#ive always heard of him but havent heard/seen him in anything
monpalace · 1 year
Twi’s Name and Times name have the same name and look similar but not identical, Times [Name] was definitely taller and more lean where as Twi’s name is a bit shorter and plumper. Twi’s [Name] definitely has more hair however where as Times was shorter due to being in the Royal Guard (think the same length as Botw/Totk Zelda).
Twi’s [name] definitely had her share of adventures as of right now she technically doesn’t have a shadow (reasons to be told later should anyone notice it which it would most likely be Time) and she while twi was with the chain had taken in two children, why? They reminded her of Twi and herself (also the reason she currently has no shadow) that’s why she was checking the perimeter of her land when she met the chain. Times [name] never thought she would’ve had kids honestly. She was also raised the daughter of a smith and knows her way around a sword whereas Twi’s knows her way around a bow and arrow.
They both punch hard something time and twi know well. They both tilt their head up and look at the sky the minute they know someone is spouting bullshit because they know if they look at the person they’re going to go off. Twi’s [name] is more of a homemaker so she has the skills in terms of cooking and gardening that Time’s didn’t.
These are just some rough ideas I had please feel free to add more and yes Time sound’s like Howl to me and Twi sounds like a young Matthew McConaughey -🧚🏽‍♀️
young matthew mcconaughey's voice literally has me forcing myself to keep quiet. it really does fit twi so well? need him to do a few voiceovers to twi rn 💳💥💳💥💳💥
those are a good few differences though! [name] taking in the kids is cute to without twi's knowledge is cute to (i just had vague thoughts abt domestic life with them 🙏🏽)!
it makes sense as to why she would look around the perimeter of their land to make sure they're safe but still prefers the bow and arrow over the sword. it keeps her close to the fight, but just far enough that she isn't in immediate danger-- almost like to her similarities and differences to time's [name]. close enough to be the same person, but the differences keep her from being in the middle (if that makes sense)
i'd imagine time's [name] is more acquainted with formal combat (wars, large monster hoards, etc) whereas twi's is better with bar fights? time's version requires her to be stronger to, so she probably wouldn't have to flex to catch a glimpse of her muscles lmao
maybe twi's [name] grew up an orphan like twi, which is why she resonates with the kids she took in? since time's [name] is the opposite, maybe she's unused to being familial around kids since she's so used to hard and sharp things?
🧚🏽‍♀️ anon you made the mistake of interesting me in your thoughts. i literally want to hear everything you have to give now
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friendlyengie · 1 year
Heyo thought I’d drop some random tf2 hcs and stuff cause of ur post :D
- scout and Pyro get along really well and scout will draw for pyro. Scout likes them cause he seems to actually listen to scout talk
- Engineer is pretty oblivious when it comes to people having feelings for him and hes (kinda accidentally) decent at flirting tho
- Engineer is like a father figure to scout and it makes spy really jealous lol
- Demo is really good at karaoke
- Since spy is good at finding this out about people based on body language etc. he knows exactly who has crushes on who in the base and he thinks it’s SO OBVIOUS but it’s not to the rest of them and he’s really close to just screaming at everyone that they’re blind and to just kiss already. He’s just forced to watch all these pining idiots dance around each other and he hates it
- Heavy and Medic have a book club that is just the two of them
- Scout would be a good dad later in life if he had a kid
ohohhoho interesting. Cracks my knuckles.
-scout and pyro friendship truther until I DIE. I find the idea of scout going from being terrified of this weird “thing” to just being besties with Pyro kind of hilarious. I think they can both do art pretty well actually! I like to think they run around towns and do graffiti together.
-Nodding at this. I also think it helps that (to me) hes naturally very friendly and polite because of how he was raised and like half of the people on his team havent heard anything nice from another human being since they were actual children (if that.) Is he good at flirting or are your standards dangerously low? Is it both? Great question!
-Ive always seen engineer as more of a low-maintenance uncle figure to scout If That. They’re just kind of a pretty standard close older dude with a lot of life experience and younger dude with fuck all going on friendship to me. and tbh ive never. Really been able to get behind the idea of spy being “jealous” of any sort of relationship Scout has with other mercs. Whether it’s him being weirded out by father standins or judgemental of potential partners. I don’t think he doesn’t have a weird relationship with seeing scout bond with the other mercs but i feel like it’s just sort of. Idk. A little more of a unique issue for him.
-Accepted. Though i think “good” for him ranges from “genuinely good singing” to “loud, overconfident, and having a great time getting half of the lyrics wrong.”
-As much as I think it would be fun if spy was surprisingly emotionally dense, i cant deny his canonical skills in that sort of field. That’s like. His whole game. I think his approach to trying to help anyone with romance is “he wont unless youre prepared to basically just inflate his ego for the sake of a few tips.” A la expiration date.
-no doubt in my mind that heavy and medic dont agree with a single thing that the other gleams from reading books. Said with love. They will argue about meanings and subtext and the value of interpretation until it sounds like someone’s about to file for divorce and then end with “so same time next week ^_^?”
-I will be so honest with you. I do not know if i could ever see scout being a father, much less a good one NDGSKHJDKNJJ.
Actually . Hm. Thinking about it. I could. SEE it in a sense. I think he would have some good steps to go off of because of his Mom. Unsure of how good his ma’s parenting was but she at least was very caring toward her kids. He’d have that. But i think he’d have to be a lot more emotionally mature to be able to process how his own current issues with dads and fatherhood would healthily translate into being a dad himself. I could see him being really laid back and maybe a little too “im not just your parent, im your friend,” and any hypothetical kid he has would Not take his ass seriously. I think having to parent a teenager would kill him.
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fandomfluffandfuck · 10 days
i havent seen the inside of your ask box for ages so let me just say i finished money magic and WOAH. leave some talent for the rest of us damn. also. im going to add ‘financial domination’ to my mental list of kinks and im doing it with a sly smirk on my face because id never heard of it before this fic and i certainly will be looking for more in the future.
i genuinely think im into it only because you write it so. fucking. well. i love this community youve built where so many people can discover new kinks through your writing and it makes me so happy being able to find out new things about myself from a piece of art like this. i just love fandom sometimes.
plus i think of your blog as a haven bc i can come here anytime i want and its like someone took all the things i love about fandom and put it through your brain then onto here. a true blessing.
ok onto the fic itself, i have a few things to say:
1) i will never get over the way you build up to the climax of the fic. like, from the beginning, its always so obvious that something big is going to happen and i just can never wait until the next update to find out. i dont think ive ever skim read one of your paragraphs because every word pulls me in a makes me want moreee.
2) the way you use imagery in your work is actually something i think should be studied because you do it SO WELL. an example from chapter one that i cant stop thinking about;
His mind whirls. He’s back to spinning out of control. It feels as though his head might come off his shoulders, twisted and twisted and twisted around, thinning his neck, and becoming too unsteady.
like hello???? i can picture every tiny little detail of this moment and its insane how you can just do that.
3) the chemistry between your characters never feels forced or awkward. ive noticed that you dont use dialogue too much when writing smut and i love that because it lets the reader really visualise whats going on. but when you do its absolutely perfect. the way you kept the power dynamics going steadily throughout and even when they were talking on the balcony, it just made me realise how much you really care about what you write and it made reading so much more enjoyable.
theres literally like a million other things i could say but im not gna ramble here. instead, take some snippets that i especially enjoyed that i will think about for a long, long time:
A shiver wracks Steve’s body, accompanied by a rough exhale that fills his bedroom—a confession of how much he’s enjoying this by its very nature.
Steve shivers so hard it might as well be a convulsion. Good. The way his words leave no room for argument, for thought, for anything but all this electric embarrassment to fill his veins and circulate throughout his body, polluting him tip to tail. Jesus. He commands all of Steve without being there. It’s heady. He can feel himself being pulled in like a sailor, lonely after months at sea, to a siren.
A moan comes tumbling out of his mouth, humiliated to the point that he feels dizzy. He couldn’t stand and walk straight if he tried, he’d stumble and fall onto his knees. He wants to stumble and fall and have Bucky push his heavy hands into his hair, he wants to feel the cold metal of his rings and the blunt sharpness of his fingernails against his scalp as he grabs and pulls and twists, making sure Steve feels his place.
Steve imagines this is what being a pinata feels like, struck hard enough that it's twirling around its point of suspension, unable to know what’s up or down, left or right, just focused on each hit and when the next one is going to come, then, ah!, all of the sudden spilling its bounty.
i could put the whole fic here but you know. that’d be too long. ill just have to hope what ive said here is enough.
bottom line is that im OBSESSED and i will be taking the pleasure of rereading this fic as soon as i can. thank you so much for sharing!!! lots of love 💗
"Money Magic"
Thank you, lovely <3
I'm so glad to hear that you finished that fic, and, more importantly, that you enjoyed the read so much! You're too kind. Haha, I'm hitting you again with the kink discovery. I think if I can't find a job (a scarily real threat, lmao), I can make a job of that alone 💀💀 I, too, though, am going to be looking for more of it! I haven't found anything else with fin domming in stucky fics, but I would love to!
