#jade stf
sweetmariihs2 · 2 months
The Royal Record of Sofia The First (series bible by Craig Gerber - STF bible) PART 1
Some time ago a friend here on Tumblr posted the STF bible before she lost her blog. Her new blog today is @histroiansofenchancia , so let's give her total credit for finding this stuff!! But afraid of it turning into lost media I thought about posting the whole file here on Tumblr, and here I am. It has only 20 pages so that means it will be divided in two parts! I wish there was a way to post them all together tough.
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end of part 1! let's go to part 2 <3
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mushroomsie224 · 4 months
Have I ever mentioned how pretty Princess Ivy is? I'm glad she wasn't just a one-time episode thing. Oh, and she'd be lovely to draw in my sketchbook, since she's all black and white. And Miss Nettle making her a pair of glasses to help against the bright flowers was cute. I like how they contrast (Nettle and Ivy).
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captain-amadeus · 6 months
Yea man, I do have a problem with people hating Ruby and Jade for being immature when they are literally children.
Yea man, I hate when people hate on children characters for making bad decisions when they don't know any better or are misguided and yet will give leeway to an adult who should know better just because he was hurt in the past.
Yea man, you don't have to love Ruby and Jade, but again, they are CHILDREN who aren't fully matured yet and holding grudges against literal children is so weird.
Yea man, people deserve more forgiveness for their actions as a child because you're in a state of learning about the world and you're bound to do things without understanding how it could be harmful to others or yourself.
Yea man, Jade may act mean sometimes, but ever kid is close to being 10 and you can't expect them to be fully able to emotionally control themselves, like kids experience things so intensely at that age including emotions and that can lead to them saying and doing things they didn't mean to do.
Yea man, Ruby and Jade shouldn't be hated for being kids, and besides, one of the points of the show is learning how to be better at any age, and we should be more considerate when it comes to judging their actions.
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raptorladylover6969 · 4 months
Reminder that Ruby and Jade are children, and will 100% make mistakes in life. You know why? Because theyre CHILDRENNNNNN. Anyone with common sense will know that. They’re gonna do stupid and embarrassing shit. Its all a part of growing up. We were all annoying, and stupid, and embarrassing at one point. ITS NORMAL. THATS HOW THE HUMAN BRAIN DEVELOPS. The more you learn and grow, the more knowledge about the world you gain. If you’re gonna get mad at them for being “bitches” or “complete jerks that Sofia should drop” You’re a fucking idiot. Thats what the whole point of the show is about. Learning from your mistakes no matter if you’re a child, teen adult, male, female, animal, IT DOESNT MATTER. I am so sick and tired of people bashing on them because they’re kids. Like cmon man. Do better.
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locitapurplepink · 9 months
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Here are Sofia The First other characters' moodboards part 2
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mrfleshwizard · 18 days
hot take: you can hate ruby and jade and at the same time acknowledge that hildegard + the other princesses were being classist af. i don't like ruby and jade a lot but it's crazy how people will praise hildy and the others. at least ruby and jade get better eventually, hildy remains awful
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moonypears-blog · 3 months
Did you ever watch Once Upon a Time?
Imagine STF had been a part of it.
We could've gotten both fantasy/medieval versions of the cast and modern looks.
More sibling bonding.
More Cedric/Sofia moments (NOT shipping I repeat that slash does NOT indicate shipping) and exploring any paternal bonds going on there, including how it'd clash with Roland.
ACTUAL BIRK CONTENT. For all we know that man was looking for some enchanted item that the cast needs idfk.
We could have Emma and Sofia bonding over "mc/savior of the universe/leader" syndrome, particularly with Sofia being a child.
Sofia and the twins (and ig the village friends bc they exist or whatever 😒🙄) being friends with Henry.
Jade and Ruby being passive aggressive and getting called tf out for it.
Rumplestiltskin being the creator of that goddamn well or smth and otherwise causing chaos/drama in Enchancia in flashbacks.
ANOTHER MUSICAL EPISODE. We can always use more musical episodes.
I can only imagine the CGI or whatever for Sofia's animal friends, as well as just how many more actors/actresses would be needed for any and all animals in the show.
Omg this would also bring Elena into the series by default.
There could be so many possible routes for angst and drama and villain arcs. Rumple and Cedric. Vor. Merlin and all that existing (I think they already do within the canon of the show? Idr been a hot minute). Ivy and actually seeing her sister. Miss Nettle.
My fyp reminded me of OUAT's existence and I'm here to make it everyone's problem/j
Oooh! I've never seen OUAT, maybe a few episodes a couple years ago, but this sounds really interesting!
It would be good to see Sofia with another world saviour, especially if they're an adult and was once like Sofia, but realised how messed up it was and gets Sofia to see the truth.
Also yes for more Cedric and Sofia scenes! Yes even more for their father daughter bond actually being recognised! I think it would have been good for the show to display that the lessons about non bio families also goes outside of step families.
Maybe we would also get more lore about the amulet from before Elena's time, back closer to when it was made in maru!
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Heya! Gosh, you were really over-achevieving with those headcanons, huh? It's great to see! (As long as you're fine with it and don't get overwhelmed/burnt-out ofc)
I was kind of wondering what your favorite girlies are! So is it alright if you tell?
It can be HSR, ZZZ, or both!
Glad you saw my little headcanon work! I wasn't getting burnt out, so much as I was worrying about my works being repetitive/bland to read, since I made all the HSRs in one night and stuff...
And sure!
For HSR I have... too many, I think... I don't really have one singular one I obsess over, so much as I have a bunch of gals that I say, "Awe! Look at the cute idiot babygirl! I luv her so much! Awee! She so dummy! HEY! BACK OFF FROM HER! I STF I WILL FIGHT YOU! GO AWAY!" Whenever there's interaction with them.
For HSR there's Asta, though I think I mostly like her backstory and her Character Event Quest because she sadly doesn't get all that much interaction throughout the game :<.
She'd be such a caring girlfriend, though! She's probably never had someone who's genuinely wanted to date her for her, so she's constantly overanalyzing everything that she and you do. She probably tries her best to have good communication, but frets and worries if it's something too small, and probably blames herself for the smallest things, like if you were to get a migraine, or are pushing yourself at work a lot and come home late.
That's something she'll need to work on a bit, but she'll catch on if you're clear about what you say, and a simple, "I'll tell you if I need some space, or if I have a migraine, so you don't have to guess." Should put her at ease.
