#ive played shooter games almost my whole life
godowoken · 2 years
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smokeybrandreviews · 3 years
Going Native
Resident Evil Village is going to drop soon and, while i adore the RE franchise, I'm not going to partake in it just yet. Mostly because i don’t have a PS5 to properly indulge in all of it’s glory but moreso because i f*cking hate first person shooters. Always have, always will. They’re crazy disorienting and take me out of the immersion. There are a few exceptions but only because i don’t actually play any of them. I watch them being played, which is here this come in. RE VIII has been one of the best titles to actually see played, most because i f*cking love this story. Game play stuff is also an upgrade over the previous title, cribbing a great deal from RE IV, everyone’s favorite but mine, so i can see this game doing gangbusters. Also, it’s f*cking gorgeous. Like, this thing pushes the RE Engine to the extreme and it looks beautiful for it. But, like i said before, I'm a narrative guy so let’s get into that.
Resident Evil Village is a direct continuation of Resident Evil VII Biohazard. It stare Ethan Winters, protagonist from the previous title, on a whole new, even more f*cked up, misadventure through some really ridiculous f*ck circumstances. This asshole apparently married his admitted terrorist wife, Mia, and sired a baby named Rose. We open this game seeing their happy little family, with Mia reading an incredibly inappropriate bed time story to her infant, while being even more inappropriate about Ethan witnessing her cooking. What the f*ck is THAT about? All of a sudden, Chris Redfield unloads on the house, downing Mia and putting Ethan on his ass, before double-tapping his wife and stealing his kid. Ethan wakes up in the middle of vaguely European village of f*cking Lycans, and the game begins in kind. That’s about as far as i am going to get into the plot because, spoilers, but it’s enough to set the stage for the absolute sh*tshow Ethan is going to have to maneuver in order to save his kid and his own f*cking life.
Admittedly, I'm not a fan of Ethan as a protagonist. I came up on classic Biohazard so characters like Leon S. Kennedy, Claire Redfield, Jill Valentine, and Chris Redfield, are kind of my go-to. In fact, my favorite character is actually Claire. he has all the gusto and ingenuity to keep me engaged. Leon is close second and Jill shines bright in III. Never really got behind Chris all that much and V did nothing to help that but I'd take him over Ethan any day of that week. That said, as far as overall narrative arc, it’s hard to argue that Ethan is far more the complete character. In two games, we have almost the entire development it took literal decades for the others to reach. VIII goes a long way to making Ethan feel like a whole character, an actual person, than any other single entry gas, for the rest of the RE protagonists. I still think he’s kind of a wooden plank but i have to concede dude is far more compelling that Chris has been in years.
What is a Resident Evil game without monsters? Listen, i love the human charterers to varying degrees but my absolute favorite thing about Resident Evil, is f*cking G. G is everything to me but, i must say, Lady Dimitrescu is fast approaching that pedestal. Alcina is one of the most terrifying villains I've seen in these games. She could legitimately give REmake Mr. X a run for her money, Chick is THAT stressful but she’s just one of several. Heisenberg, Mother Miranda, Moreau, The Hag, and so many more, add a certain flair, a certain credibility to Ethan’s forthcoming trilogy, than just  Eveline and some f*cking Molded. Resident Evil VII as very obviously an expanded tech demo for the games that came after but VIII is definitely the pinnacle of that type of design.
Overall, from what I've seen of Resident Evil Village, this thing is contender for one of the best in the entire franchise. It’s definitely leaning into more action oriented playthrough, something I'm pretty wary of, but it’s done a decent job of maintaining a balance between the two. Like i said, this feels like IV in all of the ways that are important. It has a merchant an item box, and it’s definitely more run-n-gun. Village has some of the most intricate BOWs and a narrative that really keeps you invested. I don’t like Ethan all that much but i was definitely interested in what the f8ck as going on, overall. I still personally believe that II is the best of the franchise but i can see people making a strong argument for Village. It did not disappoint me and i haven’t even payed. Yet. Definitely on my list for the PS5 library and it’s an FPS. That, alone, speaks volumes to the quality of this title.
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ask-the-clergy-bc · 4 years
Do any of the Papas and Copia (Popia? How do we refer to him now?!) play Animal Crossing, and if so what are their towns and play styles like?
I still love the name ‘Popia’! XD
Also, two of my greatest loves! Animal Crossing and Ghost! <3 Hope you enjoy!
Papas + Copia playing Animal Crossing
Papa Nihil: Never got into video games- even when they were brand new. He’s played his fair share of Asteroids and Pong, but didn’t really see the appeal past social bonding. Animal Crossing is easy enough for him to understand and control! Luckily someone downloaded Pocket Camp for him, as it’s the only one he will play. Nihil is so charmed by the cute characters and how easy going it is. Sometimes it’s a little too saccharine and childish for him- but it’s delightful and helps him relax. 
Nihil doesn’t play often, but it’s something he can do when he’s particularly bored or needs something to focus on. His pocket camp is pretty average, if not littered with very expensive special items (you know he’s casually dropped $50 to get the fortune cookies he wants!) All of his campers are incredibly happy- and he has a ton of friends on his list. Also does all the events and is very pleased to display and show off any trophy items! 