I'm honored that it's even a possibility that you'd just be into it because of the way I write it <3 Me too!! I love the absolute filth I can write and people not batting an eye, aside from horny reactions that I enjoy very much. Thank you. Plus, even better, so many people have come into my inbox to say depraved, kinky shit. Like. YES. Discover more kinks from me, tell me more about your kinks, and let's explore it all. Not you calling my porn writing art
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(Like, absolutely, porn is art. Art inspires emotion, and horny is a valid emotion. I wholeheartedly believe that and would very readily call lots of other writers erotica art, but hearing that about my own? Wtf. Shits wild)
And calling my blog a haven?! Staaawp. You're too cute and nice, I can't take it
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1) Ah! I'm so glad to hear that 'cause I plan out my fics EXTENSIVELY, lmao, and I try very hard to up myself consistently within my longer, chaptered fics.
2) You are so fucking sweet I am gonna scream. Oh my god!! I love how you pulled quotes from my text! What the hell??? That's so nice!
3) Thank you, thank you, thank you!! I feel like I use a lot of dialog 💀💀 That's probably because I think so hard about my dialog, though, lol. I do care, definitely. I care too much sometimes 😅 but, yeah, I try to always think, okay, but would the character actually ever say or behave like that? Both this AU character, but also the canon character because the AU is, of course, a canon extension/expansion.
Aww, I don't have words (which is saying something for me, haha)! Again, though, I love, love, love that you included snippets that stuck out to you!
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zapsoda · 7 months
zapsoda talks about one song from a musical he hasnt seen for a reaaaaally long time
wishs villain is a tragedy in every way. his song is. bad. (standard for the movie imo) but they way in which it wad bad enraptures me because beyond the writing itself, the performance itself is hollow.
youve heard the cliche, in musicals, characters sing when their emotions are too strong to be conveyed through words. but this guy doesnt seem to be conveying fucking anything.
uhhhhh hes selfish? i think?????? he is so empty and dull and devoid of personality. he just sounds vaguely condescending.
one criticism ive heard a lot is that the (pop) songwriter and producer duo were writing generic marketable pop songs so they would get radio hits like that one track from encanto. and i can fucking see it!!!! the appeal of musicals is how personal the songs are. the appeal of pop music is the opposite! musical songs can be relatable but when they are, its more personal, because they are *always* about very specific situations in stories which can then be applied to the real world.
in the lyrics he talks a lot about what he is? i guessss? (which. cmon guys. show dont tell) but its so fucking vague. does he even mention wishes once???? i thought that was like the whole point of his role in the movie? some shit about wishes? like at that point what is the point of including this song in the movie.
yes, villain songs are typically "i am" songs, but they do far fucking more than just tell you the villains main personality traits, thats something youre supposed to convey through their actions. typically, they are supposed to give you a deeper look into the character!
"poor unfortunate souls" is about how ursula portrays herself as a benevolent do gooder but actually just uses vulnerable people for her own benefit. "be prepared" is about scars evil plot to usurp the throne. "friends on the other side" is about faciliers curse shit.
this song could most accurately be compared to gastons song (is it just called 'gaston'?) but the mob song filled in for what it didnt provide, and "gaston" at least had the decency to be an entertaining and audibly enjoyable experience!
this is none of those. i guess it tells me about the character???? vaguely???? its not entertaining because its boring and repetitive, and it sounds like shit!
whats worse is the villain himself sounds bad. and i checked! chris pine can sing! he was in into the woods! whoever directed him just failed him miserably. i get this very strong impression that the song was not written with him or his character in mind.
back when the movie had just been like. announced. i heard rumors about him being kind of an ableist stereotype of a narcissist and i cannot confirm or deny that (havent seen the movie) based on testimony and what i have observed myself, he doesnt seem to have much of any character, let alone one that is exaggerative or stereotypical. he doesnt even seem to have much of a motive. he just wants whatever is convenient for the plot and does whatever will effectively move the plot along. (from what i fan tell)
for me the tragedy is that he is a disney villain. i love disney villains okay there hasnt been one and a while and he was created to bring that archetype back. hes an evil king! except hes not. hes just some fucking bland empty nobody. and yet the animation in the music video is so lively. its gorgeous. he moves so dramatically, his body language screams personality but his words, his design, and his actions do not.
clearly the people who worked on the movie are extremely skilled in what they do in a vacuum, and yet somehow they came together to make a really lame and boring end product. which i suspect is largely a result of the big faceless execs at the top of it all, wanting to make the safest and most marketable product imaginable. as opposed to, yknow, a work of art.
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wish-i-were-heather · 1 month
okok wait im giving the full story with all the characters. starting last year
so this guy im making up random ass names lets call him jacob. so its the first day of bio last year and i get sat next to jacob and im like oooh hes really cute. but he has a gf so i dont think anything im like oh he's really good looking but im not gonna try anything. ofc i still thought he was cute but i didnt let myself crush on him just because. like idek his gf but from what i heard she was nice. so like whatever i only had a heart attack when we made eye contact and reviewed for the test together
and then we move seats and im sat next to this other kid lets call him liam. and then i get sat next to liam and ive never had any feelings for him hes just some guy. but as we work together and stuff im like oh okay maybe...? AND THEN AND THEN AND THEN
SO WERE DOING A LAB TOGETHER BECAUSE ITS BIOLOGY RIGHT? and were putting stuff in test tubes and idk getting water and other liquid or whatever. and then this is the best part omg. so im at the sink filling up and getting more water to clean it out and he FULLY SAYS MY NAME, LIAM FULLY SAYS MY NAME TO GET MY ATTENTION. HE KNEW MY NAME. NOT JUST MY NAME BUT MY NICKNAME. I ALMOST DIED. and then he asks for my help and i rush over and whatever but O M G.
so uh i was freaking out but then ofc nothing happened between us. i remember later we had spanish together but thats it. i always kept having a crush on liam all year but nothing happened. he was just kinda my crush and it was great but whatever.
but then but then this year ofc i have class with jacob again, and now hes broken up with his girlfriend so...? also i havent seen liam for so long and augh i dont know now that i think about him he's only okay. also my friend told me she saw liam and he doesnt wear glasses anymore??? and me personally i love glasses (jacob also has glasses) and i am very upset abt that
idk i was obsessed with liam for a long time but now that jacob is single im kinda like oh... plus we're partners and we're gonna work together a lot!! send help lmao
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meep--tm · 1 year
ok i know dual destinies highkey kinda sucks in a creative variety of ways but you *have* to play spirit of justice if you haven’t yet because it’s Actually Kind Of An Apollo Game This Time not as much as AA4 but it’s still so much more apollo. and he gets a third backstory that slots in with the other two.
and. it is just very good and apollo has a bigger family and even more parental issues than you think he does and oughhhhh.
dual destinies is worth finishing purely for spirit of justice, in my opinion. ema is back and maya is back and we get to see pearl more and you literally get to convict a god-queen for murder as apollo. apollo goes off the shits and almost dies several times. it’s great.
also it means you get to read one of my friend’s awesome fics where apollo goes even further off the shits and gets trauma
THIS IS VERY INTERESTING TO ME bc ive usually heard it the other way around... as in i should play DD for athena and simon and not worry as much about SOJ... this is a new perspective to me
the plans always been to eventually play both (<- buying the probably horribly expensive port trilogy bc im an apollohead w no principles) but i think what's put me off of SOJ is like. idk the idea of getting more time playing as apollo is great & i like the idea of him having more of a family but you play as him in DD and it felt weird bc he felt kinda ooc & i'd prefer if they expanded on the family he... already has? i want more of him and trucy i want an expansion on his relationship with his mother i want the Reveal yknow. also from so much of what ive seen from the game + what ive seen ppl say about the game i'm really not looking forward to slogging through a ton of xenophobia lol... though apollo convicting a god-queen is such an intriguing sentence uve got me there (another thing im a lil hesitant about is raising the stakes too high idk if i'll like that but i will see... how it's handled...)
THAT BEING SAID I OBVIOUSLY DONT. wanna be too harsh on ppl who genuinely love the game & enjoy it's characters so i do wanna give it a shot. all of my problems with SOJ are real problems but at the end of the day i havent played the dang thing so who knows. also i love nahyuta's design. ALSO YEAH MAYA COMEBACK.... MY POOKIE MY SWEETPEA.
(side note. i have already read a couple of post-SOJ fics bc im silly. and i like reading about apollo doing anything. and i got tired of tiptoeing through the klapollo ao3 tag lol)
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plounce · 2 years
as someone whos played ffxiv for almost 8 years now i gotta say its SO exciting to see youve started playing. i really enjoy seeing you talking about trc and kurofai (unfortunately i know absolutely nothing about xmen so it goes right over my head) and so im excited to see any thoughts you have about the ffxiv story and characters!
