#ive done this too many times 😩
raksh-writes · 2 years
Finally finished editing that months-old post-canon VP fic, omgg 😩 Hopefully I can write my rambling notes tomorrow and post it too! That'd be nice.
And now gotta go and try to get some sleep, wish me luck 😪
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maddy-ferguson · 9 months
not many fans of a ship can say they've been serviced like stydia fans were serviced
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pallases · 2 years
i have been drawing for hours.
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libra-stellium · 4 months
Saturn conjunct Ascendant
As a 14 degree Pisces rising this was March 12, 2024 to May 8, 2024.
"Bitch wtf is going on????" - me the entire 57 days and it's coming back around in early 2025
Notes from Saturn in Transit - Erin Sullivan
Saturn over the ascendant can be experienced as an extremely dramatic shift from "who you used to be" to "who you will be" but with a rather traumatic period of uncertainty while the no longer useful persona is sloughed off
It’s been a weird timeeeeeee like there’s some things i'm like so excited about that are a “new me” and then there’s some other stuff I’m like 💀💀💀 about and I’m gonna pretend like nothing is happening for a while longer bc this feels like too much change at once 🥲 maybe in 2025 lol my mind has been going nonstop!
The thresholding that is experienced during this time can be a shock to someone who has strongly identified with or has been identified with a particular and definite image
lol I literally introduced myself as an astrologer to someone the other day bc they mentioned astro and me being an attorney never came up and it honestly felt nice 😩 yeah my entire schooling revolved around becoming an attorney but like it doesn’t "feel" like I succeeded at it lmfao and I’m honestly not putting a lot of effort into making it feel like success either so 🙃
Understanding this necessary loss of personal identification greatly reduces stress and allows a more conscious transition into the new self image. The struggle is all about coming to terms with unconscious material in the conscious mind and vice versa
I think so much is happening in my unconscious mind bc I usually remember most of my dreams in complete detail and the last two weeks at least I know I’ve had very longgg detailed dreams but when I wake up I can’t remember it in the part of my brain that can say it into words lol I feel like I’m missing out on messages!
Saturn brings to the ascendant all the manifest experiences and control issues that have dominated the last 14 year extraverted cycle during which the individual learned how to be present and accountable in the conscious world or accomplishments, deeds, and collective goals
"I'm giving myself goals because I don't know what to do with myself if I'm not accomplishing anything." - Me in 2021 a year after getting my law degree lol I feel like it encompasses this whole thing! During this transit I wrote a list of personal goals and they're not outward things like graduation they're more like be consistent with skin care lol the other day I told my aunt I just relaxed and I didn't do anything and she was like if you're so boring why don't you go on a walk and i was like??? I didn't say that?? lol made me not want to say anything else!!
Symbolic of a descent into oneself
When I first read this I was like oooh seems zen 🧘🏾‍♀️ IT WAS NOT ZEN IVE BEEN IN THE TRENCHES!! It feels like too much pressure to know and be like "this is who I am" i just want to be a pisces rising whose personality changes whenever
Notes from Planets in Transit - Robert Hand
You will try to eliminate everything in your life that is not necessary to fulfilling responsibilities
I didn’t do many things just for fun during this time everything had a purpose. I did finish reading two books unfinished from last year and it was in an attempt to spend less time watching videos which worked!
You will become more complex and simpler at the same time
Idkkkk I’m not sure I understand what this even means
You are finishing up tasks going into a 5-8 year period of relatively quiet preparation for a new beginning
I feel like I’ll see this more in 2025 bc right now I don’t really have anything started that needed to be finished lol
You may have less freedom of movement than usual because of the pressure of circumstances and the need to get things done
A week into this I made happy hour plans and I was going to leave work extra early bc I had nothing to do and I got an assignment literally 2 hours before I was going to go! I did finish in 2 hours and went to HH but it was stressful lol
You may have to exert more effort at work in order to get the job done
For real the last month I actually had so much more work at work than usual I was working a full 8 hour day sometimes 😭 usually I have like maybe 8 hours of work a week!
