#its very video game menu music but still
spacemossmans · 10 months
(For the spotify ask game) 12?
Prologue from the firewatch soundtrack!
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skunkes · 9 months
what is dave the diver like? ive seen it a lot but nobody talked abt like. gameplay. is it good?? i think i might get it later this month
gameplay for dave the diver involves diving down to collect sea creatures for 2 rounds, this is how time progresses in the game. You are able to upgrade several of your items in order to be able to dive deeper, breathe for longer, do more damage, carry more items with you, which also progresses the Plot.
at night you work at the sushi restaurant that makes food out of the fish you bring in, and this part of the game involves selecting a menu, serving drinks, serving the food, refilling ingredients (but it is Not stressful as you very quickly unlock multiple staff members that do this all for you, since you, as Dave, have a really slow walking speed. you very quickly get to a point where u just supervise restocking the menu and such)
I think it is good ^_^ i am a person who doesnt like management games, and the restaurant part doesnt feel like that at all. (if your staff doesnt get the order out to someone in time, all that happens is you dont get the money that person wouldve paid). I really feared it would be That kind of restaurant gameplay.
There are people who complain that there are too many quests and tasks (this is a game where you have a Phone with Apps on it, related to the game after all), but every mechanic that is introduced is not done in a stressful way, is usually tied to the plot and you are given a good example of how to use it, and many things are optional, or easy to balance since the game time only progresses when you dive!
If I had known some of the stuff/eventual mechanics beforehand, I would have felt very overwhelmed! But I think the game introduces em in a good + relevant way as u progress the plot! ykwim?
I usually HATE when games are Lots of Tasks but here its like well, I need something to do while diving anyway! Maybe doing this thing will earn me more money, or a charm that buffs my harpoon gun, or reward me with an ingredient for the sushi place, or cat food to feed the cat with. Very few things are Timed (like Parties where getting certain fish will have people paying more, or having a VIP visitor you need to make a specific dish for) and the game goes at the pace of your diving expeditions, which can last as long or as short as you want, (U can find oxygen capsules underwater!), so I also dont feel Rushed. You can do all the little quests before proceeding with plot progressing main quest, you can ignore little quests, do them later etc.
Im not very good at video james, and I get stressed out by them easily, and this game has been really fun for me and not super stressful....! I don't think it's high stakes at all.... It is also very Cute moments and pretty and the music is nice. And I love Dave he is a good guy and so cute also. ...
Jerma plays a very very small amount of it which was enough to hook me (and it only gets better and more interesting from there) if u Do wanna get an idea of core mechanics without further spoilering... I also got it on sale in case I did not like it ^_^
also it OF COURSE still has its flaws, from plot to writing to mechanics, but I like it a lot! i am haveing fun
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estradasphere · 2 months
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PSP time :D
Initial thoughts:
First of all, absolutely beautiful. Glossy shell. My red one looks kinda pinkish in natural light. Charmingly retro UI.
Not the most comfortable to hold, but it's not bad. I think my hands are either too big or too small for it (probably the latter). Buttons are fine. Clicky. Analog nub is in a weird spot that kinda hurts my thumb to use?
May just be an issue with my unit but the headphone jack fits VERY tightly, not going anywhere while plugged in but also kinda hard to take out
Music and video players are pretty good! A lot more features than the 3DS equivalents (video player has fast forward/reverse, frame advance, screen fit...) Music does not seem to keep playing in sleep mode, which is unfortunate, but it does have some fun visualizers. Photo viewer is just a photo viewer, it's whatever.
Custom theme support is siiiiiiiiick, can't believe that's a built-in feature wow. You can also set a photo on your memory stick as ur wallpaper, overriding a theme's bg while keeping its custom icons n stuff (that's what I did up there).
In general it's worth noting how more *open* this thing feels compared to the 3DS - no region lock! (well except for UMD movies but whatever). Also supports a lot more languages than I expected, this is a Japanese PSP but also has system language options for English, Spanish, Chinese, Korean, Dutch... no CFW region change needed
As expected, internet browser is super outdated. Apparently had Adobe Flash support tho which is cool. And I was able to use Discross on it. Typing without a touchscreen suuucks though.
A lot of unusable dead shortcuts in the menu that when launched try to download from some defunct server - stuff like 1Seg, a comic reader, x-Radar Portable, SensMe™ (whatever that is), Internet Radio(?), RSS reader, none of those seem to work anymore. The Playstation Network / Store stuff is obviously dead too. I'm not making a Skype account just to see if that still works.
Speaking of Internet, it doesn't support modern WiFi security, so I have to use an unprotected hotspot from my phone in order to get online with this thing.
Installing CFW is dead simple, like, possibly the easiest setup ever, just put the files on the stick and launch the thing and then launch the other thing aaaand you're done. The whole plugin system is weird though (you have to manually add a line like "ms0:/seplugins/npdrm_free.prx 1" to a txt file or two every time you install one)
Since my PSP is Japanese, it uses O for confirm and X for cancel. Which, hot take maybe, is HOW IT SHOULD BE? FOR EVERYONE? WHY WOULD X EVER MEAN CONFIRM? WHY ARE NON-JAPANESE CONSOLES LIKE THAT?
The only game I've tried so far is Bejeweled 2. It plays fine. You really can't fuck up Bejeweled, though. I don't have any discs (hence why I CFW'd the thing, cough), but I have to say that a handheld that uses optical media is extremely cool.
...It's a charming little thing! I like it a lot!
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atiny-for-life · 8 months
Xikers Full Storyline Explained - BONUS 4
While this MV doesn't move the storyline forward (which is likely due to Junghoon's absence at the time), we can still take a little look at its self-contained plot for the fun of it!
We begin with a shot of an old tube TV with an integrated cassette player
Note the 'Xikers' and 'Do or Die' tape, as well as the blue-and-yellow background (the latter will be noteworthy in a second)
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We zoom in on the screen as it switches on and displays the main menu of a little game called "The Adventures of Xikers: Zombieland"
A little pixelated red and black van comes flying at us as we select "Play" and cut to the Mission screen which announces: "Mission: Capture zombie's heart"
From there, we cut to the interior of (presumably the before seen) van where we find ourselves in the company of Xikers themselves
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However, we're also quit to cut to another version of Xikers who're lounging on a couch and cushions in front of a familiar yellow-and-blue wall
It's now conveniently already been established that we've got both the in-game and real-life versions of them and we'll be cutting back and forth between the two throughout the duration of the MV
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Their in-game versions roll up to a zombie-infested street with their weapons already in hand, kicking off their mission
(It's here where I'd like to point out the super extravagant outfits they're wearing which tell us that their real-life counterparts spent a ridiculous amount of time in the character creation section just to put as much random extra items on their avatars as possible)
Now at the starting point of the game, their in-game selves are quick to knock out a couple of zombies in a row, swinging bats and pipes to lay them out flat and stand threateningly over them
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And by threateningly, I mean adorably
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We've got Yujun hopping onto the roof of a car, while Jinsik, Yechan and Seeun push along a zombie whom they've placed on a hospital gurney
Meanwhile, Sumin has made himself at home in the back of a van stacked full of boxes labeled "xikers" which he then exits to show off its exterior (there, we can then also see the van company's motto: "We blow up everywhere" - a line from the song)
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The members then gather around the gurney and begin to fasten electrodes to the zombie's chest, place headphones over his ears and inject him with an unknown substance (something tells me these kids don't have a medical license)
They then proceed to dump him in a wheelchair and push him along the street until they've reached the stage built at its end
Xikers take the stage and begin to perform as the zombies flock around the parked cars they'll sometimes be jumping onto
Some of the already treated zombies then also join in on the jamming as a drummer and guitarists respectively
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As we move into vers two, we return to the real-life versions of xikers who, for now, stop playing and roam around the store they've been chilling in
The little "Tricky" video rental place is very much reminiscent of the Blockbuster stores found around the US from the mid-80s up until a decade or ago
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This then raises the question what the fuck these kids are doing in there and why they're not being supervised by an older adult
Do Yechan's parents own the place? Did they start a business themselves at such a young age? Does one of them live in a house that has a fake video rental store in its basement for some reason? Guess we'll never know.
Either way, they return to the game after a bit and have Junmin absolutely obliterate half the earth for the sake of going full Happy Gilmore on an innocent golf ball
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They then jam out with the zombies some more until they've fully converted them with the power of music and performance, at which point they join in on the dancing and fireworks explode in the sky, declaring the mission was successfully cleared which marks the closely followed end of the MV
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tymime · 1 year
I'm very alarmed by how many people are dismissive of the lost media community, even going so far as to spread misinformation about them. I've seen them characterize lost media seekers as ignorant whiners and brats, and that they're wasting their efforts. Do these people have any idea how difficult it actually is to find this stuff? It can take years, if copies even exist. Don't they value art preservation?
You'd be astonished by how many shows that are barely twenty years old that have simply vanished, with no clear indication of whether or not the copyright holders kept a record of it. When fans try to contact the people involved in the show, they often refuse to answer emails. These aren't old, aging shows from fifty years ago, decaying in some film can. These are shows from as recent as the 2000s and 2010s.
