#I wrote this before getting super demotivated
cafecourage · 6 months
Idk if requests are open; if they're not, please feel free to ignore this!!!
Okay so uh, I know that the post I'm gonna reference is more than a year old, but I just discovered your blog and I went on a binge and, well...
The Dragon Au Part 2? The one with Sky (along with the other boys, but I'm focusing on Sky)? Where you said that Sky would probably never tell his S/O about him being a dragon despite the trust he has in his S/O?
It's just...so sad! 😭 So, if I may, could I request a fic where Reader (who is, or wants to be, Sky's S/O) finds out that Sky's a dragon?
Maybe he accidentally shifted during battle, or maybe one of the other Links accidentally let slip that all of the Chain (and, therefore, Sky) are dragons? I'm not quite sure about how Reader would find out, but they do; cue them crying to another Link (probably Time, bc he's The Dad™) or even Sun, and Reader admits that they feel like they're a terrible person bc surely they did something to make Sky not trust them, right...? And Reader asks for advice on what they can do to make up for whatever Bad Thing they did, and how to be a better friend to Sky, etc. etc.
I don't like angst if it doesn't have a happy ending, so idk how to end it on a happy note; maybe Sky talks to Reader about it all & they "kiss & make up" (either figuratively or literally lol)?
(Again, feel free to ignore this if requests aren't open!!!)
Typically you were stay away from battles if anything you were learning how to fight. In this battle though your back was towards a cliff and the monsters were blocking your way into the forest which is where you normally hide. Well… This was a particularly bad situation to be in. You duck and tried to weave through but each time you tried to you almost get hit. Luckily Sky was staying by your side for a bit to fight the monsters off. Though the chain was truly outnumbered.
Not to be a downer but you think they might need a miracle.
Then it happened.
A Lizalfos got a fairly lucky shot at you right in the shoulder. The impact knocked you back off your feet and stumble back.
The cliff.
It was weird. You didn’t scream. But something did. It was loud and it felt like the air was full of electricity. In a blink of an eye a black plop swooped down heading towards you. When the blur finally crashes into you whatever it was brought you into its arms and pulled up. “Keep your eyes close.” You hear Sky whisper in your ear, you didn’t even know that your eyes had been closed the whole time. It’s not like you’re going to open them now. Especially with a warning like that.
There was a lot of screaming not just from the boys but monsters as well. A few crashes of lightning made you flinch and hold onto Sky tighter. Slowly your curiosity had peaked and you open your eyes and glanced up at Sky.
Sky who was typically the softest person in the world looked monstrous. His eyes were sharper more snake like and Night Sky-esque scales framed his features. Giving his once soft face a fiercer look to it. It could also be the death glare he had on his face. Behind him were two bat like wings and long serpents tail that matched his scales. It would have been breathtaking if you weren’t loosing blood.
Your glaze was met with his now electric blue eyes, “put me down?” You asked as you had to force yourself to look at the others but as soon as you moved the arrow that was lodged into your shoulder made its move. A curses leave your mouth as you slump back in his arms.
Sky was about to speak but Hyrule beat him, “We should find and get camp set up. For now Let me see what I can do.” The team’s medic was in charge now as the battle had been over for a bit now. “Rancher, Champion can you scout out a better, safer place?” He leads Sky with you in his arms to be seated. When settled with you in Sky’s lap and Hyrule helping you through the process of being stitched up.
You had so many questions to ask but you honestly doubt you would get answers too. “I have a question.”
“Yes Darling?” Sky’s voice was a bit more gravely than normal.
“Are you guys…” You had not idea what to say about this situation as you would assume dragons.
“Yes.” Time said before you could find the words.
A beat passes you look up at the token father, “all-“
“All of us yes.”
“Ok…” You lean into Sky’s chest. Before something bothers you again, looking up at Time again you go to ask him something.
He just sighs “yes. I’ll explain later about how our magic work. Just focus on healing.”
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prinzrupprecht · 15 days
The Hating Game (part 2)
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Sorry this took a while for part 2. Didn’t want to demotivate myself lately if I wrote too much.
Part 1
WC: 1217
As the days grew increasingly closer and darker for you. You were starting to like Funerary God even though he was busy, he always kept finding ways to see you. He showed you around the whole palace and even brought you to private rooms for scribes and priests used which felt forbidden, but you trusted him. The outside was was incredibly hot so you mostly preferred to be inside the temple.
“Do you always run around?” You groaned as you followed behind him and kept fast walking to catch up. This made you slightly like him more because of his energetic side. You were more considerably unmotivated but you would do your chores if asked.
“Huh yes?” Anubis stopped in his tracks while looking over his shoulders noticing how tired you looked, or were you irritated?
“You should know I hate fast walking, so slow down will you?” You pouted.
“Okay okay, sorry! I’ll slow down for ya. I just wanted to show you the waters of the Nile from this really nice view. You can even wash in it! It’ll be fun~! Super duper fun!” Anubis gave you his normally cheeky smile. A hot tub?! Was he telling you that you stink and to bathe in a river?!
“You’re saying that I reek aren’t you?” You frowned but this made Anubis go on the defensive.
“Huh?! When did I say that?!”
“You’re implying it—"
“No, I didn’t! I didn’t say that! You’re just— you’re making me look bad! Fine! Fine! Maybe you do stink!” Anubis was frustrated and this made you try not to burst out laughing.
“At least you’re honest now aren’t you?” You crossed your arms. You could hear Anubis growing mad but kept trying to calm himself down.
Just as he took you somewhere different for once, you were burning up from the heat. Anubis had told you stories of his grandfather Ra who turned all of Egypt to desert. You had no idea what he meant by that and wondered how that was possible. The desert was incredibly hot but the ocean wasn’t that far from where the two of you were.
The Nile River? You haven’t seen it but you wanted to believe Anubis that it’ll be a nice surprise for your eyes.
You could see the large river up ahead but you were feeling a bit burnt out from walking a long way. “Is that it?” You asked which had him vigorously nod excitedly.
“Did you expect something else?” Anubis fired back but you can hear the mocking tone even though he’s normally energetic and hard to piss off unless you’re mean to him.
You had walked down to the shore of the river and felt the coldness of the water after putting your hand in it. “It’s freezing cold! Why would I bathe in this?!” You jumped back scowling.
“I didn’t say you have to!” Anubis smacked his head with his right palm. How was he going to get along with you? You noticed how hard you’ve been on Anubis which was mostly resentment from your parents. You sighed and mumbled a ‘sorry’ before taking your shoes off and dipping your feet in the water.
“I thought it was too cold?” Anubis gave you a puzzled look before sitting next to you.
“I’m not bathing in it. I’m just wetting my feet since we walked a long way here.” You sat on the stone rocks bringing your knees up to your chest. The flow of water running downstream calmed your nerves a bit. There was no way you’d take off your clothes and wash yourself in front of him.
“I’m sorry for being difficult. It’s not you, well that’s not really an excuse. My parents never talked to me before I was sent here...” You leaned on your arm while looking down at the water. You wanted to explain more but couldn’t get any useful words out.
“Don’t worry about it!” He scratched a part of his face. Nobody even noticed that you two were out of the palace by now and maybe you should go back soon. The two of you talked about your lives for a bit getting to know each other. It was all fine with the laughter and finally thinking things would be fine.
Just as you were going to request him to take you back he asked if it was alright if he took a swim. “You— You’re crazy! Not around me you’re not!”
“Aw~ fine, fine you win. We can leave if you want. My uncle is probably mad I left without saying anything.” This caused you to groan.
He took you here without telling anyone?! “Hey hey hey! It’s fine! You’re here with me! I’m strong and won’t let anything happen to you! Ha!” Your face must’ve turned red as a tomato when he said he’d protect you. He then offered to carry you back if you were tired which you refused stubbornly as you were still flushed from his earlier statement.
“Agh! Let’s head back, I’ll be fine walking.” You grimaced at him. He agreed happily and was slowing down for you.
You still had no idea what you were getting yourself into. His family was weird to you, and he wasn’t much worse but certainly better than them. You were careless and blunt with your words. Somehow Anubis liked your honesty and wanted to be your protector like how he was Isis’s.
As the roads were boring and the scenery was setting you wanted to ask him something that has been bothering you. “Why weren’t you as opposed to this arrangement? You seem too… calm about it.”
“Heh? I think I like you a lot now. Is that bad?” Bad?! You were mean to him! He thinks?
“No. Not at all. I’m just surprised someone as nice as you would even like me. You remind me of my dog back at home, ya maybe I do like you too!” You couldn’t help but laugh which Anubis looked at you confusedly. Did you call him a dog? He didn’t know whether or not to take that as an insult or compliment. The two of you finally made it back to the palace.
He thought that maybe he could get used to you despite your harsh comments sometimes. He still felt a bit bad about how your parents treated you and thought that he could be better than them. “Oh, before you go back to your usual routine. I just want to thank you for today!” You brought one hand up to your mouth from embarrassment. You held your arms behind your back as you slightly lowered your head respectfully.
“Oh? Don’t worry about it. Don’t worry about it— I’ll take you somewhere new tomorrow!” He wanted to pull you in for a hug but didn’t know if you wanted that comfort just yet. He slowly started to walk away from you all while he felt bad leaving you in the hallways since well, he had to face his father and possibly Set as well.
You were blushing like crazy after he had left. He was definitely the one. Isis was right that the two of you would grow attach to one another.
It was only the start of this love-hate relationship.
- end for now
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Note: finally will get back on the Okita fic and maybe something new.