March is so silly, and I adore teasing her in-game, her reactions are incredibly cute and amusing. And the way that she just basks in the fact that you're praising her in the new Marcher event is honestly so, so cute! If there was ever a choice between teasing and praising, I'm not so sure I'd be able to choose between the two.
She'd absolutely be such a fun girlfriend to have! I like taking walks a lot, and it would be really cool to go sightseeing or something with her!
Stelle is the little idiot-jokester... I love her corny face so much. And. That. Voice! Have you HEARD it!?
I took a bunch of recordings of her voice, at first it was mostly because it was so rare for her to talk, but later it was because of how it sounded! I began to notice during the Ruan Mei event, when Stelle's choices weren't matching with her words. Then in Fyxstroll Garden Quest, and now in 2.4 she's more vocal than ever! It's great!
She's also such a mischievous little goober! If she had earned any less than 2 Praise-of-High-Morals during her lifetime, she'd totally be doing poorly-done graffiti, and I would 100% follow along!
Topaz, Robin, and Firefly are some standouts. I just keep. Coming. Back to them.
Topaz was the first banner I ever rolled on after getting HSR, when I was a confused little nugget that had no clue how to work this new UI, and... I failed and got Yanqing instead...
Robin was the 2nd banner I rolled on, before I even hit the Luofu. I was majorly confused about her, but caught wind of the Robin!Lesbian?! Drama and defended her by.... ignoring the ones in denial, because everyone else argued before me, and also better than me, so I stayed quiet, but began to learn about her on the side.
Long story short, I rolled for her and got... Gepard.
Finally, I reached Penacony. And really, really ended up falling pretty hard for Firefly. Robin was great, but I didn't get to interact with her all that much :<
Firefly, though...
Throughout your journey on The Astral Express, we've visited many places. And while some journeys collided in opposition, others coalesced for a common goal, journeying with Firefly and going on little dates with her...
Felt like the first time I was exploring someone else's world.
Once I heard Firefly's banner was coming up, I saved like 50 bucks, and a bunch of Stellar Jades and got...
Then I rolled and got Firefly 50 warps later :D!
I like lots of the HSR girlies, but these are some of the more special ones.
Now for Zenless...
None of them are specially special, but I adore Anby so much! I want to go on a movie date and get some really great junk food with her!
I love characters that have this straight-forward, but not-quite-all-there sort of brainspace. I really, really want to see more of Anby!
Nicol is pretty neat, too, though I mostly have a little attachment to her because, just like with Anby, I insta-upgraded her as soon as I could. I don't care if neither are going to be useful longterm, my wifies. Need. Their. Promotion!
I want to wait a while before anything else. Currently she's at Cinema level 5 with the banner.
Oh, who's banner by the way—?
Zhu Yuan's.
She and Grace are two characters that I like pretty-well. I think it's mostly the promotional material (since I sadly haven't gotten to their parts in-game yet :( ).
So much personality oozes from what they do, what they love, and how they interact with the world.
Once again, though, I really love them, but I can't vocalize why until I see them in-game.
B-b-b-booonuss rooound!
I'm never going to do Genshin Impact, but screw you, I'm giving you the ladies I love from there, too!
I've only played Genshin three times.
Each time was because of 1 character.
I love 5 of them.
Let's start.
I first started playing because I was reading TV Tropes to see what Genshin was all about, and went into the character section to check out some of them, because like 3 of my friends were just like, "Yoooooo! This dude character has a jiggly BULDGE!"
Thus. I stumbled upon Collei. Then, I read her manga. Then fanfiction. Then I checked out some of her art.
I heard there was an event going on at that time where you could get a free Collei.
I assumed it was limited time event, and downloaded the game. Wow... it sure is taking a lot of gigs... even more than FateGO and the Yu-Gi-Oh card game combined... it's still going....
Anyway, after hopping on, not understanding anything about what anyone was saying and getting a Noelle I turned the game off to go to sleep.
I woke up, got my wings from Amber, and tried to do this quest for this Pirate Dude in Fantasy Police Force.
Then I began to travel and died by a level 12 Hillichurl.
"Too bad there's no automatic healing system and no quick-telwports..." I grumble to myself, not realizing that there are, in-fact, quick-teleports.
I dropped the game after that, but I still really love Collei.
I like Amber because she's Collei's best friend and helped her through serious trauma, and also from a fanfic I once read.
I liked Amber enough to make an OC similar to Collei, except her trauma isn't very traumatic, and she lives in the forest with her mother and people who kidnapped her when she was a child.
Then Jean.
I really like Jean
Funfact: she's extremely reminiscent of my first favorite Fate GO character: Chevalier D'eon.
Additional fun-fact: The first X Reader I read was a Jean x Reader headcanons!
She's so baby, and I want to hug and cuddle all her stress away!
Arle. Fricken. Cchinno. Arlecchino.
I don't think you know how many Arlecchino x Fem bots there are on Character AI. It was SCARAMOUCHE level (well, maybe half his level, but that's still a ton!)
I kept seeing various Arlecchino x Fem!User bots over and over, and so... I clicked, and chatted, and chatted with various others.
It was only when I heard her in relation to Genshin that I found out, "Wait? She's an already-established character?" And the rabbit hole was jumped down yet again.
Only this time I burrowed.
I picked up the game again, for a day, and spread the contagious dirt into my best friend's eyes (as I often do), until she was infected.
Then we were making regions and OCs, and Archons.
Very fun.
I love Arlecchino, and, though I'll never get her, she'll likely be my first thought whenever someone mentions Genshin.
Lastly, and most-recent:
I don't know a lot about her... but... those sunglasseeessss! Those EYES! That zipper that I somehow didn't notice until someone mentioned it. Those eyes! Gooooshhhh! I really just want to push her into a wall and nuzzle my head right into her throat while she squeezes me tight!
Legit thinking about installing Genshin for a 3rd time, just for her.
Wow! All of that was super-long and unhinged.
Why am I like this?
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notmoreflippingelves · 4 months
"Would you ever write": 1) a narumitsu story (doesn't need to end well *smirk* Sorry I am mean XD ) 2) an Ace Attorney/Elena of Avalor crossover 3) a Krisnix fix-it ?
Yes and No
What I mean by that is that. No, I would never write a story where narumitsu is the exclusive and only focus. I'm not even sure that I could write a Phoenix & Edgeworth gen platonic story. I'm just not invested in their dynamic enough to want to center a fanwork about it.
