#its very elegant clown makeup
princesstiannah · 9 months
I don't know how to share a screenshot cause I play on PS5, but I got my team all covered in blood (Astarion looks sooo good covered in blood) and then put on clown makeup. I thought they'd wash their faces first, but nope. It's disturbingly hot. Then I got my Halsin cut scene, yep, still in clown makeup!
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twistedtummies2 · 2 years
The Devils I Know - Top 3
Welcome to “The Devils I Know!” For this spooky time of year, from now till Halloween, I’ll be counting down My Top 31 Depictions of the Devil, from movies, television, video games, and more! We’ve entered the Top 3 of the countdown, and the end of the list is coming soon! You won’t want to clown around with today’s Devil! Number 3 is…Terrance Zdunich, from The Devil’s Carnival.
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“The Devil’s Carnival” is an independent musical horror film, only about 45 minutes in length, which I absolutely love. It was the brainchild of the team behind the cult classic horror rock musical “Repo! The Genetic Opera.” The film is inspired by Aesop’s Fables, with a very unusual plot: the story focuses on three random people who, by sheer happenstance, all die and go to Hell at the same time, and who each represent one of the Seven Deadly Sins (specifically Greed, Lust, and Sloth). They find that Hell is not the typical fire and brimstone torture-scape we all imagine, but instead a twisted carnival and circus, hence the title. Each of them faces the same challenge: if they can overcome their greatest Sin in life, they will be free to leave the Carnival and go to Heaven. If not, then they will forever be condemned to become part of the Carnival themselves and suffer eternal damnation. Each of the trials the three go through are inspired by an Aesop’s Fable. Overseeing all of this, of course, is the Devil, played by Terrance Zdunich. Zdunich was actually the head screenwriter and one of the songwriters for the film. The Devil’s role in the film is mostly peripheral, as he relates the stories each of the trials is based upon. He does take prominence in the later parts of the movie as he is the one who directly deals with the third sinner, John: representative of Sloth, John killed himself due to depression brought on by the loss of his son. He also gets a couple of songs to sing himself, which are utterly fantastic. Zdunich’s makeup and costume is gloriously twisted; it’s a classic Devil look, with exaggerated elements that feel like something between a fairy-tale illustration and a carnival clown – obviously, completely and perfectly fitting with the tone and motifs of the musical. What I love about “The Devil’s Carnival” is its gray area: Lucifer is not depicted as the good guy, per say, but to be honest, neither is God. The movie plays with the theme of Predestination, it seems, as God is depicted as a toymaker, who creates people like dolls. Whenever he makes a mistake, he carelessly tosses the dolls into the wastebasket, and these cast off toys are the ones who go to Hell. The Devil also points out that he is not in the business of hurting the innocent: “that’s God’s jurisdiction.” The way the movie ends, in turn, also creates some interesting ambiguity…but I won’t give away what the ending is, for sake of spoilers. Zdunich’s performance as the Devil is one of my favorite parts of the film, if not my favorite. He is elegant and strange; he feels like a twisted, warped, macabre version of the storytellers one might see in things like Masterpiece Theatre or…well…“The Storyteller.” There’s somehow both a warmth to him and something that sends chills up and down your spine. While he doesn’t really do much to exhibit his true power, the way others talk about him and react to him and the way he carries himself indicates just how dangerous, diabolical, and incredible he is. While the movie, as a whole, is not perfect, it’s incredibly impressive and a personal favorite of mine to watch around this very time of year. A sequel to it, “Alleluia!” was released in 2015. It went into even more of the strange gray area I mentioned, and gave even more depth to this unusual, warped wonderland of a world…but ultimately, I prefer the first film for its simplistic and yet mysterious, morbid charm. It’s not easy to track this film down, since it had a very limited release, but I imagine a search online will eventually turn it up, and you can certainly find clips and the full soundtrack on YouTube. If nothing else, check those out whenever you get a chance. “Fa-la-la…it’s off to Hell we go…cross your heart and hope to die, it’s off to Hell we go…!” The penultimate choice flies in tomorrow! Only two more Devils to go! HINT: “When You Wish Upon a Star…Your Nightmares Will Come True.”
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idv-brainrot-go-brr · 2 years
I’m on your side (Margaretha x reader)
I love Margie very much and y’all just gotta deal with it.
*stares at own self in the mirror like a middle aged man who’s never had any real problems going through a mid-life crisis* Am I.... a simp? 
The first time you’d seen her felt like watching the birth of a star. 
The first time being graced with her smile was like being entranced by a siren’s song. 
Her laughter could make mountains tremble in adoration, a blink of her eyes could change the way the wind would blow. 
A goddess amongst mortals, a gift from Heaven, a blessing of the divine. 
And yet
The charcoal used to draw the meticulous lines highlighting her eyes smudged ever so easily, the lipstick adorning those perfect lips smeared past the corners of her mouth, and no amount of glitter could hide the streaks of tears on her cheeks. Like rivers carving their way through a beautiful landscape. The fact that she hadn’t taken off her makeup was a bad sign in itself. She just laid there, on the bed, staring at the ceiling with empty eyes and quite apparently a heavy heart. One had to approach slowly, sit next to her wordlessly until she made a move to get closer. Only then could you lay down next to her, curl against her for comfort.
“I know I’m pretty,” she stated quietly. “I’ve always known. But I didn’t know that the world would be so cruel because of it.”
“What do you mean by that?” the question, whispered against the crook of her neck, breath tingling across her skin and if she hadn’t been holding back tears right now, perhaps she’d found it pleasant.
“I just wanted to dance. I love performing. I love the lights and the cheers and the smiles,” she paused because her voice broke on that last word, and it felt like a crime against all creation to hear her so despaired. “I love performing, my love, but people look at me and they assume things. I’m pretty so I don’t have thoughts, I’m pretty so I don’t have feelings. It’s as if I lost my humanity by just being me.”
A shame, really, that people would choose to keep their attention from the woman’s brilliant brilliant mind. True, Natasha was no scientist or mathematician, no inventor or other type of highbrow intellectual found in an academy. However, Natasha, beautiful, kind, radiant Natalie was a genius in her own right. An artist, a creator, an enchantress as soon as she stepped into the centre of the stage. She’d have everyone under her spell in no time. Her grace, her elegance, so overwhelmingly tremendous to make anyone dizzy. People liked to ignore the fact that her every movement was planned, practised, rehearsed and reviewed to perfection. Flawless, she was flawless. 
“I fell in love three times before I met you,” she stated, voice stable again. “The first was Sergi and his empty promises of becoming a star adored by all.” 
She chuckled dryly but no smile remained on her features. 
“He personally prefered to show his adoration through cuts and bruises. I still gag at the smell of alcohol. By God, he was a monster”
And Sergi was dead. If he hadn’t been, you’d have killed him yourself. What a despicable creature he was. Yet if it hadn’t been for him then Natasha, gorgeous, astonishing Natasha would spend her days gutting fish in a forgotten village by a lake no one remembers. 
She tried sitting up, oh so heartlessly banned you from resting your head against her. So now you both sat up again. Wordlessly for a while, until the memories she was recalling became too unpleasant.
“The second one was also someone from the circus. They called him Joker, he was the Weeping Clown, had been with the circus for a long time. Of course, next to Sergi there was no spotlight for him, but what he lacked in popularity he made up for in sympathy. He patched me up when things got too bad.” she explained, smiling at last. “Oh he was kind, but he harboured so much hatred for that place and its people.”
Once she finished talking she stood up, relocated to instead sit by her makeup cabinet with the big mirror. 
“What happened to him?” you ask finally. 
“Oh I told you, the fire...” she trailed off, smile disappearing along with the makeup she wiped off.
Ah yes, the fire. That ominous topic that would never be discussed further. There was no need for it anyway. Whatever happened was over now.
“So then, who’s the third love?”
There it was again. That grin. That glowing smile with the power to illuminate even the darkest of nights, yet no one seemed to be able to do the same for her. Not somebody, no, but something. 
Natasha responded then, her tone peaceful and relaxed: “Dancing. The love of my life, it’s dancing.”
There she was. A deity amongst men. Common, undeserving men. True, at the moment she had reddened eyes from holding back tears, and her lips were chewed raw and bloody, but by the Heavens, it didn’t matter. She’d always be to you what an oasis is to the weary traveller.
“Ah, and I guess I’m conveniently here too then?”
“Indeed You’re here too, I guess.” She chuckled. “Do you mind that?”
“Not at all. As long as I get to be by your side.” 
She rolled her eyes at the dramatic proclamation of love, but there was silence. Comfortable silence. Natasha wiped off the rest of her makeup, then put some sort of cream on her face, lord knows what, before starting to undo her hair. She took out all the pins and brushed it out. She looked at herself in the mirror for a while, her smile slowly fading again and you inevitably recalled what she’d said earlier. 
Dancing was her one true love, and people were ruining it for her. 
“Natasha,” you spoke softly but she heard you. “I’m on your side, you know that right? Whatever happens. Whatever you choose. I’ll be here if you want me.” 
The performer’s expression was tired, exhausted even, but as her eyes came to rest on you there was fondness softening her features. 
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bao3bei4 · 4 years
girlbosses, male wives, and other lesbian genders
a post about jing wei qing shang. but also mostly about another unrelated movie. spoiler-free.
for a lot of people, mulan 1998 is their definitive “ohhh i’m a chinese woman dressing as a man for contrived reasons and i get absolutely nooo erotic pleasure from this” movie. 
however, because i am very special and unique, for me it’s the love eterne 1963. it’s the shaw brothers adaptation of butterfly lovers, the classic chinese folktale. here’s how i’d summarize the movie: 
zhu yingtai, an aspiring scholar, convinces her parents to let her dress as a man to attend school. on the way there, she meets liang shanbo, another prospective student, and they become sworn brothers. they study together for three years, growing closer, until zhu yingtai returns home. liang shangbo accompanies her for the eighteen-li journey home while she hints she’s a woman, but he remains oblivious. by the time he learns her gender, her parents have engaged her to another man. he dies of grief, and while she mourns at his grave, it splits open, and she buries herself inside with him. two scraps of her torn outfit turn into butterflies and fly away.
it’s worth noting here that like. this movie is made in the huangmei opera style. so both zhu yingtai and liang shanbo are played by women (betty loh ti and ivy ling po respectively). because of this, basically every level of the film is preoccupied with gender: if we take zhu yingtai’s male performance as credible (as the characters in the movie do) the leads bond through male homoeroticism; the text is ultimately about a heterosexual romance; it is acted out by two women, in a performance that is difficult to mistake as heterosexual or even feminine; and the dialogue of the movie can’t help but remark on this.
basically it asks: what if lesbians could be gay both ways? wouldn’t that be based? 
like opera was traditionally made by single gender casts, so roles tended to be genderless, in that the gender of the actor doesn’t determine the gender of the role they play. roles are instead typed into four categories: dan (fem), sheng (masc), chou (clown), and jing (painted face). it’s a sick gender quadinary. each of these roles has further subtypes that are represented through stylized patterns of singing, makeup, costuming, movement etc.
so in butterfly lovers, betty loh ti plays a dan, and ivy ling po plays a sheng. but because of the textual cross-gender play, you end up with a woman playing a woman playing a man who falls in love with a woman playing a man.
i’m going to make a brief digression here into talking about like.. acting theory. in the european tradition, you see it evolving out of early concerns (from stanislavski, brecht) about the fourth wall, and its permeability or lack thereof. in chinese opera tradition, the fourth wall didn’t ever really exist. and mei lanfang, the legendary fanchuan performer, claimed that his success wasn’t just due to his appearance, but rather, his mastery of some nonliteral feminine subjectivity. 
If I kept my male feelings, even just a trace, it will betray my true self; then how can I compete for the audience’s affection for feminine beauty and guile?
i’m not going to argue that there’s like, an essence to being a woman because i’m not a fucking idiot. but there’s something to be said for the idea that the gendered interplay between the audience’s perception of the actor, the actor’s perception of themself, and the character they play is a massive part of the appeal of fanchuan performance.
this is echoed by david hwang’s m. butterfly, in which gallimard memorably says, “i’m a man who loved a woman created by a man. everything else—simply falls short.” btw sorry for having the type of brain disease where i constantly reference chinese crossdressing related media. you already know why i have it. 
anyway. parallel to that (but far less morally detestably), jin jiang argues “young male impersonators in yue opera embody women’s ideal men—elegant, graceful, capable, caring, gentle, and loyal.” so, trivially, 1) the eroticism embodied by fanchuan performers is distinctly different from their “straight” counterparts, and perhaps less trivially 2) it’s way better. 
back to the love eterne for a bit. one of the many reasons it’s lodged itself into my psyche is because there’s something more interesting at play than just all that. normally in opera, to compensate for any perceived residual femininity in the sheng, the dan camps it up even further. so this is how zhu yingtai first appears, this bratty femme pastiche of womanhood. yet within a couple minutes she’s dressed as a man, which she’ll stay as for the bulk of the movie. they do however make compromises with the makeup--more gently lifted eyebrows than the steep angles of the sheng opera beat, and an improbably masculine smoky eye. 
that’s right. they performed girlbossification on her. 
i don’t want to suggest that she’s straightforwardly feminine. i could write an entire other thing on her relationship to masculinity. instead i want to highlight the erotic interplay not just between the “girl” and the “boss” but also between her and her counterpart: the male wife. 
liang shanbo is ostensibly straightforwardly male, but his relationship with zhu yingtai isn’t gay in the ahaha what if i was into my bro way-- it’s a what if i was into my bro and i was his wife way.
that’s right. they performed force fem on a cis woman-man. like when zhu yingtai tells him he can’t watch over her as she recovers from an illness because “boys and girls can’t sleep together,” liang shanbo asks “are you implying that I’m a girl?”
there’s a lot of shit like this that builds up over the course of the movie. it all culminates in that final 18 mile journey. along the way, zhu yingtai compares them to a pair of mandarin ducks, one male & one female. liang shanbo sputters “i am a man inside out-- you shouldn’t--” before graciously conceding, “you may compare me to a woman.” 
this is like. a simple punchline. but it’s incredible. it’s true! liang shanbo isn’t a man inside out in that he’s a man and only a man, but rather that he’s a man seen inside first, built for desiring, by a woman & for a woman. as a perpetual object, he becomes a more believable woman than zhu yingtai. and at least in his view, it seems more likely that he could be a woman than her. but beyond that, his permissive tone reads as a kind of wanting in itself--recast, if she wants, “for you, i’ll be a woman.” 
obviously this is a classic lesbian mood. who among us has not seen “no gender only lesbian” posts. and speaking of classic lesbians, you might ask. did you just tiresomely reinvent butches and femmes but with a more annoying name? yes. no. okay. well. 
first, like butch/femme dynamics have both historical specificity and a classed character such that it’s not rlly that appropriate to impose them on the love eterne. and i guess more importantly, i wanna talk about stuff that isn’t real.
we fight all day about people who confuse performance with performativity, (i use we lightly here. for instance, i go outside every day so i don’t care about discourse) but what if we actually wanted to talk about the former for once? something specifically, whether we choose or are forced into it, that we pretend to be? 
anyway. what the hell does all that have to do with jing wei qing shang. i’m going to start by first making the argument that there’s no such thing as a naturally occurring girlboss. i think, honestly, she’s a product of capitalism (“boss” should be the tipoff here) but because both of these stories are set in ambiguously historical china, i’m going to say, instead that she’s a product of uhhh primitive accumulation.
semantics so that i can be canon compliant with marxism aside, if girlbosses are made not born, can you choose to be a girlboss? sheryl sandberg says yes. i don’t disagree, i guess, but i will say: stop glamorizing it! humans only become girlbosses when they’re greatly distressed. 
you become a girlboss when you have no other choice not to be one. when your wants are too great to be a woman, when the things you want are not things that women should want-- whether that’s something that really no one should want, like being a ceo, or whether that’s just something like loving a woman (or, as it is quite often, both) -- you have to become something else. 
another important part of being a girlboss is that other people are not. your excesses mean that not only do you lose something in the process, but your bosshood comes at the expense of others. the girlboss necessitates a girlworker, or so to speak. 
now we’re getting to jwqs. i’m assuming that you haven’t read jwqs, because most people haven’t. that was me until like four days ago. in broad strokes, the novel is about a woman, qiyan agula, who was raised as a prince, and her quest for revenge against the kingdom who slaughtered her people. of course, this involves marrying one of the princesses of that kingdom. it’s all very exciting (lesbian). 
what’s striking about jwqs is that both of them seem to fit the girlboss paradigm, in vaguely similar ways. qi yan (agula’s assumed name) seems to follow the lineage of zhu yingtai, who pretends to be a man to achieve her goals. she’s forced to give up much in the process, and also sacrifices a, uh, lot of innocent people. similarly, nangong jingnu, the princess, is inherently a girlboss because royalty sucks. but also, qi yan girlbossifies her over the course of their relationship. 
but i wouldn’t say jwqs is girlboss4girlboss. there’s something a little more complicated happening. qi yan isn’t zhu yingtai in that she’s a dan pretending to be a sheng. it seems more like that she was a sheng all along. it’s something that the women of the novel return to often: qi yan seems to be better than a man.
for instance, nangong sunu, jingnu’s older sister, reflects on this. 
