#ive had this au for a while but its never really been relevant
dbphantom · 19 days
maybe i should have gone into practical effects instead of computer science...
#when i was in middle school i used to use red and black pens + spit for blending to make it look like the backs of my hands were torn open#i can't believe it's almost 4am. i just spent 5 hours typing up an essay about MM's erik that i just fuckin privated bc i was embarrassed#AND I STILL NEVER SPELL HIS NAME RIGHT THE FIRST TIME AAAAAAAA#i was right but im going to save all my points for the fanfic im currently planning out and promptly NEVER GOING TO ACTUALLY WRITE#I say shoving my plans for my h2o s3 rewrite off the table#yes i skipped from s2 to s3 i had a BRILLIANT idea [season 3 h2o spoilers ahead be wary my mutuals who are still watching]#okay so you know how lewis goes to the american institute of marine bio in the middle of 3? since this is tied to my s2 rewrite fic i wante#to actually finally reasonably re-introduced dr denman to the story because i never liked that she just fucked off at the end of s1#despite WITNESSING the moon pool magic. so i made it so she runs into lewis while doing a presentation for the college and they have a chat#(because her JAW paper plays an important part in my s2 rewrite bc i imagine lewis is the kind of guy who SAYS he deleted every copy of#it... but ACTUALLY he secretly printed himself out a copy to study in private to compare to his own notes bc#[lewis voice] come *on* guys just THINK of the progress that he could make with this! [grabby hands in front of chest])#so yeah they have a chat and Linda kind of gives Lewis the opposite dilemma in s3 that Louise gives him in s1 about science and magic#since SHE knows about the moon pool and has been biding her time and she knows Lewis knows and Lewis is like ah... uh oh.#it will eventually tie into the idea it's not about forcing science and magic together or separating them#its abt respectfully and responsibly utilizing both to see their fullest potential. which lewis learned in s2 and Linda has... not.#BUT#later on she gets a call from 1 (one) ryan who is like 'hey so i heard u did environmental studies on mako for dr bennett a couple years ag#and i was wondering if you've seen anything weird there as im currently doing a-' and she's immediately like 'YOU SON OF A BITCH IM IN'#and he's like 'wha-' and she's like 'i have already booked my plane tickets we're going to have a great time we have lots to talk about :)'#and wheeee now they have someone who knows about mermaids on their team and it's the perfect way to bring lewis back to relevancy in s3 :D#it also gives me reason to have two bad bitches (linda and sophie) meet and get to know each other which is not a dynamic ive seen in#any of the H2O fics i've ever read so im very hyped to delve into how they'll play off each other#also charlotte is there so technically three bad bitches (only in my au Charlotte never lost her tail and is part of the gang she just move#because she felt like she needed to leave to really be able to find herself without being in her grandmother's shadow but she comes back bc#well... it's season 3 mako is sounding the fucking emergency alarms everyone is showing up sdkghkfjhg)#im also so so so hyped to show u guys who's coming back in the s2 rewrite because it ISNT denman and i think everyone thinks it will be :3c#(i said she when telling ppl to look forward to a familiar face... but can u blame me for getting hype she's one of my favorite characters!#i love u H2O#cruddy rambles
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zedleaked · 5 months
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unicornsaures · 1 month
yapping about the outsiders x amrev
Okay so first off, not replacing any characters, obviously. Im thinking the aides are their own seperate little group that just hang around one another. Not an actual gang like the shepard gang but more how the main characters run; just a group thats independent, but willing to stick up for one another. Ive decided that if i ever do something with this god forsaken AU its genuinely just gonna be mostly seperate from the main plot because none of the aides themselves would be socs and so the plot wouldnt even be relevant until the very end.(I have been thinking of making Lafayette a soc or something. Just for the fuck of it to test some limits to hamilton, laurens, and laf's friendship with the whole bob thing ehe!)
But for the sake of this AU, theyre all aged into their 20s except for Washington. Its just easier than having 60 year olds street fighting.
Right, so characters! I havent thought much on other aides BUT i have thought VERY heavily on Laurens and Hamilton, obviously. So, starting with Laurens. Hes literally the same. Hes just as impulsive as he is during his time period if not worse. Hes given more opportunities to fight and he takes every. single. one. I would say hes similar to Dally but really he isnt. He'll get in a fistfight every week or so but nothing serious enough he ends up in jail. His relationship with HL is kind if rocky, too. They moved from SC to fucking oklahoma and John is not too happy about the move, for one, and his father isnt happy that Laurens turned into a 'hood.' Mainly, he just wont sleep at his own house. He'll crash at Meade's place or maybe Hamilton's run down, abandoned little house if he has to. HL isnt abusive or anything he just doesnt like living with so many siblings while his father goes on and on about how hes a bad influence. Not helping that he has a new bruise or cut every time he vists but i digress, John is basically a 'watered down' dally.
Righttt, Hamilton! Yeah, born in NYC, mom died, got too expensive, so he moved to good ol Oklahoma without his dad. I may just say he works at DX with Soda and whatnot because while the aides arent needed for the plot, i want them to feel a lil somethin somethin when everything goes down in the book and having a relation to both Soda and Steve would at least make Hamilton feel a bit bad and maybe even convince him to fight in the rumble at the end. Laurens and him arent really officially dating either. Theyre technically exclusive, but they never really talked about it and kind of just say theyre there to keep each other in check. Neither of them really want to confront any of their emotions towards anything so they settle for hamilton lovingly scolding laurens every time he gets in a fight and sharing 'no homo' kisses. Yeah and he lives in this run down house that he doesnt pay for and he has to drop by Meade's place whenever cops come searching for anyone living in there because i need him to be a little bit pathetic.
The rest of the aides are primarily undecided, if im being honest. Meade's parents are still alive from what I know and the other aides either stay at their own house or crash at Meade's, but Laurens is usually taking up the couch on most nights as does Hamilton. Most of the other aides arent big fighters really, theyre just trying to make it through college/day to day jobs. Washington kind of watches over all of them, like an unofficial father to their lil gang. They just hang around him and he frequently scolds them all for misbehaving. Hes like darry but older i guess. (Hes like, in his late 40's in this AU.)
Oh, and kinloch is there because i said so! If anything, he gives me major soc vibes and i primarily think he is why Laurens has such a knack for starting fights with socs for no reason. They were some weird ass situationship and they had an unofficial breakup that Laurens is still extremely salty over. Francis totally went for his neck during the rumble btw and they hate each other and laurens still tries to start fights with him whenever he sees him.
Though, Lafayette is also pretty undecided. I want him to be a greaser but at the same time i think him being a soc would test the limits of him and laurens' friendship while also he and hamilton's friendship. Laurens because obviously, francis. Hamilton because he saw how the socs affected soda, steve, etc and he feels bad for them, but also Lafayette would be dead set that Johnny is a murderer because he needs to stick up for the socs to stay loyal.
Now lets talk about the rumble! I think only some of the aides would get involved, really. Hamilton would because he saw how johnny affected steve and soda, Laurens because he just wants to fight, and the two dragged along Tilghman and Harrison because theyre strong enough to do some genuine damage. The rest of them just dont want to be involved in all of that and think its easier to just not get hurt.(Meade tags along but stands off to the side just to make sure no one gets seriously injured. He has change ready for a pay phone in case he needs to call up washington.)
Now, what i think would be interesting is their reaction to Dally's death. Im saying Laurens wouldve heard his name, as would all of the greasers, really. So their entire gang would know his name, but im mainly thinking about Laurens for this one because id like to think that he kind of looked up to him in some fucked up way? Not really looked up to, but more so respected. I feel like with Ham telling him about how Soda and Steve reacted and how they act at the DX afterwards would really fuck with him too and id like to think hed drop by the curtis house or some shit to say that he thought dally was a cool guy or something.
Yeah, anyway this is all pretty rough in terms of what the fuck im yapping about i just spat out every word that came to mind.
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mleemwyvern · 3 years
wrote some angst with a time entity tango!
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nefoe-dd · 3 years
I mentioned this in the tags of another post and joked about it in Discord but my brain went brrrr during my last class of the day and now I lowkey have a full plot starting to form lol.
Keep in mind the only Shin Megami Tensei game I’ve played myself is the Nocturne remake, plus I only really remember bits of the plot of 4 and whatever we’ve been given so far of 5 so I’m not super well versed in the series.
Also I’ll add this to the tags too but DSMP Spoilers specifically for the contents of Techno’s Will exist in this post, because that is where the idea for this came from. A lot of other JRPGs have similar plotlines but I specifically thought of SMT because its kind of a meme specifically for that at this point how the plot always seems to have the same type ending bosses. 
Also some spoilers for Shin Megami Tensei IV
Now Presenting: An AU where Techno’s Limbo is an SMT Game lol
(Under a ‘Read More’ because it got way ahead of me)
An Introduction to Relevant SMT terminology:
Demons: Makes up a large majority of the characters in the game. They are the enemies that you face in combat, and its possible to recruit them to your team through various means. Some demons exist in the overworld though, and can be talked to normally, they’re chill most of the time, unless you do something to tick them off. ‘Demon’ is not taken literally by the Christian definition, they are based off of various figures in folklore and religion around the world, some are even based on Gods and Angels.
Law vs Chaos: Many SMT games have multiple endings based on these two alignments, along with the neutral alignment. It is usually decided by some important decisions the player makes throughout the game. I’m most aware of the SMT 4 ending, in which the route you are on decides the final dungeon, the character you team with for the ending, and the final boss (its either Satan or the in-game version of God). It’s based off of the traditional interpretation of these two, where Law represents the importance of authority, and Chaos represents the importance of freedom. 
Another note is that a lot of SMT games take place in a post-apocalyptic world of some kind, which, spoiler, is the case here.
General Plot Details and Worldbuilding:
- Techno dies in the prison. The stasis chamber fails and Quackity succeeds in killing him. Permanently. 
- Despite dying, he wakes up again in the main prison cell, but things are different. The lava isn’t blocking the entrance anymore, (in fact there isn’t any lava at all), and he’s alone. Upon peering outside the main cell, he notices a bit of sky peeking through the prison ceiling, like it had been broken into. 
- The drop down to the bottom floor is long, but he’s dead, so he just shrugs and jumps down so he can see what’s going on. Turns out there are several holes in this part of the prison, in fact there are multiple on the ground, likely where the lava had escaped from. (Obviously Minecraft lava specifically doesn’t work like that, I’m pretty sure in the DreamSMP the bottom is all source blocks, but just ignore that bit). 
- He exits from the back wall of the prison, and everything there so far looks normal, except for the fact that there appears to be less trees than normal. Of the trees that are still there, many of them were cut down and never collected, and some appear to have fallen over due to some damage.
- Techno goes around the prison to the front, and that’s when he notices some things that are very wrong. Various parts of the prison, not just the main cell, are also sitting destroyed. Many cracks, scuff marks and full-on chunks are missing on the walls. The usual entrance which houses the nether portal is hardly still standing, and he can see straight into the main lobby where the portal would lead into once you were let through. 
- The surrounding areas are not much better. Tommy’s outpost is toppled over in the distance, only the base and bottom floor are left standing. The tents near the beach are collapsed and destroyed, the only remnants of one of them is a small piece of fabric ripped from the main bit and laying on the ground. Skeppy and Badboyhalo’s mansion is crumbling where it stands, half of the back wall and ceiling are gone. And that’s only what’s visible from here. 
- The rest of the server is also in various states of destruction, the spawn walls are hardly left standing, the main nether portal area is covered in potholes, none of the portals are active. The prime path is rotted and broken in most areas, the buildings along it are not faring much better than the ones he’d seen before. And the further he gets away from the prison, the more the plants themselves appear to be dead or dying. 
- L’manburg’s crater looks much the same as it once did right after its destruction, albeit with more debris at the bottom which had fallen from the sides as they slowly eroded. The flag at the bottom is torn up and discoloured, honestly its hardly recognizable. The nature that had finally begun to reclaim the land has slowly been dying instead over time, and the bridge overtop has completely collapsed. The only thing still standing, is the ever present obsidian grid that looms over it in the sky. He supposes that whatever disaster had caused this wasn’t able to reach that high up, or that it was at least in part done by someone that liked the way it looked. Not that there seems to be a need for the reminder anymore. 
- Something something, he finds out DreamXD is here, and that he might have had something to do with how this world looks. And as much as it shouldn’t matter in the afterlife, he did promise Phil he would be killing God sooooo he goes on a mission to do just that. He can do pretty much anything now that he really doesn’t have to worry about dying, so why not. He has no reason to care about some God, especially when they’re the only ones left.
- Some DSMP people hang around the world and are represented by certain demons, the mostly chill ones that kinda just hang around in the apocalyptic scenery. They don’t recognize him, it isn’t really the people he knows after all, but they are willing to talk to him since they can tell he isn’t human either. He learns little bits of what happened through them, and learns where DreamXD resides, that being one of the strongholds that’s a bit further out. 
- Unfortunately, due to the portals being inactive, and his inability to break anything efficiently, or even at all, he has to travel using the overworld. Along the way he manages to speak to some others, this allows him to better locate where the God is, although it doesn’t seem to be hiding out. He even sees it sometimes flying around, which he uses to follow where its hiding. 
- Some of the random demons he runs into recognize that he’s not supposed to be here (according to them at least), so he has to fight his way through them. Luckily, many of the friendly demons that he talks to end up tagging along in order to help, thus making up a team he can use to get through them instead.
 - There’s probably a demon that seems to resemble Phil somewhere, living alone (alone for so so long) away from everyone in an arctic house perhaps. If I wanted to really up the angst, the demon takes a liking to Techno right away, which is partly how Techno is able to tell its him so quickly. The more they talk, the more Techno realizes how lonely the Phil he knows must be without him there, how upset he’d be once he reads the will and finds out what happened to him. Thus he’s more motivated to, you know, fight God, in an attempt to figure out what the hell happened. (DXD is the only entity existing here that also exists where he’s from, he can guess pretty easily that maybe, just maybe, they are one and the same). Thus, he is given a choice that he knows he will have to make in the future. 
- Eventually he manages to find the stronghold and comes face to face with DreamXD himself. DreamXD is just kinda chillin there, they fight, through DreamXD doesn’t seem to be putting in too much effort, almost like it does not want to win. 
- Techno wins (duh), and he is left with a choice, a choice to finish the job, or spare the god and allow it to go free. And, well, he feels that he doesn’t really have the right to decide whether it lives or dies, and while its possible that DreamXD caused whatever disaster created the current state of the world, but he doesn’t know that for sure. DreamXD has done nothing this whole time he’s been here, and its done nothing to him or his companions.
- He chooses to leave it alone, and DreamXD seems to know that it was always going to end that way. 
- DreamXD disappears, and Techno wakes up in the cell again post-revival, the prison and the world around it is the same as he remembers
(I don’t remember the exact real-world to limbo time difference but I imagine that it felt like, a day, maybe half that, while irl it was only a few minutes to an hour.)
Some other notes/details:
- The other possible ending would have resulted in Techno killing DreamXD and being given ANOTHER choice to take its power over the world, or just leave and stay there forever. Basically DreamXD’s existence is vital to the power of the revival book, and it’s death would have resulted in Dream not being successful in his revival attempts. Obviously we have no idea how the powers actually work yet, but I just came up with an explanation because I thought it would be interesting. You can decide on your own which of these endings fall into Law, Chaos or Neutral because uh, its complicated given the scenario. You can also decide if letting DreamXD live even fits into his character! Idk! But its not like DreamXD’s being oppressive by any means, not that there’s anyone to oppress here anyways. That’s my logic anyways.
- I don’t know what demons would represent specific people, I’d like to use one of the Angels for Phil but the Demons based on Angels usually have an important role in the plot that is in line with the Law alignment and like, protecting god or whatever, so no. There are a couple bird ones but idk if they fit the vibe, idk it could work, I’d have to look at a list if I want to go into this further.
- I kinda want Eret to be an Inugami because it’s body does that thing that ferret’s do when they’re all stretched out :) The only reason I’m hesitant is because Inugami is a dog, and Goose deserves representation.
- The reason I imagined for why Techno can’t break anything is because the mining fatigue lasted throughout this because he died with it, it’d get in the way of fighting too but at least it isn’t weakness, and he’s not alone either.
Uhhhhh that’s it for now I think!
(will potentially add to this if I figure something else out in the future)
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clumsyclifford · 3 years
6, 12, 14, 15, & 21 for the writing asks? -megs 💙
hachi machi okie dokie how many more nonsense rhymes can i say ok that's it great let's go
6. What fic is on your back burner, waiting to be written when you feel your skill matches its potential? answered this one here! i'm SURE there are more though let me check my fic ideas doc (fun fact my fic ideas doc is still called "Malum fic ideas:" from back in the early days of this blog when i was chiefly writing malum because of helen). oh! well. the major league baseball au is still uh, kinda back burner-y. that's another one that i started and then ran face first into a wall known as The Wall of Trying To Realistically Represent A Situation I've Never Been In But Also Include Romance Which Would Not Typically Exist In This Setting So I'm Really Setting Myself Up For Failure Here it's a really annoying wall i know hazel hits it too so i'm just ignoring it for the moment. i also think a castaways fic (the concept, not the song) would be really awesome but tricky because, once again, i've never actually BEEN a castaway, and my knowledge of the topic is pretty heavily based on the book hatchet so like. yeah. i have a lot.
