#izuku found it and took it from katsuki's room one day when he was like yeah have it whatever
toughbunnyforever · 4 months
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child menace vs. well of patience
de-age quirk scenarios are always so funny bc little kacchan's such a brat lol
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lance-space-mommy · 4 months
Back From Jail Already?
Izuku was minding his business, scrolling through his phone as he tried to blend into the background. After all, he was the laughingstock of Aldera Junior High. There wasn’t a day when insults weren’t thrown at his face.
The school day hadn’t yet started so Izuku got to relax before the wrath of his peers was unleashed upon him. Katsuki came in and didn’t immediately come to ruin Izuku’s day, signaling that Izuku would be attacked later in the day when something mildly inconvenienced him.
“Everyone, take your seats,” instructed the teacher, entering the room with a stack of papers.
Izuku sighed, putting his phone away. The hero news blogs were dry this week anyway.
The teacher began calling attendance as usual. When the adult reached Izuku, he perked up a bit. “Midoriya, someone is waiting for you outside.”
The entire room faced Izuku with a stunned expression. Katsuki scoffed, rolling his eyes. “Yeah right! No one would waste their time to visit this quirkless loser.”
Hifumi never took his eyes off Izuku as he laughed, “Totally! It’s probably the nurse coming by to tell him to stop bothering her.”
The classroom was filled with sickening and ignorant laughing. Izuku was more than happy to get out of the room, heading to the door without much thought of who could be waiting for him.
Sliding open the door, Izuku’s jaw dropped as instantly saw a tall man with white fluffy hair and freckles.
“Darling! Guess whose back from jail!” cheered the man with open arms and a bright smile.
Izuku blinked slowly, feeling the burning gaze of all his classmates. The teacher was frozen in shock, beyond uneasy about leaving this ex-inmate with his student in the hallway.
Izuku shook his head, took a deep breath, and stepped out of the classroom. Izuku slid the door shut behind him and moved closer to his father. The teacher held up a finger to the class and approached the door. While they couldn’t care less about what happens between Izuku and his classmates, they did care about Izuku possibly being left alone with someone who could be a potential threat.
“Dude, what the fuck?” questioned Hifumi.
“Hell if I know!” seethed Katsuki, unaware Hisashi was in jail. From what Mitsuki told him, Hisashi was overseas for business.
Meanwhile, in the hallway, Izuku had to deal with his fresh-out-of-jail father. 
“Dad, did you really have to shout like that,” groaned Izuku, crossing his arms.
“Of course, I heard what those little shits said about you in there. Had to send them a message,” huffed Hisashi, unremorseful as ever.
Izuku smiled, finally reaching out to his father. “I missed you.”
Hisashi smiled, pulling Midoriya into a tight embrace. “Not as much as I missed you!”
Izuku couldn’t help but laugh, missing moments like these. “So why did you come to my school?”
“Well, Inko went to pick me up from the prison early and left you a note telling you to stay home,” commented Hisashi, not sure about what the note said considering he only found out about it when they returned to the apartment and Izuku wasn’t there.
“Oh! Mom’s barely home so I usually skim the letters she leaves. I read “don’t leave” and figured she meant for me to not leave my notes at home. It’s happened before,” chuckled Izuku sheepishly.
Hisashi grinned brushing Izuku’s bangs out of his face and caressing his freckles. “You’ve bulked up since I’ve last seen you.”
Izuku smirked, flexing his arm. “Yeah, I’m trying to be as strong as you.”
“Can’t wait to have arm wrestles with you,” remarked Hisashi fondly, ruffling Izuku’s hair. “Now go on and grab your belongings. I’m taking you home.”
“Oh thank god. I was not in the mood to waste away here today,” celebrated Izuku, letting his entire body hunch over dramatically.
Entering the room again Midoriya soon realized that the entire class had been eavesdropping considering all the teens who sat in the back of the classroom weren’t in their seats. Katsuki and his lackeys stared at Midoriya in disbelief.
Izuku sheepishly announced. “Sorry for my Dad’s shouting. He’s just excited to be back.”
The entire school was filled with rumors that Izuku had a super dangerous father associated with the mafia. The only part of the rumors that was true was that Hisashi had been in jail and that he would happily destroy the lives of anyone who dared to lay a hand on his son.
It was safe to say the worst Katsuki did for a while was call Izuku “Deku”.
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Red String - Katsuki Bakugou x fem!reader
Summary = When you turn 16, a red string wraps around your finger and leads you to your soulmate. What happens when it is the person who has bullied you and your brother, Izuku, for years?
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Soulmates were amazing, knowing that this person was made for you, made to be with you for life. In theory, it was like a dream come true. In practice, maybe not so much.
Well, maybe if it was someone else rather than Katsuki Bakugou it would have been easier.
Me and Katsuki grew up together. Me and Izuku are twins which meant being around Katsuki. We were all close for a while until he got his quirk. I got my quirk around the same time but Izuku did not. He was quirkless. Katsuki did not like that. I did not like how Katsuki had turned sour towards Izuku. This lead to many arguments and burns from Katsuki whenever I stood up to him.
Then, suddenly, Izuku had a quirk. It was weird. He had always been small but ever since he helped Katsuki when that villain attack happened, he began training like crazy. He joined me on runs, lifting weights like I've never seen.
We went to the entrance exams together and he, impossibly, had a quirk. I confronted him and he told me about All For One. It was hard to understand at first but it made him happy so I did not question it too much. He will finally be the hero he has always been destined to be.
Now, when the quirks began to come a thing, so did soulmates. When you turn 16, suddenly a red string appears on your little finger. The end of the string connects you to your soulmate. It was an incredible phenomenon, much like the quirks. This meant divorce was almost 0% and the population was better off.
I felt ... strange about the soulmate situation. I was excited at the prospect of having someone who was made for you but it was scary thinking it could be anyone. It could be a murder, a creep - it could be absolutely any one and I had no control over it.
Second year at UA came around quicker than I could ever imagine. Time seemed to move faster and before I knew it, it was April and Katsuki's birthday was fast approaching.
Throughout the years, Katsuki has grown and even became my friend. It was hard. He was mean and confused about Izuku's sudden quirk but when he found out about One For All, he changed. He apologised to Izuku for everything and then apologised to me. It was hard for me to forgive him but I did it.
Now, his sixteenth birthday was a few days away and I was scrambling around the mall to find something. He is impossible to buy for. What do you get someone who has everything he wants?
I decided to go by myself to get him a gift, needing all the time to really think about it. When I asked him what he wanted he told me to 'not bother'. But, I wanted to. When we were children I used to make him a card every year and wanted to make up for all the missed years.
After four hours, I managed to find him something.
When I walked through the dorm, I ran into him and quickly hide the bag behind my back.
His eyes narrowed suspiciously. "What's that?"
I repressed my smile the best I could (not at all). "Nothinggg." I sang.
He slowly began to approach me and I backed up.
He snarled, "It better not have been expensive."
It was a bit out of my budget but he didn't need to know what. I rolled my eyes, "Just appreciate the present, grumpy."
I bopped his nose before running off into my room, successful in hiding it.
At dinner, everyone was asking him how he felt about finding out his soulmate. He blew up, so no one asked again.
It was weird, to think Katsuki could be soulmates with anyone. It could be a random stranger off the street, it could be someone in our class. Every time I thought about it, my chest felt very tight. I didn't want to think too much about it.
His birthday came and I had everyone help cook a big breakfast.
Katsuki came down, after Izuku got him out of bed and looked sheepishly at the effort we made.
I took the plate of waffles and brought them over to him. He was sat, waiting.
He looked over to me as I approached and the face he made almost made me drop the plate. His mouth was partly open, his eyes slightly wide and he looked at my hands holding the waffles. I admit, it was a lot of waffles but the reaction was something I was not expecting.
I smiled as I put the plate in front of him, his eyes did not leave the plate until I put it in front of him and then his eyes went up to my face. "Happy birthday Kat!" I cheered, clapping my hands together.
He did not look away from my face but his face spread into a small smile, "You did all of this?"
I shrugged, "Everyone helped."
He looked around at the class surrounding the tables, all tucking in. "Thank you." He said it quietly but I heard.
He spent the rest of his birthday with Kirishima and his family (they went to a concert I believe). At the end of the day, we all gathered in the boys living room. The TV was on but no one was watching it.
I sat on the floor, chatting until I heard Kaminari talk to Katsuki.
"So?" He asked excitedly. "Do you know your soulmate?"
Katsuki was silent for a while. Luckily my back was to him or he would realise I was listening. "Nah, it goes too far to follow it."
The breath I didn't know I was holding released. I didn't know how I felt. I was relived it wasn't someone I knew but to know he had someone and could go find them whenever he wanted filled me with a strange sense of dread.
Tsu must have read my face as she asked me if I was okay. I snapped out of it and nodded, maybe a bit too enthusiastically to be believable. "Yeah, I just think I'm gonna go to bed."
I got up, said goodnight to everyone and began to walk. When I got to elevator to go up to the girls floor, the sound of someone walking towards me made me look up.
Katsuki was dressed in an all black tracksuit and walked towards me with his hands in his pockets.
"Hey," I greeted.
"Hey, you okay?" He asked, looking down at me.
I nodded, a small smile on my face. "I'm okay, just tired." As the elevator dinged I suddenly remembered. "Oh! I didn't give you your present!"
I grabbed his arm and dragged him into the elevator. He opened his mouth to protest, "Come to my room and I'll give it to you." He was quiet then so I pressed to button to go up.
I asked him about the concert and he spoke animatedly about the rap artist I have only heard coming from his bedroom but he seemed to have a good time.
"Okay," I said, opening the door. "Sit and don't move."
"Yes ma'am." He said mockingly but my stomach whirled anyway.
I retrieved the box from my bedside table and sat beside him. He looked down curiously.
I was suddenly nervous, what if it was too much or he didn't like it? Too late.
I gave him the box. He took it and then opened it, looking down with wide eyes.
"I saw it and knew I had to get you one."
He let out a breath before pulling it out of the box. It was a silver dog tag. When I saw it in the mall, I thought it was something he would actually wear. I got it engraved. Katsuki Bakugou and underneath Dynamight.
He read it and looked at it for a while before turning to me, clutching it. "Thank you."
I smiled, "You like it?"
He scoffed, "Its perfect."
He pulled it over his head where the tag rested against his chest. I reached over, touched the tag and hummed. "It suits you like I thought it would." I let it go back down and when I looked up, his eyes had not left my face.
I swallowed nervously.
"Must be weird now you know where your soulmate is right?"
His mouth parted, still looking at me. "Yeah..."
I was the first one to break eye contact and then he cleared his throat. "I better go..."
He stood up, making his way to my door. I followed him and leant against the door as he hesitated outside.
He turned and wrapped his arms around my head. My chest, for what felt like the hundredth time that day, clenched. I wrapped my arms around his waist. I can't remember the last time I hugged Katsuki. He was hard with the muscles that were hiding under his hoodie but he smelt of caramel. My head rest on his chest.
We stayed like that for a minute before he let go. "Thank you, for everything." He said before quickly leaving.
After that day, I could not stop thinking about him.
No matter how many times I told myself it was futile and stupid, I couldn't help the crush that was fast forming. Katsuki did not help either. He would hold open the door for me, offer to partner up with me in training and help me when it came to my turn to cook dinner.
He has another soulmate for Christ's sake but that did not stop my heart. I knew it could never happen, my birthday was three months away and soon I would also know who my soulmate is but I felt myself fall deeper and deeper.
One night, all of our class were having a movie night and I sat beside Katsuki. My mouth was already dry being so close to him and he did not help by putting his arm around me. He said it was to be more comfortable so I accepted it. Halfway through the movie, I rested my head against his shoulder before realising what I was doing. I quickly lifted my head up and whispered a 'sorry'. Luckily the room was so dark or else the whole class would see how red my face.
"I like it." Katsuki whispered and I blushed even harder. It was a sentence I never thought would come out of his mouth and it made me feel all sorts of things I shouldn't.
Bravely, I rested my head back down and his arm come down and his fingers began to draw circle's on my bare arm almost unconsciously.
I went back to my room that night with my heart racing out of my chest and my thoughts racing even more.
Mine and Izuku's birthday was fast approaching. We decided to spent it with mom, with Katsuki and Uraraka coming round later in the evening for dinner.
Uraraka's birthday was before ours and she found out Izuku was her soulmate. She told him almost immediately and they've been together ever since. Everyone knew they would be but the confirmation is always nice.
I woke up at home on my sixteenth birthday and immediately looked down.
On my right hand pinky was a thin string wrapped around it. I followed it and it went out of the window, going further than I could see. I looked out longingly, wondering who was at the end.
I went to touch the string but it fell through my fingers, I knew I could not touch it but the feeling was weird.
Physically, I felt the same. I could almost forget about the string if it did not appear every time I lifted up my hand.
I kept staring at it, even at my birthday breakfast.
"Oh, leave it Y/N, you'll know who they are soon enough." Mum scolded.
The rest of the day was spent at the mall and visiting family until it was time for dinner.
Mr Aizawa was bringing Katsuki and Uaraka and the door rang at six o'clock exactly.
Mum got the door and I stood anxiously behind her. I didn't know why I was so anxious but it made me shift on my feet a lot.
"Hello sweethearts, come in! Come in!"
Izuku ran to greet Uraraka and I looked up at Katsuki, smiling until I noticed something on his hand.
I looked down and the world seemed to stop.
Around his pinky on his right hand was a piece of thin red string. But, only soulmates can see each others string, I thought until it stuck. Oh my god.
I followed the string with my eyes and it went all the way to wrap around my own pinky.
I looked in between the string for a while before looking up at Katsuki, my mouth open.
He looked at me with his eyebrows furrowed. "Y/N..."
I was suddenly full of anger. I did not say a word but turned around and stomped up to my room.
Why didn't he tell me? After all this time, he decided to hide it. Did he not want me as a soulmate?
Angry tears welled in my eyes, he clearly did not want me that's why he hid it for so long.
"Y/N, wait, please." I heard Katsuki follow me but I reached my room quick. I slammed the door, fully crying now.
He knocked on my door lightly. "Please, let me explain."
My hands shook as I rested my head against the door. "There's nothing to explain." I growled out.
I get why he wouldn't want me. I'm needy, I'm angry and I'm not the prettiest. Someone like Katsuki should have a model for his soulmate.
He knocked again, louder. "Please, Y/N. I don't want to ruin your birthday."
Too late, I thought.
I sighed, wiped my eyes (not that it would make any difference) and opened the door.
Katsuki stood slumped and look at me with caution. I stepped aside, and let him in.
I closed the door behind him and turned with my arms crossed my chest. "If you don't want me.." I took a big breath, "We'll just have to find a way to make it work."
The thought was horrible. My whole life I was told your soulmate was suppose to complete you, the other side of a coin and the thought of losing that fantasy terrified me.
"No, thats not what I want just," Katsuki sighed before rubbing a hand over his face and sitting on my bed. "I wanted to tell you, I did. It's just harder than I thought. I didn't know if you'd want me. I wasn't exactly nice to you for years and although we're friends now, a soulmate is completely different."
I was quiet and Katsuki continued.
"Y/N, I've," He sighed again, looking concerned. "I've always liked you, I was mean to you because I liked you too much and because you would stand up to me."
My voice seemed to have disappeared and I couldn't do anything but listen.
"Over the past year, I've liked you more and more and then on my birthday I was scared who my soulmate would be. I wanted it to be you and when I saw you, I saw the string and everything just made sense. You're so beautiful and so funny and so kind I just," He hung his head. "I don't deserve someone like you. That's why I didn't tell you."
I was quiet, taking in his words. It made sense but I couldn't help the nagging insecurity. It did not make sense to me how he could possibly like me and how he doesn't think he deserves me. Katsuki could have anyone he wanted, he got asked out all the time whenever we could go out but always denied them. I thought it was because he was too focused on hero work but maybe not...
I looked at him, his face was turned down as if he was too scared to look at me. I could see then, in the way he looked so small and vulnerable that he was telling the truth.
Katsuki never spoke about his feelings so if he has now, it must be genuine.
"Okay," He looked up, his eyes hopeful. "I believe you."
He smiled wider than I have ever seen.
I knew that this moment was when my life was going to change forever, but I didn't mind.
A/N = Hi! I know I haven't wrote anything in a very long time. I have just finished my first year of university so now I have more time to write! I am taking requests so feel free to send them in! <3
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zawadni · 2 years
Good 4 U
Katsuki Bakugo has everything Midoriya wants.
pairing: Katsuki Bakugo x GN!Reader (from Mido's pov)
cw: angst, angst/no comfort, unhealthy jealousy (izu), one-sided love (izu), swearing, very brief mention of thr*w up/b!le
wc: 1k
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SOMETIMES IZUKU MIDORIYA BELIEVES HE NEVER OUTGREW HIS MIDDLE SCHOOL BULLIES. Everything they said ricocheted off of him like he never even heard them. Because at the time, he didn’t care. And as he got older and moved his way through his 1st, 2nd, and 3rd year at UA, he realized it really didn’t matter. 
They were either insecure with themselves or their quirks and they saw the quirkless kid as an easy target for their relentlessness. He grew up and forgave them despite never seeing them again. They were just kids and he can only hope they grew up as well and realized their faults. 
