#jam republic audrey
forbebeandjam · 5 months
Amnesia | Audrey Lane x Fem Reader | Angst
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Summary: You saved the love of your life only to forget her after the tragedy.
Word Count: 2.6k
Warnings: really angst. Head injury and lung disease mentioned.
A/N: Once again, angst is not my strong point but I felt inspired. Sorry for making Audrey’s stories sad! I’ll make a different one. I promise!!!
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"Miss Y/N, Happy Birthday! Good to see you up and walking today," the nurse said as she entered the room you were in. You looked out of the window looking for the one person that visited you every day.
"Hi, I'm not really hungry," you said still looking out of the window.
"I didn't come to feed you. You had this delivered for you," the nurse said and you snapped your head back. The nurse was holding a card. You used your left hand to grip the IV pole and walked toward the nurse.
The name was imprinted on the letter and you quickly opened the letter.
「 Dear Y/N,
Every day I am filled with hope to see you again. And today wasn't any different. I got up and got ready to go see you. Today is your special day after all.
Sadly, I had to go on a trip to take over one of your classes and performances. I won't be back for a month. I will send you pictures in hopes that you can recover quickly. Your students and fans miss you and I miss you more than ever.
Write me back so I can know you got my letter and please try to make the best of today. I'll come back. Just wait for me.
Happy Birthday! 」
A single tear rolled out of your eye. You felt frustrated. Every day you tried your best to remember her but there were no memories of anything before the accident.
"Come here! It's going to be fun!" you said as she held your hand.
"I don't know... I don't like rock climbing. I'm not agile like you," she said but you turned to kiss her cheek.
"We will do it together. I got you, baby. I won't let anything bad happen to you," you said and she smiled brightly. She quickly perched your lips as you two got strapped up and hooked into the harness.
And you began climbing. You carefully placed your foot in the right places. You have done this thousands of times so it was easy for you. But for Audrey. Every step was sloppy and dangerous. You looked back at her to make sure that she was okay and her expression was more nervous every step up she would take.
"Okay, that's enough. Let's go down," You said when you noticed how scared she looked and she immediately nodded at your words. You were going down but you noticed her clip wasn't screwed all the way.
"Audrey... don't move," you said and she immediately froze in her spot.
"What's wrong?" She asked.
"It's okay. I just need to reach you and hook you up properly. Don't move," You said and she closed her eyes to let a deep breath out.
You tried to move close to her but at that moment the person in charge of her rope pulled her down thinking she was stuck and she let out a sharp scream. You panicked. You had never moved so fast in your life but in this moment, you wouldn't forgive yourself if you let something bad happen to her.
You quickly unhooked your equipment from the rope and reached out for her falling figure. You don't know how things happened but you managed to turn your bodies so the impact on the floor would be for you and she would land on top of you.
In a matter of seconds, you felt your body hit the floor, your head taking most of the impact and with great pain, you gripped your head. The last thing you saw was Audrey calling your name with a bleeding lip.
The next thing you know is that you are in a hospital bed and you remember nothing. You looked around and nothing was familiar to you. You wondered why there was a small girl sitting on a chair holding your hand.
After a few panic attacks, the doctors and nurses managed to explain to you that you had amnesia. Audrey never once stopped visiting you and sometimes you would deny seeing anyone due to your frustration and depression having to be stuck at a hospital but you couldn't leave. Regardless, Audrey would sit next to you just to keep you company.
One day you spotted her come in the room with red eyes and a stuffy nose. She sniffled but gave you the brightest smile as soon as your eyes landed on her. She took a seat next to you and started reading a book to you like she always would but her voice was different. You could tell she had been crying a lot.
"Why do you keep coming? It's only hurting you. I will never be able to remember. The doctors told you, didn't they?" You asked and she nodded.
"You... you are the reason I am here today. How could I just leave you like that? If it weren't for you I... I probably wouldn't be alive anymore," she said as several tears started to escape her eyes and her voice cracked.
"Then please don't be sad. I don't want you to be sad. I want you to live a good life. I don't know what we were or who you really are since you refuse to tell me but... tomorrow is my birthday and we can talk about all of those things. You've been coming here for three years already so, why don't we start over?" You said and she broke down once more.
She cried harder than ever but there was a smile painted on her face. After reading to you, you fell asleep.
(End of flashback)
Your eyes were widened. All of the memories of that beautiful girl came back to you. You smiled brightly and cried till you couldn't cry anymore. The nurse walked in with a small cake in her hands and you smiled at her.
"I remember her. I know who she is... I know who Audrey Lane is to me. She's my best friend. She's the love of my life. I need to find her," you tried tonight to get up but the nurse stopped you.
"You have no idea how happy I am for you but... I can't let you go. I'm sorry. We need to keep running tests and your parents want you to be here until they think you are stable," she said.
"That's bullshit. I can't even remember having parents. They are like strangers to me and I am twenty years old. I want to go," you said as you wiped your eyes aggressively.
"Let's wait. You have a few more treatments and then you can go. I promise I'll get you out of here," the nurse said.
So you waited. A month went by and you eagerly waited for Audrey. She didn't show up. You didn't receive another letter.
Things began to get more complicated with your health. Your depression got worse as the treatments failed. Nothing they tried would help you regain your memory and there was no explanation for why you only remembered Audrey.
Your parents tried everything but you only hated them more for keeping you locked in the hospital acting as if you had a disability.
One year. Two years. Three years. She didn't show up. She never came back and you were scared.
What if bad something happened to her? You needed to get out of there and you were determined to do so whether anyone liked it or not.
One night, you removed the IV tube from your arm and pulled out a change of clothes from your bag. You slipped on your shoes and a hoodie.  You grabbed your phone and wallet before quickly walking out of the room past your mom and the nurses.
No one seemed to recognize you until you bumped into the nurse who took care of you. She widened her eyes and you begged her with your eyes to stay quiet.
Suddenly, you heard your so-called mom calling your name from down the hall. You bit your lip as the nurse helped you get up.
"Go. I'll hold her up. Hurry!" she said as she slightly pushed you. You smiled brightly and ran out of the door. Once you had made it a bit far, you turned on the phone and looked through the message of you and Audrey.
You smiled at the cuteness of her messages and finally came across an address. You weren't sure that you would find her there but you would at least try.
You took a taxi and your palms began to sweat as you got out of the car. It was a dance studio. The dance studio from your memories. Where you and Adurey first met each other and where you gave her first kiss.
Your heart was beating faster than ever as you walked in and walked through the halls making heads turn your way. You didn't say anything and kept walking. You finally spotted a familiar figure. She was dancing with her back facing the door and an airpod in.
You closely watched her dance and you remembered how you two would dance together and would end up asleep on the floor while listening to music together.
You were about to push the door open when a girl suddenly walked in after saying excuse me. Audrey turned to her and gave her a kiss... on the lips. You felt your heart shatter to pieces when you saw her kneel down on the floor and pull out a ring from her pocket.
The worst part was her nodding and launching herself onto her arms. You felt pain in your chest and you gripped it. You prayed that you were dreaming. You wanted to wake up from this horrible nightmare.
"Y/N?" you heard her voice call and you quickly ran away.
The most painful scene flashed before your eyes and you felt like throwing up. You rushed back to the hospital when the pain wouldn't leave your chest. Your eyes were cloudy and the air in your lungs was gone.
You could see the panic in the driver's eyes as you tried to regain your breath but nothing worked. You swore you felt like your heart stopped beating and when you finally made it to the hospital, you collapsed right in front of the entrance.
"There is no way to sugarcoat this. You're sick. Terminally ill. You only have about a week to live. Sorry," the doctor said. After all of these years, they finally told you that you had been kept in this facility to keep you alive from a growing lung disease you had treatment for at the age of fifteen.
