#iwtv episode 2x03
cbrownjc · 4 months
On EP 2x03
So yeah, that wasn't my favorite episode of the season so far, but not bad. And I laughed my head off at the flashback at the beginning when Armand was telling Daniel about his "relationship" with Lestat. Really, I could not stop laughing during almost that whole thing. And yes, that very much does come from me having read the books and so knowing how that all really went down.
Seriously though, when Armand and Lestat started kissing in that balcony box -- with Nicki shooting them death glares as he played his violin! --I was doubled over in laughter! 🤣
Oh Armand, you so wish that was how it all happened. I'm not even mad he lied about almost all of that because his unrequited love/desire for Lestat does tend to make Armand act kind of pathetic.
But yeah, a nice story you told Daniel there, and clearly have told Louis at some point as well. I mean, it's not like there is anyone around to contradict you or call BS on any of it is there? 😏
Claudia, dear . . . when you heard that line about children can never be made vampires . . . are you now beginning to see the danger for yourself? After having missed the danger signs last week? Especially after they gave you that little baby dress. Although, maybe you think not being a child but a young teen excuses you, since they didn't kill you on sight. But there is for sure disillusionment settling in isn't there? Especially when they gave you that baby dress.
Louis . . . oh Louis. You pretty much are headed toward where your book counterpart ended up wrt Armand next episode, I suspect. (And yeah I knew he was actually killing a human when he started beating Dreamstat's head against that wall).
Daniel, Raglan James, and the Talamasca intrigued me the most wrt this episode Yes, I actually paused the screen and tried to read the names on the files James sent to him. Right now I most want to know if James is still in the Talamasca or if they've already kicked him out.
All in all, this episode was mostly set up for things coming in the next three episodes, leading into the final two. And I'm glad Assad had already let slip that Armand's full backstory would come in a later season during the press tour, or I might have gone into this episode with different expectations about the opening flashback. Because Armand's true, and full, backstory is much weightier than what we saw here, even with the glimpse at the Children of Darkness stuff. (And I'm so glad they called it the Children of Darkness -- its original name in the books -- in the show btw. I'm sorry, I think the Children of Satan name would have been a bit too camp.)
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nalyra-dreaming · 4 months
Louis going: “When my mind was touched by Armand I got deeply excited and driven to form new opinions about myself and vampiric life.“
Yeah… that. 👀
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candysea-blog · 4 months
This is an awful time to speak french lmao
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theatrevampire · 4 months
me reading complaints about episode 2x03 of iwtv
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best-iwtv-scene · 8 days
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Descriptions/Propaganda under the cut:
The five great laws (2x03)
Santiago reads out the 'Great Laws' that all in the coven must abide by to Claudia as part of an initiation ritual. Cutting between Claudia with the coven and Louis walking with Armand through the sewers, this scene highlights the danger that the Paris coven poses to Louis and Claudia. Each law that Santiago reads aloud has either been broken by Louis and Claudia, or will be broken as the season progresses, this threat continuing to loom over the two after this episode. This scene reinforces the doomed relationship between Louis and Claudia as a theme for the season, the distance between the pair causing Louis to lose hope in his life, and the bond between the two driving Louis's decision to start his relationship with Armand. Additionally, Claudia's desire for community with the coven is dashed immediately after the initiation, as she is given the role of 'Baby Lu', epitomising her struggle throughout the series. The scene is scored continuously by 'The Five Great Laws' by Daniel Hart, which ebbs and flows dramatically with the scene. "Don't give up on her. Tell her she's beautiful. Tell her that every morning."
No propaganda was submitted for this scene.
Killing Lestat (1x07)
All the tension and anticipation built up throughout 1x07 leads to this scene. After initially leading the audience into thinking Lestat and his lover Antoinette had bested Louis and Claudia's plan, Lestat suddenly chokes and falls, weakened from poisoned blood coursing through his veins. Louis watches on in horror and guilt while Claudia taunts, imitates and takes great enjoyment in Lestat's pain, even using his blood to note down his final words, "Mets-moi dans mon cercueil, Louis, Louis." (Put me in my coffin, Louis, Louis). Louis slices Lestat's throat with his cane from 1x01, embracing Lestat in his final moments until dropping him to the floor. The scene is beautifully scored by Daniel Hart's 'Vicious', reminding the audience of the pair's dangerous love and attachment to each other as it first appears at the end of 1x05. Afterwards, Daniel pokes holes in Louis's narrative, revealing that Louis purposefully avoided doing this to keep Lestat alive off of the rats in the dump. The scene is a captivating conclusion to the season, altering all character relationships in anticipation of season two. In Dubai, the mysterious Armand is finally revealed, and Daniel's confidence in questioning Louis increases. In New Orleans, Louis and Claudia's relationship is left fractured after Louis threatens her over Lestat's body, and Louis is guilt-ridden from killing his lover and maker. "Louis. We are joined by a chord. A chord that you cannot see, but it is real... I have loved you with all myself... I'm happy it was you... here with me... a la fin."