Nangong Sunu had seen many foolishly loving women who sacrificed everything for the sake of their husbands, but there were rarely any men who would do the same for them. 
Thinking it through, Nangong Sunu felt that Qi Yan was truly becoming more interesting. She intended to observe discreetly for a while, to verify if such a man truly existed in this world. (ch 221) 
and i forgot to write down the citation for this, but nangong jingnu also seems to argue that not only is qi yan prettier than a man, but she also seems to be prettier than a woman. (it’s the bit where she’s watching qi yan sleep. help me out here.)
moreover, the way qi yan relates to nangong jingnu is suggestive. jingnu brings out the elements of wanting to be a woman in her. it’s jingnu’s body that makes her wonder what she would look like if she was more feminine. it’s jingnu’s happiness that she resents, wishing that her people could have that as well. it’s her desire for jingnu that makes her a woman. 
(another important distinction i suppose--while one person can’t be both a butch and a femme, because the girlboss and the male wife are things we pretend to be until we embody them / them us -- there’s greater slippage between the two.)
anyway, the girlboss/male wife dynamic is reversed wrt who’s actually dressing as a different gender. that suggests an inversion in the implications we see from the love eterne, if we are to take the love eterne as the paradigmatic girlboss text. which i do, for no reason in particular. 
so then, is qi yan pretending to be a man? under the opera framework, we’re forced to say no. she’s not pretending to be a man any more so than liang shanbo (as acted by ivy ling po) was. but that, of course, feels incorrect, just looking at the text. is she, then, pretending to be a sheng? i’d strongly say no. the things that others see in her, they authentically see; and she does authentically feel the same things as liang shanbo wrt femininity.
so it has to be the opera framework that jwqs is subverting then. if qi yan kept some trace of her once-womanhood, if qi yan reveals her true self, and yet she still can compete for the audience’s affection-- jwqs’s inversion of the opera framework seems to argue instead that it’s that true self that allows you to compete. it’s being masc that lets you be a desirable woman; it’s being feminine that lets you be a desirable man.
there’s an increased gender ambivalence to jwqs, which make sense, i guess, seeing as it’s not meant to be a het story the way that the love eterne was. for instance, nangong jingnu crossdresses to go out in public, and qi yan remarks that jingnu’s disguise fooled her on their first meeting. when qi yan and jingnu go out in public, both disguised as men, they’re repeatedly perceived as a gay male couple. there’s freedom in that: they could be gay women only privately, they could be straight officially, but they could be anonymously gay publicly. 
so it’s through the gay male pretense that they can be gay women; it’s through the qi yan pretense that agula can love women; it’s the qi yan caring husband persona that coaxes jingnu in caring for qi yan in return-- jwqs, more precisely, argues that you can’t be a woman if you’re going to love them, and even less so if you’re going to be loved by one. 
this is perhaps well-trodden ground for anyone who has read wittig & certainly many people who haven’t. but it’s the layer of pretense that for me complicates these two narratives. 
i think it’s a relatable feeling: wanting something anticipating getting something, or wanting something for yourself anticipating knowing that you already had it. that is, desire in itself being constitutive of that reality. 
or less abstractly, knowing that you’d want to be a lesbian if you could, knowing that you’d want not to be a woman if you could-- anticipating any realization of either. 
the dramatic excesses & wants of the girlboss, i think, are a decent literary stand in for being a lesbian. 
i wanna note here that this is rlly just based on my experience being a transmisogyny exempt nonbinary diaspora lesbian lol. it’s fun & cathartic to overread this history & place myself in the accidental implications.
i don’t think most of the things i say are literally true. and i don’t want to overstep & say any of this can be generalized. please lmk if something here doesn’t read right! ok kisses bye
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redhoodieone · 4 years
Hate You More Part 2
Hey!!! Here is Part 2! Hope you all like it because there WILL be a Part 3! And I didn’t actually plan that lol.
WARNINGS: Language. Masturbation. Sex Toy.
“Do you think she’ll really like it?”
Who is Jason talking about?
Is he talking about me? Is he actually trying to make up for what happened between us earlier? Is this his way of saying he’s sorry and that he doesn’t really hate me?
I can feel my heart pounding in my chest. The thought of Jason doing something nice for me makes me suddenly nervous.
What if he smiles at me? What if he hugs me? What if there’s a moment between us?
Just the thought of Jason being nice to me and the possibility of “anything” happening between us sends me into a panic state. I find myself running back up the stairs and slamming my bedroom door shut and locking myself in.
What should I do to prepare myself when I see Jason?
Hiding out in my bathroom that’s privately connected to my bedroom, I stare at my reflection in the elegant massive mirror and begin to list what I should do.
Brush my teeth? I’d definitely need my breath freshly mint just in case we talk very close.
I hastily grab my tooth brush and apply a significant amount of toothpaste just to fresh up my mouth. After the appropriate time of scrubbing my mouth clean, I rinse and spit out the excess fluids and stare back into the mirror.
Touch up my makeup? I could apply more black eyeliner and mascara to make my eyes pop.
After retouching my makeup, I decide to put on my favorite tinted lip balm that’ll make my lips kissable yet comfortable.
I realize then that I should change my outfit. I sigh happily after pulling on my red lady thong. Deciding to slip on my favorite black skinny jeans with the tears throughout my thighs and knees, and my “lucky” red and black sexy corset top. The reason why it’s lucky is because any guy who sees me in it always lets me have my way with him. I chuckle to myself as I put on my black high heel boots because I can only imagine what Jason’s face will look like.
I hope he’ll be shocked as hell. Picturing his mouth hanging open like a cartoon’s and seeing the lustful look in his eyes sends a shiver down my spine.
I then make sure my push up bra makes my cleavage look so fucking amazing, I straighten my long hair and leave it down because I definitely have a hair pulling kink and it’s something I take very seriously.
After the spritz of my go-to hookup perfume, Oud Wood by Tom Ford, I realize I’m at my 150% best and make my way down the stairs. The second I make it to the sliding door leading to the backyard, I freeze.
And then suddenly, I’m hit with a wave of shyness; a feeling I’ve never really felt before. But why the fuck would I feel nervous about around Jason? Because come on—I HATE the fucking guy!!!
The little voice in my mind throws it’s head back and laughs in a tormenting manner at me: because you have feelings for him, you jackass!
No. No, I don’t. I’m not stupid enough to believe that. I should just go outside and see if the fool even flirts with me, because if he does, I can just laugh at him and make him feel like shit.
With one deep breath, I open the sliding door and slip silently outside. The backyard is lit up in a blue hue from the pool and jacuzzi. It’s a beautiful setting, I won’t admit that out loud. I look around and realize Jason isn’t where he was before.
Where the fuck is he?
A wolf whistle behind me alerts me fast.
“Fuck...holy shit. Is today my birthday?”
Spinning around, I’m face to face with a smug looking Jason. I may be frozen in place but I can see that he doesn’t hide the fact that he’s checking me out; like a hunter sneaking up on its prey. Jason licks his bottom lip and winks at me.
“So, what brings you down here looking like...that?” Jason teases.
Why the hell is he making me so nervous?! Out of all the other horrible times we’ve had, I’ve never felt so anxious to tell him to fuck off, but here I am! Standing like an idiot who can’t open her mouth and speak like a normal person!
I find myself pushing a strand of hair behind my ear. Fuck my life. “I...I saw your peace offering. I-I figured if you want to try to play nice that maybe I...I could too.”
There. I said it. Now that wasn’t so hard, right?
Jason stares down at me in surprise. His green eyes so wide and maddening that I find it difficult as hell to breathe. Slowly inhaling some air, I smile at him.
“I saw you got pizza. You also set out my favorite drink. You did all that, right?” I ask, pointing back at the mansion.
“I-uh...I did but-”
We both whip around and see Isabel standing behind him. Isabel Ardila, one of Jason’s many one night stands. My eyes trail down from her curly blonde hair down to her skimpy purple dress with her huge tits practically falling out.
She pouts her pink full lips and flirts at him with her pretty blue eyes.
“Isabel...what-what are you doing here?” Jason stammers out. He instantly looks stunned as if he really wasn’t expecting her to come over.
“It’s a slow boring night. I thought we could hit up one of your dad’s nightclubs and have some fun,” Isabel says, and approaches us. She has a few inches above me, and looks down at me with a smirk. “Look at you all dressed up so sexy tonight, and for Jason...”
I frown and look between Jason and her.
“He is your brother, you know?”
Isabel cringes and grabs Jason’s arm tightly. “Please tell me nothing is going on between you and your sister. That is sooo disgusting!”
I look to Jason and plead with him through our eye contact to say something. Say anything to her! I know Isabel’s right, and that Jason is my brother but he’s also my stepbrother. I also want him to admit that I’m not the only one who is flirting between us...if that’s what we’re even calling it.
I can’t be the only one who has feelings right now. Jason must have them, too.
“Are you fucking kidding me? Of course I don’t have feelings for her! Y/N, you’re my fucking sister, and I think it’s gross as fuck that you’re trying to fuck me. I mean, God damn! We’re family!” Jason taunts. He acts repulsed and pretends to puke in front of me.
Isabel giggles and the two of them laugh their asses off at me. Don’t get me wrong. There is a questionable amount of pain in my chest at what Jason said, but my inner bitch is clawing her way out of my head and I may or may not be responsible for whatever happens right now.
“That’s a bit rich coming from you, Jason. As of this morning, you’ve made it perfectly clear that I’m not in your family. So, if we’re not family, then we’re nothing to each other,” I say with a bitchy grin.
Jason and Isabel aren’t laughing anymore. As a matter of fact, they’re completely shocked at me.
“Oh, and for the record Isabel, there’s absolutely NOTHING going on between Jason and me. I know he’s my brother. I’m not even denying that. But as for him,” I say, gesturing over to Jason, who is staring me down hard. “He doesn’t see me a sister. If anything, he might want to fuck me. He’s completely obsessed with making me hear him fuck other girls. His behavior is disgusting because he’s supposed to be my brother! What he’s trying to do to me is borderline illegal!”
Isabel jerks her head over to Jason. “What is she talking about, Jason?!”
“Go on, Jay. Tell her. Tell her how you always stare at me, tease me, and how you’re always talking about sex with me!” I urge him angrily.
Jason’s eyes darken and for a second, I’m kinda scared of him. He clenches his jaw. “I rather get castrated by the Joker, than ever fuck you, princess.”
It’s like everything around me freezes. My smile shifts into a frown and my confidence is taken away fast like a toy from an adult. Isabel scoffs and shakes her head at me. My cheeks burn with humiliation and I just know I won’t hear the end of this from either of them, especially Jason.
I don’t know whether I’m more embarrassed of the fact that Jason claims he rather get castrated from the Joker, the psychotic clown villain in Gotham than have sex me, or if the thought of having sex with me in general is just so...unbearable.
I didn’t think I was so unfuckable until now.
“That’s fine with me. I rather fuck Dick than you, because he’s Bruce’s favorite son and he’s more of a man than you’ll ever be,” I spit out before turning to run back into the mansion.
I slam my bedroom door again for the second time today, but I don’t care. Rage is fucking pumping through my blood and I need a fucking release before I lose control.
Ripping off my clothes until I’m down to my lacy bra and thong, I climb up my big bed and reach into my nightstand to get my dildo and lube out. The thick, veiny replica of a man’s penis is what I’ll have to take out my frustrations on.
I throw myself down; my head hitting the pillow and my hair fanned out around me in a sexy manner as if I’m ready to get my brains fucked out. Popping open the lube, I squeeze a good amount in my hand to smooth it over my dildo. Tossing the lube somewhere on my bed, I pull my thong to the side to reveal my bare pussy.
My fingertips rub up and down my folds. I’m so wet that I know I can slip a finger or two in without any resistance.
“I fucking hate him so much,” I mutter under my breath.
Jason is literally the only guy who could piss me off and make me want to fuck him into submission.
Maybe he could even fuck me until I’m down on my knees for him.
Closing my eyes, I start to push my dildo into me. My walls squeeze around the toy tightly as I gasp at how good it feels to be full.
“Fuck...” I choke out in overwhelming pleasure.
“Fuck princess...”
My eyes shoot open and I’m completely horrified to discover Jason Fucking Todd is standing in MY bedroom, with his mouth hanging open in shock and with wide eyes, and his Fucking hand rubbing against his prominent bulge.
“Jason...what are you doing in my room?” I struggle to say, as I continue to push and pull my dildo in and out of my pussy fast. I just can’t stop. I can’t find it in me to stop when Jason is in my room watching me.
He quickly closes my bedroom door with his foot and makes his way towards my bed to stand directly in front of me. I use my other hand to caress my tits that I so badly want to free from my bra.
