#jörg piringer
garadinervi · 1 year
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A Global Visuage, Edited by Jörg Piringer and Günter Vallaster, edition ch, Wien, 2012. Cover Art: © Jörg Piringer
Feat. Fernando Aguiar, Reed Altemus, Josef Bauer, derek beaulieu, Katja Beran, Armando Bertollo, Simon Biggs, Sergej Birjukov, Friedrich W. Block, Mila Blont, Philippe Boisnard, Brandstifter, J. R. Carpenter, John Cayley, Gerhild Ebel, elffriede.i.a., Bartolome Ferrando, Heike Fiedler, Luc Fierens, Christian Futscher, Hortense Gauthier, Harald Gsaller, Rozalie Hirs, Max Höfler, Jochen Höller, Christine Huber, Peter Huckauf, Dirk HuelsTrunk, Zuzana Huszárová, Geof Huth, Gerhard Jaschke, Jhave, Ragnhildur Jóhanns, Cecilie Bjørgås Jordheim, Eduardo Kac, Michael Kargl, Christian Katt, Angelika Kaufmann, Ilse Kilic, Anatol Knotek, Boris Konstriktor, Márton Koppány, Sergej Kovalskij, Erika Kronabitter, Jason Lewis, Frank Milautzcki, Nick Montfort, Gertrude Moser-Wagner, Marcus Neustetter, Leszek Onak, Ottar Ormstad, Loss Pequeño Glazier, jörg piringer, Renate Pittroff, Łukasz Podgórni, Hannah Rath, a rawlings, Cia Rinne, Roza Rueb, Natascha Schalina/Andrej Stroganow, Valeri Scherstjanoi, Uwe Schloen, Helmut Schranz, Angelika Schröder,  Veronika Schubert, Hannah Sideris, Hartmut Sörgel, Dieter Sperl, Petra Johanna Sturm, Daniel Temkin, Christoph Theiler, Eugenio Tisselli, Liesl Ujvary, united queendoms, Lawrence Upton, Günter Vallaster, Ted Warnell, Helen White, Fritz Widhalm, Daniel Wisser, Andrea Zámbori, Eric Zboya and Ottfried Zielke
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techniktagebuch · 3 years
Juli 2021
ich bin angehöriger der zielgruppe für dieses gerät. ich schreibe. ich mag technik. ich bin ein freund der kreativen einschränkung. ein ausschliesslich zum schreiben von texten geeignetes digitales gerät ist also für mich gemacht. dennoch brauchte es wiederholtes bombardement mit kickstarter-deadlines und facebook-werbung, bis ich endlich das ding bestellte. ein freewrite traveler. eine portable hipsterschreibmaschine mit dropbox-sync.
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es wird damit beworben, weniger zu können als laptops und tablets. damit wäre ablenkungsfreies schreiben wieder möglich. schreiben wie hemingway. so die werbung. um den preis eines mittelklassetablets.
die anpriesene lieferzeit von drei tagen wird dann doch zu zwei wochen. corona und zoll werden als ausrede angeführt. aber egal. ich wollte es ohnehin für die monate juli und august, wo es in meiner wiener altbauwohnung so heiss wird, dass der prozessor meines laptops die taktfrequenz drosseln muss und mein gehirn nur mehr an den auf vier grad gekühlten verkaufsraum des wurstabholmarkts in der ottakringerstrasse denken kann. da sie mich dort kaum an einem schreibtisch arbeiten lassen werden, verlege ich meine arbeitsstätte an diesen tagen an den waldrand am steinhof. kühl genug ist es dort auch ohne die begehbaren wurstregale.
lineare texte in wurstform gelingen mit dem gerät. die tastatur klappert angenehm. das e-ink-display verspricht lange akkulaufzeiten, ist aber irritierend langsam. besser nicht zu intensiv auf den bildschirm schauen beim tippen. die nachhinkende anzeige macht mich sonst nervös.
bei tippfehlern offenbart sich die schwäche des geräts. entdecke ich den fehler rechtzeitig, lösche ich das letzte wort mit einer tastenkombination und tippe es erneut. es gäbe zwar die möglichkeit, den cursor zu verschieben, das fehlerhafte zeichen zu löschen und das richtige zu tippen, aber das wird mit dem langsamen display zur qual.
finde ich einen fehler weiter oben im text, entscheide ich mich oft dazu, ihn stehen zu lassen, da die editierung zu mühsam ist.
