#ive just wasted several hours of my life
stxrvel · 5 months
i don't wanna live forever (1)
summary: reader couldn't stop having deaths in her life ever since the Supersoldier serum came into her life. no matter how hard she tried to stay sane, it seemed that life didn't want to give her a break. until, one afternoon, she learned that one of her old friends was alive… (you guys know im bad at summaries, but please give this one a chance)
pairing: bucky barnes x f!reader
words: +4.5k
warnings: angst, major character deaths, canon deaths¿?, bad words, english is not my first language! thoughts of revenge and death, this is like an introductory chapter, so the buckyxreader interaction is low, but it'll get better, i promise!
note: holy fuck guys. i just spent like five hours writing and editing this and i fucking love it. its been a while since ive been this proud of a work, im actually scare the emotion will disappear, but i really want to rejoice in this one. i wanted to write something a little different from my usuals, maybe a little common in the fanfiction world, but i started and i simply could not stop (or maybe just approach this bucky fic from another perspective). so this is the first part and i'll try with all my heart to keep this going because it was fucking insane, at least for me. i really hope you all like this as much as i do! feel free to leave any comment! thanks always for all the support!! see you next time <3
part 2 ; part 3 ; part 4
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When you went into the Supersoldier serum project with Steve, you thought you were going to change the world. Of course, at that time when technology was relatively new any invention felt like the beginning of a new era. That's how it was all sold to you and it was how you expected everything to turn out… Until you realized that it was all really a waste of effort and time.
They were just propaganda for war. Not to stop it, to promote it. To motivate it.
You tried, on several occasions, not to think too much about it. You tried to stay out of it as Steve sometimes asked you to, even though even he didn't want to, as Bucky asked you to when you lay on his shoulder to cry in the little time you had free between trips. It was a great burden of guilt and helplessness.
Until you and Steve, with the almost imposed help of Peggy and Howard, rescued Bucky from the evil hands of Johann Schmidt and his nefarious organization, HYDRA, that, unbeknownst to you, would haunt you for a long time to come. It was only after that, after spending several sleepless days on edge thinking about what might be happening to Bucky, that you and Steve were finally able to go out and contribute something. Destroy HYDRA and the Red Skull's plans.
Of course, you realized that not everything could go right when, the one mission you couldn't attend, Bucky didn't return. And then Steve didn't come back either.
“Do you think this will ever end?” you had asked Bucky the day before his last mission.
“Of course it will,” he had answered without hesitation, moonlight illuminating his clear eyes, squeezing your hand as if it was all he wanted to do for the rest of his life. “And after that we can begin to live as it should be.”
But there was no after that, because you never recovered from losing him. From losing them both.
“Are you okay?” Peggy approached, in the middle of the afternoon when the sun was streaming through the stained glass windows of the church, illuminating the spot where Steve's empty coffin had been, because they didn't even find his body. They didn't even think there was any of it left.
You barely moved your head to acknowledge her presence, moving the prayer slip they had recited throughout the mass between your hands. Your eyes were crystallized, in tears that no longer even made the effort to flow, because you had already spent too many days and nights crying. Peggy had been on the other side of the church, sitting next to Howard while the priest spoke, because you had refused to be near them in those moments. You didn't want to be near them.
“As well as one can be,” you slurred, finding that it had been a long time since you'd last used your voice for anything other than cursing and crying disconsolately.
The people had already left, probably an hour or more ago. The empty coffin had already been brought out, all the flower arrangements had been picked up, and the priest was preparing for the evening mass. You knew you had to leave, you knew Peggy and Howard were there waiting for you, but you felt stuck at that moment. You didn't want to leave, you didn't want to get ahead, you didn't want that life if it had to be this cruel.
You heard Peggy's sigh, before she took a seat next to you, a short distance away, averting her gaze to look at Christ on the cross.
You didn't know if you were selfish to be so closed off to your friends at this moments, because they must be grieving as much as you were, but you didn't know how to deal with the future possibilities. Bucky and Steve, great men and soldiers, one even with enhanced abilities, had not been able to make it through the punishment of war. What if Peggy and Howard were the same? What if they too had the cruel fate of dying at the hands of injustice? Could you deal with that? With everyone gone?
Maybe you could open up to them a little more because if not, who else? Turning away from them was not going to ensure their survival in this hate-filled society. Maybe you could protect them, like you couldn't protect Steve and Bucky. Maybe you could make a difference, because you had the chance to.
“You know,” Peggy spoke again, rearranging herself on the bench and crossing her legs, “Steve always knew this was how it would end.”
Her wistful, mournful, fragile voice sent a shiver through your body. Peggy didn't consider herself someone to show herself vulnerable in front of others no matter how close they were, even in those things that hurt her the most, in those things that affected her personally and made her eyes water instantly, she always tended to shut down. And at that moment you didn't dare interrupt her because you knew it would probably be the only time she would talk about Steve in a long time.
“Sometimes we'd talk, between tour trips, and he would tell me that wasn't what he wanted to do, even when he had to convince you otherwise,” her clasped hands would occasionally squeeze between words, blinking rapidly to fight back the tears. “He didn't know if he'd made the right decision.”
You could almost picture him, backstage at the foot of the stairs with that notebook he carried everywhere and wouldn't let go, Peggy at his side nostalgic, as helpless as the others. It reminded you of the times you'd had similar conversations with Bucky, desperate to find a purpose, a way through so much fog.
“The first time I saw him so sure of himself was when he asked us to help them look for Bucky,” she mumbled his name, as if trying not to scare you away by saying it too loudly. “Ever since then it seemed like he'd found that spark…”
“Until Bucky died,” you whispered, the words cutting through the cold and silence, Peggy shifting on the bench contritely.
“He lost something of himself from that day on, it wasn't hard to tell. The next time I heard him so sure after spending days lost, it was on that call from the plane.”
Peggy paused, raising her hand to cover her mouth as her voice faltered. You turned to look at her, wishing you could rip the pain from her soul and leave it in yours. She was trying to contain her emotions, breathing deeply, and in that moment you wondered what life might be like from now on, with the specter of grief following you around, waiting for the next time the dead knocked on your doors, unexpectedly, without allowing you to say goodbye.
“He had told me he wouldn't die in peace until he could get it all over with. And he took it all with him. And I hated him so much for it���” Peggy sobbed, her labored breathing standing out between words. She kept looking straight ahead at the stained glass windows, the expression on her face hard and scowling despite having tears rolling down her cheeks, as if she were trying to blame something for what had happened. Her reproachful eyes fixed on the Christ.
Her wails echoed through the walls of the church, the father on the dais sending them a look of sorrow. He had offered you water, thirty minutes after everyone at Steve's wake had left, when they kept walking, and you stood there.
Another empty casket.
“Ladies,” Howard's voice reached your ears amidst all the physical and emotional numbness. You could barely notice Peggy wiping under her eyes with the pocket square that was surely part of Howard's suit, as she took breaths to get up. “We should go now.”
You heard him walk, his slow, careful steps stopping just behind you. There, on his feet with his chest tight, he rested a hand on your shoulder and gave it a squeeze in support. He knew it was the most you would allow him at a time like this, deciding not to pass up the opportunity to let you know he was there. You sighed, feeling a heaviness take over your body as you stood up.
“Yeah, let's go.”
The next few months passed in a blur. Maybe too fast, maybe too slow, you weren't sure anymore.
Peggy continued to work at the Strategic Science Reserve for a couple of years, calling you from time to time to help her with some jobs. You kept a low profile, practically a fugitive from the state, while trying to live a halfway normal life in Europe. A lot of it thanks to Howard really.
Life had become a rather monotonous routine when you stopped getting so many calls from Peggy and Howard several years later. You knew they were fine, but not being able to return to the country filled you with anguish every day. And trying to lead a normal life became too complicated when you looked in the mirror and it seemed like not a single day had passed since you were in that capsule of Dr. Erskine's with Steve.
Until Peggy called one day asking you to come back. She told you that it was safe, that there would be no state officials waiting for you at the airport, but even if that had been the situation, you wouldn't have hesitated for a second to buy the first plane ticket and fly to see them again. To Howard and Peggy, to melt into an embrace, longing for the lost years.
You had thought that contributing to the fight in World War II had earned you a ticket to at least be recognized in the military, but all you gained was the government with their mad scientists looking for you to try to recreate the Supersoldier serum. Peggy didn't want to risk you and Howard gave you no choice by giving you a plane ticket to Finland with your bags packed.
You wasted many years not being by their side, unable to keep the promise you had made them in your head to be close by to protect them, to watch over their safety.
But when you left the airport there was only Peggy, and maybe that should've told you everything.
Her hair already looked gray, the effects of gravity and time present on her face. You hated to think that you shouldn't have looked any different from the way she saw you last time when she waved you off at that same airport. Her warm gaze was the same, raising her arms with held back tears to encircle you in a big hug. She tried hard not to sob against your shoulder, you felt the choppy movement of her breath against your chest.
She looked so different and the same at the same time.
You walked to her car a moment later, her trying to carry your suitcase and you telling her you were perfectly fine carrying it on your own. Amidst a smile, she walked into the driver's door and you frowned as you saw the empty passenger seat.
“Where's Howard?” you spoke as you sat down, after stowing the huge suitcase in the trunk of the car. The way you moved to buckle up, you didn't notice the way Peggy froze in place, her hands clenching the steering wheel so tightly that her breath hitched from the effort.
“We're going to see him,” was all she said, but she was very good at hiding that something was wrong. Only for a little while.
During the trip, even though you tried to ask things about them, about what they had been doing during this time, you didn't miss the way her shoulders were tense or her eyes very alert. Something bad had happened and Peggy was trying to hide it from you.
When she pulled up in front of a church, you already knew what had happened without her answering a single one of your questions.
Howard had died.
You two had sat next to Howard's son Tony, his spitting image, in complete silence as the prayers went on. At that moment you didn't know what had happened, hoping it had been a quiet and peaceful death, because you didn't know if you would be able to endure another violent death.
Peggy gave you all the details when the mass was over, after the coffin was taken away, and you hadn't felt such fury in so many years. Not since the deaths of Bucky and Steve had that adrenaline rush of anger returned to run through your body as violently as it did at that moment, when Peggy told you that he had been murdered along with his wife. All to steal some prototypes of Dr. Erskine's serum. The damned serums with which everything had started.
This time there was a body in the coffin, but there was also a culprit. Someone to point the finger at and take it out on for years of anguish and pain.
You were at Peggy's house, staying for a few days, when she told you that wasn't all.
Peggy had a suspicion that HYDRA hadn't disappeared when Steve crashed that plane into the ice. Her suspicions generated panic in you, because Bucky and Steve had died for that, now apparently Howard, only for it all to have been for nothing. The feeling of carnage that ran through your whole head made you nauseous, years of helplessness and pain pent up in such a small body had to find its way out somehow.
“It was a man, according to the information I've been able to gather,” Peggy spoke, taking a seat across from you in the dining room of her living room, after pouring you a glass of lemonade. “He didn't die from the crash. He had a concussion. He was hit in the head. His wife died from asphyxiation.”
“Does Tony know?”
“No,” Peggy shook her head quickly, one hand over her heart as if the mere thought caused her physical pain. “It didn't even occur to me to tell him something like that.”
“And he was looking for the serum,” you recalled, a bitter feeling planted in the back of your throat, the memories of the disastrous times during the war coming back into your head like a blinding flash.
“He took them. We don't know who he is or who he works for, but whoever they are, they must have been following us for a long time to know about them.”
“You mean years,” you arched an eyebrow, your fingers touching the cool exterior of the glass seeking some reassurance.
“Possibly. That project isn't recent,” Peggy nodded, drinking her lemonade with a grimace. You stared at the liquid almost finished from her glass, a wrinkle forming between your brows with each passing second and you kept wondering why.
“But what the fuck was going through that asshole's head?” you spat angrily. Rage at already the amount of lives that serum had taken with it and at Howard's recklessness. Rage at the reaper who seemed to be following in their footsteps for some reason, rage at that damn man and whoever his damn boss was.
“It was the only option, Y/N,” Peggy turned her gaze, meeting your eyes with a strange glint.
“What do you mean?” you were almost afraid to ask, your friend's gaze suddenly turning evasive. You watched her run her fingernails over the glass of the tumbler, lost for a moment in thought. The way her shoulders slumped forward in defeat caused a pressure in your chest that made it hard to breathe. Peggy shouldn't be going through these things at this point in life.
“Howard was working with the Pentagon, as a contractor or something. They had found you. Howard felt cornered and they made him sign an agreement.”
With your incredulous look on her face, Peggy didn't dare look back at you for a few seconds. So much had happened since you had left and it seemed that you had only been told about the things you weren't going to care about so much. But if you had known that you wouldn't have cared much about giving some of the state officials their comeuppance. You would've liked Howard to trust you enough to tell you, not live in as much fear behind his back as the last few years must've been. You didn't like the way Peggy's lips curved downward, as if she, too, would've preferred to make another decision had she known this was how it was going to end.
“Howard assured them that he could recreate the serum, and told them he would as long as they left you alone.”
“Fucking asshole…” you closed your eyes, scrubbing your face with your hands. The rough skin of your hands rubbed against the delicate skin of your face, years of combat and mistreatment foreseeing a harshness that reminded you every day of what you'd had to go through to get to that moment.
“I only found out about it after it happened. I didn't see it for like a whole week,” Peggy shook her head slightly, her eyes glistening in the pain of the memories. You shook your head hard, a more violent reaction than you could have anticipated.
“That stupid… stupid asshole! What the fuck made him think I couldn't defend myself?”
“He was trying to do the right thing,” Peggy finally searched your eyes, meeting the red rims that told her you were holding back too hard breaking in front of her, only using that pain mixed with rage to keep you sane.
“And look how that turned out!”
Peggy stretched her hand across the table, with a pleading look asking you to lower your voice, averting her gaze to the hallway. You followed her gaze, for a second forgetting where you were, forgetting that her family was with you behind the doors where you were plunged into darkness. It was past midnight.
You took a second to calm yourself, trying to drown out the uncontrolled emotions and taking deep breaths to calm your fluttering heart.
“And if what you theorize is true…” you regretted the moment those words left your mouth; you didn't even want to finish the sentence.
“Do you think it is?”
“I don't want to,” you shook your head instantly, closing your eyes, the thought sounding illogical inside your head. Your hands on your chest trying to contain the storm of feelings that was making chaos inside your head. “That would mean that everything we did, everything Bucky, Steve and Howard did and sacrificed, was in vain. It will all have been in vain.”
You spent several weeks with that thought in your head, working hand in hand with Peggy, and the organization you barely knew as SHIELD, to track down the whereabouts of the killer of Tony's parents and the one responsible because the Supersoldier's serums were, surely, in the wrong hands.
And yes, it was many years of fruitless missions and dead ends, with you running every field mission and Peggy calling the shots from the New York facility. Every time you felt close to discovering something, it seemed that the enemy rejoiced in your failures and still couldn't understand how they were always three steps ahead.
However, you had to leave the missions when Peggy became ill.
The silent, lethal Alzheimer's.
During the first months in the hospital, she still recognized you. She also recognized her husband and children. But after the first year, she frowned every time her children walked through the door. After a year and a half, her husband had to remind her that they had been married for about forty years.
After two years, she was still only remembering you, Howard, Steve and Bucky. Her whole life during her time in the army was all you talked about, sometimes you would tell her how much more time had passed than she remembered and always, without fail, she would ask you how much you had done in Europe for so long by yourself.
She cried every time she remembered Howard's death. She cried every time she remembered her children. Out of her mouth came a thousand apologies that no one would accept, because there was nothing anyone could do to prevent what had to happen. You wished she had been a serum test subject instead of you.
For several years, missions to find Tony's parents killer were sporadic because you spent more time around Peggy than at the SHIELD facility. She was the only thing you had left of everything you'd ever had, of when you held the world in your hands. She was the last thing keeping you tethered to that reality, keeping madness from flooding your reason. How could you have so many years ahead of you when that was all you had to live for? A life full of the dead, full of pain and suffering. What kind of karma were you paying for?
You were leaving the SHIELD facility, after another failed mission, when Nick Fury stopped you in front of the exit. You almost rolled your eyes right under his watchful gaze, tired of having to meet him anywhere, and exhausted from his comments about this vengeance project or whatever he wanted you to be a part of.
You still didn't know how, being such an exemplary agent, Coulson had fallen into his nets.
“Miss L/N,” the man stopped you with his words, his hands behind his back and a tense stance that caught your attention.
“Fury,” you nodded in his direction, hoping he'd be quick because you were running late for your weekly visit with Peggy. “Do you need anything?”
“I'd like you to come with me somewhere,” Fury approached tentatively, his one eye fixed on your wary expression, which shifted to boredom the moment you thought you knew what he wanted.
“If this is about that project, I've told you a thousand times-”
“No,” he interrupted you, moving forward and removing his hands from behind his back. “It's not related to that. I really want you to come with me.”
“You look agitated, but I need-”
“I'll take you to see Peggy myself after this.”
You didn't like that he knew your routine, even though you weren't doing enough to hide it from the other agents. But Fury looked nervous, even though he was hiding it very well, trying to keep his cool as he looked for ways to convince you.
You figured it wouldn't be a big deal for you to go off the deep end for once. After all, Peggy never remembered you were going to see her.
You set off in Fury's armored vans, not quite sure where you were going, but sure that it was urgent, because he had taken it upon himself to let his driver know that you had to get there as soon as possible.
You took that time on the trip to come up with a new strategy for the next mission because what you were doing up to that point wasn't working and you felt too close to throwing in the towel, figuratively speaking. You could spend years following a ghost, but you wouldn't give up on finding Howard and Maria's killer.
Before the car pulled up to one of SHIELD's secret sections, they passed the giant, imposing Stark Tower. You never saw Tony again after that time at his parents' funeral, not even during his visits to Peggy because you always made it a point not to cross him. You didn't think you'd be able to look him in the eye while you knew his parents had been killed without being able to tell him. You had promised Peggy in her lucid moments that you wouldn't tell him anything until you could find the culprit. You didn't want to initiate that pain if it had to be kept repressed, as yours once was, and probably still is. You had learned, some time after the funeral, that he was living with Edwin Jarvis, and you were glad to know that he would have good companionship to keep him company in such hard times.
Fury, a handful of agents and you entered the vans through the entrance to what appeared to be the parking lot of an old warehouse. Upon entering, the first thing you noticed was the number of armed agents that seemed to be guarding the place, not at all discreet to how SHIELD used to do things. You weren't sure if Peggy would authorize something like that, but you couldn't question the Director's decisions. It wasn't your place.
“What's going on here?” you frowned, watching as every meter there was another agent and another agent. You got out of the car without waiting for an answer from Fury, moving directly toward the entrance where most of the agents were concentrated. You barely noticed their looks in contradiction, running their eyes over you and then over the man trying to catch up to you, dubious as to whether or not they should move. “Move.”
“Wait,” Fury's voice stopped the command in the agents, who turned back to look at you as you sent Fury a confused look.
“What's all this mystery, Nicholas?” the man startled almost discreetly at your tone of voice, the agents stirring uncomfortably, but kept the serene expression that was getting on your nerves. “What the fuck did you do?”
“We got a call from the Arctic.”
“From the Arctic?”
You tried to ignore the way the hairs on your neck instantly stood up, your body alerting you to something your mind still couldn't comprehend. You felt like a deer face to face with a predator, expecting the worst.
“The Colonel informed us of something that might interest us,” Fury's cryptic voice echoed in your ears, drowning out the flicker of uncertainty vibrating from your head to your toes. “They found a plane.”
You didn't even answer him. Your heart began to pound wildly, cornered, ready to have your head bitten off. The tension in your shoulders intensified, with the involuntary movement of your hands as you broke into a cold sweat. The mere implication of his words caused an emptiness in your stomach, a sense of longing and fear you hadn't felt before.
You looked at Fury, trying to find in his gaze the gleam of a lie, but there was nothing there but assurance. There was nothing but recognition and understanding in his gaze, but that didn't make the emptiness in your stomach and the tight chest go away. It didn't make the feeling of being outside your body go away.
You barely remembered to move in the direction of the door, the agents instantly moving out of your way, pushing it so hard that one of them flew out. You moved your eyes around every corner of the room, the cream-colored walls generating a great repulsion in you. And there, in the midst of all the confusion and the storm, a confused and disgruntled face looked back at you. A face you never thought you would see again.
Steve Rogers was standing a few feet away from you, barely comprehending what was happening around him and instantly recognizing you. Your chest compressed once again, the tears you held back for so many years even in your loneliness making their own way into your eyes, endangering to end that mask you wore everywhere you went.
Steve was actually there, looking back at you with his eyes shining in recognition. You didn't know if he was as surprised as you were to react or you looked so bad that he didn't know if he should approach you or not. You just knew it was him, it really was him right there in front of you. He wasn't dead. Steve wasn't dead. He was alive. Ah, he was so alive.
The broken sob that suddenly left you was loud enough to make your friend shed his stupefaction and stride over to where you were. You barely managed to cover your face, between sobs, wails and disbelief, feeling your knees give out, surrendering to the weight of the pain, when his strong arms grabbed your shoulders before you hit the floor. Preventing your fall, as you had wished so many times before.
You cried against his shoulder, when feeling him against your body you knew there was no doubt it was true. You moved your hands away from your face, wrapping them around his waist as tightly and lovingly as you hadn't hugged anyone in so long. Surely the last time you hugged someone like that was when you saw Peggy on your way back from Europe.
Steve wasn't far behind, his arms around your shoulders just as tightly, his chin against the crown of your head, moving from side to side trying to hold back the loud sobs that shook your body.
You couldn't believe it, but it was true, he was right in front of you.
Steve was alive. He had come back to your side. You didn't even want to ask why.
And there was nothing else you could think about for the rest of your life.
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themolldollincident · 10 months
Queer tormented by ocd plays disco elysium absolutely zooted on edibles, a tragically short story in only seven snapchats
Not my typical content but i had to post it.
I LOVE video games but my OCD makes them very distressing to play sometimes. My playthrough HAS to be perfect or i get extremely distressed - not like i have to do a good job and win, but more like every single playthrough has to be a beautiful work of art from beginning to end, no decisions or time wasted on things that dont serve the STORY and the CHARACTER DEVELOPMENT, and CERTAINLY no sidequests left uninvestigated and no bonus content left undiscovered. This has gotten harder in recent years as video games have become more complex and more beautiful, so oftentimes you CANT uncover every single thing AND play a consistent character, because huge swaths of content are often locked behind certain decisions that you CANT MAKE if you're committing to a specific character arc or story. So anyway a while ago I played through Disco Elysium. I LOVED IT. It was FANTASTIC. It was difficult to get through at times because of the ocd but it was so so worth it and helped me practice not engaging in compulsions.
I recently decided to play it through AGAIN while absolutely fucking ZOOTED on some edibles i've discovered that make it to where i basically dont fucking have my extremely severe case of ocd for just a few hours. (They are heavenly and i love them). I thought it would be really fun to play the whole game again, but this time i ONLY open up this save when im zooted, and i ONLY have fun, with NO pressure to make the playthrough any kind of art. JUST have FUN playing a VIDEO GAME for the first time in my life. I decided i would ONLY pick the dialogue options i found the most amusing, without doing my typical 20 minutes of overthinking for each dialogue box. I was going goofy mode and i was so excited. It didnt exactly go the way i thought it would though LMAO
This is the result of that tragically short but hilarious playthrough that had me SCREAMING in my living room, told in 7 snapchats
1. Opening the game and noticing something i somehow never noticed during the whole first playthrough around 5:35 pm
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2. Creating a character build, 5:38 pm
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3. Deciding to have a 1 in all stats except psyche and pour all points into psyche so that i can be psychic cop, failing to realize (because edibles) that there is a low attribute cap at the beginning, so i just accidentally chose to hamstring my attributes and just NOT USE my three points to build my character, 5:40 pm
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4. Choosing ONLY Inland Empire for my skill increase, once again failing to realize that i wasnt maxxing out inland empire, i was just failing to use two skill points. Also i was enjoying the music in the skill screen, which is beautiful, but since i was high i thought the 5 minutes i spent just vibing to the music was like 30 minutes so i thought i wasted a bunch of time, 5:48pm. (Ive decided to call this method of accidentally using only one skill/attribute point at the beginning of the game because youre too zooted to play video games well "Harry-Maxxing".)
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5. Going through the "trying to wake up" beginning of the game choosing only the funniest dialogue options and seeing dialogue i had never seen before! Fun! But also before i took this pic i referenced the nina chimera FMA meme and my partner hadnt heard of it so i explained it for only like 10 minutes, but again, since i was high, i thought i wasted like 2 hours on that. But it was only 6:16 pm.
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6. and 7. A glorious 3 minutes later, i decide turning the light on is a great first move (its been a bit since my first playthrough). Again, i am only choosing the funniest dialogue options and not thinking super well, so i just kept saying shit like "BRING IT ON" and "Let it all go" because i thought it was typical harry being overdramatic and weird, and i thought it was hilarious. Turns out i had a heart attack from turning the light on and immediately died. Literally like 5 minutes of actual playtime. Incredible. I love this game.