“I came to tell you I’m sorry. I’m sorry. I’m so fucking sorry, Y/N,” Jason begins but trails off when he watches intently when I pull out the dildo and he can see all my slick coated on the sex toy. He licks his bottom lip and bites it. “You’re right though. I don’t see you as a sister or a part of this family because the way I feel for you isn’t the way a brother should feel. I-I never meant to hurt your feelings. I just...I tried so hard to not to fucking fall for you but I did and I can’t stop.”
I look up and notice Jason’s eyes are wet. Despite his usual cocky behavior and sexual advances, he was standing here before me and he appears to regret everything.
I sit up and lean back on my elbows. I drop the dildo in between my open thighs and I force myself to look up at Jason. I expected to see him staring at my obvious insanely wet pussy but his beautiful emerald green eyes were locked on my eyes.
“I really thought you hated me,” I whisper, afraid to hear what Jason says that might hurt me again.
“Oh sweetheart, I don’t hate you. I could never hate you. The only person I hate is myself, and that is something I’ve been doing for most of my fucking life,” Jason admits. He tries to smile but it falls when he sees I’m not.
Jason crawls onto my bed and stops as soon as he’s in front of my legs. He’s immediately nervous; his shaky hands run up my knees and stops until he reaches my closed thighs. He keeps his eyes on me.
“Listen to me, Y/N. You’re right. I’m a fucking asshole. I’m always a dick to you and that isn’t right. I’m sorry for everything I’ve said and done to you, and I know sorry won’t even make up for all the hurt I’ve caused you. Just...please,” he whispers and reaches for my hands. He holds them tightly. “Please give me a chance to show you how much you really mean to me. One chance. Please?”
I know our fight is both our faults, and if one chance can fix this, I’m game.
“Okay, you get one chance Jay,” I say and with an evil smirk that I can’t help, I open my thighs and I pat my pussy. “You want a chance? Make me cum. With your fingers. With your mouth. If you can make me cum so hard, you can do whatever you want to my body.”
Jason’s eyes darken with lust. He licks his lips and he gives me his usual shit eating grin. “Oh princess, you are aware of my oral fixation for pussies don’t you? I’m going to make you cum so hard that you’ll be begging to be mine!”
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ahsnewsupdates · 4 years
Exclusive Interview with Xander Smith: ‘AHS’ Concept Artist!
Xander Smith, the über skilled and talented concept artist who worked on four seasons of American Horror Story (Hotel, Roanoke, Cult, Apocalypse), was generous enough to answer some of our burning questions about the designs that he created for the show!
Throughout this interview, we will attach images of Xander’s work that pertain to the questions asked. You can check out his full, expansive portfolio by clicking here. 
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Thank you so much for agreeing to this interview! How did your involvement with American Horror Story begin? Were you a fan of the show beforehand?
Thanks, it's one of my favorite projects to have been a part of, so happy to talk about AHS!
I've loved the genre of horror my whole life, to me it's the one genre that you can push all emotions to their limits, and explore the human experience on a much deeper level than other genres. I think this accounts for some of the greatest stories being so horrific in nature: because it's innately human. This also accounts for the genre having the most lame movies too, haha, because it prompts storytellers to try to push boundaries, and oftentimes there's no reason to push a boundary if there's nothing substantive behind it. I think with American Horror Story though, that's not the case. It's deep, it's intricate, and it's very culturally significant.
I had seen the first season on television, and I remember thinking beforehand, 'this is going to be lame, you can't go as deep with TV as you can with an R rated film...' man was I wrong. It pushed boundaries and asked dark, human questions, all while staying relevant and mysterious. I never once thought that they were holding back due to it being on television.
As for the beginnings of my involvement with the franchise, that actually starts with my parent's love of genre films. When I was a kid they would take me to conventions, like Comic-Con, to learn more about film making and meet the cast and crews of various films. That's where my love of design came from. When I was in college, my Dad met Heather Langenkamp at a horror convention, and told her about my pursuit of concept art when I was going to school in Los Angeles. Heather was really kind, and said that when I graduate, I should send her my portfolio; her and her husband, David Anderson, own the legendary special FX studio, AFX. When I graduated in 2014 I did exactly that, they loved my work, and they hired me to work on American Horror Story: Hotel which would come out later that year. Since then, they've hired me to work on the next 3 seasons, I've also been hired by 20th Century Fox on 2 seasons, and by legendary Costume Designer Lou Eyrich for 2 seasons. I'm very fortunate and always have a blast working with the diverse teams that bring AHS to life.
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Starting with American Horror Story: Hotel, you were part of the design process for the Addiction Demon [see above]. Can you talk about that? It was such an obscene being, but at the same time so true to form for the show.
Ah yes, the lovely Addiction Demon. That's one hell of a design to have worked on, ha.
I read that part of the script with David Anderson at AFX Studio, as they would be building the prosthetics, and the infamous 'drilldo'. He looked at me and just, 'alright, do your thing, make it horrific.' And that's what I did. I've seen people in the throes of addiction, and actually lost a good friend in my teen years to drug addiction, so when designing the Demon, I wanted it to be really visceral, painful to even look at. In the script, the Demon rapes a character, and as horrific of a concept as that is, I knew that it's one of those concepts that fits with AHS; pushing the limits, but for a good reason. That's exactly what addiction is: you think it's going to be like great consensual sex when it starts, but quickly the Addiction Demon materializes and it has its way with you whether you like it or not. Truly disgusting, but that's what I thought the design should encompass. So I sketched about 20 different versions, and 1 of those versions stuck, and we decided to take that one further. I sculpted the final design in Zbrush, and that's the concept that Ryan Murphy picked. The brilliant team at AFX brought it to life, and that's the demon you see in the show.
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You also produced fantastic concept artwork for Lady Gaga’s character’s chain mail glove [see above], alongside costume designer Lou Eyrich and designer Michael Schmidt. How did that design develop? Was it fun designing for Gaga?
Thanks! Yes that might actually be my favorite piece I worked on. Lou Eyrich and Michael Schmidt were awesome, I think we came up with an iconic piece that's uniquely elegant and fit for a horror queen. It was very motivating knowing that it would be worn by Gaga, so as I was translating Michael's sketch, I wanted to maintain a balance of stylishness and darkness, something that both Lady Gaga and American Horror Story is known for. It was incredible to see it in the posters. Definitely a highlight for me.
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Moving on to American Horror Story: Roanoke, you produced terrifyingly good concept art for another one of the show’s iconic villains, the Piggyman entity [see above]. Since that same figure was also featured in the first season, did you look back for inspiration?
Great question, because for Piggyman I was back at AFX Studio, working on the design with David Anderson, and we certainly had a lot of the same inspiration and ideas on how to do the design justice for such a horrific piece. There was a lot of shocking content surrounding him, like pig fetuses and butchery, and we just went all out on letting the character bathe in so much debauchery. It was also really fascinating to be designing while their FX team was sculpting the prosthetics (the production schedule was very intense), and I got to see sculptor Glen Eisner working on the pig head and stomach pieces in clay, only a few days after I had worked on the concept art. Incredible process.
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On the same season you collaborated quite closely with the makeup department to design concept art for some of the season’s makeup looks, including illustrations for Kathy Bates’ and Finn Wittrock’s characters [see above]. Wittrock played incestuous hillbilly Jether Polk and the final product was quite frightening. How did that process go?
Also a really fun process, I got to meet some of the actors as they came in for face castings, while I was deforming their faces in the concept art- I almost felt guilty! We pulled a lot of inspiration from medical journals relating to birth defects, and we stayed pretty close to reality, as we saw fit for the Roanoke season. I was also busy terrorizing Kathy Bates image while designing what the character's demise would look like. Since there are a lot of complicated practical effects involved in the gory scenes, we spent time illustrating what the wounds would look like ahead of time. By the end of it, I had like 2 full pages of various gory ways Kathy Bates could meet her end that we presented to production, and they chose one of the most horrific ways that fit with the script (of course). Hopefully Kathy is used to it after so many years as a horror icon!
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Arguably your most prolific designs for the show were for season seven, Cult. You produced some stunning concept art for the clown masks and general appearance [see above], some of which weren’t seen in the show but absolutely should’ve been. They look slightly ‘mechanical’. What was Ryan Murphy’s pitch there?
Completely agree, I really love the final designs. Unfortunately, for as much art as I did for this season, none of my designs fit the script well enough, I just couldn't hit the mark, and so my work did not make it to production. It happens, and that's why there are many artists on a project! I appreciate you saying they should have been in the show though! I think I focussed too much on the clown/mask angle, and less on the political/cultish angle, which is where the magic of that script was. In true American Horror Story form, it is a cultural commentary on the times, and I feel I was not paying as much attention as I could have. That being said though, I had a blast working with the crew at AFX Studio again, and we worked on a lot of pieces that at least helped move production forward. Sometimes it's useful to see a design that's not quite right, just to move the production in the right direction.
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The last season you worked on was of course the crossover season, Apocalypse, for which you designed the Outpost Three hazmat suits [see above]. The plague doctor influences in those designs was a stroke of genius. How was it blending dystopia with 17th century Europe? Also, were you aware that Apocalypse was the crossover season when you started work on it?
I think I got my mojo back on this season, since not only were my illustrations on those hazmat suits finalized for the script, but I was also able to do some of the 3D modeling for the Plague Doctor masks that were 3D printed and worn by the cast as props in the show. That was a really rewarding experience, and I was working under Lou Eyrich again who is the genius behind the blend of dystopia and 17th Century Europe that characterizes Apocalypse. We did probably about 50 different sketches of those suits, and explored such a wide variety of directions and blends of dated technologies, medieval influences, hazmat suits, and gas masks. When we had a solid direction, I did a tighter illustration of a generic suit that could be worn by any one of those characters (one of the keys to the design was that they could be worn by several different body types, as per the script), and then did a final piece that showed Kathy Bates wearing the mask. I'm really pleased to have come up with the idea of the 'plastic plague doctor' design, and thrilled to see it on screen.
I wasn't aware that it was the crossover season either, I wasn't given that part of the script, but that let me watch the revelation in real time with the rest of the world!
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Lastly, would you like to design for American Horror Story again in the future? What is your “dream theme” that you’d like the show to explore?
Absolutely I would love to return some day and help flesh out some new designs. Some of the later seasons have been less concept-heavy, but I've also had to pass on the work as I've been involved in other projects, and of course have been busy helping found my current company, Aliza Technologies.
But you never know what the future holds!
As for a 'dream theme', that's such a good question because I feel there are so many interesting directions the show could take. They've built such a rich world where stories can take place across a range of time periods and genres, and that's a real gift to horror fans. One of the elements I really love about AHS is that when it delves into the supernatural, it does it in a really measured way. I've always found ghost stories to be a little bland and heavy-handed, but since AHS is so nuanced in its supernatural material, especially in season 1, I think it would be really interesting to see them go the heavy handed way, lead the audience down a super super-natural route for half a season, and then absolutely pull the rig from underneath them halfway through, and have a natural explanation for all the 'supernatural' elements. It would be a complete mind-f**k, like 'wait, there were no ghosts at all??' and have that realization be even more horrifying. I'm no writer, but I think a concept like that could be really interesting... Also set the mystery across several different generations so that the supernatural explanation is more appropriate for an older generation, and is busted open by the modern take. Image what the flashback reveals could look like, and imagine the types of 'ghosts' I could illustrate...
Thanks for the questions, now I'm off to do some script-writing myself...
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(Also, special mention to Eryn Krueger Mekash and Mike Mekash who designed the makeup looks!)
Xander’s links:
Official Website: https://www.xandersmithdesign.com/
ArtStation: https://www.artstation.com/xandersmith
Behance: https://www.behance.net/XanderSmithDesign
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/xandersmith_design/
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plttwrld · 5 years
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— FANCY YOU! is the fourth mini album by south korean girlgroup PALETTE, under SM entertainment. the album was released on august 17, 2019, containing five tracks including its title song, “fancy!”. PALETTE promoted succesfully for six weeks alongside their sub-title track, “lil’ touch”.
after spending the first half of 2019 on a lowkey mode, PALETTE finally re-appeared on the scene with all they’ve got. the first row of teasers alone generated tons of buzz and anticipation, especially once it was revealed that PALETTE’s maknae, yeji, would be finally reincorporing to the group activities, after her ausence due to a leg injury from the past comebacks. for this era, the girls clearly aimed for the funky spectrum of their palette, blending quirky and fantastic elements with their usual aesthetic, brimming with vivid colors. fancy you! left its print on the industry as one of their most outlandish eras.
▸﹙ TRACKLIST. ﹚ 。 
fancy! | title track
lil’ touch | promoted side track
stuck in my head | side track
sunny side up! | side track
breakdown | side track
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listen.... fancy you! was palette’s “it” era and that’s on that (was clowned as much as it was cheered but oh well)
fancy! charted greatly and scooped no fewer than ten music shows wins, making its their most awarded song to the date. fancy! become a public’s favorite in no time gjfh
dawon, ella and tohru had a hand on the album’s writing but they all agreed yeji wrote most of it by herself. that mf really got discharged and said time to get shit DONE
jules also participated on the producing and GUESS WHAT they were finally !!! credited !!!
it was a pleasant surprise to witness palette shifting from the elegant and mighty concept to go full-on with some funky groovy vibes !!!
the styling/aesthetic.... was very peculiar, to say the least
it was basically color vomit at it finest but make it cool ?? surprisingly it turned out very aesthetically pleasing to the eye
their makeup had this big sexy and glowy and blushy type of deal but sometimes they just. literally had drawings on theirs faces with their respective colors wuuu
each girl dyied their hair according their respective colors talk about MADNESS
there was (2) predominant outfits. the black leather and uniformed ones and the “we picked clothes blindfold and make it work” ones
fashion wise it was v messy but somehow ??? pulled ??? off ???
trended on twt during a solid day as “lmao who are the rainbow group??”
PLTT’S PROMOTING AS SEVEN AGAIN.... glows were over the moon with yeji’s presence after her missing the past two comebacks
and leave alone ms yeji herself
im telling you she was ecstatic to be on stage again :’)
and not only her you could tell the whole group was thriving alonside their lil bastard maknae  :’))) even jules was glad to have someone to piss off KJHD. ot7 pltt      hits different
the group’s energy was much more bright and genuine and they all were greatly feeling themselves while performing. they sparked so much joy and honestly we love that for them
so many vlives, variety show appearances, posts on social media. they were peak palette this era
reveglows got FED with all the soft velvette interactions :((( pltt girlies being all “unknees *-*” over their sunbaes heehee
however some knetz called them out bc their choreo wasn’t as intricate as they used to and kept comparing it with their old choreographies ://
“sometimes u just gotta be cute on stage and call it a day” —yeji, via VLIVE
overall one of their strongest eras 10/10 would recommend
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could u make a list of ur fav cats suit, how can I say it... Like, suit + makeup + wig... Ur favorites cats styles (?
Absolutely I can! Good question, let me see...
Okay my opinions on this are kinda boring because I like neutral and subdued colour palettes (warning I like yellow and gold so...most costumes I love are some variation of these shades). I will sort this into Tom and Queen costumes.