There's been a toxic attitude going around big media companies for a couple decades now, treating their IPs (and their customers) as disposable, moving on to the next thing as soon as profits dry up. This is a big part of the reason media becomes lost in the first place. Old show not getting enough ratings? Need to make room for a new show? Just get rid of it! Now, some of these examples aren't lost media, admittedly- but they definitely could have been, if not for an on-the-ball internet pirate downloading and backing them up. There's a series from 2002 called Whatever Happened to... Robot Jones? which hasn't been on the air in about twenty years. The original audio track was missing for many years, and had to be pieced together from several sources, with the video elements coming from a foreign dub. There was a music track heard in an episode of SpongeBob called "Humpback Hop" with several minutes cut from it, unheard of for two decades, and even the composer had lost all of his copies of it. It seemed like even Nickelodeon didn't have it in their archives, because they rerecorded it for a DVD menu. It's a miracle somebody finally tracked it down. There's a series from 2007 called Out of Jimmy's Head, whose original English version is still half missing. Even though by all accounts it's a crappy show, I still want to see it. (update: This show has been found, thank goodness.) And even though I'm not a fan, there are dozens of 2010s Cartoon Network shows that were once on HBO Max, that are simply gone. They're not in reruns, they're not officially streaming. You have to resort to piracy to view them. I wouldn't wish this fate on anybody. The Willow series from 2022 was taken off Disney+ mere weeks after its debut, just because not enough people watched it. It's stuck in the middle of a storyline.
Nintendo has been notoriously bad about this. They don't want you to play any NES, SNES, GB, or N64 games that aren't the most iconic best-sellers. They take down ROM websites, even if most of the games there aren't first party or being sold in any way. The only way to legally play a game that isn't available on the Switch is to pay hundreds or even thousands of dollars for a working console and cartridges. Most people can't afford to do that.
If it hadn't been for the efforts of unofficial programs like Ruffle and Flashpoint, thousands of flash games and cartoons would be unplayable and unwatchable.
Even if the cartoon is safe and sound locked away in some vault, instead of missing entirely, it still winds up unseen that way. The public has a right to see a show they used to be able to see and enjoyed, instead of it being unviewable for all eternity. "Oh, but they have a right to not let us see it! They own the rights to it, after all, and can do whatever they want!" some might say. What if WB went out of their way to destroy every DVD, Blu-ray, and video tape of Looney Tunes, and locked away all their copies? Would you feel the same way then? Would we not have a right to see them? Would you just roll over and take it, and let corporate overlords tell what you can or can't watch? Just shrug it off and say "Oh well, guess I'll never see it again"? How would it not irritate you? TV and movies aren't the same as some painting or statue where usually only one version of it exists in some museum or private collection. Media is meant to be distributed and seen worldwide, for everyone to enjoy in their homes. If they're stuck in some warehouse on some hard drive, they may as well not exist.
It extends out into other aspects of our lives- old buildings get torn down instead of getting restored, vintage interiors get torn out or covered up by something modern or ugly. There was a time when films and video tapes were routinely destroyed to make room for new ones, because nobody thought anybody would want to see them again. We need to get past this destructive pattern.
Am I grateful for streaming services and the content they make available? Of course I am. But as many have said before, they could take it all away, and a show can simply vanish, leaving fans to resort to piracy just to see it, if anyone even bothered to save it beforehand.
Being dismissive of these efforts is the sort of attitude that's part of the reason media gets lost in the first place.
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docilepillow · 8 months
2024 January Media Post Thingy
i dont post on tumblr.com a whole lot i mostly just love to reblog but i wanna see if this novelty thing sticks because for like 2020-2022 i had like a text file i did that i stopped doing in 2023 or so for like video games in particular and i unno it was fun but i got distracted cus half that month i was doing retail anything special happen this year yet? not especially, but since soon ill be very busy with something that IS indeed special, and my bday, i may as well make a post now bc i feel like i will be preoccupied for the first good bit of febuary personally ( exciting life stuff ! ) last disclaimer is that at some point i would want to add movies and shows to this list when i get around to it , but for me december and january've kinda blended in that regard.. me and my friends watched Wonka recently and i was kinda so-so on that just cus' i think the original movies a certain way i guess. oops. i think there were other movies/ shows too and comics as well but once again, december-january blurr for me. Furthermore, any piece of media i pick out for this will also have a completely arbitrary doc-ism secondary title just because i feel like it. Enjoy! VIDEO GAMES! ! MARIO GALAXY 2 < SECOND ROUNDEST MARIO GAME >
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I wanna say i spent from the first of january to the third on this game, but my Wii Menu calendar is a little fucked up....
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Whoops! Regardless, i do have a bit of a background of not completely " gel-ing " with the original Mario Galaxy gameplay wise in my own friendgroup, to mostly dismayed reactions n junk. In short, i think artistically the game's merits are absolutely fantastic, but since i played it on the switch 3d mario collection some time after sunshine, i do think the control scheme is overall pretty limited, and that does apply to mario galaxy 2, i guess, but methodically, i think playing this game on a wiimote does make the limitation feel i guess more fair in terms of like camera control and deliberacy n stuff... the galaxy games and presentation are completely amazing works of art obviously and theres some good music here but i think between galaxy 1 and 2 i definitely prefer 2 mechanically. i enjoy the level scenarios more thats primarily it, i think. I'm so-and-so on how comets work and how many stars you need to get to get to the end ( I think how comets spawn is a little filler-ey and waiting for them to appear in a level i don't know it'll appear in was a little obtuse to figure out, even if i did eventually manage it and actually enjoy the challenges they offer. its mostly just really annoying comet spawning mechanics that were a drag. a very deliberately- controlling mario i guess and being more familiar with galaxy's control probably was why i was able to enjoy this one more ? Yay! I think i still enjoy 3d world more then this and most other 3D marios, though. It's a good video game and i liked the boss fights in it, theyre surprisingly cool and dynamic for what i'm used to from the mario series. I didn't do the special world, though. i wasn't compelled to go that far past the credits. ( You'd think this game's doc-ism title would come from it being the sequel to mario galaxy, and thus, second roundest, but honestly, i think in terms of the mario series scale, Mario Pinball Land has round mario in it, and galaxy 2's starship mario is definitely, i think, rounder then the comet observatory from galaxy one. That makes Mario Galaxy the third-roundest mario game! )
From around the 6th to the 13th, I ended up playing --- ACTRAISER RENAISSANCE < THE CEREAL-BOX GOD GAME >
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actraiser is definitely a mixed video game for me, because i definitely see the merit in it. It's a very unconventional splicing of both sidescrolling and city-development game, a " remake " of a novel SNES/Famicom game with the same premise. You're like a big god of light guy who sends your soul into this little warrior guy who cleanses the land of monsters for around 6 different settlements to florish in with the assistance of a cute little angel friend and whatever area's flavor of local legend the game gives you after a story event or two to hold down the place from encroaching monster dens and such; and, apparently exclusive to this version, there's also little tower-defense segments that come in waves around four or five times per area, which in my opinion are kind of this game's weakest link, but not without like Some kind of merit. At the end of each town segment, there is also a big boss fight, usually tying into the story in some way.
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( I think one of the things that genuinely pushed me to give the game a try was the cute angel design in it..... ) (I usually take an excessive number of screenshots whenever i'm playing on switch, just because doing so is very easy and i'm a sentimental freak ( For actraiser R, this is 148 screenshots ) ) ( If i continue doing this next month, i'll try to include the foresight to actually use my capture card for images, instead of taking pictures with my phone.. ) ( I think one of the things that genuinely pushed me to give the game a try was the cute angel design in it..... ) (I usually take an excessive number of screenshots whenever i'm playing on switch, just because doing so is very easy and i'm a sentimental freak ( For actraiser R, this is 148 screenshots ) ) ( If i continue doing this next month, i'll try to include the foresight to actually use my capture card for images, instead of taking pictures with my phone.. ) Some things i like that this game does, alot ---
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i think it has a very very cool " world select " map. one very postive thing is that it updates in real time with your progress in the area, so you can watch it all expand from your little sky palace once you've done your buisness there. it's really satisfying and pretty... this game's got really good 2d art, i think. I've heard people be mixed on the sidescroller art in comparison, but i think it's got a charm to it. I think it's cute and while its probably more a budgetary limitation, i do like how everything kind of looks like one of those fantasy stills you can sometimes buy from arts and crafts stores. The framerate on them is like a bit lower then what you'd expect from a modern game but mechanically its still very responsive, which makes me feel like it's a stylistic choice to look more stop-motioney, i guess. Maybe im just a fan of ham, i unno.