den wunsch, sätze umzustellen oder teile zu kopieren kann ich auf diesem gerät prinzipiell vergessen. es unterstützt kein copy&paste. eine bewusste designentscheidung. ich weiss.
die devise lautet: jetzt schreiben - später editieren. auf einem anderen gerät, das die daten über dropbox-sync empfängt. oder per email. was nicht immer rasch geht. heute dauerte es zwei stunden, bis die texte in meiner inbox waren. dropbox-sync ist schneller. funktioniert aber leider nur in eine richtung. wenn ich die texte nach dem tippen am laptop editiere und wieder mit dropbox synchronisiere, hat das keine auswirkung auf die daten auf meiner neuen hipsterschreibmaschine. ich kann also keinen text am laptop editieren und dann auf der kleinen kiste weiterschreiben. laut support sei das allerdings geplant.
der workflow ist für mich daher:
am waldrand sitzen und tippen.
mit dem handy einen hotspot machen und freewrite synchronisieren.
am laptop editieren.
schritt drei und vier mache ich oft erst zuhause, wenn die sonne untergegangen und die temperatur in meiner wohnung wieder erträglich ist.
sehr viel hab ich auf dieser maschine noch nicht getippt, aber es fühlt sich immer noch gut an. ob ich es empfehlen würde, haben mich kolleginnen auf den sozialen medien gefragt. wenn du gerne und schnell textwürste tippst, ohne sie korrigieren zu wollen, dann ja, war meine antwort. für komplexere arbeitsmethoden ist das gerät nicht geeignet.
(jörg piringer)
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acardinalisred · 3 years
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Jörg Piringer
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marcogiovenale · 3 years
cia rinne @ the "haus für poesie" (berlin), today h. 19
cia rinne @ the “haus für poesie” (berlin), today h. 19
screening today at the zebra poetry film festival, urania berlin 16h30 dealing with poetry/ umgang mit gedichten 19h: wortbilder, eine zebra lesenacht screenings+readings an der urania 17, kleistsaal, 2g+ l’usage du mot, 7’46 min (2020) official selection of the vienna poetry film festival, the monologues & poetry international film fest and the zebra poetry film festival berlin * * * Reading…
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ozkar-krapo · 3 years
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"Three Ideophones"
(3x10" box. Onomatopee. 2008) [DK/ES/AT]
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visual-poetry · 5 years
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»E U R O P O E« an anthology of european poetry is out now!
groundbreaking poetry by sixty of europe’s most original poets, translated into english, brought together for one remarkable anthology.
kingston university press (may 2019) edited by sj fowler 143 pages. paperback
available to buy here for GBP 9,99,-
“celebrating the grand resurgence in literary and avant-garde poetry that has marked the 21st century in europe, poets from over forty nations present works developing the lyric, sonic, visual, abstract and conceptual traditions. a volume that seeks not to offer a taxonomy but a brief glimpse of the brilliance of so many poets working at the forefront of the language arts, this is a book unified by a fidelity to that which is truly contemporary, amorphously continental and generously innovative.
featuring poems by pierre alferi, tomica bajsić aase berg, volodymyr bilyk, cecilie bjørgås jordheim, ida börjel, serena braida, kristian carlsson, sophie carolin-wagner, theodoros chiotis, iris colomb, efe duyan, federico federici, orsolya fenyvesi, mária ferenčuhová, frédéric forte, lies van gasse, pavlo grazhdanskij, ana gorria, joão luís barreto guimarães, max höfler, niillas holmberg, zuzana husarova, maja jantar, ragnhildur jóhanns, aušra kaziliūnaitė, frank keizer, anatol knotek, amadej kraljevič, gabrielė labanauskaitė, morten langeland, luljeta lleshanaku, léonce w. lupette, christodoulos makris, maria malinskovskaya, ricardo marques, immanuel mifsud, simona nastac, bruno neiva, eugene ostashevsky, eiríkur örn norðdahl, daniele pantano, astra papachristodoulou, cosmin perţa, jörg piringer, inga pizane, tomáš přidal, monika rinck, cia rinne, jon ståle ritland, ekaterina samigulina, martin glaz serup, ásta fanney sigurðardóttir, muanis sinanović, morten søndergaard, esther strauß, kinga toth, nadia de vries, krišjānis zeļģis.
europoe, edited by british poet sj fowler and presented by european poetry festival in the uk, showcases those who are often on the margins of their own nations literary culture, precisely because their work is forward-looking and challenging, alongside some of the most renowned names in europe. europoe is an anthology as a unique document of poetry, marking a moment in time for a modern, and thoroughly european, means of experiencing literature.”
