#j2 x ofc
kickingitwithkirk · 1 year
Greetings from Austin
Summary: Jensen and Jared are at odds over a monumental decision that changes their lives in a way they couldn’t have envisioned.
Pairing: Alpha!Jensen Ackles x Alpha!Jared Padalecki x Omega!OFC
Word Count: 2161
Warnings: a/b/o, J2 are married/mated, homophobia, bisexuality, biphobia, outdated beliefs, angst, cursing, jealousy, depression/anxiety, medical stuff, sexual dysfunction, infertility, IVF, surrogacy, subgender inequality
*additional warnings to be added in future parts.
Square filled: Non-traditional Alpha Traits @spnabobingo Maid Au @spnaubingo
A/N: Here we go again with one my weird as hell dreams, series Inspired by this art.
A/N II: There is no intentional hate or malevolence intended towards any of the Ackles or Padalecki families. This is a purely fictional piece containing real and created persons/names/events set in the fictional A/B/O verse. Some dates/events altered to fit story.
A/N III: thank you to everyone for hanging in there since it’s taken me ages to drop a new character, I’ve been doing rewrites/updating on all my series, more to come in future.
*no beta-all mistakes are mine
*divider by @writeyourmindaway​​​​​​
*images found online
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Part IV
“I gotta go,” tossing his phone on the bedside table, Jared, wearing his blessed socks, runs across the main room and slides on the hardwood floor into the kitchen and saw his husband standing three feet from Quinn as she’s vigorously gesturing with a paring knife while telling him off in her colorful language.
“Put the knife down!” The older Alpha’s voice resonates through the room, making Jared flinch, feeling the command’s power, watching Quinn set it on the counter and Jensen reach over, sliding it towards him.
She stood a bit longer before blinking in confusion, and then her demeanor shifted to madder than a wet hen, her natural lower voice dropped another octave, and the lilt became very pronounced. “Don’t ya’ ever use that fucking voice on me again!” 
“You were threatening me with a knife!” Jensen picks up the item, making her laugh, “Holy fucking shit, are ya’ serious? Ya’ could barely use it for a toothpick, let alone...” 
Jared stood there, mouth hanging open, have’n seen others take on his mate, wrongfully assuming he’d be the easier of the two to intimidate, but when let off its leash, Jensen's wolf made Dean Winchester look like a pussy cat.
The younger Alpha's mouth snapped shut, “sorry, what?”
“I asked you what the surrogate is doing here?”
“The surrogate has a name.” 
 “What is Quinn doing here?”
 “So..uh..okay,” Jared slowly starts around the island doing his sometimes awkward, hesitant thing.  “A few days ago, I got a call from this number I didn’t recognize. It was about the ultrasound appointment scheduled while you were in LA.” 
He paused to see if Jensen remembered, and yep, his mate was wearing his get to the fucking point expression.
“They informed me she’d canceled it because she was leaving town.” 
Jensen's attention returned to the O, ”Don’t fucking start on me again, Ackles!”
“You know who I am?” 
“Duh, Sherlock!” 
Jensen would later try to justify it was jet lag and surprise finding their surrogate in their home, not her smart-ass mouth, for snarling at her.
“Och, save it for the cameras, drama queen. Ya’ put pants on just like the rest of us; the only difference is yours have designer labels.”
Jared interrupted the speeding downhill faster than an Olympic bobsledder situation, “I remembered her saying something about managing Mulroney’s Bookstore, so I called Clif to see if he’d get her to contact me and calls back saying some Alpha...” 
“...who’s a flaming jackass!”
“Yeah, that’s what Clif called him. Anyways, he claimed to be the manager and had no idea where she was when another employee said they knew where she was living...”
“... that’s when ya’ boy shows up..”
“…I explained about the mixup...”
“…Padalecki followed me to my room to get the new date, then he caused a scene...”
“...I couldn’t help my wolf freaking out at where my..our pups were living...”
“…told ya’ it was there or the I-35 underpass!”
Jared bristled at the reminder, “The door had three locks, a barely functional heater, and a broken fridge. Cockroaches wouldn’t even live there!”
Quinn raises onto the balls of her feet and loudly reminds him about putting her in the shitter with the manager and getting fired when Jared shouts back in his booming voice, “there was a guy by the ice machine offering to sell me heroin!!”
“ENOUGH!” Jensen's Alpha voice echoes throughout the kitchen, quieting them both.
“She’s right,” Jared opened his mouth to retort, but Jensen countered with, “And so are you. Quinn, couldn’t your family help,” the Alphas wrinkled their noses at her souring scent, so he attempted another approach. 
“I want to clear something up. I recall one of the stipulations for surrogates is that they reside in an appropriate domicile. Why were you living in a motel? Could you tell us what happened?”
“The flaming jackass tipped off the landlord I’m an O, and that fucker evicted me even though I never caused any problem or was late with rent.”
“There is a moratorium on evictions..”
“..that moratorium is a fucking joke!”  
“What a minute,” Jensen said, and at the same time, Jared remarked, “It protects people...”
“Newsflash, Mr. Wizard, was created by and for the protection of Alphas and Betas! Take a hot minute to read the fine print, and you’ll find loopholes granting landlords, to quote, discretionary privileges pertaining to the eviction of those designated with the sub-gender Omega. In other words, they can boot O’s for any damn reason!” She gave the Alphas a hard stare, “So, enlighten me as to why y’all didn’t know a fucking thing about that bit?”
The kitchen got quiet as the Alphas glanced at each other, trying to find a non-assholey-sounding response. “Yeah, that’s what I thought; since it’s well known you two prefer Betas.” Quinn addressed the older Alpha.
“Padalecki and I have an arrangement. I keep the house and do meals in exchange for temporary boarding. No need to fret that pretty head of yours, Ackles; I’ll do me damnedest to stay outta the way."
December 23rd                                                                                                   Late Afternoon
Quinn heard Jensen’s surprised greeting covering the stewpot of goulash, slid it into the oven to stay warm, and peeked around the wall and saw him in the foyer hugging a small, older O, then a tall, bald Alpha carrying several bags crossed over to them.
“Let me help you with those, sir,” she offered, taking them couldn’t help but overhear his not-subtle sniff, “Jensen, who’s this?”
“Umm,” Jensen scratched the back of his neck, fumbling for a response, “this is the housekeeper, Quinn.”  His mother-in-law peered inquisitively at the tall Omega before asking, “What happened to your boys' service?”
“I worked for it.”
Gerald Padalecki dubiously eyed the O up and down as she continued. “They pared down the staff, and Jared offered to retain me in exchange for lodging...”
“You live with them?” Gerald barked, “Jensen, that’s unwise considering...”
“Considering what Gerry,” his mate sharply asks, “the boys wouldn’t let someone stay they couldn’t trust.”
 “I normally wouldn’t question their judgment, but she's an unmated O.”
“Whoa,’ Jensen jumped in, “are you suggesting that Jared or I...” 
“Mama..daddy..what’re y’all doing here?” Jared couldn’t keep the surprise out of his voice, wrapping his long arms around his mother, “thought you were coming tomorrow.” 
“We decided to surprise you but got it instead.” Gerald’s gruff reply made Jared throw his husband a confused look, catching a whiff of his dad and Jensen, “What’s going on?”
“I bet y’all would like to freshen up after your trip.” Quinn blurted out, “Jensen, would you help me with their luggage, please.”
Taking the car keys, he follows her out the door, remarking, “you think fast, coming up with that story.”
“Ya’ were about to lose ya' shit on your father-in-law, and I didn’t precisely fib, just moved a few facts around,” Quinn shoots back, grabbing a bag while Jensen, fuming, retrieves the other, following her to the guest house.
How could the Alpha he considered his father even think, after everything they’d been through, found his dark thoughts distracted by two simultaneous acts; a deflating blow-up bed and his bewildered husband storming in shouting, “What the fuck was that?”
Jensen ticked his head towards the O and made the finger-in-hole gesture.
 “I’ve gotten that shit since I presented,” the pair look towards Quinn with confused expressions. “Loads of Alphas still carry antiquated beliefs about unmated O’s, and I’m…pick an adjective to fill in the blank.”
“So much for a peaceful holiday,” Jensen grumbled.