And he forgave Bakugo. Of all people, he forgave Bakugo. That's what he used to think. Because right now as he’s staring him down, he hates him. He despises Bakugo Katsuki with every bone in his body.
His feet are nailed to the linoleum floor and his tongue feels like lead in his mouth. He's playing out every vengeance-seeking fantasy his brain can conjure up whilst he asks why he couldn't have been born in his shoes instead.
He detests him because Bakugo Katsuki has everything Midoriya wants.
He was born with a flashy quirk that had everyone in his ear saying he'd practically be a god when he pursued heroism. He grew up with people around him all day that worshiped the ground he walked on because he was just cool. He gets everything. Including you.
It was a Friday and they'd just been let out of school. He was nearly jumping out of his shoes out of sheer excitement because today was the day. Mina miraculously found out about his massive crush on you (he's a shit liar), and decided to help him.
He recited what he was going to say, where he was going to say it, and when he was going to do it-- right down to the hour. Never did he ever actually believe this day would come; he knew he'd never be bold enough to go up to you and ask you out so he just left it alone.
And then Mina found out and she was his saving grace. There was no shot he would've had the confidence to go through with it had it not been for her help. He shifted his feet from one side to the other and he nervously shoved his hands into his pockets.
The wind was bitter against his face, and he tried to hide in the collar of his jacket to no avail. His hair started to fall to the side and the longer he stood outside of your room waiting for you to answer the door, the more the cold air seeped through his clothes like getting caught outside in the rain.
It took 16 minutes and 32 seconds for him to accept you weren't in your room before he made his way to the common room in hopes someone knew where you ended up. He remembers Mina finding him going down the hall and stopping him just before the door.
"Y/N wasn't in their room? Have you seen them recent-" "Don't do it. You can't tell them anymore."
She seemed near frantic and she'd been looking around the hallway since the start of the conversation. Mina was hardly ever serious unless she literally needed to be, it wasn't in her nature.
"What're you talking-" Midoriya jumped and nearly dented the wall with the side of his body when you showed up behind him to greet them. Ashido widened her eyes and tugged at the end of his sleeve before he turned to face you.
"Hey, Midoriya. I've been looking for you. Why the hell are you wearing a jacket?"
"Doesn't matter." He takes Mina's words into consideration before deciding on his next words. There was only one thing she could possibly be talking about so he had no choice but to heed her words. "What'd you need me for?"
"Me n' Bakugo are dating!"
His stomach was tied up in knots and he could feel his heart in the back of his throat. There almost couldn't have been news worse than that. And all he could think was why?
Why not him? Why does he get everything? Why was Midoriya stuck in some life where Bakugo gets everything he's ever wanted in life and doesn't? He has to force a smile onto his face and spout generated words about how he's so happy for you while he tries to quell the blood running a marathon through his veins.
Every time he's in the same room as both of you, he has to push down the feeling of bile rising up his throat well after he's turned away from you two.
You look at Bakugo like the sun, moon, and stars only exist because he strung them up, just for you. If heart eyes was an actual thing, you'd have them every time you so much as glanced at him.
Why Bakugo and not him? Why couldn't he be the one in his shoes? Why is he the one that's being made to suffer as he's listening to you excitedly tell the group that he had finally proposed to you?
Mina looked at him with pity in her eyes as he stands behind Bakugo and has to listen to them agonizingly say I do before officially being married. This is it, he thinks. He had some sense of false hope that maybe he still had a shot. That maybe one day you'd realize Bakugo isn't right for you, because Midoriya is.
He should've been the one to watch Aizawa walk you down the aisle and he should've been the one saying I do. It should be him.
Maybe not forgiving him was petty and unjust, but for once he can't find it within himself to care just the tiniest bit. His entire life, he was forced to watch Bakugo get everything he wanted practically handed to him on a shiny, silver platter.
And now he'd be subjected to the same thing as he can do nothing but watch you and Bakugo live the life that you should be living with him instead.
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bnha taglist: @https-true-egoist
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imagination-mess · 8 months
The Explosive Demon (Demon!Katsuki) (1/3)
This is an alternative universe where demons can be familiar to witches or wizards to assist and, most of all, as protectors. Witches and wizards can create pacts with demons.
Word Count: 1K (1/3)
A/N: Tumblr has a limit on how much you can post. I was forced to put it into three different posts. If you wish to see a singular post about it, here is the link to Ao3.
Preciously: Demon! Izuku Midoriya
Demon Katsuki Bakugou:
He wasn’t the easiest to handle or deal with at all at the beginning. He was one of the few who were summoned in their mid-teens. He had a massive ego and looked down upon his own witch and others.
He wasn’t the nicest, either. He was rather rude.
You questioned your decision every day and debated whether to break the pact and try to get another familiar one rather than a demon one.
Furthermore, he wondered why you, a weak witch, were given to him.
The two of you bumped heads more often than not. You are getting complaints about him. He was also getting a record of using his powers on others and getting into a lot of fights. He would use his sharp claws to swipe at people, demons, and other species of familiars alike. You tried to talk to him, but it felt like talking to a wall.
He bites, scratches, and does everything above.
Yet, you weren’t surprised to find him getting brutally attacked by a demon with more experience than him. The demon was the same age as him but had more experience than him.
You could say he was humbled and wasn’t the same afterward. You could see it hurting his self-esteem.
There was a turning point in the dynamic between the two of you. It also changed his perspective on you. There was an incident where you got critically hurt. He is ashamed to admit it, but he wasn’t taking his job seriously. There will be people who will be stronger than him, especially being this young as a demon.
Even when he could have left you for dead and could have done so with that vow you placed on him, because of the pact, he was completely free as a demon with no connection to you. There wouldn’t be any sort of consequence if he did. He wouldn’t return to hell because of negligence, yet he didn’t.
He rushed you to the closest hospital to get medical care. He stayed beside you once you were allowed to have someone in the room.
He gets chewed out by your parents because he failed his duties as a protector and as a familiar. He kept quiet and took their insults. He was already kicking himself over it.
He gets nightmares about the incident as he sleeps in the same hospital room on an uncomfortable chair. He would glance at the heart monitor to ensure you were still alive and not dead.
During your hospital stay, you were surprised to have found him watching over you like a bodyguard. It reached a point where the medical staff was referring to him as a guard dog who watched carefully what they were doing to you all while you were unconscious and recovering.
“Don’t you dare accept that useless thing as familiar again? He is unfit. That thing will never appreciate the things you have done for him. He is just ungrateful!”
He didn’t stay around when he heard those words come from your parents. They weren’t the only ones who told you to tell you about renewing the pact. Family members to the faculty of the academy, telling you not to accept him again. He already has his golden ticket. He wouldn’t be forced to return to hell and could roam around the moral world without being tied down by a witch. He will be fine.
“You are a disappointment as a demon and familiar. She should have let you rot in hell for your negligence.” A higher-up demon who was in charge of the demons of the academy was insulting him hell and back. He was purposely ripping Bakugou into shreds. That demon knew where to hit and make it hurt.
You were astounded to see him around and sneaking in your favorite snacks for you to eat. You didn’t even know he took note of it since the two of you never truly got along. You weren’t blind to see how much guilt the demon carried on his shoulders. His eyes say it all, along with the clear sign of sleep deprivation. His horns on his head, which used to be healthy and spotless of any flaws, now have scratches and cracks on them.
The clear sign of the demon’s esteem is through their horn conditions.
In the end, he was startled when you asked him if he still wanted to be your familiar, and you didn’t blame him for the incident either. The two of you had a deep conversation. You did most of the talking and let him speak whenever he wanted to.
Nevertheless, he is very grateful that you gave him another chance despite everyone around you telling him not to renew the pact. He doesn’t ever want to see you like that or what you did to protect him again. You broke the pact, and he felt that. It’s just like the demon’s rumors have said about how it feels to be abandoned by their witch. It's a hollow feeling on his chest that wouldn’t go away. It was a terrible feeling to experience.
His attitude toward you has improved since that deep confession. He is treating you with respect as his witch.
You learn how to differentiate the way he acts and talks between real anger and his normal behavior.
Ever since you introduced him to Demon Cafe, which specializes in demon appetite, he has been determined to make better dishes. He claims it lacked any taste. He cooked his food at the dorms and sometimes created something for you to eat since you can’t eat what he eats.
His food caught the attention of other demons who were asking what kind of dish it was from the cafe, only to be surprised to find out he knew how to cook.
He was ready to fight the demon who stole the food that he cooked for himself!
You better believe he did not take any sort of money or anything in exchange for his cooking. It went around that he was a good chef after his food was stolen more than twice.
Even the cafe reached out to him and immediately said no.
The only person he would cook food for is you, his annoying witch. Human food, to be more specific. There was a lot of trial and error since he had never cooked human food before
Continuation: Time Skip (2/3) Final Part (3/3)
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elijahfanfics · 3 months
Coming out as trans to bakugo (FtM)
You and Bakugo were in elementary school together
He quickly, and for an unknown reason, attached himself to you
Nobody could touch you and if someone tried to befriend you and go over somewhere else? No, he wouldnt let them
You would wander around with his group by his side as he practically dragged you through the park doing everything together
You never minded following him, never a dull moment with his loud proclamations of being the best and how awesome All Might is
He absolutely hated Midoriya because he tried to be friends with you and him
Bakugo would always shew him away but he never seemed to leave
You would try to defend him because Bakugo never wanted to hurt you so he would just storm off and you would have to run after him until he felt better, returning to swing on the swings together
Mitski adored you, always talking about how you were such a cute girl, dressing you and Bakugo up in dressed and suits together
As you both got older, maybe 10 and 11 Bakugo found out that you never really liked the dresses so he demanded that she stop
In middle school he would make sure to always be by your side because he knew that you didnt like being left with the other students
You made it into UA together and were always together still
You cut your hair and did the UA paperwork yourself making sure to write the he/him pronouns and your preferred name
You knew that you would have to tell Katsuki, him demanding you call him by his first name a couple years back but you could never bring yourself to hear your first name from people
One night you call him and ask if he wants to go shopping the next day in preparation for UA
You walk through the large doors into the busy mall
Katsuki was sitting by the fountain and you approached him
"hey kit kat", he just looks over at you raising one eyebrow
""didnt i tell you to stop fuckin' callin' me that six years ago.", he grumbled, hugging you tightly as he took your hand as he always did
"You say that every time", you chuckle "so hey could we go to the store with hair dye and pins?", you ask in anticipation
He agrees and you make your way through the busy halls
Picking out the hair dyes and moving over to the pins, you pick up the trans flag pin and the he/him pronouns pin
Gently placing them on the counter Katsuki goes to pay, looking down to hand them back to you when he pauses
He picks them up slowly and turns to you, staring at the floor with teary eyes
He takes your face in his hand then he moves it to take your hand as you walk out the store together
"So... what do you want me to call you..." He asks quietly as you sit on a bench in a quieter corner of the mall
"y/n...", you say quietly
"y/n...", he repeats and you look up smiling a little
"fuckin knew it..", he mumbles as he stares at you softly
"really?" you reply confused
"well yeah, remember when we were 9 and you cut your hair short and came to me crying because you hated those dresses that my mom made for us?" he says, rubbing his thumb on the back of your hand gently
You chuckle at the memory with him, "yeah"
"you want knew clothes and boba?" he raises his eyebrows slightly as he stands up knowingly
You look up at him, wiping your eyes, "yeah"
When the time came to go to class at UA Katsuki made sure NOBODY called you the wrong name, especially Izuku
When you were in the changing rooms he would always make sure nobody looked at you or demanded they let you use the only cubical
You slowly came out to the class with Katsuki quietly cheering you on in his head
You talked to Aizawa about it first and of course he had already found out or took it well, having had trans students before he talked to you about whatever problems you had and comforting you with his hand on you head
It was always about people not being acceptant, your family or the class but he would always make you know that everything will be okay because he would make sure of it
People like Jirou and Kirishima were the next people you came out to, slowly spreading to the whole Bakusquad, and then to the girls and other friends, and then to the rest of the class
Iida was difficult, not understanding why and mis-gendering you on one or two occasions but with plenty of reprimanding from Bakugo and Aizawa, he got it eventually
Mineta was also annoying as he started trying to perv on you whilst you were changing so you were given a whole different space to change away from everyone
Katsuki was always there, backing you up and beating up people that didnt take it too well until they got it right again
Eventually everything settled and everything was okay <3
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missmilkie · 5 months
My Hero Academia Bf Scenarios
How You Meet
Ngl I pulled a lot of this out my ass. It’s super random, but the best I could do. Also I’m sorry if something is wrong, I don’t know much about anything. Definitely not proofread.
3339 words
Izuku Midoriya
You couldn’t believe that the Deku was commissioning you for costume upgrades. It was so unreal as you sat in the car that he had arranged to pick you up. When he offered, you had originally declined, but he insisted. No one can argue with the number one hero.
As you fought the nervousness from your face, the car rolled up to the tall building that everyone in Japan could name. The hero himself was right there, and he opened the car door for you. You took his hand that he offered you, and climbed out of the vehicle.
“Thank you for coming, (L/n)-san.” His grin was wide.
“Thank you for offering me this job. It’s an honor to work with you.” You had mentally rehearsed this the entire car ride there.
“Considering your credibility, I’m lucky to have found someone with your skills.” Deku opened the door to the building for you as well. “Your work is incredible.”
While you’d made quite the name for yourself amongst support companies, you didn’t think that talk would reach the number one hero.
“Thank you, I love what I do.”
“I’m glad you’re passionate about your work. That’s something we have in common.” You could’ve sworn he winked at you.
He made polite small talk as you rode the elevator up to his office on the top floor. Keeping cool the entire time was a struggle, but you miraculously accomplished it.
“Alright, I have a list of things that I need upgraded and added on. I’m not sure how to accomplish that, so I’ll leave the details to you.”
For the rest of the day, you went over his list, discussing his requests. It was going to be a tough job, but that was to be expected of the top hero. You couldn’t wait to start on it.
Katsuki Bakugo
Becoming a sidekick for Dynamight was huge for you. To get into one of the top hero agencies straight out of high school was almost unheard of. It was satisfying to have your talent recognized, but you still had bigger plans.
It was orientation day at the Dynamight Agency. All of the new sidekicks would be shown around and have the rules and requirements explained to them. You would most likely zone out through the entirety of it.
After arriving at the agency bright and early, you changed into your costume in the locker room. The older sidekicks gossiped amongst themselves and gave you looks. You brushed off the latter, writing it off as jealousy.
The orientation was given by one of Dynamight’s top sidekicks. You were a bit bummed that the hero himself wasn’t there, but you knew he wasn’t formality oriented. As the number two hero, he was also extremely busy, so he probably didn’t have the time for it either.
You followed the group, only half listening. It sounded like pretty general stuff, so you figured you weren’t missing anything important. You took the opportunity to look around the agency. The decor was simple, but fierce, no doubt not picked out by Dynamight himself. He most likely hired an interior designer and then approved the decor.
Every inch of the place was clean. Which was kind of surprising as he was always so wild on tv. A man’s got to have standards though. The secretaries were all quiet and doing their jobs at their desks. They were probably too scared to make a ruckus in the Dynamight’s agency. Being on the receiving end of one of his anger must be terrifying for weaker individuals.
After orientation and the tour, the new sidekicks were given assignments. Most were put on patrol with veteran sidekicks. A small group was left behind. Confused as to why you and the small group were kept behind, you huffed and crossed your arms.
“Listen up, newbies, I’m only gonna say this once!” You whipped around at the familiar voice. Dynamight. “You’re the top candidates that I personally selected from all of the new sidekicks. As such, you get to patrol with me today.”
Your eyes widened and your heartbeat picked up. He picked you as one of his top new sidekicks. You were effectively fired up.
“Let’s get out there and kick some ass now!” He ordered, spurring the group to action.
The patrol route was loaded with all sorts of criminals. It made sense that Dynamight would choose the most dangerous patrol as the number two hero. It was a race to beat each villain. Dynamight held back for no one. A few were able to show their stuff and gain the attention of the number two hero. You took the opportunity as soon as it presented itself to you.
You lunged at the same time as Dynamight, but teleported behind the criminal to deliver a blow that made them lose consciousness. As time went on, you began beating your fellow sidekicks by taking down the second highest number of villains under Dynamight.
In the locker room, you were getting looks again. This time they were accompanied by whispers. “Did you see how many villains she took down?” “What a show off.” “She looks so fucking dumb.” “She’s not even that pretty.”
You had no idea what looks had to do with heroics, but you knew you weren’t lacking there. Haters were going to hate. They just wanted to be you.
Clad in civilian clothes, you exited the locker room and went down the hall. Your AirPods played music in one ear to block out the annoying people.
“(H/n), please report to Dynamight’s office.” A voice called out over the intercom. You sighed, hoping there wouldn’t be trouble.
“(H/n), here.” You announced as you stepped into the warm office.
“You did well during patrol today. I didn’t think any of you would actually be able to keep up with me.” A smile flashed on his face before it became harsh again. “You still have a lot to learn though! You’ll be training with the top sidekicks. If you’re really good, maybe I’ll train with you.”