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apprenticestanheight · 7 months
Imagine rimming/pegging Adam for the first time and hes all sarcastic and sassy like convinced he wont really like it even saying youre a perv (like the smart ass he is), then the second you start hes whimpering like a bitch and spreading his legs and begging for more <3
Pegging Adam Stanheight Headcanons + blurb
OH MY GOD ANON thank you for opening the floodgates with this one. It feels like it's been AGES since I last wrote for Adam (i've spent a lot of my time focused on an AU with Lawrence and trying to get a couple ideas for other characters to work on on my off days lol) and writing a fic involving pegging just felt like the right move to make so--here's this??
I also also also am SUPER SORRY for how long this has taken--if you've looked at my blog since I started last week, you'd know I work a really fuckin weird rotating schedule and twelve hour days. This has been marinating in my inbox since before I started working, however, and before then I was just demotivated and so anxious it borderlined upon debilitating. I really hope you enjoy this one and that it makes up for the time you spent waiting for it to come out. Also hope you're okay with headcanons and a little bit of a blurb as the fic format, as it made more sense mentally for me to do it that way.
Fic type - this one is SMUT!! y'all should know what that means by now, too--minors, GO AWAY!! This fic is for those 18+ and if I see you interacting I will not hesitate with my bestie, the block button.
Warnings - pegging, praise, begging, the use of a strap-on, I wanted to get this out today so it's also unedited, and again, MDNI!!
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All right, to start, you are the one who finds it interesting first. You spend a solid week wherein all of your horniest thoughts consist of Adam pinned to the bed beneath you, one of your hands holding his chin while he whimpers bc the strap-on you're using is so big and you're moving at a pace that's so slow he almost hates it.
Adam finds it mildly interesting--he's thought about it once, decided he might not like it but also decides to bring it up to you one random night bc you're both high, exhausted, and horny.
So, now you're wondering how it gets brought up, right?
WHHAAAAAAAAAAALEEEEEE, Adam brings it up half asleep, when you're both in the aforementioned state of high and horny and also very exhausted.
"How would you feel about pegging, baby?" and then you're pulling him close bc he's not close enough (his chin is tucked into the crook of your neck and you can smell the mint and cigarettes that he emanates even when he's not smoking. You just want to meld yourself to him bc when you get high, yeah time ceases to be something you believe in but when you're high with Adam you're the clingiest person Jersey ever did see)
and you're saying "yeah, that would be fun, Adam," bc it has consumed your thoughts wholly for a solid two or three weeks by then, but you're wanting to be chill about it.
both of you are completely out to the world like, five minutes thereafter.
It does, however, get brought up the next night. He agrees to it pretty easily, says that the two of you can try it the next time you have sex and if neither of you like it then that's that, and if he doesn't like it, then you respect his boundaries enough to respect that about him.
You buy a strap-on on a compete whim from a sex shop near your apartment on a random wednesday, buy lube that day too bc sex safety and all.
Both of them wind up being used on a friday night, when Adam is stressed bc post-saw vet school has taken it's toll and if he has to study one more minute, he'll lose his mind.
You have dom/sub dynamics in the sexual aspect of your bedroom and both of you are switches, and Adam asks if you have the necessary things to peg him and laughs when your face just lights up at the idea.
You prep him, and the entire time that goes on, Adams like "I'm unsure about how this'll feel, but if it's not my thing, meh. I don't think I'll like it but trying it will have been decent, at least."
and Adam is still thinking he's probably not gonna enjoy it as much as you will.
"When did you become such a perv, baby?" is said by him in a few different variations when you're prepping + rimming him. It eggs you on and he knows that, wants whatever comes with it.
And then, you actually start pegging him--the strap-on you bought is a fairly large eight inches in length, a fairly thick girth, and blue just because, and seeing him beneath you is probably akin to seeing the handsomest man to ever exist?? maybe??
SO ANYWAY, you start, and Adam goes from thinking he won't really like it to needing you to bottom out like, instantly. He likes how it feels to be split open in that way, doesn't so much as TRY to hold back his moans.
He does try to look away, though--he's loud and proud of it but also somewhat embarrassed bc he's not really one to be submissive in the relationship (you work in marketing and deal with people all day so you come home wanting to be fucked into thoughtlessness more than he)
you, however, don't let him, and when you push into him another inch and a half, he moans lewdly while staring directly at you. it's one of the hottest things you've ever seen.
When you finally bottom out, pressing a kiss to the sweet spot on his neck as one of your hands goes to his cock, Adam is feeling so amazing that he's convinced he'll start seeing stars.
You've heard Adam beg but a few times since you'd started dating, and it's been amazing every single time.
That night, he begs so much that you're sure you could bottle it and use it to get black-out drunk, should you have pleased.
He spreads his legs a bit more to let you have better access and moans when you start from a different but better angle.
all in all?? pegging him is one of the best decisions you could've made for your relationship bc both of you love it so much
"Oh my God, Y/N," he's moaning, helplessly, as you thrust quickly into him. "Oh my God. Please, please, please don't stop. Please--fuck."
"I know," you kiss the sweet spot on his neck, quickening the pace of your hand on his dick. "You're taking me so good, Adam. This is one of the best things I've ever seen. You're so hot, beneath me and begging to come, mm?"
Adam is so blissed out that he's almost not thinking, and when he comes he already knows he's gonna be a thoughtless mess from your ministrations. He's cock-drunk, loving the way that your strap-on fills him up and never wanting that to end.
"Fuck," he moans, not even trying to suppress the sound. "So close, Y/N. I'm--ah!"
You laugh, kissing his cheekbone as ropes of his come spurt from his dick and paint his stomach.
"You're so cute when you're cock-drunk like that," you laugh again. "You liked it?"
You're pulling out of him, slowly, as he nods. "Yeah," he says. "I loved it, actually."
You clean up his stomach and clean up yourself, having come from the feeling of the strap-on against your clit and the sound of Adams moans. When you climb into bed with him again, he pulls you close and holds you tightly.
"I love you, Y/N," he says.
"I love you too, Adam," is your, admittedly very exhausted sounding, response. "Next time I peg you, you're riding me while I sit with my back against the headboard. You love that position when I'm the one doing the riding, and I wanna know what the fuss is about."
Adam laughs, kisses your collarbone and gives your ass a cheeky little smack in form of a response.
You fall asleep not soon after, naked and cozy in each others arms.
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seriouslysam8 · 1 year
would you consider reposting Legerdemain in ao3? i love next gen, and it’s really hard to find them, especially ones with lily.i would love to it, i love your others fics!
Short answer: no.
Look, I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again, if you like a story while it is being posted, you need to show your support to the writer. I write as a hobby, for free, and I get my motivation from knowing there are others who like my story. I need that validation to keep writing. Because if I don’t get it, I become discouraged. It doesn’t mean I stop writing, I just stop posting.
Towards the end of Legerdemain, I was at that point. I got so much flake for the way I portrayed some of the next gen characters, I had people tell me they would skip entire sections of the story because they hated one of the characters and then would complain the story made no sense (no shit, Sherlock), and I just had a very tough time even finishing the story. I mean, honestly, I didn’t finish it. There was supposed to be an epilogue I just didn’t write because I couldn’t find the motivation. I’m sure the last 10ish chapters probably weren’t my best work and sucked because I was severely demotivated.
I just wasn’t happy with the story. I wasn’t happy with my writing ability with it because my lack of drive to finish. And there was another external factor of something happening around that time that made me want to delete the story but I’m not going to get into that. So I deleted it for my own piece of mind. I deleted it for my mental health.
I don’t like criticism on my work. I just don’t. Mainly because it’s a hobby and I do it for free. I just want to gush about these characters we love and put them in heartbreaking scenarios, you know?? I had two people send me hate for Brontide not that long ago (I mean I wrote that two+ years ago) and I responded back to be kind and not discouraging. They had the gall to tell me they were trying to make me a better writer. No, you were nitpicking and had nothing nice to say so fuck off. One even told me they helped fanfic writers become real authors but they don’t want to bother with me if I can’t take criticism. Like yeah fucking right. They were so full of shit it wasn’t even funny. And, at the end of the day, I’m not doing this professionally. This is supposed to be fun, you know? And Legerdemain, towards the end, became not fun for me.
If you like a story or an author, leave a review. It doesn’t have to be an essay. It doesn’t have to be super long. But it helps motivate authors to finish stories. It helps authors not delete stories they are self-conscious about. It doesn’t take a lot to be kind. If you don’t like something, there’s an x. Don’t comment or criticize. Never criticize unless an author says, “Please, give me constructive feedback.” But that also doesn’t give you the right to be an asshole about it either.
So, anyway, I will never repost the story. Ever. I hate it. It’s just a stain on my fandom time to me. It was the least fun experience I have ever had. Be kind. Be supportive. And if you don’t like, don’t read.
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flawlessgems · 4 months
1 4 5 6 7 14 16 17 21 for the ask game that tells a lot about you (pls don't feel pressure to do them all, i probably wrote down to many again lol)
you literally made my day night by sending in these asks 🤗😘
okieee, let's get to it!
how do you take your tea/coffee?
lol I don't. I've had coffee once and nearly threw up and tea just feels so . . . thin. Not just with actual texture (never thought I'd be describing the texture of a liquid before . . .) but with flavour as well. I really just drink water. I don't have much opportunity to drink anything else, unless it's Ginger Ale when my stomach is not the best
4. what was your favorite tv show as a kid?
good grief- I don't know. The two filmed tv shows I watched the most were Wanted Dead or Alive with Steve Mcqueen, and a BBC Robin Hood with Richard Green. I also watched a lot of the animated show Tom and Jerry, which is a family favourite
5. summer or winter?
okay, if we be going like aesthetics and songs and just vibes? then summer all day. But if we be doing this for the temperature? Then winter. I can't pick winter for aesthetic reasons because winter for me is just sometimes cold, but mostly cool, which means no snow. Come January and February, it's just rain.