12. Where do you commonly find inspiration for your stories? everywhere! i saw in your answer you said you hear song lyrics and think they'd make good fic titles, i do EXACTLY the same thing (hence the doc "good lyrics for titles"). one day ill make that doc into a prompt list and post it on here and just fuck myself over. previously ive gotten some inspiration from movies but i shortly after completing baby driver au i realized that was a fluke and that in general i am pretty bad at making fics out of movie plots because i am very bad at remembering salient details about movies in the order that they happen. like i started a robin hood (2018) au but barely got anywhere with it because i realized i had never actually understood the plot well enough to write it. i would say the things that inspire me the most are songs (we know i loooove a songfic, mostly bc they make the job so easy by just laying out the plot and vibe for me) and also things that happen to me and feelings i have about those things. unfortunately many of my experiences are not universal (hello jewish summer camp) which may be part of why i've had so much trouble coming up with ideas lately. but as soon as i'm back at school i get the feeling i'll be doing fine again.
14. Share a few sentences of what you’re currently working on? what AM i currently working on? technically speaking i'm kinda sorta working on two things but one of them just doesn't have a good snippet and i don't wanna do a Reveal yet so ill give you this one instead, from a fic i might never even post:
“Oh, I meant to tell you, my mum called earlier, she asked if you’re okay.” Ashton’s mum always asks if Luke is okay. Exactly that way, is Luke doing okay?, like Luke gives off some kind of not-doing-okay vibe. He suspects it’s a leftover instinct from his and Ashton’s mutual breakdown a few years back, but honestly, he’s doing better now. It’s sweet of her to ask, but she could just ask about him the same way she asks about Michael and Calum. How’s Luke? would be fine.
“I am great,” Luke says. “How’s she? Is she okay?”
“Yeah, she’s okay,” Ashton says. “She’s started taking Harry to look at some universities.” He pauses. “University. You know? What the fuck?”
“No way,” Luke says, and tries to work out if he’s meant to be surprised by that. He can’t remember how old Harry is. Clearly almost uni-age. Ashton’s told him this a million times, but Luke can’t keep track when the answer keeps changing. He doesn’t want Ashton to think he’s forgotten, so he just says, “That’s insane.”
15. What are some of your favorite tropes to write? Do they match the ones you read? answered this one here as well! i've managed to get unbelievably long-winded answering every single one of these questions so far so i won't write another answer for this one
21. Do you have any stories you’ve written completely but never posted? Why? Please tell us about them? yes!! i have a handful. let me hunt them down. okay final answer, i have five!
one is an au based on the prompt "we’re at a party and someone asks what your type is and you describe me perfectly while staring right at me” which i never posted because i wrote it a while ago and honestly i don't think it's good enough to post. also i kinda don't like the background character i made jack barakat. i could edit it. but. ehh
one is a fic that is set in the daydream jalex fic 'verse, but the only way it's relevant to that 'verse is because it has ace!jack, and it's highly personal and probably the most projection-heavy fic i've ever written and i never posted it because i'm nervous to be Known like that lol
one is technically emo lashton, but not actually set in the emo lashton 'verse that i've created, and that one is ALSO one of the most projection-heavy fics i've ever written. it's usually the fics that are full of projection but in a specific way that i think isn't really relatable that i write but don't end up posting. it's a good fic honestly i wouldn't be against posting it i just never have. also partially because i'm between two titles for that fic lol
one is.......something that was originally going to be set in a different fic universe (for a fic i havent posted or finished writing lol), but now i don't know if it will necessarily fit in that 'verse, so it's kind of its own very short but complete thing. i never posted it because (1) it's super short, less than 1k, and i don't like to post stuff that short, and also (2) just in case it DOES fit the fic 'verse, i don't wanna give away the ending, lmao
and lastly there's a fic i wrote in an excited haze when sam and meghna and i made the ssf and the aces plans, which is like, ot4 meeting but they're all internet friends. guess what inspired that. i'll never post it because it really wasn't written with the intention of posting it, i sent it to sam and meghna and they were the only people i wanted to read it and they have so <3
writing asks
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astralkoo · 5 years
Beautifully Misfit
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‣ Genre: fluff, smutt, hybrid au
‣ Word Count: 2.08k
‣ Pairing(s): skunk!Jimin x reader, puppy!Taehyung x reader, bunny!Jungkook x reader
‣ Warning(s): very strong language, lots and lots of f-bombs so beware of that, bit of angst if you squint real hard, nothin else for this chapter so enjoy ;)
‣ to be aware of: sub!jimin, switch!taehyung, switch!jungkook, dom!reader, some kinky ass future happenings, BDSM themes, some heavy angst, and triggering themes. 
Summary: you never really saw yourself as a hybrid person. that is, until your best friend introduces you to his hybrid, and you suddenly find yourself craving the companionship. you only intended to bring home one. somewhere between the lines you ended up with three beautifully misfit hybrids who craved nothing but your love.
part. i | ii | iii | iv | v | vi (coming soon)
A/N; this is my first post on here, so I’ll make this short… thanks for reading, I’m sorry, ily
It hit you all of a sudden.
You were lonely. For about four months, you’ve been living in you home, working as an editor for your aunt’s absurd gossip magazine, eating solitary meals, sleeping in your admittedly cold bed, and you were just now realizing how lonely you’ve been all this time.
This wasn’t completely out of the blue. You had been feeling a nagging sensation of emptiness in the pit of your stomach for a while now.
But it wasn’t until you had your best friend’s hybrid curled up in your lap, playing with your hair, and babbling about his love for food and pretty things that it settled in exactly what that feeling was.
“You know, you’re kind of cute. Your face is… decent, I suppose. But Namjoonie is much cuter and— oh my gosh you’re crying,” Jin squealed in surprise, shock lighting up on his features as an onslaught of tears suddenly poured from your eyes.
“Shoot, I’m s–sorry, Jin,” you softly cursed, gently pushing the angora hybrid off your lap as you jumped to your feet, hands feverishly working to dry your wet cheeks.
“Was it the cute comment? I mean, it’s true, but I wasn’t intending to hurt your feelings… didn’t realize you were that sensitive,” he grumbled, pouting at the fact that you’d just ruined the mood for him.
You quickly shook you head, “no– no it wasn’t that, I just— shit, I mean, fuck, excuse my language.”
“Y/n! How many times do I have to tell you to watch your profanity around Jin— holy shit, why are you crying?” Namjoon gasped in concern as he walked out of the kitchen before running to your aid. “Did Jin hurt your feelings? I’m so sorry he has no filter whatsoever and says thing without thinking and—”
“It wasn’t that, a Joonie,” you cut him off with a sniffle, “I just realized something.”
Namjoon stared at you for a moment with worried eyes, before turning to his hybrid. “Jinnie, you stay here for a moment, y/n and I need to have a quick talk, alright?” The angora rolled his eyes, not appreciating the secrecy but not arguing to Namjoon’s relief. He quickly guided you into the kitchen, urging you to take a seat while he made you a glass of water.
“What happened? What upset you? Was it really not Jinnie because I know that he can be—” your best friend in ten years began to ramble out questions.
Chuckling lightly, you shook you head. “No, Joon. I swear it wasn’t anything Jin said. He’s a sweetheart, really. A bit blunt, if anything but nothing extreme,” you reassured him with a soft smile. He nodded, eyes swirling with a mixture of relief and confusion.
“Then, what was it?”
You sighed, turning away from him. “I just… I realized how lonely I’ve been.”
Namjoon settled himself in the seat beside yours, gently placing his hand over yours in a comforting gesture. “What do you mean? Lonely how? You know you’ve always got me, and now Jinnie.”
“Of course I know that. And I am so lucky to have you in my life, seriously. You’re the best best friend a girl could as for… when your clumsy ass isn’t breaking my shit, that is.” He gasped dramatically, swatting at your arm, causing you to giggle quietly. “But, we can’t be around each other 24/7, you know? You have your life, your job, your responsibilities, and now your hybrid; and I have mine– minus the hybrid.”
“What’re you trying to say?” He asked, searching your eyes for further explanation.
“I– I just… I hate being alone all the time. Especially in that big house. I’m home all the time, the only places I go are your place and the grocery store when my fridge empties. That’s really sad, Joon,” you muttered, glancing at your intertwined fingers.
“You’re right… that’s really pathetic, y/n.” You laughed, lightly kicking his ankle to which he grinned and squeezed your hand, “but seriously, if you’re so lonely… why not find a boyfriend?”
You snorted loudly at that. “Me? Boyfriend? Please, let’s not get too crazy here, Joonie. Try to keep it realistic, yeah?”
Namjoon rolled his eyes heavily at your response, scoffing softly, “I’m serious, y/n! When’s the last time you even got laid?” His voice dropped to a whisper at the last word, knowing his impressionable hybrid with impeccable hearing was just the next room over. You gaped at him, taking that as your turn hit his arm.
“I don’t see how that’s relevant to my loneliness in the least,” you countered sharply despite the glowing blush making its way into your cheeks, glaring at him pointedly.
He smirked, cocking a brow. “That long, huh?”
You scowled at him stubbornly for a moment. “…yes. Fine. That long, you asshole.”
“Thought so~” he sang, sticking his tongue out, “why don’t you get out there then, huh? It could do you some good, relieve some of that tension.”
“Because, Joonie,” you groaned, slumping forward onto the countertop, face dropping into your folded arms, “that’s not what I want. I don’t want a stupid hook up with some random guy I met in a germ infested bar. That won’t solve my problem, I’m lonely not horny.”
“Same thing,” he shrugged.
You decided it best to just ignore him, continuing, “but I don’t want a boyfriend either. Every time in the past that I’ve had a boyfriend, they’ve only caused me more trouble then they were worth. Either they found someone they found more attractive and ditched me or found someone more interesting and ditched me. Not to mention, guys are just all around dipshits.”
Namjoon pouted, pointing at himself and waiting for some kind of exclusion.
“Besides you of course, Joonie, you’re an angel. I’m talking about straight dudes. They’re the real problem in this society,” you confirmed with an angry huff.
Namjoon raised your half empty glass, “I’ll drink to that.”
“All guys do is cause problems. They will in no way help to solve mine. So now… I don’t know… I just don’t want to be alone anymore,” you groaned, slapping your palms over your face in frustration, “maybe I should just get a bunch of dogs. Become a crazy dog lady. That’d be fun.”
Namjoon was quiet for a moment. “Or… maybe… you could get a hybrid.”
You choked on air, eyes bulging out of your head. “What? No! You’re crazy.” You immediately shot down the idea, shaking your head rapidly.
You? A hybrid owner? Yeah fucking right. You can barely take care of yourself, let alone an entire other human– er, hybrid being. Not to mention you’d be a terrible influence, with your drinking and cursing habits. No hybrid would stand a chance in your home. Owning a hybrid is essentially adopting a child with animalistic appendages and habits. It was really a two for one. Which also meant two times the responsibility.
Responsibility you were anything but prepared for.
“What’s so crazy about it? You’re great with Jin, you took a course on hybrids in college so you’re well informed, and they make amazing companions,” he informed, hands waving around in emphasis.
You shook your head. “No way. I’m not a hybrid person.”
“Says who?”
“Says me! I don’t know the first thing about hybrids, I only took that stupid course in the first place for the easy grade!” You retorted quickly, before a sudden thought occurred.
“Well, personally, I think—”
“Shit what time is it?”
He glanced down at his watch, “almost ten, why?”
You lurched out of the chair, quickly gathering up your belonging, “I’ve got an article deadline at twelve is why, fuck.”
Namjoon nodded with a quiet sigh, following as you scrambled to his front door. Like the gentleman he was, he opened the door, only to stop you half way out it with a hand on your shoulder. You turned back to him with raised brows and a questioning glint in your eyes.
“Just think about it, okay? For me? I hate seeing you like this.”
For the sake of his sanity, as he had a tendency to over worry, you agreed, “okay, Joon. I’ll think about it,” giving him a parting hug before darting to your car, grumbling under your breath, “when you start eating pussy.”
In other words, you definitely would not be reconsidering your decision.
Okay. So you were reconsidering.
It had been a day since you had dropped by Namjoon’s place. A day since he’d made that absolutely ludicrous suggestion, which gradually looking less and less ludicrous.
It was almost… appealing.
A hybrid companion… that would definitely make the house feel a lot less lonely.
You even wondered about what type you’d get. A dog, maybe. You’ve always had a soft spot for puppies, and you can’t help but coo and swoon whenever you see one on the street.
A cat, perhaps. Cats could be annoying, but they also knew when to step back and give you space, which would be nice. A lot less maintenance than dogs. But dogs were cuddly as hell and you’d enjoy having a cuddle buddy, that’s for sure.
Now, this is all circumstantial depending on the breed.
Hell, you were really bad at making important decisions.
“Shit, focus!” You cursed, smacking your cheeks harshly enough to make yourself groan as the skin tinted a hot red. You were supposed to be working on an article your aunt had just sent to you for editing.
But god damn the only thing on your mind was hybrids, hybrids, hybrids, and… what do you know— more hybrids!
“Fucking mother fucker fucking bitch can’t mind his own god damn son of a bitch business,” you growled under your breath as you slammed your laptop shut and yanked your phone out of the pocket of your baggy sweat (perk of working at home; you never have anyone to impress) and aggressively typing in Namjoon’s number before holding it up to your ear, muttering angrily to empty air. After the third ring, he finally picked up.
“Hey, Y/n, what’s--”
“Fuck you, Kim Namjoon. Fuck you to hell.”
“Up,” a short pause, “okay, I admit, was not expecting that response, but okay. Any particular reason you’re fucking me to hell?” 
“Yes, hybrids. I want a hybrid so fuck you.”
“Why fuck me if you’re the one that wants a hybrid?”
“Because you’re the one that put the idea of hybrids into my head in the first place,” you hissed in retaliation, slamming your fist down on your desk for emphasis.
He snorted loudly, “well, it wouldn’t be in your head if you didn’t want it a little bit in the first place. My suggestion just made you realize what was already a subconscious desire.” 
It was your turn to pause, lips pursing together as you thought it over. Fuck, you hated logic and reason, always ruining all your fun. “Fuck, you’re right. In that case, fuck me, too. In fact, fuck everything, the world is bullshit and this is not what I signed up for.” 
“When has the world ever been fair, babe,” he chuckled. 
Groaning loudly, you slumped back in your chair, dramatically throwing your arm over your face. “I don’t know what to do, Joon.”
“Do you really want a hybrid? They can be a lot of responsibility, but they really do make phenomenal companions, especially if you get the perfect one for you.” His words were somewhat consoling for your brain, which was currently going on overdrive. 
You pouted, tugging your knees up to your chest. “Do you think I could handle it?”
“I know you can handle it. You’re a lot more mature than you give yourself credit for. And even if it gets a bit overwhelming, I’ll always be there to help you out, you know that.”
You nodded to no one in particular, gnawing at your lip with furrowed brows, buried in your own thoughts, a back and forth battle going on in your brain. Do you really want this? A hybrid all your own. It would be nothing like going and visiting with Jin, you knew that much. It would be completely your responsibility, your companion, all yours. 
For some reason, that thought brought a ghost of a smile to your lips. 
Yours. That sounds surprisingly nice.
“Okay,” you murmured softly. 
“Okay?” He repeated.
“Okay... it looks like I’m adopting a hybrid.”
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stillness-in-green · 4 years
Changeling: The League (3/3)
Bonus Miscellanea!  A sampler round of various other villains and some AU-of-the-AU versions of the story and characters, including some alternate takes on characters using other game lines from the World of Darkness.  
This post is the last one I have in mind for the concept, but I hope everyone who was curious enough to read them enjoyed them.  There’s some fun stuff in this post in particular, I think--the Word of Darkness really is a very versatile setting.  Find the explanations and the League of Villains here, the follow-up with the Meta Liberation Army here, or just hit the jump for the bonus material.
All for One’s direct loyalists and followers.  All are dual-kithed or otherwise eyebrow-raising in kith/seeming combination, and all have a high enough Wyrd that their kith abilities are starting to evolve--serving AFO does have its benefits.  With AFO imprisoned back in Faerie and the cycle stalled out, AFO’s followers are finding themselves facing an unclear future, and so each is having to come up with what they want to do going forward.  Mostly want Tomura to come back and get things moving again, having little sense that there is a world out there that’s more “real” than the one they currently inhabit.
Type: Palewraith Darkling, Chatelaine dual kith.  Once a caretaker for Tomura, he opts to find Tomura out in the real world in hopes of resuming that directive.  When Tomura does not show even a shred of recognition, Kurogiri opts to set up a bar in the local Hedge, making himself “available.”  
Mantle: Winter, season of secrecy.  Has a servant’s circumspectness with a loyalist’s desire to keep his secrets, as well as a deep, very old melancholy that even he doesn’t really remember the reason for anymore.  
Contracts: Fleeting Winter I, Sorrow-Frozen Winter I-III, Dream I-V, and Smoke I-IV.  For Smoke, he has the old 4-dot Smoke-stepping clause rather than the more modern Murkblur, which is something of a tell regarding his true age.
Type: Chirurgeon Darkling, which shouldn’t actually be possible by the categorizations as the fae understand them.  He’s been in AFO’s hands for a long time, though.  Current fear: what’s going to happen to the realm if the cycle continues to stall?  Gears can only grind against one another for so long before something explodes!
Mantle: Autumn.  A mad scientist with a deep appreciation for breaking things open to find out how they tick.
Contracts: Artifice I-III, Shade & Spirit I-IV, Spellbound Autumn I-III, and Goblin Delayed Harm III.
Type: Stonebones Elemental, Gargantuan dual kith.  AFO’s most loyal monster.  Would have tried to find Shigaraki sooner, but he’s far too removed from the human he once was to be able to find his way through the Hedge without aid.  Probably spends the first few parts of the story giving All Might trouble in Faerie.  