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In terms of the overhead segments, it's pretty basic and automated, which is fine by me, and perfectly workable for what it is, i think, conceptually ( they build out on your own but you do kind of " guide their hand " when it comes to where paths go, at least. It does lead to a weird meta thing being to zap your own people with holy lightning to destroy stuff you don't want though, which feels flavorfully odd for a benevolent god.... I guess it's fair enough
the main problem with the game is that the tower defense segments, the main major feature and addition of this remake, does kind of take the game's pacing and drop flat in the middle of it. They're usually decently long segments where you can only indirectly fight, and are kind of slow. They also usually need you to protect or have a certain number of buildings left by the end of it ( having all of your farms in tact by the end, defending the main temple, not having every house burned down ) which can be a bit more difficult then it sounds. i dont think the segments are bad or anything, there's just.... entirely too many of them??? like mechanically theyre fine they just happen every other second between story events and it feels kind of padded after like the second one in one area, and there's about 5 per area of increasing difficulty. i definitely think if anything could be reined back, it'd be that. I don't think the story is too special , either, the angel kind of just quips sassily about the story at you from time to time and your followers make requests of you at the temple, usually manifesting in the town segements as " have x number of y " or getting the population to a set threshold, or getting x number of resources. The structure of each area isn't shaken up too much, mostly just " new settlement, find a guy, guy isnt so sure about this lord of light guy but through fighting alongside u and some small character arch, they become a champion of yours or something and you meet the scary boss guy and kill them and weaken the big bad dark lords forces behind it all, but there were two segments i liked, both pretty late-game, with the ice wyvern and this guy named shemall whose only affront to you is having a more popular humanitarian ideology ( who actually becomes the dominant ideology in the segment leaving the church literally empty for a good portion of it , and is only tied into the status quo by the dark lord himself possessing the other temple and shit and starting a really really bad storm of eeevil , who i like a bit ) and a boss in the last area who was implied to once be a force of good but ultimately subservient to the bad guys will, which is basic but i tihnk neat. also they have cool designs. )
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Shrug! I think it's neat but it has problems that bog it down! Waah! i dont regret playing it or anything but it's like a 7! ( It's kind of like a game you'd get in one of those cereal boxes, and it's a little cheap, but its endearing to me ? ) TOREE 3D < LEAST-CONSEQUENCIAL SPOILER AWARD >
finished this game the same day i finished actraiser, in one sitting. Ummm... i know this game's like a crowd favorite, and it's, like, solid, but i don't really have all that much to say about it ..... Like, it's an OK platformer, with like really great value for your dollar, but i don't really have all that much to say about it, endearment-wise. I think also that the VHS horror elements are largely unnecessary and are kind of whatever, but I know i'm not really the audience for it. That's the spoiler, i guess. Around the same time, in a date range I don't remember, I basically ended up completely reorganizing my room for Life Stuff, and ended up giving a really cool fan project a try, from a series i've always wanted to try more of, if not for the language barrier, in the form of -- STARFY ORIGINS ( Densetsu no Stafy ) < SPLASHABLE VIDEO GAME >
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Waaaaaaaa ! i love starfy ( Stafy? ) You probably wouldn't have the background on it unless you knew me, but i'm a real DS head, and one of my earliest games on the system, one i have vivid memories with, was The Legendary Starfy, an " underwater platformer ", mostly known as being a kirby-like game in style, and being the last entry in a mostly untranslated series of platformers that're japanese-exclusive!
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Essentially, what this means for me was that there was , for a very long portion of my kid-years, a bunch of video games out there that i knew i'd be instantly endeared by if ONLY i could play them ( since, even at the time, gba emulation for me was kind of mystical and out of my ability ) ; and , at least in my mind, that meant it'd have just as many lovable characters and such as the the starfy I got to play, anecdotaly meaning the only exposure i'd have to these games beforehand is ferverously looking up stuff on the starfy wiki and watching youtube videos of the final bosses and stuff; basically just lementing for years that " aww,, theres no translation. i guess it's just too obscure " with the rest of the starfy fans i've heard about online, until recently! I emulated this game on Vita and overall i'd just have to say its a cute, decently-novel-but-slightly-padded 2d sidescroller. I'd say it was like ok-levels of worth the wait, but im honestly just floored that a translation of the first game happened at all, and i think its awesome what's been done. It's selfish to want, but i'd really like to try the other DS starfy game sometime, whenever that's translated. It's honestly one of the few loose-end games i can even think of and mechanically that one's a whole lot more out there then this one, which, other then the novelty of playing this game i've only heard murmurs of for over a decade, is just kind of alright. kudos to the fan translators making this game work out!!! I wonder if the team that did this have plans for the others now that this game's been translated....
Wew, halfway down the list, i'm sick of typing, but i'll keep going with ---> DEATHSMILES < SCARY >
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Cool bullethell shmup with really tight gameplay my friend endeared me to with a single screenshot and a slightly empassioned ramble i forget the exact context of
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idk i think this green girl is neat and the arcade style bullethell gameplay's really fun on steam deck; i just think the girls should be like 7 years older each then what the game says because the loli aspects of this game are kind of uncomfortable and unavoidable and i don't like them at all... the gothic horror halloween aestetic the game has otherwise absolutely rocks and is just up my alley, though. i guess its just part of the style theyre going for, but it's a really unfortunate Japanese quirk you kind of have to just tolerate for the other Very Good aspects the game has gameplay and artisticly wise ( music and art direction is awesome )
the girl's dragon familiar is named booboo by the way. just thought that's important. LITTLE GOODY TWO SHOES < GAME **MOST** RESPONSIBLE FOR SINGLE-HANDEDLY HOME-WRECKING MY BRAIN CHEMISTRY THIS MONTH >
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Another game my friend reccomended whicch is completely awwesome and my entire aestetic and i love it alot and i think its my game of the year unless something else comes around and im absolutely floored with it and i went into it completely endeared and its completely wrecked my vernacular and its so pretty and its so artistic and its so different and its so pretty and its so girl and its so gay and im Elise and im in the woods i like being in the woods this game has the best aestetic of any game ive played ever and it feels like no competition and ummmmmmmmmmm
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idk just fucking look at it its so so so so good i love this games world so sooso osososoos s oso ososo o os so mcuh its so good it so nice its so charactered genuinely great little slice of life slash horror slash social sim game with admittedly some jank portions of it that piss me off a little bit but holy fucking shit this games aestetic is the best besy best best bersy tbest best thing ever made i think its really really good pelease watch this segment on youtube its so silly
im not gonna type anything else this game Is its narrative and i dont wanna spoil anything but its great its got a lovely dark fable aestetic and i think everyone should play it especially if you like rpg maker horror type games / are gay as hell / love fairytale aestetics like I do
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i like ummmm Lebkuchen by the way. if u wanna know what my ending is. there is some fucked up shit that happens in this game though despite how absolutely adorable it looks. everything in this game points to it being one of my favorites of all time or at the very least it will definitely poison my brain forever at the expense of my friends who havent played it yet. Waaah..... no i dont think talking about a fanmade pokemon rom hack after arguably a massive artistic achievement is disrespectful thats just how the month flows POKEMON ROWE < I broke it, oops... >
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really cool open-world emerald rom hack, similar to crystal clear and the like. I've technically played it already, but this is the first time i've completed it, though i completely broke the game really early into it that undermined it in a way i didnt realize for about 7 gyms, before i accidentally nuked the overworld with a massive bug that scrambled my player's gender and made the overworld color pallete fuck-ey, which, im not ggoing tto blame the developer on, i'm summing that up to a cosmic ray or something. i think with time and with more polish i could see myself liking this more then crystal clear, but time'll see. ( Team was as below )
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MIGHTY GUNVOLT < tie in video game i've ever played >
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typing this like an hour ins making me realize this docism thing might not stick but mighty gunvolt is neat i guess i never finished it when i first played gunvolt and obsessed over that when it was new ( Mighty gunvolt came as a free download if you bought the first game digitally, you see ) because of the first boss, but now as a more experienced gamer, that's really just because the fire boss is kind of just a weird difficulty spike at the start that the rest of the game difficulty wise doesnt really match up to. It's a cute, very short ( i beat all 3 character campaigns in two hours , liesurely ) platformer styled like megaman, and that's all it really needed to be at the time. i wouldnt go out of my way to play it these days if it wasnt for my own baggage with the gunvolt series in general, and if it wasnt for my much greater affection for its sequel, mighty gunvolt burst.... I'm just gonna say if this game interests you , you really should just play burst instead. Even if you've played the latter before, you're really not missing out on much more then a moderately ok side scroller. it sure is a tie in demake on the early 3ds ! 6180 THE MOON
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Surprisingly, this game's on alot of platforms? I just kind of chose it on a whim 'cus it was on the top of the list of H-SHOP stuff and i was looking for something short to play, but it's pretty artsy.
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It's a puzzle-platformer where the gimick is that the ball wraps around the screen when you fall down or up, which works really well with the 3ds in my opinion. with the compression and stuff on the 3ds and how the game was laid out, it affectionately reminds me of a flash game you'd find on coolmath or the such, and its very relaxed ( if a little wonky ) . i dont have anything bad to say on it or anything its just a small little game i played on a whim. it's very minimalistic, if you're into that aestetic, you might like this. That's the last of the wholy " new " stuff i finished this month, and id say overall its a solid start for me, and kind of out of season ( very octobery-feeling game lineup in retrospect..! But that month's always usually crowded with obligations and stuff, so i doubt i'd be in a mood for them even at that time of year.. )
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Also, i gave a try to cavestory on wiiware, first time i've played the game in a few years now since the switch rerelease! I think its just as fun as i found it when i first discovered it on 3ds, and, while i have a friend who adamantly disagrees, i actually really do like the OST of this version. It's a cute mutation on the games ost that in my opinion enhances the kind of forelorn vibe the game originally had, and i really like the blown up art of this version of cave story, even if it does have nichalis's hands all up in the matter. since it's unlocked from the start, i played the game on Curly Story till the true ending. I still love this game alot. Sometime i'll trick a certain individual into finishing it, i hope.
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That's all i have to say! this is the first time i've made such a big post on any kind of social media period, so, hopefully its not unreadably disjointed or self-absorbed. Whatever!
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play little goody two shoes
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fff777 · 5 days
reaction to dreamy in chile
i think the entire video is them at dinner so a bit different from the dream sketch videos
boo i think this is one of those restaurants with digital menus
chenle got his makeup and hair done for the dinner? or was it just that he didn't remove it.
mark: jaemin looks like a college student jaemin: what kind? jisung: engineering i think he just looks like a general studious type :P
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ooh banana chips on the table
mark: what did you do in your room, jeno? jeno: what do you think? jeno: nothing classic homebody, i feel you jeno. just being inside is the comfort.
jaemin said the water tasted good (?)
mark accusing jisung of not trying all the dipping sauces and then launching into their nonsensical conversation about whether you can dip into a sauce and make it look like it hasn't been dipped into. as jisung comes into himself...he really is becoming the same person as mark XD they're literally the only two people who care about this trivial thing.
