Pt 2: if only you knew
The Start of a Long Night
prologue and part one and part three!
word count: 4k
warnings: major violence, adult language, and angst
a/n: thank you guys so much for your patience. I’m so sorry this took literally forever to write and post. I’m not going to make excuses or anything, I just hope you guys like it. Pls give feedback! Love y’all 😘
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The entire night was one fight after another. You couldn’t remember the last time you stood still. The multiple close encounters and being thrown around had caused your outfit to tear, not to mention the grime that had accumulated was making you feel ten times heavier. Watching the last guy fall to the ground, you thought about how he must have been the twentieth guy you had fought.
You notice that Gotham is gradually getting brighter. The downpour had turned into a drizzle as you made your way towards the clock tower. Keeping off the street and using the roofs of Gotham for travel. Once at the clock tower, you looked around, ensuring no one had followed before allowing the entrance to open.
Bright light filled the room as Barbara used the computer. Surveillance footage and maps are pulled up. Hearing the door close, Barbara began speaking.
“Morning sunshine. How’s it going out there?” You almost missed her question. Her voice was so soft compared to the abrasive noises you had been around all night.
When you hesitate to respond, she turns to you. Her eyes take your appearance in. “God, you look rough.” Her face scrunches up as she notices the bloody splashes on your skin.
“Thanks, Barb.” The couch squeaks as you flop onto it. Your head instinctually goes back as your eyes shut, enjoying the brief moment of rest.
“Can I ask for a favor? I need an update on tech. My radio shit the bed halfway through the night.”
“You could call Lucius. Surely he’s got something that’ll help.”
Puffing air out through your nose, you object, “And have Bruce get wind of it?”
“He already knows you’re out there fighting. What’s wrong with him knowing you’re being safe about it?”
“It makes the risk of us running into each other much higher. I’d rather just avoid that altogether.”
“You’re going to have to see him, eventually. He cares about you, you know.”
“Yeah, I’m sure in his own emotionally constipated way he does.”
There’s a silence that falls over the room. Neither of you cares to break it. Having no strength to fight back, you let the silence pull you into sleep as your eyes grow heavy.
Jolting awake, you take in your surroundings. There’s sunlight coming through the small gaps in the shutters and Barbara is back at the computer. Groaning as you rub your face, you feel extra gross now that everything has dried.
“I decided to be nice and let you have my old stuff.” She tosses a thick smartphone-looking device and an earpiece at you.
“These are long-range devices. The comm has multiple lines you can connect to. I programmed mine, Tim’s, Bruce’s, and Dick’s, that way you’re not alone out there.”
“Thank you, this is amazing.” Getting quickly accustomed to the device before you head out to go to your apartment before nightfall.
“I’ll keep in touch tonight. It might help to have an extra pair of eyes on me.” You lean down to hug her. She smiles and hugs you back.
“Hopefully, things will go back to normal soon.”
You both know it won’t, you don’t think there’s going to be a normal Gotham after this. It seems too unreachable to even hope for.
When you finally get home, you dedicate an hour to taking a much-needed shower. After the shower, you gather your sewing materials and take a proper look at your clothes.
The outer layer is scuffed while the mesh sides are sliced through. You stand in your living room deciding whether to settle for a makeshift look for tonight or dedicate the time to fixing the clothes. You’re about to just say fuck it and not worry about it until you remember the kevlar fabric Dick had dropped off. You run to grab it from the drawer in your bathroom. Settling on just reinforcing the holes with kevlar, for added protection.
After running it through the sewing machine you’re happy with the outcome. You shimmy into the clothes, moving in different ways to get the somewhat tight underlayer over your body. Reloading your gear, and pulling the hood over your head, you leave your apartment as Gotham is being covered in shadows again.
You flip on the your transmitter and wait to hear where you’re needed the most. Sitting down with your legs hanging over the roof's edge, you look out onto the streets below. It would usually be a pretty sight, Gotham being lit by all the neon signs. But observing the riots unfolding below, on the empty streets, illuminated only by flickering neon signs and the occasional car fires, only added to your unease. The absence of people served as a haunting reminder of the chaos and destruction that had taken over the city.
Before you jump down, a low rumbling makes you pause. As the sound reverberates through the air, you turn your gaze in its direction, your eyes widening in disbelief. A massive, fully armored car comes barreling around the corner, its plated exterior gleaming under the neon lights. The men on the road barely have time to clear out of its path. It makes no attempt at stopping; it continues barreling down the street toward Chinatown. As it disappears from your view, the unmistakable sound of the Batmobile's engine reaches your ears, and in the blink of an eye, it speeds off toward the military car.
Guess I’m using the bike tonight.
“Vulture, you have to see this,” Oracle’s voice comes in over the comm.
“If it’s basically a tank on the streets of Gotham, I’m aware of it.”
“Yes, that, but there are actual tanks in Gotham. I’m tracking several transport helicopters. Gotham is about to be flooded with them. Batman could use the help.”