-Asparagus (Chorus Costume)
The list starts with me being predictable, of course, but what I appreciate about Asparagus' chorus costume is that it is, arguably, the most unique one while still blending relatively easily into the background due to its otherwise unremarkable colour palette/wig (like there is nothing all that special about his unitard design or wamers or tail, I’m aware). Most of the cats, in order to fluff out the human neckline, have the "shoulder fluffies". Asparagus is the only  one who has what I will affectionately call the "yarn poncho", which comes in various thicknesses but I prefer this kind:
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And, occasionally, yarn threaded pants:
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Which are delightfully ugly gives him an even shaggier/fluffier appearance and I love it. The only other individuals who have manes/shaggy coats are Tugger and Old Deuteronomy (and Grizabella technically), but none of them have this detail in their original chorus costume, just their main character costume. This detail was removed from the 1998 Video (unknown as to why since Tony Timberlake wore it on stage), and from the Broadway Revival (probably because Asparagus pretty much disappears early on in favour of Gus being a permanent fixture instead). A shame really, because it makes him immediately recognizable and easy to pick out.
The quality of his makeup varies for me since the whole purpose is to make it easy to paint over for Gus and Bustopher changes (Much like Plato). For some versions that means he's completely white in the face with little dimension, but I prefer when they add subtle details like striping or line work.
-Alonzo (Broadway and Broadway Based)
I have expressed before and I will express again that my unpopular CATS opinion is that I overall prefer Broadway based "golden" Alonzo costumes (and character) over London based black and white ones. This is absolutely not to say that I dislike the London costume because that isn't true. I like it very much it's very striking. But I think I prefer the golden Alonzo costumes because:
A. There is something very visually pleasing to me about gold and black Alonzos being paired with gold and black Demeters, and a Gold/Silver protector duo.
B. I like the earthy palette, the dual-toned muzzle, the fluffy tail, and the warmers (it makes for a more muted image when Alonzo is slinking around in the BG, particularly when shadowing Demeter)
C. The gold/black/brown is, imho, far more flattering to a variety of different skin tones than the clown white is. The neutral colour palette ties the makeup together very nicely, particularly when patches of skin are left bare (like on the face or the hands), as it often continues into the costume itself giving the whole ensemble more unity.
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 Also I just like it? I don't know why.
- Skimbleshanks (London Chorus and Number)
Skimble's costume is one of those that I like both chorus and character version of, because they're both very well coordinated palette wise. I love the chunky, organic weaves in his warmers and tail.  I love the vest and the little bell! I love the complexity of his makeup, which is one of the hardest to do in the show. The wig can be very hit or miss for me depending on how it's styled. Some of the more recent wigs in the revivals and tours haven't been great tbh. 
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Skimble also has the benefit of having my favourite arm warmers in the show when they look like this (because elbow patches):
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I want a pair. I should make myself a pair. But the patches daunt me. 
Honourable Mention goes to the hundreds of Austrian crystals and stones that are hand attached to Mr. Mistoffelees' velvet costume during his number (of which Marlene Danielle collected when they fell off on stage and kept them in a vase in her dressing room) because sparkly *_*.
-Demeter (Broadway based)
The only notable difference between London and Broadway Demeter's are the styling of the wigs  and I LOVE the much more exaggerated spikey, punk-like styling of these wigs let me tell you. If she doesn't look like there are three tons of gel in her hair it isn't spikey enough. 
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I feel like it gives her character an edge, which is a nice contrast to the overall softness of her makeup. There's also a simplicity to Demeter's makeup design that is well complemented by the more complex patterns on her unitard.
Though Bomba’s design is very similar, I prefer Demeter’s for whatever reason. I just like golds and yellows, I guess. I think the only thing I don’t like about Demeter’s design is her lipstick (particularly when it’s red) because I find it sticks out too much and looks odd.
-Jellylorum (Original Paris)
I have spoken about her before, but I love how elegant this design is. The Original Paris wigs are my favourite wigs (because I like big wigs I cannot lie), and ones that were styled like Jelly’s were particular favourites:
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Like she’s still classic Jellylorum colours but the warmers soften her silhouette while the wig and makeup sweep her features up. It’s just a very beautiful design to me, idk why.  
-Rumpleteazer (Japan)
I don't need to explain myself here. Look at how cute she is:
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I love the tiger stripes and I love her wig and I love her makeup. I do like the garter belt straps of the London design, but I can live without them. I wish her pearls were white to make them stand out a bit more like in the London design though. 
Honestly I love a lot of the CATS costumes so it’s difficult to narrow them down, but I would definitely put these particular characters in the top ten.
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aion-rsa · 4 years
The Batman Trailer Breakdown and Analysis
The Batman trailer is finally here, accompanied by Nirvana’s “Something in the Way.” The two-minutes-and-a-half of footage presents a nightmarish new take on Gotham and the Dark Knight, an impressive feat considering only 25% of the movie has been shot so far, according to what director Matt Reeves said during the DC FanDome digital event.
Matt Reeves’ Batman reboot explores the early days of the Caped Crusader’s career, about two years into it, and focuses on a younger Bruce Wayne who is haunted by his past as well as a new villain who’s leaving victims all of the city for him to find.
We see in the trailer as Batman is hunted by a serial killer who is leaving him letters at every crime scene, teasing that the movie will feel more like a detective story than the usual action take. The trailer also gives us our first look at several villains, including Penguin, Catwoman, and a gang that seems to call back to a group first introduced in an animated series.
While the trailer makes quite a few things clear about this new Batman movie universe, there are a few lingering questions left in the promo’s wake. So we’re going breaking down the trailer to see what’s really going on in The Batman. And if there’s anything you spot in the trailer that we missed, let us know in the comments!
Before we get started, take a look at the trailer again:
Okay, let’s get started:
The trailer kicks off the character reveals right away, giving us our first look at The Batman‘s version of the Riddler — at least I’m pretty sure this is him. The riddle-obsessed villain isn’t really known for wearing a full facemask with glasses over it, but as you’ll see throughout the trailer, this movie seems to play like an extended fever dream full of grotesque baddies set against an almost overbearingly dark Gotham City.
This is the perfect version for this new take on the Riddler, who seems more like a serial killer here than the grinning megalomaniac we know from the comics, video games, and Batman Forever. In fact, Paul Dano’s Riddler looks about as far the opposite of Jim Carrey as you can get.
The trailer definitely sets up the Riddler as the main villain of the piece, a killer obsessed with getting to the Batman by leaving behind corpses and messages for the Dark Knight at his crime scenes. Above, we see one such victim, his face wrapped in tape with the words “No more lies” written over it.
Uncovering a lie seems to be a major aspect of the movie, as its a message the Riddler repeats to the Batman several times in the trailer. It suggests the Riddler knows something about the Caped Crusader that no one else does. Does the villain know that Bruce Wayne is the masked vigilante? Or does this lie run much deeper than that?
The fact that the Joker movie also dealt with the idea of the Wayne family’s hidden past — in that case, that Thomas Wayne may have had an illegitimate son — and that this movie could have at least one potential connection to last year’s Taxi Driver-inspired character piece makes me think the Riddler knows a secret about Bruce’s past. The Riddler, who seems to be speaking to Batman throughout the video, tells the Dark Knight at the end of the trailer that “he’s a part of this,” meaning whatever the villain is doing was designed to punish Bruce for something.
Reeves has said that his take on Batman is more of a detective story than an action movie, and this trailer definitely delivers on his promise. We see Jeffrey Wright’s Jim Gordon investigating the crime scene the Riddler leaves behind at the start of the trailer, while a forensics team takes photographs and gathers evidence.
One piece evidence is a green envelope left behind for Batman. Inside is a card with a riddle that I can’t quite make out, but it’s undoubtedly meant to lead the World’s Greatest Detective to the next clue in the Riddler’s twisted game. We also see that the Riddler has also picked up a few things from the Zodiac Killer’s book of riddles, as he leaves behind a code for the Bat to crack.
A blink-and-you’ll-miss-it shot of a framed newspaper at the crime scene gives fans of The Dark Knight and The Long Halloween a nice easter egg to mull over. We already knew John Turturro was set to play crime boss Carmine Falcone in the movie but now we know that his comrade in crime/rival Salvatore Maroni also exists in this universe and has been busted for transporting drugs at some point before the start of the movie. Was Maroni one of Batman’s early targets? Maybe we’ll find out.
Here’s an excellent look at what the top half of the new Batsuit looks like. It’s pretty much a suit of armor, although the cowl and cape seem to be made out of leather. And as we already knew, this Batsuit has a collar, which is a pretty neat addition to the usual suits designed for the movies.
This scene also confirms that by year two of Batman’s career, he’s already on good terms with Gordon and the GCPD, although something tells me that relationship ain’t gonna last very long…
I have no idea who this is, but I’m going to guess it’s The Batman‘s version of Commissioner Loeb, the corrupt head of police that preceded Gordon. Since the movie is getting a GCPD-centric spinoff on HBO about the corruption inside the police force, I’m going to assume this version of Loeb will be a bit closer to the power-hungry chief introduced in Frank Miller and David Mazzucchelli’s Batman: Year One.
We also get a look at the new Batcave, which is about as minimalist as the Dark Knight’s secret lair can get. In fact, it looks more like a garage than a secret underground science lab/high-tech surveillance station. It even looks like this version of Bruce spends more time working on his Batmobile than on his computer piecing mysteries together. Can you even call that a Batcomputer? It looks like a workbench with a dual-monitor PC setup. Does this dude even get wi-fi inside his underground mechanic shop?
Bruce is at someone’s funeral for someone I don’t recognize when a car comes crashing through the church. Inside seems to be a man with a bomb and a letter for Batman strapped to his chest. Does the Riddler know Batman is attendance already or does he think this latest scheme will lure him there?
Either way, we also get our best look at Pattinson as Bruce. It’s interesting to see a version of Bruce who doesn’t sport slicked back billionaire hair. Instead, Pattinson wears more of an emo slick — very fitting for the mood of this trailer.
We get our first look at Zoe Kravitz as Selina Kyle doing what she does best: stealing. Reeves said during DC FanDome that this version of Selina hasn’t quite morphed into Catwoman at the start of the film and is instead still being shaped into the master thief we know and love.
The trailer shows us a brief snippet of Selina taking on Batman, suggesting that the characters will be at odds with each other in the movie. But could this be the start of a love-hate relationship like what we’ve seen in past takes on this duo? This should be interesting.
We also get to see Colin Farrell’s absolutely incredible transformation into the scarred Oswald Cobblepot, who, according to Reeves, is still working his way up the crime ladder in this movie. He’s not yet the powerful crime lord known as the Penguin, but it sure seems like he causes plenty of havoc for the Bat nonetheless.
Here’s why I mentioned that Joker connection earlier. The gang of face-painted goons that challenge Batman in the trailer sure look inspired by the Clown Prince of Crime. My initial reaction was that The Batman was doing the Jokerz, the Joker-worshiping gang introduced in the Batman Beyond animated series, but what if these guys were actually inspired by Arthur Fleck’s actions in the ’70s-set movie?
We know that by the end of Joker, Arthur has a cult following rallying around him, despite the fact that he’s admitted to murdering quite a few people by that point. His followers, who don their own clown makeup and masks, see Arthur as a freedom fighter, someone fighting for justice in a corrupt city where the rich have it all and the poor have nothing. It wouldn’t be surprising to see that Arthur has become a symbol all these years later, inspiring the next generation to go out into the streets and cause their own chaos.
I know WB has said that both The Batman and Joker exist in their own universes, but I wouldn’t be surprised if the studio was suddenly anxious to tie these two movies together after the massive success of the latter. If Pattinson ever does take on the Joker, you can bet your Batarangs that WB will try its very hardest to make it the Joaquin Phoenix version of the villain.
Anyway, we eventually watch as Batman beats the ever-living shit out of one of these clowns. It’s a bit…much.
While Batman and the GCPD seem to be on good terms at the start of the trailer, things have certainly taken a turn later. We first see Bats getting into a scuffle inside an interrogation room surrounded by cops and then later escaping a building while police officers shoot at him. That second shot actually seems to recreate the famous panels from Year One where the Dark Knight escapes an abandoned building surrounded by the GCPD with the help of a swarm of bats, a scene that also inspired an action sequence in Christopher Nolan’s Batman Begins.
Why are Batman and the GCPD suddenly at odds? It’s possible this is part of the Riddler’s plan to destroy the Bat. Has the villain framed the Dark Knight for something? Or has Batman gone too far in his search for justice?
The new Batmobile is front and center towards the tail end of the trailer. It’s a very cool and surprisingly realistic take on the Batmobile unlike what we’ve seen in past movies. This muscle car definitely looks like something Bruce would have worked on himself inside the Batcave.
Finally, we get a look Batman sans mask. There’s no elegant bachelor under the cowl in The Batman but a beaten down, soot-covered man who looks more troubled than any other Bruce before him. Pattinson’s Bruce almost looks more inspired by The Crow than Ben Affleck, Christian Bale, or Michael Keaton before him. It definitely looks like he’s taking the character in a new direction.
We’ll find out for sure when The Batman hits theaters on Oct. 1, 2021.
The post The Batman Trailer Breakdown and Analysis appeared first on Den of Geek.
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amphtaminedreams · 5 years
Paris Haute Couture Week 2019: Favourites at First Glance
Hi to anyone reading,
And before we start...let me clarify.
Listen, I’m not Luke Meagher. I didn’t go to fashion school. I did history, philosophy and ethics, and psychology at A-level. Not a trace of even textiles experience in sight (I mean, I did it until we picked our GCSE options but I don’t feel that counts, lol). The only “fashion” knowledge I have is from coffee table books, youtube videos and twitter. AND I LIKED MARIA GRAZIA’S 2019 DIOR HAUTE COUTURE COLLECTION.
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I think Haute Couture week is probably one of my favourites of the year because I’ve always been good at spotting a pretty dress I’ll never be able to afford and to be honest, not much else. And to me, the Dior collection is everything. Sure, it might not be the most groundbreaking or technically advanced thing ever, and yes, some of the shapes might not be the most flattering, but the best pieces (picked out above) are classic Dior. See, I’m not sure what my idea of “classic Dior” is actually based on other than a vague cultural knowledge but I feel this year’s haute couture collection fits in with that schema a lot more seamlessly than Grazia’s 2018 or 2017 collections, as much as I enjoyed them too. The colour scheme, the lace, the netted veils, the heavy eye makeup; these are dresses for turning up to the funeral of the rich husband you just secretly poisoned in/Eva Green would’ve worn in Penny Dreadful and I’m here for it. The spiked feather detailing that crops up a lot gives me Natalie Portman as the Black Swan and regardless of how flattering they may or may not be (because I'm kind of tired of fashion being thought of as a way to showcase a woman’s figure), I like the Edwardian inspired two pieces. I may be a bit biased, chokers, berets and some kind of netting are 3 of my favourite additions to an outfit, but I do think that as a collection, it all comes together beautifully and I commend Maria Grazia for that. I think now that she seems to have found her footing in terms of producing looks that are recognisably Dior, we only have increasingly creative efforts to look forward to.
