#Audrey lane angst
forbebeandjam · 5 months
Amnesia | Audrey Lane x Fem Reader | Angst
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Summary: You saved the love of your life only to forget her after the tragedy.
Word Count: 2.6k
Warnings: really angst. Head injury and lung disease mentioned.
A/N: Once again, angst is not my strong point but I felt inspired. Sorry for making Audrey’s stories sad! I’ll make a different one. I promise!!!
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"Miss Y/N, Happy Birthday! Good to see you up and walking today," the nurse said as she entered the room you were in. You looked out of the window looking for the one person that visited you every day.
"Hi, I'm not really hungry," you said still looking out of the window.
"I didn't come to feed you. You had this delivered for you," the nurse said and you snapped your head back. The nurse was holding a card. You used your left hand to grip the IV pole and walked toward the nurse.
The name was imprinted on the letter and you quickly opened the letter.
「 Dear Y/N,
Every day I am filled with hope to see you again. And today wasn't any different. I got up and got ready to go see you. Today is your special day after all.
Sadly, I had to go on a trip to take over one of your classes and performances. I won't be back for a month. I will send you pictures in hopes that you can recover quickly. Your students and fans miss you and I miss you more than ever.
Write me back so I can know you got my letter and please try to make the best of today. I'll come back. Just wait for me.
Happy Birthday! 」
A single tear rolled out of your eye. You felt frustrated. Every day you tried your best to remember her but there were no memories of anything before the accident.
"Come here! It's going to be fun!" you said as she held your hand.
"I don't know... I don't like rock climbing. I'm not agile like you," she said but you turned to kiss her cheek.
"We will do it together. I got you, baby. I won't let anything bad happen to you," you said and she smiled brightly. She quickly perched your lips as you two got strapped up and hooked into the harness.
And you began climbing. You carefully placed your foot in the right places. You have done this thousands of times so it was easy for you. But for Audrey. Every step was sloppy and dangerous. You looked back at her to make sure that she was okay and her expression was more nervous every step up she would take.
"Okay, that's enough. Let's go down," You said when you noticed how scared she looked and she immediately nodded at your words. You were going down but you noticed her clip wasn't screwed all the way.
"Audrey... don't move," you said and she immediately froze in her spot.
"What's wrong?" She asked.
"It's okay. I just need to reach you and hook you up properly. Don't move," You said and she closed her eyes to let a deep breath out.
You tried to move close to her but at that moment the person in charge of her rope pulled her down thinking she was stuck and she let out a sharp scream. You panicked. You had never moved so fast in your life but in this moment, you wouldn't forgive yourself if you let something bad happen to her.
You quickly unhooked your equipment from the rope and reached out for her falling figure. You don't know how things happened but you managed to turn your bodies so the impact on the floor would be for you and she would land on top of you.
In a matter of seconds, you felt your body hit the floor, your head taking most of the impact and with great pain, you gripped your head. The last thing you saw was Audrey calling your name with a bleeding lip.
The next thing you know is that you are in a hospital bed and you remember nothing. You looked around and nothing was familiar to you. You wondered why there was a small girl sitting on a chair holding your hand.
After a few panic attacks, the doctors and nurses managed to explain to you that you had amnesia. Audrey never once stopped visiting you and sometimes you would deny seeing anyone due to your frustration and depression having to be stuck at a hospital but you couldn't leave. Regardless, Audrey would sit next to you just to keep you company.
One day you spotted her come in the room with red eyes and a stuffy nose. She sniffled but gave you the brightest smile as soon as your eyes landed on her. She took a seat next to you and started reading a book to you like she always would but her voice was different. You could tell she had been crying a lot.
"Why do you keep coming? It's only hurting you. I will never be able to remember. The doctors told you, didn't they?" You asked and she nodded.
"You... you are the reason I am here today. How could I just leave you like that? If it weren't for you I... I probably wouldn't be alive anymore," she said as several tears started to escape her eyes and her voice cracked.
"Then please don't be sad. I don't want you to be sad. I want you to live a good life. I don't know what we were or who you really are since you refuse to tell me but... tomorrow is my birthday and we can talk about all of those things. You've been coming here for three years already so, why don't we start over?" You said and she broke down once more.
She cried harder than ever but there was a smile painted on her face. After reading to you, you fell asleep.
(End of flashback)
Your eyes were widened. All of the memories of that beautiful girl came back to you. You smiled brightly and cried till you couldn't cry anymore. The nurse walked in with a small cake in her hands and you smiled at her.
"I remember her. I know who she is... I know who Audrey Lane is to me. She's my best friend. She's the love of my life. I need to find her," you tried tonight to get up but the nurse stopped you.
"You have no idea how happy I am for you but... I can't let you go. I'm sorry. We need to keep running tests and your parents want you to be here until they think you are stable," she said.
"That's bullshit. I can't even remember having parents. They are like strangers to me and I am twenty years old. I want to go," you said as you wiped your eyes aggressively.
"Let's wait. You have a few more treatments and then you can go. I promise I'll get you out of here," the nurse said.