“Not sure I’m much help against tanks, Oracle.”
“Maybe if you talked to Lucius, you would be.”
She closes the line before you have time to say anything back.
Pulling up your mask to cover the bottom of your face before saddling up on your bike. You give a quick twist to the throttle, revving the engine of the bike. The powerful roar fills the air as you speed through the dark streets of Gotham. The men quickly dispersed as the bike zoomed past, leaving an empty space in its wake.
You spend your time following cop cars that are being chased by thugs in vehicles and stopping momentarily to stop the bigger groups of armed men.
As you drive, the number of cars similar to the ones Bruce was following earlier increases, and you start to spot men in full body armor.
Stopping near Bristol, you hide your bike and quickly make your way to a high vantage point. You watch as a group of men set up what can only be described as a checkpoint. There are crates full of guns and they put up walls that cover them from street view.
Oracle’s voice causes you to jump as she begins talking over the comms.
“Something’s happened at ACE Chemicals. There’s a new character, he goes by the name Arkham Knight. Be on the lookout for any militia.”
“Funny you would mention it. I’m looking at what appears to be a checkpoint full of militia.”
“Don’t engage. They are very organized and heavily armed. That Arkham Knight guy put them through a lot of training.”
“I can’t just let them set up a checkpoint. I’ll swoop in and check it out. If I start getting my ass handed to me, then I’ll dip.”
Barbara sighs, knowing she’s just pleading with a brick wall.
“You get out of there at the slightest hint that you’re losing.”
“You got it!”
You take a few moments to think of how you’re going to approach the fight. After watching them, you finally see a blind spot. Getting back down on the street, you run over to the right wall of the checkpoint. You give it a minute and then you hop over. There’s a crate to your left, you roll behind it as you listen to hear footsteps. Soon enough, one officer walks by the grate. Lunging forward, you wrap your arms around his neck, pulling as tight as you can. He falters from the lack of oxygen, but he’s taking too long. You need to get back to hiding before the others notice. Pulling out a baton, you hit the side of his head with just enough force to knock him out.
Laying his body behind the crate, you wait for another one to walk by. You repeat the same process to the second guy. Unfortunately for you, the others notice the disappearance of their coworkers.
Taking a chance, you stick your head out of your hiding spot. Not noticing anyone, you start your crawl toward another box, that’s in the center of the floor.
You feel your body being lifted off the floor before you even see the person. Then you’re being flipped around and brought down onto the floor which has you almost blacking out. You wheeze as your lungs collapse from the air that’s being forced out of them. Your eyes involuntarily shut as you try to regain your breath.
As you’re finally able to open your eyes, they widen at the sight of a massive metal boot coming toward your windpipe. By pushing your body up at an angle, you narrowly avoid getting hit by the boot. Jumping to your feet, you create space by taking a few steps back from the two men.
“We were told to look out for Batman. Didn’t realize we’d have some wannabe.”
Faking a laugh, you take out your rope and throw it over the bigger man, yanking on it gets him to stumble but he stays upright. Sprinting at him, you use his shoulder as leverage to wrap your legs around his waist. Using all your weight, you toss yourself back and pull the rope, causing him to fall. Flipping around at the last second, you let him break the fall. Making quick work with the ropes around his legs, you tie him up.
Before you get too far into tying the man up, you hear footsteps behind you. Turning to look you find that there’s a metal pipe headed directly at your face. Using your arm to shield your face, you grab the pipe from the man. Taking the pipe out of his hands, you stand at full height. Flipping the makeshift bat in your hands you start using every ounce of strength to swing it back and forth. You feel the bat make contact multiple times, and the man groans with each hit. A blow to his knee causes him to crumble over. Not stopping there, you hit him in the stomach, causing him to curl in on himself. You remember that there had been another man, glancing over your shoulder, he’s gone.
You crack the pipe down on the man’s head twice. He stops moving, but you can see his chest still rising. Turning around, you’re met with the sound of a gunshot.
As you look ahead, you see the man you failed to tie up, his figure casting a long shadow over you. Upon impact, the bullet bounces off your body, tumbling to the ground. Smirking at the guy as you start walking towards him. He smirks in response and proceeds to fire the weapon in rapid succession; the sound echoing through the air.
Pulling out your baton again, you chuck it at the wall behind the guy. It bounces off the wall and slams into his back. He lowers the gun for just long enough for you to run towards him. You grab his wrist and forcefully strike your palm against the joint of his elbow. It cracks loudly as the bone shatters. The gun falls and so does the man. You deliver a kick to his head, and he falls, unmoving.
Taking a look around, you attempt to find what’s keeping the walls up, then you hear the soft beeping. Following the noise, you’re able to find the remote, taking it off the man, you place it on the ground and crush it with your baton. The walls fall and you’re able to see the street again.
There are multiple tanks in front of you. It doesn’t seem like they notice you as they drive on by, but you don’t want to risk it. You leap behind the little wooden crate on the floor.
