lacunasbalustrade · 2 years
CFV Characters (and they way they wished Kai a happy birthday this year?!)
does this count as a birthday gift
more like a birthday massacre.
Miwa: set Kai’s phone to ring at 6.00 am in the morning with a recording of him singing Rick Astley’s Never Gonna Give You Up, and at the end he yells really loudly ““Happy Birthday! 🥳🥳🥳””
Misaki: texted Kai in the group chat. “Happy Birthday. You can come and get a free Kagero box from the store later.”
Kamui: sent Kai onions in the mailbox. The poor postman had to leave the letters on top.🧅🧅🧅🧅
Aichi: ran all over the place trying to get Kai a rare card. Kai already had the rare card. Kai pretended he did not have the rare card. Aichi was happy. Kai was happier. 😂
Shin: *when Kai walks in* subtly stops Morikawa from trying to trip him. “Happy Birthday, Kai-Kun.” Subtly tells Aichi where to get the aforementioned card. Subtly smuggled in balloons for Ren.
Morikawa: sings the happy birthday song obnoxiously loud. Tried to give Kai lessons as a gift. Got ignored……
Izaki: gave Kai card sleeves. The rest of the characters “what are these magical things known as card sleeves?” Kai was happy because now he can play cards at the beach. And at the aquarium Ren dragged him to. And with Kyou disguised as a starfish at the aquarium.
Assisticat: gave Kai a paw bump.
Ren: gave Kai an aquarium. Orchestrated the surprise party.
Tetsu: helped Kai get out of the aquarium. Forcibly removed Kyou and Morikawa from the surprise party.
Asaka: gave Kai a discount voucher for a trip to the movies that she got while shopping. Only gave it to him because Ren liked watching movies at home better.
Leon: couldn’t be bothered to make an appearance, but he did send a boring card to Kai through mail. Of course, with a pop up sticker inside that Jillian and Sharlene stuck in, and which bonked Kai in the nose when he opened it and covered his room in glitter.🍬
Ibuki: Contrary to all expectations, he didn’t even know it was Kai’s birthday?!😱
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buichiroushirase · 4 months
Chuuya scaring the shit out of Shirase complication <3
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khainovo · 11 months
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unnamed american university says his hair is a safety hazard, and it had to be cut down for the greater good. card capital 1 gang thinks its a crime against humanity.
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Ok now that I’m thinking abt it cfv cast social media headcanons if cfv was set a little closer to now than 2011:
Aichi: he has Instagram but mostly to follow Kai (who didn’t actually accept his follow request until like the end of season 1 lmao) and Misaki and all his other friends rather than out of a particular desire to post pictures himself. It’s a private account and he posts when the mood strikes him, with content wildly varying from like pictures with friends to cute animals to cool new vanguard cards to food that was particularly good. Has Snapchat because Kamui bugged him about it and mostly uses it for streaks (but he forgets a lot & kamui’s like BROTHER AICHIIIIIIII :( OUR STREAK :( ).
Kai: Instagram. It’s also a private account, and for a while he just had 2 followers (Ren and Tetsu), then after their fallout he blocked Ren and Tetsu but Miwa bugged him into accepting his request (though he didn’t really post during that time just used it to observe), then after s1 he finally accepted more of his friends’ follow requests. Eventually he starts posting food he made & ofc his favorite kagero units (& maybe his friends. Occasionally. He’s not big on writing captions though). I can also see him having a Twitter where people try to antagonize him & he roasts the shit out of them (Kamui is constantly in his mentions trying to start shit, at first out of genuine dislike - he gets blocked for a while because of this - but then just for fun. Kai still blocks him every so often, and/or occasionally plays along and snipes back with some rude comment, but it’s mostly to annoy him back rather than out of genuine malice. Mostly. He does enjoy being an asshole to Kamui though). Has Snapchat but pretty much only opens it when Aichi sends him something (Ren likes to send him a million snaps chronicling his whole day to annoy him so mostly he ignores the app).
Misaki: she’s a Pinterest girlie for sure. Very organized Pinterest boards with images that are always properly sourced. She also has Instagram (also a private acc) but she didn’t use it much before she met her card capital friends, now she uses it to keep tabs on Aichi and the others. She doesn’t really post pictures except on special occasions but she is an avid close friends story user, especially when she knows Kourin will see her posts (before s4? Or au where she doesn’t disappear I guess? Idk it’s my city & I’m already diverging from canon to say they have social media just roll with it). There’s also an official Card Capital Instagram, and when she becomes the store owner in G she doesn’t really run it but she has to approve the content that gets posted there. I can also see her having tumblr just bc of her “strange” sense of humor, like she’d be very anonymous about it and not put basically anything in her bio (MAYBE her name but maybe not even that, & possibly a fake name), but I can see her being fairly popular here.
Kamui: he’s too young for social media AND YET he has it anyways. Can frequently be found getting into fights on Twitter. He’s also a big Snapchat user and HATES when people leave him on read, or when someone’s about to break a streak. Very big on streaks in general, has insanely long ones with Reiji and Eiji. Also he definitely has tiktok and (he will deny this but) he’s jealous when anyone he knows has more followers than he does. How does Suzugamori Ren have that many followers anyways >:/? In G era he downloads Instagram because he heard that Emi did it.
