#itty bitty mod
not-a-birb · 8 months
PLEASE be normal about neil newbon on his discord and twitch oh my gosh. it’s unbearable in there
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jackmanifold-daily · 10 months
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What if jack manifold was reversed
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marshmallowprotection · 8 months
Hey I’m really sorry to tell you this but… you left your pocket sized Saeran Choi unsupervised out on the table and well…. I stole him. Yea sordy. He’s outside rn frolicking in the grass with a strawberry in hand.
You stole my Pocket Saeran? Blasphemy! Everyone knows my dear Pocket-Sized Saeran gets sweets and kisses whenever he wants! He is cozy as can be! I wish I could be mad but I'm not. You took him on a little trip outside and gave him strawberries. Literally, he's having the best day of his life. Make sure to ask him if he wants his strawberry in smaller bite-sized pieces so he doesn't hurt his jaw!
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[And then go read my one-shot about Borrower Ray.]
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myemyehere · 8 months
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ask-eden · 9 months
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me marrying the anon who gives me a good ask
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daily-polyshow · 2 months
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day 92!! papercrafts!!
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gla55t33th · 4 months
i want to create a discord server mostly for my tumblr circle here especially those who like the Technology and objects . but i darent
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the-third-shadow · 9 months
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The mystery mew was happy to listen to Millie ramble on. Her excitement was infectious--- though few children did not have such effect on them.
"Karp filet? I'll have to try it! It does look quite good!" They chuckled. "Though I've been eating my weight in poffins, cracker sandwiches, and anything sweet they've made the mistake of putting out, hehehe~..."
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"It's nice to meet you, Millie! My name is Nid. And don't worry too much about being loud, if you ask me. If anyone gives you trouble for being too loud, then I think they don't know what a party is for!"
(Then again, maybe Nid doesn't either, considering this is a gala.)
[ @megamew-and-crew ]
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random headcanon because shut up I’m feeling-
when Bravat gets married to his S/O, he doesn’t do wedding rings, he doesn’t wear one and he also doesn’t get them one
it’s not that he doesn’t like jewelry; he totally does and will usually happily wear some lil baubles
but not a wedding ring
instead, he gets a wedding ring design tattooed on his left ring finger
and as long as his S/O is okay with it, he’d prefer them to get the same
mainly because he feels like a ring isn’t permanent, it can be taken off and put on as one likes
but there’s no ‘removing’ a tattoo that blatantly tells everyone “yes, I am married”, especially because wedding ring tattoos are so uncommon (particularly in the Victorian era where tattoos are generally expected to be hidden) that it’s immediately obvious WHO he’s married to, because they have one as well
he likes to pretend he’s unaffected by things but he really is a romantic at heart and he thinks this is so much sweeter and more permanent than a simple band
also, this way he doesn’t have to take off a ring while doing something which might break a ring or if it might get in the way! it’s a win-win
he’s so disgustingly sappy I love it
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spooky-space-kook · 1 year
Piercing functional design is A Mistake
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oofouchstovehot · 1 year
I know everyone gets very sad about ao3 going down and not being able to reach their daily fanfic quota but can we just
Appreciate the people who work on Ao3?
They’re running this massive site with millions on millions of entries that each contain about to millions of millions of words and tags and languages and comments and that’s so much information and even then everyone has their own personal accounts and bookmarks and series and and yet even back when I had an itty bitty iPod the only time the site was ever slow or wonky was Wi-Fi issues on my end??? Like??? They’re magical??? Idk ao3 peeps run their site so well and we don’t ever appreciate them, they’re probably sad about their site being down too but instead of keeping it up they turn it off just a little bit for the sake of keeping it as smooth as it always has been and it’s awesome that such a big site only gets little bumps and errors every couple months and only needs a few hours to be perfect again.
The mods??? The admins?? Other computers working people who work so hard to get us our fluff and our angst and our smut???
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onepiece-polls · 9 months
One Piece Shipping War - Bonus Poll!
The winner of the poly ship bracket vs the most popular (and honestly, only) Buggy ship of the duo bracket!
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Propaganda under the cut. [contains some spoilers]
Propaganda for Cross Guild:
Idk there's something about three people who hate each other that just works.
they don't need no propaganda. I could never make propaganda like buggy the clown does in canon
mr. pathetic (buggy) paired with two actual warlords who could (but haven't !) demolished him ? it has to be love
Crocodile and Mihawk are a fucked up rich ass couple and Buggy is the chihuahua in their purse
Its cross guild. you know why (mod: as an anime-only fan, I don't, but I'm looking forward to find out 😂)
Propaganda for Shanks x Buggy:
What if we were childhood friends who gave up our drama for each other then never saw each other again for years
What can I say, I'm a fellow shuggy truther too 🤝
Shanks obviously adores Buggy, and Buggy is so tsundure~! Mr 'I hate Shanks'-but-will-take-every-opportunity-to-talk-about-him-and-be-with-him.
Oden says in his journal that he can't tell if they're friends of enemies, and I just love that. Plus when you add in the revelation about Shanks and Buggy in the recent chapters.
They're childhood friends. They're exes. They've been married for 20 years. They're opposites. They're the same. They're silly goofy guys who make me want to cry my heart out. Red/Blue is always meant to be.
