempting a legacy challenge. Going to attempt the alphabet challenge where, each generation is the next letter in the alphabet. The rules;
Founder Creation Rules
Your founder's name must start with the letter "a".
Your founder must be a Young Adult or an Adult (though Young Adult is my personal recommendation, to make it a little easier).
After you've created your founder, pick a house for them to live in! The freerealestate cheat is allowed, but I'd advise you to not go overboard with your founder's house.
Gameplay Rules
Death and Reloading Rules
No reloading a previous save after Bad Luck, but you may restart a previous save, if you so desire, after a Catastrophe. What's the distinction? Bad Luck would be something like a baby being born a boy when you wanted a girl or a fire starting. A Catastrophe would be something like an accidental death or a child being taken away by CPS.
A death by Cow Plant, if automatous, is classified as a Catastrophe. A death by the Mother Plant, however, is classified as Bad Luck.
Additionally, bringing Sims back from the dead is allowed, if said Sim is directly related to the Sim bringing them back. However, the Sim who gets brought back is not allowed to marry and have children.
Reloading a previous save to fix a bug or a glitch is allowed.
Cheats Rules
No money cheats.
No immortality cheats (ex. MCCC's Flag For No Age).
MC Command Center Rules
I'm including this as a section because of the amount of people who use MC Command Center. If you don't use this mod, these rules obviously do not apply.
Automatous WooHoo must be set to False OR Risky WooHoo (the value that decides whether or not normal WooHoo results in pregnancy) must be set to 0.
Automatous Proposal must be set to False.
Fill Household Needs is allowed, but only if it's really bad. For example, if the toddlers keep trying to go to bed, can't somehow, and are keeping everyone awake, you can use this cheat. Just try to keep its use to a minimum.
It's recommended to set the Marriage and Pregnancy checks to "Bypass All Played Households", but not required.
General Gameplay Rules
In the Settings menu, make sure the Auto-Aging setting is set to "Active Household Only".
Have Lifespan set to "Normal".
The Legacy Family
This is where this challenge differs from other Legacy challenges.
The founder's children's names must start with the next letter of the alphabet. Example: "My founder's name is Amy and her children are Beth, Carlos, and Dawn."
Each of the founder's children must have the same number of children as the founder. For example, if the founder had three children, each of those children must have three each. As such, keep your founder's amount of children small, unless you want a chaotic family tree and an extra challenge, not to mention the risk of culling.
The rule above has one exception--if any Sim has an unexpected multiple birth, then the others do not need to have another baby. The extra baby's name can either begin with the same letter as the planned baby's name (Example: "Dawn had surprise twins. Her children are Elliot, Freya, Gabriel and Grace."), or can begin with the next letter (Example: "Dawn had surprise twins. Her children are Elliot, Freya, Gabriel, and Hannah.").
Spouses are allowed to bring money into the family.
All children can be moved out of their home lots, provided that they are Young Adults or older.
Use of a Trait Randomizer is completely optional.
The Legacy Family must have a Family Cemetery. The Family Cemetery must be a large lot, to accommodate all of the tombstones that will be accumulated. The cemetery must have a barrier around its outer edge, either a fence or hedge, but otherwise can look like whatever you want it to be.
Additionally, one Sim in the family must be the "genealogist". Being the genealogist means that they must be present whenever a family member dies to collect the family member's urn/tombstone and put it in the Family Cemetery.
There are two version of succession in this challenge.
Version 1: No succession.
This version means you play rotationally between each of the families you have. It can swiftly get chaotic, so it's not for the faint of heart.
Version 2: The youngest child is the heir.
This version is less chaotic. This version means that whichever child was born last will be the next played. In the event of a plural birth, whichever child was named last will be the heir. Example: "Dawn's youngest child is Grace, so Grace is the third generation's heir. After Grace's youngest child becomes a Young Adult, they will be the fourth generation's heir."
There is no scoring system for this challenge. As such, the only way to lose is if you give up the challenge. If you make it to Z, you win!
Warning: This challenge's play test has not been completed yet. **Rules copied and pasted from https://www.reddit.com/r/thesims/comments/c76p1u/the_alphabet_legacy_challenge/ Go give them some love if you want to play along too :)
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simulationandsports · 2 years
4 Best Open-World Racing Games Of All Time
Open-world games, especially open-world racing games hold an important spot in the heart of a lot of gamers. The ability to drive any vehicle of your choice, and more importantly, to be able to drive it wherever - make these racing games extremely addictive and enjoyable to play. Incredible graphics and the freedom to roam across the globe make these virtual races one of the most effective ways way to escape reality. Open-world games have become a standard in modern video game environments. Developers are increasingly switching away from linearity for an open-world experience. Explore dynamic and constantly evolving open-world landscapes that offer endless excitement and enjoyment with hundreds of most thrilling automobiles.
TT Isle of Man Edge 2
TT Isle of Man Ride on the Edge 2 most defining characteristic is its realistic approach to competition motorbikes. It's not a Grand Theft Auto Online motorcycle racing. Not at all. The physics in TT2 seems real in just how each bike is handled, which can be affected by competitors' speeds as well as track curves and positioning associated with the biker at the wheel.
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The result is that racers need to get extremely careful in their precious auto racing strategies. Make a quick getaway from a stop that isn't positioning the motorcyclist forward on the bicycle, and you'll hit a wheelie, which can lead to becoming onto the floor. Make sure to turn while driving at leading quickness and you'll end up crashing onto the ground. TT Isle of Man: Ride in the Edge 2 is a well-thought-out racer found in this regard, but truly does so without truly being overly complicated to use - which is an excellent thing if you consider that becoming too authentic is one of the traits that could wind up hurting an entire game. The TT Isle of Man: Ride relating to side 2 includes the typical game modes that all racing videogames offer. Single-player modes include Quick Race, Time Attack Tutorial, and Free Roam, which allows enthusiasts to take in all the sounds and sights from the Isle or the countryside without any goal aside from perhaps bringing a feel for every bike and/or customized configuration. Although it is generally accepted that gamers automatically get right back along the circuit if they veer on the dirt track, it would have been enjoyable to race over the hills rolling through the countryside at speeds of around 160 MPH.
