#jack x chloe
heart-star · 8 months
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A comic about Jack & Chloe romance potential, I thought I was the only one to ship them until i saw other fanarts about them.
In my perspective they would start having feelings for each other when they both cheer up the other for despising themselves for the flaws and they would be the clumsy couple of the show since they have a similar personality but would have each other's back.  They talk about what they do when they're with others, they praise each other everytime and Chloe gets flattered Jack likes and keeps close pins she gave as birthday present. One day their dads notice how close they are and start asking questions.ù
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A comic about a triple couple from Bluey's show, I enlighted details that fans of the show may already know or thought about.
The nickname the couples may have; the opinions of the siblings of the characters on their half and the fact Mackenzie would often be awkward about his relationship with Bluey. I made a timeskip but that's obvious.
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sl-newsie · 1 month
Spelled (Descendants x Sanderson Daughter): Red's Rising
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“A 5-year graduation reunion?”
“Yes, following the opening ceremony for the upcoming school year. That’s next week.”
Fairy Godmother’s sink in. How has it already been five years? 
“But I didn’t officially graduate,” I reply with an arched brow. “Got run out of school, remember?”
The kind woman smiles and takes my hand. “You’ll be awarded a diploma nonetheless.”
An official education? Sounds fancy. But the past years of studying witchcraft have taught me far more than any textbook could. 
“This means that you can apply to be an official member of the Magic Committee.”
My eyes widen. Five years ago I would have killed to be on the council. To be taken seriously. But time can change one’s perspective.
“With all due respect,” I start slowly. “I think my place in Auradon lies somewhere else rather than discussing politics. Something… independent.”
She nods in understanding, though still saddened at my decision. “Will you be staying for the reunion?”
“Of course.” Now to tackle a different topic. “You mentioned that you have a meeting with Uma?”
Fairy Godmother’s eyes light up. “Oh! Yes! She’s probably on her way now. Um, would you like to stay? She can be a bit… bold.”
I chuckle and stand up from the couch. “Uma’s like that with everyone. I’m sorry but I’ve already promised Ben I would meet with him.”
I give her a final handshake and pass through the room, taking a moment to look at Carlos’ portrait hanging proudly on the wall. He would have been proud to see Auradon’s program come this far. How much everyone’s accomplished. Jane, being the ambitious go-getter she is, became a foreign exchange student in Auradon. Audrey, having found love in planning Mal’s wedding, became a wedding planner. Tiffany’s been working at Miss Muffett’s, Fiona landed her own spot on the Magic Committee, Lonnie is a member of the royal guard, Doug’s the best security technician in the kingdom, and Rosaline appropriately became a hair product saleswoman.
Back in the courtyard, Ben and Mal are waiting. Packed luggage waits next to them.
“Late honeymoon?” I joke.
The beared king laughs. “No, this isn’t a pleasure trip.”
“We’re sailing the Trident Seas for international diplomacy,” Mal says. “Ben says he’s wanted to do it for a long time but our kingdom needed to be dealt with first.
I remember hearing his dreams like it was yesterday. “And you left Uma in charge? Smart choice.”
“Well since FG’s being made the President of Auradon University, Uma will bring order for the time being. We thought about asking you, but…”
“I’m not exactly jumping for joy to boss around kids,” I finish for her. “You read my mind.” I snicker. “I gave up being Royal Advisor ages ago. Honestly, all the politics and rules are starting to bore me. I’ll pass.”
Honk honk!
The familiar limo drives up and Remus pokes his head out. “Time to set sail!”
The couple gives me one final group hug and they both climb in. Before they take off for the harbor Remus gives me a wave.
“Still up for that walk by the Bewitched River?”
A blush colors my cheeks. “Yes, when you get back!” I call as he starts to drive.
“A walk?” Uma taunts from behind.
I groan and turn around to face the aqua-haired VK. “Yes. A walk, nothing more.”
“Sounds like a date,” she smirks. “You deserve a treat, Sparky.”
“Treat? I want a treat!” A voice whines.
Dude comes bounding across the lawn and jumps onto a rock. The sight of the mutt makes me smile. After all these years he’s still got spunk.
“On a different note,” Uma continues. “I’m about to go talk to FG about my plans. I’ve decided to include Wonderland in our student program.”
Wonderland. Hm. I’ve heard rumors but never gone too deep down the rabbit hole. Literally. 
But Uma’s not finished. “And I’d like you to be in charge of magic security.”
My thinking comes to a halt. Magic security? Must be a new position. But why bring me into this? Uma knows I’m not a fan of high authority.
“No one else can? What about Fiona or Bianca?”
Uma pretends to think deeply. “Hm. A snippy fairy, or the most powerful witch in Auradon? It’s an easy choice. I trust you.”
Trust. The word feels refreshing. But the unknown of Wonderland still leaves me uneasy.
“Uma, is this a good idea?”
She takes a deep breath. “Magica. We both know what it’s like to grow up in an unwanted place. I need you to help me make the new student feel welcomed. How do you think she’ll react when she gets here?”
Uma’s right. This girl’s past could potentially mirror my own, or any other VK’s for that matter. 
“I can’t speak for others, but she could very well be scared. Auradon isn’t like Wonderland and she might need help adjusting.”