“I found those tanks you were talking about. I just saw multiple driving together in a line.”
“Did they see you?”
“I’m talking to you aren’t I?”
Oracle lets out a small laugh, “True.”
“The checkpoint is destroyed. I took some damage to my suit, but it’s still intact.”
“Hmm, good work.”
“Thanks. I’m going to stick to the rooftops. I don’t think my bike would hold up against those tanks.”
“Stay safe, I’ll keep in touch.”
Running across the street you get on top of the building. You begin to make your way around Gotham by leaping from one building to another.
Incoming call
Incoming call
You’re about to jump when the call disrupts you.
“Good evening, It’s Lucius. I was told that you need a new suit, are you able to stop by Wayne Tower? I’ll need measurements before I can start with any updates.”
“Uh, I don’t really need anything. I appreciate–”
“Mr. Wayne said that you would try to resist the help. I’ll have the Batwing pick you up. Please stay in your current location.”
“Uh, thanks?”
“Hey quick question, how the hell did Lucius get my com line?”
“Oh uh….I let Bman know you were out there fighting with handed-down equipment. He didn’t like that idea so he reached out to Lucius.”
You groan, “Oracle-”
“I know you didn’t want him to know or to help, but take it as him trying to rebuild the bridge.”
The line once again closes before you can say anything back.
You stare off into the distance.
Over the years you have heard all of Dick’s thoughts. All the good and bad ones. How sometimes it’s the best thing in the world and then the next minute you want to pull your hair out.
There’s something in you that can’t imagine working with Bruce. There’s still a part of you that blames Bruce for what happened. There’s still that part that seethes with anger when you think about how nothing was done after what Joker did. You won't betray Jason like that.
Even after all this time, the grief and the guilt still consume you. You can still see his youthful face, that the life of a kid on the streets of Gotham had already hardened. You wonder what he would look like now. You’re pulled out of your thoughts by the noise of the Batwing circling around.
As you arrive at Wayne Tower, more memories of you and Jason flood your mind. How the two of you used to do homework together, and how you two would pester Bruce while he tried to do his work. Every place you two had been to held a bittersweet spot in your heart.
Standing at the end of the hall is Lucius. He smiles warmly at you as you get closer.
“Hello, miss. I'm glad you were able to make it. Please come in, let’s get started right away.” He holds the door open for you.
Inside the room are multiple measuring tapes, fabrics, and weapon holsters. He begins with taking your measurements and asking what you have in mind for your suit.
“It’s crucial that not only are you recognized as your own person but that you’re also well protected.” His voice helps ease you a little. For just a few minutes you’re able to forget everything going on outside the tower.
He goes over your fighting style if you’re more acrobatic like Nightwing or more of a heavy hitter like the second Robin. The mention of Jason makes your heart sink.
“I guess I’m somewhere in between the two.”
“Very well, is there a specific color in mind?”
“I guess dark green if you can, black is fine as well.” He nods and picks up the book with all the measurements.
“It’ll only take me a few hours to get it all put together. I’ll let you know when it’s done.”
“Thank you, Lucius. I appreciate your time.” He smiles back at you.
The peaceful feeling you had earlier was instantly shattered as you emerged onto the chaotic streets of Gotham. Everywhere you looked, clusters of armed men patrolled the streets, their presence adding an air of tension. As you glance around, you spot another checkpoint situated high above on a nearby building.
As you leap onto the roof, a rush of adrenaline courses through you. You take into account how many more men there are compared to the last checkpoint. You hesitate for a minute, maybe you should leave this for Bruce. But you’re too stubborn and prideful to not at least try.
By sneaking around the edges of the roof, you’re able to pick off some of the unobservant men. Moving further onto the roof you were able to destroy some of the sensory guns. Being too focused on infiltrating you don’t realize the attention you’ve garnered.
You stop as you hear a robotic voice over their coms.
“Don’t forget your training! Don’t embarrass me!”
As the robotic voice echoed through the comms, your heart raced as you quickly strategized your next move. With the element of surprise gone, you know that you have to act fast and take out as many people as possible.
You move swiftly, dodging the ones reaching out to grab you. You land hits on some of them with your baton. You’re swinging punches and dodging as many as you can. Too caught up in trying to knock someone out you don't notice the man charging at you.
Being slammed to the floor for the second time tonight you struggle to counter his moves. You finally throw him off and get back onto your feet.
Suddenly the right side of your body is engulfed by a pain so intense that you can’t move any further. Looking down there’s a blade sticking into your stomach. Grabbing it with both hands you yank it out and throw it behind you in hopes of hitting someone. You feel yourself falling and you can’t do anything but brace yourself. You finally cry out in pain as you hit the ground. Grunting heavily as you get back up your nerves scream in agony. But you have to get back up.
Rest later, survive now.
