#ive Literally had this blog for like ........ 2 years now
anotherpapercut · 3 months
so anyway I woke up multiple times last night bc of coughing fits and I've been coughing all fucking day and I was just standing outside on my porch trying to like chill before going from job 1 to job 2 and i coughed so hard I threw up. how's everyone else doing this afternoon
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cafecourage · 2 months
Idk if requests are open; if they're not, please feel free to ignore this!!!
Okay so uh, I know that the post I'm gonna reference is more than a year old, but I just discovered your blog and I went on a binge and, well...
The Dragon Au Part 2? The one with Sky (along with the other boys, but I'm focusing on Sky)? Where you said that Sky would probably never tell his S/O about him being a dragon despite the trust he has in his S/O?
It's just...so sad! 😭 So, if I may, could I request a fic where Reader (who is, or wants to be, Sky's S/O) finds out that Sky's a dragon?
Maybe he accidentally shifted during battle, or maybe one of the other Links accidentally let slip that all of the Chain (and, therefore, Sky) are dragons? I'm not quite sure about how Reader would find out, but they do; cue them crying to another Link (probably Time, bc he's The Dad™) or even Sun, and Reader admits that they feel like they're a terrible person bc surely they did something to make Sky not trust them, right...? And Reader asks for advice on what they can do to make up for whatever Bad Thing they did, and how to be a better friend to Sky, etc. etc.
I don't like angst if it doesn't have a happy ending, so idk how to end it on a happy note; maybe Sky talks to Reader about it all & they "kiss & make up" (either figuratively or literally lol)?
(Again, feel free to ignore this if requests aren't open!!!)
Typically you were stay away from battles if anything you were learning how to fight. In this battle though your back was towards a cliff and the monsters were blocking your way into the forest which is where you normally hide. Well… This was a particularly bad situation to be in. You duck and tried to weave through but each time you tried to you almost get hit. Luckily Sky was staying by your side for a bit to fight the monsters off. Though the chain was truly outnumbered.
Not to be a downer but you think they might need a miracle.
Then it happened.
A Lizalfos got a fairly lucky shot at you right in the shoulder. The impact knocked you back off your feet and stumble back.
The cliff.
It was weird. You didn’t scream. But something did. It was loud and it felt like the air was full of electricity. In a blink of an eye a black plop swooped down heading towards you. When the blur finally crashes into you whatever it was brought you into its arms and pulled up. “Keep your eyes close.” You hear Sky whisper in your ear, you didn’t even know that your eyes had been closed the whole time. It’s not like you’re going to open them now. Especially with a warning like that.
There was a lot of screaming not just from the boys but monsters as well. A few crashes of lightning made you flinch and hold onto Sky tighter. Slowly your curiosity had peaked and you open your eyes and glanced up at Sky.
Sky who was typically the softest person in the world looked monstrous. His eyes were sharper more snake like and Night Sky-esque scales framed his features. Giving his once soft face a fiercer look to it. It could also be the death glare he had on his face. Behind him were two bat like wings and long serpents tail that matched his scales. It would have been breathtaking if you weren’t loosing blood.
Your glaze was met with his now electric blue eyes, “put me down?” You asked as you had to force yourself to look at the others but as soon as you moved the arrow that was lodged into your shoulder made its move. A curses leave your mouth as you slump back in his arms.
Sky was about to speak but Hyrule beat him, “We should find and get camp set up. For now Let me see what I can do.” The team’s medic was in charge now as the battle had been over for a bit now. “Rancher, Champion can you scout out a better, safer place?” He leads Sky with you in his arms to be seated. When settled with you in Sky’s lap and Hyrule helping you through the process of being stitched up.
You had so many questions to ask but you honestly doubt you would get answers too. “I have a question.”
“Yes Darling?” Sky’s voice was a bit more gravely than normal.
“Are you guys…” You had not idea what to say about this situation as you would assume dragons.
“Yes.” Time said before you could find the words.
A beat passes you look up at the token father, “all-“
“All of us yes.”
“Ok…” You lean into Sky’s chest. Before something bothers you again, looking up at Time again you go to ask him something.
He just sighs “yes. I’ll explain later about how our magic work. Just focus on healing.”
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iraprince · 1 year
Hey Ira how do you finish stuff? i've been working on a project for months and i just cant find a way to complete it
see, the thing is my first instinctive response to this question was "idk, because i feel like i never finish anything either!"
i mean, obviously i DO, i finish stuff for work etc and if i really never finished anything then there would be nothing on this blog. but from where i'm standing it feels like the amount of stuff i've actually finished is like, a tiny tiny drop in the massive ocean of stuff i've THOUGHT about or WANT to do or maybe have even STARTED but are all collecting dust on the back burner
i think ive had the idea for project catboy since, like, 2017 or something, and i still only have the first draft outline done; i keep thinking i'm not ready to do it justice yet. i think the villains win has existed for a similar amount of time as a concept and i DID finally start it but i've been too busy/occupied w other things to continue. i've been wanting to open an online shop and sell prints + merch for years now, and have done maybe one or two steps in that direction, but then it keeps stalling and getting lost amidst my other more pressing to-dos
basically: i am always working on projects for months (and years!) and never finding ways to complete them, and any personal project i do end up finishing feels like a huge outlier most of the time
so i don't really have solid advice bc i struggle w it so much myself, but i guess i do have a "hey, you're not alone." just keep banging away at things and eventually some of it will pop through, even if most of it doesn't. if i try really hard to skim over the stuff that DOES get done and find a common thread, it's either 1. i literally Had to (work stuff etc,) or 2. i was EXTREMELY passionate/excited about it, and i had a plan/the scope was visible + digestible (i knew how it was going to end or i was kind of aware of all the parts that needed to come together, rather than just kind of writing/drawing endlessly into the abyss without being able to visualize how much progress i was making). if there's no end in sight, maybe the next best step is getting more specific/granular about what the end would actually look like; a lot of times i find that i THINK i know what a project would need to be done, but in reality it's all just a pretty vague concept in my head, and i never actually sat down and hammered out the steps of what i need to do/make! if you have a fixed endpoint, you can ALWAYS be inching toward it, even if it takes forever.
