#its very rare for me to find a hobby that allows that
zelzahdarkcloak · 2 years
Anyway, my Personal Best Time is 2 min. 37 sec. on the Rubik's Cube (a literal eternity if you're an actual speedcuber.)
Next goal: 2 min. 0 sec.
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Gn Reader who is a monster hunter.  So they wear a full set of armor at all time. They have swords that are made out of the claws of a ice dragon.  Reader has no fear and is willing take on any challenge. They keep looking for demons/monster to fight.  🗡️O(👀 )O
This was such a joy to write! It took me back to my roots when I first started writing for Dragon Age. Thank you so much for the request. enjoy! :)
Forged in Frost and Steel
A Walking Fortress
MC is rarely seen without their full set of armor—an intricate and heavy suit that reflects their years of experience as a monster hunter. The armor, engraved with runes and symbols of protection, glows faintly in the dark. It’s scarred and battered in some places, proof of the many battles they’ve fought, but they wear it with pride. Every scratch and dent tells a story, and they treat it like a second skin. Beneath that armor, though, is someone who’s always ready for action. They’ve trained their body to handle the weight effortlessly, moving with a surprising grace despite the heavy metal that encases them. When the brothers first meet MC, they can’t help but be impressed—and a little intimidated—by the sheer presence they exude.
Swords of Ice Dragon Claws
MC’s twin swords are a sight to behold, crafted from the claws of an ancient ice dragon they once defeated in the frozen peaks. The blades shimmer with a frosty sheen, and when they draw them, the temperature in the room seems to drop several degrees. These weapons are not only incredibly sharp but also infused with the dragon’s icy power, allowing MC to freeze their enemies in battle with a single slash. They carry the swords proudly, often spinning them with practiced ease. The brothers are fascinated by the craftsmanship of the swords, though they’re all a little wary of the cold energy they give off.
Fearless to the Core
MC is the type of person who runs toward danger, not away from it. They’ve built their entire life around hunting down monsters, demons, and anything that poses a threat. Fear isn’t a concept they entertain—if anything, they thrive on the thrill of a challenge. Lucifer notices immediately that MC never hesitates, no matter the situation, and while he’s impressed, he’s also slightly concerned. After all, bravery can be a double-edged sword. "You need to learn to assess the risk," he warns, but MC just smirks and replies, "Risk is what makes it fun." Mammon, though nervous, can’t help but admire their confidence, while Levi thinks they’re straight out of one of his favorite fantasy games.
Always Looking for a Fight
Whenever they’re not on a mission, MC is searching for their next challenge. Whether it’s facing off against a particularly strong demon or taking on the next dangerous monster roaming the Devildom, they’re constantly on the lookout. If the brothers mention any local legends or rumors about monsters, MC immediately perks up. "Where?" is their first question, followed by, "How soon can we leave?" This relentless drive for battle often catches the brothers off guard. Even Beel, who’s known for his strength, is surprised by how casually MC takes on tasks that would terrify others. Asmo jokes that MC’s hobby is "collecting battle scars" while Satan appreciates their sheer determination.
Endless Confidence
MC’s confidence is unparalleled, to the point where nothing seems to faze them. They could be faced with a towering demon, its roar shaking the very ground beneath them, and all they would do is smirk and crack their knuckles, ready to jump into the fray. The brothers, used to being feared or revered by humans, find MC’s attitude refreshing and bewildering. MC doesn’t shy away from anyone, not even Lucifer. In fact, they have no problem challenging him head-on, which both irritates and intrigues him. "You think you can take me?" Lucifer asks, a hint of amusement in his voice. "I know I can," MC replies with a grin, their hand already resting on the hilt of their sword.
Unpredictable Tactics
In battle, MC fights with a combination of strategy and pure instinct. They’ve faced countless monsters over the years and have developed a unique fighting style that’s both efficient and unpredictable. They’ll use their environment to their advantage, launching themselves off walls or flipping over their enemies with ease. The brothers, who are used to traditional forms of combat, find themselves impressed by MC’s agility and creativity. When they see MC fight for the first time, they quickly realize why MC has survived as long as they have. Mammon often watches in awe, secretly glad that MC is on their side.
A Matter of Pride
For MC, hunting monsters and demons isn’t just a job—it’s a matter of pride. They’ve dedicated their life to perfecting their craft, and they’re proud of the reputation they’ve earned as one of the best hunters in their world. That’s why they wear their armor and swords so proudly, a constant reminder of the battles they’ve fought and won. Though they don’t brag about their victories, they don’t downplay them either. If someone asks about their latest hunt, MC will share the details with a casual confidence, often to the amazement of those listening. "You actually fought an ice dragon?" Beel asks one day, more curious than surprised. "It was a tough fight, but nothing I couldn’t handle," MC replies with a shrug, as if fighting dragons is an everyday occurrence.
A Cool-Headed Hunter
Even in the heat of battle, MC is calm and collected. Panic has no place in their life; they’ve seen too much and been through too many near-death experiences to let fear cloud their judgment. Their composure often surprises the brothers, especially in moments when others might be tempted to flee. When faced with a powerful opponent, MC will assess the situation, find the weak point, and strike with precision. This kind of confidence and tactical thinking earns them respect, even from the likes of Satan and Lucifer. "You’re not bad," Satan admits after watching MC take down a particularly difficult demon. "I’ll take that as a compliment," MC replies with a smirk.
Solitude is Second Nature
Being a monster hunter means MC is often on their own, and they’re comfortable with that. They don’t mind the solitude, finding peace in the quiet moments between hunts. But that doesn’t mean they don’t appreciate the company of others. While they may be used to traveling and fighting alone, they quickly adapt to working with the brothers. Over time, they find themselves enjoying the banter and camaraderie, though they rarely express it out loud. MC’s independent nature sometimes makes them seem distant, but the brothers quickly learn that when it matters, MC is fiercely loyal and protective of their allies.
No Fear of the Supernatural
MC has spent years hunting all sorts of monsters—dragons, werewolves, demons, you name it. So, the Devildom’s supernatural threats don’t scare them in the slightest. If anything, MC is intrigued by the opportunity to fight something new. When the brothers mention certain dangerous creatures lurking in the shadows, MC immediately wants to go after them. "What’s the point of coming here if I’m not going to test my skills?" they reason, much to the brothers’ exasperation. Levi thinks it’s cool that MC is constantly seeking out the strongest monsters, while Lucifer warns them not to bite off more than they can chew. But MC just grins, always ready for whatever comes next.
When Lucifer first meets MC, he can’t help but be intrigued by their presence. The sight of their imposing armor, coupled with the twin swords crafted from the claws of an ice dragon, gives them a commanding and fearsome air. He’s seen countless humans come and go in the Devildom, but none like this. MC’s confidence, their lack of hesitation in the face of danger, catches his attention immediately.
But that interest is quickly tempered by a sense of caution. Lucifer values order, discipline, and respect. MC, with their relentless thirst for battle and willingness to take on any challenge without a second thought, strikes him as reckless, someone who could disrupt the delicate balance of the Devildom if they’re not careful.
"You’re certainly bold," Lucifer says the first time MC challenges him directly. There’s a flicker of amusement in his eyes, though his tone remains authoritative. "But boldness without restraint is a dangerous thing. You should learn to think before you act."
MC, however, is unfazed. Their unwavering confidence—and perhaps their lack of reverence for Lucifer’s position—sparks something in him. While others might cower or bend to his will, MC stands firm, ready to face him, or anything else the Devildom throws at them, head-on.
Lucifer’s respect for MC grows, though he won’t admit it aloud. Their resilience, their strength, reminds him of himself in a way. However, that doesn’t mean he’ll tolerate any reckless behavior. "The Devildom is not a playground for your challenges," he warns, his voice low and commanding. "If you want to survive here, you’ll need more than just courage. You’ll need control."
Despite his stern words, Lucifer can’t deny that he finds MC’s unyielding spirit admirable. In a world where fear is the natural response to demons, MC’s fearlessness stands out. Over time, he comes to see them as an asset rather than a potential threat. Their power, if honed properly, could be invaluable.
Still, Lucifer often keeps a close eye on MC, making sure their eagerness for battle doesn’t lead them into unnecessary danger. When MC embarks on another one of their hunts, Lucifer will offer a warning, his voice calm but firm: "You may be strong, but strength without wisdom is a flaw. Don’t let your pride lead to your downfall."
In the end, Lucifer’s relationship with MC is one of both admiration and caution. He respects their strength but seeks to guide them toward balance, knowing that unchecked power can easily spiral into chaos—something he will not allow under his watch.
From the moment Mammon lays eyes on MC, fully armored with those impressive swords made from the claws of an ice dragon, his mind starts working overtime. He notices the way they carry themselves—confident, almost fearless—and immediately sees a potential goldmine. After all, if MC is out there slaying monsters and collecting rare materials, someone should be making a profit from it, right?
"Oi, MC," he says with his trademark grin, sidling up next to them after one of their hunts. "Those ice dragon claws ya got there… they fetch a real good price, ya know? I’m talkin’ serious grim. How ‘bout ya let me handle the business side of things, huh? You do the fightin', I’ll do the sellin’. It’s a win-win!"
He’s barely even subtle about it, his eyes practically sparkling with the potential grim he could make. Mammon is quick to imagine all the rare materials MC could harvest from the monsters they hunt—rare scales, horns, fangs, and more—and how much they’d be worth in the Devildom's underground markets. His greed kicks into high gear as he starts picturing piles of grim, a smug smile spreading across his face.
"Just think of it!" he exclaims, already counting his imaginary profits. "We’ll be rich! I mean, you fight the monsters, but I’ll take care of the rest, yeah? That armor of yours is already impressive, but with a bit of extra cash, we could really upgrade it."
MC’s lack of fear and willingness to take on any challenge only fuels Mammon’s excitement. He’s constantly pestering them after every hunt, asking what kind of materials they collected and whether he can sell the remains. "What’d ya get this time? Some kinda rare fang or somethin'? Don’t be selfish now, let your pal Mammon handle the transactions!"
Of course, beneath all the talk about profit and selling materials, Mammon does genuinely care about MC. He’s the Avatar of Greed, sure, but he doesn’t want them to get hurt. Whenever MC goes off on another dangerous hunt, Mammon can’t help but feel a twinge of worry. "Don’t go doin' anything stupid out there, alright? I can’t make grim off ya if ya get yourself killed!"
Even with his schemes to make grim, Mammon keeps a close eye on MC when they’re in battle. If they ever get into a tight spot, he’s there to jump in—though he’ll deny it was out of concern and claim it was because he didn’t want to lose out on potential earnings.
But once the fight is over, it’s right back to business. "Now, about that haul from your latest kill… How ‘bout we split the profits? 80-20. I mean, I am the one who knows the best markets for this stuff!"
When Leviathan first meets MC, fully armored with twin swords forged from the claws of an ice dragon, his immediate thought is that they look like they’ve stepped straight out of one of his favorite fantasy RPGs or anime series. His eyes widen in awe, and he’s almost too flustered to speak at first. It’s not often that someone so cool enters his life, especially in the real world.
"Y-You… you look like a character from Magical Knights of Dragonbane! Those swords… the armor… you’re like a real-life hero!" His voice wavers between excitement and shyness, and there’s a spark of admiration in his eyes.
Despite his usual insecurity around others, Levi is completely drawn to MC because they embody everything he’s always admired in fictional heroes. Their fearlessness, their relentless pursuit of battle, and their undeniable strength hit all the right notes for him as a fan of epic stories and battles. Of course, that admiration quickly spirals into his typical jealousy.
