#jai Ma
premakalidasi · 11 months
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Krishna as Kali, worshipped by Radha.
"Krishna as Kali worshipped by Radha (recto), from a Kalighat album, c. 1890. Eastern India, Bengal, Kolkata, Kalighat. Gum tempera, graphite, and ink on paper; secondary support: 48.1 x 29.7 cm (18 15/16 x 11 11/16 in.); painting only: 25.4 x 20.4 cm (10 x 8 1/16 in.). The Cleveland Museum of Art, Gift of William E. Ward in memory of his wife, Evelyn Svec Ward 2003.113.a
Krishna’s cowgirl (gopi) Radha was Ayanaghosha’s wife, and her devotion to him transcended marital ties. Whenever Radha was together with Krishna and her husband appeared, Krishna instantly transformed himself into Kali and Radha into her devotee. Radha, a model devotee, symbolizes the human soul and its longing for god. Her willingness to break the rules of duty (dharma) exemplifies her devotion."
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vizthedatum · 7 months
CW: self-immolation is a sacred testament that cannot be silenced (Free Palestine)
During my current spiritual awakening as a scientist, healthcare data scientist, writer, and varied-trauma survivor, not only am I growing into myself, I am growing into what it means to truly be a citizen of the world.
I grew up Hindu, and I only really connected with it spiritually to my core after a series of traumatic events I faced in this lifetime, including events I brought on myself.
Being spiritual has brought me so much peace. However, I am still living in a world, where there is so much turbulence, where there is so much suffering.
In so many religions and spiritual practices, the concept of worldly suffering is heavily discussed. Everyone has their own justifications and their own way of mitigating (or propagating) suffering.
In this post, I will be addressing the genocide of human life in the Gaza Strip, along with the various other genocides that have plagued my lifetime, including the Rohingya genocide. The following topics will be mentioned as well: the constructs of hierarchy that somehow lesson some people's lives and elevate others, self-immolation as a spiritually grounded form of protest when your soul cannot find another way, suicide and attempted suicide, complicit-ness, and generational and worldly abuse/trauma.
When Aaron Bushnell self-immolated on February 25, 2024, I avoided the news even more than before.
I fully understood why he did it, but it also brought back memories of the time when my brother, in his teenage years, went behind his high school to self-immolate. He failed and went to the hospital with burns. This suicide attempt was one of several that he would face for most of his life.
Aaron did it out of protest to Free Palestine. My brother did it out of an intention to commit suicide because not only did he not want to live, he did not feel wanted in this world.
What makes a person not wanted? What compels whole swaths of people to either protest or support mass murder?
These are some of life's big questions, huh?
Spiritually, I consider self-immolation an act from the soul. My belief stems from my worship of the matriarchal depiction of godly being from Hinduism. She is known by so many names: Mahadevi, Devi, Shakti, Ma, Mahamaya, etc.
One of her forms is Sati. Later, "sati" became the name of the self-immolation practice that widows perform on the pyre of their husband's body, during his funeral.
The term, "sati," stands for nobility and truth in Sanskrit. It's not literally about self-immolation - it's about standing up for what you think is right and being very clear about what is suffocating you to the point of your soul being burned alive.
In short, Sati's story is about her protest of her husband, Shiva, not being respected by her family. She marries Shiva - her godly companion through every reincarnation of the Mahadevi - and her father doesn't like it.
Shiva, Brahma, and Vishnu are the male counterparts of the "holy trinity of Hinduism" - they're considered *the supreme Gods.*
Her father prepared a ritual sacrifice event (a yajna) and did not invite his son-in-law. There are so many details to this - including that her father was human (well this is contested since he was a part of Brahma) and had devoted himself to Brahma, that all these figures were among the early humans (and gods) in Hindu mythological lore, and that despite factuality the stories are metaphors and descriptions of the layered nature of humanity.
Sati wanted Shiva to come, but he refused since he wasn't invited. Sati instead went to the yajna and she was humiliated by her entire family. Her husband's name was also tarnished.
She couldn't take it - not only was Shiva in the same class of deitic prolificness as Brahma, Shiva was her husband.
She threw herself in the fire of the yajna and self-immolated. She sacrificed her life's energy to go back into the universe or higher power, because she could not stand for this injustice.
Shiva became so stricken with grief and anger, he destroyed the yajna (later the yajna was restored) and threatened his father-in-law's life.
He took his wife's body and wandered around. 51 pieces of Sati's body fell to the earth and became what is known as the Shakti Pithas.
These 51 sites are in South Asia, and people still pay pilgrimage and worship at these sites.