Career mode is single-player gameplay, taking gamers within the ranks to compete in races and events and earn rewards such as sponsorships, and fresh new items about their bikes. Career mode is especially cool to recreate caused of its remarkable personalization options in the same vein as Madden or NBA2K that lets players make their own choices by signing contracts and customizing their bicycle configurations - of which there are plenty of choices using the big-name licensed brands that race enthusiasts or anyone else will instantly recognize.
Online multi-player races are enjoyable if you're ready to subscribe to the race, however, there's not much online player existence at the moment of production. Selecting a competition typically will result in no matches being identified and the need to create one on your own. If I could unite an online rendezvous, it ran as perfectly as a local multi-player program without any sort of obvious delays or hiccups. If you don't come with several online pals who additionally own TT Isle of Man: Ride with the Edge 2 and you are planning to compete, multiplayer mode is likely to be a waste of effort and time.
TT Isle of Man: Ride relating to the Edge 2 is very a racer's game that is ideal for lovers who appreciate more lifelike gameplay. It's simple enough to pick up and play with however it's a lot more difficult, but satisfying - to develop into a professional racer. While multiplayer online falls slightly off the mark due to the present players but this game's Career mode certainly compensates for this and it is very well well worth the time. The TT Isle of Man: Ride within the Edge 2 is exciting, fast, and possibly the best racing game to date in 2020.
Need for Speed Heat
The risk would be that higher heat indicates more and more powerful cops and getting witnessed can result in a significant quantity of money as well as reputation failure. When I reached the heat level of three and the cops were a big issue. That they even had gotten distinctive risk/reward routine to enjoy rid of those who were caught because once they're busted, the heat multiplier drops to a single also, and the cops can take large sums of money. Every car is equipped with a health bar, which is truly noteworthy to keep an eye on when you are in a police run after. Gas stations can correct the vehicle as much as 3 times at night, but after, the cops will stop them. The night and day game modes are a wonderful and obsessive strategy that was made most of the more enjoyable by the ability to switch among them as soon as I wanted for whichever currency I wanted.
This afternoon and nighttime setups play inside the incredibly suitable plot of cops versus street-racers and also, with the quests requiring a particular auto rank and good reputation stage. The story isn't an unforgettable tale in any way, but it's well played by the actors, and it's a huge benefit for this because it kept me semi-engaged with exactly what was occurring. I have to perform my current very own customized hero using a surprisingly powerful character maker. It was mostly for clothes and features while I selected a pre-made avatar outside of 12 settings, but it was an amazing selection nevertheless.
The vehicles themselves feel stunning to drive. And, from the amount, I bought to push the cars all feel distinctive from one another. Drifting is very the main focus within this entering but it is handled differently in NFS: Heat with the right trigger as the trigger. Generally, it may be a handbrake or maybe the current brake when you accelerate however this time, it is tapping on the gas and then holding it while I was taking a turn. In the beginning, it was unusual and had taken me a while to be comfortable, however, I got used potentially and with those that aren't able to use it, there's an alternative of switching this to the brake. When I had upgraded my car and some more powerful cars, achieving those top performances along a long stretch of the road felt truly great also, and the rush I seemed ended up being types of nostalgic.
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Time trials for crew members are small occasions that are displayed relating to the map at an arbitrary time, during which crew active members set their times and try to exceed the instances established by other crew members. These are more challenging than average AI situations, but then again, they can yield the highest quantities of money. After the end of the game, this is the only activity you have to conduct to test out the top cars that come with the greatest advancements, and it will eventually become a bit stale when the digital currency reaches a limit with very little need to invest it in any other items.
The Crew 2
The very first Crew recreation was a strong emphasis on a linear story. The game was a limited choice of situations to experience. It is a different story. Crew 2 eschews most of the linearity and puts a focus on events. Even though the finest mission requires you to amass an online pool of followers on a fake social network named Live, you'll also find four different teams that can be joined. Each team has a headquarters and masters independently in, according to the kind of sport they want to play such as street racing, pro racing, freestyle, or cross-country. Each team is represented by an icon, or boss-like hero, who may be challenged to events once the player's popularity rises to an appropriate level and a sufficient number of events within that type are cleaned. It truly is possibly a little more like a generic advancement tale, but with so quite a few races to conquer, a cinematic storyline most likely will not be overlooked by countless competitors.
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Graphically, The Crew 2 will not start looking far unique from the authentic. Its appearance is because drawing distances have substantially increased, due to the ability of players to immediately and spontaneously switch to plane. What would the point of flying be when you can't see miles ahead of you? At the very least, vehicle mistresses will always be stunning, like realistic cockpit views of each one. They may not be the extreme 1:1 laser scans noticed on Gran Turismo Sport, but they're still a great view for taking in.
Crew 2 covers America. It's clear to not scale but features all the various surroundings which make up this vast continent. The urban forests of the major metropolitan locations such as Los Angeles, Detroit, and New York State, as well as others, to the rough mountains belonging to the North and the plateaus of Utah and New Orleans' bayou, all aspects that makeup The Crew 2's US frontier are generally symbolized by The Crew 2 in one single enormous map.
Every category of the vehicle may also be upgraded by acquiring various loots, which are awarded for a session a race's win situation, such as example getting a third place or better in a street race, receiving sufficient stunt points during an air-borne session, or overcoming a rally experience. All vehicles are equipped with the overall level of performance for a high-level summary belonging to the expected performance of an automobile and the standard data such as the top speed, horsepower, and so on however, they also have figures such as stopping distance and 0-60 times. Collected segments can be swapped out at any time, with rarer sections giving out bonuses such for instance more popularity awarded per rewarding happening or a faster boost recovery experience - as absurd as it might seem to come with the ability to boost nitro on a dirt bike or jet, it is an essential feature of every vehicle.
The option is definitely to switch to any kind of vehicle, each time. Each automobile kind will be made an option for a preferred type, such as air, ground, or water. When you are driving, pressing the R3 key will open a list of celebrities. Forcing and holding the perfect analog adhere in the corresponding route will immediately transition into a motor vehicle marked because of their ideal for this class. This could result in some hilarious footage, such as taking off over the Golden Gate link, and then changing into a dirt bike then going down the other side, or just flying up to 15,000 legs and then crashing into the sea in the boat.
