#jaeger tech
monsterblogging · 6 months
The thing about Pacific Rim is that it's an allegorical fairytale.
The Jaegers are an allegory for the things we can't do alone without burning ourselves out. Yeah, it's possible to pilot a Jaeger solo for awhile. But nobody can last the whole fight. If you try, you will collapse under the strain sooner or later. You will die.
The drift is about the necessity of making yourself vulnerable to someone, letting another person in, so you can lift this otherwise impossible burden together. Because if we isolate ourselves, if we don't face the mortifying ordeal of being known, we will change nothing, and we will die alone.
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foxglovecove · 9 months
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Costume design for one of my Pacific Rim OCs, Tommy Harlow
Tommy is a jaeger tech specializing in electrical engineering. Say hello Tommy
Tommy: *sound of drill* hey
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kaijuposting · 1 year
Do you have any ideas for civilian uses for Jaeger Tech? Personally I really like the idea of prosthetic limbs.
Ya. Stuff like construction, cleanup, science, and general goofin' around.
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shinobicyrus · 2 years
One thing my brain keeps going back to about Pacific Rim (besides the rad giant robots) is the whole existence of kaiju organ harvesters and their implications.
Like, you have Hannibal Chau, a bizarre and interesting character, but we’re presented with a black market operation that seems mostly interested in the “alternative medicine” uses of kaiju parts.
But my brain demands to know: what does the corporate kaiju harvesting industry look like? Sure kaiju blood is toxic, but there are plenty of toxic materials that have useful applications. Are there chemical companies studying kaiju organs? Big-Pharma jumping on the kaiju bone-powder bandwagon? Are bio-tech firms studying kaiju hide to make tougher materials? Agribusinesses clamoring to acquire kaiju crap for fertilizer?
I’m picturing something like the age of whaling, when humans hunted giant animals and carved them up to feed insatiable industries. Whale-oil lighting lanterns for entire cities, whale-bone being used in everything from knick-knacks, tools, umbrellas, and corsets. Ambergris alone was used in perfumes, medicines, cooking. It was even added to wine as an aphrodisiac.
We glimpsed how kaiju affected pop-culture. Now picture a kaiju smashing a city, but the stock market going up for construction companies (rebuilding the cities), vulture real estate (buying the destroyed land cheap), and all the other corporations that profit from the systematic dismantling of a kaiju corpse and making money off of its parts. Sure, a city was roughed up and who knows how many thousands are dead, but it’s a better windfall when a kaiju makes landfall. It’s always less profitable when jaegers kill them too quickly; sea-based extractions are so much more expensive.
Imagine entire industries, entire economies that don’t just make money from the devastation of kaiju attacks, but grow dependent on them. And then the laws, the squabbles over those valuable, resource-rich kaiju corpses. If a kaiju attacks one country but keeps rampaging and is killed in the country next door, who has claim over the body? The party who was damaged more by it or the country where the corpse physically is? Bidding wars over “cleanup” contracts that cut corners and are only interested in collecting those sweet, sweet, kaiju parts as fast as possible, even if their official mandate is supposed to be the safe removal and cleanup of a toxic substance.
Once jaegers started getting efficient at killing kaiju, the people with all the money became less interested in solving the problem of kaiju attacks and switched to merely managing the industries that kaiju-killing feeds.
What? You want to put more resources into R&D to try and close the Breach? Whatever for? The kaiju comes out, jaegers kill it, and the “host country” gets the proceeds from the kaiju’s body. It’s a win-win for everyone. Why waste time, money, and effort solving a problem that isn’t a problem anymore?
Everything is under control.
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shushmal · 3 months
okay pacrim au (it's gonna be steddie bear with me here)
nancy is the best jaeger pilot the world's ever seen, her and barb are an unstoppable force. but then barb dies, gets completely ripped from their mech. so they pair nancy with steve, a pilot known for being generally drift compatible with everyone to a degree. it's not perfect, but nancy who is full of fury needs someone that can roll with her punches, keep her going. and they do well. they aren't the best, but he's the only one that can handle nancy's force. steve's good at taking hits. they mange it for about two years. and steve had been doing such a good job hiding it, absorbing all of nancy's internal grief and fury so she could keep doing her job.
but he breaks. the two of them are force-retired, and nancy lashes out so intensely, steve goes into a depression, completely severs ties with the jager program and disappears.
then there's eddie, a street rat by birth, but a guy so inherently good with the jaeger technology, he's managed to build his own on scavenged scraps—part of it from the jaeger barbara holland died in. he's used his lil jaeger to defend his little forgotten part of the world best he could, mostly luring kaiju away towards the actual military and stealthily escaping before any government detects him. but it's hard to do alone.
and then he meets steve.