I've personally only been to one - the one in Kalighat where my maternal family line lives. I'm a strong worshipper of Kali Ma, and I believe she spoke to me there, amongst the crowds, when I was 25.
The number, 51, is contested of course - but that's not the point.
The reason why Hindus make pilgrimage to these sites is because of her great sacrifice. It was a test of divinity.
She recognized what was important to her and that Shiva was indeed a supreme deity - and then she sacrificed her own supremeness to both defend him and herself.
In South Asia, self-immolation is spiritually considered a noble act of protest due to this story (and so many other stories).
Unfortunately, it becomes a problem when people are FORCED to self-immolate (as in the case of the sati practice where it's rooted in misogyny and patriarchy) or when people are COMPELLED to self-immolate due to lack of community and mental health resources (such as in the case of my brother).
I don't think it becomes noble or truthful in those instances, even if there are hints of the truth underlying these issues.
I think back to Sylvia Plath in these cases sometimes - she committed suicide by suffocating herself in her oven. Her poetry and words will probably inspire generations upon generations. But I understand why she did it - I am of the opinion that she was surely abused by her husband and traumatized by the lack of support from her community. In short, I believe her husband (whose second wife died from the same method of suicide) was abusing her in the form of narcissistic, sociopathic, or psychopathic abuse to the point where she felt suffocated. Since she could not bring herself to break free, she suffocated herself.
And in the case of mass genocide where a person who has dedicated his life for the protection of humanity (Aaron was a serviceman of the United States Air Force) - I can see why he had to stand up for what he believed to be noble and true.
It's hard to look away when someone so young gives up his life for a cause. I think that was precisely the point. He knew he had power as a young, white man serving a militaristic force in America.
There are so many people who are doing nothing in the face of all of these mass genocides in the world. I don't think it is fair to leave the concept of human suffering up to the higher power.
It is not the higher power's job to fix this for us. I believe that to my core.
Being silent about human suffering is being complicit in it.
I know that many people are not able - or they don't even know - to have an impact on the lessening of suffering. But we must do what we can. A quote I often quote on many, many occasions is by Angela Davis: she says: “Sometimes we have to do the work even though we don't yet see a glimmer on the horizon that it's actually going to be possible.” Do something, take inspired action - don't be silent. You don't have to self-immolate, but please consider the sacrifice and the severity of the situation.
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mysticalblizzardcolor · 4 months
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squishyneet · 3 months
what they're like when they're in love [lookism] - 𓆩♡𓆪
someone who becomes very carnal, oddly in tune with their feelings. if they feel like they can't have you, they become sulky and ruminating.
Eugene, DG, Taesoo
they hate being ignored, they will make you love them one way or another. you can't escape them.
Jaegyeon Na, Geonseob Ji, Goo Kim, Gyeoul Baek, James Lee, Gitae Kim
wya babygirl. they are forward and not afraid to show their love. gifts, dates, kisses, everything.
Kouji, Jihan Kwak
it's either or for them. they're okay if you don't like them back and are fine with being friends. may not even show their feelings at all.
Eli Jang, Warren Chae, Hangyeoul Baek, Gun Park
will slowly and carefully seduce you with their romance. they're very sure of themselves.
Jake Kim, Sinu Han
they continue being friends in hopes you will eventually feel the same way. might confess later on if they have the courage.
Daniel Park, Johan Seong, Jay Hong, Zack Lee, Gija Kim, Mira Kim, Zoe Park, Crystal Choi
confesses right away hoping they are accepted.
Vasco, Hudson Ahn
confesses right away hoping they are rejected.
Samuel Seo, Vin Jin, Mary Kim, Jichang Kwak, Jace Park
they don't do anything.
Mandeok Bang, Jinyoung Park, Jerry Kwon, Jibeom Kwak, Yuseong
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fred-the-dinosaur · 2 years
loving the glass onion posting but I'm really sick of the 'birdie Jay stops flirting with blanc because wearing sweatpants makes you 'fruity'' or whatever post. because:
a. bit sick of the idea that we're still perpetuating homophobic and toxic masculinity principles in this day and age, at least amongst ourselves. straight people clocking gay men for wearing a 'girly' sweatpant company feels threatening, not really like a cute queer in-joke. especially given the current climate.
b. I don't think birdie Jay WOULD stop flirting with a gay man. I bet she's the kind of woman who likes to put her hands ALL OVER her hot gay friends at the club because 'is fine you're GAY and I'm a WOMAN and it's impossible to sexually harrass a MAN right?'
c. THAT'S NOT THE REASON. she doesn't make sweatpants for her friends to wear. she makes sweatpants to profiteer off the pandemic and lockdown. blanc saying he wears sweetie pants tells her he's not a disruptor. he's not in her class. he's a MARK.
