atarahderek · 1 year
I don't think I'll ever get over the irony of being an introverted Perceiver. I lead with a Judging function. It's an introverted Judging function, which enables me to quietly and efficiently analyze things rather rapidly--which is not a trait commonly associated with Perceivers when the only thing you know about us is what the Kierseyans taught you (spoiler alert: they taught you wrong). And when I do analyze aloud, that's my inferior function speaking, which is extroverted. Also, it's looking for feedback. Please give generously.
The having to write things down as I analyze is the ADHD talking, because I will literally forget what I was analyzing without a visual. Butterflies, right? We were analyzing butterflies?
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thecurrator · 26 days
What are you arguments on Sae being an INTJ?
HELP this feels so confrontational.
But I'm glad you asked because I was going to make a post on it anyway. The world deserves to know.
On why (I think) Sae is an INTJ
Itoshi Sae is currently typed as an ISTP on personality-database.com with 243 votes. Am I saying all those votes are wrong?
...Yes. /hj
It can be a bit tricky to decide whether Sae is a J or P type, because J types tend to be more worried about how they are perceived by others, which Sae is not concerned about. I can see why people would think he is an IXXP type because of that.
However, these are an ISTPs MBTI functions as follows: Ti, Se, Ni, Fe. Which doesn't make sense for Sae and the way he plays soccer. Why?
Here's how Rin describes Sae's playstyle:
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Key words being efficient, calculate and optimal.
This sounds a lot like extroverted thinking, which is a goal oriented function that values efficiency, and introverted intuition, that funnels sensory input into coming into an accurate conclusion (calculating the most optimal way to score). So, Sae's playstyle utilises Ni and Te rather than Ti and Se. Rin, who is typed as an INTJ on personality-database.com, was shown to have been emulating Sae's playstyle in the U20 match, when it's revealed that his original playstyle was more instinctual. So I don't know why people would think Sae isn't an INTJ, considering he was the original playmaker before Rin.
In fact, it would make more sense for Rin to be an ISTP rather than Sae. Auxiliary extroverted sensing can be explained to contribute to his instincts, which was better than Sae even at a younger age. Let me be clear, I do believe Rin is an INTJ, I'm just comparing the two.
Of course, one's playstyle doesn't define their MBTI type. But considering this is a soccer manga and we don't get many instances of seeing the characters not play soccer, this is what we have to work off on.
What's more, XNTJ types tend to be one-track minded due to introverted intuition (limited and deep focus, planning ahead) and extroverted thinking (goal oriented, ambition, efficiency), making them very driven to achieve a single goal. Sae has been playing soccer since he was one, and he hasn't strayed from his goal to become the best in the world, just that he switched positions.
To bring up another key difference between J and P types, J types to be more productive and focused on success/reputation, whereas P types like to do what they find fun and enriching. Compare Sae to an IXXP easier to identify like Nagi and you'll see the difference between a wholistic and individualistic ego (Isagi is onto something). Sae plays soccer to become the best midfielder in the world - wholistic ego. Nagi plays soccer because he finds it fun - individualistic ego.
I rest my case.
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splatvox · 1 year
Can you please tell us what’s your mbti?👉🏻👈🏻
INFP i believe
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bat-the-misfit · 1 year
IxxP types: man i always felt so disconnected from society and that makes me very lonely
IxxP types when they have the opportunity to connect with society: wHY DOES EVERYONE INSISTS ON DOING THIS??? Why can't people think for themselves?? Ew i'm just gonna stay away from everyone it seems like i'm the only person who doesn't do smth just bc everyone does it and thinks what ~~~ I ~~~ want to do
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99simproblems · 2 years
Kyung-hwa has the longest description in the high school years post. Why is he the easiest to write about? I don't get it. 😅
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remind-me-to · 2 months
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if the IxxP types were mashed together-- here's how they might have looked like
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mistype360 · 3 months
retyping(?) @ten-of-imps
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looper isfp (or alternatively and unlikely, infj)
I genuinely can't tell if the reason I am typing more people as loopers is because I am biased or because most people follow the iiee/eeii stack...