So you waited. A month went by and you eagerly waited for Audrey. She didn't show up. You didn't receive another letter.
Things began to get more complicated with your health. Your depression got worse as the treatments failed. Nothing they tried would help you regain your memory and there was no explanation for why you only remembered Audrey.
Your parents tried everything but you only hated them more for keeping you locked in the hospital acting as if you had a disability.
One year. Two years. Three years. She didn't show up. She never came back and you were scared.
What if bad something happened to her? You needed to get out of there and you were determined to do so whether anyone liked it or not.
One night, you removed the IV tube from your arm and pulled out a change of clothes from your bag. You slipped on your shoes and a hoodie.  You grabbed your phone and wallet before quickly walking out of the room past your mom and the nurses.
No one seemed to recognize you until you bumped into the nurse who took care of you. She widened her eyes and you begged her with your eyes to stay quiet.
Suddenly, you heard your so-called mom calling your name from down the hall. You bit your lip as the nurse helped you get up.
"Go. I'll hold her up. Hurry!" she said as she slightly pushed you. You smiled brightly and ran out of the door. Once you had made it a bit far, you turned on the phone and looked through the message of you and Audrey.
You smiled at the cuteness of her messages and finally came across an address. You weren't sure that you would find her there but you would at least try.
You took a taxi and your palms began to sweat as you got out of the car. It was a dance studio. The dance studio from your memories. Where you and Adurey first met each other and where you gave her first kiss.
Your heart was beating faster than ever as you walked in and walked through the halls making heads turn your way. You didn't say anything and kept walking. You finally spotted a familiar figure. She was dancing with her back facing the door and an airpod in.
You closely watched her dance and you remembered how you two would dance together and would end up asleep on the floor while listening to music together.
You were about to push the door open when a girl suddenly walked in after saying excuse me. Audrey turned to her and gave her a kiss... on the lips. You felt your heart shatter to pieces when you saw her kneel down on the floor and pull out a ring from her pocket.
The worst part was her nodding and launching herself onto her arms. You felt pain in your chest and you gripped it. You prayed that you were dreaming. You wanted to wake up from this horrible nightmare.
"Y/N?" you heard her voice call and you quickly ran away.
The most painful scene flashed before your eyes and you felt like throwing up. You rushed back to the hospital when the pain wouldn't leave your chest. Your eyes were cloudy and the air in your lungs was gone.
You could see the panic in the driver's eyes as you tried to regain your breath but nothing worked. You swore you felt like your heart stopped beating and when you finally made it to the hospital, you collapsed right in front of the entrance.
"There is no way to sugarcoat this. You're sick. Terminally ill. You only have about a week to live. Sorry," the doctor said. After all of these years, they finally told you that you had been kept in this facility to keep you alive from a growing lung disease you had treatment for at the age of fifteen.
They had kept you connected and medicated to keep you living for longer but nothing was responding and there was no hope for you. Not that you wanted any. You didn't want to keep living in a world where you didn't have Audrey but you also didn't want to hurt her. So you took a pen and wrote her a letter.
A heartfelt with the most honest words you could. Every day, you would spend your days and nights watching her dance videos and making little starts out of paper strings.
You made amends with your parents even if you didn't remember them and you went on walks with them every day.
This continued for exactly seven days. On that last day, a Sunday, you felt your limbs go numb. Your vision was blurry and you were drowsy due to the medicine given for the pain.
"Please. Please give her this and make sure she knows that I love her. Make sure she knows how much I love her and how sorry I am. Please," A single tear escaped your eyes.
"Don't worry, honey. I will make sure. You can rest now," your mom said and you finally let eternal slumber take you away. Your last thought being if that beautiful girl that made you feel so alive. You felt it for the last time and it felt so good...
Your mom asked for your letter and other items to be delivered to Audrey a few months after her wedding. She knew you'd never want to interfere with Audrey's honeymoon.
Audrey held the box in her hands with a confused expression. She didn't know why a strange person was sending her something but she assumed it was a late wedding present or something for her wife.
When she opened the box, she saw a jar wrapped in bubble wrap with the paper stars you handmade for her. She looked at it with care and set it down next to her.
Then she took hold of the letter and her eyes filled with tears when she saw your name written on the envelope in your beautiful cursive hand writing.
The carefully opened it and unfolded the paper.
「 Dear Audrey,
By the time you read this I will probably be resting in peace. That letter you sent was the most beautiful thing I have ever received for my birthday. I hope it makes you happy to know that thanks to that letter, I was able to remember you.
I especially remembered that day I asked you to be my girlfriend and you cried in my arms for about five minutes. I also remembered the time I saved you from your worst nightmare but I don't want to talk about that.
I just wanted to let you know that you were the one I thought about since my twentieth birthday. I would be lying if I said I wasn't a bit resented when I you never came back even after waiting for three years. However, I am so happy for your wedding. I'm sure you saw me that day you got proposed to. I was really happy that day even if it I was hurting. I am just happy you could finally move on. Turns out that the lung disease was growing back from when I was fifteen. I'm sorry I can't be with you since I only have a few more days to live.