Papa I: Unintentionally the winner of Competitive Animal Crossing. Papa picks up video games once in a while when he has time- he thinks they are modern wonders of story telling and symbolism. He already has a penchant for JRPGs and any open world gaming. He’s the type of person who does all of the side quests on a video game, get perfect scores, and knows how to get the best armor and skill tree combos. Animal Crossing has always been a chill break for him. 
Almost immediate five star island on New Horizons. His entire island is almost a DIY perfect copy of his home cathedral. Even the villagers have all taken clergy uniform designs he meticulously recreated in the Able Sister’s shop. Has gold roses but prefers the black ones. His island is definitely one of those incredibly detailed and styled ones that barely look like an animal crossing one anymore. Sometimes he grumps at the fact you can’t switch colors or the layout of the NPC shops and areas. They break the flow of his island! Once he gets his museum full, all his debts paid, and everything 100% he’s a bit bored of the game and moves onto the next one. 
Papa II: Not the biggest on softer video games, or most games in general. Papa has always been a man who prefers cards or some type of board game- something he can do with others and be more entertained. But he’s not entirely opposed to playing a bit just to see what the hype is about! Video games have just never been his style even if he can appreciate the technology advances from when he was a young man. He’s picked up a few different systems, mostly at the encouragement of his brothers and tried to play. He’s pretty decent at puzzle games and some shooters, believe it or not. 
Animal Crossing is something Papa appreciates for being super calming, but he does not like the cutsey style of it. Papa likes that there is so much small stuff you could do, but whenever he plays he just feels like he could be doing it in real life. Like yes, he can make this immaculately decorated little house on this cute little island... or he could finally buy that vacation home he wanted on a REAL island and decorate it with furniture that isn’t limited to color and style! Now THAT’S fun! Will play Animal Crossing for at least one long flight before shrugging and randomly the entire Switch to a random kid he sees at the airport. 
Papa III: Absolutely a big Animal Crossing fan- believe it or not! He’s not an HUGE gamer by any means, but he loves games when he gets a chance to play them! There was a few times he would sneak off Clergy grounds to go take friends to an Arcade back in the 80′s! Papa always likes to try something new and Animal Crossing was something he picked up when New Leaf came out and he bought a 3DS to help with touring boredom. Papa was immediately smitten with it and thought it was amazing and gushed about everything from the atmosphere to the little characters. The ghouls were definitely sick of hearing Papa figure out all the nice things you can do in video games by the end of it! 
Papa is the type to ALWAYS make your villager look as close to himself as possible (in any game he makes the PC look like him!) With his ACNH Island it is a perfect mix of him. His house is full and upgraded to the best of his ability. He’s got a room for different occasions- decorating a whole closet, sitting room, trophy room, and recreating his personal bedroom. He makes sure all of his villagers love him (and you KNOW for a fact he went out of his way to populate his island with villagers HE likes.) The island itself is beyond 5 stars with an entire garden, stage, fountains, and as many black, gold, and purple flowers you can get! Super extra, and he loves showing it off! Will slap you in person if you pick his flowers without permission.
Cardinal Copia/Papa IV: Actually doesn’t mind playing video games, he just doesn’t have the time for them! Animal Crossing has always been a good series, because you don’t have to sit down and play three hours just to get ahead in a complicated plot to enjoy the game! It’s a nice way for him to unwind. Funnily enough, as skilled as he is with so  many things he is actually very bad at video games. So he’s never gotten into platformers or shooters, or even MMO’s. Visual novels and minecraft/harvestmoon types are far better for him! 
Copia’s Island house would be very modest. He COULD upgrade it and make it super nice like Papa III’s- but he feels like all of his bells should go back into the village. 10/10 the guy who would NEVER sell anything gifted to him by the villagers, and ALWAYS keeps projects or items THEY want on the island. Copia wants all of his cute little animal friends to be happy. At the same time, his Avatar looks exactly like him. He painstakingly recreated his Papal attire and wardrobe for the game. He still wants everyone to know he’s in charge! IT’s honestly endearing when he talks about ‘leading’ the village as well as he does the clergy. 
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smokeybrand · 3 years
Going Native
Resident Evil Village is going to drop soon and, while i adore the RE franchise, I'm not going to partake in it just yet. Mostly because i don’t have a PS5 to properly indulge in all of it’s glory but moreso because i f*cking hate first person shooters. Always have, always will. They’re crazy disorienting and take me out of the immersion. There are a few exceptions but only because i don’t actually play any of them. I watch them being played, which is here this come in. RE VIII has been one of the best titles to actually see played, most because i f*cking love this story. Game play stuff is also an upgrade over the previous title, cribbing a great deal from RE IV, everyone’s favorite but mine, so i can see this game doing gangbusters. Also, it’s f*cking gorgeous. Like, this thing pushes the RE Engine to the extreme and it looks beautiful for it. But, like i said before, I'm a narrative guy so let’s get into that.
Resident Evil Village is a direct continuation of Resident Evil VII Biohazard. It stare Ethan Winters, protagonist from the previous title, on a whole new, even more f*cked up, misadventure through some really ridiculous f*ck circumstances. This asshole apparently married his admitted terrorist wife, Mia, and sired a baby named Rose. We open this game seeing their happy little family, with Mia reading an incredibly inappropriate bed time story to her infant, while being even more inappropriate about Ethan witnessing her cooking. What the f*ck is THAT about? All of a sudden, Chris Redfield unloads on the house, downing Mia and putting Ethan on his ass, before double-tapping his wife and stealing his kid. Ethan wakes up in the middle of vaguely European village of f*cking Lycans, and the game begins in kind. That’s about as far as i am going to get into the plot because, spoilers, but it’s enough to set the stage for the absolute sh*tshow Ethan is going to have to maneuver in order to save his kid and his own f*cking life.