Your superiors may give you even more responsibility than you would choose to have
Facts! The last few days I’ve been essentially training this girl at work and the last day of this transit I finished lol seemed fitting
Do not start out on a completely new project because in a few years you may find that you do not have the material or psychological resources to complete it
This makes me feel like it should be about something big 😂 I have not started any projects lol I did apply to a few jobs but none of them even responded to reject me so that was also unintentionally not started
Good relationships will not suffer but bad ones will break up completely
I feel like Saturn in aqua in my 12H took care of most of the bad relationships already lol so this was fine
You are withdrawing from everything in your life that is in the way of your development during the next few years
Yeah I’ve been more annoyed than usual at people around me who are making the choice to struggle just bc they don’t want to try something new 😩 it’s been making me feel like I can’t be as close to them like it’s contagious 😂
Avoid building a wall between yourself and others because they are important to you now that you are excluding those who do not belong
Yes I’ve been making it a point to actually say yes to events lol but it's hard to keep in contact with people for some reason! I forget to or think that less time has passed and then I check messages and it's been weeks!
This is a productive time
I did get a lot done! I cooked a lot of meals, I washed all my bedding that’s been sitting there since end of last year, I cleaned my fish tank, I cleaned the mildew off my bathroom walls, I put a lot of my clothes away, my recycling pile is way down, I built a storage shelf thing for under my desk, I sewed a skirt, I read and wrote a lot
Follow through on the tasks that need to be done and get your life in shape for the next phase of preparation
I’ve been intentional about this! I made a list of things I want to get out of my saturn return in my 1H and one of those things is clear skin so I’ve been consistent with the routine like actually tracking it on the calendar! Losing weight was another on that list and the last two months I was just focusing on food like getting back into cooking and the last almost 3 weeks I’ve been tracking all my food and even using a food scale. On the last day of this transit I signed up for the gym!
Overall I would give this transit 6/10 😂 the mental anguish was toooo much Omggg I hope it’s easier in 2025 and after that I’m glad I don’t have to deal with this for another 30 years
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vendetta-if · 2 years
What songs do you associate with the general feel/theme of the game, with characters and MC/certain types of MC? Do you maybe have a playlist? Quite curious about this. Like for example for some reason I associate Imagine Dragons - Bones with MC (yeah I know a lot of people hate this band, but some of their song are decent). This song got a little bit of feeling of restlessness and one line fits well - 'walking the path so many paced a million times'. Or nothing is safe by clipping. for obvious reasons fits the general theme/Morozov family, especially the tragedy with Viktor and etc. Dunno will you agree, but nevertheless I'm curious to see your song association (no explanation needed if you don't want to)
Ooh, just heard the song and it's good! They might be a guilty-pleasure band, but I actually like quite a number of their songs, especially their older ones, the album that also contained Radioactive and Demons (I actually don't know the name of the album 😅). Somehow, I also get the vibe of Vengeful MC from the song.
Also, I'm glad you're interested in the music I associated with the world because I love associating songs I listen to characters and stuff! And because of that, this post might be a little long 😂
As for your question about playlists, yes! I do have those. Right now, I have ones for MC, Luka, and Ash (although Ash's is still Work-in-Progress). I'll add more songs into them over time as I discover more songs that fit, or just old songs in my playlists that I rediscover (I have like close to 1.5K songs in total 😆).
I listened to a lot of songs while writing and depends on what kind of scenes I'm writing. When I need to write sad and emotional scenes, I listen to sad and melancholic instrumental music. But if I need to write brutal action scenes like the ones in Chapter 3, I put on aggressive Phonk songs 😂
For MC's playlist, I tried to fit as many different variations of MC, but I think most of them are fitting for Vengeful MCs in general. Some are also perfect for Ruthless MCs as well. Some of them have fitting lyrics, some just fit the vibes I am picturing.
For example: [Venger by Perturbator] and [Dead Man Walking by WAR*HALL] are really fitting for Vengeful MCs because of the lyrics. [I Chose Violence by iamjakehill] and [vendetta! by Sadfriendd] are fitting for Ruthless and more unhinged MCs mostly because of the aggressive vibes of the songs.
For Luka, it's more of songs that fit his vibes and songs that he will definitely listen to while driving 😁 He loves Electronic music, especially those with heavy basses and Phonk music in general too.
This one's for Ash. There are fewer songs in it because I'm actually still not really done with it (Haven't even made the playlist cover 😅). But the songs there are those whose lyrics I think fit Ash, or songs that they would listen to.
As a bonus, I'll also share two songs that I think fit The Killer 😉
Enemy - Imagine Dragons x J.I.D
Good in Red - The Midnight
For the Morozov Family, I immediately think of the theme song for GTA IV (still the best GTA theme song imo 😆) It sounds kinda solemn and melancholic, especially the violins in 2:42 😩Feels kinda fitting for all the deaths and tragedies that the family has gone through.