I wish I could see you in that beautiful wedding gown because I know you're just going to look amazing.
So, I am writing this letter to let you know that even till my last breath you will be the only one on my mind and if I had to save you again, I would do it with no hesitation. I would do it just to see that sweet smile on your face. Those beautiful eyes and those sweet lips that made me feel alive.
Please be happy. Enjoy your life and build a family like you always dreamt of doing. I wish you the best, baby. Please don't be sad for too long. I'll always be watching over you no matter where you are.
P.S. every time you feel like you can't do it, grab a star and open it. I'll have a little reminder for you. 」
Audrey was sobbing and screaming by the end of your letter. She took a deep breath and tried to regulate her breathing. She felt like she should've stayed by you instead of getting carried away by her friend's words.
"I'm sorry! I'm so sorry, baby!" She shouted. A string of her saliva poured from her lips and her tears were uncontrollable. After a few more minutes. She managed to stop her tears and hugged the jar with stars. Paper starts she had taught you to do.
She opened the jar, grabbed a small star, and started to unravel it. A wide smile was painted across her lips as she read it.
*Dry those eyes. They are too pretty to cry. Keep me in your heart instead, as I whisper "you got this, baby. I am right here with you"*
Thank you for reading 🩷
「 ✦ Audrey’s Tag List ✦ 」
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abravesoul03 · 9 months
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- 10:14 (smut 🔥⚠️)
- 11:31 (fluff 🐻🍭)
- Blue Plush & Cotton Candy (fluff🐻🍭)
- how would GP!Tatter's cock and behaviour during sex be like? (smut🔥⚠️)
- 18:18 (smut🔥⚠️)
- How would Tatter kiss you?(fluff🐻🍭)
- 15:09 (smut🔥⚠️)
- 1:21 (smut 🔥⚠️)
- Loving Her was A Sin, Finding You was A Blessing(fluff🐻🍭 - Angst🦋❤️‍🩹)
- Pretty Lady, Your Perfect to Me (slight angst🦋❤️‍🩹)
<( ̄︶ ̄)><( ̄︶ ̄)><( ̄︶ ̄)><( ̄︶ ̄)><( ̄)
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- Pretty Little Liar (Night club au) [ft. Yumeri]
- Pretty Little Liar (Night club au) [ft. Momo]
( ꈍᴗꈍ)( ꈍᴗꈍ)( ꈍᴗꈍ)( ꈍᴗꈍ)( ꈍᴗꈍ)( ꈍᴗꈍ)( ꈍ)
- How would G!P Noze cock and behaviour be like during sex?!(SMUT🔥⚠️)
- Consider it as a second birthday gift (SMUT🔥⚠️)
- How did you guys meet & who confessed first.(Fluff 🐻🍭)
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rc-catalog · 2 months
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🖊️: fanfiction; 🖼️: moodboard; 🎨: art/edit; 🧵: web weaving; 👥: character profile
Rating: General, Teen, Mature, Explicit
On Anna and Lane by @webanglikethat |🧵| G
Unwanted Thoughts by @zumitry |🖊️| Lane x Dmitry | TW: angst, mentions of anxiety, parental trauma, mentions of insecurities | T
Just Doing Laundry With You by @agattthaa |🖊️| Lane x Anna | TW: mention of absent parents | T
Warm by @agattthaa |🖊️| T
Unspoken Feelings by @zumitry |🖊️| TW: angst, anxiety, mention of blood, fear of abandonment, mentions of dying | T
Pretenses by @nepthys-merenset |🖊️| T
On Saraswati and Devi by @webanglikethat |🧵| G
On Ram and Devi by @webanglikethat |🧵| TW: mention of death | G
Just For Tonight by @agattthaa |🖊️| Nova x Vesper | T
Vesper x Nova by @liykaii |🖼️| G
Burn by @agattthaa |🖊️| Audrey x Cassiel | T
Trastevere by @sonofenki |🖊️| Audrey x Cassiel | T
Gabriel Grant x Amala Basu by @a-cloud-for-dreams |🖼️| T
Lima Berg by @haruyuki-sakura |🎨| G
Eva x Set by @raleigh-edward |🖼️| G
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vex91 · 3 months
Street Woman Fighter Masterlist
(f) - fluff, (a) - angst, (af) - angst + fluff, (s) - smut
Shin Jungwoo:
Nothing yet...
Jeong Hanee:
Nothing yet...
Jo Kayoung:
Nothing yet...
Jo Hyowon:
Nothing yet...
Kang Hyein:
Nothing yet...
Choi Hyojin:
Nothing yet...
Shin Gabee:
Nothing yet...
Bada Lee:
Nothing yet...
Noh Jihye:
Nothing yet...
Shim Heejung:
Nothing yet...
Jo Eungyu:
Nothing yet...
Kirsten Dodgen:
Nothing yet...
Lee Leejung:
Nothing yet...
