#ivan kovalevsky
Secondary MC's
Akira Taslak
Hanna Chang
Sabina Laghari
Daphne Dubois
Hadassa Ahmed
Mindy Johann
Isadora Alvarez
Su-Min Yu
Jiwon Lee
Ramona Bianco
Fionna Bianco
Natalie Kovalevsky
Sango Lao
Kagami Johnson
Maia Norman
Tina Laine
Ida Beckett
Sahara Pratt
Ivan Kovalevsky
Isaac Lykios
Edwin Keller
Minwoo Jon
Ian Schmitt
Takashi Ujishima
Samuel Carredio
Lars Jacobson
James Evan
Rohan Ambrož
Elijah Greenwood
Nathaniel Tanaka
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lidensword · 1 year
Incorrect Quote
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Ivan: "...I think you guys are missing dhe point."
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Give me Rebirth of the Firebird, please!
Hell yeah bestie!!! This is honestly one of my favorite stories!!!! So I’ll give you what I have so far, because it is incomplete, but I will post updates.
TW: death, hate crime, body horror
So the story starts off with giving a glimpse into the main characters everyday lives. We have Yaroslav Kovalevsky, who is a hockey player for a professional team. We also have Ivan “Vanya” Tseytlin, who is also a hockey player for a professional team. Yaroslav and Ivan play for the same team, on the same line. Yaroslav and Ivan are good friends, but over time, they become closer friends, sometimes blurring the line between romantic and platonic.
Eventually, Yaroslav and Ivan discover each other’s secret: their homosexuality. Among their teammates, Yaroslav and Ivan are rumored to be eloping. One day Ivan and Yaroslav are hanging out and some of their teammates come over to Ivan’s apartment. Initially, they thought their teammates just wanted to hangout but they become increasingly hostile as time goes on. Soon it become apparent to Ivan and Yaroslav that their teammates intention is to hurt them. The couple try to escape but ultimately fail. The teammates proceed to beat Yaroslav and Ivan to death.
While all of this is happening, a witch, dubbed The Witch of the Gate to Siberia, is on her way from Tyumen to Moscow to retrieve Yaroslav to become the firebird. She is traveling with her apprentice, Alexandr “Alex” Volkov. Even though The Witch has strong future telling powers, she is not fully aware of the hate crime that happened to Yaroslav. This is because while her powers are very strong, stronger than most other witches in the world, she has to keep her future telling powers in check because she is on the run from the Vuyothers. (The Vuyothers are godlike creatures that control the universe. And have lots of interest in earth.)
So The Witch gets to Moscow, stealthily finds Ivan’s apartment. (The Witch is also on the run from the government because she was the ringleader in overthrowing the government during the Vuyother Reformation. The Vuyother Reformation was when the Vuyothers stepped in to save humanity from destruction, and while it did save earth, it ended up causing a lot of chaos. Hence, people like The Witch took this opportunity to overthrow their governments.) She is surprised to to find Yaroslav and Ivan are dead. The Witch quickly revives Yaroslav and prepares to leave, but Yaroslav refuses. The Witch gets irritated and asks why. Yaroslav says he’s not leaving without Ivan. The Witch reluctantly agrees to revive Ivan. The four then leave the apartment and sneak out of Moscow.
Since The Witch is on the run, she decides to walk everywhere. So the four walk from Moscow, stop in Kazan, and arrive in Tyumen. This journey takes about 2 weeks. The four get to The Witch’s home, which is a refurbished old church.
Ivan and Yaroslav recover from dying and being reanimated for the next couple months. During this, Yaroslav starts to transform into the firebird. This process is extremely painful, gross, and gory. Through this transformation, Ivan helps Yaroslav get through it mentally.
Unfortunately that’s all I have!!!! So sorry
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russianfolklore · 4 years
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“Bajun Cat” by Ivan Kovalevsky.
Bajun cat is a huge magical talking cat of Russian tales. He is famous for lulling unfortunate people with his mesmerizing singing, and then killing them with his iron claws. 
A hero can tame the cat with the help of the iron hat and the iron gloves. In this case, Bajun becomes a loyal friend who can heal wounds with his purring and is able to get rid of other people's nightmares.
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djlechat · 3 years
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“Bajun Cat” by Ivan Kovalevsky. Bajun cat is a huge magical talking cat of Russian tales. He is famous for lulling unfortunate people with his mesmerizing singing, and then killing them with his iron claws. A hero can tame the cat with the help of the iron hat and the iron gloves. In this case, Bajun becomes a loyal friend who can heal wounds with his purring and is able to get rid of other people’s nightmares.