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hugopaquete · 5 years
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@c Espaço, Pausa, Repetição Crónica 150~2019, Tape Release date: 7 May 2019 Pedro Tudela and Miguel Carvalhais have been working as @c since 2000, publishing several albums (some of which in Crónica), composing music for audiovisuals and theatre, performing extensively, and creating site-specific sound installations. Having been invited to develop a new work for the Exhibitions Pavilion of the Faculty of Fine Arts of the University of Porto, to be shown from March to June 2018, around the time of the 15th anniversary of Crónica, they decided to develop a piece that would involve and reflect the label and the artists with whom it works. Anotações Sonoras: Espaço, Pausa, Repetição (Sonic Annotations: Space, Pause, Repetition) was developed from sound objects provided by more than fifty artists and projects. The installation established an area for a multisensory immersive experience that incited a dialogue with the sound objects, the architectural space and its visitors. An infrastructure built from speakers, flooring, light, fragrance, and a hovering frame, set a stage for the creation of a nonlinear, generative and open algorithmic composition for computer and speakers. This area was a pivotal point for listening, but it also steered visitors to move, leaving the ideal listening point and exploring the exhibition space to discover how different perspectives over the sonic matter could be attained through its traversal. The installation was built from the exhibition space and from the idiosyncrasies and autonomy of the more than 300 sound objects that were collected, ranging in duration from under a second to more than an hour. From these, Tudela and Carvalhais developed in excess of one thousand individual sound objects and developed a physical and computational system that fuelled their anarchic autonomy, and stimulated several relationships: between different sound objects; between sound objects and space; between sound objects, space, and listeners. In this site-specific installation Tudela and Carvalhais developed music that was not projected into an environment, that was not about an environment but that rather was the environment. A music that created its own space, to which it then directed the attention of visitors, so that they were led to develop a holistic reading and interpretation of the work. They developed a music of metaphors, by using sound objects and their qualities to create new objects that serendipitously emerged during the running of the installation. Fleeting objects that could be heard by visitors or could be forever lost. The two pieces in this release were composed using the sound objects and the generative system from the installation. They are not intended as documentation of the installation, but rather aim at being listened to as new compositions created from, and after, the installation. The first piece, Espaço, Pausa (Space, Pause), is perhaps closer to the dynamics of the opening configuration of the installation, with clearly recognisable sound objects and a focus on their articulation and relationships. The second piece, Repetição (Repetition), is infused with texts in English and Portuguese that were inspired by two other spaces: Pierre Schaeffer’s monumental Le solfège de l’objet sonore (Music Theory of the Sound Object), and Pierre Henry’s House of Sounds, as documented in the photo-book by Geir Egil Bergjord (published by gilka.no). Poetically indexing sound objects, Repetição proposes their semantic reinterpretation, further extending the metaphorical constructs. Credits Composed by Miguel Carvalhais and Pedro Tudela with sound objects created for the installation Anotações Sonoras: Espaço, Pausa, Repetição by Alex FX, Alexander Rishaug, André Gonçalves, Andreas Trobollowitsch, Artificial Memory Trace, Arturas Bumšteinas, Attilio Novellino, Carlos Santos, Carlos Zíngaro, Cem Güney, Dan Powell, David Lee Myers, Diana Combo, Durán Vázquez, Emídio Buchinho, Emmanuel Mieville, Enrico Ascoli, Enrico Coniglio, Astrid & Ephraim Wegner, Haarvöl, Freiband, Gintas K, Graeme Truslove, Hugo Paquete, Ifs, James Eck Rippie, Janek Schaefer, Jazznoize, Jim Haynes, Jonathan Uliel Saldanha, Jörg Piringer, Jos Smolders, Lawrence English, Luca Forcucci, Maile Colbert, Marc Behrens, Martijn Tellinga, Mikel R. Nieto, Mise_en_Scene, Monty Adkins, Morten Riis, paL, Ran Slavin, Richard Eigner, Saverio Rosi, Simon Whetham, Sound Meccano, Stephen Vitiello, Sturqen,Tamtam, Tuulikki Bartosik, Ulrich Mitzlaff, Vitor Joaquim, Yiorgis Sakellariou. Cover image by Márcia Novais. Installation photos by Pedro Tudela. Special thanks to Lúcia Almeida Matos and Luís Pinto Nunes. Anotações Sonoras: Espaço, Pausa, Repetição (Sonic Annotations: Space, Pause, Repetition), an installation by Pedro Tudela and Miguel Carvalhais was commissioned by oMuseu and the Exhibitions Office of the Faculty of Fine Arts of the University of Porto for its Exhibitions Pavilion. March 24th to June 30th, 2018.
