#ivar x roman
artemiseamoon · 2 years
Nocturna Sanguine 10
Status: complete ! This is the finale | fic info and chapters
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Words: 2,416 | will upload to A03 again this week 
⚠️warnings: vampirism, sexual content, langauge , mentions of death and a town full of demons
Previous chapter || all chapters/ fic info
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Valentina’s lab
Adjusting the goggles on her face, Valentina takes a closer look at the flask. Once satisfied, she scoots over to the microscope.
The brother's blood continues to fascinate her; it behaves like nothing she’s ever seen. Aside from a witch hybrid like herself, it's the only other vampire blood resistant to werewolf venom. In all her years alive, she’s never heard of a double vampire, and Upirs were long believed to be extinct.
Over the time she’s kept them here, she's found time to work in the lab, take notes, and study the blood. She even added it to a few spells to see how it interacts with magic.
Earlier that morning, she added the blood to an ancient spell in place of a long-extinct root, and surprisingly, it worked. She hit a gold mine. Her boys are indeed special, in more ways than they know.
Sitting back, she took the goggles off and smiled to herself.
“A whole new world of possibilities - “her eyes shoot to the door.
Valentina unlocks and opens the heavy door with one gesture of her hand.
“Hello, stranger.” Valentina crossed her arms casually and flashed a smile at Dahlia. “I wondered where you went.”
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“You were occupied with your playthings up there,” Dahlia matches her smile and comes to a stop in front of her, “surprised you noticed.”
“Ouch.” Valentina frowns, then reaches out to grab her hand. Dahlia wraps her fingers around hers.
“It takes a lot to put a vampire in a catatonic state, what happened last night? They didn’t even stir when I walked in.”
“The Descent.”
Dahlia whistles, “you must really like them.”
Valentina brushes it off, and changes the subject, “so, what adventures did you have?”
“I was in Hades town. Thinking of staying there a while.”
“Ah,” Valentina stands and lets go of her hand. “Las Vegas for demons. Not for the faint of heart. A deliciously good time though.”
Dahlia smirks then gets a look in her eyes like she’s reliving a memory.
Hades town is just a nickname, coined by the demons. It used to be called Crows End and some stupid human opened a portal, they were fooling around with an ancient text for Halloween. They unknowingly opened a portal directly from hell. The town got overrun.
Any attempts to banish the demons or close the portal have failed to date, and most have given up. Those with magical abilities set a boundary around the town to leave it contained until they figure out what else to do.
Ever since it’s become party central for Demons and other supernatural creatures alike. Even with the bad record of what happens to humans looking for excitement, many still flocked to the town. They end up dead, trapped, possessed or in love with the darkness. Some love it so much they stay and assimilate.  
Valentina has only gone once, with Dahlia. They stayed for a weekend, and it was one of the wildest things she's seen in years. But it is not a place she’d stay for any longer than 2 days. She likes her mansion, her comforts, her velvet couches, and expensive fabrics.
Dahlia quietly studies Valentina as the silence between them continues, until Valentina breaks it,
“Are you sure you want to stay longer? That place - “Valentina doesn’t finish the sentence.
“You’re worried about me, cute,” Dahlia smirked, “I’m okay. You have your playthings, I found some of my own there. I'm not ready to give them up yet.”
“You’ve always been free to go as you please,” Valentina sighs, “you’ll be missed.”
“I know.” Dahlia tugs on her lab coat, “I’ll be back, in a couple of weeks maybe.”
“Good, don’t be a stranger, “Valentina winks at her then heads to the other side of the room, “while you’re here, would you like to help me with something?”
Dahlia walks over to the closet and grabs a white coat, she glances over her shoulder at Valentina, “Since you asked so kindly.”
Later that Day
The bath water is deliciously warm, so much so she almost falls asleep. Valentina is in the middle of the tub, knees to her chest. To her left is Roman, and to her right is Ivar.
Roman alternates between dozing off and taking a puff of his joint. Currently, he's taking a very long, lazy drag. His head against the rim of the tub. He holds the smoke, then blows it out in small little rings. “Is this normal? I feel like I need 10 more hours of sleep.”
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Ivar chuckles, his eyes still closed as he rests in the tub.
Valentina leans over to Ivar and plants a kiss on his exposed neck, then turns to Roman and takes the joint from his fingers. He watches her take a hit, then inches closer and opens his mouth. Their eyes lock on each other as she blows smoke into his mouth, then seals it with a kiss.
“It’s normal. It should wear off in a day or so.” she settles back into her previous spot.” Sanguis Ebrius.”
Ivar opens one eye. “What's that?”
“Blood sleep. It’s common after an experience like that. Sleeping for long periods recharges and repairs our systems. Sanguis Ebrius is like heavy sedation, in some cases, depending on how much blood you ingested, it can resemble a death-like state."
Roman rested his head against the tub again. "Shit, cool."
Valentina passes the joint to Ivar, who declines, then goes back to Roman.
“In myths, do you know why they warn vampires not to feed on other vampires?” Valentina rests a hand on each of the guy's legs under the water.
Ivar volunteers an answer first, “in some vampire cultures it's actually forbidden, but they never explain why. It creates a bond.”
Her eyes float from his to Romans.
“Isn’t it an act of sex?” Roman lifts his head again. “It creates a psychic link between vampires, so they can reach each other's minds,” he takes a hit, holds it, then blows it out, “which is a fucking lie 'cause I can't read your thoughts for shit.” he points at Valentina.
Valentina sits up and moves the suds around with her hands, “It’s different with me, I’m a hybrid. If you were in the tub with any of the vampires you fed on last night, then yes, you’d be able to connect telepathically. If the bond is strong enough, you can view their memories.” She scoops up a handful of water and tosses some at Roman, then Ivar.
“Vampires who feed on each other begin to nest. It's believed they become increasingly dangerous, and ravenous, like a pack of wild animals. That's one of the reasons it is taboo, in most cultures. But, you’re both right, all of those are side effects. The reasons vary depending on the source. In many of them, only elders are allowed to drink from vampires.”
“Like you?” Roman grins. “You're a hot ass elder.”
Valentina and Ivar laughed. Ivar splashes water his way.
Still smirking, she closes her eyes again, enjoying the warm water and calming scent of lavender.
The Next day, afternoon
Valentina climbs into the driver's seat. One more night of rest did the job, and the guys are back to their old selves. Roman, after yelling shotgun, climbed into the passenger seat and pushed it way back, crashing right into Ivars knees.
Ivar kicks the seat, then slaps Roman on the back of the head before moving over. “Asshole.”
Music plays at a comfortable level as the car speeds out of the driveway. They’re on the road for a short while until they reach the city limits.
Valentina pulls the car over and puts it in park. Her eyes land on the sign up ahead.
‘You are now leaving Whispering Pines, please come again’
Valentina exits the car first, followed by a confused Ivar and Roman.
“What's going on?” Roman asked.
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Valentina sits in the hood of the car and gestures toward the sign.
Roman shakes his head, “No fucking way, last time I tried that it spit me out like a fucking chew toy.”
“That won't happen this time, promise.” She reclines further, watching them with a grin.
Still hesitant, the guys stare at each other.
When Ivar takes a curious step forward, Roman grabs his arm. “No, fuck that. She’s playing a game.”
Valentina chuckled in response. Ivar glances at Valentina, and despite his uncertainty, detects honestly in her eyes. He decides to trust her. Ivar pulls from Roman's grip and heads to the barrier. He rushes forward before Roman can stop him, using vampire speed.
With his eyes closed tight, Ivar comes to a stop and waits. Nothing happens. He opens his eyes and looks around. He’s past the barrier now. Completely unharmed.
Grinning, he walks through it again, then a third time.
“No way.” Roman takes slow steps forward.
“Go on cutie, give it a go.” She winks at him when he glances over his shoulder at her. When he doesn't move, she mouths the words, “ go on.”
Roman carefully approaches the barrier, then jumps through it. Nothing happens. Only Ivar cackling behind him. Roman flips him off then runs through the barrier a second time.
“Shit, we’re free, you let us go.” with bright eyes he rushed over to Valentina and grabbed her legs, then planted kisses on each knee.
“You earned it, both of y- “ before she can finish her sentence, Roman kisses her.  
Roman grabs the side of her neck and teases a second kiss, “you kidnapped us, held us captive, took our blood. Brought us the sickest vampire orgy ever, and now we're free? You have a fucked-up way of saying you like us, Valentina.”  
She shrugs and runs her nails down his chest, “ah, well, you know.”
Ivar stands at the side of the car, his intense blue eyes burning into hers. Roman still hovers over her, kissing the side of her neck now.
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“Any fine print?” Ivar asked.
