#jadus: what the fuck
eorzeashan · 2 years
Watcher X: we're gonna reprogram your body. are you ready
Eight: ya
Watcher X: what do you want it to do
Eight: I want it to kill faster than ever before
Watcher X: oh fuck yeah that's sick as hell
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Could we maybe get the SVE adventures (plus Marlon) and mages (plus Camilla) with a farmer who is very similar in terms of power to Mr. Qi please? Teleporting without totems, seemingly never running out of mana, almost omniscient in their powers. A possibly ancient, very mysterious farmer who doesn’t seem to bind to the laws of typical magic or the very stars themselves. Just an overall extremely powerful person whose full extent is never truly revealed because of the sheer strength of it, but resides as a simple farmer. No worries if not, thank you!
A cryptic farmer who brings chaos to all adventurers and mages with their mere presence? Oh yeah! Thanks for the question dear anon, and enjoy 🫰💕
...Isaac wants to scream and tear the hair out of his head. Is this Yoba's punishment for his sins, or what?
He's mad at the absurdly powerful Farmer, who, not only breaks all the laws of physics and magic, out of a million people, has chosen to be friends with him specifically, no matter how much he tries to chase them away!
And it's like everyone else didn't give a damn about Farmer showing off their power.
They could be a spy of the Gotoro Empire, a renegade mage, an evil spirit, some entity with unclear motives. They could start wreaking havoc and harming people with these powers. But no one seems to care.
They need to be interrogated, monitored to make sure they don't hurt anyone!
Alesia seriously now thinks that Farmer is a mortal incarnation of Yoba.
Because the sniper couldn't find any other explanation, no matter how hard she tried to find logic in their super powers and after several questions.
Don't think she was stupid and believed it right away like that, of course not.
Alesia watched Farmer, asking Marlon and the others about them. But their actions and their power simply defied any logic.
The final moment was when Farmer somehow made it through the barrier and stood on the wall of the Castle Village, startling everyone present.
"What are you...?" She received no answer as Farmer, babbling something about "automatic winemaking", disappeared again.
If even the smile came off Camilla's face and changed to complete bewilderment and shock, then yes, Farmer is very, very strong.
Because only a couple of people in the world could be equal in spell power to the strongest witch in Castle Village and the entire Republic.
The witch thinks Farmer accidentally dipped into a vat of elixirs. Or into some lake of magical water. Or maybe something else?...
She knew magic emanated from them, but it hadn't occurred to even her that it was that strong.
But aside from natural talent, Camilla had been successful through hard work. Farmer, on the other hand, is quite young and hasn't been formally trained anywhere.
How... interesting. Camilla will be watching them.
Normally, Jadu is a busy man, always rushing somewhere, always doing some errand.
But once he sees Farmer and their simply inhuman abilities, he's abruptly needed in the Stardew Valley. Because Marlon probably needs the support of a Castle Village mage....
And of course Jadu certainly won't be looking for an excuse to go to Pelican Town and spy on Farmer, of course not.
... Okay, Jadu himself admits that secretly spying on Farmer is kinda rude and even creepy.
But they wield a power that even true masters couldn't master in a lifetime. And he's curious, okay!? Where else would Jadu encounter such a phenomenon? Oh, that probably sounded rude too... He doesn't want to insult the Farmer in any way... But it's still incredible!
Sigh... He's too old for this shit...
When Marlon had first met Farmer, he had guessed even then that with that look, full of determination, they would make a good adventurer.
Except that nobody warned him that in addition to a decent adventurer, the world would provide him with the most chaotic and mysterious person in the world.
And the one-eyed adventurer does not even need to observe Farmer's successes - reports and conversations with colleagues give the big picture.
Strangely, Marlon had somehow got... used to it. To their constant teleportation, to their powerful magic, etc.
It's just that he's sure Farmer has a good heart and noble intentions. And the fact that they are a demigod - well, what can you do about it.
Naturally, Lance is greatly surprised by such power from his young colleague, but he's also very curious about this unique case.
Naturally, he won't directly ask Farmer any not-so-convenient questions, but Lance approaches the topic of power carefully.
So far, the result is striking.
Farmer knows nothing about artefacts, for example, yet can use them as if they've been training all their lives.
Strange or not, he quite admires their ability and believes that Farmer wishes no harm to anyone.
There will still be his share of doubts, for sure, but Lance won't treat Farmer any worse just because their natural talent is so immense. They're a good person.
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johaerys-writes · 10 months
If you were to do a fancast of your fav The Iliad characters, who would the actors/actresses be?
Oh boy careful what you ask for anon haha. I have to admit that I'm not a huge fancast person, mainly because I can usually *see* the characters in my head too clearly to be able to find a real life reference that matches that, but because of this ask I did some (extensive) research. Not all the people I've chosen are actors so not sure if they'd be able to play in a film but anyway this is fantasy land and it doesn’t matter lol.
The Achaeans
I should preface this by saying that I've never found a faceclaim for Achilles that is close to how I imagine him; in my mind his features are quite unusual because of his divine blood, he stands out from other humans in a way that isn't easy to explain. But if I absolutely had to choose I think I'd go with a young Travis Fimmel for Iliad Achilles. He's still not 100% how I imagine him but I think some photos of his from the 90s and early 00s hit close!