"Not that I’m envious or anything," he mumbles, though his expression says otherwise. "I mean, I could totally do that too if I wanted to! It’s just… I don’t have those swords. Or that armor. Or the skills. But still!"
Levi starts treating MC like a real-life protagonist, often comparing them to his favorite characters from games and anime. He constantly talks about how their latest monster fight reminds him of a boss battle from Ruler of the Abyss or a particularly intense dungeon raid. "That battle you had with the three-headed demon? It’s just like the showdown in Knight’s Quest VII, where you have to defeat the Hydra! You totally pulled a legendary move back there!"
Levi’s fanboying can get a bit overwhelming, especially when he starts bombarding MC with questions about their weapons and techniques. "How did you get the claws of an ice dragon? Did you have to fight it solo? Was it like the Frozen Tundra Arc from Legend of the Snowblades?"
However, Levi’s admiration comes with his usual dose of insecurity. He’s impressed by MC’s bravery and skill but can’t help feeling a little envious. In his mind, they’re living the kind of life he’s only ever dreamed of—taking on dangerous monsters, wielding epic weapons, and being utterly fearless. "You’re so lucky," he mutters during one of their conversations, eyes downcast. "You get to be the hero in real life. I just… stay in my room and live through games."
Despite his jealousy, Levi can’t deny that MC has earned his respect. He’s fascinated by their adventures, and even though he wishes he could be as brave as them, he finds himself cheering them on from the sidelines. When MC tells him about their latest monster hunt, Levi’s eyes light up, and he listens intently, hanging on every word like it’s part of an ongoing story.
"That’s so cool," he blurts out after MC describes a particularly intense battle. "You’re like… a real-life protagonist. If this were a game, you’d definitely be the main character. I’d be… I’d be the support class, I guess." There’s a hint of self-deprecation in his voice, but it’s clear that Levi admires MC more than he lets on.
Over time, Levi even starts imagining what it would be like to join MC on their hunts, despite his fear of real-life combat. "If I ever went with you on one of your monster hunts, I’d be like the strategist or the mage, right? I’d stay in the back and cast spells while you go in with those epic swords!" He knows he’s not cut out for the front lines, but the idea of being part of the adventure appeals to him more than he’s willing to admit.
Even though Levi feels like he’ll never be as brave as MC, he slowly comes to realize that being their friend is enough. "I guess I’ll just keep being your number one fan," he says with a small smile. "Even if I’m not fighting beside you, I’ll always be here to support you, just like in the games."
In true Levi fashion, he’ll also try to get MC to play his favorite monster-hunting video games, eager to compare their real-life experience to the virtual world. "C’mon, let’s see if you can take down the Frost King in Night’s Fall! It’s just like the ice dragon you fought, except, y’know… pixelated."
When Satan first encounters MC, fully armored and wielding swords crafted from the claws of an ice dragon, his reaction is not one of awe or intimidation but of intense curiosity. Unlike the others, who might be impressed by the sheer spectacle of MC’s appearance, Satan’s mind immediately begins to analyze the practicality of it all.
"The claws of an ice dragon?" he murmurs thoughtfully, observing the swords with a critical eye. "That’s not a common material. You must have gone through considerable effort to acquire those."
Unlike Levi or Mammon, Satan isn’t concerned with how cool MC looks or how much grim they could fetch for selling parts of their kills. Instead, he’s far more interested in the intellectual aspect—how MC hunts, what techniques they use, and most importantly, the kinds of creatures they’ve encountered. For Satan, MC represents a rare opportunity to expand his knowledge of monsters and battle tactics, and that’s far more exciting than anything else.
He immediately begins asking pointed, detail-oriented questions. "How did you handle the ice dragon’s frost breath? I assume you’ve developed a method to resist extreme temperatures, given the nature of your weapons. And what about its speed? Ice dragons are known to be incredibly agile despite their size."
Satan respects MC’s abilities, but he’s also fascinated by the process behind their victories. He admires their strength, yes, but it’s their intellect and experience that truly captures his attention. To him, a successful monster hunter isn’t just someone who fights well—they’re someone who knows how to outthink their enemies, and MC’s fearlessness only enhances that aspect in his eyes.
"You approach battle with the same decisiveness I would in a pursuit of knowledge," Satan observes, the faintest hint of a smile tugging at his lips. "Calculated. Efficient. You don’t waste time with hesitation, but neither do you rush in recklessly."
However, Satan’s admiration isn’t without its critique. He’s someone who values control and precision, and while he recognizes MC’s fearlessness as a strength, he’s also quick to point out its potential pitfalls. "You’re fearless, which is commendable," he says, leaning against a bookshelf in the library as they talk. "But there’s a thin line between bravery and recklessness. You might be skilled, but even the strongest can be undone by overconfidence."
His words are not a reprimand but a cautionary lesson. Satan respects strength, but he respects wisdom even more, and he takes it upon himself to ensure that MC understands the balance between the two. "A monster hunter like you should know—monsters can be unpredictable. No amount of strength can save you from the consequences of a single miscalculation."
That said, Satan’s own curiosity sometimes leads him to ask MC to go after certain creatures, not because he wants to see them in danger, but because he’s interested in studying the monsters themselves. "There’s a particularly rare species of shadow fiend in the northern caves. I’ve been wanting to study one for some time now. Would you be up for the challenge?" He knows MC is always seeking their next hunt, and while Satan has no interest in accompanying them on the battlefield, he’s more than eager to read up on their findings.
Satan is also fascinated by MC’s lack of fear. He’s used to humans being intimidated by demons, but MC doesn’t so much as flinch in the presence of the brothers, not even Lucifer. That fearlessness intrigues him, and he can’t help but poke at it sometimes, trying to understand what drives them. "You’re not afraid of anything, are you?" he asks one day, his tone more curious than condescending. "I wonder if that’s born out of experience or if it’s simply who you are."
Over time, Satan’s respect for MC grows, not just for their strength but for their mind. He values their input, their insights on the creatures they fight, and the methods they use. In many ways, he sees MC as a kindred spirit—someone who approaches life with intellect and strategy, even if their battlefield is more physical than his.
Still, he never stops cautioning them. "Remember," he says one day after MC returns from a particularly dangerous hunt, "knowledge is your greatest weapon. Even more so than those swords."
Asmodeus’s first reaction when he sees MC in their full, intimidating armor, wielding swords made from the claws of an ice dragon, is a mix of intrigue and slight distaste—though not for the reasons one might expect.
"Oh darling," Asmo says, with a dramatic sigh, giving MC’s armor a once-over. "That armor is so... functional, but it could use some flair! Have you ever thought about accessorizing? Maybe a bit of sparkle or color to liven it up?"
For Asmo, appearance is everything, and while he’s impressed by the sheer presence MC commands, he can’t help but think about how their look could be improved. To him, it’s a missed opportunity for some fabulous monster-hunting fashion.
But underneath his superficial comments, Asmo is genuinely curious about MC’s abilities. After all, they exude a confidence that even Asmodeus finds intriguing. Most humans are easily overwhelmed by the Devildom, but not MC. They’re fearless, something that both impresses and fascinates him.
"Look at you, so brave, fighting monsters and demons without a second thought," Asmo purrs, his eyes sparkling with a mix of admiration and amusement. "But darling, don’t forget to take care of your skin! All that armor must be so rough on it. You must let me give you a treatment. After all, you want to look good while fighting, don’t you?"
Despite his constant fussing over their appearance, Asmo quickly develops a soft spot for MC. He admires their boldness and their unshakable confidence, something that resonates with his own vanity and pride. Asmo is used to people fawning over him, but MC? They’re different. They don’t seem to care about his beauty the way others do, which only makes him more interested in them.
He’s often playful with them, teasing them about their relentless pursuit of danger. "Honestly, darling, you’re going to give me wrinkles with all this worry!" he says after hearing about one of their hunts. "But I guess there’s something charming about someone who’s willing to fight monsters head-on. Still, you should let me pamper you every now and then. A little self-care never hurt anyone!"
Asmo isn’t blind to MC’s strength, and while he’s not one for battles himself, he appreciates MC’s power in his own way. "You’re like the lead in one of those epic romance novels, charging into danger and saving the day," he gushes one day. "But even heroes need a break, don’t you think? Maybe a nice spa day, just the two of us?"
Though Asmo’s focus is often on beauty and luxury, he subtly keeps an eye on MC’s well-being. He doesn’t say it outright, but he does care about them, and he often expresses that care in his own, Asmodeus way. If MC ever gets injured or looks particularly tired after a hunt, Asmo will hover nearby, insisting on helping them recover, even if his methods involve an elaborate skincare routine.
And while Asmo may not be as direct as the others when it comes to acknowledging MC’s strength, he does have his moments of sincerity. One day, after watching them return victorious from yet another hunt, he smiles softly and says, "You really are incredible, you know that? Fearless, strong, and so confident. It’s... tantalizing. But promise me you won’t forget to take care of yourself, alright? I wouldn’t want to see someone as beautiful as you burn out."
Of course, the moment is short-lived as he quickly shifts back to his usual self, adding with a playful grin, "Now, let’s talk about adding some flair to that armor, shall we?"
Beelzebub’s first reaction when he sees MC in their full suit of armor, wielding the massive ice dragon claw swords, is a mixture of curiosity and hunger—not for them, of course, but for the concept of power and strength they represent.
He doesn’t say much at first, observing them with his usual calm demeanor. Beel is used to sizing things up, whether it’s food or opponents, and MC’s imposing figure certainly catches his attention. "You’re strong," he says simply, with a hint of admiration in his voice. "I bet you’ve fought a lot of tough monsters."
To Beel, strength is something that commands respect, but he doesn’t idolize it like others might. In the beginning, he’s indifferent to MC, seeing them as just another human—albeit one who could probably put up a good fight if it came down to it. But as someone who has fought through hunger and struggles, Beel recognizes determination when he sees it, and MC clearly has plenty of that.
What intrigues Beel most is how calm and fearless MC is when hunting. It reminds him of himself during his hungriest moments—when survival is all that matters. "You don’t seem afraid of anything," he says one day, watching as MC polishes their weapons after a hunt. "That’s good. Fear slows you down."
Despite his initial indifference, Beel can’t help but be curious about MC’s hunting style. He’s not the type to pry, but during meals (where food is always the focus), he’ll casually ask about the monsters they’ve fought, especially if they’ve faced anything particularly tough. "So, what does an ice dragon even look like?" he asks, in between bites of his massive sandwich. "I’ve never fought one, but I bet it’s a strong opponent. What does it… taste like?"
That last question comes out unintentionally, but Beel can’t help it. His mind is always on food, and ice dragons sound like something that could make a good meal—if it weren’t for the fact that they’re not supposed to eat otherworldly creatures.
Despite his hunger-driven curiosity, Beel develops a sense of respect for MC’s strength and the way they approach battle. He’s blunt, as always, but there’s an underlying admiration when he talks to them. "I can tell you’re not just strong," he says one day. "You’re smart about how you fight. That’s important."
Beel also notices that MC is always pushing themselves, always looking for the next fight, and while he respects their drive, he also worries that they might overdo it. "You’re strong, but you should rest too," he advises, his tone gentle but firm. "It’s important to take care of yourself. Even the strongest can get worn out."
In his own quiet way, Beel becomes protective of MC. He knows what it’s like to fight through endless battles—whether it’s for survival or against his own hunger—and he doesn’t want to see someone burn out because they never take a break. "Next time you go on a hunt, let me know," he offers casually one day. "I might not be a hunter, but I’m strong. I could help if you ever need it."
