#j. d. noske
The Friesian Horse
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1. A photograph of "Sneek 500 jaar. Wedstrijd ringrijden" from 1956, and by Wim van Rossem.
2. A photograph of "Circus Strassburger. Regina Strassburger hogeschool dressuur" from 1948, and by J. D. Noske (1902-1972).
3. Friese hengsten (c. 1954) by Kuno Brinks (1908-1992).
4. Een Fries paard by Tethart Philipp Christian Haag (1737-1812). Fries paard is the Dutch name for Friesian horses.
5. Paard uit Friesland Phryso (in English: Horse from Friesland Phryso) from c. 1578 - 1583 and attributed to Hendrick Goltzius, after a design by Jan van der Straet. Even though not referred to as a Friesian this is a horse from Friesland - the Dutch province that Friesians orginated in - that shows the same features and likely gives a sense of the breeds earlier origins and appearance.
(Picture source for Rossem's photograph, Noske's photograph, Friese hengsten, Een Fries paard, and Paard uit Friesland Phryso)
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ratcandy · 3 years
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BAD NEWS, collector found you GOOD NEWS, you “found” fiend BAD NEWS, both of you are stuck in here GOOD NEWS, fiend is very happy to see you BAAD NEWS, there arent any air holes GOOD NEWS, your MIGHTY BLADE LIFE-ENDER could easily shatter this glass BAD NEWS, your MIGHTY BLADE is made actually of shellwood and cant break the thick glass BAD NEWS, your NEMESIS is approaching the jar with their nail drawn WORST NEWS, your NEMESIS has shattered the jar and stolen your MAGNIFICENT VICTORY out from under your nose once again
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cancersfakianakis1 · 7 years
Swarm Intelligence-Enhanced Detection of Non-Small-Cell Lung Cancer Using Tumor-Educated Platelets
Publication date: 14 August 2017 Source:Cancer Cell, Volume 32, Issue 2 Author(s): Myron G. Best, Nik Sol, Sjors G.J.G. In ‘t Veld, Adrienne Vancura, Mirte Muller, Anna-Larissa N. Niemeijer, Aniko V. Fejes, Lee-Ann Tjon Kon Fat, Anna E. Huis In ‘t Veld, Cyra Leurs, Tessa Y. Le Large, Laura L. Meijer, Irsan E. Kooi, François Rustenburg, Pepijn Schellen, Heleen Verschueren, Edward Post, Laurine E. Wedekind, Jillian Bracht, Michelle Esenkbrink, Leon Wils, Francesca Favaro, Jilian D. Schoonhoven, Jihane Tannous, Hanne Meijers-Heijboer, Geert Kazemier, Elisa Giovannetti, Jaap C. Reijneveld, Sander Idema, Joep Killestein, Michal Heger, Saskia C. de Jager, Rolf T. Urbanus, Imo E. Hoefer, Gerard Pasterkamp, Christine Mannhalter, Jose Gomez-Arroyo, Harm-Jan Bogaard, David P. Noske, W. Peter Vandertop, Daan van den Broek, Bauke Ylstra, R. Jonas A. Nilsson, Pieter Wesseling, Niki Karachaliou, Rafael Rosell, Elizabeth Lee-Lewandrowski, Kent B. Lewandrowski, Bakhos A. Tannous, Adrianus J. de Langen, Egbert F. Smit, Michel M. van den Heuvel, Thomas Wurdinger Blood-based liquid biopsies, including tumor-educated blood platelets (TEPs), have emerged as promising biomarker sources for non-invasive detection of cancer. Here we demonstrate that particle-swarm optimization (PSO)-enhanced algorithms enable efficient selection of RNA biomarker panels from platelet RNA-sequencing libraries (n = 779). This resulted in accurate TEP-based detection of early- and late-stage non-small-cell lung cancer (n = 518 late-stage validation cohort, accuracy, 88%; AUC, 0.94; 95% CI, 0.92–0.96; p < 0.001; n = 106 early-stage validation cohort, accuracy, 81%; AUC, 0.89; 95% CI, 0.83–0.95; p < 0.001), independent of age of the individuals, smoking habits, whole-blood storage time, and various inflammatory conditions. PSO enabled selection of gene panels to diagnose cancer from TEPs, suggesting that swarm intelligence may also benefit the optimization of diagnostics readout of other liquid biopsy biosources.