Miwa: definitely a Reddit user (but like not in the derogatory way, he’s just fascinated by the site). He has a personal Instagram as well as a wildly popular other account dedicated to unflattering candid pictures of his friends (mostly Kai but Misaki Kamui and Morikawa are also frequent features, and, on one memorable occasion, Jun). Semi-popular on TikTok for being a sweet & funny guy and also for casually mentioning insane things that happened and never elaborating (“yeah sorry I was absent I got kidnapped because my dumbass friend wanted to play cards with a gang leader, that guy better be grateful”).
Reiji and Eiji: have the same social media Kamui does, and hype him up on it (/occasionally bemoan how lame he is) but also do their own things.
Morikawa: Tumblr user, fully believes the wizard blogs are real wizards. Gets anons from people like “I want to study you” all the time & he always misses the point and makes it into “the Morikawa vanguard school is always open to new students because I am the greatest teacher ever”. After meeting her, a lot of his posts start focusing on Kourin and his followers have an equivalent experience to when someone you’ve followed suddenly turns into a K-pop blog with absolutely no explanation. Kind of famous just because of how fucking weird he is. He also has Snapchat but is like really bad at taking pictures so everything he sends/posts is blurry or at a bad angle, but unironically. Had no interest in any other social media until he heard Kourin had Instagram and Twitter, at which point he downloaded them both and immediately started posting about her.
Izaki: Twitter user /derogatory (sorry Izaki but I know this in my heart to be true. He’s gotta have some red flags to have stayed friends with Morikawa this long). Also has Snapchat and tries (and fails) to help Morikawa take better pictures. Kamui frequently bullies him about losing their streak, which since they’re not actually that close is probably their main form of communication. Izaki’s not totally convinced that Kamui actually knows his NAME, so he’s confused about why he cares so much (it’s bc Kamui has a Snapchat streak with literally everyone he knows who 1. has Snapchat and 2. does streaks). Also possibly has an Instagram where he occasionally gets influxes of followers when he’s tagged in pictures with his more famous friends, but some of them probably don’t think he’s that interesting and soon unfollow (lmao rip)
Emi: does not have social media in the main series but gets an Instagram by G era (when Kamui finds this out he suddenly downloads Instagram even though he has never expressed an interest in it before, and thus so does Nagisa, somehow sensing what Kamui has done).
Nagisa: has Twitter only so she can follow Kamui (again, she is too young for Twitter). Kamui has her blocked but she can still somehow sense when someone’s arguing with him & she comes into their replies like “leave my man alone!!” I would not be surprised if she doxxed people tbh. She keeps getting banned but somehow every time she appeals it the ban is lifted (Kamui suspects dark magic). Also downloads Instagram in G era after Kamui does (how does she know he got it if he didn’t tell her??? She has her ways).
Kourin: has an official ultrarare Instagram and Twitter where she promotes her idol work, and also a private Instagram and Twitter where she posts pictures of her friends and nerds out about vanguard and thoroughly logically dismantles stupid people. Once she posted a stupid meme making fun of Kai on her official ultrarare Twitter instead of her personal one by accident and fully freaked out trying to take it down before the fans screenshotted it (she wasn’t successful bc idol fans are crazy and ended up saying she was hacked) (Kai will never admit it but he thought it was funny). She probably has Morikawa blocked on every platform.
Rekka: an instagram girlie FOR SURE. She posts often and sticks to a cutesy aesthetic, and is wildly popular. She’s also very into Snapchat, both in terms of doing streaks with people and live-blogging funny bits of her day on her story. Probably also spends a lot of time on Pinterest & has a lot of Pinterest boards for every situation.
Suiko: I’ll be real I have no idea. I feel like she either has no social media at all and just like guest appears on Kourin and Rekka’s, or has like official instagram/twitter accounts with tons of followers that she semi-maintains and weird shitposty anonymous accounts where she just posts whatever comes to her brain. Tbh I can see her stirring the pot so she can observe Kamui into getting into more twitter beef just to see what happens. Redditor??? She is a mystery to me.
Kenji: has Tumblr & like 60% of it is dedicated to Ancient Rome, 30% of it is about vanguard, and the last 10% is just him reblogging like feminist stuff and positive messages. A wife guy without actually having a wife or realizing he’s a wife guy (posts a lot about “his friend” - Yuri - bc he just thinks she’s neat, but his followers seem to think he’s in love with her for some reason???). Cries when people on tumblr celebrate the ides of March. Probably has been cancelled for unironically stanning Caesar. Also has an official Instagram but doesn’t post on there much, when he’s there he’s usually just there to like his friends’ posts and log back off. People are surprised by his lack of social media and have not connected his tumblr (where he stays completely anonymous thank you very much, he is Not a fan of the attention) to him, and are always begging him to post more on his Instagram/get more social media, but when Yuri and Gai bring this up hes like no <3 I will not <3
Yuri: she’s a YouTuber for sure & she has helpful videos on deck building, strategy, how to stay calm under pressure, etc. Occasionally she includes her teammates or people from other teams in her videos (Aichi featured in one once and now her fans regularly ask for him to come back lol). She also has an official Instagram and Twitter, and runs most of the official Team Caesar accounts on various platforms. Yuri and Misaki are tumblr mutuals, and she is aware of Koutei’s tumblr (bc they’re both in the vanguard tag a lot and who else would be THAT obsessed with Julius Caesar. She’s no fool, she recognized it was him instantly) but she thinks it’s funny to not tell him it’s her (+ she’s kind of embarrassed in a fond way/thinks he might be embarrassed about the posts abt her if he knew) so she just scrolls through his nice posts abt her when she’s having a bad day.