HEEHEEHEE. most of my ffxivposting has been in a thread on my twt priv, but after the recent botslaughter im gonna try and move it over here.
im at the beginning of stormblood. here are my thoughts:
as i said previously, in ARR i was very meh on alphinaud. i have a grudge against his ARR va (due to critical role), i was like "WHY are we starting a PARAMILITARY ORG", and i was kind of like hey. im playing a 6ft tall elf lady with a huge axe. you fancy little twerp dont boss me around. the end of ARR was soooo crazy and good though, really kicked the plot into gear for me, and those cutscenes were like WHOA!! OMG THE GUY FROM THE BEGINNING CUTSCENE... and in heavensward he became my little boy. because he basically reversed all the things i didnt really like about him. new VA. constant regret and shame about the crystal braves. and everyone was like awww hahaha youre a nice little boy. and he is. he is a boy. and he's polite. and he got a new outfit that covered his midriff, which i appreciated.
minfillia... im sorry. her VA was so insanely bad. and i never really DID anything with her that made me feel attached to her. she felt very bland and generic. i was like okay cool 👍 see ya. i also think her outfit was so blaaaahhhh like it gave me girl next door final fantasy character, NOT leader of an NGO, which would have been more appealing to me.
y'shtola: one of my mutuals is constantly posting her very cute WoL/yshtola fanart and i thought i would like a bit more than i presently do... i like her! i just feel like she hasnt gotten to do very much that isnt going "hmm.. aether." i think it's delightful that she shares a VA with sera from dragon age. bitches with bangs 4 lesbians
urianger: when i first saw urianger i was aghast. i was like. PEOPLE ARE HORNY FOR THAT THING? but now that ive seen more of his shb/edw outfit im like aha i see. you have gender. you're either like "do not perceiveth me" or "dripping with gold in a lightweight backless gown". i really enjoyed his undercover outfit with the WoD. i don't think he did anything wrong. he was like "yeah i did lie to everyone and help manipulate events to send minfilia to a different data center. i feel absolutely awful about it, i wish my trolley problem principles had not made me deceiveth thou all, i am a horrible villain, pray do not feel compelled to forgive me" and i was like nah youre good 👍 like she isnt DEAD. plus he always tried to help me a little bit when he could. i like his funny voice. i like how in ARR he was voiced by fenris dragonage. take those goggles and hood off again mx tism
tataru: if lalafells didn't look like that. i would be shipping my WoL with her. i think she is so cute and fun and a delight. she is a joy. my girl JUGGLES!!!!! she makes OUTFITS!!!!!!!!! she has A KETTLE WITH A FANCY NAME!!!!!!!!!! and she works so hard. im so glad she got to come with us to ishgard. she is my joy. my light...
thancred: i have heard tell that he really leaves behind his initial lothario characterization, and i really have not seen it in forever, which made ARR thancred perfectly fine to me. i was prepared for him to be much more egregious. i wish i knew him a bit better before he got possessed. i was like oh okay! yeah i guess i havent seen him in a while. which made me sad because i love possession storylines i think they are so juicy. his ponytail and rattee (like a ratstache but a goatee) are funny to me. thancred nakey images were funny. there was a moment towards the end of hvw when he came back and i talked to him in ishgard between convos with nobles and he said stuff that was very commiserating and i was like okay i have decided you and my WoL are complaining friends. sipping the haterade together. i think he's like 5'7". like with alphinaud, the character development in this game has really surprised me with how effective it feels. i look forward to seeing him grimly yet compassionately fail forward even more. and to be a single dad. aforementioned mutual (who i know through klapollo) is into thancred/urianger so im also looking forward to confining them into the yaoi compartment
cid: HE IS MY FRIEND :) i love how he's a short king. i like how he was simply like "fascism and imperialism are bad. i am going to go fight against it by building big airships :)" no qualms no struggle just knew what was right and went and did it. he's like a gay older coworker who you go out for drinks with sometimes and invites you to barbeques. i enjoy him and nero's turbodivorce saga.
alisaie: i completely forgot to do all the bahamut raids in ARR so when she showed up post-hvw i was like oh it's time for the girltwin! and she was like "oh we've worked together already :)" and i was like oh god. we only had one conversation. oops. so far i think she's a delight. i have heard that she's a bit of a lesbo. good for her. love that she gets a sword and she gets to be the mean one of the two twins. i cant wait for her little red jacket. looking forward to more >:)
krile: have not seen much of her so far but i LOVE how she has a cloak with cat ears, so cute. LOVE how she teases alphinaud. im like yes... shared character history... quite fun...
ysayle: I LOVE YOU DRAGON ELSAGARD I LOVE YOUUUUUU BIIIIIIIIITCH... I LOVE YOU I LOVE YOU I LOVE YOU. i love her style. i love her political convictions. i love her gap moe with the moogles. i think my WoL had a crush on her. i think it's messed up that during the scene where the WoL and alphinaud are prying the eyes off of estinien, she touches alphinaud's hand. she should be touching MY HAND!!!!!!!!!!!! all love to haurchefaunt but I BONDED WITH HER.
estinien: i know many people like estinien. every time he spoke a word at ysayle i felt like a barking like her guard dog. DONT YOU SPEAK TO MY GIRL IN THAT TONE YOU BROODYBOY SMELLMAN. SHUT UP. i assume he softens up now that he is retired from All That. i thought his relationship with alphinaud was very sweet - i liked when he taught alphinaud how to gather firewood. i think my WoL only tolerates estinien because alphinaud is so attached.
haurchefant: i was still barely reading dialogue in ARR when he was introduced. so he showed up and was like OMG HI AGAIN BESTIE!!!!!! and i was like oh! that man! one of my friends is gaymarried to him so he's like my gay brother-in-law. i am a lesbian and my WoL is also a lesbian so we were hagging/tyking (dyke tyke) out with each other. the facial animation on the WoL when he croaks was astoundingly good. i call him horsey
aymeric: well he certainly is competent, principled, and nice. one of the more handsome elezen men in the game. i know he's implied playersexual so i really need him to stop inviting me to dinner because i have had conversations with dude friends like that before and it is so painfully awkward. i think it is great that he committed fratricide AND popecide. wahoo!
lyse: i really enjoyed yda. yknow. i thought she was such a fun cockney karate bimbo. i didn't know she was lyse. i've heard about lyse. and how she is conspicuously the only blonde blue-eyed ala mhigan. and how she is a source of some of the collar-tugging politics in stormblood. sigh. so. i am now burdened with her.
raubahn: I LOVE RAUBAHNNNNNNNNNN I LOVE HIMMMM i love how he has a small adult son. i love how he is trying so hard. i love how he is so righteous and hardworking. the misery lolorito and ilberd put him through during hvw made me so mad on his behalf. when lolorito was like "oh, how we laughed at how upset you were!" i was like RAUBAHN. HE IS THE PERFECT HEIGHT FOR YOU TO JUST PUNT ACROSS THE TOWN SQUARE. PUNT HIM RAUBAHN. YOU DESERVE IT. and i love a one-armed king. kurogane swag
lucia: i think she is cool and fun. hahaha dont potentially be in love with aymeric queen youre so hot and cool and butch
moenbryda: i thought she was so fun and cool. i was like cool!! new character!! big funny woman i love it!! and then near bluefog she dished about her childhood a little and i was like... is that a deathflag. and it was :(
okay thats all the npcs i can think to have anything to say about.
i was pleasantly surprised by the way that lalafells are not the lolibait/shotabait i had grimly prepared for them to be. they are just short funny guys for the most part. moving past that, i then got slammed into by the giant brick that says "BEAST TRIBES". i heard that the new writer has made their writing a lot better (apparently the alliance leaders acknowledge that they have been basically been doing genocide on these sentient beings, which is helping me push forward through stuff)! i do their quests really regularly because i like helping them out. i would really love to see someone with more expertise on the subject write about the presentation of indigenous peoples in ffxiv, because i think that there is a lot going on that is vital to critically inspect.
i have to go eat dinner now. but i will try to post more thoughts on here as i have them >:)
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hermanunworthy · 1 year
im a bit late bc i was at work all day but time for ep37 reactions!! i cant believe its already here
- now ive heard everyone talking about the intro i bet its gonna be a rickroll or some shit
- hermie mention in the intro im so calm and cool and chill about this /j
- WILL CAMPOS U ABSOLUTE MADMAN. i already knew he was gonna find a way around using revivify but THAT WAS WILD
- are people gonna start drawing normal w that piece of jewelry now. bc i wanna. i already like drawing him w bracelets
- oh god what is beths fact gonna be.
- "i just keep meeting all the right people at all the wrong times" BETH MAY U ARE EVIL. THE PLOT OF THIS EPISODE HASNT EVEN STARTED AND IM ALREADY EMO
- NICKY BETTER FUCKING SHOW UP im curious to see what they actually decided on for the reason for him not being there last episode
- HERMIE WAS REMEMBERED giggles and kicks my feet
- were getting terris reaction rn i cant believe this is happening
- IM starting to feel sick godddd
- i bet im gonna see art of the lincoln and taylor piggyback ride hehe
- "theres my girl" STFUUUUUU
- "just wake him up" I. HATE. THIS EPSIODE
- "whoooa shit thats fucked up!" anthony burch i know u are just so incredibly pleased w urself.