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Similarly, I adored the styling at the Schiaparelli show. As weird and wonderful as ever, you can see the influence of nature and possibly the visuals of flowers in bloom on Daniel Roseberry’s designs and styling. My favourite thing about this collection was its presentation: for his debut show, Roseberry took a seat in the middle of the runway and sketched out his designs as they appeared on the models in real time. I can’t think of a better way to introduce the fashion world to your vision and creative process.
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Moving on from the Schiaparelli collection, it only feels right to talk about Guo Pei next, whose collection also has that characteristic organic feel, almost like the designs could’ve grown right out of the ground of a Tim Burton film. My favourite is definitely the second from the right on the top row, which wouldn’t have been out of place at the 2018 Met Gala. Heavenly Bodies: Fashion and the Catholic Imagination is without a doubt my favourite theme of the last few years. Ornate as ever, each look displays a renaissance painting level of intricacy and craftsmanship; not that a plunge that deep would ever be remotely flattering on me, like there’s a reason I feel a certain type of way about belly button piercings and low rise jeans, but I am obsessed with the detailing of the dress on the far left of the bottom row. That being said, I don’t love this collection quite as much as Guo Pei’s 2018 haute couture offering, however, I think that’s just down to the colour scheme and structures of the latter.
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Next is Chanel’s haute couture show, which right off the bat I’ll say I was a big fan of. Surprisingly, I’ve seen a lot of people say they don’t like it but I think it’s a welcome departure from the past few collections which (in my very design naive opinion) were beginning to get a bit monotonous. There’s only so much unnecessarily prissy detailing I can take before it gets a bit like...did they run out of ideas? I think for Virginie Viard’s debut show this is a return to the fresh, clean, functional and even slightly androgynous looks that I think we forget Chanel was originally known for. We still had a couple of the classic elegant dresses too, as seen in the two middle shots I chose, which pays homage to the haute couture collections of the past couple of years. Again, as with the Dior collection, I love the Edwardian/early 20th century influence and the library setting is a fucking perfect backdrop to the collection.
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It probably feels a bit contradictory, me going on to praise this year’s Armani Prive collection considering I just criticised the past Chanel collections for being unnecessarily decorative but I see a clear direction with these looks. And yes, I generated a meme to describe how I probably sound right now:
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Alternatively, I could’ve just put “how I sound right now”, semi colon, and then insert a photo of a clown underneath, but I’m clearly into 2018 memes, okay? 
I’m not going to lie, the basic bitch in me loves these looks because I just know how good they are on the red carpet. Very Disney princess and I’m into it. I’m easily pleased: pastels, faux fur (I hope it’s faux though to be honest, I’m not quite sure), sequins and satin and I’m calling it a masterpiece. So it’s probably best to move on before I expose myself for just how much of a high fashion novice I am, if I didn’t already do that in the first paragraph by praising Maria Grazia. For the same reason, I was obviously a big fan of these looks from the Georges Hobeika haute couture 2019 collection:
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And of course, all of these beautiful Ralph and Russo designs:
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The dress on the right end, second row from the bottom is honestly probably my favourite of all the 2019 haute couture looks. Like frills!? PASTEL frills!? TIERED, PASTEL FRILLS? Fucking sold. Giambattista Valli is obviously the king of this:
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Though I think I’m right in saying that the slightly more unconventional, exaggerated nature of Valli’s dresses elevate them in the eyes of the fashion community that little bit more. Personally, I love the touch of the black bows and the Elizabethan style neck collar of the look second from the right on the top row. Next is Zuhair Murad:
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If I'm being brutal, I was a bit disappointed with this collection. I always love Zuhair Murad and love his dresses regardless but I found myself getting a bit bored with a lot of the looks this year considering how excited I was to see them. Though these are my favourites and they are still stunningly elaborate (clearly a lot of work went into the embroidery and stoning), I don’t feel as if any of them, apart from the green and silver jumpsuits, are really anything I haven't seen before. I thought the tribal/nomadic elements of some of the looks could’ve been slightly more conceptual. Like, I get that Zuhair Murad’s dresses, at face value, aren’t really about telling stories but I think if you’re going to go down the mildly culturally appropriative route, you should do it in new way. I read that he was inspired by a trip to Marrakech and I do see that, but it more seemed like an afterthought of throwing these details onto his usual style of dresses rather than the observations influencing the very basis of the collection. Elie Saab’s 2019 haute couture collection is, in my opinion, a good example of how to do this right:
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Everything about the construction of these dresses from the padded shoulders to the Mandarin collars draws on the dreamiest possible incarnations of the wardrobes of Chinese royalty, and to watch that translated onto the runway in such a stunning way I hope is a pleasure to see for those who do consider their culture’s past to be a part of their identity today. The jewell tones, the baroque-like patterns, the defined silhouettes, the hair and makeup, I am in awe of EVERYTHING about this collection. I’m glad that Saab had so many East Asian models showcase his designs too; I don’t think it would’ve been right any other way.
Talking of structure, next is Iris Van Herpen:
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Like, I need to know the SCIENCE behind these dresses, because I know there was a shitload (lol jk, I really don't want to know anymore science unless I have to). I mean, aside from a few more unconventional, bubble-like shapes that I wasn’t necessarily such a fan of, I can’t fault this collection at all. It really speaks for itself; every part of each design is as mesmerising and as hypnotic as the next, from shape and structure to the colours chosen. Even the more “simple” numbers such as the golden dress second from the left on the bottom row looks like it’s permanently caught in the wind, and I can imagine it on the statue of some Greek goddess whose name I cannot in this moment be bothered to check I’m not pulling out of my arse. You know, Aphrodite, Athena...one of that lot, lol. Finally, let’s talk about Valentino, Givenchy and Fendi, starting with my least favourite of the three, Valentino:
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It’s not that there weren’t some wonderful looks. Of my favourites above, the white kimono style dress on the left of the bottom row, the blue dress with the cape and the green floral coat with the matching mesh dress underneath are the stand outs. It’s just that this collection isn’t particularly my style as I’m not much of a fan of block or primary colours; it’s personal preference and that’s not to say it’s a bad collection by any means. I can still appreciate that more thought and work and general energy than I’ve probably ever exerted in my life went into it.
Next is Givenchy:
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LOOK at that dress on the right on the row second from the bottom. LOOK AT IT! The pastel pink cape! The layered houndstooth dress! The feathers! The neckline of that top on the right, second row from the bottom! The MENSWEAR! I want it all. It’s modern and it’s cool and it’s wearable but it also looks like me or you could never bloody afford it and that’s how you know it’s Givenchy, lmao. It’s not hard to see why this collection was so popular within the fashion community; it really is a masterclass in less is more which takes a lot to admit because I’m usually a more person. 
However, overall, my favourite collection of the three has to be Fendi:
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The 70s are my favourite decade for fashion and so this collection is absolutely delicious. I love the warm tones contrasted with a splash of almost metallic cools or pastels every so often and throw some faux fur (again, I don’t know if it is faux?) over anything and it immediately looks 10x more glamorous in my opinion. Half the looks are giving me groupie to a rock band and the other half are giving me bored Hollywood movie star in her Beverly Hills mansion, walking round with rollers in her hair and a pornstar martini. As you can probably tell if you’re still reading, outfits that give me a story are the ones that I love the most, lmao. The perfect balance between opulent and effortless, in an ideal word I would absolutely own and wear every single one of these outfits, regardless of where fashion critics stand on them, and feel like a badass bitch.
And to kind of round off the post, isn’t that what’s most important? That an outfit makes you feel empowered and like you could dramatically slap the shit out of anyone who disrespects you (FEEL being the keyword here, I’m really not recommending anyone goes round slapping every person who disrespects them)? I definitely do want to be more educated on fashion and its history, after all, I’ve always been a history student, but at the same time, I don’t want to suck the fun out of it for myself. Most of the time I don’t want to look at a dress and compare it to every single collection of years past or scrutinise who did what better, I just want to marvel at it. I think one thing that bothers me is that within something as relatively harmful as fashion, it seems kind of elitist and hierarchical to categorise opinions as good and bad based on how much education a person might have on the topic. Let’s be real, fashion isn’t really a realistic career path for most of us. The average person hasn’t always got time to research the history of a fashion house before they make a statement about one of its pieces. They’re working, lmao. If your career is in fashion, lucky you. But in a lot of cases, as within a lot of creative industries, luck is really just privilege, connections, money, leisure time and choice and only a select few people have those things, and I don’t think we should let those people dictate who has style and who doesn’t. These things are subjective. Let people like what they like without equating that love of something to a lack of taste, you know?
In a broader sense (and I really don’t know how I got off on this tangent) something makes you feel beautiful and YOU think you look hot af, WEAR IT! 
It’s a bit of a cliche as a closing statement but if anyone read until the end, I hope you enjoyed the post. I am always totally open to hearing other opinions and points of view so feel free to send an...ask? Message? I’m not sure what it’s called in 2019, lol. Anyways, feel free to do whatever that function is called nowadays and rant away.
Lauren x
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silvergeek · 5 years
The Tale of Mister Robert “Bob” Gray.
Full fanfiction is located here.
At this time, dear readers, we must take a moment to break away from our narrative at hand. Because, at this time, we need to focus on a different narrative to understand the current story, the stories we've read, and the stories we will, someday, read.
Pennywise the Dancing Clown came from a story widely known – widely loved. But as it were, the words jumped off the pages of that book and landed in a collection of minds – a hive of thoughts. The named “Robert 'Bob' Gray” became a topic of focus, for so little had been officially written about him. The monster took the name, true as gold, and that was the word of God – or rather... that was the word of the monster's creator, Its author. Beyond that name, not much else was known about Mister Gray, and certainly nothing else was ever, or had ever, been explained.
Bob Gray became the start of a question. “Gray” was a query, a thing of mystery that so many desired to solve. Through readers' own suppositions they did conceive various tales about “Mister Gray” – who he was, what he did, and how he became an urban legend.
Mister Gray.
Bob Gray.
Robert Gray.
Each of those whispers, those quandaries, those theories, those amateur fictions... they led to arguments, debates,and essays – but none of them were one hundred percent accurate.
None of them were one hundred percent wrong, either.
A good story is an amalgam of half stories. Tales pieced together like an epic foil ball, containing only the most compelling bits carefully cherry-picked from the bunch.
So this, dear readers, is the actual, true-to-god, story of Mister Robert “Bob” Gray. Would I lie to you? Me? Your storyteller? Why yes – that's what any good storyteller would do. So, as I'd said in the beginning: If you don't trust me... then stop reading. Are we ready? Let us begin...
  The Tale of Mr. Robert “Bob” Gray (better known as) Pennywise the Dancing Clown
 Gray was a man between the age of thirty and thirty-five, and he was a tall man with sandy-brown hair and striking blue eyes. True enough, his hands were large, his fingers long, and his legs put him around six and a half feet tall. He wasn't a heavy man, but by no means was he scrawny – not at his height and certainly not at his age.
Gray was indeed an immigrant from Sweden who had, at the ripe age of seventeen, sailed over to the northeasternmost region of the great United States of America. He did indeed come over to the land of the free with little else but spare change and a willingness to work – even if it broke his back. Now, understand this... his name wasn't Bob Gray back in the old country. No. His birth-given name was Robert Grå. Just like that, with the funny circle above it and everything, or so the Americans said. Hell, it meant the same damn thing between the languages, but those American types sure relied heavily on everything being spelled out in English. And so... Robert Gray it became – or Bob if someone was feeling particularly informal.
By his twenties, Bob had made a name for himself in the township of Derry, Maine. In so much that he was the man you'd call on if you'd needed odd jobs done. Some farm work here. Some machinist work there. And every year there'd be a carnival that rolled through Derry, as sure as rain. The event lasted through a long, summer weekend, and when it was over, those carnies packed up that carnival like stuffing socks in a suitcase. You'd better believe Bob Gray was willing to help out with the odd jobs at this event. It was only for a weekend, but the coin was good.
A carnie – a real leathery fella – by the nickname of Carnie Ron had been the one who'd personally tasked Bob Gray for the right wages. He'd set Bob to work on various chores like fixing things that went broke and restocking prizes, food, and refreshments as they'd been consumed (maybe once in awhile thieved) throughout the weekend. The downside for Bob was that this carnival only came once a year. A man needed to live the rest of those twelve months. Regardless, he took what he could, worked his duties, and collected pay from Carnie Ron.
It wasn't until Bob's third year that things had changed. One of the carnie hands, not Ron, asked Mister Gray to fill in as a clown – something to keep the younger kids entertained while their ma's and pa's drank themselves loose on cheap stout (which made them spend all the more coin for the rest of the night).
And that's just what Bob did. He put on the clown suit, which was little more than a dingy, old pair of men's pajamas, and caked some white pancake makeup all over his sun-soaked face. Then, Mister Gray took a bit of red paint and gave himself a big, merry smile from ear to ear. He looked just like the Cheshire Cat, if that wicked old cat was ever the clownin' type.
“Hand me all those balloons,” Bob had told that same carnie hand, and – boy oh boy – Mister Gray took to being a clown like a duck takes to water. The kids got a dance out of him, silly voices, crazy faces, and each one of them walked away with their own balloon after they'd begged their ma's and pa's (til they were blue in the face, no less) for the extra coin to buy their very own from the clown. Why, Bob even took a paintbrush to the balloons and signed each one of them, like he'd been peddling out his very own autograph. (As if he'd been anything to anyone at the time, but for that measly hour, to those kids, Mister Bob Gray was like a god.) Before he'd signed his first balloon, Bob had to think of a name on the fly. He saw those coins jingling in the youngsters' hands and it just came to him: Pennywise. Pennywise the clown. The clown that danced, even sang a tune or three, and handed off balloons with his signature and everything.
It wasn't long after that day that Bob Gray got to thinking that he could do this for a living. He could entertain, sing, dance, and overcharge for cheap balloons. (And he could do it more than once per year!) So, with the money he'd saved thus far, Mister Gray bought an old, worn down caravan off Carnie Ron. He'd fixed her up and painted a likeness of his clownin' self across her side. Then he wrote the words, as big and as grand as he could: The Great Pennywise – The Dancing Clown. And, sure enough, that had been Mister Bob Gray's modest source of income for years to come.
What Bob Gray hadn't known was ...that in all that time... he was being watched. (And interestingly enough, he'd been watched by two very different sets of eyes.)
The first, and prettiest, set of eyes that'd been watching Mister Gray from afar belonged to Miss Melody Sharp. She was a provocative young woman with a lean build and a face that could charm the skin off a snake. Her hair was thick and golden and often prettily decorated with some ribbons or another. Her eyes were deep and beautiful, like a pair of sparkling sapphires. One look from her and it could melt any man's heart. (Well... almost any man's.) It was true. Miss Melody was a lovely thing, and even lovelier was her soul. She'd help just about any person in need, no questions asked. Miss Sharp was a kind girl with a gentle touch and a soothing voice. Why, her tone was so pacifying that her own birth-given name didn't do it justice. Yes, just about any man in the Derry township could agree that listening to Miss Melody Sharp speak was like being serenaded by a warm, beautiful song.