No propaganda was submitted for this scene.
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heavenjadwiga · 4 months
I haven't wrote about IWTV here before but episode 2x03 really made me see that Louis is a selfish parent. Throughout season 1, in the same way as Claudia I saw Louis as the kind and loving father but I am seeing how wrong I was. I am a Louis girl but that man is selfish! He is quick to call out Lestat for his flaws but Louis just has a better way of hiding his. Yes, Daniel has called him out before about him choosing Lestat over Claudia time and time again. But Louis does that with Armand too. And it's not like Louis has known Armand for a long time yet while they're in Paris. It's crazy.
Louis goes and spills the truth to Armand (trying to lie and say that Claudia was not involved but Louis is a shit liar) and does not go home to tell Claudia what he has done. It puts her in a more dangerous path because she does not know that Armand knows the truth and thus his coven can know or suspect. Yes, Armand's affections for Louis protects Louis but it does nothing for Claudia and as a parent her safety should be a priority for Louis but it is not. He is too busy missing Lestat and flirting with Armand even when Armand tells him upfront that Claudia will not be here long! My guy! He just threatened the life of your kid! Even Armand checking Claudia about her making eye contact with him without his permission in the start of the episode in front of Louis did not sit right with me cause Louis does not call him out to not speak to his child like that.
Louis is selfish. He can bitch about Lestat only caring about himself but that would make him a hypocrite. And something this episode has sadly made me realize is that Louis was not the better parent for Claudia, he just had the emotional intelligence in knowing how to approach her at times. *They both were awful parents to Claudia*
1. It was Lestat who did not want to turn Claudia into a vampire because he knew it was wrong to sentence a child to years of vampirism. To not be able to grow up physically when her mind was. But Louis begged him to and out of fear of losing Louis, he did it. It was Louis' selfish need to make up for causing a riot that made Claudia. He was not thinking of saving her but how if she lives, he would be less guilty.
2. Claudia killing Charlie. Lestat made her watch him melt (which was cruel) but in his own messed up way (he is also a product of abuse) he was trying to teach her a valuable lesson. Not getting close to mortals, especially romatically because it will always end badly. This is a lesson he has tried to teach Louis numerous times. Lestat could have been nicer but in his mind he had to make her understand. He saw in that moment that the seriousness of her actions and tried to correct it instead of coddling her like Louis. He was actually trying to parent her in the best ways he knew how.
3. Him warning her that other vampires can be "vicious" and seeing that she already met one. Him telling her other vampires are vicious was not to keep her scared but to protect them. He is still their Maker and despite it all, he wouldn't want his fledglings to die. It is not until Lestat believes he will truly lose Louis if Claudia leaves that he threatens to kill her himself. His love for Louis is greater.
But how has Louis shown he loves Claudia? His words/promises fall flat. He choses others over her. He choses his happiness without regard for how it will impact her. He loves her but only in the ways that suit him and takes away his loneliness. "My light. My Claudia. My redemption."
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thedailydescent · 2 months
🔥 iwtv s2
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okay i was putting off answering this lol, which means it's a good question!
I think people on here have expressed themselves better than I could their thoughts on season 2, but ultimately Season 2, while it had some truly phenomenal episodes and stand-out moments, fell flat during the finale and really undermined a lot of what they had to say over the past 14 episodes. It was really a blindfold-off moment, and you can start to see even from 2x02 what this show was trying to promote and cater to when you were trying to convince yourself it was saying something else. Not that this season is now bad; 2x01-2x02, the last half of 2x03, 2x05-2x07 are still really great episodes (2x05 being the best or at least one of the best this show has had to offer so far), but when you put this season next to Season 1.... Season 1 was not afraid to take risks. It was fresh, bold, nuanced, and surprisingly thoughtful in its depiction of dark subject matter. Season 2... lacked patience by the end. It folded and was afraid to commit to a good thing they had going.
Kudos to the cast tho, they all, but especially Jacob, Delainey, and Assad, gave the performance of a lifetime this season. Jacob's best work was in 2x08, and that made up for a lot of... whatever issues I had with that episode.