“Thank you, sir. See you on the training field.” You smirked at him.
“Don’t make promises you can’t keep.”
“I’m not.”
Shoto Todoroki
Being a famous singer was a lot of fun. You got to do something you loved and get paid a ton for it. You could afford all the clothes, shoes, and makeup you could ever want.
Being famous also had its downsides. You couldn’t go out in public without fans bombarding you and acting crazy. You traveled with bodyguards to keep yourself safe. Even with the added security, there were still risks.
Still you did your best to do good and make the most of your platform. You were going to perform at a charity event that several of the top heroes would be attending. Fans went crazy on the internet, discussing what songs you might perform and anticipating a stylish outfit.
You straightened your dress as your limo pulled up to the venue. With a final look at your makeup, your door swung open. Cameras flashed from nearly every direction. Somewhat accustomed to the light, you ignored them. You stepped out of the car and smiled. Making sure to let as many cameras get a good angle on you, you strutted down a carpet.
The inside of the building was decked out with elegant decor and smelled expensive. The host welcomed you with a bow. You bowed back before continuing into the building. You would have some time to mingle before the event officially started. A fellow artist of yours was going to be here, so you went looking for her.
“(N/n)!!” A familiar voice called out. (B/f), your friend.
“(B/f), I was looking for you.” You hugged the other singer.
“Your dress is so gorgeous. Look at your body in it, goddamn!”
“Yours too, the color is great on you.”
You sat at a table with her and chatted until the host welcomed everyone to the event. You were then called to the stage to sing. Taking the mic in your hand, you sent a smile (B/f)’s way.
The music started up slowly. This song was sultry, so you took your time and let it flow. Every run and scoop floated across the air. You didn’t need autotune to sound this good.
When the song was over, everyone in attendance clapped. Reporters kept taking pictures and covered the event on tv. You had just met back up with (B/f) when everyone was dismissed to dance, eat, and drink.
You stayed seated for the first few songs, drinking a cocktail. (B/f) chatted your ear off about perfumes. You were wanting to try some new ones in your scent family. Of course you’d always have your signature scent to come back to. It’s the only one you’ve bought multiple times.
The two of you hit the floor, dancing with each other. While the dances were more classy, they were simple and kind of fun. (B/f) was a boy/girl magnet, so she was asked to dance. This left you alone on the floor.
While contemplating sitting back down, you felt someone get pushed into your shoulder. You looked up to see the number three hero, Shoto.
“Apologies, I wasn’t looking where I was going.” He rumbled out in his low voice.
“It’s alright, I wasn’t paying attention.”
“Would you take a dance for reparations?”
“I would.” You felt a smile bloom across your face.
Shoto led you very well, he was firm but gentle. You felt the different temperatures of his hands through your dress. You continued to talk, joking around by the second song. The two of you ended up dancing to several songs. Usually people switched partners, but you kept talking.
Only when (B/f) found you after a while were you pulled away from your new friend. She teased you relentlessly about the whole thing. You hadn’t left without giving him your number though.
Eijiro Kirishima
Cities were full of crime, so they had to be full of heroes. It wasn’t uncommon for you to come into contact with heroes from other agencies. You often weren’t familiar with those you encountered as they were your run of the mill heroes. Not everyone could be famous.
The cries of innocent citizens alerted you to danger nearby. Focusing heat to the soles of your feet, you shot off in the direction of the screams. In such close quarters you had to keep your flames compact. Rounding the corner, you took in your situation. Three opponents, all armed. Two civilians in immediate danger.
“Either you let those two go and just go to jail,” you smirked sickly. “Or you go to jail all beat up.”
One pointed a gun at you and took a shot. Summoning intense heat to your palm, you launched a fireball at the bullet. It was so hot that the bullet immediately melted on impact.
“You wanna pick again?”
Another used their quirk to grab at you. Tendrils whipped through the air. Flames extended from both hands this time, slicing through them. Sizzling tendrils dropped to the pavement.
“You’re starting to get on my nerves…” you extended your flames to rope around the three criminals, careful not to actually touch them. “Drop your weapons.”
Moments later, the cops came and handled them. The sound of incoming steps made you turn around. A broad muscled hero with cherry red hair stood grinning at you.
“Way to go! You beat me to it.” He chirped.
“Thanks, Red Riot.”
“And you are?”
“(H/n).” You stated with confidence.
“I’ll remember that.”
“See you around.”
Denki Kaminari
“Chargebolt, a few words please!”
The press conference was packed with reporters like you. Chargebolt was a sociable hero who was more friendly to the paparazzi. Heroes like Dynamight and Shinso didn’t tolerate them well.
“Chargebolt, is it true that you hooked up with your ex, Earphone Jacks?”
“What really happened during the Kyoto Raid?”
Questions of all kinds bombarded the blond hero. Depending on what type of magazine or newspaper there were questions either about the hottest lip gloss in his opinion or about a past mission. You waited to be heard. That was how you used your quirk. By asking a direct question the person must answer you truthfully. This only works if they can hear and understand you.
“What can you tell us about future hero agency team ups?” You spoke clearly with a curious edge.
“Team Earphonebolt has been disbanded for the time being. I’m currently trying to get Dynamight and Red Riot to form a team with my agency.” The way he answered was as bubbly as he usually was. No one noticed anything off about it.
“And is the disbandment in relation to your break up with Earphone Jacks?” Another reporter asks.
“No. Not at all.” His smile had dropped for a moment.
“Why haven’t you been able to team up with Dynamight and Red Riot?”
“Dynamight keeps saying no because he thinks it’s stupid.”
You took some notes on questions that other journalists asked. You didn’t think you’d have the chance to speak to him again. You thought wrong.
“Hey, you who asked me about the team ups!” You heard him call as you were preparing to leave for the office.
“Can I help you, Chargebolt?”
“I just wanted to ask about the weird feeling I got when I answered your question.” The blond admitted sheepishly.
“People say I have an effect.” You let a smirk grace your lips.
“That was more than just an effect. I felt compelled to tell the whole truth.”
“You got me. It’s my quirk. It makes it so people answer me honestly.” You explained with a shrug.
“You’d make a great interrogator.”
“I’m not super into criminal justice.”
Chargebolt chuckled. “What’s your name?”
“(Y/n) (L/n).”
“A pretty name for a pretty girl.” The stun gun hero flashed you a smirk.
Tenya Iida
You didn’t think you would actually land a job as Ingenium’s personal secretary. Yeah, you applied and did the interview to the best of your ability, but you didn’t think you’d get picked. There had to be someone better than you. Apparently not.
The hiring officer led you to your desk. It was clean, very modern and professional looking. It was big enough to hold three laptops and several stacks of papers. You figured you’d be busy enough to utilize the space.
“Ingenium will be out to meet you soon.” You nodded and the hiring officer walked away.
You took a seat in the plush office chair. The levers to adjust it were easy to find, so you fiddled with them for a good minute. Your shirt slid off your shoulder and revealed part of your bra. It was no big deal because you thought no one would see.
“You must be my new secretary.” You jolted at your boss’s voice, scrambling to stand up and look put together.
“Yes! (Y/n) (L/n). So grateful for the opportunity to work for you.” You bowed deeply.
“I’m glad you could come in at such short notice. My old secretary got married and had to move away. I’ve tried to deal as best I can on my own, but it’s been too much to keep up with.” His voice turned softer when he admitted this. You relaxed a bit.
“Then I’ll get to work right away.” You flashed a sweet smile his way.
Hanta Sero
When your agent told you that the company you were doing a shoot with was collaborating with some pro heroes, you got excited. As a celebrity, you often attended high class events that had pro heroes there. It was always nice to meet new ones.
Your driver stopped in front of the location.
“Be back here in three hours, please.” You instructed before walking away.
You had done a photoshoot with this company before, it was a designer brand. The shoot was for a new perfume and cologne line. You hoped it would smell good, you’d be taking some home with you. If you didn’t like it, one of your friends might.
“(L/n)! Here’s the outfit choices.”
The employee held up two outfits. One was a black silk dress with cutouts on the side and spaghetti straps. The other was a teal strapless bodycon.
“That one.” You pointed to your choice. It was immediately handed to you and you were ushered to the changing room.
In about two minutes you got undressed and into your dress. You came out to pick a pair of heels. While trying some heels in, you lost your balance. Almost as quick as your fall, someone stopped your motion.
“Careful there, chula.” You looked up to see the pro hero Cellophane in a suit that matched your dress. He was so hot in person!
“Sorry! I should’ve sat down for this.” You took a seat on a bench and put the shoe on with ease.
“There we go, all dolled up for the camera.”
“(L/n), it’s time for makeup.!”
“Ah, thank you for catching me.” You bowed slightly.
“No problem.” He smiled wide and it was so sexy.
They did your hair while they did your makeup. The style was elegant and complimented your face shape. Your makeup was dewy and natural. You looked expensive.
“Alright, Sero and (L/n), come over here.” The photographer called out once the both of you were ready.
You took pictures in several different poses together. You were always touching each other in some intimate way. Luckily you kept your composure the entire time.
After everything was undone you turned to leave, your driver was right outside.
“(L/n)!” It was Sero calling out to you.
“Yes?” You turned around.
“I was wondering if I could maybe get your number?” His nerves weren’t evident in his voice, but you could see it in his eyes.
“Yeah, give me your phone.”
Sero opened his phone to the contacts app and handed it to you. You put your number in and pressed on the name part.
“What did you call me earlier? It was something in Spanish?” You looked up to him making mesmerizing eye contact.
Your contact name was Chula <3.
Hitoshi Shinso
Working the graveyard shift at a hero agency wasn’t all bad. It was quiet, no one really bothered you. Things rarely happened, so a lot of what you did was organize and check on medicines. When you got patients. You skillfully dealt with them.
It was another boring night at the agency. Lights were dim and barely anyone was walking around. It was quiet with the sounds of the ac. You had done all you could for the night, so you sat on your phone to keep yourself awake. When the door to your office opened, you jolted.
“I just need a few things.” He wasn’t a hero you could immediately recognize. His voice was low and he looked like he hadn’t slept in days. The guy’s left arm was bleeding profusely and soaking his ripped sleeve.
“No, let me help you. It’s literally my job.” You stood up and guided him to a bed. He took a seat while you gathered supplies.
Beginning to treat him you asked, “So who are you?”
“Shinso. I’m more of an underground hero.” He answered monotonously.
“Not big on attention? Me neither.”
“Is that why you work the graveyard shift?” The two of you made eye contact.
“Yeah, something like that.”
“Who are you? Are you a nurse or medical hero?”
“Med hero. The name’s (H/n).” You finished up patching him. “There you go. Go easy on that arm these next couple of days.”
“If I don’t follow your advice, will you get mad?” Shinso cracked a teasing smile.
“Nah, I’d just force you to stay in the office with me.”
“Doesn’t sound like a bad punishment.”
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sugolara · 6 months
𝙊𝙣 𝙩𝙝𝙚 𝙢𝙤𝙫𝙚
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ft. K.B x S.T x I.M x fem! reader
Synopsis: After a deadly virus leaks all over the world, every country is forced to close down it's borders and airports to prevent anyone from coming in and out. Though, it's to late for some people. The dead has rose and is looking for revenge. Cw: gore, quirkless! au, apocalypse! au, zombie! au, weapons, death, angst, lots and lots of blood, cannibalism, suicidal thoughts, slow burn
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It was still pouring the following day. Mostly everyone was in their homes. Denki and Eijiro had left a while back as F/n heard them. They knocked on Hanta’s room where she was at, informing her of their leave. She didn’t say anything and they took her silence as a response.
She sat on the floor, her back resting against her cousin's bed. Her hooded eyes stared at the window where she could see the gloomy sky and the rain gliding across the glass. 
Her hands played with an empty revolver. The gun clinked as she played with the gun, the cylinder popping out as she spinned it and spinned it.
The sound emitted from his room. It sort of kept her from hearing her thoughts, the sound of the revolver comforted her mind. But the gun could only do so little as everything in his room reminded her of him. 
They both should’ve left the community the day she found him and she blames herself for giving up so easily. She should have persisted until he agreed to it, until he and her left with the gates shutting behind them. 
Oh, how she could still remember his face when she realized she messed up. She remembered his look. The way his eyes were glossy and bulging, staring at her, his lips trembling as fog came out every breath he took. A final shared look before he died.
Guilt rang through her entire body as she knew that she was the cause of his death. She pulled the trigger, she was the one to miss and she never missed. So for her to slip up when she could have possibly put an end to everything, crushed her. 
And she was so busy in her own pity that she hadn’t even noticed Shoto had been dragged away. She couldn’t see him even if she wanted to as her surroundings were a blur, like everything was moving at a rapid pace and she could only try to catch up. 
She only knew about Shoto when Izuku and Katsuki told her. If she had to guess, he too was probably dead, though she did remember him telling her about a brother, so she hoped that he was okay. However, she was tired of hoping. 
She let her head rest against her knees, her arms falling to the side as tears once again began to fall. She was tired as her eyes adorned eye bags. She hasn’t eaten at all and she knew the other two males that she lived with were worried about her. But she supposed that they should be worried about themselves as they had just lost more people they cared about. 
Nobody could even bring their bodies as the rotters emerged from the trees and headed towards their dead peers. Even if they wanted to bury them, they had to bring a car so that they could transport their bodies to Sorston, but that never happened thanks to the dead and rain.
She used her knees to wipe her eyes, sniffling as she raised the revolver to her head. She knew it wasn’t loaded as she pressed on the trigger, the revolver clicking until all the rounds went. She then let out a sigh as she let her hand fall, thumping on the floor with her gun clattering. 
Their friend's death wasn’t going to stop Katsuki, Denki and Eijiro from scavenging. They took the RV and decided to spend a few nights outside of Sorston, bringing back what they could find for Tomura since he was expecting more. 
They were planning on heading back to the warehouse where they found plenty of supplies, but for now they needed to check the neighborhood stores in the area. Izuku, Ochaco, Mezo and Fumikage were right behind them but they weren’t going the same direction. Their group planned to stay near Sorston while Katsuki’s group ventured further out. 
The blonde was feeling rather tired as he stared outside the RV’s windows. He had his arm resting on the windowsill as he sat in the very small kitchen area, watching as the rain slowly rolled down the glass.
Eijiro and Denki were inside a store, checking the place out while Katsuki took watch. As much as he was supposed to have his mind cleared and call out for when he saw anything strange, he couldn’t help but let his mind wander to yesterday night.
After the tragedy, he had stayed in his room, only coming out to spend the night at Denki’s and Eijiro's home so they could take off early in the morning. He thought everyone was asleep as he couldn’t hear Izuku or F/n, but when he closed his door, passed by both including Shoto’s vacant room, he noticed her door had been left open. 
She had been just sitting there, staring at the wall in front of her in the dark. He softly called out to her, but she only gave him a brief glance, her blankless stare had him worried. She didn’t have her usual glare, so to see her in a state like this had him thinking that he should stay behind with her.
But he also figured that if he wanted to keep her safe and the community then he had to leave. So he softened his glare, closed the door and left without uttering another word, being hopeful that when he returned she would revert back to her old self.
Even Izuku knew something was wrong with her. It hurt him when she only shutted him out, leaving him in the dust any time he tried to talk to her. He lost a friend, they all did, so why can’t they just grieve together? Get through this rough pass so no one has to deal with it alone. 
He kept it to himself, his mentor died right in front of his eyes and all he could do was watch as Toshinori’s brain spilled everywhere. He spent the time showering crying to himself, as the loud shower helped muffle his cries. He didn’t even get the chance to catch up as they were all so busy preparing for this stupid fight that caused three deaths. And Shota, his teacher for three years. He could only imagine the pain his daughters were feeling.
It reminded him of when he had to put down his mother after finding her wandering around. The heartbreak feeling would stay until someone would come to help him, the one he hoped was F/n.
He wondered what Katsuki would do in this situation, Shoto as well. He understood that she was the type to be left alone, so if that's what she wanted then Izuku was going to oblige. But his stress can only handle so much.
With her left alone back in Sorston, the freckle male was concerned of what she would do. He wouldn’t be returning home until tomorrow, so maybe he can find something to cheer her up. He knows she's interested in weapons, but maybe for now he’ll steer clear of anything dangerous and maybe give her something she really needed. 
But what did she need? That was the real question as his eyes wandered around the drug store. Everything had been clattered around so finding something nice seemed impossible.
“All these bottles are empty.” Ochaco said as she was behind the pharmacy counter, her hand holding a bottle of pills. She threw it to her side before picking up another, only a few pills still remained though she doubted it was any good, “You found anything, Mezo?”
He shook his head, moving a few empty items off the shelf, “Nothing. Someone got here before us.”
“Not even bandages?” She said, her brows narrowing, “There’s gotta be something around here.”
Mezo picked up an opened box, showing it her way, “A couple in here.”
“That’s not enough.” She lightly scoffed, looking at the inside of her bag, “Nothing put tweezers and a few bandages. Hopefully the guys are having better luck than us.”
“They said they were going back to that building where a lot of supplies were still held.” Fumikage said, standing by the door to keep an eye out, “With how many they brought last time, they shouldn’t return empty handed.”
