#jack campbell imagine
voidvannie · 5 months
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🖇🦋 ꒱ 𝐰𝐞𝐥𝐜𝐨𝐦𝐞 𝐭𝐨 𝐚𝐝𝐨𝐫𝐞 𝐲𝐨𝐮 !
𝐚𝐝𝐨𝐫𝐞 𝐲𝐨𝐮 𝐦𝐚𝐬𝐭𝐞𝐫𝐥𝐢𝐬𝐭 𝐦𝐚𝐢𝐧 𝐦𝐚𝐬𝐭𝐞𝐫𝐥𝐢𝐬𝐭
𝐩𝐚𝐫𝐭 𝐭𝐰𝐨
𝐢𝐧 𝐰𝐡𝐢𝐜𝐡 。。。。 luke overhears a conversation between jack and emersyn that he shouldn’t have been listening to, and it ends in rejection, embarrassment and the end of emersyn staying at the lake house.
ੈ✩ ━ ❪ feel free to send an any request of things you want to see in this series, or if you just want to share some thoughts about what your read! i would love that! ❫
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July 9, 2013
"I don’t wanna tell him!” Luke stops as the hushed voiced of Emersyn and Jack through the locked door of Jack’s bedroom.
"Why not?! This could be a good thing, and you could end up being my sister in the far future!” The youngest of the Hughes clan tilts his head to the side, face scrunched up in confusion as he walks closer to the door to hear better.
“No, Jack. Quinn is never going to know about my crush on him.”
“Alright! Fine! Your secret is safe with me.”
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Hours later, Jack and Emersyn had joined their brother’s and the boys friends and everyone had begin to notice how weird Luke was being.
“Luke!” Jack snaps over at his little brother, who was shaking the entire table they were all sat at, a deck of cards passed around all of them.
“Stop shaking the tab—,”
"Emmie has a crush on Quinn!”
Everything falls silent as Emersyn sits frozen in her spot, everyone looking between the girl and the oldest brother.
“Awe, Quinn!”
“The baby has a crush on you!”
Emerysn can feel the tears weld up in her eyes as Quinn’s friends started to tease her.
“Emmie, I don’t like you like that.” Quinn laughed in her direction. “I — Your like my sister. I would never like you as more than that.”
“Em, I’m sorry.” Luke frowns as she stands up and quickly rushes out of the room.
“Nice going, idiot.” Jack scoffed, rushing after his best friend, “Emmie! Emersyn!”
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June 8, 2014
“What?!” Jack stares at his mom in disbelief as Luke and Quinn follow their dad into the lake house.
“What’s going on?” Quinn frowned at the upset look on his brothers face.
“This is your fault!” Jack spins around to look at his younger brother.
“What’s going on?” Jim looks at his wife for the answer to his and his son’s question.
“Clair just called, she says that Emmie decided she was going to California for the summer instead of joining us all here.” Ellen said, “She’s gonna spend the summer with her cousins.”
“If Luke wouldn’t have opened his big mouth last summer and Quinn wasn’t scared to admit that he liked her, then Emmie would be here!” Jack stomped up the stairs and slamming the door to his room shut.
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June 10, 2015
“I’m sorry, Jack.” Emersyn frowns as she sits in the airport with her phone pressed against her ear. “I’m gonna spend another summer in Cali.”
“What? Emmie…is this about—,”
“Yeah.” She sighs, “I can avoid him at school, and around our houses, but I can’t avoid him for three months without thinking about him rejecting my feelings for him. Even if it did happen two years ago.”
It’s Jacks turn to sigh, “No, I get it. At least keep me updated. And promise that you’ll call and text me.”
“I will.”
"Love you, Jackie.”
“Love you, Emmie.”
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June 4, 2017
“Have you heard from Emersyn?” Quinn leaned against Jack’s door in the lake house, arms crossed over his chest, “Is she coming this year?”
Jack scoffed, “No. She’s going back to Cali, again. Where she’s been going for the last couple of years.”
“Is she—,”
“No, okay. Don’t. This is your fault and Luke’s.” Jack tells his older brother.
“How is this our faults?”
“Because! It’s Luke’s fault for listening to something that didn’t concern him, and telling you about it! And it’s your fault because you embarrassed her in front of all of your little friends you had over! And you know what? I wouldn’t blame her if she didn’t step another foot in this lake house.”
“Maybe I can call her—,”
“Don’t bother.” Jack mumbles as he brushed by him, “She changed her number a year ago.”
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June 22, 2017
“Wait, Emmie’s calling me.” Jack pulls his phone out as he sits around a fire pit with a few friends, putting the phone on speaker. “Hey, Emmie!”
“Jack! You will never fucking believe what just happened the other night!” Emersyn’s excited squeal filled the night air.
Jack laughed at her excitement, “By the sound of it, something crazy happened.”
“Yes! So, Ava and some of her friends took me to this karaoke bar that lets teens in ever now and then, and of course they forced me to get up and sing—.”
“As they should have.” Jack cuts her off, “You have the voice of a fucking angel!”
“Thank you! Anyway, so as we’re walking out, I bump into someone and it’s Justin fucking Bieber!” Another squeal leaves her lips, “He goes on about how he’s just walking and head me singing so he had to walk on and check out it. Then he tells me that he wants to sigh me to his label!”
“But, because I’m only 17, I had to call mom and dad! then yesterday, I called Justin and he automatically signed me to his label!”
“Emmie! That’s amazing!” Jack is smiling so hard his face begins to hurt.
“But that means that I gotta move to California.”
The smile slowly begins to face from Jack’s face before he stands up, taking the phone off of speaker and walks towards the lake house, his voice fading as he talked, “What do you mean you’re moving to California?!”
Quinn stares out at the burning flames in the fire pit, a frown on his face and an unfamiliar feeling of dread deep in his stomach as his brother’s words circled around in his head.
Was Emersyn really going to move to California?
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June 29, 2017
“Do you have everything that you’re taking with you?” Jack sits on the end of Emersyn’s bed as he looks around at the near empty room.
“Yeah, I think so.” The brunette nodded plopped down next to him, laying her head on his shoulder, “It’s weird.”
“Yeah, this is the only place I’ve known since I was eight. Now I’m moving out to California.” She sighs, “We haven’t been apart since I started going to California.”
“We’ll have FaceTime, text. And when I’m drafted for hockey, wherever I go, then we can fly to each other.” Jack smiles as he looks at the wall ahead of him. “Are you gonna say goodbye to Luke and Quinn?”
“Luke, yes. Quinn….I don’t know.” Emersyn frowned. “I’m not embarrassed anymore that he rejected me in front of his friends, I think I’m more hurt over the fact that I’ve been in love with him since before I even knew what love was. And he laughed and brushed it away as if it meant absolutely nothing to him.”
“Emmie, everyone can see that Quinn looks at you more then just a sister. Even then, but he’s been quieter since you stopped coming to the lake house. I think you should say bye to him.”
She never did.
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krtsvig · 8 months
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shallowseeker · 11 months
Moment of silence for Mary Campbell Winchester when, stranded on a completely 'nother Earth, the man she shot in the fuckin' head comes striding down the gravel path towards hers and Jack's rebel encampment.
And then, another moment of silence when she realizes that it's not an AU Ketch. It's OG Ketch.
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yourmomxx · 2 years
m.m.: please tell me you didn't drag hughie into this
butcher: i did not drag hughie into this
*banging on the door*
m.m., eyes wide: who's that?
butcher, trying to keep the door shut: i think you know
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bowieandqueen11 · 2 years
Dating Hughie Campbell Would Include...
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Request: Hello Cee! Would it be okay to please request some headcanons about dating Hughie Campbell, please? Thank you so much for your beautiful writing <3
Hello my darling, of course you can! Hughie’s nervous energy is literally me lmaooo he’s so chaotic
Warning slightly NSFW, and some swearing!
(I do not own the Boys or its characters, all rights go to creators. Gif credit goes to @therealhughiecampbell.)
Hughie... my wet towel poor meow bundle of chaotic and nervous energy, dear lord you just need someone to give you a big warm hug my man but also just shake you around a bit I love you so much.
Dates out on park benches around the city (I mean, mainly to get away from Butcher and his complaining at least for a couple of hours.) He’s so cute, he always brings a little lunchbox in his satchel bag, with immaculately cut down the middle peanut butter and jelly sandwiches in them. He always sits thigh to thigh with you, and you can feel the embarrassed heat radiate off him every time your hand brushes against his and he twitches. Looking out over the rolling hills and mellow city top in the hazy afternoon, the two of you share the food - but he always ends up hand feeding you his half, giggling as you turn and try to bite his fingers as they rest against your lips.
The two of you ignore the concerned looks you get from passer-by's when, on the way back, you jump on him and the two of you roll onto the grass. He cradles your head, making sure you’re not hurt as he lands on his back, and you on top of his chest. He just giggles, spreading his fingers over your cheeks and cradling your face as you lie on top of him, pressing a thousand kisses over your cheeks and nose. He only stops for a minute when he stops Butcher watching the two of you from behind a nearby bush, and he yells at him to get lost. 
The two of you go out bowling a lot, mainly because he uses it as an excuse to lay some heavy PDA on you without anyone in the safe house coming between you. Every time you’re up at the alley, focusing only on your bowling ball and the pins, he always gives himself away by the sound of his squeaky shoes running up behind you. He tries to win by distracting you, wrapping his arms around your waist and heaving you up into the air, spinning you around tightly against his chest. At the same time, he can’t help but want you to do well, so he agrees a sort of challenge with you. Every time you manage to get a strike, or a spare, he’ll happily jump up from the row of sticky seats and rush up to arch his back towards you and eclipse you with a sentimental kiss to your lips.