Gai: tiktok famous for generally being a chill dude who’s willing to answer your vanguard questions but mostly for posting Team Caesar behind the scenes videos, which range from Yuri being mad at one or both of them to them doing challenges/playing games together, to some of their movie star stuff in G, to one particularly memorable video where he just stared at the camera while Yuri and Koutei were being in love with each other and (at least in Koutei’s part) oblivious to it in the background.
Ren: pre-season 1 he had no social media except an Instagram account and a Snapchat, both of which he used to post an ongoing stream of whatever was in his brain so that Tetsu and Kai would see it. After The Breakup™️ he went private and posted a lot of stuff about revenge, and being stronger, etc (which was no use since Kai had him blocked and he was not popular pre-Asteroid era, so pretty much only tetsu saw his posts). Also he’s DEFINITELY a Reddit user lmao. Post-season 1 Asaka got him into tiktok which he immediately became famous on, he joined Twitter which had a preconception of him due to the way he acted during season 1 and so he gets cancelled every other week for a while (eventually they mostly get used to his new personality and the way he says the weirdest shit), and he rebooted his Instagram to be public and deleted most of the old revenge posts (he probably leaves one up just to cause controversy lmao). Often leaves Kyou on read on Snapchat, but whether that’s on purpose or an accident is anybody’s guess. Actually he probably would have tumblr too & be kinda infamous bc his personality would definitely make him popular here tbh. He runs a “official ren suzugamori” blog but he never acknowledges he’s on tumblr anywhere else and everyone thinks it’s just a fake parody blog.
Asaka: tiktok famous for being hot, on team asteroid, and if she’s feeling generous for answering people’s vanguard questions (with a special focus on the Pale Moon of course). Probably also has a sizable following on Instagram. Lords her amount of followers over Misaki who pretends she doesn’t care but early seasons Misaki was actually a little annoyed by this.
Kyou: had a Twitter. Keeps getting banned from Twitter and making new accounts and the cycle repeats. Doesn’t have a tiktok but is tiktok famous anyways for always appearing in team asteroid videos in the weirdest ways (disguised as a potted plant. Scaled the building and can be seen inaudibly yelling in the background through the window on the third floor of team asteroid headquarters. Parachuting down from an airplane. Etc). When people comment about him on Ren’s videos he’s always like “who?” “I don’t see him?” or “huh, that guy looks vaguely familiar…” and when people comment about him on Asaka’s videos she refuses to name him but always says something about how much she hates that guy. Has Snapchat but about half the cast either leaves him on opened/read or straight up has him blocked (he Does take really interesting pictures though, and it’s cool to see all the places he goes! How does he have the money for all this??? Nobody knows).
Tetsu: runs “official team asteroid” accounts, including a YouTube on which Ren is IMMENSELY popular despite not being the account owner. Known for being intimidating on Twitter, and also for (one-sided tbh) twitter beef with Kamui (who would @ him like HEY ASSHOLE ACKNOWLEDGE ME >:/ & Tetsu would just ignore him) in earlier canon. He doesn’t actually use any of his accounts that much besides the YouTube and to publish official updates about team asteroid, but - though he’ll never admit it - he’s a fan of terrible memes. He asked what Asaka was laughing at once and she showed him a vanguard meme (“I don’t know if you’ll get it though”) and he excused himself and went to another room to laugh (Asaka was like ???).
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ikusayu-no-hana · 11 months
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9 days to kanshasai!
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starburstsobsessions · 6 months
Nobody has ever talked about Izaki Yuta look at that mf. He's a real G he's got dinosaurs he's got conflicting social skills he's got no personality What more could you ask for?
also this is his hair
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leenaevilin · 2 years
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[Update] 舞台「佐々木と宮野」(butai sasaki to miyano)
the show will be running from July 23rd, 2022 to July 31st, 2022 (Tokyo) @ シアター1010 (Theater 1010)
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Kikuchi Shuuji as Sasaki Shuumei (佐々木秀鳴)
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Takenaka Ryouhei as Miyano Yoshikazu (宮野由美)
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Ueda Kandai as Hirano Taiga (平野大河)
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Kawasumi Bishin as Ogasawara Jirou (小笠原次郎)
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Kitamura Kento as Hanzawa Masato (半澤雅人)
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Abe Kaisei as Kuresawa Tasuku (暮沢丞)
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Izaki Ryuujirou as Tashiro Gonsaburou (田代権三郎)
homepage twitter natalie
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cfv-week · 1 year
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galtzagorri-marrazki · 10 months
2021 UDA
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Super Kamen Rider by Izaki Boy
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strayai · 2 years
is it going to be fulfilling enough to read/watch sasaki to miyano if i'm just there to get to know this one gonzaburou tashiro kid
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lacunasbalustrade · 1 year
overlord’s ability burns away even the effect of triggers
reposted from ao3 because many people seem to like this one! read more below the cutoff
overlord's ability burns away even the effect of triggers
Hi, I heard that you guys were starving, so I'm here with food - *proffers a basket of cheese*. Anyways, this is a fluffy fic set post-legion, in the liminal space before Kai goes to France, and there is NO trauma whatsoever. Just people cooking suspiciously Chinese food (try the recipe! I promiss it's good) and eating dinner. For @khainovo on Tumblr
For khaicantwrite.
(See the end of the work for notes.)