(also, do it shittier. im being so serious. whenever u get really stuck, do a shitty job just to get onto the next step. if you hit the finish line you can always go back and improve/redo things, but a lot of times you might look back and be like "actually the low effort version is fine, in the big picture")
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spopsalt · 3 months
This will be a bit more of a personal rant / ramble about spop if that's okay!
So like I was around 11 when the first season of spop came out. My sister followed Nate and was very excited for the project so we watched it, and we both really liked it!!
So each time every season came out we watched it and came up with fan theories and all that jazz! Keep in mind, we never really rewatched seasons in between. So we watched season 2, waited around half year and then watch season 3 when it came out. So we never watched season 2 again in between those months. This makes it that you forget some things, but that was alright.
I think this is the way the show is meant to be watched. It was enjoyable, we came up with theories, we came up with ships, we bonded with the characters. Season 4 was my favourite season because of all the tension and drama!!
And then well, season 5 was a bit of a letdown, but yeah sure! That's fine, y'know. I am not a shipper at all, my sister is aware at this point that her ships are never really popular so she didn't have her hopes up (she ships glimmadora). She also followed Nate so she knew that he liked c//a and stuff.
Anyways, when the show was finished, people really started watching it because of the lgbt representation. This always felt weird to me? It didn't make sense? I didn't watch Spop with the idea in mind that c//a would become canon in the end. Which made the show a whole lot easier to watch.
I also felt like.. it wasn't really the point of the show at all? There was just a kiss at the end that was about the romance the show had gotten, I didn't get it (im aromantic asexual so maybe that's why).
I have a lesbian friend (they/she) for example, who watched the show for c//a. Which is fine, they really like it and they relate to c/tra, due to trauma and stuff. It's just that it felt so.. weird talking to them about the show. Because everything about the show kinda felt like it was about c//a for them? Just like how you anti-spop blogs talk about how c//a shippers can make any scene about c//a. That's how it felt. Now I didn't really mind, but it felt odd to me.
Either way. At some point, me and my sister finally convinced my other sister to join our rewatch. Which was,, tough. Well, it was alright, in the sense that, I just focused on my favourite characters and (platonic) relationships. (Entrapta! Scorpia! Glimmer!! Adora!!! :D!!)
But the c//a kiss at the end made me physically cringe. (Literally)
I don't really have a point to make! I just believe that Spop isn't meant to be binge-watched? I feel like? I really really enjoyed my first watch, and I have very conflicted feelings about it (due to nostalgia too. dt being the first enban ive ever seen on tv?? mindblowing!!).
I like it. But also as an emotional abuse survivor, it also is just.. tough. All in all it's just, a bit, disappointing?
I guess that's it :) that's my ramble.
I'm not sure if anyone has any similar experiences, as pretty much everyone I know watched it after all seasons came out and it has risen in popularity.
Have a nice day!! Love ur blog
Awwwww thanks for your kind words, also it's ok, the ask buttons says "Rant with Me!" for that reason, I love hearing rants! But yeah, I personally was never that big of a fan, but it's good that you like it! But yeah the representation is definitely bad, the only bisexual character get in m x f ships, which is fine, ofc bisexual people don't have to date only people of the same gender, but...they never show attraction towards other people of the same gender?! The only bi characters get in m x f ships, one of them was extremely rushed, and one of them was creepy considering it looked like an adult dating a teen. Also the main couple is literally just a victim falling back into the cycle and kissing her sister who literally gave her trauma.
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thepowerisyouth · 3 months
Eh mental health is annoying. Buying & cooking cheap low-FODMAP diet is annoying. My best top note for now is I'm using this blog to practice writing. I need more practice in it. I only know business, accounting & economics stuff. Its stupid stuff. Theres too much actual fraud everywhere that its annoying
Also I use mobile so formatting sucks cause Nvidia GPUs, or Arch dont like tumblr site. Or tumblr site dont like tumbkr site
Also also I 100,000% support all my fellow ones-and-zeros and their identity. Everyone is welcome here.
Except transphobes/zionist/long list of others but you get it. I'll help harrass any of those types endlessly if someone wants to tag me, and bring me in on an argument like that friend you call for backup with fights
Im unhinged so who's to say exactly what will end up here but this is also a completely public blog to me friends, family, hell, even acquaintances i dont give a fuc.
Blog should be expected to be roughly as child-friendly as simpsons or bobs burgers. But also boring like a civics/economics lesson sometimes. Yay
I (and my husband) am ex mormon. Its a weird thing. Look into it if you havent recently. Realllllyyyy look into. Takes time to figure it all out in this fuckin fucked up world.
I just moved a year ago. Didnt watch the US stock market as much as I normally do. Had my first snowstorm 10 weeks ago, that was.. fun to handle while ill prepared. About 6 weeks ago I was hopping back on the market and notice its a huge tech bubble about to pop and all the conditions Ive been warned about my whole career imply this is not good. Just took a little more thinking & digging and I'm a little too confident to stop talking about it now.