They had kept you connected and medicated to keep you living for longer but nothing was responding and there was no hope for you. Not that you wanted any. You didn't want to keep living in a world where you didn't have Audrey but you also didn't want to hurt her. So you took a pen and wrote her a letter.
A heartfelt with the most honest words you could. Every day, you would spend your days and nights watching her dance videos and making little starts out of paper strings.
You made amends with your parents even if you didn't remember them and you went on walks with them every day.
This continued for exactly seven days. On that last day, a Sunday, you felt your limbs go numb. Your vision was blurry and you were drowsy due to the medicine given for the pain.
"Please. Please give her this and make sure she knows that I love her. Make sure she knows how much I love her and how sorry I am. Please," A single tear escaped your eyes.
"Don't worry, honey. I will make sure. You can rest now," your mom said and you finally let eternal slumber take you away. Your last thought being if that beautiful girl that made you feel so alive. You felt it for the last time and it felt so good...
Your mom asked for your letter and other items to be delivered to Audrey a few months after her wedding. She knew you'd never want to interfere with Audrey's honeymoon.
Audrey held the box in her hands with a confused expression. She didn't know why a strange person was sending her something but she assumed it was a late wedding present or something for her wife.
When she opened the box, she saw a jar wrapped in bubble wrap with the paper stars you handmade for her. She looked at it with care and set it down next to her.
Then she took hold of the letter and her eyes filled with tears when she saw your name written on the envelope in your beautiful cursive hand writing.
The carefully opened it and unfolded the paper.
「 Dear Audrey,
By the time you read this I will probably be resting in peace. That letter you sent was the most beautiful thing I have ever received for my birthday. I hope it makes you happy to know that thanks to that letter, I was able to remember you.
I especially remembered that day I asked you to be my girlfriend and you cried in my arms for about five minutes. I also remembered the time I saved you from your worst nightmare but I don't want to talk about that.
I just wanted to let you know that you were the one I thought about since my twentieth birthday. I would be lying if I said I wasn't a bit resented when I you never came back even after waiting for three years. However, I am so happy for your wedding. I'm sure you saw me that day you got proposed to. I was really happy that day even if it I was hurting. I am just happy you could finally move on. Turns out that the lung disease was growing back from when I was fifteen. I'm sorry I can't be with you since I only have a few more days to live.
I wish I could see you in that beautiful wedding gown because I know you're just going to look amazing.
So, I am writing this letter to let you know that even till my last breath you will be the only one on my mind and if I had to save you again, I would do it with no hesitation. I would do it just to see that sweet smile on your face. Those beautiful eyes and those sweet lips that made me feel alive.
Please be happy. Enjoy your life and build a family like you always dreamt of doing. I wish you the best, baby. Please don't be sad for too long. I'll always be watching over you no matter where you are.
P.S. every time you feel like you can't do it, grab a star and open it. I'll have a little reminder for you. 」
Audrey was sobbing and screaming by the end of your letter. She took a deep breath and tried to regulate her breathing. She felt like she should've stayed by you instead of getting carried away by her friend's words.
"I'm sorry! I'm so sorry, baby!" She shouted. A string of her saliva poured from her lips and her tears were uncontrollable. After a few more minutes. She managed to stop her tears and hugged the jar with stars. Paper starts she had taught you to do.
She opened the jar, grabbed a small star, and started to unravel it. A wide smile was painted across her lips as she read it.
*Dry those eyes. They are too pretty to cry. Keep me in your heart instead, as I whisper "you got this, baby. I am right here with you"*
Thank you for reading 🩷
「 ✦ Audrey’s Tag List ✦ 」
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ssivinee · 11 months
Audrey’s 1v1 with Biggy HAS ME OBSESSED AND IN LOVE😩
like ive had that video on repeat for like an hr now😭
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devouringdevoutly · 6 months
007: Singaporean Sling [G!P]
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Summary: She was never this cock drunk before she met her.
Horny? Yes.
Wanting to be dicked down every time of the day? Absolutely not.
But as the seasons change so does Audrey's sexual appetite.
Note: This is a self-indulgent fic, crossposting it here on tumblr is basically a birthday gift to myself. Again, this is a work of fiction and does not reflect real life situations and relationships. Originally posted on ao3. CW: Smut, Drunk Sex, Vaginal Sex, Penis In Vagina Sex, Futanari, G!P/Girl Penis, Vaginal Fingering, Unprotected Sex, Pregnancy Kink, Lactation Kink, Plot What Plot/Porn Without Plot, Lemon. Pairing: Audrey/Bada Language: English Words: 2,676
"You wore my clothes again."
Bada says with a sigh and it was hard to discern whether it was meant to be one of annoyance or lust. Maybe it was both but who knows, really. 
They just came back from the nightly company dinner their manager relentlessly dragged them to, every single night without fail since they both arrived in the country. It was beginning to feel like it's quite the chore no one wanted to do. But who were they to refuse and complain? When they were getting sumptuous yet equally scrumptious food for free. 
"And what about it?" Audrey cheekily responds as she plops down on her hotel room's sofa. The mix of the high end liquors and the cheap cocktails they basically chugged under the provision of their flagrantly drunk labelmates and staff, was definitely getting to them. Thankfully, Bada had managed to take the both of them back to Audrey's suite before they went insane from the loud music and just overall embarrassment of having to deal with their drunk co-workers' high jinks. 
Audrey's suite was big. Big enough to accommodate two tipsy and touchy girlfriends that is. The room overlooked almost all of Singapore's best sites. The view was to marvel at and any person of whatever standing would've been in an awestruck, as the city's bright lights beautifully contrasted the dark empty sky as it was already deep into night.
Under usual circumstances, Bada would've taken a picture and posted it on her Instagram story with some cheesy music she had been listening to recently, and then paired it with some banal ass caption to cater to her deranged fans who would overthink what it meant. But she was in no mood for that tonight, not when a literal goddess was laying right in front of her. The view just paled in comparison. If there was anything that should be captured by her in the first place, it was to be Audrey and only Audrey.
"Take it off." The older one demanded.
"No." The younger defies playfully, recklessly pushing her girlfriend's buttons as she lounged on the sofa and stretched her body like a cat.
"No?" Bada chuckles in disbelief with Audrey's antics. She then easily swooped her off the couch. Throwing her on her shoulder, and walking to the bedroom with her body in tow without breaking any sweat. Normally, Bada wouldn't even be able to lift that much weight with her almost lanky figure, but her vigor when it came to her beloved girlfriend was not to be underestimated nor questioned. One look at her and anyone would think, "Damn, that's a face men used to go to war for." And that only fueled her primal desire to claim her, if she were to be honest.
Audrey doesn't squirm or try to get out of her grasp, instead she enjoys it as it lasts before she gets gently thrown on her queen size bed. She hits the duvet with a barely audible plop! as she giggled—it was all going according to her plan so far. Bada then crawls over to her body, her taller frame almost covering her whole and she fucking loved it. The thought of the older woman patently enveloping her, just sent a different kind of excitement down to her already soaked and stimulated cunt. 
She then gets closer to her neck, inhaling every bit of her scent like a hound about to devour its prey. And god did Audrey smell so fucking good. Her sweat due to the Singaporean sun pitilessly toasting them as they walked around the amusement park earlier, and her strawberry gourmand fragrance that was still clinging onto her lightly tanned skin, only managed to turn her on even more.
Bada then placed chaste kisses along her neck before placing her plump lips against hers. Their lips met as if waves crashing into shore, her hands roaming around Bada's back wanting to pull her closer than their current position. She then grinded her body against hers, not failing to notice the older woman's hardening length underneath her khaki shorts.