Riders Republic
The events you will end up using them in could be just as diverse, bringing you through a myriad of mountain slopes with a lot of different goals to make things more interesting. The things that turn me off from enjoying the game to its fullest are the "Trickster" It is the absolute most enjoyable control, but it is at the same time a little annoying if I barely move my analog before making it to the finish line, he'll throw the trick, and then I'll need certainly to start over or to rewind. Every single sport from wingsuits to snowboarding is great to experience.
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I am not sure how they came up with such a terrible control system. There's an array of exciting multiplayer video game titles as well, including competitive Free for many races that challenge your skills against a tiny selection of live video game players, Arena matches that pit two teams of six against one to take control of the skating park and, most importantly: Mass Races. Get to the surface of the leaderboard with Career Mode and attempt the different career paths, playable in a choice of solo or PvP. The Riders Republic sticks very closely to the current open-world vehicle racing video game title resolution we've seen previously, but having an extreme type of these racers is hardly a bad thing.
In contrast to Steep's more rigid and specific handling, Riders has players using a variety of triggers and buttons on the face to pull off tricks. While you are racing for the stars however you'd like, Mass Races opens up about a couple of times per hour, welcoming as many as 64 gamers at any race into an incredibly hectic race that effortlessly changes from wingsuit to bike, snowboard, and back again several times per race. These online video games which are chaotic can pit as many as 64 competitors against one another in one race. Tricks Battle provides video game players competing in matchups of 6v6 in arenas, to complete as many tricks as they can to score points.
Alongside the wingsuits and snowsports from its ancestor are bike disciplines as well as powered vehicles, all ready to switch by a button press and thumbstick movements. Due to its distinct gameplay and satisfying open-world experience, Riders Republic gets the makings of an extreme sports fan's desire. This direction and focus will probably be determined because of the community over the months ahead the coming months, as user-generated content grabs over from the events showcased at launch. Now, Riders Republic may be the thrilling finish line I had been hoping for with Steep. In the end, Riders Republic is a fantastic video game title and the absolute most addicting extreme sports game title available in the marketplace away from maybe the Tony Hawk's Pro Skater 1 and 2 remake. The races are enjoyable The chaos of mass races is a bit chaotic and unfair. That's why I advise this video game to casual gamers, but it can be enjoyable for experienced gamers too.
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fmp24np · 1 month
Rockstar Games is a prominent American video game publisher known for creating some of the most successful and influential games in the industry. Founded in 1998 as a subsidiary of Take-Two Interactive, the company is headquartered in New York City. Rockstar Games is best known for developing open-world, action-adventure games, particularly the Grand Theft Auto series, which has become one of the best-selling and most critically acclaimed franchises in gaming history.
In addition to Grand Theft Auto, Rockstar Games is also recognized for other popular franchises such as Red Dead, Midnight Club, Max Payne, and Manhunt. The company is praised for its focus on storytelling, immersive worlds, and innovative gameplay mechanics. Over the years, Rockstar has expanded by acquiring and establishing various studios worldwide, all of which operate under the Rockstar brand. The company has a significant impact on the gaming industry, pushing the boundaries of what video games can achieve in terms of narrative, design, and cultural impact.
Rockstar Games is currently seeking a Character Assembly Artist for its Edinburgh-based studio, Rockstar North. The role involves populating open-world game environments with characters, focusing on wardrobe styling and visual storytelling through appearances. The position requires collaboration with various teams to achieve production goals and solve technical and aesthetic issues within the game engine.
Key qualifications include strong observational skills, a deep understanding of game pipelines, and expertise in fashion and street style as it relates to character design. Experience with 3D modeling tools like 3ds Max, Maya, and Substance Painter is desirable. The role emphasizes creativity, attention to detail, and teamwork in a highly motivated and inclusive environment.
Rockstar encourages applications from all qualified candidates, emphasizing its commitment to diversity and equal opportunity.
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Screenshot of the LinkedIn Job ad (Rockstar Games, 2024)
I might not be the best fit for the Character Assembly Artist position at Rockstar Games due to some areas where my experience or skills may not align perfectly with the requirements of the role. While I have a strong foundation in character design, my experience with certain advanced tools and workflows, like Marvelous Designer, is limited. I’m eager to learn and improve, but I recognize that this could mean a challenge in adapting to Rockstar’s specific processes and standards.
Additionally, while I have a good understanding of fashion and street style, my understanding of era-specific culture and demographics, as they relate to costuming in games, might not be as deep as what’s expected. This could impact my ability to immediately contribute to the visual storytelling that Rockstar Games is known for.
Lastly, although I’m comfortable working within game engines, I may not have as much experience with Rockstar’s bespoke engine toolsets and specific asset workflows. This might require additional time to get up to speed and fully integrate into the team’s pipeline.
While I’m enthusiastic about the opportunity and confident in my ability to grow, I understand that these gaps could present challenges in the role, and require me to work further on my skills as a character artist.
Rockstar Games (2024). Rockstar Games hiring Character Assembly Artist in Edinburgh, Scotland, United Kingdom | LinkedIn. [online] Linkedin.com. Available at: https://www.linkedin.com/jobs/view/3998239285/.
Wikipedia Contributors (2019). Rockstar Games. [online] Wikipedia. Available at: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Rockstar_Games.
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jcmarchi · 3 months
Lollipop Chainsaw RePop Launches This September, Remastered Features Revealed
New Post has been published on https://thedigitalinsider.com/lollipop-chainsaw-repop-launches-this-september-remastered-features-revealed/
Lollipop Chainsaw RePop Launches This September, Remastered Features Revealed
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Developer-publisher Dragami Games has revealed that Lollipop Chainsaw RePop, its remaster of the 2012 zombie action game, will launch September 25 on PlayStation, Xbox, Switch, and PC. Dragami revealed this release date in RePop’s first trailer, which shows off some of the remastered gameplay and the characters players will meet in the game.  Lollipop Chainsaw represents a collaboration between Goichi “Suda51” Suda (No More Heroes, Killer7), and Guardians of the Galaxy director and now DC film head James Gunn. At the time of Lollipop Chainsaw’s release, Gunn was known primarily for directing the films Slither and Super, and writing the two live-action Scooby Doo films and Zach Snyder’s Dawn of the Dead remake. We spoke with Suda51 recently about his career and whether or not he keeps up with James Gunn.