(Oh I'm also care-free as fuc so I dont really read or desire to change past posts more than lil-nitpicks. More informative for the reader & myself-in-the-future-reading that way)
And I'm not kidding I do love feedback & questions. Its a very public blog tho so I get that part for sure.
If you search "life story" in my tags I had that pinned for a min Im just moving shit around rn
Being poor sucks. Will write more on that later.
First of all-- the exact timeline of an "economic shock" is literal insanity. Dont worry about the exact timing of any of this-- just know its doomed to happen soon.
Here are some effects I predict of this upcoming economic downturn
If anyone comes across any sources for these events that support my arguments please feel free to add in comments, reblogs, etc.
This concise list is mainly for my own reference, but it would be great to add to it if any one has something to add!
0.5. US Stock market collapse-- I have no desire to try and predict this one exactly. Too many conspiracies are actually correct about this big guy. Lets just say 7 US Tech stocks are worth 25% of the entire worlds market, roughly. "Too big to fail"-- I believe is the phrase
1. Corporate (slightly later will be residential by extension) real estate crisis: currently way too overvalued. Most of the houses, land, & urban corporate property we see could stand to decrease by about 60-90% from its current price.
2. Bankruptcy crisis: similar to the after-effects of the 70s inflation-- we can expect to see a huge wave of bankruptcies affecting a variety of business: from the micro-self employed; to the small business with leased buildings; to the largest corporations who commit massive accounting fraud & hope to escape accountability in time
3. Bank runs-- there is an extremely high overreliance on the Federal Reserve, who does not have good control over this situation. Once it becomes clear that there is a crisis (we call this a catalyst event)-- bank runs for physical cash are a surety. Hard to say how long a crisis like this might last. I should ask my siblings who lived near the SVB bank crisis hotspot (but those were rich fucks they do their "bank runs" over the phone)
3.5. Global currency collapse, which takes effect in every single local, state, & national economy at slightly different times. This means prices lower. Much lower. But takes time
4. Whatever the fuck the geopolitics is gonna do???. Its weird. You got Russia wanting to invade Europe? (Look at global economic forum 2024) Trump wants to let them. Biden wants to be an establishment corporate ass. North Korea has changed its #1 public enemy to South Korea (dont remember my source but it was a couple months ago). USA is stationing more troops in Taiwan, but probably only because of semiconductor technology?
The scope of our global financial woes are larger than can be explained in any of our lifetimes. Its much, much closer to pre-revolution France or the late 1920s. Big change is coming. Itll be soon
5. More to come
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the-invisible-queer · 7 months
I need you to get a hold on your Jonas Brothers horniness before it keeps spreading bc I don’t even care about those mfers and never see anything about them outside your blog but last night I dreamed about watching Joe Jonas get almost fully naked at a strip club???? What did you do to my brain 😭
Bestie if I could wake up and be normal about them I WOULD
Joe has completely rewired my brain
Because a year ago if you told me I had a fucking dream where I gave a dude a blow job I would have been like "that's not a dream that's a nightmare"
And it's not because I've just grown comfortable with the idea BECAUSE I HAVE NOT
It's literally specific only to HIM
In 17 years of being a fan of Nick I've NEVER been attracted to him in anyway shape or form
I've just accepted that I would theoretically let Nick smash
Besties I hate this as much as y'all do 🤣
PLEASE feel free to block the Jonas tags
If you want me to give you a full list I'll make a list
And if it's even that serious I'll TRY to make a tag to use for the horny posts so you can block it
I wasn't even that horny about any of them yesterday 🤣
I had a moment on Saturday and that was so out of pocket and I apologize
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junkartie · 1 year
I'm hearing 2 opinions on Erdogan and idk I wanted to ask you bcs I got both of them from non-natives. So the first says that he IS a good president, there is just too many outside factors trying to bring him down. And the second told me that he WAS a good a help for the country until he decided to care about some other things (colonisation ?) which eventually led to the current downfall. Maybe both are right or both are wrong, what do you think?
(can you tell I love political discussions because I don't I'm just really invested cause you're one of my fav blogs hehe)
Non natives love to defend Erdo which is why us Turks have a whole term for them. Most of it however DOES stem from the second option being true.
Erdogan was in fact a very good leader in his first few years of power, now my family personally never liked him, he technically was in power on the sidelines for 10 years until he became president 10 yrs go. He did many things like make hospitals and healthcare way more accessible, fixed a lot of roads and built bridges etc. Now you may go “jay, isnt that what a normal president is supposed to do ?” Well, yes. But the guy before him didnt do a whole lot, so him doing his literal job was enough to convince people he was good enough to keep around.
As time went on he started to take a way harsher approach. Slowly but surely the price and tax on everything went up. Religion started to be the hottest topic in turkey despite us being a secular country on paper.Slowly festivals became too loud, protests were bothersome, pride parades were sinful, gays werent considered people, music after 12 wasnt allowed, Eurovision was something too embarrassing for our country to take place in, alcohol was a luxury that only the desperate & sinful tried to buy, women were not obedient enough, the legal age to get married was too high, sex before marriage became a big topic, rapists and murderers would walk freely, femicide got to a brand new high and a whole lot more.