"Fuck. I told you not to wear that hoodie and jogger pants, it's hot as shit here in Singapore." Audrey only giggled at the older's sudden reprimand. She knew that from the start but she insisted in still stealing her clothes and wearing it, parading herself around the city as Bada's to those with heedful eyes and letting them souse in their own surmisings. Bada then hastily removed her clothing only to be taken by surprise.
"You're not wearing anything?" Bada asks as she stares at Audrey's body, all in its naked glory. Her eyes then lingered on her girlfriend's already hardened tits, the brush of the hoodie's fabric on her chest all day making it so.
"Nope." Her younger girlfriend replies with a lustful grin.
"You're such a fucking tease, you know that right?" The older woman complains before latching her mouth onto one of Audrey's pink buds, earning a loud gasp from her.
"Y-yeah… Fuck, are you trying to milk me or what?" Audrey finally responded, her voice heavy and thick with bafflement as her girlfriend hungrily sucked her tit. Her other hand playing with the unoccupied one, basically encompassing her whole breast. It wasn't that big in the first place so it was easy to do so. She never had a problem with it as Bada constantly reassured her that it was the perfect size for her to grab and hold, like it was her personal hand warmers in winter.
"What if I am?" The older woman finally lifts her head, her mouth finally detaching from her now sore nips. Audrey whines as her dampened nip was met by the cold breeze of the room's air-conditioning. 
"I wanna fuck you pregnant." Bada says thoughtlessly and Audrey could only raise an eyebrow at her. The constant boob grabbing and massaging, the incessant hand placement on her stomach and her thumb rubbing circles on the soft yet flat surface, the pull out method… It all made sense now.
"Then do it." Audrey says unthinkingly, green lighting whatever was bound to happen from then on.
"What?" Bada asks dumbfounded.
"Did you not hear what I just said?" The sudden change of tone from Audrey could only put a devilish grin on Bada's face. She could only respond by going down on Audrey and suddenly inserting a finger inside of her, earning a loud moan from her girlfriend.
"You're quite loose." Bada plainly says as she inserts another finger inside of Audrey. Her cunt had welcomed her so easily, that it wasn't much of a struggle pumping her fingers in and out of her hole.  
"P-repped myself e-earlier… Do you not like it? A-ah!" The younger woman cries out as Bada sped up her pace. Her long and slender fingers were an absolute godsent to anyone who has had the opportunity to be fucked by her. Each plunge was met with a sickly sweet sound of Audrey's pussy spewing out her own juice. The younger woman then tightened around her digits before wetting and totally coating it with her cum.
"No, thank you baby. It just means that I can fuck you much easier." She then pulls her fingers out of her wetness, sucking every single bit of Audrey's sap that was discharged on her fingers. She tasted salty, a bit sour with a hint of sweetness… She tasted like ripe mangoes and peaches dipped in sea water. If she had to go through hell and beyond like Dante did, just to get a taste of her every single day then she would do it in a heartbeat. Bada then gently grabs the back of Audrey's head, before pulling her into a beguiling kiss to distract her from what would happen next.
Bada would've eaten her out with no shame if her cock wasn't throbbing painfully at this point, screaming at her about wanting to be let out of its clothed imprisonment. She quickly got out of her own hoodie that matched with what Audrey was wearing earlier and zipped down her khaki shorts. Clearly not wanting to waste any more time and miss out on fucking her girlfriend like a dog in heat. 
Bada then teased her by rubbing her raw cock on Audrey's wet folds, letting her feel the hardness and every vein of her length. Dampening the side of her dick with each glide. She slides herself a few more times before slipping inside of Audrey's burrow which warranted the younger to claw her back. It stung like a bitch but the feeling of her tight walls around her cock was just too much for her to notice anything else at the moment. Bada let out a sigh of relief as her cock was now fully engulfed by Audrey's cavity.
Her younger girlfriend could only smile with pride as she salaciously gazed, ogled even at Bada's reaction. She knew that only her pussy could emit such a reaction from the famous dancer. Those bitches can desperately hop on her girlfriend's dick with their shriveled meat curtains all they want, but Bada would only want to fuck her cunt.
She then moved her hips in a lackadaisical manner, wanting to take it slow and ease the both of them to the rhythm of each thrust. 
"F-fuck… forgot how big… y-you were…" Audrey comments, panting and stammering in between words as she physically feels her cunt adjust to Bada's girth and length. Bada swore she could die then and there. Her cock just sandwiched between the gummy enclosure felt sublime. She silently thanked all the gods that had blessed and guided her ancestors to have led her to this moment. Pounding the absolute sanity out of Audrey, their skins slapping with each slide of her cock in and out of Audrey's drenched cunt. Their moans and grunts of pleasure bouncing off the hotel bedroom, making a harmonious melody of their own even without singing.
Audrey was just like a limp vegetable at this point, unable to do anything but to tighten her grip on the sheets under Bada's roughening. She asked for it and so she'll take it like the champ she is. Her resolve was long gone the moment she had landed in the familiar South East Asian land, after her excruciating seventeen hour flight from Los Angeles to Singapore anyway. It had been almost two weeks since she had been physically near her girlfriend. Two weeks of not being able to hold her hand, not being able to hug her human equivalent of Poby from the cartoon show Pororo the Little Penguin, not being able to yap her pretty little mouth off about the most stupid and chronically online of things as she listened to her despite being tired from work and practice. And most importantly… not being able to get fucked by her handsomely gorgeous and charming girlfriend, whom she's convinced was written by Sappho herself.
The last time they had sex was on the night of their last concert, which coincidentally was also Audrey's birthday. Audrey didn't want any gift as she was more than grateful to have had Bada beside her on such a momentous occasion of her life. But it would be a grievous lie to deny that the birthday sex wasn't the cherry on top, as her birthday candles weren't the only thing she had blown that day. 
She was never this cock drunk before she met her. 
Horny? Yes. 
Wanting to be dicked down every time of the day? Absolutely not. But things do change with time like the seasons do, Audrey realized that with the time she had spent flying back and forth from the U.S. to South Korea. Her sexual appetite only being heightened further once she entered her relationship with Bada. 
Bada was her forthcoming. And the reason she had blossomed like a flower in spring, finally receiving its much needed tending after months of ruthless winter snow.
Audrey was then pulled back from her thoughts as Bada hit her spot again and again, she could only pull her closer to her as she moaned shamelessly. She secretly hoped that Emma snuck out of her own hotel room to go clubbing once again. The last thing she wanted to face in the morning was to be bombarded by her teasing. In which she admits, she rightfully deserves for their impudence as a young robust couple with a high libido to keep up with. But she won't let Emma have her win so easily, after months of bickering and play fighting with each other. She wasn't going to back down now.
Soon enough, Bada's body trembled as she thrusted into her one last time, unabashedly painting her walls white and coating her warm with her cum. And holy fuck did it feel good to her senses. She then followed Bada's high with her own, coating the older woman's cock with her own slick.
Bada laid on top of her for a while in which she didn't mind, it felt great even. To hold her close and so tenderly. Audrey then wondered if she would feel the same way once their own baby is placed on her chest, when she finally gives birth in the future. It made her feel all warm and fuzzy inside. She felt butterflies in her stomach just at the thought of her possibly carrying their child a few weeks from now. Audrey then accidentally clenched multiple times around Bada just from those thoughts, earning a moan from the older.
"Babe. Shit. Was that not enough?" Bada asks, her ears heating up from the possible suggestion of a second round. Audrey's tightening cunt was basically draining her of every drop of cum from her cock at this point.