- there was never a more obvious lie than willy saying hell revive terry
- beth is out for fucking blood this episode. god she is so good at making the audience feel for her characters
- halfway through the episode now. cant wait to see what could possibly go wrong next!!
- i love whenever anthony allows a fun rulebreaking idea to work
- rons status remains a mystery....
- "we could do a whole scene w just hermie and all the other ones" u joke matt but i enjoy every scene w hermie no matter how unnecessary and drawn out
- as always linc and taylor are such a funny iconic duo
- i just realized WE STILL HAVENT SEEN NICKY!!! GODDAMN!!!
- "the gayest fucking mecha of all time" swiftli fans do u like the new ship name /j
- ig i cannot deny it anymore swiftli is practically canon atp
- i thought nicky got all his limbs back?? did anthony just forget
- btw ive probably been waking up my whole house w how hard im laughing over swiftli this episode
- "so what are u gonna do, ur gonna kill me?" as i said before. i hate this episode.
- i just had such a weird thought/prediction. but i will hold my tongue. bc the last time i said something like this it came true and i do not want this to come true
- "i love u and i hate that u made me love u when u are who u are and u knew it." I WISH U COULD SEE MY FUCKING FACE RN. HOLYYY SHIT THATS DEVASTATING
- oh. my. good. lord.
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jeysbvck · 8 months
You know, I get why people are upset, but this is just too much for one day. I know you're probably gonna say that you don't hate Roman or have anything against him as a person, you just don't like his booking and his character. But I'm not just feeling that, I've heard that too many times. What makes the whole sadder for me is that if it was your fave or anyone else in Roman's position, you'd be happy for them and celebrating their accomplishments, and wouldn't appreciate people hating on your fave harassing you for enjoying your fave. Meanwhile, us Roman fans have never been extended that courtesy. We can never have a moment of peace or happiness, because it's just always one thing after another, so much drama and complaining. And I just don't get it. How is that fair? We're just enjoying our favorite wrestler, like all of you enjoy your faves.
if its too much for you, then get off the internet for a while and decompress. if you actually follow me or look at my blog, i love roman. i love the character. i love the bloodline story. i even defended him in the past 24 hours for being part time.
i havent seen anyone hating on roman in this instance. we are complaining about THE ROCK. maybe i follow the right people or whatever, but i haven't seen any hate for roman. how can people be hating on roman when he's going to be at mania no matter what?
and "if this was anyone else you'd be celebrating their accomplishments" the same could be said about cody. if ANYONE ELSE was in codys position right now, everyone would be outraged (see: cm punk in 2013).
i do enjoy my faves, and yano what i do when i see people hating on my fave? i block them😊 the amount of time ive spent today blocking people who have been hating on cody, but what i don't do, is go to someone's blog and whine about how people don't understand my fave, that not everyone else in the world also likes my fave (and let's be honest, 90% of wrestling fans love roman, there's a reason he's been the champion for so long)
again, you mustn't follow me, because i don't hate roman, i do like roman, and i don't care if "you've heard that before" ive posted a lot about liking roman.
cody fans, no not just cody fans, wrestling fans, have every reason to be angry about this booking, and it has nothing to do with roman. NOTHING. its about a guy that hasn't been around for 11 years forcing his way into the mania main event by getting on the board of directors. and i truly think that if the rock gets his way, and he's the one to dethrone roman, all roman fans should be angry at that too. but hey what do i know? as long as it isn't cody, right?
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angstics · 2 years
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a long introspective post because i know with time i will forget this and i want to remember it all.
night of june 30th, technoblade's death was announced. i didnt believe it for a few minutes because i couldnt watch the video (i still havent). but it was true -- he passed away age 23 from cancer he discovered *less than a year* before his death. i keep quiet about how much i liked minecraft youtubers 2020 - 2021 because that turned out to be a DISASTER. but technoblade was one of the shining beacons. genuinely always the best, completely outside of post-death rose-tinted glasses. always.
before that, i was kind of getting into my chemical romance. id known of them my whole life. from dan and phil references to annoying ass g-note jokes to the twenty one pilot's cancer cover. i heard the Big Three hits but couldnt tell you what they were (except for "welcome") before listening to three cheers for the first time at the end of june. i dont know why i decided to start them. i wasnt really into music -- my top albums the last couple years included burnham's inside, starkid's twisted, and falsettos (2016). i wish i remembered better. if listening to them for the first time isnt a core memory, this is:
after 6 months of relative stability, i understandably hit a depressive episode in july. i would lie on my couch into the early morning for no reason. i wasnt trying to distract myself from his death ... there were no thoughts to be distracted from. it isnt a headspace i understand, especially since i never left it.
but for another unknown reason i thought to watch those mcr live shows. mind, at this point id only listened to three cheers. no exaggeration, i was betwitched by their performance. i most vibrantly remember gerard's eyes. crazy fucking eyes.
i'd forgotten cancer was an mcr song. when top released their cover, i listened to the original. i decided i liked twenty one pilots' more. i switched on that when i saw my chem on snl (i didnt watch BPID all the way through til a week later). it's the stripped down song, it's the direct lyrics, it's the crazy eyes. like he's trying to communicate EVERYTHING through his eyes.
the intro to BPID was like that too. when he ripped the hospital dress off and did the ghoul scream. had that feeling when i saw frank perform vampire money in glasgow. just. completely uninhibited. performace to say something truthful. unlike anything ive ever seen. from someone who wasnt very into music or live performance or theatre, much less the mechanics of it, i suddenly understood it all.
that screenshot is an abridged version of my actual search history. this is how it went.
june 26 i watched ->
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side bar, thinking about it now, my interest in pink floyd directly lead to my interest in mcr. early morning july 1st, this is what i was watching (alan parsons project great reccomendation from my friend bink bonk):
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july 2 i was watching videos a friend of techno's publicized to commerate him. the mcr video was in the reccomended tag -- a combo of the live pink floyd video and the im not okay mv. crazy how influenced my life is by where youtube leads me.
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then i saw a LITTLE bit of BPID before seeing my chem in 2022 for the first time. this was just weeks after bonn. i didnt watch the full eden either. but i did watch all of "welcome" at milton keynes, based on the time stamps
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this whole fucking day spent watching mcr videos. reading 2011, zack sang clip frank iero explains reading 2011 drama, mcr iceberg explained, "mcr best perfomance", "mcr best moments", mcr on letterman, mcr snl, "understanding the black parade" (i had not listened to black parade) -- then i left at 4pm. probably to sleep.
july 2nd was The day. i remember while watching these videos a realization hugging me. i knew that i was struck. from july until november, the majority of my conversations had something to do with my chem.
at the very beginning, i texted people about them to gage modern attitudes. growing up, they were adjacent to bands i thought sold out or lost their spark -- panic!, twenty one pilot, fall out boy. as ive said a million times, there is a Reason i didnt get into my chem earlier. just the other day on a SPECIFICALLY EMO SUBREDDIT there were people talking about how they "weren't ashamed to like mcr". where does this shame come from!!!!!! too mainstream for punk, too punk for mainstream. everyone knows this.
well anyway, july 2nd was just the first layer: the performance. july 11 (/early july 12) was another big day. the second layer: gender and sexuality. literally my tags on the first mcr post i reblogged ->
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then i saw the great collection by flockofdoves and. well.
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same day i found out about "i wanna be your joey ramone" and sleater-kinney, though i wouldnt listen to the song for a short while. that's layer 4: branching out to other music.
layer 3 was music appreciation. i listened to each of their albums in full sequentionally (KIND OF since i relistened to bullets 3 times were i only listened to the others in full 2 times max), purposuefully holding off for weeks between each album. i remember the first time i sat down to listen to black parade. i was buzzing at like 12:30 am because id decided that was the night. the end -> dead rocked my whole world. never got the instinct to bang your head around til those songs. the whole album was fucking amazing but something aboout famous last words got to me. id be sitting in the car with my sister and singing the bridge over and over. the perfect string of words -- with words i thought id never speak: awake and unafraid, asleep or dead.
i used to hate live performances because the music sounded worse than the studio version while giving me nothing performance-wise. id never wanted to go to a concert in my life. but not only did they sound GOOD live, it was a whole different experience. an adaptation that added to the experience in ways entirely different to what is lost. like i said, crazy eyes. and smiles like flowers and the audience louder than the amps and movement led by sound and memory. like. like nothing else. you cant understand this unless youre in love -- completely dedicated to it.
sometime in august i discovered they were coming to my town the next month. the first concert i ever wanted to go to. my parents were a nightmare about it the whole month until i got the permission to go. ive said also said this a million times: it was like rapture.
i dont understand why you would want to do anything that doesnt work towards that same feeling. my parents didnt get that feeling and i couldnt go to another show. it's been months and it still drives me insane. it drives me fucking insane. it drives me insane.
so those are the core memories related to my chem that got me here. it's a lot of love. love so big i cant even hold. it's belief. something close to religious. it's a lot of fear too -- fear the feeling will go away, that i'll "wake up", fear that they'll be taken. one reason i dont like music is the feelings i attach to it are so profound that i cant listen to it without feeling what i felt in the past. it's why i limit how much i listen to my chem. that's another fear -- though i attach positive feelings to the band, im engaging in it while depressed. more than engaging, obsessing. i cant focus on much else.
i hope as i get better mentally, this doesnt leave me. i got into it to cope. it showed me another dimension of art and life and emotion. it's a hard thing to navigate. i want the good, healthy parts of this to be my life. i hope i can figure that out. i hope it works out.
july 26 2020, i looked this up:
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i have no memory of this at all.
the night before, i was on a technoblade binge that ended with me watching one of his seminal videos that i remember beat for beat.