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I honestly cannot come up with a better Agamemnon than Kostas Kazakos, the Greek actor who played Agamemnon in the 1977 Michalis Kakogiannis film "Iphigeneia". If he had longer hair it would be even better, but this is how I imagine him most of the time!
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It was really hard to choose someone for Ajax.... Can Yaman is quite close to how I imagine him, only picture him as fucking MOUNTAIN lmao.
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I imagine Menelaus as a redhead and with a gorgeous wild mane, so I think Paul Bullion would fit this quite well!
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Another tough one, but I looove Michiel Huisman for Odysseus, I think he would really do him justice.
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I couldn't find a single person to match the way I envision him, so imagine him as a mix of Busola Peters and Majesh Jadu!
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Oh gosh. Okay okay LISTEN. Patroclus is hands down THE hardest to pin down for me, even in my head his appearance changes so like... I have never managed to find anyone that is close to how I imagine him. I chose Tamino, not because he resembles Pat in my head 100% but based on vibes mostly, just those sad fucking eyes and his profile...... I'm obsessed with him face
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Also just imagine him with a beard because I do picture Iliad Patroclus with a beard haha.
Tumblr is being dumb and not letting me add any more pictures, so I'll have to do a pt 2 for the Trojans (bc you bet I have more fancasts lol!! If I could give a face to every single person in the Iliad I would)
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thebisexualwreckoning · 3 months
Ughhh I’d forgotten how serious the fucking fetishisation of Bengali women is in India like why are we still having the all Bengali women are sluts, blood suckers and demons conversation WHERE DID THAT STEREOTYPE EVEN ARRIVE FROM??? (Bollywood, that’s where it arrived from) like even Bengali men are now apparently buying into the whole kala jadu stereotype (fuck that guy for calling me monjulika she’s a badly created fictional character and I considered you a fucking friend)
And like if you add those of us with Bangladeshi history (which is pretty much every single Bengali person in India, we all have Bangladeshi ancestors, I’m just more open about it) it gets even worse because why is my own community acting like I’m a demonic spy out here selling state secrets??? Like girl what? I’m just trans guy trying to live my best life stop it! I’m so sick of this yall why is it so hard to be Bengali in this country im just tryna live my life and get girls like pls stop
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tiredassmage · 2 years
okay, no, actually I’m not at all normal about the idea of Cipher Nine!Quinn and I need to chew on this... somewhere. There’s so many layers to chew on here, where do I start? (The 800 layers to chew on inside of Imperial Agent’s storyline alone are like. skfkdsnlfksd)
Because how does that begin? My instinct would be... what if it’s Jadus that recruits him to begin with, taking him under after Drukenwell. Because does it appeal to Jadus that he disobeyed orders to serve the greater good of the Empire? That he was already after Voloren?
Jadus likes Nine because they’re new, right? They haven’t had too many outer influences clouding that potential to think on their feet, think for themselves. Catching Nine just as they get promoted to Cipher is the perfect opportunity.
And do you KNOW how delicious Quinn’s loyalties transcribed from what happens in the Warrior’s story onto that would be?? THAT’S what keeps me up at night!!! How siding with Baras was the logical choice for him as an Imperial officer because Baras had a proven track record of being powerful and successful and it was marginally less likely to get him killed or left disgraced again and was he going to risk going against a Dark Councilor?
What would that mean for him and Jadus? STARS, do I wanna know what that would look like for Quinn. Does he see Intelligence as the kind of ‘distraction’ to military service that the Minister did? Does he ultimately pledge loyalty to Jadus because he owes him and Quinn repays his debts? Or does he see Jadus as enough of a threat to the Empire that loyalty to the whole overrides loyalty to debts owed?
There’s SO FUCKING MUCH I WANT TO CHEW ON. Just putting Quinn in Nine’s shoes. And that’s not even going into the other shit that keeps me up at night if I simply add him to the equation alongside Tyr.
I might have to be insane enough to do a run with all of this in my brain.
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For all my hipster pretensions, I do love Hunter. I also love the hyperspecific intricate, intense, and often erotic relationships everybody’s agent OCs have with him. It got me thinking about him and my own agent, and honestly?
He disappointed her. Deeply, and personally.
Like, okay, despite her misplaced fealty to the Empire, this is a woman who's had almost exclusively bad interactions with Force users in both camps. Her Sith grandfather belittled and tormented her for the crime of being born without her sister's powers. Her mother, his apprentice, only risked enough interference to keep her alive. When the same sister she was always compared to abandoned her and escaped to the Jedi (who then never let them contact each other again), Lyde only narrowly avoided being sent to Korriban in her place.
And then when she made it to Intelligence, Darth Jadus maimed her, compromised the missions of her employers, and critically endangered the Empire. One of her first missions as a faux-turncoat to the Republic was tracking down and incapacitating a fallen Jedi. The protégé she gained on Hoth? Another semi-Force sensitive, hiding from the Sith. Sith meddling dissolved Imperial Intelligence; Sith infighting ate up resources and cost Imperial lives on Corellia.