“Yeah, too bad ya’ boy stuck his nose where it didn’t belong, right?” Quinn's tone was caustic. “I don’t want to be a bone of contention with ya' family. I’ll figure somewhere else to stay.”
Jared’s wolf simmers under his skin, “How? You have $636.96 in your account. That won’t cover a security deposit, let alone fir..” 
“How the fuck ya’ know what’s in my account?!”
“Your laptop was open...”
“...and ya’ snooped...”
“...I happened to see it...”
“...still not your fucking problem...”
“...you’re carrying my..our pups, that makes it my fucking..”
“...ya’ are the most unfucking...”
“I’m tired of y’alls motherfucking bitching, so shut the fuck up!!” 
Jensen wrinkles his nose, “Dude, dial it down; you’re stinking up the joint! And Quinn, Jared screwed up...”
“I never asked...”
“...doesn’t matter! He's trying to make amends, for fuck sake!” Jensen felt the vein in his left temple throbbing again.
“There will be many people dropping in or staying with us this fucking week, and this is how we’re all going to handle our situation.”
January 15th
“Humph,” Jensen jerked awake, slapping a hand around, and found his phone before cracking an eye open.
7:18 A.M.
Groaning, he dropped face-first into his pillow and wrestled his mates over his head to muffle the noise, but the pearls of his pup's laughter signaled he wouldn’t sleep much longer.
His fuzzy brain's insistence that coffee was more imperative than a shower has Jensen sleepily shuffling around the oversized couches, once again grateful they’d decided to move their bedroom to the main floor, spots the group in the kitchen muttered too damn early.
“That’s a bad word, Daddy,” JJ says, her frown a replica of his, “you owe the swear jar.”
“Your right, Birdie, sorry,” dropping a kiss on top of her and the twins' heads, stepping around them, pouring himself a mug, “remind me to pay it later.” 
Hopping up on the counter, Jensen sips his coffee, savoring the black elixir rolling over his taste buds; he feels the caffeine penetrate his system, working its magic to turn his morning grumpyass into a civilized human watching his brood.
JJ and Arrow are busily festooning Quinn’s long, wonky braided hair with ribbons. Zeppelin and Icarus are sitting on the O’s lap, watching something on his iPad that's precariously balanced against her feet; felt his wolf purr in contentment, starting him when his mate materializes and gives him an odd look.
“Alright, y’all,” hopping off the counter, Jensen scoops up his son and flies him around, making airplane sounds, “Uncle Jeff and Aunt H/W/N will be here soon. What do all of you need to do before going?”
“Brush teeth and hair,” Arrow says, then looks at JJ, “grab our snacks from the fridge,” she reminds her, “and put them into our backpacks.” 
“And do bath break!” Zep giggles as Jensen hands the pup to his mate and quietly says, “I wanna discuss something with Quinn.”
Jared reaches through their bond and finds a placidity in Jensen he hasn’t had for so long, but before he can deduce the causation, he gets distracted by the twins' squeals and escorts the pups upstairs. 
Quinn eyes the older Alpha while securing a hair tie around her long braids, “what the fuck I do this time, Ackles?”
“Jared mentioned something about your leaving..”
“...I know ya' expected me gone before now...”
 “...ya’ know what I expect?” Jensen snaps, mimicking her subtle accent, “I expect you to stop interrupting and let me get something out for fucking once! Now, could we please discuss this without fighting?”
Sitting at the dining room table, she says nothing, watching Jensen refill his coffee, grab another mug, and drops in a spoon of honey before pouring the brewed tea from the kettle, “Ya’ know how I take me tea?”
“I’m not a completely unobservant asshole,” Jensen self-deprecates, “you make a damn good cup of coffee,” he said, carrying both mugs over. “And I’m astonished how you balance everything, working at Emmer and Rye while keeping up with our hectic schedules. And what did you do to Jared?” Quinn looked confused, “you got him to put his wet clothes in the laundry instead of leaving them all over the bath. You’re either a witch or a goddamn miracle worker!”
“I gave him two options. Leave’um in the laundry or find itching powder in his clothing.”
“He’d just borrow my stuff...”
“...he did, once.” 
“So, you?
“Clif said ya’ boy spent the day denying it was jock itch.” 
Jensen was still laughing when the quartet came back downstairs, so Quinn placed both forearms on the table, leaning forward, and spoke softly, “okay, Ackles, the fucks going on with this little tête-à-tête? Cause ya’ been freaked the fuck out the entire time, so,” nodding to her mug, “What’s with the buttering up?”
“It’s about not leaving...”
“Quinns not gonna leave?” Jensen whipped around to find Arrow bouncing excitedly beside him, then she suddenly raced towards the front door, yelling, “Papa Jared, Daddy’s got Quinn to stay with us!”  
Jared stood there scrutinizing the seated duo with an indecipherable expression.
“Looks like ya’ the one dropping me in the shitter this time, Ackles.”
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Part V
SPN TAGS: @donnaintx  @lyarr24  @flamencodiva  @b3autyfuldisast3r  @lassie-bird @nancymcl  @spnbaby-67  @leigh70
Sam/Jared:  @idreamofplaid Dean/Jensen:  @thoughts-and-funnies  @stoneyggirl2  @akshi8278  @beabutterfly987 @smoothdogsgirl @siospins2
GFA: @babypink224221 @waywardjoy @let-me-luve-you @all-4-wincest @ladysparkles78
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fangirlxwritesx67 · 4 years
Three Hearts
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Jared x Jensen x OFC Elle 2700 words of Valentine’s Day fluff in the Everything-verse that belongs to @there-must-be-a-lock​. Thanks for letting me play in your world again, friend!  Enough  Road Trip 
Valentine’s Day. 
Elle was torn. On one hand, it was a totally commercialized excuse for companies to sell chocolate, overpriced cards, and giant bears. At the same time, she liked flowers and sweet treats as much as the next person.
The nice thing about her boyfriends was that neither of them needed a day on the calendar to be romantic. The three of them celebrated together on special occasions -- birthdays, anniversaries -- but had just as much fun in the everydays, when there was nothing to celebrate but each other. 
Since moving in with them a little over a year ago, she had enjoyed their thoughtfulness and generosity for every special occasion. The two of them gave good gifts, and frankly, she felt almost spoiled. But her favorite presents were the ones they all enjoyed together -- vacations, spa days, gourmet meals. She hardly wanted anything for Valentine’s Day because they had left her nothing to want.
Buying gifts for them -- now, that was the hard part. She didn’t have their deep pockets. While she didn’t mind letting them pay for their lifestyle, she felt like they shouldn’t buy their own gifts. On top of that, this year, so many of the things they all enjoyed -- trips, concerts, fine dining -- were out of the question. 
Elle brought it up one weekend in late January, when they were enjoying a lazy Sunday brunch after a very enjoyable morning all together in Jensen’s bed. Each of them had their own private space, but more often than not, they ended up in one bedroom, especially on weekends. Jared had made each of them omelets to their liking while Jensen made espressos and Elle chopped fruit. 
Between bites of the delicious food, she asked casually, “So have you two given any thought to Valentine’s Day this year?” Both of her boyfriends looked at her wide-eyed, so she hurried on. “Not that I’m expecting you to get me anything! I mean, you’re always very generous. I just -- wondered.” 
Jared looked at Jensen as if he was asking for permission, and when Jensen nodded, he pulled out his phone. 
“So you know how we love watches?” 
“I’ve heard about it once or twice.” Elle nodded, her tone teasing. The two of them collected watches like some people collected cars. 
“There’s this new Rolex - Jay and I have been on the waitlist for a year. We should be getting them just in time to be our gift to each other. Look, isn’t this a beauty?” He turned the phone to show her while he continued to list for her the features of this particular timepiece. 
It looked to Elle very much like any other watch. What caught her eye was the price at the bottom: $30,000 and up. And they were buying a pair of them. The boys continued to chatter excitedly, voices overlapping, as she sat in stunned silence. 
$60,000. That was more than she made in a year. What could she possibly give that would compare to a gift like that?
“You okay, sweetheart?” Jensen’s voice cut through the buzz in her brain. 
“Oh, yeah.” She forced a laugh. “You know, you lose me with all this watch nerd talk.” 