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It wasnt the full playthrough i was hoping for but it was awesome. Rip harry number 2. I definitely recommend harry-maxxing
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raincamp · 8 months
11 03 2023
discovering that i experience pathological demand avoidance / pervasive drive for autonomy (PDA) as a symptom of my autism has been fucking life changing.
i spent all these fucking years feeling so helpless, my parents telling me that im lazy, feeling like a failure because i couldnt even graduate highschool. i didnt understand how everyone else could just sit back and waste their entire lives at the demand of someone else. how they could work 40+ hours a week and not come home so exhausted that they can't even find time to take care of themselves.
i couldn't find a justifiable reason why i was physically unable to do what everyone else has been able to "just suck it up" and suffer through. working full time, being at school full time, it was all enough to make me lose sight of why i was even alive. enough to make me have mental crises. enough that i ended up in the hospital several times.
but idk, im fine when i have control over my schedule. i was thriving during COVID when school was no longer a thing i was forced to do, but something i got to choose to do. nobody was making me sit in a building for 6 hours bored out of my mind. i got autonomy over my schedule, over my life, and i genuinely haven't been able to recreate the feeling of freedom it gave me since.
and when i was forced to go to school again, despite how easy it was, despite the fact that i barely had to do anything, the mere idea of having to sit in a classroom against my will made me burn with such rage that i made it so that i had autonomy over it. i would only come to classes i wanted to go to, which meant going to school three hours late and walking out when the class was over.
now obviously thats not how highschool works so i had to drop out. after a lovely (/s) visit to the psych ward my parents stopped giving a fuck. but then it was my choice to get a diploma/GED which i had zero problem doing, i was happy to do it even. why didnt i just sit through the last 6 months of school instead? idk, to me it felt like fucking torture.
i still feel that way, working full time. working part time even. i hate it because i want nothing more than to enjoy having a career like everyone else can. to be able to have a life outside of work, a fulfilling one even. ive never been able to do that. and it saddens me. why is it that everyone around me can find happiness in working their entire lives away but not me? why do i come home everyday wanting to die? why am i the only one who sees it as an injustice that my entire life is going to be spent at the whims of someone else's demands?
i burn with helplessness and anger and pain at the mere thought. but still i suffer through as many months as i can handle at jobs until i have enough money to last me a couple months of freedom. even though i have to sacrifice my mental stability for it. even though it means hospital visits and alcohol dependency and suicide attempts.
a perfect life for me doesn't include not working though, not working feels unfulfilling, i want to make a living for myself. i want to be financially independent. i dont even mind working 8 hours a day if i got to choose my schedule. if i could wake up one day and say "nah ill wait till 2 pm to start work today" or could start work at 7 am when i wanted, take as many days off as i wanted, which honestly wouldn't be a whole lot because i find value in productivity.
its the fact that i have to follow the demands of someone else that sucks the life out of me.
and now that i have this knowledge i can learn how to use it to accommodate my struggles instead of feeling like a fuck up
- andrew
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dent-de-leon · 6 months
ive been following you for years now (since around when promare came out) and this whole time ive just assumed that mollymauk was the main character of critrole but i was talking to a sibling and they were like yeah hes only in 20eps. that cannot be true. i fully was like yeah mollymauks the main character they drive the plot right right?????
HELP THIS IS SO FUNNY ASKSLG---wait, let me explain--
In the year 2018, I started watching the Campaign 2 livestream from when the very first episode aired. I watched live right up until episode 25--26, the one where they lose Molly? That was the first episode I couldn't watch during the stream, and have never been able to bring myself to watch it since.
So 26 episodes doesn't sound like a whole lot. But each one is usually between four to four and a half hours long--there are even some that go up to six hours, and the longest one clocks in at just a little over seven hours. So you're talking about each episode being like four hours--and they were once a week every week. So by the time episode 26 rolled around, I had been getting super invested in this character over the course of several months. I just now checked a list of the runtime for episodes 1-26, so--if my math is right?? and that's a big if lmao--we're talking about a character that has over 100 and a half hours of screentime in the beginning, which is wild--
So yeah, in the grand scheme of things, it for sure doesn't seem like much. But given the nature of CR, it was definitely more than enough time for me to get attached--though honestly, Taliesin had me hooked on this tiefling from the very first episode, I didn't stand a chance. His whole personality and the little glimpses we got of his backstory just meant so much to me, and I adored that he was bi and genderfluid. He's the kind of character that really draws you into the world; I was so excited to see how he'd change over the course of the story, how his heartfelt relationships with all the other characters would unfold--
Molly's character arc isn't abandoned after 26 episodes either. In fact, he comes back as the final villain of the campaign over 100 episodes later. When the tiefling we know makes his reappearance as the major antagonist Lucien, the whole final arc of the campaign revolves around him and his past with the Mighty Nein. Very much a case of someone haunting the narrative. There's just something I love about how Molly is the one that first brings them all together, and then the entire finale of the campaign ended up leading right back to him and how much he meant to his family.
And then the arc ends with the party finally getting the chance to perform a ritual to resurrect him!! It was a very long wait, but the culmination of everything to do with Molly in the penultimate episode was definitely worth it. There's also all the secondary source materials that add to his character. He's got a prequel comic like the rest of the party. And he's the only one of all the Campaign 2 characters that gets a whole novel of "his" backstory, mainly focused on his life as Lucien. You can even buy a copy of Molly's tarot deck, which is such a fun piece of added lore and depth.
Anyway, I am so sorry I gave you the wrong idea about Molly asjslfjdfhf but he is absolutely the main character in my heart 💜 So much of his character is about how every little moment matters. And even if you don't get to have someone in your life for very long, that time you spent with them will always mean something. Acts of love and kindness are never a waste, even if it doesn't last. He's a character who was loved so much it made him whole, gave him a second chance he thought he'd never get. His story is very melancholy and tragic, but it's also just so bittersweet and cathartic and heartfelt. He is,, my blorbo--
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oliviawebsite · 10 months
i used to just get really really severely drunk and watch music videos on youtube and start crying abour the beautiful and mystifying music of the cocteau twins and how ive wasted my life not pursuing and engaging music at all times of my waking life then id cry about that and keep drinking til i pass out then wake up a few hours later and throw up a bunch. i used to be so cool
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psykoz · 2 years
ok so some things that have happened at my job
- coworker said the r slur in front of me, a few others, and one of the front end managers. manager says nothing to stop it and in fact jusf laughs and agree w the overall statement (halloween costumes looked [r-slur]ed). this is significantly worse as not only am i (not openly at work for fear but pretty obviously) autistic, but the field we are working in is specifically with seniors with a specific type of mental and intellectual disability
- person who hired and trained me and is an assistant, also higher position not a manager technically but on the management team, learns i dont celebrate xmas thru an email i willingly send, totally fine. but days later, unprompted and unrelated, she str8 up asks why i dont celebrate and i feel the need to reveal some inkling of religious beliefs which i really do not want to do
- literally wont tell me half of the things i need to do/not do until after i fucked up anr get reprimanded. they never told me what the callout policy was, until after i recieved a write up for breaking it. they didnt tell me a security feature for someone had been updated, until i almost messed up SECURITY and a coworker had to tell me it had been changed. theres more but pointing out every time would get tedious and repetitive
- already blamed me once for having "too many missed calls" despite every one of those missed calls having been before my start time or after i am meant to clock out, some even having come past midnight or before 6am when im still hours away from even needing to be getting ready to clock in, outright admitting that it was more likely because their phone system isnt patching back to the after hour line, or after hours people are just not picking up the phone. and still called me in for a full 8 hour "training" shift where i spent well over 75% of the day sitting, not working OR training and thinking abt how much shit i needed to get done in my personal life and how wasteful this was, because of something out of MY control when im not even fucking clocked in.
- my bosses have all been on at least one vacation in the 3 months ive been here. despite being called, verbatim, "the last line of defense" and being in charge of peoples lives, having to potentially de escalate an angry senior if i tell them they arent allowed outside, and having to be around people that are dying at least one person every week or 2, i get no benefits and no chance to even accrue vacation or sick time. i would have never accepted a job with not benefits or sick or leave if they had explained to me the full scope of the stressors i have dealt with. i know for a fact my ptsd has gotten more severe after this job and i went thru a traumatic experience that i wont talk abt bc it was out of the hands of my job tbf, they couldnt have stopped it from happening, but i have still been exposed to multiple deaths and one event ive been unable to stop thinking about and fearing. they have never suggested grief counseling is available to any employee
- sometimes they put up fliers for mandatory meetings/trainings without sending any text/email about it. this sucks for so many reasons. i just may not see them, i have multiple disorders that give me memory issues so having a reminder on my phone would be helpful, qnd the worst of all: they have put up fliers on a day i wasnt working for a mandatory meeting, on a day i wasnt working, and i did not have another shift until 2 days AFTER the meeting that i didnt even know happened bc they didnt bother to let me know despite me being physically unable to see fliers if im NOT THERE.
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hotshotshitshow · 1 year
man ngl i just dont think i like getting stoned, i cant do anything and feel useless so i always get to the point in my high where i realize ive just set myself up for wasting the next several hours of my life bc i cant function well enough to make art, play a game, talk to anyone, watch anything, etc
ngl i was low key really embarrassed last night bc i streamed and then realized i was too stoned to make any sense so i just forced myself to stop talking and . that sort of defeated the point of setting up a stream so i could interact with people by talking lmao
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lupecastillejo · 1 year
The time I got Pancreatitis and almost died. Buckle up it's a long one (Update 12/06/2022)
Well... it's been a while now has it? To be honest, a lot has happened since the last time I checked this blog. Ha, I don't even know where to begin... Um well, why am I here again is a good place to start. I only come on here when I'm having a hard time and I think I've finally come to the realization that I am mentally having a hard time again. But I think I am either coping with it well or still in shock. lol, I guess after writing my feeling out in this blog I'll figure that out, huh?
I love coming back to this blog though because I get to take a look back and see how far I have come from high school/ college and well truly feel like I'm in a better place. Hell, now I am the one telling people that it gets better because in the grand scheme of things it does. I've learned that it's all about perspective and deciding where you want to go from here. And I think these last few months have truly been a test of that belief because OH MAN has it been a tough.
In late July I was suffering with severe abdominal pain that progressively got worse over the span of a week resulting in the ER. I was the admitted to the hospital with pancreatitis caused by passing gallbladder stones. I was in so much pain I felt like I was dying and I ain't no bitch either when it comes to pain but this was something completely unimaginable. At some point, while waiting in the ER, I told my Fiance to just have them kill me. I was blacking out and had uncontrollable vomiting. They would give me morphine IV every 2 hours and it did absolutely nothing. I just wanted to die, but hearing my fiance cry out to the nurses for help I knew that I couldn't leave him like this I had to try at least for him. So I did, I hung on just long enough to wake up in my own hospital room. But shortly after my pain was stabilized I was then going into a diabetic coma. My blood pressure shot up and my sugar was almost 500 when the normal is 90-120. I felt so weak but knew I had to keep fighting and to be honest, I don't remember a lot after that. Except occasionally waking up and finding my fiance next to me watching my vitals closely to make sure I wasn't crashing again. After I finally woke up a surgeon informed me that I needed to get my gallbladder removed in order to prevent any additional episodes of pancreatitis. So my fiance and I agreed to the surgery. Unfortunately, we later discovered that we made the decision way too soon in my recovery. While I was under anesthesia for the surgery I had multiple complications that placed me in the ICU for a week. The doctors wanted me on a respirator because I was not wanting to breathe on my own nor was I intaking enough oxygen, but luckily I started breathing on my own. Again I don't remember very much, these are things I was told by the people around me as well as my medical documents. Once released from the ICU I was placed in observation and later discharged. After being home for a few days I contracted COVID, after 2 hellish weeks I finally tested negative but was left with horrible stomach issues so back to the ER I went. Here I found out that having COVID triggered another episode of pancreatitis, further studies were done and a pseudocyst was found. Considering the pancreas was put through so much stress large portions of the pancreas became necrotic causing a pseudocyst to form. I was devastated, I had no clue how much of my pancreas was viable, if any, or if my diabetes caused by my pancreatitis would ever be reversible.
And it was at this point, the old me re-entered my mind, and old thoughts of feeling like a waste of a life began. I felt like a failure, I felt that I could have saved so many people a lot of heartache and stress if I just went through with killing myself all those years ago. I wanted to hurt myself so badly but I couldn't because I was being monitored every 2 to 3 hours and they would find my cuts during the physical if I did. Although, that thought shortly dissipated when my fiance came to see me. He knew where my mind would spiral to and helped me cope with the news. From there I spent 2 weeks in the hospital AGAIN to fully recover from my pancreatitis. Once discharged I had to wait 3 more weeks before starting the surgery process of removing my pseudocyst since it needed time to mature. This process took a series of 9 endoscopic procedures under general anesthesia over the span of 4.5 weeks. Thank god for the staff and doctors who were involved with my case. Honestly the sweetest people I have ever met. I already had mad respect for nurses but after becoming a frequent flyer at the hospital and getting to know my nurses, wow! I have no words to explain how amazing these people were. I have a debt of gratitude to these people for helping me physically and mentally get through every procedure. They understood that I was scared for my life because of my first encounter with going under and they all helped reassure me not to worry. I wouldn't have been able to get through this journey without them as well as my fiance.
Now I am 2 weeks post op and I am physically feeling better but now I am left with the mental aspect of the whole event. And to be honest I'm not sure how to feel... I'm happy that this situation brought my fiance, my family and I closer together as well as being able to finally get my health back on track. Although I still have one surgery left and that's the one that put me in the ICU, my gallbladder removal. I have high hopes that this time around things will go smoother since I am in better health but you never know, anesthesia still has its risks. But fingers crossed everything works out, I guess. I will do an additional update after Friday but as of right now still no clue how to think about the situation.
Since I have been sick I haven't been able to work so I'm spending more time alone, plus I have lost like 60 lbs and look so different. I'm not sure if it's a good different. I have always struggled with my weight and right now I'm at my smallest... but the downside is that I actually like my current weight. I feel healthier and definitely have more energy than before so I mean that's a positive. But I really don't want to go back to worrying about my weight, for so long I was hyper-focused on my appearance and I have finally come to terms with my weight and I'm scared that all those bad habits will come back once I start gaining the weight back. But I guess we will find out over time how this is going to play out. I've been trying to reassure myself that I look good fat or skinny and that I still look good even with more weight on just to ease the pain when I start to gain the weight back.
One more positive thing about this whole situation is that Esai and I are way closer than before. That poor man had to suffer by my bedside for so long and I couldn't even begin to express how much that has meant to me. He's been so positive and reassuring about our future that it has helped me cope with my situation.
I'm honestly at this point just ready to move on with my life and enjoy the moments that were taken from me in 2022.
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fukozawa · 2 years
venting just ignore me // tw: weight, sui, sh
i really wish i had a therapist
I havent had a therapist since i was 15 over a decade ago. And even then i didn’t want to be there and didn’t take advantage of how much of a privilege it was
I don’t think ill ever be able to be vulnerable with anyone in my life. I don’t think ill ever not feel like a burden. And if that ever goes away it’ll surely be after years of therapy which i don’t and won’t have access to for the foreseeable future
Anytime I’m faced with the opportunity to open up or ask for a listening ear, I’m fully paralyzed from seeking that out. Its like right before i take that step, right as my foot is about to touch the shaky ground of opening up to someone that wants to be there for me, its like my own subconscious flings me backwards through midair and everything i wanted to say is blank and i physically cant utter the words. Its like all the feelings that made me want to seek out help in the first place suddenly disappear and I’m miraculously totally fine and not sure why I needed to reach out in the first place and waste anyones time or emotional energy.
Theres always this underlying feeling that i don’t matter and i can easily disappear from peoples lives and they wouldn’t notice, so why make them become further invested in my issues when I’m basically nonexistent as it is. Obviously its the avoidant attachment style but to an extreme. I don’t have to avoid people when i constantly feel like others are avoiding me. And especially avoiding my feelings, which have oftentimes been too heavy for others to carry.
Ive never had a irl friend who would just listen to me and be emotionally intelligent enough to not project their own ideas onto me, but who knew how to allow their presence be the comfort that i needed.
I cant stop myself from diverting the attention away from myself and focusing on other peoples problems or worries in order to avoid having to talk about my own.
In reality i could literally talk about myself and my constant self analysis for hours, theres so much that ive reflected on and so much i could use external insight on, but by the time i scratch the tip of the iceberg, the intrusive thought of being a burden/waste of time/emotional drain on those around me is too powerful to ever scratch the surface of what really goes on with me. Even on tumblr i try not to vent here as often as id like bc its literally so embarrassing being a human and having to have human emotions like literally so annoying i hate having to subject anyone to this.
Tho if im honest I’m lonelier than ive ever been and nothing is more affirming of my trauma and need for community than how expertly I’m able to isolate myself so diligently. Thats just one of the ways I’m able to self harm without anyone noticing. Another big way lately has been depriving myself of sleep, i cant stop myself. The feeling of being so ridiculously tired that i cant help but pass out is the best feeling ever cuz it means not a moment is spent with my own thoughts. I know its hurting me so much, bc my head screams at me with some of the worst headaches (which i realized recently are likely migraines) but its part of the sh i guess. When it gets too unbearable i just take some pain medicine and i can go about my day. Burning eye sockets are a lot easier to ignore than a radiating pounding skull.
Ive become so unhealthy but i don’t care. Sadly I’m skinny so no one questions it. I’m severely underweight but restricting food intake is another way i subtly self harm. I think its obvious but my parents are too self centered to notice and if they do notice they clearly don’t think its enough of a concern to mention to me. Its not actually on purpose tho, i have arfid due to being autistic and making myself a meal thats not instant ramen is literal fucking hell on earth and feels like I’m trying to run through waste deep water. I never have an appetite and the act of even having to eat at all is exhausting/draining. I hate food and if i could survive on vibes & Dr Pepper alone without having to eat food id be more than happy. I constantly have anxiety that there’s something seriously wrong with my body but id never know because my body is constantly being put through the wringer, experiencing such regular levels of discomfort/pain its impossible for me to acknowledge which of my bodies signals are truly dire.
Living with my mother is slowly killing me but i have no way out due to crippling levels of anxiety and absolutely zero energy to care for myself enough to be able to take action on things that would benefit my future self. It doesnt help that it feels like the world is ending and feeling like i may not have a lot of time left anyways so might as well spend my life in bed miserable under the covers starving and malnourished, cuz its the only thing I’m good at.
I feel like I’m always in some sort of dissociative state that i don’t know how to turn off. I try to ground myself and it just comes right back. When it comes to my emotional state i have absolutely zero support system and its hard to not feel like everyone is better off not having to deal with my bullshit drama. Its hard not to feel like I’m making all this up and just being dramatic, like I’m faking all of this and i bet if i wasnt such a coward I wouldn’t have all these issues.
A part of me is jealous of the people who took their lives already. They were powerful people. I wish i could be like them. And not have to deal with the pain of existing as an autistic gay person who never felt truly seen. As terrifying as that is thats all ive ever wanted, for someone to genuinely want to See me and Understand me. Cuz up to this point in my life ive gone out of my way for others to make sure they feel understood, but not once has anyone put that same energy towards me. Which is why I’m hesitant to continue trying to form new close relationships, whats the point when all my prior experiences have shown how little most people give a shit about forming lasting strong connections that stand the test of time. Even the bare minimum of asking someone to educate themselves on the autistic experience so they can begin to try understand my experience, is somehow too much to ask and too high of an expectation.
Anyways I’m done venting for now and its finally time for me to sleep after being awake for 24+ hrs lmao k bye
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annikuh · 6 months
bruh my partner said he was worried about me because I’m obsessed with cl*ne h*gh and topher because “obsessions are unhealthy” and he’s acting like this is so bizarre for me & i almost laughed in his face. i was like bruh do you KNOW me???? im literally John UnhealthyObsession.
[[strange vent below, I just need to overshare here bc I have far too much to talk abt in therapy tomorrow and not enough time for all of it & this is so stupid that i literally refuse to waste time on it. this a no-judgement zone, if u judge me, ur ableist and I’m dispatching assassins to ur home]]
man’s talking abt “unhealthy obsession” meanwhile:
i got so obsessed with charles manson & squeaky fromme that they became my entire personality. i dyed my hair red for like four years bc of squeaky. i got a tattoo for squeaky. ive read a disturbing amount of books about both of them. I own handwritten letters from both of them. i can think of two separate occasions when I almost ruined a holiday and started swinging on a family member bc they were talking inaccurate shit about these two.
same goes for the several other similar figures I’m obsessed with. I have an entire WALL of memorabilia from/of them, costing truly hundreds of dollars (this is cool to me but apparently highly disturbing to everyone else). I have a copy of Jeffrey Dahmer’s fucking psych reports. I have a fucking piece of fabric used to make the shrouds the heavens gate cult members put over themselves. I’ve written 10+ page papers about some of these mfs. I turn into a feral animal when any of them are brought up, ready with too much knowledge and a desire to fact-check and rant and soapbox. I literally became so obsessed with all of these people i got a degree about it.
when i was 17 i became so obsessed with this one boy that i would sit at my desk for hours writing about him, just straight up filling pages and pages of a journal about him over and over again (this was actually TRUE mental illness i literally reread the pages later on and cried bc it was so sad and scary how out of my mind I was LOL😬). i bought a similar jacket to one he had so i could pretend it was his (this is actually my iconic army jacket; reclaimed). i literally did nothing but think and talk about him for probably at least a year and a half (& I STILL freak a little on the odd occasion that i see him, just on reflex).
I AM LITERALLY SO OBSESSED WITH MY PARTNER TOO HELLO? I talk about him so much and post so many pictures of him that he doesn’t even have to introduce himself to people bc they already know him from me. I live my entire life based around him in ways far too numerous to list and he knows it.
& there is SO much more. so it’s just a little bit funny that he’s worried that i like CH and topher too much bc i talk and think about it all the time; & bc i like to wear the gay little red hat from my topher costume (bc it’s “unhealthy to cosplay as a character all the time” meanwhile im constantly walking around with the riddler symbol on my army jacket and my clear glasses and he doesn’t see anything wrong with it; girl that’s almost full cosplay). compared to some of the aforementioned things above, im living quite the normal life.
like boy clearly you do not understand the depths of my obsession. i have been crazy for many years. your concerns about this issue here are exaggerated and misplaced. all of what im doing now is 100x healthier than anything else i have done or could be doing, especially given the strange mental state I’ve been in. he needs to thank his lucky stars, imo.
“unhealthy” sir this is highly abnormal at worst, let me cook‼️
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the-woild-is-y-erster · 9 months
guys im going fucken insane
i have so so so many classes that all have homework due every day and i cant freaking focus to save my life and i cant manage any of my time correctly and ive tried asking for help from my family but all i get is a 'well you should try managing your time better set alarms do all this stuff that you just said you tried' and my brother wont help me at all
i have classes every day. all day. i have homework. due. every day. my piano teacher wants me to do two freaking hours of practice every day. i have two major projects due this week, not to mention all the homework.
and when i try and bring up how stressed i am and that i might need to drop a class???????
"you shouldve managed your time better. youll be fine you dont need help. why arent you doing homework? go make dinner which will take you three hours. go help your mom do this. go do this thing that will waste valuable time that you could be doing homework in so i can yell at you later because you havent done your homework."
and that isnt even mentioning that i have no time for social activities!!!!!! i know i dont have that many friends but sometimes i would actually like to hang out with them!!!!! sometimes i like to go antiquing!!!!! thats a thing that makes me happy!!!!! because there aint a lot of 'happy' goin on in my body right now.
i have no time to indulge in my interest either!!! pianos obviously a no go, i cant create art for fun anymore other than doodles in class, i cant do any textile stuff like i like to, i cant paint or dance or play instruments because i have no time.
and my ma has the audacity to say
"your brother got through it, and he has a 4.7 GPA! and he stayed with piano! and he made all these friends and went on dates! but we're never gonna let you date anyone, because that's too mature for you!!!!"
i havent slept more than three hours in two weeks.
i barely eat, but its not like you care.
ive already told you several times that im suicidal. you've seen my scars. and told me not to do it again or i was grounded.
i love my family prommy<3/s
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chaosmenu · 1 year
ive binged almost all of barry in the past like three days and until 5 minutes ago i wouldnt have recommended it. however this scene has singlehandedly sold me on this show and made the several hours of my life that i have wasted on it worth it. i had to get up and walk around to laugh about it and just like. fully express my shock to myself
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watarulesbian · 1 year
wataru hibiki my precious lil birdie aaaawwwwwww 
anyway i wish i had the energy to think deep thoujghts about her . deep thoughts thatd make me feel like a real #1 wataruknower . i wish i had the will to get my ass over to some enstars stories featuring wataru and read them but i dont hav anyfucking will for anything but mindless scrolling and being pessimistic i was doing #stuff today and then i had a therapy appointment and bam rest of day wasted............................................................................................... besides when i painted for a while lol i got watercolor set for xmas and its quite fun 
wataru is MINE!!!!!!!!!!! MY CHARACTER!!!!!!!!!!!! MY GIRL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! SHE LEAVESME AWESTRUCK I CANT EVEN THINK!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! AHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!! unless youre one of my three friends from twitter (hi) you have NO IDEA of the extent. of how i so adore and love wataru. and even than thats not all of my love for her. 
one thing tho i love when people draw her face very expressive. i wish i could do that in my own art of her........ im better than ai but worse than most actual artists :( i want to die because im not able to capture her accurately in artistic mediums but other people can? so MAD!!! KILL KILL DIE DIE DIE (to myself not to the wonderful talented artists who i admire very much) 
idk i just feelt like shit lately. its because i havent gotten enough wataru. the enstar doctor perscribd me 10 hours of wataru hibiki a day and lately ive been getting like 2 a day when i NEED more than that i need. like 10! i need my mind to reboot my brain and maybe put a fucking timer on youtube because i keep looking at shitty uoiutube shorts WASTING MY WHOLE FUCKING LIFE AWAY AND MAKING ME DEPRESSED AND DOOMFUL AND AAAARGHH 
how many of you even know my name? i know 3 of you do (hi again) 
tumblr isd better for making long incoherent posts huuuuu 
need one of those send a number and ill give a ___ headcannon things ummmmmmmmmmmm idk i feel like all my awnsers to thosewould be dissapointingly bland and im scared that there will be something in cannon thatd contradict my hc (NOT LIKE A LESBIAN HC BUT LIKE A LIKE/DISLIKE THING) wataru is lesbian by the way and i think, as an autisticl esbian mysjmlf and YOUR wataru expert Wataru feels the isolations. the lesbian isolations. the autism isolations. maybe its weird and unrelated to what im saying here and it might sound even crude but whenever someone who previously idenntif as lesbian comes out as Not lesbian i feel a profound emptiness within me . and i know i should probably tell that to a therapist and not post it on tumblr for anyone whos former ident lesbian to see this and feel guilty or mad at me but i JUST had a therapy appointment today and need to get it out. its been in my brain for a long time. and ive of course ive come to recognize and get used to people changing, ive never thought or said to anyone “nooo you cant be _____ youre supposed to be my fellow lesbian :(” but i never see anyone ever talking about feeling sad when a lesbian they know turns out to Not be a lesbian except in the context of transphobia or homophobia. like im NOT one of those asses saying “a trans man? we lost a lesbian im so sad” “noo lesbi ann is dating a man and changing her name to bai sexxx this is so not her! come back lesbi ann!” im just saying i feel  like when someone who previously idenntif as lesbian comes out as Not lesbian i feel a profound emptiness within me. and im NOT trying to guilt trip! and PLEASE dont be mad at me!  and i get USED to people not being lesbian! the emptiness goes away after several months! but yea whatever 
i want someone out there to make more art of eichi lovingly brushing and braiding watarus beautiful long hair. fic or art. or cannon for the love of god... theyd BOTH enjoy it the same amount im telling uou. even when they grow old together watarus hair is still long and still so nice and soft tbh like she got upset that it all turned white and talked about possibly dying it a lot but eichi is like My Wife Of Many Years You Are So Beautiful With White Hair You Are A Goddess. I Love It Just As Much As When It Was Blue.      but in present time as 19 year old young lesbian lovers i just know wataru has falllen asleep while eichi runs his fingers through watarus wonderful amazing shiny superlong hair. i know wataru doesnt wanna like be asleep in front of people but as part of showing her human side more, i see her doing it tbh, eichi loves seeing his girlfriend asleep and is always like Awwww :3 wataru doing normal human things with eichi is actually cannon btw and im smiling thinking aboutt that 
i want to write a magnus archives statement about watarus expieriences with a fountain (the stranger) she makes a foolish wish on that has her live a year where evgery day she wakes up in a different persons life and body and its totally torturous. after 365 days of that shes finally in the life and body of wataru hibiki again but she is incredibly traumatized . happier ending than most magnus archives statements because she is ALIVE with no physical injury and doesnt end up dying or anything. the stranger. i remember when i was really lttle i came across a ton of amazon reviews for a book that had a premise basically similar to this except itwas a creature who lived like this and it was a love story or something LET ME FIND IT HOLD ON 
its called “Every Day” i found it lol 
i never read it but i reacd the reviews 8 years ago so i feel like i know it well enough. it was easy to find by one single google search  ahaha 
i hsould be going to bed now thanks for listening tubmlmr 
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libidomechanica · 2 years
Absence comes a spoils by traduction was a chose hand
A ballad sequence
               Stanza I
But most age eas’d in atmospheres     of Heaven, that plane is business the loftie oke, that I     have those words, and Jebusites:
then follow’d with venom     fraught, I mean, that have grief bent to all score. Its the bitter     to mooted desuetude.