However, I would be open to writing a story that incorporates narumitsu provided that it isn't the main/only focus. For instance, I might write a krisnix that has past narumitsu, unrequited narumitsu, or future narumitsu, but in those cases, krisnix would still be the "main" ship and the narumitsu would stay in the background. Even if the narumitsu is "endgame," I would absolutely imply that Phoenix will always be more than a little in love with Kristoph.
I would also be open to writing Phoenix and Edgeworth as part of a poly ship with someone else. I made a post a few days ago about how the introduction of nearly any third party into the Nick & Miles dynamic is somehow able to make me care about narumitsu. I think the most likely candidates for the 3rd member of the triad would naturally be Kristoph, followed closely by Lang. But I admit to also being curious about Lana or Blackquill. So who knows where it might go.
2. Maybe
I already have way too many works-in-progress/plot bunnies for both fandoms (plus a few other fandoms) to think seriously of adding to them. So I don't think it's particularly likely that I would write an AA + EoA crossover. However, I have actually put some considerable thought into how exactly a hypothetical crossover might work. (If I ever find a way to make my blorbos from each fandom interact in a way that makes sense, this could definitely change).
In the series finale of EoA's sister show Sofia the First, we are teased with the idea of multiple-dimensions/alternate universes existing within canon. The Ever Realm (where EoA and StF take place) is specifically identified as being in a distinct universe from NeverLand and the existence of NeverLand implies the existence of London. And given that London is the setting of the both the Ace Attorney/Layton crossover and the Ace Attorney prequel, we can assume that this universe would be compatible with the wider Ace Attorney franchise.
So due to ambiguous magical shenanigans (maybe involving Esteban's teleportation staff?) , the cast of Elena of Avalor could hypothetically dimension-hop into the same universe as the Ace Attorney characters. I think a crossover might work best if it was set primarily in Kingdom of Khur'ain from Spirit of Justice. It would still be quite an adjustment but definitely less of a culture shock than having the EoA crew land in modern-day Japanifornia.
I have thought a bit as well about some of the character interactions that I would love to see.
Esteban would not get along with Minister Inga, as he would remind Esteban of the worst aspects of himself (pompous, arrogant, ambitious). Nahyuta would also remind Esteban a lot of himself, in the sense of being , once-idealistic-but-grown-more-jaded as a result of being trapped from a young age under the thumb of a very powerful, cruel, and dangerous tyrant , being forced to do terrible things as a result but nevertheless clinging to their humanity through it all and trying to use what little influence they have to protect their family and country. I really think that they could really help each other heal. I also feel like Esteban might develop a crush on Dhurke Sahdmadhi, but he absolutely would not recognize it as a crush. He would just be all "he's so tall and mysterious and manly. like a hero from a storybook. I want him to think I am cool and smart and interesting too." (This is also how I head canon that Esteban hypothetically views Antonio Agama in universe--an actual crush that he mistakes for a very long time as being a man crush/hero-worship due to him being a very closeted, very repressed and even more oblivious distinguished disaster bi.)
Athena has the potential to develop some really powerful bonds with both Esteban and Elena. Elena's emotion dress magic and Athena's emotional-hearing + Widget provide an interesting point of commonality on discussing how they feel and process emotions in themselves and others--as well as how to cope when the strength and intensity of their feelings overwhelms them. Esteban, meanwhile, would not easily be able to hide his loneliness, guilt, and insecurity from Athena's super-hearing, nor from her compassion. Hear heart would go out to him and she would work on helping him see the good in himself/build himself back up as well as reminding the other characters to show him the affection, attention, and validation that he's always needed.
I feel like Mateo and Apollo would not get along. This is probably a combination of me projecting my Mateo apathy onto Apollo and the fact that Apollo is in general fairly prickly, hot-tempered, and judgy. They would squabble and I would live for it.
Klavier would absolutely flirt shamelessly with everyone. Gabe and Esteban just roll their eyes and Mateo and Elena would be oblivious. But Naomi...he would absolutely rub Naomi up the wrong way and she would bond with Ema over it. She eventually comes around to him, especially when he turns down the playboy persona and is a bit more genuine. I also feel pretty sure that Klavier and Prince Alonzo would start out as bitter rivals, abruptly become besties, and then maybe something more?
Ema and Isabel would absolutely talk each other's ears off about science, and thanks to Ema, Isa would probably enter her "forensics" era for awhile and spend a lot of time using science to play detective.
I feel like Trucy might exchange sleight-of-hand tricks with the Delgados. She would also be fascinated by Elena's scepter and Esteban's staff and would spend a lot of time trying to figure out how the "trick" worked.
Haven't really thought much about Phoenix, the Feys, Edgeworth, Larry, Blackquill, Ziska, Gumshoe, or any of the others. But I think there's potential there. Maybe particularly in having Maya or Pearl channel Alacazar as well as Elena's and/or Esteban's parents.
3. Yes. Yes. Yes.
I actually have a few plot bunnies/works-in-progress (albeit very much on the backburner) that have elements of "krisnix fix-it-fic."
One of them is a post-canon, angsty mess but that ultimately will have elements of getting back together and Kristoph receiving mental health care.
Another is a Crazy Ex-Girlfriend AU in which madcap screwball romantic dark comedy shenanigans ensure that Kristoph never actually kills anyone, undoes a lot of the damage he's already done/takes accountability for his actions, and ends up with a relatively happy ending (even if I'm not entirely sure whether he'd end up with Phoenix ,alone or with one of the alternate love interests.)
The third is a time-travel AU scenario. The DLC case of SOJ supposedly includes elements of time-travel but are later revealed to be faked/misinterpretations. This fic would presuppose that in the process of investigating the case, Phoenix discovered that time travel really does exist. In exchange for successfully convincing everyone else that it doesn't, the Time Travel Bureau will allow Phoenix to make a few changes to the past, provided that they don't disrupt the wider timeline too much. After his first choices of saving Mia and Gregory Edgeworth are rejected (as their deaths have too great an impact on events), Phoenix is permitted to "save" Kristoph by preventing him from committing the murders (as it's gauged that Zak and Drew Misham would've died of natural causes soon afterwards anyway). Phoenix has to be *very* careful in terms of not letting anyone know what he is doing and only making the slightest changes. He will still lose his badge and spend 7 years without it, Zak will still abandon Trucy, Kristoph's forgery will still be revealed and he'll be disbarred and sent to prison for it--though fortunately he doesn't have murder on his conscience/sentence. But Kristoph will eventually get out on parole, live a much happier life (I'm thinking he ends up working in the marketing department for Ariadoney), and possibly get back together with Phoenix.