This all happened slowly and gradually. By the time we thought to speak up on any of this the i-don’t-even know, 60% yearly inflation rate had worn us down. A dollar was no longer 2.5 TL, it was close to 25. Nothing could be bought with minimum wage. Whatever you bought, you bought a second one for the govt in tax (a phone here costs twice the price of one in america). People who vote for him mostly do so because all media outlets are heavily censored and totally in his favor. He has control of literally everything. Literally!! He hosted a referendum where he legally was given so much power that he can change whatever he wants on a whim. He will confidently lie out of his teeth and tell his supporters that the reason everything is so expensive is because of his opposition (who have virtually no power) + its fine because even if we’re poor we’re closer to god and his supporters eat it up because they have some fucked up parasocial relationship with him.
Right now we’re screwed beyond belief. The election was rigged in his favor but despite everything he either wasnt able to end it on the first round or intentionally didnt so he could win by a higher margin on the next round. The house is fucked, the opposition lost a ton of seats to highly religious islamic fanatics who straight up advocate for sharia law. That and the president literally had an alliance with a terrorist organization who want 15 year olds to get married, theyre also in the house. Its great.
Now we wait for the 28th, but its going to take a miracle for Erdogan to lose. I have virtually 0 hope at this point. One thing is foreigners defending him, but any turk who does so deserve everything they get. I truly hope anyone who voted for him suffer a fate worse than death (at this rate, they will). It may sound harsh, but ive seen no one in power except for this absolute sorry of an excuse, cunt of a man. My teens and childhood was wasted away with terrorist attacks and a staged coup, along with a power hungry man who made every walking day of my life worse than what it could have been.
Basically, wish us the best of luck i guess lol.
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breadboylovin · 8 months
28 :3
28: A description of the person I dislike the most
omg this question is JUICY. strap in yall im telling you guys the tale of the insane girl i liked in freshman year of high school whose antics landed me in therapy for like the past 4 years
under the cut cus idk how long this will get. also this is from this ask meme
okay so we met online thru the bts fandom. she lived 2 hours away from me and we had a 2 year age difference (i was 15 she was 17)
the first ?!!?!? thing about her was that she was writing like INSANE bts porn fanfic (and i mean insane like. everything she published had at least one ao3 content warning on it) despite being underage. i learned about this in like april 2018 but i was too head over heels for her to care. in june 2018 we finally met irl and went to a science museum and she told me about some of the insane shit she was writing IN THE FOOD COURT while i was trying to eat a shitty subway sandwich. like wow
anyway summer passes and we have a bunch of relationship drama. im not getting into it too much (ive talked enough about it in therapy LOL) but we didnt date, it was an unrequited love thing where she kinda just exploited me for validation cus she was super depressed. anyway at some point we start talking less but she sends me her tumblr discourse blog. and then in september 2018 i found out she blocked me from it so i checked why and SHE HAD TURNED INTO A FULL-ON TERF while pretending she was still cool with our basically all-trans friend group. so naturally i show everyone else and we kick her out of all our gcs. at some point after that she also detransitions (she was a trans guy before which was why i liked her. cus im gay)
so i dont talk to her at all after that because why would i. technically i sent her an apology for something that id fucked up on but that wasnt like... a normal friend conversation yknow. and i assumed that she had figured out that she fucked my whole shit up and i wanted nothing to do with her. but APPARENTLY NOT because in august 2019 i woke up one day with several messages from her on twitter where she was like "omg this new hurricane made me think of you (we both live in florida and this was when hurricane dorian hit us) ^___^ how have you been?? im doing so good im in [MY SISTER'S COLLEGE] for biology and having a great time"
needless to say i was flabbergasted. im pretty sure i had literally woken up from a nightmare ABOUT HER that day and now i had to deal with shaking with anxiety so bad that i could barely talk to my mom over breakfast. i initially tried to be nice and be like "haha wow i havent heard from you in a long time... ummmm if you see me on your campus while im visiting my sister please dont talk to me". but then i went to therapy that night and left mad as hell so the next day i told her off and was basically like "i want nothing to do with you and if you talk to me again ill throw rocks at you". and that was the last time i talked to her
last i heard about her online she had been run off of insane bts porn twitter for being a terf. then she started writing insane porn about figure skaters and got run off of THAT twitter circle too. i hope she never knows peace again god bless
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princessofxianle · 5 months
Do you mind if I ask your top 10 favorite characters (can be male or female) from all of the media that you loved (can be anime/manga, books, movies or tv series)? And why do you love them? Sorry if you've answered this question before.....Thanks...
well THANK YOU for asking, you are the first to!
tbh ive been meaning to do this on my main blog bc I take these wayyy too seriously lol but ANYWAY heres my top 10 faves (in no particular order) that I can think of (tbh theres prob more i forgot about, or i wanted to keep only 1 per fandom... except tgcf)
Huge Spoiler Warning: for ALL of tgcf, 2ha, aot, AND JJK MANGA!!!
1. Feng Xin (tgcf)
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do i even need to explain this one? loyal to a fault, just a cute lil puppy, one hell of a sculpted archers back, and he's head over heels in love with Xie Lian (but tbh same) i have a lot of thoughts about him on a daily basis on this blog (and also theres the #fx backstory au tag)
2. Noé Archiviste (the Case Study of Vanitas)
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the absolute bestest boy of EVER... with a LOAD of unprocessed trauma (yknow the typical stuff like seeing your childhood bff get decapitated in front of you) and a lot more to come once we find out how he kills his boyfriend best friend, Vanitas...
i ALSO think about him a lot but over on @noes-pillow
3. Sejanus Plinth (The Hunger Games: tbosas)
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hated reading as a child... HATED it... picked up the og trilogy when i was 12 and i was a goner. The funny thing is i still hated reading for YEARS up until i picked up the prequel novel then in 2020, and now ive read all of tgcf, 2ha, and more fanfic than i could ever imagine... all because this stupid boy (i love him) chose to trust the WORST person as his friend, rip sejanus my baby
the movie is v good btw, if you havent seen it you should
4. Xie Lian (tgcf)
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*Taizi Dianxia Fang Xin Guoshi General Hua Xie Lian*
how this man survived 800 years of being physically unable to die and never went insane is a mystery i will never be able to fully comprehend (aaand im in love with him... hmm i wonder why...)