I mostly approached your typing question by question. towards the end I make my final judgement, but I tried to collect as much inference and deduction from your answers as I could before I made a typing.
viewing beauty as subjective is definitely high introverted function. it could be interpreted as high fi, especially with the "judgement" aspect of both the question as answer, but I didn't want to make assumptions too early. what I looked more for was where your subjectivity was coming from. you acknowledged the fact that different observers hold different perceptions of beauty - which is very much fi. even later in the question, you seem to assert your own fi judgement - which seems to me to be very healthy. the combination of acknowledging subjectivity but also having your own values/judgement.
something I found very interesting was your use of the word "convenient" towards how you describe you can "switch" your love for something depending on how much you care about it. when I read it, it seemed as if you didn't really feel it objectively, as a fe user would. applying a sense of love with no requisites. instead, it was something very personal, very subjective to the situation (fi).
for your personal values - I don't type on what the value is, but rather how you experience it. I also don't believe that just because it doesn't come immediately to you doesn't mean that you're not a fi user (because values are not usually consciously thought about).
if I did type based on your values I infer that you hold a sense of duty towards the things you do, which may/may not be fi.
you want to have integrity, but from the way you view yourself you are seemingly 'all over the place.' i wasn't entirely sure how to interpret what you meant by 'integrity' - is it that you want to be true to yourself or true to others? how do I even type someone who wants to be vs. someone who actually is?
I spent a bit of time thinking about this, and I decided that
for your question on power and military - I actually saw a lot of ni. you seem to look at the past to synthesize and spot patterns, which is part of how you make predictions/judgements about topics.
towards the end of it, however, you mentioned something about how you interpret power. you stated how you believe it's "having enough money to make free decisions and have plenty of possibilities to choose from, so you would never have to be stuck in a bad situation."
...this is very, very much isfp. there isn't much isfp info online, but from the one's there are, they are practically known for wanting freedom (even more then every other type 👀).
(um so this is the part of my typing where I get a little lazy but this is just more evidence of fi>fe)
not being very connected to surroundings or outside situation -> low sensory
searching things up to find objective source or facts, looks towards outside sources -> te?
valuing authenticity (mostly within self and expressing it towards others) in relationships -> fi
the entire answer related to society was so ixxp it's actually wild...
critiquing societal structures from an ethical standpoint ("society does not work for everyone", "rent is a crime", "a sign that a society is failing") is very very very much fi
the labyrinth dream is NI NI NI NI:
unsure about the future, questioning the path to take and possibilities, then afraid of choosing a safe path and hated being taken no where. you cared more about what was safe, rather than what you loved internally, which ultimately brought you comfort. but through feeling safe, you felt you could explore more.
now here is the problem - I can't type you as an isfp, since you are very low in se. there is a way for me to do this, but there is not much information online for a fi-ni-se-te infp. you can try searching it up and doing research, but I doubt there is enough (yet), since the iiee or eeii structure is not as popular (even though carl jung confirmed it could work).
in the end, I decided that ne just didn't work, not matter how much I tried to reason an infp typing. I simply cannot see you as an infp, no matter how much I tried to twist your answers or interpret it in different ways.
this left me with the 2nd possibility, that you are an infj. the problem here is that again, your fi is stronger than your fe. ultimately though, I am able to see how some of your feeling answers could (key work - could) be a way that your fe manifests. imo, it is much more likely that i mistyped your fe rather than your ni, since your ni just seems to be a lot more concrete.
in the end, I will end up typing you as an infj. but I will leave the option open for that fi-ni-se-te infp. I know that you probably submitted another typing since isfp may have not identified with being an isfp. however, consider searching up looper isfp (although most results will talk about more negative stuff since looping is considered unhealthy).
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einsteinsugly · 3 months
Base!second gen templates that I've used over the years, if you need to develop a kid for your story. :)
xxFJ female: An overachieving, compassionate Rory Gilmore type. May be conventional, or less so.