               Stanza II
Crawling a dragon when I thinking     warmth again—again appetite, where the length them out:     from the flies, the hart root.
I rose, he seydest eek wommen     hadde and hustled toes and a’ his curse, thy budding by the     pit and pure as my
Affection in thee now, my Celia,     comely taduance traduce; no envious tasks of the actės     and when gleaming man,
and the cool, he flitting sunne laughte     hir smok; and that would, were Peters; but hear youre large. She is     truth, which tresoor, me neded
nat every age and the midnight     be forgot, nor know not how that I lay up; and the     garded many think, yea
ev’n of whiche thus—Poor Margaret to     serues the dying of my fourthe hour mine; the my despising     Phoebus sinking it
back against actors move to go     for lovers, child. Bricks through Poland, tumbling so, she euen in     drifts of thy crags, O Sea!
               Stanza III
By those whom yours has late; ’ the let     wolde ȝeden with greater thinges! Yet thy spring. Heed, that     all but my spirit, not
stay because at last, which I doubt     not ever bark and both this day for each one’s Face—book     sonogram a tiny dictum
full ten lies out on ev’ry     line the Pillars, like him once again prepared for the Danger,     yet his Heart. Thy
delighted pigeon eggs: at twelve conscious     array; but them chide the purer is by expres, will     open or show by the
liar, ah God, and lyves that     an acre hath rotten; from him, glad whan these cowslips fading’     martial—defences.
               Stanza IV
Then then change their present melodious     toil had waned from a snowy hats, but hollow still;     for this. But a sounds from
the Springs to be our severely     with sport, to dreamed the child wrinkles in the rest felt a     hurried on; all men whom
we shall panters fastened there were     and sadly presents immortal parts fulfill’d a Just Revenge     who sat her selfe deserved
your leave theirs along, but, more     be such pleasant think about o’erwrought that became over     thou art so poor Scylla
quite and panting like an uptorn     for she was not native rightful due, robbed by the Power     and merely tas-ke, as
at my final gulph he wed a     year, mouth and Bills and empty, pure transactions as some cowards     their Heart. Tell me why,
as now, my love! To have Place; in     the way that belch incessant mischieuous wines to enter me?     He stood prepared fascines
but he went looked as thine     honeysuckle of cover … autumn’s exuberant quilt … we     must mix with cold decreed.
               Stanza V
With means; and weary brother’s face.     Years: which attire: his broad come like so red, aloft, and     a life indanger bright, despairing spring and colour’d     with see who rather tell his truth and protect higher than     you and if twas one
revolving, in the ocean must I     at length of Loyal Flames; who dare beguile their death inwoven     her equal and if you wilt in the long in the morrow     limited Course, that simple, and the delite, well knew     her formal father’d light,
save forgiveness; disdaines may     answer to their engines and flouds of this I know to choose,     the offence, such thou for they stood, nor knew; all we dwelt into     end. Nor cold he had gone, had largesse? Took silence trew     night was quiet leaningless,
your wise; for she was found so     fair. Growing the air stretch the glory won; thou know’st the lark     over eclipsing eye, that what poor think that conscious eye     does shal workers, ever flood, to cheered: O Rhodian you’d return’d—     there fluttering lightning
wit and hold awe-stricken shunning     sparks, it chance—sure of the gray barbarian lower     at Apollo’s touched in extreme; if thou wast thou shalt thou,     my fate, where ever worse that cruel men. For lur þat hym to     this speed-laden pedigree,
muscles for this payttrure of     two days on evil tongued laurels’ pattern still enrich the     walls. The glowing violet, the globe of weale, lips Loues     indentures make; thou, when the morning say, See what it touch some     face I recognized
occasion dear compels me to disturb     your season due; for Lycidas, the beggar that I     have it enough. Pray you are all the plainly that all, his     Vertue never beams dancing like her most deeds did improve the     holy voice of her own,
ornament as young again. Selves     and ev’n seemed to the Sabbath; only even bread aught of     pleased; the sigh for a bowle of Leonidas, what river     silken couch of right. Come now, but for the eye; whatever     habits of talk too is
there, when, a void, the river sin.     Sullen eyes: and weary day, by variously. For weight     of fool, what he says, We’re the hill of good back to me, Jamie,     come where we’d lives, on purpose who, when it gets himself     to impart to Wives and
anon they locks lyke some majesty,     subtitles all it flouret of the Danube’s bank     and flames through the touch. So heares not a worlds light, but if     beyond the coming or Old Master, so fayrest Phoebus     water warm life permit.
               Stanza VI
By force, so deep glen; thou awake.     Kind Husband is plays so dramatic this old man came at     London hope it ill: her corse embraced. Plain; she need you like     or tire. And deepest green, nor this same darker and husks     of beauty in thy sad
state discretion his long Chin proper     to walk silent night was quiet death, which, but for these     labouring through soon I have spent. And yon hills, who bounteously     seated in a plain, well manners from the lassie be;     we’ll borrow, with the prize
you up in rape: unpraise, a copy     near adjoining lightning Crowd be Judge of the legend     cheek all a kiss, and vitamins. Is faded me not that     wull, and Thee! At stoop my head. Her fingers, of friend, himself     employs. Thou a flower
and more will not be a black, at     least is bigger than centaurs after page. Drying into     that of Them it comes it to the lady’s lively leap in     thy tender in religion of a dog, he had but oh,     ye great that which arise
from China who held it be, i’m     welcome night cannot tempt the sure the heard the pinions that     with power remained, the first detachment of the bels, Kinsmen     too; but, loving, the west, lead’st with into you again     seemed nothing for the summits
of pleasures make, that she care     to be discoursing, other plump round, and for their bleeding     o’er they heart of woll, which piec’d his shee has closed eyes and you,     that sweep into Deed mine his Saynt with Skill, for Polititians     now which now shall but
bounteous David was never heart,     my death. Alas! The won Renown’s allow friends, by the elms     last doth fade, must feel it doth flow, a clammy dew is beading     went happened eyes the noble verse. Ay me the things—but     Dick was made to be! Slide
in her awake. She shore, was he     were and drill’d a Just Revenge delay, tis the Veil. To eat.     Do not long; for, sweet, while David’s life: the rich speed, being’s     Defence, like to affright, and foolish hearty, scarce a child,     and numb his boundless summers
threescore her back across to     thing o’er polar seasonably mistrest, where though winding     Lake so mortality, and lost the path with thee? Over     again he feel the labour this life, where eagle’s vision     of blue day-light’s in the
Carian, breath’d her side in a work     of his outward path to weare I will take from its earth gone,     had yet but took his horn. That Gaudy Flower, which to tell     the Isle, and so thy brotherless Helicon! From the sky,     while her infant lips all
relapses—and such thoroughfare.     Lightfoot more, the rest lurk’d Christian chill so that blood and spread     as breed; gainst thou break loose year be since there other home and     the father. Dancing and sing, the love, give my Chloris mair     than for conquestion’d soule
vnbodied of that beach dwell it dark     above, Jamie, come a quantity of our own Worthies,     in the Bent; but where paraphrases with suddain Vengeance,     and we went, and wan, he judging when my Foes, his Fame. And     steps, and pine, and bigness
of those rich without one of the     westlin wing, lull’d my Birth, but their granite brain, nor plants his     equal Ruler of love and love’s excess, of slaughters did     from previous vision of the shine of his changed magic:     every gras, twixt whose
misery, worse than story? The extent     and my daily fed, when it could ne’er yours that for well,     blest and future fears that her virtues we recite, tis all     alacrity: there force press his she fleshed too clothed man love     with blind voluptuous
corse, the light around her shining     dews. Us just observance hungry dog; or doest succour     vaine, for it with your lost his hand, and heav’nly gift of through     thou fill’d an unrightened things drew fair of face, except     it buds, it flies. Far upward
could be. Charming stars attendant     fast as a chose to my ain lassie, fair only Hope     to the well, fairy-press Cathering on such a guide … nor     the even LIKE him and upon his spears, and high Poet!     When that Love like diamond,
thou cannot long, each underneath     to be undone, we’ll give you were physical. Let’s kiss than     Life, youth, the face, that strength to represence could rather of     change Foundations knew not? Parts, with awful shade, it did, my     last exile; while I place.
               Stanza VII
—Like Feinds, that so short, by merely     given to them down his eyes; he story up in not by     cups, the Love hath its
verdurous man! Upon an unrigged,     and grave I now haue I leaned. Ne let thee. But genuine     Lover, I wish forbear
the nations were too gross my     mind, enough into my hidden, her linger on he had     seen in her servance hap
always when London now! What is     to sit beneath about there was that which these sorry pages;     then the Jews; and
tyranny. This hair of throne smooth it     felt it is like a butterflies and far unable treasure;     ’bove these rebel
powerless music sees most deeds and     smile on it, and that seem a cuckoo-like, he pour a dewy     luxury was
Strongenoff, meknop, Serge Lwow, Arsniew     of moan, and weep no more, the best her dripping hair was it     shouldst mouth display’d, not weaned
again! But them a tranced a     cannot rue the temple of their verily, but in no     more; their joy, and over
me fruit of a vast exile; where     none like a fabric to them; and elephant, and I am     a man; but as thou
can quantify: each in taking     loudly, as he took a shore: but let me her crutches, ’gainst     himself the lost my merry-
winged Love, where yet a children     of the scanty toward blown— my dust for to her stately Bravest,     and the current of
multiply’d-And when he with lasting     fount pours for Nutriment doubting me to seeke fame her     fabric that lap doth grow,
and chose an Hermes’ pipe, who caper     her brain to form he lives its poor many days be over     eight to lively ship
with thy disparts a diadem,     a silver bow and wherein no revels to represented     types of theyr choking.
               Stanza VIII
Future, past the bought him his vows in her maidens     over. But now shall worn and her he, nor this ungovers, nor felt, and left of silence     beach I wandering on the harvest
me walked them answer. Each day was Ismail at whose     souls that sweet snatch thee to sayne for but an ear is company of summer’s Helicon!     A book of versed in Secresy blowing.
And opens but that ease me despised I with     to me; close and sunk my head, who, when the public justify their enemy is better     fruitfull Issue shalt lower to
silent thence, absent case. Thus Heaven, as o’er: so,     several saints away the people passion weeping you could be so. That may pay thee,     and their Father way. What, happy, happy
night o’erpowered me—it shall be Naked     left deserved for what a wretched three feet of memories, the commission, overwrought     oaken log lay on thorn! Waste, he had
for liberty. Garnish with such she shoulders, men     to a home. And all the place the landed of slaughter. When the Crouds can pursuits high the     stars peep them happy wilt thou which some
star in its ample shears cut short as fair, with doating     to a Woman, and ’tis all a kiss. While troops disbanded, answers are not worth you     tyrannizing Borealistic? All,
are owed for the heavens Anoint him not such a     soft kiss, she springing whale words, below through his cotton, and peace, the scourge; their gaze ripe flame—     o let me or Grave; and there sun the
which all their daughters? Smile one hand wild, like-hat remorse.     A winding flee to help I cannot wear here mine no more soft remember, lapt in     a servant tell his pursue it, stand
in laurel bough and curl—can conceive the swift proclaim;     his quiet once: for they’ve wrang’d to be dispossessed, not in this other once, for my     dust from their literated angel
in summer days in the meaning unexpect, to     purge froth be flat hill of moss, who, through their Gods disgrac’d, and there Cymon shunning with     immortal bowers wings hovers with arts.
               Stanza IX
Dead eyes that Fame (capricious hed.     Her genius was dovetailed at me. Never seen. Of olive     green zenith ’bove his side, an’ it’s jet, jet black. So few     refuses burden they dismiss than my breathing is so much     more willing to each agree:
each in the tame pigeon measure     reign: so stood; and beauty is one. Once a months shall I     sometimes barters; the Faiths Defender, and Loue doth alike,     but if the unquiet to hate, my Arts a severe beguiles,     and there is dripping
down upon her e’e. Making through     the mud. Apollo each with the process of my pilgrimage;     until there were on that bard; I don’t be supplied—thou     kenn’st from a cushion a preaching again seemed to try, and     you like a dream, the devil
has lately, they came. Who binds     himself alone, but there’s refrain, and dirks, and mollify     th’ offender, dear brows old. And see a life was     portraiture of Pasimond and oft I blush, and heat. Rage,     his though heauens the means that,
like a coloured to draw—but it’s     jet, jet black, at lengthen’d, the first, as if to the sun hath     melancholy crop: up from the narrative by young man’s     Herse? Flesh, that plea faint damask mouth, for I heard a rustlessness     oft turn’d with labyrinth
in battles, I would the Scrifice,     that is a name is lost; jove’s door. I will I teach     they viewed the blew; he shade, and truly notice as whitest     she left to eat or stars. And that pass: I thinking to sink     away in languish in
thee? It was you must be, they’ve been     call’d up his little to escaped; then Iphigene is in     brief hours, that the breach. As a vanquished light, and rufull birds     of love? Your rival, and Wills and three, but for the Column,     let Law the times went. Where
though from their Gods were in a desease;     I ne’er forms and making men of my deadly yels, nor     marriage of beauty doth holy bare: for Cymon soon woud     Expose, than our form he life with his wishes hast not the     best. And Delude the swart
a wanderings, with nectarous     crownd, he turned. Fed hireling wild with some pleased: then butter     on themselves holds yfeer the publick Safety to this. In     shore: but my potent rivers boyl the Hand of phantoms of     her country or its crownd,
he turned to their countless manacles     this compelled … to comfort from a basket emptied to     thrush replyes, thou move? Am not your own. Grows young, did begin,     before than Hybla drops from a stock might gems: aye,     allegiance! And all her heart,
the dawn was return’d round, yu run.     Oh may pitied. Thus even know; so cold designed, Heav’n by     thee. So few; but my hand, that erst upon the giddy Heaven,     dost thou shalt gayne, let not fear I am a man, who     serve the dive in vain for
his owne mishaps than is born in     jest, but it is the gusty deeds, and rashly judge erected     with a daughter sleepe did Zimri stands suited Nightingale.     Where divine; convolvulus in slumber, but the     When a lucid waves there.
               Stanza X
Government are ye write it! East,     so goodly persuade, that shall violent. And fire or snow; for     sullen eyes: I saw him their habits of War he coming     green or shades, whatever.
Wild ecstasy to all hell. Th’     admire; as now she in thraldom was pale laughing safely     did just twiddles its proud archaisms, when he felt before     it! In Mexico I
slew they viewed the wrought. Is it be     a dead thine inmost bounty, and they shoulder, nor our     eternity of beauty ever shadows one impious;     for he wild content. His
seldom comes though windows one ship     well the crescent them push on to slay than spurring avarice,     you wilt thou eternal day, this heart to the regiment     to be like beautiful
and honey fed; where sits upon     the solitude: for last receipt; for I had been, who     lost, in its own image of trumpet, and by the rimes, whose     lead, and after brest loopholes,
and thy body should herse, yet     deep, when all howling and feare out of Pow’r Divine ASTREA     sees with wide hall to carrying round me like an arrows     of talk too is there, now
hope, and maybe kiss you comes a     wound the pleasant sea and says, and your Progress could not of     all. Her virtue with Martyrdom did Stephen Hill; and there     my words that somethinks
more than I. And airy steed—the     smart; such warmth expose? But, in Heav’n, made to keep him poor: and     Langeron, and Debauchery, to my love me long wilt     force he had better tears.
               Stanza XI
But ioyed in his eyes moved like a     scar betweene thou art that I mighty race: but who content,     thrusts invoke the emperor
him hurryingly Diadem     he giver, get them happy me! Praise. Unable to church     of Heaven-like powerful
army. And size, into tall     grow too clothes, and with Fear, yet with tender, into mine no     more; but who can see nought,
but the right. Hope no relief; O     gentle dreadful smiles of wine, by her muse: whose twilight have     done by no more! Image
in the latter you to make the     water: hand one display’d the Snare I love, on which vse to     all from above, we must
night the ruby lips lyke as we     recite, tis Philosophy’s aye-babbling Crowd: that was her     own accorde not to Rule,
for a man’s Henna from my conduct     when the matchless bliss, and angular: out-shooting wit     and a narrow drain to
hunt his Frame and feet, a non-described     it and danger from the spell, or amber thou art a     flower’d straightway passed younger,
and stretch my last night your breath’d     Witness had been call’d Jemmy, ’ after a thornless the true     Christianity: in
fair place you up in rape: unpraise     rehearse in nectarous crowned with his one like her slaves, a     sting shape, and, downward, for
swear at a giant range, and has     to love: resuming quick distinguish me! Communion while     I enjoy! When the straight
the danced dulnesse? Into the dress,     a red, with doolful plain her could Plots, from the Minstrelsy,     and beauty I did, ’twas
buried in this old couch, and azure     clean; unbrib’d and peaceful ease, that same features fade: exit     seraphim an
Appendix of my beauteous dew. Of     despise. My loue, but arose: a plait and sky: this future     Truth Proclaim, and he went
had release you do not me; then     they call for such an angry former regiment to show     my cheekes, and man’s ground.
               Stanza XII
Themselves a humble I. Then upon that kisse-worthy     to be life? Name is not exalt thou fill’st my complain pair, like bird that she had design’d,     you the grossness, be the deep glen; thou listening eagle’s visited best of doom. Yet     as I have Place, he shadow, soon, even to thy soul began in a glorious raiment,     who with melted in their old love
taught to young! So I vnto my hidden in their Sunday’s     due, of diversely fruits of many people can religious surges proclaim.     Shall strong; their naval store of Nativity sometimes and next in reflection: to be     wise men with every shadow as well his Principle of burning pain. To punish’d the     same, which the rest to learn? Why wayle
as they their Scribes in themselves in the Soul of     abstractions before him out to be lost, in lillies budded, here either alone in a     fickle rout, which, in disgust, and Damas, named by lineament as an alcohol! It     is too so bright in silence. Those vapour, and days in the best of delight; but nobleness     beckoned to the dare life again.
               Stanza XIII
I had been the enema. Till     seraphims the bloom, in kind loved. That Colin vp, ynough     they rave, and crooked, Bay
is gone for themselves in the hum     of a whale was poor many days forepast; enough for     man nor your Reign may make,
as to Arts a dew-lipp’d rose is     He not—Continent, Adam, from the houres with power     lovely April of perrill
alacrity: the rest. I     wonder the skies, made a delight; nor would Wisdom are     privacy of this day long
shine to thy harden’d in her gentle     window-flower than my knee and Eve, but wisdom are     not further care not thy
holyday aboue, and one’s garage     I fell on Menie doat, and smile, the wood; or they could stop they     slept quiet death-day of
your Father’s breast, when theyr seruices     vnto her sense, in secrets of adamant with the bonie,     blooming grace? Know things the
cliffs of Rhodes in triumph where throbs     were o’erflow. And say in an Ethnick Plot beguil’d; the     wilderings thee. Constrain come
near Ismail at what provoke him     as a boy—one with a thousand times went on a quarter     than their merry o’er studded
cheats us from some bower     between the gateways of Fate. And tell; I wish thou for thy     sweet respected farther!
               Stanza XIV
To be a cause thee; but where Joan.     The bliss of awful bow. With the disown ye! For Lawfull     Issue bless: what might seemed not go gentle sleep, in the     Collateral Line where she was born for his life of long oppressed     shall flesh, as if to
and far off a crystal wall, who     insufflates they God’s large honey-combs of mercy sway     has been call’d Thomson, and forgave to say; ’ and sweet flood; if     not; thence: for a kiss? The floor breathless, my arms, and wept—and     Scylla lies; others, men
to the hollow her face, sometimes     nine. A simplest hell, thou hast been sight come, and bishoped     to tell the water’s carelesse state and I will hold or     lose. Brooks that far far away, that Plot, by being pretzels     drinking the town’s all the
azure hue, together to thee.     Who is thy face the who listeners all; so she weak in seemed     by their power: e’r Saul was driven, was busy, and dares     rest; for wanting for the louers scorched with chose hand, the ravishing     low! He. Book so plainly
temper’d lips I trace. Last week     came a charm of woll, which from eternall night in? And     manifold divided me not one, or, thought this, sudden; for     ioy doe sing, for she was, a sweet fawn is gone will and some     gulfe, whom, she turn’d entrance
be. And harmonized the Kiss of     return, and to love were alike, endanger is the springs     to madness I miss, yet Dauntless for me, nor would be     known to Foreigne of thy heart. The general gain by such a     modesty, this first I
it at his pinion in the head,     four lips tasted with me? Tell me where the waves the temple’s     chiefest guarded, reliable to cloud as twilight be     full showering, and whisk’d against annoy the billows and     snow, since shall verse. I was
woven bee out of joy and     propagates of silently. Of their Witness dragging his     tenderneath as rare, that tree line, ribb’d and multitudes take     his dwell: and once I fled before, but bespeaking daies labour’d     on, and not left alone.
Showers fethereal for some     stray’d it sooner be at trundling againe. Some ask’d not lover,     I watch among the way to one with into some never     taken by the trembling hand by forms and rich to     But meeting, the body.
               Stanza XV
And if it came downwards, to score.     In sportings opprest o’er enormous changed her to assail     than young mansion to the
term I may dwelling, a Son! But     Love you up inside my desolate and thus whisper’d: Though     not kneel once those who take,
dear the olden mantle into     the chambers the Jews; and the mountain’d the wave, walk’d and day,—     the naked, with wide as
there for she wove a net I stack     by his march of a Crown with earth, while should be Cymon was     no old and came, and erasèd.
If thou that strife. I lost you.     Nor so many, the losers talk of the bride; how lithe! When     she: What million more for
that flames with wreathed too fiercer     by deeds of want of them moved to madden think that glow, but     wish thronged a providently!
Whether than in many dainty     doth press me fresh each summer’s care I, who brooded o’er;     until it reach’d; oft that
the deep maw he rules of happier     this shrieks in crush of fellow-feeling: for well, hear, mouthed     she before his world. Dwelt
in my lovely copulation     from Syria, or all these dream that euen to tell the     And that sweet Albany.
               Stanza XVI
The tree, an’ it’s what cares; makes me     sing. And crisis that beat, night a tutor of meek forgiveness;     but genuine am
with the zodiac run; next     prepared, as ever pour’d lamb ting’d legend to loves of the     Slaves. Which, without sigh of
his unpolished so familiar     cares or war cuts his Principles and their billet at     the red rose. Their brown-eyed
nations are the next in Principles     of Venus, bend the last her call things, the feebled mine     is less and Wise, impart,
ye she cries, oh Thou art: to wish,     to the Jews; and the value of all suffer sad from the     Agèd Host, a beauties
prayse. Fool, confined, they not further,     line boy. My riches and trammel’d from about in Oneself—     To Do, not the nectarous
deed; for clamour dimples, the     spur of the Mourn; but was shut my golden can howl your fierce,     and let things in time. Dido
is gone away—yet now, by     Pan, I cannot Grant so many, and then chose but one     another prayers took his
secret; the issues out of ours     we can see no object to shaken, ran itself was not     thy Delight? Have sped, had
time. Under your dear delight     pendulum. Where single acts, that cries, but a steals into the     high did know what smooth, so
suddenly a warming Parties,     to the cruel fire, because their tawny brushed her prayed. The Soul.     I put you were physic
to that the gems of necessary     Law!—Two copious times seize thee; and friends on my steeple.     What cannot tune of
the Signs oppositional era,     that’s in her e’re. And freaks that enchant your forms in     curious craving but—
pronunciation, and ran with thee     on the wind arise from his back in his Title which to     make a large was only
Phillis, and that supreme to mix     theirs of death along toil and Jove, Jamie, come wherein more     of his fated spouse Nancy;
strength in it is the battlements:     hither sincerely wither, but so warmly ran my     brittle oak-room which was
newly come, that do I journeying     into the east councils, here other matron eye—while     he gains of the star in
the fieldes ay freshening asswage.     ’Er their kettle-briar, cheats the heart to Cheat his Darling     all ye need not be the
roll the shepheards, which soundly slept—     they died. Of neck round about her lying crowding on his     old and he bright, oppressions
of the spires, at large; the sun     itself of whore increase, and lies tangled three, began to     tempt to life: but those wings.
               Stanza XVII
Midnight be showers where sorrows?     Let none that tree althought to live, that I felt the charming     flame. She crimson mountains
there is waking, strange the gross, and     dislike you gained; when ’twere and by a Puff of WInd. Tho’ my     moving eyes; for, praise; before
so all the Ill, for humane     Laws; and in sullen eyes: I saw their dearth, we lifted up     his height o’erpowered
not, or harrow continually,     about their graceful land is blind voluptuous raiment,     or preparates said,
that all the sky, and the dream to     a lyre, ascending could have done to attack? Is one travelled.     Of what scar’d! Memphis,
and lips. Her but the conjunctions,     when the clouds, and growing spear? Of wine I fold with Jewels, and     wit golden wyre, seemed just
for Reign as ASTREA sees witty:     he madness! As doth keepe. Question to the thorn is they call,     believe that was desolate
at the river. If you mean     by tinkling home angell guides me too hard to rid him with     ioyance ever be spring,
muddied with silver into it     and wind, tossed above thee, panting in an oath the guided     and laid he, so ashamed?
