#Raglan James
radiocurrency · 28 days
"You fear Armand, you should fear the other one."
Broke: "Armand may be older and more powerful but Louis is a loose fucking canon who can not be brought under heel"
Woke: "We know everything about what you and Armand got up to in the 70s and 80s. He's so in love with you. He'd never let Louis hurt you. Yeah, we all ship it here at the Talamasca. We have Fanfiction Fridays- Yeah Real Rashid is the current champion and beat 74 others for the chance to do field work on this. No, I can't give you his AO3 tag you'll have to ask him yourself.
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twyllodrus · 3 months
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Allllright i fixed it since I missed a character on the last poll I did so I figured I'd do a redo ☺
(Mines a close one between Danny and Claudia)
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raglan james fr said @ daniel 'you fear armand, you should fear the other one' just for daniel to respond with his whole chest 'BITCH what the FUCK are you even talking about???? louis is literally my bff, my guardian angel, we're like that 🤞now'
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ileftmysoulinnorway · 3 months
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Oh no they didn't 🤣
INTERVIEW WITH THE VAMPIRE | 2.06 | “Like the Light by Which God Made the World Before He Made Light”
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queenoftheimps · 4 months
"Raglan James": I'm a secret agent, Daniel "Raglan James": For a super undercover group "Raglan James": You can tell because I am loudly faking a conversation with you ten feet from other people "Raglan James": and directly in front of the sushi chef "Raglan James": I am now going to send you super secret files mid-interview "Raglan James": on a laptop the vampires apparently confiscate regularly "Raglan James": I am so fucking good at my job, Daniel Daniel: can I eat my fish please
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sam-reid · 3 months
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knownoshamc · 2 months
I don't think we talk about the "you fear Armand, you should fear the other one" enough. What was that? Why shouldn't he fear Armand, the ancient vampire that didn't hesitate to torture him in the 1973, something that Talamasca knows very well? whyyyy
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alwynwitch · 4 months
Raglan James, Marius de Romanus and Daniel Molloy's memory loss
Okay, this sounds insane and I could be very wrong... but I still think it is possible that Justin Kirk plays Marius. Hear me out.
Obviously, Raglan James is a real character and I think AMC is going to use him (for later iwtv seasons and maybe for their talamasca show as well). But in season 1 Rashid was also really Armand... and Rashid is now a real character with a role in the story as well. The same could be true for Raglan James.
So, why would Marius be impersonating Raglan James?
Mainly, because he feels protective and responsible for Daniel. I think Marius played a role in Daniel's memory loss and recovery as a person after the first interview (and possible chase/love affair with Armand). Armand and Louis left him broken and confused and needed someone to help and take care of him. Enter Marius.
Biggest clue:
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Roman Weiss Publishing House? Like, come on. No publishing house is called like that, unless it is connected to Marius de Romanus. Also, this is Daniel's memoir, his other books are published at a different (normal) publishing house. But the memoir that is connected to his memory loss is published by Roman Weiss.... hmmmm....
Don't forget: in the books it was Marius who helped Daniel recover after he lost his mind. Daniel stayed with Marius for years. Marius loved Daniel and loved taking care of him.
(And yes I think AMC!Armand can know at this point that Marius is alive, because I think Lestat will tell him out of spite before Armand throws him off the tower. And Marius's painting is in the Dubai Penthouse.)
I think the Talamasca really has a stake in the interview and sent an agent, Raglan James (who I suspect still works for them at this point). But Marius interfered and kidnapped Raglan James and threw him in his basement.
He wants to help Daniel with his memories. He could be annoyed at Armand and Louis that they are toying with Daniel now, after all he did to take care of Daniel. And he is invested in the bigger picture of the vampire world. He is still taking care of Those Who Must Be Kept and will be aware of the great conversion, because it impacts them (and Amel). He might not like the idea that the Talamasca knows too much about this. And he might know Raglan James is a bad person and he doesn't want him near Daniel (and Armand).
So in this new role he can help Daniel and as a double agent he can keep Raglan James and the Talamasca at bay.