6. realist, optimist, or pessimist?
definitely a pessimist. I love watching Fail Army and get my motivation to get through the day from reading demotivational quotes. I'll share one with you: be a bridge, so I can walk over you to better places
7. rain or sunshine?
I don't mind rain so much if it's actually raining, and not just cloudy with a drizzle. I prefer sunshine though. One of my favourite destressing activities is swinging on a playset (call me childish; I don't care. I also still sleep with stuffed animals) so I prefer sunshine in order to do that. But I've done it in the middle of a rainstorm too, so I just have to prepare for possibly ruining my clothes and freezing for hours afterward
14. what is your defining personality trait?
oh geez- how do I answer this without sounding like a complete narcissist? I wish it was 'character trait' instead. But personality trait? People have told me I'm funny, I'm a pessimist, and very creative (I've dabbled in writing stories of various genres, poems of all kinds, and even songs; I can paint with watercolour, draw with both coloured and graphite pencil; I've built some pretty cool fantasy builds with LEGO; I tried my hand at sewing, but sucked at it; slightly better at cross-stitch but I still hate it; I can do the basic knit stich; I am pretty good at crocheting--even did a section of an advanced quilt! and I think I should stop bragging now. If I was trying to avoid sounding like a narcissist I definitely failed)
off that rabbit trail- I think my biggest personality trait is my sensitivity. I'm very sensitive to verbal negativity (which is why I became a sarcastic bitch to try and hide the fact that I really just want to go to that corner over there and cry) as well as pain and other discomforts (both my own and others. It's rather annoying. Like my mom got a paper cut and just told me about it and I almost cried). I'm also sensory-oriented, so I can get sensory-overload very easily.
16. are you an only child? oldest/middle/youngest?
teehee nope! I am one of the oldest kids in a family of over a dozen
17. what would your superpower be? how would you use it?
uhh I'm an introvert, so teleportation would be nice. I have experienced a horrific amount of super-embarrassing moments (that probably nobody else thinks about I'm just overthinking it as usual) so it would be nice to just be able to yeet myself out of there so I don't have to endure the awkward silence.
but flight would be nice too . . . I could use that to look into bird's nests
and elemental control? like damn- FIRE?!
but seriously, my overthinking mind just gave electrokinesis like the ultimate god mod. Think about it, if you could sense and manipulate electricity, you could hack into people's phones and text them, you could have every stoplight be green, and SERIOUSLY--your brain has electricity in it- I COULD SENSE PEOPLE AND MAYBE EVEN MANIPULATE THEM. But, like in a freeze-your-body or slap-yourself-in-the-face kind of way. As for accessing memory banks, I don't think I could do that. BUT THEN- LET'S GET EVEN DEEPER WITH THIS- everything is made up of protons, electrons, and neutrons, so if I could manipulate that, could I like . . . transform?!
also, to any writers out there, please don't take that electrokinesis idea. I came up with that for a story 😭
21. the best ice cream flavor
I can't remember what it was called, but it was this ice cream that was basically a combination of cookies-n-cream, cookie chunk, and oreo ice cream, and it was a BOMB. If it has chocolate in it (unless it has peanut butter 🤮) chances are high I'm going to like it
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jaywalkers · 11 months
twenty questions for fic authors
i was tagged by @decaflondonfog! thank you, i loved reading all of your thoughts on your own writing so i'm vv excited to do this.
How many works do you have on AO3? 21 revealed, and then my super secret fic for the @aftgthenandnow fest (which people should totally go and check out if they haven't already)
What's your total AO3 word count? 443,022 words, which is horrifying and likely to hit 500,000 by the end of this year. lord have mercy
What fandoms do you write for? i'm currently very happy in my tfc shaped hole and have been for the last while but i do have some wips floating around for the likes of teen wolf (long live cringe) and mdzs still!
What are your top 5 fics by kudos? these bad boys! total pick'n'mix of fandoms here a made thing [10k, sangcheng, T] sunset, like survival [86k, kandreil, E] postcard mouth [7k, matchablossom, G] the post-impact stage [3k, andreil, G] work song, crawl home [3k, sangcheng, G]
Do you respond to comments? Why/why not? in all honesty once i've written a fic it's out there in the world and i am absent from anything going forward of it. i dearly, dearly appreciate everyone who puts time into commenting because it truly is the thing i stick around fandom for, but i don't have the time or energy a lot of the time to reply effectively and to not just keep repeating thank you's!
What is the fic you wrote with the angstiest ending? considering it uses the 'Bad Ending' tag, it'll have to be a room full of knives! it is canon-compliant though, so is the angst really my fault?
What is the fic you wrote with the happiest ending? i feel like most of my fics have a somewhat happy ending, if not just a simple open-ended one, but i might say sunbreak for this because the ending of it is very joyful and there isn't much else left to say to hide the happiness.
Do you get hate on any fics? not really! i did get the worlds most insane comment on NOSTOS a couple years ago that was kind of horrible to read but it was anger at a character and not my fic lmao.
Do you write smut? If so, what kind? i'd never written it until this year because it was on my writing goals list for the year! i can't really say what kind because i've only written a couple of scenes so i'm not sure where they sit in the grand scheme of things but i have written some!
Do you write crossovers? What's the craziest one you've ever written? not really! i am a big AU fan — the kandreil teen wolf au i wrote this year with the beloved and highly esteemed @dayurno is probably the craziest, but i have a kandrew 'gideon the ninth' au planned too! if we're talking actual crossovers, there was a hilarious in-joke au partially written in a group chat a couple of years ago that was a WOH and MDZS law firm au. xue yang owned jby's soul. wei wuxian had bitcoin. i have a customised t-shirt for it.
Have you ever had a fic stolen? yup! and it's the reason i put writing away for about four years when i was in high school because i was so demotivated to share my stuff.
Have you ever had a fic translated? i think there's two or three of my fics that i've given permission for russian translations! i don't think they've been finished though so it would be cool if that ever ends up happening!
Have you ever co-written a fic before? as stated earlier, i spent eight months in an echo-chamber with @dayurno in which we went into a mutual fugue state and came out with wet-eyed banshee kevin and his high school boyfriends. maybe one day we'll get to the twinyards sequel of it i do also have to shoutout @picturedframes who was half of the mastermind behind sunset, like survival, and has contributed an insane amount to other works like diachronic and all that looking down.
What's your all time favourite ship? don't ask me this,,,, it chops and changes from year to year! i think in favour of being nice to myself i'm going to just say percabeth — they're the OGs from day one and they still hold up in my heart
What's a WIP you want to finish but doubt you ever will? either my 'the old guard' wenzhou au, or the other installments of the nostos 'verse! i loved them dearly at the time and i do think they would be well worth writing still, but my interests have moved on fandom-wise slightly! maybe one day i'll revist them, but not any time soon i don't think.
What are your writing strengths? ohh. digging my teeth into a character, i think. i use fic as a way to kind of just write thesis' and loveletters and stories all at the same time, and i think i'm good at holding up a character and writing out what makes them tick! and maybe a weird one but fleshing out the wider world? i'm very proud of like, my background characters. describing people who take coffee orders and who are studying in the library too and who are one-line classmates.
What are your writing weaknesses? this time last year i would have said dialouge but i think i've gotten better at it this year! probably being too verbose. i think i have a tendency to get carried away with thoughts and descriptions and i think sometimes that means they lose their potency when i really need them! it's a goal for next year i think; learning how to pare back my writing and make it more effective.
Thoughts on writing dialogue in another language in fic? ahhhhhh aha ha ha aha . you're talking to the bitch who's current fic is all about kevin relearning gaeilge/irish so you bet there's a lot of dialogue in other languages in it! also diachronic and sunset, like survival both have a substantial amount of other languages: diachronic uses french, gaeilge, and japanese, while sls throws german into the mix!
First fandom you wrote for? the bible just kidding lmao though i did write stories when i was in catholic school with biblical characters. i think it was fairy tail!
Favourite fic you've written? noooooo don't make me answer this one. there's many different questions inside of that one question (what one i'm most proud of, what one i feel the most for, what one i had the most fun with), and i don't think there's one that works for them all. i think i'll say diachronic, maybe, for now. my first forway into the head of my beloved kevin day and certainly not the last.
i don't know who has/hasn't been tagged in this so it's an open invite, but i am going to tag @dayurno @sunriseinorbit @moondal514 @kamyska
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anvoo · 1 year
Little reminders for An
As I thought, I was super sad this morning.
It's hard to describe the feeling, but I know that there's at least one other person that's going through the same thing. People say feelings emotions and thoughts make you human and alive; part of me agrees, takes it in, and cherishes it, but another part of me wishes that other part would just go jump off a bridge, along with all its precious "feelings, emotions, thoughts, and insecurities".
It felt like a loss, not being able to talk to Cat right now. My mind kept going in circles, cycling from memory to memory, conversation to conversation,... I reached out for my phone and browsed TikTok for the longest time since weeks, months even.
What used to be my go-to method to pass hours upon hours before, now I could barely scroll for more than 30 minutes without having my mind invaded by thoughts or something else; either I'm getting old, or something's changed how I feel- and go about it.
Eventually, I pulled myself up, got dressed, albeit slowly, and hauled my ass outta the house.
"It'll maybe be nice to go outside and get some fresh air and sunlight. It's ok if you don't think it'll help, or it's annoying or whatever; 5 minutes, and if you really think it's a waste of time, you can go back", I told myself.
And hey, both not to, and to my surprise, it helped. Taking in nature, no music or distracting phone-stuff, being in the moment, brings a certain sense of peace and calm. I managed to re-read what I wrote yesterday, let it process, sink in, and made some peace with it.