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i love technoblade forever. i cant watch his videos right now, but i hope i can someday. i love my chem forever. i hope-
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the-kipsabian · 2 years
i mentioned this before, but the way he compares himself and alex in a competition of who is seen as more underrated. its an interesting concept of comparing the usual popularity but backwards. i know its a character thing for him, but it just sounds interesting to me tbh
the “then i heard the whispers” thing. cause like. whos whispers are those. i guess its just a jab towards the iwc in general, but you know me, i gotta try to make this mean something (especially since i havent seen these comments myself ajsdnjka) and its like. kip obviously has issues on some level (in character) about his selfesteem. so is this also an internal monologue about that? one can only wonder maybe it was the box lbr it was probably the box that thing is poisoning his mind
the part where hes almost offended when he talks about alex knowing what its like to be him. which, understandable, i dont think alex was ever meant to be the golden boy that ended up being discarded. kip takes this SO personally that even people who didnt originally have anything to do with him not being used and pushed properly are now suffering cause of it
“setback after setback, alienated, left in the cold -- forgotten” like. dark order hasnt had a really good run during their time in aew either. but at the same time, this is true tho in comparison - they have never been fully abandoned. promised big things and then been betrayed, yes, but all this? in comparison to kip, no, dark order has had the time of their lives. while you could argue that the rest of the team members had to try to make theirselves relevant to shine from under hangman, much of the same as kip has tried to accomplish while he was out of the ring... yeah
i just kinda realized i never fully learned what he means by “embracing the change”. like its obvious, but he has also always been kind of a vicious bitch by default, so... there is more to this. with all the poetics, mentions of art and story (again, i get the story, but its still a bit lost to me what he means when he talks about art - is this just a reference to wrestling in general being an art form to him? cause thats how ive always taken it so far, but i also always have had a feeling he means something more by this. i guess time will tell)
bonus thought, his smile is still so cute. like he smiles with his entire face, especially with his eyes, and its adorable. also the little twitch the corner of him mouth does whenever he smiles its just so UGH
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islaytonlost · 1 year
The Jigsaw Museum Part 6
TW: There's gore and guns. I warned you.
First Part, Part 5, Part 7
--- Left alone Florence drags her IV up several flights of stairs. The clang of the metal against stone bothered her. These sounds followed her everywhere.
Before needing support to literally just live she’d been fairly light footed. Able to sneak around, break rules and just, be free. Now she had to hope that she wasn’t somewhere she wasn’t meant to be and if she was that no one would be there.
These noises now just followed her, everywhere. She had no choice in the matter they were just there, always there. A constant reminder of her weakness.
Like she didn’t already have several. After only one slight of stairs her body ached, joints screamed. Fuck her body so much. As if she would let it stop her.
She hadn’t let it stop her so far, even if maybe she should. It was just, so much time off work, she felt guilty. They were still paying her for just lying there, stupid.
So she’d come back before she was maybe completely ready, and then agreed to do this for Barton. Why had he even trusted her? She hadn’t done anything to ern that.
It wasn’t like she was bad at her job or anything she just, hadn’t known he noticed her. Maybe he hadn’t. He clearly thought she was capable of waling up long flights of stairs without getting winded.
He was wrong.
As she stopped, she heard it, yelling, and then the bang. She knew that sound. A gun had gone off.
Well, that’s a bad sign. She should move. Moving would be good for someone else’s health.
Lucy followed Lady Addems through a room absolutely pulling apart the Layton family. She had reservations about Layton senior, but Katrielle was lovely and absolutely did care about Alfendi.
She watched, silent, as the tour progressed, as Lady Addems kept repeating how alone Alfendi was, how no partner could ever measure up to his talent and how he figured Justin’s lies out by himself.
They reach the turret opposite the one Alfendi was in. “here is where Justin claims to have yelled at Alfendi not to shoot. Hilda, Alfendi’s partner at the time claims to have seen him here too. The way Justin managed to manipulate the truth without anyone noticing was-“
“I noticed!” Lucy yelled out. Finally unable to keep biting her tongue. Of course, she wasn’t the only one who noticed. Al had too but so much of what she’d done had been overlooked.
“What, some floozy the detective picked up? You think you know what happened?” Lady Addems sneers the crowd glares at Lucy.
“Why are you making such a big deal out of this?” A spectacled man glares up at her.
“Yeah, did anyone you love get killed?”
“Well no but I-“
“Disgraceful, you play no part in this!”
It shouldn’t be shocking. These people were angry and upset and Lady Addems had somehow weaselled her way out of it being her fault, but Lucy had done nothing to prove her innocence.
And she couldn’t.
She’d been omitted from the museum, and this would be her future. People never believing in what she did. She’d never expected credit but being written out entirely hurt.
“Let me deal with this,” the Lady pulls on Lucy’s arm.
Lucy doesn’t resist, eager for an opportunity to confront this woman, “I worked on the case! I were the one trapped in that room, I helped Alfendi! I’ve been by his side this entire time and I caught the real killer!”
Any reason to sight tight had gone out the window. She was going to tear this Lady a new one. Lucy had survived her last trip here against two murderers. She’d survive this.
Murmurs of disagreement follow her out the room, Lucy couldn’t bring herself to care. As soon as they leave the room she turns on the Lady, “How dare you! How dare you never mention me, I worked for him! I solved the case!”
“A case solved years ago by another detective. I’m sorry detective Baker but you really havent done enough,” Lady Addems gazes at Lucy her upper lip curled, “now stop this unsightly display.”
“What more can I do!” It wasn’t a question. Lucy just was done.
“You need to make sacrifices,” Lady Addems’ voice was so suddenly soft, like she wanted to help.
Lucy recoiled in disgust.
“What do you mean? I gave up my social life, missed my birthday! I did things! I gave things up for this job.”
“But it wasn’t for Alfendi,” That pitying soft voice. It made Lucy stop, staring at the woman, this was absurd, “you need to match his sacrifice. You’ll never be worthy of being his partner until you’ve done a fraction of what he’s done.”
That struck a nerve. Watching Al solve cases, catch every convict. Get a confession form everyone. How Fendi possessed similar skill, while not as great as Al’s surpassed hers. It was hard, she was a good cop, but she’d never be as good as him.
“What can I do?” she hadn’t meant to let it slip out but somehow the voice had somehow wormed its way behind her defences. She wasn’t good enough and somehow Lady Addems had known.
“Die,” the woman pulls out a gun.
“What?” A voice from the doorway yelps, the man wore a top hat and spectacles.
The Lady turns. Lucy dives forward, aiming to knock the gun out the woman’s hands but she manages to pull the trigger. The man doesn’t yell out. Instead, there’s just a thud.
Lucy scrambles for the gun, knowing the next bullet was meant for her, unless someone came to help, unless anyone came to help. Her fingers wrap around the barrel but the Lady reaches directly for lucy’s face.
Long, manicured nails reach for her eyes, ready to claw at them. She wasn’t joking. She wanted to kill Lucy.
One hand pointing the gun away form herself the other trues to push the Lady away from her.
It was working.
Lucy was good at hand to hand combat, youngest of four siblings, the others boys she easily got on top of the woman, overpowering her, managing to get her knee over one of the woman’s wrists freeing her hands to fight for the gun.
It only took one movement; one jerk of the wrist and it went off again. A bullet left the gun. Pain spread throughout her abdomen. She couldn’t breathe.
The bullet wound, she needed to cover it, she needed to cover it but the suspect.. the woman… shit, her head was fuzzy. She just needed to keep the blood in.
Waves of agony shoot through her. She didn’t want to move but she needed to cover the bullet hole. She needed to do that/ every movement, every time her hands inched toward the wound a wave of agony shatters her thoughts.
Finally, finally her hand reaches the wound but it hurt too much. She couldn’t press on it the whole thing hurt so bad.
That was when she was thrown back and Lucy couldn’t keep the scream from breaking past her lips, the woman, the one who had shot her stood over Lucy, “this should be enough. Now they’ll remember us both.”
What. It was hard enough to focus on what the woman was saying, let alone figure out what she meant.
“Yes, you as the pathetic assistant who died and me, I will be the person who killed her. I will be immortalised as the killer, the one who tore his life apart again. Alfendi will never forget me!”
It was ridiculous, Lucy knew it was ridiculous, but this was maddening. Maddening that none of this was about her. That her death was just for Alfendi. That on her own she still meant nothing.
Lady Addems kicks her, “that’s for stealing his heart.”
She would find that maddening but instead the foot hit the wound and Lucy saw stars, suddenly she was just desperate to escape her body. She’d do anything to escape her body right now.