Mantle: Courtless.  Has no emotional affinities that don’t track back to All for One.  
Contracts: Oath & Punishment I-V, Communion (Earth) I-III, and Stone I-V.  Like Geten, a close replica of his canonical powerset.
Muscular: Bloodbrute Ogre.  Ex-gladiator; current terror.
Moonfish: Gristlegrinder Ogre.  Current cannibal; also current terror.
Mustard: Blightbent Elemental.  Looks cuter because he doesn’t have to wear the gas-mask to protect against his own fumes.
Stain: Razorhand Darkling, give or take a Pischacha dual kith.  Broken very deeply by Arcadia from the strict and upright man he once was, but Lost society was pretty much created to provide a safe haven for that kind of damage.  A Summer Court enforcer of some notoriety.  
Gentle Criminal: Windwing Beast.  Refuses to be ground-bound, and is posting videos of himself doing impossible stunts that are drawing some attention, for better or for worse.   
La Brava: Drudge Wizened.  Falls in love with Gentle for showing her that you don’t have to shrink into what other people tried to make of you.  Has absolutely dyed her hair bright pink.  Somehow amazing at stealth anyway.
Gag Inclusion That Makes No Sense With the Lore But Is Perfect Anyway So I’m Not Changing It: 
Overhaul: “Don’t be ridiculous.  There’s no such thing as magic.”  
A banality-riddled Dauntain, from the previous incarnation of the game.  This is how Magne survives--he doesn’t kill her, but rather nukes her glamour reserves/Wyrd score access so badly she has to spend the next three months in the motley’s Hollow living in as much fae decadence as they can afford her, dining on hedgefruit, pampering herself, and keeping up with her various dream pledges while she recovers.
Hero Court, Villain Court: There is a version of the story where Heroes and Villains are old labels from a time when the freehold was built around a now-collapsed Sun Court/Moon Court dichotomy, headed up by All Might and All for One.  In the days following the catastrophic last battle, changelings of the Hero Court and the Villain Court alike have begun picking up the pieces and realigned to what everyone hopes will be a more stable Seasonal Court model.  Endeavor is the Summer King, a changeling who somehow had four three children when it’s all but unheard of to have even one.
Final Boss Shigaraki: There is a version of the story that centers on Deku, and in that version, what Shigaraki learns is this: everyone and everything has an end waiting for them somewhere.  As the game story progresses through power creep and mounting stakes, dramatic revelations and shifting priorities, Shigaraki moves away from Autumn and becomes more attuned to the fatalistic but liberating philosophy of Dusk.  As such, he gains the Entropy Contract clauses, I-V.  In this fashion, Shigaraki is paralleled by Final Battle Deku, rising champion of the Dawn, who is likewise gaining mastery of the Contract of Shonen Protag Powers Potential.  Will they be enemies in the end?  Allies?  Either way, their fates are connected.
Changeling All for One: There is a version of the story in which All Might and All for One are both changelings, in which the entirety of My Hero Academia is a story being played out in some far realm of Faerie.  All for One here is not Shigaraki’s Keeper, but merely a mentor who, when expy!Kamino happens, takes the opportunity to get Shigaraki out, knowing that he himself has been gone from the world for far too long to ever make the return trip through the Thorns intact.  In this version, All Might is an unknowing Loyalist who follows Shigaraki out, determined to capture him “for the good of society”--which would, of course, entail dragging him back to Faerie.
Destro the Revolutionary: There is a version of the story in which Desto is not one of the Gentry, but rather a changeling from years past, one who was spearheading a huge movement advocating that the Lost should reveal themselves to human society writ large--that Faerie predation could never be stopped as long as humanity didn’t know about it, and changelings had the power to, well, change that.   And weren't they tired of living in hiding; didn't they wish they could tell their loved ones the truth?  And that was a message that a lot of changelings liked, but it was also a message that terrified changelings in equal measure, and so in the end, an operative/operation from the Seasonal Court freehold put Destro down.  
In that take, Re-Destro is a successor to Destro as someone who came out of a similar durance and the MLA is a group planning a retributive war against the Seasonal Courts for their perfidy.  Shigaraki and the League could either stumble across the plot or be actively approached as a potentially sympathetic party after Shigaraki's relationship to AFO comes out and endangers his position in his own freehold.  
Re-Destro the Prince: There is a version of the story in which Re-Destro is not a changeling at all, but rather a vampiric prince, heir to a forbidden blood discipline.  He and his followers catch wind of the League motley: not vampires, but not normal humans, either.  They seek the motley out to find out what their deal is and whether it will be a complication to the MLA’s plans.  Vampires are far more immediately dangerous than changelings, but changelings have so many wonderful little tricks up their sleeve, especially against people who are careless with their battle banter.  (But I’ll be real, I hardly know a thing about Vampire: The Requiem--I’m much more familiar with Masquerade.  This version of the story mostly exists because I’m a Shigaraki/Re-Destro shipper and I am not immune to adventures in sexy blooddrinking.) 
There are many other spins one could put on various MHA characters that would be fun to explore.  I kept all the relevant characters fae (or Fae) because if I started thinking about all the things the characters could be, I would actually never stop--and anyway, I’m more familiar with Old World of Darkness meta than I am New World of Darkness.  A lot of the ideas were still fun, though, so for your perusal, here are some of the ones I came up with:
The Shie Hassaikai is an extremist Hunter cell dedicated to weeding out supernatural creatures of all sorts.
Ujiko is a wildly amoral retired Hunter running a mad scientist lab funded by dubiously sourced money from his fae patron, as long as he’s spending a requisite amount of time per month working on AFO’s projects.
There exists a Sin-Eater and his resident Geist who have become so tangled in each other that they no longer retain separate identities, and are now merely “Kurogiri.”  
Kurogiri is a changeling.  Yamada Hizashi is a Sin Eater.  Aizawa Shouta is a Hunter, and he and Hizashi both are trying to dig up information on what happened to Shirakumo Oboro, but neither one of them is anywhere near getting at the truth of the matter.  (This one might actually be true for the purposes of the main Changeling!AU story.)
Midoriya Izuru is a mortal taking his first, faltering steps into the great wide world.  He’s had no durance, no first change, no sire, no awakening--he’s just a young man who stumbles across a secret and has to decide what to do with it.
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svtegg · 5 years
manager jeon (나의 아저씨 au)
a au heavily based on/inspired by the my ajusshi drama. its my absolute favorite drama and i really recomend it! anyway,,, its been a while since ive written anything so im a little rusty,,,please be kind heheh. let me know if you would like me to continue this heheh
2,1k words (warning: includes spoilers, and bad writing)
spoiler warning for the drama My Ajusshi/ 나의 아저씨! this fic is literally based on the plot of that drama and the characters are very (almost too much) inspired by lee jian and park donghoon
jeon wonwoo lived a completely ordinary life, worked an ordinary job at an ordinary company, did ordinary things and lived in an ordinary apartment. he should be happy. he had a wife, a son and a job that played well. he lived close to his family and he still hung out with his childhood friends every sunday to play soccer.
but jeon wonwoo felt like he was slowly dying. in his ordinary life, everything was out of the ordinary. nothing seemed right anymore, and he couldn’t figure out what was the cause. maybe he was just starting to get old.
a choir of “good morning mr. jeon!” erupted from the small office section he managed, the workers there already settling into their desk chairs and logging into their cubicle computers. he greeted the workroom, just like ordinary and made his way into the open section of 4 desks across the hallway from the rest of the workers. “did you see the game yesterday, seungkwan? your team lost again.” soonyoung, one of his three assistant managers teased. his managing team consisted of himself, the manager and head of his section of the company, his second in command, kim mingyu, and his two assistants boo seungkwan and kwon soonyoung. together the four of them formed the managing team of the 3rd security inspection section.
wonwoo hung his heavy winter coat over the back of his chair and placed his briefcase on his desk. “well your team haven’t even won a game yet this season so if i where you, i wouldn’t bite over more than i could chew, you punk.” seungkwan fired back at his college. this was another ordinary day, seungkwan and soonyoung bickering and teasing each other as usual, and jihoon already nose deep in a project only five minutes into the workday. wonwoo sighed as he pulled himself up to his desk, the plastic wheels on his chair squeaking against the newly washed floors. “manager jeon, you have a phone call! i’ll transfer it!” the office assistant yelled from across the hall, wonwoo looked up at the woman and gave her a curt nod to let her know he heard her.
“yes?” wonwoo mumbled into the phone. “i have the applications for the temporary position ready, manager. just come down to logistics and pick one out and i’ll send out the emails.” the personnel manager cheerily spoke into the other end of the line. “i’ll be right down.”
the elevator dinged obnoxiously, rousing wonwoo from his thoughtless daydream. the doors slid apart and forced the male to come face to face with his boss. the younger man staring back at him from outside the confines of the elevator met his eyes, and wonwoo stared back blankly. the older men surrounding the boss, the other directors of the company gave wonwoo some dissatisfied looks as he slipped past them. “director.” he mumbled, bowing his head at his younger colleague and former classmate. the flock of older men dressed in suits filed into the waiting elevator, the small talk picking up as wonwoo moved further away from them. “the ceo may be younger than mr. jeon but he should still bow to his boss, where are his manners?”. the ceo’s personal assistant and director of wonwoo’s department hissed, his spiteful voice carrying through the tile hallway. wonwoo sighed as he heard the elevator door close.
“here’s the resumes, manager.” the loud personnel manager said, the small boardroom making the mans voice seem even louder than it was over the phone. “I personally like this one, very good credentials.” he commented, pointing to the resume with the girl who looked the most traditionally pretty. she had a good education, and relevant work experience for the position. wonwoo scanned the four other papers presented in front of him. ‘y/n y/l/n.’ he read, the picture to accompany the resume a grainy and slightly dark photo of a younger, tired looking girl. ‘hobby: running. special talent: running.’ his eyes scanned the rest of the paper. “this one.” wonwoo stated lowly, letting his hand rest on the edge of the paper, his pointer finger right under the word running. he met eyes with the man across the table, his eyes wide with surprise. “what? why her? she didn’t even finish high school!” the older man erupts, his eyes darting quickly between the paper and jeon wonwoo, his boss.
wonwoo calmly retracted his hand, digging his hands into the pockets of his dark blue suit pants as he straightened out his back and looked at the confused male in front of him. “here,” wonwoo gestured, quickly turning the paper and sliding it over the table for the elder man to see what had caught his eyes. “hobby: running.” he continued, his voice still low and calm as he returned the hand he had used to push the paper across the wooden surface to his pocket. “it’s different.” he chuckled. wonwoo slowly turned around to leave the small glass surrounded room, his shoes dragging a little against the carpeted floor. “she doesn’t even have an education! hey!” the older man yelled after him as he opened the door and began walking back to his section. “hey!”. wonwoo just kept walking, his hands still buried in his pockets. “well just remember you chose her! don’t come to me complaining when she’s fired after two weeks!” the personnel manager shouted after wonwoo, holding up the resume and shaking it slightly in frustration. the hall echoed the slow steps of the man, his back disappearing into the sliding doors of the elevator that would take him back up to the 17th floor where he worked.
“the new temp is kinda weird.” seungkwan commented, his eyes fixed on the newly hired worker across the hall from the section of desks he sat at. mingyu looked up from a folder of blueprints, while soonyoung snorted in response, his eyes barely peeking above the edge of his huge computerscreen. the girl worked quietly as the men looked her over. she was wearing a sweater probably two sizes too big and skinny jeans paired with a pair of dirty and worn chucks that where probably white at some point but now resembled a light shade of dusty gray. “she gives me sort of a mysterious vibe.” mingyu mused, the folder on his desk pressing down a few buttons on his keyboard which then prompted a few dissatisfied sounds to erupt from the laptop. “I heard younghee say that she saw her on the underground the day after she started, like 3 weeks ago. she didn’t even say hello or anything, and she wasn’t dressed for the weather either.” soonyoung whispered at his coworkers, seungkwan gasping a little as he too recalled the floor secretary’s story. “quit staring. get back to work, you’re not getting paid to act like creeps.” wonwoo’s heavy steps roused the three men out of their trance. the manager flopped down onto his office chair, his desk ajar from the group of three in front of him having been littered with documents and papers from various companies. there was a neatly placed stack of mail on the side of his desk, and as the man noticed this he glanced over at the worker who put them there.
y/n y/l/n. the worker he had hired almost a month ago. she didn’t do a lot around the office. well, she did what she was supposed to, but wonwoo had never spoken to her or seen her outside the workplace. the younger girl looked frail and tiny but she had a though and cold aura to her, almost as if she weren’t as young as she looked, like she knew all the secrets in the world. she had busied herself with watering the plants around the office, and wonwoo let himself observe the girl for a moment before he sat down at the desk he sat at every day. y/n sorted and printed receipts from various purchases made by the company and the workers, sorted and delivered mail to the rest of the officeworkers’ desks as well as printing and filing important documents in the huge cabinets by the inspectors office. she was unsually quiet, never speaking to anyone unless needed. wonwoo turned on his computer, opening the e-mail application on his desktop before taking a quick glance back at the girl. she sat, glue stick in hand as she quickly pasted the various receipts onto a piece of paper.
hours passed and the day seemed to go on as usual, the phone ringing every once in a while and e-mails slowly disappearing from the unread basket as the man typed out reply after reply. by lunchtime wonwoo and his team of assistants where reviewing an application for a security inspection to rebuild a larger building in handong when the department secretary, min younghee, called for him. “manager jeon! there’s a package delivery coming up to your desk in a minute!” she yelled out from across the room, the phone tucked in between her chin and her shoulder. wonwoo reacted quickly, moving over from the huddle of men surrounded around the application and blueprints for the building in discussion. he could hear the elevator ding over the monotone whitenoise filling the office. a deliveryman, one of those express deliverymen who drive around on motorcycles and take scandalously much in payment, walked into the open office space with a motorcycle helmet on his head. “jeon wonwoo?” he called out, secretary younghee jumped to her feet and pointed the man towards her manager.
jeon wonwoo was stood by his desk, a little confused tweak of his eyebrows flashing over his tired face before he quickly signed the paper the stranger asked him to and took the big brown envelope that was handed to him. and just like that the helmet clad man was gone again and wonwoo was stood with a blank expression and a heavy brown paper envelope in his hand with his name scribbled into the edge with black marker. it wasn’t unusual to get deliveries, he noted, but no return address and no e-mail or phone calls from any of his business partners that they had sent him anything. which wonwoo noted as a little strange. despite this he sat down at his desk. his desk had always been stood slightly away from soonyoung, mingyu and seungkwan’s to keep himself out of their constant bickering but also to get some space to do manager things such as writing out hours and payments for his staff. the rest of the office could barley see his desk so he didn’t bother to double check if anyone where watching him as he slowly peeled the sticky flap of the envelope back and pulled out the content.
he jumped slightly in his chair, his eyebrows almost disappearing into his hairline before he looked up to see if anyone had noticed his unusual reaction to the mail he had received. in his hand laid a stack of fresh 50,000 won notes, and a small piece of a yellow post it that read “make sure you get it done. thanks”. he took another unsure glance up before trying to discreetly put the envelope into one of his desk drawers. as the drawer quietly slammed closed, he let out a relieved sigh. he would report the money to the inspector after hours, or maybe tomorrow. and maybe, just maybe he would check how much had been sent in that envelope. just because that’s vital information of course. the man, still tense from the shock and still feeling the rush of the unexpected bribery money, straightened his back and looked over to the men still huddled together a couple meters in front of his desk. they seemed to still be completely oblivious. good. wonwoo turned to assess the rest of the office when his eyes met a unfamiliar pair staring back at him. the only desk that had direct view to his was the temp desk. the temp he had hired was staring right into his eyes, her face expressionless and cold. he couldn’t seem to look away from her intense stare either. it felt like a lifetime had passed when wonwoo clared his throat and looked over at his computer awkwardly. he could still feel y/n’s stare on him as he pointlessly scrolled through all his read e-mails. he would report the money tomorrow. first he had to figure out why someone would try to frame him for bribery. he was an honest man, so honest in fact that he would report this. but tomorrow. or maybe in two days.