5. Mihael "Mello" Keehl (Death Note)
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the chocolate-addicted blonde boi that was my first anime crush... by proxy I must also add Mail "Matt" Jeevas because they are a package deal
these two are also the reason i started writing fanfic so they will ALWAYS hold a special place in my heart
6. Xue Meng - (2ha)
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*sigh* he's just everyone's fav peacock (yes technically the image is XM 0.5 but he had a cool ass bird so im using this photo bc its COOL anyway...) mengmeng is another one of my trauma bois who has lost next to everything and yet is STILL kicking ass and taking names #thatsmyfuckingsectleader so proud of you my son
also this might get me into hot water here but imma go ahead and say it...
this is what i wanted Jiang Cheng to be... (i LOVE my angy grape but...) through thick and thin, despite EVERYTHING, and even mo ran fucking abandoning him he will still call mo ran his "ge"...
7. Howl Pendragon (Howl's Moving Castle)
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ok this one i just simply do not need to explain... if you think i do, go watch this whole movie and then there ya go thats your answer...
8. River Song (Doctor Who)
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aside from being the character that unlocked my unhealthy obsession with :) Main Character Death :) at the ripe ol' age of 8 YEARS (although Will Turner from POTC also helped on that front... Orlando Bloom my beloved) River's story was a stroke of absolute GENIUS from start to finish and i simply love how Alex Kingston played her...
"You don't expect a sunset to admire you back."
I just love the doomed ones, okay...
9. Satoru Gojo (Jujutsu Kaisen)
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look... theres *gojo girlies* uwu and then theres GOJO GIRLIES... i couldn't give 2 shits about how he's fan-serviced (tho im not complaining) but have you SEEN the amount of grief pumped into that man? he could explode in a fit of fucking insanity at literally any moment and take the whole goddamn world down with him bc what happened with suguru WASNT FAIR to him and satoru has more than enough power to go apeshit... but he DOESN'T... even after losing so many of his co-sorcerers... he still puts on a brave face to the end in order to protect the childhood of his students even tho his own youth was stolen from him during hidden inventory...
SEE? The DOOMED ones!
10. Levi Ackerman (Attack on Titan)
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i read the manga during my last year of uni and when i tell you i SOBBED at the end... yes ofc for obvious reasons, but mostly bc my little Levi loses EVERYTHING. He is the SOLE survivor of the veteran scouts. He's missing multiple fingers, an eye, and the ability to walk. He was the strongest (yowaimo) but wasn't even granted the mercy to die at the end of his narrative! Broke my fucking heart.
BONUS: Morph (Treasure Planet)
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he's a morph!!! nuff said <3
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dyonoi · 1 year
I'm not sure if you even look at this blog anymore, but I just wanted to say I MISS YOU!! I still look through your old meta posts and art every few months and while I know you prob won't come back to the fandom, a part of me still hopes it! I guess I was curious to know how you're doing, and whether you've gotten into any other fandoms and ships? You were really fun and if there's something else you're into and writing for I would love to follow you into it!! <3
god this feels like the worst anime timeskip episode. hey there, its been a while. surprised theres people still around who remember. in the past 4??? years i guess ive done some shit, yeah. cliffnotes: finally closed the long distance and moved in with my SO, became a stoner, found the perfect physical art medium for me and have been busy becoming IG famous 💅 and actually making a living off it, and most importantly i have a cat now. he's a manx cat with a little bunny tail and he is so unlike any other cat ive interacted with. he has absolutely no style, no grace. he constantly trips over nothing. cannot jump higher than 2 feet, will gently catch bugs and then lets them fly away, is literally incapable of feeling anger (the sole exception is if you blow air on his feet. this makes him so angry so fast for whatever reason and its hilarious to witness) ive only heard him hiss twice in the past 4 years. anyway things could always be better but lifes pretty good.
as for other media ive gotten into? uh, the truth is i have a VERY muted relationship with media at this point. i dont run any secret fandom blogs. to be honest, i probably will never allow myself to become even nearly as entangled with a fandom ever again as much as i did with homestuck. for all the fun i had, i was WAY too active in it to the point where it was frankly unhealthy and being candid, it played a big role in me stagnating as a human being for a good year or two. the amount of opinionated bullshit i was spewing 24/7 for years predictably made me a target for people who disagreed and wanted to bring me down a peg, warranted or not, and as thick skinned as i am it did eventually start stressing me out and making me act like a loon. thankfully most of this was in private but it still happened, if you know you know. ive alluded to the reason why i got like that, but putting that much energy and faith into a single author to the extent i did is a recipe for ruin on multiple fronts.