“Don’t worry, that’s why I keep him around.” Jensen pointed a thumb at Jared, who leaned over and playfully nuzzled into his neck. Jensen turned, and the two of them kissed, and Elle wondered for the millionth time how she ever got so lucky. 
Jared stood up first, and kissed her, carrying her plate with his to the sink. Jensen followed, and brought her a kiss along with a top off for her coffee. When they left the room, she stayed at the table, savoring her coffee with a smile on her face. 
Hot, romantic, and thoughtful. How did she get so lucky to end up with both of these wonderful men?
Then the thought crowded back into her brain: what could she get them for Valentine’s Day?
*** Elle loved shopping online, normally. She enjoyed hunting around for the best deals on things. Usually, Jared was her Amazon shopping partner. But not for this. She browsed what felt like every list on the internet looking for the perfect Valentine’s Day gift. Most things were either too cheap or too expensive -- or they already had them. 
There was the additional problem that a lot of cute, romantic gifts were clearly aimed at a two-person couple -- not a lot out there for two boyfriends. She did find some cute cards on Etsy, but she was still at a loss for gifts. 
Finally she gave up and flicked over to Instagram. She was scrolling through her usual content -- friends, artists, food blogs -- when an ad caught her eye: Dead Sled Leather Co. The photo showed a watch with a beautiful leather band, paired with an embossed wallet. She clicked. 
Custom belts, wallets, key chains - all of the goods were beautifully crafted. She got more and more excited as she scrolled until finally she found it: the Gentleman’s Valet Tray. “Need a place to put your watch? This handsome leather valet tray…” That was all she needed to read. She could even get a custom design on the bottom! And it was in her price range. 
Her heart sank when she clicked to the order form. “Orders shipping about four weeks out.” That was too late. Well, what did she have to lose? She called the number on the site. 
The man who picked up the phone spoke in a slow Kentucky drawl, and she could just about picture chewing tobacco in his mouth. All of her words came out in a rush: how this was the perfect gift for her boyfriends, how she just needed a pair of them in time for Valentine’s Day, and could he help her?
Boyfriends. She definitely hadn’t meant to let that slip. She waited, breathlessly. 
The line was silent for a moment and then he spoke. There would be a rush work fee, and she would have to pay for express shipping, but he could do it. Now what design did she want for her lucky fellas? 
Elle decided to keep it simple -- three hearts entwined, stamped in the leather. She picked a deep red brown for Jared, and a honey tan for Jensen. The man didn’t question any of it, just promised to have them ready and shipped to her in time. 
Her heart was light when she hung up. It wasn’t an expensive gift, but it was special. Thoughtful, perfect for them. And her Texas boys would appreciate the leather craftsmanship. Excited, she clicked onto one of her favorite clothing websites to pick out some lingerie. 
*** It was the day before Valentine’s Day, and the gifts still hadn’t arrived. They had been completed -- the maker had sent photos -- and mailed as ordered, but there was some kind of delay with the post office.
All the other things she had ordered were already there -- some quality bourbon, cards, and of course, her lingerie. She had put so much hope into having the perfect gift, and as the afternoon wore on, she grew increasingly anxious. 
The boys had gone out together to pick up orders at the grocery as well as the wine store. When they returned, they found Elle pacing the kitchen, nervously picking at a dish towel. 
“Whoa,” Jared spoke first. “What’s wrong?” 
She shook her head. 
“C’mere.” Jensen pulled out a chair at the breakfast table for her. The boys sat down on either side of her. “Something’s going on. Why don’t you let us know what it is?”
“It’s stupid,” she protested, but they knew her too well to believe that. She looked from one to the other -- from Jensen’s candy apple green eyes to Jared’s kaleidoscope hazel gaze. Both of them were radiating so much trust, so much love. Finally she took a deep breath and let it all out. 
“I’ve been so worried about what to get you two for Valentine’s Day. You have everything you could ever need, and you’re getting each other these beautiful watches, and I couldn’t afford one if I wanted to, and I just feel kinda useless and --” 
Jensen held up one broad hand. “Sweetheart, we get the watches because we like them. And, okay, they’re kind of an investment piece. But we don’t expect you to get us anything like that?”
Jared chimed in. “The best things you’ve given us haven’t cost much at all. Like when you got me the sweets of the world subscription box? Or the coffee of the month for Jay? You give gifts that have a lot of thought, a lot of heart. The price tag isn’t what matters.”
“More than that,” Jensen picked up the thought seamlessly. “It isn’t even the gifts that matter. We’re both so fuckin’ lucky, every day, to just have you.” He looked at Jared, and they both nodded. “We love the things you give us, because we love you.”
“Even if you never gave us a damn thing, you’re the best gift we could ever have.” Jared’s face was so earnest, his brow furrowed and his eyes wide, Elle couldn’t help but smile.
“I feel so lucky to have you, both of you.” She looked back and forth between the two of them. 
Jensen reached across the table to brush her cheek with outstretched fingers, and she leaned into his touch. Jared, always the more physically demonstrative one, sprang up and swooped her into a hug. He squeezed her tight, rocking her back and forth until they were both laughing. Jensen stood up and walked over with a fond smile on his face. Jared drew him in with one long arm so they were all together in one loving embrace. 
Elle lifted her face to first one, then the other, for a kiss. This was where she belonged, with these two men who made her feel wanted and cherished and loved. Gifts and holidays faded from her mind in their arms. With them she felt safe, secure, forgetting about everything but being with them.  
*** “Shh, don’t wake her up.” 
Jared’s decidedly un-quiet whisper woke Elle the next morning.
“What are we supposed to do with breakfast in bed if we don’t wake her up?” She heard Jensen respond. 
She sat up and opened her eyes just in time to see both men squeeze through her bedroom door. She should have been used to it by now, the way they insisted on sharing the same space, the way they moved in sync. It still made her smile. 
Jensen was carrying coffee and a maple bacon donut. Jared was balancing a tray with eggs and bacon, mmm, so much bacon. She ran a hand through her hair delightedly, ruffling the short pink strands. 
“Breakfast in bed? How does a girl get so lucky. Thank you!” She looked from one to the other eagerly. “I only see food for one. Aren’t you joining me?” 
It took no convincing for them to go grab their own food and coffee. 
The three of them were still on the bed, laughing and talking and trading breakfast-flavored kisses when the doorbell rang. At the same time, Elle’s phone chimed with a notification. She shoved her cup at Jensen and leaped out of bed, pausing only to grab a robe, before she hurried to the front door. 
It was the mailman, delivering her gifts for the boys. She was so happy that she did a little dance in her pajamas, right there in the entryway. That’s where the boys found her, hugging a priority mail box. 
She was so excited, it was all they could do to convince her to wait until after dinner, but they promised her it would be worth it. 
“But it’s so long until dinner! What will I do between now and then?” she teased.
“Oh, I have some ideas to fill the time.” Jared looked at her, the wolfish look in his eyes at odds with his dimples, and she giggled. 
Jensen snapped his fingers before starting up the stairs. “Bring her, man.” 
Next thing Elle knew, she was scooped up in strong arms and being carried upstairs towards the bedrooms.
Jared and Jensen did know how to make time pass in a very enjoyable way, Elle thought, hours later, as she dressed on shaky legs. They had all showered together, but the boys were ready more quickly.
Jensen had picked out a slinky knit dress for her -- comfortable and sexy -- as well as a pair of heels. She took her cue from the outfit, adding jewelry and taking time for some sparkly eye makeup. 
She made her way downstairs, carrying her wrapped gifts, and saw light in the formal dining room. She walked in slowly to find the room awash in candlelight. 
The table was set with their finest dishes and laden with food. A vase of deep red roses sat in the center. Behind it, boxes and bags of her favorite chocolates -- hazelnut and caramel -- were stacked in a glittery pile. 
The boys both stood up, one on either side of the table. She took both their hands and let them lead her to her seat between them. 
The food was amazing, course after course delivered from their favorite restaurant: french onion soup and salads, crab cakes and shrimp cocktail, followed by perfectly cooked steaks with loaded potatoes and veggies sides. Neither of them let her lift a finger to so much as pour a drink. 