For the Aikawa Family, I think this song kinda fits, doesn't it? The beat just goes hard 😁
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mainprotagonist · 2 months
💚 🥀 🍄 🥵 😴 🛩 >:)
💚 Whats your favorite color?
Green!! I love all shades of green but the darker shades are really nice...
🥀 Favorite animated movie?
oh no ive never abt this.... i dont think ive watch many recently and none come to mind.... tbh probably megamind actually thats a real good one
🍄 Do you have/want any piercings?
currently i have my eyebrow, lobes, tongue and septum pierced! i havent gotten around to it but id love a second set of lobes, a bridge, snake bites, nipples and an industrial done... maybe more??? but for rn those are the dream
🥵 Would you rather be too hot or too cold?
honestly id prefer to be too hot, i hate the feeling of the cold on my face and feeling like its gonna burn off if im in the cold for too long 😩😩
😴 Whats the longest you've ever gone without sleep?
i have what the doctors call Too Good At Sleep if i lay down for a long enough amount of time i will be out.... I think the longest would be somewhere over 12hrs but never around 24hrs even if i dont account for naps
🛩️ If traveling was free, where's the first place you'd go?
listen it would for sure be japan.... this is just an obvious fact... i know its just tourist brain but even the mundane there would be interesting 😭
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ssamorganhotchner · 2 years
Hi Morgan!! Happy Sunday ♡ I'm dying to talk about Hotch's voice today for some reason. Its deep and captivating, his voice instantly demands authority and its somehow still the most comforting thing about him. Its even and has a soft and smooth quality (kind of like warm butter if that makes sense), in contrast to his moans we heard in S4E2 where I think a bullet grazed his ear IIRC, those sounds were raw, almost animalistic. Okay I'm done now 😇
hi friend <333 !! i’m so sorry i didn’t answer this sooner! i was at work all day yesterday (& unfortunately work today too 😩) 👀
it really is the hottest, most soothing thing i’ve ever heard. I am always down to talk about his voice 😩🦋🦋 i love how he’s demanding, dominate, and everyone automatically pays attention when he’s talking (especially when he’s angry at a detective).. but yet he does it without yelling?? he just talks and everyone’s like “😳😳 yes sir” but but but then he goes from that to talking to children & the victims & it makes me scream bc hakskfhskdkfh ITS SO HOT. he’s so gentle and talks so softly to them. he’s so supportive of them and i just- i don’t have the words.
you’re exactly right. his voice is smooth as butter and like liquid when he talks. honestly, it’s so soothing to me that ive been binge watching cm with @ssa-hotchnershoney & I’ve fallen asleep more times than i can count 🥲🤣 not on purpose, he’s just super comforting.
also there’s a video on YouTube of thomas gibson reading a script (it’s like 30min long) & i’ve also used that to fall asleep many times. ❤️ it’s so comforting and sexy all at the same time. i’ve never heard anything like it. AND WHEN HE LAUGHS??? 😭😭🥺 it’s so high pitched and so cute. i can’t explain it because both his laugh and his voice are the hottest yet sweetest sounds I’ve ever heard. 😭💕
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dollwrites · 11 months
I saw you posted about getting all the kings 😩😩 I’m envious of ur luck! I kept trying and haven’t been able to obtain them yet. I got a fellow named Morax yesterday on my morning pull. Every time I get a new character I try them out. Ronové in my opinion is a great healer he’s on my perma roster. I haven’t done today’s morning pull yet rip -mammon anon
OMG MORAX IVE BEEN TRYING TO GET HIM he’s really sweet he’s texted me a couple of times :( I wanna know what his gameplay is like. I’ve been using all the kings and then Paimon for range ( he’s really fun I love how bloodlusty he is )
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And I was using Phenix as just like a berserker kind of to slice up all the little enemies so my tanks could focus on the bosses
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BUT I think I’m going to switch Phenix out and add Marbas to my permanent roster as my resident healer hehehe he’s super useful
Along with rono I also got
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Sitri is in the first part of the story so I knew him but dantalian looks like a little bitch KAKSKS HE REMINDS ME OF LIKE SCARA FROM GENSHIN OR SOMETHING he just has that cunty air about him.