Send me an ask that says “Would you ever write…” and continue the sentence. I’ll respond with yes or no and give an explanation as to why if I want to.
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theworldibuilt4you · 2 months
Hey, hey, hey! Addie, Sonny is right. This was NOT your fault. Don't beat yourself up, you did not choose to make this bad situation happen.
But... it is odd. If what Sonny said is true and that somebody was waiting for the right moment, then it means somebody was actively watching all of us. Owl and Kinito are asleep, and Jade would not snatch Casey again because then we would have a reason to expose her to Kinito. Unless there is something else she wants? No, I don't think she would try something we would perceive as hostile right off the bat if that were the case.
It's not Sam, is it? I mean, I don't think it's Sam. I don't think Sam is *able* to do something like this right now?
But if it is none of them
that would mean somebody else is in the server.
"N-W eahw… Qg'x xofm nw bss yyle autifq aadr fqwrls bb yvcf uakxicie.. B hqq nh mb pety, N-Wn jts waqm ca hnm byvye nsme'x kieed, jhy hbnm wif qcmg reiex oab.."
"B-Ib jfgh'g tngbss qr dnwj, yv… nutt'a stf wrktivs. W'g yhosvsu ug mhm zfwh yhg.. Svswnb bs qa Xhufbs, Rnis cf bnipywpr, tnl Ffa'm phmxyjhyyr iv ytqeqhwv… Hszyfl ywh yvcad Oey ng mhwdmaqm u phdm zfgnrk, I-Q'z tin by oxgnchf!"
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Seren Silkwood (a stf OC)
basic info abt her ^^ I'll probably post more soon, as well as her character sheet !
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Gender: Female, she/her
Alignment: Neutral (formerly), Good
Race: Human
Pets: Wren (Cat, Male)
Occupation: Junior Village Gardener (formerly), Student at the village school (formerly), Student at Royal Prep, Royal Advisor to Sofia and Amber, Cedric’s (part-time) Pupil
Likes: Writing, Singing, Astronomy/Astrology, Castles, Sewing, Reading, Mer-folk, Animals, Romance, Her friends, Long Walks, The forest, Impressing Amber, Charlie (formerly), Clover
Dislikes: Loud noises, Snow, Tomatoes, Bad hair days, Cooked fish/the smell of them, Amber being angry at her, Sofia being angry at her, Sofia (formerly), Being alone, Being cold, Her Mother
Friends: Princess Sofia, Princess Amber, Ruby, Baileywick, Cedric, Oona, Clover, Robin
Enemies: Princess Sofia (formerly), Princess Ivy, Jade, Melanie Silkwood
Family: Charlie Silkwood (younger sister), Melanie Silkwood (mother), Christopher Silkwood (father, deceased)
Personality: Seren will do whatever it takes to become a princess and see the castle. She’s quite intelligent, but doesn’t get her way until she uses the goodness of her heart. After her redemption, she’s been generous and truthful, as well as generally kind for the most part. She puts her friends safety before her own, especially Amber and Sofia, whom have become her closest friends.
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this is a wip by the way, so things may change :]
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sweetmariihs2 · 2 months
The Royal Record of Sofia The First (series bible by Craig Gerber - STF bible) PART 2
Some time ago a friend here on Tumblr posted the STF bible before she lost her blog. Her new blog today is @histroiansofenchancia , so let's give her total credit for finding this stuff!! But afraid of it turning into lost media I thought about posting the whole file here on Tumblr, and here I am. It has only 20 pages so that means it will be divided in two parts! I wish there was a way to post them all together tough.
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End of part 2! Done <3
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sofiaanddisney · 2 years
So these are the STF characters I think need more love.
Probably others that I can't think of.
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captain-amadeus · 8 months
I love Amber I love James I love Miranda I love Roland I love Baileywick I love Ruby I love Jade I love Sofia's friends and family ao much
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mayhemproduces · 1 month
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Ever since Bryan Danielson got his hands on the MPW Stardust Championship- hell, since the day Bryan Danielson stepped foot here in MPW, Danielson has demonstrated a combination of raw brutality & absolute disrespect towards the MPW roster. Not only has Danielson refused to show any sort of respect towards any of his opponents here in MPW, he’s actively brutalized them. Riley Ishimori was put on the shelf for months. He tried to make an example out of Jade Suzuki and in the process got disqualified. He made a point of savaging Hangman Page. Where he crossed a line, apparently, was going after Chris Sabin, which has lead to tonight. Alex Shelley is the next to step up and attempt to stop Bryan Danielson’s reign of terror. 
Two of the best grapplers in professional wrestling history, and pinfalls are absolutely off the table. The only way to win is by submission in this one, one of these men will be forced to tap out tonight, it’s the only way one of these men are leaving with the MPW Stardust title tonight. Referee Bryce Rhemsberg in charge of this one, as per usual with MPW ppv matches, a 60-minute time limit in play here. We’ll be here as long as it takes. 
The referee called for the bell, and our MPW Stardust Title match is underway! Shelley and Danielson lock up, and after a few moments of jockeying for position, the advantage goes to Danielson, who manages to trap Shelley’s arm, before pulling him in and trapping Shelley’s head and neck in a cravate. Shelley tried to pick at Danielson’s fingers to release the hold, but Danielson kept his hands locked, and continued to increase the torque. Shelley tried to bring his hands down on Danielson’s arms to break the hold, but Danielson actually released the hold momentarily to dodge the swipe from Shelley, before locking the hold back on. Shelley then attempted to roll out of it, but Danielson rolled with him, and now Danielson had Shelley trapped in a seated position with the cravate still on, Danielson up on a knee to increase his leverage and continue to twist down on Shelley’s neck. Shelley managed to pull himself up to a knee, and then picked Danielson’s fingers again, successfully getting him to release the hold, before twisting Danielson’s arm back into a hammerlock, and then transitioning that into a cravate of his own! Shelley is now the one applying pressure to Danielson’s neck!