They lingered over dinner, talking and laughing, sharing food and kisses. When they were finally done, the boys cleared away the plates. When they returned, Jared was carrying champagne and three flutes, while Jensen had a cheesecake topped with strawberries and chocolate. 
Elle’s eyes widened. “That looks amazing, but I’m too full to eat another bite. Can we exchange gifts first?” 
Jared and Jensen went first, handing one another identical boxes. They all knew what was inside, but that didn’t stop them from opening the watches with delight. Jensen got his on first, and then rounded the table to kiss Jared just as soon as he finished with the clasp. 
Elle looked on, beaming. It was something they shared, and they deserved it. Now that they had talked it out, she didn’t feel inferior for not buying luxury gifts. Plus, she knew her presents would be a perfect compliment. She grinned as she handed them the parcels she had carefully wrapped. They tore into the paper eagerly. 
Jensen looked up first, a question in his eyes. 
“It’s a valet tray. It sits on your dresser so you have a place to put your watch.” 
He threw back his head and laughed, that full laugh she loved so much. “Of course! It’s perfect, love, thank you.”
Jared was still tracing the three hearts on the bottom when he looked up and grinned. “Yes, thank you.” Then he turned his gaze towards Jensen. “Three hearts, Jay, did you see?” 
Jensen nodded before he reached into his pocket and pulled out a small silky drawstring bag. He shook it into his palm and then held it out. 
Elle drew in a sharp breath as she reached for it. She saw that it was a puzzle ring.
“Three bands in one, just like us,” Jensen said softly. 
“And you can fidget with it. We know how you love your fidget rings,” Jared added. “But look.” He took the ring back and turned it so she could see inside the band. Stamped inside -- three interlinked hearts. 
Elle looked from one to the other. Jensen’s hand closed over Jared’s as they slipped the ring onto her index finger. It fit like it belonged there. She looked from one handsome face to the other, and her eyes welled up as she whispered, “How did I get so lucky?”
They kissed her one at a time, and then together, until she was breathless and laughing. 
“How did we ever get so lucky?” Jensen echoed.
“You’re the best gift we’ve ever had, and all we could ever want,” Jared said. 
“All? Even with that cheesecake sitting there?” she teased. 
“Well, now that you mention it--” 
Long after they had eaten their fill of cheesecake, they were still trading sticky sweet kisses, laughing and lingering around the table, three hearts in love. 
AN: Dead Sled Leather is a real company founded by a local artist who does amazing work. I don’t know if he chews tobacco and I don’t know how he feels about polyamory, but he makes beautiful leather goods.  Thanks to @mskathywriteswords​ for working with my feverish brain to get this into some kind of readable shape, as well as pointing out some of the really cute poly gifts there are on Etsy! You’re the best.  Thanks again @there-must-be-a-lock​ for letting me have fun with these three, and taking a last-minute submission to your Three(k)some Challenge! 
SPN First Last and Always: @boondoctorwho @dawnie1988 @deanwanddamons @defenderrosetyler @divadinag @emoryhemsworth @fookinghelljensensthighs @idreamofplaid @kalesrebellion @kickingitwithkirk @maddiepants @magssteenkamp @onethirstyunicorn   @the-chocolate-moose  @there-must-be-a-lock @tloveswriting
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evansrogerskitten · 2 years
Have you done this yet?
Fic author's self rec! When you get this, reply with your favorite five fics that you've written, then pass this ask on to at least five other authors to spread self-love! xox
Thank you for the ask! I don’t think I’ve done this one before. So I shall now...
Remind Me
In The Heat of the Night
Yes Sir
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Supernatural fic
I am finishing editing a fic about Jensen x reader, as this was my outlet for awhile.  I found it again and decided to just edit and go for it!  So it will be out soon!!
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jawritter · 2 years
Jen’s 3k Celebration!!!
Tell Me A Story Celebration!
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I can’t believe I’ve made it to 3k followers right here on Tumblr! You guys are amazing! When I started this blog, it was just a hobby. I honestly thought that no one would read the things I’ve written, so to log on this morning and find out that I have 3K followers? Wow, I’m stunned beyond words, because honestly, THANK YOU just doesn’t feel like I’m saying enough! 
That being said! In celebrations of this new milestone, I’ve heard the outcry for open request amongst bloggers and while I’m not at the place where I can fully open my request up, (I’m still working on the full story request you guys sent me not that long ago), this is what we’re going to do! 
Tell me a story celebration!
How it works: 
Okay, you’ve seen bloggers do this before. Send a gif in, with the prompt, tell me about how.... And I will write you a drabble from your gif request. That simple! Drabbles will include anything from Smut to Fluff in short form. 
Sense I typically only write for Jensen Ackles and Dean Winchester, please only send Jensen Ackles related Characters. Dean Winchester, Beau Arlen, Soldier Boy, or Jensen Ackles himself. You get the idea. 
I do not write Destiel. 
I do not write Winchest. 
All requests are X Reader Inserts unless specifically specified otherwise, I do not write OFC much. 
If your story request is a pronoun other than Female, please include that in your Ask with the gif, and your Tell me about... 
No kink shaming other request and readers, if I see you doing that in the comments or reblogs, you will be blocked. 
Stories can be AU, Canon level, ABO, choice is yours it’s your story!!!
Okay Guys! Send me those Gifs!! SEND ASK HERE!!!
Tags Below the cut: 
Forever Tags:
Jensen and Dean’s Babes
Jensen’s Babes
Dean’s Babes:
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writethelifeyouwant · 3 years
Tell Me A Story Bingo
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Here's my board for the Tell Me a Story Bingo run by @supernatural-jackles 💖 If you have requests or suggestions for any of the squares – let me know!
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One Night Stand: Secret Admirer 1 | Dean x Reader | 2.2k
Quote C: Secret Admirer 2 | Dean x Reader | 3.5k
After-care: Secret Admirer 3 | Sam x Reader | 2.7k
Only One Bed: Secret Admirer 4 |Dean x Bayley x Reader x Sam| 3.3k
Quote D: Secret Admirer 5 | Dean x Bayley x Reader x Sam | 6.8k
Quote I: Captive | Jared / J2 | 2.3k
College!AU: Bad Reputation 1 | Alpha!Jenneel x Omega!OFC | 4.5k
JDM: Desperate Measures | JDM x Jared | 1.8k
Jensen Ackles: Bad Reputation 2 | Alpha!Jenneel x Omega!OFC | 4.5k
Backseat Sex: Upfront |Jenneel x OFC| 1.1k
Mutual Pining: Fallen | Sam x Dean | 1.1k
Sex Toys: Pinky Promise | Jensen Ackles x Karl Urban | 3.6k
Threesome: Bad Reputation 3 | Alpha!Jenneel x Omega!OFC | 6k
Quote H: Made For You, Ch 13 | Wincest / Alpha!Dean x Omega!Reader| 57k (series)
Quote J: Junkie | Demon!Dean x BloodJunkie!Sam | 3.3k
Fuck or Die: Made For You, Ch 19 | Wincest / Alpha!Dean x Omega!Reader| 57k (series)
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Sex Toys
Break Up
Fake Dating
Dean Winchester
Quote H
Quote F
Free Space
Quote J
Almost Kiss
Stuffed Animal
Fuck or Die
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jayankles · 3 years
Jensen Ackles
Main Masterlist
Smut Drabbles
Dick Flop of Doom
Safe Word
Like a Good Girl
Part of the Plan
Earn His Reward
A Thing
Magical Muscle
Come to Join You
You’re in Charge
Shall we go for a swim, my lady?