Now... don't ask me why... but poor Melody, for some unholy reason, had her sweet heart set on Mister Bob Gray. One could theorize that she took to him because he'd been so engaging in his performances. Perhaps he amused her which had, in some way, bewitched the sweet girl. One could also argue that she took to him because, admittedly, Mister Gray was a handsome man with those unconventionally attractive Scandinavian looks. Oh sure – he was tall and strong and his eyes were piercing blue. So blue, in fact, you could swear that god himself plucked two pieces of the sky and stuffed them right in Gray's sockets on the day he'd come squalling into the world.
So, without a doubt, Miss Melody Sharp had fallen for Mister Bob Gray. Unfortunately – because life just isn't fair, even if you are as darling and as elegant as Miss Sharp – the man could have cared less. She came around after his shows while he'd been winding down back behind the caravan, and it was always the same sad story.
“Evening, Robert!” she'd say with the prettiest smile. “I baked you a shepherd's pie.” And little Melody would approach Mister Gray, often times while he was still in his clown makeup, offering the man some painstakingly handmade gift or another. Poor thing. She went a-courtin' after Bob, day in and day out, never quite getting the hint that he was dead set on remaining a lifelong bachelor.
“Thank you, Miss Melody,” he'd always say, without so much as looking at her. His tone was often quiet, unimpressed, perhaps with a hint of eagerness for her to just go away. Now, there was nothing actually wrong with Mister Gray. Nothing criminal about him. He simply wasn't interested. Some folk balked at his persistent indifference to Miss Sharp, and that's how rumors circulated, but – true as gold – Bob only cared about Bob.
Melody didn't see this for what it was. She persisted in her own way, in spite of his antipathy. “There's a dance at the local hall coming up...” That was her usual line when that time of year came around. “Gee, I'd hate to go alone...”
But of course, Bob Gray, with that thick head of sandy hair sitting on that prominent forehead of his would look down at the hopeful, young woman, clear his throat, and say, “I'm sure you'll manage.” Then he'd turn right back around and stare into that mirror of his as he wiped his makeup from his skin.
Melody had taken Bob for a coy man, which was part of her whole denial over the issue. In spite of his day to day vocation, she was convinced he was shy. And that was the long and short of their relationship, if you had the cheek to call it such a thing.
Then... there had been the other set of eyes watching Bob Gray. These eyes were much different from those of Melody Sharp. These had been the devil's eyes. Eyes from another place – a dark place – not anywhere bright enough to be considered another world. It was like an unworld. A void. Nowhere that any man or woman would willingly go. Perhaps it'd been a place that led straight to hell for all one knew. Hell or death. Or perhaps both.
What is known about the Derry township is that a great evil thrived somewhere at its core. This was an unfortunate truth, one that no citizen wanted to advertise, but a truth with which every citizen was all too familiar. Some said the town was cursed. Others said that the evil bore the town, itself. There was no true agreement on the matter, but, true enough, it had been the same evil that plagued Derry in its later years to come. It was the same evil that eventually caused the Ironworks Factory explosion, the same evil that burned down the Black Spot. Hell, it was the same evil that skyrocketed both the citywide death toll and the headcount of missing children at an alarming rate. This evil... It had a mind. It was conscious. It was self aware. And, regrettably, It took notice of Mister Robert Gray.
For a brief time, It merely watched him. It studied everything about Gray – his daily routine, his habits, his apparel, and his performances. It took to him, you see. It took to his likeness. In a way, It envied Gray – how easily he drew in crowds of people. Gray simply saw them as potential meal tickets... easy coin.
But It...
It saw them as potential meals. Plain and simple.
Bob Gray hadn't been too difficult to drive to madness. No sir. All it took were some whispers in his mind, driving his thoughts to dark places, forcing the man to slowly become unhinged. Gray had begun to question his sanity the night he'd seen himself eat a boy. The creature – It – took to shapeshifting into the very spitting image of Bob Gray. It had strut around, looking exactly like him, right before his eyes, causing the man's mind to snap faster than a stale twig.
“I'm you, Bob!” It had said, dragging around the half dead body of a bleeding and terrified boy. That same boy had earlier been part of the paying crowd that gathered to see Gray's dancing clown performance. Gray screamed, night after night, watching a nightmarish facsimile of himself gruesomely eat away at the flesh and bone of one horrified patron or another.
Tragically, Bob Gray – the man – had become convinced that he, himself, was the killer. Such a thing wasn't true, but try telling that poor son of a bitch that after the terrors he'd been forced to see. Becoming unhinged didn't take long. No sir. Gray's grip on reality had long since slipped clean away and he couldn't live with himself any further. After two weeks of watching the other Bob Gray, Mister Gray fastened a rope up to the branch of a tall tree, secured it snugly around his neck, and promptly took his own life.
The creature... It was delighted. With the real man out of the picture, It was able to take over his appearance, his caravan, and his dancing clown routine. It took over his life. It was the new Mister Robert “Bob” Gray, now. It continued to feed off the patrons who came to see Pennywise do his dance – oh yes – like shooting fish in a barrel. Easy meals – and these types scared real easy, too. It ...Gray... made their meat jump with flavor.
The creature went by Bob's name, who frequently introduced himself as Pennywise, just as his muse (now swinging from a tree) had done. Nothing seemed to be standing in his way to endless meals. No more hunting and starving. No more worrying that he couldn't fill his belly before his long sleep. The whole setup was about as convenient as running a farm.
One day, however, after a few weeks of this delicious convenience, Miss Melody Sharp – oblivious and as innocent as pie – went calling on Mister Bob Gray just as she'd always been apt to do. Melody circled the caravan, peeking around for him, but found that, as it were, he didn't appear to be home. The caravan was, indeed, the man's home. She knew this well. He wasn't the type to stray too far from it for too long. However... without warning – without even a sound – Melody almost jumped out of her own skin when she turned to see Bob Gray just standing mere inches from her, as if he'd noiselessly appeared from thin air!
“Robert!” she'd yelped, raising a hand to her heaving chest. “You startled me half to death. That wasn't very kind, sir.” She chuckled a bit, for there was a part of Melody who had been amused by her own shock, and so her chuckle turned into a laugh. Composing herself, she then beamed a warm smile to the tall man staring her down with intense eyes; a man who sported a grin that didn't seem to sit quite right on his comely face. It looked like the smile of the clown, as if it had been glued, indefinitely, to Gray's lips. It did, indeed, give Melody pause before she continued. “I...” the young woman stammered, “I made you something.”
He stared her up and down – she was dressed in a frilly, sky blue dress with white trim. It was warm that day, so her hair was done up in some fancy knotwork to which only pretty girls like Melody knew the secret method. Gray found her... appealing. Just that brief bounce of shock had sent an appetizing aroma to his sensitive nose – like fresh meat simmering in a spicy stew.
Melody handed him a box. It had been conscientiously gift-wrapped, almost too perfect to tear open. “Go on,” she smiled.
Without a word, Gray nimbly untied the white ribbon around the box, then ripped at the shiny, red paper, peeling it away from the parcel. The box was a simple paper cube, likely something she'd found in her attic. Melody's smile widened as she blushed a little. “Open it up, Robert.”
Gray popped and flipped open the paper flap and looked down. Inside, there was some sort of ivory fabric, pleated and lacy, made from some fancy material or another.
“Here,” huffed Melody, too excited to wait for him to take it out. “Let me.” Miss Sharp removed the item and draped it around Gray's neck. “See?” Ruffs. She'd sewn together custom-made, Elizabethean neck ruffs for the man's Pennywise costume. “I hope you like it.” Still smiling and blushing, she awkwardly looked down.
Gray, he ...It... had never been given a gift before. Certainly nothing intended for the indulgence of his (Its) own vanity. He reached to the back of his neck and fastened the ruffs together, spying himself in one of the makeup mirrors. The ruffs, indeed, looked good. And because Gray looked good, he felt a multitude of good feelings wash over him in that instant. He turned to Miss Melody, clutched her delicate hand, stared into her eyes, and said, “Thank you, Miss Sharp. This is a beautiful gift.”
Melody's blushing cheeks reddened even more. “Will you wear it to your next show?” she'd asked. Some part of her expected Robert to tell her no, rip off the ruffs, stuff them back in that box, and send her on her way.
“Oh yes, Miss Sharp. Melody. Yes I will wear it. I will wear it to every show.” He held her hands a bit tighter, now. Just a squeeze. Then, he let her go.
Melody's heart nearly melted. Meanwhile, Gray excused himself, but unlike in the past, he did so warmly, with a tone that seemed to say, “Oh Melody... please do come visit me again...”
And so... she did. Miss Sharp, bless her innocent heart, did not realize the man called Robert Gray – to whom she'd devoted the remainder of her free time on Earth – was truly not the same man as the one that snubbed her again and again. No. She visited nightly with a foul thing. A skinwalker that had been asleep for billions of years, only having recently awoken within the last few hundred. Thereafter, It followed a sleep cycle of twenty-seven years only to emerge, hunt, and eat on the flesh of Derry folk, before returning to Its rest.
Melody was none the wiser, but she sure was tickled to see Mister Bob Gray hungrily wolf down her shepherd's pie for once in her life. She wondered... did his feelings change for her? Had Robert finally warmed up to her advances? And oh how he wore her hand sewn neck ruffs! Each time she caught his act, he'd faithfully had them wrapped round his oh-so-handsome collarbone. Melody was elated. Robert had finally taken to her.
Now, this is the point in our tale, dear reader, where one might think this wicked creature had depraved plans for the likes of poor Miss Melody Sharp. Did the thought cross Gray's mind to plunge the delicate young maiden into her deepest fears and then proceed to eat her alive? Oh yes! This thought did indeed cross Gray's mind – and more than once, assuredly.
Melody had a certain something about her. Even all the Derry men could agree on that. Perhaps even some of the Derry women, if you can open up your mind and wrap your head around such a thing. Sure enough, that certain something, that unconditionally giving nature of Melody's, well... it was powerful enough to transcend barriers even of the dark, extradimensional kind. People like Miss Sharp don't come around all too often. This dark tale goes to show just how much of a rarity she'd been. Perhaps her certain something failed on the real Robert Gray, but... on the likes of this entity... on this creature... it sure hadn't failed in the least. Gray's ability to probe deep into Miss Sharp's psyche and read her every whim had, unbeknownst to her, enchanted a monster. Not an easy feat to do. Sometimes it was what was on the inside that counted... and in this case, it counted for one's very life.
Gray complimented Melody's shepherd's pie each and every time she'd brought it around, singing the utmost praise to its delicious texture and taste. The animal meat within had been seasoned just right, almost enough to rival the scared, savory flesh of a quivering child.
“They say the quickest way to a man's heart is through his stomach,” Miss Sharp would laugh.
Gray laughed along with her, oh how he laughed and laughed. Sort of a haunting giggle, really, but Melody cheerfully paid no mind.
One night, Miss Sharp came to Gray, very nervous, hoping to ask him the same question she'd asked each year. The dance. She wanted him to accompany her to the dance at the local hall where all of the township would surely be in attendance.
“Will you do me the honor?” she'd asked. “I know, I know. I ask every year, but–”
“What about now?” said Gray.
Melody quirked a half smile. “N-now?”
Gray took her small hand in his, cupping his other hand to her slender waist. “Would you kindly dance with me now Melody Sharp? Out here? Under the moonlight?”
On cue, her cheeks flushed and she smiled. “Of course, Mister Gray.” Miss Sharp couldn't believe it – she had won this man's heart.
Gray pulled her close, swaying gently, leading Melody along with his graceful strides. He rested his chin on the curve of her head as she felt the soothing heave of his chest against her face. For some time their quiet waltz continued, silently but beautifully, beneath the glow of the moon above, until Gray lifted her innocent face to meet his eyes. He leaned downward and gently kissed the young woman on her velvet, soft lips. She tasted as he'd imagined – sweet and fresh. Gray found himself unable to unlock his mouth from hers. Melody pressed against him in her own, eager way – meanwhile her small but firm hands cupped the rugged contours of his jawbone and neck.
Gray lifted Melody from her feet, still embracing, forever trapped in the perfect kiss. And the two eventually found themselves back inside his caravan, clothing off, making love on a bed roll stuffed with down. Melody had never lain with a man in all her life – and as far as Gray knew, she was assuredly his (Its) first, as well. Their lovemaking was raw, but slow, bathed in a soft light provided by a neighboring kerosene lamp.
Gray had hunted the humans... had fed on the humans... but this...
“I love you,” Melody Sharp had whispered against his lips, now wet from her kisses.
It had been a phrase the humans said to each other when their affections had... blossomed. Gray, for all his evil and wickedness, could only hear himself utter those same words back to her.
“I love you too...” Even though this monster had spent centuries playing deadly tricks on people, this was indeed no ruse. The creature that had driven Bob Gray to suicide, stole his life away, and murdered those who paid to see him dance, deeply felt love – of all things – for Miss Melody Sharp.
And as she moaned and panted against Gray as he bucked his hips into her, he resolved to himself that while almost all humans were potential meat – Melody Sharp certainly was not.
Time went on and the two continued their trysts, but as all stories have a beginning, there must come the inevitable end. Whether Melody Sharp knew it or not – she'd trapped the heart of a monster. Not a small victory, which undeniably makes her the hero of this tale. In spite of how everything shall boil down in the end, Melody Sharp was the one who had saved the monster inside of Mister Robert “Bob” Gray.
Now, Gray, for all that he (It) was... had been a cloud of malevolence cast over Derry. Perhaps, Melody did not perish by the wicked creature's hand in of itself – Its influence was still the death of her. Gray's corruption spread like a disease through the hearts of Derry residents far and wide. Murder. Rape. Arson. All accounts of such heinous deeds increased in frequency, namely when the creature's eyes were open.
Gray waited for Melody that night, as he always had each and every night. How he missed her when she was away. But Miss Melody never came to the caravan that night. She'd taken her usual walking path – oh yes – but this time some men had been waiting for the poor girl. They'd been watching Miss Sharp, memorizing her routine over the course of some time. These men knew that the young lady had coin on her and they were, unfortunately, the desperate criminal types in a rush to leave the great state of Maine. Now, be aware they didn't violate Miss Melody – no they did not. As previously stated, they were in a rush. The thoughts had crossed their ugly minds, sure, but the coin was all they wanted. Truth be told, had Melody handed over her purse, then everyone would've walked away in one piece. But Miss Sharp, deep in her gracious heart, was a hero – she was a fighter. And, bless her efforts, she tried to fight off those men, but she lost that battle. She lost it hard.
In fact, it had been in that very moment when one of the men – whose eyes Melody had nearly clawed from his face – stuck his knife deep in her belly that Gray looked up at the moon above and gasped in sync with Miss Sharp's final breath. Those awful men ran off with her coin – they even took her shepherd's pie. All the while, Gray raced across the Derry landscape, moving faster than any mortal man could do. Though he hadn't moved fast enough and, in the end, he found his love lying flat on the wet earth, bleeding red through the center of that sky blue dress of hers.
