#jalice first meeting
philtatosbuck · 1 year
"edward and bella would've never been together if he wasn't a vampire" is a crazy statement because they're quite frankly the couple that would've most likely gotten together in a modern no vampire retelling. edward and bella started as fucking lab partners or some shit to begin with. what do you mean they're the only couple who wouldn't be together without vampirism they are frankly the most likely couple???
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homisexual11 · 8 months
Jalice X Reader Headcanons
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Jasper Whitlock/Hale and Alice Cullen X Reader
Warnings: cursing, mentions of vampirism… NSFW at the end.
–Alice had seen you coming and told Jasper all about it. They fell for you so quickly, even if it took Jasper a bit longer (he definitely had to meet you first and get to know you) than it took Alice (who saw you in her vision and told Jasper everything… he surprisingly took it well)
–Alice spoils you rotten. She gets you clothes, jewelry if you are a girl, literally anything, even if you don’t ask.
–Alice got your first kiss. It had been an accident, she was kissing all over your face and didn’t think and kissed your lips... It was actually cute.
–Jasper took a while before he could touch you, and when he did for the first time Alice had to be right next to you. She didn’t think he would hurt you–no, she knew–but it was for his comfort.
–”It’s alright, Jasper, you won’t hurt her/him,” is a common saying from Alice.
–Once Jasper could finally touch you, physical touch would 100% be his love language. (Along with words of affirmation)
–Alice’s love languages are gifts and quality time… but she likes all of them.
–You are their singer, which makes it harder for the poor cowboy.
–Yes, you call him cowboy. It’s just teasing, but it’s super cute.
–They give you the cutest (or most random nicknames ever) ex. “Baby Love” was used once.
–Alice unironically called you kitten for a while.
–If you turned and were together in the 2020s, you and Alice would jokingly call Jasper Pookie and he hates it so much.
–Jasper is always the first to apologize after a fight. Always.
–Jasper is such a fucking gentleman. Opening doors, guiding either you or Alice on his arm, relatively open-minded, mostly the mature one in fights. He’s also just the peacekeeper.
–Alice is very progressive in relationship stuff, but can work with whatever you need; whereas, Jasper can sometimes stick to certain older tendencies. (Although he listens to what you have to say if you’re a woman, he does think that even if you could kill him if you were a vampire, he needs to protect you.)
–Jasper wouldn’t even think about touching you inappropriately until you were married, even after that he would be hesitant… unless you were a vampire.
–Alice loves doing your hair.
–So does Jasper, but he doesn’t ask… unless you’re like laying with him and he’ll mindlessly play with your hair.
–It’s gentle love. Very much. Mostly because of Jasper, but Alice is gentle as well.
–The first area of you Jasper kissed was your hand. Argue with the wall.
–Alice casually leans her head on your shoulder a lot. She’s a cuddle bug; a lot of little touches from her like she’ll have a hand on your arm or something like that.
–Casual dominance with Jasper… anyways.
–They both are always checking if you’ve eaten or drank anything.
–Jasper 100% regulates your mood. Not all the time, but if something happens and you get SUPER mad or something like that he’ll calm you down. If you weren’t okay with it, he wouldn’t do it all the time, but in a case where something bad was gonna happen, he would.
–Jasper would let you and Alice paint his nails if you begged hard enough. (Guilt trip the already manipulated boyyyy)
–They’re both relatively dominant. They’re both soft doms, though.
–I know you see fanfictions that are like “Oh the Major would come out and he would span–” No, boy wouldn’t harm you to save his life. The worst that’ll happen is he’ll rail you into oblivion, but never physically harm you… besides the fucking into oblivion.
–They both love to give, but receiving >>>> just depends on when you ask them though.
–Jasper would not touch you until after you got married, although Alice didn’t believe in that, she wanted the first time to be special and if you wanted it to be with all three of them she would wait.
–If you were still human, it would be SO gentle. Like S O G E N T L E. They would focus all on you, Jasper would keep his mouth away from you though.
–Jasper used his gift to make you feel pleasure, which led to overstimulation… safe to say that is what the “punishment” would be if you were into that, rather than spanking.
–If you’re not into any of that, they can be vanilla too. Jasper is obviously close to vanilla anyways, so…
–Alice loves it when you go down on her.
–Jasper was afraid to let either of you go on top at first, but after a while (and a lot of praising to him) he would.
–In that case, he would call you “ma’am/sir.” He normally calls you that, but when he says it in a whiny voice >>>>
–Once you have turned… it lasts a long time.
–Jasper will kiss you all over, ALL OVER. and Alice is just like, “Woah, save some for me–” he’s just making up for lost kisses.
–Sweetest nicknames that could go in SFW as well, but oh well.
Ex. From Jasper: “Hon, doll, sugar, darlin’, babydoll, LITTLE ONE? even princess( if you were a girl)” From Alice: “Sweet boy/girl, sweetie, sweetness, honey, baby, kitten..”
–Jasper calls it lovemaking, Alice calls it whatever most people call it at the time.
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goldeneyedgirl · 20 days
I feel the NEED to talk about how much Deaf Mary Alice means to me because this story doesn't get enough love??? I have so many questions and thoughts and headcanons (headcanon over the fic yes because I can't help myself) Like.......Jasper just created a language to communicate with her?? Try to tell me this isn't the epitome of romanticism. I would very much like to know how were the first days he spent with her in South, the ideia that he let her get so close to him makes me so 😭💝🥰😫 (also this is very funny in my mind. I supposed she didn't know how to read back then so the communication had to be a challenge, especially if the only thing Jasper was used to teach people was murder)
Anon, I am SO happy and excited that you love Deaf Mary-Alice; I have fun writing a version of Mary-Alice that isn't as depressed and miserable. This version of Mary-Alice definitely tries to outrun her trauma and unhappiness and focus on the good.
I've only got notes for their first meeting (Mary-Alice is very much the 'lost kitten' that kind of keeps going to find Jasper over and over again. And all the other soldiers are bewildered by her, because the Major is *terrifying* and they wouldn't even make eye contact with him if they had a choice) because I keep changing my mind. I can't decide if Jasper did try to discipline Mary-Alice like the other newborns, or if he's always a little bit gentle with her.
Anon, I will cheerfully answer any questions about this verse, and squeal over your headcanons. I am always over the moon when people enjoy my weird little Jalice takes.
I've got a little snippet of some of Alice's feelings below, I hope you enjoy it!
deaf mary-alice.
Sometimes, it’s hard. Especially with the Cullens. She’s never really been bothered by the silence, especially with Jasper. It’s never about living in a quiet world - she doesn't remember any different.
It’s always been about not being alone.
But when her words run out, when she doesn’t know how to say what she needs to, the quiet presses down on her. How does she explain everything she needs Jasper to know? That all of the years, all of the darkness and rage and violence that she lived through, are still there - she just chooses to let it go? That she really does understand that she’s the weak-link, the canary in the coal mine, the thing that never should have survived? Jasper left her behind because it was a miracle she had survived her newborn year, let alone the ones that followed - at least he knew that she was surviving in the South. He had no idea if she'd last a day up North.
(That for Maria’s rage and resentment of Jasper’s defection, Alice lived because of the lingering affection and appreciation Maria held for the Major. That if she’d been the companion of any of the other soldiers, she would have been destroyed out of spite. Or maybe cast out and left to die trying to go north. However it might have happened, she wouldn’t be here if Maria hadn’t been truly fond of Jasper in the end.)