Jared Padalecki
Main Masterlist
Smut Drabbles
I Want
Chains and Leather
Dino Nuggets
Misha Collins
Smut Drabbles
Alexander Calvert
Made the Gag Reel
F/F fics
Danneel (Harris) x Reader
An Important Day for a Queen
Months of Stress for One Day
The Ladies Room
Genevieve (Cortese) x Reader
Crossing Paths - Part 1 | Part 2
Perks of Acting
Poly Fics
Jenneel (x Reader/ x OFC)
Taking Turns *
Adding Another*
How Two Became Eight | Masterlist - Jenneel x OFC
Cockles x Reader
Why Not Both - Masterlist - Jensen x Reader x Misha*
Jarevieve x Reader
Just This Once | Masterlist 
Mommy, Daddy, and their Baby Girl
J2 x Reader
Operation Padackles
Jenevieve x Reader
Ben Barnes
Serenade in Bed
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charlesleclerc2003 · 3 years
Supernatural Materlist
Going Home (J2 X Reader) (Platonic) 
One Shots
The Greatest Show (SPN Cast X Female!Angel!Reader)
Lullaby (Jared X Teen!Daughter!Reader)
I'm Never Leaving You (Jared X Daughter!Reader)
Rescued (Jensen and Daneel X Female!Reader) (Platonic)
Breathe (Jared X Asthmatic!Female!Reader)
Mini Series
Reunited Part 1 Part 2 (J2 X Female!Reader)
Sundown (Dean X Mary) (OFC)
Jarpad25's 50 Follower Celebration Challenge
Don't You Cry No More (Sam and Dean x Reader) (Platonic)
Random Drabbles
Next Time.
This was something that I came up with and it's the first thing that's not supernatural related
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fandomfic-galore · 4 years
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Here you will find multiple fics by different writers for different fandoms. I wanted to make one master list for it. This is a working master list, so it will be ever changing.
I asked a few people who I love on here to either nominate their own fics or nominate a fic they love.
If you would like me to add any fics then please send me a message.
Lost and found Loki x reader @geekandbooknerd
By the kings hand Dark!Loki x reader by @darkficsyouneveraskedfor
It’s a deal Bucky x reqder by @justreadingfics
Only mine Bucky x reader by @simsadventures
Science fiction. Stucky x reader by @kalesrebellion
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In the shadows Halfdan x reader by @artemiseamoon
In the shadows Chapter two Halfdan x reader by @artemiseamoon
In the shadows Chapter three Halfdan x reader by @artemiseamoon
Darkness beyond Halfdan x reader by @that-was-not-supposed-to-happen
13 spades Halfdan x Black OFC by @artemiseamoon
Admiration Halfdan x reader by @geekandbooknerd
Keep her close Halfdan x reader, Harald x reader by @whenimaunicorn
Dirty deeds Halfdan x reader, Harald x reader by @whenimaunicorn
Boundless Harald x reader by @inforapound
Ease the Dawn Ivar x Aethelswith by @inforapound
Two strangers Ivar x reader @oddsnendsfanfics
Summary Ivar Lothbrok has always been a little sheltered and a little insecure, despite his bravado. Tucked safely under his brother’s wing, Ivar takes a risk, and finds out what life is like when you let a stranger become a friend. 
Hate Ivar x reader by @peaceisadirtyword
Over and over again Ivar x reader by @youbloodymadgenius
One step at a time Ivar x reader by @youbloodymadgenius
Summary: In bed with Ivar, you wish he’d let you try...
White lies Ivar x reader by @therealcalicali
The guy next door Ivar x reader by @geekandbooknerd
Gladiator Ubbe x reader by @laketaj24
Rut Ubbe x reader by @honestsycrets
Summary Ubbe’s friend (Y/N) is a rare omega in Kattegat. A rare unmated omega that is. When Ubbe sets off on a trip, another wolf slips in to steal his prize. A/N: Pictures not mine, board is.
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The Last Kingdom
Battle scars and mended hearts Finan x reader by @tephi101
At first sight. Finan x reader @geekandbooknerd
Songs of the unbroken Finan x OC by @morosemagick
Broken Crown Finan x OC by @lauwrite1225
Wildflower Sithric x OC by @solinarimoon
Summary Cwen did not expect to be seen by the warrior Dane. She was content being Aelfwynn’s handmaiden. But Sihtric did see her. And it is good to be seen. 
Hot night Sithric x OC by @solinarimoon
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The Walking Dead
Prized possession Negan x reader by @negans-lucille-tblr
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Toss a coin Geralt x reader by @laketaj24
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Henry Cavil
The rules Henry x reader by @laketaj24
Your lips are warm Henry x reader by @crushed-pink-petals-writes
Make me Henry x reader by @honeychicana
Summary: Your shitty week at work turns into you acting out at home and Henry is absolutely fed up with your behavior
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You got iced. J2 x reader By @writethelifeyouwant
Summary: The reader is attending a Supernatural convention during a heat wave and gets her money’s worth out of her ticket that’s for sure. I'm bad at summaries, sorry.
His property Sam x reader x Dean by @negans-lucille-tblr
Summary: When Y/N starts a relationship with dom Dean Winchester, she moves into Winchester Manor with him and his younger brother, Sam. But Sam doesn't agree with their lifestyle, and it isn't long before he grows an unhealthy obsession with wanting to treat Y/N like more than property. She deserves more, so much more. She is perfect. She is everything he wants and he is going to get her.
Holding onto you Sam x Witch!OFC by @peridottea91
Summary: In 2012, Bobby Singer was killed by Leviathan Dick Roman. The aftermath of his death leads to a division between the Winchesters and Sam’s girlfriend, Kasey. Guilt-ridden and driven to her breaking point, she gathers her stuff and leaves in the middle of the night without a word. Four years later, she calls Sam’s phone after a hunt gone wrong in the hopes of hearing his voice one last time. Suddenly they are swept back into each other’s lives, but a lot has happened in four years. Can they rekindle what they had before, or is it too late?  
Just a part of growing up Sam x reader by @daydream3r-xo
Good girl Sam x reader by @daydream3r-xo
Stress relief Dean Smith x reader @daydream3r-xo
Absent Dean x daughter!reader @negans-lucille-tblr
Summary: Y/N’s father loves her - maybe too much given how sheltered she is - but he’s always absent. He’s either busy with work or busy entertaining women. Y/N thinks she’s finally found a way to get him to notice her, and with a little help from Uncle Sam, she finally gets some quality time with Daddy. But for how long can she keep his attention?
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A trip to the market Din X reader by @equalstrashflavoredtrash
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Colson Baker (MGK)
Serotonin Colson x reader by @laketaj24
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kickingitwithkirk · 1 year
Greetings from Austin
*revised versions 6/23
*Part I
*Part II
*Part III
Part IV
Part V
Part VI
Part VII
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fangirlxwritesx67 · 4 years
Road Trip
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Road Trip, 2k words
Jared x Jensen x OFC Elle Tags: Pg-13, road trip, lots of food and some drinking, a concert, spoiling the dog. AN: for @there-must-be-a-lock​ I don’t know that I’ve ever spent as much time with an author, in any fanfic universe, as I have with Lou in the Everything-verse. I can’t even begin to approach her sex scenes, so I didn’t even try. But I’ve done my best to write J2 with Elle the way she writes them. Haven’t read Everything yet? Head over to Amazon and get your copy of the e-book now! 
Elle was taken aback when she came home from the store to find her boyfriends in the living room, surrounded by their entire luggage collection. She knew their work schedule well, and didn’t think they had to travel this weekend. She stopped, a puzzled look creeping across her face. 
“Boys, are you going somewhere?” 
Jensen beckoned her over. He caressed her face, lifting her chin for a kiss. “We are going somewhere, all three of us.”
Jared bounded over and wrapped both of them in a hug. “It’s a surprise!”
Elle looked at him, expectantly. Jared was the worst in the world at keeping secrets, and she usually didn’t have to wait a full minute for him to blurt out the entire plan. 
“Jay, I swear to god-” Jensen said, a note of warning in his voice. Jared responded by miming that he was locking his lips and throwing away the key. 
“But how can I pack if I don’t know where I’m going?” Elle stepped over to claim one of the medium suitcases. 
“C’mon, you know you always wear band tees and skinny jeans, no matter what.” Jensen’s words were teasing but his tone was soft.
Elle fake-pouted. “Hey, I wear shorts too!”
“Sometimes you wear little dresses, look so cute,” Jared chimed in. “Ooh, and a swimsuit, you’ll need one of those!” 
She waited, but apparently Jensen had Jared under some kind of secrecy spell, because he stopped there. When it became clear that no more details were forthcoming, she headed to her room to pack.
The next morning, they rose before the sun. In spite of the early hour, Jared was bubbling over with excitement, while Jensen was checking off everything that needed to be done and packed. Elle approached their black SUV with a big yawn, hugging a pillow and her favorite blanket.