“That is if no one has come across it.” Mezo pointed out, grabbing his bag and placing it on his shoulders, “We should have gone with them.”
Izuku ignored them, walking through the cluttering isle in hopes something catches his eyes. He was of course sure to make sure no dead were sneaking around. He bent down, grabbing a broken mirror, some shards fell next to his shoes, breaking into even smaller bits. 
He would have been concerned as the myth of breaking a mirror was bad luck, but considering how terrible it was these days, he held no such concern and placed the mirror on the shelf as it wasn’t worthy to be a gift for F/n.
“Are you looking for something?” Ochaco asked when she had watched him look for something that was not for medical purposes. 
He nodded, hesitating to even speak his mind about a girl with the girl he used to have feelings for. It didn’t go unnoticed by the short girl as she gave him a reassuring smile, her brows creasing as she looked away suddenly feeling shy, “What is that you’re looking for?”
He spoke vaguely, also glancing to the side, “...Something to cheer up someone.”
“Is it F/n?” She quickly responded, noticing the flinch he had made. With Mezo and Fumikage searching for useful supplies, she stayed to talk to the male as she felt like she hadn't been able to converse with him properly since he’s arrived.
She understood if he was still shaken by what happened yesterday, heck she was shaken and they have been friends for over three years, so maybe she should try to reconcile those parts and push her true feelings deep down so she wouldn’t feel hurt when the day came, “..I’m not exactly sure what she likes since I haven’t really talked to her, but usually flowers seemed to cheer someone up. …At least it does for me.”
She continued, placing a hand on her nape, “I would have said chocolates or a teddy bear,” she scoffingly laughed, “but even those seemed to be hard to get these days.”
He was glad that she was helping him out and not making things awkward, like he intended. It had seemed like he had forgotten just how the girl matured over the years. She used to be just like him, shy and a blushing mess, but now, the more he really observed her and how she strongly put herself, he was glad to know that even with this sick world, Ochaco wasn’t frail.
He smiled at her, mentally thanking her for not bringing up any past romance, though maybe he should say something in case she felt like he was leading on her. He would tell her later when they were back in their community and instead continued to give her a smile, “Flowers are hard to get these days as well. I’m surprised the garden committee hasn’t placed one.”
She let out a chuckle, looking over the other two boys for safety precaution, “Well, they did actually have a vote on that, but the cherries surpassed that.”
“Dang, those cherries.” Izuku said, smiling as Ochaco let out a laugh. It felt so good to finally be with her, to see her smile and her eyes light up. Even with no longer harboring his affections for her, seeing her smile was something he honestly looked for and something that made him feel comforted. She was his friend before their feelings blossomed into something more, so of course Izuku would keep those feelings of friendship.
He looked away, letting out a mental sigh wishing that it was F/n who laughed and smiled at him, but now with what's happened, seeing that part of her would be an extremely rare sight. 
“Oh!” Ochaco then perked up, reaching into her bag, “I did manage to find something, though I’m not sure if it’s to your or her liking. Hope you like it.”
He looked down to her hand as she extended it. He picked it up, his eyes widening as he heard Ochaco leave, ordering for the others to get back in their cars as they would search for another area. 
He let out an airy laugh, his eyes examining the ring that he raised to his eye level. Funny, was all he could think as the diopside ring sat in between his fingers. Funny how the ring he had lost way back, the one F/n had given him somehow followed him all the way here. 
Sure, it might just be a coincidence, but it is still funny that the same exact ring, the dirty green gemstone, was looking back at him, in his grasp. He scoffingly let out a laugh, how funny. 
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mudhamster · 10 months
CHWHWN: 13. December - "quirk analysis"
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Kacchan: Deku deku deku *image attached* You still think you can tell me things about myself that I don't know Deku: That's a fact I guess everyone you ask could tell you something about yourself that you don't know yet Or don't want to realize Or want to hear Which is why you don't ask anyone Which brings us back to the beginning Anyway It doesn't have to be about you Kacchan: It's always about me. You write books (plural!!)about me Deku: I write books about everyone Kacchan: and yet, there are more than 2 about me Deku: how do you know that Kacchan: I've been in your room Deku: Less than 20min ⊙︿⊙ Kacchan: Didn't even need 2 to figure that out … Do you have a book about yourself? Deku: More than 2... I've about one book for every 2 quirks Kacchan: Or 2 books for one Quirk ghehe Deku: oh my god Kacchan, yes, you're so so SO special :D Why did you ask Kacchan: I want to see your notes about yourself. Deku: Seriously? There are much more interesting ones, though? Kacchan: My note, my will Your room or mine? Deku: mine...?
And although Izuku had thought a lot in the few minutes that had passed before Katsuki knocked, he had never expected how smoothly the other would step over the threshold into his nerdy safe space. He found his usual place by the bed, just like the last time, and waited, almost without looking annoyed, until Izuku wordlessly handed him what he wanted to read. The notebook. This, and then… a lot more. Minutes passed unnoticed, then hours, and finally, with a half-hearted glance at his alarm clock, he realized that they had already been sitting there longer than it would have been possible on any other day, like the movie night. Countless notebooks around them, open and filled to the brim with sticky notes. Izuku didn't even notice when Katsuki grabbed the notebooks about himself and his explosions from the shelf. They talked and talked and laughed and talked some more and then they compared their achievements, added the notebook about Shouto to their comparison scale and suddenly it was way past midnight - and Izuku couldn't believe it when he briefly checked the time with the first pangs of real tiredness. "Wow," he breathed, eyes glued to the clock, "if we had watched a movie last Wednesday, we would have finished much earlier than today." "Yeah, it escalated a bit." "Things always escalate with you. It comes with friendship." Kacchan takes a breath, looks at him, then nods.
"Right." And suddenly the question crossed his mind, as it had a thousand times that day: Had Kacchan already drawn 'the hug'? And as always, he couldn't stop himself and asked what he had to ask: "Do you want to do… ugh……. one of the other two notes? Maybe?" Because… if it was the hug… then today would be a good day for it, wouldn't it? But Katsuki just took a quick peek at his bed and Izuku's guts took the bottomless elevator down to the basement. WHAT. Why… the look at the bed???!!!????? "Not today." WHAT?!!!? Izuku became metaphorically deaf as the voice in his head screeched out all the questions at the highest frequency possible. Just a welding seam would have closed his mouth tighter than it already was. He couldn't say a word as he watched Kacchan carefully piling up the notebooks and then searching for his cell phone. Right, they had been talking so much that they hadn't had a phone in their hands for more than four hours. But of course, Izuku knew where it was. "I plugged it in earlier, … it's on my nightstand." …. next to a picture of them - Katsuki and Izuku - and suddenly he realized that Kacchan would see the picture. It was turned, not visible from any other angle in the room. But would he sit down on his bed, close enough to the pillow to unplug his phone ---- "WAIT, wait I'll get - Kacchan -!!" But … the mobile was already in his hand. And to Izuku's world-ending shock, the picture as well. He wanted to faint. On the spot. Suddenly, he felt naked, as if he had been put in the stocks, stripped and splashed with cold water. Was it too much? Was it too obvious? Did Kacchan know from the picture that he had more in mind than the platonic deepening of their friendship? Crap. CRAP. But with each passing day, they were getting closer to the end anyway. The end that would decide whether Kacchan and Deku would be one step closer to being MORE than friends next year, or whether they would be nothing at all. In the long run, it was inevitable. In those 10 seconds that Izuku had a severe pre-crisis, Kacchan had put the picture back and grabbed his backpack. As if he hadn't seen anything. As if such a picture, kept almost secret, was something normal. Not worth mentioning. "See you tomorrow, nerd," he said. So casually, so banally, nudging Izuku's shoulder, who almost had an out-of-body experience by the touch. And then the door closed and Izuku's eyes almost popped out as he stared like crazy from the door to the picture and back to the door. What - the - flip.
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taruchinator · 3 months
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🏠 General Audiences
🏠 1k Words
🏠 For the BNHA Planet Exchange!
“Get home asap.”
The moment those three words were sent to Izuku via text message, he panicked. As he ran through the city with a million thoughts going through his mind, he could only hope that Katsuki was alright.
All those worries were quickly put to a halt however, as soon as he opened the door to their shared apartment— Greeted with the sight of Katsuki Bakugou huddled in a nest of his own making right smack on their living room couch.
Hey hey hey! Welcome back to more fluffy DKBK! ^^
This piece had to be a lot shorter than what I'm used to, since it was a pinch hit for the BNHA Planet Exchange, still it really helped me push my limits of fitting things into a certain word count 👍
My giftee Rayne wanted Omegaverse, and it's honestly something I've been meaning to delve deeper into for a while—this time though, fluff will have to suffice. We can get into spicy territory later 🔥🤭
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As he closed the door behind him, Deku smiled and let out a sigh as he rubbed his temples. “You know, you could've been more specific in your message, Kacchan…”
“Get home asap.”
The moment those three words were sent to Izuku via text message, the young man panicked.
He immediately excused himself with his boss Enji, apologizing profusely and explaining that there was a situation that required his attention back home. The older man didn't mind at all, especially considering the day at the construction site had been quite slow when it came to new clients, and so he dismissed Izuku with the reassurance that they would be fine, but did ask him to call if he needed anything.
With that out of the way, Deku was running through the city with a million thoughts crossing his mind—Katsuki rarely messaged him while on the clock, so it couldn't be helped if the freckled man was worrying.
All those worries were quickly put to a halt however, as soon as he opened the door to their shared apartment.
Greeted with the sight of Katsuki Bakugou—his husband and most badass man he'd ever met—huddled in a nest of his own making right smack on their living room couch.
A blond head peeked through the pile of clothes, one of them Izuku recognizing as his All Might Christmas sweater, revealing the grumpy expression of the man he loved. “Took ya long enough, nerd!”
Everything finally clicked into place: the text, the nest, and most importantly of all, the cinnamon scent that was wafting through the air around them. Izuku had to contain the chuckle that wanted to erupt from his chest at not connecting the dots sooner.
Back when they were children, the status of Alpha, Beta or Omega was still up in the air for the dynamic duo. Both were late bloomers, yet by the time middle school came around, Izuku wasn't the slightest bit surprised at the fact that Katsuki had presented as an Alpha.
What was surprising, was that he ended up presenting as an Alpha as well.
Alphas in Izuku's family were incredibly rare, yet fate seemed to want to throw at least one more curveball into the boy's life. One in which his already improbable dream of becoming Katsuki's mate was now totally impossible with the two of them being Alphas.
At least that was his assumption until they entered high school, in which one night Izuku ended up walking into the public bathroom at midnight and stumbling upon the sweetest smell his nose had ever detected. Musky, earthy, and with a hint of cinnamon that had the teenage boy completely enamored.
Once he found out the scent was coming from Katsuki, who had just come out of the shower and stopped in his tracks like a deer caught in headlights, one thing was now crystal clear. His crush was actually an Omega.
Fast forward to today, where despite Katsuki still having issues admitting his status to himself and their close friends, had come to a better understanding and even embraced it whenever his heat came around, which was actually the reason as to why he'd taken the day off work in the first place. The fact that he forgot was perplexing to Izuku.
Izuku laughed and kissed the top of his lover's head, pocketing the phone and getting ready to devote himself entirely to the person he admired the most. “Your wish is my command, Kacchan.”
Katsuki merely wrinkled his nose, clearly much more comfortable with the scent of his Alpha finally in the room, but still trying to keep his cool with a scoff and roll of his eyes. “Tch! And risk one of those extras overlooking our business? They'd never let me live it down!”
With a giggle Izuku approached the nest with caution, being mindful of where he was stepping as he made his way over to the blond. “So clothes weren't enough this time around?”
“I used every goddamn shirt in your bin and I still couldn't get comfortable. Tried holding off but figured you were almost off, so…” Katsuki trailed off with a blush adorning his cheeks, trying to avoid eye contact yet still welcoming the warmth and comfort that his mate brought him. Izuku wrapped his arms around the other male, releasing his scent into the air in hopes of comforting the other. Based on the happy sigh that was released, it was working. “What did Enji say?”
“That it was okay. You actually saved me from a boring day at the site. Nothing to do but demolition work and wait for new calls.” Izuku placed his head above Katsuki's and nuzzled it gently, feeling his own body being soothed at the idea of having the Omega in his arms. “We could always get you some suppressants, you know? Maybe they'd help manage these better whenever I'm not around…”
“Fuck no, those things give me headaches and don't let me focus the next day.” Katsuki was happy to return the nuzzle as he breathed into Izuku's neck, causing them both to shiver at the comfort it was bringing them. ‘Safe’ wasn't enough to describe how they were feeling at the moment. “'sides… I know you'll pull through for me if I need ya.”
Izuku's heart melted at the words. Katsuki's heat made him much more emotionally vulnerable, but the freckled man knew they were his true feelings. Just things he'd normally never say out loud. And so he treasured them with all his being whenever they came around. “Of course I will. I love you, Kacchan…”
“Love you too, nerd…”
The rest of their evening was nothing but uneventful, resting in each other's arms and falling to the wonderful depths of sleep that they deserved. It wasn't until he awoke hours later and checked his phone that Izuku noticed a few messages from their friends, asking if everything was okay.
Deku could only smile at how much they cared, and simply replied with affirmations and thanks so that they wouldn't worry. Katsuki, still nestled into his arms, raised his head to look at him. “This couch is too cramped. I wanna go to bed.”
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✦𝐂𝐡𝐞𝐜𝐤 𝐌𝐲 𝐂𝐚𝐫𝐫𝐝 𝐓𝐨 𝐅𝐨𝐥𝐥𝐨𝐰 𝐌𝐲 𝐒𝐨𝐜𝐢𝐚𝐥𝐬!✦
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animeficsworld · 2 years
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Todoroki Shoto x Reader
You could say that he was clueless. You could go up to him and kiss him and he would still be confused. You could shout it at his face, he would still not get it.
But just as clueless he was, Shoto was also very caring and kind. When you joined UA for the hero course, his class took you in immediately. They were all so very kind, even Bakugou. But Shoto caught your eye.
His quirk and his handsome face took you off of your feet as soon as your eyes locked when you introduced yourself.
At that time, you didn't know how truly clueless he could be even when the other girls warned you. 
One time it was so frustrating you had to punch a wall. Seriously what did you have to do to make him notice you? Well, he did notice you it's just he never understood your intentions.
When you asked if he wanted to see the new action movie, he said yes, you were all dolled up for your date and then he showed up with almost everyone in the class saying "I thought I'll invite them, hope it's okay." and it wasn't his nerves which is why he did this, you could see in his eyes, he didn't understand you meant for this to be a date.
In the end, you were sitting the furthest from Shoto right in between Izuku and Katsuki. The two kept on arguing during the movie, so you didn't even understand what was going on. 
That time, you were encouraged to be clearer, to make Shoto understand, and you tried, you really did.
You asked him out on more dates, and only when you arrived you found again, the entire class there. And just why were you always in between Katsuki and Izuku? And at this point, you probably should just go out with either of them. The Zoo was never the same after Izuku overexplained everything while 'Kacchan' kept yelling at him for talking too much.
Then, you asked Shoto to study with you at the library, he surely wouldn't ask someone to join you right? Wrong, aparently Seto also needed some explanation on the subject. 
You wanted to give up, and part of you did. You stopped asking him to join you, stopped asking him out for things, only to dress up and then be disappointed. You had to accept the fact that he never thought you are asking him for a date, because he didn't see you like that. 
"Good morning," you said as you walked into class and sat down at your table, waiting for class to start. 
That day, nothing interesting happened.
Back in your room, later that evening, you looked up from your book finally. 
You stretched a little before you opened the balcony window to get some fresh air. 
"Beautiful night, isn't it?" the voice to your right made you jump, in fact so much you nearly blasted the entire building with your quirk.
"You scared me Shoto." you said to your neighbour.
"You looked sad today, is everything okay?" Of course, he would notice this but not your many attempts to ask him on a date.
"I'm fine, just finished studying. How about you?"
"I'm not too well. I feel like... like I messed up but I don't know how or what did I do?" 
"Okay, talk to me, let's figure this out." he let out a sign.
"I feel like we are good friends, Y/N, and somehow I feel like I keep pushing you away. And I don't know what did I do."
"Oh, it's about that." you cleared your throat. You looked at the trees around you. "Well, I was expecting this conversation but... when I asked you to meet me I always meant like a date, you know? But I had to realize you are not interested in me like that, so, I had to move on, which is why you feel like I'm pushing you away." you looked at him, his eyes wide, you did confess to him just now, and you truly hoped that this time he wouldn't misunderstand. 
"You... you did?"
"Yes, you are very clueless Shoto. But I do get it, you do not like me like that so it's okay, re-"
"But I do." he then jumped over to your balcony, slightly startling you. "I-I just didn't think you liked me like that. But I am bad at reading signs."
"Why do you think I dressed up every time we met outside school?"
"I just thought that is how you dressed."
Clueless, he truly was.
"I wanted to look nice to you." 
"A-And you did! Please don't misunderstand I just have a lot going on in my life, I never thought you would be interested in me like that. Why don't we go out somewhere tomorrow after school? To get tea or something."
You smiled and nodded.
"I'd like that."
"And this time I promise I won't invite anyone else." 