Alongside the trailer, Dragami has also released various details related to the remaster of Chainsaw Lollipop, including word that PlayStation 5, Xbox Series X/S, and PC players can enjoy the game with 4K resolution and 60 FPS (the PlayStation 4, Xbox One, and Switch versions support 1080p resolution and 30 FPS). Dragami says RePop has shorter load times, improved camera and keystroke response, increased attack speed, and faster movement speed, too. 
Plus, the Chainsaw Blaster now has “auto rock on,” an auto-fire mode, and an increased maximum ammunition count, while combos are now usable from the start of the game. Nick Roulette has received some changes, and so have minigames. Plus, a new auto-QTE feature is on by default now. 
Check all of it out for yourself in the Chainsaw Lollipop RePop gameplay trailer below: 
[embedded content]
Lollipop Chainsaw RePop will be available on September 25 for the PlayStation 5, Xbox Series X/S, Switch, and PC. 
 For more, read Game Informer’s original Lollipop Chainsaw review here. 
Are you going to be playing Chainsaw Lollipop RePop this September? Let us know in the comments below!
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gtrsimulator1 · 4 months
GTA Simulator: The Ultimate Open-World Experience
The Grand Theft Auto (GTA) series by Rockstar Games has long been celebrated for its expansive open-world gameplay, gripping narratives, and vibrant cityscapes. As gaming technology advances, the idea of a Gta simulater has sparked considerable excitement among enthusiasts. This concept not only amplifies the immersive experience but also brings the dynamic world of GTA closer to reality, offering unprecedented interactivity and engagement.
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A New Era of Immersion
A GTA simulator transcends the traditional gaming experience by integrating elements of virtual reality (VR) and augmented reality (AR). Imagine donning a VR headset and finding yourself in the bustling streets of Los Santos or Vice City, with a 360-degree view of your surroundings. This level of immersion allows players to experience the game's world as never before, turning each mission and side quest into a lifelike adventure.
With advanced VR technology, players can interact with the environment in a more tactile manner. Picking up objects, engaging in hand-to-hand combat, or driving a car becomes a physically engaging activity, heightening the realism and excitement. The use of haptic feedback devices further enhances this experience by simulating the sensations of impacts and textures, making the virtual world feel tangible.
Expansive Open Worlds
The open-world design of GTA games has always been one of their strongest features. A GTA simulator would build upon this by offering even more detailed and interactive environments. Every corner of the city could be explored, with buildings accessible and NPCs (non-playable characters) exhibiting more realistic behaviors. Advanced AI could make these NPCs respond dynamically to the player's actions, creating a more vibrant and unpredictable world.
Furthermore, the integration of AR could transform how players interact with the game. Using AR glasses, players could see the game's elements overlaid onto the real world. This could enable unique gameplay scenarios, such as completing missions in real-world locations or seeing game-related information and markers in one's actual surroundings.
Enhanced Gameplay Mechanics
A GTA simulator would revolutionize gameplay mechanics by introducing more complex and realistic systems. For instance, driving mechanics could be improved to mimic real-life physics more accurately, offering a true-to-life driving experience. Weapons handling could also benefit from realistic reload and recoil patterns, providing a more authentic feel during combat.
Moreover, the multiplayer aspect of GTA Online could be significantly enhanced. Players could meet in virtual spaces that mimic real-world social interactions, fostering a sense of community and collaboration. The introduction of VR and AR could lead to new forms of gameplay, such as cooperative heists where players physically plan and execute complex strategies.
Challenges and Considerations
While the concept of a GTA simulator is thrilling, it comes with its set of challenges. The primary concern is the technological requirement. High-quality VR and AR equipment, along with powerful computing systems, are necessary to run such an immersive game smoothly. This could limit accessibility to only those with high-end setups.
Another consideration is the potential for motion sickness, a common issue in VR gaming. Developers would need to implement solutions to minimize discomfort, such as stabilizing camera movements and providing options for different locomotion methods.
Finally, the ethical implications of creating such a realistic and immersive game must be considered. GTA games are known for their mature content, and a Racing simulator chairs could intensify the impact of violent or inappropriate scenarios. Responsible content management and options for parental controls would be crucial in addressing these concerns.
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GTA VPN block
The Grand Theft Auto (GTA) franchise has captured the imagination of gamers worldwide with its immersive open-world gameplay and dynamic multiplayer experiences. However, one common frustration that players encounter is the "GTA VPN block."
Many players resort to using Virtual Private Networks (VPNs) to enhance their gaming experience, whether it's to bypass geographical restrictions or protect their privacy online. However, some VPN users have found themselves unable to access GTA Online or experiencing connectivity issues while using VPNs.
The reason behind the GTA VPN block primarily stems from Rockstar Games' efforts to maintain the integrity of their online multiplayer environment. VPNs can potentially be used to manipulate or exploit the game's network infrastructure, leading to unfair advantages or disruptions for other players.
To combat cheating, hacking, and other forms of misconduct, Rockstar Games implements measures to detect and restrict VPN usage within GTA Online. This includes blocking access to the game servers for users detected to be using VPNs or taking actions to mitigate the impact of VPN-related activities on gameplay.
While the GTA VPN block may inconvenience some legitimate players who use VPNs for legitimate reasons, it serves the broader goal of maintaining a fair and enjoyable gaming environment for all participants. Players who encounter issues related to VPN usage in GTA Online are encouraged to reach out to Rockstar Games' support channels for assistance and clarification.
In conclusion, the GTA VPN block is a measure implemented by Rockstar Games to preserve the integrity of GTA Online's multiplayer experience. While it may pose challenges for some players, it ultimately contributes to a more equitable and secure gaming environment.
Gaming VPN restrictions
Online gaming enthusiasts often encounter frustrating restrictions when trying to access their favorite games due to geographical limitations and network restrictions. This is where a Gaming VPN, or Virtual Private Network, comes into play.