Shin Soobin:
Nothing yet...
Kim Yeri:
Nothing yet...
Song Hyemin:
Nothing yet...
Lee Seoyoung:
Nothing yet...
Kim Taeyoung:
Nothing yet...
Emma Huch:
Nothing yet...
Audrey Lane:
Nothing yet...
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paeonia-imagines · 3 years
[on indefinite hiatus for now, sorry. personal life and all]
Y’all can call me Paeonia/Peony/Paeo. I write x reader headcanons and ficlets for Danganronpa, FNF, Sanders Sides, DDLC, Huniepop, and Octopath Traveler.
Here’s my masterlist
Here’s the anon list
(More submission info under the cut)
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What I Will Not Write:
- Hifumi, Teruteru, Tsumugi, and Haiji (DR)
- NSFW (might include suggestive content depending on what I’m comfortable with)
- Mental illness (unless I have enough info to accurately portray it)
- Character ships (unless it involves self-insert)
- OCs
- Any characters from DR3 (I haven’t seen it and I don’t plan to)
- Y//ndere shit
What I Will Write (italicised characters are platonic only)
- Fluff and hurt/comfort
- Also angst
- AUs (if I have enough info about it and am comfortable with it)
- Any headcanons for characters that you want me to include
- Polyamory
- Any non-blacklisted characters (excluding DR3)
- Junko (but any requests for her will be written as non-despair)
- WoH
(Friday Night Funkin’)
- BF/Cole, GF/Lucy, Skid, Pump, and Senpai + these mod characters:
Sarvente, Ruvyzvat, Selever, Rasazy [Mid Fight Masses], Sky [vs Sky], Myra [vs Mystic Myra], Filip [vs Filip], Yukichi [Cosmo Calamity], Kou [Kepler Observation Unit], Lane [Night of the Funky Bot], Pompom [vs Pompom], CJ, and Ruby [Starlight Mayhem]
(Sanders Sides)
- Any characters
(Doki Doki Literature Club)
- Sayori, Yuri, Natsuki, and Monika
- Audrey, Tiffany, Nikki, Momo, Lillian, Zoey, and Sarah
(Octopath Traveler)
- Cyrus, Tressa, Primrose, Alfyn, Therion, and H’aanit
Characters I would love to write for (these will likely take priority)
- Himiko (DRv3)
- Logan (SS)
- Cyrus, Therion, and H’aanit (OT)
I also do matchups for Danganronpa, Sanders Sides, and Huniepop
Request a fandom and list your gender, sexual orientation, a general description of your personality, and what traits you desire in a partner (along with any traits or characters you don’t want to be matched with).
I do kin assignments for all my fandoms
Request a fandom and describe your personality and I’ll kin assign you. If there are any characters you don’t want to be kin assigned, feel free to list those as well.
BTW, please don’t be afraid to send in requests/questions or ask me to tag something if it bothers you. :)
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ao3feed-brucewayne · 4 years
Hero's of the Future
read it on the AO3 at https://ift.tt/36Chhrh
by Puzzleshipping_16
After the battle with Darkseid & the "death" of Lex Luthor, the Justice League was with it's usual business. Until, a distressed signal rained from Metropolis & a certain group of heroes go to check it out. Only to see nothing, until a boom-tube like hole appeared & captured all of our heroes. They thought it may be Darkseid, maybe he had survived?!
However, instead of a fearsome enemy of theirs, it's instead...a couple of teenagers?!! And, why is it the year 2033?!!!
Follow our heroes as they not only save the future, but see what they're futures offer them as well.
Words: 175, Chapters: 1/?, Language: English
Fandoms: Justice League & Justice League Unlimited (Cartoons), Batman - All Media Types, Superman - All Media Types, Young Justice (Cartoon)
Rating: Teen And Up Audiences
Warnings: Major Character Death
Categories: Gen, Other
Characters: Bruce Wayne, Clark Kent, Kon-El | Conner Kent, Damian Wayne, Diana (Wonder Woman), Dinah Lance, John Stewart (DCU), Shayera Hol, J'onn J'onzz, Wally West, Huntress (DCU), The Question (DCU), Oliver Queen, Original Female Character(s), Audrey (Justice League: Maid of Honor), M'gann M'orzz, Vigilante (DCU), Jason Todd, Tim Drake, Jon Lane Kent, Darkseid (DCU), Zatanna Zatara
Relationships: Clark Kent/Bruce Wayne, Shayera Hol/John Stewart, Wally West/Original Female Character(s), J'onn J'onzz/Original Female Character(s), Huntress/Question, Dinah Lance/Oliver Queen, Audrey (Justice League: Maid of Honor)/Diana (Wonder Woman), John Constantine/Zatanna Zatara
Additional Tags: Romance, Teen Romance, Angst, Family Feels, Blood and Injury, Violence, Scars, Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder - PTSD, Self-Hatred, Connor Deserves Happiness, lets just say some messed up things to the kids will happen, mainly batman's & superman's daughter, Team as Family, Ignore the "lane" part or that Lois is his mom, for the sake of my story, Teen Angst, For now ignore the exist of Batman beyond for the story, and ignore the existence of The Once and Future Thing part 1 & 2
read it on the AO3 at https://ift.tt/36Chhrh
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ao3feed-batcat · 4 years
Awakening the Phoenix Within
read it on the AO3 at https://ift.tt/3gu3qHC
by Machijc021599
All hell broke loose in Marinette’s life since the events of Miracle Queen. Everything in her life goes downhill, Adrien is dating Kagami, Lila & Chloe becomes the center of the frustration venting, making her life as a civilian life a living hell. With Chloe she gave more insults whereas Lila spreads bad rumors about Marinette thus planting seeds of doubt on everyone about her reputation. So with the kwamis' help, she teleports to the temple to continue her guardian training there, leaving all that she knows behind her. After her training, she goes on a soul searching journey around the world meeting people, developing her skill all while occasionally teleporting back to Paris for akuma fights.