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haechan starting frying pan game
chenle revealing that he's going to do some douyin challenges. which is why he had his hair and makeup done.
haechan wanted to play soccer but no one would play with him so he played basketball with chenle instead. i thought jisung liked soccer but i think he has varied interests and would want to go sightseeing :P
jisung revealing to mark that wine glasses are shaped the way they are because they handle temperature differently and mark was like "ohhhh. so what" and jisung laughed. marksung are so endearing for real. they get so into their own serious and silly conversations. anyway apparently the long stem is for us to hold so that our body temperature doesn't warm the wine and change its taste.
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jaemin taking pics of the members as always
chenle and mark asking about jisung's new camera. looks like he did join the nct photography club :P i know jaemin and kun also have tons of photography equipment. i wonder who else does.
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haechan voluntold mark to give a leader speech to the whole room ToT it's not just them, i'm pretty sure their staff are sitting at the other tables.
throwing him under the BUS
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jisung is still experimenting and figuring out the settings on his camera. so something popped up while mark was using it but jisung didn't know what it meant. and then they passed the camera to expert photographer jaemin who flipped open a panel and jisung was like omg i didn't even know that opened.
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ongoing saga of jaemin never bringing the camera to jeno
jaemin protecting his drink from thieves and meanwhile jeno just leans over for a sip. at the same time, chenle is literally stomping his feet and whining like a baby until jaemin relents which he does.
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mark petting the baby
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jaemin was asking why jisung was testing the camera now and not when he was on his own. chenle was theorizing that jisung gave up when he couldn't figure it out on his own and jisung was like :o how did you know. they know each other very well, that's why ;3
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jisung and chenle bickering about how long it will take before jisung abandons his camera 😅 according to chenle, he too had bought a camera before and took interest in it for a short time before abandoning it.
the server told mark that his daughter love their music :3
jaemin: oppa, oppa mark, in englishs: am EYE the oppa?!
when you can't eat yet because your friends are still taking photos
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the way jaemin goes ahh~
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jaemin remarking on all of the food
lol the restaurant gave them chopsticks
chenle disappeared for a bit to film some videos
crayon shin-chan makes an appearance again
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they discovered that what they call king crab in korean is actually kingler in english.
are they referencing like the pokemon??
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y2klostandfound · 1 year
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Bust-A-Move 2 (aka Bust a Groove 2) on Game Players magazine Vol.99 (Video game magazine)(Hong Kong)(24/04/1999)
Translation in English:
ACT 2 Players MEM Corresponding ANALOG CONTROLLER (vibration) Manufacturer: ENIX Release date: On sale (April 15th) Price: 5800 Yen Capacity: CD-ROM Memory: 1 BLOCK
BUST A MOVE 2 - DANCE PARADISE MIX The original dancing music ACTION game is back!
"BUST A MOVE", known as the original dance music ACTION work, was well received by the outside world when it was launched on PlayStation last year because of its novel gameplay and concept. However, after a lapse of one year, music-themed games are popular today, and the sequel of "BUST A MOVE" "BUST A MOVE 2 ~DANCE Paradise MIX~" is finally released. There is still a gap in the same type of work "Dance Dance Revolution", but the gameplay is definitely not inferior.so if you haven't encountered the BUST A MOVE series before, now is the best opportunity for you to experience the fun that makes it so different from the others!
Operate method
Arrow key - MENU selects or enters the DANCE COMMAND input. START button - game start, stop BATTLE or RETRY □ and △ button - DANCE COMMAND input X button - Deselects items, DANCE COMMAND inputs, and avoids interference techniques in EASY MODE. O button - cancels selection of items, DANCE COMMAND input, and use of interference in EASY MODE. R1 button - interference R2 button - Interference Avoidance
DANCE COMMAND Input method
← First beat → Second beat ↑ Third beat O Fourth beat
Three times
One time
※ Before the first three beats, you can input both in sequence or according to the rhythm; however, up to the fourth beat, you need to input both according to the rhythm or the time status.
Speaking of the basic gameplay of "BUST A MOVE", it is actually very simple, as long as you input specific commands within the time of four beats.The DANCE COMMAND BAR is composed of two parts, green and red.When the first three beats are in progress, the green part will appear three times. However, the player needs to input the arrow key commands displayed in the DANCE COMMAND BAR; as for the red part on the right, it will not appear until the fourth beat, which is used as an input arrow key or button, resulting in different COMBOs.
Example 1) When the instruction is → → ↓ ↓ O
-Enter in sequence in three times (beats)
-Need to enter at the same time as the glow (reaching the fourth beat)
Example 2) When the command is ↑ ← O
-If the wrong number of direction key commands is not more than two, the above DANCE COMMAND can also be established
-On the other hand, if you input the wrong arrow key command three times or more, the DANCE COMMAND will be lost immediately.
"DANCE COMMAND SELECT" is to select the way of inputting DANCE COMMAND, and there are three different levels of difficulty: "EASY", "NORMAL", and "MIX". Among them, "EASY" only requires the player to use the arrow keys as the entire DANCE COMMAND; "NORMAL" is the basic mode, which requires the use of the arrow keys (the first three beats), 〇 and X buttons (the fourth beat) at the same time; as for "MIX"The basic form is the same as "NORMAL", but DANCE COMMAND adds two more buttons, △ and □ (corresponding to the fourth beat), which makes it the most difficult.
When the DANCE COMMAND is continuously and successfully input, it will cause a COMBO, which will increase the DANCE LEVEL, and the input COMMAND will gradually increase and change the character's dance steps.
If the timing of the input button is just right in the fourth beat (the red part glows), you can get more points and go to a higher DANCE LEVEL.
The new system in this game, there are red, blue and green color squares at the bottom of the screen, which represent "COOL" (green, more than 4 COMBOs), "CHILLIN" (red, more than 6 COMBOs), and "FREEZE" (blue, more than 8 COMBOs). As long as each side obtains more COMBOs in a row, the number of color squares for the corresponding level will increase, and if either side fills up the three color squares first, it will be able to obtain the BONUS POINT, and the special show will appear
Battle Tips Interference Technique
The attack means to prevent the opponent from scoring points, as long as the fourth beat in the DANCE COMMAND input, it will appear successfully, which can force the termination of the opponent's COMBO and DANCE LEVEL, all over again, mainly used in the SOLO PART to use, so that our side to achieve higher scores.
Avoiding Interference Techniques
When an opponent attacks with a interference technique, enter it in the DANCE COMMAND on the fourth beat after it appears to automatically avoid the interference technique, and the ongoing COMBO and DANCE LEVEL can also be saved.
Bounce interference technique
Just like avoiding interference skills, as long as you input the DANCE COMMAND on the fourth beat after the interference skills appear, you can return the opponent's attack to yourself, and you can also get points from the opponent at the same time.
Bounce interference technique scoring formula 1000+200 x (number of anti-bounce interference techniques)
The newly added system "Battle Opponent Divide" is based on the player's performance in each battle to determine the content of the subsequent battle or the opponent's performance.
When selecting a character, press the START or SELECT button to use 2P's special costume.
After completing the game with any character, you can freely choose the scene setting performance in DANCE VIEW
When you reach a certain number of points in each stage, the "FEVER TIME!" dance event will appear.
Corresponding! "Dance Dance Revolution CONTROLLER"
In addition, "BUST A MOVE 2 ~DANCE Paradise MIX~" also corresponds to the "Dance Dance Revolution CONTROLLER" dedicated controller for the KONAMI game "Dance Dance Revolution" launched at the same time. but the only problem is that it only applies to EASY MODE.
Simultaneous PART DANCE LEVEL COMMAND process
Basic Character
Hidden Characters
Like the previous work, this episode "BUST A MOVE 2~DANCE Paradise MIX~" also has different hidden characters. In addition to the BOSS CHARACTERS "ROBO Z-GOLD" and the mysterious character "COLUMBO", there are also several undisclosed hidden characters. If you want to know how to use other hidden characters, please pay attention to the next issue of "Secret Technique Workshop"
ROBO Z-GOLD How to use: Complete the game with any of the six basic characters
COLUMBO How to use: Complete the game once with SHORTY
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swampgallows · 1 month
You recently reblogged a post of the "waifu bait" twitter post, and mentioned not watching modern anime. I tried looking up anime on your blog and you said you liked Tokyo Godfathers, so I trust your taste lol. Can you recommend some other anime you liked? Preferably movies, but this doesn't really matter.
OMG thats very sweet of you haha. my anime tag is actually "animu" but a lot of it is just aesthetic posts/gifs. i find i still gravitate toward anime from the late 90s - early 00s but not for lack of trying. what i like most about anything animated is the animation itself so i place a higher premium on anime that isn't mostly static intricate paper dolls with mouth flaps or is at least nice to look at. i prefer slice of life over action or mecha/sci-fi in any kind of media, so while i've heard really great things about ghost in the shell, gundam, etc. i've never seen them.
i also have a very low tolerance for most shonen ("h-his power level... it's over 9000!" playground battle tactics) and most sexual tropes/fanservice ("onee-chan let's compare chest sizes!" type shit). it's probably more accurate to say i like some japanese animation rather than "anime", if that makes sense. essentially anything rating fairly low across the weeb-ass-shit scale.
recs under cut cause it got long!!
= movies, in chronological order: obligatory ghibli favorites: my neighbor totoro (1988), kiki's delivery service (1989), only yesterday (1991). only yesterday is a little more obscure than the other two but ghibli films have pretty much a universal seal of approval so i doubt a pitch is necessary. onward!