Buggy """""HATES""""" Shanks. This hate is so strong that he WILL yell at this red-haired bastard despite the fact that he is a coward, who is terrified of all the Emperors. Everyone thinks this is strange. However, when you grow up with said Emperor on the same boat, watching him stumble over his feet as he's trying to learn to use a sword, stuck scrubbing the whole deck because he was stupid enough to prank "Dark King" Rayleigh, and make that same stupid pouty face every time his Conqueror's Haki doesn't do anything because he is an itty bitty child, most of that fear gets pretty quelled. Also, that same fucker lost an arm because he's a DUMBASS and he deserves to be made fun of for it (not because Buggy is worried and missed him not at all no no Shanks is just DUMB and needs to be TOLD he is dumb more. But just by Buggy. Because Buggy has known his idiocy forever. He has earned the right to yell at this stupid, stupid Emperor for being a self-sacrificing fool and for giving away that stupid hat and... Wait, hang on, when did this bastard get hot!? WHAT THE FUC-) And Shanks just keeps smiling at Buggy and his antics because he has 100% been in love with him since they were children (his actions while they were on the Roger pirates are the DEFINITION of pigtail-pulling as flirting) and he is just happy to see that he's safe while being exactly the same larger-than-life clown he always knew. He would gladly give up his life of sluttery (that I am convinced this man has. Just look at how he exists) if Buggy would just agree to join his crew, but will not push him if he doesn't want to. He just loves his pretty clown from a distance and waits. TLDR: Buggy is mad that he's in love with Shanks and Shanks just likes existing with and/or annoying Buggy (they come as a pair). GOD I just love childhood friends to lovers bro. Just let the cabin boys kiss.
[Spoiler Warning] Red and Blue gays! Emperor husbands! Childhood friends to enemies to lovers!
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that-sunny-pup · 4 months
M!A Little Dogday is no longer bald, but he is also puppy sized now! The puppy bit is for however long the mod wants
"YAYYY I HAVE MY PRETTY FUR BACK!! why am I so Itty bitty-"
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tainbocuailnge · 5 months
realistically this is the biggest and broadest female hrothgar were ever gonna get purely because of how the game engine was structured back in ARR. we know a lot about how player models work thanks to how far modders have broken things open. like there's still very blatant gender biases at play here and it's fine to dream of more but there's very practical considerations behind this too that would've been clear if you know a bit about the game's inner workings. which not everyone does which is why i'm about to explain.
the game has five different base skeletons for playable races, those being male midlander, male highlander, male roe, female midlander, and lalafel. every other playable race is one of those skeletons scaled slightly differently, male miquote, elezen, au ra, and viera are all the same male midlander stretched into slightly different shapes. all female races save lalafel are all stretched from the same female midlander (incidentally this is why female gear mods always work for everyone but male gear mods tend to exclude highlander/roe/hroth).
every piece of gear needs at minimum five models in the game files to match those five skeletons. i say minimum because if the male and female version look significantly different there's two lalafel models and if the autoscaling looks too off they put in a separate hand-tweaked model (which ive most often seen to accommodate male au ra's itty bitty waists). which means if they wanted to make femhroth any bulkier than femroe (who are already stretching the femmidlander-shaped gear about as far as it gets basically) and not have all the gear look like shit on them they'd have to make a new skeleton that is broader at base instead of stretched out to be, which means making an extra model for EVERY piece of gear in the game, both the ones that already exist and every new piece they'll make from then on. it'd be a significant increase in both immediate and long-term workload as well as game size. it just wasn't gonna happen man.
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usbkinitopet · 1 month
hhouuuhh ddont you worry sam and kin !!! im really really sure jacob can get jade to you both really soon and safely . !! jacob is THAT cool from what i've heard from jones SPEAKING OF YOUR USER !!! thst was MEE !! i reached out to them !! dont you worry about what they're documenting about thoughX]c oh my goodness im SO happy she was able to get her deserved rest WOOHOO!!! that hot choco must be so scrumpty hhrhrgrrr iim getting hungry . again be a good pal for me pretty please? if something,,,,,persay,,,Happens on the monitor. ,, like jones opens up Something . don't panic. okydoky? thats perfectly nromal and. they'll take care of it really soon after that happens. just an Itty bitty thing jones needs for her ,,,, research . thank you nito <33 -🕊️
"Why hello again friend!! Thank you so much for helping my [USER]!.. You are very sweet and helpful!!"
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"As for your request.. That would depend. Jones has not made it clear on what they are looking for previously.. And I worry-"
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"I'm not sure how I will react. I will.. Try to keep calm I suppose.. I have not done very well with previous users when they mess with stuff they are not supposed to.. I'm not.. sure if I agree with my [USER] messing with stuff."
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".. One of the last users blue screened me.. and it.. Hurt.. I don't want that to happen again."
(What does one do when they do not know how to handle trauma? Also left a secret for ya here! /vpos plus evil face >:3) -Mod Moonion
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Summer Bingo sign up is open! 🍦🛟
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Harringrove Summer Bingo is a low-pressure, fun fandom challenge with the goal of creating summer-themed fanworks for Harringrove.
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How does it work?
When you sign up, you get a bingo card with 8+1 prompts that you can interpret in your own fanwork any way you like (as long as it also includes Harringrove and summer). You get your card stamped for every filled prompt you've posted during the time when bingo event is running. And then when the bingo closes, if you've filled at least one prompt, you'll get a virtual badge to brag with /pf
That's it!
(or at least more or less, you'll find all the itty bitty details and more here > >)
- 🏖☀️🍦🛟🌴🍹-
You can sign up from the link below:
- 🏖☀️🍦🛟🌴🍹-
Confirmation emails are written as sign ups come in so please allow some time for us to get them sent out. We'll be as fast as we can!
Discord invites are included in the confirmation email.
Sign up is open until 19 May 2024
- Suo / head mod
- 🏖☀️🍦🛟🌴🍹-
For more info about the bingo head to ->
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