“Sound familiar?” Uma asks, then gives me a pleading look. “Please.”
Dude nuzzles against my boots, almost giving a sign to say yes.
“You’re right. And if Carlos were here, he’d say the same thing.”
One week flies by and before I know it it’s time to welcome the new students. If only some of the old ones weren’t leaving.
“Will you be returning to Oz?” I ask Evangaline as she hauls her luggage across the courtyard.
My green cousin stops to give me a tight hug.
“Yes. It’s my home. I’d love to explore Auradon more but I’ve been waiting so long to be home.”
“You’ve made wonderful progress at Auradon Prep,” I smile. “Your parents will be proud.”
Evangeline squeezes my hand. “And so will your mom.”
Mother. I do miss her. The spellbook containing my family is still safe at home but the thought of bringing them back has been taunting my conscience for the past year.
“Oh by the way, how’s Willow?”
Hilarious. Another jab from my past. After the whole turning Willow into a plant situation, I reversed the spell and returned her back to normal. In a sputtering mess Willow apologized and seemed to grow a genuine fear of me. I reassured her that there are no more hard feelings. 
“She wrote me last month. Said she’s settled in Charmington.”
“It’s good to hear that not all Sandersons are afraid of letting go of a grudge.” Evangaline finishes packing her luggage into her green car and gives me one last hug. “Goodbye, cousin.”
“Safe travels.”
So off drives another friend. Maybe I can make some new ones- Or rekindle old friendships.
“All set, Remus?” I ask as I approach the red head, who's wearing a spiffy white suit.
“I guess so. Uma’s stationed me near the front gate to inspect the cars.”
Is it wrong to think of how cute he looks in his suit? These past years have allowed my heart to heal from grieving Carlos, but have also allowed for me to detach from the idea of having only one true love. I know deep down that Carlos wouldn’t want me to keep myself stuck on him, so I’ve slowly been moving on. Remus has been nothing but patient and understanding. But has that been through friendship, or something more?
“Excuse me, where do we check in?” A dark-haired girl asks. “I’m Jade, by the way. Jasmine’s daughter.”
“Oh, of course! Right over there.” I point to the forming line.
Goodness, everyone showed up for the opening ceremony. Yzma’s daughter Yanitza, the Madrigals, Sylvia, King Arthur’s heir Adam. I can’t believe all these people have traveled here just to be part of this!
“Magica!” And here comes Lonnie in her new uniform. “Magica, since you’re now the head of magic security I thought I should touch base on a few things. Merida has set a perimeter just in case the Queen of Hearts isn’t so friendly. Where would you like us to escort Queen Anna?”
This all feels too familiar to when I was Royal Advisor. Only this time instead of carrying out Ben’s wishes I’m being asked for my own perspective. It’s starting to grow on me.
“I think the best place would be the tea room, so she won’t be crowded. She can give her speech after Uma kicks things off.”
The soldier nods. “Good choice. It’s better to think ahead before everyone gets here and starts running a-muck.”
My eyes spark and I hold my hands stiffly to my sides. No, no! Not now- But it’s too late. I start clapping and twirling around, unable to control myself. 
“A-muck, a-muck, a-muck-!”
“Easy now,” a calm voice says and I feel someone behind me. It’s Remus. 
“Is she okay?” Lonnie asks.
“Just excited, that’s all,” he replies and rests his hands on my shoulders, wearing a big grin. “Aren’t you?”
I get my own sheepish smile and look to the ground. Lord, why today? 
“Thanks,” I mutter once Lonnie’s gone.
“Don’t fret about it. I think it’s cute.” Remus suddenly gets a concerned expression when he sees someone behind me. “Is that them?”
I turn around to see who he’s talking about. It is. The Royal Hearts family themselves. Their clothing practically screams red royalty. The queen’s wearing a blood-red gown with roses making up the skirt. A giant heart is formed into her bodice and collar. Her daughter obviously shares her tastes. Her leather outfit reminds me of Mal’s old one, only it’s red too. Patterned with hearts, of course. They each share the same red hair, only Red’s is curlier.
And no one looks happy to see them.
Everyone gasps in horror and scatters out of the way as the red royals march up to the school entrance. The princess’ look hides a smidgen of apology for their harshness but the queen’s enjoying their fear. We watch them get to the line. People are still tense- Except for Queen Cinderella. Is it just me or does it look like they know each other? The red queen’s icy glare shows dangerous chemistry between them. It seems to be spreading to their daughters as well.
“I’ll go handle them,” I assure Remus and make my way over.
 I’ve never personally met Chad’s younger sister Chloe but from what I’ve heard she’s a lamb compared to the other Charming sibling. The blue-haired girl sees me approaching and she gets a giddy smile.
“Oh! You’re Magica Sanderson! I’ve heard so much about you!”
Her excitement to see me is not shared by Red. She gives an annoyed groan and leans against the wall while her mother banters with Chloe’s mom. Uma’s guess about Red wanting to be here could be right if the Queen of Hearts wasn’t so keen on spreading her ego today.
Something claws at my skirt. A feline I haven’t seen in years.