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little nemo: adventures in slumberland (1989): hey does this count as anime? i hope so. one of the pivotal founts of nightmare fuel from my youth (beaten only by brave little toaster, perhaps) this film has eluded seemingly everyone i know in my age group and i'm not sure why. while it's not nearly as inappropriate as its early 20th century source material it may have fallen to scarcity due to its "pg" content, like tobacco use and several frightening scenes, a la the failure of disney's the black cauldron. regardless, the animation is fluid, the songs are cute, the backgrounds are beautifully painted, and there at least a handful of shots that will flash in your mind before bed.
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princess arete (2001): hits a lil close to home since it's about a girl named arete trapped in her room and yearning for autonomy, to create things with her hands, and to participate in the outside world. a bit slow paced and quiet but i think it adds to the atmosphere and immersive isolation, and it does pick up near the end a bit.
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interstella 5555 (2003): obligatory. more of a feature-length music video than a film but still has a cohesive narrative. hope you like french house!
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MIND GAME (2004): my feelings about mind game are fairly similar to my feelings about burning man: grateful i had the experience, but once is enough. i personally don't care for "trippy" stuff, but the animation itself does have some great visuals, switching up different styles and even incorporating live action footage and rotoscoping for an experimental "patchwork" feel. nishi, a down-on-his-luck loser, grapples with purpose and the meaning of life after a handful of near-death experiences, including being swallowed by a whale; anything "biblical" after that is all knowledge-wise. like princess arete, this one's also by studio 4C but is intended for mature audiences (lots of sex. and a rape, as a warning). if you liked tekkonkinkreet (another 4C production) or paprika (satoshi kon), mind game is worth a shot.
= series, in chronological order:
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oishinbo (1988-92): almost like a shonen, but with gourmet cooking. as part of their cultural division, a japanese newspaper tasks two journalists, yamaoka and kurita, with creating "the ultimate menu" to broaden japanese culinary horizons. yamaoka is the estranged son of a highly venerated food critic and engages in a persistent rivalry with his father to both prove his expertise and to challenge the rigid traditions. kurita is an average working girl of the 80s providing the audience perspective as we learn the elaborate methods of the gourmet cooking world alongside her. nostalgic for its music, setting, and style, this was a big comfort anime for me, though despite its several seasons it never wraps up the story of the manga. also kurita has a unique outfit almost every episode, which is a nice detail. i only found out about it because of @/80sanime!
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tenchi muyo + tenchi universe (1992-95): harem anime crossed with a feudal japanese space opera of sorts. i first saw the show on toonami as a kid, and what hooked me instantly were all the different personalities of the girls. if you're familiar with the cartoon the owl house, it's said that eda is HEAVILY inspired in personality, character design, and even voice by one of the main characters, ryoko hakubi, a space pirate hiding out on earth from the galaxy police. mostly comedy with obligatory hot springs and beach episodes, but has spaceship battles and magical sword fights too.
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neon genesis evangelion (1995-6) + the end of evangelion (1997): i should not have watched this as a 12 year old. although i think anyone of any age who watches end of evangelion walks away permanently changed. (due to the nature of the series, it is unclear whether the "rebuild of evangelion" films are remakes or sequels, but i personally don't recommend them either way.) if you are somehow not familiar with evangelion: teens pilot giant robots against extraterrestrial threats called "angels". things become... much less about giant robots.
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azumanga daioh (2002): this was one of the first series i had ever seen (western or japanese) about girls being friends that wasnt preoccupied with getting boyfriends or being "girly". still has the occasional fanservice tropes, but mostly comedic or quickly over with. since it was adapted from the 4 panel comic strips, it retains a lot of the short-form humor as quick vignettes or gags. not as exaggerated and boisterous as nichijou but similar, and way less insipid than k-on but still has sentimental and cute moments between the girls.
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ashita no nadja (2003-4): nadja, an orphaned dancer in london, is on a quest to find her mother. she travels across (mostly) europe with the dandelion troupe, a group of entertainers with their own fraught backstories. she is intent on helping everyone she meets, sometimes to her own detriment, and learns lessons along the way about who she can trust, how a person's past can change them, and that not everything can be fixed with a smile and a song. meanwhile there's a kind of tuxedo mask thing going on between a pair of twin brothers, and nadja struggles with romantic feelings for both of them. overall very much a feelgood "girl cartoon", but i liked the dance sequences, the animation quality, and the evolution of nadja's character. i got to vicariously travel and dance alongside her, and i liked cheering on someone with a good heart working hard to make her dreams come true.
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paradise kiss (2005): MAN i should watch this again. reserved overachiever high school student Caroline stumbles into the world of underground fashion and street culture as a model, blowing open the confines of her previously sheltered life. while she finds a home in ParaKiss she also has to confront the dark sides of fame, the fashion industry, and the strain it puts on their relationships. as a fairly introverted raver with model friends i related to a lot of it. also for queer points, george is bisexual and isabella has been praised as positive representation by trans women, especially for a series from the aughts. also WHATTT THE FUCK PATRICK SEITZ VOICES GEORGE IN THE DUB??? OHHH MY GOD okay anyway
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the ancient magus bride (mahou tsukai no yome) (2017-2023): stunning animation, and a series i've yet to catch up with purely because i end up crying virtually every episode. it's a bit of a wish fulfillment thing (teenage girl discovers she has special powers and is whisked away from her abusive home life to a medieval fantasy world where she is betrothed to a tender monster-man) but has a lot of great worldbuilding and poignant storylines. it's ghibli-esque in a way but with more of an overarching melancholy and sense of foreboding compared to the average ghibli film. and just to get it out of the way for some inexplicable reason a few of the side characters have HUMONGOUS hungolomghnonoloughongous
ive seen quite a bit of anime in my day but these are the ones i actually remember watching and enjoying. like i recently watched all of slayers and most of slayers next, and while it was satisfying in a 90s nostalgia way i wouldnt necessarily recommend it. also there are some very highly acclaimed films and series that i haven't gotten around to yet (full metal alchemist brotherhood, cowboy bebop [I KNOW IM SORRY], the animatrix, etc.) hopefully this is enough to go off of for now!
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remimibanana · 6 months
Nintendo 3DS Retrospective Part 2: A System’s Function
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The beauty of this handheld is that there are so many things you can do on this system without even having a game. I think it's what gave the 3DS its charm, giving you a reason to keep playing.
As a kid, I didn’t have any internet. The closest I had was this Telstra Prepaid Wi-Fi stick where I used to waste all the internet downloading Sailor Moon videos. There was a short period where I was able to connect my 3DS to the internet so I got to experience at least the heyday a bit!
Anyway, I spent most of my time on the system itself, the lovely Home Menu and all its built in software. I have a lot to say about all these!
Part 2 is under the cut!
I had three 3DSs at the very end, to which only one works properly. The other two have issues but I still kept them for the precious memories. It's crazy to think how long this handheld has been in my life, and how many memories it gave me.
Without it, I don't think I would be who I am today. I really don't know we will live in a world without it...
For as long as I can, I will keep playing on it! I’ll be 50 and still be on my 3DS lol
How did I get my first 3DS?
It was out of nowhere. I didn't know I was going to get this life changing handheld. My dad and I were driving to our family friend’s house as we always did back in the day, while I stared out the window blissfully unaware.
Once we got there…my dad stopped the car and pulled out a box from under the seat and handed it over to me, telling me that he had a surprise.
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It was a red original 3DS?! I took it into my hands, staring at the box in disbelief. I remember the box so vividly, and the awe I felt at the fact my dad got me this?! My dad looked real happy to see me so happy.
I remember wanting to rip it open right then and there. My dad told me to wait until we actually got into the house since he also had another one for my family friend. At the time, I only had my DSI which I used be on all the time.
I remember rushing in and opening my 3DS with my family friend who opened theirs, plugging in the handheld and turning it on for the very first time. The setup music is so nostalgic to me for this reason, I spent some time setting it all up and exploring the home menu.
Unfortunately, it doesn’t charge well to this current day, you have to press down on the charger in order for the system to charge at all. I think something is wrong with the charging port but I was never able to fix it.
This was the first 3DS I ever modded, because I was too afraid to mod my 2DS back when. If I bricked my main 2DS, I would have cried. I nicknamed it my “Luma 3DS” after the custom firmware and installed a whole bunch of games on it! I even got a custom theme with the Luma 3DS logo.
I put it somewhere but I don’t know where it ended up aha
How did I get my second 3DS?
My red 3DS lasted probably a year or two before it decided to stop working out of nowhere. The blue LED would turn on, and then a small pop sound could be heard as it turned off. I remember I was really upset, because I loved this handheld.
I was out of a 3DS.
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For my birthday shortly, my grandma bought me a white 3DS XL, the same one as above! It came preinstalled with Mario Kart 7, which is why its my favourite Mario Kart.
I remember pointing at it in Big W when she asked me what I wanted, and my grandma didn't look as happy as I was. I think the price displeased her but she still bought it for me, hehe.
This was my main handheld for years, where my brother used play on it from time to time despite how much I didn't want him to. I still have it to this day, although it is worse for wear. One day, it refused to boot into the Home Menu.
No matter what I tried, it wouldn't boot. It would either be stuck on the Black Screen of Death or it would be stuck on the Home Menu transition you would get when you pressed the home button. It was really devastating for me, I had so many memories on here that I couldn't access anymore.
My red 3DS started working out of nowhere, by the way. One day, I tried turning it on and it booted into the home menu without any trouble. I remember showing my dad and he wondered why I even got this white one if the red one was working.