Words: 1605, Chapters: 1/?, Language: English
Series: Part 1 of Journey of a Guardian
Fandoms: Miraculous Ladybug, Marvel Cinematic Universe, DCeased (DC Comics)
Rating: Teen And Up Audiences
Warnings: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings
Categories: F/F, F/M, Gen, M/M, Multi
Characters: Marinette Dupain-Cheng | Ladybug, Adrien Agreste | Chat Noir, Chloé Bourgeois, Allan (Miraculous Ladybug), Allegra (Miraculous Ladybug), Claude (Miraculous Ladybug), Gabriel Agreste | Papillon | Hawk Moth, Nathalie Sancoeur, Alya Césaire, Nino Lahiffe, Juleka Couffaine, Rose Lavillant, Mylène Haprèle, Sabrina Raincomprix, Lila Rossi, Nathaniel Kurtzberg, Ivan Bruel, Lê Chiến Kim, Max Kanté, Alix Kubdel, Kagami Tsurugi, Wayhem (Miraculous Ladybug), Aurore Beauréal, Mireille Caquet, Ondine (Miraculous Ladybug), Marc Anciel, Luka Couffaine, Tom Dupain, Sabine Cheng, Tomoe Tsurugi, Anarka Couffaine, Le Gorille | Adrien Agreste's Bodyguard, Jagged Stone (Miraculous Ladybug), Penny Rolling, Clara Nightingale, Prince Ali (Miraculous Ladybug), Nadja Chamack, Manon Chamack, Roger Raincomprix, Audrey Bourgeois, André Bourgeois, André Glacier, Rolland Dupain, Gina Dupain, Lila Rossi's Mother, Caline Bustier, Ms. Mendeleiev (Miraculous Ladybug), Principal Damocles (Miraculous Ladybug), Ella Césaire, Etta Césaire, Nora Césaire, Otis Césaire, Marlena Césaire, Chris Lahiffe, Félix Graham de Vanily, Amélie Graham de Vanily, Emilie Agreste, Marianne Lenoir, Master Fu (Miraculous Ladybug), Tikki (Miraculous Ladybug), Plagg (Miraculous Ladybug), Nooroo (Miraculous Ladybug), Duusu (Miraculous Ladybug), Trixx (Miraculous Ladybug), Wayzz (Miraculous Ladybug), Pollen (Miraculous Ladybug), Mullo (Miraculous Ladybug), Stompp (Miraculous Ladybug), Fluff (Miraculous Ladybug), Roaar (Miraculous Ladybug), Sass (Miraculous Ladybug), Longg (Miraculous Ladybug), Kaalki (Miraculous Ladybug), Ziggy (Miraculous Ladybug), Orikko (Miraculous Ladybug), Barkk (Miraculous Ladybug), Daizzi (Miraculous Ladybug), Xuppu (Miraculous Ladybug), Nick Fury, SHIELD Agents & Staff, Tony Stark, Peter Parker, Pepper Potts, Morgan Stark (Marvel Cinematic Universe), Carol Danvers, Steve Rogers, Thor (Marvel), Natasha Romanov (Marvel), Clint Barton, Bruce Banner, Vision (Marvel), Wanda Maximoff, T'Challa (Marvel), Shuri (Marvel), Stephen Strange, Scott Lang, Hope Van Dyne, Avengers Team (MCU), The Team (Young Justice), Justice League (DCU), Bruce Wayne, Selina Kyle, Dick Grayson, Koriand'r (DCU), Mar'i Grayson, Tim Drake, Jason Todd, Damian Wayne, Raven (DCU), Barbara Gordon, Jim Gordon, Stephanie Brown, Cassandra Cain, Alfred Pennyworth, Harleen Quinzel, Pamela Isley, Gotham City Police Department Officers, Rogues Gallery (Batman), Clark Kent, Lois Lane, Jon Lane Kent, Diana (Wonder Woman), Hippolyta (Wonder Woman), Order of the Guardians (Miraculous Ladybug), Edna Mode, Original Miraculous Ladybug Character(s), Original Miraculous Holder Character(s), Original Akumatized Character(s)
Relationships: Sabine Cheng/Tom Dupain, Penny Rolling/Jagged Stone, Chloé Bourgeois/Marinette Dupain-Cheng | Ladybug, Allegra/Chloé Bourgeois, Selina Kyle/Bruce Wayne, Clark Kent/Lois Lane, Adrien Agreste | Chat Noir & Marinette Dupain-Cheng | Ladybug, Plagg/Tikki (Miraculous Ladybug), Tim Drake/Dick Grayson/Jason Todd/Damian Wayne, Dick Grayson & Mar'i Grayson & Koriand'r, Pepper Potts/Tony Stark, Peter Parker/Tony Stark