"Okay, let's meet after class in the common area, I will need to change but-"
"It's a date then, a real one this time. Like a real real one this time." he smiled and you did the same.
"Then I'll..." you said as you pointed at your door. "I still need to shower and-"
"I don't mean to bother I'll go. Meet you tomorrow."
"Tomorrow, good night Shoto."
"Good night." 
As you closed the door and pulled the curtains back, Shoto climbed back to his room.
You were happy he finally understood and the two of you were able to arrange a date.
You shouldn't be as surprised as you were, after all you did know how truly clueless he could be. But you learned from it, and from now on, you will need to be more forward with him.
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viideku · 5 months
we both like apple cider
a short sonfic inspired by beabadoobees song apple cider
one day, a random day, uninteresting at most, katsuki had found out that izuku liked apple cider. it wasn’t like he meant to, he had only gone outside to take a jog because he couldn’t sleep. he didn’t expect izuku to be there, chugging down a whole bottle of apple cider alone. “izuku what the hell?” the blond barked with bewilderment, “ah haha h-hey kacchan! what are you doing out here so late? you’re usually in bed at this time” he slightly mumbled under his breath awkwardly, letting the bottle rest on his thigh as he sat. “i think the bigger question here is why are you out here downing apple cider alone at 11 pm on a saturday” katsuki said with an arched brow, raised in amusement. the boys had developed their own sort of friendship over the years. if they could even call it that. it was closer to lovers or even an old married couple if you had asked any of their friends. “well i-i couldn’t sleep and i didn’t wanna jog or watch tv so i decided to drink apple cider, it’s soooo good. hey kacchan did you know that apple cider is actually good for your health in some ways and mmph-” izukus eyes widened and then softened as he moved katsukis hand away from his mouth after being shut up. “sorry kacchan i was rambling wasn’t i” he giggled. katsuki stole the cider from izukus hand and took a swig himself, he also loved apple cider, it wasn’t something he ever thought relevant enough to tell izuku. but for some reason from that night foward, katsuki found himself going to that spot every saturday night at 11 pm to join the greenette for some apple cider.
months pass and they’ve finally gotten together after all the dreadful months mutual pining (as mina would say). the days of apple cider saturdays are sadly over but one afternoon when izuku and katsuki are in katsukis room, izuku brings up the first time it happened and they reminisce. katsuki brought up the fact that izukus hair smells like fruit punch despite all the apple cider he drinks and izuku laughed.
the nights they would go back and forth talking about how they didn’t even like each other that much, how they could barely tolerate one another while simultaneously being the closest they’d ever been and loving every second of it.
the midnight calls, the talks about nothing that ever made sense. talking just to hear the others voice.
the fingers raked in katsukis hair when he laid near izuku. fingers twirling and massaging his hair.
that one time katsuki complimented one of izukus shirt and he wore it every day for a week.
how nice it was to talk to each other and hold each others hands. scarred and all.
all because of some random apple cider that somehow drew them closer than they already were.
a/n: help this song has been stuck in my head for the longest time it eventually spiraled into inspo😭😭
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frenchbreadandeggs · 1 year
Wrong Cinderella │1│
pairing: shoto todoroki
summary: Reunited with his mother, Shoto faces the last order from his father, Enji, to pick a woman in the ball that will be held during his birthday and marry her. Absurd and stupid when he first heard it, but later on took an effect on him. Falling in love with the woman he met with the white mask.
Your life was normal if you were asked how your life has been lately. Working as a normal salarywoman and a good friend to Izuku and Katsuki. Until there was a knock on your door and revealed Shoto, the son of the richest CEO in Japan and who also owns the company you were working at, tells you that he has found you.
You were clueless, what does he mean that he has found you?
cw: fem!reader
`no proofreading because it is lazy to do and this was like created around 2020 i presume? just shit writing.
Shoto’s eyes shot open, beads of sweat threatened to soak his pajamas. He didn't have a nightmare, the room was the problem. Luxury furniture decorated the black and white wallpapers of the wall and the floor, the bed was too soft where he couldn't sleep properly. Shoto groaned, hating every time he woke up in this room that was supposed to help him rest. Instead it reminds him of that man.  He was fine living in a luxurious room, but knowing whose money was used in this just makes him hate sleeping.
Stretching his arms and legs, he removed himself from the bed and headed to the bathroom and started to take a shower.
"Another day of hell."
Shoto peeked at the dining room, only to see a table set for one person. There were servants cleaning a spot where he always eats.
He tried to stay away from his father as much as possible, that includes eating  with him and staying in one room. Gladly Enji is always busy—away from the house, away from Shoto.
A servant noticed the half and half boy and immediately flashed him a smile.
“Ah, young master.” He greeted, approaching the quiet boy, “Come, the food is still hot.” The man bowed and walked to the dining  room expecting Shoto to follow him. Which he did.
“Albert,” Shoto called, “I told you not to call me that, I prefer Shoto.” He sat on the chair and started eating.
“Yes you did young master,” Albert said, still bowing, “I can only say that without the master around.”
Shoto already knew.
“Shoto.” A voice boomed inside the room, “I must speak to you.” Enji shot a glance at Albert, saying he should go. Which he simply followed, leaving the father and son alone in the room.
Shoto continued to eat but this time it was a bit faster. He doesn’t want to talk to him nor look at his eyes. He just wants to end this and go outside to have fresh air.
“Your mother is going to get discharged from the hospital later this afternoon." Enji's icy stare looked down at Shoto who froze in front of his food.
A person he missed for a long time.
Even after his father's approach Shoto stayed put and ate his breakfast in silence, he didn't really want to talk to him.
Enji looked at him, he hesitated to speak to his son but moved on after Shoto finished his food.
"You're old enough to marry someone."
“And what makes you think I’m going to do that?” He answered back, still looking at his half-eaten food. He just lost his appetite.
“You already know this, Shoto.” Enji said in a sharp tone, “This is one of our family traditions.”
Shoto tightly gripped his fork, suppressing himself from bursting with anger. He can’t take any of his father’s bullshit. It was always him, shoving everything to him, forcing something to his mouth, he wanted it to end.
“Family tradition?” He spat out with gritted teeth, “Or just one of your things that you can’t shove to my siblings and throw it at me instead?”
Finally, his heterochromia eyes met with electric sharp ones. After all of these years he can finally look at those monstrous eyes. Those careless, abusive, inconsiderate eyes. He can finally look at those and glare at them. Enji’s eyes widened in surprise. This is the first time Shoto talked to him like that.
His surprised eyes slowly turned to an irritating one.
“Shoto,” His cold voice sent shivers through Shoto’s spine.
But Shoto stood still, glaring daggers at his father.
He won’t cower under him this time.
“I expect for you not to be another disappointment in this family.” Enji snarled, his fire starting to rage.
Red, orange and yellow colors flared around the suffocating room, intimidating Shoto. Both of them had already lost their cool, no one could ever stop them if this continues.
Shoto slammed his hands on the table and rose up from his seat, “Disappointment?” Cold mist surrounds Shoto’s body, “You call my siblings disappointment? What would someone react if they got forced on eating something they don’t want to? What they don’t want to do— or even what to think? Obviously they would rebel and run away from that person as much as possible, not wanting to meet them again.”
“When mom accidentally hurt me, you forced her to a mental hospital because I’m your prized child. You labeled Touya as a failure. When Fuyumi and Natsuo can’t handle what you want, you tossed them away, you ignored them.”
Shoto wanted to say more but he can’t speak because something has stuck inside his throat. He can’t handle it anymore, emotions flowed throughout his whole body. He was all alone, alone and trapped by this man he called ‘father’.
“You’re my only hope for this family, Shoto.” Enji coldy stated, “You’re marrying whether you like it or not.”
He left.
“Dammit.” Shoto grabbed the sides of the table and sat on the chair, “Why must I live this way.” He rested his head on his head, suppressing himself from bursting in tears. He wanted to call his older brother Touya but he doubted he would pick up since he’s busy with his family, same for Fuyumi and Natsuo with their work. Visiting his mom wouldn’t do much since the accident years ago which gave him the scar.
“Shoto.” Albert called out, “Do you want to get some fresh air?”
“Yes, please get the car.”
Cool air swooned on Shoto’s face as he entered the car he asked to be prepared. He closed the door and sighed, leaning on the backseat. He usually does this when he has a heated discussion with his dad or when he’s in a bad mood. Albert immediately notices this and asks the young master to have some air outside the house which the man accepts. This is his get away from the suffocating mansion he called “home”.
“Do you want to go to the usual park, sir?” The driver, Mirai, asked, looking at the rear mirror to see the younger man’s face. He received a nod from him, “As you say so, sir.” Mirai then started the car and drove out of the mansion to the far away park.
“Mirai,” Shoto called out, still looking at the window, admiring the scenery before him. “How does it feel working as a teacher?”
Shoto always asks this to the man at the driver’s seat everytime he and Enji get into a heated argument. It bored the older man since Shoto kept asking the same question over and over, but he didn’t mind, he knows the child is going through difficulties in the residence and is always alone.
“It’s stressful since you need to take care and teach rascals— forgive me from any casualties in my answer, sir.”
“It’s fine, I don’t particularly mind.” Shoto simply replied, turning back from staring outside the car window. Trees danced with the wind’s current in an elegant manner, children running at each other with euphoric faces with their parents watching not too far from them. He envied those kinds of families, smiling at eachother like no one’s watching, enjoying the country’s cool breeze. They were perfect, he thought.
Even if he wished to have a perfect family, it would be impossible. What happened years ago cannot be undone.
Never he have a perfect family when he was born.
“We’re here, Mr Shoto.” Mirai respectively said, pulling the car at a free space. He tried to open the door for the man but was stopped by him.
“I can open the door myself, thank you.” Shoto stepped out of the car, he looked at the older man beside him. “You can go now.” He simply said, now heading to the parks just a few miles away from where they parked.
Mirai’s eyes widen in surprise, “Sir, but—”
“I will call you if anything unusual happens in my surroundings.” Shoto plainly said, “Don’t worry about him, I can talk about it to him. See you later.” He then continued to walk, not letting the man talk back.
Sighing, Mirai entered the car and started the engine. “Todoroki’s are indeed hard headed.”
Shoto glanced at the car Mirai’s driving slid away in the highways swarmed by other vehicles. Finally peace and solitude. He thought, looking at the deserted park he’s at. This was his stress reliever, alone in the room is never enough especially when his father would bother him outside his room, asking to talk, guessing, about nonsense. 
“I should’ve asked Cora to pack me cold soba before going here.” Shoto breathed out.
Obviously, packing food is important when coming to special places. He would normally ask the maid to cook him cold soba before he gets fresh air outside. It seems he has no choice but to find a soba shop in the big streets of Tokyo, Japan. 
Oh he wishes to be with his mother and siblings right now.
Grateful that he wore casual clothes and brought a cap, he then wore the black cap from the pockets of his jacket and walked to the nearest soba shop. Seeing what he was trying to find, he walked to the shop with haste, considering eyes started to peer at his ‘mysterious’ figure.
Shoto sat on the stool, away from any individual in the humble shop.
A man, guessing the shop owner, approached Shoto with a big smile. “A new customer I see! What’s your order, young man?”
“Zaru Soba, please.” Shoto answered, making the man nod.
“Nice taste you got boy. I’m gonna whip you one up in any minute.” The man exclaimed, walking to the other side of the kitchen.
Shoto gave him a glance and took out his wallet with pocket money. He counted the yen that he should be paying to the shop owner. Busy counting his money, a man crept from his behind and forcefully took the young man’s money and ran away.
“Ah—” Shoto stared at the running man who stole his money. He forgot, outside is an unavoidable danger. Meaning there would be thieves wandering in the city alleyways and streets.
“Haha, he indeed looked like the youngest of the Todoroki family. Here’s your Za— eh?” The shop owner came to the seat where Shoto was but he was already gone. “Where’s that young man?”
“A thief snatched his wallet and he came chasing him down, but he left something on the table where he sat.” One of his regulars said, pointing at the seat Shoto took and continued to eat.
“Huh, a paper, what’s written on it.” He read the contents of the paper he’s holding, only to have a horrified expression on his face.
“Heh, I’m lucky I got an easy one.” The thief laughed, still running away from the shop. He checked the contents inside the wallet he stole, “Sheeesh, this is a lot. I wonder how many drinks I could buy with this lot of shit.” 
While running he heard rumbles from his behind, making the street rumble. “Huh, an earthquak—” He immediately halted in shock when a big wall of ice blocked his way.
“Wh-What the—”
“It’s rude to take a person’s belongings without permission.” Shoto slid to a stop on the huge wall of ice that prevented the man from running. A gust of wind flew to him, having his cap fall from his head. He used his right hand and blasted the sides and behind of the thief to prevent him from running away. Frostbites slowly appeared on his right side and exhaled cold air from his mouth.
“S-Shoto Todoroki!” The man screamed, now trying to run away from him. Throwing the stolen wallet on the floor, not caring if he had no money, all he cares about is his life.
“You won’t go anywhere.” He freezed the man’s feet and let the ice grow to his shoulders. Shoto skidded to where his wallet was and picked it up. The young man looked at the terrified robber, “Get a life.” And walked away, not caring about the giant crater of ice he made.
Minutes later he felt a vibration from his phone, he looked at the caller and it was Albert. Shoto picked up, “Hello,” He listened to his caller, slowly, his eyes widened.
“He arranged a night ball?”
“F-Five hundred thousand y-yen!” The soba shop owner shakily said as he looked at the check, still can’t believe what he just read.
“Akio, that’s the amount of money we can pay for Haru’s tuition fee!” His wife cried, clinging on to her husband for dear life.
“That young man is a mysterious but kind man.”
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9r7g5h · 10 months
Pray for Us Sinners
Fandom: My Hero Academia, Boku no Hero Academia 
Rating: E
Genre: Smut
Summary: Izuku had thought, for sure, he knew his lot in life. That his love for the Lord had guided him onto the right path, leading him to the seminary he called his home. Where he found peace in his studies, excited for the day he too would be able to lead the lost onto the righteous path. He had known who he was, and he was content.
Until Katsuki Bakugou was assigned as his new roommate, that is.
Words: 3,606
Izuku had thought, for sure, he knew his lot in life. That his love for the Lord had guided him onto the right path, leading him to the seminary he called his home. Where he found peace in his studies, excited for the day he too would be able to lead the lost onto the righteous path. He had known who he was, and he was content.
Until Katsuki Bakugou was assigned as his new roommate, that is.
He had had those lustful feelings for other men before, had struggled and prayed and cried over them as he tried to find where in the Lord’s plan he would fit. Had conversed with his mother, with Father Yagi at his church, had confessed and hoped that some level of salvation would be granted upon him. Even when told there was no sin to forgive, he had still fought, still shied away from the way meeting the gaze of certain men would warm his blood and stir his stomach, leaving him flushed and fighting the urge to find release in the darkness of his room. For the most part he had gained a control his teenage self had never known, and in the safety of the Lord’s embrace he had found peace.
It helped that many of his fellow students were...interesting characters, to put it kindly, and he would leave it at that. It was not his place to judge, that was the Lord’s purview and his alone, but it did make it easier on his dick.
But Katsuki was different. There was something about him that drew Izuku towards him, that made him want to be around him despite the stirrings he could feel inside. It wasn’t just his looks, though those blazing red eyes had made him mourn the lack of privacy more than once. It was the way he talked, the way vulgarities fell from his lips so easily even as he recited the prayers from heart in the next breath without break, flipping from personal to professional with ease. How their conversations could last hours and he still felt the need to talk to him, to dive into the depths of Katsuki’s mind and pull out every thought he had ever had. How the occasional brush of their bodies when they were getting ready for the day in their far too small shared room had him rushing to leave, because staying would mean things.
Father Yagi might have been the one to point him towards the church, implying he might find the peace he searched for there, but Katsuki was the one he strived towards, in so many more ways than one.
He'd convinced himself he could be happy with friendship. So sure that, once they were out of close quarters, he could get all of this back under control, and could look at Katsuki with a pure heart once again, something fitting of their calling as men of the Lord. Their rooming situation was only for the year, and once that time had passed he would have someone like his previous roommate. Someone calming, someone he could have a pleasant conversation with without that burning need to talk. And whatever this was with Katsuki would fade into the back of his mind, disappearing as distance took hold. Izuku was sure.
Only for Katsuki to kiss him. For Katsuki to cup his face between his hands in the middle of one of his muttering rambles about theology and mythology and the millenia old connections, cutting him off midword by swiping his thumb across his lip. For Katsuki to close that distance between them, mouth burning and sweet, finally letting Izuku understand the temptation of the apple and the rush as he gave in, as his own hands reached up to tangle into hair that was just as soft as he’d hoped the first time he saw it. For Katsuki to bring tumbling down every stone Izuku had built himself upon, because that single kiss his first kiss left him shaking and panting and wanting more, wanting to devote himself to the man half bent over him so he could accept whatever he was given.