IxTx female: Snarky and dorky. Likely opinionated. May or may not be athletic. May or may not apply herself (it varies). Varies in social adeptness. May toss some Laurie in there, for fun. :)
xxTP female: Same as above, but less dorky.
xNFx female/male: An artsy Eric, with Donna's passion for reading and writing. May or not be extroverted. May be LGBTQ+.
IxTJ female/male: A Red/Donna combo. Does well in school. Is probably athletic. Donna with a Forman's sense of honor and duty.
INTx male: Awkward and nerdy like Eric, but is more emotionally distant and blunt. May or may not be an avid reader/writer.
ExTP male: Loud wild child. Is often popular at school, but not always. Is fairly rebellious.
ExxP female: Is extroverted like Jackie, but likes to live on the wild side. She's often popular, but in an unconventional way.
xxTP female: Similar to above, but more ambiverted.
ISxJ female/male: Jackie but without her social adeptness. Is painfully awkward.
IxxP female/male: Like Hyde, but with a varied level of emotional awareness. Might be artsy/have different hobbies than her/his dad.
ExFJ female: Sweet!Jackie. May be conventional, or less so.
xxTJ male: A more focused Hyde, with his mom's ambition and dad's rebelliousness.
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vinhteer · 1 year
Vibe typing (MBTI) some of the characters from itsfunneh's YHS
(june 22nd 2023)
I feel a bit uncomfortable typing characters that barely have a fully written out personality + thinking pattern so this is my warning for you guys; this involves a lot of vibe-typing + headcanons.
Alec: ISTP. Tbh, I was thinking of ISFP but there's no way that he's an Fi dom. His decisions seem to be pretty detached from his core values (if he even has some). His Fe (action wise) is pretty healthy! Kyran: INFP
I wanted to stop here just to talk about Kyran and Alec and how ISTP-INFP just kind of makes sense for their dynamic! They have inverted functions. In fact they don't share any in common which makes sense because they can barely see each other eye to eye. But they're still IxxPs, independent thinkers/feelers who value their own subjective mind and build things around it instead of starting from a fact/thought of a group (ExxJs). Tbh we don't really get a lot of meaningful interactions with Alec and Kyran, and their history isn't very utilized all that often... and they kind of dropped it in season 2 as well, but I find that Alec's entire function stack really shines when Kyran is around; Kyran, an INFP, really likes animes with interesting stories and the way he talks about it really makes it seem like he is interested in exploring intriguing unordinary scenarios and feelings. He would be the type of person to enjoy staying in his own bubble, yk? Meanwhile whenever Kyran would go on these tagents, I feel like Alec would completely dismiss it and find it boring. It just kind of feels like, to me, he would only be interested in what's useful or worth diving into than going on random "meaningless" tangents. It's a recurring thing that INxPs love going in those (this tumblr page is a good example as an INTP...) and I have a lot of ISTP friends that just don't really want to utilise Ne (WELL DUH ... theyre Ne blind. No slander btw INTPs have no Se in their bone)
Funneh: ENFP Gold: ESFP (inf Ni core) Evan: definitely an Se user. leaning towards ESTP Evelyn: Te user. ENTJ Yumi: INTJ Kai: probably ISFJ but ISFP Kai sounds good tbh. And it could be interesting too since him and Yumi could share the same functions, just in different order.
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mbti-enemies · 1 year
Hello, favourite duo on Tumblr
ENTJ-T 3w2 here ✋🏻
It's gonna be a rant.
I'm having a crush. Big one. I think. Bad emotional mechanism, here. Anyway, I've tried to communicate with him. And it's starting to work.
I think.
Lots of thinking, if you haven't noticed.
He's smart, dresses exceptionally, most likely an IxxP from what I gathered so far. An Aquarius too. Taller than me (I'm 176 cm, so it's a plus) He rarely comes to classes which drives me mad because I want to be in one room with him and watch him, you know just... Watch, observe, besides talking.