"Maybe." Audrey then brazenly grins at her like she's a Cheshire cat. Her big brown eyes gleaming with want and desire. 
"Shush, that's enough princess. We still have work tomorrow." The older woman rationalized, Audrey wanted to protest against her decision but she was quite tired herself as it had been a long day. And so, Bada carefully spooned her and pulled the duvet over their naked bodies before the both of them headed off to dreamland.
A few days later…  
It was time for Bada to go back home. Her schedule in Singapore was finally done and she had no excuse to overstay her welcome in the foreign country. She also had her own share of responsibilities waiting for her back in Seoul that she needed to attend to as soon as possible, so staying for a few more days was out of the conversation. Audrey had to stay behind and send her girlfriend off at the airport. She wanted to cry right then and there and Bada knew it. She hugged her and savored the warmth of her embrace one last time. 
"We still have Vietnam in March. So don't miss me too much, babe." Bada says cheekily once she sees the tears threatening to fall from Audrey's eyes. She then cups her pretty girlfriend's face and gives her a goodbye kiss on both cheeks, forehead, nose, and finally her lips before Audrey leaned into her ear to whisper something.
"I'm not gonna miss you too much when I have my own miniature version of Bada Lee to accompany me." The younger slyly says to her before she was playfully pushed onto the entrance gates. Bada stood there dumbfounded, unable to say or confirm anything from Audrey as their company van drove off to her girlfriend's next agenda for the day.
She boarded her plane with the image of a pregnant Audrey clouding her mind, a smile formed on her face as she embraced the adorably amusing notion of her actually knocking her girlfriend up. God knows more than anyone else that she'd be more than grateful if it actually turned out to be true and not just some silly yet kind of cruel jest by Audrey.
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auliisflower · 11 months
Siren eyes
“C’mon, don’t look at me like that, Baby”
A wild heartstealer idol named Yang Y/N and a globally famous dancer named Kirsten Dodgen is a pretty good duo for a power couple, don’t you think? One can only wonder how the korean public will take the news that a dancer from New Zealand can tame the all-famous idol Yang Y/n. Will life let them have their way or will the public eye force another idol between the two who they think will fit Y/n better?
・゚·:。・゚゚・ ✩ ・゚ ・゚·:。・゚゚・ START…
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The sound of keys clanging down on a desk could be heard throughout the cold, quiet apartment soon after Y/n had turned on the light in the dim hallway. It was pitch black, maybe 1 am? Y/n wasn’t sure…How much had she drunk at that party? She wondered if her girlfriend was still up.
Oh shit.
Her girlfriend. Y/n had sent her a text earlier promising that she would get home early. Her friends got her too drunk, that promise completely slipped out of her head. Now here she was stumbling around the apartment, trying not to make any noise just in case Kirsten woke up.
She downed a glass of water and went into the bathroom to wash up for bed. Oh god, she looked terrible, when did her cheeks go that red? It almost looked like someone’s lipstick….
“No, don’t think that..oh fuck” Y/n’s head pulsed, she could barely remember the wild night at her brother’s house.
She hurried up and brushed her teeth, took off her make up, and got into her pajamas. “I wonder what time Kirsten went to sleep…I’m so fucked tomorrow morning” Y/n muttered to herself as she climbed the stairs towards her and her girlfriend’s shared bedroom.
She slowly pushed the door open to find Kirsten completely covered, almost drowning in the sheets. Y/n chuckled to herself, finding her girlfriend adorable. She wouldn’t be so adorable tomorrow though, as soon as she found out what time Y/n got home. Ugh, it scares Y/n just thinking about it. Well, there’s nothing she could do about it now.
Y/n didn’t even bother checking her friends’ messages at that point, she just placed her phone down on the bedside table, without another thought. There were only two things on her dizzy mind at that point, the warm bed and her warm, cozy girlfriend.
The next morning
…8:37 am…
Y/n woke with a start, finding her peaceful sleep interrupted by a pillow to her face…
“Ugh…” she groaned as a hangover headache made its presence known. She opened her eyes to her girlfriend who wore Y/n’s old grey shirt and little black shorts. “…Hi, Kirs” she smiled meekly at her girlfriend who just glared at her.
After a few awkward seconds of silence Kirsten finally voiced out, “I’m just disappointed”. Y/n sat up from the comfy duvet and rubbed her sleepy eyes, “I’m sorry, baby, my friends got me too drunk and I couldn’t think straight.” She just rolled her eyes at you and stormed out the room. Y/n could hear Kirsten’s thundering footsteps down the stairs and groaned.
She fucked up.
Big time.
Y/n quickly got up from the bed and made the covers and pillows tidy. She stepped down the staircase quietly in order to not set her girlfriend off even more. She looked around the apartment and found the bathroom locked, she could hear the sink running and…crying? Oh fuck, “No, no, no” Y/n thought, panicking, “what the fuck happened last night?” She remembered her phone in the bedroom and ran up to go get it.
She unlocked her phone and immediately opened instagram to a horde of messages from her friends last night. She viewed some stories, including two from one of her close friends, Ishiriki Yangxi, an idol who the public thinks should be with Y/n as their visuals fit with each other. The first part of the story was a group picture with Y/n and their circle of friends, The second picture was..
“Oh my fucking god” Y/n’s eyes widened at the image. It was a picture of her and Yangxi, the girl was placing a kiss on Y/n’s cheek, leaving red lipstick marks all over Y/n’s face, as sweaty bodies jumped and danced around them.
“No fucking way she posted this.” Y/n immediately sent a message to Yangxi,
After sending the message with her head pulsing even harder than last night, she left her phone on the bed and ran down the stairs.
Kirsten was nowhere to be found. “Oh fuck me” Y/n gritted her teeth together. Where was she? Oh god, she had to apologize, right this instant. She needed to explain that it wasn’t what she thought.
Y/n sent a few messages to Kirsten apologizing for the story and explaining the situation. She called her girlfriend’s number, no answer…Shit. “God where is she?” Y/n thought, stressed over this. Y/n asked around Kirsten’s friends, Ling, Latrice, Emma, and Audrey.
Ling, Emma, and Audrey all answered pretty quick, all responding with replies like they didn’t know or Kirsten hasn’t talked to them.
Latrice answered last, “She’s with me in the studio, we’re working on a choreo piece” Y/n read her reply quickly as she saw Latrice’s chat bubble typing again.
“Kirs told me that she wanted some space for a couple hours to cool down and think about things” she added
Y/n replied to Latrice, “Oh…okay, could you please tell her I’m incredibly sorry and if she’ll let me I’ll explain to her what happened, please.”
Latrice replied instantly, “Okay sure, don’t worry about it, I’m sure she’ll feel better after a few hours of dancing to cool off”
・゚·:。・゚゚・ ✩ ・゚ ・゚·:。・゚゚・
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Y/n decided to leave her alone, deciding it would be better for her to think about that
for a while before Y/n explains herself. She figured Kirsten would come back somewhere near lunch time, she usually takes a nap at noon…
It was now 9:15 and Y/n decided to get some stuff to make up for last night. She went out and got a bouquet of yellow and white tulips, yellow was Kirsten’s favorite, because she loves the sun. She hurried home and made lunch for the two of them.
…10:04 am…
Y/n cleaned her self up and put on something comfy to not look like a mess. She went up to the bedroom and opened her phone.
There was a message from Yangxi.
“Oh. I thought you were in your right mind…Everyone told me I should go for it, I’m sorry.” Her reply said.
“Well, Sorry doesn’t cut it. I was completely drunk last night, that should’ve never happened, I’m sorry but this friendship cannot go on if it hurts my girlfriend” Y/n replied back coldly, still fuming from Yangxi’s actions. She blocked her, just to make sure it never happened again, she didn’t care if the public wanted them to date, Y/n wanted Kirsten, and Kirsten only.