Work Text:
love is pressed and not new, worn into you by the stares from behind your back and the light reflected from their watch on your hand, threads enveloping you like a faded blanket.
love is preused.
"Take two tablespoons of salt and dump it in with the clams." he instructs, moving around the teak counter to Aichi's side. "Good. Rinse it six-twenty times, using the sieve, and leave it there for half an hour." Kourin, her garnet apron flowing, carries a tray of crushed garlic over to the counter. Paced steps, level, light, cheery. A beacon with her lemony hair creamed by the warm light of the late afternoon. The garlic, white shreds oozing a subtle smell of wispy hellos, will be placed under Misaki's watchful care so Assistant Cat does not take it and dump it over the floor, speckles of lilac and aubergine skin that should be fried together with the clams. They are sitting in Miwa's lap now, the clams, shells overlapping with keratin in complex formations that would look like staircases to an ant that was shrunk down to be smaller than an ant, Aichi fancies as he replaces the salt canister in its pullout drawer, metal scrubbed until the reflection itself shines. Kai is a fastidiously territorial cat, and it means so much unspeakable trust that he has finally let them into his kitchen, albeit under some cautious guidance.
They play a game of Twister whilst waiting out the half an hour - all except Miwa, who still had to hold the clams for fear the real cat will eat them raw. He gets to hold the remote control for Kai's mini television, though, and amuses himself with the soft strains of a Korean drama as he hangs over the back of a chair. He looks for all the world like a white blobby sweater, left there to dry. Muslin waiting patiently to be ironed and laundered. Morikawa wins somehow - Misaki doesn't stand a chance in those tight clothes, Aichi has two left feet, Izaki gets exhausted fast, Emi and Kamui are too short. Kai has some semblance of dignity to maintain and remains a spectator, much to Kourin's pitying disapproval (she is the emcee. Perhaps she missed her work more than she wanted to say.)
"Put the bok choy in to simmer with the clans." Misaki is in charge of this part. She has no sleeves to roll up, dressed in that revealing azure top, but that's the feeling he gets when she enters the kitchen. Unlike Aichi, she has nerves of steel, and doesn't flinch at the roiling bubbles or practically throw the clams in, unleashing a spray of savage 'feedback'. Her fingers are calm, a strong quality in a chef, a good metal to add to an alloy. Kamui dislikes waiting, and being confined to the sofa even more so, but there is no help for it when he will insist in adding in an inane amount of seasoning. The human consumption of salt is not quite so advanced; it is a good thing he does not cook at home, or perhaps that is the reason he does not cook at home. He still yells instructions, however, confusing Izaki, who is in the middle of a Vanguard match with him. "Guard - watch out for that geyser, Emi-san!" Misaki deflects it with the spatula, earning a shower of applause from Emi. They strain the clams and bok choy, add it into a large soup pot.
"Add some more water. Once boiled, slowly add fish paste and continue to stir the pot." This part is lighter work, but Aichi seems to take it as seriously as he does everything else - the only one who could be more serious is perhaps Gaillard, but then the fish paste would turn into fish cream. The way his pale hand trembles with the effort to disperse the stubbornly sticky white paste through the soup, yet avoid coating the leafy dark greens with it? That's something to behold, the pensive jolt of his chin a hint at his inner frustration. (It's a frustration that will dissolve when even Emi praises his work. The wooden spatula splatters everyone with watery paste when he lifts it up and pumps his fist a little.)
The cooking of the chicken thigh meat is taken over by him - this is the most delicate part, and it is only a little factor that they gasp in awe as he tosses it expertly, with dextrous hands born from a curation of experience, with rice soaked in ginger puree, Shaoxing wine (a Chinese wine) and sliced Chinese sausage, handled by Emi earlier. Her chopping board was placed next to their workstation as she went through the mounds of preserved red meat with a deftness Kai approves of silently.
Bird's nest to pair? Or the frosted carrot cake he bought from the bakery? Honey spice cake? A chocolate cream? He wonders about dessert before the thigh meat has even browned and started smelling of the signature readiness, but when he notices, it's a inhalation of deep satisfaction that goes all the way down to the ribs and causes his chest to rise like dough. The warm flames of the stove erase all memories of anything but the fulfillment of a meal together, even after the stove has been switched off. They burn away the effects of all which previously triggered conflict, leaving their rowdy banter without any sting. The hearth of a previous inferno, embers now harnessed to a kinder task and the soothing of cold aches - who needs therapy when there is a hot plate of rice, chicken and clam soup with all the dinner places set and napkins at the ready? Good conversation flows over good food - this is one competition he cannot lose, one that no one can when there is no competitor; only friends, only the filling of a basic and imperatively essential need that joins them all together. Nutrition for those who lived on empty stomachs before they knew one another - or who lived off someone else, some-thing else. To rely on something that cannot betray them is a blessing, and he finds that he is smiling a small, private smirk.
He never used to smile.
Sometimes he needed proof, tactile proof that he loved them, was not coming up with a fantasy, and he remembered his old days, darker than he could shake, when his mouth hurt when he smiled. Those red tears streaked their fingernails gently down his cheeks like knives to a wrist, and he cried himself to sleep every night, when he scratched lines down his hands and into others' hearts, when he didn't want to love anyone around him, when he didn't care if he did the right thing anymore, when he lost his conscience.
When he couldn't close his hand into a fist, because the only thing he wanted to do was scratch and claw at the emptiness that he couldn't leave behind even with the jangling creak of coffee in his capillaries.