And, of course, the Dark Council called for her brainwashing, and a former Jedi abused it.
Sure, like Hunter said, the Star Cabal was never recruiting. There was no incentive for him to care about gaining Lyde's allegiance when he already had the remote to her shock collar, so to speak. But, holy shit, he had no clue how many concessions, how much sympathy to his cause he could have wrung out of the woman designated Cipher Nine, if he hadn't made her his whipping girl. If things had gone juuust a little bit differently, Hunter might've turned over the Black Codex, implored her to take care of it with his dying breath - and she might have fucking done it. Nobody, not the SIS, not Sith Intelligence, not even her former ImpInt superiors would have ever seen that data ever again.
But Hunter wasn't that sort of guy. What sort of guy he was learned Cipher Nine's codeword and used it every chance he got. He didn't have to pretend to play nice with her like with his other colleagues, so he made a point of whisking her brain like cake batter, and acted like it was the funniest thing in the world.
When the Dark Council pushed for Lyde's brainwashing, and when Ardun Kothe used it to control her, she was furious - but she wasn't offended. They're trained and powerful Force-sensitives, and as far as she's concerned it's in their nature to sting.
Hunter, though?
Hunter was a fellow frog.
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wolflord02 · 9 months
Gauntlet of Shame (Stardew Valley Expanded fic)
First time posting any fics in ages... based off of this post because this convo gave me a spike of inspiration and I couldn't help myself.
Warning: Mentions of cheating/infidelity, cruel and unusual punishment by the sexy witch lady Camilla (she is her own warning)
The farmer could have sworn they had a heart attack when they heard the angered voices of their lovers from the inside of Castle Village’s tavern as they stood at the door. Magnus, Camilla, Lance, Isaac, Jadu, and Alesia’s words were too muffled for the poor person to hear clearly, but it was plain as day that they were talking about them given that their name was mentioned more than once, alongside very… derogatory words.
They really should have expected this, given what happened when they tried dating the vast majority of the younger people of Pelican Town, how the men gave the newcomer the cold shoulder for a long while after that… but then again, the women welcomed them to their chatting session when they’d arrived with a lucky rabbit’s foot with them. The farmer remembered that they happened to have a rabbit’s foot with them… maybe this’ll go better than their gut told them?
They took in a deep breath and stuffed their hand into their pocket to hold the paw charm as they used their spare hand to push the door open.
Their heart dropped as they saw their partners glaring at them. “...Oh dear sweet Yoba…” they thought, feeling their very soul being pierced by the eyes of the most notable mages and adventurers of the village.
Jadu’s piercing violet eyes burned with anger as he spoke up. “Funny seeing you here, my dear. We were just talking about you,” he growled sarcastically, with a voice dripping with so much venom the farmer felt their entire body tense, ready to flee the situation at any opportunity like they were a cornered animal faced with a much stronger predator. 
“You… After all this time, and all we’ve been through, I thought I’d finally found a partner I could actually trust… how fucking dare you show your face here knowing what you’ve done to me? To all of us!?” Isaac clenched his fists so hard, that the farmer thought he was about to tear his leather gloves in half.
Alesia didn’t need to say anything. She didn’t yell at them, nor did she give them the stink eye… in fact, she didn’t look at them at all. All she did was place an arm over Isaac’s shoulder to comfort the scarred warrior as much as she could.
“Have you come to find even more hearts to break, Farmer? Were the most famous and powerful of Castle Village not enough for you?” Magnus scowled, but behind the mask of anger, the farmer could see honest pain in the wizard’s eyes.
But no other gaze of disgust or hatred compared to the look Camilla gave the youth. She had a look that reeked of disapproval, pain, disappointment, and disgust so potent they could almost taste it on their desert-dry tongue.
“So, you thought you’d get away with all of… this?” Camilla said first with a sneer, gesturing to herself and the others surrounding the table where the group stood.
“I-I…” The farmer started, earning even more hateful stares, some even by other patrons which they hadn’t even noticed before. Some of the older adventurers gave disapproving looks as well, while the younger ones mostly snickered or whispered to one another. Even if the upstart managed to talk their way out of this, they would still have a horrible reputation in the village and far beyond… what have they done?
The farmer let out a shout of fear and nearly drew their sword when the door slammed behind them. They damn near jumped out of their skin, and their head snapped behind them at the source of the noise. Their eyes met with Lance, who had his hand against the back of the door with a more sour than usual cat-like leer. “Well? Care to explain to your lovers why you’ve chosen to betray us?” the pink-haired man said as he stepped towards them, looming over them like a tower as they struggled to think of anything to say.
“Ha! Did you honestly think a rabbit’s foot would save you? This trivial magic might work with the magicless, but this is child’s play here.” Camilla laughed as she took the item from the Farmer’s pocket. The farmer watched in dismay as the blonde woman held the paw in her hand, and lit it ablaze with no effort in the slightest.
“...Oh.” they whimpered pathetically as the burnt paw’s ashes fell to the wooden floor of the tavern.
“Well? Are you going to say something?”
The farmer froze under the penetrating gaze of their partners. They couldn’t say anything.