Y/n cleaned up the house a bit more before Kirsten came back to take her mind of Yangxi for a bit. She went up to the bedroom again to touch up her makeup, after a few minutes she heard the door unlocking and a few light footsteps.
・゚·:。・゚゚・ ✩ ・゚ ・゚·:。・゚゚・
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She grabbed the bouquet from the bed and listened for a few minutes. Once she heard the bathroom door opening and closing shut, she crept down the stairs quietly and hid in the living room for a bit.
After the bathroom door opens once more, Y/n peeked through the living room door to see Kirsten looking for something in her bag with her back to Y/n. Slowly and quietly, Y/n made her way to her girlfriend and gently slid her arms around Kirsten’s waist.
With the bouquet in one hand and the other going lower to hook her fingers through the belt loops of Kirsten’s pants, Y/n gently laid her chin on Kirsten’s shoulder as Kirsten let out a soft sigh.
“Kirsten please…I’m sorry, let me explain what happened” Y/n begged her quietly, hugging her tightly as if afraid if she let go, it’d be the last time. Kirsten let a few seconds of silence slip as she felt Y/n’s hot breath on her neck and her warm hands on her waist.
“Fine…what the hell did I see on Yangxi’s story this morning?” Kirsten muttered quietly as she placed her hands gently on the kitchen counter, the item in her bag completely forgotten.
Y/n heaved a sigh, “It was my fault, I’m so sorry, my love. My brother gave me too much to drink but I never thought Yangxi would’ve taken advantage of that. Trust me, Kirsten, I would never willingly let her do that.” Y/n quietly let out.
“Please believe me on this, Kirsten, I’ve already asked my company and Yangxi to separate us, I never want to work with her anymore now that she hurt you.” Y/n begged her, her eyes shined with tears because seeing Kirsten hurt broke her heart into a million pieces.
Kirsten stayed silent for a bit, Y/n could feel her breathing more heavily now. “it's okay... you go on ahead and cry. I've got you...” Y/n let out worriedly as tears slid down Kirsten’s cheeks. Y/n let go of her and set the bouquet on the table quickly, she turned back to Kirsten who was looking down at the floor, her tears steadily flowing.
Y/n wiped her tears gently, “You know you’re mine right?” Kirsten let out quietly as she let Y/n wipe her tears away. “Of course, my love” Y/n breathed out, clearly relieved, “I’m all yours, Kirs” Y/n grabbed her hand gently and placed a gentle kiss on her palm.
Y/n giggled lightly at the shorter woman, "What are you laughing at? i don't see anything funny." Kirsten questioned her, Y/n giggled in response “You’re cute when you’re jealous”
“Sorry how am I not supposed to be jealous when you’re supposed to be fucking mine, Y/n?” Kirsten rolled her eyes, Y/n grinned at her as she wrapped her arms around Kirsten’s waist again, finally letting out a breath she didn’t even know she was holding.
“You're so fucking hot when you're mad." Y/n muttered in Kirsten’s ear as she giggled finally relieving the tension that hung in the air for the past couple of minutes. Kirsten broke the hug as she held both of Y/n’s hands in her own,
“Yeah, yeah. You're cute. Just stop smiling at me like that." She giggled back in response.
Kirsten took Y/n’s hand and led her into the living room, “Oh?, you just can't help yourself, can you?" Y/n giggled at the shorter woman, loving this side of Kirsten she rarely got to see. They stumbled into the room, as Kirsten pulled Y/n’s collar to bring her into a heated kiss, Y/n didn’t resist, she’ll let Kirsten have her fun this one time.
Y/n just let it happen as Kirsten pushed her onto the couch, “Don’t you have to go back to the studio later?” Y/n questioned her girlfriend as she sat in her lap. “That doesn’t really matter to me right now, I’m sure Latrice can finish the piece by herself” Kirsten mumbled as she pulled Y/n into a slow, sweet kiss which morphed into a rough, eager make out session that left Y/n whimpering for more.
As Kirsten let Y/n catch her breath, she said “You look good like this, with my lipstick all smeared around your face and your neck marked by me.” Kirsten grinned smugly at the woman below her. She pushed Y/n so that the taller woman was lying down with Kirsten still comfortably seated in her lap.
Y/n was panting achingly at Kirsten, completely overwhelmed by her dominating behavior. She was all over you. She looked at you with those beautiful, captivating eyes of hers and you just found her irresistible. That was a look Y/n could never get tired of.
“C’mon, don’t look at me like that, Baby”
Let’s just say Y/n’s bouquet and the lunch she prepared were long forgotten after that.
・゚·:。・゚゚・ ✩ ・゚ ・゚·:。・゚゚・ END…
(girl this was not my best, at all)
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ciades · 11 months
welcome to endgirIs prev. badagf! here, you can find all of my written works.
do not steal / copy / repost, even with credit. requests are ALWAYS open, msg me about things you’d like to see on my blog <3
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eyes to the sky.
contrary to popular belief, bada lee isn’t always stone cold to people around her. when it comes to you, bada’s short girlfriend, she absolutely melts. FLUFF, height difference
winner takes it all.
it all comes down to this: bada’s just won street woman fighter, and needs someone to celebrate with. SMUT, overstimulation + 🧠 from bada
lie detector test. (coming very soon!)
swf2’s highly anticipated special episode features bada lee and her not so secret girlfriend in a lie detector test. FLUFF, relationship reveal, swf2!reader
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CIADES © 2024
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woniverse-writes · 11 months
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My gorgeous girls 🥺😭🫶
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savagemickey03 · 11 months
Aren’t they just the prettiest human beings ugh 😩 Bada please just one chance 😭
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taruusmoon · 9 months
Baby Jam wooooon😭😭. I was scared for them to be honest 😩🤠
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lizziexmeow · 1 year
[#TXT TikTok Update🌟] 230923
> You all know where to click😉
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cardboardheartss · 8 months
Latrice Kabamba Mini Personality Reading
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AoW, QoW rx, 3oP, 8oS, 5oP, 8oP, 6oS, Death, KoS rx, 5oW & 8oC rx
Latrice is a really introverted and secretive individual! She really enjoys traveling, and has gained a more affluent career path! Although on camera she may seem very confident, she MAY have some low self esteem and she often times doubts her skills and is easily affected by criticism.
Latrice was literally sent by the divine to teach people something, (3oP) and she has been hosting dance lessons all over the world and was even the mentor for Baby Jam in Street Dance Girls Fighter 2. She’s a good team player and trusts people easily.
Latrice can easily get jealous as well, but since she is a very beautiful, talented and loved woman. She attracts a lot of jealousy and drama. cough cough… the Redlic drama & mistreatment from M-Net
Latrice is low key judgemental too, but she’ll keep all those thoughts to herself, as she dislikes conflicts and arguing with people. For Latrice, her work is quite overwhelming and since she’s famous now, she feels constantly watched at times and she worries about losing her money, this causes a lot of anxiety.
Latrice is also experiencing a difficult health period at the moment but she is resting well and receiving tons of support from her fans and those close to her, and she will heal and come back to OWN the stage!🤎
Thank you for reading! 📦
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forbebeandjam · 5 months
omg can't wait for audrey's!!!!! thank youuuuuu (⁠ʃ⁠ƪ⁠^⁠3⁠^⁠)
Fear | Audrey Lane x Fem Reader | Fluff
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Summary: a small misunderstanding leads you and your girlfriend, Audrey to end up on bad terms. Three months later, you realize how much you love each other.
Word count: 1.6k
Warnings: a bit angst. Brain tumor mention.