Getting on your feet you start swaying, only making it a few feet before, a pair of hands seize you. As you try to wriggle free, they quickly immobilize your hands, securing them tightly behind your back with ropes. Before you know it, the man is hoisting you up over his shoulder.
You start thrashing back and forth. Trying anything to get out of the grasp, doing everything you can. Nothing works.
You’re tied to a chair in an empty room. You scan your eyes around the room, looking for an escape route. You can feel blood leaking out of you. It’s gone cold and sticky and your suit is sticking to you uncomfortably. Your attempt at fleeing earlier had only caused you to do more damage to your open wound.
The ropes squeak as you pull them against the chair. Attempting to rub them against the backing of the chair to try to wear them down proves futile. You just keep pulling at them in hopes they’ll break.
Two men throw open the door and walk in. One has a med kit with him and the other is carrying a taser stick. They lock the door behind them.
“Why do you care if she lives or dies?”
“I don’t, but the Knight will have our heads if she dies. You know he wants to be the one to take care of all the little vigilantes. It’s personal for him. I’m just stopping the bleeding.” The one in white comes and kneels beside you.
He cuts the blood-soaked suit away and lazily wipes at the blood that’s still coming out. Taking thick gauze, he pushes it up against the wound and then uses multiple layers to secure it before taping it.
He turns his head towards the other man, whose intense gaze suggests he's eagerly anticipating an opportunity to deploy the electric weapon. “All done. Let him know we got him a prize.”
An idea pops into your head about how you’re going to get out of here. Letting your head flop down like dead weight against your chest you begin to mumble softly to the medic.
“What is she saying?”
“I’m not sure. Speak up.” The medic barks the order at you.
“Can’t breathe. Need…need.” Then you put on the best performance of your life. Convulsing your body and gasping for air.
“Oh fuck, what did you do?”
“I didn’t do shit! We have to untie her, quickly!”
They make quick time to get your convulsing body untied and lay it down on the floor. Dramatically you stop convulsing and heave out a final breath.
“Fuck fuck fuck, we’re so dead.” The medic sounds like he’s almost in tears.
You sneak a peek and see the medic getting ready to start compressions. They’re so scared of Arkham Knight that they’ve forgotten to check your pulse.
As he goes to place his hands on your chest, you grab his arms. Bringing him down to you as you curl your body up, you slam your head into his, before tossing him towards the other man.
Gasping for breath from the excruciating pain, you stumble before running towards the guy with the taser. Locking your arms around his midsection, you’re able to lift him off the ground and slam him harder into the door. He drops the taser as his hands go to grab your shoulders. You drop to pick up the taser.
There’s a banging on the door as the people outside try to get in. You pay them no mind. You’re running out of time before you collapse.
“If you unlock that door, I’m going to shove this so far up your ass you’ll feel it in your brain.” You spit at them.
Looking up to the skylight above you and then towards the table that’s covered in your weapons. You know you’ll need a boost to get up there but you can’t move the table yourself.
Taking the taser you jam it into the medic's neck, moving out of the way as he drops. You gesture to the other one.
“Pull that table so it’s below that skylight and I won't shoot you.”
He stands still, challenging you.
“Bullshit, Batman doesn’t let his lackeys kill people.”
“Well unfortunately for you I’m not one of his fucking lackeys.”
Taking out your small pistol, you aim it at the skylight and fire. The nonlethal bullet cuts through the glass, and you turn your gaze back to him as it crashes around you. He swiftly moves the table under the skylight.
“Appreciate you doing that for me man.” Your voice is dripping with sarcasm and he scoffs a disgusted laugh.
Standing on the table, you don’t even spare a look at him before you take the pistol and pull the trigger. The nonlethal bullet hits his shoulder, and he examines himself to see the damage before realizing it didn’t pierce his skin. When he looks back, you’re gone.
You move away as fast as you can. Your heart thumps and the drumming of your blood in your ears adds to your headache. Jumping from one building to another, your wound grows larger. Looking down, you noticed that the once-white patch of gauze was now stained with patches of dark red. Getting to the edge, you see a shorter building that you’re able to lower yourself down onto.
Your eyes droop and you wobble. Stopping for a moment you brace yourself and try to push forward but your legs don’t allow you to go any further. You collapse.
Using the energy you have left you push the comm.
“Oracle I’m injured….need….help.”
“Phoenix, what happened? How bad?”
“Stabbed in side…can’t keep my eyes open.”
“Hey, hey keep talking to me! I’ve let Batman know, he’s on his way. Just keep talking to me.” You feel bad from the panic in her voice. She’s trying so hard to fight it but you hear the shakiness. You don’t have the energy to fight against having Bruce come to save you.
“I’m…still…here Barb. I can’t….move. Too…tired.” Your words come out thick like honey as you begin to lose consciousness.
“Bruce, hurry. She’s passing out.”
There’s silence on the other end. With her eyes closed, she leans forward, as if on the verge of offering a silent prayer. The thought of losing another friend is unbearable for her.