He never used to be able to do this.
He smiles at Morikawa's boasting (he was "responsible for the great meal", nevermind that he didn't lift a finger) unconsciously, a pattern of familiarity, and so what if he had practiced it into himself? Kai didn't use to be able to bring himself to do it.
With them, he sincerely believes that the world is kind, that the fire is faithful, that there is such an existence of hope.
They made him believe in love when he had forgotten how it felt. The sun is concurrently exhausted, depleted from the busy day; at night, they demanded nothing of him besides his own self to shine through, even as a reflection, and that made him love them, he is still so grateful that they understand him in a place no one ever could. the rigidity and demanding poise required to walk the line he has been racing - they knew it never stops, and he had desperately needed a reason to hold onto the people in front of him; he wanted to love them, but he needed reminders. He needed a map, needed them to lift him up when he was down, too, some proof that he wasn't not in this alone. That a hand could reach through his flames unhurt. He needed them to reciprocate and believe in him even when he let them down, people who were willing to forfeit their present for him later, someone to stay with him. And whether or not he asked, they were always going to be those people.
They, although so rough, calloused by their own traumas, loved him gently, like burn marks, like fresh wounds, like scars if that makes sense.
Kai doesn't want to hide anything bad or good from the 'them' he trusts his whole being to, he "won't hold anything back from you."
Let me love you, he wills to himself as water floods his moist throat.
Let me love you.
Some people Kai can never get back and he wants to make the most of all he has to give. 
I hope u like the food and didn't get grossed out. It's much better than it sounds I promiss glossary - Bok choy, also known as pak choy or pok choi, is a type of Chinese cabbage, that has smooth, wide, flat leaf blades at one end with the other end forming a cluster similar to that of celery. May be eaten cooked or raw. Puree – Pureed ginger (also known as ginger paste) is made by blending or grinding fresh peeled ginger into a fine puree. Some water (or occasionally oil) is used to create a smooth consistency. Shaoxing wine (Shaohsing, Hsiaohsing, Shaoshing), also called "yellow wine", is a traditional Chinese wine made by fermenting glutinous rice, water and wheat-based yeast. Chinese sausage is a broad umbrella category encompassing many types of sausage, both air-cured and smoked, from all parts of China as well as Vietnam and Thailand. It can be made from fresh pork, pork fat, livers, and, sometimes, chicken, and tends to be as sweet as it is savory, with a rich, dense, emulsified texture.
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calyxlytsong · 2 years
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thebladeblaster · 2 years
Digimon Tamer ZERO
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Chapter 13 Forlorn Vow (Finale of the first part)
Aichi’s heart felt so warm and fuzzy right now. He always wanted to do this deep down. It was not unlike when he reunited with Blaster Blade on Cray. Now, he finally understood those strange thoughts and feelings he had towards Dynasmon.
However, he felt something else in his chest. Something inside it that was invasive and foreign. A grim reminder that this was…fleeting. He was on limited time…a ticking time bomb that could go off at any moment and spell doom for those he loved.
Even still he treasured this moment. Those watching could tell from Aichi’s expression how much the affection meant to him. They wordlessly separated from each other. Aichi looked up at Dynasmon who looked away flustered. Aichi then turned to the angel Digimon more serious. Pusumon giggled happily.
“Great angels, is there any way to destroy the seed?”, Aichi asked.
The room became silent and tense. Seraphimon looked at Aichi intently.
“I honestly don’t know. I suppose there’s no harm in trying.”, Seraphimon replied, honestly.
On Earth…
The forces of the demon lords slowly encroached from the train stations.
At Forest Terminal…
Aichi looked down disappointed. They tried everything they could. He saw so many bright flashes of light he felt his head spinning. The mood was doured and Kourin looked very worried looking over to Aichi. Dynasmon looked annoyed grumbling about the uselessness of the Celestial Digimon. Pusumon looked confused and sad not exactly understanding the situation.
“I have news from our scout that the Demon Lords are on the move! It seems they’re trying to go to the human world!”, Sorcerermon said as he ran in.
This quickly gained their attention. The humans tensed at the news.
“Then, you must chase after them. We’re deeply sorry we cannot lift your curse, but we can provide you passage to the human world.”, Ophanimon said.
“You're just moving him not solving the problem…you useless angels.”, Dynasmon grumbled.
“It’s fine, Dynasmon. The seed didn’t even originate from the Digital World. Hoping they could get rid of it was always a long shot.”, Aichi replied and Dynasmon hmphed.
“We wish we could have aided you more after everything you’ve done. Unfortunately this is the most we can provide.”, Seraphimon said.
“So, what will we do about the seed then?”, Kourin asked.
“I guess we will simply have to wait until the Demon Lords are dealt with…I wish there was something I could do.”, Olivier said as he balled his fist.
Ren looked over to Aichi who seemed deep in thought. He swore he could see darkness in his expression.
“Oliver’s right. We will have to find a way to deal with it after defeating the Demon Lords.”, Aichi said.
Sorcerermon led them to a secret Trailmon underground.
On Earth…
The time was 6:01am. Despite the time that passed in the Digital World the forces of the Demon Lords hadn’t gotten far due to the time difference. The people of Earth were quickly starting to take notice of the invaders. Soon, the Demon Lords arrived on Earth….