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mikumutual · 4 years
answers aa themed questions nobody asked because i’m cool and sexy
also i havent played the 5th or 6th games so
YOUR FAVOURITE…? 1. Favourite Ace Attorney game? honestly? phoenix wright ace attorney! everything’s fresh, there aren’t many weak characters, and the plot is remarkable (especially the fifth case). the whole trilogy is really good as one unit though 2. Favourite case? 1-4, 1-5, 2-4, and 3-5 are tied lol, i can’t make a decision to save my life. 2-1 is really really funny tho 3. Favourite defendant? as a defendant, lana skye. as a person, edgeworth 4. Favourite prosecutor? as a prosecutor, franziska von karma. as a person, edgeworth 5. Favourite ship? wrightworth obviously... ive probably put more thought into them over the last 3 years than any other ship 6. Favourite victim? probably mia fey or gregory edgeworth... but for non-relevant victims, neil marshall :( 7. Favourite murderer? shelly de killer, i LOVE that guy. but dee vasquez was very cool as well 8. Favourite assistant? maya fey!!!!!!!!!! but i like kay faraday a lot too (im so sorry ema) 9. Favourite witness? adrian andrews... or maybe iris? i mean i didn’t like iris but god what a person 10. Favourite quote? “It doesn't matter how many underhanded tricks a person uses... The truth will always find a way to make itself known. The only thing we can do is to fight with the knowledge we hold and everything we have. Erasing the paradoxes one by one... It's never easy... We claw and scratch for every inch. But we will always eventually reach that one single truth. This I promise you.” - Miles Edgeworth i made this one of my senior quotes :]
YOUR LEAST FAVOURITE…? 11. Least favourite Ace Attorney game? uh fucking apollo justice. literally what the hell was that 12. Least favourite case? turnabout visitor wasn’t very strong? i guess it’s fine as an intro, but it’s also wonky with the timeline of aai 13. Least favourite defendant? max galactica. he’s better in the anime though 14. Least favourite prosecutor? manfred von karma, obviously. i like every other prosecutor (who i know of) though, even winston payne is pretty funny in hindsight 15. Least favourite ship? “miles edgeworth/female oc”. there are a lot of bad ships though, mostly involving phoenix & his assistants. dont do that please 16. Least favourite victim? zak gramarye for kickstarting that shitty, shitty game 17. Least favourite murderer? again mvk... but also fucking frank sahwit LMAO 18. Least favourite assistant? i guess trucy 19. Least favourite witness? fuck everyone from turnabout big top unless it was the anime episode 20. Least favourite memory of Ace Attorney? repeatedly trying and failing to download the emulator for aai2 hbjsjhdb i eventually got it but someone had to send me the download fully pre-patched and i felt kinda useless DO YOU PREFER…? 21. Phoenix Wright or Apollo Justice? phoenix wright. fuck that “GOTCHA!” mechanic jesus christ 22. Maya Fey or Trucy Wright? maya fey. nothing personal against trucy but i just dont like aj hbjsdjhsdb also maya is really sweet and fun and she has the best sprites. she seems like she’d be a good friend, it’s too bad that she doesn’t have the time for them as a spirit medium and all :( if maya ema and kay got to hang out together itd be wild 23. Investigations or trials? trials are easier in my opinion because investigations have several things you could be doing without such a linear style, so if you miss something, you won’t really know until you wander around forever 24. College Phoenix or Hobo Phoenix? college feenie!!!!! he’s like trilogy feenie but more emotional and less witty. i like to pretend that hobo phoenix doesnt exist 25. Klavier Gavin or Kristoph Gavin? who would say kristoph 26. Ace Attorney or Ace Attorney Investigations? ace attorney but only because phoenix is in it lmao. im actually rewatching a playthrough of aai now, and playing aai2 at the same time, so while it is on the mind, i feel like the cases characters and mechanics - while loved - don’t hold up to the OGs 27. Apollo’s perceive, Phoenix’s magatama, or Athena’s Mood Matrix? i actually kinda like the mood matrix more than anything because it has a really good UI and the magatama is kinda grating. but FUCK the gotcha mechanic it is SO FUCKING STUPID and IMPOSSIBLE TO USE.  where is logic chess 28. Ace Attorney trilogy or Apollo Justice and Dual Destinies? you already know my answer to this one 29. 3D models or sprites? i do like the 3d models a lot but i like the original sprites more! imo original pixel sprites > 3D models > HD sprites. mostly bc the hd sprites are garbage (see here, here, and here) 30. Ema Skye as she is in Rise from the Ashes or Ema Skye as she is in Apollo Justice? rfta !!!!!! shes actually really nice as an assistant, esp considering the fact that we actually see her interact with her sister, which is something maya didn’t have very often. also her random appearance in aai was well appreciated by me
MISCELLANEOUS 31. Did you like what they did to Phoenix in Apollo Justice?
32. Your opinion on Dai Gyakuten Saiban? haven’t played it! it looks pretty cool though
33. Do you think Dai Gyakuten Saiban and/or Miles Edgeworth Investigations 2 will get localised to the West? doubt it, since the creators have said that it won’t be. but the fan translations are pretty good, so i think it’s okay
34. Do you think Miles Edgeworth should get another Investigation-game or do you think another character deserves a spin-off? i mean he already has two, so i guess he doesn’t need another? like i love edgeworth but he’s not as fun without phoenix around. ngl i would play a franziska game. or a maya game, or any spinoff revolving around a side character. hell i’d play hotti game if it meant it took place in the trilogy era
35. Opinion on the soundtrack of the Ace Attorney-franchise? REALLY good. really really good. i love how each game of the trilogy has different composers but each track has the same theme and feel!!!
36. Do you like where the franchise is heading or did you prefer the atmosphere in the original trilogy? seriously absolutely completely prefer the trilogy. i’m sorry but the rush of youth and trust is way, way more enjoyable than whatever “i’m 35 and therefore middle aged” nonsense is happening in the 2020s
37. Capcom suddenly announces that Phoenix will no longer appear in the Ace Attorney franchise! Your reaction? He’s been replaced by Penny Nichols. Fuck you.
38. Capcom suddenly announces that the Ace Attorney franchise has ended for good! Your reaction? it was me i ended it
39. Would you like there to be another Ace Attorney/Professor Layton crossover game? i didnt play it but i really like the idea!!!!!! aa crossover games are really funny to me, i mean have you seen edgeworth in project x zone 2, lmao
40. Would you like an Ace Attorney anime? we have one now! honestly i don’t think it did a very good job of representing the cases, but it did do a good character remix of turnabout big top so that they’re not creepy anymore. they also did a really good job with the anime-specific cases, like the one on the train! it feels a lot better paced when it’s intended for that medium rather than just adapted.  also the childhood episodes made me cry
41. Opinion on anime cutscenes in Ace Attorney? like in 5 and 6? mm, the art style is kinda weird, and i don’t really like the voices, but i guess not everything can be pachinko and prozd
42. Would you want to play an Ace Attorney game where you take on the prosecutor’s role? YEAH ACTUALLY!!!!!! it might be kinda weird being on the right side of the screen though lmao
43. Do you like having DLC in Ace Attorney-games? uhhh i hate having to buy extra things, but i’ll admit that they are pretty funny
44. Opinion on Lamiroir’s storyline? i only played aj so if shes in other games idk but i thought she was fine
45. One thing you think the Ace Attorney games can improve on? stop having creepy characters please. also jesus christ if phoenix and edgeworth arent wearing rings in aa7 i will become the ceo of capcom myself
46. Capcom suddenly announces an Ace Attorney movie! Would you like it to be based on an already existing case or would you like an all new storyline? i mean the musical did a pretty good job of adapting existing cases, so it might as well be new. it would be kinda hard to balance the games’ timeline & character development without being repetitive or an au
47. Capcom suddenly announces an Ace Attorney movie! Would you prefer it being live-action, 3D animated or 2D animated? stylized 2D animation, probably? i would want it to feel more like into the spiderverse than an anime, though. in my dream ace attorney movie, they’d just need a high art budget, several plausible deniability wrightworth scenes, and prozd to voice edgeworth
48. If there could be an Ace Attorney crossover with whatever franchise you’d like, which one would you choose? (Does not need to be a video-game franchise) your turn to die is probably closest in characterization, although its premise is more “locked in a room” than the open-world investigation of aa
49. Opinion on recurring witnesses? (Wendy Oldbag, Lotta Hart, Larry Butz, etc.) honestly, i like them a lot! i don’t know why people hate them so much - i mean, i know lotta lied, and wendy is a horrible old flirt, and larry just kinda sucks all around. but they’re also pretty funny to have around! larry is a constant comic relief who reminds you how much better nick & edgey are in comparison, lotta is likeable as a general character (like in 2-4, although yeah, not remarkable), and wendy oldbag is really funny. she’s so fucking funny. none of you appreciate wendy oldbag’s quirks and you are SLEEPING ON IT!!!!!!!!!!!!
50. Do you think Dual Destinies deserved its M-rating? no idea, holy shit, it got an m-rating? i mean every game before it has had blood violence and very mild swearing, and since DD probably doesnt have anything too sexually risqué, i doubt it deserves a rating any harsher than the rest of the series
okay thanks thats all
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idoljiminie · 6 years
Writers Reflections: Tag Meme
I was tagged by @oathkeeperoxas my ultimate writing senpai uwu ❤💛❤
Rules: answer the following questions about your own writing, whether fanfic or original. If you can't/don't want to answer a question, just put N/A. If you don't have that many posted works, tell us about your WIPs or individual chapters/drabbles or even your ideas! Then tag as many writers as you like :)
AO3 name and link, if applicable: angeltrumpets
What's your most popular fic, by whatever metric is most relevant to you (hits, kudos, comments, reblogs, some other trait)?:
By Any Other Name is the most popular on AO3, but it's the only fic of mine that isn't a oneshot and it's also a soulmate AU (Hdkn from TG) so that just kinda automatically makes it more popular than my other fics.
On tumblr tho, my most popular fic has easily been A Source of Warmth, which as of now has 87 notes. It's a Hdkn TG oneshot I posted when the fandom was at its peak in 2015, however about a year ago it got a bunch more notes like a sudden attention and idk why but it was unexpected that's for sure.
What's your favourite fic that you've written?
Hmmmmmm Dancing Fireflies is my favourite in terms of the context behind it and how much damn fun it was to write, because it's a crack fic, but treated seriously, which made it more fun to write, and I also like going back and reading it again. It's also the fic with the most entertaining comments.
What's your best fic, and is it different from your favourite fic?
Recurring Illusions. It's the most recent thing I've written. (Hdkn oneshot, angst, an excuse for me to never stop being owned by Chapter 136). It really does FEEL like my best fic, as in I had a really good feeling as I was writing it! I was doing a lot that I hadn't written before, and I worked really hard on it! It came out really good!
Unfortunately because the fic is tagged with Graphic Violence and Implied Character Death, not many people are clicking to read it, but I expected that. The Graphic Violence was actually one of the things that was new to me, because most of my writing is very.... hmm uneventful? Like nothing big happens in most of my oneshots. Whereas here it was like Im writing a scene where he's killing people or eating people here how does that get written. Especilly the eating. I am very proud of the eating part of the oneshot especially because I pushed myself to go further with it and not shy away from details. I also am proud of the choices I made when writing it to display what state of mind Kaneki was in at certain parts.
Do you have a fic whose popularity surprised you?
OMG YES!!??!! Coffee And Thieves!! It's my second most viewed and kudosed fic on AO3 and I'm ????? like I'm still lost!!!!! It was a secret santa fic I wrote of the Amon/Hide/Kaneki poly ship and its popularity confuses me for two reasons: 1) I had no idea this many people would be clicking on it and reading it because honestly it's a super rare ship especially being a poly ship and I wouldn't have even known of its existence if it weren't for who I was gifting the fic to! But apparently more people are looking to read the ship than I thought! And 2) quality of writing wise it's more simplistic than some of my other fics. Like it's just fluff and I know people like reading that but it also means there's less room to like... show-off writing capabilities, you feel? Altho again, it's not like people are looking for that when it comes to fluff.
Do you have a fic you wish more people would read?
THE WITCH'S SERVANT! It's easily the oneshot I spent the most time on like I posted it months after starting it because I spent so long getting it right and soooooooo many hours working it out. But yeah it got comparatively much less attention than my other Hdkn fics. But I am still proud of it because I worked really hard on it and I got to write up what I wanted, which was the play that Hide and Kaneki brought up in the series. I wanted to look more into that and write about it, because I had seen meta and theory writers talk about Hide and Kaneki's roles in that play in relation to their roles in the overall story of TG, so I tried to integrate a little of that meta into the fic. I also included dialogue from the unused draft from the last ep from Root A in the fic. So there was a lot I was putting in, and yeah while it's a shame it didn't get more attention, I'm still happy with it and proud of it.
Is there a ship or fandom you haven't written, but really want to?
I have been wanting to write Reigisa from Free since fckn 2014. Every year I have been like "This is the year I contribute to Reigisa Week" and then I don't. And since Ive been with the ship for a long time and seen a lot of it, I feel like I know the characters and ship dynamic well enough to be comfortable writing it. But yeah Ive never gotten around to completely writing anything. Ive started a few, but they had always ended up abandoned.
Tell us a random fact about your writing process:
Ok so Im slow as shit right, like my multichapter fic from earlier has 2 chapters written and I started the fic in March this year so lol i know slowness and going ages without writing is common with a lot of writers tho
Usually what gets me going is a song putting me in a mood. Often the song won't match the mood of the fic I'm writing, as it'll almost always be a more angsty emotional song that gets me motivated, even if what I'm writing is not emotional at all. It just makes me feel like I can get things out more easily and write more interestingly.
I also save my writing docs in dropbox so I can always add to it either on my laptop or phone whenever I feel like it and it's synced up, but it never really ends up that way because nothing happens when I try to write on my phone I'm rarely able to write without the laptop setup.
Tagging @akaaka04 because Red ur the only mutual who first came to mind when I was thinking of mutuals rn who write, anyone else I can think of I'm either not mutuals with or I don't know for sure if they write or not. Sorry if I'm forgetting someone
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@viennainspringtime I’m not going to pretend I wasn’t happy I made you feel things. ;D I hope them not being around didn’t feel throwaway, but basically I’m trying to focus on Teslen and the vampires, and, I don’t know, I feel like Helen losing them would have very much fueled a certain single-mindedness about the whole thing (not that she wouldn’t have been single-minded before, but more so now). Also, I’m sorry, this chapter is a bit of an infodump, with a bit more backstory/worldbuilding that’s addressed in part 5 but I didn’t want to spring on readers out of the blue during that scene. I hope it’s not too bad, though. :P
Teslen vampire/hunter AU, Part 4
Contains: guns (that are actually not used for a change), vampires and associated mentions of drinking blood, mentions of deaths of canon characters (Henry and Ashley), mentions of life-threatening situations, possibly slightly obsessive behavior?
Six days Nikola lay slumped there, in his locked-down laboratory, half-delirious, adjusting the hastily inserted IV whenever he felt lucid enough to safely do so.
He only ventured out, once, near the end, when he became so hungry he feared he might rip into his own wrist while asleep, and once he had retrieved the blood bag he hooked himself back into his blood matrix scrubber, fed, and slept for another thirty-six hours.
It had been a true Hail Mary pass, and he never wanted to come that close to death again.
 Defensive hadn't worked, and so he grudgingly began to think more offensively, towards actively disabling instead of merely blocking and deterring, enjoying the challenge of a new design paradigm but hating that he had been driven to it. (Her idea of some kind of energy-based weapon wasn't half bad, actually, right up his alley.) He found a place on the top floor of a converted warehouse, and set up his new fortress, and waited.
 He waited a long time, months, in fact, weeks upon restless weeks of looking over his shoulder and perfecting his new systems and very much not wondering what sorts of books or wines she liked. (She just seemed like the type to be able to properly appreciate both.)
A reverse image search with some clear footage from her previous attack turned up one “Abigail Fernley,” M.D., but aside from the standard documentation (birth certificate, driver's license) there was very little, and the entire thing smacked of a façade, the sort he too was intimately acquainted with.
(He really should have turned the images over to the police so they could lock her up if they hadn’t already — his most effective way of getting rid of hunters — but he reminded himself that pressing charges in this case could raise a lot of questions he wasn't very keen on answering, including why he had such an intense security system against someone who was, to their knowledge, a burglar. Her, he much preferred to deal with himself.)
 There were also far too many Henrys and Ashleys in this world for those names to be of much use. There was one boy, whom he thought might be the relevant one — a computer science student, whose body had been found drained in the aftermath of a feeding party. But sources made no mention whatsoever of family, and one or two sites on the deep Abnormal web spoke of him being a werewolf — which ruled out him being her son, at least biologically.
There were simply far too many casualties, even a few unwanted turnings — and it angered him, these arrogant fledglings who thought they could rule the world by force and bend it to their petty whims, these idiots who cast a black mark on them all and flew in the face of all the enlightenment his great race was capable of bringing to the world. Thankfully, most of them also woefully underestimated humans, and sooner or later had their spoiled little asses — or rather, heads — handed to them on a silver platter. Those vampires... once the transformation had taken place there was no way back, and he could understand humans eliminating that threat.
(There was a local takedown, recently, some rich upstarts. Nikola was nearly certain that was her work: careful, quick, and with an abundance of biochemical weaponry.)
 He began to believe she had given up chasing him — he didn’t fear that, no, it would be a good thing if she had, remember? But he couldn't let his guard down, because it would be just like her to take advantage of that moment. (He debated doing it anyways, deliberately. It would be a clever trap.)
 He threw his restless energy into his work in the laboratory, registering several minor patents for efficiency improvements in circuitry, streetcar propulsion, and radio transmission, and into his other work: a book, A History of Vampires, which he aimed to be the premier reference on his species once the world was ready to know the truth. He added a chapter on arrogant spoiled brat fledglings, in the heat of the moment, then revised it, then deleted it, then un-deleted it again.
Their history, though, that was his favorite topic. His race, once the kings and pharaohs of the world, ruling by virtue of their wisdom and bringing peace and enlightenment to their subjects, had been made practically extinct by the Church — sterilized and banished. Until the end of the 19th century, when one doctor, one brilliant woman, had revived them. Helen Magnus had devised a serum from pure vampire blood, and injected a small group of desperate Eastern European patients with it. Whatever her original intentions for that experiment may have been, the great race was reborn, and spread. Nikola himself had been one of the second generation, seeking out these people in the dark corners of 1890s London who were rumored to have become younger, unaging, and nigh-indestructible, and he had practically begged to become one of them, if it were possible. Eternity for his work, and damn any safety precautions.
 He had nearly given up on seeing her again, nearly returned to some semblance of his normal life, when she rang his front doorbell.
“Well, this is a surprise.” He couldn't come up with a better quip on such short notice, when he saw her in the evening twilight on the building's door camera. She was bold, and his heart sped up, as he wondered what she had up her sleeve this time. She carried no bag full of gear, just her usual leather jacket, a scarf over her neck, and a holster at her hip. “Though, if you wanted to try to climb into my bedroom window again, I wouldn't mind that, either.”