That’s when I dubbed it my dad’s 3DS since he liked to play Mario Kart 7 with my brother and I from time to time and he would use this one. I actually wiped the whole 3DS for him since I wanted my dad to have it (even though I didn’t have to do that lol).
How did I get my current 2DS?
Surprisingly, I got out of gaming for a while. At least on the 3DS side, which is utter blasphemy to me now. I can't believe I'd ever stop playing this handheld! I feel like it makes me a fraud, you see how much I harp on about this handheld and yet I stopped playing it lol
In 2019, I made a friend who really liked Pokémon. He would often bring his 3DS XL to school to show me his games and all the Pokémon he caught. He would ask me if I had any of the Pokémon games and I said I did. This prompted me to find my red 3DS and buy Pokemon Moon so I could play alongside him.
But alas, since my red 3DS has those issues as you know, it was really hard for me to have a fully charged handheld. I felt so bad when my friend wanted to battle me, but I couldn't half the time since the 3DS was either dead or about to die.
He were kind enough to give me his charging dock for the 3DS, but it still didn't solve the issue.
That’s when I decided for my birthday, I would ask for a new 3DS! I wanted to play with my friend! It was harder to find a new 3DS on sale in the shops at this time, so I went to my local pawn shop. I remember wanting an actual 3DS, but my mum wanted to get something a bit cheaper.
This is why I have my 2DS! It came with its own case, which was one of the reasons I chose it. I didn't mind not having any 3D functionality, since I never used it anyway on either of my previous 3DSs.
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It still works to this day, and fully modded! I finally got over my fear of modding it, nothing happened. It really is easy to mod your 3DS, by the way.
I do plan on buying a Japanese New 3DS LL one day, the pink and white one! I've always wanted it for myself!
A sad story...
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I used to keep all my games in this case right here, since I didn't like keeping them in their original boxes for some reason. It's a decision I regret to this day, since I really like the boxes!
As I mentioned above, I got out of gaming for some time. It seems like during all that, I misplaced the case. It was gone from sight, no matter where I thought I left it. I looked everywhere, but it was nowhere.
To this day, I have no idea where it is. It's been years...perhaps its gone forever. It's really sad to lose something that meant a lot to you, although I don't blame anyone but myself for this. I should have taken better care of it.
I lost all the games I had physically, and that was practically all my games. I had so many I received over the years, all in a poof. I hope I can manage to find it one day, there are a lot of precious memories in it!
I have a fun fact with this that I’d like to share!
I had two copies of Super Mario 64 DS in here because I lost my first copy and asked my grandma to buy me another one, but then my mum found the first copy some time after lol
Now I take better care of things, but if it ever shows up, I will cry profusely. I hope I can find it!
Home Menu
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When you turn on your 3DS, you are met with the Home Menu in all its glory.
It's probably one of my favourite menu designs, alongside the Wii. It's simple yet so effective, the BGM is one everyone will never forget and it's also customizable! I feel like Nintendo peaked here, and then just ditched it when the Switch rolled around.
I used to love scrolling all the way until the very end of the menu, and making the icons bigger or smaller! I also loved making folders to store my games. Ever since my white 3DS, I have a folder for the system titles and a folder for my games and demos!
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With the Home Menu, you were able to customize it with themes! These could be bought from the Theme Shop, which sadly stopped working when they shut down the Nintendo eShop.
I’m using Pokemon Sun and Moon— Tropical currently, but I like swapping them out from time to time. Some have their own BGM and sound effects, while others simply change the background.
Here are some of my favorite ones I have!
Splatoon: Squid Sisters
ACNL: Paw Print Room
Kirby Copy Ability Global Poll
Sonic Boom Shattered Crystal
Persona Q2 Theme
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To go with themes, they made badges that you could obtain and add to your menu!
When they released, I remember downloading the Nintendo Badge Arcade when I had the chance to. I'll be making a special post just for it, so please look out for it!
I used to put badges anywhere and everywhere I could! It didn't matter if it looked good or not, I just wanted to have as many as I could!
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You could even put them on folders! The absolute peak of this feature.
My favourite badges are the ones that act like software icons, where you could click on them and it would open the software! As you can see, I have ones for each of the built in software. The original titles have been put in a folder at the very end, out of view.
Streetpass Mii Plaza
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The iconic plaza that everyone knows! You can’t go hearing Streetpass without the Streetpass Mii Plaza!
I've spent a lot of time on here during my time on this handheld, from its initial stage to what we have now with all the DLC! I have always loved the concept of Streetpass, and I wish they brought it back for the Switch.
Let’s talk about each of the things you can do in it! I come from Australia so I'll be using the European names for everything, by the way.
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I feel like we can't overlook the main plaza area. The iconic BGM, the sea of Mii characters that you can look over as you increase your plaza population and all the various options and games you can choose from!
Puzzle Swap
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I love this little game so much.
As the name suggests, you swap puzzle pieces with the people you Streetpass with to complete various puzzles and gain new ones!
I remember trying very hard to complete all puzzles I had, especially excited when I met new people who had the puzzle pieces I needed! I love the BGM and the little tweet of the bird that swoops in to deliver the pieces you got.
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With my 2DS, I have loads of puzzles to complete since I always choose pieces from puzzles I don't have when I get Streetpasses. They are really rare nowadays after all. I want to try to do as many puzzles as I can.
Otherwise, I use Play Coins to buy pieces. This takes forever since you can only buy one at a time, and you aren't guaranteed a piece you don't have. I like to sit there and do this from time to time while watching something.
I have over 500 left to collect...I hope I can complete every single puzzle one day! That will be one of my life goals!
Streetpass Quest
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Saving the world has never been so much fun.
This was the first game I ever completed fully, and probably will be the only one. You have to save the King who looks exactly like your Mii from the evil Dark Lord who kidnapped them by recruiting soldiers!
I originally beat this on my white 3DS, slowly progressing through all of the floors. There are many enemies and many types of floors that require certain abilities that are based off the Mii's colour. Very simple but fun!
I remember there was a floor that was bright white which required a Mii with black to darken the floor and a floor that was pitch black, requiring a Mii with white to brighten the area.
The only issue with that was I never got a Mii with those colours. I would buy soldiers with Play Coins, and yet I never got black or white for some reason.
There is also a sequel to this game, where you have to save the Princess and the Prince too! I remember being really surprised when there was more to play.
Later on, they introduced new games, as well as the concept of Streetpass VIP! It was a one time payment and you would receive all of the games available and have added bonuses, such as the ticket system!
I have played every single one, but I'll just talk about the one I enjoyed the most!
Streetpass Garden
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This is my favourite game out of all of them. I remember choosing this as the free game that the Streetpass Mii Plaza was offering on my white 3DS.
I love how simple and yet fun it all is. You plant a seed into a pot and the people you meet water the flower and make it grow. It takes a lot of people to do so, more than you would expect.
Once it blooms, you can germinate for seeds! Each seed can either be a new breed or an alternate colour of a breed you already bloomed. There is a percentage for each of these, and I always chose the ones that guaranteed a new breed!
Your goal is to fill up your planter handbook and become a master gardener! I think I was very close to doing so on my white 3DS, while I’m still trying to on my 2DS.
For some reason, I chose the Streetpass Slot Racing game on my 2DS for my free game and I remember regretting it since I didn’t enjoy it as much as I thought I would.
I just wanted my garden back man.
Activity Log
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It's so simple yet so charming.
I love the grid aesthetic they chose, it reminds me of my school notebooks I used to use.
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All your titles are shown in this little book and I think that’s so cute. I love flipping through all the pages and seeing every single title I’ve ever played appear on there.
Even Homebrew appears on here, which I found really funny. You see normal titles and then you have the FBI manager.
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I loved just looking through each the days, seeing what I played the most!
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This reminds me of the Wii, where you would get an envelope with your play time. I actually didn't know this was a thing until I looked at the Activity Log recently.
System Settings
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I really love the System Settings. I suppose that might be a weird sentence, but it's true!
The BGM is an absolute banger, sometimes I love to boot up the application to simply listen to it all! Please tell me I’m not the only one who does this.
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My favourite one is the Internet Settings, Nintendo didn’t have to go so hard on something like this but they still did. I could listen to this for hours happily and vibe.
The little guy helper is the very best, I never really needed any help to connect to the internet, but I still used the helper anyway. I wish we had something like this guy on the Switch.
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I would often visit Other Settings, particularly the Profile section. You can edit the User Name, Date of Birth, Region and go onto the Nintendo DS Profile, and that’s all you could do on there.
Nothing truly special, and yet here I am mentioning it for a very specific reason. It’s probably really odd and weird, but I still want to share it with you all!
I might be the only one but…I like to vibe to the Nintendo DS Profile.
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It’s basically the DSi Settings but only having the ability to edit the Message and Colour. The sudden change from the light yellow to black as you see this on your screen….so good.
I love the BGM of this so much, it’s unfunny. It makes me feel things, so much nostalgia for something that most people overlook. I vibe so hard.
As soon as I found out that this existed, I was always there. I still do this from time to time in fact, whenever I’m on the System Settings.
I can hear it even now….
To be continued!
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With that, Part 2 is done! We're far from done though, I still have more things to blab about in Part 3! Can you tell how much I like the 3DS?
Hope to see you there!