“I’ve been wanting to do that since I first saw your stupid face,” Katsuki breathed, lips running along his chin, his cheeks, light peppering of kisses up to the creases around his eyes that Izuku hadn’t even realized had appeared, that only showed up when he was smiling. Because he was, smiling, smiling and giggling as he let Katsuki kiss him, fingers turning his face for new angles to find new freckles he had yet to lay claim as his own. “Transferred to this place to be holy or whatever shit and they immediately put me with the hottest piece of ass I’ve ever seen, and then you had to go and be fucking cute on top of it. Gave me that feelings bullcrap. Bastard. Asshole.”
Izuku only laughed as Katsuki kissed him again, this time parting his lips because how could he resist? He knew he should - should accept he had been led into temptation once, even the strongest of men faltered, but he should step back, put distance between them, make it clear that as a man of the Lord he could not accept the feelings so clearly pouring from Katsuki. Because if he didn’t he would fall, would fall and wouldn’t have the strength to rise again. But it felt right, and he knew what he should but should and could were two very different things, so all Izuku could do was sit there and let Katsuki kiss him again and again, never taking it further than that but not for the lack of want.
Perhaps he sensed Izuku’s hesitance, or perhaps he had just enough shame to not try and fuck him in the depths of the seminary archives, but either way Katsuki eventually pulled back, bruised lips smirking when Izuku’s tried to chase after him for more. Instead he just gave him a snake sharp smirk, a promise of later if Izuku decided to follow this path of roses, and walked away. Leaving Izuku desperate to regain control in the archives, unable to stand for fear of someone seeing the state he was in; at least the desk and books giving him something to hide behind until he had control once again.
Control that had him on his knees in the chapel, praying for strength, for wisdom, for guidance, for some mysterious accident to befall not the super hot roommate Izuku just knew was waiting for him, but perhaps to the room itself, forcing them to live separately for at least a few days while he got his heart and mind back in alignment. His dick was a lost cause, he knew that, but the rest of him he could rededicate to the Lord and ensure his path remained stable. There was peace on this path, he was content here, he was sure his calling was to work in the Lord’s name.
And yet, when he opened the door to their shared room, the conviction he had prayed back into himself disappeared at the sight of Katsuki shirtless, because fuck those abs.
Izuku had barely closed the door when he was pinned against it, Katsuki kissing him again, only this time half dressed and laughing as he encouraged Izuku’s hands to roam, fingertips dusting over the divots he was too scared to press his hand fully against like he wanted to. So instead keeping himself to gentle touches, finger kisses while their mouths were too busy learning each other to be of much help lower down. Katsuki seemed to have no such reservations, his hands on Izuku's waist, his chest, his thighs, his ass, sinking his fingers into the muscle to pull him close. Mouth hot and wet on his throat when Izuku pulled back to breathe, one large hand twisted in his curls to tilt his head enough to give Katsuki access to his pulse.
"Leave with me," Katsuki murmured into Izuku's ear when he finally paused, giving him a moment to think. "I was already gonna jump ship; this shit ain't for me. So come with me, Izuku."
Izuku froze, eyes wide, breath stuttering in his lungs as he stared at Katsuki, pulling back as much as the door would let him. "You're leaving," he asked, confused and surprisingly hurt. Though he turned away from that pain, digging through the thoughts to latch onto a random one he could see as safe to ask. "You don't believe in the Lord?"
"Oh, I believe in the bastard alright," Katsuki said, lips pulled into sharp smirk. "I just don't think the fucker deserves to be worshiped like you." And before Izuku could think, could question, could do anything Katsuki was on his knees, Izuku’s oversized shirt pushed up to just under his pecs, popping the buttons and drawing down the zipper of his pants with his mouth, tonguing at his stomach and biting into the meat of his hip, eyes blown and hooded as he gazed up. “Let me convince you to come with me,” Katsuki said against his skin, kitten licks over the mark he had made.
“Fuck, God yes,” was all Izuku could whisper. Part of him wanted to say more, the lectures and sermons on lust and temptation swirling in his mind; telling him to stay strong, to resist, that this was his personal Judaean Desert, but his mind was fogging too quick to latch onto any of them, the denial swept away by the pleasure and sheer need for the man so willingly bending for him. Even if he could have come up with something, anything to say in that moment, his mind went blank as Katsuki took him into his mouth and sucked, wet and burning hot and overwhelming to his system that not even an hour ago had never been kissed, had only known his own hand and in comparison that was nothing. And when by pure instinct alone his hips bucked, pushing another inch past Katsuki's lips, and Katsuki moaned?
Izuku was gone. Gone and lost as he willing fell forward and twisted his fingers into Katsuki's too soft for how it looked hair, hips stuttering in an unsteady rhythm as Katsuki expertly sucked and licked and toyed with him, taking everything he could give and adding more, hands on Izuku's ass just happily pulling him forward, closer, encouraging him to fuck into Katsuki's mouth with a slap that had the muscle jiggling and Izuku almost cumming down his throat. Only by biting into and almost through his lip did he manage to hold, unsure if letting go would be appreciated, would be polite, his pace slowing as he allowed the mystery of blowjob etiquette to cut through the need.
As if sensing his hesitation Katsuki pulled away, mouthing at the tip, down the vein on the side, kissing his hip before standing to kiss Izuku himself, his lips salty with pre that should have been disgusting but that had Izuku twitching, trying to get more of the taste out of Katsuki’s mouth and from his tongue. Pulling away, his shirt was pulled over his head, dropped to the floor, Katsuki’s pants joining Izuku’s as he stepped from them, leaving them both bare and panting, hard and red and leaking.
“Bed, ‘Zuku,” Katsuki demanded, turning himself to rifle through the little drawer in the desk that made up one of the few pieces of furniture in their too small room. Izuku obeyed, nervous but wanting as Katsuki smirked, hand pulling out a bottle he recognized but that made him flush, because for that to be here, in the seminary, in their room, meant Katsuki had been doing things that Izuku himself had denied, if just for the propriety. Proprietary Izuku quickly lost as Katsuki crawled onto the bed, smile sharp as he raised the bottle of lube, settling himself easily between Izuku’s spread legs. “Last chance, baby,” Katsuki purred, leaning forward to kiss him, quick pecks that Izuku eagerly returned.
“I want Kacchan,” was all he could think to say, thoughts of temptation forgotten in lue of continued pleasure, spreading his legs wider, raising his hips and drawing him into a longer, deeper kiss as the bottle clicked open, as wet fingers circled his rim, teased into him, forcing a mewl as Katsuki stroked inside of him where no one else had been, not even himself. One becoming two making him squirm under Katsuki, cock neglected as he was stretched and Katsuki’s mouth moved from Izuku’s own to his neck, kissing at his pulse, nipping down the arch as he found and pressed on the spot that left Izuku breathless, mind blanking out and quiet for the first time since Katsuki had kissed him, unable to do more but soundlessly move his lips and his hips as he chased that feeling again. A feeling Katsuki gave him, coming back to that spot again and again as he hooked one of Izuku’s legs over his shoulder, his third finger a squeeze but the sting quickly forgotten with another stroke inside of him.
Fuck he was going to come just on Katsuki’s fingers, cock untouched, making Izuku flush and whine at the thought.
“Come on baby, hands and knees for me,” Katsuki finally said, pulling his fingers from Izuku’s ass, leaving him empty and wanting. “It’ll be easier for your first time that way.” His hand was steading as Izuku rolled, arms shaking as he raised himself into the requested position for Katsuki. “Good boy,” Katsuki whispered somewhere behind him, lips pressed to the skin behind his ear, warmth along his back as a large hand took his hip, helping to angle him, just right. The distinctive sound of Katsuki’s wet hand on his dick, slicking himself up, before Izuku felt the warm head press against his hole.
“I’ve got you,” Katsuki whispered to him, the gentle pressure slowly increasing, his lips following the path of Izuku’s freckles across his shoulders and down his back, and in that moment Izuku could believe him, that he was a being that deserved to be worshiped, something entirely holy in Katsuki’s eyes worthy of the prayers being whispered into his skin. He turned his head and let Katsuki capture his lips as the head of his cock popped in, drinking in each other’s moans as Katsuki slowly slid home, inch by inch pushed into his ass with the roll of his hips as Izuku struggled to adjust to the feeling of being so fucking full, of the stretch and the burn, perhaps the burn he had always been promised and if so one he would gladly accept the snake for.
Katsuki stopped when his hips pressed hard against Izuku’s ass, chest laid out along the length of his back, kisses peppering the back of his neck while his hands stroked his side in soothing waves, trying to bleed out the tension still there. A difficult task - it was hard to relax with a monster of a dick in your ass, but slowly Izuku accomplished it, head hanging forward to give Katsuki more access to his neck as he enjoyed being stuffed and surrounded and pet.
“You’re muttering, nerd,” Katsuki said against his shoulder, his lips curling into a smirk as he slowly pulled his hips back, whatever Izuku had been saying cut off and lost to the air at the feeling. Strong hands moved from his sides to his hips, tightening, fingers digging into the muscle and little bit of fat he found there to hold Izuku still as just the tip of his dick was left in, a strange emptiness that had Izuku squirming for something, anything to return to put out the coiled heat in his stomach. “Let’s see if I can’t finally fuck you quiet.”
The snap of his hips forced out a cry and Izuku knew he wouldn’t last long. Everything was too hot, throbbing and tight and ready to release the moment he was touched, or perhaps even without one of their hands between his legs, because Katsuki’s dick in his ass felt far too good and too much and just too everything, beyond what he had ever imagined in the depths of the night the few times he had allowed his mind to wander and wonder. Bites on his neck, his head turned to accept the wet kisses, Izuku knew he was still muttering every time their mouths parted, still begging as he rocked back to accept everything Katsuki gave him because how could he not, that cord inside was ready to break as he clenched-
And screamed as his release was cut off, something cold hard beaded strange wrapping tight around the base of his cock, sending him bucking back against Katsuki who never seemed to stop moving, his hand tight and cruel as he tortured Izuku with this new punishment he didn’t know he had earned.
“You keep calling for God,” Katsuki purred into his ear, licking at the tears spilled down Izuku’s cheeks, his voice loud enough to be heard over Izuku’s whimpers and pleas even though it was barely louder than a whimper. “‘God, harder,’” Katsuki quoted, pitching his voice up as he drove his hips in hard, whatever Izuku had been about to beg for cut off in his throat. “‘Fuck, please, God, faster,’” he teased again, never letting go of whatever cruel contraption he had between Izuku’s legs even as he picked up speed, grunting as Izuku clenched around him again and again as he kept hitting that spot that made him go blank, that whited out his vision and had him squirming and desperate. “God’s not the one fucking you, so you can come when you’re calling for me.”
Izuku wasn’t sure what he said or how he plead, only that he was, that ‘Kacchan’ fell from his lips like a chant, a prayer, the holiest word he could think of in that moment, anything to chase that peak that he’d been shown and ripped away from, that Katsuki kept pushing and pushing him towards even knowing it was a sisyphean task, that he would never reach the top and fall unless it was by his hand and his allowance alone. He begged and cried and prayed and when whatever was wrapped around his dick loosened, his face turned towards Katsuki’s and his back arched so he could be fucked and fully kissed Izuku allowed it, noises muffled as he finally spilled over Katsuki’s hand when he took him and stroked once, twice, everything too much and too sensitive to wait.
He was vaguely aware of the warm wetness that spread inside of him as Katsuki came as well, his hips only kept up by the desperate grasp his lover had on them as he chased his own release, Izuku unable to hold himself up as he sunk into his daze. He could feel as Katsuki lowered him down to the mattress, a heavy warmth pressed against his back, Katsuki’s arms wrapped tight around his waist to hold them close together as they just laid there and breathed. Breathed and cuddled and rested in the silence that enveloped them, existing within that moment of just them two that was heavy with what they had done.
“Did I convince you,” Katsuki asked, voice uncharastically quiet. “Will you leave with me?”
Izuku rolled in his arms, mouth open to respond, but paused as he felt something dig into his thigh. Reaching down, shifting through the twisted blankets to find the lumpy strand, Izuku pulled it out and held it out, immediately dropping it as he smacked Katsuki before hiding his face in his pillow, ignoring his bedmate’s laughter.
He wasn’t expecting to find his rosary in bed with him, covered in his own spend, warm to the touch from being wrapped around his dick.
“It was the first thing I grabbed,” Katsuki chuckled, leaning over the kiss the back of his shoulders, down his spine, nipping at the cheek of his ass. Izuku just looked over his shoulder and glared, his blush deepening as Katsuki spread his cheeks, watching intently as a drip of cum slid from him, down his taint, Katsuki darting forward and catching it with his tongue before it reached the sheets below him, Izuku jolting at the feeling of Katsuki’s mouth on his balls. He quickly swatted him away, forcing his wavering glare back on as Katsuki just smirked. “I’ll wash it, ‘Zuku, so don’t be mad.”
Izuku was a lot of things, but he wasn’t a liar, so he couldn’t even lie to himself that he was still angry when Katsuki pouted, shifting back so he was back at the top of the too small for both of them bed, his arm raised in the offer and hope for cuddles. After a long moment Izuku just sighed and shifted into his arms, letting that warmth envelope him once again, nuzzling his face into Katsuki’s neck and breathing in the smell of the man he could, perhaps, be in love with. The man he wanted, at least, was willing to accept as more important than the path he had been so sure was the one he would walk, because Izuku was sure he would follow him.
He would leave with him, would leave this little piece of peace and follow him willingly into the unknown, and trust that whatever path they ended up on together would be the right one.
After Katsuki washed his rosary, of course.
If there are any questions/requests, I have a Curious Cat and a Retrospring! :3
And if you would like to support me, I have a Ko-fi! :3c Tips are appreciated! Comms are open, so if you're interested, info is on my Ko-fi page.  
Ko-fi: https://ko-fi.com/9r7g5h
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neonscandal · 1 year
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Parting Gifts
⚠️ CW: Implied/Referenced Self-Harm, Implied/Referenced Suicide (Kinda but Not Really), Canonical Minor Character Death (from season 4)
Pairing: Katsuki Bakugo & Izuku Midoriya
Genre: Tragedy/Comedy
Tags: Bakugo Katsuki is Bad at Feelings, Midoriya Izuku Needs a Hug, Bakugo Katsuki-centric, Midoriya Izuku Has a Secret, Midoriya Izuku is Just a Cagey Little Shit, Tragedy/Comedy
Word Count: 6.2K
Status: Complete
Summary: Deku's seen haplessly giving away his prized fanboy possessions which specifically draws Bakugo's concern as he's the only one who knows the true value (sentimental or otherwise) of the things he's parting with. Despite being notoriously bad with emotions, Bakugo confronts him when he feels like there may be a dark ulterior motive.
“No, I-I wanted you to keep.. it.” The way Deku’s voice seemed to falter, as if he were questioning his resolve, almost drove Katsuki to break his neck and stare the nerd down himself. Surely, most certainly, there was no way he was giving Sonic the Hedgehog a relic from his childhood. Deku’s very own security blanket in the form of an All Might action figure; if one hand was brushing away tears, the other was surely wrapped around that thing. That figurine was in as many pictures as Katsuki in the Midoriya household. Probably more. There was simply no fucking way he’d part with it. Least of all to give it to someone who would dare call it a toy. “You all, you mean a lot to me. I never could have imagined friends like you… even a year ago. I really appreciate you all so much. I just… wanted to make sure you know that.”
“Oh my goodness, Deku! Thank you so much! That’s so sweet of you,” Uraraka squealed energetically. “It’s just like the one I got for Christmas, you didn’t have to do that!”
Katsuki could hear the insufferable shrill of Uraraka’s excitement long before he rounded the corner into the 1A classroom. He honestly didn’t mind her, she was one of very few people in class he found palatable at all. But still, that level of enthusiasm first thing in the morning coupled with the likes of Deku would be grating to anyone. He took extra care to mosey nonchalantly to his desk, hands shoved into his pockets irreverently.
Uraraka stood over Deku’s desk, her back blocking whatever he’d given her from view as Katsuki dropped into his seat. He tried to keep his eyes forward but every ecstatic coo from Uraraka and whatever Deku seemed to be muttering were putting him on edge. “Pink Cheeks.. Round Face.. no, Mochi-? I feel like I used that the other day…” he thought, shaking his head. “Ooh! Haven’t used ‘Kirby’ in a while,” he decided.
“Oi! Kirby! Unless this screeching is some new emergency broadcast system, how about you shutit?” Katsuki snarled, his teeth bared threateningly.
Uraraka was completely unfazed as she whirled around to face her classmate despite his notoriously explosive temper. “Oh, Bakugo! Check it out! I’ve got another All Might plushie!” she giggled, bringing the doll to her chest. “It’s so cool, I just don’t know what to do with him! I guess he can’t exactly twin with the one in my hero costume so I’ll keep this one in my room.”
Katsuki’s face deadpanned. “They aren’t twins, that one is Bronze Age All Might. It’s a totally different costume. Why would he give you that?” Mentally, he berated himself for revealing that he’d been eavesdropping which belied his strict air of indifference. But what the hell was Round Cheeks going to do with a rare artifact like that? Relatively rare. He had one too, after all. Deku and he had gotten them together years ago. The value of them surely exceeded one million yen, especially with the obsessive level of care Deku had when it came to his All Might memorabilia. Given the market, he probably wouldn’t go and buy another one either.