Danielson dropped down, forcing Shelley to transition the cravate into a front facelock, which allowed Danielson to then pick Shelley’s arm and trap him in a fujiwara armbar for a second, before Shelley managed to roll through and trap Danielson with a heel hold! Shelley twisted Danielson’s ankle, before flipping him over and tying up his legs. Shelley tried to lock in some sort of modified STF, but Danielson wasn’t having any of it, so instead Shelley released his legs and picked an arm, trying to lock in some sort of armbar, or maybe somehow slip into the Border City Stretch, but Danielson escaped that too, catching Shelley with a boot before getting back to his feet. Shelley shook the kick off and got back to his feet as well, charging Danielson and taking him down with a shoulder tackle, but Danielson used the momentum and rolled backwards and up to his feet, before picking Shelley’s legs and taking him down! Danielson tried to lock in a figure four, but Shelley kicked him off and slid into a drop down position as Danielson hit the ropes, Danielson leaping over Shelley as he came back, and as Alex Shelley got up, rolled over his back and landed on his feet. Danielson shoved Shelley into the ropes, and on the rebound caught Shelley with a dropkick right to the face, taking him down! 
Shelley crawled to the corner, and Danielson measured him before charging Shelley, but Shelley managed to dodge, slipping behind Danielson before catching him with an enziguri to the back of the head! Danielson was stunned, and Shelley grabbed his head, before using the ropes to plant Danielson with a Tornado DDT! Danielson was spiked on the top of his head, before rolling out onto the apron to recover. Shelley followed him out there, and tried to lift Danielson back up to his feet, but Danielson caught Shelley with a shot to the gut, before standing up and nailing Shelley with a stiff looking forearm. The shots from Danielson kept coming, before Danielson took a few steps back and attempted a rolling elbow on Shelley, but Shelley ducked it, and wrapped his arms around Danielson’s waist, before charging forward and driving Danielson into the ring post! Danielson was stunned, and Shelley used the opportunity to turn Danielson back around, and drop him with a DDT on the apron! Danielson crashed head first down onto the hardest part of the ring, and then down to the floor on the outside!
Shelley went for a walk around the ring to compose himself and catch his breath for a second, as Danielson was still laid out on the outside. The ref, Bryce Remsburg for this match, told Shelley to bring it back into the ring, and Shelley obliged, tossing Danielson back into the ring before sliding back in himself. Shelley watched and measured Danielson as he used the corner to pull himself back up, before charging at Danielson. Danielson got out of the way, and tried to nail Shelley with a big forearm, but Shelley caught Danielson, trying to drive him into the turnbuckles with a flatliner, but Danielson caught Shelley with several hard elbows, breaking Shelley’s grip on him. Shelley stumbled back, holding his head, perhaps his equilibrium a little thrown off by those shots to the ear.
Danielson smirks as Shelley stumbles away, before Danielson measures and catches Shelley right on the arm with a stiff kick! Shelley groans in pain, and stumbles away, a chuckle escaping Danielson as he measured and did it again, catching Shelley right on the upper bicep! Shelley tries to get away from Danielson, only for Danielson to grab the arm again, and twist it around, looking to lock in a hammerlock, but Shelley quickly escapes and catches Danielson in a snapmare, dropping him and transitioning into a neck crank. Danielson tries to pick at Shelley’s arm, but Shelley continues to crank on the hold, Danielson instead going after Shelley’s fingers, breaking the hold and twisting Shelley’s arm around, extending it as Danielson still had Shelley by the fingers, before he launches a kick at Shelley’s tricep, almost catching him right under the elbow! Ouch!
Danielson grabs Shelley again and pulls him once again into a hammerlock. Danielson reached around and tried to trap Shelley in a headlock, but Alex wrenched the arm, preventing anything of the sort from happening. When that angle didn’t work, Danielson went about twisting out of the hammerlock, and trapping Shelley with a hammerlock of his own, but it didn’t last long before Shelley twisted out of that hold, wrung Daniel’s arm, and trapped him in a wrist lock. Danielson dropped down to a knee as Shelley applied pressure, but Danielson was quickly back up to his feet, before executing a forward roll, followed by a cartwheel, smacking Shelley’s wrist to release the wrist lock, tossing Shelley with an arm drag, before locking in an arm bar! 
Danielson tried to keep Shelley down with a knee placed on Shelley’s head, using it to create more torque on the arm, but Shelley managed to get out from under Danielson, and back to his feet. Shelley sent Danielson off the ropes and dropped down, but Danielson rolled over Shelley, getting back up, before catching Shelley with another arm drag, and then right back into the arm bar! Shelley managed to get back up, tossing Danielson with an arm drag of his own, but Danielson rolled through, continuing the momentum and tossing Shelley with an armdrag back into the armbar!
Shelley once again got back to his feet, this time electing to pull Bryan Danielson’s hair and back him into the corner to get Danielson to release the hold! The ref was quick to get on Shelley about staying off Danielson’s hair, and he relented, putting his hands up as he leaned against the ropes, taking a quick breather to refocus. “If he has until five, so do I!” Shelley argues back, a cheeky little side comment from Alex Shelley. Shelley grabbed Danielson again and pressed a forearm to his throat in some version of a choke in the corner, the ref counting for Shelley to break the hold. He did so at three, once again, raising his arms and proclaiming his innocence. However, that may have been a fakeout, as he launched for a chop to Daniel’s chest, but Danielson ducked and moved out of the corner, pushing Shelley into the corner, and catching Shelley with a chop of his own! The first one didn’t seem to phase Shelley much, but Danielson followed it up with a second, and then a third chop, each one the pain in Shelley’s face becoming more and more evident. Danielson tried to fire away with a fourth, but Shelley once again grabbed a handful of Daniel’s hair and forced him into the corner, before beginning to fire away with rapid fire machine gun chops to Bryan Danielson! Each one as loud as a gunshot throughout the venue, and punctuated by one final, brutal chop that dropped Danielson to his knees! Danielson clutched his chest, and began to crawl away from Shelley, trying to create a little separation. Shelley responded by catching Danielson with a boot to the face. 
Danielson tried to use the ropes to pull himself up,and Shelley ran off the ropes to try and nail him with something, but Danielson managed to catch Shelley with a drop toehold, sending Shelley down into the ropes, before kicking the rope up into Shelley’s throat, kicking Shelley in the head, and pulling on the rope and sending Shelley rolling backwards, Danielson rolling back with him. Shelley rolled up to his knees, and Danielson sprang up, before nailing Shelley with a big beautiful dropkick right to the back of the head! Shelley held the back of his head, rolling out of the ring to recover! Danielson quickly got back to his feet and measured, before diving through the ropes, crashing into Alex Shelley with a tope suicida, both men crashing into the guardrail! Danielson rolled back into the ring and looked to be going for another one, but Shelley quickly bailed out of the way to another side of the ring, but Danielson managed to stop, slide, change direction, and dive out of that side of the ring! Danielson catches Shelley with ANOTHER suicide dive! 