I just pull a lot, that’s all! And I saved soo many red keys and when you pull in the GET HIM gacha you’re more likely to pull high grade characters and the kings! Also, you can sell your artifacts for pancakes and buy 30 red keys a day with those ;3 SO KEEP THAT IN MIND TOO
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When I tell you I've watched this movie so many times that now I can play it all in my head from start to finish, I'm not even joking. (I love these two goofballs a normal amount I promise)
Speaking of which, I have to talk about lem, we'd be so annoying together, having inside jokes and knowing looks (def the type to start laughing in a serious situation if we were to make eye contact). We both have that chaotic energy while tan is so done with us.
Anyways, wife privilege!! We're the only one who can give him an attitude, roll our eyes at him and get away with it.  (That doesn't mean he won't do something else about it)
I like how, despite being a dangerous and feared man, The White Death was so loyal to his wife (The Wolf too) so you can't tell me tan won't be the same.
Also this: Ladybug, to Maria about Tan and wife!reader: This couple is fighting in front of me and the guy is holding two ice creams so the girl can move her hands around while arguing
I feel bad because I think I have too many requests saved already (it's like 3 or 4) and I'm having trouble deciding which one not to send. 💺 anon
when it came out I watched it in the cinema 3 times in under 2 weeks. ive still been meaning to watch it again😩 I will soon !!
he’d be the bestest person to talk to. he def laughs when he shouldn’t
wife privilege for sure!! no one else can ‘talk back’
ugh ik I love that!! like they both had their special person🥲 however fate doesn’t look so great for his wife ... considering they both died (oopsies)
lmao no worries!! pick your two absolute faves (save the others for next time) as I wanna be able to have space to write other people’s asks. but keep your other ones jotted down <3
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morewyckedthanyou · 2 years
I was tagged by @lovelesscherub, thank you soooo much, I love to be tagged 💖 (even if I don't always answer these because I forget or don't feel motivated at the time ).
favourite colour(s): Green (especially emerald green but all shades, really) and also yellow and orange. 💚💛🧡
favourite flavour(s): I have a sweet tooth, so if it's something is sweet... yes please. But also, I like savoury things too, and things that are a bit spicy a well. And garlic in anything usually works great! 😋
favourite genre(s): Whether we're talking about movies, tv or literature, I mostly prefer horror, sci-fi and fantasy. Oh, and mysteries (whether it's crime or something supernatural).
favorite music: I lean towards metal more than anything, but I actually also like a lot of different types of rock (especially if it was made 'in the old days', so in like... 50's to 90's) and pop as well.
favourite movie(s): So damn many tbh! But I will try to list at least some favourites that come to mind immediately. Here we go: Alien, Brokeback Mountain, Pacific Rim, Titanic, Flatliners (1990), Back to the Future-trilogy, Star Wars episodes IV-VII (but especially The Empire Strikes Back and The Force Awakens - the latter had so much potential ok!), Mamma Mia!, The Blair Witch Project, The Rocky Horror Picture Show, Jurassic Park, Crimson Peak, IT 1990 (which is technically a miniseries but I think of it as a movie so), The Faculty, Thelma and Louise, Girl Interrupted, Stardust, Pitkä Kuuma Kesä, Spirited Away, Young Guns 1 & 2, Monty Python's Life of Brian, The LotR-trilogy, Hot Fuzz, Sinister, Maurice, The Breakfast Club, Kingsman 1 & 2...
favourite series: I don't watch a lot of tv (other than true crime "docuseries" sometimes) because I can't concentrate on following a plot that goes on and on most of the time but here are some favourites I've enjoyed in the past: Twin Peaks, The X-Files (seasons 1-7), Mash, Black Books, Doctor Who (the new series seasons 1-4), Spaced, Good Omens... Also I guess I should say Cobra Kai, not because I think it's particular good but because I just love the karate dads so much.
last song: GOSSIP by Måneskin
last series: Probably some true crime murder-series, I honestly can't remember, haven't even opened my tv in like a week or so
last movie: Can't remember if I've watched anything else in full since I watched Big Eden (2000) a few weeks ago.
currently reading: I wish I was reading an actual book because that's what I want to do more this year... But nah, I have started some but none could hold my interest more than a couple pages. 😩 I am however rereading a very good Cobra Kai fanfic feat. Daniel/Johnny/Amanda written by my very talented tumblr mutual and once I've finished reading I will leave a loooong comment because it looks like last time I was dumb and didn't comment at all and I am disappointed in myself.
currently working on: Writing letters to my penpals. Also trying to work on having a proper rhythm in my days even now that I'm unemployed and have nowhere to be during days. It's going alright I think. I should also try to work on my anxiety which has been quite bad lately.