He’s really, really into absolutely awful corny jokes. ‘Are you related to Frenchie? Because, Y/n... Eiffel for you so quickly. I know, I know I regret it already... nah, actually, that was great I have no regrets.’
Although he’ll get flustered as heck, and honestly really annoyed if Frenchie keeps making kissy noises at him for weeks afterwards, he loves having soft little make out sessions at the safe house. Sometimes he just needs to get out of the mess of his head, and to ground himself in something he knows is real, is true, is the best thing he knows he’ll ever has. As soon as the two of you get back in from a hairy Supe fight, he’s so desperate to just feel you that your feet are moving back to the hallway wall before you can even blink. Although his hands are currently resting against the back of your neck, curled against your skin like a vice to keep you against his plush and needy lips, he flips the two of you so he hits the wall instead of you. His hands eventually dance their way down your shoulders, gracing down your sides until they fist into the meat of your hips, and a guttural, breathless groan looses itself into your mouth. 
Eventually the two of you end up tripping down the few stairs and collapsing down against the cracked cushion of the sofa. He’s pulling against the back of your thighs, gently, until you’re sitting with your knees pressed tightly into his abdomen, and your feet resting on his knees. Every time you try to pull away to breathe, he shuts his eyes in bliss and whimpers, arching his back up and chasing your lips until he can feel your teeth stretch his bottom lip. It’s so cute, the little squeaky moans every time he can feel your stomach press against the buttons of his shirt, or your legs slip down between his waist - a strangled cry somewhere between ruination and euphoria.
When the tension finally becomes too much, and he eventually has to try and unlatch his lips from where they’re currently slid between your top lip before he bursts, he’ll pull back and just keep whispering ‘I love you. I love you so much’, over and over again. He brushes the hair back from your eyes with his left thumb, his cold fingers splaying over your cheek as he pulls your head down to rest against his forehead.
‘aHEM. Daddy’s home, you dirty dogs.’
‘Jeez, Butcher, a little warning next time.’
‘There’s only one room in this place you daft cunt, the ‘eck else am I supposed to go?’
He drives Billy absolutely around the bend, because he’ll be trying to force Hughie to go scope out some Supe riddled festival, and the man will be too busy twirling his hair and kicking his feet on the sofa because he’s talking to you on the phone lmao. You’ve only been out for about forty five minutes, and eventually Butcher just rolls his eyes and drags Hughie up and out the door by the collar. Even while he’s driving in the van, Hughie seems suspiciously quiet while he’s trying to talk to him, so he’s less than surprised when he peers through the rear-view mirror and sees him hunched up, texting fervently.
One time you fell asleep on Hughie’s shoulder while Butcher was driving the five of you back home in Frenchie’s new van. You woke up a couple of hours later, still in the back of the vehicle. Hughie hasn’t slept a wink; he’s just sitting there, trying not to breath too heavily and stay stock still, but he has managed to shuffle his jacket down his shoulders and clumsily laid it over your torso. He’s just humming a bit of ‘Uptown Girl’ to himself, glancing down at you from time to time to check he hasn’t woken you up, with all the love in the world beaming out of his swirling eyes, and his heart-breaking grin (as well as a sweaty ass forehead from how blooming hot it is). When he begins to see you blink awake, the first thing he wants you to do is laugh, so he bends down and flutters his nose against the pulse point on your neck like a lovestruck puppy.
During intense group meetings with the other Boys, the poor man gets so nervous about some of Butcher’s plans that the only way you can get him to calm down and stop a panic attack coming on is to give him your hands. Although he’s staring straight ahead at the wall; his eyebrows are furrowed, breath uneven and ragged, and eyes wide and terrified, he grips onto your fingers like a lifeline. After a sharp gasp, he manages to entangle your fingers within his slender ones and press them just above his heart, throwing you a dorky smile to let you both know that he’s alright, and how thankful he is for you.
Speaking of, as soon as you come back home from being out literally anywhere dangerous, he immediately seeks you out. He can’t calm down and settle himself until he knows you’re safe, so expect him to to run and crash into you in a bug hug until you’re completely squeezed out.
He’s SUPER protective though, when needs come to must. If any of the Seven comes in a hundred mile radius of you, he’s grabbed your arm and thrown you behind his back so he can take any and all of the incoming damage. My man would give his life up over and over for you if it came to that, because without you, he would die. You have saved his life every day, and without you, he knows Hughie Campbell would no longer exist. He would be lost to the darkness and the hatred, and so he’s prepared to give himself up to and for you whenever the chance arises.
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miszswan · 2 years
People you know - i.
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warnings: mentions of sex, pregnancy, toxic relationships
Amiria Imogen Maiah Campbell was absolutely done.
Going onto stage to accept an award she’d been pushing for since she was a little girl.
Styled to perfection from head to toe the dress layered in lace covering the little girl her on the way she holds the heavy sculpted glass in her hands as she tries to remember the acceptance speech her manager Hailey begged her to do because she knew that Amiria would win.
After hugging the woman who handed her the award and whispered a congratulations, she peers into the crowd of people applauding her looking for a particular smile or smirk.
When she notices her recently estranged best friend who wears a proud smile and lets a few tears slip out her eyes, a familiar head of long curls sitting beside his manager who both grew to become her closest confidants. Her co-stars that have been with her since her debut and the ones she met recently.
But not him.
Where is he?
Where is Jack?
He promised to be here today.
He promised.
He’s probably around here somewhere.
Her eyes search the audience who have decided to stand up to continue clapping because that’s how raw and amazing her performance was. She checks the back doors but her eyes peer back to the previously mentioned duo and sees the empty chair.
But then again he never keeps his promises.
She always keeps hers.
Why couldn’t he do the same?
Why could he never do the same?
That was her last straw.
She gave her speech while holding back a couple tears or joy and despair before going off stage.
After the after party and the meaningful banters she shared with her peers the trio headed back to the rented house they had been staying at for the last week.
After saying goodnight to the duo she never expected to even attend this award ceremony she heads back to her room she shares with him.
He wasn’t there…just as expected.
She changes out of the dress and makes a mental note to return it to her stylist tomorrow, into a pair of sweatpants and one of her fathers old shirts from the 80s she stole from him last time she was in Bunbury and her matching Ice Age slippers and heads to the kitchen.
She makes herself a bowl of broccoli and grapes with whipped cream and salt sprinkled on the top. She takes a spoon and sits on the bar stool and starts scrolling through Instagram.
Just as she’s about to finish her bowl she hears his voice. She takes a few deep breaths as she grips her spoon.
He opens the door and sees her.
“Hey baby.” He greets as he closes the door and walks towards her. “How was your night?
She doesn’t look up to greet or answer his question, instead she eats another spoonful and continues to scroll through Instagram. She could smell the smoke and weed despite how far she was from him.
He knew that she could hear him and the fact that she was purposely ignoring him made him scoff. “I really don’t have energy to deal with your bull shit today so come up to bed when your done eating your cravings.”
Amiria chuckles as she swallows. “I won today.” She puts another spoonful into her mouth.
“Won what?”
“Urban and Neelam were there…why weren’t you?” She asks as she looks up at him for the first time since he got back.
His blue eyes meet dark brown ones and he immediately knew that she screwed up.
“Oh shit! That ceremony was today?”
Her breath hitches as she feels herself become angrier. “Yeah, Jack. It was.”
“I completely forgot I’m so sorry.”
“You see that’s how I know you’re not being serious. How could you have forgotten? Please tell me because the second I left you texted me saying that you’ll be coming with Neelam and Urban.”
“Yeah but-“
“But what, Jackman? You just forgot? Or you just decided to not show up to the biggest moment of my career! And how the hell did you just forget! Last I checked the whole of Private Garden wished me luck. Druski called you to give me the phone and wish me good luck before my stylists came! You just forgot?”
“Don’t act like you haven’t missed some of my shows too!”
“I missed them because I was doing my job! Not because I went out to smoke with my friends. I didn’t ‘forget’ or decide to not care at all!”
At this point they were both on their feet, a few metres apart. “You are so lucky that I’m exhausted. I’ll deal with you in the morning.”
“You mean I’m lucky that I’m pregnant or else you would’ve fucked me to put me in my places. Not make love, fucked.” He stops at the stairs and turns to face her. “You’re pathetic.”
“Says the one who got pregnant because they forgot their birth control and decided to not get the IUD I suggested.”
Neelam and Urban had heard the couple arguing and had come to the stairwell to see what was happening for themselves but something about this fight felt different.
“I didn’t want that thing inside me. Besides the only reason you wanted me to get that is so that you could fuck me however you wanted to without getting me pregnant. Well to bad Jackman! You decided to not wear a condom, did it in me and I forgot birth control! That’s how babies are made!”
Now he’s towering over her and wants to say something that will probably shatter every ounce of hope in her eyes but this time, for the first time she wasn’t going to let him speak.
“You’re just pissed that for the first time in this relationship something didn’t go your way.” She says as she starts poking his chest. “Because this relationship has always been about you.”
“Should we separate them?” Urban whispers to Neelam.
“No she needs to do this.”
“The sex, has been about you. Where I go, has been about you! What I post has been about you! Who I spend time with! I’ve barely had time outside of filming to spend time with any of my co-stars because you know if any of them could be better for me and the moment you realise what they’re doing the growing parasite inside you that’s called jealousy takes over and you just drag me away!”
“No one. Can do you like I do, Amira.”
Him using the familiar nickname somehow made the pregnant woman fume even more. “Anyone can do me and treat me better. No one would make me keep our relationship a secret from the public for three fucking years, no one else would ever let girls get all over him even though we’re together. No one else would manipulate me or gaslight me the way you have.”
“For the love of- I’m sorry for missing one stupid event!”