Especially as the heel of her shoe pressed into Lucy’s stomach, trying to squeeze the blood out of her.
Lucy should have shut her eyes, seeing the bloody heel come down on her again got her all queasy. A bad mix with everything else that’d been going on.
Another kick left her hunched over eye to eye with the hole in herself. It was so small. It didn’t feel small there was a massive thing inside her, a thing her insides had torn apart to accommodate. She screams as she hits the wall.
The scream echos thoughout the castle, proof od her agony. Finally she had become a feature of the museum.
This time it was ferocious and she was thrown back against the wall. This time she allowed the wave of agony to was her out her body and away to the safety of sleep.
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vanesasengg · 1 year
Goslingnation fanfic number 1
Theres always a popular group in high schools. We had one too. And you know the quiet,loser kid. Thats me,Jack. Im in my senior grade and i have a crush on this guy. You've guessed it. Tyler. The most popular kid in school. I always liked him but he has a hot blond girlfriend. I dont know why i like him. We havent talked even once. But i can feel it in his eyes...His blue eyes...He always looks at me in school. Class, cafeteria, even while im pissing. Does he wants to make fun of me or he actually feels something? I don't know.
I was sitting in my desk then someone throw a paper ball to my head. I looked at it. "Meet me in school gym at 12 p.m. Dont be late." No names. I looked around. Everyone was minding their own business. I hoped it is Tyler and waited for the class end.
12 pm. No one was in the school gym. I decided to wait for a couple minutes. God i swear if this is a prank... Then saw someones silhouette. Amy? Tylers boyfriend Amy.
+Amy what are you doing here?
-Uhm Jack. You are waiting for me actually.
+What? Amy you have a boyfriend.
-I know but he is a dick. I wanted a more quiet guy. I know you like me too. I've seen you look at me
Actually i was looking at Tyler. But i needed someone desperatly and she was one of the hottest girls in school.
+Yeah you've caught me
-So what do you say?
i kissed her without thinking anything. She was surprised. Then she kissed me again. I hold her by her waist. She was holding my face in her hands. I could feel her tongue.
-Okay okay stop. Not in here. See you later Jack.
She walked out of the school gym. I was stand there like 3 minutes then left. I couldnt believe myself. I kissed my crush's girlfriend?
+Marla we need to talk
Marla was my only friend in school
-yeah what happened?
+Amy kissed me
-she did what? you know she is tylers girlfriend.how could you?
+i-i dont know
-i cant belive you Jack.
+ yeah yeah. you are just jealous.
After school i was walking to my house. Tylers house is two blocks away from mine.
-Hey Jack!
he knew my...name?
+ Uh.H-hey Tyler
-You are acting weird. Anyways wanna come over tonight and i dont know do something.
+Y-yeah sure. Is 8 okay?
-Perfect,See you!
What is happening today? Why Tyler and Amy wants to hang out with me? Im probably overthinking...
8 pm. I putt on my jeans and Radiohead shirt. Tyler liked Radiohead.
*knock knock*
+ Hey tyler!
-Hey Jack. Come in.
+Wow you have a nice room.
-Yeah. I liked your shirt
BLUSHED. First compliment he gave to me.
+what did you wanted to do?
-we are boys here. you know what we should do.
what was he talking about
-you were single right?
+ uh yeah why?
-nothing. would you like a drink?
+ uh n- i didnt want him to think im a pussy yeah sure.
he gave me a glass of bear
-how is your life?
+meh. trying to live
i took a sip. *cough* u never drank alcohol
-lets have fun now.
+fun? how
he kissed me. HE.KISSED.ME. what did just happened. my body stopped controlling itself and just stood there.
-heyy! Jack wake up! are you drunk on one sip of beer?
+ im sorry yeah.
-you are fine. get naked.
+ug-h what?
-you've heard me
i didnt know Tyler was someone like that. I knew he was horny but damn. i slowly get naked.
+ Tyler what are we going to do?
-What do you think?
+ i dont know but its something sexual for sure.
he grabbed me by arm and pulled. slowly put his lips on mine.
-open your mouth
i have oppened my mouth. he let his tongue go inside of my mouth.
-sit on my bed
+ okay...whatever you say
he sit on my lap. pushed me to his bed. he smelled like cigarettes. He slowly go inside.
+T-tyler awg
i couldnt breathe.
i moaned
-*giggles*thats enough big boy.
that was it? i got up. i was sweaty. He was breathing heavily.
+What does that mean. I thought you didnt even know me.
-im always looking at you? ive always liked you Jack.
+oh...thats nice
he lit his cigarettes. i coughed again.
-you are too weak. be my boyfriend. let me make you feel alive.
+ ive always wanted to be your boyfriend.uh so what we should do know?
he drank my beer.
-you should stay here tonight.
+yeah if thats okay with you.
-yeah sure
i lay down on his bed.he did the same. we cuddled.
i woke up. 9 a.m. i was late. where is tyler? saw a note on his desk
"you were sleeping so cute. didnt want to wake you up" great. now i missed the school. i get dressed and go to my school.
-Hey Jack!!
+oh hi Amy
shit!i forgot about amy. hey amy yeah i fucked your boyfriend yesterday but no i still love you.
dont lie Jack. you never liked Amy.
+Amy..i dont like you anymore
-Excuse me?
+ive said i dont like you anymore. sorry.
she started crying. eh. getting dumped by schools loser must've broken her ego.
+hey Tyler!
-hey babygirl. you wake up from your beauty sleep huh.
+yeah i did. see you in the class.
i needed to talk to Marla
+marla hey. im sorry about yesterday but you arent going to belive what happened. Tyler and i had sex.he is inlove with me
-You think hes in love with you? you know he is only using you to make Amy Jealous right? Whole school is talking about you and Amy. Tyler saw you two while kissing.
+ what are you talking about?
-talk to tyler.
what was she talking about. i couldnt breathe. was she telling the truth? i needed to talk to tyler.
+Hey you motherfucker!
-Hey hey hey? whats going on?
+ Amy huh? you dont like me back?
-what are you talking about?
+you tried to make amy jealous... i cant belive you
-babe its not what it looks like *tries to kiss*
i pushed him
+dont touch me. defend yourself. what is this whole thing. explain.
-...okay you were right. the reason ive invited you over was making you break up with amy and make me and Amy get back together. but yesterday. i fell inlove with you
my eyes watered. he tried to kiss me. i didnt do anything. he kissed me kissed me and kissed me. nothing.
-Jack please *he started crying* please forgive me.
i was so in love i had to forgive him
+i do
kissed back
happily ever after
0 notes
goremet-chef · 1 year
trying to control my emotions is so difficult man, like i can be honest with myself and lay out the whole truth, but that little voice inside me will always be like "okay, but what if we dont know the whole truth? what if something happened we dont know about and our fear is completely warranted?"
its sad because its not like.. the 'little voice' isnt an alter or something, its just ME. i bring myself so much misery, i feel so ashamed. i cant believe im our host. i bring all of us down, and im not even being dramatic or anything, i genuinely do. im selfish, and my method of coping with reality is to LEAVE it, when someone else fronts im biting my lip waiting to crawl back into front and take me out of here. i stop our social alters from even ATTEMPTING to be social because im too scared of the consequences (even if its just part of life, it rips my soul apart to be rejected, im so tired of being seen as weird)
its honestly kind of impressive, but despite all this fear that ties me down to the floor, i cant i CAN NOT ask if somethings wrong
i cant do it, because thats admitting defeat. thats me saying 'yeah ill be honest im sure nothing has happened on your end, but ive been drowning myself in anxiety and i need validation that my fear is for nothing like how you probably think it is'
i cant keep doing that. i hate being such a piece of work!!!! its never simple with me, everythings always fine until it literally isnt. ive convinced myself my friends, my closest bestest best besties, ALL hate me and ive been so depressed only for them to act completely normal and then i realize oh actually they dont and i was sad for nothing :] okay!
like. i just.
the last time i was ever open about how i was feeling, was when i was in contact with my groomer. i loved him i think, and i felt like i should be open with him, because he was my FP and the amount of crying i did every day was so pathetic
that was when i learned i had bpd and thats why i acted the way i did, and so i tried to be more open about it because i heard that i should and it would be good for my relationships, but all it did was make him tired with me, tired that i was constantly scared and asking if he still liked me
that was a bad time for me, i cant ignore that. being in constant contact with him was basically just giving me trauma every single day. my system was SO active trying to manage the stress, it was bad. i cant just blame myself for how i was acting, because it was a terrible horrible situation that i dont wish on anyone else, but man i wish i did things different
but like?? its like no matter the option i pick, its still the same!!! different outcome but shitty nonetheless
do i open up and tell the people i love that oh actually im really scared and im constantly afraid you dont love me anymore? or do i just. sit with the pain.
if i tell them, best case they tell me 'no dom, we still love you' and thats that, worst case they get annoyed with me, they see me as too much to handle, they pity me because something is clearly wrong with me
if i dont, then i do exactly what i do now, which is just wallowing in self hate and loneliness for 3 whole days, waiting for something thats not gonna happen because i havent fucking COMMUNICATED that i want it
i think technically, being open is the way to go. if i hadnt been stuck in such a shitty situation with a person like BRIAN then i wouldve probably seen better outcome. im open that i have BPD, so people should be aware what theyre getting into. if they stay despite knowing, they care about me, i know this is true. a lot of people book it once they hear you have any sort of cluster-b personality disorder because they immediately assume yr some kind of abuser, so this already is a good thing that i have people open enough to not immediately classify me as one and run
i just get scared like. what if i ask if somethings wrong and something IS wrong?? what if its my fault? id be so ashamed in myself. i dont have enough experience in human interaction to know how to fully like. handle that situation, the unknown outcome is what scares me the most
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katzeschreibt · 3 years
Its Always Been You (albedo x gn!reader)
Albedo seems to have his eyes on someone else, but is that really it?