I will tag: @catzy88 @disdaidal @icanhasnaow @leyley09 @an-sceal @ashyyboyy @dull-c @valastaja @marley-manson and @vonderbarr But if you have already done this recently or just don't feel like answering then no pressure! ❤️
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missmaywemeetagain · 2 years
hiiii! i’ll be reacting to 17 & 18.1 so i’m sorry & pls excuse me if this is a lot LOL
you jumped RIGHT into it i see!!! & let me just say..i nearly DIED!! YOU ARE OUT OF YOUR MIND!!! i swear i could’ve passed out right w her😂😂😂 elvis saying that’s not normal like what he’s doing to her is?! PLS!!! the way he ordered all her fave foods, it’s the little stuff that shows how he feel🥹 the flashback?? i understand the craziness of the situation but all i can think about is how elvis is ALWAYS there. every. single. time. we LOVE him. the TENSION & the ANXIETY i was feeling when she was up at the lil get together?! the DISGUST when jack kept pushing up on her?! everytime he calls her treasure i get chills & not in a good way. i never thought i could hate a written character more in my life. the confirmation of “cheating” (bc should we reallyyyy call it that atp?? LOL) being him seeing the hickies?! oh i was shaking in my boots. now, i understand the whole purpose of the way this is written is that i’m putting myself in her shoes but WHEN HE DRAGGED HER OUT THAT BATHROOM, DRESS UNDONE,SCREAMING?!?! OH I REALLY FELT THE HATE & EMBARRASSMENT TIMES 100. STEAM WAS COMING OUT MY EARS. i was surprised elvis didn’t pop his ass right then & there. we love a king w a lil self control. emphasis on a lil😂i think i paused in my reading for a good 10 minutes when jack punched her. jaw DROPPED. & i swear i screamed when elvis started beating his ass. my heart SOARED. FINALLYYYY IVE BEEN WAITING & i CACKLED at the confusion from jack. sir, she had that scarf on AGAIN & you’re confused??? PLS. the way EVERYBODY had to hold him back & bring him to his knees from red?! i was eating it up!! & idk….jack deserved more than a smack from her, but at the same time, he not even worth it. elvis did him in enough. now, w all the passing out & throwing up…. pregnancy is running through my brain. MAYBE IM REACHING IDK IDK. this entire part was so JUICY!!! WHEW i was on edge the ENTIRE time. the excitement i’m feeling thinking about what’s next now that everything is finally out on the table?!?! you never fail to surprise me!!!
i know you mentioned possibly doing his pov at some point but THIS?!?! oh this is not what i was expecting!!! i am GAGGED!!!! for one, yk i LOVE your flashbacks. but these?! idk i wouldn’t say these were the most intense but they are the most important to me in a way. maybe bc it really confirms everything for me. like clearly just off everything from before, we know he’s in love. BUT READING THESE?!?! HES BEEN DOWN BAD HIS WHOLE LIFE BASICALLY LOL PLEASEEEEE!! that poor baby!!! we know our girl has been too but at least hers is more so on a subconscious level for so many years lol it’s so insane to me how GREAT you write their connection. i’ll say that 1000 times bc i swear i can literally feel it. my heart physically hurts reading this part! the way he yearns for her is so😩😩😩😩 the way he was holding back for so long but after that night he stayed w her he’s like yea no fuck that!! then BOOM! FUCKING JACK MAN!!!!! i teared up! & me knowing the torment that’s still to come & the YEARS of heartbreak he’s gonna go through got me so SAD!! it took SO long for him to finally have her!!! also, now that i’m thinking. elvis knew jack wanted her from the jump, that’s why he didn’t say shit even knowing they have that intense unexplainable connection but HER?! what’s her tea?!?! after she was done w ted she should’ve been ON IT. BUT i can say i’m glad bc all that ripping & running he was doing early in his career, it wouldn’t have been fair (which actually was probably her thought process now that i’m typing it lol) & it probably all would’ve fell apart. timing is a important thing. i cannot WAIT for 18.2!!!!! something so good always comes after a great flashback to connect & you gave us a few so im ready!!
you really pull some crazy emotions out of me reading this series. I LOVE IT. letting yk NOW, once this is complete?! oh i will pay good money to have this on paper in my bookshelf!!!!