Self-love and care aren't self-indulgence, but it's rejecting self-neglect, and doing what you believe is right and good. It's accepting and trusting yourself and the process, that what you believe will lead to a better future is true, and continually guiding yourself towards that end.
"It pains me to see you sad. It hurts me when you spend all your days inside, wasting your time away on mindless distractions. I want you to go outside in the sun right now because I love you and care about you, and because I want the best for you." The things I say to those who I care about, I'll practice saying it more to myself.
"I love you too much to let you drown in your sorrows", so I went out to the park, and basked in the sun today. "I love you too much to let you feel bad in your own skin", so I went to the gym, for the first time since forever. "I love you too much to let you suffer, and worry about your academics and future", so I'm making plans and focusing on that. "I love you so much, that it hurts me deeply to see you sad", I still cry during the moments when I could tell myself, and have me listen that I don't need to be strong enough to do everything, or that I'm good enough, or that I care about me to not want to see me sad.
Taking a step back, I think it will be ok, and it's not as bad as my mind makes it out to be sometimes. I love being dramatic, tragic romances, ups and downs, and grand stories and giant loops and turns, so much so that I even subject myself to thoughts and feelings, just to entertain that little side of me.
It's not a loss, that me and Cat are choosing to give each other and ourselves some time apart. She's still just a text message, a phone call, or roughly 7 hours by train away. We're doing what we believe is best in the long run and also short run for us, for me, and for her. For us both to be always anxious, and empty, with only each other's company as the cure, is just not very nice, and that's not love.
Yeah, you're right. I'm not doing this just because I think it might be good for me in the future, but also because of the not-so-great effects it has on me right now.
Sitting there, feeling super anxious, just waiting, distracting myself. Wrestling with my own thoughts, mind, and feelings, the mental energy I needed for that left me exhausted and demotivated to do anything else. Still, I think to myself, "If I could get my things in check, and "just" be better, and "just" change my mindset, I could handle everything, and stay in contact." But that's not realistic, and that's not a kind thing to think and expect from myself. I'm not perfect, and I shouldn't expect myself to be. The unhealthy thoughts and habits I have, are mainly products of many of my insecurities and struggles, and they're not going anywhere unless I tackle the roots of them. Sitting around and coping, spending all my time and energy to deal with the symptoms, is no way to live, and no way would it last.
Nothing would change if I just keep that way, forcing and expecting me to pretty much be a different person, while constantly mentally exhausting myself. I'll be the same anxious, miserable guy, barely holding onto some outside validation, telling himself that it'll get better.
I want to be happier, and that requires changes!
I made a promise to myself before, to try my best and prove to me and others that I can do the things I set my mind on, and I will keep it. I'm in control, and my choices, from insignificant to significant, shape and determine my days and life. I want to realize my potential, to tackle my struggles at their roots and take control of my mind and mental, to be happier.
Part of me wants Cat to be dependent on me; part of me feels validated that she feels sad and empty without me, and that I am akin to a drug to her. But on the other hand, that part is also emotionally dependent on her; that part sees her as the cure, the solution to all my struggles and problems (which are completely unrelated, and logically I know well where they lie, and how to start working on them); that part craves for validation itself, and its insatiable hunger for that just grows and grows. I accept that it is a part of me, and I will not beat myself up over it, but I do know that it is a part of me that I do not want to, and will not keep feeding. I care about Cat, so I want her to be happy. I want her to be able to enjoy her life and handle things ok, and not have to be exhausted, empty, or sad. I'm doing this and suffering a little in this way right now (instead of suffering a lot in another way haha) not just for me, but for her too. It's anxiety for me, and it's the emptiness without for her. Our really heartbreaking talk last night really showed me how much I was struggling, and how much she's struggling too. I want our relationship and connection, now and in the future, to not be tainted and made so difficult and sad by our own struggles and insecurities. I don't want this to be the case, both for me and for her. I wouldn't want her to miss out on having the great "Me" in her life haha. I want also my future relationships, both platonic and romantic, to not be so dictated and affected by my own inner struggles and insecurities. I want to be happier, stronger, and more in control so that I could be around, and have a positive impact on the lives of those important to me.
Yep. It's not just for you right now and a little bit for Cat, but also for your future girlfriend/wife! You'll bring great things to her life, and think of all the stories you'll have to tell. Goldmine, I'm telling you.
Haha, yeah you're right xD It's for my future girlfriend/wife also. Here's to me, for choosing self-love, for choosing my happiness and future. We're doing this so that we have the focus, the distance, and the time we need to settle in with our lives, to add colors to them, for us both to gain a sense of self and learn to navigate through tough times so that me and her both could come out stronger and happier than before. I want to be able to pull focus on myself, and my future. I was stuck running away from my problems, finding refuge and comfort in other things and other people; not anymore. I care about myself too much to keep doing that. All of my decisions, and all that I'm doing, is for me, and I'm proud of myself. I love myself too much to have it any other way.
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tjsplace · 3 months
jun 21
11.05 am
the feeling in the pit of my stomach is back to haunt me once again. i'm feeling really fucking anxious this morning. i wanna sleep but my bed is uncomfortable and everything hurts when i wake up. fuck it, imma get high. only bearable thing to do right now.
11.28 am
i should wanna write a song. i want to but i'm too scared. scared of the physical pain involved. wrist, throat. i've been smoking too much. scared of not liking anything, it demotivates me so much. there's also the cathartic factor. i don't know if i can handle those feelings right now. i'm too upset. but maybe that'll help me work through it. which is all i wanna do. but i really don't want to get up from my desk, pick up the guitar, the notebook and pen, and sit on the floor. or on my uncomfortable unmade bed. i clearly have a lot to say. i don't wanna put the cigarette down. even though it annoys me. benny just started playing and i actually groaned. it scratches some part of my brain. the thing that annoys me the most about writing a song is that i have to stretch my whole body before doing it. otherwise i risk getting an injury on my wrist again. just because two years ago i got super high with my then band and started jamming and i guess i got too excited and strummed really hard? and also i didn't take care of my wrist properly. i immobilized it for two weeks before going to a doctor. i think i wore nothing for two weeks and then i got an immobilizer two weeks after and i didn't really look after it in, like, a month. i put on the boy ep hoping to get inspired. the songwriting is so good. sometimes i don't agree with a lot of the choices, but i get them. i can't unfreeze myself. i can't defrost my mind. my thoughts go to fast and i can't catch up to them. maybe i'm high but i think i always feel like this. high or not. i'm anxious when i'm lucid, i'm anxious when i'm high. what the fuck is this? i know stretching would make me feel so good right now. but i really want another cigarette. even tho my throat feels sore. i'm drinking water to ease the burn.
12.03 pm
i just wrote lyrics.
12.12 pm
i need so much validation it's insane. i didn't think i was like that anymore. but wow. i had to ask my friend mar if the lyrics i wrote were worthy of putting music to them. why can't i just think they're good? it's not my usual writing style. it's much too honest in a fictional way. mar knows what i mean.
i just watched a youtube video about overthinking. mostly because my roommate pointed out the obvious out loud. i do overthink a lot. sometimes i don't get to catch myself doing it. sometimes i can't stop it. i usually ask myself the whys. why am i unable to quit my vices? why have i never been in a relationship? why am i so fucking insecure? or fat, or ugly, or stupid. untalented, lazy, impatient piece of shit. but also i gotta know when these ruminating thoughts are interfering with the life i'm living. and i know it's a great life, then why am i miserable? no more why. what is it that i can do to feel better? write. i'm doing it. what's next? i'm drinking beer and smoking cigarettes and getting high by myself after doing it with my roommate. the very one who pointed out i'm good at overthinking. only thing i'm good at is the first thought in my mind. do i have to believe it? i don't want to. i know i'm good at a lot of things. i'm not a loser. i'm grateful for the life i have. but sometimes i get so fucking down and it pisses me off.
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Hi, this is for the autumn ask:
I hope you have a good day 🙃
Thank you so much! And sorry for the lateness in answering—I got hit with an annoying cold, like, right after I reblogged the post and had to nap and rest all day. It’s still affecting me, but I feel a bit better now—I hope that today turns out to be better, and I thank you for your well wishes!
Now, without further ado:
🍵 Top 3 favorite tea flavors?
Right now, my absolute favorite tea is an instant ginger chai that my roommate has, because it’s working wonders for my sore throat. (No, I won’t shut up about this cold…)
Interestingly, I was never much of a tea drinker before this year (I’m sorry, Uncle Iroh), but thanks to my roommate and the many college events I’ve gone to that serve tea, I’m learning to develop more of a taste for it! I’d say my top three favorites right now are the aforementioned ginger chai, green tea, and I guess peppermint tea. I’ve tried earl grey, too, but I don’t like it as much. (I’m sorry, Captain Picard.)
💻 To feel nostalgic: what are some old games/websites you spent lots of time on when you were young?
I don’t know if anyone else but me remembers this, but: htwins.net! This was the website that hosted the famous Scale of the Universe 2 and belonged to the people who made Battle for Dream Island, but I didn’t stop there. Oh no. I played all the games and watched all the animations that these funky Huang twins made: Get to the Top Although There Is No Top (and its 100 variations!), Goime 500 (there were parts of that that stumped me for months; after I eventually figured it out and beat the game, that’s what introduced me to the concept of a speedrun); even The Super-Short Stick Figure Show! A lot of these have sadly been lost to time since the demise of Flash…RIP.
I remember being shooketh when I found out how young the programmers/animators, Cary and Michael, were—they were only 12 when they produced, animated, and released the first episode of Battle for Dream Island and 14 when they released The Scale of the Universe 2. Imagine having that much talent! I still follow some of Cary’s videos—he also composes quite well and, in high school, apparently wrote poems of questionable quality.