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driftwithme · 1 year
According to the pacrim wiki, Coyote Tango was the first jaeger the program lost. By that time, Pentecost and Tamsin were not piloting anymore. It was June, 2016.
The order of pre-knifehead fallen jaegers is:
- Coyote Tango. Destroyed in combat against Itak. On its second set of pilots. June, 2016.
- Victory Alpha. Destroyed in combat against Raganarok. The pilots survived. July, 2016.
- Tacit Ronin. Abandoned because its pilots died of neural overload. July, 2016.
- Lucky Seven. Abandoned because one of its pilots was decommissioned. 2019.
Following this pic from the wiki:
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We know that the first jaeger was launched in 2015 (Brawler Yukon) and the last in 2019 (Striker Eureka).
The golden age of the jeager program was from 2017 to 2019, three years of gaining more than they were losing. The peak was in 2019, with 20 active jaegers. The bottom was in 2025, with no jaegers left.
2024 was the year with more deaths, with 8 j-pilots going KIA. Then 2025, with 7 deaths between the Double Event that killed both Cherno and Crimson, and Operation Pitfall, who claimed Pentecost and Chuck.
Between 2019 and 2023 there were 9 KIAs.
Which means Yancy was the first jaeger pilot to die on combat. It makes sense, given the reaction of Penecost to hearing that they had lost Gipsy's signal (and Yancy was dead).
It marks:
- 2019-20: 1 lost jaeger, 1 pilot KIA.
The list of fallen jaegers Post-Knifehead:
- 2020-21: 2 lost jaeger, 1 pilot KIA.
- 2021-22: 3 lost jaegers, 2 pilots KIA.
- 2022-23: 2 lost jaegers, 3 pilots KIA.
- 2023-24: 8 lost jaegers, 2 pilots KIA.
- 2024-25: 0 lost jaegers, 8 pilots KIA.
- 2025: 4 lost jaegers, 7 pilots KIA.
Let's compare all this info with the following Kaiju War Timeline from the wiki:
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A) 2013-2014: The Feral Burst. There were no jaegers yet to defend humanity against the 3 kaijus that invaded the world.
B) 2015-2019: The Long Game, Part I. There were 24 jargers up around this period, with a total of 13 kaijus making contact.
Special mention to the Beckets, who got an impressive mark of 5 kills during those years. It means they helped killed more than a 1/3 of those bastards during the golden era of the jaeger program. For what I see, Raleigh is the only pilot who had ever abandoned the jaeger program because he wanted to, not because he was hurt or kicked out.
C) 2020-2023: The Long Game, Part II. The amount of kaijus who invaded in those three years equals the amount of kaijus who made contact within the first 6 years of the war. It means the precursos sent as many kaijus in half the time. Humanity went into this phase with 19 jaegers. By the end they had 4.
2024 reports 13 kaiju attacks. It makes sense that they lost 8 jaegers and 10 pilots more or less in that year. With 12 jaegers active, it is more than a 1vs1 situation. Something tells me that most of Striker Eureka's kills were during this phase.
Special mention to the Hansen, btw. *During Chuck active years, he participated in almost third of the kaiju killings that happened then. I don't know Lucky Seven's score in this race, but *Herc's win amount to a 1/4 of the whole kaiju fights during his active time.
*The count stops at Mutavore. It does not include the Double Event or Pitfall.
If we include Post-Mutavore but not their participation/assistant at killing Leatherback:
- Chuck: 11 kills, 35 kaiju appereances during his active career (almost a 1/3).
- Herc: 12 kills, 44 kaiju appearances (not counting 2016 and adding at least 2 kills of the Lucky Seven era; around a 1/4).
Yet again, if by statistics alone, Mako is the most winning jaeger pilot of the movie. In her active years there had been 5 kaijus and she has helped kill 4. It's worth mentioning that her debut was on a double event followed by a triple event, with the only Category-5 ever saw. Impressive, to say the least.