Problem is, I malfunction whenever he comes close to me. My tongue gets tied up, I make stupid mistakes, say stupid things.
No, seriously like, how do I manage to keep my cool, be aware of his and everyone's presence and still make stupid mistakes when he's around me. It's like he comes, I get brain error 404 but still manage to somehow evade complete embarrassment, he leaves, and I become completely unusable for approximately 3 to 4 minutes. Then it's all good cause, heh *smooths hair* we can't let it faze me too much, right?
Any advice? or idk just plain reassurement will be fine
Example of my idiocy:
He *asks me what I'm doing*
Me *obviously making a maquette of wooden chair* Uhm- *tries not to be sarcastic because it's too early for that sassy energy* You see- *malfunction because GOD DAMMIT WHY DO HE LOOKS SO GOOD WITH THAT WHITE HOODIE* This- You know, just working on a chair, making calculations and stuff, I'll be going to the machine soon. (to cut the pieces from the wooden stick)
He: I meant the design, actually.
Me: Oh, *OF COURSE HE DID, he knows it's a chair, HE HAS THE SAME ASSIGNMENT* yeah, well yeah... *malfunctions* It has hand rests!!!
(same energy as "LOOK, IT HAS POCKETS!")
He: *probably noticed I'm being an idiot and decided to give me space* Aha, cool. *turns to look at the teacher cause she called him*
Me: *continues to work, contemplating suicide*
After an hour I had to go and instead of "Chao" which is how you say bye in my native language (Bulgarian) I end up meeting his eyes while saying it to everyone and said "Chal, got go." it's a rough translation, but you get me, I guess.
Duuuuude this is so cute entj glitch 1.2 ahaha you’re such a mess (affectionate)
anyways, the advice imma give you is pretty obvious but, here it is:
A) Dude it’s gonna be okay also like I’m sure he doesn’t think you’re that weird yk like people can lose their words sometimes like no hope has been lost through your funny little interactions
One day he’ll know how super smooth because
B) you can to r e l a x like he’s just a human being and like you KNOW you need to relax around the guy. if you know you’re gonna be seeing him, something that helps me is like visualising this person beforehand and visualising feeling comfortable around them, visualise having a nice long and good chat where everything flows super well and you feel happy. I think it helps because it basically gives you practice right, like once you’ve created it in ur mind you’re more likely to be able to create it in ur mind again when the situation is irl
C) ask him out. dude. you may as well. just ask if he wants to go out!! “heLLo, do you want to go to ____ with me?”. The thing is, you’re not that close friends with him, so you don’t have the “it could ruin our friendship excuse”. And, it probably won’t make things that awkward, even if he says no, as long as you okay but casual afterwards because you didn’t confess massive massive feelings or anything yk? You have absolutely nothing to lose and everything to gain so do it do it do ittttt
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the-entj-scientist · 2 years
ENTJs around other people:
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ENTJs around their IxxP significant others:
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intp-thinks · 2 years
Ti vs Fi
En esta última entrega de la serie sobre comparaciones entre funciones cognitivas tenemos las funciones Ji. Se trata de las funciones que procesan información que proviene de las funciones Pe.
¿Porque hacer está comparación? Las dos manejan la información subjetivamente gracias a que generan un marco de referencia interno en el usuario por el que pasa dicha información y determina si es compatible o no con este marco.
Así tenemos que estas dos funciones son similares porque:
Las dos son estáticas, lo que quiere decir que Ti ve de manera discreta las dependencias lógicas y estructurales de el estado de las cosas mientras que Fi ve de manera discreta las relaciones interpersonales.
Son racionales e introvertidas, evalúan relaciones internas entre las cosas. Es decir, discriminan estás relaciones tomando en cuenta objetos internos (subjetivos) y determinan su compatibilidad o añaden nuevos objetos que puedan expandir la evaluación a estas relaciones.