THAT is why he's off the flirting menu.
(Also this is exactly blanc's game. we know he's doing this. he's TRYING to look hokum and naive. he's trying to make them underestimate him and distract from Helen being a fish out of water too. pity this little bit worked on you too.)
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ahalliance · 8 months
if i think about qantoine and pomme too hard ill cry
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celadons-penultimate · 3 months
💁🏿‍♂️The Flash has SO much more mythos to explore beside Flashpoint. Plenty of speedsters & allies, plenty of Rogues & other antagonists.
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Whether y'all know / respect them or not, they are there.
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Their family
-could easily sustain multiple simultaneous, continuing comic titles (even if its just a main Flash title & a slice-of-life, like a speedster version of Batman: Wayne Family Adventures)
-should have multiple seasons of an animated TV show
-should have a movie trilogy by now 🤷🏿‍♂️
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Like...give them more! Around the world, across time, throughout the multiverse! It'd surely mean coming up w/ new Rogues & other threats beside the ones we're familiar with, but that works for me; they (and we, their fans) deserve more! 🤩
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lookismfanfics · 1 year
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You know what it is…
Behold, more Lookism Actor AU!
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palenciagaz · 2 years
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premakalidasi · 4 months
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And, indeed, he soon discovered what a strange Goddess he had chosen to serve. He became gradually enmeshed in the web of Her all-pervading presence. To the ignorant She is, to be sure, the image of destruction; but he found in Her the benign, all-loving Mother. Her neck is encircled with a garland of heads, and Her waist with a girdle of human arms, and two of Her hands hold weapons of death, and Her eyes dart a glance of fire; but, strangely enough, Ramakrishna felt in Her breath the soothing touch of tender love and saw in Her the Seed of Immortality. She stands on the bosom of Her Consort, Siva; it is because She is the Sakti, the Power, inseparable from the Absolute. She is surrounded by jackals and other unholy creatures, the denizens of the cremation ground. But is not the Ultimate Reality above holiness and unholiness? She appears to be reeling under the spell of wine. But who would create this mad world unless under the influence of a divine drunkenness? She is the highest symbol of all the forces of nature, the synthesis of their antinomies, the Ultimate Divine in the form of woman. She now became to Sri Ramakrishna the only Reality, and the world became an unsubstantial shadow. Into Her worship he poured his soul. Before him She stood as the transparent portal to the shrine of Ineffable Reality.
The worship in the temple intensified Sri Ramakrishna's yearning for a living vision of the Mother of the Universe. He began to spend in meditation the time not actually employed in the temple service; and for this purpose he selected an extremely solitary place. A deep jungle, thick with underbrush and prickly plants, lay to the north of the temples. Used at one time as a burial ground, it was shunned by people even during the day-time for fear of ghosts. There Sri Ramakrishna began to spend the whole night in meditation, returning to his room only in the morning with eyes swollen as though from much weeping. While meditating, he would lay aside his cloth and his brahminical thread. Explaining this strange conduct, he once said to Hriday: "Don't you know that when one thinks of God one should be freed from all ties? From our very birth we have the eight fetters of hatred, shame, lineage, pride of good conduct, fear, secretiveness, caste, and grief. The sacred thread reminds me that I am a brahmin and therefore superior to all. When calling on the Mother one has to set aside all such ideas." Hriday thought his uncle was becoming insane.
As his love for God deepened, he began either to forget or to drop the formalities of worship. Sitting before the image, he would spend hours singing the devotional songs of great devotees of the Mother, such as Kamalakanta and Ramprasad. Those rhapsodical songs, describing the direct vision of God, only intensified Sri Ramakrishna's longing. He felt the pangs of a child separated from its mother. Sometimes, in agony, he would rub his face against the ground and weep so bitterly that people, thinking he had lost his earthly mother, would sympathize with him in his grief. Sometimes, in moments of scepticism, he would cry: "Art Thou true, Mother, or is it all fiction — mere poetry without any reality? If Thou dost exist, why do I not see Thee? Is religion a mere fantasy and art Thou only a figment of man's imagination?" Sometimes he would sit on the prayer carpet for two hours like an inert object. He began to behave in an abnormal manner, most of the time unconscious of the world. He almost gave up food; and sleep left him altogether.