“...What are you going to do to me?”
They were only met with a grin from Camilla that made their skin crawl more than any monster could ever manage.
The farmer’s screams echoed through the Crimson Badlands. They ran through the vast sea of blazing sand, their bare feet burning in the desert sand while laughs and mocking cheers called to them. Camilla wasn’t entirely cruel when dishing out this punishment. She’d cast a spell on them that increased their defense to the point where a nuke couldn’t leave so much as a scratch on them, yet the sense of pain remained as they ran through the sandy hellscape, barely avoiding the swarms of monsters targeting them.
Normally, they’d be skillfully swinging their sword and cutting these swarms down with ease which made even the most seasoned adventurers jealous, but Camilla made sure that they were incapable of such a thing. Even though they still carried their weapons with them, it would be an utter waste of time trying to use them considering their attack was so low, they may as well be throwing pebbles like slingshot ammo, and swinging pencil-thin twigs as swords and daggers. It was a cruel punishment… but what would most people do, if given the power to use non-lethal, but oh-so-frightening means to get revenge on their cheating partner, especially if it was with so many others who were just as unaware as the rest?
Magnus chose to leave, seeing this as a childish and unnecessarily cruel way of disciplining the young adventurer. Meanwhile, the rest stayed to watch the chaos from Castle Village’s tall outer walls.
Childish or not, they all knew damn well that the farmer would never do this again, and none of their “lovers” would give them a chance to hurt them ever again, lest the next punishment include… harsher events. Maybe they would have the same punishment, but they’d be reduced to their underwear with even more bystanders watching on as the gauntlet of shame commenced…
However, there was a slim chance that they’d attempt to continue their relationship with any of them. …They weren’t that foolish… right?
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courtfallen · 4 months
𝔪𝔢𝔯𝔦𝔠 𝔞𝔯𝔬𝔯𝔧𝔦𝔞 // intro.
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mahesh jadu, cismale, he/him, 41 / 410 , high fae ’ ― cauldron save you. it seems meric arorjia has finally made it to the capital, the spymaster from dawn court is said to be crafty and is said to describe themselves with twin blades flashing like two suns rising, fitted leather gloves squeaking snugly as calloused hands are sheathed, the strain of mast & the whip of white sails in a morning storm, the mercurial trade of a fox’s cunning for a diplomat’s etiquette, and a stare 1000 heavens long and with all of this in mind their evasive nature always seems to get them into trouble. may the mother hold them as they navigate this unthinkable time.
general details;
ꜰᴜʟʟ ɴᴀᴍᴇ: meric arorjia ɴɪᴄᴋɴᴀᴍᴇ(ꜱ): mer, for those in his family & those closest to him ɴᴀᴍᴇ ᴍᴇᴀɴɪɴɢ: meric (masc) meaning ‘from the sea’ / arorjia meaning ‘first light’ or ‘dawnbreak’ ᴀɢᴇ: 41 / 410 ᴅᴀᴛᴇ ᴏꜰ ʙɪʀᴛʜ: jan 31 (aquarius sun, scorpio moon, sagittarius rising) ᴘʟᴀᴄᴇ ᴏꜰ ʙɪʀᴛʜ: born at sea, sailing off the eastern coast of the dawn court, prythian ꜱᴘᴇᴄɪᴇꜱ: high fae ɢᴇɴᴅᴇʀ: cismale ᴘʀᴏɴᴏᴜɴꜱ: he/him ꜱᴇxᴜᴀʟ ᴏʀɪᴇɴᴛᴀᴛɪᴏɴ: heterosexual ( for now ) ʀᴏᴍᴀɴᴛɪᴄ ᴏʀɪᴇɴᴛᴀᴛɪᴏɴ: heteroromantic ( for now ) ʀᴇʟᴀᴛɪᴏɴꜱʜɪᴘ ꜱᴛᴀᴛᴜꜱ: unattached ᴏᴄᴄᴜᴘᴀᴛɪᴏɴ:  spymaster to the dawn court. ᴇᴅᴜᴄᴀᴛɪᴏɴ: master of dual-wielding, stealth & espionage, having grown up in family that helped to smuggle human slaves away from hybern for centuries (at a cost, of course). a former fleet captain with great comfortability at sea. skilled healer.