Amiria gulps to push the tears down. “That win was one of the biggest of my career and was something I’ve been wanting since I was ten! That ceremony was everything to me! Everything! And you couldn’t not be selfish for one damn day and do this for me?” her voice cracks at the end. “But when it comes to you, you expect me to drop everything to make it to some concert or other bullshit!”
She lets out a laugh before wiping her tears away and takes a few steps away from him. “We are so screwed. How are we supposed to raise a whole ass kid when we fight almost every other week?”
“You think I want a kid right now? You think I want to raise that thing right now?” He exclaims not caring if the next bit will hurt her or not.
Amiria expects him to add on something about him not being ready for kids but instead she’s greeted with something that made her snap. “What are people going to think when they hear Jack Harlow knocked up some girl and has a whole ass child too? I have a reputation to uphold.”
Urban and Neelam swear they just saw her heart shatter in her eyes. As her lips tremble she places her hand on the small growing bump and mumbles an apology to her future child.
What she was going to do next would be best for her and her baby.
Jack knew he silenced her when he doesn’t hear another snarky comment come out her mouth. “I’ll see you in our room.”
“I’ll be gone by the morning.” She says as she wipes away more tears and mascara from her cheeks.
“You’re embarrassing yourself Amiria.” He scoffs as he walks back to her. “You said this a few months ago and a couple weeks before that. Then I wake up the following morning and you’ve made this breakfast buffet but the syrup on the pancakes spells a sweet apology to me. “ he says as he wipes away her tears with his thumb as he cups her face, before forcefully pulling her closer. “Which is exactly what I expect after this stunt you just pulled.”
“Fuck you Jackman.”
“I’d be down, if you weren’t pregnant.” He says bitterly making Amiria scoff.
She slaps his hand of her face before storming off into the guest room downstairs, slamming the door behind her
Neelam and Urban this as their cue to come out of their hiding spot.
“Dude, you really screwed up this time.” Urban says gaining his attention.
“We’ll be fine. This always happens.”
“Doesn’t mean it’s right Jack.” Neelam scolds making Jack role his eyes. “You two agreed to raise the baby together.”
“I was just being honest with her.”
“That wasn’t you being honest with her, that was you being an asshole.” The woman corrects him before heading back up the stairs. “She’s going to snap one day Jack and you won’t be able to get her back.”
Surprisingly, Jack took his managers words to heart. He stayed up really late hoping to see his girl join him so he could apologise to her.
When he finally fell asleep and woke up he realised she never came.
Once he’s dressed in a random tank top and sweat pants he heads downstairs to find Urban and Neelam scrambling around the kitchen.
“What’s going on?” He asks the two.
“Amiria’s gone Jack.” Urban tells him as he checks the other rooms.
“She probably just went out.”
“All her luggage, scripts she’s been working on, hell the award she won last night it’s gone.” Neelam explains as she gets her phone and tries to call her. “She isn’t picking up.”
Jack then remembers that he knew how to see her location. They put it in place when Amiria started picking up more roles which caused them to be separated a lot.
“What the fuck?” Jack says as he looks at his phone.
“She’s at the airport.” Jack responds to Neelam when he sees LAX come up on his screen.
“She’s really leaving, isn’t she?” Urban sighs as he pinches the bridge of his nose.
Just as Neelam is about to say something else, her phone starts ringing. Her eyes widening as she reads the name.
“Hey Nells. I’m sorry and tell Urb too, but I really need to get away from Jack.” She explains to her.
“Are you okay?” Urban asks, joining the conversation.
“I’m fine, Urban I promise.”
“Baby please come back.” Jack pleads with concern laced in his voice.
For a second Amiria considers turning around on her walk towards her boarding gate but then she remembers everything that’s happened over the past year and a half and the though vanishes from her mind.
“I’m not doing this again. Not to myself or too my child Jack.”
Before Jack can respond they all hear the announcement coming from her end. “This is the final boarding call for passenger Davie O’Connor booked on flight 78B to Bunbury. Please proceed to gate 5 immediately. The final checks are being completed and the captain will order for the doors of the aircraft to close in approximately five minutes time. I repeat. This is the final boarding call for Davie O’Connor.”
“Amiria please don’t do this. I promise to better for both of you.” He begs, Urban could practically feel a piece of his best friend being ripped apart with a single phone call. “Please come back.”
She sniffs as she feels tears form in her eyes, she gets closer to the gate. “I’ll never understand why I let my life get dictated by your but I do know that this is best for all of us.” Amiria explains as she gets closer to the boarding gate, her hand luggage gripped in her left hand. “So don’t try and manipulate me with your fake apologetic bullshit. I’m done with you and I’m done with us. We’re done Jack, I’m no longer your problem or anyone else’s.”
She finishes her sentence just as she reaches her seat. “Thanks for trying guys but this was bound to happen.”
It was in this moment that Jackman Thomas Harlow realised he lost the best thing that ever happened to him. She really wasn't coming back this time
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Sooo that was part 1
There will be a big time jump coming y’all so prepare yourselves
Go check out the meet amiria page to learn more about her 🫶🏾
Anywhoo hope y’all enjoyed
*let me know if you want to be added*
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bebx · 9 months
Fandoms: Stranger Things (TV 2016), Pirates of the Caribbean (Movies)
Relationship: Henry Creel & Jack Sparrow Summary:
Doctor Brenner hires an infamous bounty hunter, Jack Sparrow, to track down Henry after his escape from Hawkins Lab.
Jack will stop at nothing until his mission is complete. That is, however, before he learns what really goes on at the Lab, its unjust brutality and what Henry has gone through. He begins to see Henry as less of a job which he ought to fulfill, and more of a terrified child who he needs to protect.
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tawneybel · 2 years
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Note: Still gotta watch season three. 
Imagine Translucent going over to the electronics store to interrogate Hughie, then noticing you casually giving your coworker “a hand” behind the counter. 
Most people wouldn’t be able to tell by your totally relaxed, nonchalant expression. Or Hughie’s preoccupied one, staring straight at a screen. But to a professional voyeur...
Okay, Translucent could wait a while to kick Hughie’s ass. You’re pretty cute.
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hughiesfavmommy · 1 year
looking for mutuals
hey hi hello, i deleted my old account, im not new to tumblr!!! i also have a dark academia account.
i'll be posting fanfics, mostly nsfw, on here just like i did on my previous account. this page is 18+, youve been warned, proceed with caution and turn away if its not your cup of tea.
what i'll post about: the boys, hp, pedro pascal, bucky barnes / sebastian stan, marauders, and many more. honestly im not planning to set any boundaries on who and what i write about on here so once i open my asks, feel free to send requests about anyone lmao.
my interests: i like to read, draw, paint, music, i can play the guitar and electric keyboard, embroider, and ofc writing <3
i'd love to make new friends on here so hmu if you think we have something in common ^-^
i'll post a more organised version of an about me post later but i need something official pinned on my accounts to soothe my inner perfectionism.