On the other hand, Raleigh has helped kill or killed himself almost half of the kaijus that had appear on his active years.
Here: (ratio is 19-20 kaijus, 9 kills).
- 2025: 6 kaijus, 4 kills.
- 2015-2019: 13-14 kaijus, 5 kills.
The Hansens record is impressive just in the sheer size of their killing count, which is still not complete given I don't have the info on Lucky Seven. Meanwhile, Raleigh and Mako are impressive for the efficiency record.
Of the 51 kaijus that invaded the Earth, Gipsy and Striker combine to 20 kills. That means 2/5 of the total.
The last three j-pilots hold the best or most insane records of the program. Herc with the most wins, Mako with the best efficiency and Raleigh fucking Becket who had solo piloted twice and explode a jaeger in another world.
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pacificrimrefs · 3 months
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Jaeger Battery
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beautyisinkonpaper · 4 months
Finally got started on that reijean pacific rim au... and it's gonna be set in space?
Teaser quote: "There's only one person here you haven't tried to drift with, Kirschstein."
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rorykurago · 1 year
So I'm watching "Mech Cadets"
because I'm still a giant dork for Pacific Rim and this looked like good PR-esque content.
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it is PR fanon. Animated. Only mild AU.
Like... There's genre fiction, then there's this. Let's count:
Jaegers Ro-bos fRoM sPaCe that have to bond with a pilot so there are two (2) minds controlling the body? Check
main Jaeger Robo is blue and yellow with a glowy heart? Check
J-Tech Mech tech department? Check
Neon/steel/grimy urban aesthetic? check
Marshal and Old Guard Pilot are old buddies? check
Angry Ace Pilot who is child of a Marshal? Check
Angry Ace Pilot who tops the class but still doesn't get the recognition they think they deserve? Check
Angry Ace Pilot mad the wash-out gets to go around the system and still gets a Jaeger Robo? check
Kwoon? Check
Drivesuits? Check
Pilot duels in the kwoon with hanbos? check
everybody wearing Air Force-style dress blues or flight bags? check
Cadet Academy in the middle of a desert nowhere? Check (technically that's a 'Training Day' X-over, but I'm counting it)
Cadet Academy is a giant metal tower full of shiny lights in the middle of nowhere? check
enemy are bony insect critters from another dimension world? check
enemy critter bleed bright blue? Check
chief scientist is Newtlieb? check
chief scientist misappropriates resources to sell/militarise kaiju sky-ju biology? check
...which goes very badly? CHECK
Big Scary Skyju is a threat physically bigger than and with features unlike anything seen in decades of war? check
the threat is Coming From Inside The House? check
Mech-Tech maintenance crew rivalry? check
drivesuit pain feedback that disables the pilot? check
Jaeger with a busted arm? check
Pilot with a busted arm? Check
Girl Ace Pilot and Boy Ace Pilot sitting side by side on a gantry leaning on each other to look into the glowy heart of a Jaeger-Mech? CHECK
More to follow lmao
Don't get me wrong, this is great (occasionally terrible) content and I'm immensely enjoying revisiting Jaegerland. But, like, .... I'm on ep FOUR and there's already so much crossover. Nobody is going to convince me PacRim had nothing to do with this. The Mech Cadet comics were released from 2017. Come on. Come ON.
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tereresrock · 1 year
criminal minds pacific rim au!!!!!!?????? i have everything thought out already if this gets some attention i wanna do a list of headcanons
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monsterblogging · 9 months
Jaeger Piloting 101: How Rangers Get Into The Thing & Other Basic Stuff
Hello Pacific Rim fans, today I am doing a post on the topic of how rangers get into the conn-pod, and take control of the Jaeger, plus do a quick look at conn-pod interiors in general! I'll be using pictures sourced from movie-screencaps.com to illustrate the process.
Before I proceed, I'd like to remind folks that Lady Danger's canonical name contains a racial slur. It will be depicted here in screenshots, but I encourage fans to use the name "Lady Danger" in casual conversation, fanfiction etc. It doesn't matter if the name was referencing an old engine, it doesn't matter if no harm was intended by it; a slur's a slur.