Additional Tags: Guardian Marinette Dupain-Cheng, Abandonment, Betrayal, Fluff and Angst, New Miraculous Holders, Badass Marinette Dupain-Cheng | Ladybug, Hurt Marinette Dupain-Cheng | Ladybug, Time Travel, World Travel, Mystery, Post-Episode: s03 Miracle Queen (The Battle of the Miraculous Part 2), Aged-Up Character(s), Miraculous Ladybug Love Square, Kwami & Miraculous Lore, Bad Parenting, Bullying, Identity Reveal, Final Battle, Time Skips, Nightmares, Flashbacks, Chloé Bourgeois Redemption, Lila Rossi Bashing, Lila Rossi's Lies Are Exposed, Lila Rossi Lies, Yandere, class salt
read it on the AO3 at https://ift.tt/3gu3qHC
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Below the cut are various plots I would like to do. If anyone is interested in taking on one of them, please shoot me a message. I hope that you all find something that piques your interest, and that everyone will want to join me in plotting. I’ll mark out plots as they get taken, so people are up to date. In the meantime you can check out my what I do page and possibly send me some requests and ask while you’re at it. Thank you for looking!
Book Inspired Plots:
Harry Potter Series by JK Rowling: I am up for some many different kinds of Harry Potter plots. I love these characters and this world immensely. I am totally open to both canons and original characters.
It by Stephen King: So I adore the movie and the book a lot, and I need a Ben and Bev 1x1 in my life. Can someone make this happen? Please? (Please let me use Jessica Chastain as older Bev.)
Macbeth by William Shakespeare: I just want a Macbeth and Lady Macbeth inspired ship because I am terrible.
Never Let Me Go by Kazuo Ishiguro: Let’s cry over clones and lost loves and maybe make a mumu or a small group together.
The Secret History by Donna Tartt: Please. I love this book. Obviously. I would love a small group that’s a murder clique. Could be canon or totally original characters.
Stephen King Inspired Plots: Just anything Stephen King inspired would do with me tbh. 
The Time Traveler’s Wife by Audrey Niffenegger: This book is angst personified and I just love it.
Wuthering Heights by Emily Bronte: I am gothic romantic trash and this book has been a favorite since I was 14. Come be trash for this book with me please.
Comic Book Inspired Plots:
Peter Parker/Mary Jane Watson 1x1: I have played Mary Jane before and I miss her. I would love to have a Peter to play opposite her again. So far I have Madelaine Petsch and Jessica Chastain planned for college-aged and older MJ.
Kate Bishop/Tommy Shepherd 1x1: I just love them. Kate is my baby. Tommy is precious. Let’s make it happen.
Movie Inspired Plots:
10 Cloverfield Lane: I love this movie and would adore something based on it. I think it would work well for a mumu/small group.
Ginger Snaps: Werewolves, sisters, drug dealers, and angst. Sign me up for this. We could even make this a mumu/small group. I’m game for either.
Basically anything from this list I wrote.
Musical Inspired Plots:
Little Shop of Horrors: Come be my Seymour and make me swoon. Audrey and Seymour were my first musical OTP. Anything based on them would be adorable.
Spring Awakening: A modern SA AU? Please. Ilse is my child. This would make one rad small group. People still say rad, right?
Song Inspired:
“From Eden” by Hozier: There is so much potential here, and I need it.
“Carin at the Liquor Store” by The National: This song owns me these days.
Television Show Inspired Plots:
Twin Peaks: Mumu or small group inspired by Twin Peaks and it’s characters? I think that would be one damn fine idea. 
Stranger Things: Give me high school Joyce and Hopper and 1983 Joyce and Hopper too. Please and thanks. 
The X-Files: Someone be the Mulder to my Scully or the Scully to my Mulder or someone who wants to go hunt aliens and all that jazz.
My plot ideas tag can be found here if none of these are interesting you. Thank you for looking!