Graphical abstract
Best et al. use particle-swarm optimization algorithms and RNA-seq of tumor-educated platelets from patients to generate RNA sets capable of identifying patients with non-small-cell lung cancer, including those having early stage, from individuals without cancer, including those having inflammatory conditions. http://ift.tt/2uU2Evs
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ratcandy · 3 years
CoGR Abridged/Summarized
Hello hello! My name is Clam, otherwise known as Squeakyclam on Ao3, and this is a heavily summarized/shortened version of my HK fic Camouflage of Great Renown. For anyone somehow finding this that doesn't know what it's about, CoGR focuses on Zote and his story through the game and what preceded it. He recounts his entire life up until the end of what's known in canon, and this includes a whole lot of angst, growth, realizations, and Trauma Revelations.
Oh, and he's a nosk. Zote is a nosk. Yep.
I've had a few requests for a summary, as the work is super long and reading through 130k+ words of Zote dialogue may not be for everyone, hehehe so I've compiled all the important plot points and wrote them out here in order of his story, rather than the plotline CoGR goes through specifically (in which big events in his history are revealed later on).
If I had to recommend reading the fic for anything, it'd be the... impact, I suppose? 'Cause reading the summarized events here will NOT be anything like reading it in CoGR. Seeing as the fic is all in Zote's pov and he actually has to force himself to admit all of this aloud. But I digress!!
Here's a summary of Zote's life according to CoGR.
THIS IS A VERY, VERY LONG POST DESPITE BEING A SUMMARY. I'm sorry, CoGR just has a lot happening! T/W for mentions of death.
A lot more heavy stuff happens in CoGR, but in this summary I do my best to step around those subjects. If you think more T/Ws should be added, let me know, and I'll put them here
Nosks were a species that inhabited Deepnest, specifically living in a den towards the nest's depths. It split off into lots of tunnels and caverns that each nosk lived in. "Society" there was very hostile and unwelcoming, as nosks valued brute strength over just about anything else. Caring for another nosk - be it kin or otherwise - was considered weak. "Burdens" to the den, such as nosks that were badly wounded, would/could not hunt, or were simply getting too old would be killed off. Death in and of itself was very common and hardly anyone would bat an eye at it.
Think the Mantis Tribe but largely feral and without a shred of decency of morals.
Runt donning mask of citizen was born into the nosk den alongside his brother, who would become hunter donning hide of tiktik.
(Before anyone asks, these are just the naming conventions that nosks have. No one but the nosk superiors - the leaders of the den - are granted actual names.)
A third egg was among them, but the brother broke it open and ate the younger sibling not long after hatching.
The two were born under a superior (their mother) and her chosen mate (their father). They were expected to grow up strong and eventually overtake their mother and become superiors. Or, one of them would, maybe.
The runt (Zote) was immediately scorned by the mother, as he was extremely frail and useless, and she just about killed him off right after he hatched - but his father stepped in, and the runt was left alive.
Zote grew up to be a weak nosk who could barely defend himself in a den full of beasts that would gladly kill him if doing so wouldn't be a direct offense to a superior. His brother was cruel to him, his father berated him constantly, and his mother was hardly in the picture at all. Only ever watching him distastefully from afar.
His father did, however, train him, if only sparingly. The least he could do to keep Zote alive. (Doing so would be a death wish were any other nosks to find out about it...)
However, an elder in the den - hunter donning mask of weaver - gained Zote's attention as she told him fantastical stories from outside the den. This elder had spent a good portion of her life among the Weavers, initially being sent to learn about them (to make them easier to hunt) but growing interested in their culture and choosing to stay. Until she did something to get her chased out.
At any rate, she told the stories from the Weavers to Zote, alongside news of what was happening outside of Deepnest. This caused the runt to become obsessed with the idea of being a knight, as the stories just sounded!! So amazing and heroic and awesome and!!! :D Yea!! He wanted to be just like that!
To the point where he even carved a sword out of the shellwood... with the den elder's help. He named it Life-Ender eventually.
At some point, however, his father found out about all this. His father figured that the only way to eliminate this problem - as wishing to be something heroic that saved lives or whatever was SO unnosk-like (and would get him killed) - was to kill the den elder.
Before she died, the elder told Zote to run away from the den, and not to return no matter what. The idiot did not run, and because of this, he witnessed the Den Elder's death at the hands of his father and some other nosks.
Man! this does, however, cause Zote to be more... "open" about his ideas. By this I mean he begins carrying Life-Ender around instead of hiding it in his nest. what do you mean it's a comfort item what! no he's just rebelliously showing off how much he wants to be a knight. totally. 100% /s
well, anyway, not long after this, the idiot's father dies at the claws of his mother. Zote unfortunately witnesses this as well. When he tries to run, his mother catches him, nearly killing him as well. Luckily(?), this attempt is thwarted by Zote's brother, who was very distraught over their father's death. The brother swears to kill the mother before storming off. Zote runs into hiding (still in the nosk den), and begins devising his plan so to get the hell out of there.