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martinbakero · 3 years
This Thursday 17th june @zoeskoulding & Daniel Eltringham are delighted to host Language is a Virus in virtual Bangor/Sheffield to present the Chilean Variant of the language virus, showing and discussing recent and specially recorded performances along with Martín Gubbins, Pia Sommer and Anamaría Briede. Register here for free: https://www.eventbrite.co.uk/e/language-is-a-virus-the-chilean-variant-tickets-151796221585 Meanwhile you can catch up on the past year here: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=UUasW7il45Phtbc7HaPeq0cg with Felipe & Martín's curation of wonderful performances from Heike Fiedler, Dirk Huelstrunk, Montenegro Fisher, Rhys Trimble, Ghazal Mosadeq, Carlos Soto Román, Federico Eisner, Edwin Torres, Rocío Ceró, Jörg Piringer, Scott Thurston, Camilla Nelson, Maja Jantar, Eduard Escoffet, Chris Paul, Alejandra Del Río Lohan, Zuzana Husarova, Sophie Seita, Hannah Silva, Urayoán Noel, Stephen Mooney, Jèssica Pujol, Aodhán McCardle, Cia Rinne and many more, still ringing in my ears! AND if you're in Bangor you can also see Thursday's performances at full volume in real life (but without discussion) as part of the opening of METAMORFFOSIS at Bangor University on Monday June 21st https://metamorffosis.jimdosite.com/programme/ booking essential. (à Bangor, Gwynedd) https://www.instagram.com/p/CQI9IlIoK5Q/?utm_medium=tumblr
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ffooom · 6 years
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jörg piringer
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pixelsniper · 3 years
*NFT - Don't Mind Me / Exhibition: 28.04.2021 – 29.05.2021
*NFT – Don’t Mind Me / Exhibition: 28.04.2021 – 29.05.2021
With: Mihai Grecu, Jörg Piringer, August Parot. * Location: *Markgrafenstraße 86, 10969 Berlin **From 24.04.2021 new Corona regulations apply in Berlin, which take effect in our case. Admission only with a negative Corona rapid test or PCR test (both not older than 24 hours). In the rooms a FFP2 /OP mask must be worn. Appointment via our booking softwere. Book an appointment for the exhibit “NFT,…
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rikescheffler · 5 years
Sonic Ecosystem “Becoming Water” @ Palais de Tokyo, Paris  as a part of the Exhibition "La Voix Libérée - Poésie sonore"  Take a listen to “Becoming Water” here: https://soundcloud.com/vizir-radio/scheffler-rike-becoming-water-2019?in=vizir-radio/sets/la-voix-liberee-exposition-au
“Becoming Water“ is a sonic ecosystem created by me, in collaboration with songwriter and recording artist CROOK and sound virtuoso Horst Körner. It was completed and mixed in Sept. 2018 at the MGB Studio at Funkhaus Berlin, with field recordings of water, my voice, and digital effects being its only sound sources. “Becoming Water“ is a piece in which the listeners can immerse themselves into compelling soundscapes of water in its different states of matter and discover their own voices within the choirs of other watery beings. 
Conceptually, it describes a full circle: Inspired by nature, but through the help of human-made technology, the human voice is able to sound like, be, and become nature again.  Though in it, this voice is no longer separable, distinguishable or even in the center of attention, but rather blending in an out of the age-old ecosystems of this planet, some of them being endangered, and all of them being delicately connected to each other. It is this interconnectedness of all of the living that is the beating heart of this piece. In it, the utopia of a peaceful co-existence of multiple species, all of the Earth’s diverse watery beings, be- comes possible, almost tangible, felt.