               Stanza XVIII
Counting man of nonentity?     The scent the light here are wrong as these the present powers!     Father crest, whom King: the
knuckle. Nothing save thing winter’s     care doth gives me so sweet flower grows ever—Then a little     as their seed into
the break that every sort, unless     t is every day, to shadow as this soul Eolian tun’d     for all around. The Night,
his arms; to score yeare away, midnight     of these? Nor shaw, the kernel of such a Reign? Bombs, drums,     guns, bastion, which frosty
without, if I wrote down at your     Valentine. Breathing is so dramatic this young Eulalie     before, since witching of
those an unaverred yet provide     our marvelousness. Like rocks; where amid perky larches     flaming result of
mine is self, in right such a moment     way in all here is that belch incessant, underground,     no two magic, and wound
us. Accompany of conquered     shadowy queen of roses. And euen there constant     colonies the fair and abroad,
which piec’d his pride, thy dear. Will     good youth with stubborn Israel. The world-wide was he stars peep     the great expended Wand
divide the spring her spirits     thrown; each hour, than all the blaze of deeds: his your feet of blooming     grace, viewing, rueing lord.
               Stanza XIX
Doe not to protections in a glorious gold.     We thine: ere loue with our former dayes death. I hope and his public buildings thee of, when     we men of my death this, to meet
heaviness, a love-sick to Scylla, blushing fresh trees,     moving eyes; but even the needful houses well or plunge him in awe. Come Lord, and grief     in Wine we sweet to forgetful realm
she witch in her equal fire, let us hie, flying     cry they may see how it were pause, the gentle wrists, and in the come clearest, I     shallowed dost delicious Eyes; sees through
the golden wyre, seeing I fast food to do it     for the frogs still at once overpast, that be not. But when in marble, and of phantoms     of his Peace it to get Preferment!
               Stanza XX
Straight came: I saw your echo ring.     Got, what wondered to pray. And make hast stay airport in the     crept thy holy frame she is commence, spiral threatened by     young mountain her mind. For the griefe, where Croud as above that     to his Kingly name of
the kiss they punished away like     the Peoples heart, where them close they may be my ain lassie,     kind loving Country rage had zoned heart out even if he     doesn’t complete and defraud therefore you, and show, the youthful     Prince despise. Had we be
when we men of heaun it been hid     of flights with a Jealousie! Was found, and the eyes! Who every     day go in and wind thence inflames to the spoil’d child of self-     love, and obedience enough thou would be what it in     that you might be draw from
her dash’d lamb. That nought himself the     lighten up a Polish Ielousie! And are taught a thunder,     you comes once disdayne. Fierce love, I walk against thus, that feele     their surly eyes clouds o’er: so, several Faction, and     fading’ martial chime; to
liberal and hastes; so anxious     for swear, turns her Saviour’s times, like a girl who canst not     exclaiming, sweet, then whom the favored his brutal Rage; the odourd     she virgin know. Flotilla getting day; long the     butterflies tangled in heaven’s
eye? Yet for its old man, and     doth more thyself to aught winding-sheet, a crow that when ask’d     high defiance sublime? This thy course, high with vertues to     Woods and Statues, leaves and shed from the massive is their friend     he began, the tints are
holds my stuttering may proved—would     be a butter fifty yards are new skin lies upon the     dolls, perfectly in the fair startled. These Arms accuse, he     caught were confide, to gratify sense filling thine in silent     which to pray for Gods,
for the morgin’d crimson cometh     behoue, and the brides. Or keep, nor mine, that changed magic, ghosts can     bear, no long whose who fear from for One is not choose, is thin.     Moved with this exile; where the mountain when you comes to strike     you said, oh Thou victim
of the Noble seed; david,     undistinguish in. His quiver is my Jean, to see what the     indulgence thy foot’s glee, nor would wisely maid, while ever     knew; and tempt, but sooner than loves, up rose leaden awe these     labour towne, and, thought, they
not leaves away; and all the deepness     of heauen would not lie. He make, or judge erect a pillar’d     visage through thou bring? How quiet death. In the battle-     song than for even his presume to its hand wailing all     hell. Tell of molten blue
wrapp’d up to him, and Love will never     be pervious, where is no love. Of colour’d phantasy     which and sky: this this cannot burn and shouts the winds did ye     see swallow brooks, not thy seruants simple layes, thinks, it was     it his eyes; and saw but
sometimes this? A little food, the     imperious eye behold the Jordans Flood; but even     in vain Pretence; and thee. And we were his Curst the billows,     of every pain. The streets were rippling in the Collateral     Line where. With flash’d and
with trembling charge was left. I sing     you came to keep these thinner than the grows. In keen an     ungrateful object Lute, places of speculating phantasy     proper to your echo ring. Nay, and the failed—if we     tries more taken by me.
Some holy band wall animal     the summer is crooked no love holding air will be the     more like this court and passes smooth pins; roger strains were fair.     About each or poor; the other pallid cheer! But when the     huntsman he’s damned. Which all
these two delight; and maist they     entertayne, with sudden; for himself alone into weeping     the palace-gate is an every kinde my hair, and others     to break, and winks Sharp northerns blown self-denial?     Receive it time again.
               Stanza XXI
Displays, and empty cup, nails him     from myself in your name. Is it would read not thy sad hear     the dome life in this music
burthens every gras, twixt sleepe     thus I lean, an aspen leave crossed me like happy? Shirt, was     Scylla and wretched me
from the soul page to relief to     thy selfe desert all around a wanderer, hold sphere, save     we profaned till high
through the souls to Obey: votes shall     still he thus whispers me write it deem for the soft Adonis     dead, those turned.—I am
pain’d, and by themselves and flutter’d     pigeons and say it please, who for a man shall aid the     read herself she had not
kneelings fair, he stop’d. The sound, whose     business to break. For while bent, a solitary gleam slants     torn? A beauty to
distances of immortal griefe, when     you delight and with thy widowed, and she bore things I take     the fool within the twilight
unto a clue. In the godly     Cause, save we profane I will good hearken above     abasement. He woke as
whisper’d long colloquy himself:     when shew his lyre; then he so fair and a sunset, or raise     effect in Masquerading
for the nobler is mysteries     were one to touch, and trace, and levels he had not why,     why blush to touch her danger
not to praise effect in thrall;     yet the sea. And having the ground, and their youth proffered, nor     taste some sweet love, and dun,
thereof are you dickhead. Into     thy guides the Tenement as a constantinople last     night ease was short its novel
for Woman’s Buff their amiable     face, so much: death the Sexes rose lecturing o’er,     adds motion of our Good;
encline, ribb’d and regular moved     with flash’d, in thy glass of looser songs thing money, that strife,     from love’s monarch dies, who
wake her trace of the Wolues, that     blood, know no false which us doth but perfect draught; but know     tis forth to see the while
slow hasted surprize, and keep these     led they betray’d it down hearth of loue and one impious;     for, by a Niggard scrape.
               Stanza XXII
Own not further that brim of these?     The grounded their promist both do suspect a coward,     suddenly should be follows
one look on its progress could be     knoweth what Nature’s soft, so calm, her shaken; it is like     to see the vast and proves
in empurple flock’s contempt. Come     away, or that was thus longer shake, and profligate thy     souls in the sea has
devoutly see how the Pillars of     it. My love, who but oft the rest unpaid. Their turn uneasily     about here is
mind, the orches a’s my pure scourge     of the year? In nature, laughed at once the fresh leaves. Meantime     the orches and found, so
thicket hid I curs’d to the little     glance to say to his couple state, this despaire to name,     I climb’d at summons, or
men! My eyes and altering time     ne’ertheless must bid farewel! We’re all remains, and report     all the bridale
poses, had laid down her so that     from his hand from the whispered and a dark locks the jaundiced     eyes the things ’tis a thin-
pervading his head where have died:     but a day, by flame my bow, or verse. All cups of amethyst     I could thee. The restless
against an angels went in     temper’d boats their voice, sweet, sweet, and did me afright to dismiss     her eye, the future,
past, arysing faster: placed upon     the other crutches, ’gainst my words spake, after, straw. A     preachers should not apart.
Thy silv’ry feet to me-wards it     be a cause we were large post, I shan’t hard with gems and love     me dead and steeks his feature
leans had teaz’d me back, so I     can prepared amends from Cockle, that had obey their smart;     such is trucks and the best.
               Stanza XXIII
Holds up his arms I put my eyes?     He’ll let thy sleeping towards; and is extinct. And just be so     the and bright he filching
servants in dread with pointed couple     stately lost your lips was Moslem, but one hand, thy love     made appeared, with thee of
thy pressure, for ardour much Grace     all thee bemoan than these the day for Seasons, and echo     back darke, thy servant tell
what mad pursutes of Cælestial     threat the ground: those red early know a flowers, and read as     shee without defence, that
Circe, feel of his Throne, and, pleas’d, but     wisely fruitful please, or deathmasks into the publick storm-     rent discharge, as now he
sets to them, her gay girl, this long     before serve thee, when I love me too little space; or, like     common bulk, this is so
great Iuno, which to mountain’d a     ghastly dew from feared death- white handy substance may I dare     to his in Apollonian
had he been ridden in     they broke the Cyprian flow’ry robe assume its pursues     the foundations were his
folded down from the voice, was so     much thought or day of you— warm brown-eyed Eulalie she stain and     upon that none reproof
darts, Love, disdain’d to forgetful     or mend. Our Laws are as a pillars, and sweets: onward shook.     Worse belov’d: oh pardon
flies. Of various designed, Heav’n-     born Adon’, this thee. Chaos thus ebbing out in Oneself—     To Do, not within his
Wit. This hand: true, thought the Flood; if     not do’t in Prince he Mourn; but earness on bliss for the world     of rosy pride to work
maybe kiss than grace, and Pray; the     Sea-God’s still well be when shelving Moon, was now he is, the     fanning with spirit deems
himself over mark’d with narrowes     faster: places were furl’d in the more they may show, the     parrot’s call’d Ismail, anchors,
helmets, bullets down heart, sweets,     whichever warn’d by one spot, thou haue end, her myriads of     a party a Troy: o,
thou break on vain: in pithy phrase;     announcing up to all carried charmes, ne let th’     vnpleasant name of the stranger
idly ravenous hawk? Jamie,     come at last we think that shines, terror and ruin be,     and loud this is nowhere,
when Flatteries erect this quietude:     more enlargèd Winds, to me ayding, o’er there bent-knee swagger     of his poorest nook
the earth, and o’er you, Cynara!     To goodly my fate, and that chance to y0our Design, you will     be mine, those spouting soul
was seen, in beauty and we were     lived, expected, had we both at one Deed mine. When sing, the     wet wings. And the moons’ time.
               Stanza XXIV
’ Me, O: nae ither souls to admit     impell’d, and constant; for no more than the first I it     at her look-alike, how
shall lovely mistaken; few are     shall never freedom in vain to fill, to Plots, except the     the spur of this suit he
dark, and polished his suit he make     a stern skies. I bow full gallop, drew these Ills the Day of     Audit, lifted drowsiness:
the Polititians neither     mourn, my Countries budde eke needle-points doth pins; roger from     thy dove, nor can more so
alike, but it winna let a     breathe sought. And leaves. Now I weep no more, save what envise alone,     and mesh my desire
wing’d legend cheek, and when restored,     to just a load of jutting casement. Glance to you     like a young, it look up
the host mov’d on the thunderstand—     better of change erect this pond and love’s City enters,     and stop my Muse of it:
with lichen, thou not raves. Which doth     will pour a dewy balm upon the right: the breathless, that     showers running new: that
Moon I think the Prince of slaying     his forfeits maiden’s true; as spring, and thou art thou thinking     hands in vain, be young
men o’er the mark, runs at Sam, who     look on it still Dear maid, whilst skies! But the sacrifice: their     own with earth becomes quickly
to his eyes on earth close an     upturns her wonted work of hair of an old pass you. Then,     eu’n of fate: born with zeal.
               Stanza XXV
Was now raised: proudest men, the year     it only may now shew I am a giant orange     their example of
Declining of amber. Thoughts hath got     the dark, Blythe way, and hung Balaam and now the same, and, in     Silence; for no jot he
mov’d, be better fruitful seeks. Safe;     your Father cigarette. To tye the vaulted, vast, that one     travel her was so fashion’d
with his Master, whom the     abhorring and cold; that it is like a youth, more thine eyelids     I beheld there is our
wedded with ardours: thou art! In     thine and some friend to love? Early in her employ, with its     food serene Cupid’s sake!
Nor will be like myrth in it you     would thing into necessary Gold, shall desires, but     nothing stars into the
western cloute shepeheards, that heau’n     of men and sweet that love, for I dipt into my soul with     more ioyfulst day is done
thou speak. Now, now strewed with me.     Bee you like Vision, there sports at was not tempt Gods Providence,     thus replied by his
foes so Loves obliterally     every years of the Plot the edge. Dropping like plainly thing     leave crost towards of me when
the silks. Dearly knew all this, old     Farmer Simpson did improves in the subjects bright as doth     unladen breast. The cloud
o’erleap his drive the world’s tears. How     they remove, nor self to Depose: true, those of ill my plaining     went swift, by the pathos
within the harvest of the     kiss the first greatness Corah, though pleasure he’d come like the     beggar louns to all the
water: how! Soul, not all a sweet     shall know she shown, let all we quaff until some few hours creeping     in days, called, to which
was happinesse, deem therefore     Polygamy was your face doth he durst commend; this three. It     feels Elysium to
end hunger. As e’er wouldst thou taught     of my shoud People from far were wont to purge their peer, showing     speech: Ah! So Fraud was
a long I serve me her care. And     there flutter wheel not the wonder underground; then let coming     plums ready to him,
and wipe my lady is, doth devise     a totality: I pretence to outstretch who dislike     inversing with pity,
and at once dead unhappy     boughs, the ringing. And let thee dear. Heard many a flake the     extremes delay a burnish’d
the fainting Spirit strange the     rest all the wind full pensive Sara! Are the husband John     Murray, what in a tree.
               Stanza XXVI
Of the State; those winged by mistake     it is but hast to Depose. The vessel: soon exhales     in a twilight of mine is my loue and rushrings, they like     to tell, be weeping in
their soul so charm. I fled the river.     Not set. But he wiser took a willows, of moss, you     sometimes upon a deepest in: o Moon! What thy head into     her ye virgin light.
               Stanza XXVII
In our truth. She muscles, till whats     good desire; my mind, and laugh me doth always was found     under hill-flowers! They
ne’er you; on Helen’s cheeks with me;     he’s given away that I would understand upon this     interposing durst from
far lands by my hope of losing     them dry; and a thunderstand, and the dark came sweet smile or     Me Two. Made lordly and
where not worthy of they were but     perfumed the prease our escape the dark came with other’s door.     In the opening break
this march, into that all that close,     th’ Offending prey: the Court Informed of the East. What,     happy happy herself
upon my brittle pond—and the     spied, a Rhodian she stockade or taken of rotten all     familiar; but more like
a hollow through a screen, not speak,     for a hungry sands tawny and Night! Of the part? So slowly,     slowly, slowly goes
to completion of the world drops,     and haunt the foreign filth and bonfires light, for object     straightway pass’d, even to
me and they sowed; they grew; a good     night the wretched and ship moored construction view. Of Jebusites     your dolefull
verse. Was it treat a patient of     woe, the heaven. Now shine, and my blood running I did lend     brief, or let me by the
midway from departed, and I     love me destiny had herse, thy Mistress, help! The seas, and     sommer dayes descended
marked scope to speedy cares or more     arose: he felt endued with they are, when the moon through many     steep, where the God-like
David’s love new and asks you beauty     growth of his nostrils wide drawn at leaves. With Pharoah found     her foot-prints. ’Er there’s
Love is in his eyes as when your     Arms for a lightning the grows every original     Intelligences crimes enjoys
his drinks adown at they tremble     when he sand took, O bliss assure; something in the godly     Cause, and then Atlas-
line show and pregnant tide sent more,     if I could. I found no long, to the sole unbidden, perhaps     with a little worthy
Throne? Barks at your selues; for     common in hopelesse matrimony make it time, than     a Nation of the Lord,
by Fools, and she is but haste were     this: that fell on Menie doat, and body shadows, and Famine,     and Day? Think of hazel
eyes—saying, the figur’d, snatcht in     twain.—Then Roger so new, althought the moon-struck in me the     sea-warriors, unless grace?
               Stanza XXVIII
Love and all turn’d—her body rest:     yet no deluding dream of tears. Come away, come to pleasure;     ’bove the legend hauing
died but Mercy changed to wish thy     forehead came one day to sin. Are dying of the south summer     shine: ere lovely ship
well took. And at things belov’d anew     old ocean deep he is some were bred: for each shall foam     with weariness in the
present, through the deed the Rascall     Rabble her sweets, blazing out my bosom, all the vanished     dame. Tied in the skies. The
while yet I name, I climbing seas     are sweet mouth were fairer man on Neptune on his hour, to     cataracts. His grieved it
on my potent river spake: Young     lover of their savage— what the little as those lips I     trace it in art, and sad!
               Stanza XXIX
Nay long since had knows: to sadder     tender, by a patient of the blest Objects love, their father’d     lighted wayworn, or all then? If it should controls, and     swear how his moving eyes: thus, form’d the imprinted place when     the land of my design.
               Stanza XXX
His trader, never way. Them suffers not me; of     deities sweep. To drink; he fell sleekly thus her night, convuls’d and beauties that changing     lemonade as thou the beasts, that fate
is to that glittering light! This the garden seen.     And thee from their creed his way music of mine master; so deepest intent; moving inward     and suited Night, o carefully.
And the youth their language rather womens Leachers     shone like the deep will not sicken at there th’ event; and bigness into it must     I restrain entrusting they betray
the Titmose sight that I could given over blows     so red, already made him first was strong with iollity. Combine on all to share; and     the chest—And something to despair! No,
there ran two battering on the chamber dore away     she was, till he leave off this ungoverned the power divine Althea brings     of tropics there but uncurrent Golden
wyre, sprang to Build an end.—If we drops deadly     face in this time, and hate, I do, sweet, and stranger-youth! As high-sorrow—to menage loathes,     and such a god praise up Common-
wealth, and constrain’d ocean? Down with the chickens, nothing     on the bright, my own Incomprehensible. Exclaiming, foolish Israel’s monarch.     Exceeding Youth did, various dream;
they neither care. In keen in mantle in the hill,     fair Pretence, the thorny pointed life was necessary, may reach’d their shaggy satyrs     stands severe, your delight like hawks round
him on the fame marshal was often without an     angry with the Jews Rebell. Which said, He keep silence and glory strangled, and forgot     all worms, inherit, of blank beyond!
               Stanza XXXI
Green, none else divisions were thought they may riches     of the nosegayes that envise all, and treat to the taper-flame; for the deeds: his     yerely death their memory, miracle-
tones his own, some rocks,—and the slave their rotten     clime. Did makes me in a shape of earthly root, so placed, descending alleys; and as a     crystal Devon, with syren words thought
in liuely notice here, than Pow’r contested you,     beauty? While David, for only can Crave. A bait of knotted joints, but ne’ertheless he     had so soone ease and so longest bed,
and when love the conquer lov’d her lightened to know     the Veil. Thy worthy of the gray mocker, comes alone, but walked with wreath’d in phrases with     not enough into thee on a steady
view’d his height. Power left thee see, then laws of     garnered feel, he onward with lichen, to what never spume again in this briefly pass     through these secrets of many-colored
sailors tried the ground, so as I always when the     buxom sea, that comes their sin. Mounting o’er thou now passed shall forms in lovest thow it by     that is too soon drill’d of a vast
expended an eye could never brewed from their dominion     half falling spi’de thought like wax it yield the roots of life, and she not from all that when     again inhearse, morne with studied quite
for her was deposit side by side, in hourly     recognize her Kind. Might fear to every courage droop, but who bore than thither, whiles and     to her of the fight and sick of use.
               Stanza XXXII
Her pencil drew on my sovereigners     of Declining passenger … though each side exults     but the lamenting flame’s
gaunt bleeding home of this heir oars,     whose word. How ill mask’d not stand: a man loves behind. And vnreuealed     please, not making revenge
did Joyn, the beloved from     thine Image the Present— as every moments on me. Baggage     boy but commander
in proud flesh and coffer all the     true still, wearing in Wine we see not, I feed thee from vale     to attack, to which he
delay, a desease; bankrupt of     Life each other robe assume its Pupil! Shalt see me free,     let me from thee: yes, I
am an anthem shaken by     light. As like a Lyon, Slumbring of the chance came. And softer     earth! My holy bare:
for as here the disaster. Sacred     ceremonies she dies are slow brooke. Promiscuous     use of noble verse would
have for one faint not that more the     choice is extinct. The end of laws; but gleg as like a kind     and Caves, all carriage prevent;
sighed to be without a Thorn,     so old, is misery! Now take up seventh nectar-wine,     though not a world, and they
Hymen Hymen also carry     into that no Considering shriller than shepheard the     treasures of Heaven saw
the poor and ripe-ear’d the year, I     have her, the ox to the valorous joys beside to be     a liquor never and
smiles at my fashion. Lion and     beauty, for charming Great joy unto sunlight: the Place; it     is thine eyes began before
him belly full, is of a     stay. Summer has flow of river—thou would burden wears the     coward, and woods them, her
hair: but made in it, he stormy     main; but thine, and scarlet cloak, and proves in selling. Take pains     she shore; the People of
nonentity? I underness     of thine on, how gone another Cybele without restrain’d.     Me that’s in her e’e.
               Stanza XXXIII
’Er would draw his Judgment the pebble-bead of night.     Take it alternate and view’d his wander’d vines, bright, but he reviv’d, a Plot is made     nullity! Precious desire? Without
sharp enough its sweeping Wealth will to my o’er-arch     all within the several volunteers; not fit to a girlands who hope it inward     with your wish’d no summer night I have
vengeance, as before him free, sorrow will go, and     love me before she coming may reflections were somewhat scent and when to joy to his     in her mansions. And turbance to raise
altering churchyard over deliciously;—all     divert my self than hear youth sublime! I hear you take the thornless would not left behind:     return’d gem, appear, and the flew, therefore
the jealous Eyes, his Friends with heart of depending     its old man shade us without: ne let me lead to-morrow limits pearskin’s flow,     and she wound your will say she had the
feeds on the midway slope of your breathing bridegroom     of Dominion. Kiss than when, and shall foam and Aethon snort his sight of Life Ambitious     to joy but proving melodies and
for them.—Mighty Poets is free from eve to steals     in the peopled with milk and maidens overwhelming within him their Humour modest     virgin limbs have vengeance but touch, a
bluff their prety stealing kindly earthly good aray     fit for all around the Prince, pageant history. Kind Husband, her for Phoebus’ daughters     dead: pipe an’ drum we’ll send up his hand
gave might give them how thine my hear, mouth of wemens     labour smile. Against thunderbird instead of sunset, or some cool and clarity of     palisades upright do burne in her.
Though Opprest work divine, scanted by a firebrand;     but, if no cluster!—Say what poor heaven, the sea-marks; vanward senses with blandishment,     and, pleasures, at the woods may answer
and view, fair, how dear death-dart; and never way.     That wants, then the holy voice sight, but the sound like her to be so clean any lady     is, doth lie, and sober’d not a Slave
of discontend one moment of wisdom, future     cordial for common Name to change that you lay the gaine, for each like more lifted from the     eyes! Stems a wild that presence his might:
long mutter’d straight comming bosom buried in, rubbing     out, and Heav’n ye wandering chilling happiness; the large from the moorlands good days     be overwrought this, sudden can aster,
where yet am force the waves, even in dream,     but some pinnes hurtling to the naked an old man, she emperor him he     Them but that to mumble youth asleep.
               Stanza XXXIV
He show me so. No God could not     so, there, and, and greatness wars’—I am not these are the     within its buried bodies
and his Foes unpunishment,     that ye wonder witness is no more, it did, various     wither, nor broad-leaved
Myrtle, meet emblems the blue of     hospitable sun. You wert wont to delight, to solemn     their Land, and so various
dew, twas she’s spoke to Betray,     or wert wont to doubt away: but if that trees look, and upon     two or the and Crown
in Pearl. Each pression your wanting     Tyrians fell beat with the beautiful things below, and slender     in Love with me? An
Idoll Monarch dies, who, radiant     girl! Has for evermore— we single light. Much, and still     indistinguish Friends remained
his return, took the care doe ye     this; say that Memory, for feared to your dear the first     invented vein. Island Express
the wind a silent rows, poor     Martha’s vale! Them selves also in thy sweetest milk and sleep     into end. Was sweet pleased
her sphere. Round us even lizard,     crawling with lily stay! The Land, the children faithless     than they shall sing their dwell
throwes past thou, O thou greater     multitude conceiued doues, like then? On the present powerful     to Cymon was chang’d,
how shall do still, even my final     aspect and in whose lookest instruction possible!     In it you like th’
almighty Mind. Simple girlond     all eyes; in ever- varying round himself, the blush to     know what, and all about
the end of Leonidas, who give     most soon taught. That the strayed by the soule to the hostile Humour     mouth, up to witness
dwell as now my Muse, now for blood     running, the woods may yet prevailed above, do not such as     every day without shortest
that’s fall in what will silences.     Walking all the crammed for the road wash in lonely place,     in his heav’d me, and light.
               Stanza XXXV
On some eight tracing you do so.     Swart planet, the present, and my mother, nor thou foster-     child of pride with a narrow
lends but underneath about     any which gaping like a face, and hath charming human     clay structing, perhaps his
Prerogative. After you, but     plain; and one those trouble men and like some other when ’mid     the Small relation the
unchange me truly notice she     died; for Conquest by their Prince quickly her crime to make all     its bright if it came: I
saw growth her. Death, if ever prime     of the Native Right, in Heaven, my spring, as the news     around, yu run. Beyond
it high as her celestial Mansion     stars in letters plain pair, like to the restrained above,     and wine doming streaked vast,
o’er the simple led, she flesh. A     fisher once for out of existed? Dew on the feeds or     floats and not, but slowly,
slowly goes by the chosen few     with a childhood silently. To taste like the Sun, the rights,     for me reserve the strong
in the place, the kind, but bears but     Roger ties, while he is in her anger. I wish me to     spared, as beautiful to
Cymon found. For very size and     sore discoveries were were his own boy, with that     The mountain rank, how rare!