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Top favorite moments from IWTV!book and IWTV!Tvshow?
Anon I'm so sorry it took me so long to get to it omg but thank you for the ask so much I appreciate the opportunity to babble about one of my favorite subjects!
Interview With The Vampire (Book) Favorite moments:
Louis orgasmic reaction after being bitten by Lestat:
Keep in mind that this is book one and things are still somewhat subtext between Louis and Lestat, and Louis is very bitter and angry, but his reaction here...lol
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2. Oh No There Is Only One Coffin
Speaks for itself, really
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3. Louis' reaction after Claudia attempts to murder Lestat
I love this moment of despair when they take Lestat to the swamp:
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And the anger he shows at Claudia in the aftermath:
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4. Empty Nights:
Everyone's favorite Pining Louis moment, I'm no exception at this:
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5. Claudia's explosion of anger:
If anyone deserves to go off, is definitely Claudia.
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Interview With The Vampire (Show) Favorite moments:
Louis and Lestat first night together (1x01)
You know, I still think the first episode is the best of the show so far. Nearly perfect as it gets, and the passion they show in this scene, Louis struggling and the giving in, black tar heroin and all that... it's so good
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2. The Church Scene (1x01)
We would be here all day if I quoted the whole scene but really, I love it sooo much,how predatory and dangerous Lestat is for a still human Louis but also how passionate his love votes are... love it so much
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3. One Happy (Murder) Family happy times (1x04)
As short as it is, Iove the little glimpses of happiness we can see with Claudia, Louis and Lestat. It may be tainted later, but they WERE a family for a little while.
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4. Lestat and Louis dancing together (1x07)
It's such an incredible beautiful moment, loving and passionate and tragic and I love it to bits
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5. Lesmand shenanigans (2x03)
I definitely think Armand's version of events are highly questionable (where is my girl Gabrielle in all this...) but I can't lie, I loved every single moment of it. I'm a lesmand girlie at heart, my second favorite VC ship (the first being loustat) and seeing Lestat and Armand kissing did something to my brain
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6. Daniel's face when he exposes all of Armand's bullshit (2x08)
Had to put an extra one because it's truly incredible
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Also! Special mention for everything Santiago related, never cared for him in the book at all but Ben Daniels truly was magical in his performance
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juniperhillpatient · 4 months
Rose are you watching Interview with the Vampire yet?? 2x03 came out three days ago and I'm still losing my mind over it 👀
Nooo I watched the first episode & it seemed good!!!
tv is a whole thing for me rn ok 🥺
one of my goals to get my fucking shit together when I get back from family vacation (I’m leaving next week for a week & I have a list of stuff to take car of when I get back) is to sit down & cancel 90% or so of my million subscriptions that are actually legitimately ruining my life financially & keeping ONLY what I really need.
& given iwtv is something I genuinely actually want to watch then it can become like an actual show I’m watching & I’ll stay subscribed to amc or whatever for it for however long is relevant. & not watch one or two episodes & stay wasting endless $ on forever & ever. which is. The current way it’s been going with every show & movie rec ever for me.
anyway that’s more info than you asked for
The point is
I’m GONNA it seems SO good
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I'm interested in reading more hot takes if you don't mind. Any unpopular opinions you may have regarding iwtv characters and/or its fandom?
Also, do you have some favorite costume design choices from s2?
sorry for the delay anon! this is such a polite ask, i appreciate it 😊. don't worry - i've gotten a bit distracted and haven't been paying attention to the latest discourse (a blessing), but i'll continue to post more of my iwtv opinions.