A Gaming VPN functions by masking the user's real IP address and providing them with a new one from a different location. This enables gamers to bypass geo-blocks imposed by game developers or streaming platforms, allowing them to access and play their preferred games from anywhere in the world.
Moreover, Gaming VPNs help in reducing lags during gameplay by providing a more secure and stable connection. By encrypting the internet traffic, VPNs prevent bandwidth throttling by internet service providers, ensuring a smoother gaming experience with reduced latency and ping times.
Another benefit of using a Gaming VPN is enhanced privacy and security. Players can protect their personal information, such as IP addresses and browsing history, from potential cyber threats and attacks, thus ensuring a safe gaming environment.
However, it is essential to choose a reliable and fast Gaming VPN service to enjoy these benefits fully. Factors to consider when selecting a Gaming VPN include server locations, connection speed, security protocols, and user reviews.
In conclusion, Gaming VPNs are invaluable tools for gamers looking to overcome restrictions, improve their gaming experience, and safeguard their online privacy and security. By utilizing a Gaming VPN, players can unlock a world of gaming possibilities without limitations.
Circumventing GTA IP bans
Circumventing IP bans in Grand Theft Auto (GTA) can be tempting for players who have been restricted from accessing the game due to violations of the game's terms of service. However, it is important to understand the potential consequences and risks associated with attempting to bypass these restrictions.
IP bans are imposed by game developers to prevent certain players from accessing the game using the IP address associated with their device. This can occur when a player is found cheating, engaging in disruptive behavior, or violating the game's rules in other ways. While it may be frustrating to be restricted from playing, attempting to circumvent an IP ban is a violation of the game's terms of service and can result in more severe penalties, such as permanent bans or legal action.
There are various methods that players may try to use to bypass an IP ban, such as using a VPN or proxy server to mask their IP address. However, game developers are continually improving their detection methods and may be able to identify and block these attempts. In some cases, using these methods could even result in further penalties, such as account suspension or device banning.
Instead of trying to circumvent IP bans, players should focus on following the game's rules and code of conduct to avoid being banned in the first place. If a player feels that they have been unfairly banned, they can reach out to the game's support team to appeal the ban and present their case.
In conclusion, while it may be tempting to try to bypass IP bans in GTA, it is not recommended due to the potential risks and consequences involved. Players should strive to uphold the game's rules and regulations to ensure a fair and enjoyable gaming experience for themselves and others.
VPNs and gaming access
In the realm of online gaming, accessing content across different regions can be a game-changer. Virtual Private Networks (VPNs) serve as invaluable tools for gamers seeking to broaden their gaming horizons by bypassing geographical restrictions.
VPNs work by routing your internet connection through a server located in a different region, effectively masking your true location and assigning you a new IP address. This allows gamers to appear as if they are accessing the internet from the server's location, granting them access to region-locked games, downloadable content (DLC), and game servers that may be restricted in their own country.
One of the primary benefits of using a VPN for gaming access is the ability to play games before they are officially released in your region. Many game publishers stagger releases across different countries, leading to frustration for eager gamers who have to wait for their turn. By connecting to a VPN server in a country where the game has already been released, players can dive into the action without delay.
Moreover, VPNs can enhance the gaming experience by providing access to servers with better latency and less congestion. Gamers can strategically connect to servers closer to game servers or ones with less traffic, resulting in smoother gameplay and reduced lag.
However, it's essential to choose a reliable VPN service provider to ensure both security and performance. Look for VPNs with robust encryption protocols, a wide range of server locations, and fast connection speeds to maximize your gaming experience.
In conclusion, VPNs offer gamers unparalleled flexibility and access to a world of gaming content. By bypassing geographical restrictions, gamers can enjoy early access to games, improved connection quality, and a more immersive gaming experience overall.
GTA online VPN issues
GTA Online is a popular multiplayer game played by millions of gamers worldwide. However, some players encounter issues when trying to play the game using a VPN service. VPN (Virtual Private Network) technology is commonly used to enhance online privacy and security, but it can also cause connectivity problems for gamers, including those playing GTA Online.
One of the most common issues GTA Online players face when using a VPN is connection instability. VPNs route internet traffic through their servers, which can sometimes lead to increased latency and packet loss. This can result in laggy gameplay, frequent disconnections, and overall poor gaming experience. Additionally, some VPN services may not be optimized for online gaming, leading to slower speeds and inconsistent performance.
Another issue related to using a VPN for GTA Online is the potential for account restrictions. Rockstar Games, the developer of GTA Online, has strict policies against the use of VPNs to access their servers. If detected, players using a VPN may risk having their accounts banned or suspended.
To avoid VPN issues while playing GTA Online, players can try connecting to servers closer to their physical location, choosing VPN providers known for gaming optimization, or even disconnecting the VPN while in-game. It's essential to find a balance between privacy and performance to ensure a smooth gaming experience without violating the game's terms of service.
In conclusion, while using a VPN can enhance online security and privacy, GTA Online players may encounter connectivity issues that affect their gameplay. By understanding the potential challenges and taking precautions, gamers can enjoy a seamless experience in the virtual world of GTA Online.
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Does a Game Review Heavily Affect Game Purchases?
SOURCES: Game reviews as a strong ‘Emotioneering’ tool
Does a Game Review Heavily Affect Game Purchases?
Numerous people's decisions to buy video games can be significantly influenced by the evaluations of those games. The reviews are an important source of information since they provide insights about the quality of the game, the gameplay mechanics, the graphics, the story, and the overall experience for the players.
About the “Emotioneering” in Game Sales?
Emotioneering in game design greatly influenced game sales and the overall success of a title.
Positive Reviews are something that creates a marketing buzz, gets press attention, and increases visibility. Highly regarded games are emphasized in advertising materials, included in ‘Top 10’ or ‘Best of’ lists, and suggested by platforms like Metacritic or IGN which increases their visibility and may even boost sales.
Academic Standpoint
David Freeman's in his book unveils the secrets behind Emotioneering™, a powerful set of techniques to infuse games with depth and breadth of emotion. Those techniques are key to the mass marketing success of several games in today's competitive game industry market.