“I’d be daft, trying to enter directly into a bedroom.” She tilted her head, briefly. “Though given how little you sleep…” She cleared her throat. “May I come up?”
He stilled, debating it for a split second, but his curiosity won, easily. “You leave your gun by the door.”
She clicked her tongue. “That's hardly fair. You have an entire defense system up there, plus your natural advantages. I should at least be afforded my gun.”
“If I may remind you, you're the one coming to me. My rules.”
“I'm not coming to try to kill you. This time.” She stood with her arms crossed over her chest, her expression impassive. “I could suggest a meeting in ‘neutral’ territory, say, a park. A place with so many more possible angles of attack. A restaurant poses its own issues, as well.” She paused, for a moment, to let her words sink in. “I want to speak with you, Nikola, and this is the best place for us both. But I won't surrender my gun. Are you going to let me in?”
He frowned, setting his jaw as he buzzed her into the building. “I'm sure you know which apartment.” His only response was the sound of her boots on the stairs.
It was surreal, letting her into his apartment. She stopped just beyond the door, glancing around, shifting her weight onto one foot, completely unselfconscious.
He swallowed and closed the door, watching her. “Why are you here?”
She folded her arms, staring right back at him. “As strange as it may sound, I do feel obligated to thank you for calling an ambulance. It may very well have saved my life.”
He inhaled. “I hope you don't make me regret that.” Taking a step back, he sized her up, and she did the same.
“Why did you do it?” She held up a hand. “And spare me any platitudes.”
“I hate seeing death. Despite what you may think of me, I don't laugh and watch the world burn.”
She lifted her chin, pursing her lips. “I suppose that's fair enough. For what it's worth: thank you.”
He tilted his head, allowing a half-smile to seep over his face. “You're welcome.” He gestured towards the living room with a flourish. “If I may offer the lovely lady a seat and some wine?”
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destielfanfic · 7 years
Group Ask #157
Relevant Links:
previous group asks
prompt comms
Supernatural Kink Community (more info here and here)
prompt blogs listed at the bottom of our other page and here
we may not have fics to personally rec, but those looking for fics that have key terms might find relevant fics on ao3, livejournal, ff.net, etc (guide to finding fic)
Ask #1 ( @whovianthatissherlocked): there’s this fic...#1
I'm looking for a fic I've already tried googling it. It's a destiel fic where they have to go through mating rituals. Sam is not with Dean and Dean still thinks he is in the cage in the beginning of it. It was on live journal and Michael ends up becoming a friend. They lock Lucifer in the cage for longer using a ritual where Dean is Michael's vessel. Also they go to eden and it's a work in progress. If you can find it
Found by  mieekaserra:  Unexpected Destinies
Ask #2 ( @sarah-the-demon ): there’s this fic...#2
Hi! I was wondering if you might be able to find a certain fic? I don't have too many details (it's been a while and things got jumbled up in my head), so it's alright if you aren't able to find it. I remember that it had a specific set of events, though. Dean at some point had some kind of teacher figure (pre-story events) and he found out she died. He thought of a specific poem at her grave or somewhere like that while he thought of her, but for the life of me I can't remember it. Thank you!
Found by @lunaloca1152 and @hypoatias-sister: Sex101, or: That Time Castiel Asked Dean To Teach Him How To Have Sex
Ask #3 ( @colorxblind ): there’s this fic...#3
Hi! Thank you for sharing these great destiel fanfics. I love this blog so much!! Anyway, there's this fanfic I've been looking for a long time but I forgot the title and the author. In this fanfic, everyone has a middle name that is kind of a secret that only mates or family know and Dean's true name is Dean Humanity Winchester. Does anyone know the title? Many thanks for the help!
Ask #4 ( @cooltremendouspsychiccollector ): there’s this fic...#4
Could you help me find a fix? I can't remember the name but Cas and Dean are friends and cas brings a boyfriend to his birthday or something. I think dean yells at him and cas or his boyfriend (maybe balthazar) punches dean. John then asks dean why he called cas names since he knew cas was gay and dean admits he loves cats and is mad/jealous he has a boyfriend. John tells him to figure it out then they resolve their issues. Thanks!
Suggested by partylikeits-1989: 
Drifting Verse [T, 37,500 word count WIP]
A series following the childhood friends who have had their huge ups and downs.
Ask #5 ( @slyviebee91 ): there’s this fic...#5
Hi! I've been searching all over the place for a story that I think was recommended here in the past. In this story, Cas works in an ER (doctor or nurse) and Dean is admitted to the hospital due to him suffering a severe asthma attack. Eventually, he and Cas bond. I think Sam and Jess may have been featured in the story as well.
Ask #6 ( anon ): there’s this fic...#6
Hi, I have been searching this kid!fic but couldn't find it in kid or domestic tags. But it's weird one. It's AU. Dean is guardian of a baby ( I think girl and her name is Emma) There was very angst backstory with is reason Dean is not coping well and Castiel, Charlie (?) etc are trying to help. There is conversation where Dean ask Castiel if he smells and that's why the baby is fussy around Dean. Castiel is very understanding and refers to Deans background as reason. If this rings any bells I would love to find this fic. :D It's been some time so i don't really remember what the angst backstory was really about. And Sam+Jess are possible dead and that's why Dean is the guardian and without family support.
Found by @desiraelovesdestiel - this is a cockles fic!! Broken Man and the Dawn (unofficially recced here)
Ask #7 ( @forensic-hippogriff): there’s this fic...#7
Hi, i just wanted to know if you know the fic where Castiel and his family move because his dad was arrested for being the Morningstar murderer and he meets dean and all the others and ive been looking for it for a while so i can reread it but i can't find it and its making me sad so i was wondering if you could help me, thank you!
Found by desiraelovesdestiel and unexectedreamz!: 
Here’s to Us [T, 101,300 word count]
The religious “vigilante” serial killer, Emmanuel Novak, known as the Morning Star Murderer, has been captured and has confessed to over fifty murders, though his actual victim count is projected to be more than Gary Ridgeway and Ted Bundy combined. When his family moves to Lawrence, Kansas, in an attempt to get a fresh start, they don’t know what to expect from the local residents; and though they aren’t surprised by the air of distrust, they are surprised to find out why. When the wayward, fearful Castiel Novak meets the loyal, trustful Dean Winchester, he never expects to fall in love with him.
Ask #8 ( @supervampire1000): there’s this fic...#8
Please please help! I can't remember the name of a fanfiction I love!! Ok i know it's destiel, it also has sambriel and I know Raphael is main evil boy. Ok so basically I know that dean and cas are kinda bonded and I know Sam and gabe are bonded, they fuck through a wall. then Castiels dad is a traitor idk and Castiels brother in this fic dies. Some how Mary and John Winchester brought back and they are accompanied by an angel and is bonded to another crazy angel. I think it's apocalypse verse
If any of our followers have anything to suggest, drop it in our ask box (mention which ask you are talking about by number or bolded title). If you don’t see your ask here, it is because we have quite a few in the inbox. Thanks!!
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11 Question Shenanigans
I was tagged by the flawless @adorableears7 who always tags me in things which makes me really happy :)
No pressure to do this! I won’t tag anyone, you can just say I tagged you if you want to do this! :))
My Questions:
How did you get into fandom? What was your catalyst to finding the tumblr community?
What’s your favourite part about your favourite fandom?
If you could spend the day with any fictional character, who would it be and why?
What fictional character has had the biggest impact on your life or has inspired you the most?.
Talk about your favourite book (I KNOW IT’S HARD but if you had to pick one).
Do you have any accomplishments or anything in your life you feel the most proud of?
Tell us about a project you have going on! Or if you don’t have one, maybe something you’ve always wanted to write or draw?
How do you feel about AU’s?
Do you have any favourite composers or soundtracks?
In your opinion, what is the best Disney movie to come out since Disney’s Golden Age?
Fangirl about something, really go wild!
1. How did I get into the fandom? (Since I was tagged by a fellow member of the Inuyasha i’ll fill this out according to my Inuyasha fandom answers.) I discovered Inuyasha one night when I stayed up too late watching adult swim. From the very first episode I saw I was completely addicted. The first episode I saw was "Terror of the Ancient Noh Mask". I immediately was in love with the characters and story. I told my twin sister about the show and for the longest time we would stay up until 1 to watch Inuyasha. Then when they switched the time slot to 5 am we would wake up early before school to watch it! I’ve read Inuyasha fanfiction daily for years. This show owns me. 
2. My favorite part of the Inuyasha fandom? The creativity! Like I said, i’ve read Inuyasha fanfiction almost every day for years, and I love a good AU. The amount of creative and unique AU’s ive read over the years has kept me coming back over and over again. Keep it up Inuyasha fic writers! You’re amazing. 
3. If you could spend the day with any fictional character, who would it be and why? From the Inuyasha I would spend the day with Koga. He’s my fav (besides Inuyasha of course). Idk there’s just something about Koga that makes me love him. He loves his pack and is very dedicated to his people. I think he tries to act all big and tough but at the end of the day he’s a good leader who does care about his loved ones. I would love to spend a day with Koga’s pack. I could hang with Hakkaku and Ginta too. Love those characters.
4.  What fictional character has had the biggest impact on your life or has inspired you the most? Kagome is pretty damn inspiring to me. I think i’m a lot like her. Both underestimated by those around us. We both want to protect our loved ones and have a strong sense of justice, but also are very sweet and love to have fun. all the women in Inuyasha are kick ass. Sango is the embodiment of what I want to be. girl power. 
5. Talk about your favorite book (I KNOW IT’S HARD but if you had to pick one). Right now it’s the A Court of Thorns and Roses! I just bought the second book, so i’m re-reading it again. Its like a fantasy re-telling of beauty and the beast. Its great. definitely recommend, 10/10.
6.Do you have any accomplishments or anything in your life you feel the most proud of? I’m the first in my family to graduate from college!!
7.Tell us about a project you have going on! Or if you don’t have one, maybe something you’ve always wanted to write or draw? I’ve been trying to draw more often to improve but it’s been really hard to do with my new job. i’m there all day and it’s mentally exhausting. I need to get out of this job asap.
8.How do you feel about AU’s? LOVE THEM. Soulmate AU? BRING IT. King/Queen/Prince/Princess AU? FUCK YEA. Coffee shop AU? GIVE IT TO ME. I love AUs. They allow the author to use characters that we already know so well to live in new worlds or live new lives that we would never see in the show/book. LOVE AUs. I LIVE FOR AUs. Especially Inuyasha AUs. (Other fav is Yuri! on Ice AUs.)
9. Do you have any favourite composers or soundtracks? WOW. Um so many soundtracks. I could listen to the Hunchback of Notre Dame soundtrack everyday for the rest of my life. Also I’ve been OBSESSED with the Yuri! on Ice soundtrack ever sine I've started watching the show. 
10. In your opinion, what is the best Disney movie to come out since Disney’s Golden Age? Well my all-time favorite Disney movie is 101 Dalmatians which came out during the Golden Age in 1961... But beyond the golden age of Disney i’d say that the best is The Hunchback of Notre Dame. The story is AMAZING and so relevant to the problems going on in today’s world. The music is amazing, the animation is stunning and the cast is so talented! If you haven’t watched it, or maybe it’s been a while PLEASE GO WATCH IT. NOW. It’s perfect.
11. Fangirl about something, really go wild! So if you know me you know that I have a major obsession with the Backstreet Boys. That’s right the best selling boy band of all time! I even have a Backstreet boys tattoo. I connect with their music so much. And they are so genuine. They don’t lip sync, I know a lot of artists claim this but they mean it. Brian has been very open in the fact that he struggles with his voice nowadays, and they talked a lot about it in their documentary. Last time I saw them in concert Brian did struggle a little with his voice but he did great! I would rather hear them live and know they gave me a genuine and authentic performance than hear them exactly how they sound on CD. God don’t get me started on the Backstreet Boys. I love them so much. I would sell a kidney on the black market to go to their Las Vegas residency that just started! UGH. BSB. KTBSPA. 
5 notes · View notes
lazytacomoon-blog · 6 years
Best car insurance in NYC?
"Best car insurance in NYC?
i live in NYC, BX and its' really crazy how much money they are charging me for car insurance. about 3000 for 6 months...:-( cause i have never owned a car...i am 35 now and still it's not going down...:-( any suggestions? and please don't say walk! :-)
BEST ANSWER:  Try this site where you can compare quotes: : http://freecarinsurance.xyz/index.html?src=tumblr 
Is a 2002 cadillac deville cheaper to insure than 1995 mercedes S420?
Is a 2002 cadillac deville DTS 4 door 4.6L northstar V8 @70,000 miles cheaper to insure and repair than 1995 mercedes S420 4 door @199,000 miles?""
How much is aaa liability cheapest insurance for a 3rd car?
If I currently have a 2009 ford taurus and a 2003 toyota camry with full insurance for 2000 a year how much extra is it to add insurance for a small, cheap used car (2001 toyota corolla) for just liability rather than full coverage by AAA? Is it going to be cheap as in 200 dollars a year extra or even no extra cost? Thanks""
When is the best time to cancel car insurance?
Car insurance is coming up to renewal. Found a cheaper company to go with for the next year. When is the best time to cancel, before the renewal date or just after? I want to keep my NCB I have built up with them and move it over to new company for the next year, also if I cancel before the renewal date would this affect my NCB that I have built up with them?""
I have an old pickup truck but can't find a price to get an insurance quote.?
I'm working on a 1972 International model 1100 Eight pickup truck and can't seem to find a price for it in todays market. I've looked on every automotive web-site I can think of, but they have every make except International. I'm trying to get an insurance quote over the internet and I really need this. I paid $400 for the truck itself and about the same for new parts. The guy who owned this truck before me said it was originally a one ton pickup, but the bed was switched out with a three ton. I know I have to add the price of the new parts, but all I want is an approximate base price. I'll take any advice, web-site, or anything else relevant to my needs.""
On average how much does it cost to deliver a baby in a hospital?
With insurance, what is usually the total parents have to pay?""
Car Insurance questions?
If my wife and I are separated, She took one of my cars...can I take her off my insurance policy so that she can insure herself?""
How much is insurance for a teenager?
hey i wanna buy a car, and im about to get my license. i just wanna know what the average price is for my age. im turning 17, and i want a 2002 firehawk trans am..yes i know i shouldnt get it, i should get a honda civic lol. but ive saved up and i want it. i just want to know the average price. my mother has geico and im a guy. if you could give me a estimate for every month or every couple of months it will cost for a trans am also how much cheaper it will be if i got the cheaper car. much thanks!! i also live in new jersey if that helps.""
Do you have life insurance?
Do you have life insurance?
Car insurance?
Does anyone know of a website where you can find out how your occupation affects your car insurance quote? im a postman and i was just wanting to know what grade i was in? cheers
How much would an insurance premium rise if you has 2 speeding tickets?
Now, I am considering adding myself to my husbands policy(for his car). I went 15 years without a single ticket, and then this past year I recieved two speeding tickets within 6 months. I was only going 5 mph over on one, and 7 mph on the other. Will the agent factor this in, or is speeding, speeding no matter how fast..It was NOT fast enough to be consdered wreckless driving. Neither of us have ever had an accident...(thank you lord!) Alos- How long does it take for tickets to come off your record? And are they also basing premiums off credit? I have good credit, so could that help the speeding issue?""
""An insurance company will insure a $260,000 home for its total value for an annual premium of $590. If the com?""
An insurance company will insure a $260,000 home for its total value for an annual premium of $590. If the company spends $30 per year to service such a policy, the probability of total loss for such a home in a given year is 0.001 and you assume either total loss or no loss will occur, what is the company's expected annual gain (or profit) on each such policy? I think maybe 300$?""
Average car insurance prices for 21 year old male?
just started to learn how to drive, i am a 21 year old male living in east london. i wont be getting a good car, im guessing a 2 door over 7 or 8 years old. can i get some sort of idea as to how much i will be paying for insurance? anyone else my age just paid for insurance?""
Teen Car Insurance + Accidents Clarification?
I'm a 16 year old girl who just got her license in March. A week after I got my license, I rear ended another car while driving my mom's new car that is insured. We got it fixed and only had to pay the 500 dollar deductible. I do not have my own car. My sister, who is 19, has her own car that is not covered on our insurance. My dad's car is not covered either. My sister just got into an accident, rear ending someone as well. I really need to get a car next year for work and such but my parents said my insurance would be high enough already with both of me and my sister's accidents. Couldn't I just buy a car on my own and not insure it like my dad and sister's cars? I really don't know how car insurance works at all, i only know what my parents tell me, so any help would be appreciated :)""
Lying to insurance company?
The other night I hit into a pole in a parking lot and no one saw, and caused the pole no damage. However, the front of my car has a small damage. Money is tight. What if I were to tell my insurance company that I did not know how it happened and I'm looking to repair it...""
How much would car insurance for me im 21 and i want a ford fusion?
How much would car insurance for me im 21 and i want a ford fusion?
Best mediclam health insurance plan in India ? Mumbai?
I am 34 yr old and my wife is 26 year old i want to purchase a mediclam health insurance policy which cover both with maternity benifits and OPD charges etc. Please suggest me the best offer & plan of insurance company which is having cashless facility and good service . can i take the policy online . thanking you
Whats the fastest car a 20 year old can get insured on without paying huge insurance?
I have a bmw 1.6,its fairly slow and cant get insured on a 1.8,i think the fastest car i can get insured on is a honda v-tec 1.5,the insurance is not expensive for it at all,possibly an mx-5 1.6 aswell coz of the pwr to rate ratio altough never driven 1,what do ye rekn?""