A/N: sorry if it’s a bit unrealistic. I know it’s not my best work. I’m not a medic or doctor… enjoyyyy •u•
You and Audrey had been working nonstop on a new K-pop choreography. Being a part of the Jam Republic dance crew has been a milestone in your career. You went from being a small and heavily criticized TikTok dancer who covered K-pop dance to a successful choreographer.
Having Nick reach out to you to be part of this project was perfect as he had also contacted your girlfriend, Audrey. You couldn't believe that you and Audrey got to dance together and spend time together as well.
However your schedules were packed and after the show, there were some things you two couldn't do together. She was booked doing the brand new show Street Dance Girls Fighter 2 and you were booked creating new choreographies and interviews.
One day you finally got to see her but you were too tired. She seemed to be really excited to hang out with you and you were just thinking of going home.
"What if we take a walk? and then we can go camping," she suggested but you shook your head.
"Sorry, Audrey. I'm drained and I just want to lay down," you said bluntly. One thing about you is that you could be very oblivious to others' feelings when you weren't feeling well... not to mention minor anger issues that almost caused you major trouble with Mannequeen.
"Well, what if we just go for some ice cream? Or maybe something to eat?" She said once again with her bubbly voice trying to get you out of bed and spend quality time together. It's Audrey. She was always bubbly and you lived for her but at this moment, tiredness hit you like a truck.
"Jeez, I said no. I'll just be in my room," you said in an aggravated tone leaving her behind on the couch.
You took painkillers for your headache and as you lay on your bed you heard soft sobs making your heart clench at the sounds. You know you fucked up. You promised to never make her cry and you just did. As you tried to get up to apologize, you felt your body collapse on the floor and you were unable to get up. Your vision immediately became dark.
You woke up and saw a bright light. You definitely weren't home. Your house was green and the lights were almost always dimmed. This room was too blue.
Your eyes tried to adjust and you groaned. You felt someone grip your hand tightly but the voice was almost unrecognizable as your ears also tried adjusting to the noise.
"Audrey..." was the first thing that escaped your lips. You called her name. You wanted to apologize and when your vision finally cleared up, you saw her sitting on the side of the hospital bed holding your hand and asking if you were okay. Her eyes were red and teary as well as her nose as she let out sniffles.
You felt your heart clench at her sight. You made her cry twice. You never meant for any of this to happen. As you tried to get up your poising headache pulled you back to the bed.
"I'm sorry. I'm sorry, baby. Please forgive me," you said as a tear escaped your eye. Her head shook repeatedly.
"Don't apologize. I didn't realize you felt this bad and I should've known. I should've made you rest and taken care of you," she said as she lowered her head.
"Audrey, it's okay. I'm okay, see?" You said as you kissed her hand.
"You're not. Sorry to tell you this ma'am but you have a brain tumor. You need surgery and treatment as well as absolute rest for around three months. We need to do this now or you might not make it another month," the doctor said. You didn't protest. You knew it would be best if you wanted to keep living the life that you have. You wanted to be with Audrey.
"Audrey?" You said when you saw how she was holding in her sobs and cries. She turned to look at you with red eyes and you began to cry as well.
"I love you. I love you so much and I will be with you forever," you said.
"Don't... it sounds like you're saying goodbye," she said.
"I know you have to catch a flight. You have to go back home. Go work on your projects, baby. And come back to me in three months," you said and she started to shake her head.
"I can't leave you. Who will take care of you? Who is going to make sure you're okay? I want to make sure you wake up and you can see me and..." you moved your hand on her cheek and she stopped talking. She shut her eyes tightly and pressed her lips on your hand.
"I will be okay, baby. I have to go now but never forget that I love you so much," you kissed her one last time before the nurse took you away.
(Three months later)
It was finally the day. The day Audrey would come back and you could be together again. This time you promised you would never let her go and would never make her cry.
You heard the doorbell and rushed to the door. You fixed my clothes and hair before taking a deep breath and finally took ahold of the doorknob. You twisted it and there she was. A big smile and a beautiful gold light radiating from her. Her eyes seemed to be teary and her smile was shaking.
She immediately dropped her bags and ran to you. She grabbed your face a kissed you tenderly. It was a long-awaited kiss. Three months felt like an eternity without her. How could someone live without that gorgeous smile? It's a smile you would die for.
"You have no idea how much I missed you," she said as she buried her face down your neck. Her sobs began to fill your ears and your tears began to roll down your face.
"I missed you too," you said as you kissed her head.
"How about we get out of here? I have a surprise for you," you said and she looked at you with a confused expression.
"But you need to rest more. What if-" Audrey started but you stopped her by shaking your head.
"I'm okay. We aren't doing anything that might be straining. Let's go," you said as you put on your shoes and jacket and walked out of the door with her. She was too quiet for your liking but you didn't say anything as you saw her fidgeting with her hands in the car. You knew she was nervous.
After around thirty minutes you arrived at a camping site and got out of the car to open her door. A small smile was painted on her lips.
"You didn't forget about the camping date?" She asked.
"I could never forget about your favorite thing. Your pink curly hair, the sweet perfume you use, the way you move when you dance. It's all engraved in my head. Let's set up and watch a movie," you said as you walked to get our things from the trunk.
A few hours later you had everything set up and ate dinner. The sun was starting to slowly set creating a beautiful orange and pink hue in the sky. Audrey was silently sitting on a chair looking at the sky as she took small sips of her tea. Your biggest fears began to fill your head like poison.
'Does she not love me anymore? Is there someone else? Did she find someone that treats her better?'
"Audrey, come here," you said and she turned to you. She stood up and placed her mug on the chair. As she walked to you, you immediately cupped her face with your warm hands and planted a kiss on her lips.
"Whatever is on your mind, tell me," you said as you broke the kiss.
"It's just all surreal. I thought I was going to lose you and not being able to contact you due to work was killing me and now that I'm here, I just feel like I should've been here all along," she said.
You immediately connected your forehead to hers. You wanted her to forget about everything and anything that happened in the past.
"Baby, you're here now and I couldn't ask for more. You're all I need and I just want to be with you. Enjoy the moment, my sweet girl," you said and kissed her forehead.
That seemed to make all of her worries melt away. Her mind was clear and her heart warm. She smiled brightly for the first time and a small tear escaped her eye. You kissed it dry and she let out a small giggle that melted your heart.
Setting up for bed was quick and soon you realized that you had forgotten her sleeping bag back home. You scratched your head and chuckled nervously.
"Sorry, babe. I forgot your sleeping bag," you said.
"It's okay. We can sleep in the same one," she said as she got situated. She looked up at you and you nodded. You got inside the bag and spooned her, sharing the warmth of your body as a movie played on your iPad.
Suddenly, she turned to face you, completely ignoring the movie. You were lost in her eyes and you shared a moment of silence.
She reached to peck your lips and you finally saw her purest smile.
"I don't know how I managed to be with you for so long. I'll never leave you again. Promise you'll never scare me like that again," she said as she buried her face in your chest.
"I'm sorry baby, I'll never do it again..."
There was a small pause and you pulled back from the hug.
"We fit perfectly in this sleeping bag don't you think?" You asked.
"Yes. We are perfect," she said before snuggling close to you.
“I love you,” You kissed her forehead and you both drifted into a deep slumber.