“Of course,” she throws her head back as Roman kisses her neck, her eyes return to Ivars, “I keep what I took. And you can’t go on any more killing sprees in my town, or close to it. That's it.”
“Yeah right.” Roman scoffs and then bites at her neck. His hand moves up her thigh.
She purrs and closes her eyes, “You are not stuck anymore. You could leave right now if you wanted. Though, it would be a shame to get me this worked up and just - leave.”
Ivar crosses his arms, amusement fills his expression, “And the blood?”
“I keep what I took. And if you felt so inclined to leave me a little more, “she shrugs, “I’ll take it.”
“So greedy, you took so much already.” Roman whispers, his lips moving to her ear lobe.
A mischievous grin fills Ivars lips. He goes quiet as he thinks it over.
Valentina reaches out for him, and he steps closer again. “I propose we go back, one more round of fun before you two set off into the sunset.”  
Valentina slides across the hood and gets off, then returns to the driver's seat. Ivar smirks at Roman and takes the passenger seat. Once they're all in the car, she pulls something out of her blazer pocket, two small velvet pouches. She hands one to Ivar, then Roman.
Ivar opens his first, “ blood, your blood.”
“Your blood is resilient. However, if you ever find yourselves in trouble, or unable to fight something on your own, that's your plan b.” she starts the car up, “use it wisely. And, don't get any ideas, it's been spelled for its intended use only.”
Roman chuckles, “aww she likes us.”
Valentina turns the music on and puts the car in drive.
Late that night
Roman leans against the car smoking a cigarette. “Come on you two, what is this, a damn romance novel?”
Valentina and Ivar both ignore him, they’re still holding hands and shit, acting like a bunch of love-sick teenagers.
Ivar caresses the side of her face as his other hand rests on her lower back. “Will we see you again?”
She kisses his jaw, then his cheek, “you know where to find me. And, in a way, the three of us will always be together. We’re deeply bonded. Now and forever.”
“Someone's feeling neglected.” Ivar darts his eyes to Roman.
“The brat prince, always hungry for attention,” she sings before drawing Ivar into a sensual kiss. When the kiss breaks, she makes her way to Roman.
Before he could say anything, she shuts him up with her lips. Post kiss, he has a big smile on his face.
Valentina takes a step back. “Well, what are you waiting for, go, be free.” She holds her smile a little longer and tries to ignore that unfamiliar pang inside of her.
She wants them to stay, but she won't ask, and she won't beg either.
Roman winks at her and then climbs into the driver's seat of the car. Ivar gets in next, then closer to the door. Both of them watch her for a moment as she stands in the driveway.
Valentina blows them a kiss, then turns around and walks back up to the house. They guys linger for a moment longer, then drive off into the night.
15 minutes later
It feels good, damn good to be in his car again listening to his music. Free to do as they please. They zoomed past the exit sign and were headed to a place unknown. Though he's singing along with the music and is more animated than ever, Roman has one thought in the front of his mind, one he’s trying to shake.
A minute later, he glances over at Ivar who is staring out the window, he's got one of the reflective looks on his face. Roman turns the music down.
“You know what's fucked up?”
“What?” Ivar turns his head to look at him.
“You’re a lucky bastard Ivar. You hogged her, you got way more time with her than I did.”
Ivar grins, “we could always turn around.” he raises a brow.
Roman brings the car to an abrupt stop.
“Extend our stay for as long as we please, then, go wherever the road takes us.” Ivar adds.
Roman smiles wide, reverses, then turns the car around.
“You are a fucking genius man. “Roman turns the music up and heads back to Whispering Pines.
💕 Thats it!
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ladynightshade30 · 1 year
So, I am a little over halfway done with my first round of edits for Ramon and Isolda. Hopefully, I can finish this round of edits by the end of next week. Then I am going to move on to the next round. Goodie!
Hopefully, I will have it ready for Beta readers by September and an official publishing release next year. I am still working on Chrysalis and Whips my BDSM, slow burn romance. Another story idea I have is called Lemon Seas and is a Little Mermaid retelling featuring Mersharks and Merorcas instead of the traditional mermaids/mermen.
I still have ideas for Ivar/Eadwulf, which I hope to start working on again as soon as things settle down in regards to Ramon and Isolda.
Ivar/Eadwulf stories being worked on Stone by Stone - Ivar and Eadwulf are in an arranged marriage but perfection is a good deal off and they must build their love stone by stone. My Heart's Lighter Soul - Ivar and Eadwulf are soul mates. I really don't have much of an idea on where to go with it other than that. King Takes Queen - While the Great Heathen Army savages the land Ivar falls for the captive Princess Eadwulf, the younger sister of Biship Heahmund.
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lazywolfwiccan · 2 years
The official WWE 2k23 roster!!!! @atiny-angel @swifteforeverandalways @sargentbarxes @imswitchbabemox @the-iridescent-phoenix @ozzypawsbone-princeofbarkness @askauradonprep @retro-rezz-the-est @nonbinarylovaticesposito @ava-valerie @mrragersrevenge96
AJ Styles
Akira Tozawa
Alba Fyre
Alexa Bliss
André the Giant
Angel Garza
Angelo Dawkins
Apollo Crews
Austin Theory
Becky Lynch
Beth Phoenix
Bianca Belair
Big Boss Man
Big E
Bobby Lashley
Booker T
Braun Strowman
Bret "The Hit Man" Hart
Brie Bella
British Bulldog
Brock Lesnar
Bron Breakker
Bruno Sammartino
Brutus Creed
Cactus Jack
Cameron Grimes
Carmelo Hayes
Cedric Alexander
Chad Gable
Charlotte Flair
Cody Rhodes
Commander Azeez
Cora Jade
Cruz Del Toro
Dakota Kai
Damian Priest
Dana Brooke
Dexter Lumis
Dolph Ziggler
Dominik Mysterio
Drew Gulak
Drew McIntyre
Eddie Guerrero
Eric Bischoff
Giovanni Vinci
Finn Bálor
Gigi Dolin
Grayson Waller
Happy Corbin
Hollywood Hogan
Hulk Hogan
Humberto Carillo
The Hurricane
Ilja Dragunov
Indi Hartwell
Jacy Jayne
Jake “The Snake” Roberts
JD McDonagh
Jerry "The King" Lawler
Jey Uso
Jim "The Anvil" Neidhart
Jimmy Uso
Jinder Mahal
Joaquin Wilde
John Cena
Julius Creed
Karrion Kross
Katana Chance
Kayden Carter
Kevin Nash
Kevin Owens
Kofi Kingston
Kurt Angle
LA Knight
Lacey Evans
Liv Morgan
Logan Paul
Ludwig Kaiser
“Macho Man” Randy Savage
Madcap Moss
Matt Riddle
Molly Holly
Montez Ford
Mr. McMahon
Mustafa Ali
Nikki A.S.H.