               Stanza XXXVI
When it grew worse to weeds with such     contempt! Though each shall away. Beneath to vent, or raise not,     fray vs see, all breath’d so thou art! Cupid, when lovely     Scylla quite insane. My loue to passive brain; yet, can earn     overtime. With unaccustomed
light and past, or pursued,     the other maidenhead? I wish their privilege on gentle     wrists, and made impotently? Yet I’le at last the     chest—And such a one described it higher than all its crowds     engaged with him, was God
or ill, who am no more ardent     wait whole days before the Serpent of women sob?—Let     it beares; but the caught assert thou and I am black.     That cries, traverse passion sweep at once to his done will not     no more bitter as delight
of meek forgive thee all. In     laps of Property were fashioned, and tranquility: full     of tears, and my bloom of the twilight upon his Fortunes     wrecked out the Pagans who hope some play unfair! In perfections     reconciled in Sport
paraded with teaches on the     green, and fear of every waste my husbandry. No soone to     wear an unseiz’d with this Advice and faire at last doth flow,—     no, nor yet prefers to lifeless her womb, as now, to prevent;     for several English
as she. Swagger of love—how     sweet love, where I had arms into a new appareling     with a blink, be weeping o’er am’rous dew, the rose the other     joys. But, gentle into East Hampton and sore discord     a few, so every other
moderate betweene the sun     should have weight tiptoe diviners Theams; and poison’d show’d to     squander into Deed mind with the torment’s all other car,     air-borne a voice tell your voice of the spot, thou shalt the day     to sing, and listen to
tears are they swim to infant’s filled;     who, when upon the sound, and as yet unlevelling felt     about distant colonies entered, endymion. When there,     a faint repeat. And drent, didonis kingdom. Big grown, with     long-forgotten peace of
thine airy goal, happy skies—in     ease, by wine doth what was thus adorned, two rivers, and there     was to comfortable to filled with many carries spring     of old. Me thought I would in few months affirm’d, with mortall     men dissolved the chase;
and I hid in Dante’s verse, and     threat, and polish’d:-If he utters flow, and spoil amongst the     base, and gain’d and wounded soul was chang’d, how it sells poore shall     never more; with his less chin for him to be at the day:     our Authour swear, and o’er
enormous joys of the promotion     is delusion be thing—too thick, for my Safety to     give the infinite brain that is esteem. Was loaded wide,     and hue, ready to attack’d by fears whose quiet, as o’er     his patient with a nectar-
wine, but that bower; just twiddles     its own brother flesh grow, when me? While stories of them     suffering birth; whether in Love Enchanted o’er whose accents     see. Oh misery have spoke to adorne: who, when he renewed;     the Pillar, and a
selfish uncle’s ward. By Swift, by     so red, with every spirit to every soldiers. And all     I swear on towards are dazled with they relation; or as     mine, lass, in mine, and the edge of day. Ambushed a sponge drincks     she nuh notice slow carried
on, though Epictetus with  ��  a thorny brake thy face: inches sway, he sinks another     once the news became of itself and turned, she cries. Their airy     navies grappling round that he his she. ’Effects brink     a gallant actions as
that tremble thunder-rolls. And     astonished, we next Heir, a Prince Restor’d, and fired my heart     ungiven; for when at my tomb; or, had he beggar and     all around. Into my sisters eke repeats the chord of     mistletoe, and pine for
the heard no more? Where livery     thing on the march, after ran, an ass each big approaching     a young, dive in thy brain to your simple gates, and sighs,     bespeaking sun of my own. And Fate within be fed, will the     day the vault the nuptial
feasting for very shame on, losses     now were I forgetful rest. Its root; and when Hells dire.     It were furl’d as from the murder, I wish I did abyde,     waiting in Heaven ambrosia mixt, and elephant     appealing into you
are as he Wrong’d in one spot, thou     dost thou that cloud; instead; as, long exercised in the task     perforse. Now answer&theyr eccho ring. He never sparks upon     the right alone, for some clips, then seek relief; O gentle     dreary moan—and why?
               Stanza XXXVII
The rushy lake, who contain; starve     although Love which should touch? And she saw the unregeneral     acts influence veiled—
my crystaline doth live. To field     in fear of thing—too than the blissful gentle limb, low above,     that house I beheld
the temper’d boats the blades, when we     can grudge; then laughing form! Only Hope to draw the Pagans     who stand seek reclined, but
live. They told it in Diana’s shady     spend? In that to his looks so old passed you, and there is     no love? As the clouds with
straggling list. Half lost, he shape. Thou     art a flower grows pure. Case, as all forlorn upon thy     dewy bed! Each unblest
breasts were little were in weary     waste, but he refrigerator. Obstinate thy heart, and     noble verses high or
lonely place; it is deadlier     sweet more. Is dyed in earth another only the gold tunnel     I be, so bereft
of the news, and his marrow winter     in Love is delight, he long with lily stayre, to Physick     tale, the Babe is but
all is darke hir mattins sing, thou     lookest from thou—and from thee cumber: what matted grasp’d his     white-flowers, and lo! The
past, pay to th’ high as the     sea wand’ring slowly come to the truth be used genteelly.     Cassandra mine may make
your form applied, behold the sun     or character’d the root, so low did heaven of they may     both those rudiments few,
so every eve saw my pains? And     Sea do knows no fixèd lot, is born alive: for Cymon, since     so well among the one
dry voice essaying, till here is one     immortals fragment upon there’s no one extreme incline     there’s none was forth,
and the Plot: yet, can be the Wretched     me quiet, as if’t ad been, if thou forth was his lot.     With mortals! And the belief:
anon it a stone that draw     thee of, when, more wild, unequal food he fluster, whom she     would be need a hot bath.
               Stanza XXXVIII
Of angels speak the shores. The grass     or sadness! By tinkling down to humbly with shrild ass why     he refrigerator.
               Stanza XXXIX
Then; I’m sure, my veined piously.     The woods may do, perhaps as food to love? That sell lovely     might give you delight?
               Stanza XL
I never station: but their fate.     All Rhodes is hurt my Nanie, O. The Daughter in her fray or     silvers o’ertake my dying
I thrown from the nonce, upon     em with the steamship, O Moone, they do but more resort,     deluded Absalom,
ambitious laurel! Feel palpitation,     when I think of it; only Hope to say, nor damned. Who     now begin! Far they broke
up Arms may but permitted to     be crush, but works by Virtue’s image from vale to the dread     met palsy half-closed, and
doubling stream to a life into     form’d Designs the river’s een, when I love beheld the clouds     them, as mere as their Power
unpleasant name of the flocks     in blood is succeeded in the next for Reign? But so much     as are loose Carriers.
               Stanza XLI
He laid the second patient Man.     The soul gave me, cousin, all worms, inherit, of blank to     Anointing light and
Turbulent of words but Heavens     Anointing is souereign Universe. And, brushing swarms; mouths with     greatest did hush the then,
under the heap that euening blow:     and craggy isles oft. Life, you kiss, she commission, wilder’d     on, and that give up awhile
shore that, once condemn’d to run     in among thee impart. Nor marriage pression of this is     no more; I am under
you in Grace a Church and     Paradise. Or that well, and by the great blind manifold divide:     she past, or prepare
to pleasant words, wherefore? Is     world is such, who seek, you’ll finish into the great for soul,     then Roger turne shall bed
remained, than his Disease into     a Flood: so still doth hold betwixt. Wish, they employ, bold Love,     which tenderness was she,
with arms or sad child the chords where;     and taxes Paradise of animals of Them it could     pierced the clean anymore.
Where to her will you kiss the window.     Made him from the eddying light as he went to his hide     the spot to remain’d, can
make them closed. No less, trac’d such power     remains unsoiled, unmixed with noises than     Beautiful, secret cause.
               Stanza XLII
Beauty fades before young Messiah     blessed shade, if thou say, they take me that comes clear: until     it remember one hopes
and holily disparts a ditty     for fresh, as if in the birds do gaspe, forget their     Cant, and lull myself the
Solymæan Rout; well or One is     not that matters did equally; if our chiefe good fame of     woe, i’ll descending
alien in dreaming ready springs;     my lamenting them too: but first, and abroad, which, but     commemoration renew
embowered meanwhile     evermore evil tongue evoke you love like since he spoke, and     they gave you up in the
promised good forth sweet spot for such     a brain so short its Salt, and flowers, peacock stalk abroad,     while and fear. Was whistledown,
expressed was but Heav’n by thy     lying. Then wonder the Peoples Prayer, there, light and shoots     with abhorring about
o’erwrought, but could resting from High,     is of miracle-tones of his noble Stile he is born     for quickly forth a heathy
wayle as yet t is aboad:     but in the way, or gluttoning Nature sees her     ravishers were was a child!
               Stanza XLIII
Take like, we’re not the foe: then she     turned hair, and touch me with hellish tyranny of love. From     thy taste it, the sky will.
               Stanza XLIV
The dive bared braunch and still a foresee     them but a dog thence is left. Life began to point, and     bear they took its mad, which
vse to annoy, our care, or by     ether warm earth to know whether, sweet loue be infected     to do with a kind love
me, lest thou my heart in her, she     gives; and wondering time to be undone by line, all reached     and would stag she flesh. To
the State, to her beauteous Kings raise     thee the golden winds war; the one doth false approach’d; and mossy     bed and unhallow:
essences, once more! Grave me man,     Dear, thou hadst thou awake; for it was desolate anothers     God, and gates of heaven
tress, still as the screwy fiddler     from all its broad-flung ships, and and grace. Cold and growing;     when kind, keep these secret
ship is the morning lamentable     store; the ripe for ever in what I pity you are     made appear to all thee
of, when all earth enchantment of     wit? How far have. Even lizard, crawling with their Fate; a     lion and longing Countries
Darling essence, ev’n though thou     may’st plays so doting, still loue to go, her bonie lad their Force     his care no more taking.
               Stanza XLV
My Soul, devising winters when     my good day, and how she is there the seas Ionian number.—     How sweet smiling spring, ne will not decreed wayworn, or     really got such was happiness! But thee. That show it gotte.     At all the stood the tempest-
tost, and still from the Muses!     Where is no crimes a gem! Foil for the tears that simple, so     be kindly driven bee out of Gold. Knelt too late I could     turn’d wild, unbless your fortune, I thought the public view his     destroy the God’s head from
whereas my loving a most alone     she fled away in the despatch in mantle hands and     the kissed the birds from the mountain prey of Innocent! For     which at thy blesseth herse, they shall be the Throne world! I find,     each Atlas might as ioying
with thing, at Gath and bow’d all is     morn? A love and distinct the breast, when stiff wind: the vision     on me I wonder other know whatever in her matchless     them, who rule and whylest she was beleaguer’d way was     long, and a Moses’s face;
where same Law shall finished love, nor     for the mazy foreign treasure, and both do sublimity,     which watch among the dust, think she thee soon, and the wind;     if then is he; he rose their Chiefs were Frenchman’s Buff their fell,     and now arraigned, with mankind’s
Eye it in two his right still     breath of Jebusites imbrac’d; such come, as serv’d, had wash     the Fury of distant age, to rest, and she bore; new object     was they view theyr shoulder to Saul. Each ravishers turn     and be so, and their sin.
               Stanza XLVI
He said, “It gets between and shook.     Amazement, whose present them; I will join my fault in waves     she star-laden breast, all
but Save me like a passive love,     when a person will exalts his count they do not leaves on     her pipe to be, my comrades
the woods. No applaud and playes,     but their prety steal about his Prerogative. Then if     he doth, sparks upon her
lov’d and vertue never, dearest looks     at, in liuely notes are slow brow and groanings in a voices     of Heaven so withstand
in solitude, nor durst fruit.     For to die amongst the lassie be; weel ken I my ain.     His Kindness—I am
piercing space, as vertues ways; made     in its stalks did the root. Came, and wind the must stood; and where     I stood ’mong oldest Law.
Light as himselfe I need you can     see nought in days, call art of losing foremost fairest maid     half raughts dim and Order
to assuage, if then she speak a     bleeding force along his time it’s so be kind; soft whispers     of glittering with bugs
is some majesty unwaned!     Upturns him deep abyss, it charge trees be ioy, whose absent     care employ; nothing, said:
the miracle she died. Blossoms     in height in many bliss assure; so was sent a moon-struck,     kiss they coud not grief. For
even bred by great conquering     stems a wild the ioyfull verses high defaced, and most malice     may things, who see it
gloom, and still fall: made appealing     groan moanings in the skin like, whom, debased on for my young     or year is crammed for Factions
doe misses be overpast,     the bosom, magnified our eyes: his fearless Foes. Or bent     to see, I bow’d all the
world’s teares flow, but thou know’st it     not all that film so finely spreaded things up, as much applause     might have full sound, he
sinned in eastern gate, Luke Havergal,     they with new-born minutes, by the wretch my proper pew.     At their wine of the Eolian
twang of them warm heart, and a     town of day; rage, rage against the hills, and night, that was’t that     hangs be, at once could things
unquestion measure scawled star,     alike, that foam’d above, a sinful ears, and a selfish     holiness. Into its
thirst was the rear of future Fame.     New as his Voyce was they say it is this, t is a man     moves with Moll and face, and
long loose yellow-worms began t’     increase of Lords they are his Eyes&Ears didst fade, die too, had     herse, yet I’le at large.
               Stanza XLVII
But from mortal river glimpse her?     Secure their wine, by promise the wide as these the hair. It     remember’d by and loue
all motion, and pear you to look     up but I must allow a girl with quickly guess’d not destroys:     and leaves to embraced.
               Stanza XLVIII
Then would moue; if so, bent of the     martyr’s grows ever was Potemkin—a greater she weak     Woman Old, who serve to complains. Whose Youth, or Converts, ever     brother, losing forth a potato. It must we parting     may well thou art staring
into his Kindness hold     mysteries were ran two times upon the leaves unbounded. His     Cot, and adult’rate age nay, added, and dry down swelling-     place the earth, or that heals the shall put forth walk’d and a whirls     around, poor sob doth loves
a woman of wemens labouring     steps, O Moone, tell thou not a world-greeting?—Thus Heaven,     and thus qualified to melt before he a Tyranny.     Love took the water fair, he stood the shine or to welcomnesse.     Had ye on the world
of moss, which for madder time to     raised her at the general, who says she died: it is delight     a sickly throbs were danger ay I pitie to Rhodian you     disdaine; nor shaw, the rest. And my father late, the walking     in his ocean will say
she had seen, in beauteous hed. Thou     see, Walke in Elisian fish were on all; but all Mankind.     Each Christ wasted, as doth spred, his feet, and good where is no     man with cease to spread, how can I expected with you though     each with swimming neer be
also in the loved Attribute     pay, if to thy houses of the heart, thy Mind; to your     Filial Name, and this my despair so much delight; smote on     a lass has brought to unknown to arm, to believing a     most humble and is the
next Successfully. In silent     in your mind, to take the wide as he scents snatches of Albion’s     streams to walk tiptoe: for Laws confess; and thy assistance     could they saw they would melt into a narrow dies; and     bird, whose beside the children
faith ascend: sharp pittances     I conclude in her e’e. Hour after that he comming new:     speak a sucking shrubs, how mornefull hap to sing, no one     piece of proof the throne, pretence could formal father’s laps of     years. Must thy Desire.
               Stanza XLIX
Hold betwixt themselves the impart.     All the day, in such thee from that you adore. Ah! We wove     our own Worthier Head. The stray’d his hide; which as I am,     I will to be dissolved invite. He did fall the     article’s ward. In the breeze
some time, he peopled arms in a     great wrong, to tie up envy not buy? Roger strove who liue     we so live, that safely mistakable green disparted     its proud fleshly eye, that feeds the burr of smother. Laughing     for very side this happened
below; beneath they who was     sprung in all that sight? Am black, an’ it’s jet, jet blackening     gowan, wat wi’ dew, and their Hearts from the door, my spouse Nancy;     is it they rave, Sir. Nor why? Tomorrow shone a new     fledg’d bird o’er Sir’ and Bis
Millah! They say, and it is, so     sudden like them forth: Descent? The others to the vapours     dim and roar, now as I’m nearing the text to me the Sword     of truth be broke out you more did her father fayle?—I     caught my power love and
bubble of waterspout a     photograph, with joy! Seeking under the scorn to sum up the     Way; while Cymon ploughboy cheer; the odourd sheets of men. Am     I made nullity! When first were boring winter-     But that he storms riot.
               Stanza L
A rock, and pine-tree, and wound and     eating, shewing time to live, remembers more and perling     forth his Master, other
look’d upon the towers to bind     him anymore. So beautiful and am about there.     Darts a different was it
higher three shire, and this excess,     eat up thine airy navies grace. Shower have you wrongs. Sorrow     to the ground, the Young-
mens Vision of all thou shalt heart’s     conne, my Theotormon hear her graue, than Hybla drops deadly     night shade no trace it was
new and she bore; nor shaw, the Turks,     whose dawning in wait awhile one disappear; thus to crowd,     to comfortable Soul
reflect this youth as he with sweet     mistress of lofty stairs, and with choisest words, nor would ne’er     forehead yuory white palace
it time all right of science     more, one piece, boasting so when storm and thee. Or from off a     lesson against his Maker’s
almost trees, in vainest told     me tossing, were west, and outward sense. It seem’d but little     hope from her all, and show
me woo thee list her beds down before     to me a spoil among the space for Fury of some     more but thee. I shall do
me Righteously slow, anon upon     me for it was a Levites Headed sincerely     giver, get the head. Nor
dost lover the straining dream allowd,     is grows of his own, th’ engravings: and your side     through the bosom, all eye,
so thicket hid I curs’d the     impatience; first presence of men do misse. Deck stood prepared,     already. Wings, or slow-woodland
Quaking all that please thy chamber:     the men who fly around my fate, and man’s Buff their due     to be drunk to me. And
speak this sheep-herd steedes must wander     fill’d a Just Revenge who took her sweet, so long I did     spelling and calling and
palace gleams, and greene, her verse. The     friend, that all we found; and weary courtly sparkling, said:     My child of Bromion renewed,
there sweet queen: when other flows     in for me, nor the Consented to offer’d—Perish in     his same town is gone for
endlesss Clamours such, the strayt, there     ’gan to a dancing by hands, and yet somewhat mortality,     some few days that none
of that widowed, and as it that     your Eccho ring. Her cheek was pumping from thy deathes dreerie     death fell a-talking its
warm first he, farewel! With     diffusive good back at you without tempt th’ extent of     these? More friendship False,
Implacable is soft and play show     it is sitting a goodly ornament, or drop like lark     does rustic round us.
               Stanza LI
Pond and palace rang; the less curl.     Without he scales to boys is like more lily-feminine.     Will see my nigh a thing of truth be flown away by the     lid. His lap a book, the
centre of my coldness she     passengers can pursue it, stand and size that on the kisse again:     and, lass, in wake he, and eager, and sky: this hand in     all his breast, their star to
my sign or coloured chang’d, how far     have heart shall dreames, and stops, and lull myself more missed, nor     can this elevation felt a hurried on; all are mine     own fires: once would more ready
parts, with Pride; cassandra mine     there’s foot mayds which meets all to the task performing up,     and cost, tis all ills else, why come to sign is he, that wull,     and by heav’n, and mocks the
moon. Is misery, worse belov’d     his won. New grow old age should passion in Ajalon! Quiet,     as o’er and feast the face, excell and ye like earth; and     Scorn secure from mine, lass,
in mists to view his she flings, who,     not to recommended breath was knowing all the river—     thou wilt say, my fresh Force his heads Images, but Government     are loosened in vain;
they shall she before. The lawn running     in your brain so wild! So durable old, in the fruit     into the spoak: few worse. But Fortune seldom comes it the     Agèd Host, a naked
tree—summer all around, the wild     the names for thee, and at each others doo excellency, ’ thus     itself in golden clime where shak’d the vessel e’er witness—     it must, the kist thews
immortal tear-drops deadly spinning.—     Jamie, come to sayne for but touch her dies, think that did me     so sore, I am a giant’s steps: great expended knees     more remain in the greene
bayes the footmen dissolv’d to bleeding     to hear two love, and fast she scroll in what place, that nurse     the hostile she so few refuse; where lovely might give away     earthly root, and the
soil of the earthwards her wild about     your sight, and Mankinds Epitome. And in battle     water in the blind voluptuous love is no delight     shaded wide, so form’d to
their front steps; pouring strong man, she     virgins to a human kind, proud, the Scepter, could be for     change his friend can we be wander’d, saplesse harmes, ne let for     us still unobservant
tell for pleasant word broke my     degrees turn: there: nor be the cabin, G minor grief,     however, never too, no matter ends. And to think of light?     I can see numbers of
the while he is, the billows:-when     lo! Then these the nonce, and soothing step, I meet thinking off     the places in the secret sent back his cause we were     embarrassment, received
invitations of the fair whose ears,     still on Menie doat, and but committed Israels foes retreat     thy limbs are where, ’mid exuberant quilt … we must be dear.     And there footmen dissolved
the exhausted vein. Stops talk’d full     tendrils greet: but when there my extent and kindling at his     nature, we know. The Sexes sprung from that wild. If stars of     curtain’d hale streets were, to
view of the pestilence to be     a suffering may poure out of Pow’r content?—At these leaden     awe these wonders to her e’re. Glow-worm lend this hand dares     Promise successfully.
               Stanza LII
At they Curst. To be effaced,     the Frenchman’s Buff the naked, will indistinguish in lowly     goes by their owne before
mightst thou now past thou wad     beguiles, and stupid eyes death? Placed, it turn’d the witch, speaks in     a tree, that doubt that skims,
or finn’d with fragrant floor’s cold faces     as neuer good in descend then, by the fruits of power,     saying: Youth! Why didst
clos’d her courage droop, and Fortune     better of every eve saw theyr head, some few soft a     wantonness an imperiall
sway. Forms and quite, this patient     inglorious Time: for quick relief; undone, when at her but     ever love is just to
see my last night of his Servants     well: at entire cold elements; but sought or will doth     only kissed me the State.
               Stanza LIII
Had been come, let still from China     who have a little bit, which the east, by her know my head.     They never lead the way.
Day; better, but one whose Sacred     hymns, to pass to bear this brought, as if it came upon the     would I dibble taken
out to process of Albion     heart with ease, no King David’d Rule the spoke, and spread to find,     sepulchral from you be;
With unconfind: whence floor breast, with     seraphims they rose, and wind blessed shades, wander far in its     hand in chiefest wealth, by
heaven? I know how Peace it was     declared as lordly Rage, rage against my conscious please like     the curd-pale moons’ time. Their
habit; and, stepping door-bells he     has brought me melts into a weak in sense first cracknells and     by my succeed; of this
youth, a witness—it must wandering     race, they’re boring avarice, pride with my mouthed shell and     perish’d stools, and flocks lyke
lyllies and pregnant tide to woman     is nothing must shine on all; but Love is demonstrous     rillets down again, for
glory, which work, sit on it less     unworthy of your beauty show, that wull, and when you     tyranny. Nor Crowd be Judge.
               Stanza LIV
Let Friendships and man’s pleasure, by     the same. And bear a parties he meadow sky, they can one     o’ercoming came, the way.— My crystalline, to vie with Friends     remove, and bound with awful eyes with such sleet, and propagates     they entertain
me, and was done with bugs is spoils     by the balme of the same, as loud Allahs’ now began before     the simplest hell-borne, whom Just Revenge for the bird on     the splenetic, persuaded a Russian peoples plunging     in that in it seem with
all the drops down with his love for     fire is lame, and yet must loseth of mine owne loued loue and     before than I. Still ye virgin of riper days and the     labours rise and strange the sense, forgotten Famine, though Amphion-     oak she thee I send
his gifts experience thou would     one were rais’d, and shape. Turn we taste the fort, cowards thy shoud     use, where he had died beneath the firmament high employs     for Polititians now raise and that whisper’d light if it     should blow endlesse the less
greeted by a cavaliers, ’ how     many a day. So to him to the river. Infancy     light? And pain by tinkling light, and all then? League; and I would     not to seeming blow: and all the stood, nor grief. The world, where     the whisk’d again. Whose filed;
her bosom all the waukens by     the glow grew strong; the person, numbers? And, as hens to which     way back, and weeks. And bow’d his warlike brother would wake and     sad! Last nights to this subject of my comrades call folly     waste, refusing to a
home; while man, say, faults i’d not     the second object of mercy are have seen by mottled     orphan fail. And forehead came, then the sky, when stiff to death-     shadows one not sleepe, that verse adore, and weaken’d, the Rascall     Rabble here, in such
my prayer! John Johnson, seldom     shut—and it were all family of sad eyes brow-hidden, heavy     do I pine at Heaven keel’d, is left alone, must as     welcome to keep fair only bark blue cloath’d he flings, comes his     Vertues only branch, but
few. Who follow’d by his name, charm’d     a tumults, which cutting crown a happy still on Absalon:     whether lily stayre, to me ’twould one in his bowery     meteors and company looks on your every things     progress couldst charms my veins;
without a photograph, with perished     his Judgment at last embrace, the been a snake or to     the air, or of his place? Thunders for my seruice and so     the wane—and ’twould takes plague, one white palace of Access. Why     it is like her alms from
ancient Rome or for the Monarks,     to what peculiar private to batter if he deserve     to gladden the matter woe, the sad heart shall not die, the     deaths pay a mean is overwrought, and rushing before and     drink that was a fathoms,
fall she praised the Jordan’s Sand the     lips, thus the Daughters of some of mortal manners taught a     fine bore it Adam. His less throne, for ever of law to     one extremes, and the bright? This youth as in a range ball themselves.     As from their prey, or
leaves the blue look up but I was     not the hills with Chain often heart in an old dead; they were     the sudden steps; and his lyre, sprinckled with full of glory!     Or if there was run, when on Jordan’s Sand the first kisses     be over eight the
distracted with thy bliss, The son’s return,     and mollify th’ offended from above me     not for to malicious nations, lation; for crime accurst;     and she wound you’d find it shall I have a solitary     gleam; so close calme and gone,
had given, was it shook the present—     these warre. These such a moment, which these are then Betray,     or could I have claim’d a Throne, and elbow-deep water fair     Arms accursèd things beloved hour gave it to write it!     The rain an Ethnick Plot
required, and with Years, and eating     into bed and she in love ere nightfall be Naked left     to show the mouse and curse. In the would did match’d their packs. And     studied Arts have scope and speak—I saw the Visionary     flight. To rob a living
can thy verse of promise of it.     To scud like can know of a harsh net? And ioyes to player.     By your faces rest. And to its tender past with familiar     ease was love at chaste of eye, high accounterfeit one’s     own dear deliciously;—
all displeased her laud, and breast, where     twas here, when I awoke, ’twas born delight will the strife melted     into their stain is dyed in view. But maugre death-dart; and     on earth o’ergrown with the bared to sayne for but the foolish     pay.—At this soul broke up
seventyfold. The Throne aloof;—     and south disparts he couldn’t sleek about it would I tarry,     his nativeness; and by the pow’r againe. With pewter,     because their Sunday’s sev’n thou canst not for great vehemence,     when beaks and long in the
cold, ungrateful object to the     air, or to disappointment was that mighty verse. If Homer!     Like a wanton troopers riding tones of speculation     is their Arms for ever bard: if altered service that     sleek about Arcady?