On the cringier side of things, I also spent an embarrassing amount of time on websites like RageStache (rage comics) and Taste of Awesome (demotivational posters). I was addicted to those—I’d spend hours scrolling through the comics and memes while procrastinating on doing my 5th- or 6th-grade homework, probably learning stuff I shouldn’t have been learning at the innocent young age of 10. I’d also often Google Image Search things like “funny comics about harry potter” (Harry Potter being my obsession at the time), “funny rage comics about ___,” and “funny tumblr conversations”—years before I’d actually join Tumblr.
🍁 A new website, fandom, video, song, fun fact or anything, name a recent discovery you would like to share with your followers.
Apologies for “blorbo from my shows”-ing this, but here are two amazing Cowboy Bebop-related discoveries I’ve made recently!
The first is this bonus track from the boxed set of the Cowboy Bebop soundtrack; here is the Wiki page for it with the lyrics translated into English. It’s called “Wandering Cowboy,” and it’s a version/arrangement of the theme song, Tank!, with lyrics sung by Aoi Tada, the Japanese voice of Edward. The lyrics and the way little Ed sings them (Aoi Tada was a teenager, not much older than Ed, when she recorded her lines for the original series) are just so adorable—innocent, childlike, and filled with love for her Bebop family. I can just imagine Ed sitting or lying at her computer in the Bebop’s living room, kicking her feet behind her as she softly and happily sings this under her breath. Go, go, Bebop! Fly, fly, Bebop!
And the second is this video of Canadian figure skater Kevin Reynolds, who in 2016 skated a routine at the Skate Canada Challenge to Tank! while dressed as Spike Spiegel. Just imagine being that cool. Imagine being a fan of Cowboy Bebop and also a figure skater. Imagine practicing for months and months and years and years to do a strenuous, beautiful skating routine, and it all culminates in you being Spike Spiegel, being him in front of everyone, whirling and spinning across the ice to the frenetic jazz of Tank!, of a show you’ve obviously known and loved for years—as graceful and fluid as Spike himself is in his movements, literally moving like water. I just have many emotions about this. (Also, Kevin Reynolds is cute! He has a sweet smile and thumbs-up :))
[Autumn Emoji Asks]
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jilytoberfest · 3 years
Author - @scriibble-fics
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Thank you so much for taking the time to do this! Find her on ao3 and ffnet !
1. What would you say is your interesting writing quirk?
I don’t know how interesting this is (she says, getting that quick qualifier out of the way, because that’s otherwise how she’d answer legitimately every question), but I don’t plan out my fics in any sort of concrete form. When I first start writing, I typically have the beginning of an idea or trope or scene, and then things kind of blossom from there. The more I write, the clearer the direction of the fic becomes, and I keep all my notes for potential plot lines/pieces of dialogue/questions and answers in a chaotic pile at the end of the doc. I envy people who can plot things out clearly and concisely from the beginning, but I love discovering where things will go right along with readers!
2. What was one of the most surprising things you learned in creating your stories?
Honestly, it surprised the hell out of me—and still surprises me daily—that people want to read my stories. That’s not some attempt to fish for compliments or to fake modesty or something, so I hope it doesn’t come off that way! There’s just so much talent in the Harry Potter fandom generally, and in the Jily fandom specifically, that I genuinely thought I might end up with a few readers if I was lucky. To see the same people pop up with commentary with each update, and then to watch those people follow me from fic to fic, still astounds me every day.
3. Do you have any suggestions to help others become a better writer? If so, what are they?
Get out of your own head! It’s easier said than done, I know, but I put off writing Voyeur for the longest time because I was embarrassed to write something that started off, literally, with such a crazy bang. I ended up waiting until I was too exhausted from insomnia to let doubt creep into my mind, and then I sat down and wrote the entire first chapter. After that, things flowed so much easier, and now? I can’t remember the last time I wrote something that embarrassed me. It’s super freeing. Also, never delete anything! I’ve had to take away entire chapters of content before due to plotlines moving in a different direction. (This is my own fault and comes from a lack of planning for sure, but I haven’t learned my lesson!) I have a doc for each fic called “outtakes,” and I migrate everything there. I’ve been able to recycle sentences or paragraphs or even full scenes before, and it keeps me from feeling like I “wasted” time writing something I didn’t use (although no writing is ever wasted!).
4. What do you think makes a good story?
That’s hard! There are about 3,000 possible ways I could answer this, but I’ll go with something basic: tension is key, as is a satisfying resolution to the tension. The latter is what keeps me up at night.
5. What is the first book that made you cry?
I have a very vivid memory of crying around the age of 8 or 9 because I realized that the characters in The Babysitter’s Club weren’t real and I would never meet them, so I’m going with that. I know a lot of people are like, “I was so upset when I didn’t get my Hogwarts letter at 11,” but I’d already had my own what-is-fiction-and-what-is-reality crisis, so I never went through that.
6. Does writing energize or exhaust you?
It depends on the type of writing! Academic writing? That shit is exhausting. Fiction writing? I can’t get enough of it, and it energizes me more than almost anything else.
7. Have you ever gotten reader’s block? If so, what are your tips to overcome it?
Reader’s block is a new one for me! It’s a term I’ve never heard before. Honestly, I have a hard time reading when I’m also writing, and I’m nearly always writing, so maybe I have a certain amount of chronic reader’s block? For me, it’s difficult to read Jily when I’m also writing Jily, because I’m constantly worried that I’ll end up absorbing someone else’s ideas or end up comparing my work to theirs in a demotivating way. What I’ve found works for me is reading non-Jily fics, and published work as well, when I get that hankering to read but don’t want to interrupt the flow of my own thoughts.
8. Do you think someone could be a writer if they don’t feel emotions strongly?
I think so! I write about a lot of emotions I’ve never personally felt and a lot of situations I’ve never been in. To me, writing is definitely about emotion, but imagination plays an even stronger role.
9. If you could tell your younger writing self anything, what would it be?
You’re way stronger than you think, and you need to give yourself more credit for it. I’m still working on this, tbh.
10. What was your hardest scene to write?
Nothing really comes to mind. Writing a lot of Eighteen Again was difficult personally, because the fic deals with the theme of loss throughout, and I wrote it in part to cope with my own losses. In one way, that made it an easy fic to write, but it’s also been a difficult fic to write in for that very reason.
11. What is your favorite childhood book?
I read legitimately everything I could get my hands on. Prisoner of Azkaban was probably my most-read book, because I reread it over and over again while waiting for Goblet of Fire, to the point that I could basically quote whole sections of it. We’re talking over 20 times. I was a fiend. But I also really enjoyed The Babysitter’s Club (obviously, because WHAT DO YOU MEAN THEY AREN’T REAL PEOPLE), The Chronicles of Narnia, and anything by Roald Dahl.
12. How long on average does it take you to write a one shot or a chapter of a fic?
Obviously it depends on the length, but I can bang out a shitty first draft in a day or two if I’m feeling especially motivated or inspired. The editing process takes longer, because I like to give it at least a couple hard edits (for content, continuity, etc. ) and then at least a couple soft edits (for word choice, sentence structure, etc.) before I post, and I like to sit on those edits for at least 24 hours between each one, although the longer the better. Without that time in between each read, I tend to miss slippery things like typos, although I’m sure a few make it into each chapter.
13. A fic that inspires you?
The Bet by sleepinghookah / @smileyjily is my comfort fic, and the fic that inspired me to start writing my own after over a decade away from the fandom.
14. How do you edit your work?
I answered this a little above, but I’ll also add this: I highlight each sentence I change after each edit. It helps me look over those sentences in particular to make sure that the sleepy edits I do on my phone at 1 AM actually make sense, and that I don’t gloss over any repeated words / typos / whatever when I get into the flow of rereading the story again.
15. Where does inspiration come from?
…can I say insomnia? Besides that, other media, conversations with friends in and out of the fandom, and daydreaming has been where most of my ideas come from.
16. Who has been helpful for you as you write for the fandom?
Oh gosh, so many people! I’m reluctant to name names because I don’t want to miss anyone, but @tumbledfreckles was my first fanfic friend by a long shot, and she’s become an actual friend since. @relyingonoldships might just be me from another life, and you can blame/thank her encouragement for me foisting Bought upon the world, because I don’t think I would have posted it without her. She also makes me laugh out loud on the regular. @tiffanytoms can also share much of the blame/credit for Bought, since her Enemy Within sparked my interest in dark!James, and she’s another one of my fav people to talk to. @maraudersftw constantly lights up my life with positivity, and her fics are bomb. Besides being a phenomenally talented writer, @clare-with-no-i discourse makes me ~think~, y’all, and she’s hilarious. There are also like 15 other people who I owe responses to in DMs who have taken time out of their days just to offer kindness, and that’s on top of all the lovely people who share their thoughts in reviews and edits and playlists and reblogs and likes and other things. Honestly, a better question might be “who HASN’T been helpful for you as you write for the fandom?” The answer is always going to be “people who leave hateful reviews because what I write isn’t their cup of tea,” but it’s so few and far between that I really can’t complain. I love this corner of the internet.
17. What is your fav POV to write from?
I started out writing James exclusively, and so much so that I had a lot of anxiety about writing from Lily’s POV. Now that I’ve tackled her a bunch? I think I’m starting to enjoy writing from her more than James, although it’s tough! I think it depends on the scene and the fic, honestly.
18. What is a fic you would love to write but are worried you won’t be able to accomplish it/nervous it wouldn’t work out?