Stirring emotions to create:
- Marketing buzz
- Press attention
- A broader demographic
- Competitive advantage
‘Emotioneering’ through reviews
The Reviewer or Publication Should Be Trusted:
It is more probable that consumers will be swayed by reviews that come from sources that they have faith in. Well-known reviewers, well-established gaming periodicals, community input on platforms like Steam, and Epic Games, or user reviews on websites can all have more weight than other types of reviews such as Metacritic and IGN.
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Trailers and Demo Versions of the Game:
It is possible to demonstrate the actual gaming experience through the use of gameplay trailers, demos, or beta versions. This provides prospective purchasers with the opportunity to make more informed judgments beyond what is discussed in reviews.
When it comes to making purchasing decisions, it is essential to keep in mind that different people have different responses to reviews, and some customers may not place a significant amount of weight on ratings. Additionally, factors such as personal experiences with previous games developed by the same developer, brand loyalty, and the popularity of franchises can all play a role in the purchase decision.
Recently Rockstar Games Released the trailer of GTA 6. Given the popularity and success of the Grand Theft Auto series, the GTA 6 trailer broke all the previous records in terms of views, engagement, and excitement within the gaming community.
The Most Viewed Video Game Trailer on YouTube History with over 193 million Views.
 The Role of Influencers in Emontioneering
In the context of Marketing Buzz and Press attention, influencers play a very vital role. They establish emotional connections with their followers by using their charisma, personal brand, and relatability to build attachments that have an impact on behavior or influence the users.
"The Last of Us Part II," crafted by Naughty Dog, embarked on a unique promotional journey before its release. The game, a sequel to the highly acclaimed "The Last of Us," was eagerly awaited by fans worldwide. Understanding the power of influence in the gaming community, they strategically granted early access to a select group of gaming influencers, notably including Greg Miller from Kinda Funny Games and Alanah Pearce, formerly with IGN.
These influencers were entrusted with a critical role: to introduce the game to the public from a player’s perspective. They embarked on this task by sharing their experiences, focusing on the game's storytelling, gameplay mechanics, and emotional depth. They delved into how the narrative was crafted, highlighting the game's ability to weave complex, emotionally charged stories that resonate with players on a profound level.
The influencers created a wave of hype around the game. Their previews, filled with genuine reactions and devoid of major spoilers, stirred up immense curiosity and excitement. They effectively set expectations, painting a picture of what potential players could anticipate in terms of both the gaming experience and the emotional journey. This was not just about showcasing a new game; it was about framing "The Last of Us Part II".
Their content, be it through long-form videos, tweets, or live streams, allowed the audience to experience the game’s emotional depth. Viewers witnessed firsthand the influencers' emotional reactions – from moments of tension and shock to those of heartfelt emotion. This showcase of emotional depth did more than just promote the game; it connected the audience to the game’s core narrative themes, generating a sense of empathy and engagement even before the game’s release.
Upon its launch, "The Last of Us Part II" received a mix of critical acclaim and community debate, partly due to the narrative choices made in the game. The influencers' early access and subsequent content played a pivotal role in shaping how the game was received. It highlighted the influence such individuals have in the gaming industry - they can build anticipation, mold expectations, and significantly impact the initial reception of a game.
This case study underscores the evolving landscape of game marketing and the substantial impact influencers have in the gaming industry. Their ability to share experiences, build hype, set expectations, and showcase the emotional depth of a game like "The Last of Us Part II" represents a powerful tool in the hands of game developers seeking to create a lasting impression in the highly competitive gaming market.
Game reviews serve as guiding lights, illuminating the game's quality and mechanics, often influencing purchasing decisions with their marketing buzz and visibility. Yet, decisions aren't solely dictated by reviews; personal experiences, loyalty, and franchise popularity also weigh in. The recent record-breaking GTA 6 trailer views underscore the multifaceted nature of player excitement. Meanwhile, influencers craft emotional connections, share authentic experiences, and set expectations, exemplified by "The Last of Us Part II" previews, shaping narratives before a game's launch. This amalgamation showcases the significant impact of reviews and influencers, not just on sales but on fostering a profound connection between players and their gaming experiences, illuminating a path for marketers and developers to craft resonant strategies within the competitive gaming market.
Lowe, S. (2020) Introducing ‘inside the last of us part II’ Video series, Naughty Dog. Available at: https://www.naughtydog.com/blog/inside_the_last_of_us_part_ii_video_series (Accessed: 09 January 2024).
Freeman, David (2004), ‘Creating Emotion in Games: The Craft and Art of Emotioneering’, ACM Computers in Entertainment, 2: 3, Article 8a, pp. 1–11
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tmarshconnors · 1 year
100 questions to ask a gamer.
Now a few weeks back I did "100 questions Q&A about me" well I thought why not do a 100 questions to ask a gamer. Since I am a gamer I thought why not? So here we go. Here is the last part 4
72) What game(s) have you played that you consider disappointing? Assassin's Creed Odyssey (Xbox Series X 2018) The Crew (2014 Xbox One)
73) Have you ever attended a midnight release for a highly anticipated game? Grand Theft Auto V,
74) Do you enjoy playing games with a focus on character customisation? Yes. I try and make it like my real self as much as I can.
75) What is your opinion on virtual reality (VR) gaming? I never really got into it.
76) Have you ever played a game solely for the multiplayer aspect, ignoring the single-player campaign? Yes.
77) What game(s) have you played that you consider ahead of their time? Grand Theft Auto V
78) Do you enjoy playing games with a strong emphasis on narrative and storytelling? Yes
79) What is your favourite video game console controller? Hmmm I don't know I would have to say the Xbox Elite Series 2
80) Have you ever participated in a game jam or game development competition? No
81) Do you enjoy playing games with a retro or nostalgic feel? Yes, mostly the 80s like in the 2002 Grand Theft Auto Vice City.
82) What game(s) have you played that you consider having the best world-building? I don't really understand the question.
83) Have you ever played a game that made you rethink your perspective on life? I am sure I have but I don't know which ones.
84) Do you enjoy playing games with a focus on cooperative gameplay? Rarely.
