abhimanyuh-blog · 5 years
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Entering braja means taking blessing from Mahadeva sadashiva. Without his glance the ego blocks love from entering the heart! #jainitai (at Vrindavan - वृन्दावन, UP, India) https://www.instagram.com/p/BtAekbiALxI/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=1jk1drexkvlkw
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abhimanyuh-blog · 5 years
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I Ś T H A D E V A #Jainitai (at Casuarina, New South Wales) https://www.instagram.com/p/Bs11gIrgWrW/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=mspppqb7m8kf
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abhimanyuh-blog · 5 years
Self is pure consciousness
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“The Supreme Lord is self-luminous, unborn and immeasurable. He is pure transcendental consciousness and perceives everything. One without a second, He is realized only after ordinary words cease. By Him, the power of speech and the life airs are set into motion.”  -Lord Krishna to Uddhava Srimad Bhagavatam 11/28/35 The last post was about “Sri Krishna” being the “Absolute truth” or at least the idea of the absolute principle, the universe or totality as it is, both specifically personal and impersonally all-pervasive. This post is about how the highest aspect of that principle is pure transcendental consciousness. According to the Vedas and Agamas, that pure consciousness is the true identity of what we all refer to as “The Self” both individually and universally. Since the mind/ego complex creates an effect wherein we perceive the Self to be the body/feelings/Id, the true Self can only be realized or experienced when ordinary words (both internally or externally audible) cease, since it is our internal dialogue which is constantly creating and imposing its bias, preferences, and perceptions onto consciousness in the form of the subject/object duality and limited egoic Self-appearance. The result of this mistaken identity is called “Suffering” by the wise like Sri Krsna, Buddha, Shiva, and many of the great Rishis, and saints of the east. Pure consciousness, however, is beyond words or constructs and cannot be experienced through them. Trying to perceive the Self via the senses, mind, or ego is like trying to capture the entire universe, through all time and space, in a single insta post. Can’t be done!!! Yogis have developed a vast array of techniques, mantras, and mediations to directly quiet the noise and impositions which cloud our perceptions of reality as such.
The simplest technique I can suggest is to begin to watch your breath and establish your mind in its ‘ever-coming and ever-going’ as a perfect metaphor or illustration for life cycles. The Self is called Pranava, which means that which rides/dwells in the breath. By slowing down the breath, the mind will slowly become still, and when the mind naturally stills, all there is left is called “Pure consciousness” by the yogis. Let me know if you practice meditation and tell me something about your experiences meditating! Have you ever experienced “The Self”? Stay tuned for more! #Jainitai
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abhimanyuh-blog · 5 years
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The previous post was the first verse of the “Srimad Bhagavatam”, a text rich in spiritual wisdom, beautiful and enlightening stories, as well as instructions on mysticism and yogic meditation. I shared that quote because it does something very interesting to me. It explains the highest being to be the “Absolute truth”. An “Absolute truth” is a truth which is always and will always be. It is a constant. A principle which pervades every state, every potential, and everything.
It also tells us that the absolute truth has a name! Sri Krsna!
If we analyse the meaning of that name according to Sanskrit dictionaries it is explained to mean many things, such as; Black, All-attractive, effortless blissful existence, absorption in the centre, etc.
Therefore, without having to understand the mythologies or practices of the Vedic/tantric world, we can get a glimpse of the Bhagavatam’s vision of Godhead as being something like this; “The highest principle is that which is constant, containing all principles within it, like blackness containing all colours. It is spontaneous, Self-caused, and always absorbed within itself, That principle is the absolute truth, and he is a person with and without form named Sri Krsna” The truth has been given in every tradition, according to taste, mood, and culture, but we should understand the truth to be one and not many. The Absolute truth is all containing, and thus everything is harmonised in the mesmerising and enchanting form of Sri Krsna. #jainitai
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abhimanyuh-blog · 5 years
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Consciousness is, according to the Veda and Agama, a Self replicating, fractal, spiraling, pattern of being called "The universe". The upanishads say it has four parts;
1) Jagrat, or the waking state universe experienced through the 5 senses.
2)Svapna, dreaming sleep, the universe experienced through the internal faculties.
3)Susupti, the deep sleep state, the universe experienced as a merger of knower, knowing, and known. It is only known by recollection after waking up.
4) Turya, the transcendent, all pervasive, supra-subjective, absolute Conscious universe.
Thats what the symbolic word "om" refers to!
Become conscious of consciousness and you can access all aspects of your Self. It isnt difficult, just be present to the feeling of being alive and awake!
The universe is you!
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abhimanyuh-blog · 5 years
Times of change
When I go through times of transformation and change it seems the flow of creativity and even sense of connection to myself ceases. Its like everything is upside down and inside out. I suffer an immense amount of fear, doubt, and emotional pain.
These are my strategies for dealing with such times;
1) Keep active. I am trying to keep up with doing Bjj, surfing, yoga, and some form of daily exercise. I really start to slump and grump if I dont!
2) Mantra meditation and Kirtan. Honestly without these who knows where I would end up. Keeping centred on the absolute vision of reality(Vaishnavas call that vision Sri Krsna) helps me weather difficulties, heartbreak, and the instability that comes with an empathic/meloncholic heart.
3) Friends and Family. Although I tend to withdraw and isolate myself, I have a few deep deep connections with friends and family(especially my wife) who I can fully open up to and process the raw energy of negative emotions like fear, hopelessness, lonliness, anxiety, and frustration without being overly judged or pandered to. This is immensely healing as it reminds me that I am not alone and that I dont have to hold all of this on my own.
Thanks for reading!
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abhimanyuh-blog · 5 years
Daily practice
I don’t want to state the obvious when I stress just how important daily practice is for progressing in our individual crafts. Meditation, rituals, study, and yoga were and still are key elements of my daily routine. I need my practice. It keeps me balanced and sane. From an early age, I suffered from mood swings and even depression and without these practices I would simply drown in the chaos and melancholy which my mind is prone to. However, sometimes it becomes tedious, repetitive, and even impossible to achieve consistency, to push passed our tendency to procrastinate, to stop scrolling vacant eyed and pointlessly. To solve this, I have a “Code of 3″ which I remind myself of in order to stay on track; 1) Remember the words and behaviour of my mentors who always made use of their time to improve themselves and achieve their goals. 2) Remember the nature and needs of my body, mind, surroundings, and continue to show love and attention to these by making the time and effort to do my practices and exercises.  3) Remember my spiritual and material goals, the steps I need to take to achieve them, and the consequences of not taking correct action on a daily basis. I still fail and miss days, I still procrastinate, I still hear that voice urging me to do more, but I forgive myself and keep going. I aim, I shoot, I miss...I don’t give up. I take up the bow again. What strategies do you use to encourage your daily practice and routines needed for you overall well-being? Some of us deal with mental health issues like stress, anxiety, depression, low-self esteem, and feelings of meaninglessness, what are some of your strategies? Please leave a comment and share you approach to daily practice and coping with life. My hope is that we can get to a place where we no longer have to cope with life, but actually engage with it in LOVE and I believe the path to that is sharing our own experiences in finding that state of being; reminding all of us that It can be done, it is achievable. Lets find love. #Jainitai
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abhimanyuh-blog · 5 years
For a bhakti yogi, coming to vraj is the prime experience for entering into the correct attitude of sadhana. Everything is simple, practical and down to earth. Krsna is here, you can feel it in the joy of the people. Krsna has made himself a member of every household. The vraja vasis devotion to him is manifest in every interaction. This is the true heart of earth. Its time we start appreciating it throughout the world.
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