“Twilight?” I gasp and scoop up the black and white cat. “Where have you been, you frisky kitty?”
“He hitched a ride with us from Wonderland,” Red speaks up. “She must have fallen down the rabbit hole.” She scans me with uncertainty. While all the other AKs are wearing cheerful sundresses, my own attire of a purple corset dress and laced boots sticks out like a sore thumb. “You are… different. Are you a VK too?”
“Indeed. Magica Sanderson, at your service, Princess Red.”
She huffs a laugh. “Red, please. Being a princess is being a prisoner.”
So I’m right. Red does want to be here but it’s to escape her mother’s parenting. Can’t say I blame her given my own family history.
“Try being the daughter of a witch who wants to eat children’s souls,” I joke lightly.
Red chuckles. “Touché. Eh, no matter. Once school starts I’m gonna paint Auradon red.” Um, alright. Not sure what to say to that. She looks around the courtyard with slight surprise. “How did commoners get in?”
How different are things in Wonderland? 
“Actually royal status doesn’t matter at Auradon Prep,” I explain gently. “At least it shouldn’t. There are some, not giving names, that still hold themselves high for it.”
Chloe rolls her eyes. “Stop the teasing, I know you mean Chad.”
“Yes. Remind me, how did he get into college?” I mutter under my breath with a doubtful tone. 
“What about her?” Red points to a ‘“commoner” girl on the bench reading a book.
“That’s Annie Kelly. Her mother runs the orphanage and her father works in our stables.”
Red nods and points to another new student. “And him?”
“That’s her cousin Denton Jacobs. His parents work for the biggest newspress in Auradon- I’ll take that.” I reach out and swipe another boy’s cigar.
“Hey! That’s my cigar!” he whines.
My eyes narrow and I wave a finger at him. “No smoking in public places.”
He scowles and takes off sprinting to follow some other kids. “I wasn’t gonna smoke it!”
“Antonio Higgins, if I catch you running again you’ll be scrubbing floors for a month!” I warn. “Celia, Elvin, stop encouraging him!”
Forget magic security. My biggest challenge is going to be keeping these rascals in check.
“By the way, do you know Maddie Hatter?” I ask Red.
“I know her brother, Maddox. He’s my tutor. And my… friend.” She pauses. “I talk to him when mom’s not being the friendliest… which is often.”
Oh. Red’s got so much potential. Why does her mother have to hold her back?
“Coming from someone whose aunt worships the Devil, I know what it’s like to not get along with family.”
Red’s stern gaze softens. “How do you deal with it?”
“I don’t let my heritage define my future. At first I never thought I could fit in at Auradon Prep, much less make friends. It took some time, and a few mishaps, but it’s how I’m here now. That, and it helps that my coven is locked away in a spellbook.”
That sparks her interest but we’re interrupted when Cinderella walks over.
“Hello, dears!” She smiles kindly at us and playfully nudges Chloe. “I hope my daughter’s behaving.”
Chloe rolls her eyes. “Yes, mom.”
“I’m going to miss you.” Cinderella squeezes her into a hug. “And so will your father.”
She walks off into the courtyard to take a seat. I’ll admit her daughter is a peach compared to Chad, but how did he not end up with the blue hair?
Chloe groans. “School's gonna be a break from my family. I love them dearly but I’m sick of seeing my parents make heart eyes at each other.”
Red and I share a look. We were just discussing our troubled family dynamics and she complains of having loving parents?
Uh-oh. The red queen’s noticed us and is coming this way.
“Darling!” She smiles tightly and pulls Red to her, eyeing me closely. “Who is this?”
Careful. Don’t set off her temper. If it’s anything like Aunt Winnie’s I want no part of it and I don’t feel like having my head chopped off. 
I curtsey politely. “Magica Sanderson, your Royal Highness.”
The queen tilts her head. “Finally, someone who recognizes power. The daughter of Winifred Sanderson. I should have guessed from that ridiculous pointed hat.”
“Actually I am Sarah’s daughter,” I correct her.
She puts a hand to her chest and chuckles. “Oh that’s bupkis. How is the daughter of Sarah so… level-headed?” 
My jaw drops. It’s like a broken record. The instant people begin to respect my heritage, someone comes along and kicks it into the mud. Red catches my appalled reaction and leads the queen away, who's still laughing at me.
“Don’t listen to her,” Chloe says. “Maybe being in Auradon will help change her.”
I scoff. “Which one? The prejudiced killer queen or her clone of a daughter?”
Normally I wouldn’t think such dark thoughts but how much more must I have fingers pointed at me? Instead of screaming in terror at my name the queen mocks my mother’s dumb kindness.
“Come on, Magica!” Chloe pulls me along. “It’s starting!”
Maybe the welcome ceremony will lift my spirits. Fairy Godmother stands ready on stage and signals for everyone to be quiet.
“Attention please! Parents and students, it has been a great privilege to serve you. But the time has come for another to take my place. So please join me in welcoming Auradon Prep’s new principal!” 
We all turn to see Uma’s crew flipping down the aisle chanting her name. Out strides Uma, making her grand entrance as usual. Hasn’t lost her touch.
“What’s my name?” She asks the crew.