But he did not have to wait very long. He has thus described his first vision of the Mother: "I felt as if my heart were being squeezed like a wet towel. I was overpowered with a great restlessness and a fear that it might not be my lot to realize Her in this life. I could not bear the separation from Her any longer. Life seemed to be not worth living. Suddenly my glance fell on the sword that was kept in the Mother's temple. I determined to put an end to my life. When I jumped up like a madman and seized it, suddenly the blessed Mother revealed Herself. The buildings with their different parts, the temple, and everything else vanished from my sight, leaving no trace whatsoever, and in their stead I saw a limitless, infinite, effulgent Ocean of Consciousness. As far as the eye could see, the shining billows were madly rushing at me from all sides with a terrific noise, to swallow me up! I was panting for breath. I was caught in the rush and collapsed, unconscious. What was happening in the outside world I did not know; but within me there was a steady flow of undiluted bliss, altogether new, and I felt the presence of the Divine Mother." On his lips when he regained consciousness of the world was the word "Mother".
--The Gospel of Sri Ramakrishna
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vizthedatum · 9 months
When someone gets to know me, they’ll know that I worship Kali Ma. I get very touchy about it sometimes (I used to be perpetually mad about her depiction in Spelunky (the game)).
Now that I’m fully decorating my apartment, my worship of her is very external (in addition to internal). I have depictions of her and her forms all over the place. I have an altar that’s primarily dedicated to her (and Durga Ma and everyone else).
With every passing day, I relinquish more control (but not my self worth or anything like that) of my destiny to her - it’s part of how I am religious and spiritual.
I used to not be so spiritual. It’s been an on and off journey my whole life. I used to be super upset by the misogyny and bigotry that my culture and religion would stand for. And I was confused as to how the gods could allow for such human evil to exist in the world.
Ever since leaving my ex-spouse, my spirituality has brought me an immense amount of peace. It’s helped me reconnect with who I am - and it’s helped me make more sense of the evil in the world. And the, of course, shadows that reside within me.
Do you know what Kali Ma stands for… in my eyes? (I mean, she’s everything but that’s not what I’m alluding to here)
She stands for ego death and renewal. She reminds me that with every single life challenge that gets thrown my way, I have the opportunity to GROW, to DESTROY, to make ANEW. She gives me hope, where sometimes I feel like I have none.
And I love her. I’m so glad she’s here protecting me like this. I’m so glad she’s helping me tap into my own power.
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allonnotion · 7 months
Hunger Games: Lookism Pt.1
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Decided to do a Lookism hunger games and...chaos ensues. Enjoy these 'iconic' moments, ig...
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and the winner is...
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the results:
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i lost the link to the simulator again. sorry :(
hunger games masterlist
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Who do you think are the most OP members of the FlashFam? I think it's difficult, the majority of them has almost the same powers.
Oh easy.
Wally, Bart and Barry.
I think we forget sometimes that the vast majority of the crazy feats of godlike powers we see from speedsters are coming from these three. Wally, Bart and Barry have insane connections to the speedforce and their skill level is unmatched. What these three can do is by no means normal or average. They are op as fuck.
You have to remember that even... let's say Max Mercury is nowhere even remotely near their skill level. And we're talking about Max Mercury. The guy who knows more about the speedforce than anyone else and trained for years to master it. But Max (although he was faster than Bart when Bart was a child) isn't on the same playing field as Wally, Bart and Barry. Max couldn't enter the speedforce without Bart's assistance, Max couldn't leave the speedforce without Barry and Wally's assistance, Max can't time travel to a destination of his own choice, Max can't speed steal or fully pause time, ect ect. Max is one of the most skilled, most knowledgeable, most trained and most respected speedsters of all time. Max is the cream of the crop. You won't find another speedster better than Max. He's a shining example of what's humanely possible for speedsters to achieve.
But Wally, Bart and Barry aren't humanely possible. Those three are insane.
I'm actually going to make a tier list to explain this
(AKA actually gods. Can do literally every speedster ability. Faster than literally everything. Beyond op.)
Wally West (now), Bart Allen, Barry Allen
(AKA the top of the top. Insane skills. Insane knowledge. Insane speed. Likely has a vast amount of speedster abilities other than running. Likely faster than most other speedsters. Op af)
Max Mercury, Jay Garrick, Savitar, Eobard Thawne, Thad Thawne, Irey West (future)
(AKA one of the following: above average speed, above average connection or above average abilities. Likely has one or two speedster abilities other than running. Slightly op but still beatable)
Irey West (now), August Heart, Edward Clariss, Jess Quick, Alinta (future), Hunter Zoloman (when connected), Lia Nelson, Jai West (future)
(AKA average connection, average speed, average abilities. Potentially an additional speedforce ability but no crazy speedforce abilities. Not op.)