Thank you for reading!!🩷
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ssivinee · 9 months
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𝖪𝗂𝗋𝗌𝗍𝖾𝗇 𝖣𝗈𝖽𝗀𝖾𝗇
📁 𝙸𝚗 𝙲𝚘𝚗𝚝𝚛𝚘𝚕 ↳ 𝙺𝚒𝚛𝚜𝚝𝚎𝚗 𝙳𝚘𝚍𝚐𝚎𝚗 𝚡 𝚂𝚘𝚕𝚘𝚒𝚜𝚝! 𝙵 𝚁𝚎𝚊𝚍𝚎𝚛
𝖫𝗂𝗇𝗀 𝖹𝗁𝖺𝗇𝗀
𝚃𝚘 𝙱𝚎 𝙲𝚘𝚗𝚝𝚒𝚗𝚞𝚎𝚍 …
𝖫𝖺𝗍𝗋𝗂𝖼𝖾 𝖪𝖺𝖻𝖺𝗆𝖻𝖺
𝚃𝚘 𝙱𝚎 𝙲𝚘𝚗𝚝𝚒𝚗𝚞𝚎𝚍 …
𝖤𝗆𝗆𝖺 𝖧𝗎𝖼𝗁
𝚃𝚘 𝙱𝚎 𝙲𝚘𝚗𝚝𝚒𝚗𝚞𝚎𝚍 …
𝖠𝗎𝖽𝗋𝖾𝗒 𝖫𝖺𝗇𝖾
𝚃𝚘 𝙱𝚎 𝙲𝚘𝚗𝚝𝚒𝚗𝚞𝚎𝚍 …
Error - More to be released soon…
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devouringdevoutly · 4 months
Dolus Dulcissimus [G!P]
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Summary: She and Bada may not meet eye to eye but their nether regions surely did meet more than that.
Note: No proper backstory for this one because I just really wanted to write smut. Is this my version of your parents selling you off to One Direction in 2015? Maybe. Again, this is a work of fiction and does not reflect real life situations and relationships. Cross posted on ao3. CW: Arranged/Forced Marriage, Obsession, Possessive Behavior, Possibly Unrequited Love, Implied/Referenced Cheating, Unresolved Sexual Tension, Hate Sex, Smut, Futanari, G!P/Girl Penis, Belly Bulge, Breeding, Creampie, Unprotected Sex, Light Angst, Plot What Plot/Porn Without Plot, Lemon, Implied/Referenced Dubious Consent, Dead Dove: Do Not Eat Pairing: Audrey/Bada Language: English Words: 2,678
If someone were to ask Audrey two years ago of what she would've accomplished by now, she would've naively replied with being a professional dancer.
A dancer that almost everyone looked at with respect, fear, and awe as she executed moves that only she could do. 
And sure, it was something she had accomplished within those two years but it also came with a price. 
A price named Bada Lee.
Audrey never saw herself settling down at such a young age, much less getting married to someone like Bada. A renown dancer with impressive skills of her own and Audrey did respect her then prospective wife-to-be. But she was immediately met with the cold hard truth of how overbearing the older woman was behind closed doors, only to find out that it was too late to back out by then. Her family had already promised her to Bada's and she could only desperately try to ruin her image in her now wife's eyes. 
Audrey didn't understand why she had to marry in the first place, why should she marry first in order to secure their legacy and her inheritance? It was such a barbaric custom to even adhere to in the modern world. She was never the prim and proper type of the bunch, always breaking rules and a few Chinas here and there as a child. She was a naughty child that couldn't be kept away from the calls of trouble and was always up to something in their family's compound. Sure, her family had come from money but it wasn't that much to secure in the first place. They lived comfortably enough to pursue their own dreams and build a family without having to marry someone of a higher status to secure their wealth. 
When she was first introduced to Bada, she then clearly understood why her family wanted to marry her off so suddenly. Bada came from a family of more than enough wealth that she could practically buy Audrey if she wanted to. But still… to find out that her family was almost entirely indebted to Bada's, was a different kind of betrayal. 
They had led Audrey to believe that she could afford to pursue her dreams without any restraints only to be met with the unforeseen debts of their businesses. To be able to pursue her dream and the rest of her cousins', her grandparents chose her to be their sacrificial lamb. Justifying it by reasoning that Audrey was the one closest in age and as Bada was also the youngest of her family it was only fitting that Audrey was to be married off to her. 
And so, the then twenty one year old could only agree upon the proposal the first time they had met.
She didn't want to burden her family nor herself. And if using Bada was her way to achieve her dreams then so be it.
But she didn't know that it would've cost her freedom then.
Audrey was then harshly pulled out of her thoughts as quickly as it engulfed her in its depths earlier. 
Bada was saying something to her, she could hear the anguish in Bada's voice yet she couldn't form a coherent thought to even understand the older woman's words with her fucked out state of mind. It was too much, she was practically enclosed with Bada's body hovering her, Bada's sex induced musky scent ravaging her nose, her wrists pinned against the mattress as Bada eagerly fucked her aching cunt. It was just all too much for her already overwhelmed senses. 
Maybe it was a mistake to have abruptly kissed the older woman in an attempt to shut her up as they were in the middle of an argument an hour ago. But the devil on her shoulder had whispered into her ear… of how plump and dry Bada's lips were that she just wanted to wet and kiss them until they bleed. 
"I love you..." Bada confesses in between thrusts. It was at an odd timing but the ache within her was worse than a dull knife sawing back and forth. The perdued gash in her heart now gaping and bleeding excessively once again, it was getting hard to keep at bay. Felt like she just might die in her arms and in between her goddess's legs with how overwhelmed she was with their situation.
"And you… you love me." The older of the two says with so much conviction, that Audrey might just start believing it herself. 
"This is what you want, Audrey. I want this… and you want this too, right?" Bada asks in a tone that's akin to pleading this time. She didn't care if she sounded desperate for the younger woman's admittance. Not when she was mercilessly ramming into that tight sopping pussy of hers.
"Nghhh… Fuck… A-ah… I don't…" Audrey tries to defy Bada's words in between her moans but her scorned wife's relentless thrusts were hindering her to speak coherently. And so all she could do was helplessly pant and moan, basically writhing under Bada's doing. Her face contorted in a way that only a woman who had reached heaven and the above could be able to do so. 
And perhaps Bada did just bring her the heaven that she so desperately sought after in the arms of others that isn't her wife's. And the realization only left a bitter taste in her pretty mouth. She didn't want this, she didn't want Bada in her bed fucking her so ruthlessly; they slept in different rooms for a reason. But her stupid cunt had a mind of its own and said otherwise. She could feel herself getting wetter by the second and each thrust making her want to claw Bada's back even more if the older woman’s hands just weren't restricting her to do so.
Maybe Bada's grandmother was right after all. The old woman, the current matriarch of the Lee clan, had read her deceivingly angelic face so easily. It was a simple glance but she had read her with frightening accuracy when they had met during the first day of her and Bada's formal engagement. The old woman had said it to her almost accusingly, she felt like she was a witch about to be hung then. Unable to deflect the stones of accusations that were thrown at her and she was forced to face right then and there. Maybe she was in fact a capricious girl that only stubbornly pursued the things she couldn't have, solely because she knew that it was an act of defiance against fate itself. 
"You don't what?" Bada asks in between her impetuous thrusts, her hips had a mind of its own at this point.
"You don't love me Audrey? Is that what you're saying? But you sure do love clenching on this cock though?" Bada taunts her wife, clearly trying to be a menace. Purposely trying to get under the skin of the woman under her who was basically devouring her hardened cock. And sure as she was, Audrey clenched tightly around her belittling divulgence. Bada doesn't want to hear anymore of the younger's rejection for her affinity towards her. She had been nothing but caring and nice towards her during their three month engagement and two years of one sided marriage. And for once she wanted to be truly selfish and show Audrey what she was truly made out of—greed, lust, and an insatiable hunger for her wife.