Monterrey is a time capsule, and she feels adrift and unanchored, and she’s really not sure of what can fix her. Jasper's grasp upon her doesn’t feel like enough most of the time, like something terrible is going to pull her from his grasp and this possible life will be lost to her.
She’s terrified he’s going to be the one to let go. That for all that she loves him and that he cares for her, it’s not going to be enough. Jasper will heal and want someone he can speak to, who can talk back; a girl who can fucking say “I love you” out loud. Who doesn’t get frustrated and bewildered when their words run out, when she has to take an extra beat to lip-read and decipher which language is being spoken. A girl who doesn’t need a buffer against the world to survive.
That's Mary-Alice’s biggest fear. That in the real world, the Cullen world, she’s not going to be enough for Jasper. That proximity had turned him in her direction, and now she was just faulty stock. She sure as hell doesn’t fit in with the Cullens - she doesn’t know how to be so neat and clean and calm. She doesn’t have the faintest idea how to be more human than she is. She can't even speak their version of sign language right.
But those are her problems. The ones she doesn’t really like to think about unless Jasper’s at school because he always knows how she feels. It’s only when she’s alone that she lets it all out, that crushing terror that she’s never going to be quite good enough.
(Maria wasn’t surprised when she was found in the wreckage of one of her last battles, leg torn off at the hip. Alice had still killed her opponent. But she knows there was a second that Maria considered just leaving her on the field to perish when scouts found her. Maybe even just douse and burn her; Alice had seen Maria do that before. The terror and determination had sat entirely in her throat. Her visions told her this could go either way, and she got to live.)
And yet, she’s still… hopeful. She might be terrified that Jasper is going to be the one to let go, but she’s clinging tightly to him. The room next to his becomes hers, and Jasper is the one that helps her paint it. It takes a day, as she painstakingly hand-paints mock-wallpaper; Jasper daubs her nose with paint, and she retaliates with a swipe of paint across his face. He laughs and kisses her, tracing the words they have for love down her spine. Later, she finds a heart painted on the wall near the window sill with ‘M-A & J.W.’ written on it, and that warms her right down to her toes.
(When she insists on painting all her furniture by hand, Jasper is the one that takes each piece apart for her; he sits with her as she works, a book in one hand, and the other locked in idle conversation about everything and nothing. He admires her work when she’s done, and she feels bashful, not having the words to explain that she wouldn’t bother with any of this if it was just her. This was her trying to build a ‘them’, trying to turn her room into theirs. She can’t offer him much, especially when it comes to tangible things, but she can offer him this.)
Edward tries to speak with her sometimes. He struggles with reading her mind; she thinks in the signs she and Jasper made together, in Civil War-era Spanish read from lips. He struggles even more to speak with her - he speaks text-book perfect American Sign Language, and flawless Spanish, and she speaks neither. Alice is also not entirely literate in either language, so passing notes is out. It’s messy. But he tries, and she’s grateful for the effort, she just wishes Edward wouldn't weaponize her deafness when she’s upset him. She wishes he would translate so she could be friends with Bella, instead of keeping them apart to protect the human girl. She very much wishes he wouldn’t try and correct her so often.
And when he tries to talk about Jasper, about the toxic thoughts that trickle around in her mind, and his efforts come across stunted and insincere.
(It’s easier to believe Edward’s stilted reassurances that Jasper loves her when she realizes that Jasper walks into the house and beelines to her, insisting upon a kiss before anything else. She obliges, and his greetings are hurried and disjointed as he pulls her close. Sometimes those greetings end in shedding clothing, his hands grasping and stroking bare skin; counting scars, tracing the seams on her skin. Other times, he gathers her up and tells her about his day, asks about hers. He’s gotten back into his old habit of signing all his conversations, even if she’s not in the room; the same way he speaks as he talks to her, a rumbling vibration that is uniquely him.)
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siswritesyanderes · 2 years
begging for any bella/reader/edward yandere crumbs... any headcanons, scenarios, a n y t h i n g ... like how do they meet, who is more aggressive to reader (bella or edward), does edward still martyr himself or after bella is he like "fuck it we're kidnapping you", first kiss scenario, how does edward's mind reading come into play, how tf does reader react to bella and edward saying "youre our child's parent now, btw :)"... gah i think i might even like them more than yandere jalice!!
p.s. i rlly like how you see/characterize bella! i think her stoniness is 10x more interesting when viewed as her actual personality
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(Thank you so much!)
Okay, so I probably won't be able to get all my thoughts down here, but I think it depends on whether we're keeping with the way I characterize Edward in Rule One (namely, the idea that he's learned to be a better person after seeing what lessons Renesmee learns from his behavior) or if we're going canon Edward.
I think, if it's canon Edward, the events of the Twilight saga would have disabused him of the idea that he's inherently evil and soulless (since the whole thesis of Breaking Dawn was "Actually, we're awesome and this is awesome; I don't know what I was even worried about," /hj), so his natural arrogance would take center stage. Not to mention, you don't have Bella's power, so he can hear your thoughts; he isn't going into this like "Who is this frustratingly mysterious person? How can I plumb their depths? Dare I even risk it?" He's going into it more, "I know every dorky thing you think about, and regardless I am in a veritable maelstrom of limerence. But you should still know, it's dorky. You dork. I would die for you."
Bella would be all over breaking into your room and reading all of your journals and diaries and yearbook signatures cover to cover. I feel that Bella would be more in the delusional yandere category than Edward, even without factoring in his mind reading; from her perspective, she's reached the happy ending of one love story, so she's pretty sure she can effortlessly speedrun a second one, now that she's a vampire and therefore categorically way better than she was before. Edward would be slightly more careful, because he remembers every second of every hurdle that came before the happy ending last time and also he is very aware of the little detail that you aren't in love with them yet. That being said, he still thinks nothing of sneaking into your room; in fact, he loves listening to your dreams and subtly referencing them in conversation with you the next day. Bella takes his cue and starts weaving sentiments from your journals and diaries into conversations, as well.
If it's Edward in his Rule One characterization, then I think his tactics would be less obviously stalkerish than Bella's; Bella would still follow the example he gave for vampire courtship and be all for climbing in windows and watching people sleep because that's how her ideal romance played out and if it ain't broke don't fix it. (She doesn't have a problem with what Edward did, and she thinks it's fun to be on this side of it, because she loves how strong and awesome she is as a vampire.) Edward would be more, "Love, I regret my boorish disregard for your privacy when you were human, and I'd like not to repeat the behavior now. Instead, I will find our mate's father at his place of work and politely inform him of our intentions to court them. Hopefully, we can go about this the proper way." (Whether or not he goes through with it depends on a lot of different factors, but that's the sort of thing he'd think of.)
In either case, Renesmee would immediately not be normal about you. Like, she genuinely should not be left alone with you, or even allowed around you without a pre-planned topic of conversation, because she would certainly say or do something weird (pretty much regardless of how old she is, unless decades have passed; I feel like the family's constant attention and spoiling would shape her as a person in a pretty-long term way). Like, this younger "sibling" of your classmates going, "If you were my mom/dad/parent, how would you put me to bed?" "I'll bet you'd make a great parent. Can I hug you?"
Bella expects you to be able to leave your friends and family behind and join them as a vampire with relative ease, and she doesn't fully understand if you can't. After all, she loved her parents and friends, and she was willing to leave them. Why won't you? Were she still human, she would convert this confusion pretty quickly into insecurity (As in, she would believe it's because she isn't good enough and you can't love her.), but as a vampire, she believes she is perfect now, so she is genuinely just confused.