Admittedly, I'm not a fan of Ethan as a protagonist. I came up on classic Biohazard so characters like Leon S. Kennedy, Claire Redfield, Jill Valentine, and Chris Redfield, are kind of my go-to. In fact, my favorite character is actually Claire. he has all the gusto and ingenuity to keep me engaged. Leon is close second and Jill shines bright in III. Never really got behind Chris all that much and V did nothing to help that but I'd take him over Ethan any day of that week. That said, as far as overall narrative arc, it’s hard to argue that Ethan is far more the complete character. In two games, we have almost the entire development it took literal decades for the others to reach. VIII goes a long way to making Ethan feel like a whole character, an actual person, than any other single entry gas, for the rest of the RE protagonists. I still think he’s kind of a wooden plank but i have to concede dude is far more compelling that Chris has been in years.
What is a Resident Evil game without monsters? Listen, i love the human charterers to varying degrees but my absolute favorite thing about Resident Evil, is f*cking G. G is everything to me but, i must say, Lady Dimitrescu is fast approaching that pedestal. Alcina is one of the most terrifying villains I've seen in these games. She could legitimately give REmake Mr. X a run for her money, Chick is THAT stressful but she’s just one of several. Heisenberg, Mother Miranda, Moreau, The Hag, and so many more, add a certain flair, a certain credibility to Ethan’s forthcoming trilogy, than just  Eveline and some f*cking Molded. Resident Evil VII as very obviously an expanded tech demo for the games that came after but VIII is definitely the pinnacle of that type of design.
Overall, from what I've seen of Resident Evil Village, this thing is contender for one of the best in the entire franchise. It’s definitely leaning into more action oriented playthrough, something I'm pretty wary of, but it’s done a decent job of maintaining a balance between the two. Like i said, this feels like IV in all of the ways that are important. It has a merchant an item box, and it’s definitely more run-n-gun. Village has some of the most intricate BOWs and a narrative that really keeps you invested. I don’t like Ethan all that much but i was definitely interested in what the f8ck as going on, overall. I still personally believe that II is the best of the franchise but i can see people making a strong argument for Village. It did not disappoint me and i haven’t even payed. Yet. Definitely on my list for the PS5 library and it’s an FPS. That, alone, speaks volumes to the quality of this title.
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raven-wraith · 4 years
A Completely Subjective (Objective) List of Titles to Examine (Purchase), Play Through (Waste Your Life), and Enjoy (Enjoy) During Quarantine (Part 1)
We know what’s happening. It’s April 1st, but the joke has been going on for far too long. Trapped in our homes with Covid-19 actively shooting people in the streets outside, we have to find a way to pass the time. As an avid gamer and professional uncooked cookie dough eater, I have compiled a list of games, both multiplayer and singleplayer that anyone and everyone should play for an enthralling experience. These games range from the newest releases to golden classics, so be warned if, I don’t know, Halo Reach appears. By the way, Halo Reach is appearing.
Single Player Games:
Darkest Dungeon
As our first game on the list, I can only reserve it for the front so at least all of you that don’t read the whole list know about this game. On the surface, Darkest Dungeon looks to be another turn-based, number-crunching, party-building slaughter fest. That’s because it is. But, at the same time, it is so much more than that. Past the Steam reviews that just say, “This game is hard,” or “This game is dope,” nothing can even explain the absolute depth that Darkest Dungeon has to offer.
Red Hook and Klei Entertainment take a unique approach to party building and world crafting. While usual party crafter games like Final Fantasy drive their quests and dialogue to carry the story, it is far more subtle but interesting in the way it is told through Darkest Dungeon. In fact, it is so subtle, that by the time my girlfriend and I had beaten the game and watched the last few moments of the last cutscenes, I didn’t even realize I was, in fact, making all of those decisions and choices to shape the story as it was told. 
Darkest Dungeon revolves around making smart but very hard choices that cannot be delayed for later. The greatest part is that these choices are not presented to you in the usual press-one-of-two-buttons-for-a-different-ending format that games of choice are so used to giving. Instead, it is on a far more personal level. Choices like thinking of inventory space for gold or supplies, whether or not to starve the party for just one more room to rest at a fire, who will be drinking and who will be gambling to forget about the horrors of the quests they’ve had to endure. 
The greatest part is that the game even embellished the idea of loss after choice, emphasizing to not be torn up over a stressful situation, a difficult obstacle, or even a hero’s death because the game still has so much to go, there is no time to cry like a bitch, There is only time to look forward and time to still cry like a bitch. 
I recommend this title to anyone who enjoys perfect indie games(1), those that really break through the barrier of creativity and deliver a totally unique experience.
DOOM (2016)
Doom. Baby, holy SHIT. I was reading a thread where a user simply put that “Doom is the only game where the boss music is for you.” And never in my life have I agreed so much with one singular sentence. The first entry in the Doom rebooted series is beyond comprehending complex stories and intensive strategy. Instead, it emphasizes brutal encounters and visceral gameplay mechanics.