Bruce finds you with your hands clasped around your side. He assesses your vitals, you’ve lost a lot of blood but other than that you’re stable.
“I’ve got her Barbara. She’s going to be ok.”
“Oh, thank god.”
They both let out a shaky breath.
taglist: @thegirlwiththeyarn @pank0w @geminizmoonz @emilia527 @elizamay @anime5005 @babypaperwitch @skypperlegacy @rwylm-things @mayo-0-o @ex-cla-ma-tion @pheonixfucu @not-herexo @g0atmansbridge182 @theg0ddesshera @redhoodedangel @just-lost-inbetween-worlds @marigiano @lyralibra @peterparkers-bbymomma @lilocapoca @magic-without-bloop @misaki-kira8 @blackcanary130 @ykyouluvme @kiwi03 @xbonniepricexx @definitelynotanalien @ghostlyleech @pinkmaggit666 @0littlestwolf0 @stupid-ninja @reanie-xoxo @kittykatchicha @bunz-lover @justalittleb1tcrazy @gghoulpool @snackeyalleyjuice @deadplantluver @comealivedaya @thefandomdiaries07 @peter-parker-tony-stank-trash @awstrck @gemini-bichxx-blog @jennifermoyas @xdrin @harleycao @screamingsilence3 @ex-pinguina @kat-nee
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spirkme915 · 1 year
more spirk fics i've read recently and loved
The Promised Land by gunstreet @gunstreet (TOS) - buckle in and get ready for chapters and chapters of p-a-i-n. it's divorce era spirk (pre-TMP) and it hurts oh so good. have a desperate need to find out what spock was thinking when he chose kolinahr? you will wonder no more. also, there's sex. a lot of it and beautifully done. all around perfection
The Accidental Matchmaker by notboldly (AOS) - it's valentine's day on the enterprise and spock receives an unexpected note. this had me muttering "oh spock" (affectionate) under my breath as i read
emotionally compromised by thesorrowoflizards (AOS) - an extremely thoughtful and poignant rewrite of the bridge scene in the 2009 movie. gen not slash, but who needs sex when you get the vulnerability of tos spock in aos spock?
Between Me and You by Solid_Medical_Advice (TOS) - ONE BED! need i say more? well, i will anyway. this fic has a touch of angst but it's mostly fluff and feelings and is terribly soothing
home by Sir_Bedevere (TOS) - am i sucker for everything OMS? yes, yes i am. have another entry into the old married space husbands being adorably old and married (with a cat!)
Injury by iyokou (AOS) - F1 AND STAR TREK??? i love it when my fandoms collide. AND IT'S EXPLICIT HURT COMFORT??? *eternal sigh of happiness*
The Other Uniform by Bibarian (AOS) - jim wears an alternate uniform, spock loses his shit. spock & uhura bffs. then sex. how can you go wrong?
The way that we love at night (gave me life) by phlebotinxm (AOS) - obligatory PWP entry for this list and this one is established relationship so it's a completely different kind of good
(This and Every) Morning After by Solid_Medical_Advice (TOS/AOS) - are they friends with benefits? is it unrequited love? you probably already know those answers but this fic is still fun as hell to read. also, CONFIDENT SPOCK. i am here for all confident spock
Sweet dreams (of course I love you) by decidedlynotheterosexual @decidedly-not-heterosexual (TOS) - fluff, ALL fluff. need a happy read? this is it
and, for once, i don't have any non-spirk fics to rec, but there are two entries in the "aliens made them do it" trope for this list:
Lead Us to Our Own Bliss by gunstreet (TOS) - i'm hesitant to read this trope because it often involves non-con, but @gunstreet handled it perfectly. this fic definitely has voyeurism, but it's more about their awakening of their feelings for each other
Red Matter: Scents, Starfleet, and Kurage Sushi by CampySpaceSlime (TOS) - this was so. damn. creative. omg. unlike anything i could've expected and just as weird and alien as space should be
(you can find previous recs under fic rec and/or spirk fic recs)
reminder - please do send me recs and feel free to self-promo!
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fhatbhabiee · 19 days
WIP Tag Game
rules: list the names/titles of docs in your wip folder + open your inbox to asks about them!
tagged by @ak-vintage @evolnoomym @the-mandawhor1an
friends to lovers ! jack daniels
marea pt 2 ~ javi g x mermaid!reader
darling iyok pt 4 ~ jack daniels x ps reader ft javi p
hot for teacher ~ teacher!frankie x ps reader
npt: @jksprincess10 @perotovar @clawdee @kedsandtubesocks @sp00kymulderr @almostfoxglove @mountainsandmayhem
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rssspockuhura · 1 year
Warning: Some M/M works might show up here because the Spock/Uhura tag is used in ref to S/U as a side pairing, past pairing, etc. Currently there is no way to filter and exclude feeds on Ao3 to get only S/U F/M works.Solution. Read at your own risk.