Danielson picks up Shelley again, trapping Alex Shelley’s arm behind his back into a hammerlock again, but this time, Danielson grabs Shelley and throws him into the steel guardrail, arm first, driving Shelley’s shoulder into the steel guardrail! That can lead to a separated shoulder! 
Danielson gets back up and smirks at the fans in the front row, actively booing him. The loud booing seems to just amuse Danielson, who gets right into the faces of the fans sitting front row here tonight. 
“You’re only here because none of you can afford a ticket to AEW!” 
Ouch. Tell us how you really feel, Bryan. 
Danielson stops messing with our fans, and turns around, only to eat a forearm from Alex Shelley! Shelley pops Danielson again, and again, and again, practically forcefeeding Danielson forearm shots, dizzying the MPW Stardust Champion! Shelley then traps Danielson against the guardrail, and stuns him with a chop, before grabbing his head, flipping over Bryan Danielson, and driving Danielson’s back and spine down on the top of the guardrail with a modification on Sliced Bread! Danielson stumbles away, clutching at his back, as Shelley grabs a chair on the outside. Shelley places it down, and sets it up, before Shelley takes a few steps back, before charging, launching himself over the guardrail, and taking out Danielson with a flying cross body! 
Shelley is running hot now, pumping the crowd up as he gets back to his feet! Shelley grabs Danielson again, and places him against the ring post, before Shelley spins, looking for a Rolling Elbow, but Danielson moves, and Shelley hits the ring post! Shelley lets out a cry of agony, clutching at his arm, that’s gotta hurt! Danielson looks to capitalize, grabbing Shelley’s arm, and using it to pull him right into the ring post, shoulder first! Danielson continues to absolutely pick apart Shelley’s arm! 
Danielson throws Shelley back into the ring once again, before sliding in after him, hooking Shelley’s arms, and floating over, trapping Alex Shelley in the Cattle Mutilation! Shelley cries out in agony, as Danielson continues to wrench down on the hold, trying to force Alex Shelley to submit! Shelley continues to cry out in agony, but he does manage to start rocking, and as Shelley continues to rock back and forth, not helping the fact that his shoulders were practically being ripped apart, but Shelley does manage to rock enough to get Danielson to lose his grip, and Shelley manages to escape the hold, rolling out to the outside to try and recover for the time being. 
Danielson follows him out of the ring once again, grabbing Shelley and throwing him back into the ring, and slid in after him, charging after him and trying to jump up onto Shelley, and twist around him, looking for the Octopus Hold, but Shelley managed to shove Danielson down off of him. Shelley charged the Champion, attempting a clothesline, but Danielson caught the arm and tossed Shelley with an arm drag. Shelley rolled and came to a stop in the corner, Danielson charged in and caught Shelley with a boot, before grabbing Shelley, planting him into the mat with a Northern Lights Suplex, before flipping back, jumping up, and driving both feet into Shelley’s chest with a brutal double stomp!
Danielson quickly got back to his feet, grabbing Shelley and trying to flip him into a Boston Crab, but Shelley managed to kick Danielson off, and trap one of his legs with his own, tripping Danielson down to the mat, before trying to get control of Danielson’s arm, attempting to lock in a Fujiwara Armbar, but Danielson managed to roll out of it, catching Shelley with a boot to get him off. Shelley got up to his feet, still holding his face from that kick, so that he didn’t see the superkick from Danielson coming! The kick landed flush, and knocked Shelley right through the ropes and to the floor! Shelley landed on his feet and tried to shake off the cobwebs and reset his jaw, but he turned right around into a Tope Con Hilo from Danielson, crashing down onto the world traveled vet! Shelley held his head as he fell to the floor, and Danielson was quickly back to his feet, hoping up onto the rail to interact with the fans a bit, before going back across it to continue his assault on Shelley. He caught Shelley with a few forearms to the back, before lifting him back up, and trying to whip Shelley into the guardrail. Shelley, however, showing an amazing display of athleticism and balance, jumps up onto the rail, sticking the landing, before backflipping over Danielson, landing behind him, and catching Danielson with a kick to the back of the leg, trembling Danielson, before catching Danielson in the back with a rolling forearm. Danielson hunched over in pain, before Shelley throws Danielson spine first into the guardrail! Danielson let out a cry of pain as he walked away holding his back. Shelley then grabbed Danielson, and tossed him into the ring, before climbing up onto the apron, up to the top rope, and crashing down on Danielson with another diving crossbody!
Shelley pulled himself up to a knee and brushed some of his hair out of his face, before standing up and grabbing Danielson by his hair. Shelley caught Danielson with a knife edge chop to the chest, before dropping him down to a seated position with a snapmare, and running off the ropes, catching Danielson with a sharp penalty kick to the back, before dropping down and trapping Danielson in a chin lock. Shelley continued to drive his knee right into Danielson Danielson’s spine, using it as a focal point to apply pressure. Danielson first tried to reach for the ropes, but when he realized he wasn’t going anywhere, he began to pick at Shelley’s fingers, eventually managing to pry Shelley off of him, before catching Shelley with a back elbow, staggering him, before getting up, running off the ropes, and trying for a Frankensteiner, which Shelley caught and turned into a powerbomb! Shelley planted Danielson down to the mat, before grabbing control of the legs, and twisting them together, turning Danielson over and locking in a brutal and deep looking Cloverleaf! Danielson cried out in pain, and tried desperately to reach out for the ropes! Shelley sat all the way down, but kept an eye on Danielson, making sure he wasn’t drawing too close to the ropes. While Danielson wasn’t going anywhere, Shelley did notice what he thought to be an opening. Shelley released the hold and quickly tried to transition into a Border City Stretch, but Danielson manages to escape, rolling through, and rolling back to his feet. 
Shelley gets back to his feet, as Danielson charges in, looking for a Busaiku Knee, but Shelley evades it, and as Danielson gets back up, Danielson gets grabbed by Shelley, who drives Danielson into the mat with a BIG Shell Shock! Danielson gets planted into the mat head first! Both men down now!