And of course, Beel being Beel, he can’t resist asking one final, food-related question every now and then: "You think any of those monsters are edible?"
Belphegor's initial reaction to MC, clad in their heavy armor and wielding swords forged from ice dragon claws, is one of disinterest. He yawns the first time he sees them, barely glancing up from where he’s lounging in the attic. Fighting monsters? Chasing down challenges? It all sounds exhausting to him. He doesn’t understand why anyone would want to seek out danger when they could be napping instead.
"Fighting monsters for fun?" he says with a lazy drawl. "Sounds like a lot of effort for something you could just avoid." His typical apathy towards things that require energy is in full force, and he can’t comprehend why MC is always on the lookout for their next battle. To him, strength isn’t about fighting—it’s about conserving energy and doing just enough to get by.
However, despite his indifference, Belphegor’s sharp mind quickly picks up on MC’s relentless drive. It’s the exact opposite of his laid-back nature, and that contrast both confuses and amuses him. "You’re always moving, always looking for something to fight," he observes, his voice tinged with mild curiosity. "Don’t you ever get tired of it?"
Belphie doesn’t have the same admiration for strength that his brothers do, but he’s not oblivious to it either. When he finally takes the time to notice MC’s no-nonsense attitude and fearlessness, he can’t help but find it a little… excessive. "Why fight when you can just avoid the trouble altogether?" he muses, half asleep in his usual spot. "Seems to me you’re just looking for reasons to work harder than you need to."
Despite his usual teasing, Belphegor occasionally asks about MC’s hunts, if only to pass the time between naps. His questions, however, are more about their motives than the actual battles. "What’s the point of fighting all these monsters anyway?" he asks one day, leaning lazily against a pillow. "Does it make you feel more alive or something?"
It’s not that Belphie doesn’t respect MC—he just doesn’t see the appeal in their constant pursuit of danger. He’s more likely to poke fun at their endless energy than to admire their bravery. "All that running around," he says with a sleepy smirk, "you’re making me tired just talking about it."
Still, there’s a small part of Belphegor that envies MC’s drive. While he’ll never admit it, he sometimes wonders what it’s like to have that kind of unwavering determination, to constantly seek out the next challenge without hesitation. "Maybe you’re just crazy," he jokes lightly, though his half-lidded eyes suggest a deeper curiosity. "But I guess it takes a little bit of crazy to do what you do."
In typical Belphie fashion, his interactions with MC are filled with teasing, laziness, and an underlying amusement at their seemingly endless energy. "Next time you fight a monster, do it quietly," he says, half-joking. "I’d rather not be woken up by your battle cries."
However, beneath the teasing exterior, Belphegor slowly develops a grudging respect for MC. They’re not like most humans who are easily intimidated by the Devildom or the brothers. In their own way, MC’s tireless pursuit of challenges reminds Belphie of the persistence he sometimes lacks—and while he’ll never admit it, he appreciates that contrast.
But true to his personality, Belphegor would much rather nap than fight any monsters. "You go ahead and handle all the battles," he says with a lazy grin. "I’ll be here… sleeping."
When Diavolo first meets MC, fully clad in their formidable armor with swords forged from the claws of an ice dragon, his reaction is one of genuine excitement and curiosity. Unlike most who might feel intimidated by their imposing presence, Diavolo is immediately intrigued. His eyes light up as he takes in their confidence, their fearlessness, and the clear battle-worn nature of their gear.
"Fascinating!" he exclaims, a wide smile spreading across his face. "You’re truly unique. I’ve never seen a human so... driven to face monsters head-on. You must tell me more about your adventures."
Diavolo, being the future king of the Devildom, has encountered many powerful beings in his lifetime, but there’s something about MC’s relentless pursuit of danger that resonates with him. He respects strength, not just in terms of raw power but in character, and MC’s determination and fearlessness leave a strong impression on him. He finds their willingness to challenge even the most dangerous monsters admirable, as it reminds him of his own desire to push the boundaries of what’s possible in his realm.
"You possess an admirable quality," Diavolo says, his voice full of warmth. "The kind of courage it takes to fight monsters, especially in a place like the Devildom, is rare even among demons. And yet, here you are, unafraid and ready for your next challenge."
While Diavolo’s naturally enthusiastic, he also understands the importance of balance and self-care. As someone responsible for an entire realm, he knows the dangers of constantly pushing forward without taking a moment to reflect. He’s quick to offer advice, though it’s always tempered with kindness. "Strength is an incredible asset," he tells MC, "but even the strongest warriors need to rest. I’d hate for your potential to burn out too soon. After all, the Devildom could use someone like you for a long time to come."
Though he admires MC’s fearlessness, Diavolo also sees an opportunity to learn from them. He’s fascinated by their experiences as a monster hunter, their techniques, and the mindset that drives them to seek out battles most would shy away from. He often invites them to the castle, eager to hear their stories and discuss how their experiences might help shape the future of the exchange program.
"I think there’s much we could learn from your approach to challenges," Diavolo muses during one of their discussions. "You possess a rare resilience, and that’s something we could foster here in the Devildom. Imagine what we could achieve if more people were willing to face their fears like you."
But even with his royal duties and his grand vision for the Devildom’s future, Diavolo enjoys lighthearted moments with MC. Their lack of fear makes them a refreshing presence in his life, someone who doesn’t treat him with the usual reverence or hesitation. He appreciates the directness in their interactions, and while most are wary of challenging him, MC’s readiness to face anything head-on never fails to amuse him.
"You know," Diavolo chuckles one day, leaning forward in his seat, "I think you’d make an excellent sparring partner. It’s been a while since I’ve faced someone who isn’t afraid of a little risk."
In his usual upbeat and charismatic way, Diavolo respects MC’s strength but also seeks to guide them in balancing their drive with wisdom. He sees a potential ally in them, someone who could help shape a stronger connection between the human and demon worlds.
"You’re quite remarkable, MC," Diavolo says, his voice full of genuine admiration. "And I believe your presence here in the Devildom is going to make a difference. Not just for the exchange program, but for all of us."
When Barbatos first encounters MC, clad in their armor and wielding swords forged from the claws of an ice dragon, he remains as calm and composed as ever. Where others might react with surprise or intrigue, Barbatos’s expression remains neutral, though his sharp eyes take in every detail. He’s not one to be easily impressed, but he quickly recognizes that MC is far from an ordinary human.
"Impressive craftsmanship," he comments softly, nodding toward the swords at MC’s side. "Ice dragon claws are not a material one encounters often. You must have gone through great effort to acquire them."
Barbatos, as a servant of the royal household, values discipline, control, and efficiency. He immediately notices MC’s fearless demeanor and relentless drive to fight, and while he acknowledges their strength, he views their constant pursuit of battle with measured caution. In his mind, strength must be balanced with wisdom, and fearlessness must be tempered with foresight.
"Strength alone is admirable," Barbatos says calmly, "but do not let it blind you to the subtleties of the world. Not all battles are won with force."
He watches MC closely, especially when they speak of their adventures, and though Barbatos doesn’t share Diavolo’s exuberance, he is quietly intrigued by MC’s experiences. Their boldness and lack of fear are unusual for a human in the Devildom, and Barbatos finds their demeanor both refreshing and a potential cause for concern. He appreciates individuals who are willing to face challenges, but he also knows that reckless bravery can lead to unintended consequences.
"You seem to seek out danger wherever you go," Barbatos observes one day, his tone gentle but firm. "I wonder if you have considered the value of patience. Even the strongest warriors must know when to wait and when to strike."
Though he rarely expresses his thoughts openly, Barbatos does respect MC’s capabilities. He’s meticulous in everything he does, and he admires those who are similarly skilled. However, his primary concern is balance and ensuring that MC’s drive to fight doesn’t lead to unnecessary chaos. Barbatos is a master of control, and he values individuals who understand the importance of restraint—something he subtly encourages in MC whenever they speak.
"You have great potential," Barbatos says, his voice steady. "But even the strongest can be undone by rushing into battles without proper preparation. I would advise you to consider each challenge carefully before acting."
Despite his calm demeanor, Barbatos is not without warmth. He cares deeply for those in the Devildom, and while his advice is always practical, there’s an underlying sense of protectiveness when he speaks to MC. Though he may not show it as openly as Diavolo or the others, he does not want to see MC’s fearlessness lead to harm.
If MC ever returns from a particularly challenging battle, perhaps showing signs of fatigue or injury, Barbatos will quietly tend to them, ensuring they are taken care of without making a fuss. "Even the strongest need time to recover," he says, offering them a cup of tea with his usual elegance. "I trust you will take the necessary time to rest before seeking your next challenge."
Barbatos respects MC’s capabilities, but he never hesitates to remind them of the importance of balance, patience, and precision. To him, they are a strong and valuable asset to the Devildom, but one that must be guided with care.
"You are formidable, there is no doubt about that," Barbatos says with a rare, almost imperceptible smile. "But true strength lies not just in the ability to fight, but in knowing when not to."
When Simeon first sees MC in their full armor, wielding swords made from the claws of an ice dragon, his initial reaction is one of quiet admiration, though not just for their appearance or strength. He’s always been more interested in the stories behind people’s actions—the motivations, the journeys, the moments that shape them. MC’s fearless demeanor and relentless pursuit of battle intrigue him, not because of the physical feats they’ve accomplished, but because of the story that must lie beneath it all.
"You have the air of someone who’s seen much and learned more," Simeon comments softly, his eyes warm and thoughtful. "I imagine you’ve faced quite a few challenges on your journey. Would you mind sharing your story with me sometime?"
As a writer, Simeon is deeply fascinated by character and narrative. MC, with their relentless drive and unyielding courage, strikes him as someone whose experiences could fill volumes. He often finds himself observing them from a distance, not out of judgment, but out of a genuine curiosity to understand what drives someone to seek out danger so fearlessly. While others might focus on MC’s strength, Simeon is more interested in the why behind it all.
"What compels you to fight?" he asks one day, his tone gentle but probing. "Is it the thrill of the battle? Or is there something else that you’re searching for?"
Simeon’s approach to MC is always soft and considerate. He doesn’t push them for answers, but he often invites them to share their thoughts or experiences over quiet conversations, always eager to listen. His fascination with their life as a monster hunter stems from his belief that every person has a story worth telling, and MC’s story, with its focus on battle and strength, is one he feels could teach him something new about the world.
"Your journey must have been filled with many trials," Simeon muses, scribbling in his notebook one day. "Perhaps there’s a lesson in it for all of us—a way to understand the balance between courage and vulnerability."
He’s not just a passive listener, though. Simeon often uses his conversations with MC as inspiration for his writing. He subtly draws parallels between their stories and the narratives he weaves, finding beauty in the tension between their unyielding strength and the quieter, more introspective moments they rarely show. In fact, he sometimes writes fictionalized accounts of their encounters, always with a focus on the inner conflicts that must come with being someone who faces danger so often.
"You remind me of a character I’ve been writing about," Simeon tells MC one afternoon, a thoughtful smile on his lips. "A warrior with a strong heart but a soul that is always searching for something more. Perhaps you’ll find what you’re looking for in these battles—or perhaps, it’s something beyond them."
Unlike others who might caution MC against pushing themselves too hard, Simeon never directly warns them about the dangers of their lifestyle. Instead, he gently encourages reflection, hoping they’ll come to their own understanding of balance. He respects their choices and believes that the path they walk—dangerous as it may be—is part of their own story, and only they can determine where it leads.