by iyokou
Nyota plays with Spock
Words: 1068, Chapters: 1/1, Language: English
Fandoms: Star Trek, Star Trek: Alternate Original Series (Movies)
Rating: Explicit
Warnings: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings
Categories: F/M
Characters: Nyota Uhura, Spock (Star Trek)
Relationships: Spock/Nyota Uhura
Additional Tags: Fluff and Smut, Plot What Plot/Porn Without Plot, Dom/sub, Dominant Nyota Uhura, Submissive Spock, Aftercare, Bondage
read it on the AO3 at https://archiveofourown.org/works/46107775 via AO3 works tagged 'Spock/Nyota Uhura' https://archiveofourown.org/works/46107775
Need an Ao3 invite? Don't want to wait? Get one via LiveJournal or Dreamwidth. Remember to check out the Spuhura fanworks community on livejournal. Follow rssspockuhura for Spock/Uhura fanworks from around the web.
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ao3feed-spirk · 2 years
read it on the AO3 at https://archiveofourown.org/works/43806310
by iyokou
Jim warms Spock up during an Away Mission
Words: 1208, Chapters: 1/1, Language: English
Fandoms: Star Trek, Star Trek: Alternate Original Series (Movies), Star Trek: The Original Series
Rating: Explicit
Warnings: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings
Categories: M/M
Characters: Spock (Star Trek), James T. Kirk
Relationships: James T. Kirk/Spock
Additional Tags: Fluff and Smut, Cold Spock (Star Trek), Bottom Spock (Star Trek), Hand Jobs, Blow Jobs, Bath Sex, i will never stop writing cold spock ok byedksldksl, Plot What Plot/Porn Without Plot, Alien Biology, Non-Human Genitalia
read it on the AO3 at https://archiveofourown.org/works/43806310
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sleepingbeauty6400 · 5 months
nangisin abed ga kelar2, gimana lagi iyok…
0 notes
marcedrickirby · 8 months
Sevana - If You Only Knew (Official Trailer)
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bryango1 · 1 year
Keajaiban Seni AI: Mengenal Lukisan Teknologi di Pameran Denny JA
Seni selalu ada di dalam rumah manusia sejak zaman prasejarah, dimulai dari lukisan gua, tarian, musik, hingga teater. Namun, di era digital saat ini, seni telah mengalami perkembangan baru dengan adanya seni AI (Artificial Intelligence). Seni AI menggabungkan teknologi dan seni tradisional untuk menciptakan karya seni baru yang unik dan menggugah selera. Seni AI semakin populer dalam beberapa tahun terakhir dan menjadi topik penting dalam dunia seni.
Beberapa lukisan teknologi meriah perhatian pada Pameran Denny ja yang diadakan pada awal November 2021. Lukisan teknologi tersebut diciptakan dengan menggunakan AI dan dikurasi oleh Denny JA, seorang seniman dan founder Sangkring Art Space, sebagai bagian dari kegiatan kali ke-5 yang berjudul “Teknologi dan Kreativitas di Era Digital”. Pameran ini menampilkan 30 karya seni yang terdiri dari lukisan, instalasi seni, dan gambar yang dibuat oleh cirinya sendiri AI menggunakan metode machine learning. Keunikan dari seni AI terletak pada kemampuannya untuk menghasilkan karya seni yang unik dan menggugah lagi. Setiap karya seni yang dihasilkan oleh AI adalah unik dan tidak mungkin diproduksi ulang dengan cara yang sama.
Pameran ini menampilkan berbagai jenis lukisan teknologi yang menarik perhatian pengunjung, mulai dari lukisan yang abstrak hingga figuratif. Lukisan abstrak pada seni AI dapat menghasilkan corak dan tekstur geometris yang berbeda serta gradasi warna yang indah dan mengagumkan. Sementara itu, lukisan figuratif pada seni AI dapat menghasilkan bentuk-bentuk yang dipengaruhi oleh kebiasaan dan populeritas pada era tertentu yang dapat menggambarkan realitas pada masa itu.
Satu dari karya terpopuler pada pameran tersebut adalah lukisan teknologi karya Randy Kuntarto berjudul “Redemption”. Randy Kuntarto adalah seniman Indonesia yang memadukan seni AI dengan teknologi visual yang dinamis dalam karyanya. Lukisan “Redemption” menggambarkan seorang wanita yang sedang melihat hari-hari terakhirnya dalam keadaan tenang dan damai. Teknik AI yang diaplikasikan pada lukisan ini menciptakan hasil yang memukau dengan warna-warna yang hangat dan halus.
Karya AI yang lain pada pameran ini juga tak kalah menarik. Ada instalasi seni karya Wukir Suryadi yang dinamakan “Besiskit”. Instalasi ini terdiri dari beberapa lembar logam yang disusun secara teratur dan menghasilkan suara yang khas ketika ditiup oleh angin yang lewat. Tujuan dari instalasi ini adalah untuk menggambarkan keindahan alam dan kekuatan sifat. Ada juga karya AI dari Iyok Prayogo, seorang seniman dari Surabaya, yang menggunakan AI untuk menciptakan karya lukisan yang indah dan memukau dengan warna yang dramatik dan tekstur yang kasar.