(The Talamasca seems to have a more active role in the AMC Universe than in the books, see also Mayfair Witches. So vampires might also engage with them more actively.)
Are there clues that Raglan James is not who he says he is?
A few. He speaks weirdly. He articulated his name in a weird way and Daniel immediately asked: "Got a real name?" Like he doesn't believe it. It is a clue for the audience: something is going on and we need to pay attention.
And he seems to be bad at his job. Raglan James was not bad at his job, he was just reckless because of bad character. He was actually a genius, but bored and distracted easily. He got kicked out of the Talamasca, because he was using his paranormal powers and knowlegde for personal gain. He lied to the Talamasca and robbed them. David says in ToTBT: "He deceived us with elaborate fabrications and counterfeit records on a scale you wouldn't believe. He loves that sort of connivance." And: "With his gifts he should have been able to deceive us forever."
And look at his interaction with Daniel:
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Raglan James says awkwardly (and too loudly): "I will stop looking at you now." And pretends to have a phone conversation. At the end, the whole restaurant is looking at them and listening.
Does that look like a genius secret agent who could have deceived the Talamasca forever? I don't think so. A good agent would have the situation under control. Something is off. Is it Marius? Pathetic, nerdy, vain and controlfreak Marius who thought he could play a secret agent and failed miserably? Maybe.
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whatrudoingbree · 3 months
They really went from this shot… to this shot.
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Shoutout to the Talamasca Homies™️ 🗣️🗣️
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dxxtruction · 18 days
Honestly, the only one to gain any legitimate benefit from planting those photos would be Daniel, so he could have them distracted long enough to look through the files he had. Notably, he only starts snooping through them alone when he can be sure they’re distracted. Rashid doing it via Raglan's orders. From a writing standpoint this would be really good set up for the later pay off of Rashid doing the same action again so that the truth can be revealed, again.
I also think, it’s possible, Raglan was the buyer of the three furies (he's an avid art collector), which was the first time Daniel had a distraction. I think they were both working together on giving ample distractions, so Daniel could use his Talamasca resources without being caught. This was a way to get Daniel what he wanted (his book and to live), and also get Raglan what he wanted (some paintings, information for his job, and someone who now owes him a favor). This read to me gives a larger plot relevance to Daniel, Raglan, and Rashid, instead of them just being mostly passive actors in the story. This also provides greater validity to some of Daniel's own characterization as someone good at getting angles, and who believes 'honesty is not a tactic'. It also tells us how easy it is to have vampires distracted, thus better legitimizing the plausibility of certain events in the interview. It would also explain why it's Raglan and not some other talamasca member, as he's definitely more the type to get up to sewing discord and such to achieve his greedy ends. That's actually, all his character in the books really is.
I feel this gives the photos far better plot relevance and also simultaneously reveals something about every single one of the characters involved. How do Louis and Armand respond to being on the receiving end of having these photos planted by neither of them? What sort of assumptions and actions do they take for it? These sorts of things are answered, alongside Daniel getting his answers, and this revealing something about him. That getting the truth is more important to him than how he gets it. And that getting his 'score' is more important than even the truth.
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totomiumiu · 12 days
Lestat is just absolutely suffering in totbt and I can't help but laugh at him because bro Raglan James' nickname is literally 'THE BODY THIEF' and you expected him to return your body... well if it isn't the consequences of your own actions my friend
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cbrownjc · 3 months
Three quick thoughts about EP 2x06 (spoilers):
Thought #1: So this episode gave me something I really wanted but I actually wasn't 100% sure we'd get this season -- which is Armand admitting that in over 500 years, for his entire vampire life, he's never made another vampire. Ever. I wasn't actually nervous that the show would change things to have Armand turn Madeleine -- since it was already spoiled in trailers that Louis (and Claudia) would do it -- but I could feel that whole situation being a perfect setup for revealing that Armand has never once made another vampire, and they did it. 😁 Just as in the books, Armand is being set up to only have one fledgling. And the show very much leaned into the bond that makes between two vampires, given the dialogue Louis and Madeleine exchanged about that, the feelings of that.