If this match included pinfalls, Alex Shelly might be your new Stardust champion. But alas, Shelly can feel the advantage in his hands now. and he immediately targets the leg with a big drop kick to the back of the knee. He takes the leg and slams it into the mat, before twisting it into his own, and snapping it back to the mat! Targeting the left leg of Danielson, before he turns Danielson onto his stomach, twisting his legs up, and locking him into an inside toe hold leglock! pushing his foot down onto Danielson's ankle to get that extra leverage in there, trying to pick apart the leg while he has the advantage. Danielson tries to bridge and relieve some of the pressure. Maybe even find a way to counter out of this, but Shelley isn’t letting this slip by him. He rolls, flattening Danielson on his back, and shifting right into a rolling Deathlock! Danielson pitches up on his forearms, his face contorting in agony as Shelley glares back at him, almost trying to will him to tap. But instead, Danielson reaches up, and digs his nails into Shelley’s eyes! He’s trying to make Shelley give up this hold or risk losing an eyeball, but just when it looks like Alex just might - he doubles down! He tricks Danielson and wrenches even deeper on the submission! A sudden cry bursts from Danielson before he leans back, hands in his hair, as he stares up at the lights. Remsburg asks if he wants to quit, if he needs to give up, but Danielson shakes his head and sits up, slapping Shelley across the face! Shelley slaps him back, and, to be blunt, they’re slapping the shit out of each other!
Eventually, their chop fest turns too violent for the hold to sustain, and they wind up with Danielson on top of Shelley, punching him in the face. He gets in a few shots before Shelley turns them over, hanging over Danielson and laying down right hands. Danielson’s able to throw him off. He scurries to his feet, trying to retreat, but Shelley’s right on his tail, and nails him with a forearm! Shelley whips Danielson across the ring, trying to send him to the corner while staying on his heels. But Danielson climbs the turnbuckles and backflips over Shelley, landing on his feet and running the ropes. Shelley turns around, and gets flipped inside out by a flying clothesline! Shelley lands face first on the mat! Danielson sits on a knee, slowly rising as he pushes his hair back, looking out at the crowd. He stands up, pointing at Shelley, and shouting out.
“It’s time to kick,” and with the whole crowd behind him, “HIS FUCKING HEAD IN!”
Grabbing both wrists, Danielson does as promised and tries to kick Shelley’s head in, raining down vicious, ferocious stomps! Shelley looks lifeless when Danielson turns him over, trying to lock in the LeBell Lock, but Shelley fights it off! There's still some life left in the veteran, as he's able to roll out of the LeBell and back to his feet. But Danielson stuns him with a HUGE kick to the chest! The shot sends Shelley into the corner, clutching his chest, and Danielson lights him up with a chop. He follows it up with another firm kick, landing this one high, aiming for the targeted shoulder. Switching between chops and kicks, Bryan’s got full control of Shelley now. Following up this onslaught with an arm-trapped suplex, Danielson holds onto the trapped arm and rolls Alex onto his stomach, trying to float into the Cattle Mutilation, but Shelley evades. He rolls them back to their feet, breaks Danielson's grip - but Bryan trips him up! He grabs the legs, tucking his feet at the back of the knees as he starts to prepare Shelley for the Romero Special. But Danielson stops halfway, watching as Shelley reaches for the ropes, and starts to almost encourage him. "Grab the rope," but it's more of an order. Hands on his hips as he glares down at Shelley. So judgemental. So condescending. "Grab the rope." And Shelley is trying to get there, lest his shoulder take more punishment in the Romero Special. It may be a "cop out" to someone like Bryan, but forcing a rope break could be the only way to save Alex's shoulder in the long run. Once Shelley comes within inches of the ropes. Danielson releases his legs, and kicks the hand away! Danielson takes a short victory lap, smirking wide as the crowd boos him some more, before grabbing Shelley and trying to lock him into a Juji Gatame. Shelley attempts to keep his fingers clasped together, doing everything he can to block it, but Danielson breaks the grip, snapping back into a full Juji Gatame!
A cry erupts from Shelley as Bryan fully wrenches it in, and Shelley makes a dash towards the ropes. Using his hips to scoot himself there, but before he can find purchase, Danielson rolls them away from the ropes. He rolls Shelley into a seated position, pulling Shelley to his chest and raining down those patented hammer and anvil elbow strikes, battering Shelley with them, and targeting the shoulder as much as he can. When Danielson decides enough is enough, Danielson rolls him back onto his stomach, locking Shelley into a seated Fujiwara armbar! It looks like Danielson wants to try and disarm him, and Shelley cries out from the pain! Danielson is intent on tearing the shoulder straight out of the socket, but Shelley refuses to give up! Remsburg is always ready to make the call, checking in frequently with Shelley, but he shakes his head, trying to claw his way to the ropes. Danielson looks over his shoulder and sees Shelley getting too close to that coveted rope, so Danielson instead shifts into a regular Fujiwara, but he grabs the arm that’s reaching towards the ropes, and pulls it into it as well! Double Fujiwara armbar on Alex Shelley! He wails at the unexpected agony shooting through both his arms, but he’s shaking his head! One of them WILL tap tonight, but Alex says it’s not gonna be him. Not now, maybe not ever! Using his hips to rotate, Shelley pivots his legs towards the ropes. Danielson doesn’t have a free hand to stop him now, so, eventually, Shelley is able to find ground, and he puts his foot on the ropes! But Bryan holds on! Resmburg shouts at him, but Bryan lets go at the last second, telling Bryce, “I have until five, referee,” in the most deadpanned tone he can muster. Trying to follow up with a chicken wing, Danielson can't quite get it in before Shelley pulls them to the mat, trying to put Danielson in the Border City Stretch. Bryan immediately gets out of it, knowing he can't get caught in it, but as they stand, Shelley lands an enzuigiri! Danielson wobbles and Shelley grabs him by the head. Shelley pushes off the ropes, spikes Danielson with a tornado DDT, and rolls straight back into a Guillotine Choke! Doing anything and everything he can just to wear down the Dragon, but Danielson is eventually able to get to the ropes, forcing the break. Shelley picks him up, grabbing him by the head. He goes to the ropes, trying to plant Danielson with Sliced Bread #2, but Danielson throws him off. Shelley lands on his feet, and pops off a superkick! Shelley snaps Danielson to the mat, and pulls him right into the Border City Stretch! Danielson screams out as he makes a mad dash to the ropes, clinging onto them as if his life depended on it, and Shelley ultimately has to let go. You can see the disappointment in his body language, but Alex knows he has to keep bringing the fight. He gets to his feet, holding his arm gingerly, trying to shake some feeling back into it. He grabs Danielson’s ankle and flips him back, twisting him up - into a Lightning Lock Beta! Holy shit! Shelley is digging deep into his bag of tricks just to try and put Danielson away! And with the way his face is contorting in deep agony, he just might!