I have no chill, so if I have an idea, I write it. Of the fics I’ve published, I’ve been most nervous about how Voyeur and Bought would be received, but people have been overwhelmingly lovely with only a few flames here and there. I’m still sitting on my Sirius/Lily/James throuple fic, mainly because even just the idea received quite a bit of criticism in my ask box. It fostered a lot of anxiety on my part, although people have been excited about it too. Still, I’ve written it even if I haven’t worked up the nerve to publish it, mainly because I truly don’t have the chill to let an idea sit dormant in my brain.
19. Do you ever self insert in fics?
I tend to empathize with every character I can, and I’m sure there are bits of me in most of the characters I write, but I’ve never done it on purpose that I can recall.
20. What is the story you are proudest of?
Notes and Magic are my two current favs. Writing both of them just made me feel good, because they’re almost entirely fluff and pining and love and lust with very little drama or angst or sadness, so they’re the ones I reread the most.
21. Do you prefer writing canon jily or muggle au?
Canon, although canon divergent is my favorite place to frolic! I’ve never done a muggle AU, but @mppmaraudergirl muggle AUs are some of my absolute favs.
22. Did the new dark!James fic had any inspiration from James and Lily going undercover in Eighteen Again or did that plot bunny came from elsewhere?
Love this! Honestly, the connection between undercover!James and dark!James wasn’t one I consciously made when I first came up with the idea of Bought. I give credit to @tiffanytoms’ Enemy Within for the initial idea of dark!James, and then credit my academic reading and research on sex work for the rest of the plot, but I’m sure there was some cross-contamination in my brain between EA and Bought.
Thank you so much for doing this!!
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sanccharine · 2 years
THIS IS SO CRYPTIC PLEASE GAKSGSKSH anyway, hey anon, buckle up bc there’s a lot to unpack here :D
first off, i appreciate the please, but unfortunately your ask is far too vague and so needlessly ominous ??
im assuming you sent in a fic request/suggestion of some sort but i’ve only ever received two, i know bc i have them marked by date. one request was a gahyeon fic, which has been posted and the other was a sana request, a sequel or similar to pizza party ! this one im still struggling to put together, and will be quite a while before it is posted — if your ask is not either of these two, then sorry to say i have not received anything else, and i would know if i got anything bc i rarely get asks lol. so could you please clarify what you sent in ??
i should also add that i don’t take requests—this is stated in my masterlist. i only want to write/wrote the above two bc they were sent before i explicitly stated this rule on my blog and i felt bad,,,also bc their ideas were cool.
lastly, on the off chance this was sent to me by mistake and you meant to send this to another writer who does take requests. please please please don’t send an ask like this. it’s super demotivating and disrespectful. i’m sure they’re trying their best to get to your request but they do have a life outside of their blog, please be a bit more understanding and clear with your asks.
but yeah, i think that’s all i have to say. i will be eagerly waiting your response anon :]
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silenceofthecookies · 4 years
Cookie, hi! 👋🏼 I saw requests open for UtaPri and I just had to request something from you if you don’t mind! :>
As always, you’re free to ignore this, but may I ask for some Quartet Night and what it’s like to be their precious composer? •u• I’m sure they’d be some protective boys and never let their composer leave their sight. Agh it’s be so cute! fem! reader if you don’t mind?
I haven’t brushed up on your rules so I’m very sorry if this isn’t too specific or detailed for you. ;-;
Hi Syd! Of course I don’t mind! I’m super happy to be writing some more for utapri! Usually I limit headcanon requests to 3 characters, but I’ll make an exception here because I couldn’t possibly split up the lovely men of Quartet Night 💖 Enjoy! 
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First of all, being Quartet Night's composer would be hard work. These guys are pro's, but they were brough together by Shining, not by friendship. As their composer, your job is not only to create music for them, but also to keep them together a little.
There is but one way to unite them as one front: whenever someone is threatening you or flirting with you. Or just getting too close to you, for that matter. You are THEIR composer, and everyone else needs to stay away from you. If anyone treats you wrong, they've got 4 men stepping in to tell them to back off, sometimes politely, sometimes not so much.
Every Quartet Night member has a weak spot for you. You create the most beautiful songs for them based off their preferences and personalities, much better than any composer-for-hire they've ever worked with. Because of this, they're all nice to you in their own, unique, way.
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You're one of the few people Camus shares his sweets with. Whenever possible, he asks you to join him for his afternoon tea. If a new song needs to be written, or if he needs a woman's advice on a job, he likes to take these opportunities to ask you. Otherwise, teatime will just consist of a pleasant chat or a comfortable silence.
You're also the only one he trusts with his dog, Alexander. He'll ask you to watch him if he's out for a long job and if you want to, you're allowed to walk with him whenever you want. Alexander is super attached to you as well, almost as much as his owner is.
Camus is the type to have long conversations with you about the song you composed before he starts writing the lyrics. What were you feeling when you wrote the piece? What were you thinking about? Did you have a theme in mind already? He wants to bring your message across to his fans as best he can.
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Reiji is constantly showering you in compliments. It can be about your skill, about your appearance, about your professionality,… it doesn't matter, Reiji will find something and he doesn't let a single day pass without complimenting you.
Hugs. Hugs everywhere. Reiji is a very affectionate person, and he will often hug you as a greeting, when he's happy, when you're sad or tired... basically, at any excuse he can find. If you're shorter than him or around his height, he also likes to stand behind you and rest his head on top of your head or shoulders.
Reiji is your absolute hype man. Whenever you're having trouble creating or finishing a piece, or where you're feeling demotivated, he will be there to cheer you up, cheer you on or even to brainstorm a little with you. When you finish a piece, he's already praising it after the first few notes.
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Ranmaru is an amazing cook, and he knows it. That's why whenever you're near him around any time you need to eat, and he has the energy, he will offer to cook for you, on the condition that you eat together with him. His rice omelet is to die for.
He is especially grateful that you're his composer. Most composer in their branche of the industry don't know how to write a good rock song. Either they sound like some big rock hit, or there's no soul in them at all. Because you know him and his style so well, you deliver the best rock songs with all his emotions in them.
Though he's no good at actually helping you compose things, whenever he notices you're having a block or when you just can't get something written, he will drag you out of your room and distract you. No use forcing things when it isn't working right? He'll help you get some fresh air and some laughs, so that hopefully after that, with a different mindset, you'll be able to get something done.
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Ai is a very perceptive man, and it shows. He's constantly paying attention to the little things about you and because of that, he often helps you before you can even ask anyone for help. You're about to say you're cold? Ai's jacket is already on your shoulders. Low on energy? Ai is already holding out a healthy snack to you. You need a nap? He'll sit down next to you so you can use his shoulder as a pillow.
If you're looking for objective feedback on your pieces, Ai is the best person to go to. The other members of the band love your music unconditionally, and will excuse any parts that aren't perfect. Ai is the same, but if you ask him for any points to improve on, he'll analyze ever part of the piece and give you some good feedback. He doesn't sugarcoat his opinion, but he makes sure to not hurt your feelings either.
Ai actively avoids conflict with the other members of the band when you're around. He'll ignore things they say or do that he'd usually comment on, and even help you and Reiji calm Ranmaru and Camus down if needed. They may not always get along great, but he doesn't want you to get caught up in their arguments. With his logical arguments and calm mind, the situation usually calms down pretty fast.
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mira--mira · 3 years
Question from an aspiring writer:
How do you stay motivated on one project for such a long time?
I personally have the attention span of a goldfish, and whenever I have an idea I either have to write down everything my brain can spew immediately or have it be lost in the void for eternity.
Never mind going back and turning my outline into a fic or gasp editing.
Do you have any tips and/or tricks you use?
Ok, I got completely carried away with this just fyi, but hopefully I ended up answering your actual question 😂 tl;dr at the bottom.
To be honest, staying motivated is a tricky thing, one that I feel I'm still learning how to do even now and varies a bit between shortfics/oneshots and multi-chaptered fics/longfics. For a bit of background, I've been writing fanfic for about a year and a half, but I've been writing original fiction since I was seven, over a decade and a half, and I still wrestle with it. It's definitely a learning process.
One thing I wish someone would have told me when I was starting out was the power of ~scenes~ in either multi-chapters or one-shots. All writing is ultimately made up of scenes, but if you're struggling to put things together, focusing on an individual scene, or multiple short scenes, might help you focus on getting something completed, and it's something that eventually can be applied to longer works as well. Writing has been a snowball process for me and once I started getting anything completed, I felt more secure in knowing what I could write comfortably and what was out of my comfort zone, eventually getting to the point where I felt comfortable tackling bigger and longer projects and knowing I could stay with them.
OoT's interlude chapters and the snippet series are both good examples of scenes because I wrote them with that intention...even if most of them are actually two or three scenes combined. "Gai meets Hashirama and Madara", "Hashirama gets revenge on Kakashi", "Tatsuki and Hashirama pick flowers for Madara, then give them to him" etc. were all my starting points.
If you're first starting out and feel comfortable with outlines of some sort before you start writing I would encourage you to try and write down a bullet point list of your scene(s) and what you know you want to happen in it.
"Gai meets Hashirama and Madara"
* Hashirama meets Gai first, mistakes him for Lee.
* Madara is shopping for a gift for Hashirama
* Madara finds Gai and Hashirama, they spar, Gai kicks his ass, both of them love him.
This is how my initial outline looked for the first interlude chapter, technically each one of these "points" are their own scenes stuck together. Outlining is different for everyone, some people like super specific points, others even less detail than this. For me this is a nice middle that gives me a roadmap for the chapter, but allows plenty of room to naturally diverge and add detail. Play around with outlines and see what you're comfortable with/what gives you the best results.
I'm not sure of your individual situation, but if you're struggling to put together fics in general something like this might help. Doing this process again and again personally helps me stay on track and gives me a sense of progress.