Basically, many possibilities, lol.
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flowerslut · 6 months
shamefully despite how easily i am influenced i have not made my way through your ao3 catalogue. where would be a good starting point? (licking kink not required but always appreciated)
wow thanks for giving me an excuse to make a compilation of my (shorter) twilight fics that I want more people to read!!!!! ok ok so all my best favorite ones (minus call of the night. we are pretending call of the night does not exist, okay? dont think about it. dont even look at it) are my mid-length ones. now, first and foremost: I am an angst writer, and boy do I love to whump on alice and jasper, so in no particular order, you should read these fun little jalice fics while you wait for me to update roots over the next few weeks/months
North Star
rated: M words: 20,336 chapters: one-shot summary: "He’s the Eye of the South. The god of war. Master of battle and oracle of death. He’s not just the most dangerous weapon the world has ever seen, but he’s a man in love. And combining those two just makes this so much worse. Jasper sees a girl in his head, and he's afraid of what comes next."
thoughts: okay i lied, they are in a particular order. or at least this one is. this is my favorite twilight fic I've written (I think) and I got dramatic as fuck with it. written for jalice week back in 2021, the prompt was "power/ability swap" and you get exactly that: jasper is the psychic, alice is the empath, everything else is the same... or is it? this is also notably the first fic I ever sent to someone (g, obviously) to look over/give corrections to, so that might be why it has fewer stupid grammatical/sentence structure issues than most of my other stuff (minus roots). content warning for physical abuse, implied sexual assault, and mild sexual content. (also on ff.net)
The Almost Quiet
rated: T words: 10,365 chapters: one-shot summary: "He wants to blame loneliness, but maybe this is what was meant for him all along. A long road that leads to a depressing end. Longing after a girl he doesn’t know whose mind is lost."
thoughts: the last line of this fic is my personal favorite one I've written in recently memory! anyways this is an all-human AU, (sort of). in 1920, alice and jasper meet as humans and jasper's job gets much harder after that. this one is far from the best on this list, but it's entertaining, angsty, and has a satisfying ending imo. content warning for forced institutionalization and ableist language. (also on ff.net)
rated: T words: 6,551 chapters: one-shot summary: "It's nothing Alice had ever seen. It was no vision, no dream. It was only a possibility that had haunted the back of her mind like a nightmare for as long as she'd known what was out there for her to fear. Jasper had never known about this fear until it became their reality."
thoughts: this is the shortest one on this list, and since you like roots, you'll probably like this. its vaguely similar in that it's a whumpy post-breaking dawn AU, but this is only a snippet of an aftermath in which alice loses her power. wrote it for secret santa 2022 and had a BLAST with it. (if you want more whumpy one-shots my ao3 is chock full of whumptober prompts)
No Friend of Mine
rated: T words: 15,199 chapters: one-shot summary: "He contemplates telling Peter about Alice’s visits, but something holds him back from doing it. Perhaps because it doesn’t feel like Alice whenever she’s lying on his bedroom floor, curled in an old blanket that’s too small for him but perfectly sized for her, utterly still and silent even while awake. A part of him feels like it would be a betrayal to reveal this side of her to someone even as close to him as Peter is. After all, Peter is his friend. And Alice is… well, not."
thoughts: I think this fic is severely underrated, but maybe that's because I literally came up with the concept and wrote it over the course of a day and a half or something insane like that, and I think that for a hastily written secret santa gift from 2020, it holds up sooo well. it's an all-human AU where alice is the weird new girl, and like always, jasper is in way over his head. all the cullens get a role, it has the 'fluffiest' moments, and its faaaantastic. content warning for child abuse.
The Hunted
rated: T words: 26,664 chapters: 11 summary: "It's not so wise if you try to run."
thoughts: this one is the most self-indulgent (with the most questionable characterization tbh) based on g's post from 2019 that says 'twilight, but when bella slips away from jasper and goes to the ballet studio to meet james, he isn’t there. he waited until everyone split up in the airport, and then went for alice instead. in the ensuing chaos, while everyone is freaking out, victoria grabs bella.' this is the only one on the list I might take a look at in the future to rewrite chunks of, but it's great fun your honor. ignore what anyone else tells you about the ending. but make sure to keep this short sequel/epilogue handy, for... reasons. (also on ff.net)
A Loyal Wife
rated: M words: 21,930 chapters: 5 summary: "Alice is only a Lady because she was forced to be one. She much rather preferred being untitled. Just a constant in this strange family of women. Girls both grown and not, betrothed to the man who protects and spoils them. Quickly the newborns realize that Alice is more weapon than wife, and that suits her just fine."
thoughts: last but certainly not least is my attempt at 'jalice enemies-to-lovers' that I wrote over the course of two days while on vacation. this story has everything: southern wars, a marriage cult, weird power dynamics, and [checks notes] trying to seduce your enemy mid-fight. this is another one of my favorites, and maybe the messiest (affectionate) as far as story content goes (of course, minus roots). content warnings for sexual assault/dubious consent.
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thebiggerbear · 3 months
Ship Masterlist
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Beau Arlen x Cassie Dewell (Big Sky)
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3x07: After Dell - where Cassie finds out just how worried Beau was when he saw how close Dell had been to her
At the Boot Heel - where Beau and Cassie have a moment (alternate scene from Thunder universe)
It's Beginning To Look A Lot Like Heartbreak - Jenny is witness to the first Christmas Beau is in Montana and spends at Cassie’s
Kiss Me Again - where trying to sneak around isn’t necessarily Beau and Cassie’s strong suit as they come to find out
Nerves - where Beau’s nerves are making themselves known & Cassie decides to intervene
Their Silent Thunder Matches Mine - After a night of drinking and her walls coming down, Cassie makes a decision that could have repercussions on both of her friendships with Beau and Jenny.
where all the dreamers go - When Beau asked Cassie to speak with him outside alone for a minute, she had no idea just where that conversation would lead and what she would be agreeing to.
Dean Winchester x Castiel (Supernatural)
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Masks - where the Winchesters are attempting to get lunch during the pandemic & Jack finally works up the courage to ask for a dog
you taught me the courage of stars - (15x18 AU) When Chuck snaps his fingers, Dean figures that’s it. Everything they had worked hard to avoid, everything they had fought for, everyone they had lost along the way, Sam, Jack, Cas – this is the end. They had lost. Or had they?
Bella Swan x Jacob Black (Twilight)
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why are you wearing my sweater (because it smells like you) - where Jacob gets ready to meet Bella at a bonfire the Pack is hosting and can’t find his hoodie
You Win, Jake - Scene post-BD where Jacob and Bella compare war stories, playing a game of who wins the supernatural like they used to when comparing life skills for ages
Wanda Maximoff x Pietro Maximoff (MCU)
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You Didn't See That Coming - Wanda had never known pain like thia. After everything she and Pietro had endured, why did this have to happen?