Still, there’s an underlying protectiveness to Simeon’s interactions with MC. He may not wield swords or fight monsters, but his concern for their well-being is evident in his gentle nudges toward self-reflection. "Even the strongest warriors need rest," he says one evening, his voice calm and soothing. "Perhaps the next battle can wait until you’ve had a moment to yourself. After all, it’s in the quiet moments that we often find the answers we’ve been seeking."
Simeon admires MC’s bravery, but his true connection with them comes from his desire to understand the deeper motivations that drive them. To him, MC is more than just a fighter—they’re a living story, full of complexities and emotions that make them all the more fascinating.
And in his own way, Simeon hopes to be part of that story, helping them see that there’s more to life than battles and that sometimes, the greatest strength comes from knowing when to rest and reflect.
When Luke first meets MC, clad in their full suit of armor and wielding swords made from the claws of an ice dragon, his eyes go wide with awe. He’s immediately fascinated by their appearance and presence, especially since he’s never seen a human so fearless—or wearing such impressive gear.
"Wow!" Luke exclaims, practically bouncing with excitement. "You look just like one of those knights from the stories I read! Did you really fight an ice dragon? What was it like? How big was it? Were you scared?"
His curiosity is boundless, and he peppers MC with question after question, his childlike excitement bubbling over. To Luke, MC is like a real-life hero, and while he knows they’re a monster hunter, his youthful imagination casts them as a noble protector, someone who slays evil to keep others safe. He looks up to them almost immediately, seeing them as a role model.
"I bet you’ve saved tons of people, right?" Luke asks, his eyes sparkling. "You’re just like one of those brave knights in the stories! You protect everyone from scary monsters!"
However, despite his admiration, Luke’s protective instincts kick in. Even though MC is clearly strong and capable, he still worries about them, just like he worries about everyone he cares about. "But… you have to be careful!" Luke adds, his tone turning serious, his small hands clenched into fists. "Fighting monsters is dangerous! You can’t just go around looking for trouble!"
Luke, despite being a child, takes his role as an angel seriously, and he views MC’s constant search for battle with a mixture of awe and concern. He can’t understand why someone would willingly put themselves in danger, even if they’re strong. To him, bravery is important, but so is knowing when to stay safe. "You don’t have to fight all the time to be a hero," he says earnestly, his big eyes filled with concern. "You can help people in other ways too, you know."
Whenever MC returns from a hunt, Luke is always the first to run up to them, checking for any injuries, even if they insist they’re fine. "Are you hurt? Let me see! You have to be careful next time, okay?" He may be small, but Luke’s protective nature knows no bounds, and he fusses over MC the way an older sibling might.
At the same time, Luke looks up to MC and wants to learn from them. "Do you think you could teach me how to fight like you?" he asks eagerly. "Not that I’d ever want to hurt anyone! But just in case I need to protect someone!"
Of course, despite his fascination with MC’s strength, Luke still can’t help but view them through his innocent, childlike lens. He believes in the good in everyone and hopes that MC’s battles are always for the right reasons. "Promise me you’ll only fight the bad monsters," he says one day, his voice soft but firm. "Because I know you’re strong, but it’s important to be kind too."
Luke may be young, but his admiration for MC is tempered with his natural protectiveness and deep sense of morality. He sees MC as a brave hero, but he also wants to make sure they understand that being a hero isn’t just about fighting—it’s about doing what’s right.
"Just promise me you’ll stay safe," Luke says with a determined expression. "Because I’d miss you if something happened."
When Solomon first meets MC, decked out in their imposing armor with twin swords made from the claws of an ice dragon, his reaction is one of amused fascination. He’s always been one to appreciate the unusual and extraordinary, and MC is no exception. His eyes gleam with curiosity as he takes in their no-nonsense attitude and constant thirst for battle.
"Well, aren’t you a sight to behold," Solomon says with a playful grin. "An armored human, hunting down demons and monsters with no fear in sight. I must say, you’re quite the intriguing puzzle."
Unlike some of the others, Solomon doesn’t feel intimidated by MC’s presence. If anything, he finds it refreshing. He’s met countless beings over the centuries, but someone like MC—who walks into the Devildom, ready to face danger head-on without hesitation—piques his curiosity. In true Solomon fashion, he’s eager to learn more about their abilities, techniques, and the drive that keeps them hunting.
"You’ll have to show me those swords up close," he comments casually, eyeing the dragon-claw blades. "Ice dragon claws… that’s not something you see every day. I wonder what kind of spells we could craft using materials like that."
Solomon, being the mischievous and ever-experimental sorcerer that he is, immediately starts thinking of ways to involve MC in his magical experiments. He’s always pushing boundaries, and having someone as fearless as MC around sparks all kinds of ideas for new spells, potions, and challenges. "You and I should collaborate," he suggests with a grin. "Think of the possibilities! We could combine your hunting skills with my magic. I bet we could summon something really exciting."
Of course, knowing Solomon, his definition of "exciting" usually involves a lot of chaos and unpredictability, so his idea of collaboration comes with a certain level of risk. But he’s confident that MC, with their fearlessness and thirst for adventure, would be up for it.
Solomon’s teasing nature also shines through in his interactions with MC. He can’t help but poke fun at their constant search for a fight. "You’re like a dog chasing after every stick thrown your way," he says with a chuckle. "Do you ever stop and relax? Or is hunting all you think about?"
Despite his playful jabs, Solomon respects MC’s abilities deeply. He knows they’re not just a warrior looking for their next challenge—they’re someone who has honed their skills to perfection. That kind of dedication resonates with him, and while he might joke around, he’s always paying close attention to how MC handles themselves in battle.
There’s also a part of Solomon that enjoys watching MC’s fearlessness in action. He’s spent centuries mastering magic and dealing with demons, but MC’s straightforward approach is something he finds amusing and endearing. "You really don’t back down from anything, do you?" he asks one day, leaning back with an amused smile. "It’s almost reckless. Almost."
Still, Solomon can’t resist pushing MC’s limits. He’s constantly challenging them, whether it’s through magical experiments or philosophical debates about the nature of strength. "Being fearless is one thing," he says thoughtfully, "but have you ever wondered if there’s something even you’re afraid of? Maybe it’s not a monster or a demon—maybe it’s something a little closer to home."
His tone is light, but his words are probing, as Solomon often likes to peel back the layers of people around him, especially those as intriguing as MC.
In the end, Solomon’s relationship with MC is one of mutual respect, sprinkled with his usual chaotic energy. He admires their strength and courage, but never misses an opportunity to throw a little unpredictability their way, always curious to see how they’ll react.
"Oh, and one last thing," Solomon says with a sly smile after one of their more intense conversations. "If you ever need a break from all that hunting, I’m always up for a little magical chaos. Just let me know when you’re ready to try something really dangerous."
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p1nkshield · 7 months
Chapter 10
Hi! Its been a while! But I'm about to take a break from school so I'm finally allowed enough time for hobbies :) I hope you enjoy!
J'onn had not drawn from his experience as a school teacher in quite a while so when approaching this meeting he felt some semblance of reminiscence and slight rustiness.
"Have been informed that you are in need of guidance on your phasing abilities."
Jason looked at his old teacher pointedly.
"Yes, I don't do well with vague instructions."
Danny was far too engrossed in tinkering with whatever gadgets he had found around the bat cave to really be insulted.
"Its not my fault you don't understand my weathered, ancient advice."
"'Try not to fall' is not good advice man!"
"Not if you're a genius like me!"
"You still haven't caught on that Alfred leaves old tech around the cave for you to find!"
J'onn's face remained neutral as they bickered but those who truly knew him would be able to catch the slight tinge of amusement in his voice.
"May I resume?"
Jason straightened his posture at the question and turned his attention to Martian Manhunter.
"From what I have been able to observe your intangibility occurs involuntarily at random intervals throughout the day." J'onn began.
Jason cringed at the apt description before catching himself as he nearly phased through his seat.
"My intangibility differs because it is a voluntary process. My practice was initiation of the ability and subsequent control. Yours will be on cessation and then control."
Jason nodded along with this lesson.
"Sometimes involuntary use of powers has a subconscious aspect to them. If one truly believes in their own abilities it can become second nature to use them."
Jason's receptiveness receded a bit. Subconscious aspects?
"I know that there is a certain discomfort surrounding allowing another to peer into your mind in earthen cultures but it may be helpful to be able find the reason why you are struggling with control over your intangibility."
Jason did not like this idea. Introspection is already uncomfortable enough he did not want someone else to witness it. Jason was at his wits end though, and he couldn't stand this lack of control much longer. He was tired.
"Thank you for trusting me. I will try to remain as close to your surface thoughts as possible."
J'onn began to approach.
Jason looked into the eyes of the hero.
"Please don't tell anyone what you find."
J'onn nodded.
Jason gripped J'onn's wrist hard enough that his fingertips left pastel green imprints in his skin.
"Please don't tell Batman what you find."
J'onn paused and then assured him.
"Your thoughts will remain confidential I promise."
Jason truly did not like vulnerability. It very rarely ended well for him. But his life has changed so much in the past few weeks that maybe that streak of luck might have changed too? Maybe.
Jason let go.
So perhaps Dick had inherited some of his adoptive father's intense vigilance. Was there really a problem with that? He was better than his father. He communicated with others and allowed his teammates to participate in planning. He clued people in. His contingency plans were known of by his teammates so there was no drama, no betrayal. He learned from Bruce's mistakes. So when he saw a considerable increase in temperature in the cave he did so not because he was secretly monitoring the lesson out of worry but out of routine. He sprinted, very calmly mind you, to the nearest cave entrance. What he found was outside his expectations and expertise.
A Martian writhing on the floor in immense pain.
A Ghost boy looking rather sallow as he attempted to keep the room cool with his ice powers.
And his brother lying on one of the examination tables whilst ON FIRE!
At some point Dick heard a plea for help from the only conscious person in the room.
"I can't keep this up for much longer! I also can't wake up Mr. J'onzz!"
Dick's communications skills may have taken a significant blow but he was able to communicate everything that came to mind.
@boo-ghosties @skulld3mort-1fan @addie-lover-of-stories @isaactheautobot @krzys2000 @ectoradiation @worthlesswall @mewzaque @mnemovoid @phantom-dc @justwannabecat @kitty-page @cutelittlebeanie @meira-3919 @amyheart19 @scarlette-foxx @thegatorsgoose @farmercale
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xxlucent-lordxx · 5 days
Hello, Windia. It's been a good while.
I... Well, you have looked out for me quite a bit, and I recently took up the hobby of flower arrangement.
I made you a bouquet and I hope you like it.
Tumblr media
Well... Maybe not a bouquet-
I put together blue orchids, yellow roses, and white carnations.
Blue orchids are rare. They are thought to be a flower of confidence, loyalty, and power. I do not know how much of it is genuine, but you always seem to be holding yourself with confidence. There is power in your words, and despite our brief interactions, you looked after me. So I find you incredibly loyal.
Yellow roses have a lot of meanings! Many are very vibrant and positive, but... Well. I choose them cause they are well known as a symbol of friendship.
I wish to be your friend, if you will have me.
White carnations are a symbol of purity and good luck. And I think your soul is pure, I also hope you the utmost of luck.
I hope these flowers bring color to your life if nothing else. It was a challenging but fun experience to pick your flowers.