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benydikta · 7 months
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alias / name: jay, jaz, j-dawg, jj, the whole she-bang
birthday:  oct. 29
zodiac sign: scorpio
height: 5'5"
hobbies: video games, writing, art but its a hate-love relationship, and reading. love graphic novels, literature, comics, etc.
favorite color: purple
favorite book: song of achilles is a classic. i think about the writing in it all the time. my friend got me the six of crows trilogy for my birthday a couple years ago, loved that too. love the way cloud atlas is laid out. the night circus is one of my old-time faves too.
last song: inside · chris avantgarde
last film / show: finally watched the menu. it was a good watch.
recent reads: haven't sat down to read a book in a minute ... but i've been meaning to reread the last unicorn (another favorite lol)
inspiration: poetry is what i always come back to. when i write, it's really important how things flow / sound in my head, and i'll re-edit sentences over and over to get that sort of "sound" across. poetry does this the best. i always listen to music too, which gets me into the mood. books and fanfic and movies that make me think or inspire me also help, but rping for me a lot comes down to my writing partners. it's all a hoax to get people to write for me. i sit down and reread my partners' responses 4-5 times usually to make sure i didn't miss a single thing.
story behind url: frankly trying to come up with urls irritates me (im not very creative in that sense) so i just fucked around with her name until it wasn't taken lmao
fun fact about me: my second cousin is trent reznor from the nine inch nails. all of my friends call him "dear cousin trent". i don't have any actual contact with him because my family is a mess, but it's always a funny thing to bring up.
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tagged by: @royalarms 👁
tagging: whoever is still active and following me lol
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revjem · 6 months
Shuffled playlist tag game
Rules: you can tell a lot about a person by the music they listen to. Put a playlist on shuffle, list the first 10 songs and then tag people :)
Aight, I was tagged by the lovely @crickets-lovely-place so this is for her specifically. I the playlist I chose is the one that I've spent the most time curating, it's called Rule of 3 and the concept is simple, I choose three kpop songs that are Thematic in some way (usually the title itself but it could be a specific lyric, the songs sound or smth else)
It's not the most accurate to what I listen to generally cuz there are songs on here that I don't just listen to otherwise, but again, I've spent a lot of time on this playlist of currently 164 songs.
1. El Dorado by EXO - This song is grouped with Wonderland by Ateez and Atlantis by SHINee. It's such a good song an absolute bop! 8/10
2. Good Lil Boy by Ateez - Grouped with Pretty Boys by the Pentagon Rap Unit and Big Boy by T.O.P (formerly of Big Bang). This song honestly needs to be listened by everyone, it's one of the best Ateez b-sides 9/10
3. Red Moon by KARD - Grouped with Not by the Moon by GOT7 and Luna by Oneus. Red Moon goes incredibly hard, KARD consistently goes hard and because of BM's time growing up in Brazil their songs have some great Latin influences and Red Moon is no exception 11/10
4. Spider by Hoshi (SVT) - This song actually recently lost its place in playlist, cuz it had been paired with Venom by Stray Kids and Pink Venom by Blackpink, but it's been replaced by Sweet Venom by Enhypen. I just haven't removed it yet, cuz it's so good. I'm hoping to find it a new home. Spider is so good, and his performance video is a Much Watch. Ugh he's so good! 9/10
5. Good Love by KARD - Grouped with Like by BTS and After Like by IVE. Ooooh a second KARD song, Lets go! Good Love is a really fun chill summer time vibe, again with nice Latin influences, KARD only has Like 6 minialbums, everyone should listen to their whole discography but I digress. 8/10
6. 100 by NCT 127 - Grouped with 100 by SuperM and 100 Ways by Jackson Wang. One of NCT's least stupid songs, it does start out referencing a 1000cc engine tho so it's still stupid. God I love NCT. 100 is a pretty good gateway song to NCT tho. 7/10
7. DDU-DU DDU-DU by Black Pink - Grouped with God's Menu by Stray Kids and Doom Du Doom by P1Harmony. No intro needed, everyone knows DDU-DU DDU-DU it's an instant classic, a true banger YG give BP more comebacks 10/10
8. CALL by Stray Kids - Grouped with Don't Call Me by SHINee and Call Me by BTOB. This song is so lovely, Stray Kids are so good! They DO NOT MISS. A chill lovely vibe. My heart yearns 9/10
9. Doorbell Ringing by xikers - Paired with Thats a No No by Itzy, I need a third "Dont kill my vibe" song still 😫. MY BOYS! Xikers is just over a year old at time of post, and i love them! They are gonna be at the top of the industry for 5th gen. As of their third mini-album this is a top 5 xikers song! It's legit so good! It does not kill the vibe, it IS the vibe! 12/10
10. Jopping by SuperM - Grouped with Horololo by EXO-CBX and Sorry, Sorry by Super Junior. WHEN WE JUMPING AND POPPING WE JOPPING!!! BROS This song is IT (it being the very beginning of my descent into the madness that is stanning NCT) But fr this is an absolute banger, you will be jopoing by the end of the song, I have no notes, everyone needs to hear this song STAT! 100/10
I'm gonna tag @plaid-n-converse @emperor-xerneas and @freelancerofthetriforcekeyblade
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7grandmel · 8 months
Todays rip: 28/01/2024
Me and the rest area of the melee here, singing, "Where'd you go​?​"
Season 7 Featured on: SiIvaGunner's Highest Quality Rips: Volume Ruby
Ripped by Kenji Furutani
Y'know, for having followed the channel since way back in 2016, it's kind of funny it took until just last year for me to see the term "rip-hop" be used, in the comments to Me and the rest area of the melee here, singing, "Where'd you go​?​". I've covered plenty of rap mashups here on the blog before, be it kirby will never have drip *spits out cereal*, Top of the Looping Steps, or Noonsummer Madness, and while the directions for all these mashups are obviously different based on the tracks used, the latter in particular - Noonsummer Madness - has really stuck with me since covering it. And I think it is specifically because it uses its two sources to specifically embrace a chill, laid-back vibe, one similar to rips like Sidelined Symphony and Yoshi's Cookie World. If we're to be technical, all rap mashups count as rip-hop, but its these emotional rips in particular that truly begin to define the term for me.
A lot of the appeal with video game music, beyond its sheer quality of composition, arrangement, and so forth, is the emotional, nostalgic ties that you form with it through the act of playing. Listening to music through albums necessitates that you form your own associations with them - either that you know about the artists behind them and what they represent, or that you're able to associate the music with important parts of your life, or simply that the music brings you back to younger times upon relistening years later. A big reason why, growing up, I always found VGM so much more appealing to listen to than what the radio suggested was because those connections were already made from playing the game - I'd associate boss music with the emotions I felt upon fighting said boss, RPG town music with the state of my party and game experience up to that point, menu music associated with just how many hours I'd sunk into the game in question - this last reason in particular is precisely why rips like Neon Wi-Fi click so well for me. Nostalgia's a very powerful tool to bring out emotions in the listener, yet the one it seems to be best at leveraging is that of sheer sentimentality: the smiles and tears we had along the way.
And that, to me, is the purest essence of Rip-Hop, and what rips like Me and the rest area of the melee here, singing, "Where'd you go​?​" truly mean to me. Relistening to video game music I'm already well acquainted with doesn't always strike me as "nostalgic" when I've been hearing it so frequently in videos or just through replaying the games, yet...there's a sort of further emotional impact that gets extracted from them through little more than the power of a good rap song mashed up with it. Where'd You Go by Fort Minor of Linkin Park fame is, like with Noonsummer Madness, not a song I hold much of any memories with - yet the simple addition of its vocals and thumping percussion contrast so beautifully with Melee's All-Star Rest Area theme.
There's a beauty to just how simple the Rest Area theme is, being driven by a sequence of only 20 notes played in bunches of three, yet coated in a heavenly backing of pianos and string. That pairing of simplicity in melody yet beautiful instrumentation sort of embodies why "rip-hop" as a rip category is able to work so beautifully - many times, you don't need to jump through the most complex hoops to bring out the most out of two songs through mashing them up. Althesame, the amount of small tweaks done to both songs to make Me and the rest area of the melee here, singing, "Where'd you go​?​" work so seamlessly are still both noticeable and very much appreciated. I haven't been aware of Kenji Furutani's contributions to the channel until just recently, but with rips like this and more under their belt, its clear to me just how much of an understanding he has of the true potential video game music holds.
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springlock-suits · 10 months
1. Who's your favorite animatronic in general?(That you love all or most forms of)
10. What's your favorite music from Fnaf official soundtrack?
12. How well do you understand the lore?
17. Have you ever written a fanfic?
1: Springbonnie!!! So the Bonnie's in general!! Gosh I love them so much. Bonnie, Withered Bonnie, Toy Bonnie, RWQFSFASXC, Springtrap, Springbonnie, Plushtrap, Jack-O-Bonnie, White Rabbit, Bon Bon, Glitchtrap, Vanny, Ralpho. Withered Springbonnie/The Yellow Rabbit All favs of mine at varying levels. The bunnies <3 🐇
10: This ask probably means the movie, I mean all of fnaf >:]
Bonnie's Lullaby, which is just a music box version of Schubert's Serenade, you won't believe how desperately I want a real physical music box but can't find any less than $50 :[
As for like, made for fnaf songs, The fnaf movie intro and Smashing Windshields I'm a fan of
!!! I can't remember it or if its even made for fnaf but the menu screen music for fnaf world had been living in my mind constantly all of these years and I can't get rid of it
12: I don't 👍I haven't watched a theory video in years, all my knowledge is gained from being there as the lore happened n the games came out. I've also read the book trilogy, or well, tse and tto in full. And I've read the mimic short story from the pizzaplex books. I do not know anything about remnant or agony(???) And I Will Not. I understand 1-4 lore the best. I still dont know where sl is in the timeline tbh
17: Several! I only remember one wattpad one and I cant check bc I deleted all my wattpad fics in an embarrassed rush. You're not missing out on much though it was Springtrap × The Pringles Can man and it ended before they even met
As for like, fics I made when not 10, we have Ladies Night and A Killer's Trophy, both from this year ^v^
Ladies Night is a short one-shot featuring Henry and William. William is very gender to me
A Killer's Trophy is me trying to give Steve Raglan more scenes
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raisengen · 2 years
I’m not usually someone who is good at questions like “what’s your favourite?” or “what’s the best?”. Different things have their own merits in their own ways, and it often feels reductive to try to rank things against each other. It’s rare for something to stand head and shoulders above the competition.