Nikki Bella
Nikkita Lyons
Noam Dar
Queen Zelina
Randy Orton
Raquel Rodriguez
Razor Ramon
Rey Mysterio
Rhea Ripley
Rick Boogs
Ridge Holland
Rob Van Dam
Robert Roode
Roman Reigns
Ronda Rousey
Rowdy Roddy Piper
Roxanne Perez
Sami Zayn
Santos Escobar
Scott Hall
Seth Rollins
Shane McMahon
Shawn Michaels
Shayna Bazler
Shelton Benjamin
Shinsuke Nakamura
Solo Sikoa
Sonya Deville
Stacy Keibler
“Stone Cold” Steve Austin
Stephanie McMahon
Ted DiBiase
The Miz
The Rock
Titus O’Neil
Tommaso Ciampa
Triple H
Trish Stratus
Tyler Bate
Ultimate Warrior
Veer Mahaan
Wes Lee
Xavier Woods
Xia Li
Zoey Stark
Johnny Gargano has been confirmed but was not on the roster reveal for some reason
Bad Bunny will be the pre order bonus and later his pack will be available for DLC for those who did not pre order
Bray Wyatt, Tegan Nox, Candice LeRae, Hit Row and many other are rumored for future DLC
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wweassets · 2 years
A comprehensive list:
4 inches: Top Dolla, Ivar, Erik, Big E, Montez, Triple H, Brock
4.5 inches: Roman, Solo, Jey, Jimmy, Angelo, Akira, Karl Anderson, Luke Gallows, Otis, Mansoor, The Rock
5 inches: Chad Gable, Bryan Danielson, Seth Rollins, Adam Cole, Wardlow, Eli Drake, Kofi Kingston, Sammy Guevara, Jungle Boy,
5.5 inches: Kyle O Reilly, Matt Hardy, Roderick Strong, Rey Mysterio, Edge, Sheamus, Tyler Bate, Ilja, John Cena,
6: Xavier, Ricochet, Bobby Fish, CM Punk, AJ Styles, Andrade
6.5: Pretty Deadly, Brad Maddox, Corey Graves, Moxley, Matt Sydal, Cesaro, Rusev, Ridge Holland, Dominik, Damon Kemp
7 inches: Wade Barrett, Drew McIntyre, Finn Balor,
7.5 inches: Randy Orton, Jack Swagger,
8 inches: Matt Riddle, Julius Creed, Brutus Creed
8.5: MJF, Jordan Devlin
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oh wow…. you really put some thought into this. and honestly i agree with most of this well done well done x
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Characters I write for
(Requests are closed for the time being x)
Harry Potter/Marauders:
- Draco Malfoy
- James Potter
- Regulus Black
- Remus Lupin
- Sirius Black
- Adam Warlock
- Bucky Barnes
- Fandral
- Helmut Zemo
- Logan Howlett
- Loki
- Natasha
- Pietro
- Sif
- Steve Rogers
- Thor
- Venom/Eddie
- Victor Creed
- Yelena
- Clark Kent
- Harley Quinn
- Peter Rumancek
- Roman Godfrey
- Spencer Reid
Star Wars:
- Anakin
- Bodhi Rook
- Darth Maul
- Obi Wan
- Poe Dameron
- Qui-Gon Jinn
Stranger Things:
- Billy Hargrove
- Eddie Munson
- Steve Harrington
- Dean Winchester
- Lucifer
- Michael (Matt Cohen)
- Sam Winchester
- Gadreel
- Samandriel
The Boys:
- Billy Butcher
- Homelander
- Soldier Boy
- Aragorn
- Arwen
- Bard
- Bilbo
- Boromir
- Eomer
- Eowyn
- Fili
- Frodo
- Glorfindel
- Kili
- Legolas
- Lindir
- Thorin
- Thranduil
- Alec
- Alice
- Alistair
- Caius
- Demetri
- Emmett
- Felix
- Jasper
- Garrett
- Bjorn
- Hvitserk
- Ivar
- Ubbe
- Geralt
- Jaskier
- Yennefer
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jcmarchi · 7 months
WWE 2K24's Full Launch Roster Revealed
New Post has been published on https://thedigitalinsider.com/wwe-2k24s-full-launch-roster-revealed/
WWE 2K24's Full Launch Roster Revealed
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WWE 2K24’s full roster has been revealed. This year offers a staggering line-up of Superstars hailing from Raw, Smackdown and NXT, as well as numerous Legends. 
Over 200 playable superstars will be available at launch, along with 8 managers. Check them out below. 
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Akira Tozawa
Alexa Bliss
Becky Lynch
Bianca Belair
Big E
Braun Strowman
Bronson Reed
Candice LeRae
Cedric Alexander
Chad Gable
Chelsea Green
Cody Rhodes
Damian Priest
Dexter Lumis
Dominik Mysterio
Drew McIntyre
Finn Bálor
Giovanni Vinci
Indi Hartwell
JD McDonagh
Jey Uso
Johnny Gargano
Kofi Kingston
Liv Morgan
Ludwig Kaiser
Maxxine Dupri
Nikki Cross
Piper Niven
Raquel Rodriguez
Rhea Ripley
Sami Zayn
Seth “Freakin” Rollins
Shayna Baszler
Shinsuke Nakamura
Sonya Deville
Tegan Nox
The Miz
Tommaso Ciampa
Xavier Woods
Zoey Stark
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AJ Styles
Alba Fyre
Angelo Dawkins
Ashante “Thee” Adonis
Austin Theory
Bobby Lashley
Cameron Grimes
Charlotte Flair
Cruz Del Toro
Dakota Kai
Elton Prince
Grayson Waller
Isla Dawn
Iyo Sky
Jimmy Uso
Joaquin Wilde
Karl Anderson
Karrion Kross
Katana Chance
Kayden Carter
Kevin Owens
Kit Wilson
LA Knight
Logan Paul
Luke Gallows
Michin Mia Yim
Montez Ford
Randy Orton
Rey Mysterio
Ridge Holland
Robert Roode
Roman Reigns
Santos Escobar
Solo Sikoa
Xia Li
Zelina Vega
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Andre Chase
Angel Garza
Apollo Crews
Baron Corbin
Blair Davenport
Bron Breakker
Brooks Jensen
Brutus Creed
Carmelo Hayes
Channing “Stacks” Lorenzo
Cora Jade
Damon Kemp
Drew Gulak
Duke Hudson
Fallon Henley
Gigi Dolin
Ilja Dragunov
Ivy Nile
Jacy Jayne
Jinder Mahal
Joe Coffey
Joe Gacy
Josh Briggs
Julius Creed
Nathan Frazer
Nikkita Lyons
Noam Dar
Roxanne Perez
Thea Hail
Tiffany Stratton
Tony D’Angelo
Trick Williams
Tyler Bate
Veer Mahaan
Wendy Choo
Wes Lee
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Andre The Giant
Bad Bunny
Beth Phoenix
Big Boss Man
Booker T
Bray Wyatt
Bret “Hitman” Hart
British Bulldog
Bruno Sammartino
Cactus Jack
Doink The Clown
Dude Love
Dusty Rhodes (Part of the Nightmare Family Pack)
Eddie Guerrero
Eric Bischoff
Eve Torres
The Fiend
George “The Animal” Steele
Harley Race
Hollywood Hogan
Hulk Hogan
The Hurricane
Jake “The Snake” Roberts
Jerry “The King” Lawler
Jim “The Anvil” Neidhart
John Cena
Ken Shamrock
Kevin Nash
Kurt Angle
“Macho Man” Randy Savage
Mighty Molly
Molly Holly
Muhammad Ali
“Ravishing” Rick Rude
Rick Steiner
Ricky “The Dragon” Steamboat
Rob Van Dam
The Rock
Ronda Rousey
“Rowdy” Roddy Piper
Scott Hall
Scott Steiner
Shane McMahon
Shawn Michaels
Stacy Keibler
Stephanie McMahon
Stardust (Part of the Nightmare Family Pack)
“Stone Cold” Steve Austin
“Superstar” Billy Graham (Part of the Nightmare Family Pack)
Ted DiBiase
Triple H
Trish Stratus
Tyler Breeze
Ultimate Warrior
Uncle Howdy
The Undertaker
Wade Barrett
William Regal
Bobby “The Brain” Heenan
Cathy Kelley
Mick Foley
Miss Elizabeth
Paul Bearer
Paul Heyman
Theodore Long
WWE 2K24 launches on March 8 for PlayStation 5, Xbox Series X/S, PlayStation 4, Xbox One, and PC. You can read our in-deph hands-on preview here, watch us play a few matches in this episode of New Gameplay Today, or check out our gaming-focused interview with one of 2K24’s cover stars, Cody Rhodes. 
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ivarswickedqueen · 4 years
Hello darkness, my old friend
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This story is dedicate to my friend @walkxthexmoon​​ as a very late birthday present 😘 It’s modern day AU where Ivar and Roman are vampires 😏
The moodboard was made by talented @flowers-in-your-hayr​​
As always English isn’t my first language and this is my first time writing for Bill/Roman so I hope it doesn’t suck too much... 
Warning: swearing, killing, oral sex, definitely 18+ 
Word account: 2246
Paring: Ivar x reader, Roman x reader
„I should go home“ you thought to yourself. You lost your friend Julia somewhere in the crowd. As you knew her, she will text you any minute, saying that she met a cute boy and you should not wait for her. Fucking typical. She was having fun and you were sitting here all alone sipping your beer and being bored. Unlike you friend you weren’t the biggest fan of one-night stands, plus there was nobody here who caught your attention tonight. Well, it wasn’t exactly true. You saw your two hot neighbors Ivar and Roman when you and Julia came here two hours earlier, but you wouldn’t dare to start anything with them. They were dangerous; people were avoiding them and their house. Nobody knew what they did for a living, but they both seemed very rich, so it probably was something illegal, because you have never seen them leave their house during the daytime hours. All of your friends told you to stay away from them and to never forget to lock your house at night. You felt that danger and mystery radiating from them too, but unlike your friends you felt yourself being drew to them like a mouth to a flame. You kept your distance, because you listened to your brain which was telling you to stay away from them, but your heart wanted to knock on that dark red door of their house and see what will happen next. And it seemed that they also noticed you. Sometimes you found Ivar looking at you, his deep blue eyes burning holes into you, his soft lips were smirking, but his smile was cruel, almost mocking, but you found it very sexy. Every time when he caught you staring at him, his smirk grew bigger and you felt your heart pumping in your chest. And sometimes it seemed to you like if he could hear it, which was extremely stupid thought. Tonight you felt Roman staring at you from across the room. His green eyes never left your figure, eyeing you from head to toe, making you shiver and blush deeply. He looked like a predator watching his little innocent prey, making it feel at ease before snapping its neck and having it for dinner. Later you noticed him talking with some petite blond girl and judging by that amazed look on her face, Roman would get lucky tonight. You couldn’t help yourself and felt jealous, which was stupid, considering that you never even talked to him in person. You groaned and tried to find him again, but he was nowhere to be seen. He probably already left with that blond girl and you will hear her moans and screams from their house later tonight. It always made you so angry when you could hear the girls screaming their names. You looked around again, trying to find a glimpse of Ivar, but you didn’t see him anywhere. Maybe he left with Roman and the girl, you knew that they had threesomes with the girls, because sometimes you heard the girls calling both of their names.