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tqpannie · 7 years
Chapters: 11/11 Fandom: Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D. (TV) Rating: Explicit Relationships: Phil Coulson/Skye, Phil Coulson & Lola, Lola & Skye Additional Tags: Road Trips, Unresolved Sexual Tension, Resolved Sexual Tension, Slow Build, Phil Coulson's Trading Card Collection, Don't Touch Lola, Made Up Background, Angst, Slow Dancing, Talking, A lot of talking, Driving, Drunkenness, I KNOW NOTHING ABOUT AMERICA, (brief mention of harassment), Skye being the best thing ever, Coulson's ISSUES, Friends to Lovers, Fluff, Skye's POV, Coulson-centric, Age Difference, Older Man/Younger Woman, UST UST UST, past Skye/Miles, past Coulson/Audrey Summary:
Coulson enlists Skye's help to recover something he lost. He ends up finding something else instead. 
Or road trip!fic, in which there is driving, eating, dancing, a lot of talking, a concert, a mission, one visit to the local 7-eleven, a trip down memory lane, and the world's oldest road trip cliché.
I came across this story when I got up to do my breathing treatment at 4 am. This is fantastic-set post Season 1 and pre-Daisy getting her powers.  I found the use of the road trip to allow Coulson and Daisy to get to know each other so deeply was quite ingenious.   The author also does s great job with the characters voices.  Be sure to read all the italicizes paragraph in each chapter they tell a whole secondary story.
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forbebeandjam · 5 months
omg can't wait for audrey's!!!!! thank youuuuuu (⁠ʃ⁠ƪ⁠^⁠3⁠^⁠)
Fear | Audrey Lane x Fem Reader | Fluff
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Summary: a small misunderstanding leads you and your girlfriend, Audrey to end up on bad terms. Three months later, you realize how much you love each other.
Word count: 1.6k
Warnings: a bit angst. Brain tumor mention.
A/N: sorry if it’s a bit unrealistic. I know it’s not my best work. I’m not a medic or doctor… enjoyyyy •u•
You and Audrey had been working nonstop on a new K-pop choreography. Being a part of the Jam Republic dance crew has been a milestone in your career. You went from being a small and heavily criticized TikTok dancer who covered K-pop dance to a successful choreographer.
Having Nick reach out to you to be part of this project was perfect as he had also contacted your girlfriend, Audrey. You couldn't believe that you and Audrey got to dance together and spend time together as well.
However your schedules were packed and after the show, there were some things you two couldn't do together. She was booked doing the brand new show Street Dance Girls Fighter 2 and you were booked creating new choreographies and interviews.
One day you finally got to see her but you were too tired. She seemed to be really excited to hang out with you and you were just thinking of going home.
"What if we take a walk? and then we can go camping," she suggested but you shook your head.
"Sorry, Audrey. I'm drained and I just want to lay down," you said bluntly. One thing about you is that you could be very oblivious to others' feelings when you weren't feeling well... not to mention minor anger issues that almost caused you major trouble with Mannequeen.
"Well, what if we just go for some ice cream? Or maybe something to eat?" She said once again with her bubbly voice trying to get you out of bed and spend quality time together. It's Audrey. She was always bubbly and you lived for her but at this moment, tiredness hit you like a truck.
"Jeez, I said no. I'll just be in my room," you said in an aggravated tone leaving her behind on the couch.
You took painkillers for your headache and as you lay on your bed you heard soft sobs making your heart clench at the sounds. You know you fucked up. You promised to never make her cry and you just did. As you tried to get up to apologize, you felt your body collapse on the floor and you were unable to get up. Your vision immediately became dark.
You woke up and saw a bright light. You definitely weren't home. Your house was green and the lights were almost always dimmed. This room was too blue.
Your eyes tried to adjust and you groaned. You felt someone grip your hand tightly but the voice was almost unrecognizable as your ears also tried adjusting to the noise.
"Audrey..." was the first thing that escaped your lips. You called her name. You wanted to apologize and when your vision finally cleared up, you saw her sitting on the side of the hospital bed holding your hand and asking if you were okay. Her eyes were red and teary as well as her nose as she let out sniffles.
You felt your heart clench at her sight. You made her cry twice. You never meant for any of this to happen. As you tried to get up your poising headache pulled you back to the bed.
"I'm sorry. I'm sorry, baby. Please forgive me," you said as a tear escaped your eye. Her head shook repeatedly.
"Don't apologize. I didn't realize you felt this bad and I should've known. I should've made you rest and taken care of you," she said as she lowered her head.
"Audrey, it's okay. I'm okay, see?" You said as you kissed her hand.
"You're not. Sorry to tell you this ma'am but you have a brain tumor. You need surgery and treatment as well as absolute rest for around three months. We need to do this now or you might not make it another month," the doctor said. You didn't protest. You knew it would be best if you wanted to keep living the life that you have. You wanted to be with Audrey.
"Audrey?" You said when you saw how she was holding in her sobs and cries. She turned to look at you with red eyes and you began to cry as well.
"I love you. I love you so much and I will be with you forever," you said.
"Don't... it sounds like you're saying goodbye," she said.
"I know you have to catch a flight. You have to go back home. Go work on your projects, baby. And come back to me in three months," you said and she started to shake her head.
"I can't leave you. Who will take care of you? Who is going to make sure you're okay? I want to make sure you wake up and you can see me and..." you moved your hand on her cheek and she stopped talking. She shut her eyes tightly and pressed her lips on your hand.