Id has outdone themselves with this title. While the Wolfenstein games from MachineGames have been refreshing, none of them have even come close to touching the near cathartic execution of this game. Doom is a game that is centered around moving fast and hitting hard. Your character, the Doom Slayer (or Doom Guy), is not hindered by the multitude of weapons they carry. He is also an armored definition of brute force. Not a single word leaves our protagonist's mouth, but his actions speak volumes and his purpose in the game is clear right from the beginning. Rip and tear. In that order.
A first person shooter that doesn’t hold back, I was surprised to see lots of mechanics and gameplay choices from the very first Doom had made a return. Ammo and health pickups, rooms filled to the brim with demons to slaughter, and an unforgettable soundtrack produced by Mick Gordon that even pays homage to the original’s. These are the cornerstones of Doom (2016) and I wholeheartedly recommend this to gamers who don’t even enjoy first person shooters as there comes a point in the chaos where it is almost calming for the player. 
Infamous Second Son
From the very first time I could even have a conscious thought, I wanted a game where I could not only be a superhero, but I could be a superhero voiced by Troy Baker. When I saw that we were in no shortage of games like that(2), I asked again, but this time specifying that I wanted a kick-ass superhero game where I would inevitably be voiced by Troy Baker. That is when Infamous Second Son was announced in 2013 and my infant child teenage brain literally melted. 
Infamous Second Son released only a few months after the PS4 dropped, showing off it’s specifications and hardware to such a grand degree, I still know the very grains of sand that rendered it on the beach of Seattle. The game is exactly how I’ve asked. A superhero story of a kid that uses his powers to fight an evil villain. As the villain explains their goals and the hero becomes stronger and more powerful, Seattle only becomes that much more of a diverse playground to fly around, jump and punch, and at one point even start to level whole buildings.
Being the powerful hero only gets more fun as the game progresses as the number of abilities expand from simple smoke tricks to straight up lazers. Delsin, our main character, is also clever, witty, and likeable. I can only emphasize his features in the PS4’s rendering technologies, but you just have to play it yourself.
The game also includes moral choices. While these choices are far more linear to be bad or good, the outcomes are not only very different, but the entire balance of gameplay changes as morally exclusive powers are unlocked for your character. This game demands you play it over again just to see how the other missions, powers, and endings even feel, let alone look. A memorable title, I would recommend this to anyone with a PS4, 100%
Salt & Sanctuary
Now before we go off the deep end, I am going to stomp all questions and rumors now. Yes, this is a difficult game. Yes, it has no online support but can still be 2-player couch co-op. Yes, it is made by two people, husband and wife. Now before we turn away, I would like to share that Salt & Sanctuary is the very testament that hand-crafted games from independent companies will always be in competition with AAA titles. 
The game has a massive world, sprawling with bosses and enemies that are never the same throughout the whole game. The enemies, almost immediately, take the spotlight for me, tied only to the landscapes. You go from fighting hatchet throwing bandits to fighting golems the size of buildings only one area apart. If Pyramid Head from the Silent Hill series and Mr. Krabs had a baby, it's an enemy. There are flying gremlins, evil pirates, Cthulhu daemons, skeleton wizards, lightning-breathing parrot lizards, unicorns (fuck those guys by the way), a demonic fart, short jesters, tall jesters, and more crazy amalgamations of pain. 
The design of the world is to behold. It is apparent that inspiration from other titles that loop back on each other are apparent here. Things like the first Dark Souls come to mind, where the player would loop back to the main hubs by progress and exploration, shortcuts to home could be made. It seems that Salt & Sanctuary takes this on a global level, which is perfectly done. Please, I beg of you, if you find nothing else on this list, get this game.
Marvel’s Spider-Man
Fucking Spider-Man. Be Spider-Man. That’s the game. 10/10.
(1)  *cough* *cough* Castle Crashers *cough* Bloons Tower Defense 4 *cough*
(2)   Batman Arkham Knight as Robin, Resident Evil 6 as Jake, LEGO Batman 2: DC Super Heroes as fucken everyone, Bioshock Infinite as Booker, Injustice: Gods Among Us as I’m realizing that DC might own this guy, Saints Row IV as The President, and more
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almostbiracial · 7 years
update 7?