Gray took Melody in his arms and shushed her as she choked. Blood bubbled from the corners of her mouth and he held her closer, knowing all too well when a human's death was near.
“R – Robert...” she'd managed to say.
“I'm here,” he croaked in reply, his once smooth voice changing under the duress of watching her die. As Melody's life slipped away, all the affection Gray had for her sunk downward, deep into a forgotten place where he locked away his (Its) sensitivities. Gray's affection was replaced with a heavy layer of malice and hatred for Derry. Hatred for the humans. Hatred for their children. Oh how... how... he would make them suffer. Make them scream. Make them into his food forever and always. They took her from him. Miss Sharp could have been the one to quell his urgency to always consume – but not anymore.
Gray hugged Melody's limp, delicate body close and rocked her. He shuddered with grief so fiercely that he began to lose his form. Tendrils inched out from his spine as he arched forward, cradling his love. But... deep down... that affection still lingered. It was still there... somewhere... buried within a monster who wept into the night. Melody Sharp may have died, but her long lasting impression on Mister Robert “Bob” Gray never did.
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vanitcube · 6 years
Lip stick colors for spring
Lip stick colors for spring
Ah! Don’t you just love the spring season? Cool, crisp mornings, bright sunny days with beautiful evenings. And let’s not forget the fact that spring drapes the nature with vibrant colors that radiates freshness and fills us with joy. You have to agree that it is the most pleasant part of the year. Gone are the gloomy, dark chilly days and hence it’s time to put away our winter clothes and get the summer outfits back in our wardrobes. Now your outfit might be fully complimenting the spring season but your makeup might be killing the vibes and that’s the last thing you want. While you are getting out your florals and pastels, take some time to get some new shades of lip sticks to go with the season. Tuck away those dark and laid back shades of lip sticks that you wore entire winters and try these fresh new shades to perfect the spring look.
1.    Fuchsia pink
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You are lying if you say that it’s not love at first sight. The bold fuchsia pink will instantly brighten up your face and is the definition of pretty. Don’t be afraid to go bold with this color this season and try the color. Since your lips are going to be in the spotlight, keep the rest of your makeup natural as you don’t want to end up looking like a clown. Just dab a little nude eye shadow and wear some mascara with a little flick of liner and you are good to go. However, take care to get the right shade for your complexion as you will find that there are many shades of fuchsia pink available and not all of them are going to suit your skin tone.
2.    Bright Orange
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Okay so we know Emma Watson is an absolute beauty and she can make any color work for her, but you can pull off bright orange just as elegantly as her. A little tangerine never hurt anybody so why don’t you try bright orange on your lips this spring season? Find the shade of orange that goes best with your skin tone and wear it with cat eye liner and you are good to go. Keep the base simple and natural and add a little bronzer to finish the look; you will love the results.
3.    Purple
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If basic pinks and reds have lost their charm for you, purple is the way to go. The color is refreshing and perfect for days when you want to look different than usual. The color is absolutely in vogue and you will find almost all the fashion bloggers working the shade. You can either keep your eyes simple or go for a little touch of purple in your eye shadow for a more of a dramatic look.
4.    Very berry
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This classic shade of berry never goes out of style if you ask us. The shade is really easy to pull off and gives a dramatic edge to your makeup. It gives you that elegant and sophisticated look that you can’t deny. It instantly uplifts your personality and radiates confidence. Look out for the shade of dark berry that suits your skin tone and keep your eyes simple. Add highlighter here and there on your face to illuminate your face and bring out the color. Those who aren’t a fan of bright lipstick shades must definitely try this one.
5. Matte Red
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When we hear the word ‘lipstick’, red is the first color we associate with it. The classic red is something you can never go wrong with. It is versatile and immediately makes us look ten times prettier. When done correctly, it can absolutely transform your look. Try the matte version of the beautiful color as glossy is so yesterday. Since we are talking about spring season, go for brighter shades of red that stands out and gives you a glow. Take special care while choosing the correct shade of red for your skin tone and go with the one that goes with your undertone. Go for retro curls or finger waves with it and you won’t help but feel glamorous and edgy.
6.    Nude
We believe that sometimes, less is more. Not all of us are fans of bright colors and prefer simplicity. And simplicity has its own elegance if you ask us. Go for barely-there shades of nudes with smoky eyes or simple liner with big lashes. Add some highlighter to your cheekbones for a dewy look and you are ready to head out to make heads turn.
7.    Coral pink
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The color is pretty to its core don’t you agree? The bright color screams summer and is one of the best bright shades of lipsticks that you must try once. It has the brightness of orange but with a touch of pink. Try the color with winged liner and some bronzer and embrace the vibes of spring season.
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Being someones Bitch!  [16]
And soooo..
Face and hair are done :) I will recheck in a few minutes when I put the finishing touches in my hair - but right now I am teh concentrate on underwear and clothes :)
Now don't you DARE go asking me how I --- hmmm how to put this??  --- how I go about looking how I want to when it comes too skirts and panties OK??? Blushing!!!!!!!!! Ima simply not guna say ok? hehe sharrup you! First things first - I pull out of my suitcase the set pieces of lingerie ima be wearing and I slink into my 3 point Hollow-out Cross Bandage Lace Bra and G-string set! After I little slinking and wiggling I have it fitting perfect and it feels amazing on my skin - my boobs are already tingling hehe Its one of my favourite sets and I enjoy all the strappy-ness of it around my hips and bum!! Finally I sit back down and pull out my holdups that Ill be wearing on my legs for MISTRESS! they're heavily patterned Italian designed holdups and because I have truly long legs there going to need to go up highhhh - very high because my skirts above the knee. One leg comes up and I place one over my foot pushing slowly and softly so as not to damage them until its on my foot and around my ankle. Then I put my foot down and stand and bend over - and taking my sweet time because it feels delicious - I work it up over my calf - then my knee and onto my thigh and I keep going as far as I can!!! I do the same with the other leg - taking my sweet sweet time and enjoying myself!! Finally after twirling a few times and running my fingers up and down my legs [cant resist doing that I never can resist] I give myself a mental slap and check the time. 30 Minutes left until I must setoff!
My skirt goes on next and after zipping myself up at the back - I pull on my top which has skin tight arms with open neck and pleats along the navel!! On my way out I will put on my leather Jacket as its cold out!
I walk over to the mirror.....
After looking at myself from every angle I could possibly get to view in the mirror -hey a girls gotta look perfect hehe- I sauntered over to my little collection of shoes/boots and looked at them wondering which would be perfect for MISTRESS.
I decided on a pair of ankle booties that have a ridiculous and sexy size 6 stiletto heel :} and they're a deep dark velvety blue in colour and match my skirt and top perfectly!!! So still sitting down on the corner of the bed - and taking my time I slip them on - pushing one leg out straight to get a good all round look at them as each one goes on. They look soo damn perfect they make me purrr! - I remember them well - they're gone now - but I've always had excellent taste in footwear hehe :)
Each booty just comes over my ankle slightly - and they have an elaborate zip at the back of each one :) the zip toggles have little satin bows on them!
I push my knees together - and slide my right foot off to the right as far as I can so my foot and booty is at a weird angle - I do the same with my left foot pushing it to the left while my knees are still touching - and I take a moment to look at my booties and think....
Finally I stand and go about my few minutes of getting my walk and posture right while wearing heels so large. It takes me a minute or two to stop wobbling and re-learn -as I have to do every time- how to walk properly and not look like a clown!! hehe Walking back and forth and turning with as much elegance as I can muster - I also practice not folding my arms - I have this mad habit of folding my arms.. Happily I have another more ingrained unconscious habit that once I start doing I wont stop for days - I literally don't realise I'm doing it - So I twiddle my hair with my left hand - now I will continue to twiddle all night and so wont fold my arms at silly times.
Thinking its really about time I set off - I walk over to the mirror for a final check and remember to pick up and put in my hair a set of small chopsticks with little Japanese characters on them :) There - perfect! - I'm ready and the nerves are flooding my poor tummy like crazy...........
I grab my over the shoulder bag - check that I have all my little essentials - gloss - lipstick and few other makeup items - some savlon creme for any marks I may get at my MISTRESS hands [if I'm lucky] - my purse - some plasters and a few other little things like lubricant and baby oil for my err BUM! just in case things really do go as I'm hoping!!
Putting my jacket on I head out and lock the rooms door - looking down the corridor it's empty - hotels not that busy really - and I head for the exit. I'm smiling now inside - and probably on the outside too - this is the real me - I feel comfy - confidant but nervous - I feel proud - I feel sexy - I am just the real me.
As I pass the receptionist on the way out - it's a guy and he's looking at me like - 'I never saw you come in dang!' and as I pass him I catch his eye and give him a wink!! -which makes him blush and smile- then I'm out the door and into the city!!!
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optometrist0 · 7 years
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emilyemcnabb · 7 years
Ally and Taylor’s wedding at The Kelley Farm
Ally and Taylor met in high school but had few memories of each other when they reconnected years later. Within two weeks of dating Taylor told Ally he loved her and that they would be getting married—about which he was 100% correct. Months later, the couple celebrated their big day at The Kelley Farm with close family, friends, their faith and a beautiful barn wedding and brunch.  Ally attributes much of the design success to the rentals from The Meaningful Details and we’re into the pastel florals by Paisley Petals. Check it all out in these images by B. Jones Photography who was on hand to capture the joy of the day.
What made the wedding special and unique? 
Our wedding was special to us because it was centered around our faith. Our relationship with God is the most important thing in our life, and it was an amazing blessing to have our family and friends together with us to celebrate. Being able to bring people together from all different backgrounds and faiths, all people whom we love is not something we have the privilege of doing very often. There was a time when we considered making the ceremony something that would be more vanilla, and a little less focused on our faith, but we chose to stick to what was important to us. We wanted to make sure our ceremony was true to who we are and our beliefs, and it was so special to be able to share our wedding day with the people who are most important to us.
  Tell us about the gown and where/how you found it!
Looking back at the gown I wore for our wedding, I’m not surprised I fell in love with it. It was everything I could have hoped to find. I always envisioned our wedding being classic and timeless, something where wouldn’t look back at the photos and wonder, “what the heck were we thinking?!” I fell in love with the Pronovias brand after seeing many of their dresses online. I was excited when I found a boutique shop in town that carried the Pronovias line. I went to MeaMarie Bridal Atelier in Kirkland, WA with my mom and we loved everything about it. It was beautiful, chic, and has an overwhelming sense of ‘bridal’ which I really appreciated. There’s only one time I’ll be getting a wedding dress for myself, and I was ready to soak it all up! Rachelle, the attendant at the shop, brought me a beautiful selection of dresses to try on. I originally thought I wanted something with lace, and I quickly found I did not like the way it looked on me. When I tried on the Pronovias Tatiana gown, I was blown away by its simplicity and elegance. It quickly became a favorite of all of ours, but I didn’t want to purchase anything right away and end up with buyer’s remorse. I let a couple days go by, but I couldn’t stop thinking about how beautiful the gown was! That weekend my mom and I went back to MeaMarie and let them know I had found my dress!
What were some touches added to make the wedding personal? 
We found this amazing woman, Dawn, who really helped our wedding vision come to life! Dawn owns The Meaningful Details in Bonney Lake, WA and has the most amazing decor rentals! I didn’t want to end up with a bunch of wedding decor that I would probably never use again and end up trying to sell anyway, so I was overjoyed to find Dawn. We rented a ton of vintage picture frames from her to use for different signage, to have wedding photos of our family generations, and photos of Taylor and I around the reception area.
What was the most memorable part of the day? 
Leading up to the wedding Taylor and I talked numerous times about whether or not we would cry. Our first look was so special and the anticipation of it was overwhelming. I was so excited to see Taylor. When I walked over to him behind the barn he turned around and it truly was the most unforgettable moment as we embraced one another. I assumed Taylor would be somewhat emotional, but he bawled. To know someone loves you so much and also knowing you get to spend the rest of your life together creating memories and a legacy together, it’s truly the best feeling in the world. In that moment, it all hit us both that we were about to embark on the most amazing journey.
Tell us how you met and became engaged.
Taylor and I actually met many years ago while in high school. However, we only had a few memories of each other up until April of 2016. Today we laugh thinking about how hilarious it would be to go back in time and tell our high school selves that we would be getting married. Neither of us would have believed it, nor would any of our friends. Taylor was two grades below me and was, what some might refer to as a punk, class-clown type whose charm happened to be his saving grace. I was much more reserved, spent my days playing soccer and was never an issue for my teachers.
We lost track of each other over time as I took off for college and Taylor began his career immediately following high school. After nearly eight years of no communication, one night Taylor felt compelled to reach out to me over Facebook. We ended up messaging each other for a few weeks and despite my traditionally patient nature, I got tired of just chatting and requested that Taylor finally ask me out on a date.
We didn’t waste any time getting to know one another. From early on, our conversations included talking about the big stuff. The kind of stuff that might scare people away early on in a dating relationship. We bonded over our passion for God and as the days went by, it became more and more clear to us that our re-connection was not just mere happenstance or coincidence, but a divine intervention.
I was pleasantly surprised by how much Taylor had grown and changed over the years. I learned that he too has a burning desire to achieve great success in life. He has an amazing heart and curiosity for people, places, and things like no one else I had ever met. We spent many days and nights having so much fun getting to know one another and learning about what was important to each other. No more than two weeks into dating did Taylor tell me he loved me, followed by letting me know that we would be getting married.
Fast forward to October 2016, Taylor and I were ready for our life to begin together. Taylor respectfully met with my parents and my older brother, and asked each of them for their blessing to marry me. They all were overjoyed at his request and then it was time for the proposal.
I had plans to go to brunch with my mom on a Sunday morning in October before an afternoon we had planned together. I woke up late and only had time to hop in the shower before my mom was going to stop by my house and pick me up. Hair and makeup was going to have to wait for later. My mom urged we had reservations that we could not miss that morning, and looking good did not seem like a priority at the time. As we got to brunch I could tell something was up with my mom, but didn’t think much of it. She began to tell me a story about how the neighbors had all been receiving weird mail. Hanging onto every word she spoke, I hesitantly accepted an envelope with my name on it from her. If my neighbors were getting weird mail, I thought, “what the heck could this be?!” As I opened the letter, I realized it was a very sweet note from Taylor. At first I didn’t think too much of it because he had left me notes many times before. However, at the end of his note, I started thinking, “oh my gosh, maybe he is proposing sometime today!”
Right after I finished reading the letter, I felt a tap on my shoulder. I turned around and there was Taylor! At this point, I knew a proposal was about to happen. Our table was against the windows overlooking part of downtown, and the tables surrounding us were filled with other guests. Taylor took my hand, I got up to my feet and he began telling me all the things he loved about me. He placed my hand on his chest to feel his heartbeat—Taylor is not one to get nervous, but his heart was nearly exploding out of his chest. He got down on one knee and asked me to marry him. In that moment, all of the other people in the restaurant seemed to fade away as I said “yes!”
Ally + Taylor from Channeled Wedding Co. on Vimeo.