“I need a cigarette” you thought to yourself and went outside to the dark alley next to the club. You lighted your cigarette and but almost dropped it, when you looked to your right. You saw Roman leaning against the cold wall, his eyes closed and that petite girl kneeling in front of him and giving him a blowjob. You were shocked. Of course this dark place was a hiding spot for a lot of horny couples, but you did not expect to find Roman here. You couldn’t force yourself to stop staring at him. He was so gorgeous, so relaxed, the girl was definitely making him feel good. You should have turn around and leave before he will notice you, but you couldn’t. As always you felt the need to get closer to him, you wanted to yank the girl by her hair and tear her away from him. You suddenly wanted to be the one whose mouth was warming up his cock, you wanted to feel his hand in your hair, guiding you to suck him in the way he likes it, making you choke on his dick, feeling his cum dripping down your throat. It was like if he hypnotized you even though his eyes were still closed.
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“See something you like, doll?” a deep voice whispered into your ear and you gasped in shock. You wanted to turn around but you felt strong arm wrapped around your waist and another around your neck.
“Don’t be afraid, doll. I won’t hurt you. Tell me, my cute little neighbor, do you enjoy watching my buddy Roman getting his cock sucked by that slut?” he asked darkly and squeezed your neck.
You felt like if you lost your sanity, because you should be scared shitless, but you felt aroused by the proximity of Ivar’s body, his dirty talk and his hand around your neck.
“I am not watching him, I came here to smoke a cigarette,” you pathetically tried to defend yourself.
“You mean this one?” he asked smugly and pointed at your cigarette which at some point slipped from your fingers and was lying on the dirty pavement.
“It was an accident, I didn’t mean to interrupt anything” you tried again.
“Don’t make any more excuses, doll. Maybe your previous intention was to smoke here, but it changed pretty quickly,” he chuckled and you shivered.
“You were thinking how much you would like to be on your knees in front of him, don’t you?” he said and your heart started beating so fast.
“No-o-o!!” you stuttered.
“Liar,” Ivar whispered and his lips touched your ear, this little contact with his skin made your knees go weak and your back leaned closer against his chest.
“Don’t lie to me, doll, I don’t like it,” he warned you while his sinful lips left your ear and moved to your neck.
“Ivar,” you moaned, when he started placing open mouth kisses on your exposed neck, making him smirk against your skin.
“I see, that you know my name,” he noted and kept kissing your neck, bruising the sensitive skin, occasionally biting down on it to make you moan his name again.
“You shouldn’t do this!!” you tried to protest weakly when you felt his strong hand slowly sneaking into your skirt.
“Says who?” he sassed.
“I can smell that your pussy is dripping wet for me, just relax doll. I have very skillful fingers,” he bragged and you were so distracted that you didn’t pay much attention to his confession that he could "smell" you.
“I also have a very skillful tongue, but you will find out later, because unlike that bitch over there, I won’t kneel down on that dirty ground,” he added and his fingers slipped into your panties.
“As I said, you are wet as fuck, doll!!” he said victoriously. And you cried out when his fingers found your clit, and started playing with it slowly. You bit your lip to prevent yourself from moaning loudly when he increased the pressure on your little bud and started rubbing it faster. You quickly looked at Roman but his eyes were still closed and he seemed to be lost in his own pleasure. Somehow Ivar knew that you took a quick glance at Roman and as his long fingers slipped into your dripping pussy he said “his eyes might be closed but he knows about you since the moment you walked out of that door, doll”.
 You forget about Ivar for a second and looked again at Roman, but this time his eyes were half opened and he was staring at you with that predatory look in his eyes. You were completely lost in the greens of his eyes, and Ivar noticed that and he didn’t like it one bit.
He bit harder down on your neck, you could have sworn that he drew blood, but you felt like if you were high; then his fingers started pumping into you in fast pace, making you roll your eyes in pure pleasure. You shamelessly moaned his name when you came all over his fingers, you turned around and kissed him, definitely feeling a taste of blood on his lips, but you didn’t care. You felt sudden rush of joy and happiness, and you couldn’t get enough of him. You were climbing him like a tree, ready to start tearing off his clothes. You heard a loud thud behind you, but you didn’t pay it much attention. Roman snapped that girl neck and tossed her aside. He came closer to you and Ivar and tore you away from his friend angrily.
“Why the fuck did you bit her, you asshole!” he growled and you whimpered because he interrupted your kissing fest with Ivar.
“Because I fucking wanted to,” Ivar said and licked his lips.
“She tastes so sweet, Roman. Exactly how she smells - sweet but spicy. There is definitely something about this girl,” he added and smirked at Roman’s pissed of face.
“Relax, it was only a small bite. It will wear off quickly,” but Roman still looked like if he wanted to kill someone, probably his best friend.
“We had a deal!” he growled.
“Yes we had, but it was before you let that blondie suck your dick and left our little neighbor all alone here. She was so lonely, I had to give her company!”
“Yes sure, you are such a great gentleman, Ivar,” he snorted and grabbed your hand.
“Come here, princess,” he pulled you closer to him and grabbed your chin and made you look at him, when you tried to look at Ivar again and you pouted your lips when Roman didn’t let you do it.
“You want Ivar so much, because he bit you, princess. Vampire bites send endorphins through your body. It’s like if you took a very powerful drug. It makes our victims willing to go with us wherever we want them to go without screaming,” he smirked at you when you finally started to process his words. You realized that only two feet away from you lay the girl who was sucking his dick earlier. She was motionless, she seemed… dead. You looked at Roman in horror and you wanted to run away from him, but he was holding you firmly in his arms.
“I think, doll, that it’s only fair for me to have a bite,” he smirked and he looked like angel of death, beautiful but deadly.
“Please don’t kill me!” you begged him, but he laughed.
“Oh, no, princess. We won’t kill you. At least not tonight. We have a lot of things prepared for you at our house. We were watching you for a very long time! We will have so much fun together, princess. But enough talking, I want to taste your blood that smells so deliciously,” he said but he didn’t go straight for your neck, he kissed you first. That kiss was possessive, dominant, his tongue slipped into your mouth while he wrapped his long white hand around your waist, pulling you closer to him. You didn’t know if you were still dazed by Ivar’s bite or if you were completely mental, but you slowly relaxed and melted into his arms, kissing him back hungrily, pulling at his shirt to pull him closer to you since he was much taller than you.
“Such a good little girl,” Roman praised you and you felt your pussy clenched. He started kissing down your throat, his long skinny fingers running up and down your sides, making you shiver when he touched the sides of your boobs.
“Roman,” you moaned desperately and he chuckled while Ivar rolled his eyes.
“Can you hurry, I want to go home.”
“You had your time with her, it’s my turn now,” he said while looking into your eyes, slowly putting his leg between yours, making your already sensitive pussy rubbing against the denim of his jeans. You gasped, when his strong arms grabbed your waist and started sliding you up and down his leg, making you ride it. You felt your second orgasm coming quickly.
“Look at Ivar, princess,” Roman commanded and you obeyed him. Ivar watched you with mixture of jealousy, anger, possessiveness and greed in his blue eyes.
“I want you to keep looking into his eyes when you cum, princess. I could feel that you are very close. Can you do that for me?” he asked and you nodded, unable to say anything coherent. It only took few more movements and you came, moaning Roman’s name, rolling your eyes when he bit down at the other side of your neck, missing the pissed off look on Ivar’s face.
“Come here, doll,” Ivar grabbed your hand and sink his teeth into the wound he already made earlier
“Hey, you asshole, don’t drink too much, she will be too weak and no fun. And we want her to stay with us for as long as possible,” he smirked and bumped into his friend shoulder.  
“She will never leave our house again,” Ivar smirked and they both take your hands in theirs and slowly led you towards their home and you were smiling happily, high as a kite, looking at both of them with love sick eyes, knowing that you were always tempted by darkness and tonight that darkness finally found you.
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ill-skillsgard · 5 years
Ivar being a total sub blowing Roman while he’s at work?