Daenerys x Margaery
Daenerys x Tyrion
Ned x Cersei
Grey Worm x Missandei
Beau x Jenny
Colter x Reenie
Colter x Billie
Billie x Reenie
Cedric x Hermione
Harry x Luna
Seth x Bree
Edward x Esme
Edward x Leah
Esme x Leah
Sam x Bella
Sam x Renesmee
Leah x Renesmee
Sam x Rosalie
Charlie x Bonnie
Octavia x Niylah
Lucy x Taylor
Jason x Lana
Marcel x Hope
Freya x Davina
Rebecca x Dani
Prue x Andy
Phoebe x Cole
Alex x Isabel
Max x Tess
Max x Liz
Liz x Tess
Michael x Liz
Michael x Maria
Michael x Isabel
Ben x Max
CJ x Jen
CJ x Joey
Tom x Sarah
Jake x Dakota
Priestly x Tish
Sam x Sarah
Anna x Ruby 2.0
Anna x Mary
Anael x Castiel
Anael x Ruby 2.0
Dean x Ruby 1.0
Rowena x Soulless!Sam
Dean x Lisa
Dean x Cole
Call x Enona
Call x Mattie
Mattie x Amanda
John x Sam
Goliath x Elisa
Optimus x Mikaela
Clary x Luke
Jocelyn x Luke
Aragorn x Arwen
Eomer x Eowyn
Eowyn x Faramir
Xena x Ares
Xena x Callisto
Daisy x Tatanga
Link x Ilia
HM Gray x HM Mary
HM Cliff x HM Ann
HM Kai x HM Popuri
Castiel x Buffy Summers
Russell Shaw x Cassie Dewell
Russell Shaw x Jenny Hoyt
Colter Shaw x Jenny Hoyt
Reenie Greene x Jenny Hoyt
Dean Winchester x Jenny Hoyt
Dean Winchester x Cassie Dewell
Soldier Boy x Jenny Hoyt
Dean Winchester x Piper Halliwell
Dean Winchester x Jessica Jones
Dean Winchester x Bella Swan
Bella Swan x Edythe Cullen
Edythe Cullen x Jacob Black
Beau Swan x Rosalie Hale
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*I will add more as I post works
Ships Taglist: @nancymcl
Please let me know if you would like to be tagged for any of the ships listed here.
dividers by @firefly-graphics
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yoomiii123 · 2 years
What would have happened if Alice and Jasper didn't get their gifts when they became vampires ?
Thanks @jessicanjpa for making me think about this one again and finally write my thoughts down.
Alice would have gone feral and would probably either have been killed by a nomadic vampire, the volturi or because she strayed too far South and ended up on a battlefield. She wouldn't have had Jasper telling her her name or Carlisle showing her how a vampire's life could be. All she would have known in her second life was the pain of transformation and the thirst for blood. She would have been all alone with no-one to help or explain her new existence to her. It would have been a very tragic and likely short second life.
Jasper might never have risen through the ranks of Maria's army fhe way he did. He is most likely still a formidable fighter but without his influence over the newborns, he's also nothing more than that to her. Maria might have ended his life after the first year or not, I am not 100% sure about that because it depends on too many outside factors (how many newborns did yhe have, how big was her territory, did she find another gifted vampire to make her second-in-command, etc.)
If she decided not to kill him and Jasper still became her second hand, he probably would have stayed with her indefinetly. Without his gift, depression from killing wouldn't have been an issue. Their army and territory would, however, have been less remarkable because without Jasper's soothing influence they wouldn't have been able to hold the number of newborns they had in canon. I doubt that in this world, Jasper would have ever known much more than violence, blood, and fighting for your life on a daily basis.
Bonus: Alice and Jasper still met the way they did (Alice has her gift, Jasper left Maria) but Jasper doesn't have his gift.
As a huge jalice fan, I have thought about this for a long time and came to the conclusion that their meeting would most likely have ended with Jasper running away (Alice trying to follow him until he sees her as a big enough threat and kills her) or with Jasper killing her on the spot. His gift is such a vital part of their meeting because being blinded by Alice's emotions and feeling her lack of hostility are the reasons why Jasper trusts her enough to listen what she has to say. If he didn't have that, Alice would just be a freaky vampire who knows way too much about him and therefore is a danger to his existence.
So yes, here are my thoughts. Anyone have a different opinion / further remarks?
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But on a Wednesday in a cafe I watched it begin again.
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volturialice · 2 years
i love when you talk about things you love about alice and jasper so what's your favorite jalice scene (movies and books) and why??
🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺 thank you anon I love it
it's really hard to pick because there are so many good ones, mostly tiny background moments that say a lot!
honorable mentions: the tiny flower jasper gives alice in the greenhouse scene in twilight, the arizona trip in twilight involving HAND-HOLDING and jasper shoving pencil and paper into alice's hands while she's out of it, the fond sarcasm of "after all, how many times are we gonna graduate high school" in eclipse, telling bella their ‘how we met’ story, alice taking jasper’s hands to gently lead him from the room when bella drinks blood in bd1, random background kiss in bd2, the horror and tragedy and immediate single-minded avenging in the fake bd battle.
a lot of it is the subtle moments of attentiveness they display, like jasper practically materializing at alice’s side whenever she has a vision, or her always beside him when they need to present a united front.
but nothing beats that Eclipse training montage scene. like, we went from doing Serious Fight Training to being a dumb showoff and flirting in 0.5. I like that in the book, it happens because bella is worried about alice's combat skills and jasper is going LOOK BELLA LOOK HOW FUCKING COOL SHE IS. in the movie, I especially like jasper's stupid bewildered facial expressions when alice disappears, the way he goes from intense lethal badass to Simp Utterly Stymied by Wife’s Lame Prank. it's such a great little glimpse into their relationship and how she gets him to lighten up! that tiny kiss at the end feels so familiar and possessive she might as well have smacked him on the ass. just a note-perfect moment in every way possible.
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in the books we get some of the same scenes, but we also get to see a lot more of just how insanely overprotective jasper is, which fits so well with his background and whole deal. and then midnight sun in particular is a gift for fleshing out relationships and showing us all the Hidden Cullen Dynamics.
honorable mentions: jasper magically camouflaging alice esme and bella to hide them from james et al, alice lying to jasper so he won’t follow her to volterra in NM, the ridiculous eclipse party scene, jasper’s extreme overprotectiveness during the eclipse battle, them being so obviously in love that even bree notices, that cute head-in-lap moment from breaking dawn, edward waxing poetic about how in sync they are in MS, jasper escorting vision-having!alice into her seat, the midnight sun family meeting (“I know you love me. thanks”), alice’s original vision of jasper oh my god
but my #1 favorite is still alice helping jasper cheat at chess. like it’s just so...stupid and domestic and established-relationship-y. alice is so hardcore on his team that she’ll help him cheat at the lamest most trivial things. they’re so in sync that jasper doesn’t even bat an eye when she starts mouthing him emmett’s next moves. they’re both on the same page re: being silly and overcompetitive and willing to cheat in the first place. it’s just such a simple example of, like, teamwork and affection I die
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Came back to tumblr after a huge break. Any recommendations for some good twilight blogs that ain’t problematic.
Well first of all it's twilight, but I get what you mean lol. Here are some of my fav ppl:
@panlight is a long time classic to follow, but if you've been here before you knew that lol
@fuckmeyer has some really good crit analysis about the series and is a big help if you want writing advice, from what I've seen
@howlonghaveyoubeenseventeen is our twilight librarian and one of the nicest ppl here
@teamjacobthot has an upcoming leah fic to look forward to + funny as hell
@musingsofvenus if you ship bella x jacob, she will meet all your fic needs
@renegadepack has lots of new edits/content, as well as some bracelets to sell
@paulxlahotee is a huge billy black stan and beads beautiful earrings that she sells via her ig (I've already bought two pairs!)
@bisexualemmettcullen is a hilarious fav
@rose-lily-hale has some merch to buy too, particularly twilight-themed hoodies and shirts
@esmecullenismymom has twilight themed stickers you can buy and is a wonderful person to befriend!