She smirks and points to the audience. “That’s Principal Uma to you. So you better get it straight, or you’ll be walking the plank.”
“She’s just kidding, just kidding!” Fairy Godmother assures the crowd.
“I never got to go to Auradon Prep. But as its captain I am proud to be charting a new course to a bright future. Beyond the old ways of heroes and villains.” Uma finds me standing in the back and we both nod. “So in that spirit I’d like to welcome Princess Red of Wonderland.”
Everyone looks expectantly at Red but the royal red pair remains seated. The queen seems to be toying with something… Playing cards?
“Excuse me.” The queen’s head rises to look at Uma. “Do you mind?” she asks kindly.
"I do, actually,” she replies tartly, looking at the crowd. “Hm.”
“Mom, what are you doing?” Red asks nervously.
“Oh, I’m playing my favorite game.” She chuckles as she stands and shuffles the deck. “Waaaarrrr!”
The queen’s Hellish cackle fills the air. She throws the cards into the sky, causing a cloud of red cascading across the sun. Pop! Pop! What in the name of Auradon-? They’re soldiers?!
Red heart soldiers pop from the cards and land all around, caging us in. The queen flicks out more cards and they block the exits. Uma’s trying her best to fight the soldiers with her sword but I can already tell it won’t be enough. Where’s-? Fairy Godmother! She has her wand!
“Bibbidi bobbity-”
The red queen’s icy glare stares her down. “No.”
Another card flicks across and collides with the wand, snapping it in two. Dear God. 
Fairy Godmother stands there still as stone, trying to piece together what just happened. Red’s watching it all with the same expression.
“No! Let go of me!” Uma grunts.
There’s no way I can fight these soldiers hand to hand. Even my most powerful magic is too dangerous to use. I could hurt the captives. Oh! My invisibility cloak!
I slip it on just in time to see the queen striding towards Fairy Godmother with a triumphant smirk.
Red’s still shocked. “Mom, this is crazy! Even for you!”
“Crazy, crazy that it’s taken this long,” her mother mutters with malice. “I have been waiting years to be welcomed back into Auradon! So thank you, Red. You finally did something useful.”
Red’s invitation. Her mother used it to infiltrate Auradon when our guard was lowered. She can't even be proud of her daughter for wanting an education.
“I should've known this was never about me,” Red whispers, shaking her head.
Her mom’s eyes narrow. “Everything I do is for you.”
“That was my invitation. My school. My life.”
“Someday you’ll thank me.” She pats Red’s shoulder and smiles at Fairy Godmother, holding what looks like a small mirror. “Oh! And we’ve already seen the ending. Spoiler alert! We win.”
Through the scrambling crowd Cinderella makes her way to the front, only to be stopped by the queen’s guards. “Stop it, Bridget. You’re better than this.”
Her Cheshire grin sends chills down my spine. “Let her through.”
The guards comply and push the blue royal ahead.
“This is too far. I know what happened was hard on you but that was ages ago.”
Talk about never forgetting. And I thought my family held grudges.
The red queen simply looks down at her with murder in her narrowed eyes. “Feels like yesterday to me.”
Cinderella shakes her head “It was a stupid prank.”
“Stupid? Who could forgive humiliating a girl at her first dance? Turning me into a monster in front of everyone? Now that’s just cruel.”
“You’re right,” Cinderella admits.
The red royal sneers. “You didn’t care then. You were off with your prince. Ooh, but you will now. You will all show me the respect I deserve!” She points down at her. “Now kneel.”
“I will never kneel to a tyrant,” the blue queen rejects.
“Ugh. She’s denied a royal order.” The Queen of Hearts looks at her daughter. “What do we do about that, darling?”
This whole time Red’s stayed quiet. There’s no denying the guilt behind her eyes. She’s too young to be given an order to kill someone.
“Look. All you have to do is pledge allegiance. Is that so hard?”
Cinderella also seems to see she’s hesitant. “If it means giving up everything I stand for, yes.”
Her mom is getting impatient. “Who are you loyal to, Red? Hm? These strangers? Or your mother? Hm? Now make me proud. For once.”
“Come on, Bridget. Even your daughter knows it’s wrong. She can’t do it.”
That sparks something. Why did she have to say that? That’s just edging Red on even further!
“Treason. She’s guilty of treason!” Red declares to the crowd of captured guests.
“Exactly right, my dear. And that means off with her head!” 
Lightning crackles across the sky. An execution? Lord, I have to do something! But what?
“Shoo.” The red queen waves her hand at the guards, signaling for them to drag Cinderella away. 
“It’s gonna be ok, Chloe.”
But her daughter is far from calm. “Mom? Mom!”
“I love you! Be strong, Chloe!”
The blue royal is dragged away to the dungeon. Chloe tries to follow but the guards block her path. She grips her sword and stands to challenge the red royals.
“That’s not fair! Let her go!”
The queen shows mock surprise. “Oh, bless your heart.”
Chloe charges with her sword held high. In the corner of my eye Red’s pulling something out. A pocket watch-?
The two girls collide and a snap of light engulfs them. I’ve seen some strange magic in my time but that was something completely new. That was no portal, no spell… What could possibly have caused them to vanish?
One of the guards crashes into me, sending us both tumbling to the ground and my cloak slips off. Oh no-!