"La Voix Libérée - Poésie sonore" opens at Palais de Tokyo Paris, March 21st! Come join us in PARIS!! The exhibition "La Voix Libérée - Poésie sonore" is curated by Eric Mangion and Patrizio Peterlini in co-production with Bonotto Fondation. It is open from March 22st until May 12th 2019, and offers, without any nostalgia, a journey of artistic voices of the past and the present who use words and sounds as an exercise in freedom. My sound installation “Becoming Water” will be shown along works of fellow artists and poets like Tomomi Adachi, Caroline Bergvall, Augusto De Campos, Robert Filliou, Steven J. Fowler, Zuzana Husárová, Jörg Piringer, Gerhard Rühm and many others. All the works by historic artists are from the collection Luigi Bonotto. **
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continuo-docs · 7 years
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Laurent Fairon – Stigmergy Benefits NTS Radio guest mix, 120mns, March 19, 2017
Track list:
Primorje – Body Text, 12″, Second Sleep ‎(2016) Jonathan Borofsky & Ed Tomney – Radical Songbirds of Islam, cassette, ROIR (1987) see Discogs | Borofsky.com J.L. Maire - Ponds, from Tectorum Tapes – Vol. 2 compilation (2016) Justin Meyers – On Performance, SoundCloud (2016) Moody Alien – MagaM at the Bej Hamam (2014) YouTube Stephen Gorbos – Such sphinxes as these obey no one but their master, website (2013) Sarkis Z – De L'Enquête Sur L'Arsenal-Atelier De La Rue V., LP, Kiosque d’Orphée (1975) Discogs Jean-Marie Grenier – Les cloches du temple d'or de Bénarès, LP, BAM (1972) Discogs Annette le Fort – Slika od zvuka, Radio HRT, Croatia (2016) YPY – Gazing Beat, from Zurhyrethm, 2x12'’, EM Records (2016) SoundCloud Muriel Cooper – lecture on Art and Technology in the Information Age, cassette, Walker Art Center Auditorium (1987) W.A.C. | Monoskop Henri Michaux – La Ralentie, 10′’ LP, BAM (1957) YouTube | poem Marcel Dettmann & Ben Klock – Phantom Studies, from Phantom Studies LP, Ostgut Ton (2017) Bandcamp Sophie T – On the Train, from WinterSelection2017 compilation, Railcables (2017) Bandcamp | poem Low Jack – Q.B. Untitled I, from Garifuna Variations, LP, Long Island Electrical Systems (2014) | Discogs | Beatport The First Baboon Civilization – Jupitergoon, from s/t cassette, Mootown Records (2016) Bandcamp Richard Vimal – Les litanies des animaux cybernétiques, from Migrations, LP, Polydor (1978) Discogs | YouTube Ana Berkenhoff & Michael Holland – Miss Flower, from Watch Close, CDr, Ono/JC Decaux (2015) Discogs | Bandcamp Julien Palomo – Boubi's Library Vol 107, internet release, Mahorka (2017) Bandcamp Impossible Theater – Social Amnesia, 2xLP, Fountain Of Youth Records (1986) Discogs Francesco Cavaliere – Gancio Cielo, LP, Hundebiss Records (2016) Discogs Oded Bourla – Shalom Shalom, from Hillel And Aviva ‎sing Songs from the Bible, 10′’, Folkways (1954) Discogs Timeghost – Dissection Theater, from Cellular, cassette, Chondritic Sound (2014) Bandcamp Nikolas List & Mung – #2 untitled, from Silent Series I, internet release, Attenuation Circuit (2017) Bandcamp Tag Cloud – How to Survive, from District of Noise Vol​.​7 compilation, Sonic Circuits (2014) Bandcamp COPPICE –  Induction and Bifurcation, from Preamble to Newly Cemented Dedication to Freedom, mini-CDr, Aposiopèse (2017) Bandcamp Colette Magny & André Almuro – Bura Bura, from s/t LP, Le Chant Du Monde (1967) Discogs | YouTube Stefan Jós – An Introduction To Entomology, from Primitives, CD, flau (2015) Bandcamp Anne Tardos – 8137A - Gatherings, cassette, New Wilderness Audiographics (1982) Bandcamp Jörg Piringer – Ich Meines Mir Mich, hörspiel, Ö1 at ORF.at (2016) info Tale Of Us – Lies, from Realm of Consciousness, CD, Afterlife (2016) Discogs | YouTube Michaela Melián – Electric Ladyland, hörspiel, Bayerischer Rundfunk (2016) Wёska Project – Paris Psychic TV (feat SKVO), from AM, internet release, HAZE Netlabel (2016) Bandcamp The Weavers – Goodnight Irene (1957) YouTube Emil Schult –  I Am Digitized, from Test Drift, internet release (2017) Bandcamp
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referenciasmm · 4 years
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noise-rm · 6 years
Anotações Sonoras: Espaço, Pausa, Repetição from Miguel Carvalhais on Vimeo.