Danielson screams out, hands pulling at his hair, as Shelley wrenches the hold in as deep as he can get it! Bryan can feel the Stardust title slipping out of his fingers! He starts to scratch, crawl, and cry his way to the ropes, but before grabbing a hold can become a reality, Shelley scoots them back toward the center of the ring. Quite easily, too, as this position leaves him with ultimatum freedom to do as he pleases, so long as he keeps up the torque on the legs. Bryan knows this is going to hinder him in the long run, and instead tries to turn himself over. Shelley tries to maintain control, but Bryan finds purchase on his back just enough for him to kick Shelley off. He gets to his feet, moving gingerly, and nails Shelley with a body shot, then an uppercut, dropping Alex to his knees. He sits up, facing contorting in pain, before Danielson fires off the first kick, followed by a resounding, "YES!" "YES!" YES!" Danielson connects with a fourth kick before he falls back, setting up for the buzzsaw - and it connects flush against the skull! Shelley drops face first to the mat, and he may be out cold! Instead of going for another attempt at a submission. Danielson wants to inflict more punishment. And he wants to do so with a superplex. As Danielson tries to climb up, Shelley finds a second wind and powers out, knocking Danielson to the mat! Shelley shifts his footing, takes to the skies, and crushes Bryan with a HUGE Frog Splash! Shelley hits hard enough that he almost bounces off Danielson, but he's able to grab the right arm, rolls Bryan over, and lock him into the Border City Stretch! It's in, middle of the ring! - But Bryan rolls Shelley onto his back, raining down VICIOUS elbows! Trying to crush Shelley's larynx with these, until Alex's arms flop to his sides, his body going limp. Bryan kneels on top of him, flicking his hair back - but Shelley pulls him into a triangle choke! Or, so he tries, as Danielson sees it coming and immediately rolls Shelley over, flipping straight into the Cattle Mutilation! But Shelley rolls with the momentum, bringing Danielson up, and pushing out of his grip with a back elbow.
Alex gets out of Bryan’s reach as the champion stumbles back, checking his nose, and pulling his hand back to see the first bits of blood spilled in this matchup. And seeing it just pisses Bryan off even more. “You couldn’t beat me in the prime of your career, but now that you’re just an old, washed up indie attraction you still think you have a chance?” Bryan spits at Alex, “You’ve stayed at the bottom because that’s where you belong.” And Alex nails him with a HUGE Forearm! Shelley rocks the champion, but Danielson powers back with a forearm in kind. And we’ve got a slugfest on our hands! They’re putting their all behind every spot. Until Danielson lands a wicked rolling elbow, spinning Shelley around - and Alex lands a Superkick! Bryan's rocked, and Shelley scooped him by the back of the head, guiding them towards the ropes, finally wanting to hit Sliced Bread #2! And he's going to - but Danielson overrotates! Somehow, he's able to land on his feet, practically landing on top of Shelley, and he jumps right into the LeBell Lock! It’s locked in DEEP! Thankfully, since the Sliced Bread brought them into the corner, the ropes are within reach for Shelley, but he still has a way to go before he can grab on. And after all the shoulder has been through tonight, that may be easier said than done. But still, Shelley wants to fight. Needs to fight. And he’s going to until his last breath. Clawing with his free hand, Shelley pulls himself closer, and closer to the ropes. Coming within fingertips of freedom - but Danielson rolls them away! He gets them smack dab in the center of the ring, and he throws Shelley’s injured arm over his shoulder, locking in the Border City Stretch!! Danielson’s stealing Shelley’s own move! It seems to ignite a fire in Shelley, but it’s overcome by the pain. The LeBell Lock wasn’t as bad for his shoulder, but this. This is pure agony for him, but Shelley doesn’t want it to end like this. He can’t let it end like this. He came so far and fought so hard. For himself, for everyone watching, for everyone in the back. Alex needed to end this reign of terror tonight, but moving is pure anguish. He’s not going to be able to get to the ropes like this, and Danielson is wrenching it back as deeply as he can get it… AND SHELLEY TAPS! IT’S OVER!
“Here is your winner, and STILL the MPW Stardust Champion, the American Dragon, Bryan Danielson!”
As if tapping Shelley out with his own hold wasn’t bad enough, Bryan’s refusing to let go! Shelley is frantically tapping out against Bryan’s arm, trying to get him to let go, as Remsburg tries to pull them apart, but Bryan will not let go for ANYTHING. He’s not going to stop until he pulls Alex’s shoulder clean out of its socket!
With a few referees and some familiar faces in polo shirts - notably the recently returned Chris Hero, Jimmy Jacobs, and the ECW legend himself, Colin Delaney - rush down to the ring, and they’re finally able to get Bryan to let go. He backs up into the corner, smirking widely, as Jimmy tries to talk some sense into Bryan. He won the match, it was already over, he didn’t need to do it. But Bryan just laughs in his face. Hero and Colin try to check on Alex, to see if he needs a doctor. But it looks like he may be okay. Shelley waves Hero off as Colin makes sure he’s able to sit up, trying to feel out for any broken bones, check on some pressure points, when Bryan suddenly says rather loudly towards Jimmy,
“You’re not that guy anymore. Go back to gorilla before you get hurt.”
Oh shit.
Those be fightin' words, but as an agent, Jimmy can’t get physical with the talent and maintains his composure. He just smiles, trying to turn away from Bryan - but Bryan just grabs him by the face, and shoves him away! Jimmy freezes for a moment as Bryan collects his title - and Jacobs punches him in the face! Jimmy Jacobs is swinging on the Stardust Champion! Holy shit!
The refs go after Jimmy, pulling him back, as Chris blocks off Bryan, telling him to, “Get your ass to the back.” Surprisingly, Bryan actually does it, putting his hands up and reminding us that he didn’t do anything - which, sure. Yeah. But as cooler heads try to prevail, and hopefully we get Alex to a doctor, we have to get ready for our next match!
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locitapurplepink · 9 months
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