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clevercloudpoetry · 2 years
The Boys writers asked Jack if he wanted Hughie covered in more blood and gore or be absolutely clean. He said clean and they went with the cleanest option i.e. him being naked because of his powers
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blackwoolncrown · 1 year
Reading list for Afro-Herbalism:
A Healing Grove: African Tree Remedies and Rituals for the Body and Spirit by Stephanie Rose Bird
Affrilachia: Poems by Frank X Walker
African American Medicine in Washington, D.C.: Healing the Capital During the Civil War Era by Heather Butts
African American Midwifery in the South: Dialogues of Birth, Race, and Memory by Gertrude Jacinta Fraser
African American Slave Medicine: Herbal and Non-Herbal Treatments by Herbert Covey
African Ethnobotany in the Americas edited by Robert Voeks and John Rashford
Africanisms in the Gullah Dialect by Lorenzo Dow Turner
Africans and Native Americans: The Language of Race and the Evolution of Red-Black Peoples by Jack Forbes
African Medicine: A Complete Guide to Yoruba Healing Science and African Herbal Remedies by Dr. Tariq M. Sawandi, PhD
Afro-Vegan: Farm-Fresh, African, Caribbean, and Southern Flavors Remixed by Bryant Terry
Barracoon: The Story of the Last “Black Cargo” by Zora Neale Hurston
Big Mama’s Back in the Kitchen by Charlene Johnson
Big Mama’s Old Black Pot by Ethel Dixon
Black Belief: Folk Beliefs of Blacks in America and West Africa by Henry H. Mitchell
Black Diamonds, Vol. 1 No. 1 and Vol. 1 Nos. 2–3 edited by Edward J. Cabbell
Black Faces, White Spaces: Reimagining the Relationship of African Americans to the Great Outdoors by Carolyn Finney
Black Food Geographies: Race, Self-Reliance, and Food Access in Washington, D.C. by Ashanté M. Reese
Black Indian Slave Narratives edited by Patrick Minges
Black Magic: Religion and the African American Conjuring Tradition by Yvonne P. Chireau
Black Nature: Four Centuries of African American Nature Poetry edited by Camille T. Dungy
Blacks in Appalachia edited by William Turner and Edward J. Cabbell
Caribbean Vegan: Meat-Free, Egg-Free, Dairy-Free Authentic Island Cuisine for Every Occasion by Taymer Mason
Dreams of Africa in Alabama: The Slave Ship Clotilda and the Story of the Last Africans Brought to America by Sylviane Diouf
Faith, Health, and Healing in African American Life by Emilie Townes and Stephanie Y. Mitchem
Farming While Black: Soul Fire Farm’s Practical Guide to Liberation on the Land by Leah Penniman
Folk Wisdom and Mother Wit: John Lee – An African American Herbal Healer by John Lee and Arvilla Payne-Jackson
Four Seasons of Mojo: An Herbal Guide to Natural Living by Stephanie Rose Bird
Freedom Farmers: Agricultural Resistance and the Black Freedom Movement by Monica White
Fruits of the Harvest: Recipes to Celebrate Kwanzaa and Other Holidays by Eric Copage
George Washington Carver by Tonya Bolden
George Washington Carver: In His Own Words edited by Gary Kremer
God, Dr. Buzzard, and the Bolito Man: A Saltwater Geechee Talks About Life on Sapelo Island, Georgia by Cornelia Bailey
Gone Home: Race and Roots through Appalachia by Karida Brown
Ethno-Botany of the Black Americans by William Ed Grime
Gullah Cuisine: By Land and by Sea by Charlotte Jenkins and William Baldwin
Gullah Culture in America by Emory Shaw Campbell and Wilbur Cross
Gullah/Geechee: Africa’s Seeds in the Winds of the Diaspora-St. Helena’s Serenity by Queen Quet Marquetta Goodwine
High on the Hog: A Culinary Journey from Africa to America by Jessica Harris and Maya Angelou
Homecoming: The Story of African-American Farmers by Charlene Gilbert
Hoodoo Medicine: Gullah Herbal Remedies by Faith Mitchell
Jambalaya: The Natural Woman’s Book of Personal Charms and Practical Rituals by Luisah Teish
Just Medicine: A Cure for Racial Inequality in American Health Care by Dayna Bowen Matthew
Leaves of Green: A Handbook of Herbal Remedies by Maude E. Scott
Like a Weaving: References and Resources on Black Appalachians by Edward J. Cabbell
Listen to Me Good: The Story of an Alabama Midwife by Margaret Charles Smith and Linda Janet Holmes
Making Gullah: A History of Sapelo Islanders, Race, and the American Imagination by Melissa Cooper
Mandy’s Favorite Louisiana Recipes by Natalie V. Scott
Medical Apartheid: The Dark History of Medical Experimentation on Black Americans from Colonial Times to the Present by Harriet Washington
Mojo Workin’: The Old African American Hoodoo System by Katrina Hazzard-Donald
Motherwit: An Alabama Midwife’s Story by Onnie Lee Logan as told to Katherine Clark
My Bag Was Always Packed: The Life and Times of a Virginia Midwife by Claudine Curry Smith and Mildred Hopkins Baker Roberson
My Face Is Black Is True: Callie House and the Struggle for Ex-Slave Reparations by Mary Frances Berry
My Grandmother's Hands: Racialized Trauma and the Pathway to Mending Our Hearts and Bodies by Resmaa Menakem
On Her Own Ground: The Life and Times of Madam C.J. Walker by A'Lelia Bundles
Papa Jim’s Herbal Magic Workbook by Papa Jim
Places for the Spirit: Traditional African American Gardens by Vaughn Sills (Photographer), Hilton Als (Foreword), Lowry Pei (Introduction)
Post Traumatic Slave Syndrome by Dr. Joy DeGruy
Rooted in the Earth: Reclaiming the African American Environmental Heritage by Diane Glave
Rufus Estes’ Good Things to Eat: The First Cookbook by an African-American Chef by Rufus Estes
Secret Doctors: Ethnomedicine of African Americans by Wonda Fontenot
Sex, Sickness, and Slavery: Illness in the Antebellum South by Marli Weiner with Mayzie Hough
Slavery’s Exiles: The Story of the American Maroons by Sylviane Diouf
Soul Food: The Surprising Story of an American Cuisine, One Plate at a Time by Adrian Miller
Spirituality and the Black Helping Tradition in Social Work by Elmer P. Martin Jr. and Joanne Mitchell Martin
Sticks, Stones, Roots & Bones: Hoodoo, Mojo & Conjuring with Herbs by Stephanie Rose Bird
The African-American Heritage Cookbook: Traditional Recipes and Fond Remembrances from Alabama’s Renowned Tuskegee Institute by Carolyn Quick Tillery
The Black Family Reunion Cookbook (Recipes and Food Memories from the National Council of Negro Women) edited by Libby Clark
The Conjure Woman and Other Conjure Tales by Charles Chesnutt
The Home Place: Memoirs of a Colored Man’s Love Affair with Nature by J. Drew Lanham
The Jemima Code: Two Centuries of African American Cookbooks by Toni Tipton-Martin
The President’s Kitchen Cabinet: The Story of the African Americans Who Have Fed Our First Families, from the Washingtons to the Obamas by Adrian Miller
The Taste of Country Cooking: The 30th Anniversary Edition of a Great Classic Southern Cookbook by Edna Lewis
The Tuskegee Syphilis Study: An Insiders’ Account of the Shocking Medical Experiment Conducted by Government Doctors Against African American Men by Fred D. Gray
Trace: Memory, History, Race, and the American Landscape by Lauret E. Savoy
Vegan Soul Kitchen: Fresh, Healthy, and Creative African-American Cuisine by Bryant Terry
Vibration Cooking: Or, The Travel Notes of a Geechee Girl by Vertamae Smart-Grosvenor
Voodoo and Hoodoo: The Craft as Revealed by Traditional Practitioners by Jim Haskins
When Roots Die: Endangered Traditions on the Sea Islands by Patricia Jones-Jackson
Working Conjure: A Guide to Hoodoo Folk Magic by Hoodoo Sen Moise
Working the Roots: Over 400 Years of Traditional African American Healing by Michelle Lee
Wurkn Dem Rootz: Ancestral Hoodoo by Medicine Man
Zora Neale Hurston: Folklore, Memoirs, and Other Writings: Mules and Men, Tell My Horse, Dust Tracks on a Road, Selected Articles by Zora Neale Hurston
The Ways of Herbalism in the African World with Olatokunboh Obasi MSc, RH (webinar via The American Herbalists Guild)
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Destiel Trope Collection | Day 6: Canon Divergent
Ladies | @ididitallofitforyou Rating: General Word Count: 1,130 Main Tags/Warnings: Established Relationship Summary: The ladies in Dean and Cas' life throw them a surprise bachelor party.
Yours Again | @tami-ryver Rating: Teen & Up Word Count: 1,935 Main Tags/Warnings: Alternate Universe - Canon Divergence, Consensual Possession, Castiel Possessing Dean Winchester, Possession, Cursed Castiel (Supernatural), Gabriel is So Done (Supernatural), Castiel's True Form (Supernatural), Angel True Forms (Supernatural), Dean Winchester Has a Crush on Castiel, Wings, Angel Wings, Archangel Gabriel (Supernatural), Angel Castiel (Supernatural), Season/Series 05, Misunderstandings, Angst, Fluff and Angst, Fluff Summary: Dean just waves his hand, but stops when he can almost feel something brushing against his hand. His mouth turns into a wide smile when he realizes he is actually touching Cas' feathers. They are like silk and Dean can imagine himself being wrapped by them, luring him to sleep.
priority | @dcforts Rating: General Word Count: 2,034 Main Tags/Warnings: S15e18 Coda, Castiel's Confession Scene, Alternate Universe - Canon Divergence, Fix-It Summary: The world is empty, he almost lost Cas again. The world is full, Cas loves him.
the edge of the devil's backbone | @cascigarette Rating: Explicit Word Count: 3,008 Main Tags/Warnings: Dean Winchester Bears the Mark of Cain, Demon Dean Winchester, Fallen Angel Castiel, Blood and Violence, Blood Drinking, Canon-Typical Violence, Alternate Universe- Canon Divergence, Rough Sex, Oral Sex, Face-Fucking, Come Swallowing, Anal Sex, Anal Fingering, Rimming, Spit as Lube, Church Sex, Angst, Porn with Feelings, Porn with Plot, Alternate Season 10, Alcohol Abuse/Alcoholism, Top Castiel/Bottom Dean Winchester Summary: The demon burns, burns, burns, and the angel is a moth to the flame. Or: Dean succumbs to the Mark of Cain. Cas follows him. Whenever they cross paths, it's bloodthirsty and violent and addicting. Cas asks him to stop. Neither of them are sure if they want him to.
thank god for bruce campbell's abs | @watchinghimrakeleaves Rating: Teen & Up Word Count: 3,408 Main Tags/Warnings: Human Castiel, Castiel in the Men of Letters Bunker, First Kiss, Love Confessions, Season/Series 09, Alternate Universe - Canon Divergence Summary: Dean decides to expose Cas to horror movies. In the process, he learns some startling things about his best friend.
What the Heart Misses | @thefandomsinhalor Rating: General Word Count: 5,546 Main Tags/Warnings: Canon Divergent, Episode S15E14, Fluff, Sam Winchester Knows, Castiel Does Not Make A Deal With The Shadow, Dean Loves Castiel, Christmas, Gift Exchange Summary: After learning that the Winchesters and Jack celebrated Christmas with Mrs. Butters, Castiel takes the opportunity to give Dean a Christmas present. Which then prompts Dean to reflect on the nature of their bond.
a light in the dark burning brighter | Chi_Yagami (AO3) Rating: Teen & Up Word Count: 6,092 Main Tags/Warnings: finale fix-it, injured Dean Winchester, hurt/comfort, confessions, kid Jack Kline, team free will at the beach, Dean finally gets his little umbrella drink Summary: Three weeks after Castiel is pulled from the Empty, when Dean can finally eat solid food and sit up in bed on his own and complain about being fussed over, Sam asks what they can do to make Dean's recovery a better experience—for everyone, Sam adds. Ducking his head, Dean admits to his brother that he still wants to go to the beach and sip on one of those little umbrella drinks in a coconut.
insi(de an)d outside | @thisisapaige Rating: Mature Word Count: 6,688 Main Tags/Warnings: Castiel as God, Angst, Alternate Season/Series 07, Sexual Tension, Castiel POV Summary: Castiel smiled. His Dean— His defiant, determined Dean— was ever the hero. Dean never gave in without a fight, without exhausting every plan and trying every angle. It was so human of him. Castiel could not help but love him for it. "Surely you know holy fire cannot hold a God?" Castiel asked. "You know me." The flames flickered across Dean's face, casting shadows over the hollows of his cheeks. "I had to try."