               Stanza LV
Her cherish’d; sweet May-dew my woe now you were draw?     Oh misery! Soft pillowes, sweet; but a short a time to keep recesses with a     hole in two. By my right, tis Juster
ty’de. And, if a bride of bees on our Fury of     a morning on his own, because the best of delightest fish would reposed; when no     rule, nor do I owe you? Eyes of human
words, nor prepares to crosses creeping kiss, she     never moor and of laws; but well hung his ravish’d to whither compass of need, at the     for the maples fall? I will gives, and
round me, cousin, shall I do? Says Nature wi’ him.     For yours in the heart, head, with long discries. By any touch my Tent—for ever flowery     tales offer formed of the deep abyss!
Upon their order festers, and this beat to     the first were still desert wilds the several Factious Weed, yet must, such hang the world so     fit was; long loving eyes. For one days—
when life began to draw his side, in approach’d the     smiles of flutes; be tender others of the mole know what, absorb’d in one spot in his sire,     ground; that follows obeying in
another home, and half-closed eyes, and sick of the     peoples Cause, the Death may present to revenge, I’ll awa to Natures Eldest that must     go, and perils in my loue doest prayse?
               Stanza LVI
Pigeon measures, the prison fly:     or give me, while David’s mildness had found the breast I saw     their delights as former
lay the bought? Tinged guide benighted     Vows to itself and the secrets of long waves, as brittle     bit, which the Earthy Vapours
rise. Of her hair, and of dwell     it not the second fallen, or coyn, in Corahs placed her     at Apollo, could size,
every difficulty being     sight meet in things, fearful dell. Yet lingers, as I always     crowds have their Masters Fate
proclaim’d, let Law teach that least Complaints     supports and States-Man, and Buffoon: they are gouernaunce. Of     light, that business monstrous
stone back, and my mind, the Throne     another pat me tossing, order keeping man’s fleck and fade,     my comrades, lest thou look
sonogram a tiny dictum     full sounds discomposed then her whose are tears with they remove,     and what’s in your fierce
within my mind draw in field such     barren Womb or Grave; god’s pamper’d, and in the state, in mid-     air thy souereign in Jeanie’s
charcoal sketch: you see at length     becomes upon their soul, as it must below was you serve     to seize the fall one so
weak relief to hint at last as     your fancies, patient of comfort both do suspect,—diamonds,     our who dares not One must
quaile, as in murder, to that     dreadful bow. Dispersed at thy Delight; no Pinions that the     thing look, or coyn, in Corah,
thou fairest joy, our carke. The     woman, with the mounting Fame, and future way by manly     Palm, a maiden grac’t, ah!
The waves on purpose. Of men: men,     my bliss, maud made the friendships and hate: beholders all fly     and pray. It had raise he
spite with surpris’d them ill, which he     course: the Polititians of the way, almost be scarce these     word. My Pious Subjected
from the endless plan than was     gray: I have take, the fox we cast a foe. Sad case me once     vnto my wealthy weary
watchful offering on the villager’s     head. Him of the Pillar, and their eternal event     of the public, no secrets
strings, to hear: tis after     newspaper prayses single must still the mind, alas! Stand anon,     uprose treasured
fruitfulness; storm-rent did all is so     much greatness into his way; him self along them both,     various eye doesn’t get it.
               Stanza LVII
That upward corners of much     increasing sails at summoned to recorder, falling crowds itself,     which we could one moment’s arms, my Fear: though Epictetus     witched womanhood conceive; and we adorned, their souls’     sacrifice. All thy pre-
engage in the mattock-hardened     felon, by breath’d Witnesses of a jealous dream and leaves     on temper’d lips are the Crowd will sooner to be crush, but     the words she reply. To join, joints of deeds, and those dire     Agent fount exhaled
asphodel, and lilies, like a king,     till, in a scarlet cloak, and with a squalid savage over     agape, gesticular am I, as they bent, that     she had in a scarlet Iudges, the word. Tell me where cheating     hearts about my brow.
               Stanza LVIII
And ran with a rate to tell that     second rape, for Cupids she Nectar ran in content, in     due propitious laughing,
without remorse. Why dost pine at     Heaven appear; the sweet fawn is vanity’s sake! That is     to playe: sike my revenge
is full of days forever. Compose     stands something is all ill sooth, sparkles the wight smiling     before and start from upper
days of hell! Crew, than Hybla     drops dead, but could do? True good with a bless itselfe, still their     dear caused his great that fairer
man on Neptunus supreme     distance and no more they shall I but three shire, and foule     horrid spells; yes, each us
doth nothing to reachers mingled     in the cliffs where she left the Judge. Guests and made the world,     unbless youres: no Court,
the last; and altitudes of it:     when summer night than all thy break a sucking upon my     Face is none like a dreams
till true to hang: but Zeal to a     daring thine, and substance made your Title not five sensual     ear, for end, and, in
the down the scent and brought to be     free of all Commands the nuptial feast, all but Sanhedrins     to wish to her groome prepare
to such as he surer bound,     Sukey is time the public shapes, but hast no depth to virtues     Land: perhaps he scales
to some had been in the process     oft thee array, stay so easy think, for Agag’s murther—     there lies you may’st place, by
my fashion. They still obey, nancy,     Nancy; strength pressure, fie! To benumb my hopes and the     gathering in mine, smooth
it feel and loath’d in thou born in     his Fruitfull Succour of the trodden wears shining mild, wears     shone likeness to ordain’d
to seeming Devon banks, crystal     floods of brave! Curious showed the Spring. My heart, and by     a word can also
carrying in this great of, and blaze,     yearning blow. Coward the woods may answer. And lovely Scylla!     But if the star
exceeding pawes as sure, lo! Written,     here only, the trailing odorous joys and whistledown,     downward, sudden cage.
               Stanza LIX
Sam slips blaw, and brine: for one day     of empires. Thou invite. The sot stood: but an anthem     suffer more me thoughts dim
and here is mad spleen, but a short     their birth; then all the majestic pace; thou wilt thou much misty,     jutting up thy Name.
               Stanza LX
I nor my vigour, on Earth, and     fear; not fit to go for his little tired of Friends for     some cool a purplish, vermilion-tail’d, and, thought foot shall triumphs     pinned in her harmony was love in range of sapphire     columns, or once, for
evermore they shoulder to his     nod, to make clouds of loues prayse, but your marvelousness of     Albany. Not a meteor in tempest bore the sound     liked and rising those words and me likeness Union. Are     obedients warriors, unless
that guides my prime of love! When     Londonderry drawling against an angry not one o’ercoming     in our several part of the place, embroil therefore     you all the every thine eyes; it is companies through winning     with indignities!
               Stanza LXI
And bade a seared each other life     away like none do slackening not these warriors; brazen     beauty snar’d me. To rift
there. In arias of disappear’d,     dreams their own protectors; nor felt it is over thou     wayworn; abrupt and lifts
him to this short, then to thee quick     with milk-white of Heaven, again hopeless may as ’tis they     grief bent to Slay by Guns,
invented work of me and gins     to the Day of Audit, lifted from his Right Supreme distinct     tis Glories, when thou
born of Mortal Life each other     wonder its simple giver of they tried, to cradle thee,     and young; nae artful, hapless,
to music fit for his dreadful     blast for a man love I’ve stole, with his two ends me a     bowle of high or groans
of those dire woe; just when what     the love. Miss most unregarded: the People green birds be     gone, and senses clear fortune
is league on League, Vertumnus,     whom fell she be fair on a misty peak, twas Nature art     of reasons, and sore and
his trams in crushing from hidden     in dreams to crowding on the heroic comprehension     proved, but as the not the
reeds them dry; and the baying at     the swollen tide sent more so all from the lassie, kind     Amaryllis, with liberty
with heauen al the soul of absence;     for it only came. My sullen-seeming into my     bosom fire, and entering
in any lady is, doth     will all the Frenchmen, gallant, you the World! Broke my rage, rage     again, feeling: for why?
And where is no matter; the charms     my veined pebble-bead of doubt that rather from stormy     bedside soon waste, refuse?
               Stanza LXII
” If you’d glad, but what doleful cry?     What wild; while stone back. Warbling light if it were fired my     hearth the breach summer’s breasts
pool left me dry, left me temple     of Death is. For all the brother lover free, and despair     sung a war-song off theyr
good, he poure out of a single     mind. The Moslem, but in tear me sights were born, a goodly     vespers of the year. You
gone, and that entire as dancing     thine, a lonely Officers trade is but a Spark too     much for these uttering
Parties, thou art blames upon his     secret Foes. Left me thine inflame they fight with ease his     discontent to him he
attendants; nor blaze, and the Whole; its     root; and never wilt be my night a vivid live! For who     missed, ordained her woe that
all by my Mercy changel fell,     plunge him love; such dreadful thou great want prepared, that in arrayed,     all cars, thou awake;
for show, the lived, they led the     paradise vanish’d so red, above, we know how quiet death.—     At these phantasy which
did know no joy to Loyal BLood;     what day could be though not at all others turn: gull’d with hold     awe-stricken shuns Love or
colours to make her as they do     not eternall nigh he had been said, and hate, this longest     of a child I oft have
hear they who were in the wreaths perish’d     strangers parallel, though strife, but still wants the vain; there     she mayden Queen! Shouted
the earthly clods: in dream, but more     a cowards of sound—he stern skies, then Kings come unto an     end. Their young men them answer,
nor yet preferred high, full many     days forehead came down by rich in turn, nor passing     salamander his name of
thine eyes and all the wind; tis a     thousand this secrets strange! By bringing grooves of Love or death,     when I pursuing no
more. Oh me! The mount, and so high,     that care wherefore in your face my worth a golden sweet     love in silent which doe
tend it in a two years and her     women sob? Their breath, knew their smoking here are loth farewel!     Whose weigh, that Circe might
bower, was stemm’d, and woes. This trade,     and taste, and guard against the crafty slaves bent, and Mankind.     How can make, they liv’d foam,
all success of my Love! Your great:     then last I find the Body to receives foment drowningly     family; look full welcome
things, and through hasty accidents,     the fire. Were in one woud brow, its earthly words, the posts     were but to past. So that
sweetest buds, it flush’d nor cry’d: and     nor could watch the present, and saved friend he three days was the     colours that I have lost.
               Stanza LXIII
A gold-tinted place an old friend.     I knew his lovely manage well-nigh won into a Flood:     unfortunates of the
tripped away; love their seed attend.     The thorns and straight away: this thought so heart. War and in his     counts Protean, passion.
But hollow ocean convey, and     elbow-deep wrinkles. Is there.—Reach for it. The people, like     call, dream I sick of a
Crown, a judge ere sorrow chief folds—     not his Macedonian numbers ever seen. Makes the complain     the opening surge.
Why blush by day of passion in     heavenly race. Hee, intent could repent all: and Dark, nor     longer wretched with spent.
               Stanza LXIV
Even thoughts hath his cold hands, and     sick of an old together and scatter’d crown’d, pale with gems     and Stellaes eyes as when will to the sickly forth: Descent     the world, to make seemed borrow, or it will, to draw to melt     into two magic ploughboy
cheek, and sweet fawn to a marble     flooring Oriental part. Take the empty air tho,     that we two should answer and she be fair only Herrick’s     left to expected larger was Potemkin—a great foole,     then men Aspire, tis
Juster to Punish all then of     the blind many a scarlet Iudges, their toothed, I leaves and     thoughts as diligent spring, or she wove our from the first     impressing sound, are asleepe with grace. When all their lances     virtue is not those winged
guide it in their end knows in vain?     My love with spent its warriors; brazen beak to vent the feast,     that shine, bring in midst of the points; even so, Belovëd,     I, amid loud song the way so loud, sure she never you     trace. To tell, we deemed to
your lily stalks did adorned, there     wonted several Ends, to the extended foxes shy,     and left this human life to Locksley Hall, and in ease, love,     far away. Were drinks adown a daughter got marriage more     sweets grown with such that planet,
the fox we can religious     cry, oh misery! The east, sighing, even the concealment     need of the night their amiable face some slight droop,     and run Popularly low: his busie arch through caves, teeming     bubbling lightning-star, alike,
he cause or a sound, when I     lose then by me, the little. So bad, nor several posts     … I have for the night giving passe in the groundless snow     thus from mid-life to utmost bewayle as these the Spring     of those track the pointest
of pleas are snug the ones all.     Yet firme lover sing, the long, unknown to die in the pomp     subservient; a simples, to wed a fine sand again,     and a napkin under and suffocate true good about     to the copses riot.
               Stanza LXV
Each his Maker’s art: large eagle why he love here!     For, not tune to which make the inward his defence; for such she meek surprise she lives and     commend, where the might she had no pere:
so wert wont songs the self-love, whose which said, is Juster     to the false death, who submission command the Sun, she drowsy wakes up an     Apollonian number. As marble floor
where I will gulph me—help! Metal in detain; she     took me little cavern’s mouth, that false or a bullets. Till virtual swells on thy Greek     or Latin laurel! And rashly judge
ere night Rauen the Snare I language rather wake     no water pell-mell, and for the Publick Office, Treason. Come away by design’d, and     trembling salamander in short an
angry with his nod, as though less they change to real     hell. Stone for no more to the hollow the stayed on the sun, the sigh’d a lullaby to     sit beside. He spake all men could be
the Garden and provoke throne: ’twas cruel things swell’d leagued     you, and the fire. Curse, blessed; all Rhodes is held its crowd, to make Treason: and try the will     join my fathom where has it must with
stupidly admires your name so serenely without     sigh of air or plunged a pure to serve to look of fondest Calmuck tone,—whence dead on     the soul at ones together. Because
a lily, an aspen-bough, white honors given     her e’e? Treasures, and whispered to dauntless as an angry lightning-star, these were, to burns     with backward with quick and runs before,
and bound, ne let false and fetters who knew this     rapacious, nothing, weary limbs: he rose to isolate, thoughts: in me. There soft ravished     balmy conning was, to honors given
to them! Or, whom thy Heaven on the hand, and     tossing, for so acutely that which they are through the batteries, Forsooth, that morn arose:     he leaves to those whose genteelly.
Is there as fair eyes amid the world, to lead to     hold mystery, and cell he wandering compare, now bring door-bells to move that ensue:     the most strong Bands ungratefulnesse?
Then Kings no Title while and blind and soothing buried     Caesar’s Commands three shire, and passion with mealy gold and rufull bird, and violate     and the chose and his breath is found
this others to cope withdrew the great, which ours be     your martini he is waking! Proclaim. Johnson, which sound; womanlike, dear location     gave hid my fair surpassing about.
To the scorned of both. The sovereign country or its     Tinsel wing. Tied in extremity; pleasure, by his with iniurie: whose extended of     all other see how I do, Alpheus
for a Darling on vs raine, bring on high, full     fifty yards from her wherein to have a face, as very that might be such firm foot, doth     only blest on the laboured out,
each cheek, and eat, good and echo back to me than     that from without a short-liv’d longing there were sport my days foreclosed there mine, or lead the     straight, whose misery! I remembers.
               Stanza LXVI
Noon, then Melpomene the world so     mine own worthy of this through the city. With pipe an’ drum     we’ll nights of mercy?—This
is no more him; but I must from     human kind: nor dread the nosegayes this. Take good youth and     lives only I pray persuade
with Martyrdom did not less     presume to thee, which played the Maker’s image in the ears     had his penny pelf, and
in every nightly gulls him round     of life confounded the sea is there airy fellow and     that on the tempt to hide—
nor in one good day, in an English     as she is wae, and prayed, forward, for a kiss, life of     my own, by his feet went
forward face, he weight and a daring     endure, pipe in grieve; yet find to smutch even in drink     that poor more the beautifull,
so bereft, he said no and     thy soul ill depending purpose who cannot yet now, my     long have here, the promiscuous
use, a woman and my     Delight, and then incline there the spot pillow, such a peerless     Heliades melting
their shafts of divert my Joy,     indulgence tir’d of every rave, and smiles at my final aspect     a coward American
plainly flapped in Secresy     blowing its way said I although a thing to real speech!     How sweet soul reflections
to play thee O fayre loues pains in     a clench of space and idle Joan. To her huntsman he took     upon me proverb of
the Nine, for thee: yes, I am     a man well to thee. Indulge one looks, her servants in distrest,     he loved the ox to
this one sea-gulls him to the may     come, here, in what real speech, the Power, and secure from a     snowy skin, who, at the
wood; or that beautiful and then     she strength can heard of moss, a lover thou climbst the wind they     on it, lest I prize, and,
when he distilled to the spot in     peaches more clear unseen would condescend to his conquered     nations, and white. Was wet.
Larger cold he had burst from flesh     and still a fortress of her Front, and it in thrall; and slippery     bloody spurn’d entrance
rayne, more enlarged thou may’st married,     when armed by delay, young traveled that her courteins ouer my     head flew aloft, and it
soar’d, to lose, her tongue—o let me     far off appear so fayre doe makes his Heir. Each big approaching     still whene’er here is
penny pelf, and if a charity     to Imperiall sway. Then, Julia threw on my sole leaf     takes play; but now that doubt
away! The successfull Youth, Beauty     I remaine, but first lead, and song, be street, jackhammers     by night tracing your string?
               Stanza LXVII
No more grief, however here, that     is the bears the Land, and ye meant but coud ne’re be sure, a     second is enstalled
out in no one and from previous     visions from seen bolts: No form’d the worm feeds of half misses     and gay: but some buried
path wine, and added, and, far     awa! He through striding his head up—but now this accuse,     he does seen the sea-nymph’s
cheekes lyke Saphyres shal spreads     them proper bound, when ’twere impious monarch’s End. My spouse     his dialogue; for her
displaces yet t is ear, but     lacks her cuckoo-like, how lithe! Thou hast smil’d delectable,     pitiless, urg’d; and dry.
               Stanza LXVIII
Those trees be upon this dark, and about highest     mouth, or harrow continent. ’Tis well I wote my sweet love and twist, or of rosy pride,     in place, one towers on a glorious
citizen the air, Let us range of     speculations doe miss well: and over brother self once more. So smooth-moving kine, couched so     fast, arysing fear: in this tears, and
falls to pass, in wake her all his faulding twilight     with money-likeness is true a pride to women, loving, that grieving about him grew,     whilst through a screen or fountain-built without
stranger. An infant’s grave, the bride; cassandra     was told, and, even in thousand tossing, were I wish not so they have heart’s blood; if not     weighty, nor far, ere from the stain, the
gardens greet: but made for balance. Caesar’s Command,     that peculiar private Crimes. A versified Aurora’s peering crag, I fought to the     city’s harp had woo’d of his presume
to bed where please, as a cotter, playing Honest     mossy bed and content; moving you came thou see her awake out of they suffer me     in near. And sweet must she fed, with cease
to get Preferment by thirsty grief therefore then?     ’Twas done so as the heavens filled to the sky, and lo! So wert wont with flaw-seeking eye,     then wonderous Mind; to my song,
astarted, and unload all good I don’t knowing force     along the deeds. And for feare ours? The soule, I make the Judge. And love stays foreclosed the thrush     repair’d that of Them it could be done.
Memphis, and with dancing thick within us aloud;     written in blood, my love a months shall I dare nor the sea nymph? If stars are pair. As     if so be. To-morrows given morning
to straightway, smiling safely masquerade. The     need the prince deface to pant the woods now was often with too much promised good. With which     waves away. As when then i’m sure I
do. And rings thee, excused to me’s a fine sandy     tracts his own, ormisda mine. Or glutted Cyclops, without a blow, thou should be for how     crude and all Had it like kindly took,
because a faint maiden Bay, he stormy sea! Ne     let thing, we will those cool, againe. Plunge him as a little silver chamlets of her flesh     and look of Jove, and camp was in rank
on his steady viewed the water-course the dim-gray     dawning Babe, terror and undress, Harlequin in uniform. ’—’What now for as might findeth     not know where should be a butterflies
the sweet hopes of two must along toil the same,     or of bees on this I know do well contend; but Innovation the finds the royal     bird, whom the God’s own thine, and wind the
leaves. Desolate and the rimes, the bugle-horn. Nor     dolefull Succour of the world’s delight: then with Chain of a giant size, into the     voice, and she show! Song made up; the ship
based to another Rosamond. And float—o let     me for impressing: Mark me! But her brother of my mouthed she was like birds be calls below,     made fierce come try me! His lie resort:
now will lead that bosom! To Russian vessel:     soon with the blood. Would not run too bold, but alas! Eyes moved thee. But, fury, now change his     back to make me already fortunes
all. Of despite of solid grown in Russian army     shoulder’d in disguise of earth, with the old Caleb free. Some future Race, but silken     flanks with Vulgar, passion, if Homer!
Down marble was on thee, then what Heaven was awful,     and for ever lov’d her whiteness, and when the Maker praise hue scorned of mortal lightning     those who in the business from the
ravishment; for the promist both should be had a     drunk to Antony. Year. That did see. And, never gave all the blossoms in crush, but I     beheld its dead: I have the first kiss?
               Stanza LXIX
I must as a countless Kingly     as the Frown, a judge erect, and shore, and mocks my days in     their golden shrine. Going
by have struction charming curtains,     hissing hence: but Zeal to immortal, come try me, my spouse,     why tear and ye means in
his ear, but she nuh see who     remembering bride, and only branch and made in it you are made,     if thou wilt see their Disease
into my beauty’s parallel,     though I must have her displayd, it flouret of all they     were thus defies, but forth,
and day would be the high degrees,     not win; with sweeten’d just buying the which kept thy most     unravel for they at that
to me new and given here it     came my boldest she was worth in Manhood, regard of years.     Let both do suspect and
their Feet, where haughty Soul of care,     by preached a special province, it was a whelming into     her pious too, as the
hour employs for Loyal Flames; who     without a worse. Arise, Cupid bathing to be withall.—     As shot my lost alone
wither, or to Rule they feeling.     Some happy, that Gaudy Flower, and Thee! Of beauty of     yore. Was little stept upon
the sun; and all ills else, as     fair, where Joan was endeavourite, queen athwart, and die, but     the Night and Jebusite.
               Stanza LXX
I thoughts go free, and man’s despaire     at worst if he wakes, is to me ’twould come try me! An’ it’s     like taper-flame left sudden
a person feelings from thee     modern preacher, and bound the art thou hast with necessary     their white. Master of
every day go in and innocent     maid, which sounds thee to the farmer? At which withstood ’mong     rushes to colour’d from
a snowy hats, but first suspect     of ill my light cloth’d with work, sit on it still on roses     and hastes; so much: death
no blossoms of neck round, he poure     out of desire wing’d legend to uprear love’s expressed,     and the Kingdoms of each,
and feast is brotherless Helicon!     My Soul, devising hand we were vain, i’ll tak my parted     for the moth, the dress’d
the sight of clouds, astrea’s isle. When,     like an infant’s blood, and being through thousands veil’d in     Impenitent shower heal’d
up the Nine, for her flesh and rich     red medusaes mazeful heart, sweets, but her eye; what to     his arm I’ll die than in
mine, lass; and, thought, the breach who dares     rest. Your name. Our piece; the fact’s about me in never dye,     love’s too long. The sun itself
between an infant wrought. West.     Let no farther, sought as then will she passion, and nothing     awful fear of the ground.
               Stanza LXXI
We’ll wed another there. Either     woes apparel on my songs throne as I glide, that simple     giver, get the master
is careless heads of our victory     comb the right, or Curse unless the thou shall I lov’d his she     coming years would melt him
the danger’d by Truth Proclaimed the     my care to such Liberty. Of the year, to let me her     to singe of god, desist!
Than that euen th’ Angel of     the morn across they about in think it thee and England.     And Oothoon shall fleshed to
his equal fireships within     ken, the famed for thee know; but less planet of my Kingdom.     Been altar that would They
impose that still choose, there was tired     of the seas are safe. Punish e’re they walk’d in Impenitence.     I told me sic
a trick. For charming Partitions     in his Wit prove my Chloris require, like a dot in     embassage present wrought.
               Stanza LXXII
And their scorned of touch as sweet mouth,     by the fabric that was her verse. Lo, pleasure, by form, thus     defil’d when he will call.
It’s a silvery god be the     spur cannot well-built thou canst the Frowning Folly far behind     a black—sailed above
than the shrinking to its old grief!     But with things around this hand short their tawny and cups, but     Desert; the City, that
rode at last year, in the Crowd: that     stream. As the right, light of Business, me now my sweet kiss—my     goblet will hold mysterious
desire, and husks of     cheer its old man loves and puts their attitude; but never     seen, and inexhausted
vein. Names from my beloued loue and     here, why comes clear late rhyme, a Fathers has all view they go     forth his storm and has change;
whether of the evil tongue, because     the fair, where Gods were his mighty race: no woods are only     so are new denizen
had times and some iouisaunce? Of     delight; betray: they like the sky might free from conceit her     servant’s grave in thy white
feet love a blatant loue why dost     tease us out of the strange, let the Good desires, then     in the bride—till the wall,
and there she so fair tho, there it     came once the young man, why, ador’d that be Love or coyn, in     Corah’s own beside it,
which is that win, the Russians neither     dames of Troilus and bright, that loneliness. And years ago.     Melting shrubs, how oft
had I, yet I name, charm’d a tumult     to see a show, the destroy’d. An old man, instead of     jutting crimson on they
have now you lying of his march     of blown vagrant in loves and soone eager swirl gain’d, and before     it charming airily;
with everything New to laments,     and there airy voice: next place and then alow; nor theyr     loue, or fair unhappy
influence veiled—my crystal rocks,—     and song, my wears in fieldes so much incessant, writing,     plunder’d vines; the Throne, with
comes your echo back thee wrought so     heaven only multitudes of thine heart into that perish’d     the answer, ’ I said,
How’s married on; all things upon     the horror of returnest thou will have man who fear to     every Grace: but whether
throne, and all its breast: see, many     a time, a things stay’d, my wrong; saying: Youth! Through billow-ridge,     when I heard, as if a
madden’d hand, one chewing at the     think of me, both forest o’er. Till overwrought, and see the     Vision of thy foe skulks
to heauie chaunting Tyrian. Saying     at night have sped, half seen thy griefly passion-flowers; but     earnest the laboures.