This sense of progress is ultimately key and why I think motivation differs slightly between one-shots/short fics and longfics. If you confine the individual scene to a one-shot, that might give you the motivation to complete it. Even if you start writing and you get interrupted/can't finish having in one setting, bullet points sometimes help inspire me to finish because I'm not starting from scratch when I return to writing. The whole "eat an elephant one piece at a time" thing was difficult for me to learn, but ultimately proved true. Learning to chip away at something bit by bit is going to be the only (healthy) way to write longer projects you can't complete in one sitting.
For longer projects, it's a similar beast just on bigger levels and with an added dimension. I would actually suggest something similar to OoT for a starting project because it is ultimately broken up into arcs that you know and can reference, instead of making a lot of og content for a fan setting. Maybe not go into it thinking, 'I'll do a complete rewrite' but once you feel like you're ready for a longer project 30K+ or so, the rough outline method and the ability to follow arcs was what got me started when I eventually decided to make the fic multi-chaptered. Try writing one arc and keep yourself contained in that. Now the added dimension aspect in general for longfics is that you eventually want to plot individual chapters in a multi-chaptered longfic and individual arcs (character, plot, etc). This comes with practice. I honestly don't think there's a way to get around that. It's something that I'm still trying to work on and I can look back at my early work and see how I've improved, how I can recognize where things didn't go well in certain places, and how I would change them if I was writing today. That's a good thing to be able to do, it means you've grown! The other thing I find that helps with staying motivated week after week for longer projects is to roughly know where you're going and to try to be excited about a plot point/scene/chapter/etc that you're going to write. Really try to hype yourself up. For me, it's a moment that comes at the very end of the chunin arc and I start grinning even thinking about it because I know it's going to be awesome. It's always what gets me through the rough days, imagining the moment I'll get to actually write that scene in its entirety (it's definitely already outlined and I mentally play it out at least twice a week lol) and is a big motivating drive.
So far I think this is pretty standard stuff if you're an outliner and you've been writing for a few years, but the other thing motivational-wise for me is having a schedule. From reading this message alone, I would not suggest it for you right away. Get comfortable finishing small things and feeling confident that if you let an idea sit for a week or two, you can pick it back up and continue. But if you eventually dip your toes into longfics (and don't plan to pre-write everything before you publish) that routine and rhythm really helps keep me going. I've made a commitment, I've posted it online, I'm going to stick to it. No one is going to jump down my throat if I fail to keep it (this is still a hobby and having fun is the most important thing) but in my mind I should commit to it unless something irl prevents me from doing so. Don't put a tight deadline on yourself, I'd start with once a month or if you write shorter chapters every three weeks. This also would help you build up and get a readership, interaction being another big motivational key.
Also, it's important to accept that sometimes you bite off more than you can chew, and when you feel completely demotivated from a fanfic project...it's okay to drop it. It's okay to take a step back and work on something else. Maybe you'll come back to it, maybe you won't. If you can, try to pinpoint what it was about that project that made you demotivated, were you pushing yourself too much and you got burnt out, was it an ongoing series and your interest for canon lagged and so did the fic, was it just too stressful to keep juggling plotpoints, etc. and keep that in mind moving forward. Every experience can be a learning one and eventually make you a better writer that can eventually tackle those bigger projects. Don't be afraid to take on big aspirational projects, but don't walk into them blind either. Above all, and this is repeated a lot because it's true, enjoy what you write. Some days you might not. That's true with anything, but any project you take on the good should outweigh the bad.
This is my wrap up of the motivational section but I also wanted to throw my two-cents in about editing because "oh no editing" is a perspective I've seen from a lot of writers, and used to have myself, but I think is going to stifle your progress in the long run.
Here's the thing: you need to look forward to editing.
You don't have to be jumping for joy, but editing, imo, should be a positive thing. You have all these great ideas, you made it into a fic, something you wrote, and now you get to go back and make it even better! This is a tough attitude to adopt. I'm not going to pretend otherwise. It took me a long time to unlearn the negative attitude and even then sometimes I still wish the editing was already done once I type in the last period. But I've learned to at least appreciate what editing does and I try to think to myself as I'm going through and making changes things like "wow, this suddenly became so much better. X plot point that I thought of ten pages from now is suddenly being hinted at and doesn't come out of left field. The transition points are a lot cleaner, it's not so jarring anymore. I bet the readers are going to love this little detail. Here's some foreshadowing that I hope someone picks up bc it's going to come back in like 5 chapters from now" it's hard, especially when you start, but this is something you made, and now are actively making better and that's something to celebrate.
I hope this helps anon! I know it's a lot and I'm by no means an expert but I've been doing this for more than a decade because I love it and I want to help others get into writing to! I have no problem answering any writing questions you may have if you find this helpful!
-motivation is slightly different between short/long fics.
-starting out, learn to outline by scenes and focus on finishing small projects and getting to a point where you feel like you can put something down and come back and pick it up again in a week. Completion is key and will help you feel satisfied/know your limits.
-long projects also can work on the scene-to-scene outline but now with individual chapters and individual arcs. It's tough to balance both but comes with practice. Bit-by-bit is key, as is having 'one moment you can't wait to write', possibly a schedule if it works for you, and reader feedback are all huge long-term motivational points.
-editing is tough but learn to look forward to it instead of dreading it.
edited: added a bit more/few typos fixed
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seriouslysam8 · 1 year
I love that you are portraying Sirius as being more affectionate with Harry. That's definitely something I missed in the books and really literature in general. I love to see sweet father-son type relationships that are healthy in this manner when both of them have lost so much.
Unrelated question: How do you have the motivation and will power to write so consistently? I always struggle with that and then beat myself up for not updating in a timely manner.
That was one of the few things I liked about the movies better. The hugs and affection between Harry and Sirius.
Those boys lost so much and are so touch-starved that there’s no way they wouldn’t be affectionate once they got comfortable with each other. The scene in the OOTP movie where Harry practically leaps into Sirius’ arms when he arrives at Grimmauld? Chef’s kiss! I love that little cabbage’s grin and that little artichoke’s soft smile.
I struggle too. Especially a lot lately. I just force myself to write every single day, to get something out. Even if it’s not for my main story, I just stay in the groove of writing.
I noticed when I was very discouraged and demotivated for Legerdemain, I would go DAYS without even opening a word document. I was just done. So when I had the time to write, I sneered at it and begrudgingly wrote down words. I was so bitter about it for silly and stupid reasons.
While I don’t have that same I’ll feelings towards writing, I still struggle to find the motivation because life is hectic and I’m too tired to write when I have time. So on days when I feel super demotivated or too damn tired, I write out a little scene on my phone or something. Just to keep writing so I don’t fall into a pit that it’s hard to get out of.
Don’t beat yourself up. We’ve all been there. If you don’t like posting when you can’t keep a consistent schedule, write a huge chunk before you start posting. When I started posting, I had like 5 chapters ahead. It takes off a lot of pressure. But it’s not a pressure you should feel either. But I get it. I put that pressure on myself as well. I’m a person who gets motivated by reviews. While I hate that, I totally am. So it’s this double edged sword of writing and needing that validation but also having a nice chunk of chapters already written before you post.
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uncloseted · 4 years
How to Make and Follow Through on New Year’s Resolutions
Hi everyone!  Happy New Year’s Eve!  Today I wanted to talk a little bit about setting New Year’s Resolutions and how to follow through on them, since I know a lot of you will be making them today.  
88% of people who make New Year’s Resolutions fail at them, largely because they’re not setting goals that are achievable. But it doesn’t have to be that way!  So I wanted to make a quick little post on how to choose goals that are achievable and how to get yourself to follow through on them. 
There are two specific tools that are super helpful in increasing the likelihood that you’ll achieve your resolutions.  You may have seen me talk about them on here before- they’re SMARTER and WOOP.
SMART(ER) is a tool to help you set the right goals for you.  Too often, we set goals like “I’m going to start exercising” or “I’m going to quit going on my phone”.  Those are great in theory, but without an action plan, it’s easy to not follow through.
 SMARTER goals are ones that are:
Specific (simple, sensible, significant).
If your goal isn’t specific, you won’t be able to focus your efforts or feel motivated to achieve it.
Try to answer: what do I want to accomplish? Why is this goal important? Who is involved? Where is it located? Which resources or limits are involved?
Measurable (meaningful, motivating).
Having measurable goals is important because it allows you to track your progress and stay motivated by seeing how far you’ve come.
A measurable goal should be one that answers “how much”, “how many” and “how will I know when it’s accomplished”?
Achievable (agreed, attainable).
Your goal needs to be realistic in order for you to stay motivated and be successful.  If you’re aiming too high, you’ll become demotivated quickly because it doesn’t feel like you’re making progress.
An achievable goal requires you to ask “how can I accomplish this goal” and “how realistic is this goal based on other constraints?”
Relevant (reasonable, realistic and resourced, results-based).
Relevant goals are ones that matter to you.  Make sure that these goals are ones that are important to you, not ones that you think you should be pursuing.
A relevant goal is one that can answer “yes” to the following questions: “does this seem worthwhile?”, “is this the right time?”, “does this match my other efforts/needs?”, “is it applicable in my current socio-economic environment?”
Time bound (time-based, time limited, time/cost limited, timely, time-sensitive).
Every goal needs a target date so that you have a deadline you can focus on and work toward.
A time sensitive goal is one that answers “when?”, “what can I do six months from now?”, “what can I do six weeks from now?”, and “what can I do today?”
Every day, evaluate how you’re doing on your goals.  Long term goals can be easily ignored if they’re not evaluated every day, and if you don’t evaluate how you’re doing on your goals regularly, you might miss the things that are preventing you from achieving them.