“Well well, what have we here?” The red queen looks down at me. “Here, let’s fix you up, shall we?”
She snaps her fingers and another guard hauls me to my knees. Ow! I feel them clasp something around my neck- A metal collar. Attached to a red chain.  
“Stop this madness!” I order and hold up a hand. But no magic sparks to life. An enchanted collar?
“Obey, Sanderson.” The queen yanks the chain and I fall to the muddy ground. “Do you want these people to suffer?”
“Let her go!” I hear Remus growl somewhere.
The queen huffs. “No.”
He fights his way forward. His suit is just as torn as my dress. “Take me instead!”
Wh-What? No, Remus! What are you doing?
“Hm. A Sanderson witch or a simple peasant? I don’t think so.” Guards seize Remus and force him to kneel. The red royal approaches him slowly with an intrigued smirk. “Interesting… Oh, how precious! You love her.”
My pulse snaps. Love? 
Remus doesn’t back down. He keeps glaring up at her with his jaw set tight. In a split second his gaze flickers to mine. He’s biting his tongue. Why would he speak out to save me? Quit it, Remus! She’ll chop off your head!
“Yes. I love her. Please don’t hurt her anymore.”
My jaw drops. He loves me? 
“And I thought your father was pathetic,” the queen sneers. “The question is does she return your love?”
Everyone’s eyes turn down to me. Do I love him…? Yes. I do love you, Remus. Despite my stubborn mind telling me not to, my heart can’t let you go. But how can I answer yes? She’ll use Remus as leverage against me. I can’t put him at further risk.
My lip quivers as I lift my saddened eyes to the diabolical royal. “No. I do not love him.”
It’s convincing, because the reaction it gets from Remus shows me his heart just broke. I know that look all too well. I’m so sorry.
“Aw, boo-hoo,” the queen mocks and waves her hand. “Lock her away and I’ll find use for her later. Maybe a housemaid.”
Locked away. My fears are coming true. Go ahead, Royal Highness. Lock me away in the dark where no one can ever find me. I’ve been broken before, I can heal again. But will Remus?
The chain is tugged and I’m forced to follow, but suddenly a man bursts through the crowd. The guards grab him just before he reaches the queen.
“Ah, Charming. So nice to see you again.”
He must be Chloe and Chad’s father. God, how to tell him his wife is being executed and his daughter has vanished?
“Where is she? Where’s Cinderella?” he demands.
“Why? Are you looking for these?” The red royal holds up a gleaming pair of silver heels that’s just been handed to her. Oh Lord. I’m too late.
Charming’s face falls. “What have you done?”
She lazily flings them to the ground and they shatter. The king falls to his knees and reaches out for the gleaming shards.
“Not so funny now, am I?”
“No… No! No!” I screech as I’m pulled away. 
“Quiet!” The guard leading me barks. 
I hang my head in shame, crawling pathetically down stone stairs into the inky darkness. Whatever prison or dungeon this is, none will ever be able to hide my disgrace.
“In here!”
The sound of creaking metal means a door is being opened. The guard grips my torso and tosses me in, locking the cell. How did I let this happen? I was supposed to be in charge of magic security. Is there no right place for me in Auradon?
How long has it been? How many more innocent lives have been slaughtered because of the queen’s rage? Why must she keep me locked down here instead of killing me too?
Thud thud thud!
Hurried footsteps alert me to look up. Someone’s coming. Probably to finish the job-
“Remus?” I gasp weakly.
He kneels down and clings the bars separating us. How can he still love me after what I said? Why would he risk coming down here?
“I’m sorry, I had to see you. I-I’m sorry about earlier…” He pants and hangs his head. “I know what you’ve been through and never want you to feel that pain again. But… I love you, Magica.” He softly presses his hand to mine. “Even though you’ll hate me-”
“No, no,” I quickly interrupt. I’m not going through this again. I’m not pretending to not love someone anymore. “Remus I could never hate you. I… I think I love you too. Even though I’m supposed to have only one true love.” I try to ease the atmosphere with a small chuckle. “Guess I cheated Fate after all.”
Remus’ melancholy face shifts to one of bewildered enchantment. He leans his forehead against the bars and slips a hand through to caress my cheek. I’d forgotten what it’s like to feel loved. I miss it.
“Is this okay?” he asks softly, his eyes never leaving mine.
“No tricks,” I answer honestly and press a soft kiss to his cheek through the bars.
If there was no cage separating me I would bury myself in his arms and give all the love I have left. But even through this small act Remus moans against the bars to show his affection.
“I won’t let them hurt you,” he promises and gets up to search for the key. “I’ll get you out of here-”
I grab his hand to stop him. “No. If I rebel against the queen she’ll hurt you.”
Remus kneels down again, this time with a stern look. “Do not ask me to have to witness you walking to the courtyard to have your head chopped off.”
Aw. Gory, but still very sweet. He’s-
Ow! Something tugs at my head, almost as if an invisible knife is slicing through my brain. I buckle down and Remus starts panicking.
“Something’s happening…” I grunt in pain.
“Magica! What’s wrong?”
“Something’s… changing.”
Indeed, I feel the magic around us being warped. What-?