hs was a painful lesson in that most shit just…sucks, and even if something starts out great, the chances that the author will stop giving a shit, fuck it up for the ending or even just straight up die is decently high lol and its something you should always have in the back of your mind. (guess which dumbass started reading berserk in late 2020) this was made way worse by hussie just… being an unrepentant fucking asshole. in hindsight this wasnt a shocking reveal but the hopium that theyd make it right in the end was too strong for all of us. i could have forgiven them losing interest as an artist due to general life hardships, but in the end they ditched it after pissing on it and then setting it on fire. so much of hs's success was on the back of fan media and when your finale in return is to salt the earth to the point where no one gives a fuck about it anymore, even the people who liked the tail end petered out pretty quickly too on that. just….eugh. i have permanent media trust issues.
even in the rare instances where something good ends up canon, even if the premise and buildup is great, the fandom surrounding it will pontificate a combined million hours and 9 times out of 10 will write them better than the author ever will. its sad in a way, but its the truth.
i still think davekat is great, once in a while ill look over my folder of it and my art and smile like an old lady looking over a dusty family photo album. the dynamic is rock solid, and if you agree my advice is to steal them. just steal them. call them doug and kevin and export them into your original story. they deserved better, and you will probably do a better job anyway.
media i AM interacting with (lightly) is one piece again. NONE of you bitches that read the entirety of homestuck have any room to complain about how long it is. i have a lot of problems with it (read: sanji) but in general its pretty fun and enough to sink your teeth into. sidenote i have been shipping luffy/zoro since two thousand fucking six and its a testament to my unending great taste that it was and still is an excellent ship. though i have a curse of somehow always ending up in fandom c-tier ships in terms of popularity like that LOL i got memed into watching bnha (DONT LAUGH) and my ship of choice, todobaku? an absolutely hilarious dynamic and a total banger. but yet another c-tier. after being spoiled with davekat content domination for years this sucks haha
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sukugo · 9 months
your satosuku posts make my day! i love how you gush over them bc same lmfaoo. i'm glad i found your blog and a few others' over here on tumblr 😁 the gosuku tag is unfortunately quite inactive but it's rly good to know that i'm not the only one who ships them 🤧 (gosuku doesn't deserve to be stuck in rarepair hell i'm so sad ugh)
aaaaahhhh anon im so happy to hear that!!!!!!! 💖💖💖💖💖 AND DW I GET YOU COMPLETELY!!!!!!!!!!!! u are absolutely not the only one in this boat
sukugo has always been my fave ship in jjk and i have never EVER understood why it's a rare pair. like???? how could u not ship the two strongest!!!!!!! the parallels that come with that!!! (which is now actually being explored in canon 🙌) and also with the amount of sexual tension they have!!!!! (like even before the current manga fight did u NOT see the lil cheek-ear touch in the second ep??? or the flirting??? the "you'll be the first i'll kill" and the "it's an honor to be targeted by sukuna"???? like hello??? these two have been wanting to fuck since they first met) let us ignore the fact that those 2 interactions were all that they had GDJDHDS
but yeah......before the tag didn't even exist here 😭 i was literally the one who had to found the sukugo + gosuku tags, like if u scroll down all the first posts are mine ahdjfhsjvdd 🙈 so yeah gushing about them and spreading the agenda has always been my thing hahah 🙈 i actually run the @sukugo blog and also sukugo/gosuku archive on twt! they were both inactive the past 2 years as i was into other stuff, but ive come back to them as my jjk obsession has revived hehe
to be honest, i feel like the ship has definitely grown, and with the current fight it's really something that u can't not at least consider. (all the flirting and fun they're having, the gojo hug-head grab attack, THE WHOLE LOVE THING.) and idk if to still count it as a rarepair 🤔, (tho if u're on tumblr it DEFINITELY feels like it 😭😭😭😭) (but such is the state of all jjk ships here lmaoo 😔) but yeah i think on twt its definitely more present (but i mean as i said, yeah that's a given.)
ANYWAYS, do NOT worry anon!!! there's quite a few of us here and we all got each other!!! let's gush about these fuckers togetehr!!!! <33333333
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staud · 4 months
If you get this, answer with three random facts about yourself and send it to the last seven blogs in your notifs! anon or not, doesn't matter, lets get to know the person behind the blog <3
Ahhh linh my beloved!!! this seems fun!
hbo war fandom literally changed my life bc it got me into video editing aka what I do for work! I actually dug up the first fanvideo I ever made from a decade ago for bob. its SOO cringe but makes me smile remembering 13 yo me trying to navigate windows movie maker on my dads computer lol! so ty bob for indirectly helping me secure me that paycheck 10 yrs later 😙
I have a 4yo dog named rufus who is the light of my life!! I've had him for 2 years now and coparent him with my roomie/bestfriend :)
lately Ive been obsessed with this lip balm! if u have dry ass skin in the winter like me trust me it works wonders, doesnt feel sticky, and makes ur lips look JUICYYY !
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poohwhin · 1 year
woo life update #2 bc i have internet now & am not actually losing my mind.
HELLO ‼️ yeah like end of march/the entirety of april was quite literally the worst time of my life and i am very. tired. a hiatus was vv much needed. (plus i didnt have wifi anyways so its not like i could do much here even i wanted to.)
i’m still not back. bc things are still vv rocky. (& literally stressing myself to death for a month and a half has left me physically ill SKSKSKS). but here are some small things that’ve happened !
1): i don’t have a laptop anymore. so when i do eventually decide to come back art is gonna be in a very weird spot. (im using my mom’s ipad rn but i also dont have an apple pencil so drawing with a stylus is odd).