85) What is your opinion on the inclusion of politics and social issues in video games? Doesn't bother me. It makes it more interesting.
86) Have you ever played a game that you were initially skeptical about but ended up loving? Yes. Minecraft.
87) Do you enjoy playing games with a strong focus on character development? Yes.
88) What game(s) have you played that you consider having the best voice acting? I don't know.
89) Have you ever backed a video game project on crowdfunding platforms like Kickstarter? No.
90) Do you enjoy playing games that require quick reflexes and fast-paced action? At times.
91) What is your favourite video game-related YouTube channel or content creator? I don't follow any.
92) Have you ever played a game that made you feel immersed in its world? Yes, Microsoft Flight Simulator (2020)
93) Do you enjoy playing games with a focus on historical accuracy or realism? Yes.
94) What game(s) have you played that you consider having the best level design? I don't know. I don't really think like that.
95) Have you ever participated in a gaming marathon for charity (e.g., Extra Life)? No.
96) Do you enjoy playing games with a focus on moral choices and consequences? Yes.
97) What is your opinion on video game censorship and content ratings? It is what it is.
98) Have you ever played a game that had a significant impact on your personal life? No.
99) Do you enjoy playing games that offer a cooperative multiplayer experience? At times yes.
100) What game(s) have you played that you consider have the best gameplay mechanics? No clue.
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AI is coming for your PC games, but you should be excited, not worried
Over the past week, the tech community has experienced a saturation of AI-related developments, ranging from ChatGPT to Google Bard. This surge is not unwarranted. While trends like NFTs and web3 may be transient, the presence of AI is enduring, extending even into your PC gaming experiences.However, it's not a constant state of negativity. AI and machine learning have already demonstrated their immense utility in the realm of PC gaming, carrying significant implications for the creation and enjoyment of games. I'm not forcing unrelated ideas together; by staying with me, you'll soon grasp the reasons behind this. Nvidia's Deep Learning Super Sampling (DLSS) stands as the cornerstone of AI integration in PC gaming at present. By training an AI model to reconstruct in-game frames and subsequently rendering the game at a lower resolution, you can benefit from enhanced performance without compromising visual quality. DLSS has reached an impressive level of proficiency. Despite competing algorithms like AMD's FidelityFX Super Resolution (FSR), Nvidia has demonstrated the distinct advantage of AI. This fact is underscored by DLSS 3, which generates supplementary frames through AI alone. AMD likely shares this viewpoint, as evidenced by the inclusion of an untapped AI accelerator in its latest RX 7900 XTX and RX 7900 XT. Beyond mere upscaling, AI has also made its presence felt in Nvidia's RTX Remix modding platform. This platform offers an array of AI tools designed to enhance textures, introduce additional lighting to scenes, and more. Portal RTX serves as a compelling illustration of how these AI tools can breathe new life into an aging game. Nvidia isn't the sole player in this arena either. A recent modification for the classic game Morrowind introduced AI-generated voice lines. Given the extensive amount of dialogue in Morrowind, achieving this would require either years of effort from modders to hire voice actors (a doubtful prospect) or an exorbitant amount of funding from Bethesda (an even more improbable scenario). These examples only scratch the surface of how AI is currently enriching gaming experiences. However, it's crucial to also acknowledge the fundamental role of AI within games themselves. Tools like Unreal Engine 5's MassEntity hold the promise of effortlessly generating large quantities of AI-driven characters with minimal inputs. This exemplifies one of the most thrilling aspects of AI in PC gaming—the acceleration of game development processes. In 2020, Nvidia accomplished the remarkable feat of training an AI model to replicate Pac-Man. Through exposure to 50,000 gameplay episodes, two neural networks collaborated to recreate a playable rendition of Pac-Man without relying on an underlying game engine. Devoid of predefined rules or parameters, the AI simply absorbed extensive gameplay and deduced how to replicate it. This accomplishment serves as a testament to the significant strides AI has made in expediting game development. Yet, there's no need for concern that AI will entirely take over PC game creation. As Take-Two CEO Strauss Zelnick highlighted in a recent earnings call, " not going to allow someone to say, 'Please develop a competitor to Grand Theft Auto that surpasses Grand Theft Auto'... people might attempt it, but it's unlikely to succeed." While such an outcome might remain improbable, Zelnick was explicit about AI's substantial role in game development. One burgeoning application in recent years is AI-driven Quality Assurance (QA) testing. Players typically invest thousands of hours in revealing only a fraction of bugs in PC games, yet AI can execute thousands of tests on a game within seconds. Furthermore, AI holds the potential to craft more intricate and diverse games, especially those with branching narratives. AI Dungeon 2, introduced in 2019, exemplifies this by generating text-based adventures with limitless storylines. Additionally, there's the continuous discourse around procedural generation seen in games like No Man's Sky, where algorithms spawn billions of planets. While games such as No Man's Sky forge novel worlds, their origins are rooted in human design. Generative AI, on the other hand, opens doors to entirely fresh encounters devoid of rigid constraints, necessitating only adequate training. A recent example is my interaction with the Shadows of Doubt demo—a neo-noir thriller that procedurally constructs an entire world. This experience was made possible through the Steam Next Fest. The game offers a wholly distinctive journey each time it's played, featuring varying clues, NPCs, and settings. The infusion of AI into this context is undeniably exhilarating, as it delivers unparalleled experiences to each player engaging with the game . Read the full article
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game-tok · 1 year
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CS2 Gaming: Immersive Action and Thrilling Gameplay
Tired of often returning to the same boring online gaming sites? If you're looking for a fresh and exciting gaming platform, go no further than CS2 Gameplay, a revolutionary innovation that caters to gamers of all skill levels. If you're looking for something new to try or are just a casual gamer, CS2 has something for you. We'll talk about the different types of CS2 games, which ones are worth your time, and how you can become a part of this fantastic group of people. Get yourself ready to join a leading online gaming community and level up your skills!
Different Categories of CS2 Games
At CS2 Gaming, you may find a wide variety of games to fit your tastes and skill level. Incredible first-person shooter (FPS) titles, such as Call of Duty: Modern Warfare and Battlefield V, may be found in the CS2 collection. For those who prefer a more strategic gaming experience, the platform also offers real-time strategy (RTS) titles like Age of Empires II and StarCraft II. Planning ahead and knowing how to manage your resources are essential for winning these games.