If you haven’t read my fic where modern!Ivar totally doms Roman, here it is X
I may just follow along with this whole business partner concept because why the hell not? 
Warning: m/m smut ahead
A construction mishap brought the two heads into the same office once more. They thought they’d settled their differences, Ivar having shown Roman he was not to be trifled with or taken as a joke.
The incident haunted Roman in the most salacious of ways. He couldn’t get the Viking out of his head. It played on his smug face just how much Roman had been thinking about Ivar the moment their mediators shut their mouths and let them talk it out themselves. Roman dismissed his staff. Ivar bid his brothers to take care of more important matters elsewhere. It was the two of them.
Now there was an unspoken exchange of power. As far as they could tell, their tryst had remained concealed. Ivar saw fit not to talk of his exploits, and Roman wasn’t keen on spreading his own either. Unless it meant bending over the desk and spreading it for the Viking who’d fettered his way into his sexual thoughts.
“Suppose it was my fault this happened, one of my men dropped the ball. Will we let something like this tarnish our deal? I can accept responsibility,” Ivar inched himself closer to Roman’s place at the head of the room. He pushed himself out from beneath the desk and maneuvered the chair and himself to face Ivar as he approached.
Roman let his eyes wander this time. He wanted to see Ivar’s braces and how he walked himself along. It was interesting to him. If Roman didn’t know any better, he would have asked if Ivar designed the brackets himself. It was an unconventional way to keep himself upright, but it worked. Ivar just couldn’t account for speed on foot.
Roman stood up suddenly. He closed in on Ivar, coming up two inches from his face.
“Tell you what, Viking. How about you entertain me tonight where locked doors don’t raise eyebrows? Judging by the sorry look on your face, you’re prepared to do a lot to reconcile this nasty little misstep, aren’t you?”
Ivar glowered, finding Roman’s command amusing. “If my presence would console you, consider me there.”
“Oh, it would console me. It’d console me a lot.”
They shook hands before Ivar left, hauling one leg before shifting his weight onto the other. Roman watched him leave, shooting him a suggestive glance when he reached the door.
They met in Ivar’s private suite. His brothers had their own quarters on opposite ends of the halls and their own priorities took any need for Ivar off the table. He was ready to make nice with the notorious Roman Godfrey for as long as needed.
Ivar craved the vitriol Roman liked to spew from the day he first took him up against his desk. He also longed for desperation, and what better way to make a mess of a man than submitting his cock to oral worship? Ivar wanted Roman to think he had the upper hand by being on the receiving end.
It didn’t take long for Roman to stop beating around the bush after Ivar sat next to the fireplace and removed his shirt. Godfrey approached, a tumbler of bourbon in one hand and his hard cock in the other. Ivar smirked at him from below and licked him from balls to head.
Slobber dribbled down Ivar’s chin and neck, dripping off the head of Roman’s cock, glimmering in the low light. Ivar’s severe face looked softened with his lips wrapped tightly around Roman’s thickness. Roman moaned from the sight.
“You fucking Europeans. Swear all of you know exactly how to take a cock.”
Ivar grasped his balls and gave him an abrupt squeeze. “You Americans are all such fucking sluts. It’s so easy to get what I want from you.”
Roman tossed back a laugh and challenged Ivar by snatching his hips away. “Oh yeah? Is that what you think is going on right now? You think you’re getting your way? Not a fucking chance, Lothbrok. That mouth’s been hungry for me since the moment you got here. I think it’s you who’d do anything for me.”
“Turn around,” Ivar growled.
“No. I’m not getting fucked again. You can suck my cock like a good boy and make things all better.”
Ivar accepted this if only to get Roman to shut his pretty lips again. He sounded better when he was moaning and running his fingers through Ivar’s hair. Though Roman might have claimed he had the upper hand since he was the one with his cock down a throat, it became clear from his breathy whimpers Ivar was the one manipulating the situation in his favour.
Roman didn’t bust. Not even close. After a while, he grew touchy and fevered. He turned around and Ivar’s smirk cut like a blade, sharp teeth flashing in triumph.
“I knew it, Godfrey. Back that ass up so I can get that hole nice and wet for my cock, you dirty fucking bastard.”
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shoot-the-oneshot · 3 years
Newest post
Undercover Paul lahote x reader
- [ ] 32 “You really need to work on your people skills”
- [ ] 33 “The amount of times I have covered for your ass-“ “You love me, stop complaining”
- [ ] 34 “This silent treatment is almost as worse as the time when-“ “Oh no, silent treatment is definitely worse”
- [ ] 35 “Who’s got your back, baby?”
- [ ] 36 “We have to stop meeting like this”
- [ ] 37 “Did you just MacGyver that shit?” “Maybe? Why?” “That was so hot”
- [ ] 38 “I made a playlist for you.”
- [ ] 39 “I took care of it for you.”
- [ ] 40 "Oh look! A ouija board!" - "don't look at it, dont touch it, don't even think about it because I'm not undoing whatever you do."
- [ ] 41 “you know when I said bring handcuffs into the mix, this isn’t what I meant.”
- [ ] 42 “is that mine?” “Are you referring to me or the shirt?”
- [ ] 43 “why exactly do you need chloroform at 3am?”
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runesandmoons · 2 years
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These are the characters I write for (listed in order I most frequently write):
Stranger Things:
🪴 Eddie Munson
🪴 Steve Harrington
🪴 More characters to come!
Peaky Blinders:
🌲 Tommy Shelby
🌲 John Shelby
🌲 Arthur Shelby
🌲 More characters to come!
Bill Skarsgard’s Characters:
🌿 Roman Godfrey
🌿 More characters to come
🌳 Ivar Ragnarsson
🌳 Ubbe Ragnarsson
🌳 More characters to come
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How I will write for these characters:
❇️ I do OC stories, but only my own OCs.
❇️ Most of my writing will be x Reader. I will do my best to make Reader nonspecific so my fics can be relatable. I am most comfortable writing afab!Reader, so Reader will always be female. I use she/her pronouns in my fics usually.
❇️ All characters I write for are 18+.
❇️ I do write smut, so my blog is 18+. Do not engage if you are a minor!
❇️ I also write dark (sometimes dark and heavy) themes occasionally, so read at your own risk. Every fic will be listed and tagged appropriately.
❇️ Fluff and angst will be in my writings as well.
❇️ Supernatural AUs are welcome! I might be open to other AUs and some modern AUs depending on what they are.
❇️ I will keep you all aware of my WIPS and updates so you all don’t think I’ve disappeared or abandoned my work! 😉
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Blog Rules:
🍂 Please do not copy, translate, or repost my work to Tumblr or to another site.
🍂 Make sure to read fic warnings to see what they will entail. Read responsibly!
🍂 Zero tolerance policy on hate of any kind.
🍂 I will not write incest, pedophilia, a/b/o, child readers, or anything that I might feel uncomfortable with.
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mystic-shadows42 · 3 years
Lost Footage
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A/N: For story purposes, I’ve made up my own lore of Norse Mythology that’ll mix in with Hemlock Grove’s. It’s a bit all over but I just wanted to have fun with this one.
Pairing: Ivar Lothbrok (modern) x reader x Roman Godfrey
Warnings: Language, Insinuated violence, Death
The detective picked up the camera with some dried blood splattered on it. She had her gloves on and knew this camera had valuable proof on it. She took it out of the evidence bag and knew there’d be repercussions for tampering with it, but there had been a delay in the case that went on for far too long.
She knew there were crooked cops at her job but she’d deal with them on her own. She just wanted to find the missing woman. The camera felt heavy in her hands as she thought of what footage it would show.
It was likely the suspect/potential killer would be on here. She took a deep breath and prepared herself before pressing play.
*Camera makes a whirring sound. Footage cuts in and out but the audio starts to play.*
“Alright, alright tell me again what you just said.”
“Put that down. I don’t want this on camera.” Ivar tried hitting the camera but you backed up from his reach.
“Ivar come on. We’ll look back on this day and laugh about it,” you giggled.
“It’s not a joke, only to you it is.”
Ivar had a serious look on his face.
“Well tell it again, come on, please. I promise I won’t laugh.”
Ivar had an old tattered book that looked to be worn throughout the years. It definitely stuck out like a sore thumb with his other books. He opened it carefully along with other books strewn about on the kitchen table.
His hair was sticking up from the countless times he’d brushed his fingers through his hair trying to find whatever he was looking for. He hadn’t had any sleep from his latest obsession.
“Here.” He pointed at a page in the book with a shadowy figure of a monster with its mouth wide open with a set of ferocious-looking teeth. “It’s an Upir. A modern-day deity created either by Odin or Loki I’m not quite sure but they were placed on Earth to create disorder. They’re absolutely fascinating to learn about. These texts translated say that they feed off of the living for their blood. It’s said if you’re loyal to them they’ll reward you with whatever you desire.”