It was you, only you | @verobatto Rating: Explicit Word Count: 10,131 Main Tags/Warnings: Slow burn, canonverse, season 15, friends to lovers, fix it Summary: After defeating Chuck and the raising of Jack as the new God, Dean wakes up from a revealing. dream. Nothing will stop him now from rescue CAS from the Empty. But a new defiance is looming over TFW2.0. Will Dean be able to use his words this time? Or is gonna be work a big impediment again?
Murder the World | @thisisapaige Rating: Explicit Word Count: 10,160 Main Tags/Warnings: Angst, Canon Divergent after s10e22 The Prisoner, Demon Dean Winchester, Parallels Between Cain/Colette Mullen and Castiel/Dean Winchester, Switch Castiel/Switch Dean Winchester, Violence, Porn With Plot Summary: Castiel said he would be the one to watch Dean murder the world. Now he has a chance to prove it.
Loving you back in time | @verobatto Rating: Explicit Word Count: 15,683 Main Tags/Warnings: Temporary MCD (Castiel, Sam), time travel, top!Dean/bottom!Castiel, falling in love, enemies to lovers, winged Castiel Summary: After locking Chuck and defeats him, Jack comes out with a plan to get Cas and Sam back from death. Dean will travel back in time to try to really stop the Apocalypse from its root, this time Dean will contact Castiel before events, and part of his mission is to try to convince the angel to join him, explaining they're the good guys and angels and Heaven are not, while trying to avoid the urge of kissing his angel. But something won't go as they expected, and Dean will have to change the plan. This is mid season 15 canon divergent fic. The time travel is before Dean going to Hell. I mixed two importants moments, but they're not in the timeline of the season 3, with references to episode 1x12: Faith.
In A Parked Car Exhuming Ophelia | @an-android-in-a-tutu Rating: Mature Word Count: 17,741 Main Tags/Warnings: Alternate Universe - Canon Divergence, Human Castiel (Supernatural), Interrogation, Demons, Grief/Mourning, References To: Homelessness, baby eating, Greek Mythology - Freeform, Heaven Politics, Unsafe Sex, Pregnancy, Temporary Character Death, Dubious Consent, Summary: The bunker didn’t lend itself to much natural light, and the utilitarian fixtures in the concrete hallways tended to sap people of their colour even on a good day. Maybe that was why Dean looked so much worse than Sam remembered, as worn as he’d ever seen him. The hand he pulled away from his face was shaking, just slightly, and he dropped it quickly to disguise the tremor, but the detail had already been seared into Sam’s brain. Something was very wrong. "I need you with me on this." Sam hasn't spoken to his brother in over a month, so when he shows up in the middle of the night with a powerful demon in tow, he's concerned. It doesn't take long for him to realize that Dean is keeping secrets again, and that whatever he has hidden behind his teeth has to do with the strange woman who seems all too content to remain bound in their dungeon. The demon with white eyes. All Sam wants is the truth, to figure out who she is, and how she's connected to his brother. But people who ask questions, tend to get answers. And they just may be more than Sam can take. An alternate take on season 9 that replaces the Mark of Cain plot with something much worse.
Rock & Roll and Feathers | @verobatto Rating: Explicit Word Count: 20,172 Main Tags/Warnings: Season 15, canon divergence, rock stars, case fic, rock star!Dean, bodyguard!Castiel, mutual pining Summary: TFW 2.0 defeated Chuck, locking him down in a magic box and exchanging him with Castiel's deal with the Empty. Everything would be perfect if Jack wasn't locked inside another magic box too. The only way to release Jack, now the New God, is to find the key. Rowena knows who has it. His powerful father, a retired sorcerer, who would give anything to those who win his rock and roll contest. That's why Dean will sign up as a rock star, followed by his manager Sam and his bodyguard Castiel. Bad thing is, maybe winning a rock Contest is not the only test they will have on the road to reach that key.
Roadtrip to the End of the World | inkdr0p (AO3) Rating: Teen & Up Word Count: 24,813 Main Tags/Warnings: Castiel/Dean Winchester, Dean Winchester, Castiel (Supernatural), Sam Winchester, Bobby Singer, Original Male Character(s), Team Free Will (Supernatural), Sam is a nerd, Dean is a nerd, Cas is an ancient multidimensional being, Road Trips in the Impala (Supernatural), Castiel stops and looks at everything, Las Vegas, Star Trek References, Angst and Feels, Angst and Fluff, Dean works through his experiences of the future in 5x04 The End, Dean Winchester Has a Crush on Castiel, Sam Winchester Knows, Dean Winchester Has PTSD, Sleeping in the Impala (Supernatural), Dean Winchester and Sam Winchester Use Their Words, Wingfic, Winged Castiel (Supernatural), Sam covertly gets Dean and Cas to go on a date, Dean Winchester Deserves to be Happy, Castiel Deserves to be Loved (Supernatural), Season 5, In which I repeatedly compare Cas to a cat, Hunters & Hunting, Slice of Life, Canon Divergent (erases 5x05 "Fallen Idols") Summary: “There’s an apocalypse on, Bobby. In case you forgot.” “No Dean, I didn’t forget. But unless you’ve figured out a way to stop it in the next couple of days, I don’t see why you can’t give yourselves a break. This ain’t a sprint, Dean, it’s a marathon. Besides, last year when we realized just how much had hit the fan I seem to recall you being real quick to---” “Vegas.” “Exactly.” “...The Star Trek Experience.” ---------- OR: Dean's back from the future, Sam's back from his break, and Cas is, well, Cas. As good a time as any to finally take that road trip Dean's been dreaming about since he crawled out of the ground and learned the Apocalypse was a real goddamn thing. All he has to do now is remember how to have fun. Fic takes place in lieu of 5x05 "Fallen Idols"; instead of Paris Hilton the boys are off to the Las Vegas Hilton, former home of the greatest place on earth: The Star Trek Experience.
but i'm singing like a bird 'bout it now | @dirtangeldean Rating: Mature Word Count: 26,976 Main Tags/Warnings: Car Impala (Supernatural), Car Conversations, Aromantic, acespec, AceSpec!Cas, accountability, 15x18 coda, switch POV, Healing Dean Winchester, Eventual Fluff, Eventual Smut, Eventual Happy Ending, First Kiss, Dubcon Kissing(kinda), arospec!Dean, Aromantic Dean Winchester, Fluff and Angst, Light Angst, Post-Episode: s15e18 Despair, Episode: s15e18 Despair - Castiel's Confession Scene, Former Sex Worker Dean Winchester, Dean Winchester Gives Oral Sex, Past Sexual Assault, Mention of Past Sex Work, Dean Winchester's Jacket, Sam Winchester Ships Castiel/Dean Winchester, reader…i have taken liberties, Angelic Grace Kink (Supernatural), Castiel/Dean Winchester First Kiss, Angst with a Happy Ending, Minor Original Character(s) Summary: 15x18 fix-it: Dean uses his one last shot to save Cas and succeeds, the fall out that happens when the unspoken becomes spoken all at once has a happy ending. The eventual conversations of comfort, duty, sacrifice, power, obligation, and love ensue. Communicationnatural. OR Dean can't bare to have Cas leave him. And the Empty allows him to stay. OR Reckoning with a first kiss actually being the opposite of happiness simply due to circumstance.
We're at the lost and found | @mercurialkitty Rating: Teen & Up Word Count: 27,019 Main Tags/Warnings: Canon-Typical Violence, Alternate Universe, Canon Divergence, Post-Season/Series 12 AU, season/series 13, Fix-it, mostly broadcast tv level swearing with a few f-bombs, Hunter's Funeral (Supernatural), canon typical angel slurs, Domesticity, will they or won't they, Castiel and Dean Winchester Need to Use Their Words, relationship beginning, like an episode some story arcs are left unresolved, dadstiel Summary: What would the beginning of season 13 have been like if Cas lived and Mary stayed put?
Desideratum and Other Mishaps | @thefandomsinhalor Rating: Teen & Up Word Count: 28,075 Main Tags/Warnings: Canon Divergent, Episode: S14E13, Baby Jack Kline, Accidental Baby Acquisition, Protective Dean, Fluff and Angst, Dean Worries About Castiel Summary: In an unexpected turn of events, Castiel and the Winchesters find themselves with a toddler on their hands, when Jack, intending to regain his grace, makes a wish with the Baozhu—the wish-granting pearl—instead of Dean and gets transformed into a young child. Unsure how to fix the situation, and with Mary and Sam aiding the hunters from the other world on a hunt, Dean and Castiel are left alone at the bunker to care for baby Jack, where more than one revelation will unfold.