! okayyy. to start off im doing okay. ive been working and school is almost finished and so far i havent had any suicidal urges since months ago nor have i had those special suicidal thoughts cross my mind when i go places. however, i have been just more manic lately like idk what to do with myself. the closer university approaches the more anxious i am and the more sad i get. the idea that i couldve just went to college and transferred to uni afterwards to save money constantly rolls over in my mind. everytime i ask my coworkers where they go to when i meet them they respond with college and say they will transfer afterwards. i dont know why i felt compelled to go straight through uni despite me being really below average in everything. thats a lie bc i know it has to do with my father and the whole disappointment thing. technically, i couldve taken another year off and reapplied somewhere else and just lived with my uncle but that bothered me bc 1 hes going to ask about my relationships and i dont want one and 2 it just made me angry that i wont be in school for another 2 years. im trying to come to terms with the process of school again and any father related thoughts but i wish i had some guidance. im feeling the need to cry again which i hate bc i dont normally do it and it makes me feel vulnerable. i hope i feel better when i go shopping atleast. next is the problem of free time. in my spare time ive just been sleping which isnt bad persay but like it gets me feeling weird. i want to start playing the ps4 ( or trade it in for a ps4 pro) but i feel like the section is bare :/. i think ill get into more combat/shooter games like destiny and titanfall. i wish there were fun adventure games. i need to workout too but thats for later in uni because although im eating better than i used to im not gaining any mass at all. i have to consult a doctor or something. next is friends. im content with my friend group although we’re all busy like idk when thats not gonna happen seeing as how we’re all going back to school soon. i wish i had more? im not displeased though i love them and wish them the best. but since we’re all broke i guess it makes sense we need to work alot. i need antidepresseats but that requires me consulting a doctor or something. i guess ill do that before school starts up :(. lastly, idk how im going to be able to pay off uni (and consequently med school (haha) if that ever happens). to be honest i just want to work with kids and young adults and offer support or something that i never had fully. the stress to get some 100k+ job is far too much and im content living in an apartment with my adopted pets. i do want kids though but i dont think a relationship is for me. i dont want to wake up to someone that doesnt love me anymore or is willing to hurt me in any way. if i get through life ill adopt. peace!
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recentanimenews · 8 years
FEATURE: Crunchyroll Favorites 2016, Part Two: Video Games!
From returning classics to the Wii U breathing its last (well, last-ish) to a multiplayer-only shooter absolutely taking over everyone's lives, 2016 was a wild year for video games. Continuing from yesterday's feature, Part Two features CR's staff and contributing writers sharing their favorite gaming experiences of 2016--let's get started!
  NATE MING (@NateMing)
  Overwatch- Not only is Overwatch a fast, bright, and fun multiplayer shooter, but it's made people who otherwise wouldn't play shooters into fans on its style alone. Playing out like an action-packed Saturday morning cartoon, Overwatch's wonderfully diverse and larger-than-life cast has inspired people who don't even play the game, making it go beyond its already-considerable reach as "just" a game.
    Dark Souls III- For me, Dark Souls is the game series that best represents life itself: nothing is easy, everything can come crashing down with one bad decision, but every victory is absolutely worth all the pain. Dark Souls III was like coming back home, only home wants to tear you apart and leave nothing left. Every gorgeous new area, every fearsome new enemy, every horrifying discovery--Dark Souls III is a hell of a ride.
    Street Fighter V- Yeah yeah, no Arcade Mode, I get it. For the people who wanted to step into the arena and see what they were made of (I'm not made of much, by the way), Street Fighter V dialed back the execution-heavy insanity of Street Fighter IV, making the game more accessible to a new audience by making it about matchups and playing the person instead of worrying how tight your quarter-circles were. For all its missteps on the single-player front, SFV made Street Fighter honest again.
    DOOM- In the years since Modern Warfare, it felt like shooters had become too clinical--headshot jousting and drop-shotting had taken away the thing that initially drew me to first-person gameplay decades ago: their rough, literally-in-your-face nature. DOOM drops all pretense with its mandate: RIP AND TEAR. Each fight leaves you nowhere to hide and no time to catch your breath, expecting finesse, knowledge of your terrain, using the right tool for the job, and pure killing efficiency.
    Titanfall 2- Almost on the other side of the coin, Titanfall 2 demands a sense of fluidity and keeping an almost constant state of three-dimensional movement--you're never fighting on a straight line, and it's not about who makes the first move, but who survives the last. Add in the sheer fun of large-scale Titan clashes and you already have a near-perfect game--the excellent Iron Giant and Big Hero 6-like single-player campaign is just icing on the cake.
    Hitman- My favorite stealth series returns to its roots, going episodic and giving you huge playgrounds to stalk. The variety of levels leaves you with plenty of options on how to approach targets, and are already designed so well that Agent 47's base kit is all you really need to take them out. I was worried about the series after Absolution--consider Hitman's sins absolved.
    Mother Russia Bleeds- Peter and I played through this whole game on stream, and it was one of the best co-op experiences I've had in a long while. Mother Russia Bleeds is rough, difficult, and downright nasty, and it never, ever lets up on you--this is the kind of gaming experience I live for. A twisted sense of humor and a thumping soundtrack only add to one of the year's coolest, meanest games.
    Gears of War 4- I still hold to the belief that Gears of War 3 is a damn-near-perfect shooter, and while the latest game stumbles in some areas, it's still a total blast. A lighter tone, faster gunplay, and some insane setpieces make this feel more like a cover-based Contra, and I couldn't be happier. Even my favorite co-op game type--Horde Mode--gets a major overhaul that really brings teams together.
    That Dragon, Cancer- Media doesn't always have to be fun. If there are sad movies, there certainly can be sad games, and going on this interactive journey of a father's loss is one of the most difficult things I've ever had to willingly go through. Watching Joel--just a boy--steadily grow weaker, and feeling the hopelessness and despair of his parents, and finally coming to terms with it all, is a gaming experience unlike any other for me, and it was 100% worth it.
    Shantae: Half-Genie Hero- WayForward's adorable hair-whipping, transforming, belly-dancing genie came back with another fast-paced, this time much-more-risque adventure. Probably the most tastefully horny platformer I've yet played, Half-Genie Hero had plenty of laugh-out-loud moments in addition to its high-energy platforming and Metroid-like backtracking.