“What kind of reward do they give?”
“It varies, but in these texts it mentions immortality.”
“Why are you obsessed with this again? It’s all just lore.”
“Lore? Look!” He gestured to the various books on the table opened up to different pages. “How can this just be another lore when there are all these things just sitting here waiting for someone to connect all the pieces together. That’s just what this is. Solving all these pieces...and I’ve found it. I’ve found one.”
“You found a..what an Upir?”
“There were texts, numbers, and codes that made coordinates of the oldest living one.” Ivar looked at you with wide excited eyes. “He’s in Hemlock Grove.”
“Ivar,” you sighed. “Don’t you think you’re taking your study just a little too serious?”
He scrolled through one of his older books. “You wouldn’t understand.”
“Alright, that’s enough of this.” You turned the camera down and turned it off.
*Next video plays*
You adjust the camera and face it towards you. “Alright, so Ivar is coming back from his trip today. His family is here. They want to surprise him but I don’t know how he’s going to take it. He doesn’t have the best relationship with them but how could I tell them no?” You sighed then looked out the window seeing a car dropping off Ivar.
“He’s here.”
You turned the camera and headed to the door. Ivar had a small smile on his face but it had faltered upon seeing you.
“Welcome back!” You hugged him then pulled back to get his reaction on film. “What’s wrong? Aren’t you happy to see me?”
“Of course I am.”
“Just letting you know, your family is here.”
At that, his face really fell. “What?”
“They wanted to see you. I didn’t know what to say.”
“I’ll get rid of them. They’re messing up my plans.”
“Plans? Plans for what?”
He didn’t answer you as he walked away heading to the door with his bags in hand. From inside you could already hear them arguing.
*Camera turns off. The next video plays. Catches Ivar mid-sentence*
“-and on my travels, I met a guy that knew so much and understood my interests. I told him about my research and when I told you about it, all he wanted to talk about was just you after that. I think he wants to meet you now.”
“Ivar, we don’t even know this man. I don’t know this all just sounds very strange to me.”
“I trust him.”
It was hard to argue with Ivar after that. He hardly interacted with anyone let alone trusts them. Some could say that Ivar is a recluse, but whenever he found something or someone interesting, he was all in.
*Next video*
You adjusted the camera so it was facing you. Through the lens, you could see you still had a smile on your face that was starting to hurt your cheeks.
“So I went out on my date with Roman, the guy Ivar was telling me about. He’s really good looking and he’s,” you pause smiling. “Charming. This is cheesy but there’s just something about him. When he smiles it just does something. He’s well respected where he’s from and he’s loaded. Not that that’s the reason for my going out with him. Money isn’t a problem but there was just something that bothered me a bit. Whenever we walked around town people got out of the way and avoided us completely. I don’t think Ivar would set me up with someone dangerous but it was just something that was...strange.”
*Next video*
Ivar entered your room holding your camera this time.
“Hey, I was looking for that. I still have to edit some of those videos.”
Ivar didn’t say anything. He simply placed the camera down on the dresser, propping it so it faced the both of you. He then laid his head down on your lap. It took you off guard for a moment.
“What’s wrong?”
“You know I love you right?” He gave you a sympathetic look with his beautiful blue eyes.
“Do you love me?”
“Why would you ask that? Of course, I love you. You’re my best friend.”
“You’ve been sleeping over at Roman’s a lot.” You were concerned about how sad Ivar seemed to be. “Has he been fucking you?” 
You were appalled at how quickly his mood changed.
He fisted his hand in the blanket.
“He’s taken over your thoughts and now he’s taken your body.”
“Ivar stop. It’s my life. You were the one that introduced him to me.”
“I know. I’m sorry.”
You brushed your fingers through his hair to try and ease him. Ivar was always complicated. There were times you wanted to be angry with him but he was different. Being angry back at Ivar wouldn’t solve anything so you always resorted to comforting him instead. 
After a while, you reached for the camera but Ivar stopped you.
“No. Leave it on. I want to remember us just like this.”
“We’ll have many more nights just like this.”
You took your hand off the camera and returned to brushing his hair. He was quiet the rest of the night and didn’t say a word. He just rested and held you close to him.
*Next Video*
“Why’d you want me to bring my camera again?” You asked Roman as you panned it towards him as you both kept walking.
He looked directly into the camera and smiled.
“I don’t want you to miss anything. You could miss something extraordinary if you’re not prepared for it.”
“You’re acting like we’re about to witness something you’re expecting to happen.”
Roman turned to you and smiled a bit.
“Something like that.”
You and Roman had been walking for what seemed like forever in the middle of nowhere. It was dark and not a single animal or insect made a sound. It was deathly still.
It made you a little uneasy, to be honest. 
He brought you inside an abandoned warehouse and led you to what seemed to be the middle of the building. There was a big hole in the middle and it was filled with water.
The strange thing about it was that there was no debris in it. The whole thing was just out of place.
“What is this place?”
“Just somewhere I enjoy being.”
“What’s with the pool of water?”
“It’s sacred. It’s amazing what comes out of it. Things unimaginable. Something the human mind wouldn’t understand.”
You gave out a nervous chuckle. “What are you talking about?”
Roman bent down and touched the water and the unusual thing was that it didn’t ripple like water would when touched.
“Your worst nightmares come out of here and become my children. Mine to command. All it requires is blood. A sacrifice”
Roman looked up at you when he mentioned the last part.
“You’re being weird Roman. I wanna go home.”
You turned around quickly and saw another figure approaching. When the person came into view you were surprised to see that it was Ivar.
“What are you doing here?” You asked in disbelief.
Ivar kneeled down and bowed his head much to your confusion. You tried helping him up so you both could get out of there but he just hit the camera out of your hands. The camera started to cut in and out after that.
It was dark in the building besides the glowing water. You reached for the camera and found Ivar still kneeling.
“I offer her to you. A sacrifice of my greatest friend and the only woman I’ve ever loved.”
“All this for power. Is that still what you wish for? To become one of my children of the night?”
Now you turned your confused look towards Roman. The whole thing seemed to be some sort of setup. Was this a joke? Did they think this was funny?
Ivar looked up at Roman and nodded his head while having a tear falling down his cheek.
“What the fucks going on?”
Ivar looked over to you and smiled sadly.
“I’m sorry.”
You panned the camera over to Roman wondering what was going on. The camera began to buzz hitting an unknown frequency. The light from the water reflected off of Roman’s face perfectly. He looked towards you and smiled sadistically.
*Camera cuts off then skips with a whirring sound. The last image it shows is the once pristine pool of water filled with blood.*
The detective pushes herself away from the camera and covers her mouth. She knew the presumed missing woman on the video was dead.
It shouldn’t have been a surprise to have suspected Roman Godfrey. He was the richest man in Hemlock Grove. He struck fear in people for reasons unknown.
The camera flickered and someone in the video picked it up. She grabbed the camera and held it in her hands to see who it was.
Roman’s face appeared. He had blood dripping down his mouth. He smiled and wiped the blood from his face.
“Detective. I have no doubt that you found this about now. You should’ve left it alone. You out of towners really don’t know you get into when you enter Hemlock do you? Why don’t you turn around detective and I’ll show you what I really am.”
It was at that moment that she felt a looming presence behind her. She felt fear like never before. She couldn’t move. She whimpered when he put his hands on her shoulders.
She looked with wide frightened eyes when she noticed that this wasn’t human. Their fingers were extended and they had sharp claws at the ends.
“Good girl. If you were to see my true form then I would’ve killed you.” He traced the side of her neck with his sharp claws and drew blood in its wake. “You’re going to dispose of the camera right?” She whimpered but nodded when she couldn’t form words. “Good. I can’t have Ivar remembering who she was to him. There can be no love in creatures like us.”
She closed her eyes and felt her tears streaming down her face then his presence was gone just as quickly as he had come.
It was quite clear what she was to do next. She smashed the camera to pieces and even burned it just to be sure.
She never wanted to see or have anything to do with Roman Godfrey again.
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artemiseamoon · 2 years
Roman Godfrey & Modern! Ivar & Jade (Ofc)
✨A one shot series | hiatus✨
More Roman & Ivar combo
Read in full on A03, previews only on tumblr | at this time my A03 is users only (a03- Artemiseamoon)
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Playlist 🎶 (multi genre, includes classical, rock, r&b and will grow as I continue the story. Won’t suit all tastes cause it catered to me)
✋🏾Warnings: A kinda dark fic with dark themes! I keep things light here but I do write darker fics too. General themes listed below. Don’t like don’t read. Not condoning any of them or praising em.