“What’s my name?” She asks the crew.
She smirks and points to the audience. “That’s Principal Uma to you. So you better get it straight, or you’ll be walking the plank.”
“She’s just kidding, just kidding!” Fairy Godmother assures the crowd.
“I never got to go to Auradon Prep. But as its captain I am proud to be charting a new course to a bright future. Beyond the old ways of heroes and villains.” She finds me standing in the back and we both nod. “So in that spirit I’d like to welcome Princess Red of Wonderland.”
Everyone looks expectantly for Red but she’s staying near the back while her mother remains seated. The queen seems to be toying with something… Playing cards?
“Excuse me.” The queen’s head rises to look at Uma. “Do you mind?” she asks kindly.
I do, actually,” she replies.
“Mom, what are you doing?” Red asks nervously.
“We’re my favorite game.” She chuckles as she stands and shuffles the deck. “Hearts!”
The queen’s red and white gown stands out in the crowd. Wait. I could've sworn her dress was all red. And she’s… smiling? The cards fly across the sky and pop into heart-shaped bubbles. 
“Oh, I’m so sorry!” She apologizes to the crowd. “I couldn’t help myself, I’m just so excited for my daughter to be here.”
Her loving gaze traces back to Red, who’s approaching with her own smile. 
“Well nothing I say is gonna top that, so… Have a great year, y’all!” Uma finishes.
Something changed. But what? It feels like a faint dream but I swear I was imprisoned in chains.
The crowd laughs in delight as Twilight and Dude run to and fro through the sea of people. While the students and parents dance and enjoy the snack table I walk up to the redhead VK. 
“I don’t know what you did, but you’ve proven to be good, Red. But thou be warned: manipulating the future has a cost. The bill will come due.”
But before she can respond her mother tugs her away for a dance. Uma walks up from behind and we both watch Red and Chloe jig about.
“Getting your way can be dangerous when you mess with the fabric of time,” Uma says. “They did something, didn’t they?”
I nod. “You and I both sense it. Something shifted not too long ago.”
Just then Remus walks into the room with Adam in tow. Remus. Does he-? Could that have been a dream too? Or maybe…
“Go to him,” Uma says. “It’s time you went on a date, Sparky. Though I never pinned you for a ginger fan.”
I roll my eyes. “Uma-”
“No, no, I get it!” She holds her hands up defensively. “A Rumpelstiltskin and a Sanderson? It sounds like a match! Now go.”
She pushes me forward and I nearly trip on my skirt.
“Okay, okay, I’m going!” I giggle. God, please let it be so. “Remus! Can I talk to you? Alone?”
The spark in his eye tells me he does feel the same. “Sure! See ya later, Adam.”
He offers an arm, which I graciously take, and we walk out to the gardens where it’s less noisy and more private.
“So, what’s on your mind?” he asks. “I think today went pretty good.”
“Remus, would you like to go out on a date sometime?”
The question throws him off guard. Remus stops in his tracks and looks at me as if an angel just descended. 
“Wha- Really? Yes! How did you know?”
“I just… Know. Once upon a time you might have confessed to me. Not that you remember- It’s complicated.”
Remus shrugs and nudges my shoulder. “You know best. So… Does that offer for a date still stand?”
I nudge him back with a playful smile. “Yes.”
He catches my gaze again and we stop walking. No words, just two young people testing the waters. Time truly is a fickle thing. We’re not quite grown-ups, but I’m worlds away from where I used to be. Who I used to be. Maybe Remus is the person who’s been there for me all along.
Remus breaks the silence. “Does this mean things are normal again?” he whispers.
I have to stop myself from smirking. “Things are never normal for us, Remus.”
“Yeah, but… Can we abnormally be a couple?”
He’s leaning closer. Unknowingly I’ve gotten closer too. We each see an unspoken message and our lips finally meet. No memories of Carlos trouble me with guilt. I just feel Remus, and the love that he feels for me. It’s no wonder people enjoy love so much. It’s time to end my time of being alone and search for the next step in my life.
We break apart to breathe, but don’t stray too far. Whatever the future brings… It shows so much potential.
“With a little bit of luck, I hope so.”
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just finished foul heart huntsman.....
also orion is literally me guys i am him (and jacks) (i am just every dramatic fictional man)
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swiftie-blog-123 · 1 year
Couples I ship and/or am obsessed with:
America Chavez/Kate Bishop (Young Avengers): "Princess, I've seen the way you look at me. You're not that straight."
Kirk/Spock (Star Trek): "This simple feeling"
Aloy/Seyka (Horizon): "I want to be with you"
Aloy/Petra (Horizon): "About time there was something worth looking at in this dump"
Merlin/Arthur (Merlin): "two sides of the same coin"
Anne Lister/Ann Walker (Gentleman Jack): "Every time I closed my eyes, there you were"
Rachel and Luce (Imagine Me & You): "The lily means I dare you to love me"
Graham and Megan (But I'm a Cheerleader): "don't run from me because this is fate"
Prof X/Magneto (X-Men movies): "I want you by my side"
Carol/Therese (Carol): "My angel, flung out of space"
Karolina/Nico (Runaways): "There's no leaving each other, not anymore"
Wiccan/Hulkling (Young Avengers): "I'm not going to lose you again"
Chloe/Nadine (Uncharted): “Relax, you’ll live longer.”