Wally West (past), Ace West, Avery Ho, Jesse Chambers, Daniel West, Christina Alexandrova, Jenni Ognats, Jai West (now), John Fox, Red Death, Don Allen, Dawn Allen, Meena Dhawan, Anatole, David Edwards (after), Judy Garrick, Bar Torr, Fastbak, Swoosh, Terri Magnus, Sela Allen, Jonathan Allen, Carrie Allen, Barry West, S'Kidd Flash, Thondor Allen, Jace Allen, Blaire Allen, Nora Allen, Agent Flashling, Danica Williams, Cherub
(AKA normal connection but below average speed and abilities. Extremely beatable.)
Baroness Blitzkrieg, Johnny Chambers, Bebeck, Cassiopeia, Harold Christos, Inertia 2, Killspeed, Mayfly, Millie Heyday, Runaround Sue, Wind, Pellmell, Poprocket, Velocity, Gabriella Rossetti
(AKA needs outside assistance to access speedforce (suit, drugs, formula), faulty connection, connection is killing them, can only access powers for short periods of time, ect)
Jai West (past), Alinta (now), Owen Mercer, Eliza Harmon, Jerry McGee, Meloni Thawne (*see notes), Gregor Gregorovich, Boleslaw Uminski, Joanie Swift, Mas, Menos, David Edwards (previously), Keigo, Ezra Gill, Henry Cosgei, Jaculi, Jaculi 2, Jimmy Olsen, Xane Swift
So yeah, as you can see by this, although all speedsters with a functioning speedforce connection are technically capable of being op, speedsters rarely actually are op.
We're just really used to op speedsters because we're used to whatever the fuck Wally, Bart and Barry have going on. But they are very much not representative of speedsters as a whole.
Do you guys remember how fast Wally used to be? When he was younger and struggling with his speed and stuff? THAT'S THE GODDAMN AVERAGE. Wally AT HIS SLOWEST was still faster than every single goddamn speedster he came across, including Jay, Johnny, Jesse, the Blue Trinity, the Red Trinity, ect. HE JUST WASN'T FASTER THAN BARRY OR EOBARD SO HE THOUGHT HE WAS THE WORST. Because Wally is fucking insane. He's an insane human being. Anyway, Wally at his slowest is the typical representation of an average speedster. That's how they typically are.
#dc#dc comics#speedsters#speedforce#flash fam#ranking#k to explain some things. first none of the names are ranked by order. so I'm not ranking them 1 Wally 2 Bart ect#they're only ranked by category. not ranked within the categories#Irey isn't in the insane category because she's actually not supposed to be faster than Wally. she's just more skilled than him#so shes good (like really good) but she doesn't surpass her fathers speed. so im putting her in top until proven otherwise#lia is in above average despite not having super speed because the stuff she has going on is INSANE#the same thing applies to Jai#Meloni is in oh no because she is technically a speedster?? she's just never used her powers in a comic? but she's listed in universe as#being a speedster and Owen inherited his speed from her. so. idk. my only conclusion is that she doesn't know how to use her speed#or she doesn't use it to spite her father.#mas y menos are in oh no because they need to hold hands to access their powers#oh and Hunter's ranking is soley off of his speedforce connection. not his time powers. Hunter's time powers are insane#i tried to stay main universe but i couldn't resist putting in some alt universe speedsters#oh and Eobard and Thad aren't in the god level because Eobard has been reset meaning that he isn't really timeless like Wally and Bart are#and hes not literally the speedforce like Barry is (no matter how hard he tries)#and Thad isn't there because... well he was a good match for Bart when Bart was really little. but i don't really think Thad is any more#like... even remotely. Bart has surpassed Thad by a lot.#Bart was literally the speedforce at one point. hes insane#also Hunter WAS a god? but for unrelated reasons (his time powers) but getting connected to the speedforce nerfed him
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superiorkenshi · 2 months
Moi: Franchement ça fait genre 8 mois qu'on ce parle plus et je le vis super bien
Moi ce soir:
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blauesonnenblume · 11 days
5° dehors 5° dedans…. sortir du lit c’est vraiment une épreuve quotidienne
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gloryride · 1 year
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------ When i did the photostory for shippy saturday, i also took Jay solo, with pretty portraits ♥♥ And then i was "Lino needs his own pic too" and tadaaaa ! his eyes contrasts so much with the background. And his cute smile ... ♥ love this baby driver so much !
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