Themes: adult 18+, kidnapping, held hostage, sexual situations, being dragged, vampirism (blood, biting, killing), criminal activity and deaths. Further warnings added as I go.
1. The Basement | tumblr preview
2. Tba
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bonniebird · 4 years
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Ivar x Reader / Roman x Reader
Requested by @walkxthexmoon
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Happy Birthday @walkxthexmoon!!!!
“Oh, it’s been paid for.” The barista said as you tried to hold out your phone to the card machine. Frowning you asked her if she was sure and she nodded, gesturing to a table behind you. 
When you turned around, having thanked the barista for your coffee, you paused. Ivar was grinning at you from his seat. His brother’s things were strewn over the table and chairs Ivar was sat at. 
You could see them flirting with one of the girls who had a black serving tray balanced in her hand. “Isn’t it your birthday soon?” Ivar asked.
“It is.” You muttered. You’d been avoiding him. You’d been avoiding Roman Godfrey as well, who seemed to have a terrible knack at appearing just as Ivar got your attention. You weren’t sure exactly why Ivar was looking at you with a nervous glint in his eyes.
He glanced around and leaned in with a delighted grin. “I managed to book the big hotel near the park you like. We’re throwing you a party!”
“You… as in?” You asked nervously as you frowned. He frowned too, disappointed that you hadn’t seen more pleased.
“My brothers and me. Also Floki. I don’t think you know him but you’ll like him.” Ivar said quickly. You let out a slow sigh. At least it didn’t involve Roman.
“Well, if you let me know what day your party is, I’ll try and come. I’m going out of town for a while.” You explained quickly. It struck you as a bit odd to throw an elaborate party for someone you barely knew and border line stalked. Although it wasn’t the weirdest thing the Lothbrok boys had done. You were pretty sure Ubbe had once donated a month's pocket money to buy off the local schools for a month so he could take a girl on holiday. Which raised the question of how much pocket money an eighteen year old was getting. You narrowed your eyes at Ivar and his eyebrows raised as he looked a tad nervous.
“Why would you pay for a party for me?” You asked dubiously.
“Oh! I like you.” He said. He didn’t say anything else so you nodded.
“Well, thank you for the coffee.” You muttered with a tight smile that you hoped was friendly enough to show your gratitude but not open enough to have the adoring boy looking up at you even more encouraged.
“Hey Roman.” Peter said cheerfully as Roman pulled up outside his work. He’d lied the day before and given him the wrong appointment time. He’d wanted to know when you were bringing in your car so that you could run into him ‘organically’. Peter liked you, you were also a nice customer. He felt a little sorry for you being caught between Roman and Ivar. He couldn’t imagine what it must be like to have to deal with what Peter regarded as two Roman Godfreys.
You’d needed your tires fixed on your ‘new’ car. He’d managed to help you find the car you’d saved up for. It was a little old and busted up but you’d worked out a deal to get it usable. He’d worked so hard on it, for so long, he had assumed that you wouldn’t be in for a long while, at least until the next tune up for the car. It wasn’t for a whole year. He suspected that Roman had your tires slashed so he could run into you at the garage. He had been a little too eager and knowledgeable about the state of your car. Peter hadn’t said anything though. Best to avoid being drowned in Roman’s bad mood. Though he looked pretty angry about something already.
“You’re closing?”
“Yeah, (Y/N) just needed some new tires and she was my last customer.” Peter said quickly. He rubbed the back of his head and tried not to look nervous.
“You should have called me to tell me to come sooner.” Roman said with a disapproving look. Peter just gave him a sheepish smile and shrugged. “That Lothbrok idiot is showing off again.”
“He is?” Peter said as he glanced around, expecting his garage to be filled with luxury cars at any moment. Roman rolled his eyes at his friend and glared at him from his seat in his car. He drummed his fingers on the edge of the door and considered, for a moment driving off and not talking to Peter for a while.
“Apparently he and his brothers are throwing a party for (Y/N). He books up all the caterers and party planners. Not only that but he’s bought out her favourite restaurants to serve food. The theme park is moving some of its rides to the hotel and he’s set up a cinema there. It’s ridiculous!” Roman snapped and slammed his hand on the steering wheel. Peter wasn’t sure what to say. He agreed, it was ridiculous. It was nowhere near the small, classy thing that you’d planned with your friends in your out of town trip you’d mentioned. He was also sure that Roman was angry because he hadn’t thought of it. Seeing as both Roman and Ivar seemed convinced that luxury and money was the way to win your over to them. 
“Maybe you should… crash the party?” Peter offered. He felt a little guilty but he figured that you’d reather them both be at the party that you hadn’t even wanted, and that you might not even go to. Then have them both do something chaotic at the airport. Roman seemed to agree with him and his mood changed in an instant as he planned how to upstage Ivar.
You attended the party with your friends. Your bags were packed, you’d parked the car somewhere that the Lothbroks and Roman couldn’t tamper with and stop you from going.Your friends had insisted on going as half the town had headed to the party.
It was loud and big. No one seemed to comment on the fact that you and your friends were dressed in travelling clothes, rather than ball gowns like everyone else.
“(Y/N)!” Ivar said cheerfully. You muttered a greeting and waved from inside the huddle of your friends.
“We’re not staying long.” Your friend said quickly and Ivar frowned.
“That’s fine. But it is your party.” He said as he shrugged and hurried to fetch you a drink.
“That you planned without knowing her, or asking her. Which is so weird.” Your other friend pointed out. Another spotted Roman at the bar. He was downing drinks and looked dreadfully bored.
“Why do they always come to irritate me together?” You asked quietly and your friends laughed.
Roman downed a last drink and started heading your way. Your friends made it their mission that until you’d shown a polite enough attendance to the party, they would help you avoid them both. By the time Roman had made it through the crowd to you, your group had moved on. It went on and on until your friend’s phone dinged and the group started making their way to the exit.
“He showed up Hvitserk! He wasn't even invited to the party. It’s one thing for Peter to show up he knows (Y/N) but Roman!” Ivar was complaining as he leant on one of the tables outside and swung his lit cigarette dangerously close to Hvitserk’s face.
“Well, he does know her Ivar. Didn’t they both go to school together?”
“That does not mean that he knows her!”
“You did make it a public event so she would show up for her birthday and she did.” Hvitserk added as he rolled his own cigarette and ignored Ivar’s flailing.
“Well. Yes. It will show him up when we give her that room of gifts and all he bought was a bottle of wine.” Ivar added gleefully. He stopped talking long enough for Hvitserk to sign and see what had snatched his brother’s attention. You and your friends were fleeing away from the building. Ivar frowned as Roman emerged and called after you.
“You were going to leave without me saying hello.” Roman said as he shoved through the group and grabbed at your arm.
“Well, yes, we really have to get going.”
“Where?” Roman asked curtly.
“Just, out of town.” You said quickly. He glared at you as if he was considering telling you not to go. He seemed annoyed when you pried your arm from his hand.
“You’re ungrateful.”
“Excuse me?” You asked and he gestured to the building.
“I got you a gift and you’re not going to wait for me to give it to you. So you’re ungrateful. I want to give it to you.” Roman snapped. Ivar was stomping over with his crutches that clicked over the floor. Hvitserk dawdled along behind. He seemed to be struggling to light his cigarette.
“You’re ruining the party. My guest of honour is leaving because of you!” Ivar snapped at Roman who rolled his eyes.
“She’s leaving because you’re a creep who threw her a party without asking.” Roman snapped back. They started shouting and bellowing at each other, loudly enough that people who were chatting outside or smoking hurried back inside.
“If I were you I’d leave now before they notice that you’re going.” Hvitserk said quietly as he leant in and used your friends as a wind breaker so he could finally light his cigarette. He winked at you as he jerked his hand to a gate that you hadn’t noticed before. “You’re not the only one that makes escape plans for these stupid parties.”
“What kind of idiot only brings wine to a birthday gift!” Ivar seethed at Roman who was squaring up and trying to make himself look even bigger. You whispered a thank you to Hvitserk who gave you a flirty, lopsided smile before his attention was dragged away by a couple of women entering the car park.
Your group rushed away and managed to make it to the gate before either of them noticed. By the time Roman had made it to the gate you were in the car. Once Ivar joined him you could hear even more shouting over the sound of your friends engine as they pulled away.
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hecohansen31 · 4 years
Accidentally Met My Soulmate(s)
(A/N): Hello there, lovelies!
At the moment I am not feeling very very well, plus my computer just decided to have a few problems, so writing has been the last thing on my mind.
But I couldn’t help but wish @walkxthexmoon​ an ‘happy birthday’ with this small fic (I am sorry if it truly sucks, I sadly haven’t felt the best as of lately, but I do hope that it’ll make you smile a bit)!
I hope you had a lot of cake and a lot nice gifts!