“Back seat is for you girls,” Jensen pointed. Elle climbed in, and stretched out as Daisy hopped up and settled down at her feet. The smooth motion of the car on the road soon lulled her back to sleep.
Too soon, the bright morning shining in her eyes woke her up. Making a disgruntled sound,  she sat up and looked at herself in the rearview mirror- her eyes were smudgy, her pink hair standing straight on end. She shrugged, and leaned forward between the front seats to rest her head on Jared’s shoulder.
“Good morning, sleeping beauty.” Jensen greeted her, and she lazily turned her head to meet his voice. “You hungry?” 
“Always,” she answered, as Jared combed his fingers through her hair, making it more of a mess, not less. They drove through a Starbucks to load up on coffee and breakfast sandwiches before stopping at the next rest stop area. Elle and the boys ate while Daisy ran around in the grass. Jensen pretended not to see his partners slipping the dog bites of food. 
*** They drove steadily East, stopping every few hours for gas and snacks and to let the dog out. Some hours were quiet, everyone reading or absorbed in their own thoughts. Other hours were musical, each of them taking a turn controlling the AUX cord, but all of them singing along. And some hours were chatty, the three of them discussing anything that came to mind, from books to current events to the perfect grill dinner. They were comfortable with one another, with both conversation and silence, that was the important thing.
Elle didn’t care so much about where they were going, as long as they were together. But after lunch, she could no longer ignore the view outside her window. They were in the Blue Ridge Mountains, roads snaking over hills and around curves. At every turn, she saw peaks swathed in gauzy clouds, and valleys through a blue mist. She had driven this road a hundred times in her life. The view never failed to fill her with awe.  
She watched the road signs, counting the miles, waiting for Jared or Jensen to say something. Finally she spoke up. 
“Boys, are we going to Gatlinburg?” 
“Yes!” Jared whipped around to face her. “We booked a cabin! It’s gonna be great!” 
Jensen nodded and met her eyes in the mirror, his smile growing to match hers. 
Gatlinburg. They were headed home. It wasn’t where she had grown up, exactly, but close by. It had been the destination of almost every vacation she had taken for the first 20 years of her life. 
As they drove into town, she felt her excitement growing. It was funny how things could come back to you, even after years away. There was her favorite little coffee shop, the one with all the plants. There was the record store where she spent all of her money on every trip.
The farmers selling produce by the side of the road, that was another familiar sight. Jensen stopped at one and loaded up on fresh fruit and veggies. Jared bought an armload of fresh homemade pastries. 
She felt her sense of intrigue grow as they turned off the main road, away from the hotels and resorts, and headed back into the mountains. A little while later, Jensen finally brought the SUV to a stop in front of an expansive cabin in the woods. He stepped out from the car and stretched before opening Elle’s door. Daisy rushed out, tail wagging. 
Elle stepped out and looked around, drawing in a deep breath. The sunlight air filtered down through the trees. She could smell pine and water nearby. Something in her soul unwound a little and seemed to settle in. She looked up as she felt Jensen’s gaze on her. 
“Hey,” he asked softly, “You like this?” She nodded, too overwhelmed to put her feelings into words. Just then, Jared bounded around the car.
“You won’t believe this place that Jay booked, look!” He took her hand in his and almost dragged her inside. He gave her an enthusiastic tour: the kitchen, the living room with a fireplace, the bedrooms, the hot tub on the porch. 
Jensen followed as they skipped from room to room, his eyes never leaving her. Clearly, the two of them had spent time together, browsing the options before they rented this house. Both men were eager to see her reaction, to make sure she was happy. 
When all three of them stopped on the porch, Elle looked down, through the verdant trees, to a small stream. This was even better than she could’ve dreamed. Her boyfriends stood on either side of her, and without speaking, each slipped one arm around her. She relaxed and leaned into their embrace. She felt safe, loved, at home. 
Daisy nudged at them, whining for attention. Elle broke away from the boys to pet her, and caught sight of a grill.
“Jensen, my guess is you’ve already planned to grill something for dinner?” Of course he had. Jared carried a cooler up from the car, and pulled out steaks that had been marinating since the night before. Jensen had prepped some of the produce he had purchased on the way in, a grill basket full of peppers, onions and mushrooms, with a side of asparagus.
While they cooked, she took a quick shower. The master bathroom was expansive, with a big glassed in shower and a deep garden tub. She smiled, anticipating the things the three of them could do in there. She slipped into one of the short dresses she had packed. It was comfortable, light and soft. She was glad Jared had suggested it. 
That night, the three of them ate until they couldn’t eat any more. Even Jensen slipped a bite or two of steak to the dog. The sun set and the stars came out and they still lingered on the porch, talking and laughing. Long after midnight, Jensen steered Elle to the bedroom they had picked out for her. Jared made sure she had her meds and a bottle of water. She relaxed into the expanse of clean white sheets and pillows, and fell asleep. 
*** Elle slept in late the next morning, later than she was ever able to sleep in their apartment. She woke up slowly, but was lured to the kitchen by the smell of coffee. Jensen was making scrambled eggs loaded with veggies and cheese, while Jared was digging into the pastries he bought the day before. 
She enjoyed good morning kisses from both her boyfriends before she settled down with a plate of food and a mug of coffee. Propped up on the table in front of her was an envelope with her name.
“Boys?” She asked, as she reached for it. Both of them turned to look at her. Jensen was smiling broadly, that look on his face when he knew he had done well, while Jared was practically vibrating from excitement. 
She opened the envelope and 3 concert tickets fell into her hand. Her favorite band in the whole world, right here in Gatlinburg, floor seats, tonight. She couldn’t form words, just screeched in excitement as she launched herself at Jared and Jensen. The three of them shared a warm embrace as she babbled her thanks. Wakened by the commotion, Daisy came over and nudged at their legs. 
Elle sat back down, overwhelmed. She had seen this stop on the concert tour, of course, but it seemed too far away. That had been months ago, and she had honestly forgotten the date. The fact that Jared and Jensen had planned not only a get away weekend for her, but a concert, said volumes. 
That night, the boys dressed as usual in jeans and button-downs. Of course Elle had packed one of her many t-shirts for this particular band. They were her favorites, after all. She took extra care with her look, lining her eyes and touseling her hair. Finally, they headed out.
The warm up bands were good, thoroughly enjoyable, but Elle was saving her excitement for the main act. The moment they came on stage, the first thrum of the bass, she was gone. She screamed and sang along and danced, savoring every moment. 
The concert ended at midnight, but Elle wasn’t even remotely tired as they drove back up the mountain. She spent the entire drive babbling about every moment, every song. She was still waxing enthusiastic in the kitchen when Jensen silenced her with a kiss. 
“You packed a swimsuit, right? Go change.”
She did, and stepped out onto the porch. Jared was already in the tub, knees wide and head back. She slipped in next to him and rested her head on his shoulder. Jensen followed, carrying 3 beers, which he handed out as he sank into the water. 
Elle turned to face Jensen, kissing him deeply. Jared drew closer to the two of them, his hands all over their bodies. For what felt like a long time, the three of them traded kisses, caresses slow and lingering in the hot water. 
Finally, Jensen stepped out of the hot tub, lifting Elle up with him. She clung to him as he carried her back inside. Jared stepped ahead of them and was already on the bed, arms open, when Jensen lowered her down on the white sheets. 
Elle woke up late the next morning. Her head was resting on Jensen’s shoulder, his chest rising and falling under her fingers. Jared was spooned around behind her, his arm holding her close. 
She took a deep breath. The concert last night was amazing. This cabin was fantastic. It was so much fun to be back in a familiar city. They had two more days in front of them, and she was looking forward to every minute of it.
But honestly, the best part of the trip was just being together. Jensen, Jared and her - it wasn’t anything she had ever imagined. No, it was better than she had ever imagined. However unlikely, she was theirs and they were hers.
*** Like what you’ve read? Read my first chapter with this trio, Enough
Thanks to @lastactiontricia​ for jumping in and giving this a preread.