Before the rangers enter the conn-pod, they must first suit up. This isn't something they can do on their own - they have a dedicated team of assistant techs to help them into their drivesuits. As we can see here, Raleigh and Yancy Becket's team have the name of their jaeger printed on the backs of their jumpsuits:
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If you read my earlier post on jaegers, you know that drivesuits come in two layers. Here's Raleigh and Yancy already wearing the first layer, while one of their technicians assists:
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Next, the technicians help them into the drivesuit's second, armored layer. On the right side of the first image is the area where the drivesuits are kept when not in use:
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And then we have this thing that's pulled out of a special storage box and put over the spinal area, connecting the back of the armor together:
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We also see Yancy and Raleigh pull on their helmets, and this strange liquid drains out. (It makes me think of the orange juice Raleigh was drinking earlier.) It's not clear how common this feature is, but we know it's not universal - the refurbished Lady Danger doesn't have this, and Cherno Alpha's helmets don't look it would even be possible.
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Next up, the pilots enter the conn-pod. Note those two light gray things on the floor in the first picture; that's part of the Pilot Motion Rig. Also note the dark gray things hanging from the ceiling in the second picture; that's also part of it.
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Once the pilots step into the bottom part of Pilot Motion Rig, metal clamps lock their feet into place. On the right, Raleigh is already locked in; on the left, Yancy is not yet locked in:
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Meanwhile, more technicians help pilots get into the upper part of the Pilot Motion Rig.
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At this point, something magical and wonderful absolutely terrifying else happens: the floor pulls away, leaving the pilots standing like:
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If you look down once the floor's pulled back, it's uh. Quite the view.
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In the case of Lady Danger, a nuclear-powered Mark-3, this is where technicians drop the head to connect it to the body. (The head is stored separately to reduce radiation exposure that might damage the delicate circuits.)
At this point, the Beckets are looking at this in front of them:
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As the head connects, the pilot-to-pilot protocol is engaged, the computer system fires up, and the Beckets see a LOADING screen:
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In the Anchorage Shatterdome, Lady Danger was wheeled out through a door on a rolling platform. At this point, the neural handshake was activated with a countdown of fifteen seconds.
The neural link is established, and you got two people in control of a Jaeger!
From here, stuff often depends on the specific jaeger, as control systems can be pretty different. For example, we see Raleigh and Yancy holding these round things in the arms they're controlling at the beginning of the film, but the refurbished Lady Danger doesn't seem to use them, and neither do the other jaegers.
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I'd also like to contrast Cherno Alpha's drivesuits with Lady Danger's drivesuits for a moment, just to emphasize how different designs can be. As you can see, each pilot's drivesuit has cables connected to the arm they're controlling:
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Also as I was looking at pictures of jaeger interiors, I noticed something curious about Lady Danger vs. Striker Eureka.
The original Lady Danger has a high console like this:
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The refurbished Lady Danger has one positioned lower:
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Striker Eureka has both a high and low console:
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So make of that what you will, lol.
And that's the basics of boarding and controlling a jaeger! If you haven't seen it already I also recommend checking out my other post on jaeger lore, where I compiled everything I could find out about them from various Pacific Rim medias. And you might also read Drifting, as conceptualized by Travis Beacham if you're interested in knowing more about the drifting aspect, and maybe Drift Hangover Lore if the possibility of sentient jaegers appeals to you.
Happy monster punching, or whatever it is you people do out there. *Slinks back into the bog*
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foxglovecove · 9 months
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More Pacific Rim OCs!
Benny Harlow (né Kaye) (he/him)- baker extraordinaire, making the finest bagels this side of the Ring of Fire (unbiased opinion from one Tendo Choi). Originally from the Sydney Shatterdome, moved to Hong Kong when the program was shutting down.
Tommy Harlow (they/them/any pronouns really) - jaeger mechanic/technician, ADHD’er-extraordinaire with seemingly preternatural abilities around all things mech (their words). Originally from Anchorage Shatterdome, also moved to HK when the program was shutting down
These two were pen pals (I HC that the PPDC encouraged and assigned people pen pals across the shatterdomes, for those who wanted to participate, to encourage camaraderie across the program) before then advancing to texting every day to twice a week multiple hours-long video chats to begging to be reassigned together at HK to meeting in person and instantly knowing they were meant for each other to getting hitched because “hey it’s the end of the world, why not?”