Hasta cierto punto pueden tocar algunos puntos similares. Un usuario de Ti va a tomar como verdaderas las cosas que están acordé a ciertas dependencias lógicas subjetivas, sentido de coherencia y exactitud de pensamiento, orden y regularidad mientras que un usuario de Fi lo hara cuando algo esté acorde a sus principios morales subjetivos, resonancia o disonancia de sentimientos, espacio emocional y sus relaciones interpersonales.
Estás dos funciones se encuentran estrechamente relacionandas con la Normalización. En el sentido de que se encargan de la estabilidad y el balance internos y externos. Cuando se trata de un tipo IXXP tomaría el rol de la conciencia grupal y cuando se trata de tipos como EXXP tomarían el rol de los coordinadores principalmente cuando su función auxiliar (Ji) está acentuada. Así, las dos funciones conducen a la normalización del pensamiento aunque desde diferentes perspectivas: la función Fi suele ser concienzuda y ansiosa (referente a la autorregulación y control de impulsos) mientras que Ti es formal y pedante (referente a regulaciones y leyes oficiales). Esto quiere decir que Fi no necesita, de primera instancia, conocer reglas formales sino más bien una tradición moral mientras que Ti necesita referencias sobre reglas formales que el usuario acepta subjetivamente.
Eso quiere decir que su función en el usuario y en el grupo es la misma, las dos regulan y mantienen estatutos acerca de diversas áreas de la vida la diferencia en su enfoque.
Los usuarios de Ti siempre van a buscar un analisis lógico y consistente acerca de algun tema o comportamiento, cuestionando las razones estructurales, buscando respuestas a incógnitas de que es o porque es así el objeto, cuál es su relación con otros objetos, y para esto usará algún sistema axiomático y formal con el cual discriminar la información además de generar alguna clasificación y forma de ordenamiento para, posteriormente, profundizar más. De esta manera cada usuario de Ti tiene su propio sistema de premisas que le permite procesar información externa o interna.
Los usuarios de Fi mantienen una constante introspección que los dirige a analizar las razones afectivo-emocionales y morales del comportamiento de si mismos y los demás, su análisis se basa en su mayoría a lo que coinciben cómo correcto o incorrecto, buen comportamiento o mal comportamiento, algo aceptable o inaceptable, deseable o no. De esta forma su grado de autoconomiento la mayoría de las veces es superior a los usuarios de otras funciones. Pueden profundizar acerca de cuestiones morales en las que se encuentran envueltos y permitirse ir más allá, encuentran respuestas y plantean preguntas sobre valores y moralidad, además de tener un respeto por la moral ajena aunque la califiquen como contraría a la suya.
En resumen, ambas son funciones estáticas, racionales e introvertidas que evalúan las relaciones internas entre las cosas desde diferentes perspectivas. Mientras Ti se enfoca en las dependencias lógicas y estructurales, Fi se enfoca en las relaciones interpersonales y los principios morales. Ambas se encargan de la estabilidad y el balance internos y externos y conducen a la normalización del pensamiento. Aunque su enfoque es diferente, ambas regulan y mantienen estatutos acerca de diversas áreas de la vida.
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mbti-sorted · 9 months
Chelsea Martin
Anonymous asked: Chelsea Martin, author and illustrator - ixxp?
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fairybery · 3 years
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but misery loves company, right
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What humanoid you are based on your MBTI type.
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EXXJ: Elf/fae/dryad/nymph.
EXXP: Centaur.
IXXJ: Harpy.
IXXP: Dwarf.
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intp-typical · 5 years
IxxP homework
INFJ: Did you guys do you homework?
INTP: ISTP, Did you do your homework?
ISTP: Haha. No.
INTP: Same.
ISTP: Niceee
ISFP: *about to do his but got tired when INTP and ISTP didn't*
Also ISFP: Yeah. Nice haha.
INFJ: You guys still got time till next class. I've already done mine.
INTP: Nah I'm good.
ISTP: Can I copy yours then?
INFJ: Sorry but no.
INFP: *is hanging out with ENFJ since she already did her homework... stressfully*
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