If you find that your approach isn’t working, you may need to readjust your goals.  That doesn’t mean that you’re failing at your goals or that you should quit; it just means you have to rethink the approach you’re taking.  Maybe the goal isn’t as relevant to you as you thought it would be, or it’s not as realistic as you expected, or your timeline is too short.  Identify which part of your SMARTER goal is tripping you up and readjust it.
The best goals are ones that include trying new things instead of quitting old ones.  Quitting things is hard; learning something new is easier and more exciting.  If you’re looking to quit something, replace it by establishing a new habit that takes its place.  For example, “I’m going to stop going on my phone,” is hard, but “when I feel like going on my phone, I’ll read a book for ten minutes instead” might be easier to maintain.
After you’ve figured out your SMARTER goal, it’s time to WOOP.  WOOP is something like the scientifically proven cousin of “manifesting”.  Just visualizing our goals or positive thinking on its own can be counterproductive, because it fools our lizard brains into believing that we’ve already achieved the goal.  By using the WOOP method, you can prevent that from happening and actually achieve what you want to achieve.
WOOP stands for:
Wish: Identify a wish that is challenging, yet attainable.  This should be your SMARTER goal.
Outcome: Imagine the best outcome as a result of your wish (as vividly as possible).  Really daydream about what your life would be like if you achieved your goal.
Ask yourself, what is the biggest benefit you could receive from achieving this goal?
Obstacle: Identify and imagine what obstacles will get in the way of your wish.
What might get in the way?  Thoughts, feelings, beliefs, old behavior patterns, bad habits, social pressure... identify as many as you can, then prioritize their likely they are to happen and how significant they would be if they did happen.
Plan: Create an if-then plan to overcome the obstacles you identified- “if [obstacle occurs] then I will [plan A].”  Do your best to pick the most effective path you can for each obstacle, and identify a few different plans in case your first plan doesn’t work.
For example, if you wanted to start exercising, your WOOP might look like this:
Wish: Go on a run 3x/week after school/work for a month.
Outcome: Better energy, confidence, and health.
Obstacle: Feeling tired and hungry at the end of the day…Not wanting to go.
Plan: Pack a snack for the end of the day, and put on gym clothes right when you get home.
Or if you wanted to stop watching TV and read more:
Wish: Watch only 5 episodes of TV per week, and read when I feel the urge to watch TV for a month.
Outcome: Learn a lot. Get smarter. Feel better. Enjoy the great ideas. Feel like I'm spending my time wisely.
Obstacle: Not feeling like it. Preferring to watch TV.
P: If I catch myself watching TV, then I turn it off and start reading a book instead.
The last thing you can do to increase the chances that you’ll achieve your New Year’s Resolution is to get someone else involved.  Either find a friend who’s setting the same resolution that you are, or tell someone about your goal and ask them to help you achieve it by checking up on you.  It can also be helpful to put money on the line- give money to a friend with the understanding that you’ll get it back on a set date if you’ve achieved your resolution.  If you really want to ensure that you reach your goal, tell your friend that if you fail, they should donate the money to a group or cause that you really hate.
76% of participants who wrote down their goals, actions and provided weekly progress to a friend successfully achieved their goals, compared to that 88% of people who fail at their New Year’s Resolutions that I mentioned earlier.  With just a few small changes to the way you approach setting resolutions, you can greatly increase the chances that you’ll be successful at them.
If you’re making resolutions this year, comment on this post or send in what your resolutions are and how you’re planning to achieve them!
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shorkbrian · 4 years
Hello again, asks are compiled under the cut. Please block the tag #shorkbrian answers a lot of asks# If you’d prefer not to see these types of posts from me. If I haven’t answered your ask, it’s because I’m saving it for a thirst, drabble, or fic.
I don’t ignore asks, but sometimes getting around to them overwhelms me lol. pls accept my apologies lol k here we go
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I am very glad, I legit was so scared that it was too long and that it’d be disappointing bc the smut wasn’t super IN YOUR FACE yknow? But man am I glad to hear that.
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I’m looking directly @ you
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Someone noticed omg!!!  A lot of times I just put whatever song I played on repeat while writing that fit, but I have a *yandere* playlist that I listen to and it gets me going. Ty for noticing!!!
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I’ve considered opening them permanently but I just... idek. I’d have to start deleting or ignoring the requests I don’t vibe with and Idk how to handle that lol. But thanks for the well wishes, hope your next few months treat you well friend!
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Watermelon sugar why
Srsly you’re sweet but just wait until I start to really get going with all my nasty kinks okay, then you’ll be rethinking this strategy hunty lol!
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I literally stalk @.vermiliren and @.kazooli and @.seita lol. Maybe when I get my blog more cleaned up, I’ll create a list of creators that I enjoy, along with fic recs. For now, here’s a link to my AO3 bookmarks which I read one like almost every single night bc I’m a horny gremlin.
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I am the shark king. Sharks are my thing bro u don’t even know. I love them so much, they're dumb and big and beautiful and yeah I wish I was a mermaid who got to swim with them. Also I changed it bc I’m trying to make my blog more *professional* and all that so I can start being taken seriously askjakjdf
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Compliments suck, if I'm being down and out honest. This does not bother me at all, I’m just unsure how to respond. I think I would prefer no comments, but I’m trying really really hard to just say “thank you!” and move on before I get uncomfortable. Having to fight with someone about how I perceive my self worth is exhausting, and especially so for the poor person that was just trying to say something nice and be nice to me. 
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They do make me quite uncomfortable my dear lad/lassie/lasso. Say what you wish in the tags tho ! I don’t really reply to those, so there’s no pressure on me to have to say something back. I do however, see all the tags ppl use and some of them make me laugh so hard cause they’re so spot on, and it makes my day. like “Mark me down as scared AND horny” and “Bakugou better be able to bench 165 cause imma throw my fatass in his mf lap” and it kills me.
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I SCEREAMED AKDHGSYDGASJSD this is the only format I'll be taking asks in now, no compliments just a yes/no answer to if my works help u cum god bless
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you used the /gen!!!!! IDK what these are called but the /S and /gen and /J save my life!!!!
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Frick you’ve figured me out, I do try to put like a nail-in-the-coffin sentence at the end. A lot of times it never works right, but I cannot for the life of my figure out how to end a single post ever. If anyone knows hmu pls ty
(Also ps I checked out ur blog cause yans are my jam and it is very much Not garbage!!)
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That’s very kind of you, but pls don’t stay up past midnight it’s bad for ur Brian you’ll make bad decisions bro trust me all of my stuff is written after midnight
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You will lafff..... but I will tell anyways..... I was prescribed a “life coach” after I got out of the hospital, which was really just a poorly disguised softcore “make sure u don’t yeet urself” type of thing. He had me write down things I liked about myself, and when I returned the sheet of paper still blank, he wrote stuff down for me. Like five sentences of “My hair and skin are unique and special” “I like animals and enjoy being kind to them” “I am worthy of respect” etc etc. and I had to look in a mirror twice a day and say those sentences to help “boost my self worth”. It sucked so bad dude, and I like got upset about it every time it came up, until finally my therapist was like “... this aint doin this sad bitch no good” and my parents got designated for yeet watch instead.
I know, logically, that (the majority of) people are not purposefully taking time out of their day to make me feel bad. They're trying to be encouraging and loving, and I appreciate it so much. But like... what do I say? If I say thanks, it’s almost like acknowledging what they're saying as true, and I can’t live with myself thinking I’m more than I am. I’m sorry you’ve had experiences that make compliments difficult for you also, I understand bro and I hope that your future holds healing and peace for you. 
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Hopefully I won’t vent as much anymore lol, I’ll try to do that on my sideblog where I reblog really trigger-y memes akjdafhkjf. But thank you for your kind words bro, they’re appreciated and put in a nice lil jar.
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Ah dw! This doesn’t sound like a jab. I think all of us r so sad n depressed and feel unworthy of love, so the fantasy of a Yan coming and forcing it on us and not leaving even when we lash out is just..... so attractive my heads gonna explode
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me, thinking about kiri at any given moment like:
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I have the next Hybrid! Kiri fic like lined up, but I’m so demotivated be I was SO CLOSE to finishing, and then wiped my computer like an IDITO
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Waso, I’m taking horseback riding lessons bc my mom went:
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and my grandpa told me that one of his horses was named Awaso and I immediately thot of u fun fact. But you’re so very kind, and I enjoy seeing you in my inbox. I’m never tired of u homie. You are loved and important, and it’s not an illusion. Even random strangers on the internet can feel soft towards you bro, and dats me, I’m the random stranger that likes u.
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So I took Russian for a year, my dear friend, because I wanted to see if the language myth of “Russian is the hardest, Korean is the easiest” was true. I would say yes. So instead of like translating this and typing out a coherent response, I’ve resorted to google translate I’m so sorry but Виктор мог плюнуть мне в глаз, и я бы поблагодарил его. Also, the way Vitya is written in cryllic makes my heart swell it looks so cozy idek what I mean by that but it does? I treasure you man, hope to see you around in the new year and maybe??? we be good friends
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Can any year be good when Kirishima Eijirou doesn’t exist?
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I just imagine anyone who comes across my stuff, sitting at their computer shocked and slightly horrified, maybe turned on like
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Daddy Aizawa makes me
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Wait!! I have something to aid your troubles!!
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ur welcome now u can be horny whenever you’d like 
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pls every time we talk about Kirishima I have to act surprised like 
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LISTEN BBYGORL I have had therapist Suga in the works since *checks notes* November. I am excited for it yeahhhhhh but sadly, I don’t think I will be continuing piano teacher Suga. The story is petered out in my mind, idk where it would go. Therapist sugarbird tho? We have some thots about this. Coming soon to theaters near you
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