Dean Winchester and the Belly Button Piercing | @teeparadigm67 Rating: Explicit Word Count: 34,800 Main Tags/Warnings: Alternate Universe - Canon Divergence, Porn With Plot, Domesticity in the Men of Letters Bunker, Dean Winchester has his Belly Button Pierced (And Sammy Doesn't Know), Castiel/Dean Winchester First Kiss, Castiel/Dean Winchester First Time Having Sex, Openly Bisexual Dean Winchester, Dean Winchester is a Tease, Castiel doesn't understand flirting, Idiots in Love, Top Castiel/Bottom Dean Winchester, Porn with Feelings, Canon-Typical Violence, Piercings, Ear Piercings, Pierced Dean Winchester, Navel piercing, Fluff and Smut, Domestic Fluff, Flirty Dean Winchester Summary: Dean Winchester was 23 when he got his belly button pierced. It was during a time in his life when everything felt like it was in turmoil (long before he even really knew what his life being in turmoil truly meant). He never intended to go out and get any piercings—his father would have never allowed it. For 20-something years it had been his best-kept secret… that was until one fateful night when a hunt went wrong and his best friend had to swoop in and help patch him up, catching an eyeful of his elusive secret. Castiel’s infatuation with his best friend took a dangerous turn that night (not that he wasn’t already treading treacherous waters with his feelings towards the man). He had already known that Dean had a piercing, but he had no idea it was still functional, and equally had no idea that a piece of jewellery, Dean’s own slice of quiet rebellion, would have such a profound effect on him. Now Castiel can’t help but want him and his fading grace is doing very little in hiding his… indiscretions. The idea of it slowly drove him insane. And what makes it worse… Castiel was certain Dean was doing it on purpose.
Castiel's Hidden Pussycat | @macy2me Rating: Explicit Word Count: 41,050 Main Tags/Warnings: Alternate Universe - Canon Divergence, Alternate Universe, Canon Divergence - Season 13, Castiel Adopts A Cat, Dean Winchester is Bad at Feelings, Dean Winchester in Denial, Castiel's grace is damaged, Boys Being Awkward, Sam Winchester Ships Castiel/Dean Winchester, Sam Winchester is So Done, Canon-Typical Violence, Eventual Smut, Frottage, POV Castiel (Supernatural) Summary: Castiel, angel of the Lord, has been saved by a cat. He didn’t intend to keep it. He didn’t mean for the green-eyed cat to work its way into his heart. It’s becoming a bit of a theme. Yet, here he is, smuggling a cat into the bunker. Cas and Dean have been doing a dance for nine years—circling each other, one step forward, by one step back, changing direction, never getting closer, never too far apart. However, when you throw a cat into the mix, the next move becomes a lot harder to predict.
When Dreams Come True | @avonlady42 Rating: Explicit Word Count: 65,616 Main Tags/Warnings: canon divergent, angst and fluff and smut, Dean Winchester has a wing kink, plot twist, inappropriate use of grace, top castiel/bottom Dean Winchester, explicit sexual content, happy ending, marriage, adoption Summary: After Chuck is defeated, Jack forces Dean and Cas to finally admit their feelings to each other and gives Cas his wings back in the process. They end up getting their happily ever after while Sam settles down with Eileen. Ten years they spend together as a couple, hunting when they need to, but mostly living the domesticated life Dean always wanted and Castiel always wanted him to have. Unfortunately, it all comes crashing down one day when Castiel goes on a hunt and doesn’t make it home. Dean will do whatever it takes to get the love of his life back and ends up getting more than he bargained for when he finds him again. This fic is canon compliant through Season 14 and starts off during the Ouroboros episode S14E14, from there it becomes Canon divergent with some of the rest of Season 14 and Season 15 being the same, but slightly different. S15E20 doesn’t exist and there is an alternate storyline 10 years into the future.
We Are The Music Makers (WIP) | Clairebearer (AO3) Rating: Explicit Word Count: 120,932 Main Tags/Warnings: Alternate Canon Emotional Hurt/Comfort, Hurt Castiel, Action/Adventure, Romance, Sexuality, Domestic Dean Winchester, Human Castiel, Reaper Dean, BAMF Dean, BAMF Castiel, BAMF Sam, Greek Mythology - Freeform, It's all about the souls, Awkward Sexual Situations, Sexual Fantasy, Slow Build, Case Fic, Magic Mirrors, Dark Magic, Demons, Angelic Grace, Mental Health Issues, Trickster Gabriel, Musical References, Pop culture references, Movie spoilers, Fate, Destiny, Free Will, Canon divergent, Cupid - Freeform, Terminal Illness, Top Dean Winchester, Bottom Dean Winchester, Implied/Referenced Homophobia, Dean Winchester is Bad at Feelings, Dean Winchester is Not Heterosexual, Bi-Curious Dean Winchester, Temporary Major Character Death, Angst with a happy ending Summary: Set in the aftermath of seasons 8's epic finale. With Sam's life hanging by a thread Dean is forced to call the only being he knows has the power to help: Death. However, like most impossible things they come with a terrible price and it acts as an hour glass hanging ominously over Dean's head as his life-line burns away like a fuse, a full-time job as a reaper waiting for him. Time is short and the world is bent on destroying itself, so when the shadow of an averted apocalypse threatens to resurface and wipe out everything he has fought so hard to save, Dean must do everything within his power - and more - to stop it. His own feelings be damned... If he can help it.
Far From Heaven: Part Two | @Taymarpigeon Rating: Explicit Word Count: 151,921 Main Tags/Warnings: Graphic Depictions Of Violence, Angel Castiel (Supernatural), Established Castiel/Dean Winchester, Post-Canon Fix-It, Emotional Hurt/Comfort, Heavy Angst, Fluff, Gratuitous Smut, Canon-Typical Violence, Canon Divergent, Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder - PTSD, Suicide Attempt, Homophobic John Winchester, Abusive John Winchester, Former Sex Worker Dean Winchester, POV Alternating, Top/Bottom Versatile Castiel/Dean Winchester, Possessive Castiel (Supernatural), Possessive Dean Winchester, Extremely Dubious Consent, Dom/sub, BDSM, Risk Aware Consensual Kink, Implied/Referenced Rape/Non-con, Consensual Non-Consent, Angelic Possession (Supernatural), Angelic Grace Bonds (Supernatural), Wing Kink, Castiel and Dean Winchester Get Married, Additional Tags in End Note Summary: Castiel is gone and Dean can't move passed it, can't bring himself to stray far from the last place he ever saw his Angel. A place so full of sorrow, yet there is love there too, lingering in the farthest, darkest reaches. Gabriel is done watching Castiel and Dean be martyrs. Jack's fixed up Heaven, all is as it should be, there's no reason these two idiots can't finally have everything they ever wanted. If he intervenes, if Gabriel finally embraces what he was built for in the first place, will it make a difference? Will Cas and Dean finally get their happily ever after? He's not gonna lie, leading three (not so) wise men across the desert was probably easier than this headache will turn out to be. Still, Gabriel maintains that it is possible to lead a horse to water and make it drink. You just gotta know which buttons to push.
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voidvannie · 5 months
Emersyn Campbell x Quinn Hughes🩵🦋
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🖇🦋 ꒱ 𝐰𝐞𝐥𝐜𝐨𝐦𝐞 𝐭𝐨 𝐚𝐝𝐨𝐫𝐞 𝐲𝐨𝐮 !
𝐢𝐧 𝐰𝐡𝐢𝐜𝐡 。。。。 emerysn hasn’t been to the hughes lake house since she her crush on quinn was exposed but one summer when she decided to come back, quinn sees the singer in an entirely new light.
meet emerysn campbell — jack’s best friend
started : 01 - 28 - 24
last updated : 01 - 28 - 24
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╰┈➤ ❝ [ BLURBS] ❞
🦋 her relationship w/ jack 🦋 her relationship w/ luke 🦋 her relationship w/ quinn
╰┈➤ ❝ [ IMAGINES ] ❞
💙 rejection hurts 💙 cruel summer 💙 closure
╰┈➤ ❝ [ INSTAGRAM ] ❞
🔵 first summer back 🔵 life support
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yourmomxx · 2 years
The Boys SEASON 3 EPISODE 6 SPOILERS without context:
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companion-showdown · 2 months
Family Feud Nominations, Who is the Best Doctor Who Family
If I've missed a character out of one of the families let me know (within reason, I imagine all these families are massive in the EU, so prioritise tv or significant characters)
Currently, the only rule is no families may inculde anyone who is even ambiguously The Doctor, it'll get super complicated super fast imo
Any characters, eg River, who can link up multiple different families to create a single massive family unit will be treated on a case by case basis. If it is possible to pick one of the smaller family units that they are a part of to include them in while not including them in any of the others (in a way everyone will agree at least makes sense) they will be included in that family only, otherwise they will not be included
Please bare in mind when you are nominating that I am hoping to keep the number of nominations under 64 to run this as a mini-tournament. This is not a hard rule so if nominations do exceed 64 its not a big deal, just something I'd like everyone to bare in mind
Foreman-Campbell (Susan, David, Alex)
Chesterton-Wright (Ian, Barbara, implied to be married after they leave)
McCrimmon (Jamie, Heather, V.M.McCrimmon, various others)
Waterfield (Victoria, Edward (father))
Lethbridge-Stewart (Kate, The Brigadier, Doris (Brig's wife in Battlefield), Archibald Hamish (TUAT), Gordon (Kate's son in Downtime), Kadiatu, The Great Intelligence, Lucy Wilson)
Grant/Jones (Jo, Cliff, Santiago (Jo's grandson in Death of the Doctor))
Smith (Sarah-Jane, Lavinia (aunt), Brendan Richards, Luke, Sky, Mr Smith, K9 (they are her family and I will not be hearing otherwise), Barbara, Eddie (parents in Temptation of Sarah-Jane Smith))
Leela, Andred, Veega, Rayo
Adric and Varsh (brothers)
Nyssa, Tremas, and Kassia (daughter, father, step-mother)
Jovanka (Tegan, Vanessa (aunt in Logopolis), Colin (cousin in Arc of Infinity))
Turlough (Vislor, Malkon (brother in Planet of Fire))
McShane (Ace, Audrey (mother), Kathleen (grandmother), Liam (brother))
Tyler (Rose, Jackie, Pete, Tony (baby mentioned in Journey's End), no I will not be adding the metacrisis to this list)
Another Smith (Mickey, Rita (grandmother))