@volturialice if you like jalice, you'll def want to follow her
@forkscult and @jacoblacks also make pretty edits and content that I love!
@carllisle is probably the most well known carlesme stan I can think of off the top of my head
@rinnderella is dedicated to team jacob (as is three others above)
and then (bc I don't want this post to get too long) here are some lovely ppl I'm just gonna list out:
@kaquiche @jasperwhitcock @softtwihoe @phil-dwyer-stan-account @queertwilight @seth-clearwater-stan @lemonadebottlecap @supermassivebutthole @twilightofficial @emmett-mchearty @big-idiot-wolf-boys @witchyangela (fellow defense squad member 💚) @leahclearwlwater @the-golden-onion @haletwinsstan @sethclearwatermybeloved @acedwardcullen @cullen-collective @redrosebloom @bellas-dumptruck-ass @bellaskhakis @werewolfseth @thevlturi @itsafuckingwolfthing @twilight-af @edwartmullen @someonelookingpretty @twilitty @rosalielesbianhale @bellasredchevy @embrycallsmuffin @reasoningwithvampires @emmett2wavy @morelike-bi-light @bellaslilpapercut @leahcee (multifandom but still lots of twilight)
There are others, but apparently you can't make more than 50 mentions a post 🙄. Feel free to rb and add more y'all haven't seen mentioned here.
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So i have a question.
I know that Alice's ability is complex in the extreme, as it should be. That said, i have to ask--
It's a well established fact that Alice's visions are beholden to the trajectory any given person is on and the decisions they make. So if this is the case, how is it possible that the first thing alice saw when she came out of her transformation was a vision of Jasper? and not just him, but years of their life together?
If Jasper had just left Maria, setting his life on a trajectory to wander and meet Alice, searching for a new way of life that would alleviate his emotional suffering, when Alice had this vision that would make perfect sense. But I've just looked at the time line and, well...
1920: Alice Institutionalized in a mental asylum by her her father and step-mother; Alice changed into a vampire by a worker at the mental asylum
1938: Jasper leaves Maria
And we know it was 28 years between Alice having her vision and finally meeting him. My question is WHY? Why did it have to take so long. and why could alice see all of this clear as crystal when SO MANY decisions had to be made first? Enough to know Jasper inside and out and already be in love with him when he finally found her? Why didn't she go to him? Why did he have to suffer so long before it was time? (ooky spooky voice).
i think maybe one of the reasons I find Alice and Jasper's life in love kind of dissatisfying (as I've mentioned, mmm... some times before) is the issue of Meyer just sort of giving alice things because she's this figment that she kind of worships? I'm not lying - in the guide there's this quote about alice where she says Alice just kind of popped into existence fully formed because Meyer just kind of felt that she HAD to exist somewhere and how she desperately wishes she had a real Alice for her best friend... like...wow....
Now maybe it's like doctor who and there are certain fixed events in time that MUST happen, and this is one of those things ~shrugs~ but I'm having to headcanon that to explain something, which isn't a good sign.
It just troubles me that Alice showed up and was like "Hi, you don't know this, but I'm your wife." I think their story would be more interesting if alice knew Jasper was a figure in her life she would someday meet, but she still had to wait to meet him to know him, and understand him and appreciate all his faults and nuances and struggles - to fall in love with him. In short, if Alice didn't just always know every relationship she was going to have, thus having it handed to her on a silver platter by the author.
Emmett falling immediately in love with this hurting, passionate beauty who gave him immortality makes a certain amount of sense to me. And Esme embracing her change into a vampire since it meant she could finally be with the man she'd been in love with (or at least who had made the most positive impression of manhood on her) since she was fourteen also makes a lot of sense. and Jasper falling in love with this confident optimist also makes sense (this is why "Black Celebration" by Depeche Mode is my Jalice Song - "Your optimistic eyes seem like paradise to someone like me"), but I wish it hadn't been quite so certain for Alice from the beginning.
Also Alice was in the asylum for less than a year? I understand that psychiatric "treatments" back the were traumatizing, debilitating and appalling but the books give the impression that Alice was in the asylum for some time .
"She was always in the dark, that's why she didn't remember." (Twilight, Page 461)
ALSO this is a really petty thing, but I thought I would mention it while I'm here. The Guide says that Alice's head was shaved when there was an outbreak of typhoid at the asylum.
maybe i'm wrong, but i don' think they shaved heads in institutions for typhoid outbreaks. Typhoid is spread through ingestion of contaminated food and water. Does Meyer mean typhus, for which this practice was common, as typhus is spread by lice (Hence the head shaving) and known as Prison fever, or Camp Fever, common in badly run institutions like schools, prisons, army camps and asylums?
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bonjour-rainycity · 4 years
Getting to Know You
Jalice Week 2020 Day 3: Cannon Gapfillers
Pairing: Jasper/Alice
Rating: K+
Summary: In the hours after their first meeting, Jasper and Alice get to know each other
Disclaimer: I’m not making any money from this nor do I own anything recognizable
Word Count: 1489
Warnings: Brief mentions of violence
Rain sputters against the window, causing the rickety old shutters to groan under its force. Despite the chill, the fireplace on the edge of the room remains unlit, the cold not affecting the two vampires occupying the room.
Alice perches on the edge of the bed, legs crossed delicately, gazing at her counterpart with fondness in her eyes. Jasper stands across the room, looking upon the small woman with hesitation and uncertainty.
They’ve been like this for twenty minutes, and Alice is about to break. Laughter pushes past her lips and she dissolves into giggles.
“You don’t have to stand so far away, you know. I don’t bite.” And although her tone is light, her words carry truth. With her visions to guide her, Alice stayed safely north, far away from the horrific vampire wars of the South. She never had to experience the carnage, the distrust, the terror.
Jasper did.
In fact, for the first many decades of his new life, it was all he knew.
So while she wishes he would collapse in her arms and allow himself to be held by her, she gives him his space. After all, only one of them has been in love with the other for the past twenty-eight years.
The blond vampire tucks his hands into his pockets, lifting his eyes to look into hers. There’s a measure of honesty there that catches her off guard. “I can tell.”
Alice scrunches her face in confusion. He has no reason to trust her words…so why would he accept them so easily, if not because he loves her too?
Her hope flares.
Jasper smiles hesitantly then, and it’s the most beautiful sight she’s ever seen. “I have a gift of my own. I can feel people’s emotions.”
Alice wonders if she should feel embarrassed. For anyone else, the subject of your affections discovering your unrequited love would be completely humiliating. But for her, it brings a sort of comfort and excitement. He knows she loves him, and he’s not running away.
A small smile spreads across Alice’s face. “Well, then, I guess you already know quite a bit about me.”
“Not as much as you know about me,” he counters, deciding momentarily to take a step in her direction, then choosing against making the movement. When he feels Alice’s disappointment, he can’t help but grin. “Sorry.”
But Alice just shrugs, retaining her usual positive nature. “You won’t stay over there much longer. I can wait.”
Again, a warm feeling spreads through him at her certainty. He takes a small step forward, very much enjoying her spike of happiness.
It’s been so long since he’s made someone happy.
Still beaming, Alice brings the conversation back to their previous topic. “So does it bother you that I know so much about you and you’ve only just met me?”
Jasper sees no point in lying. “Some. But if everything goes as you say it will—” at this, he can’t help but throw her a teasing look, “I’m guessing I’ll get to know you in time.”
Alice scoots further back onto the bed, her back hitting the wall. She pats the spot in front of her. “We have a lot of time right now.”