First, I'm sorry it took so long to get to this ask, but OMG, Kelly Honey, I LOVEEEEE this. LOVE. IT. Your passionate reactions are what I live for and thank you for blessing me with them! 🥰 You somehow put into words all the fun emotions I'm trying to glean from y'all as a writer and it's just great to see! So many good observations and theories going on here!
My brain is a bit fried from finishing 18.2 just now, so I'll just say that I cannot wait to see how the next part sends you over the edge, babycakes...💋
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luvkun4 · 2 years
I HAVE TOO MANY THOUGHTS OK ... IM GLAD U ARE ENJOYING THEM PLSSS 🌷🎀 UR THOUGHTS ARE SO GOOD TOO IVE LOOKED THRU UR THIRSTS IN THE PAST ... BANGERS, ALL OF THEM . i feel a bit bad i have bsd brainrot so expect like all my thirsts to be related to that 😵‍💫 but on the subject could you imagine making kunikida like cum in his pants bc you just work him up so much plsss
.... or wearing lingerie/crotchless panties to work ... you keep teasing and pushing kunikida while hes trying to get this paperwork done until he drags you to a supply closet under the guise of finding some files you irresponsibly misplaced. As soon as he can shut the door, hes got you up on some file cabinet, crouching down as he pulls off your pants/skirt (he probably just flips it up if its a skirt which does CRAZY things to my brain), and ... /oh/ . His face is still level with your hips when he realizes what you're wearing, and his whole demeanor changesss "are you serious? At /work/?"
He thumbs over your clit once, "You're soaking already, angel. You're more of a slut than I thought." and then he's leaning in, hot breath puffing over your inner thighs, "tell me, were you hoping this would happen?"
of course you vehemently deny it at first, but he has his ways to make you talk. he leans up nd grabs your chin with one hand while the other continues toying with your clit nd asks one more time. you deny it. Only to be cut off mid-sentence as he plunges two long fingers inside you, keeping your head turned towards him so he can watch the way your face twists up. wouldn't you know it, he can be very convincing ...
- 🍵
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the thought of making Kunikida cum in his pants causes my brain to short circuit jfc 😵‍💫 there’s something so hot about that to me — like, the desperation that comes with it 🦋🦋
PLEASE AND KUNIKIDA CALLING ME A SLUT GETS ME CLENCHING, I CAN’T 😩 just- him fingering you in the storage closet all bc you wanted to be slutty, and he’s telling you to be quiet but he fingers you so good that the task is nearly impossible 🥴🥴
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luckyqueenreign · 2 years
(sorry for ranting so much, i just feel so disappointed. also sorry if it doesn’t make sense, i’m not great at putting my thoughts to words <3)
ugh i’m so frustrated. i have been trying to keep a positive outlook on litg since they came back with s4 & s5 because there was a lot of negativity, but it’s just getting so difficult now. other people have already said it, but our mc has to deal with so much bullshit and just be okay with it. i want to play as the main character, i’m completely okay with drama and lis not being perfect but it just feels like no one actually fucks with us. i want to feel wanted, and not them just saying they want me then moving to someone else. we have practically no cute moments with our li (or just the ability to be able to fuck around with anyone atp). it feels like our mc has no autonomy, we’re like a human punching bag.
both seasons have felt so rushed, almost half of the lis in s4 were only available at the last recoupling. from only being interested in oliver in s4, i already know i don’t like getting my li at the end. it doesn’t feel rewarding at all because they haven’t put the effort into making the slow burns or love at first sight routes satisfying. i’m just so disappointed that the same thing is going to happen this season. and not only for suresh. literally every li is last minute. and they are all not good. i really would love to know what they were thinking this season.
it’s so infuriating because i would have loved it if they just gave it the time it needed. i wish they would have added more episodes and spread it out. if all the characters are going to be so unlikeable, give us more time to watch them develop and possibly redeem themselves. because there is no way that they will be able to give every character a redemption, give us our recouplings, dumpings, challenges, the finale and just time with our lis in 12 episodes. i find the plot genuinely interesting, and i like the idea of our ex fighting for the opportunity to get back with us. the tension they could have created and the breaking point moment. ugh it could have been so good. and even though it wasn’t how i imagined it, if they made casa suresh’s redemption it still could have worked. to come back, pull mc for a chat to clear things up immediately. no more games. but they had to add more drama...