SPN First Last and Always: @boondoctorwho​ @dawnie1988​ @deanwanddamons​ @defenderrosetyler​ @divadinag​ @emoryhemsworth​ @flamencodiva​ @fookinghelljensensthighs​ @idreamofplaid​ @kalesrebellion​ @kickingitwithkirk​ @maddiepants​ @magssteenkamp​ @onethirstyunicorn​   @the-chocolate-moose  @there-must-be-a-lock​ @tloveswriting​
Sam Girl For Life: @awesomesusiebstuff​ @lilsylvia​ @winchesterxfamilybusiness​
Dean Curious: @adoptdontshoppets​ @awesomesusiebstuff​ @deangirl7695​ @deans-baby-momma​  @mrsjenniferwinchester​ @stoneyggirl​ @supersassyprobablysad @wayward-gypsy​ @winchesterxfamilybusiness​
Gay Screaming: @boondoctorwho​, @cracksinthewalls​, @fookinghelljensensthighs​ @itmighthavebeenintentional​, @justcallmeasmodeus​, @katehuntington​, @maddiepants​, @mskathywriteswords​, @rockhoochie​, @there-must-be-a-lock​, @thoughtslikeaminefield
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evansrogerskitten · 5 years
Hiya love. I just wanted to ask if you have an upload schedule for ‘in the heat of the night’. I absolutely love this series and would like to add it to my ‘fanfic alerts’
Awww thank you so much!! The upload schedule is basically when I get my shit together LOL I almost always post on Sundays so that’s a good day to check (although it’s probably not happening this weekend.) If you’d like, I can tag you? I’m doing series tags for this one. 
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negans-lucille-tblr · 5 years
Before You Go Masterlist
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Summary: Your relationship with Jared and Jensen is finally public, but sometimes the people you trust most are the ones trying to tear you down.
The last of three parts in the Since You’ve Been Gone trilogy 
Characters: You, Jensen Ackles, Jared Padalecki, Misha Collins, Jeffrey Dean Morgan, Tommy (OMC), Rachel (OFC)
Pairings: You x Jensen, You x Jared, Jared x You x Jensen, Jared x Jensen
Rating: 18+ (Smut, Angst, Fluff)
Tags: Jensen Ackles, Jared Padalecki, J2, talk of addiction and rehab, smut, angst, fluff, polygamy, polyamory, two guys one girl, threesomes, p in v, double penetration, ps in v, anal, oral sex (m & f rec), exploring sexuality, m/m elements, gay-sex, bottom!Jared, top!jensen, sexual assault, PTSD, talk of trauma, heartache
A/Ns: There is no series tag list for this story. Please follow my library blog ( @negans-lucille-library​​​ ) if you’d like to be notified of story updates! :)
This entire series is available over on Patreon for as little as $2 a month!
- - -
Chapter One 
Chapter Two
Chapter Three 
Chapter Four
Chapter Five 
Chapter Six
Chapter Seven 
Chapter Eight
Chapter Nine
Chapter Ten
Chapter Eleven 
Chapter Twelve
Chapter Thirteen
Chapter Fourteen
Chapter Fifteen (FIN)
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writethelifeyouwant · 3 years
RPF Masterlist
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A Helping Hand 🍆🌓 |Alpha!Jensen x Omega!Jared x Anonymous!Fem!Omega| 1.9k
Captive 🍆🌓| Jared / J2 | 2.3k
Cry No More 🙃🌗🍆| Jensen x Chris Kane / younger!Jensen x older!Jared | WIP Mini Series
Forbidden Fantasy 🍆🌑🙈 | J2 / Jared x Violet | 1.2k
Not The Only One 🍆🙃| Jenneel/J2/Jared x Jensen x Danneel | 5.5k
Nothing On But The Radio 💥🍆 |Jared x Jensen| 2.7k
Pinky Promise 🍆🌓| Jensen Ackles x Karl Urban| 3.6k
Riled Up 🙃🌗🍆|Jared x Jensen| WIP
You Got Iced 🍆|Jensen x Reader x Jared| 14.5k
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Bareback 🍆|Jared x Violet | 4k
Everything's Bigger in Texas 💥🍆 |Jared x Reader| 3.5k
Lose It 🍆🌓| Jared x Violet | 3.1k
Runaway ☁️🙃🍆|Jared x Reader| 90k
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Bad Reputation 🍆🌑 | Jenneel x Yaz (OFC) | Mini Series
Coincidence? 🍆|Jensen x Reader| 950
Instinct 🍆|Alpha!Jensen x Omega!Reader| 3.2k
Mine 🍆🙃|Alpha!Jensen x Omega!Reader| 2.5k
Shadows - taken over by new author! Visit @synmorite for more 🥰
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Femme Fatale 🍆|sub!Alex x domme!Reader| 6.5k
Not done yet 🍆🌓|J2 x Alex| 1k
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Desperate Measures 🙃🌗🍆 | JDM x Jared (background J2) | 1.8k
Serious 🙃🌗🍆 | Past JDM x Ty Olsson / Jensen x Ty / JDM x Jensen| ~10k
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Bad Reputation 🍆🌑 | Jenneel x Yaz (OFC) | Mini Series
Not The Only One 🍆🙃| Jenneel/J2/Jared x Jensen x Danneel | 5.5k
Red 🍆| Danneel x Reader | 4.5k
Emoji Key:
🍆 smut
🌑/ 🌓 dark/kinda dark
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jayankles · 4 years
So this blog has basically become a multifandom blog. Just because I could be bothered to post on my other one. Whoop whoop. Anywho...
I will make an official post maybe if I get round to it, because I'm on my phone right now when I should be sleeping... right...
If there are characters you like but are not on the list just shoot me an ask i ve probably just forgotten them.
I will be opening requests for the following people;
All x fem!reader or ofc
Supernatural; Dean/Jensen, Sam/Jared, Jack/Alex, Gadreel, Donna, Ruby 2.0/Gen, Anael/Danneel
Open to Poly/Ships: with jenneel, jarevieve, jenevieve, genneel, winchester bros no wincest, j2
Marvel: Ben Barnes/Billy Russo, Frank Castle, Matt Murdock, T'Challa, Sam Wilson, thor odinson/Chris Hemsworth, MJ, peter Parker/Tom Holland, scott lang, Steve rogers/Chris Evans, bucky Barnes/Sebastian, Claire temple, misty Knight, luke cage, Carol danvers, brunnhilde, wanda maximoff, pietro maximoff
Dc: kara danvers, mick Rory, Ray palmer, Barry Allen, Adrian chase/josh segarra, charlie(amara)
Ouat: killian jones, jefferson, Regina, David, Robin Hood, Prince Eric
Wwe: finn balor, seth rollins, drew mcintyre,
Lucifer/tom Ellis, mazikeen,
on my block - Oscar Diaz open to Mario and Ruby Martinez
B99 - rosa Diaz, jake peralta
H50 - steve mcgarrett, Danny Williams
Thomas magnum
Jim halpert
Massimo Torricelli
Gary 'Eggsy' Unwin
I am pretty sure I'm forgetting some amazing characters but there are enough to hold you over
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winchest09 · 4 years
The Bunker Party - Debrief
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Hey everyone!
Our bunker party was an absolute blast. It was one filled with laughter, smiles and support and it warms my heart to see so many of your faces each time we do this. This party went in many different ways from fanfiction to urban dictionary - to seeing some of the SPN family’s best dance moves. It was a TREAT. 
6 and a half hours we were talking…SIX AND A HALF and again, I loved every single second. It was so nice to see so many gorgeous faces, and I’m so happy that so many of you joined us! The support from you guys for each other, the love in this fandom; I can’t express how much I adore it.
Me and @katehuntington​​​​ love holding these events and we are already planning the next live stream (date to be announced) but it will be in July. 
This is the lowdown for the The Bunker Party! Sorry it’s a little late, I’ve been ill! 
Below you will find:
Everyone who joined - their tags, what’s coming up fic wise and their masterlist.
A Challenge to join 
Blogs who want to help with your writing
Alpha? Beta? Omega?
Want a link breaker?
Fic & blog recs
So without further ado… *cracks fingers*
To everyone that joined…
You are the guys that make it the live stream what it is.  So below is a list of everyone who was on the chat last night accompanied by their masterlist and what they have coming up soon! In no particular order…
@katehuntington​​​: Kate is currently working on the next instalment of Ride With Me and All I Want. She’s been teasing us with little ideas that keep popping into her head too...