Jasper hesitates, mentally running through all the reasons he should not join Alice on the bed. But Alice rolls her eyes, foreseeing each of his arguments and refuting them in kind.
“The bed is not too small, you know I’m not going to hurt you, and there’s no one around to care about propriety.”
The last argument though, gives her pause. Her eyes soften, and she extends a hand out invitingly, the picture of vulnerability and openness. Her emotions betray no fear, like he would expect. Because really, she should be terrified of him.
“You’re not going to hurt me, Jasper. That’s not who you are.”
Like before, he feels her complete certainty. She believes this as fact. But how can she, he wonders, when the evidence of my violence is displayed so clearly all over my body?
But she remains steadfast in her belief of his goodness, and he vows right then and there to strive to meet those expectations. For all eternity.
With blank eyes, she sees his choice, then breaks free from her vision, radiating pure joy. Jasper gives in to her emotions, her presence, and his own desires, and walks slowly to sit with her on the bed.
Smiling smugly, Alice tilts her head to the side. “What do you want to know?”
Although he already has a guess, Jasper starts with the obvious—how she knew to find him—and she confirms his hunch, though adds a detail he wasn’t expecting.
“You were the first thing I saw,” she states simply. “When I woke up alone, I had no idea where I was, who I was, or what had happened to me. But I saw your face, and your smile, and felt security like I’d never felt before, and I knew one day, it would all be okay. And it was you, the exact scene of you that I saw earlier in the diner. Ruffled blue shirt, hair the color of honey, and different like me.” She pauses, looking down at her hands for a moment, indecision waging within her. Finally, the words escape her lips, so quiet that Jasper has to concentrate to hear. “It was you that helped me not be so afraid of myself, in the beginning. I thought, if such a good man is like me, then what’s there to be afraid of?”
Her confession floors Jasper, who swallows thickly. Her conclusion was wildly incorrect—how could a monster like him and a kind ray of sunshine like her ever be comparable—but the fact that she found comfort in him of all things…it stirs something in his heart he thought burned away long ago. The emotion is a little debilitating, and he quickly tries to steer the conversation to a safer topic.
“How did you escape The Volturi’s notice if you had no one to guide you? Newborns aren’t exactly known for their self-control…” At the reminder of his not-so-distant past, he holds back a flinch.
But Alice remains unbothered, continuing easily. “My visions. The thirst was definitely strong, overwhelming, even. But any time I decided to act on killing someone, a vision would warn me that it would lead to my death. I eventually figured out that I could avoid those results if I was discrete, so I learned to hunt farther from town and bury my food when I was done with it. Once I knew the rules, the thirst became a lot easier to navigate.”
She sees his next question, and smiles. “Yes, it’s the same reason I knew to stick to the northern part of the continent. I didn’t exactly know what was going on, but I knew my presence in the South would result in my death.”
The image of Alice, delicate, sweet Alice, caught up in the wars for territory causes him to clench his jaw against a snarl.
Then, the image of dismembering and burning Alice, as he would have done without question, causes him to hang his head in shame.
Alice places a gentle hand on his shoulder, and it takes everything in him not to flinch away. He doesn’t want to hurt her like that.
“What is it?”
Through his self-loathing, he forces himself to speak. After all, she has a right to know who she’s comforting. “I was imagining you fighting in the wars…and I know I would have killed you.” Again, he clenches his jaw, feeling crushed under his shame and despair.
Alice surprises him by shaking her head.  “If I had met you then, yes, you probably would’ve killed me. But if I didn’t have my visions,” she continues, louder now to speak over his anguished groan, “I would have been killed anyway. Or ran into you down the road and tried to kill you. Or never even met you at all. Or a thousand other outcomes.” When he refuses to look at her, she takes his chin, lifting it up so he has to confront her eyes. “Jasper, we are only together because of crazy, impossible, specific circumstances. In any other reality, we wouldn’t have found each other, but in this one, we have! Can’t we just celebrate our miracle?”
And when he looks at her, really looks at her, and allows her hope and happiness and certainty to wash over him, he can allow himself to relax. For once, he turns off the part of his brain that constantly cycles through the what-ifs and allows himself to be fully in the moment with this woman who, four hours ago, was a complete stranger.
So with a smile, he takes Alice’s hand in his. “I can do that.”
And they continue getting to know each other.
Be sure to check out my masterlist :)
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goldeneyedgirl · 3 years
Can I have more divorced Jalice pretty pleaseeeee? I’m a slut for some hurt/comfort 😍. Are you planning on releasing chapters any time soon?
I think I can manage something, anon! I'm honestly surprised at how much love Divorced Jalice gets because i know that AH fics are an acquired taste.
I literally have no idea when this will be released. I need to write down a proper outline as a first step, I think. Right now, it's just a bunch of scenes and a vague map in my head.
The first holiday without Alice is strange. It’s like everyone is waiting for her to arrive the entirety of Thanksgiving and he wants to be furious with every single one of them except he can’t.
Because he’s waiting for her to walk back into the room as well.
No one mentions her until dinner when Emmett looks over from his plate. “Where’s that fruit salad we always have?” he asked, visibly disappointed.
“There’s fruit for dessert,” Esme had told him, frowning.
“No, the weird fruit and avocado salad?” Emmett was inspecting the spread. “With the grapefruit?”
“Oh, Alice’s…” Esme freezes, and they all avoid looking at him, and the food in his mouth turns to ash. “I’ll make it for Christmas, Emmett.”
Alice made it every year, and it always looked like nothing because she had to add half the ingredients just before it was served. Alice was never much of a cook, but that was one of the few things she made confidently.
He’d had another glass of wine, and briefly wondered what she was doing this Thanksgiving. They had a meeting with their lawyers in a few days, to hash out the details of the divorce. He’d been pissed when he had found out she’d sold her car, and wasn’t letting his car or bike go. But most of the emails his lawyer had sent him were pretty basic requests - she hadn’t mentioned the apartment or his car, just their savings and retirement.
He hadn’t spoken to her in person since the night she’d moved out. Hell, she’d called him in February and politely said that under the circumstances, it was best if they proceeded with a divorce. He hadn’t reached out, and she’d given him space, so he’d made his choice. He had agreed, and she’d told him she’d pass on her lawyer’s information.
Which was texted to him a few days later.
“Listen, deadshit, I need Alice’s number,” Rosalie snapped. “I have to send flowers to my best friend because I ghosted her for over a year because you failed to mention you were fucking your co-worker.”
“You have her number,” Jasper said sourly.
“Her new number - her old one is disconnected,” Rosalie said. “And her address. I should just skip flowers and send her shoes and booze, shouldn’t I? I haven’t spoken to her since she told me she was leaving, I might as well give her my house.”
“I only have her old number,” Jasper said. “Let me look up the paperwork okay?”
Pulling out his divorce papers, Jasper paged through them and frowned. The contact details included were care-of her lawyer’s firm. Phone number too.
Grabbing his own phone off the coffee table, he called her phone and with a rising sense of nausea, got a disconnection message. His text message got an error. Reaching for his tablet, he began to search for her social media accounts.
Nothing. No users. They weren’t private, they flat-out didn’t exist.
She was gone from her work website. From her professional network.
The panic was building. It was Alice. He’d known her since they were fourteen, the idea she could just not exist anymore was disorientating.
Rose, I don’t have her contact details.
He feels like being sick. Alice Whitlock-Hale is gone. Alice Brandon doesn’t appear to exist. Maybe she’s gone ultra-private, but even that is too much. She could have died and he’d never know.