Harkness (Jack, Grey, parents, Alice Carter (daughter), Steven Carter(grandson))
Isolas (Fear Her)
Jones (Martha, Francine, Clive, Tish, Leo, Leo has a baby as well, Adeola Oshodi)
The Family of Blood
Redfern-Smith (Joan, John (various), possible dream children and grandchildren)
Shafe Kanes (from Utopia, Kristane, Beltone)
Mott-Noble-Temple (Donna, Sylvia, Wilf, Shaun, Rose)
The Adipose
Pond-Williams (Amy, Rory, River, Brian, Anthony, Amy's aunt and parents)
Owens: (Craig, Sophie, Stormageddon Dark Lord of All)
Gillyflower (Mrs Gillyflower, Ada)
Paternoster (Jenny, Vastra, Strax)
Oswald (Clara, Ellie, Dave (parents), grandmother, and I'm going to say Danny makes the cut, Orson)
Potts (Bill, Mother, Moira (foster mother))
O'Brien-Sinclair (Graham, Ryan, Grace, Aaron (Ryan's father))
Khan (Yaz, Najia (mother), Hakim (father), Sonya (sister), Umbreen (grandmother))
Lewis (Dan, Eileen (mother), Neville (father))
Swarm and Azure
Bel, Vinder and their as yet unborn child
Sunday (Ruby, Carla, Cherry, many many foster siblings)
The TARDIS and Lolita
Little House of Cwej
The House of Lungbarrow (Grandfater Paradox, Qenceus, Inocet, various cousins, Irving Braxiatel, Maggie Matsumoto, Ulysses, Penelope GAte, Anna Joyce)
The House of Dvora (Morbius, The War King, Thessalia, Romana, various others)
Langer (Clyde, Carla (mother), Paul (father))
Jackson (Maria, Alan, Chrissie)
Chandra (Rani, Haresh, Gita)
The Wu Diaspora (Cindy Wu and her clones)
Munmeth and Mutmunna (Medicine Man)
Ada and Alice Obiefune
Who (Susan, Barbara, Louise)
Jones-Davies (Ianto, Rhiannon, Johnny, David, Mica)
Summerfield (Bernice, Issac, Claire, Jason Kane, Peter, Wolsey, Keith, Rebecca, Cousin Eliza, Benedict I-IV, Christine)
Miller (Lucie, Pat (aunt))
Schofield (Hex, Cassie, Hilda)
House of Witforge (Narvin, Lenaris, Helico, Narvin's father, Rexin)
Faction Paradox
Pollard (Charley, Louisa, Richard, Margaret, Edward Grove, The Sound Creature)
Mesh Cos, Lon Shel, Julian White Mammoth Tusk
Cooper-Williams (Gwen, Rhys, Anwen, Geraint, Mary (Gwen's parents))
Chenka (Liv, Tula, Kal, Garlon Rosh)
Sinclair (Helen, Albie, Trev Bailey)
Proctor (Cleo, Jordan, parents)
Nominations will be open until Midday Friday (03/05, 12:00 BST (GMT/UTC +1)), I will try and give a more specific time then
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miszswan · 2 years
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part 1
yall...i'm sorry about the length of this &lt;3
It had been fifteen months. Fifteen months since she’d last seen him. Fifteen months since she gave up. Fifteen months since she finally chose herself.
If you were to ask Amiria when the horrible painful part of their relationship started, she could definitely say a year and a half into it.
She started noticing the slight increase in jealousy and possessiveness when she started booking more roles and traveled more. From Vancouver to London, a whole year where she wasn’t in the same place for long periods of time. Meeting new people, becoming close with many too.
Jack must’ve snapped because next thing she knew… she’d see clips of him dancing with other women on Instagram. She’d always confront him but eventually the apologies and promises became meaningless.
From FaceTimes of I love yous’, laughs and tales to FaceTimes that ended in tears, heartbreak and manipulation.
Amiria used to think that one day things would get better but overtime that became harder to believe. Somehow she found herself booking last minute flights to see his shows, spend a night with him and she’d return to work feeling more emotionally drained than before, all because he put the idea into her head that it was her fault that they were constantly arguing. So she tried her best to make it up to him.
Meanwhile it was never her fault. It was always his.
Time after time she’d risk her job and career for a man that would never put any effort into coming to her, times where Neelam, Urban, Clay, Sunni hell even Druski would come visit her on set. To see her in her prime. Not even when they were in the same city, he’d never come.
If there was one thing that Amiria Campbell hated about herself would definitely be how much hope she always had, how kind and thoughtful she was. Those were things that prevented her from seeing that this relationship was a losing game.
When they first met it was amazing, picnic dates every week, movie nights every month, wonderful memories filling the years.
It was honestly embarrassing that she had any more hope when she woke up the morning after and went to set. Found herself throwing up during her lunch break. Thinking that Jack would finally change due to the idea of a baby in the near future.
But she was proven wrong again.
While it was a spontaneous decision she left and hasn’t looked back since.
Did it take a while to get over him?
Is she still hurting?
Also yes.
At times if she thinks about it too much she may find herself tearing up randomly but mostly the thing that triggered it the most would unfortunately but not surprisingly, her daughter.
Ani Maiah Margaret Campbell was absolutely perfect. She had the tint of Māori in her skin while bearing her fathers piercing blue eyes. With a mop of curls, courtesy of her father that were as brown as her mothers locks. The most perfect tiny hands and most adorable laugh.
She was the perfect creation of her and Jack. Whether she was planned or not. She was the Pandora’s box to all of her mothers good and bad memories of him.
But for the sake of her future and her daughters’ she had to erase the man from her heart and mind. Piece by piece. Bit by bit. She’d heal over time and rise like a phoenix from the ashes stronger than ever.
Every film and tv series she’d filmed over the past few years had been absolutely worth it.
So now a day had come. One of many. Amiria was honestly finding it very hard to sleep because of all the excitement for the premiere in a couple hours. While her mother and 6 month old daughter we’re having no trouble at all.
The three had flown to New York City a week prior for the premiere of Stranger Things Season 4.
Aroha Campbell had only heard her daughters rambles about being absolutely thrilled for everyone to see what they’d been working on for the past three years or her granddaughter trying to speak which often resulted in a bunch of random babbles and noises.
After spending a few weeks in Bunbury, Amiria returned to Atlanta accompanied by her mother who insisted on moving in with her for sometime. Aroha and Stephen knew thier would push everything… including her career aside to take care of her baby. They also knew how long and how hard she had to work to get to where she was and that if she took this long break it would be even harder to go further.
That’s how it’s been since April the previous year and Amiria couldn’t be more grateful for her parents. Ani was the most easy going baby and it was absolutely perfect, especially after everything Ami had gone through.
So now the three are in a hotel room in New York City. Her co stars in neighbouring rooms waiting for their stylists to arrive and prepare them for the red carpet.
Amiria slowly pulls her fingers out of her baby’s tiny hand and gets out of bed. After freshening up she quickly gives her daughter a bath and dresses her up.
Just as she gets a bottle of milk out of the mini fridge she hears a knock at the door.
“Morning Mrs Campbell.” Amiria hears the sound of her best friend greet her mother. “Good morning to the hottest most amazing single mom I know.” Camila adds on as she gets closer to the mother and daughter.
The moment Ani recognises the familiar face, her arms stretch up in efforts to reach her. “Good morning princess.” Camila coos as she tickles the babies stomach.
Ani let’s out a symphony of giggles that make the three women smile. Camila hands the ice coffee and chocolate croissant to her friend.
“You are a goddess.” Amiria praises her as she takes a sip of the cold drink.
“How did the princess sleep?”
“She was quiet.”
“As usual.” Camila mentions making Amiria snicker as she straps on her babies dipper.
“Thank you for going easy on your mother. She’s had a lot of sh-“ Amiria send her a look towards the end. “Stuff to deal with over the past year.”
“Nice save.” Amiria teases as she puts on the pink one piece onto Ani.
“But seriously I’m happy that she isn’t a lot to deal with. Not like he who shall not be named.” Camila rambles while Amiria makes funny faces to stop Ani from squirming.
After months of not seeing him. Hearing Camila ramble about her hatred for him was honestly one of the most entertaining things she had done. It honestly just made Amiria laugh.
“I haven’t seen or spoken to him in over a year so he really shouldn’t matter anymore”
“Except he does. He’s still Ani’s father and one day she will ask questions about him. I mean you still talk to his mom, dad, Clay. I’m just surprised you didn’t run into him at the met gala a few weeks ago.”
“I know but I’m just avoiding the inevitable.”
“Which is?” Camila says wanting to hear Amiria admit it.
“Someday I’ll have to see him again.” She responds as she gently brushes her daughters hair.
“Which might been sooner than you think.” The moment the words left her mouth Amira paused. “Me knowing you, you’re going to invite the Harlow’s and if they come he surely will.”
Amiria had taken a low of time planning everything to the point where she knew that he wouldn’t be in Atlanta during that time.
“He won’t be in Atlanta or anywhere close to my house in a week Cam.”
“How can you be so sure?”
“He’s never given a shit about my family’s traditions. His family always mattered more, no matter the occasion or the holiday.” Amira assures her best friend. “Besides he has a couple shows in New York and LA.”
“Wait doesn’t that mean he’s in the same city as us-“ Camila starts before the two hear the door close and Aroha Campbell stands in the door frame with the bottle of milk in her hands.
As Campbell women spend a few minutes talking while Camilla plays with her Goddaughter, Amiria returns with the bottle. She takes her baby into her arms and the child begins to suck on the bottle.
“If I run into him, I’ll deal with it.” The words that come out of Amiria’s mouth catch Camila off guard.
Mainly because she’d gotten used to her best friend avoiding him at all possible moments. She was even shocked that she didn’t run into him at the Met Gala considering it wasn’t hard not to. Knowing Ami she probably ducked and dived, took the iconic mirror selfie and left with her head held high.