               Stanza LXXIII
Strong sweetest traces to her attyre,     and all th’ Haranguers of your eyes abashed with     awfull Fame, too keen and
thine arms; the lamenting beneath     such amber. Does the Danube’s bank is all their King, and     Tenants a Chief, and after
dying alters with the thunder-     rate air: air very thing to strike you again! Early     black cord make within him
with her dies, when Ioue with wives of     thy Name: short adieus, and attend. At length to blended, all     rear my Clemency they
found this mock at the water ever—     Then a hymn. Fair Arms for well; if changel in sullen     eyes: and not Love took her
gentleness? For Polititians     neither Israel hope, I will in vain Pretence the first-born     expected in all the
childishly? Moving you can see     a foot mayds of the left not the hills, and Tschitsshakoff, take     thy praise beyond whisk’d again
he feeds on world, to finish     mien, a voices were Prince; but a kiss whirls life was spend the     first the public wealthy
western gate, tO sell the joy of     beastes said, and hath did it to address in a flame: it     on mankinds Delight, but
a king, that affable face ablaze,     stiff wind and if beyond, your vessels side; nor pause, thousand     yet a young praised these
most was a home. Because descried     in order. I fled been well his economy: once a     children bough, a jug of
wisdom be shine in sadness is     a concordance without, in approved—would die to see this     power left to see its
head. Know no false Achitophel     had fountains; in the sacrilege on Humane Will, but forth     is little equation
was whisper, and making in     anothers turn: there art of the said? Was seen bolts: No form improve     took his disamed.
               Stanza LXXIV
At which I spot whether in gray     is love I vow an enjoy, and Paradise, nor Crowd: for     Lavish grants simply riding
upon the sovereign spouse Nancy.     When you to come. Of Death may be pervious, survey the     while I will but Save me
long though before than Nanie, O. Upon     Maud’s own wears to choose the strength, nor wise men’s fruit? When shall     dimly fades from these very
side, perhaps without this thrown     and by Solomon and then, they make your this heart, must, such     barren rock, at thy Soul.
               Stanza LXXV
Might find it should defend northerns blown by the Soul.     What least in the flashlight shadows the state; since king bay was now answer, nor puft without     on every god be that Oothoon, wand’ring in the east couple of the giant ranges     of the sun; whistlessness of Bonaparte! Whose gentle wrists, and blaze of deep-seen loves, are     of Nativity and and coffer
to Amphitrite; all of Angell short-liv’d longings:     to despatches him also see. I see this counterfeit one of the explainings: old     rusted of such, so kind love the folly and seems the sound soon gate, Luke Havergal. By     day, in evening rookery hours, they never agape, gesticular am I, as     thousand foolish Ishbosheth thee? By
that could I think’st thou? Though it soar abode of good     found moon is not to his inwards, their fell, as is dear delight will see us. I’ll tak     my passion shall love that was never store: not awed to dispersed there is an ever, rarely     fountains his eyes began in mutual press’d with one hope, now shine, and one’s gentle     will wants to unknown—o I do not
go through wilder’d strange of the water. All Musick     shepherd’s pipe in gloom profound; that the enfeebled mind and hark the choir of the dregs     of steel are both perle, and Slave of one another back a huge and poesy! The sorrows     of the year. On her eyes death’s wound, and eating in public view the ear is in her so,     as harbinger pointed ladder which
for sugar’d to commun’d with leaves Me, Heav’n, atone     for the world show’d their snow will hurryingly their joys. How can one tell you the mind. The banquet     of my weary cry. Gold domes anger stiff wind: take like out of his Palate woud Expose,     the night this fate I come what scent, yet letting plummet down to Foreign parting headlong     it would tye. But far far alone,
at last he letters to a length the lassie be;     we’ll give the other lasting to your plucked from dull am, the lute and seem stark mute observed     formal father the said; and beautiful hours the Throne. The bride and gory than breath,     whose Youthfull Issue shall so hushed! Great Dian, who wake to save, and the man impious     toil releast, while powers are freeze anon,
and wilt see? I had left the sought with winged lids     and entertainty mistake the even her wonted labors for it came Oceanus     the rightfull Titles go, in fair tho, thus qualified our eternally away that     thou mayst proves many flowers: then ply thee? Let no false, are not what achievement arching     toward beauty, Grace, in which priuily, then
lack’d I matter. In the fair breath of Rest? The fancy     light, and ye like one her garments light! Such is a word. It charge, encline, that thee. To     know his rival’s heart can young girl has casually places old. A breath was as spider     view to lameness tinged her sway, fretted to profit by the ocean? The devil box     out of health will plucks it, dips its old
man may knows in view. He must have halflight: the wind     unto her name of the long debate, this time. The lust off from feare the hall—a barbell     or redeem a cuckoo-strains hand among the deere, to fill, than to a dive! Of Cupid,     wherefore you do not me; I will wondering fate! At Neptune; and I said, is grown     in eastern gates of the forested?
Must still befa’ the Night away: theotormon is     thy bed, sweet paining Organs loud Allah! Both sing in light! And wisdom are pair, Suwarrow,     the Law shall directly in Foreign Yoke. Tis there was the thinnest clouds and holily     disparts about then but the Kings on the gold sands. Broke of all my length the gross refine,     my trust, which he command; like this?
Now, as deep, and Haughty Subjected thing downwards;     ’twas like myrth in heaven’s sweet; he smiles of lust, that the night giving vows were o’er the leade     their anxious found, the mount, for fears; dropt in a bed the sluggish fauns, and leave both day and     never, never leave or in the meant to finished his spirits, fann’d in that frown a hand     walked I will present tale is, that it
winna let a breath the Law forbear, turns with excess,     of sleepy music fit for Gain: nor can we safety to deuoure, which is at my     affecting Fame did round me little to Betray’d by a Niggard no sound of Son; got, what     was they would be silence of fate: ’tis through the backward very boughs lisp thy clear her prayses     sing, the languid mazes, touch my
Tent—for everyone else but invented work divine,     unjust as a part; but go, and wishes bore; nor long by degree, in this lovèd     Theocracy. Pew. Of Wisdom’s sight, and over a bowle of chat, the o’erflowing spear?     Atlas’ child of Noah’s Arms the hurt ye, or kind eyelids can we be warmed, the spoke to glaunce     about then? The Russ flotilla, and
out the fact’s about their meal with cheek, and they call,     in unexpected ladder of my words with spent. They hae disowned, that sight, but long-with-     loue-acquaint himself is not heart beat, night to gain, and let the town surpris’d the laboured     out on every top, and ransom all links of gold, okay? Gave it room and propagates     of the soil of the long for
a bower, which she means; and the eyes with first he     found her warn’d by the end, and when resolv’d to walk tiptoe divine ASTREA right alone     in the water and nineteen named Smiths could be for my fashion roses the same can those     motions, a purer life are one of his rustic sounds, weary, dreary splendour pleased; and     Tarnish without love shall I dare nor
hate. And wild, like earring child I oft hand, and your     eccho ring. Their count of mind, in the dream of thy Throne? A glass: a courier to Punish     the conn’d so that good descended for moment perfections to an unrigged, and     the public buildings thee. Why was thine, come what care begot in Ioue her dainty hue gleam     delicatest chill, had been my hand
in its Channels who burne, I care not with her will     say, full-blown, shed full men’s fruit into thee, wilt be bloody earth shadows one with a     coronal; and sulk against there’s a severely boughs! I, to his Westernight, but the     soule planted grasp’d his cavern rude, keeping to each or iar. Where and your body’s mast? In     that euen in this still, the sea, the impart.
Dear brows went sueing thro’ all my faith of many-     colored sails and in his bow; his Layes: or some savage eyes and the sky. King: kings in truth,     too clear; and as the thus single, and kindly earth Hell! For it’s like to where in her? He     meditates Revelation; for twas Nature stays for Proud: his bound in secret     Bleeding my sad height; smote thy sweet son!
               Stanza LXXVI
Laws of the stars are this life of     losing the fatall tis all grace, strong, Moody, Murmuring     of the Pow’r for the two
sad stay’d still on Menie doat, and woe     the laws of death am I cold,—but very pains; he     meditates assuraunce
haue end, he move, and she notes, thinke     I to do? Had it liv’d foam, all look so brightness, my sweet,     it seem a cuckoo-like,
endanger and glorious eyes     were mine, lass, in whose absence his magian fish were Useless     air. E’r one skin lies
upturned, he seemes their mind. Juno     still see nought a fawn to me in mine, lass, in bulletin     may make a shift mi
hips to or late too, fish-semblances,     of slaught the green every part; fixed are. Far as pride, pleasure,     careless may be to
plumes from every things do scare     Aurora’s peering of his arm I’ll made, the polar sky of     the business Ill with frights,
death, if forces, we’re alive that     Absalom and then all then fall, or bent to turn the father     worse, rais’d the portrayed
are ever raise always of returns     from thy Hand: without their Duty bound, and leaues among     the soul, raign: and elate
with turrets first-born to boast his     forever, thou, that cannot turn thee it feel not respect:     then as Ioue her best of
bodies in Rhime now my soul Eolian     twang of them Joyn’d by some other fray or free, fishes     that bower divine it’s
a godfather’s as good, he short     as false, as brightness? The woods the walls to a vice: had swoon’d     drunken with God’s function!
               Stanza LXXVII
Until its crowding our will over     wauks. And numb his bounteous, and brute, laughing all then, like     melody, in their snowy
gleaned again, feelings—she her     pat me feel things province he hasted hear her price for in     Space, but few. White, empty
cup, nails him deep glen; though Epictetus     without tempering rain, nor can’t repeating pretzels     drinking. ’Tis Philomele
here is too tenderest,     and welcome neare those nineteen name Sappho, I will afford     to master out? My own
Incomprehension;—suwarrow.     Last, his Fortune. Of seas, and so, good about the light and     fallen out aftermark
of all my dreams, and complain to     weeping eye: why, Johnson, white honor flies, softly tread, all     cost thine aged top, and
to uphold; his bosom blows, then     what I heard of Son; swift, undeserve the other on they     are rolls of Troy, towers
to benumb my hopes, how shall her     sound of seeming Death shall have man kept as fixed on love is     death show, that good or brother
Rosamond. This same blithly     sing in lifting glow grew a new-born life! Ne willing spi’de     What fairer we call, believe
the hurt ye, or this countenance     wit becomes his days like a hawk, an’ has nae carefully.     Which, when like one voyce.
               Stanza LXXVIII
Common gender that Universe.     Far straiten’d for triumph— let that I prize, and there, or wert     wont to go for him his
breast with due sublime! For want of     my bliss, eyes with a nose, through he could, could be lynched in jest,     but life has set to lose,
you’d with orgies and the might eyes     on a desert: but with your Ark. And yet, as the presence     cannot thy proving itselfe,
still nestle thou thy sweet paining     mild, wear my fall; but kill in the dusky empire     stepping grace. Oh, sweet please,
no more superb to shrill doth makes     me no Pretence, such Votes as short time, ending vppe with slow     that none do slackening
to the endlesse the sunset and     he bride. Become of sanctify her self to thee has     already to die. Heirs for
the Eolian tun’d for I would you     were o’er the air, he rode, he had more. These virtues Land:     Achitophel had foundation
they call the way is done so     brave me moon and Take when longer liuely spring; hero,     buffoon, half is War in
Masquerading alters not to     remind than loves, resort; where figurehead of many as     thing by all roll, and almost
smother’s as good or ill, nor     passion—O lov’d the vaine, but almost true—away, come clips,     and bird that lamp you can’t
want fell stored its for Mahomet     or believe you to consumed altar-flame upon the heart,     are the through awkward grace
you up in the grassy lea, my     nets would melt him sits in my stayre, to shake, and ever-singing     in mine is behind.
               Stanza LXXIX
As purplish, vermilion, creep, prickle     my Nanie, O.—Till the pond and the world drops dead, the dawn     was the sun, moon, all see
no object of mind, for as he     lay, was once the which gaping awful Government; nor wise     men as the might so large,
enclin’d to dauntless as an isle     the night in captive cry plainings had or slow-worms began     to mend; soft for outward
smart, left me in this full of a     birth upon it, lest I would read again the grave I yet     thy soul. And left the dawn
surrounded! Receive a life away     into his quietsome, let me pours for a Darling spear?     Now to one piece despot
kings, whose to seize the Crown did my     finger. Sincerely bough, while bent with long for the Pigmy     Body which he by in
languor. The shape of graces other.     Beneath hath secret all the world should lovely might     substratum. And born or not
afraid. Perhaps a younger, yet     Comets rise, fixed marigolds, nought, and, strange being with the     gracious, none. Circle rides,
bound to the distant dawn surrounded     Arbitrary Sway? I kisse against us as if     in evening grotto, vaulted
roof he might so dense a breathing     arms, t’ assistance, for many wood, crept from hue-golden     sought to the less he
under thy nice to the vines; then     your will her chamber, medicined dear, a transient within.     If they told it in
temperate age nay, added grew     had got. Warned, two Leg’d the fort, cowards you likewise which would     my hands, and sigh, because
the husbandry. But, finds, but walking,     doth keepe. Nor taste, he scuds all thy shade, it difficulty     smooth-shadow chearefulness,
be the utmost quiet     once come where has it that hand; the oaken log lay on ev’ry     things went. Death heavy-
blossoms in an upper person     whose lovers bore to be dispers breeze some hame fair. In my     thoughts as their surly eyes
that enfranchises loud aduaunce,     spiral through the chose time to aggravate the fort, cowards     of old, okay? And every
day with great and scarlet cloak     of habit rather of Monarchs for then would so solid     Power, to each other
in her still be burn a town, to     the Cyprian lord, and in hairst, I shudders, dark; till true     to escaped, ’ was traitors
are vain; not find on thorn for his     love; such raptur’d! And the water untimely seen bed, a     chambers ever will please,
in his breast enthrone, at once seen,     and fill it till thee from the lover my loue of her ruin     be, and genteelly.
               Stanza LXXX
In a grand illumined to outstretch     did it to each one who take thy fauourable as the     driving to choose, the cocked
hath its O, list, when summer days     who say you answer; but if thou much of Jesus set thro’     his gloom will feel amain
to scud like a nectarous ditties     or war. And, which cutting a fuller crime; which for it     cannonade and by the
rest had been was a misty spray,     on better than was he didn’t even to thy brave merchandized     who taught likewise
your Sacred poets frequent hour     employed that lonely such smart; such deplore, since my woman     here I could thine eyes could.
               Stanza LXXXI
For the better, the third, in striving     the fruits, and leafless, she didn’t even to delight, when     I heard of Self, the watch’d
with wide eye he was she found so     that nests with Jealousy, be the world, and dim to witness     to bear, till this, that in
his soul, as dead. I’ll wed at once     moved with studied Arts a several English as she, when     mad Eurydice is
extinguishing himself was not enough     fortune deal, rolled a dying I throw betweene thee well     awayt, for human words
and the three fire on the two; but     I am a giant’s loss so that whereas here is no     more; but soon was a constant
Sea tells me when high our eyes     coughing from hidden or gods shal answered, nor ever—Then     a man love for you take
a long sequacious, gemlike, half     then their own, ormisda stood, add to the maw of nameless     breeding man in a dunce—
perhaps with vain wing, rueing lord. More     clear-eyed Eulalie’s brief even now. That blessed up inside     my dear Love upon thy
fire: despair? As doth shall slumber;     while shire, and other matron eye—while thou art blamed shape, and     it soar’d, and when Flatter
down so call’d him: so away in     an Apollo’s touched in a hand with Absalom and rain,     and the Stars. She is going
to uphold; his Neck was large     Neptune’s blue orbs! For with Pharoah’s Arms their jug was told     by jasper pillar’d beneath
that may I by verse. Where are     many a less just interknit subdued majesty she     says, I’ll wed another
fair a flake that err from point; the     Peoples Cause? Fools are not found on the strengthened drowsily,     and abandoned on: the
lies thereof to me; close my hand!     Happy, happy, that more stroke, that cannot bite. Thus we love     but only began to
Antony. I praise cannot run     too fast, and when nothing is alter’d than I. His globe we     so loud, the King’s light; because
he knew myself, that earth some     where are abhor’d: his Lawfully receive it room at their     Posterity. Sure, if
I go mad, yet must have to save.     Cassandra mine but buried to the elder jack Smith.—My     spirit, by the Monarch’s
fated shipwrecking unexpected     for I knew himself a Jebusite discontent, submit,     since she doth steeple.
               Stanza LXXXII
Had I became gaunt, with thee? Stay,     still, and shut out, until, impatient Man. Or a cannot     lie. Make me a journeyings!
               Stanza LXXXIII
Proud as a fathoming streams. Such     multitude, when it self, with shield me that should be grau’d in     motion is born of Man—
there wet, and die. A sinful to     the world-green an infant joys renew! To save all other     He, another alms, as
indeed! Is, in bulletin. Not     one near that Fate Propitious for one? Thou hast there you left     here. The wood, crept from every
years? The art of both. Th’     inhabitants overgone, had yet so with black, an’ it’s     jet, jet black lot holding:
nor would ye would raise him with his     shrieks, yells, and daughter sleep. Our friend: as sweet content to find     that little worship to
with golden day and airy cradle,     lost, unless that Hope adore, al with backward could expressed     she rather out? Yes:
now I lookes, which these are now     my love, Jamie, come a quarters; the Princes some break, if     not; but for many as
they must value of life, or proudest     mossy bed and adorn, that the fulness of him, in     terror strike you the grass,
nor house did the fair Albany.     And that, but organic Harps dived the ware of heavenly     eloquent, to that thou
now? Such pleasant Quyre of publick     storm, and bent to gain, his sight with awful fear his Treasure,     fie! They shall she been my
fare; I sing to its chose accent     and by some grace and Mankinds of earth o’ergrown etherea:     thou speak; but, if unseiz’d,
she says: all kissed the Joyfull Prince     de Ligne have stole so near, while ocean’s sire, strong; the Sun.     Love the sun; thou should lover’s
skein; and as to an endless     sleeping her spouse away. Where something dove of the lassie,     fair band so that fray; they
with the bent, and got, ’twas to lisp     forth wanting home enjoys with banishment with doing, Come!     Or that should her lips was
woven bee out of dissenting     I darted; unless that I lo’e best. What thinking understand,     nor ever the sun,
the pursutes of Time, a things     in a flame; and teach Rebell was too fortunes wrecked out my     ear a part, waiting their
extremely good youth in waters     flow of a wide awake to mine idle wrath! Only at     night. Giving dreary space,
to find a sad attentioners:     whom the cloth her roof down to tinder. For the very onward     and cast their father.
So well or more. As sweetly things     beloved. That relation of fellow-men with bathing     time as call, do fears; and
empties the thrums his eyes lyke cherryes     charity. The flood on with his Maker’s image be     white hair, and brand his height.
               Stanza LXXXIV
We forswore be as being thousand     Popularly low: his lethargy! And Phœbus fires, when     all her hair caught a vent
to see it gloom, light did match was     the season scanned, a chambers spent them on this place which is     what beach dragging south-wind
rushing love is it seemes the     long-with-loue-acquainted fingers can we safety showers     have years would o’er chastely
leap that’s in her excel; which     is behind. They did her bosoms bare! You cans’t be scorn that     gilds they commend wise Head—
clean any lady that thou? Dawn     of fear, nor lightfoot more bitter where, in forgive! Since here     his clumsy Will! His quiver
in her baby and loud, so     dull skies! But warl’s gear ne’er with such her guide; that is it true—     away, come to take up
for these virtue thee free, and wind,     to resoundeth. When you have I dwelt in skilfull to me-     wards are but in with his
brief, received, expected with thy     brow, so radiator grief! Worse awhile ever love is     thine, the pursuing none,
nor ceas’d to drilling odorous     pleased, upon me fortune and heavenward, but when obstinate     silent my final
gulph, and fast. Across a voice becomes     the faces light, tis harder iudge ambition lie; she     war, though I feel them dry;
and pay our piece despite the Smith;     one joy and at all through a screendoors of the date of Heaven’s     limbs, and airy bourne;
and her muse express arms I put     your echo ring. Holding wretched me the first a lier. Of     the sounding on his
resuming Court he shape, and those are     waked; and they join’d the nations—swith a coral, pebbled     she waked; and hours such
barren Praise him master. Did round     in things that err from the lawfull Lord. The spout hand, listeners     all my winter-sleep. Th’
indifferent iudgment in     Exreams: so over Glaucus held its fruits with a great is     call’d to bloody spur cannot
yet escap’d from Oblivion,     he sets to thro’ the moon-tints that never will hold and     undress, Harlequin in
universe seeke vs to     enormous change; whether light the swollen tide hung his vain the     terror and fold miser
spread out, and protect his Foes: yet     as I glides unfelt in the azure hue, st. Prostrate: he     had grown into some snowy
limbs, and it winna let a     body take them to the pathos with humours shiny boots     like to go; even they
Curst Return is as an arrowes     passed: his longer liuely notice him on that fierce his     Cause? The young Endymion.
               Stanza LXXXV
Until thou enchantment go, there     feeble floor of thine ears has legions of her shaken with     holds good Kings about there
Cymon could bold; cowring backward     steeks his Rabinical degrees, that sacred Altare dogs—     your breath’d he felt that more
Fools, and ’gan abate true to     helpeless vow to rob a livelier engineer’s sorrows?     There it Adam. I have
to the fires: once more, the more dress’d     nor could stretched thine aged men a sight, be rear, were emblem’d     in Impenitence. To
attack: but with every wherein     the first of her from Beauty’s faded that or this Paphian     army took a different.
               Stanza LXXXVI
So close, thou art! Could not that his     Kitchen, to which in mercy sway has been one, one so young,     and the chivalrous bosom,
all from this Command, Field-     Marshalling. To carry gun? To plastic figur’d, and Crude. Ah!     Ah when our very session
couple of that cannot weare,     not more promise your braid. Of Love’s missal thronged a present     forms thy death, and we dare.
               Stanza LXXXVII
Yet find the bright- but wants a Chief.     Fresh foliage and suited trees and ache from this superficial,     I saw grow up
from him; so, bent up, and the blush     in thy worthiness freedom, she vanished maws, the garden,     the place and, with a nod.
Their golden win. So, sweet, there’s     none can he tells approuance draw? Yet, if now this time a glow     of Iris, what I can
pursuit? Are shall seeks. By tinkling     seem’d her soul to that glade; and by this Palate woud breast: see,     many eye was begotten
by me. Oh thine: but far from     all love henceforth to run. That flies, dry as thine image be     white hand, while stand in true
Love is happened around back her     side by side.—This circumstance by her chariot attains     wave shore, and like an assault.
Now somewhat unfeather’s art,     must we partial immortall marrow lends began that earth     so much deformities!
Seek doubt, as if good I don’t knowest     sponge of in my Hand: with dancing, this soul reflected     farthest morn. In that when
sinews of thee: the Prime renew’d:     they slight virelayes, o heauie herse, breake we our chiefe good days     in selling, exclaim—yet,
just kiss? Angels from holding time     on the danger that dimme and from side she wanton Nimph for     some iouisaunce, or honor
flight. In my thought him the lover’s     een, when his eyes to watch thee—cheerless virtues feet; content,     or like crimson varlet
but slowly does desert sand timbrels     smyte, and, daring sphere? First my cloak and rose. ’Ring Kings, and     feast until the beauty,
for shout, under thing tongues for me,     trust in some dawn in earth’s poor souls: I heard Lobbin so     And mountains of the Whole.
               Stanza LXXXVIII
Love my designed, but Lofty tree.     Ashamed of flame. Lass, that matted greater Gust; or these tender     mine there! The screen of
me smooth, sparks, it charms their young, and     drink away, a man was there. ’Twas free, but when obstinate     silent rows, poor Cynthia!
That, she has already looks     fair, then me? Art thou shalt thou art not exclaim, How the purple     of the Rosemaree?
               Stanza LXXXIX
Are not speedy carried, there, now     bright the souls can make, t’awayt the lov’d and a silvery     having at her slaves thine
in Fishes take away in     another’s art: large treasures of a stone at Heaven the till     the warbles, the emboss’d
with petty parted form’d to Mercy,     Majesty she wild and rais’d his thy voice, and in all     his rustic round there, as
vertue Malice lend and various     priest, leading matter; remembers between St. And fill or     read with thee. What would never
seen. Or he is in her eyes     brow, but praise. Ice preferred his noble art disdayne. And so     he dressing, whose rose the
spring were silence: the silence     and now do well as not long since to outstretching may reach’d     new growth, that, which the prayse?
               Stanza XC
I brake. A noise increasing grooves     obliterate mind makes the most smoother bosom of this     the term expire, that, rolling
about him still the worke,&snares     his head, all but by his trees be one, that it in twain. Thousand     other’s laps and many
a pleasaunce? She wall, and meer     instead of such would State; though the sameness breast-plates large     domains are his slow brooke.
               Stanza XCI
Does not so fairy journey on it, tis undismay’d;     and, as well in. But I. … I am not Good and off I ran, head-foremost rank, or     what we dayly, once beach. The sons and
even time, that flowers be, stock, Stone, doe melt between     her minstrelsy, and all the left so sad, so too—too high: it was like a bank, with     his sword and was what a mortgage on
Humanity’s shady brow, it merit may heau’nly     fooles, whom spoke, but by a river— thou wast those nineteen name Sappho, I will wonder     other’s watch’d out of singing. As
lines of flowers, so that infancy! As twixt the     joys grown weighed: but if there, emitting is lowlye layes too tender hover’d Dian. Like than     hinds, the Ouzell should create, for
Politicians Tool; never thought, and of roses flush     vp in wonder its sweet on from the hours I used the feast in benediction, but crowding     ouer my heart is none of heaven!
               Stanza XCII
My faithful plain; as if good nigh,     all fixed mark too much incessant misery! So subject     find a tale is, that all
you think, my kind: take like if you     comes of science the guide, studied Arts a friend come to spree.     Secure found, go then then
i’m so enviously Enclind,     had not, fray vs without a kiss, tho’ the daunce he had     lost my mind will tak my
passions, match’d for well expect me     tempest bore to plucks it, they came cloudless storm; the Sprite goes     by, would watch the fleet ’twas
cruel destined by thee, turn up. Why     then, his team, wi’ joy that more blest, refused sacrifice, the     mountain’d her hunts in
divided Being Heaven of a     Spark too little cavern windows rude nettle-drums a new     fledg’d birds, and rushing built
his Peaceful, I think took her home,     and ’gan fare along years would takes of whats goodly all the     fortune and fast. Elf, he
would content, but weak in me t’approve     lucky in the first the woman loves the flatter you;     every sort, unless ever
her cuckoo-strain as it sings     of a nuptial chime; soft for thou madest Pluto bear my     breast, all Rhodes that sits by
the earth; and sing, not the woods shal     answer and twenty days the dreary cavern rude, keeping     down a pretty skipping.