physical appearance, etc.;
ꜱᴘᴇᴀᴋɪɴɢ ᴠᴏɪᴄᴇ ᴀɴᴅ ᴀᴄᴄᴇɴᴛ: sometimes slips into the dialect of his sea-faring brethren which has more of a lilt, but otherwise, his accent is indistinguishable. his voice is a lower register, but warm and round-sounding. ꜰᴀᴄᴇᴄʟᴀɪᴍ: mahesh jadu ʜᴀɪʀ ᴄᴏʟᴏʀ ᴀɴᴅ ꜱᴛʏʟᴇ: thick, black & wavy, worn long, often tied up in a half-knot to keep it out of his eyes ᴇʏᴇ ᴄᴏʟᴏʀ: deep, sap-like brown. ᴇʏᴇꜱɪɢʜᴛ: hawkeyed ʜᴇɪɢʜᴛ: 6'1" ᴡᴇɪɢʜᴛ: 190lbs ʙᴏᴅʏ ᴀɴᴅ ʙᴜɪʟᴅ: strong & muscled, but agile and quick footed ᴛᴀᴛᴛᴏᴏꜱ: on his left shoulder: a broken dagger with an ivory handle ᴄʟᴏᴛʜɪɴɢ ꜱᴛʏʟᴇ: linen tunics, well-worn leathers, usually earthen hues, belts laden with pouches & daggers, the oldest barnacled boots you’ve ever fucking seen in your life ᴅɪꜱᴛɪɴɢᴜɪꜱʜɪɴɢ ᴄʜᴀʀᴀᴄᴛᴇʀɪꜱᴛɪᴄꜱ: scar from a mean blade all along his forearm ꜱɪɢɴᴀᴛᴜʀᴇ ꜱᴄᴇɴᴛ: sea air and citrus
ᴘᴏꜱɪᴛɪᴠᴇ ᴛʀᴀɪᴛꜱ: charismatic, free-spirited, disarming, strategic, well-connected, alluring, discerning, independent ɴᴇɢᴀᴛɪᴠᴇ ᴛʀᴀɪᴛꜱ: rebellious, disobedient, tempestuous, quick-tempered, capricious, self-serving (sometimes), evasive ʟɪᴋᴇꜱ: the sea, freedom, autonomy, adventure, travel, music (plays the lute), affinity for birds ᴅɪꜱʟɪᴋᴇꜱ: dull & witless people, staying indoors, being told what to do ꜰᴇᴀʀꜱ: losing his freedom, his sister coming to harm, enclosed spaces ᴍᴏʀᴀʟ ᴀʟɪɢɴᴍᴇɴᴛ: chaotic neutral/good ᴇʟᴇᴍᴇɴᴛ: healing & dreams ʙᴇᴠᴇʀᴀɢᴇ: whiskey & fruit juices ꜰᴏᴏᴅ: fresh-caught fish, spicy sauces, green veggies (raw & cooked)
headcanons and/or backstory — tw: death, betrayal, violence
— born on the deck of the ship “first light” to a family of seafaring folk, meric didn’t touch dry land until his 4th year. he learned how small, tight-knit circles work, how true family and loyalty feels, and mastered his sealegs long before most pirates. — his family were pirates, the lineage made up of pillagers and treasure-seekers defected from the noble dawn court for centuries. his father, melor, captain of their great 13-ship fleet, was catalyst for change in the crew’s misdeeds. after witnessing a ship of hybern human slaves left to sink by ambivalent hybern traffickers, he and his crew rushed to save who they could and vowed to begin assisting in the safe emancipation of those chained humans that came thereafter. — a noble effort turned into a profitable-enough trade. while the humans were never taken advantage of, they would require either a sponsor from prythian or would have to pay for passage. after all, the risk of incurring the wrath of the royal court of hybern was deadly at best. before meric knew it, he was organizing shipments from one coast to the other, and breaking human’s out of their chains. — his family basked in the valor of their deeds as well as the profit and lived a comfortable life until they were betrayed by one of their own for gold. meric’s older brother turned his back on his family for a position of power among the hybern court, stealing meric’s lover with him. — the hybern court was vicious in their pursuit of the ivory fleet, destroying every birchwood ship, one by one, in a long pursuit that lasted nearly 2 years. when the last mast cracked and fell beneath the surface of the sea, only a handful of crew members were left standing. and only meric and his youngest sister survived.  — navigating a life on land was difficult, especially with limited currency, but meric’s skill as a tactician and ability to move through the varying realms of high and low society ensure that his sister did not starve and, eventually, lived the life suitable of a young lady of high status in the dawn court. — meric has been able to win his position of spymaster after years and years of working as the right hand to the former one. it was a matter of smooth succession in the end, and he has served in the post for a century. those that remain of his crew also serve him, reaching out into the courts as his eyes and ears.
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serenofroses · 1 year
six sentence sunday time? what are the odds. once again, very heavy canon divergent imperial agent because fuck canon.
"For what it's worth, I'm glad it's you." Marr blinked in disbelief hearing this confession as they turned around to face the former Dark Councillor at the desk while remaining on guard for patrols, "Come again?" Jadus' attention was glued onto the terminal as they continued to search for files linking to the brainwash program left behind by their predecessor, "I don't need to repeat myself." "Except I needed some elaboration on that." Marr prodded for explanation. It was then Jadus decided to glance up from the screen to stare at the masked warlord with a heaved perplexed sigh. "You took Anastasia under your protection after Tenebrae ordered for her execution while I was imprisoned--guess that wasn't obvious enough."
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ellycup-of-tea · 2 years
(or kill me because I feel hot a lot)
"Could Aemond be any more obvious? Staring at the girl while everyone else watched the couple of the week?"
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"He cared not who saw. Let Cassandra see. Let her father see. Let everyone fucking see at this point, it wouldn’t matter"
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Sooooooo, 😅 I just dunno what to say. Truly. I think I've been burning up since this morning. This is the best chapter of the best story I have ever read, EVER. And, truth to be told, if you haven't already read it, you should... Nono, YOU MUST, cause @xxpeppermintxx109 writing is heartwarming. He's an amazing, talented, delicate author, devoted to the quality of his narration and always holding fandom in high regard.