Her masterlist can be found HERE
@flamencodiva​​​: This babe is currently working on a multitude of things and we are super excited to see them come out. We have her brand new fiction ‘What could have been’ as well as Call of the Ocean and many others! 
Check out her masterlist HERE
@whatareyousearchingfordean​​​: Alex is currently writing the epilogue to her Jensen fiction Et Cetera AND she has decided her next fiction!
Firefighter Dean x OFC Marina. From what we’ve already heard…it sounds amazing! I won’t give away any plot points that we were told just yet but it’s one to be put on your watch list! 
Her masterlist can be found HERE
@superfanficnatural​​​:  This babe is currently working on the next chapters of The Bringer of balance as well as the next chapters of The Choice! Also still thinking about his knight of hell x demon dean fic which just sounds so good.
We’re living for it!
Go and give him some love, his masterlist can be found HERE
@emoryhemsworth​​​: This beaut has broken her lil hiatus and posted the sequel to Because of You. Piece by Piece is amazing and if you haven’t read it yet, i suggest you check it out. She’s also writing her first chapter of her series idea. 
Check our her masterlist HERE:
@malfoysqueen14​​​: This lovely lady is new to the Supernatural fandom and is trying her hand at writing fanfiction! Her first fic “White Flag” is Dean x OFC and it’s going in a very interesting direction! Worth a read!
She hasn’t yet got a masterlist but you can check out White Flag HERE
@waywardbeanie​​: This absolute gem of a woman has JUST posted her very first fanfiction and it’s an absolute DIAMOND. Dean. Letters. Fluff. Smut. It’s gonna tick all them boxes and it’s a must read!
You can find her masterlist HERE
@janicho88​​: This lovely lady has written some lovely stories already and has a few things on her list that are definitely worth a read! 
You can find her masterlist HERE
@soaringeag1e​​: This lovely lady has a lovely full masterlist of things for you to dig your teeth into! There are series, oneshots for Jensen, Dean, Jared, Sam, Misha, Castiel...
You can find her masterlist HERE
@smol-and-grumpy​​: Nat has such a juicy masterlist. We were thrilled she joined us on the chat. From Dear Dean to Light My Fire, you will find series that will make you smile, make you cry and will make you want to cool yourself down because they are that smuttastic. 
You can find her masterlist HERE
@manawhaat​​: This babe joined us for the first time this time and we loved having her! Below you can find her humongous masterlist of goodies for your reading pleasure. Her most recent works being an A/B/O oneshot called “Howl”
You can find her masterlist HERE
@crashdevlin​​: Another lovely new face this time to our chat and we are all enjoyed having you there! This babe is another writer with a very large expanding fic list. If you haven’t read any of her work yet, hop on to it! 
You can find her masterlist HERE
@jensengirl83​​: She is new to the chat this week and new to the spn world of writing. Yet she’s already got a few fics under her belt! Fancy checking them out?
You can find her masterlist HERE 
Me: I’m currently working on two series, Life for Rent and Man’s Best Friend! I also have a couple of Dean series being worked on in the background as well as a couple of oneshots…I have already posted two. One being called Pay Attention and the other called Wet Enough. 
My masterlist can be found HERE:
To the new writers/readers…
Remember guys - we’re all here to love and support you! My inbox is always open if you want to talk fics, want me to look over one etc.
@peaches007​​ @cherry3point14​​ and the few nonnies we had!
We love you, we thank you for reading and we thank you for all the support and love you give us constantly. Thank you for joining the chat and we hope you had an amazing time <3
Go and follow and give them some love!
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Ohhhh yes! 
We have two of them for you too! 
Firstly, the darling @flamencodiva​​​​ is holding a celebration in regards to reaching 1700 followers!
Not only is she hosting a character take over on her blog she’s also posted a writing challenge for all us writers out there! This challenge is still ongoing!
Check it out HERE
Secondly, the wonderful @deanwanddamons​​ & @impala-dreamer​​ are holding a joint challenge. The “I Do Understand That Reference” Challenge. 
Fancy guiding Sam, Dean or Cas through another French Mistake type event? Take a look at the movie list and get yourself signed up!
Check it out HERE
Need Help with your fic?
We’ve got you covered!
Need to has out a plot with someone?
The lovely @malfoysqueen14​​​ has offered herself up to be a plot buddy to anyone that needs it. Stuck on a plot point, want to talk through a story line with someone? Give her a message! She’s here to help <3
Need help with research for a fiction?
The most wonderful @waywardbeanie​​​​ has offered herself up to be a researcher for anyone who wants help with their fiction. She has been a die hard SPN fan forever and she’s like the Ellen of our live stream.
Need a researching buddy? Give her a message! She’s a doll <3
Alpha? Beta? Omega? 
On this livestream, the topic of A/B/O was brought up and we did discuss it in length and detail about what was involved. Now this may not be a genre for everyone and that is absolutely fine.
However for those that are interested in exploring this genre of fanfiction, we highly recommend you check out @kittenofdoomage​​‘s A/B/O universe HERE.
She’s broke it down and has gone into detail to explain it for those that wish to read and/or write it. 
We hope it helps! 
Fancy yourself a Supernatural Line Breaker? 
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We got you! 
Our fabulously talented @talesmaniac89​​ has drawn up so MANY supernatural themed line breakers for your free usage! 
She has two posts full already!
Check them out HERE and HERE
Give them a like, a reblog and please THANK HER if you use her work. She’s a good egg <3 
Fic & blog Recs!
In our live stream, we want to highlight what we’ve been reading and the amazing authors behind the words. So below is a list of all the fics that we recommend for some good ol fic binging!
Fic Recs
That Day Again by @jensengirl83​​
Summary: Dean tries to comfort the reader. 
Happily Ever Eventually by @crashdevlin​​ Summary:  Reader begins working on Supernatural. She makes fast friends with J2 and after months of flirting becomes something more to Jensen, whose wife is not usually the jealous type. When she gets a small part in a MCU anthology, she meets Tom Hiddleston and things get more complicated.
Fool For Love by @crashdevlin​​
Summary:  Y/n is an omega whose world was flipped upside down when she presented late. She was practically a hermit for years, only going out to socialize once a week. When the Winchester brothers walked into her life, it flipped her world again…but not really right-side up.
Stay by @evansrogerskitten​​
Summary:  Dean is the future Alpha of the Winchester pack, a wolf/human hybrid race that has roamed their land since the first howl under the moon. Dean is the ideal Alpha; strong, smart, and brave. There’s just one thing missing in his life - his future Second, the Omega he’s yet to find. Life for Rent by @winchest09​​
Summary:  Y/N can be anyone for a price. Her life is ruled by contracts, men and money. It’s all she knows; countless identities, seedy clients, and strict regulations. She has to obey the rules, but her past is full of secrets and her future is resting in the wrong hands. But will her next client be the same as the rest?
Et Cetera by @whatareyousearchingfordean​​
Summary: Jared’s younger sister agreed to help out for a few months when one of Supernatural’s makeup artists takes her maternity leave. Trying to juggle her new job and her burgeoning brand, she turns to Jensen for comfort. Can their relationships survive Jared finding out that his best friend slept with his baby sister? Ride With Me by @katehuntington​​
Summary:  Alternate Universe (AU) in which the reader is a horse rider who goes to a ranch in Arizona, owned by Bobby and Ellen Singer. She’s there to gain work experience, but then she meets wrangler Dean Winchester. A heartwarming series about a cowboy who falls for the girl, letting go of the past and the importance of family.
PHEW! I definitely think we have enough fics on here to last us for a few days if not weeks!…don’t you? ;) Please guys don’t forget to give these writers some love when reading their fics, comments, reblogs, asks. It means the world.
I think that’s it!
Thank you so much once again to everyone who joined the chat, we had 6 hours of laughs and i cannot wait to do it again. I’d appreciate it if you could share this to spread the love of the fics and authors on here!
Keep an eye out for the next date for our next livestream! It will be in a couple of weeks, date to be announced. If you guys have any idea’s or want something included, let us know. If you want to be tagged when we announce, let us know!
See you next time!
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