Rose called back, and she sounded calmer. “You don’t have anything?” she asked, still not happy but not aggressive anymore.
“All of her contact details are care of her lawyer,” he said, his voice sounding tight. “And she’s deleted all her social media. I can’t find her.”
“She obviously wanted a fresh start,” Rosalie said sadly.
“She’s been deleted from her work website, she loved that job.” He’s panicking now.
“Jasper! You don’t know what’s been happening - maybe she got an offer in Paris or started her own label or something,” Rose was back to being irritated. “Alice has the right to remove herself from our lives; she divorced you. I sure as hell didn’t want to talk to her, and I don’t think Bella or Esme spoke to her after she moved out either. We thought she was dumping you, we wanted to support you.
“Your ex has obviously moved on. You can’t blame her at all for not wanting anything to do with us anymore. You need to let her go.”
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tragicallywicked · 4 years
Oooh could you do Alice seeing jasper shirtless for the first time and jasper being insecure about his scars but fluff/comfort makes everything better🙃😇😇
It’s short but it’s cute! I ended up making it a follow up of chapter 5 on my fic The First Rain, cause I thought it would be sweet. But you can definitely read it without reading the fanfic. I hope you enjoy it!
The sun rose lazily that morning, with fog in that cloudy Philadelphia making its light faintly invade the room where the two figures crawled the couch, cuddled and bare. The previous night had been a haze of emotions and superb lovemaking, and the aurora surfaced the madness they had turned the home. Obviously, they hadn't slept, nor they needed to. Still, Alice had a habit of shutting her eyes sometimes while her visions meddled her brain. It felt like sleeping, lounging in the comfort of what her future with Jasper held.
It always amazed Jasper how many human customs Alice had, especially considering her shortage of information about her own human life. When he observed her closing her eyes just before dawn, he didn't foresee the carrousel of emotions arising from her. Was she napping? How?
"I let my visions come. It relaxes me when they're of you," Alice clarified when the sight of him asking what she was doing showed up in a vision. She also didn't need to open her eyes to recognize Jasper was grinning at her comment.
"It sure brings you pleasant sensations, I see." She peeped him nonchalantly and amused.
"Close your eyes and join me."
And he did, as they stood there dreaming until the daylight had settled in, embracing each other close—Jasper her big spoon.
Alice sighed in content when he placed a kiss to her shoulder and she opened her eyes to meet his gaze. "Morning." Alice mused, a smile dancing on her lips.
Jasper smirked lightly and his fingers reached to cup her cheek. "Slept well?" He taunted, making Alice grin.
"Like never before." Her hand traced his arm and the feeling of the bumps on his skin caught her eyes. Now, with the sunlight, she had a clear glimpse of the scars she had planted kisses on the night before.
Her fingertips were gentle over the wounds. It was a tangibility Jasper wasn't truly used to, so he mechanically withdrew. She looked up at him with a concerned pout.
"You don't like this?"
"It's just different. New." He explained, hesitant. Alice tilted her head a tad, eyebrow lightly raised at him. "I suppose I'm not fairly used to having my scars examined so intimately. I realize they can be intimidating."
"I find them charming," Alice confessed. She shifted her position and Jasper matched it, laying below her now instead of beside her. It was a laughably small couch, he deemed mentally. But there wasn't much else after they broke the bed. He decided the floor would have been nicer because that way he could effortlessly just roll over her again.
"I wouldn't describe them as that fascinating." He suspected her sanity for a second, following as Alice traced the ones covering his chest now, fingers moving down to his abdomen.
"They're who you are, Jasper." She told him with amused annoyance. They were elegant in her sight, Alice couldn't grasp how he didn't see it that way.
"Strong." She said assuredly as she bowed down to peck his lips gently. "They tell your story of survival, of transformation, of overcoming things." Her words were romantic but also profound, and Jasper was taken by how deeply they affected him. "Each one of them is a testimony you were wiser, you outlived every single attack. And now that you're here, you don't have to endure that ever again."
Jasper stared at her longly, in silence, studying her beauty. Not the external one that she definitely had. But, in this case, the virtue of her pure emotions, of the sincere faith Alice radiated toward him. Made him feel such absolute tranquillity and comfort. There was no doubt he belonged by her side. If she could make him feel so well about all he had been through, it was his pledge to always make her experience the same.
"Your scars brought you to me," Alice assured him at last, her hand brushing on the one lodged across his jugular, that she reckoned it was his first one.
"Then, I am appreciative of every single one of them."
Send me a Jalice prompt
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flowerslut · 1 year
Jalice prompt: Day after Alice meeting Peter and Charlotte for the first time.
“Don’t say it.”
“I haven’t said anything.”
“You’re going to.”
A thoughtful hum. “Oh, I am?”
A sigh was followed by a pause. “Just say it.”
The smile in her voice was obvious. “You just told me not to.”
Jasper’s own smile reluctantly twitched its way into existence. “I can feel how badly you want to.”
Alice released the tree branch she’d been dangling from and landed softly in the grass. Her unusually bare feet padded toward him from where he was leaning back against an old, abandoned building, watching her. The brickwork suggested that it must have been a schoolhouse some time ago, but now the elements had eaten away at the wooden doors and window frames, leaving broken glass and overgrown plants strewn about.
Jasper had to give Alice credit where it was due: she hadn’t tried to rub in the fact that, like always, she’d been right. Still, he knew she’d been thinking it. Her smug aura was almost insufferable in the otherwise near-quiet of the forest.
“I’m not going to,” she smiled as she approached. Her hands were neatly folded behind her back and her head was tilted up toward him. Jasper leaned forward, not even thinking about the motion, and pressed a light kiss to her cheek. Alice huffed and turned her head toward him so she could kiss him on the lips. Jasper straightened back up before she could get a half-decent grip on the back of his neck to deepen the kiss. Alice was laughing before he lifted a hand to wipe at his mouth. “Jazz, it’s not going to come off on you.”
Continue reading on AO3
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allicekitty13 · 4 years
King Of My Heart
Read on Ao3
Read on FFN
Alice Brandon is a runaway scraping by to survive until the day she meets Jasper Whitlock in a cafe.
Written for Jalice Week 2020 Day1: Vampire/Human
Alice had been living alone, hiding away from the pressures of the world. Five years ago, she had packed a bag in the middle of the night, climbed out her bedroom window, and drove off into the distance aimlessly. Her home life had been... less than excellent, to put things mildly. Her father likely never cared about her; her mother had passed away shortly before Alice's 16th birthday. Her father had remarried within weeks. Even her beloved little sister was starting to look at her oddly. Unable to take it anymore, she left everything she'd ever known behind. Her family hadn't even bothered looking for her, not that she was surprised. Sometimes Alice wondered what they'd told Cynthia about her disappearance... if the younger girl had even cared.
Alice had decided to take up roots in Kennebunkport, Maine, a small town overlooking the Atlantic ocean. People there kept to themselves; they stayed in their cliques inattentive to the going ons of strangers around them, which suited Alice perfectly. Sure, she'd been a subject of interest when she'd first arrived. People had assumed her to be younger than she was, but once she'd proved her age, she was left well enough alone.