Ps. I know some scenes are missing in these two GIFs, and I'm so sorry for not using Rhaena or Alia, but Rhaena has too few scenes 😭. A great thanks to Outlander, cause Jamie and Claire are my parents and when they kiss the world stops spinning. And to Mahesh Jadu: do you want to be my daddy? 👀
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fanfoolishness · 6 months
Five songs I've been listening to lately
Thanks to @stardustandash for tagging me (and giving me a new song for Crosshair!). Here's an assortment from me, and I'm gonna be extra: most of them are from my Crosshair playlist too. LOL!
Dead Again, by Jadu Heart
Found this as a snippet in someone's Instagram story and was instantly smitten. The hook almost made me think someone had done a shimmery, electronica-infused cover of In the House - In a Heartbeat from the 28 Days Later soundtrack, one of my all-time favorites. Turned out it wasn't that, but I loved it and it's been a constant for the past few months.
Hey Man, Nice Shot, by Filter
I think of this as cocky-AF Clone Wars Crosshair. I've liked this song a long time - I mean, this band's been around forever - but I couldn't not use it for a Crosshair playlist. I like that there's an ominous edge to it that speaks to a lot of Crosshair's later development, though I put it early in the playlist. (Does everyone else organize their playlists chronologically by narrative beat? It is extremely important to me to do it that way, haha.)
Bounty Hunters, by Royksopp
Funnily enough Apple Music suggested this when I started putting together the Crosshair playlist... I don't know how it knew it was Star Wars... except for the fact I listen to frickin' Oga's Cantina and Pyloon's Saloon music on repeat constantly XD Anyway, even though it should be a gimmick song, it fucking slaps! And it has a dark undertone that segues the playlist nicely from cocky Clone Wars Crosshair to Uh-Oh, Something's Wrong with Crosshair. I've never had a banger make me consistently feel so sad.
Barnacled Warship, by Johnny Flynn
Another random find, a friend's submission to a weekly music league for our Halloween playlist. As a formerly religious atheist did find the lyrics more than a little heartbreaking. But you can't beat things like this for chipped!Crosshair:
...Think I'll fight a war, I don't know what for But I'll learn when I get my gun
Well, I left home three days ago I feel like going to bed Open the courts and a new religion Burning through my head Burning through my head
Two Heads, Grey Mare, by Cinder Well
My dad sent me this band, and while I don't go for all of his musical recommendations, this one really spoke to me. The raw, lush vocals, the spare folk instrumentation, and the piercing lyrics have made this band enter part of my writing rotation for sure.
No pressure, but tagging @mordororbust, @novantinuum, @apeacebone, and anyone else who would like to play!
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eorzeashan · 7 months
instead of just fighting the agent in 1v1 on his ship Jadus should've transformed into a manifestation of the agent's fears and chased them around the Dominator's halls like a horror monster. who said that
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hi, hello! absolutely love your work, and wanted to request a scenario for sve i’ve been thinking about for a bit now. It’s sort of complicated and long, so i understand if not, but thank you for reading in the first place! :3 ♡
how would the sve adventurers with marlon, and mages with camilla, jadu, & magnus react to a farmer who is an actively wanted fugitive in the gotoro empire, and also wanted by the ferngill republic for crimes committed against figures in both governments? and when revealed why exactly they did these things, it’s because they were killing them due to said figures being corrupt and harming the people? perhaps even going as far as to get rid of any wizards or witches in the ferngill republic ministry of magic who do it solely for the fame or adventures in various guilds in the order of the knights of pythagoras who are in it for the money and not to protect people? how would they react to this farmer, who’s been right under their watch the whole time, actually turn out to be someone they’ve been trying to capture for years, and completely evading them? i’d imagine even more angst if they had already formed complex relationships and friendships with everyone, only to be a wanted criminal, despite their inherently good intentions.
Headcanon when people who had good motives to protect the world killed other people who were corrupted and bad by their standards?*looking in the direction of the Cult of The Lady With The Red Tail from RSV mod* Yeah, I've heard something about that...
I recommend that you, dear anon, familiarise yourself with the Ridgeside Village mod, because there are at least two marriage candidates out there who live in the same scenario. But anyway, thank you very much for your kind words 🥺 Enjoy some headcanons and have a great day! 💕
Isaac knew there was something fishy about Farmer! His own gut was screaming that something was wrong with them, and, oh look, he was absolutely right. The very same promising young adventurer, whom almost everyone praised to the skies (and even Isaac himself almost fell into this trap, accepting the offer of friendship), turned out to be a rotten through and through criminal. Killing corrupt people? That's just fucking wonderful, how honorable they are! Isaac wonders who gave Farmer the right to decide the fate of people? Who gave them the right to be judge and executioner? Corrupt adventurers and mages are scumbags who deserve to be punished. But Farmer is no better than them. So Isaac will drag them to the justice, and use force if he has to.