  JOSEPH LUSTER (@Moldilox)
Final Fantasy XV- I can't think of another recent game that had me so skeptical prior to its release, only to have it thoroughly entertain me and kill pretty much all the time I had left. FFXV isn't just a great Final Fantasy game, it's a fantastic role-playing game that really puts an emphasis on the role-playing. From the moment Noctis and his hott boiz put gas in the tank I refused to fast travel, and I couldn't be happier with the results.
    7th Dragon III Code: VFD- If you told me I'd be including THIS on my list of top games of 2016 I'd probably have to stop and ask you what the hell 7th Dragon is. The latest installment of Sega's series launched in Japan in 2015, but didn't make its way to the west until summer of 2016. While we covered it on Crunchyroll News quite a bit leading up to its release, I never thought I'd actually bother playing it. Turns out I would have missed out on one of the most low-key enjoyable dungeon-crawlers of the year. Do yourself a favor and fire this one up on your 3DS once you're done clearing that nasty backlog.
    The Last Guardian- I don't know what to tell you if you didn't expect a Fumito Ueda game to feature a hard-to-control boy and a stubborn NPC. Time will tell how The Last Guardian measures up against Ico and Shadow of the Colossus, but I was thoroughly moved throughout the 8 to 10 hours I spent with Trico. Sure, the cat-bird beast in question will occasionally have you screaming at the screen, but no one builds worlds and develops molasses-thick atmosphere quite like Ueda and co.
  BRITTANY VINCENT (@MolotovCupcake)
Final Fantasy XV- As a lifelong Final Fantasy fan I wasn’t entirely sure I would love this entry, but I came away so appreciative of the new battle system, the “road trip” narrative, and the characters themselves. I greedily lapped up the expansion media like Kingsglaive: Final Fantasy XV and everything that went with it because I just couldn’t get enough of this world. From Cindy to Noctis to the familiar Final Fantasy mainstays peppered throughout, I lost count of everything that made me smile throughout my journey through Eos. I can’t wait to see what the future of Final Fantasy holds.
    World of Final Fantasy- If Final Fantasy XV was all about delivering the most polished narrative it could with all the fixings, World of Final Fantasy was a massive love letter in the vein of Pokemon that combined the best of both worlds. Hardcore fans could appreciate the nuances and cameos of games prior, and newcomers were able to bask in the hilarious writing and heartfelt story. It’s a world I would happily live in, especially when you get to frolic with so many heart-rendingly-cute characters so much of the time.
    Amplitude- The fact that one of my favorite entries in the PlayStation 2’s library was given new life shook me to its core. I’m still annoyed I can’t purchase the banging’ soundtrack, but Harmonix’s updated Amplitude was rebooted with a story, ridiculously awesome new tunes, and graphics that really punched up the synaesthesia factor. It’s like I never stopped playing the original game and just saw the difficulty ramp up a little.
  PETER FOBIAN (@PeterFobian)
The Witcher III: Heart of Stone and Blood and Wine- Irrefutably the best game to come out of 2015, The Witcher III is returning to my list to also take the top spot for 2016. CD Projekt RED has released two major story expansions, Heart of Stone and Blood and Wine which over double the length of the game while providing access to huge new locations with all the narrative depth and density of Novigrad. These two expansions are everything that DLC could and should have been, actual enhancements to a game that provide content above and beyond getting what we paid for on the original pricetag.
    Uncharted 4: A Thief's End- This game felt like a movie, packed with small moments like novel mishaps and character interactions that were both humorous and organically contributed to the narrative. The action sequences were tremendous, from some immensely dynamic car chases to absolutely insane escapes from crumbling structures. The world is beautiful and composed of diverse environments possessing fine detail and impressive verticality. Then there’s Nadine fights, which felt like a battle simply to survive rather than defeat a boss.
    Hitman- Releasing Hitman as an episodic title turned out to be a perfect formula for a title that is composed of a series of sandboxes missions encouraging an individualized approach. Each new area had a strong concept and an orchestrated feeling that really communicated that Square had been able to unhurriedly direct their entire attention toward its development. For the fans this meant either buying a season pass or buying the levels piecemeal. The episodic metaplot and special events like hunting down Gary Busey or the bandits from Home Alone are just icing on the cake.
    Dark Souls III- The twisted takes on the environments from the original Dark Souls were a really satisfying return to the series origin (not counting Demon Souls and earlier titles). I don’t know if there is a way to really perfect Dark Souls gameplay, but Dark Souls 3 managed to introduce even more variety while keeping that immensely simple and streamlined feel. The NPC storylines were maybe my favorite part of the title and the best they’ve ever been, the quests with Irina of Carim and Anri of Astora will probably be how I remember the franchise for the rest of my life.
    Titanfall 2- The three-dimensional movement is so clean and intuitive it makes me feel like I was born to fly. The inclusion of titans as stand-in for killstreak rewards is one of the best ideas in modern competitive FPS, giving you a powerful tool that can still be defeated with good counterplay. It didn’t need it, but man did they create an awesome single player campaign with some epic environments and boss fights that give the setting some new dimension.
    The Last Guardian- I’m a bit torn about this one. I found the emotional narrative of The Last Guardian to be an immensely satisfying experience, elaborating upon the player's relationship with Agro in Shadow of the Colossus while raising the stakes by portraying both partners as adolescents. My only major problem is the game just didn’t feel connected to the rest of the continuity the way SotC did, even if the ending was a nice moment as a standalone. For all that, the game probably got me more involved that many other titles I’ve played this year.