How much is average health insurance in London?
I am a 19 year old female moving to London to be an au pair. I will need health insurance since I will not be living with my parents. About how much will it cost? I have no major illnesses.
How to get cheap car insurance?
i want to know that how to get cheap first car insurance in u.k?
If i was to buy a car 300 miles away from where i live what would i do about insurance and driving back?
Hi Question pretty much says it all, , I cancelled my insurance few months ago when i sold my car, so it wouldnt be a matter of ringing them up and transferring over. I dont know how it works could i just drive it back and say i have just bought it if for whatever reason if i get pulled??""
""3-car accident, what will insurance do?""
I was in a 3 car accident, I was the middle car. It's stop and go traffic at a red light, the line is backed up a good way, and the person in front of me stops. I stop behind them, but the man behind me doesn't stop. He hits me and pushes my car into her car. His car seems to be flawless, the vehicle he knocked me into also seems unharmed, maybe a scratch on the bumper (it was like a jeep or explorer, so my car went up under hers a little) and the front of my car is a little messed up. The police will file an accident report, but while I wait, what can I expect? I'm expecting his insurance to cover the repairs to my car, because this was in no way my responsibility, he hit me into her, I was more or less a ragdoll vehicle. Yes, I hit her, but it's not because I'm a bad driver, I cannot control being hit into another vehicle during a line at a red light. And though it was never mentioned (I was a little shaken, my mind wasn't clear), I am almost certain he was on his phone because he was looking down and doing something when I looked back after he hit me. It's too late to mention that, but yeah. Got the registration and insurance for it 3 hours before I wrecked. Had the car a week.""
Avoid ticket in California for no proof of insurance?
I had just bought the car and was coming home and I got pulled over and I didn't have proof of insurance but I did have it. My mom got insurance whilst I was driving so when I got pulled over my car had been registered with Allstate but I couldn't have the paper because I didn't have a printer on the spot. I had insurance but no proof of it.
Friend wrecked car and i have no insurance and he has liability?
Let my friend drive my car while I was inside of the car and he wrecked it. i have no insurance and he only has liability. Will his insurance cover it or will i have to sue him?
Will taking online driver's ed screw over my insurance?
I was just wondering. My older sister took an online drivers ed and said it was a lot easier and quicker, but my friends older brother said it screws over insurance, especially if you're a guy (which i am...). What are the pros and cons of taking online and in person classes? also, what can i do to lower my insurance rates for when i get my license?""
Where can a single mother with 2 kids (21 18) get low cost health insurance?
My parents have recently divorced. My father is moving back to Ireland and has to quit his job. My mother, brother, and I were covered under his insurance. But once he leaves the country our insurance will cease. My mother works at home and does not make very much money. We are looking for coverage for the three of us that is not expensive and very low cost as we do not have the means to afford much. We only need it for about a year as I will be graduating and teaching full time as a NYC teacher by next September. *My brother is legally blind, but other than that there are no serious health issues and none of us are tobacco users. *We are hoping to get insurance that would cover quality licensed professionals. *We understand in this economy you get what you pay for, But we honestly do not have much. We are hoping for something affordable without being skimmped on coverage. Thanks :-)""
Best car insurance in NYC?
i live in NYC, BX and its' really crazy how much money they are charging me for car insurance. about 3000 for 6 months...:-( cause i have never owned a car...i am 35 now and still it's not going down...:-( any suggestions? and please don't say walk! :-)
16 year old insurance for a moped UK?
Hey, i'm thinking of buying a moped but before i buy one, i need to make sure that the insurance won't be too expensive otherwise i won't be able to afford it. I will basically be using the moped to get to college and back home. Any ideas as to how much insurance will cost on average? I am currently 16 years of age and will be turning 17 in December 2013. I live out of london if that helps. Thanks in advance :)""
Insurance prices?
does the color of a vehicle have anything to do with the price of insurance?
What is the average cost of car insurance for an 18 year old mail in Florida?
And which insurance company is the most affordable provider?
Where can i get cheap car insurance?
iv found a car ita a puegout 206 n its 2002, 50000 miles n its a 1.1. i expected the insurance to be cheap but everywhere i look i keep getting insurance quotes which are around 2000 quid im like what the hell!!! so does anyone know anywhere tht gives gd qoutes???""
I have a $500 deductible with my car insurance (State Farm) and was wondering if I could use that deductible t?
To actually fix my car up to it's showroom look (Currently driving with a broken bumper, dented fender, and broken headlight/signal marker not caused by me mind you)??""
""How to lower my car insurance, young driver.?""
I am 18 going 19 this year, and i want to know how i can possibly make my insurance cheaper, legally. I took my pass plus which is meant to cut the price down by a bit, but I've found most internet comparison websites don't ask if you have achieved pass plus, so would it be ideal to get a quote online THEN ring up and try knock the price down? Also what else can i do to cut the cost down, legally?""
How much does health insurance cost?
18 year old, no dependents, on my own, no parental support. Tell me the cost of buying it myself.""
Should I cash out a Variable Adjustable life insurance policy?
A little over 2 years ago, I was sold a $100,000 Variable Adjustable life insurance policy. At the time I didn't really know much about life insurance, but it sounded good at the ...show more""
Can I change my auto insurance without extra cost.?
I just purchased a vehicle and had to get full coverage insurance. I have been with Safe Auto for over 6months. I changed coverage on 6-24. I have a bill due on July 11. I want to change to a cheaper insurance company would i be able to do this without more charges? Also would I have to pay the bill due on the 11th.
Car insurance for an 18 year old?!?
Hi all, my cousin's 18th birthday is coming up and i've been charged with finding out what car insurance is like for 18 year olds. would it be cheaper to put her on her mother's car insurance (white BMW, automatic, about 2 and a bit years old, not sure of exact model) or to get her a second hand smaller car with a smaller engine? I have no idea! Her parents aren't willing really to pay ridiculous amounts which insurance for 18 year olds can get to! please help! thanks""
Do insurance agents get group health insurance?
I am thinking about becoming an insurance agent for one of the large insurers. I was wondering if insurance companies generally offer group insurance for their agents or if they consider them independents and don't offer the coverage. What other benefits do most large insurance companies offer?
Car Question 101: Which car insurance company is the best out there?
I am planning to buy a Toyota Rav4 by next year.Car cost would be between $20-25k. My credit score is ok about 690. How much should I expect to pay on car insurance? And is it per month or per quarter like (2x a year or 4x a year etc). Thanks! :)
""Im 18, how expensive would insurance be for me?""
Im 18, B average, live in Los Angeles, no tickets/crimes, and the bike im looking at is a 250cc. What do you think my rates will most likely be? I want to use it for school""
How can Americans like me stay healthy if we don't have access to affordable health care?
Or have the money to purchase insurance?
What do all these terms for insurance mean?
So I'm in need for a dental plan because I've decided to fix my horrible misaligned bite. But I have no idea what all these insurance terms mean. Like deductibles, coinsurance,waiting period, etc http://www.ehealthinsurance.com/ehi/dt/plan-details?planKey=10116300:16 ^Here is a link for example. 40% Coinsurance after deductible 18 months waiting period < Can someone just give me a coverage on how insurance works. Thank you""
Medical insurance question?
Okay do you need to be a legal guardian to put a kid in your medical insurance plan? Please don't ask why(: oh and a kid that is not on a plan already.
""First car what should i get for like a money saver at the pump, and any ways to save money on insurance =]?
im turning 16 in a couple months and I will be getting a 7$ and hour job so I wanna know how much to save up=]
Temporary Car insurance fuddles? Re: excess on the owners policy?
Hi, I was looking to either rent a car for a day or borrow my sisters, now ive found a site on tempcover willing to insure me for something like 30 - 40 odd quid but the trouble is it said something about excess being in & around the 400 - 500 mark.... It also said this is the excess the car's owner has to pay.... I'm pretty certain i'll not be borrowing anyones car if its going to cost them that much - even if I offer to pay it (which I wouldnt by the way, im not an idiot lol) But does anyone know if this is like a one-off or if they mean that this is what my sisters excess will amount to once ive been put on one day insurance on her vehicle? Just im not 100% if they mean that by being insured for 1 day im gonna just basically destroy her policy for the next year lol? Sorry I know this is a bit confusing but thats why im asking ya see,, it confuses me too..... I suppose im hoping an insurance expert is out there somewhere reading this and just dying to lend their expertise...... Thanks guys!x! :) Ps: Shes agreed to lend me the car as long as im insured & dont crash it lol....""
How does multiple car discount work on insurance? ?
Ok so I have an sr22 and my friend said I could add a car for a discount, so I added my moms car. I only have liability. So does my moms car have liability too? Sorry the insurance guy didn't explain it all that well.""
Car accident and issue with the insurance company?
I was in one car accident and someone hit the back of my car and pushed me to the front car. that caused a lot damage to my car. But, the insurance company which represent the guy hit me from the back said it is my fault of causing this accident. because i emerge from the left line to the right and didn't ensure there was safe enough to do emerging. The truth is the accident happend was after almost half miniute after emerging and i completely finished the emerging action. when i explained this to the insurance company, they won't listen to me.....so is that really my fault?""
Will my insurance go up?
Yesterday somebody reversed into my parked car, she was completely at fault, if we decide to go through her insurance will my car insurance also go up? I'm 19 years old and just concerned due to the already ridiculous price of insurance.""
Car insurance quotes?
Any one know of any cheap insurance brokers , im 31 male , ive got 9 years no claims protected , i drive a BMW 323 ISE its nothing special 2000 w reg , my best quote is 613 , 61 per month , i think its a rip off my girlfriend is younger than me drives a audi a3 newer than mine she has 3 years no claims and hers is cheaper , wtf ? oh im a HGV driver for a living""
Question about car insurance...?
im trying to figure out if im being ripped off by my parents. i pay $200 every month for car insurance because that's what my parents tell me it is. I got one speeding ticket for going 14 mph over the limit and in 2 minor accidents. no damage to either cars. my question is am i being ripped off? I told some people that i pay that much and they said there is no way your insurance could be that high. help me out please?
Car insurance... Who are you insure with/best quotes. Will choose quick best answer.?
Who is the cheapest insurance company o go with for a 20 year old male whom has been driving for 3 years. Getting insure on a mazda 6. Thank you
Why are older motorcycles cheaper to maintain and cheaper on insurance?
looking to buy a 1987 Suzuki Intruder
Best car insurance in NYC?
i live in NYC, BX and its' really crazy how much money they are charging me for car insurance. about 3000 for 6 months...:-( cause i have never owned a car...i am 35 now and still it's not going down...:-( any suggestions? and please don't say walk! :-)
UK Only. How much for an category D insurance write off car?
I have a 2004 Ford Fiesta that I need to sell. When I bought it I was told it was a category D write off shortly after it was first bought, it was repaired and passed every subsequent MOT and has regular services. Roughly how much money off a guide price would you take off when selling it??""
What are some affordable cars for an 18 year old to own that is 5 years old or newer?
When I say own, I mean that the individual is paying for gas, maintenance, and insurance.""
Is there a new law about not having car insurance?
i heard the law had just changed in California and my insurance just ran out in order to renew i need to drive to the bank and im not sure if i can with no insurance
Where would be the cheapest place for insurance??????
ive recnetly turned 18 and i want to get a suzuki jimny soft top where is the best place
How to fight a speeding ticket to avoid my insurance going up?
i live in Ontario and i received a speeding ticket the other night for going 75 in a 50 zone. however, i was very close to the part of the street where it turned 70 so a defence that i could use is that i was speeding up since i knew the road turned 70 soon. However, im fine with paying the ticket, i just dont want my insurance premium to go up. should i plead not guilty or guilty with a reason?""
Whats the cheapest car and cheapest insurance for a 17 year old boy?
whats the cheapest car and cheapest insurance for a 17 year old boy i dont want Nissan micra something 1.2 and the car should be somewhere around 2500 its for my first car any advice
What is the best insurance to have?
im just wondering which is the best car insurance to have and why? also, what is a quote? dont judge pls and thank you""
Pre-existing condition on health insurance?
If I apply for health insurance with a preexisting condition and they give me a 12-month waiting period before covering the condition - does that 12 months start over if I am treated within the waiting period and I pay for the treatment on my own? Or does the 12-month waiting period begin from the date I purchased the insurance, regardless of what takes place during the waiting period?""
Question about MA car insurance?
I have a car parked in my apartment's parking lot that doesn't run. Can I cancel the insurance on it so I don't have to pay for it every month? I'm in the process of trying to sell it. When I cancel the insurance, do I have to return the plates, too? I don't think it's legal to have a car with no plates parked in a parking lot.""
What should I do about my 19 year old sons car insurance?
I have a son who is nearly 19 years old. He may be putting in for his test soon. The problem is I am worried about the cost of car insurance. He is nagging me to go on my insurance but I don't really like that idea because I am worried if he has an accident I will lose my no claims and my insurance will go up considerably. The other option is that I buy him a really cheap car with a small engion, but only cover third party. That way he can build up his own no claims. I was wondering if anyone knows how much he would be expected to pay if he decided to do this?""
Car insurance question?
I have my own car but the title insurance and registration isnt in my name its in my girlfriends step dad name so I could have really cheap insurance. And some girl hit the back of my car the other day but didnt make no police report because I knew her. So she just gave me her policy number agents name and phone number. But my main concern is that will my car be able to get fixed because im not on the insurance? My girlfriends step dad has plpd insurance and so does the girl that hit me and I live in michigan.
Cheapest Auto insurance?
Cheapest Auto insurance?
Car Insurance for 18 yr Old?
Hi i was Just wondering what the cheapest insurance and car to insure for an 18 yr old living in the uk. i have just passed my test last month (Nov 2008) and want to get driving straight away. So far i have tried 'insurance on 1.1 ford fiesta, 1.2 vauxhall corsa and other small cars including DAEWOO matiz, citroen Ax and ford ka's all have been 2.5 grand. i have even tried putting my dad on who has 9 years no claims and it comes down to just over 2 grand. Does anyone know which is the cheapest car to insure and which is the best(cheapest) insurer?""
Does this sound like a Fair price for Obamacare insurance in California?
Monthly Premium $321 Deductible $2000 Co-pay $45 Specialty care Copay $65 Generic Med $25 Max out of Pocket $6400 FYI my brother has his own general practice, he said on average he charges people without insurance abot $60-70 for an office visit (cash,check,credit card or invoice)""
How much does insurance cost for a chimney sweep business?
I am starting a chimney sweep company and I was wondering what is an average cost to have insurance for the business (bonus points if you can say all of the types of insurance I might need) I know the standard answer is to say there is no way of knowing since this all depends on a number of factors but I literally have no clue what it would cost so ANY estimate or guess is appreciated. The business will be in Maryland and have just 1 employee with revenue I am guessing would be about 60,000 a year if that helps.""
""If someone wrecks my car and I have full coverage, would that person have to claim on their insurance also?""
Today I went about an hour away to purchase a second car. On the drive back it began snowing and the roads got very bad. I was driving my old car and a friend was driving the new one. He was in front of me, the car he drove hit a patch of ice and slid into the curb, I tried to stop but when I hit the brakes my car slid too and ran into the back of the one he drove. I have full coverage on my old, and minimum coverage on the new one. If I claim this on my insurance to cover damage, will he have to claim it on his too, or would mine cover it completly? Because I don't want to file a claim if it will effect his insurance, since it was both my vehicles. Any input would be helpful. Thanks!""
Do i need to call my car insurance company?
I was in a car accident today and it was not a small accident. I hit a car on its side. there was an older woman so an ambulance came but she ended up not being hurt, just procautionary. the police were called and they took all my info and whatnot. It was wierd the police did not give me any papers or anything and told me i could leave. they just asked me if i wanted my car towed and i said no. the police officer also told me when i asked him that i dont need to call my insurance company unless i want to make a claim. is that true? i only have 1 way insurance so im probably going to scrap my car. I always thought u should call them no matter what, do you know if i am obligated to call them or will they contact me? location: Quebec, Canada thanks a bunch, Tyler""
California 50cc scooter laws?
a 50cc scooter the kind that you sit on and seats 2 goes about 40 mph does it need to be registered in ca and have insurance on it? do i need a motorcycle class license to drive it? or anything else i should know about driving it in california? riverside county.
How do I get insurance for my child?
I have a son who is 1 and i have no clue how to get him dental insurance.?! He has the state insurance. But I have been trying to get my job to aplrove me for an insurance plan, but i keep getting denied and wont be elegibe til October. What do I do?""
Term Life Insurances-Unknown policy?
Could anyone, e.g my ex-wife, open an insurance policy for me and make herself the beneficiary without me knowing. If that can be done how can I confirm that there is such a policy?""
First traffic violation. How much will it affect my insurance?
So today I got my first traffic violation after 9 years of driving. I am 25 and have been driving since I was 16. I stopped to far in a stop sign and passed the line. How much will the ticket cost? I live in CA. How badly will this affect my auto insurance? Right now I pay $150 every 6 months for liablity coverage.
Whats a cheap price for apartment insurance?
Renting a fleaflat n lilmexico, houston. they require an additonal $20 for insurance can i use my own insurance company? does anybody outthere use apartment insurance? i do not have any insurance of any kind so stop bundle answers""
Will my car insurance go up because my friend got a speeding ticket while driveing my car??
I let my friend drive my car and he got a speeding ticket for going 5 over. will my insurance go up because he got the ticket while driving my car or just his insurance.
How much is car insurance for a first time teenage driver?