Magnus now doesn't know what's worse: the fact that Farmer he trusted turned out to be a criminal wanted by the Ministry of Magic, or the fact that almost half of his friends and colleagues (some already killed) turned out to be criminals too. And criminals not of the level of "stole 10000g" from the budget, but responsible for some disasters caused by magic that contributed to hundreds of innocent lives. Does he believe Farmer? Of course he believes him, since the wizard managed to put the seal of truth on them. Which, however, doesn't mean Magnus agrees with their path of vigilant. And so when they both decide to deal with the remaining corrupt adventurers, Farmer will also have to recognize their responsibility for killing others. And no, they can't refuse. Because Magnus has managed to put another seal on them...
Camilla only smirked after Farmer's admission. "I know all that, dear. Otherwise you'd have been rotting behind bars in a dungeon long ago." Instead of trying to explain to the main witch of the Galdora Continent about how Farmer had managed to become a wanted man in the Gotoro Empire/Ferngill Republic, they have to listen to details from Camilla that even they didn't know. Turns out she's been covering them. All the time. Why? Because she is well aware of all the secrets of some of her "colleagues" who never got a deserved punishment. Farmer was the first to confront them openly, even at the cost of their reputation. So Camilla felt it was her duty to help them cleanse all "pests". Oh, and she strongly advises them not to tell anyone about what the two of them have just talked about.
Alesia didn't even realise how she'd pointed the bowstring at the Farmer. All this time the man who was killing adventurers was right under her nose.... The sniper didn't take Isaac's warning too seriously... She may not have the same keen sense for criminals like her friend, but Alesia's eagle eyes and skilful hands would definitely keep her from missing if they try to escape. Maybe Farmer's telling the truth. Either way, they're both going to go deal with Camilla, she's sure to get the truth out. In the meantime. Alesia advises Farmer not to make any sudden moves. Unless they want an arrow in the head. So far all the facts are against Farmer: their word vs. entire murder reports of high profile adventurers...
Jadu is at a complete loss. On the one hand, common sense tells him that the man before him is a dangerous criminal who has broken the laws not only in the Republic, but also in the Gotoro Empire, which is at war with it. Not a word of such a person can be trusted. On the other hand, all the adventurers, witches and wizards who had fallen by the Farmer's hand had indeed had rumours of venality and even involvement in dark deeds. But they were just rumours! What if the Farmer had made a mistake, and destroyed a completely innocent man, framed by someone else? That never occurred to them?! Jadu must get them to the Ministry because he doesn't believe a word they say. And don't underestimate him, he is after all, a battle mage as good as any.
Well... That explains a lot to Lance. And there's no need for Farmer to look at him so surprised. After all, the gallant adventurer is not lacking in intelligence and is a very shrewd man. Lance was conducting his own, if you will, investigation, but he did it as carefully and from a distance as possible, so as not to cross the wrong person. Because there were inconsistencies in official statements about past tragedies in Castle Village. Then came the murders of suspicious members of the Order of the Knights of Pythagoras, all the blame was on "criminal №1" (Farmer, as it turned out), and then.... Hmm, yes, now that makes sense. Lance will get Farmer to Camilla, let them tell her everything, and wait to see what others say at the general court. "They were criminals, Farmer. But you too need to answer for your crimes. Murder is no way to solve problems."
Marlon outwardly may seem to have reacted very calmly to the truth, but inside the one-eyed adventurer a storm of emotions raged. His apprentice, a new member of the Adventurer's Guild, is the very same wanted killer of monster hunters from other guilds and clans. His murdered colleagues, according to Farmer's words, were not noble protectors of human race, but cowards and corrupt bastards. But is that true? Should Farmer be believed at all? What should Marlon even believe now? He's angry, but quickly calms down so he doesn't accidentally make any hasty decisions in a fit of rage. "You're in deep shit, kid." That was all Marlon could say. Better get Gil and Magnus to solve this problem with Farmer.
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poppiesandpromises · 2 years
Rules: Shuffle your library and list 10 songs and tag 10 people!
Thanks for the tag @wildthingsandmagic
Tagging @warxpunkxmonk
@allnightsong2 @chucklingpecan @lets-dance-to-joy-division @the-peppered-doctor @silverthornfeather @jordynhaiku @purgatorypoetry @elvedon @definegodliness @autumnsunshine10
So it's 11! I do what I want!
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caluski · 1 year
Few days ago @ikonofilizm tagged me to do the "put music player on shuffle and list 10 first songs" thing Thank You my dear I loooooove doing this shit 😁😁😁 let's get to it
1. Lucky to get him by Aly and AJ - revisited this album recently, it's really nice and chill, I like the direction they're going in now as adults. I was never really into Americana, but maybe theyve kinda changed that with this release.
2. Another life by Jadu Heart - god, this was the first song I've ever heard of them, such a throwback!!! I remember walking thru the city at night time, walking back from a party I think? Alcohol leaving my body and I just stared at the starry sky. An unbelievably beautiful track. Since then the duo became one of my favorite bands atm.... Please give them a chance, especially their last EP.