The streets erupted into chaos when people saw the monsters roaming. Cars drove wildly trying to get away causing crashes. Screams of terror and explosions rang through the air. In mere minutes the city was thrown into chaos. A humanoid Digimon with blue armor roared as he cut through an electrical pole like butter. Just like that the internet which humans could use to contact the outside world was being cut off. A black t-Rex Digimon yanked at another electrical line with its tail.
“W-woah, what the hell is going on?!”, Naoki questioned and Shingo pulled him back behind a building.
“Shut it, wannabe! We don’t want those monsters to come near us.”, Shingo whispered.
“I’ll just cardfight them.”, Naoki replied.
“Do those guys look like they’re interested in cardfight?”, Shingo questioned, incredulously.
“Dark Roar!”, the Digimon with blue armor called out as it fired dark matter from its weapon.
The two paled as those hit by the dark matter were completely annihilated. This made Naoki rethink getting anywhere near them.
“Let’s bounce.”, Naoki said as quietly as possible and Shingo nodded.
The two started to sneak away from the chaos. They quickened their pace when debris started to fly everywhere. The Digimon with blue armor spotted them as they started running, aiming its weapon at them.
“S-Shit!”, Naoki cursed.
However suddenly something flew past them like a blur.
“Kotemon warp digivolve to…! Dynasmon!”, a familiar voice said.
The Digimon with blue armor coughed up blood as it suddenly had a gaping hole through its stomach. It was created by a massive fist that tore through its armor and body like tissue paper. More Digimon suddenly flooded in to combat the invading Digimon. This left the two very confused not understanding what was going on at all. Naoki tensed and Shingo flinched when the Digimon that easily dealt with the Digimon with blue armor turned to them. That Digimon was…Dynasmon.
“Naoki! Shingo!”, the two turned as they heard a familiar voice.
Their eyes widened in disbelief to see both Aichi and Kourin. They were even more confused to see Aichi carrying a small Digimon. Crusadermon struck a Digimon trying to attack them from behind with her roses.
“What the hell…?”, Naoki questioned.
“You guys need to go somewhere safe!”, Aichi said.
The black dinosaur rushed at Dynasmon in fury drawing their attention.
“How d-“, the black dinosaur was saying however it never got to finish its sentence.
Dynasmon backhanded the dinosaur without looking at it. It’s strike blew the dinosaur’s head off. Naoki and Shingo gaped incredulously at seeing this. Aichi would normally scold Dynasmon for killing another Digimon so casually but…He looked around seeing the untold destruction all across the city in mere minutes. The stench of blood and ash was in the air. Regrettably they really didn’t have time to purify every attacking Digimon if they wanted to save as many victims as possible.
It was frightening to imagine what level of destruction would have been caused before they arrived if Earth and the Digital World moved at the same time. Aichi went over to Dynasmon’s side. Naoki froze at seeing Aichi and Dynasmon together. Something about it felt oddly familiar.
“Where are you going, Aichi?!”, Shingo questioned fearfully, before Aichi looked back at his friends.
“We’re going to deal with this.”, Aichi replied, only adding to the two’s confusion.
“It’s a long story. We don’t have time to explain.”, Kourin said.
Aichi put Pusumon into his former v-pet and got on Dynasmon’s back as he flew. The wyvern knight manipulated the wind to move the debris out of the way of crushing people. He then fired that same debris at the many Digimon that charged at it. The pressure of the wind increased the deadliness of the debris drastically allowing it to kill the Digimon attacking it. Kourin led Naoki and Shingo away with Crusadermon guarding them.
“Does this mean you remember us?!”, Naoki questioned and Kourin nodded.
The two looked stunned learning this.
Dynasmon flew at unbelievable speeds tearing countless numbers of the invading Digimon apart. Aichi had a much better view of the devastation now. It unnerved him greatly to see the city he’s lived in his whole life torn asunder. He only hoped that no one he knew was…Aichi visibly flinched holding his chest as a dark aura appeared around him briefly. He really didn’t have the time. Any time.
“I’m sorry for this…”, Aichi thought solemnly.
Only due to this ruthless decision and the blessing of Dynasmon’s speed were they able to save as many people as they could. In less than a minute the invading forces within the city were annihilated to the awe of those witnessing it. Dynasmon stood victorious over the corpses of the invaders who quickly faded away. People looked out from the destroyed buildings seeing Dynasmon high in the sky.
“How shit!”, Naoki said, completely stunned.
“Well, that was quick. I suppose we should focus on our second objective then, my lady.”, Crusadermon said.
“Second objective?”, Naoki questioned, having the same strange feeling as when he saw Aichi and Dynasmon together.
“We have to check on everyone to make sure they’re alright.”, Kourin replied.
“That makes sense.”, Shingo replied.
She started explaining to them how they went to the Digital World with vague details. She was unsure if they should know about the seed considering Aichi hadn’t told them before and they didn’t need to be worried about that and the Demon Lords at the same time.
Gatomon snickered as she viewed Aichi and Dynasmon from afar.
“It seems the Digimon we sent after them failed miserably. Alas…”, Gatomon sighed.
She watched as the two flew off. She observed them quietly following them.
Aichi looked beyond relieved to see his house in one piece. Dynasmon shrunk down, becoming Kotemon. His family would definitely freak out seeing Dynasmon’s towering form, but there was no telling if there were surviving invaders lurking around. Aichi and Kotemon looked around cautiously before entering the house.
At the door he was met by his mother who seemed to be rushing out with Emi. She quickly stopped before she ran into Aichi.