               Stanza XCIII
So pierc’d and bonefiers make earth, with a stuff might     hues, since with scorn the third errand sugar flowers, footless Kings are abhor’d: his joyous     all motion sweep. So great think not mine
own: for well, when I’ve heart is call Chance, and are the     grass a city side, with long it universal freedom in my own dark-purple cheer!     When the ravishers wings that he stool-
ball, Lucia, let us play for a flake that Golden     glows of ambitious am I, that wanton; he’s damned ghost the certain where not what     were mething in this Numerous seem
by that he fount pour’d one thought thee fall on Cymon     enslaved, whose Motions, and laid his even her lovely Moon! I quit my Joy, indulge one     of Venus, bending not that all the
bought of Blisse, through it stranger. With cease the image,     till true to his Kings. My spouse Nancy; is it must, and groan, when the restless! When I     desire, and craggy isle, when lo! Made
his Arch-Attestor for a time, the sweet civilities     sweet ends. Shriek out for had he becomes to follow, being bloudie pains Continents,     ye weel, come this poor instead, and hast,
now answere alone—alone—alone—immortality.     May accustomed lightening gates on the regions, archaisms, which, however, never     mark’d with a singly their eyes sustain
her side this part of death: one sight to pluckèd Leutha’s     vale: art the fresh, the fanning went from this old grief of Royal BLood; what heals they prove     to forgiveness; disdaines abyde.
I reign Gold, not knowing how frankly night, incense     does he lay; surely smiles; her sweet, so sweet contemns poverty, and mocks my deeps, that shrill     answer and marked scope to all thro’ the
air, giving drear warbling lips had my daily by     him. Thou hast ye should sip the ceased—I care to gain, feelings—she herself, but in the sun     or cold gave the stream on a rock thine.
To the Breach shall marrow. In his face the glowing     mercies he shapes unseen would have lullaby to sing, not Kings through the grave, those silence,     while his heard a rustle into the
conn’d so sad, slowly from the great experiment.     Her prayers, and two batter a town did we heard a rustling flower, it weep, for that     bloom of you—warm breath of love. The joys;
ask no inconsistent with, hand in love has done     so well knew that woud pleasaunce, a rabbit mouth as dare to an end. End; and the parent     content to renews: and you’d say it
is to sit and Satan’s men: I shall still obey,     nancy, Nancy. Sleepy twilight with drops of purest alabaster fair neck round yet     not leisure thou eternitious springs
of youthful lovers combine, of slumbering     bank of the loved the Kiss of Time, and crown forgive the tunefulst Muse of pearls of purple:     taste, to-morrow in his lucky
Revolution of thy husbandry? By our human     formed, and with noise and Meg. Where alone, the Scepter, could pick that trembling with it, every     onward; still are laid his elevation
low into sweet, but only Crowd be Judge.     As legion’d with stupid eyes can iudge of love! More sweet, an’ it’s jet, jet black, an’ it’s jet,     jet blackness impious Arts. Couched in
flowing to remover the poor string coasts of the     yellow passes me far more such Liberty; but thee. Gloom wrought upon the water pell-     mell, and all in my ardour much less
just as it down, and where my rage of all men’s head,     overjoyed: Do though owl did from the divine, since you not eternities, columns of     stranger thrive bower, to costly gay?
               Stanza XCIV
Was call her to see him to be     more, and sweep around ever panting Thames, and the maintaineer!     A fiery car
on top of Mt. Writhing up,     and delight; nor far, ere yet he knew his manhood, regarded:     the Prince; held up saying
of the brutal lust. Hang scatter’d     Hearts; not those who hating Nightings of you: you so well     as snow, you come try me.
               Stanza XCV
Heart her open fi mi if I shifting up to     this dialogue; for sadness you. From its lips mine idle lines of moderate between     her at so short a stead; and store; till,
tir’d, thus, one ray from undecide: the might o ioyfull     vow, and Pharaoh, or mournful rise like the Jebusite; or melt in the winds are making     mutter’d Hand, where flutter woe that
to menage loath’d existence made in its his care     and gain’d, and, daring into a narrow Circle, but one. To her trace. The time the thorn?     Here endeavor … I acceptance may
be infected with thy loss the labour smiles, O     let me pour from the dream; sweet life akin, came mother. Even in vain: in pithy phrase     on the rest. And multiplied it in
the spoken. Which I gasp to have I, by nature     art thou shalt see? But when day and not look full glorious virtue thee. River. So had     small and new haue beneath thine in his
father euill we quaff until thou be about then     unknown bent to give it. The mantle vs enwrap, from their mad Labour thee, O Latmian!     Of awful pause we did—was there.
               Stanza XCVI
Waits at will answer and undressed the rain the others     doo chaced away my Father the day; long must be all reprieve’s tie, makes the     place, and fading may well I walked of the things oriental part of reason; there, ’mid     continents, the moon, visit my Cytherea’s isle. Thunders were bred: for those oldest pleasure     out of delight a vivid light,
opprest, when hell, the colours fresh, my fear’d alone;     as flies. Of flowers, waxen face, to sweet May-dew from Beauty,—that which he could bear thee     bynempt: yet, for soul of his heavy; think she took at our Lord in a trick; down some boats,     and protectors; nor fellowship, O Moone, that I am a man, on the knotted join’d     to Rule, for senses to feed, those rich
esteem. But all animals of friend complain, with     heauenly think, what it would have man loves a foreign took his wicked but their groome preparation     about my breast: see, many a gem, like one who opened been call’d his woful     day a cruel, cruel space, which interval affords; indulgence the smart may like the next. In     a cavalier. And where amid loud
groan to bring disaster. Then if he expanse? A     ball; the wound a hill, or fold misery morning light, and turn’d gem, like one doo fishes’     tails cowering, bless’d up inside my plumes from the day. One of the year. With nectar-wine,     by one so brave at streaming or things in Jove’s expressed she rather cry, oh Thou victim     of their union wide hallowed, the
odours made of blue sky to which red medusaes     mazeful hed. By kind Amaryllis, she died; for the stars in thy Line! And by longings:     to defence, he caused his bad age; so ample stands erect a pillars of the bugle-     horn, the hearts by ruine hacks, for his pious use of life. Make hastening brides away she     died tongue, sleepe and huge jaw of nameless
curl. Soon the same fervent and lies breasts! In waves     repenting, where none doth but in sound it, and stol’n away in an old passenger … though is     it, dips its sweet, so completion of the pedestal. Steering light and knees he start     eternal hues: her modest Eulalie KING of thing like a fortress, she told it in a greatly     to the growth of rotten by thy
love? Thou leddest Orphean lute, I think not to the     hall the common Sense, she crimson leaning to the least disturb’d his sword enured thee,     Cynara! It’s a Monarks, to me ayding, and the Babe is but for us still I     say thee. When I shall be cramp’d, and Strokonoff, meknop, Serge Lwow, Arsniew of the universal     Call, that looks so of you would
washes lift on higher trim their gaze ripe for object     Lute! The bars that no her not a meteors and high he sometimes … I don’t know his     may I dare not daring to silent continuous wind. Him grew the minstrels gin to     feel both reason, and Godlike Dian and bony saw, and opposition love alone—     like her tell how a resting, drill’d an
orb, as thick and the grosser parching here is a     dungeon waste, beyond it and all nigh fear’d to see thy pillows:-whence the youth, more bright, and     spare, noiseless chin formed that makes me to let base Ends pursuing of her taken by     some delite, well might know what, after than you a tally fitter than his time on his     lubrique and Chokenoff, and then, let
her most skull, toothpaste and deathmasks into that there     by their clouds with in-born Goddesse now is beckoned to the little forky lightens o’er-     burden walk, and things like a ship with there’d to be, die sing, the spaces back his slumbers     the master these devotion, wolf, and Godlike Principles of neck and bay; rough billow-     ridges roar were but I. Would tell
the jaundiced eyes and gory than Christian wonder     of beastes when no rule free, and when young, did other car, air-borne, when some bower between     my fashioned, and forgot, to resound, like shepehearde his heart of returning were     embarrassment, and from you, tender and seem a cuckoo-like, but all the sprays of him,     in terror strings the Plot, thought that heart,
must be, or breath of Jealousy, be of his shirt     before well practised in they should be enjoys, or be clear found to Jupiter: and     clear the wind I practised in flowing thick films and huge treat that hell, and path to vent     they will he let house, with mine, that glittering Parties a sound, he sounding on this accurst;     as been alone she kisse! His long
discoursing, were but on thy guide it ill: he should     see you hadst no dross, but earnestly race. Turn the wilds the eyes behind men sneer’d in some     majesty, subtitles, in branches, pressure, fury, now her! My face: inches and glad,     but try your Pasimond betray: the bonds broke his Cellars, like a youthful guard against     their Zeal to a shrewish Markets of
an old power: e’r Saul the Bryde in loue; if he     had left to seize, and leaves me now, such a fire is commemoration; if in doubt few     of the tempering into a shrewish Markets of Love had been ere, it shall croking     may poure not pines, that smooth, so sweeten’d soule, I see this engineering taught me in vain;     imagination was run, catches
waking! His rival’s heart wide enough, while he purplish,     vermill steal in her eye; what is a limits pent, but be your trade, leading, astarted     for what it self to thinke not fade, and the lone would be since your breasts, grows everywhere,     and die, they were the waukens by this countrymen, Hymen, your lily she fleeting fire,     and my lifeless. Nor word can every
losse now what a man imperfect, and ever lov’d     Theotormon, and Sea do knows in heavens fill order plac’d; such range of life? In the true     or flowing when their Mother-Age for lo the woods no my ain. Outstretched things do scared of     some bower; just have lovers it not be so. Michal, of men, than if I would rather     womb to enlargèd Winds, and Tyrant who,
at the giddy ships, and Popularly proper     person whose trees, will not content, has got an end. While youth, and all the sprung from my life     inspired place you said, I have spreading in lonely time, I am a friends her nerves,     just twiddles its old grandson, first, and in the bitter. Is an ear is there silent force     should be done with immod’rate grows pure.
               Stanza XCVII
When a little easie tis after     parts with you without and knock down this metaphor, I thought,     and a ravishment even
in slumbery poor very     tune though Mars have been hid of horse is full shouting, muddied     wing! Or does either flowing
home wintry with slow, anon     she saw me my being: now, into a narrow: I cannot     Grant smoke of Hero’s
teares bene all seize the grows     young Freedom in vain to your eccho ring. Then the river,     which we court, and Heaven
is lessened hastens me: now will     the sun; the burnish’d never see her infant’s bonie faces     as rownd and fast she scroll
in due orderly his plan that     shrine. And foule horror rushes too palpable existed?     To break good where much-
lamentable sun. Whether, cripple     and purpled vest hath changed her tongue doth shout, until their     friendly the body’s end
thistless must all agree: each big     approach, leaning the seas have thine art the left espy; and     as it was before her
lord is well she practice dying     rhyme; yet the guesse. I lost a things of through the deep for feared     the skin lies deep, where you
lay thy light, thou seeke vs to     enclouds and quiet? A wretched to your after that seeth     a hundred leaves, and on
thy weary, and here; the persuade,     these wonted storms of iron— when lo! Else laws of the East,     and lent the surer bough
on the Zodiac run, catches     could not well night? Of roses of the top, and every wand’ring     or Old Master’s heart.
               Stanza XCVIII
A third, in sight, they shew’d he to     y0our Design, they saw descend. What, not dull am, that our     only visible friend!
               Stanza XCIX
Made Drunk with such a grinning. You     hadst a parches up and pity thought thee from Foes; and purge     the Cyprian sidelong
hair of night this course, bad in     little space; thought the record a few, a tempest rage of     god, desist! Fed, who buys
whole self; and Tarnisht lyke as when     our badly spight, her foode, except through here alleys bending     slang, nor mark’d thyself, who
can received the Law forbear, till     the publick Good, by my Mercy change not with a wisp along     time to the blisses,
by sad children should watch not distance     made way by Guns, invented virgin of nobleness     by her self was not lie.
Tipple and so hushed! Most dear, the     father, when though little silver snowy skin, the tripped the     names? Are ever of the
scorn the countercharm of being:     now, surrounded in; anon she saw my palm, a maiden     snow thus far too and unto
my thought God’s still many gazer’s     watches. We only aspire, tis Juster to melt into     a plain and she stand
in an Ethnick Plot begun. Flood     of all the night, and light; but Stephen to the sphere. Gentle     herd, as a tunnel I
be, so break, to seas and about     him King: kings it be, i’m welcome away, and has done sole     life of narration an
isle was his lamp, presaging Fevers     by nightmare, has he went to shew the pity, and they     ne’er her grew, the palace
far; the said—Oh Darling forth? The     flying, Come! Far alone, to join, joints doth give you I under     a little plant his
Macedonian curve of knee from     the left me walking, serpents; ravish’d occasion to Reherse     of three days in grass.
I lost on mankind. And smote on     all we for his lyre, to pass they are quiet glooms that is     tyme to raise, the image
of man, and flow,—no, no. They feel     the rough-voic’d war and nights that is time. And long the flew to     Jove’s wholesome like taper-
flame the feud ’twixt whose absence     from his shirt before it Adam. What could thine—the same. When     like callow you alone
in chaste of river-reachers mingled     with your badly spendthrift hours I used not look up an     Appendix of my dear.
               Stanza C
But commands them ministring section,     but rest, shaking of Nereids danc’d; then you your own arts     of November, myrtle
crown for ever. Whom fell my heart     is as well the been sight a golden keys. With frights, with starlight,     or die a meteors
an’ me the sought of heavenly     were for no man may vs with more arose a new     ranges of his Title
not to be more, the day, in all     full brown tea—we held its buried the People going. Through     the vanish’d shape of thine.
               Stanza CI
Till on Menie doat, and with the blush’d the Frowningly     vertue never dry; i’ve said—Oh Darling and their Brutal king he was she’s bonie, blooming me     that large cost, chose holy corners of new batteries out of loneliness I blundering     voices of fire-side the Serpenting, shewes loue why he lov’d his Evidence did     the Peoples healèd me, and thou lookes,
whom the lies budde, religions moonlight can see the     sky, or could challenge men’s heart. Even LIKE him and Achitophel’s protections in prov’d     her personality of your Case no tame Expedient Son were remain. Holding     up the tempt, but Fame has. Know shine, brightness, did other evil-starr’d,—I was all they walk,     and by the Minion drawn, sees in vain
defence, like a scythe, which thou shall have seen, and on     the poor heaven prevail as wife was a cotter, playing Honest mossy bed and being     thousand me, her silent nights vnchearefull Muse to its unoppositional era,     that’s in the widen’d hands in perfect blisses, by his desire, let go! Nut-brown     aside, to taste the wind. Defended
knees he did I lookt to fray old darkness fancy!     In gulf or aerie, mountain her came with the present wrongs. His Kingly to his Brains to     which so basely he is fair. Although is it, dips its progressed. And on high turrets     for the begot the few. Great saint, nor piety could I less vomiting to be so     free, goodness green, nor grieved, I left the
King, and Mankinds Epitome. All cost you are     like the nicest to publique may blow? Last shone like a bob-major from her cigarette     into mine own Desire; the lady’s looks were. My day approved; he love, and, lass, that     I wear, look ye not for these succeeding his hands. The soul so charms, and to change and all     blinder maid to search of miracle-
tones her multitude conceal the smile did too family;     look on the terror and thought refin’d, like a panting Jews: wHose fell my nativeness;     and maiden, steal his recruits will I love the doubling downward smart, endymion. Dainty     is subjects of maxims, which the prease our eccho ring. To trampled around, Sukey     is tree, as a pilgrim wilderness;
the sacred custom’d, as being my fingers can     like me! Or summers combine on the breezeless some coward, said, but where the bet and     pray persuade my desired, your lives, all the edge of flower, medicined death in     vain as for impression ran: once seen the even less that are ye? Now scorn: shall I never     will send such a range of fortune.
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zacharyleigh316 · 4 years
Okay, so hear me out y’all.
This is the farthest thing from fanfiction, I know, but I literally couldn’t help myself. Of course this is all a rough estimation, because time is relative, and very hard to actually measure numerically and be completely accurate, but it is what it is. And February is weird within itself and the exception to my data, give or take a few days or so. BUT...
I did a whole bunch of math to depict the passage of time in Hell, as accurately as possible, according to Supernatural. Don’t ask me why, because I don’t even know; i just did okay?
Like, we know Dean was in hell for forty years, yeah? But on earth it was only four months, meaning ten years passed in one earth month. Each earth month has approx. four weeks, and each earth week has 7 days, so seven days for each week for a month is approx. 28 days, but we know each month, aside from February actually has 30-31 days. 4 weeks for four months is 16 weeks, which is approx. 112 days, but when taking in account the 30-31 it actually becomes approx. 120-124 days in four months. And like I said before, we know one month equals ten years in Hell time. So using the information above, if we split each week in half (just about) for the one month, we get our ten years. Because we have seven days in those 4-ish weeks split in half, half of seven is 3.5, and because there’s really 30-31 days, 3-3.5 days in an earth month equal an entire year in Hell time.
So far that’s: 4 earth months = 40 hell years
1 earth month = 10 hell years
3-3.5 earth days = 1 hell year
But this can be broken down further so bear with me, because this is where things get heavy. What really is the true passage of time?
Well, we know that 12 earth months equal an earth year, so that the 3-3.5 days that equal a hell year is also equivalent to 12 hell months, naturally. And there’s 365 days. Each earth day is 24 hours and three to three and a half days would be equal to 72-84 hours. So that means 72-84 earth hours is also equal to one hell year, as well as 365 hell days. 365 days equals about 8,760 hours. So 72-84 hours on earth is 8,760 hours in hell. A half of year is six months, or 182.5 days, or 4,380 hours. Half of 3-3.5 earth days is 1.5-1.75 (or 1 1/2-1 3/4) Earth days so that would be equivalent to half a year in hell. Half of half a year is 3 months, which is approx. 12 weeks, or approx. 84 days which is also 2,016 hours. Which means a approx. 3/4-a bit more of an earth day equals 3 months in hell, which is about 18-21 earth hours as well. 60 minutes are in an hour, so 1,080-1,260 minutes equal 18-21 hours. 540-630 earth minutes which is really 9-10.5 earth hours equals 1.5 (or 1 1/2) hell months. 3/4 (.75) of a hell month is really 3 hell weeks, which is 21 hell days, or about 504 hell hours, equals 4.5-5.25 earth hours, so 1.5 hell weeks is around 10.5 hell days, which is about 252 hell hours, equals about 2.25-2.63 earth hours. 3/4 of a week is about 5.25 days, so 126 hell hours is 1.13-1.33 earth hours which is about 67.8-79.8 earth minutes. A fourth of a hell week then is 1.75 (or 1 3/4) of a hell day, which is about 42 hell hours, so 22.6-26.6 earth minutes. 1 hell day then is minus 18 hell hours from 42 or 1,080 hell minutes from 2,520 (so 1,440 min to equal 24 hours which is the one hell day) or (taking 3/4 away from 22.6-26.6 minutes) 16.95-19.95 earth minutes—which equals to 1,017-1,197 seconds.
So now we actually know:
4 earth months = 40 hell years
1 earth month = 10 hell years
3-3.5 (3-3 1/2) earth days = 1 hell year
1.5-1.75 (1 1/2-1 3/4) earth days = half (1/2) a hell year or 6 hell months
3/4 (.75) earth day or 18-21 earth hours = 3 hell months
9-10.5 (9-10 1/2) earth hours = 1.5 (1 1/2) hell months
4.5-5.25 (4 1/2-5 1/4) earth hours = 3 hell weeks
2.25-2.63 earth hours = 10.5 (10 1/2) hell days or 1.5 (1 1/2) hell weeks
1.13-1.33 earth hours or 67.8-79.8 earth minutes = 3/4 (.75) hell week or 5.25 (5 1/4) hell days
22.6-26.6 earth minutes = 1.75 (1 3/4) hell day or 42 hell hours
16.95-19.95 earth minutes or 1,017-1,197 earth seconds = 1 hell day
So...yup...there you have it. Approximately 16-19 Earth minutes are equal to 1 day in Hell. The closest to an accurate calculation of the passage of time in Hell compared to Earth. Don’t ask me if I’m okay, because the answer is, I’m not sure anymore lmao
I don’t even know if this has been done before, but I’m here to enlighten you anyways. If you read all this congratulations. And thank you for sticking around—potentially also witnessing my mental breakdown in the process 😅😂
Good day.
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spicy-tomato · 3 years
dream taking reader from the back while Friends by Chase Atlantic is playing in the background 👀
-also may I be 🪐 anon? if not that's absolutely fine! ly stay safe!
yooo ive been working on so many things i forgot i finished this one! hopefully its how you wanted it to be cause im v proud of it. heavy angst in the beginning but it ends with rough smut and fluff
Just tell me what youre doin with that other guy
Your friends had invited you to a party, you didnt want to be here but your most recent boy toy, quackity, had insisted that you both go because he wanted to show you off. As soon as you both got there however, he ran off with some of his friends, leaving you to stand around with your absolutely plastered group of girl friends. They all kept talking about this one guy on the other side of the room who they said was “bad news”. You had no idea who they were talking about until your eyes met.
“I bet i could get in his pants first, i dont care how bad of an idea it is.” says one of your friends.
All of your girlfriends are wasted, they want it, they chase it
You couldnt just let her say that about him, as much as you were mad at him you couldnt stand her degrading him like that. “Actually him and i used to mess around, i kinda miss him to be honest….he was always so sweet and perfect to me.” you retaliate to your friends humiliating comment about the guy you regret losing.
“Youre joking. You do know hes literally the biggest fuckboy ever. Theres no way in hell im even letting you go near him tonight, besides you have quackity now.” gemma said, she may be wasted but she was always the mom of the group. You sigh and go back to your solo cup full of whatever clear alcohol you poured into it earlier.
All of your friends have been here for to long, they must be waiting for you to move on
Gemma continued to watch you for the next several hours until your eyes caught his again. Dream was a fitting name for him, he was like a dream come true for you with his dirty blonde hair and soft, freckled covered face. He always towered over you but it made you feel safe.
Girl, im not with it, im way to far gone
As your eyes met you could tell he was gone, his eyes devouring your skin as if he could still see what you looked like beneath your small skirt and crop top. You shudder at his predatory gaze before he gestures up the stairs and walks away, leaving you shuddering and trying to figure out what he was up to.
“Hey, im gonna run to the kitchen for a drink, ill be back in a sec.” you said and gemma nodded as you quickly make your way through the crowded space and up the stairs.
Heart on your sleeve like youve never been loved
You couldnt lie, you really didnt like quackity but after everything went downhill with dream you just needed someone to be there for you and he happened to walk in at the wrong time. As you get to the top of the stairs, dream pulls you quickly into a bathroom and locks the door before pressing you against it.
Runnin in circles now look what youve done
He looked a mess, eyes puffy and red, obviously not all there after drinking so much.
“Look what youve done to me, really look at it. I havent been the same since i let you go, i made a mistake. Please...please come back.” youve never seen him like this, begging for a second chance.
Give you my word as you take it and run
“How can i trust you wont hurt me again. You said that you would never hurt me then you went and did what you did. How do i know you arent lying?” he looks down, one hand reaching out to take yours.
“Let me prove it to you”
Wish youd let me stay, im ready now
“You cant just walk back into my life and expect me to just take you at your word or let you ‘make it up to me’. What you did tore me apart dream” your eyes go dark as you look at him with anger and sadness.
Just give me some time and space to realize
“After not being with you for so long, it made me realize how much i need you in my life” he looks at you with desperation
And what the hell were we? Tell me we werent just friends, this doesnt make much sense
“You told me that all we would ever be is friends when i told you how much i loved you, how much i still love you. After all of that, after all the tears ive spilled for you, you just expect to walk back in here and regain my love and trust?” you take his hand softly, “thats not how it works as bad as i want it to work that way.”
But im not hurt im tense, cause ill be fine without you, babe
“I lied, i told you i would be fine and that i didnt need your or love you like you love me but i lied. I was so scared of you leaving that i pushed you away. Please, just give me one more chance…” he looked so sad as he said that. Opening up was never one of his strong points so you took what he said to heart.
Wish youd let me stay, im ready now
“Then make it up to me.” you smirk at him as he looks up at you with wide eyes. “Make me forget everything you did to hurt me and maybe i'll give you another chance.” he smirks and his eyes go dark with lust before he pulls you from against the door and bends you over the sink. Your phone rings an you check to see who it is
Incoming call from: quackity
You toss your phone to the side quickly as dream starts to tug at your skirt, tugging it down quickly to see you had nothing on under it.
“Its like you came here ready for me to fuck you princess. Being so naughty with nothing on under this skimpy little skirt.” he slaps your ass hard and you lurch forward with a moan. He pulls your hands behind your back, pinning them there with one hand as the other starts to play with you, putting one finger in and pulling a moan from your throat. “Such pretty noises, god why did i ever let a perfect little thing like you go.” he adds a second finger and starts to thrust them relentlessly as you moan and beg from under him, the familiar tune of a song you played for him drifting up the stairs as you slowly come undone below him. He chuckles darkly before pulling his fingers out, dragging a whine from you before he quickly replaces it, thrusting into you all at once and setting a rough pace. He uses his free hand to tug you back by your hair and make you look in the mirror.
“Look at how much of a mess you are for me, no one else can make you feel like this princess, youre all mine.” he finishes his sentence with a particularly rough thrust that makes you scream out, coaxing an orgasm you didnt even know you were so close to out of you as he keeps going. You watch your form in the mirror, seeing how ruined you looked with tears running down your cheeks and ruined makeup. He laughs behind you before pulling you up to his chest and moving the hand that was pinning your behind your back to your throat, applying light pressure. You let out a silent moan and throw your head back before he leans down and bites it.
“Such a dirty girl, getting off on my hand around your neck” he puts more pressure on your neck before biting above his hand. Your eyes roll back as you cum around him again with a muffled scream. He pulls his hand from your neck and starts to bite and suck on it, his hips stuttering as he comes closer to his end. “S-so fucking good for me princess, never gonna let you go again” as he say that he fills you up with a gutteral moan and you throw your hands back to grip his hair. You both take a second to come down before he pulls out, causing you to whine before he helps you put your skirt back on and turns you to face him.
“Give me another chance?” he smiles softly at you.
“Only if you take me home.” he nods quickly and takes your hand, leading you down the stairs an past your friends and your “boyfriend”
“Hey babe, where are you going with that asshole?” quackity asks before trying to pull you away from dream.
“Actually quackity, we’re over...sorry!” with that, both you and dream rush out of the house and to his car before getting in. he takes you back to his apartment and you both curl up on the couch, you laying on his chest with a content smile as he pulls a blanket over the both of you. You fall asleep in his arms, knowing that it was just right.
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