If you like more laid-back games, CS2 has plenty of those, too. Puzzle games like Tetris and Candy Crush Saga sit alongside simulation games like The Sims 4 on this platform. The creation of new worlds is another popular subgenre in the gaming industry. Although Minecraft is the most played sandbox game of all time, Roblox now offers even more freedom to create your own 3D world. Users of all ages can enjoy the many different types of games offered on CS2 Gaming.
What are the top CS2 games?
The CS2 platform boasts a plethora of exciting games. Both fans of role-playing adventures and shooters will be able to find something to their liking on this system. One of the most popular CS2 games is Grand Theft Auto V. In this free-roaming action game, players assume the role of one of three different characters as they roam the vast city of Los Santos and complete various missions. If you haven't already, you should definitely check out Grand Theft Auto V because of its stunning visuals and exciting story.
Fortnite Battle Royale is a second great option for those who play CS2. One hundred players battle it out to discover who can last the longest in this online multiplayer game. Fortnite's fast-paced action and ever-evolving challenges provide for a number of enjoyable hours. If you enjoy strategy games, Civilization VI is a fantastic alternative. Players must make tough decisions about their civilization's resources, technological progress, and diplomatic relations with other civilizations if they want to ensure its survival. CS2 gaming not only provides access to some of the best games available today, but also provides a community where people with similar interests can communicate and form bonds based on shared experiences.
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Starting Out with CS2 Games
The Best gaming softwares make it easy to begin playing right away. You must first register for an account on the main page. After registering for the service, you can log in and explore the available games. The CS2 offers a wide variety of game types, including action, adventure, sports, strategy, and role-playing. Choose a game that interests you, or venture out and give something different a shot.
It's crucial to check the game's system requirements before attempting to play it on the CS2 platform, as various titles have varying system needs. The CS2 platform game you picked is now available for download. The process could take some time depending on the file size, however after it's downloaded you can install it by using the standard CS2 procedures. After the installation is complete, launch the game directly from the CS2 system and get to the action! Don't miss out on the chance to meet new people who share your passion for Rage gaming videos by not participating in this amazing online community.
In conclusion, CS2 Gaming has revolutionized the gaming industry by providing gamers with a new and exciting way to enjoy their favorite titles. This platform has something for everyone, from Grand Theft Auto movies to action and adventure games. Because the developer cares about making the CS2 community welcoming to all players, you'll never have to play the game alone again. Because of constant updates and new releases, CS2 Gaming is a dynamic and exciting industry. The question is, "Why are you waiting?" If you want to experience gaming like never before, get started with CS2 Gaming right today.
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gertlushgaming · 5 months
Gigantic Rampage Edition Review (Steam)
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Gigantic Rampage Edition Review, a premium and definitive release of the original 5v5 MOBA Hero Shooter, GIGANTIC, provides a dynamic and exciting team-based multiplayer experience for fans of both genres. Choose from a diverse roster of unique heroes, each with a set of upgradeable abilities, and team up with four other players to control objectives and take down the opposing team’s mighty Guardian, all while protecting your own. GIGANTIC: RAMPAGE EDITION includes a new game mode, cross-platform play, new heroes, new maps, and gameplay improvements that give fans a bigger and more complete GIGANTIC experience than ever before while welcoming new players to the action and fun-filled world of a Hero Shooter.
Gigantic Rampage Edition Review Pros:
- Beautiful cartoon-like graphics. - 15.78GB Download size. - Steam achievements. - Full controller support. - Graphics settings - display mode, resolution, v-sync, graphics preset, texture quality, dynamic shadows, and anisotropic filtering. - Voice settings - enable voice chat, auto switch team, voice chat room, input device, output device, volume for you and other players, mic sensitivity, and push to talk. - Opening tutorial section where you choose from one of two characters to learn the mechanics. - Cross play - on/off. - Four controller layouts. - Can Invert axis and sensitivity sliders for both the controller and the mouse. - Can remap keyboard buttons. - A 3D world with full 360-degree camera control. - Customizable character ls before a game for any unlocked - hero skins, weapons kins, and Jump VFX. - Moba gameplay. - You can change the hero and/or build at any time back at the spawn. - Plants grow around levels that heal you. - Practice arena against bots. - Three ways to play - rush (unranked), clash (ranked), and custom matches. - The handy guides section is broken down into areas from heroes to damage and game modes. - Profile customisation for portrait, title, and display 3 accomplishments. - 14 total creatures split into classes. - You can set up your three creatures but only one is used. - Full friend list via Steam, and its own Gigantic system. - Fortunes are completed to unlock new skills, abilities, etc. You can mark up to 3 so you can keep tabs on it. - The cool part of the game is you collect power to release your gigantic creature to fight the team's creature in the center of the map, over time you eventually get to help the fight whilst still dealing with other players. - Four classes - front liners, ranged DPS, melee DPS, and support. - You can queue up for games and select which hero or class you would like to play as. - Unlock and customize your own emote wheel. - The menus can still be accessed when matchmaking. - Custom match lets you play against bots, friends, or a mixture of both. - Six maps - The Ghost Reef, Sanctum Falls, Sirens Strand, Ember Grove a heavens Ward, and Picaro Bay. - The other game mode is more about taking points on a map and you earn exp and level up to get upgrade choices on your abilities. - The game moves at a fast pace. - EXP earned bangs up on the screen. Gigantic Rampage Edition Review Cons: - A lot to take in. - Cannot remap your own controls. - The performance is not always good with screen tearing and stuttering. - Combat nearly always ends up spamming all the ability buttons. - Hard to engage and disengage from combat. - Connection issues like unable to sync and can't join a match. - Long matchmaking times. - The currencies don't get explained and you have to go into menus and guides to find it all out. - Really struggled to find players. Related Post: Withering Rooms Review (PlayStation 5) Gigantic Rampage Edition: Official website. Developer: Arcgames Publisher: Gearbox Publishing Store Links - Steam Read the full article
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