- 🦊 Aubrey
Hello Si
Nun Aubrey. Thank you. Your kind gifts are beyond me. im sorry for being gone so long its just what George said about the temple was…
i went to parts of the temple i wasnt allowed to. im not sure i want to be a part of it anymore
Your not bouquet is beautiful but you have the wrong image of me. i have none of the traits of the orchids or the carnations. i am weak i am corrupt i was a tool of the temple that sent oathbreakers to
Thank you for your gift Nun Aubrey. If you would still like to be friends then i would too. i dont think ill be leaving my room for a bit but ill pin a feather on it if you want to visit
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sylviaknightingale · 3 months
Hello! Your art is beautiful and your oc Sylvia is so intriguing!
I love her design very much! By the way what's her hobbies? And what does she think about the Lackadaisy?
Hope you have a good day/Night!
Awwwww Thank you so much! 💕
Sylvia is a woman of few hobbies, her entire adult life has been spent mostly working very time consuming jobs, though she does have one or two reserved for her very rare down time;
Crochet; Sylvia has a penchant for noticing all the little details in everything, an observant quality that is invaluable in her line of work, but it also has her silently finding beauty and balance in all she sees, when she has the opportunity to not be overanalyzing everything for signs of danger/threats that is. Her love for the intricate patterns of crochet stems from this, and she enjoys creating shawls using complex designs, however long it may take her, she’s patient, unlike me, haha!
Piano: Sylvia had the luxury of private lessons when she was a girl, though she hated playing since she felt forced to practice when she rather do other things, her Father was adamant that she’d keep up her lessons, he was a pursuer of music and a passionate player himself, though, their relationship was strained, and when her private lessons finally ended, Sylvia rebelled and quit altogether. Only recently, after her father passed away, Sylvia finally played again for the first time since she quit, the reflection of her loss and the guilt of her strained relationship was what it took for her to realize that her father wanted her to be immersed in the music as a medium for them to bond, a attempt to reach out that she had not considered when he was alive, And after playing her father’s favorite song on the piano in the Marrygold speakeasy during closed hours, as a goodbye and an apology, she began little by little picking up the lessons and learning new music in her personal time.
Bird watching and sketching: Sylvia takes silent enjoyment in watching the songbirds in the small park nearby to her apartment, which is close enough where they come to perch on her little balcony, and she’ll take a moment out of her morning ritual to feed them and settle in with a tea to watch their fluffy antics. When she takes trips to the park, she will sit out in the shade and sketch the song birds and pigeons, insuring that her sketching skills remains honed while also filling a sketch book with nothing but birds.
Her thoughts about the Lackadaisy?
Sylvia is honestly unsure what to think about such a rag-tag little outfit, though she’s learned not to underestimate them. she heard about it when it was still in its prime while she was still a smuggler, but never had any contact with it, only after she joined the Marrygold did she begin to take interest in the outfit out of necessity. Her thoughts about its members vary, when she first encountered Rocky, Freckle and Ivy, She was intrigued by their lack of professionalism and chaotic display of counter measures they took against her and Mordecai, since somehow it was actually effective even against her and her partner’s strategic planning and cunning? Was she missing something!? Was this some kind of strategic approach to cofound them with the ridiculousness of their defensive efforts? She definitely over analyzed….She was appalled by Rocky, but was silently impressed and respected Ivy, it was rare to see another young woman in the field in their line of work. As for Freckle? Well….she definitely underestimated his closed and somewhat timid demeanor….a mistake she’s learned from and will not make again.
💕thanks for taking interest and allowing me to gab! I hope your day/night is radiantly amazing as well!💕
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lurafita · 10 months
Make Them Sparkle
(fanfic, oneshot)
If Raphael had any say in this, Magnus would not be allowed to give mundanes writing advice. Ever.
Magnus prided himself on being a person who went with, and adapted to the ever changing times.
He had witnessed many immortals who got stuck in particular time periods. Be it refusing to adopt new fashion trends, or remaining stagnant in certain behaviors or mindsets that had been common at one point in history. Bemoaning how things ‘used to be so much better back in the day’. People who needed to anchor themselves in the past, in order to face the present and future. 
Not Magnus, though. While he treasured many of the memories made during his long existence, he had always been the type to look forward, instead of back. 
He had seen and embraced the progress humanity made, philosophically, technologically, and socially. 
And, while the road of progression hadn’t always been a smooth one and weathered its fair share of hiccups along the way, Magnus certainly appreciated the fruits of this particular labor. 
(And not only mundanes, but the shadow world, too, had come a long way from what it had once been. Magnus would never not be proud of the part his dearest Alexander and his friends and family had played in that development.)
Anyway, being a "modern" warlock, and having personally supported some of the various technological marvels of the world they now lived in, Magnus had a deep appreciation for the internet. 
A way for so many people from so many different places and stages of life to come together, to connect and share with each other, was truly remarkable.
There was almost nothing that the internet didn’t have, unless it connected to matters of the shadow world, but even that was slowly changing.
From funny videos and beautiful music, to shops and art and so much more. 
Websites tailored to specific hobbies or tastes. Sites to find employment, or living accomodations. Those that gave the user an opportunity to make friends, or find love. 
And, of course, so called help-forums. Professionally or community run sites, spanning various topics all around offering advice when someone needed it. 
Like one particular writing forum for aspiring authors, which Magnus had found himself in one sunny afternoon, as he had been browsing aimlessly to waste some time.
One of the requests had caught his eye especially. 
‘Please help me bring fresh wind into old supernatural lore!’
Clicking on the request and reading further, Magnus had learned that the hopeful author was trying to write a teen love story with vampires and werewolves, revolving around a highschool mundane girl and her vampiric love interest, as well as a werewolf contender.
Magnus had snorted, thinking the idea hardly original, and had almost clicked away again, but one sentence had stood out.
‘Vampire love stories are a dime a dozen, I’m well aware of that. But while plot and circumstances often change around the different narratives, the lore and rules behind the vampires rarely do. It’s always a thirst and need for blood, a weakness to religious artifacts, and an inability to bear sunlight. That last one especially, I wish to change for my story, as I feel that describing a whole world that most humans are unaware of, and plays mostly in the dark, is terribly restrictive. But I also think that just waving any effect the sun might have on a vampire away, is a missed opportunity for exploring alternative plot points. Which is why I’m asking for any kind of inspiration or thoughts any of you might be willing to share.’
So Magnus had read on as the author had described their world and characters in a little more detail.
And upon learning of the broody, dark haired, stubborn, kind and compassionate main vampire character, Magnus couldn’t help it when his brain had made the comparison between a fictional character, and his very own favorite broody, dark haired, stubborn, kind and compassionate vampire. 
And as he was thinking of his dear little Raphael, the vampire he had taken under his wing decades ago and practically raised (even though Raphael had been 24 and fully adult by mundane standards when he had been turned), Magnus hadn’t been able to curb his more mischievous impulses. 
Clicking on the answering function to the thread, he had snickered heavily as he typed out just three words.
‘Make them sparkle!’
Who would have thought that, just a few years later, this little bit of innocent fun he had had, would come back to interrupt his sexy make out session with his precious shadowhunter boyfriend?
“Magnus!” The door slammed open and shut in barely more than a second, as an incensed Raphael stormed into the loft.
A lifetime of training and battle ready instincts had Alec lift Magnus off his lap and behind him in just one move (which was so fucking hot, if not for their unplanned intruder, Magnus would have climbed his boyfriend like a tree), as his other hand seemlessly went down to quickly retrieve the throwing knife strapped to his lower leg.
The defensive maneuver was aborted as soon as Alec registered who had just barged into the apartment, and instead the tall man slumped back into the couch (careful not to crush his boyfriend) with a deep, slightly annoyed, sigh. 
Raphael though reacted to neither the knife that had almost been thrown at him, nor the glare the shadowhunter was giving him right then.
Instead, he held up the book he had in hand and snarled in Magnus' direction. “What the fuck is this?!”
Magnus blinked, still trying to sort through the haze of his newly ignited arousal after Alexander’s display of strength and speed, and the clearly agitated mood Raphael seemed to be in.
“It’s called a book, my dear. It holds in its pages the wonder of the written word and thus the power to create wonderful and fascinating tales for all to share.”
If anything, that answer made Raphael look even more mutinous. Which was just rude, if anyone were to ask Magnus. 
“I know what a book is!”
Magnus huffed, finally straightening himself out of the mess of limbs he had been from Alexander’s manhandling him to safety (And they would have a talk about that later. As hot as that had been, Magnus couldn’t have his Alexander trying to shield him while facing a threat on his own.)
“Then why did you ask?”
Raphael could apparently not be bothered to explain, and instead just chucked the book at him. Once again shadowhunter reflexes trumped Magnus' own, and Alec snatched the book out of the air before it could hit the warlock. 
He scrunched up his nose a little (which was adorably cute in Magnus’ humble opinion and he quickly leant forward a bit to peck Alec on the cheek) as he read the title. “Twilight?”
It made Magnus smirk. “Oh, I think I have heard of this. A supernatural teen romance novel, if I remember Biscuit’s words correctly. I must be honest, my dear boy, I didn’t think this would be your type of thing.”
But the vampire just crossed his arms over his chest. “Open it up to the introduction.”
A little puzzled, but also curious, Alec and Magnus did just that. It appeared to be just your ordinary preface to any book. 
‘I thank everyone who has supported me through this, bla bla bla, I’m incredibly honored and grateful for this opportunity to share bla bla bla, I hope this tale will find a way into your heart bla bla bla.’
Really; pretty standard as far as the warlock was concerned. Until they reached the last section on the introductory page, and it slowly dawned on Magnus just why Raphael looked as if he had been forced to listen to Simon ramble about a deep introspection on why Spider-Man was the best Marvel superhero ever.
‘I would like to give special thanks to someone I unfortunately have never met personally, but whose input has definitely helped to inspire me to spice things up a bit. So this is to you, The_Magnificent_Bane. I “made them sparkle”!’
“Oh?” Raphael thundered. “That’s all you have to say to this? You told this woman to make her vampires sparkle in the sunlight like some demented disco ball! We don’t sparkle! The only sparkly crazy person around here is you! Do you have any idea what the stupid flea balls are going to say when they learn of this? Are you laughing? Stop laughing! There is going to be so many glitter jokes in my future now thanks to you! I’m never gonna hear the end of this! Magnus! Stop laughing!”
Magnus stopped laughing. Eventually. 
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bartxnhood · 2 years
your day | d.d
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(gif not mine)
daryl dixon x reader
summary: it's your birthday, the one day you've come to hate but someone makes it a little better. that someone being daryl.
warnings: none, just fluff!
requests open
not proofread
Copyright © 2022 bartxnhood. All rights reserved. This original work is not allowed to be reposted on any platform in any format.
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you always loved celebrating your birthday, spending it with friends and family, and enjoying the sweetness of treats and gifts. but it started to change the older you got. you began losing more friends, your family didn’t see the need in celebrating anymore. and what friends you did have never tried to make the effort to see you. it hurt, a lot. but at the same time, when the world seemed to end, it was the last of your worries.
you had found the group during the atlanta camp, carol took you in on the highway.
at first, daryl intimidated you. he was this tough-looking redneck who had the arrogance of his brother, but throughout the months you saw his changing personality. though, he was still closed off, you knew you could go to him whenever you needed anything and he’d help you.
you were thankful for him. and so, sometimes you’d make him little trinkets or find him something on the very rare tunes you’d go on. while he would save you the last bite of his food sometimes, just to make sure you had enough.
you never talked about your birthday much, only once. and you brought it up to daryl. it was a little while after the two of you met. it was the first time you had opened up to anyone in the group, except carol and rick.