the worst part personally is that i usually just fall in love with a character and only do their route on each season (even if i want to try other routes). and i already fell in love with the idea of suresh in my head. so whilst i’m seeing these really cute moments with finn, i just can’t get into it because i’m stuck on suresh. :(((
(thank you for reading this far. i just wanted to say, thank you for giving us a space to rant about the game. i love seeing your posts and reading your writing! i’m v excited for your future fics. hope you have a great day <333)
aww babe thank you 💖🥰🤗
also im literally the same as you I get so fixated on a character that I love and I just keep repeating that route over and over again. its why ive done Noah so many times. Honestly before casa its was rough but I enjoyed those last few episodes with suresh enough to want to keep doing his route again. Him losing his shoe 😩😩😩 I would play over and over just for that scene. I love jealous Suresh...but whyyyy did they feel the need to inject MORE drama. WEVE HAD ENOUGH. IM TIRED. every week I go in with optimism that its going to finally calm down and FB just throws another bomb at us. its just too much😭
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rivangel · 1 year
Gee, your latest kitty fic
Im so h-word i got off twice consecutively
Giving you many kitty kisses bc u always write kitty levi fic so perfectly i love it every single time you write about kitty levi
Giving Kitty levi many head pats and kisses and im open to a knotting sesh with him too😩 🫶🏽
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FJERIGEUHEROIUGRHEOGIJ HELL YEAH i know ive done a good job if my fic is hot enough to get off to lol. thank you milan🥺 kitty levi needed a revival
(kitty levi: accepts the headpats and kisses)
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sansaorgana · 1 month
hi bby, not so sure if u still write and im not sure if this is a actual request, but just wondering if u could write some hcs or drabbles for modern aemond, and he is in college, some enemies to lovers trope, where they meet because her parents are friends to viserys and alicent, and they went to spent some time in the targaryen manor and then reader becomes super friends with helaena and aegon(maybe daeron) and then aemond is super rude but after hes like 'oh ive made a mistake' and they have some sus moments for enemies. some hcs for dating or general about him. idk whatever u want to write and i u want is perfect!!💕
Hi! 🤍 Overall, I wouldn't mind writing modern hotd au headcanons if I got some in my inbox (although I haven't done it in nearly 2 years so I am rusty) but I have to admit that Aemond is my least favourite Team Green character after Season Two 😩 I'm sorry, I know it's just the writing of the script and all that but there were too many little things that piled up and I just kinda can't stand him anymore so I can't imagine being motivated to write for him 🙊 I could mention him in headcanons for all or a few Green characters together but I don't think I could write anything that focuses mostly on him anymore... I know that when Season One was airing I was an Aemond girlie and I was writing fics for him as one of the first writers (I think 🤔) but I'm only human and I change my mind sometimes 😭
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m1ckeyb3rry · 2 months
No way that’s actually so cool…. that mindset is actually just really impressive to me because if I was not as interested in something I feel like instead I’d just be less motivated to make it a masterpiece! You COOKED for your event fr I got converted via your event and works generally into liking or even just appreciating some characters more (I’m ngl I think white butterfly was one of my favs too something about the story was just so >>>>> started my conversion to Hiorism and my spiral into your masterlists I live for fwtkac saga though for obv reasons LMAO)
Bro I was literally reading through your work like SHE TOOK THE ASSIGNMENT SERIOUSLY??? STOP BC THE SOCCER PLAYER EGO AND RELIGIOUS TRAUMA IGAGURI??? Goodbye those plots cook I CANNOT see igaguri pulling someone….omg imagine bestie Noel??? Stop that dynamic would be too funny. Also! About neutrality you’re doing like. Too good of a job. It’s been awhile but as I mentioned before I found peregrine a looong time ago and then came back to it but besides that I think cherry tree was one of the other first works of yours I read? This was all before I put the pieces together that you wrote everything LMAO but I enjoyed both sm and I definitely couldn’t tell you didn’t like Rin as much LOL
LITERALLY the worst is when I have to write something like an essay or report on spot like ok get ready for an entire evolution of my thoughts then because we are not ending where we started LMAO
There’s SOOO many possibilities please BLLK managers I’m begging you to take this marketing opportunity…please….Ive seen some series make some not great business decisions imo so please don’t be one of them!! We NEED ego origin story at some point or another like…you also can’t just drop that symbolism in his volume cover and now elaborate anything