    INSIDE- Perfectly walking the line between forcing you to remain intellectually engaged to figure out puzzles without ever feeling lost by their difficulty, each delivering that “aha!” moment without the accompanying frustration. It has a bunch of novel ideas and manages to find a few different ways of using each of them so the game’s mechanics never feel stale. I’m not sure if I’ve ever felt as uncomfortable playing a game as maybe the last 20 minutes of INSIDE and it was great. Still not sure what the hell is going on in that world, but it was definitely an experience.
    Mother Russia Bleeds- Using a side-scrolling Streets of Rage style in lieu of Hotline Miami’s top-down perspective, Mother Russia Bleeds has all the dark themes and brutality of its spiritual predecessor. This game is bad acid trip turned multiple homicide with an amazing soundtrack. A highly refined brawler with some boss fights that are memorable both for their difficulty and because of how absolutely gruesome they all are. Also, in keeping with with Hotline Miami traditions, the soundtrack is worthy of its own vinyl.
    Hyper Light Drifter- No game has succeeded in making me feel as profoundly alone as I did playing through Hyper Light Drifter. The haunting synth soundtrack, unspeaking protagonist, and unique visuals all work in concert to create this intensely pure emotional experience. The overall world structure and gameplay had the feel and sense of discovery as A Link to the Past, running with a lean number of highly flexible gameplay options.
    Furi- This game came out of nowhere for me and I’m happy to have happened upon it. It does what I most love about indies by taking a good component found in many AAA titles and condensing it down into its purest form. Furi is a series of intense duels against the residents of a floating prison that looks and feels like it was created by Moebius. The game taps into multiple genres to accommodate some insane forms of combat and just feels like a pure experience.
  KARA DENNISON (@RubyCosmos)
  Ace Attorney: Phoenix Wright: Spirit of Justice- I started playing the Ace Attorney series during a long hospital stay many years ago, and I was hooked immediately. I didn't think anything would wow me as much as Dual Destinies did, but Spirit of Justice is really something special, in terms of both plotting and art. The sprites are gorgeous... like sinfully so. And it's getting increasingly cinematic, with the case formats bending to the plot. Also, if you play it and want some serious nostalgia, do yourself a favor and buy the DLC case.
    Five Night's at Freddy's: Sister Location- Prior to 2016 I was terrified of anything FNaF because I am a jumpscare loser. But thanks to let's plays, brave friends, and far lower anxiety than previous years, I've been able to engage with the franchise. Considering I'm a sucker for childhood nightmare fuel, the games are already tailor made for me. And this in particular -- a new spin on the old formula -- was fascinating. The lore has my head spinning and I need to know more.
    World of Warcraft: Legion- WoW expansions are getting a bit like Star Trek movies, aren't they? Where they alternate good and bad? I was interested enough in Warlords of Draenor, but it didn't quite ping all the buttons I thought it would. Then along comes Legion, with demon hunters and artifact weapons and class halls. The storytelling is becoming progressively more cinematic, the DH's are SO fun for a tank like me, and everything is just looking cooler and cooler. I'm a loner on MMOs, and this got me caring so much about endgame that I did a dungeon with a bunch of strangers just because I was that invested in the plot.
  EVAN MINTO (@VamptVo)
  Overwatch- I tried the Overwatch demo on a whim, and fell in love pretty quickly. I’m very bad at it (as is the case for most games), but what makes it such a rewarding experience is the wealth of play styles it presents, from a twitchy traditional FPS character to a melee-centric tank to a passive healer. On top of the fun of playing these mechanics against each other in team-based match-ups, Overwatch also has a giddy, cartoonish visual style and a diverse cast of vibrant, memorable characters representing all sorts of countries, body types, and yes, sexual orientations. I’ll be playing this one for years to come, along with the rest of the world.
    1979 Revolution: Black Friday- The Iranian Revolution is a relatively recent historical event, but its implications for the Middle East and the world were massive. I’m surprised it took so long to get a video game about it! 1979 Revolution uses the mechanics and even the visual style of Telltale’s critically acclaimed adventure games to tell the story of a photojournalist caught between a brewing revolution and his own loyalist family. The game is full of documents and historical notes to read, but its elegance lies in its ability to showcase political ideologies through moments that feel like urgent personal struggles rather than distant historical details.
    Oxenfree- Ever since I first played the Telltale Walking Dead series, I’ve been on the hunt for great story-based adventure games. Oxenfree doesn’t just copy Telltale, though. Instead, it’s a side-scrolling adventure game with some platforming and puzzle elements, centered around a group of teenagers who find themselves trapped on a haunted island. The navigation and puzzle-solving is dead simple, but genuinely funny, likable characters, timed dialogue choices with real impact, and an atmospheric, occasionally psychedelic visual style more than make up for it.
    Firewatch- Probably the greatest video game about walking around in a Wyoming national park ever made, Firewatch is a fantastic example of indie games’ potential to create really unique experiences. You play as a fire lookout, communicating via radio with your boss in a far-off tower via timed dialogue choices, but Firewatch isn’t really about changing things via your choices as much as it’s about spending an extended period of time with a character and a location. And boy oh boy, is that location beautiful! The devs at Campo Santo create a world that feels alive, with dying sunlight playing across painterly mountain backdrops and trees that disappear day by day as a wildfire burns across the forest. And then there’s the story itself, which uses the lonely environment to present a sinister mystery. “Walking simulators” ain’t so bad after all.