The request: Hello there, good morning! I hope youre doing well :> I was wondering if you have seen the show Friends before, and if you have, I was wondering if you could do a sort of thing like the episode where Ross and Julie are being lovey-dovey and Rachel's tired of it for Albedo Kazuha and Scaramouche? Thanks!
Response: Hii! Of course, I love Friends! But ill be splitting this into a few different posts, one for each character sense I didnt expect for these fics to be so long °^°
Slight angst to comfort, its not said who Albedo is dating but its a girl, implied that the reader has a crush on Albedo, idk how to spell labritory so i just say lab alot, oh yeah and this takes place in Dragonspine, also i got VERY VERY VERY lazy at the end so the ending is rushed >:7 also not beta read
Hi everyone, thank you for the support on my last fanfic. Dont forget that i am taking requests right now, so dont be afraid to request anything. Just no smut >:/ a masterlist is in the making, so yeah :) have a good day/night everybody! youre probably able to tell who my favorite genshin character is by now, also i think my English got alot better dont you guys think so too?? :)
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Youve really never seen Albedo this social before. Sure he talked time to time, to you at least; you both had to. You worked together. But hes usually only muttered a quick "thank you" or a "hand me ___ please". Even though you both work together, its like youve never heard his voice. The same applies to you though, you dont really talk to him outside of your work so your own voice is pretty much unknown to him.
However, there was always something about him that caught your attention. The way he was so focused on his studies, how he listened carefully every time someone talked— would he do that for you too? Would he put effort into your guys' friendship? The way he would gently pat your shoulder when it was time for the two of you to go home— would he do more than that? Would he want to go further with you?
You'd sometimes be so wrapped up in your own thoughts that you dont even notice Albedo staring right back at you, sometimes a smile on his face or just a blank expression. He knew that you were curious about him. And thats why he finally decided to speak to you a while ago.
"Ive noticed how youve been looking at me lately," He would say im a hushed voice next to you, standing behind you as you sat in your chair in Albedo's small lab. Youve been commissioned to work there a few times— it was like a second workspace. "Is there something that I should know?"
"Oh, yeah." You awkwardly chucked, looking behind yourself to see Albedo staring right back to you. "Uh, ive just been spacing out, thats all."
Albedo hummed in response, his lips twisted in a smirk. "Ive been wanting to know more about you. Its a shame that we arent able to properly cooperate with each other, yet we are forced to work together." You shrugged laughed once again.
"I mean, youve always been so quiet, so..." It then went silent, Albedo was thinking of what to say next.
"Ive only been quiet because you havent spoken." He replied, backing away from the chair. "I think we should speak more. It would be nice to have someone to speak to while I work."
"Ah, yeah. It would be nice."
The conversation awkwardly ended there, as Albedo went back to his table to begin working once more. You, however, wasnt able to finish your assignment. You kept thinking about the recent conversation you both had, which unabled you to get your mind straight. But you did somehow.
But then, as you recalled the past events, you heard the sound of a telephone ringing next to you. You both had a silent yet mutual agreement that, for whatever reason, the lab telephone would stay next to you. You did have the better "formal speaking voice" anyways,
"Y/n L/n, alchemist at the Knights of Favonius— how may I help you?" You spoke, sitting up straight in your seat. Albedo glanced over to you for a brief moment, listening to you speak.
"...The chief alchemist? Um... no, im not— ...oh, Albedo is the one youre looking for? Sure sure, one moment." You looked over to the man sitting near you and pointed at the phone, noticing Albedo already looking at you.
"Sounded like a girl. She was looking for you." You shrugged as Albedo stood up and grabbed the phone from your hands.
"I see. While I take this call, do you think you could finish my project? I have a feeling you'd be able to finish it faster than I can. The notes are on the table." You nodded and made your way over to his table as you heard him begin to speak.
As you finished the project Albedo had started, you recalled your guys' previous discussions over the past few weeks. You remembered a specific conversation you both had not too long ago, something about your love life.
"Hey Albedo," You called, the man in question turning to face you. "I have a question for you."
"Hm? What is it?" You were a bit nervous, it didnt feel like the right time to ask something like this but you really wanted to know.
"...Do you like anybody? Or, do you have a crush on anyone? Are you even single?" You blurted out, staring straight into his eyes. His eyes widened before he began to chuckle at your question.
"Oh my, is there a reason for asking me this?" He asked, laughter still in his voice. "Mmm, I do like someone. We arent... very close, but talking to them makes me feel something... why do you ask?"
It was your turn to widen your eyes, you felt your face heat up at his answer. "Nothing—! I just, you know, youre so quiet so I was curious if you were in a relationship." You pursed your lips and squinted. "Who do you like?"
"...I cant tell you at the moment. Im afraid you might tell them," He smiled and shook his hesd. "Now, if thats all you had to inquire me about then I suppose I'll get back to work."
Thats right, he liked someone. Someone who he isnt very close with— you, perhaps? That would be great if it was you. It would mean that you both had mutual feelings.
However, as you were lost in your daydreams, you heard laughter coming from Albedo. You turned towards him, seeing a slight tint of redness on his face.
"You really didnt have to do that, darling. I didnt— ...Youre too amusing. I'll see you soon, then. ...Alright, I love you. Goodbye."
Your eyes widened in shock at what you heard. But when you were about to ask yourself another question, Albedo continued.
"Hm, I love you more. ...No, I love you more. ...Yes, I do— No, I love you more. ...Fine then, we can both hang up at the same time." He wore a smile on his face througout the call, you noticed. "Alright, three... two... one...— You didnt even hang up. ...Well, youre right. Okay okay I have to get back to work now, I'll talk later. ...Alright, goodbye now darling."
You quickly turned back around, finishing Albedo's project for him as he hung up the phone and walked over to you.
"Have you finished yet?" He asked, placing his hand on the chair. You shook your head, not looking up at him.
"Almost." Is all you said. Albedo hummed, watching you tinker with different mixtures and what not, until you finally got the elixir that Albedo couldnt make.
"Ah, you did it. I knew you could do it." He smiled as you stood up and shrugged.
"It wasnt hard." You said, walking back to your own seat. Albedo watched you leave, usually you would attempt to talk to him more but he noticed that you were... rather quick to end your conversation.
The next few days went on slowly, you were devestated at the fact that he already had a girlfriend it seemed, and that you now had to deal with the burden of hearing how romantic he was with her.
You usually got calls every day now from the same girl— you didint know her but its not like you wanted to either. She sounded very sweet though.
As you got another call, you sighed as you picked up the phone. "Y/n, Knights of Favonius. What do you want?" You sluggishly asked, catching Albedos attention. You werent usually this improper when answering calls, but you seemed as if you were annoyed. Well it would make sense, youve been hearing the same womans voice over the past 6 days over and over again.
"...Mhm, okay. ...Uh-huh, I know who you wanna talk to." You rolled your eyes and pointed at the phone, standing up and the alchemist walked over to you.
"Do you think you can—" Albedo began, but you shook your head.
"Im going out for a while." You quickly cut him off, hurrying out the door. You were tired of hearing how romantic those two were; Albedo and the girl. It felt like he was mocking you at the fact that your crush was in a stable and amazing relationship that you couldnt have.
It was tiring having to find a way to get rid of your crush.
A few minutes later, after just sitting outside and getting some fresh air, you heard Albedos voice.
"Y/n, I expected you to be far from the lab." He said, coming up next to you and sitting down. "Is everything alright? You seem irritated."
"Mhm, everythings okay." You said, looking away from him. "Im fine, dont worry."
"Did I do something to make you feel this way?" He asked, putting a hand on your shoulder. Your eyes widened for a moment before you auickly brushed his hand off.
"Im fine, I said. Just go back and work, ill be there in a second." You frowned, still not facing him. You could hear him sigh as he stood up, beginning to walk back into the lab.
"...Please let me know if I can do anything to help you."
A few minutes passed and you finally decided to come back into the lab, noticing that Albedo was talking on the phone once again. Thats when you began to think, maybe it was better to just begin working somewhere else. It was bothersome and heartbreaking to hear how lovey-dovey Albedo was with this new girlfriend of his, and it hurt your heart everytime because you still felt something towards him.