She then lets go of Audrey's now lightly bruised wrists and lifted Audrey's back a bit, supporting her upper body as she fucked into her relentlessly while making sure that Audrey sees how her own cunt feasted on Bada's impressively girthy cock. Her bodily fluids slicked up Bada's veiny rod with how much she was producing. The cock fucking her stupidly in question, was now slathered with a cream like white sticky fluid that was eventually formed with every hurried thrust that the older woman made. Her perky breasts littered with hickeys, jouncing with every wave of Bada's unabating plunge inside of her warm engulfing heat. 
It should be a disgusting scene to even lay her eyes upon but she indulges the site as her wife's cock vividly bulges against the skin of her belly. Bada's cock has basically impaled her, her feet hilted onto the mattress and making sure she propelled her throbbing cock into Audrey's now loose cunt sucking her in without fail. She was practically kissing Audrey's womb with her tip and Audrey could only whine and moan out of euphoria.
She and Bada may not meet eye to eye but their nether regions surely did meet more than that.
Was it truly selfish of her if she wanted to inflict the same pain Audrey had caused her for once? Was it truly cruel of her if she wanted to feel the tight heat of her cunt and savor her warm embrace for a moment at least? Bada thinks to herself as she continues fuck Audrey dumb. 
Bada didn't want to succumb into the angst of it all but she couldn't help it. She couldn't make Audrey fall for her no matter how hard she tried. Was she lacking? Did she do something wrong? Does Audrey hold a grudge against her for her unknown wrongdoing?  
She wanted to yearn for her for far longer, she wanted to take her time, she wanted Audrey to fall for her on her own terms, but all that she had planned were simply thrown out of the window as soon as Audrey's tight wet cunt swallowed her wholly without any resistance earlier. As they had done it sporadically, whenever Audrey drunkenly wanted to release some tension off her tiny body after a long day of dancing. It was never for Bada's taking, it was always Audrey's and Bada happily pleased her like a dog with a bone. 
Truthfully, Bada wanted to kill herself whenever she saw Audrey be happy with another's company that isn't her's. She wanted the ground to devour her whole, whenever Audrey spared another lad or lass with her infectious laughter and smile. She wanted to rip them off the soil that they so confidently stood at, with any makeshift tool for violence she could hold onto at that moment. No one deserved Audrey's sickeningly sweet smile, melodious laughter, nor even her mere mesmerizing gaze. Not even Bada who was her own wife.
She knew that their arrangement wasn't a savory one, it never was but did Audrey really hate her that much? 
She wanted this to be a punishment of some sort. A warning even. Of how she was capable of being as callous and cruel as Audrey was… but it felt like she was the one getting played instead. 
The sound of their skins stridently slapping against each other, and the younger woman's wanton moans and whines just felt more like a sound of victory to her. 
And it made her face the debauched truth, that she still would be on her knees even if the curly haired beauty in front of her did not like her in one bit. She was a slave to her and her desires, a mere porcelain doll to show off to whoever visits them that is. Just like what she had claimed the older woman to be on the first night of their marriage.
And she wholeheartedly accepted it this time. That she was Audrey's marionette and that she'll gladly be manipulated by her time and time again. A simple glance, a simple touch, a simple word of acknowledgement, a simple invitation to her bed, and everything that Audrey had to offer to her even if it was to make her drink her spit,  blood, and cum… Bada made sure that she was at Audrey's beck and call. Audrey held her strings and she gladly danced along with every motion the younger woman did, it was a silent tango of their own. One that she only knew about.
Bada's movements became hard and hurried, slowly losing the rhythm that she had managed to attain a few moments ago. Desperately trying to reach her climax to the point that it made Audrey reach hers, her eyes almost rolling to the back of her beautiful head and her arms flaccidly hanging on Bada's neck as she did. 
Soon enough, Audrey was met with a warm fluid nearly filling her insides full. Bada came so much that she swears she could physically feel her belly be distended. Courtesy of Bada's cock brutishly fucking her insides to habituate her with the profuse amount of seed she had lodged inside of Audrey's canal. Essentially marking her as hers not just from the outside with her graphically bruised and hickeyed skin that one would think a hyena attacked her, but on the inside as well. The younger woman could only instinctively lock her leg around Bada's hips, keeping her wife's cum from dripping entirely onto the already dampened sheets of her coquettishly furnished pink bed. 
She wanted to forget it all, shame and embarrassment permeated throughout her whole body but Bada was the type to not let her evade her so easily. She had expected for them to not even last a few months with her harsh treatment towards the older woman. Yet, here they were, two years into a marriage she never fully agreed upon on, even in its earlier stages of their arrangement. 
Their marriage was a testament to Bada's unyielding desire and devotion to her. And she could only hope that the fire in Bada's heart would soon wane out but to her dismay, it had not. At least not in the two years and three months they've been forcibly paired together.
Audrey could only aimlessly look at the woman on top of her as exhaustion dawns at her. Bada had always held this sort of insanity in the gleam of her eyes. Perhaps it was the sharp look of her already fox-like eyes, her eyebrows furrowed, and jaw clenched harshly whenever she was staring at her too intently. Almost threatening to consume Audrey whole if she could. Her piercing gaze sent off alarming signals, but it was honestly more of a chill that crept up and sent a shiver down to the spine of whomever it was Audrey was talking to. 
Before her pretty mouth could even say anything else. Bada's lips had already been pressed against hers, capturing her in another shape, way, and form. Audrey slumps even further with Bada's lips consuming her, always failing to get away from the older woman's captivity. If Bada truly had her way, then she wouldn't be too surprised if she just decides to hold her hostage one day. Have her tied and restricted to her bed, only to be let out whenever she sees fit. To be bred to the point that Audrey is physically unable to close her legs and clench her cunt, only for it to be left quivering and gaping in thin air. That… she silently fears one day and only hardens her resolve to never fall for the older woman's vulnerability to her.
But Audrey no longer defies when her wife slips her tongue in between her soft slobbered lips. Audrey was too tired to fight back and to assert her dominance in between their ragged breaths. And so she lets Bada take her this time as she sloppily fucks the copious amount of cum she had spilled inside of Audrey's cunt over and over again. Audrey could only feel a mix of her and Bada's cum run down in between her ass, down to the pink floral sheets of her already soiled bed. 
When all is said and done then they will talk but for now… Audrey lays helplessly limp on her bed as Bada greedily seizes hold of her body and mind.  Her wife chanting praises of some sort, almost like a requiem to her now spent and marked body reeking nothing but of sex. 
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auliisflower · 11 months
Kirsten Dodgen x F!Reader
“C’mon, don’t look at me like that, Baby.”
A wild heartstealer idol named Yang Y/N and a globally famous dancer named Kirsten Dodgen is a pretty good duo for a power couple, don’t you think? One can only wonder how the korean public will take the news that a dancer from New Zealand can tame the all-famous idol Yang Y/n. Will life let them have their way or will the public eye force another idol between the two who they think will fit Y/n better?
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(HELLOOOOO!!!! I’ll be posting this soon, I promise 😭🫶🏻 But for now, let’s keep you on the edge of your seat because that’s more fun HEHEHSHSB BUT ANYWAYS I’LL HOPE YOU ENJOY THIS I’LL POST THE FULL THING MAYBE ON TUESDAY)
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ciades · 11 months
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BADA LEE FANFICTION COMING SOON TO WATTPAD + TUMBLR!! click here for my wattpad profile <3
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abravesoul03 · 6 months
hiiiii, are you planning to write for audrey soon?
Hi there my dear lovely ~
Hmm For Audrey huh? Maybe I will start soon. Whenever before writing for a person I will always try understand them first. For Audrey I'll still some time but I'll start posting for her too soon!!! ❤️❤️❤️
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