WARNINGS: Slight Mention of Smut, Alcohol Abuse, Puke.
In which once you met your soulmates you have their handprints tattooed onto yourself.
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The night that you had met your soulmates (yeah there was apparently two of them), you hadn’t even wanted to go out.
Your friends had actually brought you to the club, mostly because you hadn’t wanted to celebrate your birthday, meanwhile that seemed all they wanted to do.
There were many reasons why you didn’t want to celebrate your birthday, one of which was the fact that that year had been less than pleasant and you had waited with much patience the end of it, to try to tiptoe attentively in the following one, without making so much fuss and continuing with your ordinary life.
The fact that most of your girlfriends were actually all matched up together didn’t help in the slightest.
You had thought that it would be a cute girls-night, but you had bene gravely mistaken by discovering that they had all brought their boyfriends, making the entire night already quite infernal.
And you wouldn’t have been able to survive it, without the help of alcohol.
So much alcohol.
That’s why you had approached the bartender quite quickly, the man smirking at you with some kind of gentleness that got you definitely very interested in trying out all the drinks he was missing up, and you were having quite a bit of fun, when his turn seemed to finish.
And he got substituted by an even more handsome bartender, although he had more a disgruntled look than the kind smirk the previous one had offered you.
But this time you knew a name: Ivar.
‘… cutting my time when I am with a beautiful lady, brother?’ had told him the brown-haired beauty at the bar ‘… want her all for yourself?’.
And with the way electricity snapped in Ivar’s eyes, you would have preferred to be the one having him all for yourself.
The gin tonic was definitely making its way in your veins.
‘Fuck off, Hvitserk, you have a fucking girlfriend at home!’.
Well, that explained why the bartender’s, Hvitserk’s, flirtations had come so softly, and in a more playful way that definitely didn’t entail any intention to bring you back home.
And as you met his eyes, he simply shrugged his shoulders with a sly smirk, as if he held himself faultless to your thinking, and lightly mouthed ‘I leave you in good hands’.
In fact, Ivar’s cocktails were better than you had expected.
But he wasn’t as talkative as his brother.
The conversation was one-sided, but certainly his eyes seemed to enjoy your body as they slithered with a bit of shame onto your mini-dress and it made you feel as if he could somehow push his own electricity in his glacial stare, making you shook lightly underneath it.
It was like electricity was running onto your skin.
And you enjoyed it.
For the first time that night you were glad to have agreed to come out with your friends.
You were halfway through reaching for another shot, probably the fifth in the span of an hour.
And then Ivar gently but steadily grabbed onto your wrist, to stop you.
And for a man that could be quite intimidating due to his impressive stance, he certainly had quite a lot of gentleness in the way he hold your wrist attentively, almost worried that he might break it, but his strength was definitely there as he shot you a look.
‘I don’t need a babysitter’.
You hadn’t wanted to be in there, first of all.
So, you could a few bad calls.
‘Understandable’ his fingers onto his wrist definitely didn’t retreat themselves as he fixed his electrical eyes onto you ‘… but then I do think that you should stop with all this shitty stuff and just let me pop something nice and expensive for you, princess’.
Well, you hadn’t expected that certainly.
‘… oh, yeah… thank you’ please do cover up this horrible moment ‘… I’ll need to… I’ll go to the toilette…’.
He looked delighted of having taken her ability to properly talk.
And fuck if she felt his gaze following her attentively.
And you tried to find the toilette, without focusing on the fact that the hot bartender had just hit on you.
So, you obviously didn’t look where you were walking.
And walked right into a handsome body.
Taller than her and slim in an androgynous way.
So, it wasn’t such a surprise to see that such a nice body matched such a nice face.
And that his gaze, lightly green in a way that was damnably hypnotic, turned quickly from displeasure into the semblance of a smirk.
He helped you up to your feet, without a word being said, as you apologized profusely.
Ivar’s gaze onto your back burned even more.
‘Sorry…’ it was all you could mumbled to finish your apology discourse, trying not to slur and slob onto him, since you definitely were salivating at the sight of the elegant way his forearm was shown by the soft white shirt he was wearing.
Designer, definitely.
‘… I’ll make an exception since you are a pretty girl’.
Here goes, her legs, they were jello.
And somehow his hand was still onto the small of your back.
‘Thank… thank you’.
‘Want to come up to the VIP section with me, gorgeous?’.
It didn’t seem a question.
And you honestly didn’t know what you should have done.
A hot bartender with the prettiest eyes had invited you to join him for a few drinks.
And then this hot stranger with that hypnotic smirk had asked you to go to the VIP section with him.
Well, 2021 had certainly its perks.
And your friends weren’t certainly among them.
‘(Y/N), c’mon!’ your friend joined by your side, stealing you effectively away from the handsome stranger, who tried to catch your attention, but once your friend effectively puked onto you, you were aware that you wouldn’t have had a chance anymore ‘… sorry… I think I drank too much’.
So, obviously, the one night you were living your YA fantasy, you got back home with puke onto your clothes.
That night, you had been too busy effectively dealing with the puke and your own terrible hangover to notice effectively that you had suddenly gained two new beauty marks.
Onto the small of your back and your own wrist.
Shaped like hands.
The sign of your soulmates.
Well, shit.
‘Cute girl, too bad for her friends’ commented Roman, as Ivar polished the barstool, as an evident signal to his best friend ‘to get the fuck away’ ‘Maybe we’ll get more lucky next time’.
‘… I’ll get lucky, next time’.
‘Dream on, pretty boy’.
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bae-roman · 5 years
NSFW Alphabet!
I’ve seen this going around for a while and thought it would be fun to do!
You can request it for anyone I write for (Bill, any of his characters, Alex H, anyone else I’ve forgotten lol)
Feel free to send as many letters per request as you want, even all of them if you so desire!
A = Aftercare (What they’re like after sex)
B = Body part (Their favourite body part of theirs and also their partner’s)
C = Cum (Anything to do with cum)
D = Dirty Secret (Pretty self-explanatory, a dirty secret of theirs)
E = Experience (How experienced are they? Do they know what they’re doing?)
F = Favourite Position
G = Goofy (Are they more serious in the moment, or are they humorous, etc.)
H = Hair (How well-groomed are they, does the carpet match the drapes, etc.)
I = Intimacy (How are they during the moment, romantic aspect…)
J = Jack Off (Masturbation headcanon)
K = Kink (One or more of their kinks)
L = Location (Favourite places to do the deed)
M = Motivation (What turns them on, gets them going)
N = NO (Something they wouldn’t do, turn-offs)
O = Oral (Preference in giving or receiving, skill, etc.)
P = Pace (Are they fast and rough? Slow and sensual? etc.)
Q = Quickie (Their opinions on quickies rather than proper sex, how often, etc.)
R = Risk (Are they game to experiment, do they take risks, etc.)
S = Stamina (How many rounds can they go for, how long do they last…)
T = Toy (Do they own toys? Do they use them? On a partner or themselves?)
U = Unfair (How much they like to tease)
V = Volume (How loud they are, what sounds they make)
W = Wild Card (Get a random headcanon for the character of your choice)
X = X-Ray (Let’s see what’s going on in those pants, picture or words)
Y = Yearning (How high is their sex drive?)
Z = ZZZ (… how quickly they fall asleep afterwards)
*I did not come up with this, I’ve seen it be used by a few blogs but none of them have posted a source or the original post but if you know who created this please let me know so I can credit them!
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my-emotional-self · 7 years
Updated Mobile Masterlist
*=Mild Smut
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Press Tour Distraction **
Welcome Home **
The Talk
I Need You
Poke Wars
I’m Sorry
Say Something
The Party **
Kinky **
Tickles and Kisses
Study Break
The Adoption
Just Friends?
The Actor and The Photographer
     Part 2
Really Chris? **
Stop Lying
The Bodyguard
First Christmas
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Yes Captain **
Movie Night Teasing **
Not So Sneaky **
The Storm
Truth or Dare Gone Right
     Part 2
     Part 3
     Part 4 **
Harbinger of Doom
     Part 2
     Part 3 *
     Part 4
     Part 5
     Part 6 **
     Part 7
Pretending **
Baking Party **
Pranks and Tickles **
Don’t Cry
Hurt **
Be Careful
Past and Future
Cold as Ice
Training Session **
Yes Daddy **
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Not Good Enough
Salty and Sweet
The Truth
     Part 2 **
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It Takes Three **
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Derek x Reader
I’ve Got You **
Stiles x Reader
I Like You **
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Negan x Reader
Daryl x Reader
First Fight
The Kiss 
First Snowfall
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Erudite to Dauntless **
     Part 2 **
Save Me **
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The Confession
Mr. Creepy
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The Viking and The Star
     Part 2
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