Photographer: Becca of B. Jones Photography // Florist: Paisley Petals // Ceremony/Reception Venue: The Kelley Farm // Rentals: The Meaningful Details // Wedding Dress Salon: Mea Marie // Cake: Hoffman’s Fine Cakes & Pastries // Hair/Makeup: Katya Gudaeva | Bridal Beauty Agency // Bridemaid’s Gift to the Bride: Christian Louboutin// Bridesmaid Dress: Azazie // Groomsmen Attire: Calvin Klein & Men’s Wearhouse
  The post Ally and Taylor’s wedding at The Kelley Farm appeared first on Grey Likes Weddings | Wedding Fashion & Inspiration | Best Wedding Blog.
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dietauthority · 7 years
16 Beauty tips every woman needs to know in 2016
16 Beauty tips and methods for women
I assume every female has to understand a minimum of one appeal pointers making them escape an ashamed scenario. My job as a stewardess is a daily obstacle in regards to elegance, so, whatever the climate is, I always should have a remarkable outfit.
My hair is curly and also extremely often is it difficult to find a way of organize it appropriately and also seeing that the industrial products were only offering me bad outcomes, I constantly offered a believed to some methods, so my hair would certainly have a good form. It wanted 7 hours of flight, when commercial products refused to stop assisting. And also afterwards, I have never made use of a hairdryer once again and also saw the difference between the 2 methods.
Lycra stockings were likewise an obstacle, in some way I always handled to break them, so I remembered a childhood years technique. I always have a clear nail gloss in my bag. When I see the drawn wire from my stockings, I go to the bathroom and brush that place, since it would be practically difficult to go transform my stockings during the flight.
The trick works the very first time, in instance of an emergency it is the perfect solution. An additional factor that makes me hotel to techniques and also spending is also the investing in excess for inefficient cosmetic products, that after several usages they would certainly've ended in the closet then right into the garbage. Generally a minimum of $ 300 regular monthly flew on needless things.
I needed to quit a holiday due to the fact that in one month I can not aid it, I acquired even more than necessary. Below I will certainly provide techniques as well as tips I utilized to conserve cash, but also time. In holidays and also in my spare time I used to shop even 6-7 hours/day rather seeing places for travelers, even my guy had lost his perseverance at one minute. All these factors, but also the stuffed racks of cosmetics made me to try to find charm tips. I'll offer to you listed below the ones I use.
1. Avoid makeup in excess!
An too much make-up will only make you resemble a clown, particularly with you're not young. It is disgraceful to appear with dark make-up like black eye-shadow, you will just highlight your circles! Especially in summer, pick a more organic appearance, try to stay clear of routine mascara and also choose a transparent one. Use nude makeup colors to seem even more all-natural as well as a couple of years more youthful. When growing old, you make use of to buy as many makeup's as you can have, yet it's time to say deter, you actually do not want to appear even more older compared to you actually are.
2. Baby Powder!
I was asked at a party if I'm wearing phony eyelashes, yet I will certainly inform you this pointer. No have to use phony eyelashes, which in time will certainly damage your natural ones.
Use child powder, it could make your eyelashes much longer as well as more thick. Put powder in your hand, then with a mascara (that should not be very expensive) use powder ahead as well as under of the eyelashes. Usage zigzag motions. With this technique you will get enviable eyelashes and false eyelashes will certainly be simply a memory.
3. Be mindful at your nail polish!
Hands are the business card of every women. It is not pleasurable at all to have a bad manicure, but additionally you don't want to spend a fortune in a beauty parlor. The solution would be to pick a nail polish which has a color near to your skin shade, so you won't need to do your nails so often.
Another method would certainly be to use a high quality clear nail gloss prior to applying your much-loved nail gloss. Additionally, for long-term nail polish it is recommended to roll the container of nail polish in between your hands, to heat and homogenize it. By doing this, it will certainly glide perfectly on your nails and it will last twice as high as the regular one.
Before applying nail gloss, use some cuticle oil or just make use of olive oil. By doing this, you will certainly save a whole lot of time when you will certainly try to remove the polish from your skin.
Shiny nail gloss could be effortlessly transformed in a mat one quite simple. After using, maintain your hands a couple of mins in heavy steam (as an example, possibly over a hot tea). You will certainly obtain a flawlessly mat color!
4. How to have perfect lips!
I'm particular you desire some gorgeous lips, however surgical procedures are not always an option. For your lips to be moistened as well as soft, the trick is to apply every evening, before going to bed, a bit of honey. Honey is widely known for its hydrating and also healing residential properties. By doing this, you will certainly never need to stress over dry and also broke lips.
Clove oil assists the blood flow, particularly for your lips. It will provide you a somewhat experience of warmth and it will certainly enhance the dimension of your lips naturally. It may appear too best, be mindful, it can be irritant and to prevent that, you can mix it with your regular lip balm. In time, your lips will end up being more full as well as fleshy.
Red pepper or Chili pepper are understood to be the most spicy types of pepper, also being an effective solution for bigger lips. Mix a percentage of pepper with water till it creates a thick paste. Use the paste on your lips and also leave it there for like 5 minutes, after that cleanse the area. Be careful not to lick the paste from your lips, it could be very spicy.
5. The hair!
To cover your roots perfectly, utilize a dry shampoo (it typically comes in a spray container) predestined for your hair color. If you don't have such a product, utilize some eye darkness to take care of it!
If you have blonde hair, rinse water, after you shampoo, could have oxygenated water, this will certainly provide a tip of blond to your hair and it will not be obvious that you have not dyed your hair for a very long time. Another option is the shampoo that has gray representations, it will provide an unique spark to your blonde hair.
For brunettes, henna is a remarkable remedy to your hair, yet prior to application, ask an expert for methods, so you will not stain the house.
If you have brownish hair, you could utilize walnut leaves. Steam 15 walnut leaves in 500 ml water, after which wash your hair after washing, it will result in an excellent brown.
To conserve a hair that has as well brownish-yellow shades, make use of a hair shampoo that has a purple tone as well as for unwanted inflammation, a shampoo with an eco-friendly tone. If you wish to get an excellent red, include the dye mixture 3-4 tbsps of cocoa.
In the recent years all females began to wear short hair, yet you ought to recognize that the neck line shows up, so unless you have Twenty Years, you will seem more older.
6. Feet sweat in summer as well as it could cause foot fungi and also odor.
Wash your feet daily as well as let them dry totally prior to you place on your shoes.Use pumice rock to eliminate dead skin and corns from your feet.
Try to use slippers when you go to the swimming pool or sauna, unless you want to take various bacteria and also fungis. It is additionally advisable to clean your shoes on the inside with an anti-bacterial or hygienic alcohol, specifically the ones you wear on your bare foot. Due to the fact that of the dirt and also the sweat your shoes become setting for bacterial growth. A little technique for lovely legs, which draw in all eyes are naked shoes. They will make your legs more thinner, will lift you and make you really feel a lot more sexy. A couple of other rules that we should comply with for elegance and wellness of your feet:
- Avoid to stand also long, the very same regulation is true when you remain on a chair
- Stay clear of endless showers with hot water
- Consume lots of liquids, minimum two litres of water a day
- After a long day at the office, a basic massage therapy assists promote flow and also it loosens up the muscles.
7. The perfume!
Coco Chanel claimed that fragrance needs to be applied in locations where you desire to be kissed!
It is likewise stated that when you really feel an aroma on the street as well as you bear in mind flawlessly the taste, it indicates that you have not failed to remember the individual who wore it. If you desire the aroma to last much longer, placed in the clothing closet a perfumed handkerchief. This will certainly leave just a small amount of taste on your clothes.
Heat, light as well as moisture could affect a perfume substances as well as they will decrease the taste. If you intend to keep it as solid as in the first day, location it in a trendy area, where it is not subjected to sunlight.
Avoid putting perfumes in the bathroom. Wetness and warmth from there weakens it. If you desire your fragrance to last much more on you, then do not limit the application only on the skin. Place a little quantity on the brush likewise, since the hair maintains the scent for a lot longer period and also besides, at every activity, you will really feel the scent.
If you have completely dry skin, then utilize a body cream before you use fragrance. An alternative to cream seems to be baby oil. This intensely moisturizes the skin and the perfume will be withheld rather than being absorbed through skin pores.
8. The eyes are the mirror of the soul!
When you purify your eyes, take care at the actions you use - do not rub the skin, don't insist up until the skin gets red, due to the fact that this is an aggressiveness factor - eyelids and also the skin around the eyes are quite sensitive locations and you will note that not over long time, that some great wrinkles showed up. Nonetheless, this will occur one way or another, however why should you 'offer a hand'?
Your eyes will feel great as well as spoiled if, every early morning, you use on the eyelids, for 5-6 mins, a cotton pad taken in cool milk. You will notice how your appearance is 2 times brighter.
Do not use the face makeup remover for the eyes. Its composition is various and also it is necessary to only make use of special items for the delicate eye location. If you do not have unique eye make-up eliminator, milk is the solution. Or, in severe situations, even chilly water. Also, printer toner should not be applied to the eye.
Do not fall right into the trap of using way too much cream on the eye region, or an exceptionally fat item. You will certainly not have the ability to regive your skin the suppleness it requires, instead you'll overload the cells and also your eyes will certainly not have any type of benefit. Sometimes much less is the most effective. Early morning wash your eyes with cool water or wipe them with ice dices. This minimizes swelling as well as the skin gets a comfortable appearance.
If you have puffy eyes, make an application for 15 minutes, 2 warm compresses, dipped in black or green tea infusion!
Left eyelids can be dealt with in an onset, without having to resort to cosmetic surgery. This issue normally happens as an outcome of weakening of the upper eyelid muscle mass, in conjunction with the effect of gravitational force. If you on a regular basis massage your eyelids, possibilities are for them to reclaim particular muscle mass tone and also vigor. To get eliminate dark circles, apply castor oil around the eyes.
9. Always remember exfoliation: Begin to shine!
How do some ladies to obtain excellent, glossy skin for which we envy them permanently? And genetics plays a component, naturally. But even excellent genes require aid. And it comes as peeling. Exfoliating allows the skin care creams and also serums to act better, since they could permeate more effortlessly. Light skin is the instant result. Those with acne ought to merely peel products with salicylic acid, demanding, prior approval of a dermatologist.
10. Rest!
Rest is extremely essential for your charm. Rest and also sleep at least 8 hrs per evening - sleep is not a deluxe, it's the only thing you ought to be delighting in, despite how active you are.
And if you think that 5-6 hours of rest each night suffices, we guarantee you that in a few years, you will not have the ability to conceal dark circles as well as wrinkles with concealer and also you will be sorry for these excesses.
Avoid wasting nights or jobs that you call for in the evening, because later you will not have the cash to cover the traces the lack of rest leaves you.
11. Waxing!
Keep in mind the following advices when you are residence shaving:
If you do prefer to do the shaving at house, pick an epilator or depilatory wax strips. Stay clear of wax, since you could create you burns and you shall not do it flawlessly due to the pain
If you have sensitive skin, after that it excels to recognize that you can not apply any product.
It is extremely important to review the label on the container with wax if you make a decision to utilize shaving, depilatory lotion or tube you are making use of or ask a professional if you utilizing an epilator will certainly harm you, depending upon your skin type.
Regardless, if you have delicate skin, do not use ice to reduce pain, since you will close your pores as well as it will produce an undesirable aspect.
Despite the skin type, it is necessary to exfoliate your skin prior to waxing. This aids get rid of dead skin or even eases pain.
It is a good idea to decontaminate the location that is visiting be shaved with an antiseptic gel or alcohol. In no situation, do not use oil or moisturizer, due to the fact that the wax will certainly not have the ability to stick.
If you pick blade hair elimination, aim to do it at the end of your shower, so that the skin has time to relax and to not have an inflammation after. Do not use soap for this treatment, it can trigger irritations. Use a shaving cream for men or a shower gel for the blade to slide easily.
12. Do not copulate damp hair!
It is not suggested to copulate wet hair due to the fact that at night it will entangle or even damage. Whether you comb prior to or effortlessly dry on your own with a hairdryer. When it is practically dried out, you can conveniently weave it in a few pigtails as well as before you weave it, use a lotion on the hair suggestions. In the early morning, loose your hair and comb it with a brush. Your hair will certainly be thick as well as it will be waved!
If you do not desire curly hair, you can cover it securely in a microfiber towel, stretch it to the top of your head as well as have a serene sleep. In the early morning you will have a lot more natural-looking quantity. If you desire your hair to be entirely straight when you awaken, you could change the towel with a piece of satin, however first, you need to specific that you have gotten rid of all the water in excess.
Taking a break from the hair dryer can be an outstanding idea, especially in winter. In this manner, you are offering your hair a break in order to recover. Utilize a silk pillowcase to minimize rubbing between hairs as well as aggressive materials. This decreases frizz and possible inflammation of the scalp and also hair stays straight as well as it will certainly look healthy and balanced after it has been dried.
13. Lipstick!
Every woman should have at least one lipstick in her purse as well as recognize ways to utilize it in an unique way. You will absolutely desire your lipstick to have a great resistance on the lips, to accomplish that you have to place a thin layer of transparent powder with a brush in addition to it. In this means you will prevent the weep of your lipstick on the mouth corners!
14. Do not compare on your own to any individual ever!
Surely at some factor, you as compared to women in magazines, do not forget they are versions as well as that many imagines are retouched as well as that wrinkles vanish in a simple click. You are special and ought to not look like one more woman or be sad since you do not have the very same physical traits as hers. Such ideas will not provide you anything great, however losing your self self-confidence. You most likely already noticed this.
15. Commit yourself a hr every day!
For example, go to sleep an hour earlier or relax in a fragrant bath and also use an elegance mask. A glass of wine must not miss in your moments of indulging. You need such elegance pointers not merely since you really feel better, yet you'll likewise look and wonderful.
16. Cooking soda could make you a lot more beautiful!
There is a basic component that is made use of in cooking and also as you may already understand, it has lots of beneficial effects.
Make a paste of water, oatmeal as well as cooking soft drink. The outcome will certainly be a body scrub which can be utilized everyday. Apply in a round motion to exfoliate skin and also get rid of dead cells. Tidy yourself with cozy water.
Combine 5 spoons of bicarbonate with 12 drops of olive oil. Apply the outcome on your underarms with a brush. It's a superb and also natural deodorant!
To swiftly lighten your teeth every early morning, soak your toothbrush in bicarbonate of soft drink and also clean your teeth. Wash your mouth and clean once again, this time with toothpaste.
If you not have face cream for acne, try making a paste of bicarbonate as well as water. Just use it on the face. I do not suggest this treatment for deep cysts.
If you use a face scrub too that is as well 'difficult', try the following recipe. Combine a teaspoon of bicarbonate with a spoon of natural honey. Place them in your hand and apply the 'cream' on your face, in round motions. Wait a min, after that clean your face with warm water.
As a stewardess, these suggestions as well as methods always assisted me in an emergency circumstance and also not just. Some of them are truly simple as well as economical making. Appeal does not mean a fortune, females!
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