3. Liquid air by Temples - one of my favorite tracks from their new album. Talked about them more than a healthy amount of times recently; really good neopsychedelia if you're into that stuff, a 10/10 album for hot summer days.
4. DYNA by PEEL - some more neopsychedelia! It's been a while since I listened to it, but I used to have it on repeat so much.
5. HAUNTED by Isabel LaRosa - ugh, i remember when it came out and I discovered it in like one of those spotify playlists. It had like a thousand plays maybe!!! And I loved it so much, I added it to my midground playlist and had it really high up on my wrapped for that year, and then I checked back a few months ago and it became like a tiktok sound or something with like a billion plays :((((( I guess good for her but mannn my pretentious soul was hurting LOL
6. Assumptions by Sam Gellaitry - some house...ish dance track, i guess. It's fun and I like that vibe of sort of city pop it has going on, but the fucking high pitched sound at the start is the WORST. So fucking annoying. Every time it comes on, even though I actually like the song, the noise just pisses me off and I cant help but skip it!!!! Who thought it was a good idea to START with what sounds like fucking tinnitus.
7. Upside down by Sacha Rudy - ohhhh throwback... I used to love every single track this guy would put out since like 2019. And then he released that EP last year and other than "upside down" I really just couldn't get into it. Felt like a mess. And now he's disappeared since! Can't help but hope he'll come back with something as good as "be a man", because that was my most listened to track that year. So good.
8. Lamb's wool by Foster the People - HEY that's my song!!!!! Oh no wonder it's coming up on shuffle when I've listened to it so much again this past few weeks. This time it's the original and not the Poolside version. One of my all time favorites, like, ever, and if you can only listen to one of the songs I've listed, please make it this one. Who DOESN'T love tracks about how terrifying death is??? I'll hold you so you're not alone 🤓
9. Blessed by August Charles - people who listened to my dinner party/cafe playlist probably heard this one. Ugh it makes me so melancholic. Really good tho. No wonder it's his most listened to track.... I should probably check out his other works bc I really like his voice.
10. Theme of Re:Served by Re:Served - instrumental track with So Few listens that it doesn't even have the count visible on spotify! I remember being obsessed with them back in 2016, when the way I would discover new music was by downloading random japanese experimental albums from my favorite site. This is honestly just like runway music. I love runway music with good bpm. This one is good. You should listen to it and become their third monthly listener with me.
Thank youuuuuuuuu for tagging me!!!!!! Sorry its so long tho!!!! I love talking about songs I love!!!!! Tagging back: @moldavite , @slavicafire (i know u never do these but hope dies last!), @ferdydurke , @jurajurica , @kotikonnut , @skrzynka , @nocylipcowa , and everyone else who listened to at least one of the songs 😁😁😁 let's have a lovely Sunday afternoon everyone mwah
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tiredassmage · 1 year
35 for oc asks
[Little OC Creation Asks]
35. What things do you most want to see in someone’s OC? Or what do you always find the most interesting? Or stimulating, if you’re in that sort of mood?
I... honestly just want people to have fun with their blorbos? I genuinely do not have to get anything or everything, but if I see someone is getting joy out of their blorbo and sharing their blorbo lore, fuck yes tell me more about blorbo from your brain!!!!
Though I suppose I find interesting threads in themes like loyalty and devotion. If I may plug some amazing mutuals (fic rec fic rec fic rec!!), @kemendin draws me in with Khel & Quinn, Cas & Scourge with such themes, @eorzeashan's Eight's dynamic with Jadus has genuinely changed my understanding of Imperial Agent, I think, in such a delectable way and Eight just fascinates me. I want to study him under a microscope. And @captainderyn has me hooked on Five (I have... a thing for troubled Imperial Agents. Can you tell???) and I'm adopting Roslynd and the terrible little dysfunctional agent family that is Era, Five, and Ros. I'm getting Mor lore about her Struggle(TM) to Represent and just khghlfdaflsdf. BUFFET. I AM BEING FED. SO WELL.
They're all amazing ocs who have incredibly passionate creators behind them and it just shows in what they go through. I love the journey of finding what motivates a character, what drives them, what do they value, what do they value enough to break for, to live for? What's their dynamic like with the people who see them like no one else? I will always show up for that buffet.
So, I guess if I had to sort of itemize the list as like development questions, who or what are they loyal to? What does loyalty mean/look like to them? Is it important to them to keep promises, their word, etc.? Is that different for people they're close with and people they know just more professionally? Do they like what they're doing, their current direction in life, etc.? Is there something they'd change? Is there someone or something that makes or would make them want to change? I love to see their connections.
But I literally cannot emphasize enough how much joy I get just from people enjoying their characters. That's your fuckin' EPIC blorbo that you shared! That can take a lot!!!! And if I could, I'd fight everyone who ever made that process difficult because the joy I've been lucky enough to experience rather consistently in my time in fandom has been sharing and connecting with other people over love for characters - and a lot of it has been through ocs. I am constantly delighted by being able to share in that process with others. Be ungovernable!!!!!! Be obnoxious!!!! It's good for the soul!!!! This is the blorbo website!!!!! I can and I WILL make homemade sharpie rooting for them signs if that will make your experience better!!!!
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