^ adding onto that point. i also scrapped everything i was working on beforehand. i had already backlogged myself, so having to start using a whole new device just gave me the push to scrap all the ideas i had, and refocus myself. (most of them were just gifts for friends & birthdays i missed. :( but its okay hopefully you guys will have more sksksk).
for the time being i think i’m just gonna be making things i feel like making. ever since i started on tumblr i’ve always treated it like a job bc ive always thought it was unfair to those who followed me, and it was seriously starting to diminish my love for certain things (especially as i got into more things like genshin n honkai; feeling like i had to make an absurd amount of content everyday so things seemed ‘fair’ really just tanked my mood). but after taking a month break i was like “yo these are my blogs i should just do what i want.” SO ‼️ virek is still around & i’m still working on him, but there isn’t any set schedule bc i like a lot of things rn, and am just only gonna work on him when i’m in the right mood 🫂 (i don’t wanna end up hating him)
2): i’ve gotten really into honkai star rail & am already close to doing everything there is to do. so now i have more old people in my arsenal to draw.
not much has happened besides me sleeping/gaming to distract from literally everything else going on in my life. so forgive me for my absence 🫶 but hopefully i’ll be doing a lot better when i come back <3 (again the hiatus was. much needed. bc anyone who speaks to me literally ever knows that i can never actually take a break. thankfully this time i was forced to <3. and still kinda am bc our wifi is kicking on and off still & is vv janky but ANYWAYS. ILY GUYS 🫶 GIVE ME LIKE ANOTHER HALF YEAR AND I’LL BE BACK AND NOT GOING INSANE /j)
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welcometomyoasis · 4 months
omg okay first of all im so sorry i spammed your inbox, second of all (😊) heres the link (ofc i wanna be moots!!!) https://www.tumblr.com/nonononranghaee/741224622870216704/met-the-other-half-fair-warning-shes-a-loser?source=share
(But i just wanna let you know that this is like a shared (?) account b/w me and like a friend (i write and she manages the account) and for some reason i can't send asks with this acc that aren't anonymous which is why i used this one😭. I had to beg her to send the photos because it just wasn't working. and omg lets be moots!!!)
Okay and third of all, i so agree with you. I totally believe that love did in fact exist once and i also have gone what i thought was a crush but in fact all i wanted was to be friends with the person. But i really dont believe it exists now. (This is ironic as im literally writing soulmate au fics right now) but yeah. I cant honestly say ive ever had a crush in my life. I told this to my friends and they were like what abt your parents? and the thing is i believe that they got married and then started to care for each other and become affectionate. I dont think they love each other, i do think they care for eachother. There are sm stories in my religion that show the love i believe in, like so many and idk i feel like of they existed 1400+ years ago they should exist now but they dont. And youre right, true love is like equal balance, its not one person being obsessed, its not both people not caring. Its equal. And youre so right abt the right person wrong time things but the thing is sometimes ppl find a really good person and then they cheat. idk i just really want to believe in love but i dont. its more like i believe in the idea of love, not its reality.
And again so sorry for the deep talks (idk what it is abt you shu you make it so easy to talk to you!) have the bestest day! and god help me because i managed to start soulmate au fic 2 but ive only done like 300 words. I cannot wait for the angst fics!!! also ly take care!! and sorry for the spam!
-🌱 (call me hafs if you want but being called 🌱 anon brings me sm memories, and is so so super adorable)
(my friend's a computer whizz so imma ask her to try and fix my tumblr so i can send you asks w/o being anonymous!!!)
first of all, don't worry about spamming my inbox! i'm sorry if i take longer to reply... also i just followed you <3 idk whether you can see it or follow me back? is that account a secondary one or a primary one because secondary accounts (or side blogs) can't send asks or follow people. but i'm just going to take it that we're moots okay 🤭 have a good day lovely! ly and take care too!
rest of my reply below the cut. warnings: cheating
soulmate aus are different, they are based on the idealised notion/ belief that there is someone out there who is fated to be with us. it's supposed to be an au for a reason so it's totally normal to write about it but not believe that true romantic love really exists.
of course, i totally agree with you that someone could find a really good person and then cheat. that's not right at all. in those cases, to me, it's that the cheater was taking their s/o for granted.
romantic love as a whole is just very very complicated. there are too many nuances and specificities in every single relationship's dynamics. i think it's totally normal and it's completely okay to not believe in romantic love. it's okay to question something which is romanticised (no pun intended) because of how reality plays out. it's normal to become disillusioned with what we've seen as we grow up. what is considered ideal or the perfect, true romantic love in our minds or even what is sold to us as true romantic love in tv shows, books etc., does not translate to reality, and that's just life? that said, personally, i still believe in the concept of love because there are so many different forms. familial love, self-love, platonic love etc. romantic love, i still hope to be able to have that one day, but for now, i think it's just a dream or delusion i tell myself...
seriously, you don't need to say sorry about all the deep talks haha. i actually love really deep talks and discussions like this. i could spend hours talking about these things.
aww thank you for saying that i'm easy to talk to, you're really easy and fun to talk to as well! and omg go you can do it! starting a fic/ any piece of writing is always the hardest part so good job for getting over that hurdle! i got to get some work done but i promise to check out the fic soon okay! i might reblog from my side blog @\hansooasis if i'm not online here!
also just putting it out there, you can send me asks or dms, i really don't mind either way. but if you do dm me, maybe dm me from my side blog? it's linked to my phone so i actually check it more haha.