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ivansbadart · 5 years
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Practicing how to draw comics, so enjoy a tale of Channeys childhood :D
Anyways Donna is a partypooper and didn’t let him keep the rat :’( 
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superautism64 · 2 years
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m. more gotham au doodles....
doctors having to check ivan’s mouth so he’s not hiding anything- he ends up biting the doctor and. ilya is. VERY unamused...
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system-asks · 3 years
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hello! we r reviving this account to use frequently so I think I'll make an intro until we make a carrd!
you can call us by the name "fox" for the whole system
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we r the static system I guess! our system is 21 years old & there's roughly 50-70 of us! we use he/him or they/them (plural)- we're mixed race & our ethnicity is very complicated, but to put it simply we're asian afro indigenous
our system has been professionally diagnosed with DID since 2017. all the mods on here is an alter from this specific system.
currently, the main host is ilya kovalevski (he/they/she), who is also a host of his own sub-system *specifically an osdd-1a one*
the co-hosts are: lucien lachance (he/they), ivan kovalevski (he/him), and clyde daniels (he/him)
feel free to send an ask whenever ✨
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manukyan · 5 years
bathematic from superdesigners on Vimeo.
a slow glide into the world of balance and attraction with zero gravity, that evolved from a single instagram post
idea, motion: ivan kovalevsky
music: andrey danilov
lettering: arseny arkatov
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realism-love · 6 years
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Portrait of Art Critic Pavel Kovalevsky, 1886, Ivan Kramskoi
Medium: oil, canvas
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motioncollector · 4 years
DCN Video Pick: the other trans-atlantic by superdesigners // Teaser for the exhibition about the kinetic and optical art of the 1950s-1970s from Eastern Europe and Latin America. Motion-designers: Ivan Kovalevsky Angelina Toros Ilya Perevedentsev Valery Lunchuk Sound: Vasily Sumin Designed for Garage museum of contemporary art
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lidensword · 1 year
This is Ivan's men appreciation post!!
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Nikolai and Vasily,
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Sergei and Dimitri,
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Andrey (yet to be presented),
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and Pyotr!
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I’m not sure Pyotr taking photos is a good option... Maybe Ivan wouldn’t mind helping with that.
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eduardomarin90 · 5 years
Interactive content for MTS annual meeting from interactive items on Vimeo.
MTS is one of the leading telecom providers in Russia. In June 2018, the company hosted its annual shareholder meeting at the Lotta Plaza building in Moscow, where it reported on its progress and shared a roadmap for the next few years.
In partnership with BBDO Branding, our team developed a visual solution for the event. Our task was to create evocative animated content that would showcase the company’s growth and ability to communicate with a modern audience.
agency: bbdo branding client: mts
interactive design: vadim mirgorogskii ravil zarilov vladimir kupriyanov
design and motion by superdesigners: ivan kovalevsky valery lunchuk ivan benr angelina toros ilya perevedentsev
project manager: ekaterina sumacheva
sound by ivan benr
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puntoyrayafestival · 6 years
Teaser for the exhibition about the kinetic and optical art of the 1950s-1970s from Eastern Europe and Latin America. Motion-designers: Ivan Kovalevsky Angelina Toros Ilya Perevedentsev Valery Lunchuk Sound: Vasily Sumin Designed for Garage museum of contemporary art
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str9led · 6 years
mts — showcase from superdesigners on Vimeo.
MTS is one of the leading telecom providers in Russia. In June 2018, the company hosted its annual shareholder meeting at the Lotta Plaza building in Moscow, where it reported on its progress and shared a roadmap for the next few years.
In partnership with BBDO Branding, our team developed a visual solution for the event. Our task was to create evocative animated content that would showcase the company’s growth and ability to communicate with a modern audience.
agency: bbdo branding client: mts
design and motion by superdesigners: ivan kovalevsky valery lunchuk ivan benr angelina toros ilya perevedentsev
interactive part: vadim mirgorogsky ravil zarilov
project manager: ekaterina sumacheva
sound by ivan benr
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superautism64 · 2 years
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hi tumblr this totally isn't a cropped drawing u don't like <3 /s
please let me post this boy, I promise he's genuinely enjoying himself in this drawing /gen
EDIT: this actually posted after months of trying ! this was for the first day of goretober last year/2021
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