in the meantime, here are my favorite looks of s2:
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armand's cream ensemble in ep 10 (2x03) is my fav of the season. armand in general caught my eye the most in s2, but this outfit stands out as the brightest look we get from him. i also love how he walks in the apartment and acts like claudia's the one who needs to leave. another armand honorable mention is his plum/maroon top in the same episode:
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claudia had several looks that i adored! if amc was smart they'd release a claudia doll like the american girl dolls (shout out to all the kids with an addy doll) with a limited collection of outfits. i know i'd want these added to the roster (along with the seifuku outfit, red plaid dress, and mardi gras dress from s1 eps 4, 5, and 7). i love how the headbands and accessories add to her outfits - amc could at least sell us those:
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special shoutout to claudia's pajamas - need these in my size:
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louis's looks were more understated this season, but he was quite snuggly in his dubai hoodies and sweaters (surprisingly unpopular opinion - i love his yellow plaid sweater, it's just the pants that ruin the fit)
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louis's paris photographer fits were also sexy (lots more exposed skin for louis):
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best ensemble goes to these looks here (i need madeleine's red dress so bad):
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alas, the white devils also had a few looks... (black is unfortunately lestat's color):
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finally, eglee won the best dressed award of the theatre de vampires:
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loo-nuh-tik · 3 months
Hi again! gif request anon here! so my request is a gif of iwtv's armand. im looking for a scene in 2x03 when armand is threatening louis in the sewers, it's specifically the slow push in on armand as he looks at the fire in his hand and say "the savage garden" (i think) YEAH. 😅
oh and believe me ive been looking for this gif since the episode came out and i can't find it anywhere 😭😭
if you can't make it tho no worries and thank you for your time!! :))
Done 😊
EDIT: I only now realized that you maybe wanted it for your header 💀
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mklopez · 4 months
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I'm watching Interview with the Vampire 2x03 "No Pain" #IWTV
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best-iwtv-scene · 17 days
Best IWTV Scene Poll Tournament Breakdown:
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Submissions are in! All submissions have been collected, along with scenes I have added myself and I have here the final list of scenes appearing in the tournament. There are 64 total scenes, broken down into 4 different groups for the first round. Really looking forward to getting this started!
Round 1A
Louis’ turning (1x01) vs. Loumand meeting (2x02)
Lestat's backstory monologue (1x06) vs. "You asked me to do it" (2x06)
"Picked another one over me" argument (2x04) vs. Alice interrogation (2x02)
Recovery/Apologies montage (1x06) vs. Louis chasing down the coven (2x08)
Introduction to the theatre (2x02) vs. Madeleine fits Claudia's yellow dress (2x04)
"I stayed a journalist" (2x05) vs. Claudia’s first kill (1x04)
Introducing Louis to vampirism (1x02) vs. Armand's backstory monologue (2x04)
"Hey sis, you don't need me" (1x06) vs. Police come to the Rue Royale (1x05)
Round 1B
The five great laws (2x03) vs. Killing Lestat (1x07)
First Dreamstat appearance (2x01) vs. Happy trio montage (1x04)
Daniel vampire reveal (2x08) vs. Claudia end of episode monologue (1x04)
Armand betrayal reveal (2x08) vs. "Rest" (2x05)
Pre-abduction drinks (2x06) vs. "Can I cry and say that I’m sorry, too" (2x07)
Claudia killing in front of Madeleine (2x06) vs. Insecure open relationship negotiation (1x03)
Louis saves Claudia from the fire (1x03) vs. "You and Me, Me and You" (2x01)
Dreamstat Letter scene (2x02) vs. Claudia’s turning revisited (2x07)
Round 1C
Armand grills Madeleine (2x06) vs. Loustat dance (1x07)
Loustat fight revisited (2x07) vs. Threesome scene (1x01)
Louis kills white businessman (1x02) vs. Tower scene (2x08)
But the suit changes nothing monologue (2x08) vs. Louis swims the Mississippi to Lestat (1x06)
Charlie (1x04) vs. Claudeleine execution (2x07)
Did you eat the baby (1x02) vs. Louis’ mother’s funeral (1x04)
Louis drinks from “Rashid” (1x05) vs. Walking by the Seine (2x03)
Claudia/Lestat chess scene (1x07) vs. Lestat drags Louis into the sky (1x05)
Round 1D
Lestat humbles homophobic soldier (2x07) vs. Meeting Daciana (2x01)
Armandstat flashback (2x03) vs. "I heard your hearts dancing" argument (1x03)
Grace’s wedding (1x01) vs. "Kill me again" hallucination (2x03)
Loustat reunion (2x08) vs. "You sure about that, Arun?" (2x04)
Loumand argument (2x05) vs. I don’t like windows (2x03)
"Who are you Louis?" (2x02) vs. Louis kills the alderman (1x03)
Grace buries Louis (1x05) vs. Louis questions Claudia and Madeleine's relationship (2x06)
Madeleine's turning (2x06) vs. Loustat mardi gras balcony scene (1x07)
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nalyra-dreaming · 4 months
hi, Nalyra! what's you favorite episode of s2 so far? and does it surpass s1 for you?
My favorite so far is 2x03. IDK, just something about it. This week's fells like a setup for next week.
And no - SO FAR it does not surpass s1 for me, but that is due to the setting and mood.
The second half of IWTV breathes despair and death, and the truly harrowing parts will happen yet. And knowing that... well.
S1 had a lot more "lighter" moments, because it could, obviously.
We'll see. But in any case s2 is needed to close the arc, and it was always meant to be a whole, so it's really just... how it is.
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