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sailoryooons · 1 year
Yo im so tired of people on here coming into writers inboxes and complaining about shit. THIS IS FUCKING FREE!!!! Were fucking lucky that they are responding to ANY messages about their work let alone fucking unconstructive and rude complaints. Because they literally don’t have to do any of this at all. NOTHING! They can post one chapter of a series and hype it up and then never post anything else about it again. They can write for one fandom for years, then switch on a dime and never write anything else for it again. They can say again and again that a fic is almost done then never release it. They don’t owe us shit. It’s a privilege to be able to read the drabbles, scenarios, and fucking novel and series-length stories with the themes, characters, and world-building that we love so much. And then to be complaining about some editing???? I’ve begun stories that I’ve been excited about the premise, and the grammar has been to the point that it’s completely pulled me out and I couldn’t finish it even though I loved where the story was going. I’ve only been reading works on this blog for like a month now, so I don’t know about old stuff. The last one i read I read (the jin gamer/roommate fic i think?) there were like maybe 2 or 3 times where i had to go back and reread and piece together what the intention was or where there seemed to be a missing word, but that’s so rare and like, didn’t pull me out of the story that much. And it’s fucking free! If i paid for a book, then i might be disappointed, but if i paid for a book, there probably would have had a whole publishing team that would have edited that out in the first place!!! Go read things you know are edited if you dont like it and don’t bother people who are providing free things that don’t hurt anyone because of dumb ass reasons.
I 100% get if you don’t post this if you don’t want all this yelling and negativity, but I hope you know that you are appreciated for what you give so freely. This is just one of many comments ive seen lately come to writers on here and while some of them have seemed to come from well-intentioned people, there’s like a sense if entitlement that’s completely unearned behind it that makes me fume! I try to stay out of other people’s business but this made me so mad!!!
Hi wow okay first of all - thank you for overall just getting it. Writing is a really hard thing to do and there are a lot of content creators on this website who are churning out content and trying to do their best to make it good enough for those who engage with them.
I agree with a lot of points on this - when we start to consider reader/writer relationships, a lot of people don't realize that there really isn't an obligation on the writer to do things the way that they're expected, whether it's updating at a certain frequency or editing a certain way or just... anything. While most of the CCs I know (including myself) rely really heavy on audience feedback for the way that we do things, there are certain perceptions, comments or expectations that are just super tiring.
While I totally understand how my minimal editing can seem lazy or like I don't care - that's certainly not it. It's just really the lesser of two evils for me - either I can use editing programs if I don't have someone to beta immediately, or I can delay posting for a few days while I get my bearings and edit.
Most of my writer friends will tell you that editing your own stuff is hard for some people. For some writers it's super easy to pump out a huge fic and turn around and edit. For others, it's not. It's really about what works best for each person, and this is currently what works best for me (I get really nervous delaying fics over and over again because I don't give myself enough grace and time to finish).
But overall - yes, agreed with a ton of things you said in this and I'm responding publically because I think there are a lot of really great points about the writer/reader relationship and expectations.
Editing more is something I definitely want to work on and I'll be better at asking for betas (I always feel very intimidated to do this) but yeah. Thank you!!
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stevenose · 10 months
hi! just wanted to pop in and say i really look up to you as a writer and i love all your work (your camboy!steve au is actually my favorite thing ever) :) and i wanted to thank you so much for giving us your work and time :)
ai used to write a lot and i dont really do it anymore but ive been considering starting again! i wanted to know if you had any advice or tips on starting out on tumblr?
you are so nice 😭 thank you for liking my work and being here!!!
you absolutely should start writing again!! my advice is pretty simple:
1. do not under ANY!!!!!! circumstances compare your work to another writer’s work. EVER. it is truly not worth it. your mental health will make you hate writing and baby you don’t deserve to go thru that! just because your writing is different from someone’s doesn’t make it bad. you can admire another writers work but please remember yours is just as valuable.
2. write what YOU want to write. you will burn yourself out otherwise. requests are fun and i love doing them but my last blog - omg. i got so overwhelmed with requests for things i felt i HAD to write to make people happy and it made me stop writing for over a year. so if you do open requests just remember you’re not evil for not fulfilling ones that don’t speak to you!
3. ^ along with that, write whatever the hell you wanna write ok. i think the fandom is in a very transformative period rn. our renaissance if u will. we just be writing whatever the fuck. if i can write flayed steve you can write whatever u want ok baby. u wanna write that monsters inc AU with steve and dustin as sully and mike then go for it ok
4. the more u write the better you will get. you will undeniably look back on things you’re writing rn a year from now and see growth. just keep writing even if it feels weird at first!
5. i haven’t rly gotten hate mail on THIS blog but i have on my main. the number one thing to do in that situation is just delete it. 10 out of 10 times people are literally just jelly that ur pussy tight ok. it doesn’t matter. a strangers opinion of you on the internet does not matter. i GUARANTEE you that. so if you get a message or someone being like “lol ur writing SUCK” just delete it and don’t listen to it. trust me on this one
and just some tips:
1. write ur things on google docs or the notes app for the love of god. tumblr will randomly refresh when ur 3k into a fic and u will want to die. ask me how i know
2. cross posting to ao3 is helpful for getting ur works recognized but it’s not a necessity at all
3. the tagging system on this cursed website is really bad and fucked up and crazy. if you want ur post to be in the tags (gets it visibility = gets u some followers), you should tag the most important things first. i.e you write smut for steve. tag as steve harrington smut FIRST. we all love to ramble in the tags but from experience if you put a personal tag on a fic first in line, it has less of a chance getting published into the character tag. it’s insane
4. make friends!!! we all just want to write on here. reach out to your mutuals and bounce ideas off of each other. it’s fun!!
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