Nathan/Elena (Uncharted): “Anyone ever tell you, you have a funny idea of romantic?”
Spider-Man/MJ (Spider-Man): “Face it tiger, you just hit jackpot”
Tasha/Alice (The L Word): “You like girly girls”
Carmilla/Laura (Carmilla): “So you’re a giant black cat”
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1liv · 2 years
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lennysfridge · 4 months
discontinued for now
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heartlandians · 11 months
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Stills from Heartland - 17x04 - A Piece Apart
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miutonium · 2 years
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"We look cute together aren't we?" ❤️
This suppose to be a Valentine's day art but like I'm so late lol _(:3」∠)_ Anyway timelapse undercut :3
Jsyk this was such a pain for me to record because I have to export the timelapse, clear it from my canvas and then restart timelapse again and then attach all of the clips all by myself because my tablet can't handle the big file size (I'm talking like 200+mb without the timelapse) _(:3」∠)_
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sansypants9999 · 7 months
I remake the My HeadCanon Bluey design
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eddysocs · 4 months
🍼 Claire parks + Jack Griffin
P.s. I love them and can’t wait for more of Harvard bound!
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Name: David Henry Griffin
Personality: Witty, introspective and moody
Who they like better: Both Equally
Who they take after more: Claire
Personal headcanon: Jack wants David to go into philosophy so bad, but he never takes an interest. He does become a literature professor at Harvard though, so Jack definitely ends up super proud of him.
Name: Amelia Heather Griffin
Personality: Intelligent, social and inquisitive
Who they like better: Jack
Who they take after more: Claire
Personal headcanon: Amelia is practically besties with her honorary Aunt Heather. They talk all the time.
*Note: I just rewatched A.P. Bio with my mom recently and have a better idea on where I want to go with their fic, so I’m hoping to work on Harvard Bound again soon. Hopefully right after I finish up The Object Of Desire.
Send me 🍼 + an OC x canon ship of mine and I’ll make their child(ren) on faceapp.
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Forever Tag: @baubeautyandthegeek, @kmc1989, @curious-kittens-ocs, @fanficanatic-tw, @gcthvile
Claire Parks: @lover1307
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openheart12 · 2 years
Poor Unfortunate Souls
A/N: I’ve seen people on my dash using this generator https://perchance.org/incorrect-quote-generator to create texts with their characters so I tried it and got way too carried away lmao but the words in bold are the names of the group chats also maybe like 3 texts were my actual words so please don’t sue me
Summary: Texts between the “CTU Baddies” and my personal fav couple and their besties.
WC: 1,093
Warning: the language is heavy with this one
ctu baddies
2:32 am
michelle: who the fuck added me to a fucking group chat
jack: >:O language
ryan: yeah watch your fucking language
tony: okay who taught ryan the fuck word?
marwan: “the fuck word”
chloe: are you stupid? you guys use the f word all the time
ryan: omg she censored it
marwan: say fuck chloe
ryan: do it chloe. say fuck
6:28 pm
michelle: between ryan, jack, and chloe — if you had to pick — who would you punch?
marwan: no one! they’re my friends. i wouldn’t punch any of them
michelle: tony?
marwan: yeah but idk why
tony: why was marwan added in here?
michelle: why not?
tony: idk maybe bc he stole a NUCLEAR WARHEAD???
chloe: it was for the aesthetic
ryan: we have a problem
marwan: let me guess, you caused it?
jack: gimme a sec, i’m not drunk enough to listen yet
tony: and it’s another tuesday, what’s your point?
michelle: would shooting you solve this problem?
ryan: you know i have ptsd about that michelle :(
11:48 am
chloe: who else is hiding in the laundry room trying to listen to tony and michelle’s convo?
ryan: me. i’m in the laundry basket
marwan: i’m in the washing machine
jack: i’m in the closet
ryan: we accept you jack!
jack: no i’m literally in the closet
ryan: love is love <3
4:03 pm
ryan: you four better explain right now
michelle: it was marwan
tony: it was marwan
jack: it was marwan
chloe: it was marwan
marwan: … fuck
7:56 pm
tony: what does takeout mean?
jack: food
ryan: dating
michelle: murder
chloe: it can be all 3 if you’re brave enough
12:03 pm
ryan: what the hell happened in the break room
jack: who accidentally sets a lemon on fire????
michelle: microwave it for 40 minutes
tony: why were you microwaving a lemon?????
michelle: i read boiling lemons helps to cover up bad smells like burnt oranges but there weren’t any pots available
chloe: how did you also burn an orange????????
michelle: microwave it for 40 minutes :(
marwan: the more you know!!