“d’ya ever do anything fun for your birthday?” you chimed, intertwining the rope between your fingers, creating a knot. “nah, never did celebrate” he stared off at the tree line. “oh” you hummed. finishing the tie and handing the rope to him. “i used to, but the older i got the more i hated it.” you added, following his gaze to the trees. “everyone just forgot about me”
“when is it?” he questioned, suddenly” “hm?” your head whipped to him, meeting his eyes which were already looking at you. “yer bir’day.” he blinked. “oh, y/b/d.”
you thought he had forgotten about that but he didn’t. even in the end times, he tried his best to keep up with the months and days so he doesn’t forget about your birthday. soon it just became a hobby, tallying in a small book he kept in his pocket. on runs, he would look for something he thought you’d like for your special day, from random items of clothing to even considering a stuffed brown bear. just something to show that he cared for you.
and he did, but it wasn’t exactly easy for him to show that when he, himself wasn’t shown care until you came along. even if he was still hardcore daryl every newcomer was scared of, he had a soft spot for you.
on the morning of your birthday you woke up to light finding its way into your cell, a soft groan escaped your lips and you pushed yourself up and off of the uncomfortable mattress. you wandering out into the hallways, rubbing the sleep out of your eyes. murmuring a few ‘good mornings’ to some people in the group. soon finding carl who was tending to baby judith. “where’s everyone?” the younger bout turned around with the baby in his arms. “outside, working on the fences” he answered, followed with a sigh. “can you take her? dad wants me to help him in the stables” you nodded, scooping judith into your arms with a soft coo.
“of course, i’ll gladly take her.” he nodded, “thanks.” you gently began patting her back. “of course. i’ll catch up with you guys later.” you threw a rag over your shoulder for her possible spit up. “alright” he hummed and walked off. the sound of metal doors slamming echoes through the concrete walls.
a few hours had passed, you already fed judith twice and now she was down for her daily nap. you let her lay on your bed, while you sat on the floor occupied by a book you had already read once. occasionally looking up to make sure the infant doesn’t roll off the bed. as your eyes landed on the torn pages again, a familiar pair of footsteps found their way to you. a figure stood in the doorway of your cell, quickly pulling your attention from your book.
“daryl?” you closed the book and sat it on the floor. you pushed yourself off the concrete while dusting your pants. “yea” he huffed, looking to the baby then back to you. “i’m on babysittin duty” you laughed, looking back at him. he nodded, “jus wanted to stop by n’ give ya these” he revealed his hand with a stuffed brown bear and a few picked magnolias. “flowers prolly won’t last long” he shrugged.
you accepted both gifts, a grin growing on your lips. “what’er these for?” you asked. “it’s yer bir’day. ya deserve somethin” he shrugged, looking around the cell. you brought the flower to your nose, getting a good smell of it.
“thank you” you smiled, “i really, really appreciate it, daryl.” you watched as he shifted his weight from one leg to the other. “mhm” he shrugged. without thinking you wrapped your arms around him. “seriously, thank you for remembering.” you felt his free hand gently holding your lower back. “yer welcome” he accepted.
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sirfrogsworth · 9 months
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I am so confused.
Even when this lens was first released it was $850 brand new.
Does he think people aren't going to check current prices? Did he get scammed and overpay originally? Not to mention eBay gives you a suggestion for pricing.
I really wish I hadn't sold my lenses. There was a point where I had a major decline in my health and I could no longer make comedy for my main website. At the same time, my parents were getting sicker and needed more help. We were also struggling financially. I was so depressed and I was sure I'd never do photography again, so I sold most of my lenses.
We needed the money at that moment, but in the grand scheme of things, the lens money barely made a dent in our situation. Not to mention, we got a small inheritance from my grandmother soon after, so that increased my regret. It took me years of scrounging and saving to build up a collection of 5 lenses. None of them top of the line, but all of them a good value for their performance.
Thankfully I kept the lens I used to take pictures of Otis—my "puppy lens." But my ultra wide, my macro, my tele, and my portrait lens... all gone.
And now I am trying to figure out the cheapest way I can do what I want to do with photography and I'm remembering just how expensive this hobby is. But I think I need to figure this out because I have had a substantial boost in my mental health since I started taking photos again.
A good 50mm could serve several roles. I can add extension tubes for macro. It is about 75mm on an APS-C camera, which is good for portraits. The wide aperture would allow low light photography. Combined with my Otis lens, all I'd be missing is telephoto and ultra wide angle, but honestly I never did much of that anyway. Though ultra wide angle photography is probably the most fun you can have taking pictures—even if the photographic uses are rare.
I did get a Nifty Fifty for my trip to Orlando. I wanted to see if I could get away with using a $100 lens. For the price, it is surprisingly good. And it is the first lens I recommend to anyone starting photography—as almost every camera brand has its own version. But I had several issues trying to make it work for my needs.
It's not very sharp, which is actually fine for shots taken at a distance, but would be a deal breaker for product photos and macro shots which are very close up. Those require as much detail as possible, especially if you need to crop. When you are trying to show people the fine hairs on a bee's body, a soft image just isn't going to have the same impact.
It also does not nail focus consistently and it back focuses (it focuses more behind than in front). Which is a deal breaker for my efforts to use less energy. When I did my portrait shoot with Katrina, I had to do many test shots and look at them on the computer to make sure I was getting them in focus. I was going back and forth and getting up and down. In the end I had to use a smaller aperture and higher ISO to get increased depth of field. And even then the tip of her nose was soft in the photos. Not to mention the added noise from raising the ISO.
This Sigma is a wonderful lens. I'm trying to find a good deal used, but it's still out of reach for now. I have no idea what my financial future is right now and until I know for sure that my brother will release my inheritance in March, I have to be more careful with my budget.
I am going to sell all of my studio lighting gear and use those funds to help me set up a new studio upstairs. I'm hoping that will cover the new lights I will need, but I don't think it will be enough for a lens. Someone suggested a site where I can turn my yard into a dog park, so I am looking into that. I might also see if I can get some gigs restoring photos for people, but it is so difficult finding clients.
Every problem has a solution. And maybe the universe will do me a favor and keep my brother from being terrible just this once.
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bastardrobocop · 7 months
not being funny, not being melodramatic i hope, but i feel like the last year has broken me in a lot of ways. 2023 i mean. i watched a long term relationship disintegrate in my hands until the ultimate betrayal of my trust and safety. i was so stressed and so fucked up all the time.
and now like, i can feel im withdrawing from my friends, im engaging in unhealthy behaviors i will not specify here, despite it all im more lonely than ive ever been, my hobbies are starting to feel like dust in my mouth, and while i'm not actively suicidal, the thought isnt far from my mind in that nasty intrusive thought sort of way.
there are nice things. i have the place to myself. the bed to myself. its quiet. but i feel like ive exhausted the amount of patience people have with me talking about what ive gone through. and as is the nature of things i dont feel as though ive built character or come through hardened. i feel mad. hurt. i want to hurt xer back somehow. take something back because something was taken from me. i feel like i have no recourse. god knows if xe'll hurt someone like xe hurt me again. but thats not even my primary motivation. i just hate feeling like theres nothing. no justice. no satisfaction. nothing that makes being raped a more tolerable experience, which is a silly thing to say. but you understand, right? like, sure i could post somewhere highly visible "In December of 2023 well known SCP Wiki author UraniumEmpire sexually assaulted me" but like what would that accomplish? it sure would put me under a microscope. its a surreal sentence too. hard to explain why. maybe its ultraminor celebrity combined with knowledge that inevitably it can just be denied and nobody will listen.
you know before now i never really noticed how much people fetishize sexual assault? "CNC" and the like. i dont care for it. i dont think they know. its frustrating as an adult online trying to navigate adult spaces. i know its an odd topic, but im fully stream of consciousness right now. i'll see something and it hits me in the gut and so i block the user or close the thing or leave the discord call. yet another addition to the list of things that make my tastes so exacting.
i feel like i should come to some overall point but the only thing coming to mind right now is just 'i hate this'. and i do. i hate this so much. i'm crying a lot more. at stupid things. weird things. memories. dreams. this post. the funny thing is that despite it all, despite the content, despite everything, i hope people read it. i like feeling like i exist. i like feeling real to other people. reminding folks that im not just a joke machine. i have an internal world. i have had a life that's lead me here and despite advantages it has not been good.
did i ever talk about how my high school graduation went? odd digression, bear with me. i feel like its emblematic of how things typically go for me. it's the day i graduate high school. i come downstairs to find my mother on skype with my kansas family. my grandfather is dying. they put him on skype. i watch him die over skype. after sitting alone for some time, i tell my parents i do not want to go through with high school graduation. i am forced to regardless. it is the most miserable day of my life. nobody listens to what i need in the moment. i go through with it, and then we are all shepherded to some kind of entertainment center. for reasons i cannot fathom, we are not allowed to leave for a couple hours. enforced fun time. they bring a stage hypnotist. i sit in silence and watch his antics. i get up and ask one of the people supervising us if i can leave now. they finally say yes. my mother takes me home. she asks if i have a nice time. i say of course i didnt. we drive home in silence.
i have have very rarely felt understood. very rarely felt like i was built to exist in the world. i feel as though i have an expiration date beyond the obvious one. i have grown older and watched people i know operate normally in the world and wondered how they do it. it never clicked for me. autism, transness, otherings. experts looked at me, told me i needed accommodations. never really got them, or they didnt help.
this is getting too long. i asked myself partway through if this was a suicide note but concluded that it wasn't. this is primarily because im scared if i die, they'll separate my cats. adopt them to different homes. they're best friends, they should not be kept apart. i love my cats, even when they're breaking shit and tearing open trash bags.
final paragraph. this whole post thing is probably going to sound embarrassing to me when i have hindsight on it. oh well. i am going to hit the post button now.
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v-anrouge · 1 year
match ups!!! russian roulette is not the same without a gun amirite. shoot me in the foot bubs
im very awkward and reserved in real life; i rarely go out of my way to talk to others, but im charismatic and fun with those i know well. usually id rather get hit by a train than ask a waiter for a straw, but im very ballsy with social interaction when its for the sake of others, and by extension, im confrontational and confident when it comes to handling conflict. im very ambitious, and am a perfectionist when it comes to myself-- as understanding and patient as i try to be, im easily frustrated. im often forgetful and am easily overwhelmed, that leads me to ghosting people often. though, im very competent and responsible when im adhering to a strict structure. i like learning about people, and am easily enamoured by them.
my hobbies are drawing, painting, reading, writing, crocheting, embroidery/clothes-making, jewelry-making, and origami.
i like to think im very open in showing my admiration and appreciation of others; giving, my love languages are quality time, words of affirmation, and physical touch. receiving is the same. when it comes to people i really like, i go out of my way to gift them hand made items.
the people i tend to like the most are those who are articulate, earnest, have a strong moral compass, and are talkative.