    Fire Emblem: Fates- I absolutely loved Fire Emblem: Awakening, but I still haven’t even finished my first run through Fates (Birthright). Still, it has a lot of the elements I loved about Awakening: a cast of likable warriors, simple RTS mechanics that get more complex with time, and web of statistics and relationships to manage both on and off the battlefield. Birthright’s somewhat boring level design knocked this one a couple places down my list, so maybe one day I’ll finish and move on to Conquest!
  SAM WOLFE (@_Samtaro)
A lot of great games hit the scene in 2016. We saw the releases of long awaited games like Final Fantasy XV and The Last Guardian, as well as the release of breakout hits like Overwatch. I, however, didn’t play any of these games because Hearthstone released three expansions this year, and unfortunately for you, Nate has given me a platform to gush about them on.
    Whispers of the Old Gods (Hearthstone Expansion)- Whispers of the Old Gods was the first set released in Hearthstone’s “Year of the Kraken,” where the standard format got its foundation. As the mechanized minions of Goblins vs. Gnomes were swept into the wild, corrupted versions of our favorite minions took center stage, and with them, their ancient Old God masters. One of the best promotions for this set was that everyone who logged in received C’thun, an iconic creature from Warcraft lore, for free. This was a great move, as it gave beginners a powerful creature with a fun mechanic right from the start.
    One Night in Karazhan (Hearthstone Expansion)- Things took a turn for the funky with the release of One Night in Karazhan, the fourth Hearthstone adventure. Set in a reimagined 70’s version of the magus Medivh’s tower, the set brought balance to the game with several new cards, all served in a stylish disco package, and introduced some very creative creatures (a silverware golem? That’s hilarious!). A special shout out should go to Prince Malchezaar, a card that shuffles 5 random legendary cards into your deck, allowing new players to try out some powerful cards that they wouldn’t otherwise have access to.
  The Mean Streets of Gadgetzan (Hearthstone Expansion)- The most recent expansion, The Mean Streets of Gadgetzan, took us to the Goblin city on the coast of the same name, where three factions are fighting for control: the Grimy Goons, The Jade Lotus, and The Kabal. With each faction having a unique mechanic, as well as introducing multi-class cards, the meta was once again turned on its head, and two months out people are still waiting for the dust to settle. While every faction has something to offer, I have to put my lot in with the Kabal; Raza the Chained is one of the craziest cards I’ve seen, and he gets along great with our old friend Reno Jackson.
  NICK CREAMER (@B0bduh)
  Overwatch- This game loomed large for me this year--in fact, I’m pretty sure I played more hours of Overwatch than all my others put together. I’ve always been a fan of asymmetrical cooperative/competitive games, with Left 4 Dead standing as one of my all-time favorites, and Overwatch’s diverse gallery of heroes has made for an endlessly entertaining experience. From its attractive aesthetic to its competition-ready depth, Overwatch offers a steady curve of delights as you slowly gain familiarity with its intricate working parts. Here’s to finally hitting diamond in season three…
    DOOM- I’m honestly not that big of a shooter fan, at least relative to other genres - if I were doing this list last year, I’d be gushing about Undertale. But the shooters were good this year, and so I gotta hand it to DOOM. This year’s rebirth of the franchise embraced and elevated everything that made the originals fun, bringing back not just the monsters and weapons, but the gameplay feel of constant movement, intimate encounters, and steady mastery of each level’s winding maze. DOOM wasn’t beloved just because it got there first, and this year’s remodel demonstrated there’s still a lot to love in the game’s classic formula.
    The Witness- After a year as tumultuous as this, it was almost hard to believe that The Witness actually came out this year. But yes, The Witness finally arrived, and yes, it was wonderful. Jonathan Blow characterized his work on The Witness as attempting to capture and iterate on that elusive “a-ha” moment of personal revelation and discovery. While I wouldn’t say every segment of the game succeeded, the overall product was a consistently rewarding and just fundamentally beautiful getaway, a spiritual successor to Myst that tempered its fiendishly difficult puzzles with a consistently inviting atmosphere.
And that's a wrap for Part Two of our three-part series! Be sure to check out Part One if you missed it, and tune in at the same time tomorrow for PART THREE: EVERYTHING ELSE, featuring movies, music, food, and more! And if you're still in the mood for past CR Favorites, check out the previous years' features here:
  Crunchyroll Favorites 2015 Part One Part Two Part Three
Crunchyroll Favorites 2014 Part One Part Two Part Three
Crunchyroll Favorites 2013 Part One Part Two Part Three
Crunchyroll Favorites 2012 Part One Part Two Part Three
Crunchyroll News' Best of 2011 Part One Part Two
  What were your favorite video games of 2016? Remember, this is a FAVORITES list, not a BEST OF list, so there's no wrong answers--sound off in the comments and share your favorites with us!
Nate Ming is the Features and Reviews Editor for Crunchyroll News, creator of the long-running Fanart Friday column, and the Customer Support Lead for Crunchyroll. You can follow him on Twitter at @NateMing.
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