How much is car insurance for a first time teenage driver?
How can i get very cheap car insurance?
im 17 and i want to buy a small hatchback. ive been considering adding a family member as first driver but i would like ideas on how to make it cheaper with me as a main driver, pleaseeeeee help!!""
Best car insurance in NYC?
i live in NYC, BX and its' really crazy how much money they are charging me for car insurance. about 3000 for 6 months...:-( cause i have never owned a car...i am 35 now and still it's not going down...:-( any suggestions? and please don't say walk! :-)
I got an unbelievably low quote from Response Wordwide Auto Insurance.Should I switch from StateFarm?
Their quote is about 1/2 that of all others
Does anybody know the average daily cost of having your newborn stay in the NICU?
I know most people have insurance that helps cover a certain %, but what amount is the real cost that the hospital bills the insurance company and the patient pay?""
Cheapest car insurance in uk?
Cheapest car insurance in uk?
How do insurance companies make money?
i know not everyone is going to be sick at once, and that they assess risk, but what's their model for actually making money?""
Insurance for a 16 yr old guy. please read and answer :)?
My son is looking into buying a 2001 v6 mustang, he is 16. How much would insurance run for? Is it even worth getting the car? PLEASE ANSWER! thank you""
""I need a good independant health insurance broker near Houston, Tx.?""
Can anyone recomment a good independant heath insurance broker in the Houston, Tx. area that I can go talk to. I need to sign up for individual health insurance for my family but I would really like to talk to someone in person who would look out for me and not themselves. Has anyone had good experiences with any that they could recommend? Thank you.""
How much do insurance prices drop after 1 year for young drivers?
I'm a 17 year old male and paying 125 a month on insurance, as you can imagine its a big hit to my bank account. Im on my mothers policy but will my prices drop in the next year and if so by how much?""
How to find insurance companies for joint ventures?
How to find Insurance companies wanting to do a joint venture of a $100 million and up. not insurance brokers
Question about gap insurance?
I just wanted to know about how much the dealer charges for gap or at least an average. I refinanced my vehicle and am awarded a refund of my gap because the new financing is offered with it. So I don't know if anyone has gone through this, but if you have any answers please let me know. Thanks in advance.""
""Where can I get cheap car insurance for a vw golf 1.4 51 reg? Im 17 and just passed, I'll b on parents policy?""
I will be on my parents policy, with a parent as the main driver and me as the named driver? Ive looked at tesco value and its coming up as 2500!!! i was hoping more along the lines of 1500""
How much does car insurance cost in Ontario for a new female driver?
I'm getting my G2 license in a few days, and want to start looking into buying a car. I'd probably get the first cheapest, used car I can find. I need to know how much insurance will cost, roughly. I am seventeen-years-old, I get average, or above average grades, and I am a new driver and legal citizen of Ontario, Canada.""
How much would my insurance cost if self-insured?
im 21, JUST got g2 and live in toronto, ontario my choice of cars is s2k, mazda RX8, and 350z, how much will my insurance be for each? Also, my father works in Apotex, a huge medical company that have insurance packages for employees + their family, how much would my insurance cost if i sign to them?""
Teen Car Insurance + Accidents Clarification?
I'm a 16 year old girl who just got her license in March. A week after I got my license, I rear ended another car while driving my mom's new car that is insured. We got it fixed and only had to pay the 500 dollar deductible. I do not have my own car. My sister, who is 19, has her own car that is not covered on our insurance. My dad's car is not covered either. My sister just got into an accident, rear ending someone as well. I really need to get a car next year for work and such but my parents said my insurance would be high enough already with both of me and my sister's accidents. Couldn't I just buy a car on my own and not insure it like my dad and sister's cars? I really don't know how car insurance works at all, i only know what my parents tell me, so any help would be appreciated :)""
""In the state of Texas,Do you have to have auto insurance?""
If you are in a car wreck which the other person is at fault,Can you still file a cliam on their insurance company and have phisical therapy paid and can paid for the damage for the car and get paid for pain and suffering? Even if the insurance was off for less than 24 hours""
What would be a good job for someone who wants to get out of insurance claims?
I want to get out of the insurance claims world. I hate the business and I hate dealing with people who have experience loss. My degree is in English. I have applied to a lot of Human Resources jobs with no call backs although I have an excellent work history with proven results. Thank you for any constructive advice that can be given.
""Cheapest car insurance, help!? (UK)?""
im 17, 18 soon. (female) i haven't passed my test yet but im looking for car insurance for when i do... but everything im finding is like 2 grand plus and i cant afford that! all im looking for is a small 2001 corsa... i dont mind whether its fully comp or not, i just want it to be cheaper than that! does anyone have any tips? ive been on go compare and all the comparison ones but its still like 2500.. even with my parents insured aswell! any advice?""
Gap Cover Insurance-Australia?
I have my car on finance on a 3yr contract. I was told that I'm paying for 5yrs of gap cover but only using 3 and at the end of my term I should get a sum back. How much does Gap cover cost? I want to work out how much i'll get back.
Car accident without insurance?
So today I rear ended a 2011 Honda Civ, a small strach [sp], some paint missing and a possible dent. My car on the other hand suffered some significant damage. Now as we were preparing to exchange info, I find out my car doesn't have insurance (its my parents and I wasn't informed) and I told her I will pay for damages and apologized, etc. Now I asked how much would it cost, etc. Her insurance company told her I would have to pay $20+ per day for her rental car how ever many days its in the shop. That I can handle. But say worse case scenarios: How much would it cost to replace a back bumper for a 2011 honda civ? Or to fix a dent, color, paint, etc? Has this happened to anyone else without insurance, etc?""
How much does health care insurance cost in America?
Im planning on moving to America with my 2 children to live with my boyfriend, can anyone tell me how much health insurance costs?""
Mazda RX8 cheap to run/insure?
thinking of getting a Mazda RX8 for my first car they're a 1.3 so i'm assuming they don't completely rinse petrol because the engine size is quite low? any idea on what the insurance would be for a first time driver, i've been driving 4 months""
""I damaged my car, i got a quote off the garage, and the insurance said they will pay,?""
so i let the garage send a quote and the insurance said i can leave my car in, but now i have found another garage nearer to my house and he will match the quote, plus repair it at weekend , so i dont need the car. can i change to this garage .. i live in Ireland thanks""
How can i get cheaper car insurance?
I have been looking around for car insurance for a while now and other than getting a pretty good quote from a company that fit a box inside my car, the other quotes are no lower than 4,500! It's a 1.4 Astra, nothing fancy about it. It's a bigger car than usual learner drivers drive but i'm sure the quotes i am getting ar way to high..1000 deposit and 492 a month? Help needed!""
Im a 16 year old and got my drivers license how long should i wait to get my motorcycle license?
Since im 16 and got my license. if i wait will the cost of motorcycle insurance go down? if so by about how much?
Term life insurance policies?
if i buy a term life insurance policy and three month later i die, will my family get the money?""
Car insurance??
I have had my license for about 5 months until i got into an accident. I hadn't killed anybody, but they did go to the hospital to get checked. My ticket was reduced to a parking violation. The whole accident was me hitting a car from behind. Nothing much happened to their car, but mine had 4k worth of damage i had to pay for. How much do you think my insurance would rise a month?""
Best car insurance in NYC?
i live in NYC, BX and its' really crazy how much money they are charging me for car insurance. about 3000 for 6 months...:-( cause i have never owned a car...i am 35 now and still it's not going down...:-( any suggestions? and please don't say walk! :-)
0 notes
Car insurance question, custom-built cars?
"Car insurance question, custom-built cars?
I was watching a SciFi show where a company in Florida builds cars. From a welded frame, up! For street driving. Can you get insurance to drive such a car? You cannot say 'Ford, ...show more
BEST ANSWER:  Try this site where you can compare quotes: : http://freecarinsurance.xyz/index.html?src=tumblr 
""What do i do if i need to see a doctor, but dont have insurance?
i need to see a doctor but dont have any money to pay off future bills. what can i do? i live in nh. are there temporary insurances that are affordable? should i just go and not pay whatever bills they send? will i get denied if i have no insurance or any means of paying the medical bills?
So is the car insured or the person? can i deliver pizzas on someone elses insurance/car ?
hi i have been given a good opportunity to start working and a great friend willing to lend me their vechicle to deliver pizzas, reall good friend. the car is insured and i live with friend if that makes a difference anyone know for sure ? Do we got to let the insurance company know or what ??""
""Is it cheaper to buy a BMW and/ Mercedes in Europe taking into account all costs including shipping, insurance""
Is it cheaper to buy a BMW and/ Mercedes in Europe taking into account all costs including shipping, insurance""
""People that live in miami only, car insurance problem :(?""
me and my boyfriend r trying to move out, its really necesary because my parents r moving far and if i go with them i cant see him again, anyways we have enough money, we both have ...show more""
Cheep car insurance companies in London?
I am a new driver, Can someone advice me how can I get cheep car insurance and with who? Thanks.""
Hi im 17 and just passed my driving test but i can't find any where to get cheap car insurance. Please tell me if there is anywhere you know to get cheap car insurance, i have been to websites like go compare, and compare the market.com but they are to expensive insurance deals and i have been told the cheapest places are not on those website.Please help me as i want to drive :)""
""Hi, I am coming up to 17 and am going to need insurance for the car i'm going to buy.?""
I'm going to buy a vauxhall corsa 1.0 x reg. I will need to get it insured for when i have a provisional liscence, i've been on the insurance websites and the quotes are coming up at stupid prices like 1100. Does anyone know how to get a good priced insurance quote. I won't be the main user of the car becuase my mum will use it for work. If anyone can help me it will be much appreciated. Thanks""
Health insurance question?
I am in the process of getting my own health insurance (can't be a dependent anymore) and I've been searching all morning for a plan that covers Medical, Dental, and Vision all in one. I can't seem to find any plans that offer that but I definitely need all of them. Is there anyone out there who actually has such a plan (preferably for an individual) or know where I can find information about plans that offer ALL 3 of these coverages? Please don't tell me to just search the internet because I have done that all morning and have even filled out forms for quotes and I am not getting the results I have been looking for. Thank you!""
Would Hillary Clinton health care insurance plan be like the law for car insurance?
The law for car insurance says: everybody who has a car has to buy private insurance for that car . Would the law for health insurance be similar if Hillary Clinton is elected president: everybody who has a body has to buy private heath insurance for that body . Will it be like that or have I misunderstood her plan? Please explain it to me.
""Becky has 25/50/10 automobile insurance coverage. If two people received $35,000 each how much will be covered?""
Becky has 25/50/10 automobile insurance coverage. If two people received $35,000 each how much will be covered?""
Smart roadster uk insurance.?
Slight problem, was looking up TPFT insurance quotes for a smart roadster: 500 excess. 7000 yearly premium. 7500 annuall mileage. The car's only worth 8500 it has a 0.7L engine. How do they justify this price gouging?""
Best place to Compare Car Insurance Quotes Online?
Is there a site where I can compare car insurance quotes or where I can compare what's offered by several car insurance companies? There's a huge difference in car insurance quotes depending on the provider you use and what level of cover you want and obviously I do not want to pay more than I have to. I searched for car insurance comparison sites but there are a lot to choose from and a lot more still where you just enter general stats like age and area, so can someone save me some time and let me know of a good website where I can compare car insurance quotes that are exact to my circumstances. Thanks!""
Can I get insured on a car for a day?
I have a driving licence, and I'm 17 years old. I want to buy a car a little after my 18th bday. Is there a way I can get affordable 1 day insurance just so I can drive the car ...show more""
Ninja 250r Insurance price for 17 year old?
Hi, i am looking to buy a USED ninja 250r when i turn 17. How much would Insurance cost per month? I plan on taking the msf course, and any other program that could lower my insurance rate. Thanks!""
Do most health insurance plans...?
if going from the US to Europe to work as an au pair for 2 months, how likely is it that health insurance will cover you while there?""
Can a home insurance company increase the amount of insurance on your house without your request?
Of course when the amount of insurance in increased, the insurance premium also increases. I have only $125,000 left on the mortgage and insurance company has increased the insurance to cover a value of $305,000. Real estate value of the home is $450,000. My credit rating is excellent and I have not had any insurance claims""
How much would insurance cost for a 2005-06 mustang?
i am 16 and want a mustang how much will insurance be for a year compared to the average car... also i wont have a big engine....the car will be 14,000 or less""
How much should I expect insurance company to pay?
i was driving my 95 civic coupe, and was waiting for the green light, so it turned green and i started going, and was rear-ended by a 2008 ford f-150 with a brush guard, his truck wasn't damaged except for a dent on the brush guard. my car had the trunk smashed in a little, and the bumper was smashed in too, but after the crash, i tried to move my car, and it wouldn't go into gear, and there was oil all over the road, so i suspected my manual transmission was damaged as well, my friend confirmed this when he looked under and said the transmission was cracked. we both got whiplash from the accident, and the police officer determined that the guy in the ford was at fault. i have nationwide liability insurance and the other guy had nationwide as well""
Are BMW more expensive to insure?
Specifically a White 2006 BMW 325i. I'm 21, never had any traffic violations, had my license since I was 17. I'm looking to get rid of my old 1994 Crappy Mustang, and getting a White 06 3 Series BMW. Will my insurance be expensive? Additional Details: I plan on financing, which means it will require me to get full coverage.""
Are there any affordable insurance companies out there for carpenters?
i need to obtain general liability and workers comp. to start my business. looking for affordable insurance in louisiana, (preferrably in baton rouge).""
What is car insurance premium tax?
My car insurance renewal notice is comprised of the insurance itself (540.00), car hire (28.25), credit charge (48.30), and Insurance Premium Tax (34.10), giving a total of 650.65. Is the insurance premium tax some type of scam to get me to pay extra or is it a government tax, like VAT (I thought VAT would be included in the 540.00)?""
What is the best kind of health insurance for fertility treatment?
Shopping for insurance and would like an honest answer from the people. I know I will be seeing a fertility specialist and doing lots of lab tests. Does anyone know which kind of insurance would best fit my needs? fyi, I live in northern California. Would a health savings account work?""
Where can i get 24 hour car insurance cover?
Next weekend we have to take our baby to London for injections and my partner only has a van..(ive been in the back today -wasnt nice) so he'll be borrowing my mums car so we can get there.. Where can i get a day cover for him? He's 19
What is the average collision deductible on insurance for a 2005 leased vehicle?
i'm trying to determine whether i need a big deductible or not, this determines whether i stick with geico or move to the cheaper esurance""
What is the average insurance cost for a 2012 Chevy Cruze?
I will be turning 21 in June. No tickets or accidents on my record. What would the average monthly payment be for insurance?
Car insurance question, custom-built cars?
I was watching a SciFi show where a company in Florida builds cars. From a welded frame, up! For street driving. Can you get insurance to drive such a car? You cannot say 'Ford, ...show more
Can anyone take a Life Insurance Policy on my life without me knowing it?
A while ago I heard of a story of a buisness taking life insurance policies out on their employees without their knowledge of it. So, I figure it cant be a far stretch for anyone to take out an life insurance policy on anyone if they know the relevant personal information. If they can, how can I find out what insurance company has written so I can have it DESTROYED.""
Will adding a person to my car insurance (progressive direct) make it go up? by how much?
i want to add my wife and she's 24
How much would insurance be for a teenager with a 2005 mustang?
I am too young to apply online for a car insurance quote and don't really feel like asking my parents because they keep saying it's way to expensive. I would just like to know around what price would car insurance be for a mustang for a teenage girl. It would be helpful if I had $ amounts instead of way to expensive answers. Thank you :)
Insurance stats?
hello where can i find insurance data of the United states, on the historically and socially aggregated cash flow and balance sheet of the insurance company
My insurance is 4500-will it go down??UK?
I am from the UK and I am 19 years old. I passed my practical driving test on Monday. I am checking my car insurance and its coming to 4500!!!that's a lot,do you know if it will come down later on and by how much?and another thing is that by next year December I heard women's insurance will go up,to be as equal as men's insurance,so if I don't get a car by then will it go higher thn this??please help!!""
Where can I find affordable car insurance for a kit car?
I recently purchased a car that was given a kit car title instead of a rebuilt title and now I have no clue who will insure it! I live in Florida and the cars title lists it as a 2006 Neon. Any info would be greatly appreciated!!
How much will my Car Insurance go up after first DUI?
I'm 20 years old and got a DUI. I am under my moms insurance plan and her plan has house and car insurance combined. I drive a 4 door SUV(slow) and have never gotten a point towards my license. She is covered through ALL STATE. How bad do you think this is going to be?
First time having car insurance of my own...?
I am getting my first car next month and I was wondering how should I determine how much insurance I need to have. I'm buying a care that cost 3600 and is worth 4000 right now and I'm a college student even though I don't not travel to and from home much. How would I determine what I need and dont need as far as coverage goes? I will be paying cash so no car payments.
What whole life insurance policy is best for a 24 year old?
I have a policy from New York Life, but 2 of my friends who are financial planners, say Mass Mutual would be better... there's a bunch of baloney I'm not understanding i.e. guaranteed benefits, crap about withdrawing money for retirement. Altogether, it doesn't seem like I am getting that much from death benefits with the amount I am putting in ($1K/year until pretty much I'm 65). I don't want to pay forever for this... where in my policy does it say when I can stop paying?""
Car insurance check for air bags?
So im planning on getting either Allstate or Farmers Insurance, I'm wondering if they will check for air bags when they look at my car.""
Car Insurance Help?
Where can I find Car Insurance with no license needed answer ASAP??
Car insurance and registration?