Sementara itu, para pencinta seni tradisional mungkin akan bertanya-tanya, “Apa dampak dari AI pada seni tradisional?”. Pada kenyataannya, seni AI dapat menjadi panduan bagi seniman dalam mengembangkan karya seni mereka. AI dapat membantu seniman dalam menghasilkan ide-ide baru dan mempercepat proses kreatif dalam membuat karya seni.
Namun, ada juga yang berpendapat bahwa seni AI dapat menggantikan seni tradisional, menyebabkan kehilangan karakteristik manusia dan ruang dalam seni. Luisa Caldas, seorang seniman Argentina, mengatakan bahwa “Seni adalah tentang pengalaman manusia, keterlibatan manusia, belajar dari manusia untuk manusia. Teknologi tidak dapat membuat karya seni seperti manusia”.
Walaupun terdapat perdebatan terkait seni AI dan seni tradisional, Pameran Denny ja berhasil menggambarkan keajaiban seni AI dan menarik perhatian pengunjung. Keunikan dan keindahan yang dihasilkan oleh AI dapat dijadikan panduan dalam menciptakan seni masa depan yang semakin lebih maju dan indah. Seniman dapat berinovasi dalam menghasilkan karya seni yang bertujuan menggugah perasaan dan mulai mempertimbangkan kemungkinan seni AI di masa depan.
Kesimpulannya, seni AI telah merambah pada dunia seni modern dan berhasil menciptakan karya seni yang unik dan indah. Pameran Denny JA berhasil menunjukkan keajaiban seni AI pada karya seni yang terpajang. Seni AI dapat menjadi teknologi yang membantu seniman untuk mengeksplorasi ide-ide baru dalam mengembangkan karya seni mereka. Namun, seni tradisional tetap memiliki nilai yang tak ternilai. Oleh karena itu, seni AI dapat menjadi bagian penting dalam seni modern dan dapat digunakan sebagai panduan bagi seniman dalam menghasilkan karya seni masa depan.
Cek Selengkapnya: Keajaiban Seni AI: Mengenal Lukisan Teknologi di Pameran Denny JA
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behappy4lifenow · 1 year
Check out this listing I just added to my Poshmark closet: Iyoko Inyake Womens Cat Eye Eyeglass Frames IY784 - New.
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turisiancom · 1 year
[URIS id=16617] TURISIAN.com - Wow, guys! Ada event keren nih, eL-Run 2023! Lebih dari 400 pelari dari berbagai daerah ikutan, loh. Digelar di eL-Hotel Bandung, Jalan Merdeka No 2, Kota Bandung, Minggu pagi 28 Mei 2023. Cekidot, nih! General Manager eL Hotel Bandung, Iyok Supriatna, bilang pihaknya sengaja batasin kuota peserta biar nggak rame banget. Ternyata pesertanya nggak cuma dari Bandung, tapi juga dari luar Jawa Barat, lho. Mereka bahkan nginep di hotel ini buat ikutan acara seru ini, gitu. Rutenya asyik banget, bro! Mulai dari eL Hotel Bandung, lewat Jalan tamblong, Jalan Asia Afrika, Jalan Banceuy, Jalan Naripan, Jalan Braga, sampe Jalan Suniaraja. BACA JUGA: Event Lari Ambarrukmo Volcano Run Kembali Digelar, Catat Tanggalnya Terus dilanjutin ke Jalan Perintis Kemerdekaan, Jalan Wastukencana (balkot), Jalan LLRE Martadinata, Jalan Merdeka (BIP), dan finish di eL Hotel Bandung. Total jarak yang ditempuh cuma sekitar 5 km aja. Oh ya, Pendiri eL Hotel Group sekaligus Executive Chairman B-Universe, Enggartiasto Lukita, juga ikutan ngomong. Dia ngungkapin antusiasme masyarakat buat eL-Run 2023 luar biasa tingginya. Bukan cuma dari Bandung dan Jawa Barat, tapi dari Jakarta, Yogyakarta, dan Surabaya juga ikutan, loh! Enggar bilang, event olahraga ini digelar buat seru-seruan sambil berolahraga. Makanya diselenggarain di pagi hari biar tambah asyik. BACA JUGA: PertaRun Energizing Run, Event Lari Pertama Pertamina Cilacap Bakal Diadakan Secara Rutin Dia juga ngomong kalau acara ini bakal diadain secara rutin di setiap kota yang ada eL Hotel supaya persiapannya lebih gampang. Sementara itu, Menteri Pariwisata dan Ekonomi Kreatif, Sandiaga Uno, juga ikutan meriahin event ini. Dia ngibarin bendera start dari pukul 05.40 WIB, siap-siap lari. Sandiaga juga udah siap-siap pake baju olahraga buat ikutan lari, bro! Dia berharap eL-Run 2023 ini bisa bikin semangat usaha dan ekonomi naik. Gak cuma buat Bandung, tapi juga buat seluruh Indonesia. Mereka bahkan siap-siap live streaming di media, loh! BACA JUGA: 2.000 Pelari akan Ikuti Event Run Against Cancer 2023, Ini Jadwalnya Sandiaga juga ngajak masyarakat buat hidup sehat dan bahagia dengan ikutan olahraga. Fun run ini emang ajakan buat hidup sehat, bro! Dia berharap event ini bisa meriahin masyarakat di luar Bandung juga. Sandiaga juga bilang, kuliner di Bandung tuh oke banget, bisa jadi daya tarik wisata di sini. Dia udah pemanasan tapi belum makan-makan. Nanti dia mau jalan-jalan ke Jalan Banceuy buat makan enak. Ada kopi aroma yang legendaris banget, lho. Udah terkenal dari zaman Pak Enggar masih sekolah, bahkan udah beberapa generasi terkenal. Kuliner di Bandung emang jadi daya tarik utama buat wisatawan, guys! ***
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Question time!!