“Oh, uh, I figured Uraraka-san could use some cheering up. We just had a really tough mission a-and-” Deku proffered sheepishly, avoiding the discerning gaze of his childhood friend.
Katsuki’s eyes narrowed coldly, “I don’t give a shit about your work study.”
“Everyone! In your seats, class is about to begin!” Iida advised, inadvertently mediating the situation that seemed to be bubbling up between the 17th and 18th seats.
A deep sigh emanated from the yellow sleeping bag that lay perennially at the front of the class. “Thank you, Class Prez. It appears you’re the only one still standing though,” Aizawa observed as he emerged from his cocoon like a caterpillar who’d decided to say “fuck it” to the whole evolutionary process.
The heat from the blush that crept across Iida’s face could be felt in the back row of the classroom as he wordlessly took his seat.
“It would be illogical to ignore the fact that members of our class have experienced something beyond what mere hero students are meant to brave.” Aizawa was noticeably more bereft in his guidance for the day’s lesson. His words, while vague, were heavy enough to bow the heads of several students. Katsuki couldn’t help but notice that Uraraka, who mere moments ago had sunshine shooting out of her ass, was among those suddenly sullen. Before he could contemplate further, Aizawa continued somberly. “But it is a reality of becoming a Pro Hero. There may come a time, a mission, where everything boils down to life or death. If I’ve done my job correctly, you’ll be able to think rationally about how best to avoid that possibility.”
Katsuki cursed himself for jumping down Deku’s throat knowing all too well what had happened during the Shie Hassaikai sting operation. Kirishima had given him an earful, after all, and Deku was at the very center of it, per usual. There was a large part of him that sort of wished he knew what to say in situations like that. At least when it came to those he liked or respected. He didn’t really have the same flourish for sympathy that the nerd had so it’s not like that interaction could have gone differently. He didn’t want to admit that there was a small part of him that was also a bit jealous. Katsuki had, more or less, survived the same peaks and valleys Deku had. Worse if you count the whole being-kidnapped-by-The-League-of-Losers but that wasn’t quite the same. For all intents and purposes, he wasn’t exactly victorious in that great escape. From certain perspectives, it might have even looked like he needed assistance or saving. And there Deku was, ever the cunning strategist to extend a helping hand. The thought made Katsuki’s palms hot with rage. So, while there wasn’t a soul alive he’d admit this to and, even though he felt a bit like a piece of shit for thinking it… he wished he’d have been involved in the sting operation instead of having his hair brushed obsessively by Denim Head. Even with the casualties incurred, it felt like Deku had another slingshot to propel further ahead of him and practical experience as a hero while he was wasting away in tedium with all his talent.
This would just become another thorny point of contention between them. He made a mental note to throw a stern nod Deku’s way during hero training later that afternoon to broker some sense of acknowledgement of his suffering.
The morning lessons passed unremarkably though it seemed the teachers all had comparable feelings to convey about the mortality of hero work and the importance of preparedness. It felt like a lesson Katsuki didn’t quite have access to which wore on his nerves as the day went on. He’d begun to grind his teeth by the time All Might was making his way clumsily through similar sentiments.
“Surprised today’s lesson came with sound effects. Looks like trainings going to be rough…” Kaminari muttered, eyeing the sparks that had begun to crackle and pop around Katsuki’s hands.
“Better hope you don’t get paired with him, Denks. He’ll make you pay for that,” Sero smiled wryly.
“Not it!” Kaminari fretted, inching away from the ticking time bomb.
“-no longer zygotes, I see fledgling heroes, here,” All Might concluded his speech, the gravitas of his words undermined by the low growl that seemed to be vibrating from one of his pupils. “Ah, with that, pair up, young heroes!”
“Shitty Hair, with me!” Katsuki called, pushing past Deku on his way to the training grounds. “Tch! Move it, Half and Half!”
Katsuki’s jaw clenched at the name. The casual way it fit in Todoroki’s mouth always made Katsuki seethe. Especially when Icy Hot was a massively arrogant prick when he started at UA. Especially to Class 1A, especially to Deku. Somehow, despite defeating Deku, the nerd still managed to break something within him. Something that Katsuki couldn’t coax out of him less than an hour later in the fight that would decide the winner of the sports festival. The decisive ferocity Todoroki had had in his fight against Deku didn’t even flicker when he faced Katsuki. It drove Katsuki up a wall, worse so when he realized that the fire he’d had in his belly morphed, somehow, into affection. The kind that could wrap its arms around his surname without a second thought.
“Todoroki! Did you want to partner up?” Izuku chirped expectantly.
“I suppose. But I thought I should talk to you about the All Might shirt you’d given me. I don’t think that I can accept the gesture.”
“HAH!?” Katsuki briefly broke character to round on the unfurling conversation though he was fortunately far enough away to not draw the attention of either participant. He ignored the shocked look on Kirishima’s tensed face as his two biggest rivals continued.
“I appreciate the thought but also wonder if it will be too small for me.”
“Oh, Todoroki! The shirt isn’t to wear, it’s just kind of… to keep.”
“I’m afraid I don’t understand the purpose of a shirt you do not wear.”
One of Katsuki’s eyes became dangerously close to bugging out of his head.
“I-It’s a collectible? The value of the shirt comes from not wearing it. It’s official All Might merch that had a small run of shirts with a print error a few years ago and-and I want you to have it.” Deku smiled feebly.
Katsuki remembered the shirt well. They’d both fundraised (well, asked their moms for the money) to buy the shirts when they initially came out marking the dawn of a new All Might costume. This, of course, was before news of the elusive misprint circulated. They valiantly walked to the store unattended, two freshly minted kindergarteners taking on the world. They just barely survived the frenzy of people swarming the Pro Hero merch shop. They gleefully took their respective shirts to the front counter, carefully paying with exact change just like the hag had prepped them. Their smiles seemed to connect at the cheek and spread from ear to ear. It wasn’t until they got back to Katsuki’s that they realized one shirt had the proud “All Might” blazing across the top left pocket in English whereas the other inexplicably donned the phrase “All Fight”.
Katsuki remembered the way Deku’s face scrunched up right before big, fat tears welled in his eyes as he dragged his stubby fingers across the bold “F” that differentiated the shirt from his own. He was miserable and, for a moment, Katsuki was glad it wasn’t his shirt that was flawed. It wasn’t until days later that news of the misprinted shirts’ circulation hit the fan sites. He had to swallow his jealousy then. The shirt became a point of pride for Deku and hung, unworn, in a garment bag for years. Katsuki never had a reason to look up the value of the shirt beyond that first year but, surely, it outweighed that of the plush Deku had given Uraraka.
“I didn’t realize. Thank you, Midoriya. I will refrain from trying it on.”
The lack of excitement in Todoroki’s voice, the ignorance in acknowledging how grand of a gesture the gift was, all of it almost made Katsuki snap. Rather than launch a violently verbal outburst, he managed to barely suppress an explosion within his enclosed fist.
“Gah! You alright, bro?”
Katsuki was so consumed with the exchange taking place a stone’s throw away, he almost forgot he was still in Kirishima’s presence. He switched gears abruptly, shelving his curiosity and frustration and, instead, channeling his anger for a physical performance that rivaled the effort he put forth during the sports festival.
“Sheesh! You might be the only person who can handle Bakugo in hand to hand, man!” Sero clapped Kirishima on the back just as he released his hardening.
“His Howitzer definitely makes me wonder whether my quirk has a threshold, that’s for sure!” Kirishima laughed. “It’s like he knows I need to test my limits if I’m gonna go Pro! Bro is so manly for that. Now, more than ever, I know I gotta be prepared,” he smiled somberly, pensively studying his fist which still bristled with the remnants of his quirk.
The prattling of his friends didn’t even register as he wiped the sweat from his brow, and angrily made his way to the dorms. Nothing added up. The last thing an overzealous fanboy like Deku would do is part with merch so cavalierly. Even if some act of god were to sway his obsessive fanaticism, Katsuki would think he’d be the reasonable recipient of such keepsakes. For starters, he was there when Deku got most of them. Above all of that, even though he didn’t proudly fly his fanboy flag, Deku was intimately aware of All Might being his favorite hero, his inspiration to become a hero. Where the Uraraka thing could be chalked up to some weird comfort for their shared trauma, Todoroki rode the pine on that mission just like he did, so what gives?
“- I think it’s okay if you’re having a rough time but consider reaching out to the school counselor, ribbit.”
Suddenly aware of his proximity to the source of his ire, Katsuki slowed his gait but only slightly.
“Heh, you might be right, Asu-Tsuyu!” Deku whinced, a nervous hand resting on the back of his head. His shoulders seemed to tense as he looked away from his classmate.
“It just looks like you might not be sleeping, I guess I was just worried. But, you can tell me if I shouldn’t have said something.” Asui croaked, noticing Deku’s discomfort. She chanced a comforting hand but thought better of it just short of his shoulder, letting it hang limply between them. “I was thinking about going after classes too if you wanted to join..” she murmured.
“Yea, I just- Kacchan!”
“Too close,” Katsuki thought, rolling his eyes. “What, nerd?” he scoffed, though the question lacked its usual edge. He sidled up to the two without hastening his pace, his interest piqued by Asui’s gross display of concern.
“I was just thinking about you, actually! D-do you think we could talk later? Maybe after dinner rush?” While Deku’s inflection remained calm, the eyes he flashed Katsuki were pleading. It was a confusing dissonance given Katsuki’s assumption that Deku and Asui were pretty good friends. That and, while Deku was never subtle about his regard for Katsuki, he was also never so bold in requesting his attention or presence.
Katsuki squinted suspiciously at Deku, trying to decide on a response that wouldn’t give away his interest but would also make Deku sweat a bit. After all, this public appeal upset something deep within his gut, it was only right he return the favor. But even the glare that typically graced his face lost steam as he was able to study Deku up close for the first time in a while. His cheeks seemed to be a bit gaunt, not as plush and blushy as they usually were whenever he held his gaze. His eyes were sharply contrasted by puffy, dark circles that seemed to be in a competitive race to see which side would droop to his nose first. His typically unruly curls were.. well, they looked just the same but worse, somehow. “Frogger is right to be concerned…” he determined before responding to Deku distractedly, “yea. Whatever.”
Deku managed a feeble smile that didn’t quite reach his eyes before being called away by some extra.
In his absence, Katsuki’s eyes locked with Asui’s. She also looked slightly worse for wear but only in the sense that her eyes were maybe a bit red and puffy, likely from crying recently. Hell, maybe that’s just what she looked like, Katsuki wouldn’t know the difference. He also wasn’t exactly greatwith feelings. In fact, he couldn’t think of anyone worse than himself for anyone to cry to.
Asui seemed to know this, as well. “Be nice, Bakugo. I don’t think he’s doing well, at all. Don’t make it worse, ribbit.”
“Yea, yea, cry me a river..” he huffed, regretting his phrasing immediately.
Katsuki seemed to be in a daze as he prepared to hit the showers. The look on Deku’s face haunted him. He hadn’t looked in that worse of shape since middle school. He could pinpoint the day, in fact, as it was one that still turned his stomach. Katsuki’s arrogance, his general abrasiveness used to always be laser focused on Deku back then. He almost wished there was a froggy busybody to pull back the reins on him then, too. But his ego went roughly unchecked from the age of four until the UA entrance exams. He could recall only four instances that briefly shook his confidence throughout his adolescence.
One was after a fight with third graders when he was just barely out of kindergarten. He was obviouslyvictorious, but he may have cried a little bit which slightly tarnished the win.
The second time was a stupid spill into a river in front of his minions which he, like, barelyremembered if he was being honest….
The third and fourth times fell on the same day, the day he recalled Deku looking his worst.
He’d spent years by that point scratching away at Deku’s resolve to be a hero, decimating the confidence that dared to stand up to him, time and time again. That day, in all his bravado, with the supportive taunts from lackeys he no longer consorts with, he remembered tossing one of Deku’s carefully curated notebooks into the school pond. A critical hit. That would have been enough but his racing pulse, his blood that always ran a littletoo hot, got carried away and took it a step too far.
“Take a swan dive off the roof!” he’d sneered to the uproarious laughter of surrounding NPC’s. He didn’t remember the exact phrase he’d used but he remembered the sentiment. Moreover, while he could distance himself from the words, from the cruelty of them, he couldn’t as easily dismiss the broken look on Deku’s face. It immediately seared itself onto his mind’s eye and made him wish he could swallow the conversation and erase it from the collective memory of those who’d heard it. Even as a bunch of their peers proceeded to praise him, proceeded to glad hand him. He continued the afternoon in their company, anxiously ruminating on what he’d said and wondering if they were enough to push someone over the edge, push Deku over the edge. Surrounded by flunkies, he was isolated by his cowardice at not only saying such things but, also, not being man enough to apologize or brave enough to face Deku to make sure he didn’t take his taunts seriously.
The next hit to his confidence came when that quirkless nerd, raw from having been told to killhimself, still threw himself into harm’s way to save him. Between gasping breaths, Katsuki’s desperate eyes locked with Deku’s fearful ones, both glimmering with tears. Deku was scared but he was there wearing an unbridled grin with no clue what to do next. In that moment, Katsuki recognized Deku, er, Midoriya… to be a better man than he was. A better hero. Because he could overlook Katsuki’s malice, could ignore his own fear, could have nothing to fall back on, and still come to Katsuki’s rescue.
It unnerved Katsuki then. But, when he later became privy to the conversation Deku had had with All Might merely moments before? The fact that Deku could indomitably shake off the hopeless words of their idol while conveniently stranded on a roof…? He shuddered at the memory inadvertently. It stirred the bubbling guilt in Katsuki’s stomach, one he’d not been able to quell in the months since starting at UA. Moreover, the hits to his ego just kept coming while Deku continued to rise above people’s low expectations of him.
They both had come a long way since then. Their relationship had improved by leaps and bounds, typically against Katsuki’s own best efforts. Yet, here he was, reminded of that day just the same. He absently continued with his post training bath, decidedly ignoring those who buzzed around him. Occasionally, he chanced a glance at Deku who, while still visibly withdrawn, stayed in the company of Todoroki and Iida.
As Class 1A trickled into the grand mess hall for dinner, Katsuki was still notably distracted. Even as Kirishima, Kaminari, Sero and Mina could laugh and joke around him, he still felt as though he were on edge. He pushed the food on his plate around aimlessly, Deku’s request to talk after dinner turning over in his head. His behavior had been gnawing away at him all day. It all just felt a bit too much like before. The bob of green hair in the corner of his eye roused him from his reverie.
“Midoriya! This does not appear to be a proper meal! As a growing hero, you must take your health and nutrition seriously!” Iida chastised loudly as he, Deku, Todoroki, Uraraka and Asui made their way to a largely uninhabited table in the cafeteria. There, just within earshot, they sat off in his blind spot.
“Don’t be dramatic, Iida! Deku’s been fine! He’s just been-” Uraraka paused a beat before continuing. “Deku, all you got was rice? You love Lunch Rush’s food… maybe Iida is right.”
“Midoriya. Cold soba is nutritionally balanced and a comfort to eat-“
“Todoroki, no...” Katsuki could practically hear Uraraka shaking her head.
“Heh, guys, I’m fine.. you don’t have to worry about me. I just haven’t felt very hungry lately. There’s reallynothing to worry about.” Deku’s laugh felt hollow but the concerned chatter seemed to dial back.
“Well, Midoriya, in this very hall you once extended an offer to speak if I needed it. At the time, I refused to ask for your help and I frequently regret that lapse in judgement. I hope that you know that I, too, am here for you.”
“We all are, ribbit.”
“I’m FINE!” Deku shot back a bit too defiantly. “I mean.. there’s really nothing to discuss,” he insisted a bit more gently. The shrill uptick in his inflection rubbed Katsuki the wrong way.
“Well… perhaps we can discuss the nature of this toy you’d left at my door, Midoriya. I am unaware of any rules that prohibit them on campus but you did not need to avail yourself to bring it to me.”
“Bakubro, you alright?” Kirishima prodded pulling Katsuki back into his surroundings. Unbeknownst to him, he’d abandoned the show of eating altogether and had begun scowling. He shook off the question, deepening his knit brows, curious as to how Deku would evade the scrutiny of the class president once more.
“It’s not a toy, it’s an action figure, Iida. I just… I thought you’d like it. I, uh, picked it up when I went home to visit my mom yesterday.”
“Ah, I see. From its condition, I was uncertain what to glean. I admire the craftmanship, of course. My brother had several successful lines of merchandise, but I do not believe they hold a candle to some of the more seasoned Professional Heroes. I will return it to your care after dinner.”
“No, I-I wanted you to keep.. it.” The way Deku’s voice seemed to falter, as if he were questioning his resolve, almost drove Katsuki to break his neck and stare the nerd down himself. Surely, most certainly, there was no way he was giving Sonic the Hedgehog a relic from his childhood. Deku’s very own security blanket in the form of an All Might action figure; if one hand was brushing away tears, the other was surely wrapped around that thing. That figurine was in as many pictures as Katsuki in the Midoriya household. Probably more. There was simply no fucking way he’d part with it. Least of all to give it to someone who would dare call it a toy. “You all, you mean a lot to me. I never could have imagined friends like you… even a year ago. I really appreciate you all so much. I just… wanted to make sure you know that.”