“There you are, Aichi! We have to go! Did you hear those explosions?!”, his mother said, sounding panicked.
Emi looked over, noticing how bizarrely calm Aichi was. She remembered Link Joker and wondered if her brother was somehow caught up in this too. Her mother noticed the small figure in kendo gear next to Aichi and her eyes widened.
“Everything is fine for now.”, Aichi replied as he noticed his mother looking at Kotemon.
“Your…that can’t be…”, his mother murmured.
“This is Kotemon.”, Aichi introduced, gesturing to his partner.
The two looked completely stunned at this.
“Wait…’mon’? Kotemon? Isn’t that a Digimon?!”, Emi questioned.
When she looked more she noticed the reptilian feet and tail clearly poking out of the kendo armor. Emi’s eyes were completely wide as she realized it was real as she saw the tail move.
“I don’t understand. What’s going on, Aichi?! I thought Kotemon left.”, his mother said, surprising Emi.
Aichi looked a bit shocked due to not having his memories.
“This might sound unbelievable, but there’s really no way to hide it after what just happened…”, Aichi said.
He explained how he went to the Digital World leaving out any parts about the void. He had also brought Pusumon back out who was fussy at being forced into the former v-pet. His mother calmed it down and Emi’s eyes sparkled at how cute it was. Notably Pusumon was bigger than when it was seen last. It no longer had its binky, it had grown short stubby legs and had yellow spikes on its back.
“I’m sorry, Pusurimon. I put you in the v-pet because I didn’t want you to be in danger while Dynasmon was fighting.”, Aichi apologized, waving his hands.
“It was still so mean, mommy! I didn’t know where you were!”, Pusurimon replied.
However, it quieted down when Aichi’s mother gave it food and it focused on eating, making them sweat drop.
“Because the Demon Lord’s forces are attacking all over the world through the train stations we all had to split up.”, Aichi was saying.
Aichi looked down at his phone and Kotemon looked over his shoulder. His phone was full of worried texts from his friends. He kept repeatedly hearing dings as he tried to talk. He quickly tried to text all his friends back clarifying he was okay and asked if they were. He frowned as he got a call from Misaki, but he knew better than to ignore her. It wasn’t as if he didn’t want to hear her; he just…didn’t want to explain what happened at the club.
Emi gave him a judging look as he looked down at the ringing phone.
“Come on, what’s up with you, brother?! Answer her!”, Emi said.
“She will only get more worried if you don’t answer her again.”, Kotemon said as Aichi closed his eyes.
Emi raised her eyebrow at this. What he said implied Misaki had already called him. She was absolutely perplexed at why her brother was avoiding her and his other friends. He raised the phone up to his ear accepting the call.
“Yes.”, Aichi replied softly.
He instantly backed away as he could hear Misaki yelling. She was so loud Emi could hear her even though it wasn’t on speaker. Kotemon had never felt such unbridled fury from a voice alone. He wondered what kind of power this Misaki had, especially since he could see his tamer’s intense fear plastered on his face.
“I have been trying to call you for the past half hour! Why the fuck haven’t you been responding?! I thought you were dead! Are you and Emi alright!”, Misaki said, fuming with rage which made Aichi tremble in fear.
She could tell just how enraged she was when he heard her curse. He’s never heard that before so he knew he was basically dead. Was the void going to matter when Misaki murders him?
“I-I’m s-“, Aichi was saying shakily before he was cut off.
“Get your ass over here now! You are going to explain what the fuck is going on! I got a message from Ren saying you went to some ‘Digital World’ and Kourin’s back!”, Misaki practically ordered.
“E-Emi’s fine…so is my mom.”, Aichi replied, sounding like a mouse compared to her.
“Then you have no reason to not get over here now!”, Misaki replied.
Aichi was silent for a moment as he held the phone.
“Aichi?! Did something happen?”, Misaki asked, sounding concerned.
The others looked confused at Aichi’s behavior. He seemed to have calmed down from his initial fear. His expression was more calm and almost cold. Emi noticed Pusurimon froze looking scared. Kotemon was worried the void was doing something again.
“Fine. I’ll come.”, Aichi replied, simply.
Misaki was put off by the bluenette’s tone. She recognized it far too well…the way Aichi’s voice sounded deeper than normal. Hearing that familiar tone made her more worried than ever before.
“W-wait Aichi-“, Misaki questioned, concern was very visible in her voice before Aichi hung up.
Aichi’s mom and Emi looked completely stunned. Aichi just…hung up on someone. Not just someone, one of his closest friends. They were starting to feel seriously concerned about Aichi now. Had something happened in the Digital World he hadn’t mentioned? Even more so Emi was alarmed because she recognized Aichi’s tone as well. It was the same as ‘that time’ where her brother suddenly became frightening. Something was…very wrong with her brother. She could feel it.
“A-Aichi?! What the heck was that?! Why did you hang up on her?”, Emi questioned.
“Let’s go, Kotemon. Pusurimon, can you keep mom and Emi safe?”, Aichi said as the small Digimon looked up at them.
“Sure? Where are you going, mommy?”, Pusurimon questioned with concern.
“Aichi, what’s going on with you?! You’ve been acting strange!”, his mother questioned.
Kotemon looked at Aichi as he looked over. This completely stunned his mother. She had absolutely no idea why her son was acting like this and it was terrifying.
“Everything’s fine. I will see you two later.”, Aichi said, followed by Kotemon as he quickly left.