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kaijuposting · 2 years
Thinking about j-techs and drifting...
I can only imagine how often the j-techs who work in the conn-pod, and particularly those who repair the pons system, are reminded of how incredibly important it is to make sure these things are working right - faulty connections could mean the pilots can't control the jaeger, or even suffer brain injuries.
I also have to wonder how many times j-techs tested the pons system on themselves. I wonder how many j-techs could name a few people they know they could pilot a jaeger with - probably no small number.
Were there ever any pilots who began as j-techs and did this sort of thing, I wonder?
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s4pphoiduser · 2 years
i don't know why im thinking about this at 3am but j-tech x pilot pairings are so good. because it's like. you know how this works. or at least, you know how this should work. your pilot and their jaeger should win, because you've put your all into the jaeger. you've built parts of it with your own two hands. essentially, you have their life in your hands. you both know it. and if/when something goes wrong, maybe that's on you. maybe there was something you could've added to give them an advantage. and you put your love into this metal house. you do it all over again when they come back from battle. you will always be fucking terrified.
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wizardnuke · 2 years
the shadowgast pacific rim au that exists in my brain.
#LONG TAGS LORE DUMP FOR A FIC I'M NEVER GONNA WRITE PROBABLY#deirta is pentecost she lost her husband in a battle and piloted the jaeger to shore alone - verin is tendo he could fight but deirta#doesn't want either of her sons in a jaeger ever. verin is okay enough with this. essek is not.#caleb ran a triple arm jaeger with astrid and wulf and lost his mind a little bit when they died. he felt them die. the added stress of#piloting a jaeger to shore on his own put him in the hospital and then a psych ward for three months#before he began helping with wall construction as equipment maintenance. clearly this is still a magic au and tech = magic etc etc#I CANNOT stress enough that jaegers are powered by luxon beacons.#anyway essek is in mako's position and caleb is beckett. the restless assistant and the tired veteran#essek chooses caleb's candidates - the candidate process is a little more complicated because these fantasy jaegers#work off of both magic and manual physical effort - candidates have to be evenly matched in both physical and mental fields#blumendrei only worked because caleb and astrid combined matched wulf in physicality. astrid and wulf matched caleb in casting.#it was. unhealthily competitive between them at times and astrid was the worst about it. he still misses them every single day.#it's like. shit hurts to do when one arm or leg is weaker than the other. it's like that. it has to match#essek and caleb have little noodle arms and truly insane skills w casting. so they're compatable. essek is sure. caleb does the same#'why do you keep making that face' bit like beckett did bc he's tired of essek's attitude and deirta's flat dismissal of him#they metaphorically roll the same exact initiative and the fight ends in caleb casting firebolt/essek casting sapping sting#and the two of them both use their reaction to counterspell. they both move to cast again when deirta is like Okay Stop Fighting I Get It#heehoo. the first time they drift together caleb leans that essek secretly recovered a beacon from a downed jaeger and has been using it to#advance his research while passing himself off as a genius - not that he isn't. he just has another stepping stone as well.#essek gets to live thru caleb's experience of feeling two (2) people die at the same exact moment. yeah verin has to pull that fuckin plug.#other notes. veth and yeza r the scientists. OBVIOUSLY veth drifts with a kaiju brain like are u KIDDING me#other jaeger teams are fjord+jester yasha+beau and the tealeaf triplets.
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vuulpecula · 1 year
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✖  @paramounticebound​ inquired: 42!
✖ spotify wrapped: send me a number, 1-100 and i’ll write you a starter (or some long dramatic piece of trash) <3 | accepting, posting slowly       ↳ 42. Dessa - Life on Land
      “Out in the water,” Fox started slowly. Staring out at the great expanse of waves before them. Blues and greens melding, shifting, turning over, foaming. The wet-suit covering her body felt more like a second skin and did little to save it from the wind. Her skin prickled uncomfortably beneath it. It was not made for wind, she reminded herself, it was made for water. The water that they were reading to plunge into.
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      “You can’t touch bottom; it pulls you farther. Life on land forgotten.” The seduction of the sea. Its beauty, its horror. Much like the man she was diving with. He was not her first choice, but he wasn’t her last either. Scotty was busy and not as inclined to return to a frigid climate and she needed a mind that worked as quickly as his--if not quicker. “Are you ready?”
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