“I can take care of him if you need me to. I just need to yell at him in Portuguese and he will run away.” Camila offers as Ani continues to gently drink her milk. The baby’s eyes are closed and her mother watches her daughter with a look on none other than complete adoration.
“I can’t hide from him forever so I might as well acknowledge the fact that I will see him again one day. I’m still friends with Neelam and Urban, Druski and the rest of PG. So when I do I’ll deal with it then and make sure he stays the away from me and my family.”
As Amiria finishes her sentence, her daughter finishes the bottle. “We don’t need him, we’ll be okay taku iti. I’ll always protect you”
After many hours of getting ready ( outfit without the necklace and earrings) and putting Ani to sleep so she wouldn’t cry when she realized it was only her grandmother and her in the hotel room for the next several hours, Amiria finally hit the red carpet.
With her signature blinding smile she poses for every photographer in her presence. Then she does a few interviews and after a few minutes of autographs, meeting fans and hugging her co-stars she reaches her last interview.
“Amiria Campbell looking stunning as ever.” The interviewer greets the actress with a smile who does a little twirl. “Really sets the tone for this season? You've got to describe it for us.”
“All I can say is questions will be answered but more questions will be created too.”
“Does this apply to Manny too?”
Amiria purses her lips as she tries to think of an answer that doesn’t include spoilers. “In a way it does but you’ll just have to wait to find out.”
“Can’t wait but this is a big year for you. You’re set to star along side Tom Cruise and Miles Teller in Top Gun: Maverick which is a sequel to its iconic predecessor from the 80s, Yellowjackets was renewed for season 2, you wrote and are staring in a show for the MCU and you had a daughter only a couple months ago. You are doing it all.” The interviewer rambles making Amiria let out a laugh.
“It was a lot I’m not going to lie but I’ve had my family by my side through it all.”
“Will we ever find out who the clearly wonderful father of you beautiful daughter is?” For a split second the smile on her face faltered while a clear sudden look of despair fills her eyes but she quickly brightens them both up and continues.
“Give it like a decade so I can really surprise everyone. That’s the goal.” She ends off her little tease with a nod that she hopes is convincing.
She couldn’t let people ever find out. Not only did she feel embarrassed but she wanted to keep Jack Harlow and her family name away for as long as she possibly could.
“He must be very proud of you. He must be cheering you on from home” Her smile falters again but she picks it up again.
“He is.”
No he isn’t and he never would.
“Have a good night Amiria. We’re rooting for a happy Manaia Thompson this season.” The interviewer says as Amiria walks away.
Hours later, the episode had ended and the cast and crew were at the after party. Amiria had just come back from making a tiktok with Noah, Caleb and their sisters when she decided to go outside for a breather.
The night had been magical to say the least but Millie, Joseph along with the rest of her cast mates had noticed something was off.
Camila and Joseph were looking for her when the former found her in the parking lot sitting on the bench.
She slowly approaches her best friend, Camila frowns when she hears the familiar sniffs as she gets closer.
The moment Camila sat down beside her Amiria quickly wiped away the tears.
“Oh honey.” The Brazilian says as she pulls her into a side hug.
“I hate that I have to tell Ani one day that her father didn’t give a shit about her.” That sentence alone makes Camila tense up. “The whole world thinks we’re happy living this suburban parent lifestyle with a white picket fence and all that corny stuff.”
“I know you want that corny stuff honey.”
“I really wanted that. I don’t know what hurts more the fact that I let Jack break my heart so many times or the fact that one day, when my daughter is old enough, her father will break her heart. I don’t want her to end up like me.” Amiria continues to sob making Camila place a gentle kiss on top of her head.
“What’s that supposed to mean?”
“Going from the pride and joy of your whole neighbourhood to not even seeing it for 2 years because you kept going back to the same person who I let walk over me over and over, being treated like crap over and over. Cutting off your closest friends and family because you thought you knew the real him.” Amiria rambles as the many memories flood her brain. Who knew that a single question would cause everything to crumble? “I don’t want Ani to end up like me or Jack. My mom, dad or grandparents are much better candidates in my family tree.”
Camila was shocked to say the least. She takes Amirias face in her hands and wipes the streaks of mascara away with her thumbs. “First of all. Never say that bullshit again. You Amiria Imogen Maiah Campbell are the strongest person I’ve ever known. Ani would be lucky hell she’d be blessed to end up like you. You know why?” Amiria shakes her head as she sniffs gently.
“You fought for love my dear. Not just love but the future you wanted. You’ve grown so much. I remember you rambling to me after we went to that one film festival about how Oncology didn’t feel like your calling anymore how you would like to do something else with your life. I also remember how scared you were to tell your parents the truth but they were proud of you regardless. They still are or else they wouldn’t be flying half way across the world to be with you in a few days. You’re a single mother, you’re booked and busy, a show you wrote, starred and directed is coming out in a few months. The list goes on but babe! Come on, you’ve accomplished so much more than some of our fellow actors have in their 10 years in the industry. I can practically smell your Oscar!”
Amiria laughs as her best friends words materialise into the more brighter memories of the part few years. The ones without Jack. The ones where she would bring her film camera to work and take pictures with her cast mates. The ones where she’d put on her headphones and spend hours on her laptop writing the script she’d only dreamt about as a kid. The ones where she’d be with Urban, Druski or Neelam and she’d just found out she got nominated for her first Emmy and many other awards. The special moment where she first held her daughter despite the traumatic hours before.
All those good memories meant something.
“You are a badass Ames, never forget that. It’s not and it never will be your fault that you lost your fight for love. Jack never has and never will deserve you. He’ll never deserve that large ass heart of yours. If, no when Ani turns out like you, the world will become a thousand times better. I promise you.” Camila adds on making her lips upturn into a sweet smile. “One day you will find that person who will make you feel a hundred times better than that asshole. You’ll have the wedding of your dreams, the honeymoon of your dreams and you two will raise another badass and maybe have a few more. Whatever you chose to do, your future is bright babe. Got it?”
“Got it. Thanks Cam.”
“Always. I love you girl. I’ll always have your back.”
“Love you too.”
“Let’s get you freshened up because I think Noah wants to make more TikTok’s.” The two women stand up, link arms and walk back inside.
Just as they reach the bathroom, Amiria realises she left her phone on the bench and Camila offers to go get it.
She never expects to see him there.
There he stands, holding his exes phone in his hand, staring at the lock screen which is of Amiria and Ani. The mother holds the baby in her arms and the baby girl reaches for the stars with a gumless smile while Amiria shines her signature Peary grin. If Camila wasn’t radiating rage that was hotter than the fiery gates of hell she would've asked herself if she just saw Jackman tear up slightly.
He backs away slowly when he notices she’s there.
“This is a private event Jackman. What the fuck are you doing here.”
“I just want to talk to her.” He pleads.
“Absolutely not. If you know what’s good for you, you’ll stay away.”
“Camila please. I just want to fix things, that’s all I want.”
“You think I give a damn about what you want. It’s always been about you. It’s been over a year and you’re still the same narcissistic asshole.” She pinches the bridge of her nose. “Can’t you for one second stop and maybe consider the fact that maybe she isn’t ready to see you or doesn’t even want to.”
“I have to make things right. I want to be there for her and A-“
“You of all people don’t get to say her name besides why did it take fifteen months for you to come to your senses? Is it because you don’t want the world to one day find out that you’re a fucking dead beat?”
“No, I’ve been trying to reach out for months but she’s blocked me on everything and I don’t blame her.”
“You really have some nerve.” Camila scoffs. “Give me the phone and if you ever truly cared about her, you’ll stay away.” She says as she snatches the red covered phone out of his hands and makes her way back to the door.
“I love her! And I’ll never forgive myself for everything that I did to her while we were together. I just need her to even look at me or say something. I wanna hold or just see my daughter not just a picture of her. We haven’t been apart for this long and it’s driving me insane Camila.”
“You had two out of the three years you two were together to fix yourself. At least now you know how she felt.”
“Camila please, I know she’s having her family tradition thing next week.”
“You never gave a damn about her family’s traditions.”
“I know my parents and Clay are going.”
“But you somehow didn’t make the invite list.” She mentions with sarcasm laced in her voice. “It’s a really important day for her and Ani.”
Vivid memories of Amiria rambling about her favorite traditions come to his mind but they’re all a blur because he never paid any attention.
He knew that if he wanted to get on Amiria’s good side again he’d have to play his cards right.
And her best friend wanting to murder him right now was definitely not the way to do it.
“Just tell her I’m sorry.”
“You can say it to her yourself when she actually wants to see you, until then. Stay away.”
With those last words Camila Mendes marches back through the door. As she gets closer to the main hall where everything was happening she can’t help but let her mind wonder.
She knew that one day Amiria would have to let Jack back into her life. She just hoped that no one would pressure her into it.
Once she’s back in the room where everyone is conversing in meaningless banter she spots Amiria, Gaten, Maya, Noah, Caleb and their sisters filming another Tiktok.
She chuckles as she makes her way to the group of seven.
Amiria notices her best friends pressence behind her and quickly walks towards her.
“What took you so long? You missed our song.”
Camila knew lying to Amiria now would get her no where. “I’ll tell you later.”
“Are you okay?” Amiria asks noticing the change in her friends mood since she saw her ten minutes ago.
“I’m fine Ames, let’s go ask the DJ to play our song again.” With that the two women link arms and walk towards him.
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Sooo that was part two
Damn it, that was a lot😭😭
I’ll try make the next part shorter unless y’all don’t mind the long chapters?
Please let me know 🫶🏾
Anywhoo hope you enjoyed
*let me know if you want to be added*
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