9:39 am
tony: if we were in prison, you’d guys would be like my bitches
ryan: WERE?? XD
jack: did you not have bitches when you WERE in prison?
chloe: jack don’t forget about china
marwan: ohhhh burnnnn
michelle: im the only bitch you need
three main bitches
6:24 am
tony: the best part of an oreo is the cookie part, not the frosting. deal with it
jack: darkness without light is an abyss. light without darkness is blinding. you cannot have a coin with one side
2:47 pm
tony: are you a painting michelle?
michelle: wtf
tony: bc i wanna pin you to a wall
jack: oh god i thought you were gonna say you wanted to hang her or something
10:04 pm
tony: jack told me i was found in a KFC bucket next to the dumpster and i was rescued
michelle: you probably were
tony: oh crap, maybe that's the reason why. maybe my lackluster feelings towards their fried chicken is because subconsciously i’m reliving the trauma whenever i see their trademark bucket. my brain and cognitive dissonance won’t let me completely lie to myself and say i hate their food because fried chicken is great and i want some now, instead it just steers me away. thank you for helping guide me towards this epiphany, perhaps now the healing can begin
jack: it’s fucking chicken man
2:59 am
jack: how do you ask someone out?
tony: well first-
michelle: don’t ask him, he asked me out in a mcdonald's parking lot
jack: … and you said yes???
8:30 am
tony: everyone thinks i’m this soft cute person but i’m not!
jack: tony you stepped on a bug and cried for hours
tony: it had feelings! It was probably going home to dinner and i killed it :(
michelle: it was a bug …
tony: it was a BEETLE and its wife is definitely worried sick, wondering where it is and i don’t get why you both think i’m so sentimental because i’m not
michelle: okayyyyy anyways
7:39 pm
jack: i think tony’s in trouble
michelle: alright. i’m struggling to give a fuck if i’m honest
fearsome foursome
8:36 am
tony: bruh y’all are ridiculous michelle doesn’t have a crush on me :/
chloe: yes she does
jack: yes she does
michelle: yeah i do
4:29 pm
jack: what are you getting tony for the holidays?
michelle: idk it’s kind of hard buying a gift when he already has everything he could ever want when he married me. so i’m not sure yet
chloe: i’m getting tony a divorce lawyer
tony: as if we’d ever need one
chloe: i stg i’m the only one here with a braincell
michelle: ALL HAIL the keeper of the sacred brain cell
jack: hear, hear!!
tony: did we go back to the fucking 1600s
4:38 pm
jack: what is love?
michelle: an emotional minefield
chloe: a neurochemical reaction
tony: baby don’t hurt me
9:24 am
michelle: your smile? it makes my day
tony: your happiness? i live for that
chloe: a room? get one
jack: hotel? trivago
messages between tony and michelle
4:20 pm
tony: life keeps fucking me and i cant remember the safe word
michelle: clownery. tomfoolery. absolute fuckery. i’m going to revoke your life privileges
tony: jesus christ
2:49 am
tony: why am i the bad guy?
michelle: idk why am i the pretty one? we all have our thing
1:21 pm
michelle: tony you just saved my life!
tony: and i’d do it again and maybe a third time, but that’d be it
michelle: gee don’t hold back
5:35 pm
michelle: i feel so burnt out
tony: don’t worry it’ll be over soon
michelle: are you gonna… assassinate me?
tony: well not if you’re expecting it :/
11:11 pm
tony: have i ever told you that you cook well?
michelle: awww no you haven’t :’)
tony: so why do you keep cooking
4:51 am
michelle: i’m sorry please talk to me
(2 minutes later) hello? world’s most amazing person? sweet pea? precious cinnamon roll that’s too good for this world, too pure?
tony: “sorry” won’t bring back my fucking M&Ms
10:42 pm
tony: i typed “bitch” into my GPS and guess what? i’m in your driveway
michelle: mf
tony: vroom vroom bitch let’s go
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nona-gay-simus · 1 year
Favourite sapphic ships?
Honestly rn I am Obsessed with griddlehark (they just... hit several sweet spots for me, both aesthetically and in their dynamic and the very deep angst that surrounds their relationship - i will always be a simp for a bitchy femme with a soft spot for her bimbutch gf) and ADHD brain is very much like 'only one set of blorbos!" also, i only recently came out as a lesbian, and am still getting comfortable with that part of my identity (esp due to being nb and plus size) - i did id as bi for a long time but i almost consistently related to m/m media But off the top of my head, some other ones I'm quite fond of are: Catradora (Catra/Adora - She Ra and the princess of power) Bubbline (Princess Bubblegum & Marceline the Vampire Queen) and my very first serious sapphic was Rilaya (rilaya/maya from Girl Meets World - but I ship that very innocently and i am deeply disinterested in any smut content for them, or honestly anything beyond a chaste kiss because both actresses were underage at the time) From books I also quite like: Shara Wheeler/Chloe Green from I kissed Shara Wheeler (they also have some griddlehark vibes, and there are loads of parallels between Shara and Harrow in particular - repressed sexuality, shitty uncaring parents, religious trauma, bitchy to cover up a soft inside, very layered etc.) and also my fav romcom of all time - Kiss Her Once For Me - Ellie and Jack, who also had very deep feelings and good understanding of one another
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why do authors come up with banger names for the first book but then the LAST book in the series the name just doesn't hit right like what are you doing you messed up the soup 🧌
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maverickcalf · 1 year
...shipping a rare pair sucks.
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kaitlinj16 · 2 years
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🍂 I like me better when I'm with you 🍂
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heart-star · 11 months
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