FR honestly I think we just have to wait for s2 hype kinda like jjk…I don’t expect it to be the same degree but something similar because it’s reaaallly popular in Japan right now and even Asia in general sooooo
PLEASE KARASU DESERVES ONE TOO!! With all the Karasu we’ve seen lately there’s gotta be some awakening/evolution coming soon…
UHHSHEHSH I think it is my app…I tried looking at other profiles and some work and some don’t….??? I can’t find a specific trend but idk I’ll do the usually on off delete app or something shshshgsshhs but THANK YOUUU that would be much appreciated!!! Sorry for having to go through you to ask LOL
**this is so random but ok so I type out all my asks in a separate note so I don’t accidentally lose everything if I close tumblr but I have no idea how to do strikethrough here so I usually wait to do it on tumblr so I put quotation marks to remind myself but I forgot to go back and do that for my last ask I mean to strikethrough itoshi hate but now it’s just sitting as quotation marks SHSGGSSH in my mind ik it’s not a big deal but it doesn’t capture the same vibe ugh….anyways just thought I should mention that cause it also looks weird just as it is now oops
-Karasu anon
THANK YOUUU there’s def times when a character is hard for me…for some reason i have the MOST trouble writing isagi??? idek why he’s a relatively simple character but i just cannot get into a mindset where i can write for him which is crazy 😭 the most i could do is have him be a side love interest i think (like a pi inumaki and tullia variant) but it’s crazy because he’s so popular and also just such a random character to find difficult to write for 😓
from just a writing standpoint white butterfly and the instrument are my favs!! from an enjoyment standpoint though fwtkac is the winner it was just so fun LMAOO…the way i still have a couple of requests left from that event is insane though 😭💔 i thought i’d be done by now tbh 😩 actually ykw if karasu’s version of bfb didn’t end up so long i bet i WOULD be done already!! but i’m in sooo deep now 😋 i can’t wait to finish and post it AHH it’s taking me a bit but i am determined i will get it out soon!!
HAHAHA IF YOU GIVE A MOUSE A COOKIE…pls soccer player ego who slowly drives away everyone he loves by going insane over his failure to be a striker + sarcastic deadpan bestie noa who does his best to comfort you but lowkey can’t would be an insanely fun combo!! and omg pls i can’t imagine igaguri pulling either 😰 it would be such a majestic heartbreaking fic and then you’d be reminded that it’s abt IGAGURI of all people and it’s just like WHY 😭 like a reverse crack fic HDKDJSJ
OKAY YAYYY i’m glad that it doesn’t come through!! especially with a request event i don’t want to make anyone sad by hating on their favs/doing a shitty job when they came to me and asked me to write for them yk?? ofc there’s a difference in word count and all (cherry tree being like 6k words roughly vs fwtkac being…well. you know.) but not in quality!! at least that’s the goal 😄
KANESHIRO KEEPS DROPPING THREADS ABT RANDOM STUFF AND THEN NOT ELABORATING!! like anri?? ego and noa?? whatever happened to sae?? WILDCARD?? i actually don’t mind bllk’s pacing tbh (it’s torturous when chapters are releasing but super good on reread imo) but there’s so many questions i needddd answered ASAP ✅ GET ME ON THE EXEC BOARD JUST TO APPROVE THESE SPIN-OFFS FR
i agree it’s rlly popular in asia and it’s also in a good spot because it’s kind of a blend of a typical battle shounen and sports anime (like jjk and haikyuu [never watched hq but i generally know of it]) so it can attract a diverse audience…once the battle shounen girlies give it a chance it’ll become sooo much more popular!! ik initially i was hesitant because i’m not hugely into sports so i thought it’d be boring but it’s rlly different and i obviously ended up loving it!! so hoping more people try it out and end up in that same spiral
THERE’S NO WAY WE’RE NOT GETTING SMTH he’s been featured heavily in epinagi AND keeps making cameos ik my man has GOT to be cooking because no way he’s going to end the game doing nothing…personally still holding onto the hope that he shidou and zantetsu link up to break their formation free from kunigami as that could get karasu some bonuses in terms of his offer as well as putting the focus on shidou and kunigami who are two SUPER unexplored characters that have a very shared/intertwined backstory which could then be elaborated upon!! but we shall see…atm the game is very rin kaiser isagi focused so who knows
HAHAH NEVER FEAR!! she gave me pinterest links but ngl one of them wasn’t working sooo i used one to go to the artist’s page on twitter/x/wtvr it’s called and found the art she mentioned!! here’s the link…it actually is really majestic although unfortunately i cannot read the little notes written on it 😩
LMAOOO omg don’t worry the quotation marks still got the message across fine!! and that makes sm sense bruh tumblr is so unreliable at times 😰
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