If you asked me what the best video game I’ve ever played was, I would be tempted to name something like Brothers – A Tale of Two Sons. A game that pushed what was possible to achieve artistically with video games, and gave a visceral experience that was only possible in the interactive medium.
But in the end, I think the game I’d nominate, the one that I’d preserve in a museum, the one that I’d launch into space, is Armored Core For Answer.
It’s not a game that challenges what it means to be a game. It’s one of the most video-game-y video games to ever video game. Discrete missions picked from a menu, letter grades and hard modes, sudden difficulty spikes, multiple endings and a minimalist plot.
It’s also really really good. At being a video game. At everything.
This isn’t some nostalgic veteran talking. ACFA is my first (and currently only) AC game. I picked it up last year on a blind recommendation and because I knew it had good music. On that front, I got my £4’s worth from the opening cinematic and title screen alone.
However, it wasn’t a genre I’m very familiar with, and I was initially sceptical of some of the gameplay. Why do I need so many different stats to tune?  Why offer so many different machine parts? Why not smooth things out, give a few plug-and-play options? So goes the conventional wisdom. But ACFA showed me that it was more than justified in its choices. It sold me on a fantasy I barely knew existed, to be Amuro Ray fine-tuning his Gundam and reviewing strategies to take down fearsome enemies. All those “redundant” stats? Turns out there would be times when I would want to tune all of them.
(Well, almost all of them. Still not 100% sure why I should build a mech that dodges further to the right than the left.)
Easily half of my gameplay time was spent trying to surpass the chapter 2 boss, White Glint. It wasn’t enough to just grind against the fight; I had to assess the challenge, and research how to prepare countermeasures. I built up experience and tuning points on other missions, I refined my anti-mech designs on the ladder matches. Determine enemy strengths and weaknesses, fine-tune my build to compensate.
While no other boss fight was such a cliff-face, they did repeatedly force me to rethink my strategies and expand my view of possibilities. I do like the Dark Souls games, but locking your investments in stats and upgrades sorely limits the ability to create bosses that make you completely rethink the game like that.  To realise you know how to fly.
I also gained a new understanding of what it can mean for a game to be “fast”. When both you and your enemies are this mobile, it can be a challenge to just keep the target on the screen. Too fast to rely on reactions, too variable to rely on memorisation. What I needed was prediction, anticipation. Estimate the enemy’s motions and attacks, understand how you’re moving through space relative to them, stagger your attacks to trap their dodges, land the sword strike because you guessed it was likely the enemy would be in range by the time you pressed the button.
Admittedly, it makes gameplay videos half-incomprehensible, because the camera’s shaking everywhere and half the battle’s going on inside the player’s head. But it’s a wonderful experience to be absorbed into the game so fully, and I hope that soon you won’t have to take my word for it.
I could continue to gush about the way the story and gameplay framing matches well with the player character being a mercenary, the construction of a bleak world in such an open way. Or how bazooka shotguns are the best thing ever. But I have to stop somewhere.
(I will say though... the battle UI could’ve been better. If you’re going to make me fight White Glint without any boss health bar or other visual/verbal clues as to their damage taken, the least you could’ve done is let me change the colour of the damage numbers so it wasn’t white-on-white and I would actually know if I shot the target. Grhmph.)
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fineartsjournal · 2 months
213341 Art Studio IIIA ⋆ Week 5 - Dire, Dire, Dire...
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We find ourselves in the present day. Not for long, I still haven't even covered J Dilla. I have, however, stumbled across these two albums, both from 2023, and both from Brazil, where half my family is.
These being: Mimosa by cabezadenego, Mbé & Leyblack, and Sexto Dos Crias by DJ Ramon Sucesso.
Both these were found browsing RateYourMusic for plunderphonic essentials, to which I was pleasantly surprised to find two Baile Funk albums in the ranks.
I wrote about this for Contextual Studies last semester, so I'll quote myself for the following:
[Baile Funk is] "...a music genre of hiphop and Miami Bass sensibilities that originated from the Rio de Janeiro slums - or favelas - in the early 1990s, with a jumpy, vulgar and generally fun attitude."
This was referring to the album Mimosa in particular, which-
"...uses energetic sampling of Afro-Brazilian music new and old, particular the genre Baile Funk..." "The sampling approach, as well as very straightforward lyricism about gay sex; entails an incredibly danceable musical experience of black queerness in Brazil..."
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In an interview with Gabinete last December, group member Luiz Felipe (seen pictured on the album cover) outlined the motives behind Mimosa:
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“For me the sample has the function of reframing (?), you recount the history via a new perspective […] I find that the sample has a profound connection with black culture through its principles […] it is based on our very own history. And the sample for me isn’t just in music, it is in the argument; you can sample video, you can sample ideas, you can sample words, the way in which we created this project was entirely sampled.”
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Sexta Dos Crias is much the same, with DJ Ramon Sucesso using his DJ controller to zoom across fragments of funk at lightning pace. No sample sticks around for long, instead, you find yourself tumbling between- "...firework-like bursts of classic funk carioca samples, his own productions, mainstream tracks, nonsense TikTok sound bites, and tons of his trademark beat bolha. All contained within an unparalleled, mischievously non-linear rhythmic flow."
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Now in working mode for the next presentation, I tinkered around with the Super Mario 64 soundtrack in Audacity until I came across a neat sound.
Sampling the first four notes in the track Dire Dire Docks, I slowed the speed by 95%, and again by another 95%. Doing this required me to segment the piece and individually slow each of the segments, as doing the whole thing at once would cause Audacity to crash.
I then divided the resulting track into a left-ear and light-ear channel, playing at a slight delay to each other, forming a 'panning' effect.
Over this year, I've learned some audible differences in 'slowing' techniques.
A regular 'record' slow lowers both the pitch and tempo at once, sounds clean, and takes very little processing power to perform.
Just shifting the tempo is a little trickier; a low-fidelity tempo slow repeats small sections of the audio every fraction of a second, creating this ssttaaggggeerreedd ssoouunndd.
The high-fidelity version of this sees Audacity artifically 'filling in' these staggered gaps. This results in a stretchy, metallic sound.
A "paulstretch" also doesn't affect the pitch, but drenches any slowing in cavernous reverb.
Here's a little comparison I made:
For this next one, I took the "yahoo!" sound that Mario makes when performing a 'long jump' action in-game, and slowed it using the lo-fi tempo slider, shaved off the latter 8 minutes, and slowed it again; until it was 3 minutes of repeated "ya-" noises; otherwise representing a fraction of a millisecond.
Experimenting further, I added a 'delay', pitch-shifted so that each 'echo' would play at a lower key. Reversing this sound created a turkey-like noise, which I then looped in turn.
I then took the theme from the game's "File Select" menu, again slowing it down to a 20th of its speed. From there, I took the opening fraction-of-a-note and looped it, lowering the key each time to create a jiltery progression.
Press play on both tracks and they... kind of work together!
Ruby, Ariel and I caught up with Mike for a brief talk on materials, which we mapped out to the following:
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Then I remembered something cool. Being a fan of Aphex Twin would come in handy eventually - meet SampleBrain.
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It was available as a free download on Github.
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After loading it up (and convincing my PC that this was not malware), the program looked like this:
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I followed the instructions and placed the shorter tracks from the SM64 soundtrack into the "brain contents", and loaded a loop taken from OPN's Zebra into the "target sound".
Will this be my go-to sample-processing unit? Time will tell.
Being the algorithmic hymns of a straightforward piece of software, it gets loud. REALLY quick. Using this software more in my work will require a lot more effort in the mixing department.
𝕙𝕒𝕕 𝕒 𝕓𝕣𝕚𝕖𝕗 𝕥𝕒𝕝𝕜 𝕨𝕚𝕥𝕙 𝕖𝕞𝕞𝕒!
I showcased my current project, sketches, different audio methods I'm using (SampleBrain included), as well as playing what I've made so far. This was mainly a catch-up for prodding into my own motives, rather than critiques.
The qualities of Super Mario 64 (SM64) are a hallmark of internet-era nostalgia; and for me, a nostalgia not just from the unreal, but the unlived; to be nostalgic for I game I haven't played, from a time before I was born.
The development of the presentation side of my work following the Week 3 critique came with a need to tear down barriers in audience interaction, remove that digital suspicion that we hold onto through the introduction of the familiar to the modern.
This will be a very 'modern' piece, but I still will be using MP3 players; like a letter symbol on your Gmail app, or a rotary speaker on your Phone icon.
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I was listening to the Runescape soundtrack the other day.
It's this fantasy game from the early 2000s that I know jack-shite about, but the music is nice.
Nevertheless, it's clearly evoked a longing for those that grew up playing it, as every comment is reminiscing on lost times.
So I thought - what if I took one of these comments and just... removed any and all reference to Runescape, video games and even music - from it? What is left?
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Runescape was, and is not a real place, but these are very real feelings.
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