She made some of her income working as a tailor, taking in prom dresses, repairing coats, simple work that didn't bring in much revenue. So, she took to pickpocketing, a skill she'd mastered her first year on her own. She'd never been allowed to work a job when she lived with her father; despite the year she left being 2015, he still believed women didn't belong in the workplace. Thus, pickpocketing had been her only means of paying for things as she made the journey northeast. Alice had an inexplicable way of just... knowing things, an ability that had been a large part of her issues back in Mississippi. She always seemed to know what the weather would be ahead of time, where lost items were hidden, little things like that. Unfortunately, it had often gotten her called a freak or accused of being a thief more times than not.
With pickpocketing, though, her gift came in handy; she could discern who the best targets were, what their next moves would be, or how they would react. So why, she wondered, had her intuition failed her that day? Why of all the people in the cafe, she'd chosen to steal his wallet that day.
She'd entered a small coffee shop where she saw him standing near the counter, seemingly not paying attention to anything aside from his phone. She figured she'd be able to quickly pluck the wallet out of his back pocket as she walked by, pretending to be headed for the bathroom. Maybe it had been the hunger that drove her to make that choice, that perhaps she'd gotten too comfortable. Whatever the cause, she hadn't relied on her ability, and he hadn't been as distracted as Alice assumed. He'd quickly grabbed her wrist as soon as she reached for his pocket, his hand freezing cold and firm. The man turned on her quickly with a glare. His gaze softened remarkably as he laid eyes on her.
Pity, she'd assumed, her eyes were sunken, he naturally small frame frail from hunger. Normally people's pitty infuriated her, but something about his unusual golden eyes was captivating. She felt peculiarly serene in his presence. "Can I buy you, lunch ma'am?"
Part of her wanted to turn him down, to submit to her ego. She'd gotten this far in life without any help. Why should she accept assistance from a stranger no matter how charming he may be. Yet, she found herself nodding in acceptance as he guided her to the counter, proceeding to order her a sandwich and juice.
"My name is Jasper," He announced, watching her hurridly scarf down the food.
"Alice," She replied. "Aren't you going to eat?"
"I'm full." He leaned back in his seat, crossing his arms across his chest.
"You're lying." Her guard going up instantly. She didn't trust easily; if this man was lying about being full, what else would he lie about? Still, against every self-protective instinct she relied on to get by, she trusted him.
"Am I?" He smirked at her.
"It's all in the body language. You moved into a defensive position when I asked if you were going to eat. So why lie..." That was when she got that feeling; she just knew, "Oh, you're a vampire. That's lit. Is this like a last meal before you eat me kinda date?"
Jasper looked flabbergasted, "I'm not a vampire!" He whisper-shouted with wide eyes.
"Okay, well, first of all, that was a panicked response, so even if I didn't already know you're a vampire, I sure do now. I'm never wrong, Jasper. So, are you going to eat me... no. No, you're not. Thanks, by the way. I didn't exactly feel like dying today."
"You're a little intuitive, aren't you."
"I just know things."
They stayed for hours in that coffee shop talking. Jasper had walked her home that night, only leaving when she promised he could speak to her again. He wanted to take her on a proper date next time. Alice went to bed, wondering if Jasper had felt the same connection to her that she felt to him. She questioned if he felt just as comfortable as talking to her; if he felt like he'd known her his entire life. It was insane; Alice had spent the past five years since she'd left home perfectly content to be by herself. People made things complicated; people betrayed and hurt you. Nevertheless, Jasper wasn't people; he wasn't even human. So maybe that's why she suddenly felt so very lonely in her studio apartment.
She saw him again the next day; when she left for a walk, he was lingering outside her building. "What are you doing here?" She had asked with a slight blush, silently pleased to find him waiting.
"I wanted to see you again."
Alice's heart raced when he held out a hand; she intertwined her fingers with his noting how it felt... right. Like her hand was made to hold his. Jasper would keep up this routine daily, arriving at the same time every morning just as Alice was leaving her apartment. Their relationship moved quickly from curious strangers to tentative lovers. Within a week, she had felt comfortable enough to invite him up to stay the night.
Late at night, they would lie together, sometimes reclined on her couch, others sprawled out on the bed. The pair had become closed off to the world, living in their own private kingdom they'd created within her apartment. She'd broken all of her rules in allowing him to become so ingrained in her life. She liked to keep people at a distance, never getting too close. Yet here she lay, curled up on her bed with this man. She'd shared all of her secrets with him, told him at just sixteen she'd run away from an awful family environment. She'd explained how she had lived on her own for the past five years, scraping to get by relying on lies and pickpocketing to survive. She told him how she had changed her name, and even hearing the word 'Mary' would send her into a panic, how despite no signs of anyone attempting to search for her, she lived in fear of her former family tracking her down.
His heart had broken for the woman he loved hearing how she had gotten to where she was. He swore to her she would never have to live through anything like that again. In turn, he detailed his own experiences, telling her about Maria's army, his best friend Peter, and his powers of emotion. He told her about the day he'd met a man named Emmett who'd convinced him there was another way to live, how he was able to feed off animals.
Alice asked him once if he'd used his power to make her fall in love with him because she "Sure felt like she was under a spell." He denied any wrongdoing, explaining that he'd cared for her from the moment he'd laid eyes on her. The only time he ever had or ever would use his power would be to calm her from the panic he often sensed.
It was on one of those nights Alice received the call. They were lying on her bed, chatting about favorite books enjoying each other's company when Alice's phone began to ring. "That's strange..." She commented. People only called her to make tailoring appointments; it was far too late for that. The only exception was Jasper, who was lying beside her.
"Answer it," Jasper sat up on the bed, leaning back on one hand for support, gently massaging Alice's shoulder with the other. "I'm sure it's nothing." He grinned, planting a kiss on her temple. "Probably just a wrong number."
"Yeah, you're probably right." She was being paranoid. No one had found her yet, she thought, sliding the indicator on the screen to the left accepting the call. "Hello?"
"Mary." A hauntingly familiar voice greeted her in a malicious tone.
Alice froze in horror, sending Jasper into immediate alert, having sensed the overwhelming emotion suddenly radiating from her. "Are you still there, Mary," The voice taunted.
Alice, still in shock, unable to respond, remained silent as she shook. Jasper wrapped a comforting arm around her, trying to send out waves of calm despite his fury. He didn't know who was on the other end of the phone, but he immediately hated them for causing his Alice to feel so much hurt, panic, and terror. He grabbed the phone from Alice's hand, pressing it to his ear.
"Who is this." He growled.
"I could ask you the same."
"Answer. The. Question."
"Mary's father. We haven't seen the poor girl in years. She's done a good job of hiding, but it's time for her to get help."
"My girlfriend has no family."
"Poor boy, I don't know what my daughter has told you, but I assure you she's a lunatic. It's for the best she get help. Please tell Mary, my wife and I have arrived in Kennebunkport and..." Jasper ended the call, refusing to listen to anymore. He turned his attention back to Alice, who had curled herself tightly into a ball on the bed where she shook silently sobbing.
"Alice..." He lay down next to the girl, heartbreak evident in this voice. "What did they do to you... come here."
She complied, scooting over into his arms; he held them tightly around her, shhing in her ear, allowing her to release all the emotion she'd repressed for years. "They're going to take me away; they'll lock me up."
"Then we'll leave before they come for you."
"Alice, I can have you on the other side of the country within two hours."
"What if they find me again."
"I know some people; you learn a lot about how to disappear when you've been alive almost 160 years."
"Okay," Her voice trembled as she nodded in affirmation. She crawled out of bed and began to pack a bag grabbing only the necessities. She'd long ago placed a terrifying amount of trust in Jasper. If he thought he could keep her safe, she would follow him to the ends of the earth.
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