So the next day, when you had finally got the green light from Master Jean to move labritories, Albedo was very, very confused.
He came in early in the morning, expecting to be the first one there until he saw you putting your items from your desk into boxes.
"Oh, are we moving areas?" He asked, expecting an answer from you. But instead, you stayed silent, continuing to pack everything up. He walked over to you, standing in front of you now. "Y/n? Are we going to a new lab? I could help pack up my things,"
"No, youre not." You spoke in a bitter tone. "Dont worry about what I do, you should maybe go talk to that girlfriend of yours and tell her how in love you are with her." The alchemist furrowed his eyebrows and crossed his arms.
"Really now, this is what this is about? Youre leaving because you found out that Im dating someone?" He chuckled. "Did you even get permission from Master Jean?"
"Mhm, I did." You finally looked up at him, a glare in your eyes. "But why does it matter to you?"
"Because we work together...? I cant work alone in here."
"Then why dont you invite your girlfriend over? That way she wont have to be a bother to me and you will have some company." You walked past him and to the door, placing down the box in your hands.
"Seriously. Youre moving to a different workstation because Im in a relationship? This is what thats about?" His voice began to raise. "I understand that youre... jealous, perhaps, but that doesnt mean we arent partners anymore."
"I never said that. We can continue to be partners, sure, but I just cant do this anymore. Im tired of it, of hearing her voice ask for you everyday."
"And why is that?"
"Because I like you, Albedo. And its just really hurting me to hear you both talk to each other like that." You sighed, it felt good to finally get it out of your system but you saw Albedo's eyes widen.
"...Huh?" He said, taking a step back. "You like me? I never expected that..."
"...Really now?" You shook your head. "Bye, I'll come by later to drop off some papers."
And with that, you left.
Even though you both didnt have a "friendship", it was still sad to see your empty desk in the labritory. Albedo barely even talked to his girlfriend in that lovely voice anymore, for some reason he just felt like it wasnt what he truly felt. So thats why he was running down the mountain in Dragonspine, running towards your own lab all the way in Mondstadt.
As he finally reached your lab, he quickly knocked on the door, out of breath. He saw you open the door, a shocked expression on your face.
"Albedo— what are you doing here?" You asked, your eyes wide and your feet shuffling.
"I wanted to apologize... I missed talking to you so much. Its out of character for me, i know, but... even though we never talked a lot, i want to talk to you, i want to become friends with you, and maybe even more. So please, come back to Dragonspine..." He quickly said, gazing straight into your eyes.
"But— your girlfriend?" He shook his head.
"I'll sort that out with her. I like you too, Y/n. We havent really spoken to each other, but I feel... an attraction to you that I cant understand why."
You processed his words for a quick moment before nodding. "Sure, I'll come back with you."
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i hate this so much omfg anyways im too lazy to write fanfiction :'0
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omegasmileyface · 2 years
ok im gonna put this in a seperate post so hopefully i can keep getting responses but I THINK, from what ive seen, that
a lot of people's perception of tenma's narrative purpose is fixed around him being a father. as in he's there to represent a failed, or imperfect, or distant father figure for atom. perhaps to contrast with ochanomizu.
(now bear in mind what im about to say is based off the 50s/60s and 80s series since those are the ones tezuka was directly involved with, and ive never seen the 60s anime or the japanese dub of the 80s anime. i have, however, read all of the original and 80s manga that are translated in the omnibus collection, and seen all of the 80s english dub that's available on tubi)
i personally always got the vibe that tezuka's intention with him had very little to do with him being a father. i mean obviously he is a father, and that's very important to the relationship he has to the creation of atom, but i think that part of his character- and most of his character to begin with- is pretty contained within origin story territory. he's an inciting character. (i saw a response on that post which said much the same thing btw!) if anything his fatherhood is important with respect to tobio. he makes atom, and raises him, because he wants to be a good father to tobio by "keeping him alive" after he died from his gift. (who the fuck gives a car to an 8 year old.) when he was treating atom as a kid, he had no intention of making himself into atom's father so much as making atom into his son. which, like, while it's a shitty thing for a father to do, it is a perfectly valid relationship for a character to have with fatherhood. I would say that at this point he's a (bad) father character. but by the time he sells atom to the circus, he doesn't care anymore. when he notices that atom isn't growing, he doesn't try to make him grow (presumably he'd be able to do that, or at least try! he did design the kid after all.) like a demanding, idealistic father, he instead just kicks him out and calls him a robot freak. he does NOT see atom as his son, not by this point. atom was not, to him, a bad son he was trying to turn into a son, he was a not-son he was trying to turn into a son, and he didn't pass the test. now he's just a freak. hoshie's atached, but tenma doesn't give a shit anymore. the robot he made didn't do its job, which was to masquerade as his son. now, for a while atom does see tenma as his father who abandoned him, but by the time ochanomizu rescues him from the circus, he's over it. tenma was just a period of his life, much like hamegg, and now he's moving on to a new one where he gets to go to school and hang out with funny old men.
it's worth mentioning the (english dub of the) 80s series (from what ive heard the japanese version is a little different? but i havent seen it yet) in which tenma does the same deal of trying to fit atom into being the perfect son, but when atom gets stolen (he's not sold in this one!) tenma is seen, deeply distressed and at least a little sorry, looking for him. but then, even when atom becomes sort of a public figure, tenma is never seen again. and atom doesn't mention him again (unless he does in the finale atlas episodes?? i dont remember that but it could have happened and i cANT CHECK BC THEY TOOK IT OFF TUBI AND I HAVE YET TO GET IT SOMEWHERE ELSE sobbing.)
but back to the manga, the vast majority of astro boy comics don't even mention tenma. they take place after, and do not call back to, his period of pretending atom was tobio. there are only a few comics where tenma makes a return (the blue knight saga, the greatest robot on earth, and that one with the bunny come to mind) and he generally says nothing about atom that implies he thinks of him as a son. barely even as a creation, really, mostly just some kid he knows. he tends to show up wearing sunglasses, when asked where he's been claimed to have denounced the world, offer some help (repairs, upgrades, etc) to atom and then leave. he might spy on him too but enh when asked, in the greatest robot, whether he wants to stay and meet uran and ochan, he denies the offer, insisting he still doesn't want a settled, public presence. he disappears back into the ether. atom sometimes shows signs of having missed him and being excited to see him again, but accepting how brief it is and the life he has now, kind of like you might get excited to see an uncle you don't hear from for a few years at a time.
the exception is the blue knight saga, in which he's treated way more as a villain than as a neutral backstory/cameo character. he's approached as "the one man who could repair atom from this... doctor tenma." and then he like tortures a guy to force him to use his time travel ability for his own gain (he also kills his future self i think. classic tenma move) and also, the main thing here, tries to take atom back and make him do evil for him. it backfires, and evil atom doesnt give a shit about tenma any more than he gives a shit about any other human (did... did tenma forget he's human?), but tenma's goal was control. i don't know if id call this a fatherhood plot. his main intention was, rather than treating atom as a son, to have atom under his power. again, while shitty parenting, not an invalid relationship for a character to have with fatherhood (cough cough vlad masters cough), but iirc it's sort of unclear whether his intention is to be a shitty father or to be the owner of a weapon. maybe both.
(the blue knight depiction of tenma is almost certainly the main inspiration for his role in the 2003 series. it perfectly reflects the "king of robots" plot, and his intention via shadow of having control over that king. the 03 series takes this version of tenma, where he's literally evil and wants atom under his thumb, and spreads it out so it's present throughout the whole series, rather than just this one plot out of many, and then adds an emotional angle of his relationship with tobio's death, and thus fatherhood, for the sake of adding complexity to his character)
and i think the 03 series and the way it uses this as a constant is the reason so many people see tenma's role as that of a (bad) father. in the 03 series he has SO MUCH more presence, and he absolutely is a father in that series. if you asked 03 atom about tenma he'd be like "tenma! my father! he's always trying to take me back in as his son but he doesn't realize that things have changed since tobio..." or whatever and if you asked 50s he'd be like "oh, my creator? he tried to raise me like his son once but that didn't work out. i see him from time to time but he seems to be up to his own stuff now." he's like morally-grey hamegg. like skunk but with a single failed adoption plot. (here's the tldr) and since so many current astro boy fans like the 2003 show as their main media, i can see why this concept would permeate down to the base idea of tenma in general. i fucking love the 2003 show! and i love what they did with tenma's character. but i feel like it's important to note that, with the exception of the blue knight arc, he is a wildly different character in that reboot than osamu tezuka wrote him to be. i feel like it's important to keep tezuka's message in mind, which from my understanding was a lot more personal/familial in his original work than in later reboots, and was more regarding the wider everyday trials and tribulations of trying to get organic and artificial life to get along.
ps id also like to mention the relationship between tenma and ochan. ochan also doesnt really care about tenma in the original works, and really only knows him as "that crazy minister before me who spent the whole budget on this good boy and then left him to rot". tenma only knows ochan as the guy who replaced him. i feel like a:tb's influence may have helped tenma feel more important (this time with regards to ochanomizu) than he might really be
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