Please help me figure out what to do. I feel like sometimes too many words turn people away but I also feel like if there’s not enough words it feels like you waited a long time for barely any pay off.
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Biovardi Organic Health and Beauty
Biovardi es una para-farmacia especializada en la cosmética natural ecológica con base científica, trabajamos con marcas pioneras como Dafna skincare, Le pure, Madara, Ami iyok, LA fervance, Novexpert, Curative, John masters organic, Ere perez,y muchas mas marcas orgánicas y de alta calidad, detrás de Biovardi esta nuestra Farmacéutica especializada en el cuidado de lapiel y en los suplementos nutricionales. Biovardi is a para-pharmacy specializing in organic natural cosmetics with a scientific basis, we work with pioneering brands such as Dafna skincare, Le pure, Madara, Ami iyok, LA fervance, Novexpert, Curative, John masters organic, Ere perez, and many more brands. organic and of high quality, behind Biovardi is our Pharmaceutist.
Contact Us Biovardi Organic Health and Beauty
Avenida Manolete, 14, n1, C.C. Centro Plaza, 29660 Marbella, Málaga, Spain
Phone : +34 6983 08412
Google CID : https://www.google.com/maps?cid=9078066875866733288
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Today is the last day of 2020 which also means it's the last day of my debut year. I decided to do a fun little photo shoot with my book up in the mountains to celebrate such a huge milestone. There have been so many ups and downs this year (way too many downs), but I can confidently say that finally having my book release, even with all the craziness, was a highlight. I'm glad to be closing the door on 2020, but will never forget how special it was to have such a huge dream come true. Here's to 2021! #bookstagram #bookstagrammer #roaring20sdebut #yafiction #yacontemporary #authorsofig #authorsofinstagram #authorsofinsta #writersofinsta #writersofig #writersofinstagram #swoonreads #ifyouonlyknew #iyok https://www.instagram.com/p/CJd6IYYgoa3/?igshid=uiug1gf4v48m
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ao3feed-spirk · 2 years
read it on the AO3 at https://archiveofourown.org/works/42699987
by iyokou
Jim spends time with Spock
Words: 866, Chapters: 1/1, Language: English
Fandoms: Star Trek, Star Trek: Alternate Original Series (Movies), Star Trek: The Original Series
Rating: Explicit
Warnings: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings
Categories: M/M
Characters: Spock (Star Trek), James T. Kirk
Relationships: James T. Kirk/Spock
Additional Tags: Fluff and Smut, Domestic Fluff, Alien Biology, Non-Human Genitalia, Sleepy Sex, James T. Kirk Loves Spock, Spock Loves James T. Kirk, Established Relationship, Frottage
read it on the AO3 at https://archiveofourown.org/works/42699987
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k00260889 · 4 years
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Iyok Suntari 
Iyok Suntari was an instalation artist. After his lover died in a sudden plane crash he tried to preserve his memories of her through playing videos of her on old telivisions screens while a poem he had written is recited in the backround. Sadly he died before showcasing his work. 
Studio Batu took this story and made a 12 minute short film called In The Year Of Monkey directed by Wregas Bhanutedja which won the Cannes Film Festival’s Leica Cine Discovery prize. 
after doing more research the story turns out to be fictional. But the idea of preservation of memories was something I never thought about. especially since my project is going towards preservation. It gave me insporation to think about how I could use that concept on childhood memories and how many memories we lose as we grow older and change. I might not go with that because I’m not sure if it would count as plagerism of that concept but it is at least interesting to see how preservation could be taken in a completely different direction.
here’s a link to the artical I read about this story:
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mikrokyla · 4 years
hi !! can i be added to the tag list of iyok ?
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