Thought #2: Look, maybe Justin Kirk's character could still be Marius, but if so? Then the writers are leaning super hard in trying to specifically get book readers to look the other way on this. Because of that "switch bodies with you" line they had him saying to Daniel? Come on! I've heard that we won't see his character on screen again this season, but IMO that doesn't mean anything IMO, and for now, my hackles are still up. And the reason I still can't shake the Marius deal wrt him is because --
Thought #3: You know, "eating" and going to the bathroom doesn't mean Rashid is human. And the fact that Justin Kirk's character came right up to Daniel to talk the minute he left? And then didn't have any fear, or even tried to excuse himself quickly after Rashid came back? Again, come on. Because, again, Rashid was the name of a character in Blood and Gold, the book that gave us Marius' backstory. That whole scene also made me think there is a connection between Justin Kirk's character and Rashid, just as much as it gave me Body Thief vibes. But yeah, we very much won't know anything either way until the finale, IMO (hopefully).
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casualcontingency · 2 months
My theory on the “special dinner” that Louis and Armand had planned for Daniel before he exploded their marriage:
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In S2E6 Raglan James said the last “four” people who attempted something like this were dead or undead. I think once a decade around the anniversary of the interview, Louis would get to the point where he was breaking down and/or breaking through the memory loss so he and Armand would essentially recreate the interview from 1973, but these interviews only ever reinforced the lies Louis was telling himself and that Armand had crafted for him. Likely because these were reporters similar in age, temperament, and experience to young Daniel.
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To not break the 3rd and 4th laws they would then offer to turn the person or kill them. In the case of turning, said reporter likely wouldn’t care to publish anything because as a young reporter, no one would believe them, and it could now out them as a vampire as well. And in case of death, well said reporter wouldn’t be publishing anyways. And the Talamasca likely didn’t intervene in these cases as there would be no benefit to them like there would be with someone that has the reputation and standing of Daniel Molloy.
So, after learning that Daniel, the man Armand and Louis had staked their entire relationship on 50 years ago, had Parkinson’s, they decided to invite him back again possibly as the last attempt at putting this all behind them. After all if there were no breakthroughs in an interview with the "boy" who started it all, then they could let it rest either with Daniel's death or by allowing him eternal life to always be a shoulder for Louis.
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So, they were going to offer to turn Daniel and possibly even had victims on tap if he chose that route. Because adding to all the above, Louis said later that he was sorry Daniel was “burdened" out of "spite” not that he was turned at all. Because as with Madeleine, Louis wants turning to be a beautiful transformation, not a violent or traumatic or sudden one.
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And with the plan being to turn Daniel anyways, Armand probably saw that as an out to Louis’ threat because what difference did it make.
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happy iwtv final day to those who celebrate!!! here, have a bingo card I made for 2×08
honorable and/or more detailed (AND more SPOILERY) mentions:
lestat in dubai
lesmand fight
loumand fight
sam=santino theory is true
thus armand wasn't lying when he said I could not prevent it OR
sam isn't santino and then here comes armand was controlling lestat on stage during the trial theory
raglan james shows up specifically in the dubai penthouse
raglan steals rashid's body
loumand (armand specifically) find out that rashid works for raglan and the talamasca
armand tricks louis into thinking that lestat dies in paris
lestat kidnaps daniel to tell him his story (personally don't think that's going to happen but had to put it here too)
a young!daniel flashback (please 🥺👉👈)
those who must be kept mentioned
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romaroy · 3 months
Justin Kirk is Marius not Raglan theory
So, I think Marius has already appeared in the series and I think he is Justin Kirk’s character that we have been introduced as Raglan James is Marius de Romanus or Raglan in Marius body. An absolute huge thank you to @hosseinisgeckos and @nalyra-dreaming for helping me with some info.
DISCLAIMER: I have seen all of season 2 and while this does not have spoilers for the last two episodes, it will for episodes 1-6 and the books. This is going to be LONG. I had to do this in photos because it was so long
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