Emi got up at this practically about to chase after him herself.
“Wait! Emi, there could be more monsters!”, their mother warned.
“Pusurimon digivolve to…!”, Pusurimon said, suddenly sounding surprised.
Very soon after Pusurimon was engulfed in light stunning them. When the light vanished Pusurimon was bigger again and now bipedal. Its fur was spiky, it now had red claws and pointy ears.
“Herissmon?!”, Pusurimon now Herissmon, said as surprised as they were.
A blue aura was visible around it briefly before quickly fading away. It suddenly felt so much power surging through it. Did Aichi do that?
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At Card Capital…
Aichi’s friends looked absolutely stunned as they overheard Misaki’s call with him. Kourin, Naoki, Shingo, Kai, Miwa, Kamui, Morikawa, Izaki, Shin, Reiji and Eiji.
“Maybe you're onto something Izaki. Aichi really is turning into Kai…”, Morikawa said with wide eyes.
Naoki and Shingo noticed how particularly spooked the others were hearing Aichi’s tone of voice. The two of them had never heard it before but it put them on edge especially seeing the others reactions. Kourin lowered her head and Kai was completely silent looking at the wall. Kamui’s fists were shaking, Reiji and Eiji’s mouth’s were agape. Miwa had a serious look and looked over to Misaki as concern flashed on his face. Shin touched Misaki’s shoulder with concern on his his face.
“I was just joking about that. I didn’t think he was really…”, Izaki said as he rubbed his head.
Misaki had a nervous sweat as she stood there gazing at her phone, unable to believe what she heard. The amount of worry that entered her overpowered the anger she felt. She had noticed the startling similarities with Aichi’s behavior to how he was acting then. Her greatest fears were being proven to be correct.
“Misaki…? What the hell?! Why did Aichi do that?! Was he lying to us?!”, Naoki questioned, seeing that as the only explanation.
“I don’t know…but Aichi has been acting strange for over two weeks.”, Misaki replied.
“Something has definitely been seriously up with him. If we caught him before would he have acted like that?”, Shingo questioned.
“Even still there’s no reason to act like that when we’re worried about him! He hasn’t had the hall to talk to Misaki like that since…”, Kamui was saying.
“It’s gall, kiddo.”, Miwa corrected.
“That doesn’t matter! The way he was acting was just like he was during Nationals!”, Kamui replied.
Shingo’s eyes widened as he suddenly remembered how Aichi was in the Nationals. He hadn’t thought about it for awhile and he had only been a spectator then. He thought it was some sort of heel performance considering how nice Aichi proved to be. But, Aichi had later said he couldn’t act confusing him. He remembered Aichi used the same tone there too.
“What the hell has crawled up Aichi’s ass to be acting like this?!”, Naoki thought.
“Nationals?! Was he acting like a complete ass then too?”, Naoki questioned.
Miwa looked over to Kai who frowned deeply. He could see Kai gripping his fist tightly.
“That’s…That’s a mistake!”, Aichi said, emotionally as he tried to talk him away from the metaphorical edge.
Flashback end
“This all started after Link Joker…Did it do something to him?!”, Kai thought, full of concern.
Kai suddenly thought of his own words.
“You’re going to be locked by me forever!”, he said menacingly.
Flashback end
Kai froze feeling like it was hard to breathe….Did he? Did he really lock Aichi?! It would explain his uncharacteristic behavior…He held onto the reverse for a while. Was it possible for the reverse to hold onto Aichi?
With Aichi…
“Aichi…why are you acting like this? Is the void doing something to you again?”, Kotemon asked.
Aichi looked down at Kotemon as they walked. There was something in Aichi’s gaze both powerful and utterly terrifying.
“I’ve decided what I need to do…”, Aichi replied as Kotemon sweated nervously.
“And what is that?”, Kotemon asked.
“I’m going to get rid of the seed by sealing myself away to protect everyone.”, Aichi said, through the former v-pet.
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Kotemon’s eyes widened in shock as he met Aichi’s gaze. Aichi was deadly serious about what he said. His partner could tell very well he meant every word of it without the void’s influence. Kotemon briefly stopped completely stunned by the declaration.
“You don’t agree do you? You want to stop me?”, Aichi said.
“That’s why you were acting so strange…you have been pushing everyone away so they won’t get hurt…”, Kotemon murmured.
That was how strong Aichi’s dedication was to protect everyone. He was willing to do anything to save his loved ones even if they ended up hating him. It was perhaps the ultimate display of loyalty. There was a moment of silence between the pair.
“You are one who is truly noble beyond belief, Aichi.”, Kotemon said as Aichi’s eyes widened.
Shock was visible on Aichi’s face. He had honestly expected to get lectured for suggesting such a thing. Kotemon bowed to Aichi who fully turned around to him.
“There is truly no human more worthy of being my partner.”, Kotemon said.
Aichi smiled warmly at Kotemon, his cold mask completely melting away.
To be continued…in Digimon Tamer ZERO -Earth arc-!
Aichi and co will return!
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Morikawa would love tumblr bc of all the wizard blogs. He’d be like “see Izaki i TOLD you wizards are real, they’re right here on this website!!”
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ikusayu-no-hana · 2 years
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kahakugeki: touken ranbu/tomoshibi: kiden ikusayu no adabana kaihen: ikusayu no adabana no kioku ended its run on 8/9 (9th of august, 2020) coinciding with kasen kanesada's touken book number.
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