“-am I right, Bakubabe?” Ashido’s singsong voice broke Katsuki’s concentration as she playfully draped an arm around his shoulders.
“Some fucking friends.” Katsuki muttered gathering his things to make a hasty exit.
 “Woah, no need to be so mean, Kacchan!” Kaminari called after him in jest. “What’s eating him?”
“… Isn’t it obvious?” Ashido sighed.
“All signs point to Midobro…” Kirishima surmised, chancing a glance over at Deku’s table. While his back was to Kirishima’s, the anguish on the faces of those opposite him spoke volumes.
“Oh! Kacchan! You’re still coming by later, right?” Deku called after Katsuki who had already begun fading from view.
“Recognizing Suicidal Behavior”
The words seared themselves on Katsuki’s eyes from his phone as he lay in bed, searching for an answer he couldn’t bring himself to ask Deku himself.
“Individual factors… anxiety disorder…. Relationship factors… history of bullying, lost relationships… socially isolated… ashamed to ask for help. Warning signs.” Katsuki murmured as he scanned the site. “Sad or moody, check. Withdrawing from others, check. Changes in personality, appearance, sleep pattern, check, check, check… experiencing recent trauma…. Making… preparations.”
Anxiety stung at his eyes as a fire welled in his chest, licking at his ears. The grip on his phone tightened as he brought it down to his stomach, his teeth grinding painfully. He forced several deep breaths in and out, in and out. “That dumbass. There’s no way. There’s no fucking way. I’ll kill him.” Katsuki rose with a start and wiped the anguish from his face, angrily.
He threw his door open and stomped his way to Deku’s dorm, ripe for confrontation. His balled fist rapped on the door aggressively. If he could see beyond his anger or his concern, he’d probably be worried the door would give way completely. He could hear shuffling from within the room and waited with bated breath.
“Kacchan! I didn’t expect you so soon!” Deku beamed as he carefully slipped through his slightly ajar door. The light that normally shone in his eyes, dimmed by the state of his sallow face.
Katsuki’s fist hung in the space between them menacingly.
“I just-I had something I’d been wanting to give you...” Deku’s eyes lowered, fully engrossed by the tiles on the floor of the hall.
Katsuki’s eyes narrowed to slits. On one hand, he intrusively thought it was about damn time that the nerd acknowledged him but on the other, he was starkly reminded of what had drawn his anger in the first place.
“I hope you don’t judge me too harshly. I.. had him sign it when he took me on as his successor..” Deku admitted under his breath. He gingerly pulled a trading card secured in a protective cover from his pocket and firmly held two corners between his thumbs tensely as he formally presented it to Katsuki.
“Just what the hell do you think you’re doing, hah!?” Katsuki spat darkly, forcibly pushing the trading card back into Deku’s chest. His fearfully questioning expression finding refuge below his bangs. They’d had twin All Might trading cards for over ten years. They’d received both on the same day, at the same time with a stroke of luck that had failed them through what felt like cases mystery packs until, finally, they both ripped open the limited #1 All Might trading card at the same time. Katsuki recalled the shock and joy that had warmed both their smiles that day. He wondered, if happiness felt like the bright, fiery sun on your face, did Deku’s sadness feel like the absence of that? Like the chill of an abruptly setting sun when you expected a long lazy day? Katsuki never liked the cold.
“Kacchan, I-“
“You think I don’t know what you’re doing!? What you’re planning!? Why the fuck-” his head hung parallel to the ground, fist still lingering in midair. “Is it- is it my fault?” The question pushed passed his lips before he could bite it back.
“I’m not sure- I don’t… think I know what you mean.”
Deku’s voice was soft and muffled in Katsuki’s ears. Could barely be heard above the sound of his own pounding pulse booming in his ears. Yet Katsuki could hear the distress that dripped off of his words. “How dare you worry about me when you couldn’t be bothered to think about me while you were doing all of this!” Katsuki growled, becoming aware of sparse tears that had started to trace their way down his face. Every word felt labored, like they were pushing their way forcibly from the pit of his stomach through his esophagus.
“You think after everything you can just fucking leave!? Just give away your shit and end it all!?” Katsuki’s words steadied sharply behind his gritted teeth.
“No, you’re mistak-” Deku feebly proffered, his hands raised defensively. He looked around the abandoned hallway, hoping no one was in earshot of this desperate conversation. “I don’t-”
“You think I believe you!? You’re not right in the head, never were. And now, giving away everything we collected over the years to those fucking extras. And this!” his head shot up to stare blearily about face to his childhood friend, backhanding the treasured trading card away from him. Katsuki’s voice dropped lower, barely above a rasp. “I.. it’s my fault. Is this my fault?” he whispered hoarsely.
Deku’s eyes widened seeing the tears falling freely from Katsuki’s face. Apprehension sculpted his eyebrows before decisively ushering Katsuki into his room, afraid someone would overhear them. Uncertain what to do next, he stared at Katsuki waiting for inspiration to guide him.
Instead, Katsuki filled the silence with his fears. “You think you can just up and disappear, fade from existence and people wouldn’t care? I wouldn’t… notice?” The distance between them felt thick with Katsuki’s tears. His cheeks and nose burned with an exposed vulnerability he hadn’t felt since the last time Deku had made him feel small and uncertain, powerless, even. He wiped his nose with his forearm, feeling his anger welling up once more by the stupid confusion on Deku’s face.
He lowered his face once more, both fists balled at his sides. “I know I have no right to this or to expect anything between us to change. But there hasn’t been a day where I haven’t regretted the crap I said to you last year… or any year before that. It eats at me, not knowing if, one day, you’d actually act on what I said to you because sometimes this shit is too much and I gave you an idea like that. How can I be a hero if I can say such awful fucking things to someone? I don’t know what you’re going through but I know whatever it is, it’s temporary. I know shit went left on that mission and I don’t know how you feel about it. But I can guess you probably think it’s your fault because you take too much on yourself. Like you could have changed something that Pro Heroes couldn’t even avoid… But I know it wasn’t your fault. I know you did everything you could even before Shitty Hair told me about it...”
Deku’s hands knotted themselves nervously before he sent a hand to quell the blossoming heat on the back of his neck, all the while averting his gaze from Katsuki who stood exposed like a wound.
Incited by the persisting quiet between them, Katsuki continued to wring out the thoughts that plagued him, hoping they’d connect to someone he felt so adrift from. “Ever since we got to UA, nothing’s ever gone the way I thought it would. I couldn’t understand it, it was all supposed to be so easy for me. Instead, you just kept shooting further and further ahead of me and, for the longest time, I fucking resented you for that. Like this was karma for all the fucked up crap I put you through even though that resentment is the same reason I treated you so badly before. Even before we got here, it always felt like you were looking down on me with those stupid eyes. The ones that knew the truth about the shitty things I was capable of and the ones that knew you’d be a hero come hell or high water..”
Katsuki clutched at the collar of his shirt, drawing courage he wasn’t certain he had. “I can’t… I can’t change the shit I said before. But I can apologize, now, De- I-Izuku. And I can tell you I’m not going to let you slip through my fucking fingers like this. You can’t and you better not think you can chicken shit your way out of this. I’ll put you on watch my fucking self if I have to,” he decided defiantly, knowing even this wouldn’t make things between them square.
His eyebrows gathered expectantly waiting for a response, not sure whether he could face his childhood friend. Suddenly uncomfortable with his honesty and uncertain whether Izuku could give him the absolution he needed, his bravado began to take over, “Besides- I can’t be number one if I don’t beat everybody and that means you, too, you shitty nerd. So don’t think you can take the easy way out.”
“Kacchan… I… Did you-? I’m not going to kill myself.” Izuku declared, bewildered by Katsuki’s assertion.
Katsuki could feel one of his eyes twitching angrily. “HAH?” Surely, he didn’t misread the situation. Izuku checked all the despondent boxes complete with giving prized keepsakes to those he considered closest. What else could this be if not a call for help? Was denial normal in the face of confrontation for stuff like this? Maybe he should have gone straight to Aizawa instead of sticking his foot in his mouth… again. His eyes shot up to interrogate Izuku more directly. “You mean to tell me, that all this was….” the question died on his lips, his eyes widening. “Is that? Is that the 10th Anniversary All Might poster that was never released for sale for the public??”
“You shitty fucking nerd.” Katsuki laughed derisively. Both boys sat with their knees tented and their backs against Izuku’s dorm room door staring up at the victorious gaze of their idol hero, All Might.
“I can’t believe you thought I’d kill myself...” Izuku tightly hugged his knees to his chest.
“As if I committed the biggest faux pas here.” Katsuki’s eyes rolled, a disbelieving grin tugging at his upturned lips. “And, naturally, you thought giving away all your other merch would make you feel less guilty.”
“I wanted it so bad, Kacchan. I knew it’s what Sir Nighteye would have wanted…” Izuku nodded, his eyes wide and a bit of dribble pooling at one corner of his mouth.
“You fucking otaku! You couldn’t even wait for the body to get cold before you were doubling back for that poster, huh?” Katsuki’s laugh was harsh and unexpected but, in light of the recent revelation, put Izuku to some semblance of ease.
“I didn’t think it should go to waste…” Izuku’s gaze lowered as his voice dropped off. “Now I can’t bare to look at it, it’s like All Might himself is judging me.”
“Can’t ya just ask the real All Might? I’m sure he’d give you some peace of mind about it.”
“Kacchan, how can I ask the real All Might after what I’ve done? I swear it was like I was in a fugue state. One minute, I’m at the hospital with Mirio, Bubble Girl and Centipeder, and the next I’m in his dark office with this poster rolled under my arm. How can I be a hero after this?” Izuku exasperated, burying his head between his knees.
Katsuki exhaled slowly, lightly throwing his head back as he came to terms with how similar he and Izuku were. Both looked up to All Might in different but not incorrect ways. Both wanted to be number one. Both knew a treasure when they saw it. He snorted, “If I can continue on the path to number one after everything I put you through, I think I can give you the greenlight to still be a hero. We’re not our pasts… even if your past is like.. from yesterday, you little shit.”
“Kacchan!” Izuku groaned. “You’re making it worse!”
“I’m kidding! I’m kidding. If you can promise to stay the course, I can promise to keep your secret.” Katsuki stared sidelong at the ball of regret beside him. He cocked his head waiting for a reluctant response.
“Secret, huh?”
“You’ve kept mine, after all. ‘ts the least I can do.” Katsuki elbowed Izuku playfully, rousing him from his withdrawn position.
“… you know you can let that one go, Kacchan. Maybe I’ve just always known the way you were, but... there’s never been anything you’ve done that’s made you less of a hero to me.” Izuku’s words were muffled by the forearm that still pressed firmly against his mouth.
Katsuki looked away bashfully, his eyes meeting All Might’s. Maybe this was another thing the nerd had that he’d covet. Somehow, seeing the weight of it, the burden of it, put it into perspective. He smiled softly, letting his head lean slackly against the door. "Better to have a rival than a memory."he thought, suddenly grateful to relish in the unspoken familiarity they had even after all this time. 
A/N: As inspired by, “Say Yes to Heaven” by Lana Del Rey because I feel like I once saw a tiktok where a Bakugo cosplayer insinuated they’d keep a watchful eye on Deku who’d begun giving away things that were important to him (or maybe that was a just a Mandela effect).
While in this instance, Izuku was just really, really sketchy, be aware of the impact you have on others and be mindful of the behavior of those you care about. There are always resources available and someone to speak to.
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paralyze-fic · 11 months
Chapter 47
The night was long and it was hard to fall asleep, but I managed.
After counting a thousand Pomeranians with Katsuki's face on them, of course.
But anyway, the alarm of my phone woke me up and, like any other class day, I took a quick shower and put on the pants of my sports uniform, walked out and down to the common room to make breakfast.
I made some (breakfast of your choice) and I went to one of the tables to eat. A few minutes after I began eating, the rest of the team came down too.
We greeted each other as usual, but I could feel the air a bit tense. Izuku sat down with Urakaka and Tsuyu, along with some other classmates, like Ojiro, while Eijiro and I sat with our usual squad.
Katsuki was completely silent too, but Eijiro and I tried to relax and joked around with Kaminari, Sero and Mina.
But after we finished our breakfast, the five of us went to get changed into our uniform.
"You guys have your internship today?" Yaoyorozu asked when she saw the suitcase with our costumes in our hands. We nodded at her and walked towards the door.
"But we have to meet in less than two hours, so we have to go, it's a long way," I spoke up after I read the hour on my phone.
Eijiro, Tsuyu, Uraraka and Izuku nodded at what I said and we said goodbye to the rest, walking out of the dorms.
"You guys remember how to get to Nighteye's office?" They hesitated for a bit.
"Not much," Eijiro said and the other three nodded in agreement. I hummed and walked slightly ahead of them.
"I'll guide you, don't worry." I smiled at them and they smiled at me.
And we arrived at Sir Nighteye's office.
The heroes that were here during the last reunion were already here. It seemed like everyone had arrived, so Nighteye got everyone's attention.
Eri-chan's location was...
"She's at their quarters?!"
Sir explained to us how he found out. "A member from Hassaikai was at a store the other day buying entertainment for little girls."
"What the...?"
"Maybe he likes those things! There's people for everything, Nighteye. And why did you buy that?" What Fatgum said was funny to me, but I contained my laugh by biting slightly on my tongue.
"Let's do it, (M/n), Midoriya!" Togata senpai exclaimed staring at us, a determined expression on his face...but also doing weird things with his arms, "We have to do it!"
And we went to change into our costumes.
"Well, let's go."
But before we could go and save Eri, Sir said we had to stop somewhere else first.
The police station. I stood beside Izuku who was talking with Eijiro and I looked around for a bit. Until my eyes landed on Amajiki senpai.
His hero costume got my attention, and I wanted to know his quirk a bit better because I couldn't remember what he said during the reunion, so I walked up to him slowly.
Togata senpai told me about the personality problems Amajiki had, so I made a cautious approach, showing in front of him and humming quietly, but loud enough to get him to hear me.
He shifted a bit, and very slowly, Amajiki senpai looked up at me and his cheeks turned a bit pink, immediately covering his face with his hood.
"Um... Amajiki senpai?" He flinched and his fingers gripped the hood tighter, "Can I... ask you something?"
I was about to give up and go back with Izuku but then his white hood was being lifted bit by bit. His lips were formed into a squiggly line.
"What is it... (L/n)-kun?" His shy and quiet voice made me swallow and I felt my cheeks heating up as his nervous eyes looked up at me and the blush on his face darkened. Somehow he seemed different than how Togata senpai described his reactions.
"About your quirk... I'm curious," his eyes drifted away from me, and let go of his hood completely.
"Whatever I eat manifests on my body," and the sudden mental image of him with wings left me in awe.
"Can you show me?" He flinched again when I asked him quite eager but extended his hand out, and I saw one of his fingers turning into tako (squid).
I was going to ask him something else about it, but a voice stopped me, "When Nighteye used Prevision on a Hassaikai member, we found out some facilities under the president's residence." We turned towards the man talking, "We could confirm that the little girl we're trying to save is being held there. Even if we don't have the full architectural plan of the property, the route that man took is the shortest one and the best clue we have to investigate their huge base. But, even if we get there, if they used their quirks it won't be easy."
He made a signal with his head, and a man in a suit began giving up a paper. It was a list with the quirks of the Shie Hassaikai's members.
"Memorize it, please."
"Heroes!" The loud voice made me flinch and Amajiki jumped too, "The situation could be violent. If you see even the smallest amount of suspicious behavior o hostile attempt, take care immediately."
"Our opponents, weakened as they might be, are the Yakuza who have survived until this day! I urge you to not let your guard down, even for an instant, and fulfil each one of your roles at its max! Let's move!"
On our way to the destination, I asked Sir about Eri's location. He told me the turns he had memorized. And now I memorized them too.
It might be useless, but if I get an opening, I can go to Eri and save her.
When we arrived, I was standing in between my senpais, Amajiki and Togata. I ain't going to lie, I was nervous and impatient, but I understood the situation required patience.
I saw the police officer walking to the intercom outside the place, and the door was busted open when he was about to press the black button. Immediately I stared at the huge villain, stopping his legs and arms. But the wind force had thrown some officers flying, and I had to turn my attention away from him to jump and save two of them, safely landing back on the ground.
When I stared ahead I saw Ryukyu had transformed into a dragon.
"Alright! Now is our chance!"
Except for Ryukyu, Tsuyu, Uraraka and most officers, we ran inside, but more people were waiting for us and attacked us, heroes stayed here too while the rest of us entered the house, and while we ran the situation was being discussed. "Somebody leaked the information? They seemed to be waiting for us."
"Here it is!" Sir exclaimed and I stood beside him, seeing him crouch in front of a houseplant, moving it away and pressing down on the wooden planks, "Over here there's a mechanism to open the secret entrance. If the wood floor is pressed in a specific sequence it'll open," I stared at Sir, impressed.
But then again, he is Sir Nighteye, he is amazing.
"It's like a house of ninjas!" I backed away a bit, hearing what Bubble-chan said.
"We would've never discovered that without you, Sir," I said with a smile towards him. He showed back the tiniest smile.
"Be careful with the quirks we still have to see."
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