SO, I recently bought a car in New Jersey form a car dealer but didn't get the license plate for it because eI have a FL license and I need insurance. I rencety asked a friend for a recommended car insurance provider and he informed me that the car needs to be registered in FL to get FL insurance. Now, my questions is does it really need to be registered in FL to get FL insurance? because my license is a FL license, not a NJ one.""
How much does it typically cost for insurance on a 150 CC scooter?
How much does it typically cost for insurance on a 150 CC scooter?
If I get my g2 will my parents insurance rise?
I would like to get my g2 in october, but not get insurance and start driving alone until november. Would this raise my parents insurance from just getting my g2. Also, if i have an 80% avg at midterm, will it lower the cost of insurance? If yes then would a 90 avg lower the insurance cost even more?""
What is the usually price range for sports bike insurance?
I'm turning 19 in july and want to start riding. I live in california. so what do you guys think the price may be?
Teenage insurance on a Land Rover?
I'm 17 and I'm looking for insurance on my 2002 Land Rover 90 2.4. No companies will insure me for less than 3500 if at all! Any suggestions? Cheers!
Problem with insurance?
I got in an accident that I am not in fault. Basically I was stopped at the intersection behind the red lights. A car from opposite side ran the red light hit the crossing car and the second car spin and hit my car. I have full caoverage and fixed my car with my insurance and have my insurance claim the money from the first driver insurance company. I rent a car under my coverage and also pay $500 deductable to fix my car. Now is almost a month pass and I keep calling my insurance to know if they got paid by the other insurance and requesting to pay me back for rental and the 500. My insurance is telling me that they may not be able to get ever thing they might be get only the cost of the fixing my car. What should I do? Should I sue my insurance or not?
Do anybody know of any cheap health insurance?
I haven't had any insurance since 2007.
BMW Z4 windshield insurance question... help please!?
Hi, I have a 2004 BMW Z4, and the rain sensor, for automatic wipers, has broken. Apparently, you need to replace the whole windshield to fix this (if you know different, let me know!), so my question is... is it possible for me to claim for this under my insurance? My windshield excess is 70, but I assume that is for when the windshield is cracked or damaged etc. So, seeing as mine is not damaged, only the sensor, is there any way I can claim? Also, if anyone knows how much a new windshield for a Z4 is, that would be great too.. I can't find any figures but I assume it's pricey :-( Any help or advice on this would be greatly appreciated (I'm in the UK, by the way).. Cheers!""
Which company gives cheapest quotes for car insaurance ?
Which company gives cheapest quotes for car insaurance ?
""What is the average malpractice insurance cost for a general radiologist practicing in Atlanta,GA?""
What is the average malpractice insurance cost for a general radiologist practicing in Atlanta,GA?""
When buying a phone online can you get phone insurance?
so i have insurance on my phone now through sprint and if i buy a phone online like ebay or something and switch it can i keep the insurance of the new phone?
Cheapest auto insurance?
What is the cheapest auto insurance from personal experience, Please and thank you!!""
Insurance Industry?
I'm trying to find out more about insurance industry...i have to make a huge project out of it for Economics...I'm specializing in IT so i don't know much about Economics...do you guys know any sites where i can find out more about Insurance Industry...or like anything you can share about it. Thank you.
Does anyone know where I can get cheap car insurance for a 26 year old first time driver in the UK?
I have tried a few comparison sites but they come back with 2000 and up. I have tried adding my Dad and my sister but it does not make much difference, should I add more people? Or am I going to the wrong sites? Thank you in advance for any responses.""
Car insurance question, custom-built cars?
I was watching a SciFi show where a company in Florida builds cars. From a welded frame, up! For street driving. Can you get insurance to drive such a car? You cannot say 'Ford, ...show more
Which auto insurance companies DON'T use a credit score when deciding rates?
I disagree with the use of credit scores and auto insurance, and would like to find an auto insurance company that doesn't use the method when selling me their service. Does anyone know of companies that don't check your credit, and instead uses your driving record, age, etc....like it used to be?""
I need help on choosing Health insurance..... Anyone?
Okay, I've been looking online for hours now and i can't find any health insurance that covers Medical, Vision, and Dental.. I recently chipped my tooth and i need it fixed pronto... its very Painful..""
09' Honda Civic Insurance?
I'm searching for quotes for my 09' Honda Civic--- I have full coverage right now and would like to keep it that way with a new insurance. I have Allstate & I believe I'm paying too much for it (240.00 USD). What car insurance companies can give free estimates/quotes? (I'm 24-college student,unmarried, if that helps). Thanks!""
Can I insure a vehicle on my insurance policy in a state other than where it is registered?
I am not the registered owner, my father is. He is retired and he owns a home in California where he lives most of the time. He visits us 3-4 times a month in Nevada but otherwise has no legal residence here. For his convenience he financed a car from an NV dealership to use here. The dealership told him since he does not own a home here he must register it in the state of CA for at least the first year. The vehicle does not travel back and forth and will be garaged here in NV. He has given me permission to use the vehicle for my daily 30 mile commute. If the car is registered and insured by him in CA, will I be able to insure the car on my NV policy as well?""
Whats the cheapest motorbike insurance and motorbike for a 17 year old man. (125cc)?
im interested in getting a geared 125cc superbike looking motorbike, what is the cheapest bike i can get at this age, a long with the cheapest insurance? on go compare i think i've got it down to about 500 pounds. thankyou""
Is there a time limit for a auto insurance claim to be completed?
I was in a fender bender with another car in a parking lot a month ago. I filed a claim with the other guy's insurance agency the same day as the accident and have yet to be told if the claim was approved or denied. I spoke to my adjuster last week (as well as the week before) and they were still waiting on photos of the other vehicle. Is a month normal? The auto insurance company is Wawanesa. So my questions is...is there some kind of legal time limit for an insurance agency to approve/deny a claim in the state of California? Or might I end up waiting months to hear anything? Thanks.
Best california car insurance?
Best california car insurance?
Cars And Insurance?
OK im turning 18 in a month and im getting a car but what is a good cheap car and a good cheap insurance
Is healthcare on medicaid health insurance decent?
my father has to take an array of medications every day for heart problems and high blood pressure. will these be covered? i hear many doctors don't take payment from medicaid, and that poor healthcare is offered through the program, instead of private practitioners, one must go to community clinics, etc. should my father go on medicaid, or is it not worth it?""
High risk health insurance for cancer patients?
I know someone without health insurance who just received word of a lung cancer diagnosis. I know most insurance companies won't take him but does anyone know of one that will, or a website that can point me in the right direction?""
Why are my insurance quotes so high?
20 year old male toronto ontario G2 issued oct 2011 G1 DEC 2010 car 2003 toyota celica never been insured before quotes came up as 12000-16000/year i tryed it with a 4 door honda accord and it was 10000/year, i tryed 3 websites. Also is there an easier way to find auto insurance around toronto?""
Self employment health insurance?
I am self employed, my husband is not. His new employer does not offer health insurance. Can I obtain health insurance for my family and deduct it as a business expense? Is there a specific kind of insurance I would have to get? Links to any websites would be appreciated.""
How can life insurance be profitable for insurance companies?
How can personal life insurance actually make a profit for an insurer, when it is universal that any insured person will eventually die? Is it because insurance companies stop offering life insurance cover as soon as the person reaches a certain age, so the vast majority of deaths are not insurable?""
How much does it cost for insurance?
Im turning 15 and im getting a ninja 250 but what company and how much? no negative awnsers plz
Do employers have insurance to cover lost or stolen items of their employees if items were lost/stolen on job?
Something of great value was lost/stolen at my job. What can I do?
About how much would it be for car insurance for a 18 year old girl?
About how much would it be for car insurance for a 18 year old girl?
Teen Car Insurance Price?
Currently driving my fathers old 2002 Mitsubishi Galant (basic 4-door car, nothing special), and planning on buying a Suburu BRZ (sports car) when I turn 18. My birthday is Dec. 25, I am currently 17 and I have had my license since I turned 16. I have a B average in school and I am planning on taking defensive driving also. I have had no claims or accidents at all. The car is just going to be for commute, probably about 13-17,000 miles a year (going to be traveling home from college). I will be on my parents insurance, but I was just wondering the quote. I tried doing it on a insurance website, however they don't give you a quote if you are under 18. I am planning on getting collision coverage. Thanks in advance.""
Car insurance - will it change from CA to NJ rate?
my car has a california license plate and i have a illinois driving license..i just wanted to change my illinois license to NJ driving license... will this affect my car insurance.or will it affect only if i get my license plate changed from CA TO NJ
What does new car replacement mean on car insurance?
I am buying a new car and thinking about taking new car replacement instead of gap insurance Thanks
Can you get business insurance online?
I'm taking over my dads tree care business and need to get business insurance but would rather do it online than have to go in somewhere. Can I do this?
Not declared 3 points on my license to insurance company is my insurance void?
9months after taking out my insurance I got done for speeding (sp30) 3 points on my license and I forgot to tell my insurance company. Today someone pulled out in front of me and hit my car, will not declaring my points cause me an issue with the claim? It wasn't my fault and my insurance company is looking to recover all costs from the third party. What do you think? Bit worried as insurance is arranging repairs, car hire etc and concerned about being stuck with a big billl if there is a problem with my insurance. Any advice greatly appreciated""
Whats the cheapest car insurance for a 16 y/o boy?
I'm getting my liscense soon and we have allstate and its expensive as hell! I live in texas and i dont plan on buying a sports car so how much would my insurance be you think and where should i go for cheap insurance?
""Where can i find cheap car insurance in Toronto, Ontario?""
Where can i find cheap car insurance in Toronto, Ontario?""
Health Insurance - 31 days after Birth?
Here is my question: Me and my wife currently have health insurance (Carrier A). Effective 6/1 I plan to get into different health insurance plan with different insurer (Carrier B). On 5/23 my son was born and as per Carrier A, I have 31 days to enroll him under my current health insurance. Since I am changing eff 6/1, will he still be covered with my current plan (even I don't add him) until I add him to the new plan? So, basically from the time he is born until he gets added to Carrier B, would he have a coverage for these 7-8 days? Thanks""
Can i add a car to my insurance in another state?
i live in florida and i am wondering if i can add a car to my insurance for my sister who lives in NYC and attends a college in that state? car insurance is way to expensive for her to pay for up there so im wondering if i can insure and register the car in florida? is there any way to do this?
Car insurance question, custom-built cars?
I was watching a SciFi show where a company in Florida builds cars. From a welded frame, up! For street driving. Can you get insurance to drive such a car? You cannot say 'Ford, ...show more
What is the best car insurance?
im 18 i just bought my car and now i need insurance what is the cheapest insurance out there for a guy of my age?
Im 16 and need car title and insurance advise?
I was wondering if it would be better to put my car in my name or my parents name. I have a 1998 toyota corolla and I was also wondering about a rough estimate for a new 16 yr old drivers insurance rates
How to get a good quote for my car insurance?
basically, i've got 1 year no claims with direct line car insurance for the past year( only 1 year driving experience). i was paying 85 for fully comprehensive, and was 24years old when applied for the insurance. i just received a letter from direct line for my renewal, and now it's gone up to 109. i was wondering what might cause it to increase, and if now am over 25years should i really inform them (if it's gonna make a difference). is it advisable to switch to another company for maybe cheaper deals?! p.s i have a vauxhall calibra year 1995""
I live in new york city can anybody tell me who has the cheapest car insurance in the city?
I live in new york city can anybody tell me who has the cheapest car insurance in the city?
Can i shop for auto insurance before i buy a car?
I'm going to be buying a car sometime within the next month, but I'm trying to determine what's within my budget. Can i get auto insurance quotes online without actually owning a car yet? Also does anyone have any recommendations as far as Insurance providers are concerned?""
Im 19 and look for a cheap car with some power but quotes below 900?
im 19 year old i got my full licence for 2 years now and im looking to buy a car a cheap second hand one any would be good to be honest just need it to be 1. big so people can fit in comfortably 2. reliable 3. good mpg 4. not ugly 5. 1 litre - 1.4litre 6. and ermm it must be a car nice to drive and can go on motorways without struggling thanks i was thinking about a vw polo or a vw golf but im not sure if they would be cheap on insurance thanks :)
How much car insurance do you pay? - public survey?
What kind of car do you have, and how much insurance do you pay? (( General interest ))""
How much will insurance go up with with a speeding ticket and now I rear ended someone on the freeway?
I have Allstate Insurance in California. I got a speeding ticket in Nevada. And it was either hit a semi or rear end a car on the freeway.
Where can I get classic car insurance under the age of 21?
I have a mark one escort that I've just finished had it since I was 16 I'm now 18 an I want to use it on the road, it's now a mint 1972 ford escort l 4 door, now I've found out that the law has changed an I can insure it after all that work I've done for the past 2 years, so what I would like to know is, can I get classic car insurance from anywhere under the age of 21? Or where does normal car insurance where I can add on an agreed value for the car for extra cost, thanks everyone, speedy helpful replays would be great thank you""
HOw much does PIP insurance cost in miami florida?
does anyone know how much would PIP insurance cost for a 18 year old female driving a white 2002 SATURN SL2 in miami florida
How do I get insurance for my new car?
Ok so I've been in the market for a new car and I've pretty much decided on a Honda Civic. I'm trading in the car that I currently have insurance for. Obviously you have to have insurance to drive off of the lot in your new car..So do I have to get all new insurance for my new car? How do I do that when I don't even have the vin or anything? Or does my current insurance count? Please help! Thanks
How can I get auto insurance for a car not in my name?
I have the opportunity to take over payments on a car. Since the title is not in my name, how can I get auto insurance for this car until the title is transferred into my name? I'd heard there is a form that the owner can sign that verifies that I will be the only one driving this vehicle. Any suggestions would be helpful.""
How much more a month is car insurance for a sports car than for something like a coupe or sedan?
How much more a month is car insurance for a sports car than for something like a coupe or sedan?
Can my car insurance company raise my rates if my CA Drivers License was put on hold?
I'm just curious. Can they do that? I was pulled over in 2010 for driving without car insurance or registration and I was given a ticket. I never paid it (I didn't have the money at the time but I just paid it off as of Jan 2013) and I got a notice from the DMV saying my DL was going to be placed on hold (basically suspended) until I paid it then it would be released. At the time I found this out I was trying to insure my new car, and the company told me because of that my rates go up. I've seen my DMV record, it does state that my DL was placed on hold, but it didn't cost me any points. So I still have 0 points on my driving record. Can the charge me more for that? Also no judgement please, I dont want to go into a long story. The ticket from 2010 is a long story and partially caused by a controlling abusive ex. He is now gone, and I am almost finished cleaning up the wreckage he caused, the ticket being one of them.""
How much does insurance for a motorcycle cost?
I currently don't own a motorcycle but am curious the cost of insuring it. I live in Vermont so I would only be riding it from June to September. I would probably be riding a 2002 Yamaha YZF R6.
How do people with new cars afford insurance?
I'm currently a university student looking to buy my first car soon, but I recently looked at a couple of insurance premium quotes and my mouth just dropped. How on earth do people afford insurance, especially those with new cars? It's insane to think you're going to be coughing out almost $300 a month for a new car. How to people do it? One of my friends (whose parents own their own business) have 4 cars ranging from 2010-2012 under finance.They must be paying LOADS of money on insurance, but how to people like that do it?""
What to do when not involving car insurance in car accident?
Ok so I hit someones bumper, my fault. I don't have insurance but they do. Her car insurance called me the next day asking for basic info. A couple days later the car owner called me and said she didn't want to go through the insurance company because it would take her too long to receive her deductible back. She said she was going to pay the deductible to allstate and get the car fixed but not go after me I guess, I don't really get it, as long as I pay her back for the deductible. Would I still owe something to allstate afterwards or would I actually be able to walk away from something like this?""
What company has the best motorcycle insurance in Maryland?
What company has the best motorcycle insurance in Maryland?
How does car insurance work?
I got a quote for a BMW 325XI. It was going to cost 1390$ for 6 months. Now, does that mean I pay for the 6 months and then get the other 6 months of the year off? Or does it mean that I pay 1390+1390 for a total of 2780$ per YEAR?""
What are the age miletones for car insurance? UK?
At what ages does car insurance drop more than usual?
How did they steal my car? It a 2001 Lexus is200 . Stock immobiliZer fitted! Will insurance cover this?
Whill the insurance cover this? What todo? :(
""Car insurance costs, is this right?""
Im currently 19 years old and have been with Esurance for a year now. I have a 1998 honda civic and my payments are at $65 a month, im currently looking in to buying a new car and called them up tonight to get a quote for it and they said my monthly payments would increase to $360 a month (car i called about was a 2012 chevy sonic hatchback). Does this large of an increas seem correct? I have never gotten in to an accident nor needed to call upon my insurance for anything, so why does the price jump so much higher?""
How expensive would liability insurance be for a pageant?
I am directing a pageant, and I have to have liability insurance to host it at the place we are hosting it. How much would that cost?""
Can my parents insure my car?
Planing on fianacing a car with my father a cosigner can he insure my car? Has anyone done this before? Or is currently doing this?
About how much will motorcycle insurance cost me?
i am 18 and have been driving for around 1 and a half years (car) and would like to get a motorcycle, i've never missed a payment, have never been in an accident, and have taken the msf course my first bike will most likely be a used kawasaki vulcan 500cc or a used yamaha vstar 650cc""
Car insurance question, custom-built cars?
I was watching a SciFi show where a company in Florida builds cars. From a welded frame, up! For street driving. Can you get insurance to drive such a car? You cannot say 'Ford, ...show more
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