-- c
pairing you up with; rook!
rook finds you absolutely fascinating, from the way you act when you're surrounded by strangers to the way you act when you're alone in your room (ig ur not rlly alone if he's watching you...its just research okay) he knows about how some people foolishly falls for the illusion of your self that you use to protect yourself, those who can't seem to realize the depth of your soul, and he can't blame them, he himself feels like he's never discovered it 100%, he feels like he never will. but he thinks it's such a pity that some give up before actually trying to get to know you, you're such an intriguing person, like a book that is filled with tragedies that make your chest ache and wonder for a moment if you should really continue to read it, you know there's much more to come, you know that feeling will come up often, yet you just can't stop yourself from reading it. because it's beautiful, because the feeling it brings you is euphoric. rook can't stop himself from wanting to know more about you, even though in the start you didn't really talk to him and all of the interactions were started by him, he knew discovering you would be an experience he wouldn't want to miss
rook likes your way of dealing with conflict, it matches his, he isn't one to hide his feelings so whenever you two have any problems, you guys always talk it out and it ends up very quickly, which is something he really is grateful for, he really can't stand the thought of being away from you because of a fight
rook is very understanding with your tendencies to get overwhelmed, and although he won't allow you to simply ghost him and distance yourself, he will give you space, he'll check up on you from time to time and make sure you're okay, but he will only go back to talking and hanging out around you once you say you're ready to, he takes a lot of notice in the changes on your body, he can practically feel it when you're getting overwhelmed and he will quickly take you away from the situation and try to get your mind off of it
rook absolutely adores your hobbies, you match perfectly with him, he promised that when you two get married and live together (and he is 100% sure it will happen) he'll make a big room filled with everything you need to indulge into any of them at any times, and he'll of course be by your side the entire time, constantly praising and pointing out little things he likes about your works, he's absolutely enamored with everything you create, he's sure you must have been born with some kind of power, everything you touch is pure beauty, he can't help it, he brags about it to everyone who will hear and even those who won't, he just must show your greatness to the world please forgive him he can't help but be a fool in love <3
im not joking when i say you make him cry everytime you make him a little gift, and when i say cry i mean CRY, red faced, shaky voice..he's a mess, but a beautiful one, because his smile is so bright it outshines the sun, be ready for multiple little gifts in return, he'll spoil you rotten, he just wants to see you be happy, please, wont you grace his presence with another one of your beautiful smiles?
extra; vil, lilia & malleus
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molloytheboy · 3 months
tagged by @dead-ghost-walking to answer these fun fic writing questions!
How many works do you have on AO3? 42
What’s your total AO3 word count? 138,556
What fandoms do you write for? currently just the Vampire Chronicles but when I first got back into fic writing in 2020 it was Dragon Age
What are your top 5 fics by kudos? Does it feel like a dream, Mr. Molloy? | Next to Never | The Fight | Come As You Are | If This Be Nothing
5. Do you respond to comments? Usually yes! I love receiving them so I try to encourage it as much as I can by interacting <3
6. What is the fic you wrote with the angstiest ending? Probably gotta be the fic where I killed Louis (which I do still plan on finishing btw)
7. What’s the fic you wrote with the happiest ending? Holy Ground :)) this one is sickeningly sweet tbh i was in serious need of some fluff when I wrote it
8. Do you get hate on fics? only very rarely. basically never happens now that I only allow comments from people with accounts
9. Do you write smut? If so, what kind? yes. all kinds. all of the kinds. VC Kink Week 2023
10. Do you write crossovers? What’s the craziest one you’ve written? not currently but crossover crackfic was how i started my fic writing career back in high school. craziest was a roleplay with my bestie that involved characters from Naruto, Samurai Champloo, DNAngel, Fruits Basket, Gravitation, and Fullmetal Alchemist
11. Have you ever had a fic stolen? not to my knowledge. nice thing about writing for such a small fandom someone would probably notice and notify me pretty quick
12. Have you ever had a fic translated? no
13. Have you ever co-written a fic before? yes
14. What’s your all time favorite ship? idk if i can pick one definitively but its a VC ship for sure. its kind of all of them tbh all the main canon ones. i cycle thru obsessing over each of them depending on the fic im working on. if i was forced to choose at gunpoint i would go with Nickistat
15. What’s a WIP you want to finish but doubt you ever will? hate the phrasing of this how dare u make me face my demons. I will finish all of my wips i will break the cycle and then i will be free and never again be plagued by thoughts about the Characters in Situations. i know this sounds like a cop out answer but i genuinely with all my heart believe that i will eventually get to all 17 of my wips this is simply the extent of my hubris
16. What are your writing strengths? dialogue i think. and smut idk can smut be a strength. tbh i haven't received a lot of constructive feedback on my writing outside of fan spaces so i dont feel qualified to answer this
17. What are your writing weaknesses? over-explaining/over-describing characters actions and motives and emotions in a scene. i feel like this is smth that doesnt come across in my final drafts as much anymore bc ive been actively working on it but this is the thing i consistently struggle with during the process. also i tend to be kind of lazy with research which isnt the best quality to have when you write mostly in historical settings. but with fanfic i feel justifed in only spending one hour instead of three reading up on life in 18th century Paris since i do have a life to get back to at some point. if i was writing for publication i would try harder
18. Thoughts on writing dialogue in another language in fic? I do it, poorly. almost exclusively French in this fandom, and a little Italian. I do my best to check multiple translation sources (from real speakers if possible) and find example sentences to base my grammar on. but again, this is a hobby so I don't hold myself to the same standard I would if I was doing it professionally
19. First fandom you wrote for? pretty sure my first fanfic was that crossover i mentioned earlier so. all of those
20. Favorite fic you’ve written? oh boy. hold on gimme a sec. ok i think its Against All Odds rn. i was at the top of my game when it comes to Loustat banter (had recently reread the first 3 books) and its very tight and compact and cinematic im still really pleased with it 2 years (??!?!?!?) later
tagging @nightcolorz @butchybats and anyone else who wants to! u can say I tagged u <3
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gnostichymns · 5 months
ah hello hello!! i'm here for a bit of advice. so there's plenty of times i've wanted to apply (or er, re-apply in this case!) but i always end up getting stuck at the writing sample.
i don't mind being attached to the guild; in fact, i think it's a very adorable approach in bringing all the muses together! except, because i tend to overthink my writing, i always find it challenging to satisfy the prompt, even if i really enjoy the idea behind it. it's simple enough to come up with an explanation for why they would join the guild, but conveying it through a scene that makes sense has me grasping at the air. it's very much a me problem,,, which is to say! since the application is changing in turn with the quantum sea update (at least that's what i'm calling it), i'm wondering if it would be better to persevere and finish my current sample nonetheless, or if it would be better to wait till may. thank you for your time! ♡
As unhelpful as it may seem, my best advice as a fellow writer would be to keep thinking on the current prompt as though there never would be a different one. If inspiration strikes you for it, then you will be glad you chose to take advantage of the application in its current state.
Of course, with that said I wouldn't force it either. Since the application will change, if you do not find that inspiration before then, the blank slate might be just what you need. If you find yourself at a hard stop there is no shame in waiting for something new. Take it as your spoons allow you to! Forcing your mental or your muse to bend to something it doesn't want to very rarely results in work you're happy with, and at the end of the day writing is meant to be a hobby and an art. More than anything, it is about your enjoyment!
Hopefully this helped, and we look forward to seeing you (re)join us whenever you are ready!
-Mod Alina
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angelamzs · 5 months
Thank you so much for tagging me @anaid-arghem 🫶🏼
Are you named after anyone?
No, my mother was thinking about calling me María, Carmen or Angela so she asked my dad and he said that Angela was better than the others.
When was the last time you cried?
Three or four days ago, I cry even when I’m happy.
Do you have kids?
Nooo, I'm very very young for that. However, I think that I would never have. I love kids but I don't think I would be a great mother and I don't see myself having a family. I rather focus on my future job and my own dreams and happiness than being married with kids.
What sports do you play/have played?
I did rhythmic gymnastics and I tried to play rugby as my father is a former rugby player but my mum didn't allow me to do it. Nowadays I use to go to the gym, although I’m not going so much these last months.
Do you use sarcasm?
Yes, but it’s not my strongest point.
What's the first thing you notice about people?
Physically I notice their eyes (mainly their gaze) and their smile. For me the gaze and the smile are one of the most important things and can tell a lot about someone. As personality and mentality, the most important thing for me is intelligence, so one of the things that I like to notice first is how they communicate and express themselves, because I think that it can show their intelligence and their personality.
What's your eye color?
Green (hazel).
Scary movies or happy endings?
Happy endings, scary movies don't scare me at all.
Your talents?
I don't really know if these are talents at all, also when I have to talk about these kind of things my mind becomes empty, but here you have some rare things about me: I know all the F1 drivers champions in order and I also know all the F1 race winners; I know how to say “I love you” in a lot of languages; and I’m really good at spatial intelligence.
Where were you born?
In Madrid, the best city of the world✨
Any hobbies?
Listening to music, dancing and watching films and sports as motorsport, rugby, american football, snooker and football. I also love to read things related to history (also history about F1), politics and just a few novels.
Do you have any pets?
No, in fact I'm that person that doesnt like animals, although I have tried so many times and I actually find them cute. I prefer the plants and I have a potho, that is like a little tree and its called Dino.
How tall are you?
158 cm, all my friends make fun of this and they call me sausage dog😭
Favorite subject in school?
Math and physics with difference, I also like history as I’m really into the Industrial revolution and the 20th century.
Dream job?
My dream is to become an engineer in motorsport. I would also love to inspire and help kids to become engineers as it is being a difficult path for me and I would love having someone to help me. I would also love to create a website, books or even documentaries about classic F1, I just feel that I have a duty with all these people and I also feel that I have been created to honour their memory.
I won’t tag anyone because all the people that I know here have already been tagged😭
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cheddargoblin · 6 months
23, 24 and 25 for Meisi and Deidre
hi again baron love uuuuu i think you wanted me to answer both for both? ill do that anyways 23. What do they feel guilty for that the other person(s) doesn’t / don’t even remember? (assuming its for one and the other, vice versa) For Meisi, i think he'd feel guilty for not having enough of a hand in keeping an eye on deidre due to involvement with an undisclosed dragon-slaying/watching/raising/helping guild. He'd feel like he couldve been there to better assist and guide deidre AWAY from becoming a perpetually shellshocked little mordrem medic, maybe a little 'hey buddy maybe i can help you find a home outside of the military to acclimate to life in' In turn deidre is guilty about.. most things. while they dont specifically have much association with Meisi, due to being a lowly medic vs one of the vigil's warmasters, hed still manage to try and apologize for things, like the damage the asura took during the maguuma disaster & mordrem outbreak. "im sorry about the events i wasnt involved in hurting you, i feel guilty about them anyway' type beat. love you you silly little anxiety lizard. 24.Did they take a cookie from the cookie jar? What kind of cookie was it? Meisi probably bought the cookie jar or put the cookies in it, and hes taking a fig newton or something else fruity. Dee is refusing to steal from it but staring at it from across the room like a cat that Wants Something. If offered, would prefer Shortbread. 25. What subject / topic do they know a lot about that’s completely useless to the direct plot?
Meisi actually has a background and knowledge in archaeology, and to a lesser degree, anthropology! (is there a term for that that covers multiple sapient races). He enjoys herping and picking up weird snakes a as a hobby but hes got some actually decent knowledge about old history and weirdly niche things. area man that will recite the histories of human civilizations with extreme detail and boredome and then stop it all to show you the rare two-tailed gecko or something. Dee doesnt have MUCH of a life outside of being a pact medic until recent years, but his desire to help as well as his unique anatomical position have allowed him to get a wealth of knowledge on the differences between sylvari & mordrem physiology, as well as how they are cross-applicable, such as grafting woulds and regrowing limbs! He's trying to make it a medical book for people to cite, hes very eager for it to help save more lives.