Sound installation: LED lamps, metal structure, loudspeakers, sound and electric cables, computer, carpet, fragrance.
March 24 to June 30 2018, Exhibitions Pavillion, Faculty of Fine Arts, University of Porto.
An installation by Pedro Tudela and Miguel Carvalhais, developed from sound objects by guest authors. The artwork establishes an area for a multi-sensory immersive experience that dialogues with the architectural space and the permanence of the visitor. Speakers, flooring, light, fragrance, and a hovering frame create an infrastructure for three sound pieces for computer and speakers, to be presented for one month each. These are fed by the contributions of the guest artists, articulated in non-linear, generative and open algorithmic compositions.
Commissioned by oMuseu and Exhibitions – Faculty of Fine Arts, University of Porto.
- Project coordination: Lúcia Almeida Matos - Deputy Coordinator and Production: Luís Pinto Nunes - Research: Luís Pinto Nunes, Miguel Carvalhais, Pedro Tudela - Production assistance: Isabel Gonçalves - Artists, sound objects: Alex FX, Alexander Rishaug, André Gonçalves, Andreas Trobollowitsch, Artificial Memory Trace, Arturas Bumšteinas, Attilio Novellino, Carlos Santos, Carlos Zíngaro, Cem Güney, Dan Powell, David Lee Myers, Diana Combo, Durán Vázquez, Emídio Buchinho, Emmanuel Mieville, Enrico Ascoli, Enrico Coniglio, Astrid & Ephraim Wegner, Haarvöl, Freiband, Gintas K, Graeme Truslove, Hugo Paquete, Ifs, James Eck Rippie, Janek Schaefer, Jazznoize, Jim Haynes, Jonathan Uliel Saldanha, Jörg Piringer, Jos Smolders, Lawrence English, Luca Forcucci, Maile Colbert, Marc Behrens, Martijn Tellinga, Mikel R. Nieto, Mise_en_Scene, Monty Adkins, Morten Riis, paL, Ran Slavin, Richard Eigner, Saverio Rosi, Simon Whetham, Sound Meccano, Stephen Vitiello, Sturqen, Tamtam, Tuulikki Bartosik, Ulrich Mitzlaff, Vitor Joaquim, Yiorgis Sakellariou - Frame: Luís Albuquerque Pinho, Luís Pinto Nunes, Miguel Carvalhais, Pedro Tudela - Speaker stands: Miguel Carvalhais, Norberto Jorge, Pedro Tudela - Exhibition equipment setting: Carlos Lima, Jorge Garcez, Tiago Cruz - Fragrance development: i-sensis perfume design – Eduardo Oliveira, Paula Gomes - Photographic documentation: João Lima - Video documentation: Patrícia Viana Almeida - IT support: João Rodrigues - Communication: Communication office, FBAUP - Graphic Design: Márcia Novais - Education: Education office, FBAUP - Technical staff: Ernestina Dias, Miguel Rodrigues - Sponsors: Crónica, Garcia e Albuquerque – Arquitectos - Acknowledgements: António Ferreira, João Azinheiro, Luís Albuquerque Pinho, Marta Rodrigues, Rosi Avelar, FBAUP team, directions of Licenciatura em Artes Plásticas, Licenciatura em Design de Comunicação, Mestrado em Estudos Artísticos, Doutoramento em Artes Plásticas.
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0-coordinates · 6 years
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jörg piringer
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friedaschreibt-blog · 6 years
Blumenmontag - Lyrik spezial
Montag 26.2. 19h
Lesung im Café Stadbahn
- Frieda Paris - Zoltan Lesi - Angelika Stallhofer - Jörg Piringer - Philip Hager - Luca M Kieser - Jakob Kraner - David Hoffmann - Marko Dinic - Cornelia Hülmbauer - Johnny Katharsis - jopa jotakin - Max Oravin
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