Of the few times that Zote leaves his nest after his father's death, 90% of them ended with him getting pummeled by his brother. The latter was livid, blaming the father's death on Zote and frequently bursting into fits of emotional rage. Rage is great for nosks, other emotions not so much.
On one occasion in particular, the brother goes too far, nearly killing Zote. In the scuffle, Life-Ender is shattered, and that sends Zote into a blind anger (mixed with survival instinct as he's About to Die). Zote then kills his brother.
A crowd had gathered around them during the fight. In that crowd was Zote's mother, who looked to him approvingly after he'd killed off his brother. This terrified Zote, so he gathered the pieces of Life-Ender and fled the den forever.
Stopping at the hot spring in Deepnest, he made a disguise for himself based on the vessels that nosks would often capture. He made a new name for himself, took on an entirely new identity, and decided to abandon the idea that he was ever a nosk. He would just go to the City, be knighted by the King (who he'd heard of from the stories the Den Elder would tell him), and live out his life as a knight. Just like he always wanted. Not as a nosk. because he's not that.
The events that follow now are just very short summaries of things that happen throughout cogr.
- He breaks a statue in the Queen's station on accident after a bug finds him there. as a nosk. oops
- He obliterates the entire uoma population /j and burns himself in the process
- He repairs Life-Ender originally using mushrooms in the Fungal Wastes. Fungal adhesion is real I checked I swear
- He makes it to the City of Tears! and while there, he
Gets caught by Hegemol who mistakes him as a vessel
Drowns in the City's gutters
Purchases a cloth to wrap around Life-Ender
Hears the Pale King talk one (1) time and immediately decides he hates him
- While leaving the City, he finds a grub. That grub never really gets named, but as he frequented calling the little thing "Fiend," and the grub eventually began responding to that title, he just considers it a name for them now.
- Zote travels with the grub throughout the Crossroads until he drops them off with the Grubfather, being rewarded for reuniting them but overall feelings pretty :( about it.
- He then goes to the. So you know the houses that are underneath the Gruzz Mother's lil arena? Yea that place. he goes there and "guards" it, becoming that place's self-proclaimed knight.
- then he starts being paranoid about the grub and returns to the grubfather only to see all the grubs have been stolen. he presumes Fiend is dead from this point on (and dodges around ever using the word).
- Then he goes back to the lil town place only to see everyone's infected :(
- We then spend TEN CHAPTERS!! in Greenpath. In which he
eats a plant and dies
Stands in No Eyes's tomb.
Visits the Lake of Unn (and nothing bad happens)
Sees a nosk at the entrance to Fog Canyon and proceeds to have a panic attack
Kills everything
Gets caught by the Vengefly king
Gets saved!
has a breakdown
Yells at Ghost and then Leaves
- Canon starts!
- He stops in Dirtmouth, listens to Elderbug talk, gets told the Myth of the Great old Nosks who are now all Extinct. The news that nosks are now extinct freaks Zote out a little, but he absolutely refuses to return to Deepnest. He doesn't need to make sure. It's fine.
- In an effort to convince himself not to go to Deepnest, he goes to the City again, thinking it can't possibly be all that ba-- oh no everyone's dead!
- he inadvertently steals a map marker from Ghost and decides to use that as a pin for his cloak
- Zote returns to Deepnest. He's very upset with himself for this, but he just has to know if all the nosks are actually extinct now.
The answer is yes
but before that he gets caught by dirtcarvers and put in a web and has to be saved. this makes him angry
Upon seeing all the dead nosks once he gets to the den, and noticing that the last nosk was mimicking Ghost (evidenced by the mask left behind) before it died, he decides that he's gotta Kill Everything again
- more specifically we're going to the Colosseum now.
- Zote's fear of water evaporates as he goes through the secret passage in the King's Station to get to Kingdom's Edge. He only found it because he saw Ghost go that way
- While at the Kingdom's Edge, he gets caught by the Fools, who he stupidly challenges and then immediately gets caught by.
- sits in dumb baby jail for a while. mean to tiso
- Then the colosseum battle happens! He does not win he then gets dropped down into kingdom's edge with little regard toward whether he's dead or alive
- He grabs a Fool's helmet before leaving, going back to Dirtmouth, and intending to bury that thing
- this goes wrong as he bumps into Bretta. He then sits and talks with her for God Only Knows how Long, spacing out while doing so, and not even noticing when she eventually gets up and leaves him.
- He buries the helmet, shuts himself away in his house, and gets stuck repeating his precepts to himself. At the end of CoGR it is revealed that he hasn't been talking to anyone, and is instead talking to himself endlessly as no one is left to listen to him
and that's it! that's cogr. yeah
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