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talkingbl · 2 years
The Good and Bad of Unforgotten Night
The Good
The trope was well-executed. Mafia stories RARELY miss for me, and this one was no exception. This show had some of the more realistic mafia plot lines and portrayals I’ve seen in BL. I really enjoyed how competent Kamol and his people were. Kamol felt like a natural mafioso and in the mafia-related scenes, his people acted with the same level of professionalism you’d expect from the right-hand men of a powerful mafia don.
The relationship between Day, Itt, and Kim. I thought it was really cool for the show to twist the scorned lover trope on its head. Yes, Kim started off jealous of Itt, but it was only as a result of the natural progression of getting over a heartbreak. Once we were past that, it was clear that, despite the awkwardness, Day was not going to leave or cheat on Itt with Kim just because Kim is our hot lead who is shacking up with Day’s boss. There was never any dramatic 'let’s get back together just so I can ruin your current relationship and have it all be for nothing’ plot from Day toward Kim and Kamol. It was actually a very realistic and mature portrayal of what happens after two adults break things off and decide to be friends.
Head Bitch in Charge, Kim Kunanon. Hands-down the most intriguing part of this story was the dynamic between Kim and the rest of the mafia family. The moment Kim became a target of Kamol’s affection, Kamol ordered his people to obey Kim’s word as if it were his own. Kim became an extension of Kamol in this very real and tangible way. On Kim’s first night in Kamol’s house, after he meets everyone, Kim starts making friends as if he’d been there the entire time. He takes Baiboon under his wing, tries to start making changes around the house re: everyone’s roles, and tells his security to go find hobbies lmao. Even more, he defies Kamol in front of the entire inner circle. Now normally things like this would take me out of the story. After all, a powerful mafia boss isn’t going to let anyone disrespect him in front of his subordinates. But what makes Kim’s actions work for me is that there is always this underlying feeling that everyone perceives Kamol as in complete control--that Kamol is simply allowing Kim to make orders and change Kamol’s plans. And it’s not that Kamol is abusive in this way--quite the contrary. He’s allowing Kim to do these things out of love and respect. He understands that there is a give-and-take in relationships and that this is one relationship where, despite having control over the situation, he must give Kim space to control the environment in order to receive the gift of Kim’s presence within the environment. I love this dynamic. This simple touch elevates Kim’s character in the story and it makes Kim an active, rather than reactive character (something many mob boys and wives in these stories often succumb to). It signals to the viewer that not only are Kim and Kamol equal in the relationship, they are, in essence, one voice. Another thing I love about this dynamic is that it implicates Kim in the mafia business. He is, in many ways, more powerful than even Kamol in the business. Think about it like this: the enemies are at the subordinates’ beck-and-call, the subordinates are at Kamol’s beck-and-call, and Kamol is at Kim’s beck-and-call. Kim is the final boss that everything must go through. We see this most clearly when 1) Kim tells Kamol not to kill the enemies and 2) Kim tells Kamol to quit the mafia life. Immediately, Kamol complies with everything Kim requests, even if he does so while claiming he’ll only “consider it.” At the end of the day, we all know that Kamol is going to do whatever Kim tells him. This makes Kim the most powerful character in the story, despite often being the character that lacks the most direct control in the story. Yet another aspect of this that I find interesting is how this dynamic affects Kamol. As I mentioned, Kamol is like putty in Kim’s hands. At every moment you can tell that he is holding back from his original nature because of Kim. You can also tell that he wants to share everything with Kim. In fact, one of my favorite lines is when Kamol says to Danil: “Kim is my lover. My house is his house.” This is only one of many times throughout the story that Kamol either insinuates or flat-out says that what is his is also Kim’s. Yet it feels distinct from the idea of “what’s mine is ours.” It feels like Kamol is actually saying, “no, what’s mine is literally only Kim’s.” It’s the idea that there is not “sharing” in the traditional sense. Instead, everything “shared” ultimately becomes Kim’s, because Kim’s thoughts, feelings, and well-being are the ones that Kamol is concerned with--not his own. This is an incredibly subtle, powerful, and intriguing character expression from Kamol and character dynamic between him and Kim.
The redemption of Cherry. After setting her up to be the bad guy, I am so glad she came out on top and that Kamol never disrespected her and she never got chased away. We need more BLs where men and women are true friends--it’s just more realistic that way.
Kamol asking for unconditional consent during sex scenes and only proceeding once he has it. That’s it, that’s the post. (Now there is some debate over whether Kim could consent in some scenes but honestly, it looked 100% like he could at each of the moments I can remember).
Kim as nurturer. Oh boy, where do I start? From Kim and Baiboon to Kim and Salmon, and even to Kim and Danil, there is so much character development on Kim’s part as a nurturer. When he moves into the house, he immediately wants to relieve Aunt Nee from her duty so that he can cook and be the caretaker of the house. When he meets Whipped Cream and Kemo, he wants to feed them and care for them as if they weren’t 300lb wild beasts with their own caretakers. When he meets Baiboon, Baiboon automatically fills a younger brother/son type of role. In fact, Kamol says at one point that Baiboon is Kim’s son. And then, there’s Salmon. Kim automatically connects with this child and seems so taken with him as if he was interacting with his own flesh-and-blood. Even toward his enemy: Danil, Kim reads this man like a book and instead of fighting fire with fire, he tries to get to know Danil and comfort him. He steps into this very empathic and supportive role that is just never seen in BL. But what’s more interesting than all of these acts of care and kindness, is just how much Kim wants a family. Not only does he sometimes have to take care of people, he actively wants to care of someone. And more specifically, he wants to take care of a child or a childlike figure. He wants someone he can baby and pamper, cuddle and nibble--like a parent with their child. And this is not just in the subtext. In many scenes, he is outwardly jealous of people who get to do this. In fact, perhaps the most telling moment showcasing this (and probably my favorite moment of the show) comes in Ep. 7 after Kim has spent significant time observing Day and Itt with Salmon, he says to Day and Itt “You guys are like a family.” Itt responds, “How could we be a family? I’m a man.” To which Kim says, “So? You’re Day’s boyfriend. [. . .] I like the familial moments between you guys. It’s cute and lovely.” I also want to note here that though the translations all say something like this, with my limited Thai, the literal translations feel even more direct... (Kim literally says “You guys really are like father, mother, and son.” And after Itt responds that he’s a man, Kim says something like, “It doesn’t matter that you’re a man...you’re his lover, right?”) That moment was so incredibly special to me and very telling about Kim’s character. I mean, throughout the show there’s these little nuggets hinting that he wants a nuclear family and it is so incredibly different from anything I’ve seen in a Thai BL. It got to the point where I was literally yelling at the screen: give this man a baby!! He wants a baby! Let him have someone tiny and squishy to call his own!!! It was so very well done and refreshing, and I wish we could see this type of characterization more in BL.
The Bad
Shoes and outside clothes on the bed. Now this isn’t super rare in BL but it’s gross and takes me out of it every time I see it.
Sometimes the acting was too soapy or even stilted.
Cartoon supervillain Danai. I mean it would’ve been okay if he weren’t so over-the-top dramatic (see #2) or so unrealistic as a mafia boss. Worst part of the show for me hands-down.
The intimacy and the sloppy portrayal of BDSM lmao. It wasn’t that they did anything improper, it’s just that it was so incredibly unsexy. And while I’m not in the camp of people who think Yoon and Ton have anti-chemistry, I do think that there’s something about the way they were (or perhaps weren’t) coached in intimate scenes that made them so painfully bad. Like the kiss seemed dead, the so-called sex had no actual (? is that the right word lmao) sex, and the BDSM was like someone read 50 Shades of Grey and decided to cram all the worst parts of the already poor exploration of BDSM into 2 minutes of sexy time. I’m left wondering how much better this show would’ve been with LITA or KinnPorsche level sex scenes (the answer is: much).
All-in-all I honestly enjoyed this entry. So many people hate-watched it and would report back with OTT complaints about the lack of chemistry and the acting. Naturally, I wanted to see what all the fuss was about and was a bit shocked when I got so hooked so quickly. The show wasn’t nearly as bad for me as others found it and those saying Yoon and Ton have “anti-chemistry” are reaching lmao. Could they have done better? Hell yeah. MUCH better. But they were good enough for what the story was giving and honestly were better than some of y’alls favorites 👀
Anyway, bye.
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arthoure · 2 years
I guess with twitter falling apart, the logical step is to move back to tumblr, but I struggle with what to even post! 
Twitter is kind of the LinkedIn of game dev, for casual networking and commiserating about the seven hells of the industry, so it made sense for me to be there to make my little jokes and yell about unions. It’s also more mobile-friendly, so I could post cat pics and be on my way without a fuss. And I always used Tumblr more for fandom meta stuff, which isn’t something I really do anymore because being a narrative designer kind of changes how you engage with fandom and meta -- it starts to feel like your day job instead of your fun hobby, at least in some senses, or it uses the same type of brain energy and at the end of work you’re depleted. And it’s weird to be able to see the seams of games, and have a sense of where their budgeting and schedules and tech restraints were, in a way that completely changes your idea of what “good” is or what something “accomplished” and doesn’t always line up with the ideas of other players. It’s not a good or a bad thing, just different. I read books differently now than I used to, too. (Part of this is also about growing older and developing new neural pathways. Weird shit.) It’s interesting to think about how fandom got me into game dev (literally; the first writing sample that got me hired was fe13 fanfic with the names changed -- but also very directly through the support of the friends who read my writing for years ((often making it better with our discussions)) and encouraged me to apply and etc.) and yet game dev is kind of what keeps me from being in fandom (at least deeply). 
So I kind of had two different networks -- the twitter one of friends plus game dev peers, and the tumblr one of friends plus fandom peers, the latter of whom followed me basically for meta/fanfic/the stuff I reblogged. But friends also keep in touch on discord or other messengers, so I often wonder, what do I even post for, and why? All I really want to post about is my life, but that’s not even really a safe thing to do, and also, why do I want to, besides being a little human who likes to leave her little proofs that she was here? Like, would it be interesting to anyone here to know that I work in AAA now and the fam and I are moving to Germany soon? That’s cool news for me, but I can’t say much of anything about my work (and even the things I am allowed to say are dangerous, lmao. Telling the internet who you work for and on what game title always makes you a target. Target is doubled for every underrepresented identity that you have. But that was a LITTLE different for me in my curated twitter bubble because again, it’s more like LinkedIn on the gamedev side, and I have a small audience so my info doesn’t leave my bubble; my bubble is also small on Tumblr but feels more unfamiliar after I’ve been inactive for so long.). AAA can carry a lot more weight in the industry but it really shouldn’t (what some other VOW writers said is true: God works hard, AAA devs work harder, but mobile romance devs work hardest of all) and tbh I don’t give a shit about commercial game size--I chose this company’s offer because its team was really special (severely anti-crunch, pro-labor rights, inclusive, brilliantly skilled in storytelling and technical design and other things I want to learn from them, kind and warm). But some of you might be happy to know that I’ll finally get real health insurance and sick days and vacation time and I can’t just be randomly laid off at any time (something European game devs enjoy that US devs often do not), and it’s a huge weight off my shoulders, because you might remember how I had to struggle with that for several years. Always so much to say but so much fear around saying it. Rare to find the points where you can view your life as Back Then and Right Now in such concrete terms. Is that worth documenting?
TL;DR I want to use social media for personal things and chatting with friends but The Internet at large makes it difficult to do that. I am of course far from the only one who feels this way. That’s just the update on me while I ponder what else to contribute to this blog! I do owe you some cat pics at least.
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