"I will be okay, baby. I have to go now but never forget that I love you so much," you kissed her one last time before the nurse took you away.
(Three months later)
It was finally the day. The day Audrey would come back and you could be together again. This time you promised you would never let her go and would never make her cry.
You heard the doorbell and rushed to the door. You fixed my clothes and hair before taking a deep breath and finally took ahold of the doorknob. You twisted it and there she was. A big smile and a beautiful gold light radiating from her. Her eyes seemed to be teary and her smile was shaking.
She immediately dropped her bags and ran to you. She grabbed your face a kissed you tenderly. It was a long-awaited kiss. Three months felt like an eternity without her. How could someone live without that gorgeous smile? It's a smile you would die for.
"You have no idea how much I missed you," she said as she buried her face down your neck. Her sobs began to fill your ears and your tears began to roll down your face.
"I missed you too," you said as you kissed her head.
"How about we get out of here? I have a surprise for you," you said and she looked at you with a confused expression.
"But you need to rest more. What if-" Audrey started but you stopped her by shaking your head.
"I'm okay. We aren't doing anything that might be straining. Let's go," you said as you put on your shoes and jacket and walked out of the door with her. She was too quiet for your liking but you didn't say anything as you saw her fidgeting with her hands in the car. You knew she was nervous.
After around thirty minutes you arrived at a camping site and got out of the car to open her door. A small smile was painted on her lips.
"You didn't forget about the camping date?" She asked.
"I could never forget about your favorite thing. Your pink curly hair, the sweet perfume you use, the way you move when you dance. It's all engraved in my head. Let's set up and watch a movie," you said as you walked to get our things from the trunk.
A few hours later you had everything set up and ate dinner. The sun was starting to slowly set creating a beautiful orange and pink hue in the sky. Audrey was silently sitting on a chair looking at the sky as she took small sips of her tea. Your biggest fears began to fill your head like poison.
'Does she not love me anymore? Is there someone else? Did she find someone that treats her better?'
"Audrey, come here," you said and she turned to you. She stood up and placed her mug on the chair. As she walked to you, you immediately cupped her face with your warm hands and planted a kiss on her lips.
"Whatever is on your mind, tell me," you said as you broke the kiss.
"It's just all surreal. I thought I was going to lose you and not being able to contact you due to work was killing me and now that I'm here, I just feel like I should've been here all along," she said.
You immediately connected your forehead to hers. You wanted her to forget about everything and anything that happened in the past.
"Baby, you're here now and I couldn't ask for more. You're all I need and I just want to be with you. Enjoy the moment, my sweet girl," you said and kissed her forehead.
That seemed to make all of her worries melt away. Her mind was clear and her heart warm. She smiled brightly for the first time and a small tear escaped her eye. You kissed it dry and she let out a small giggle that melted your heart.
Setting up for bed was quick and soon you realized that you had forgotten her sleeping bag back home. You scratched your head and chuckled nervously.
"Sorry, babe. I forgot your sleeping bag," you said.
"It's okay. We can sleep in the same one," she said as she got situated. She looked up at you and you nodded. You got inside the bag and spooned her, sharing the warmth of your body as a movie played on your iPad.
Suddenly, she turned to face you, completely ignoring the movie. You were lost in her eyes and you shared a moment of silence.
She reached to peck your lips and you finally saw her purest smile.
"I don't know how I managed to be with you for so long. I'll never leave you again. Promise you'll never scare me like that again," she said as she buried her face in your chest.
"I'm sorry baby, I'll never do it again..."
There was a small pause and you pulled back from the hug.
"We fit perfectly in this sleeping bag don't you think?" You asked.
"Yes. We are perfect," she said before snuggling close to you.
“I love you,” You kissed her forehead and you both drifted into a deep slumber.
Thank you for reading!!🩷
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forbebeandjam · 6 months
⋆ ✮ Master List ✮⋆
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R- Request | OG- Original work | C- Collaboration
STEP | Bada Lee x Fem reader | 21+ OG
My Sleepy Head Pt. 1 | Minah Lee x Fem Reader | fluff OG
My Sleepy Head Pt. 2 | Minah Lee x Fem Reader | 21+ OG
Kiss & Makeup | Bada Lee x Fem Reader | fluff OG
She’s So Cute! | Sowon x Fem reader | fluff OG
Bites & Nibbles | Bada Lee x Fem Reader | smutty fluff R
The Perfect Stalker | Bada Lee x Fem Reader | 21+ R
Baby Mine | Bada Lee g!p x Fem Reader | smutty fluff R
Without You | Bada Lee/ BEBE x Fem Reader | MINI SERIES R
Fantasy | Bada Lee x Fem Reader | 21+ R
Poker Face Lover | Bada Lee x Fem Reader | fluff R
Sweet & Bitter | Bada Lee x Fem Reader | fluff, smut, angst R
Wants or Needs | Bada Lee x Fem Reader | +21 R
Nxde | Bada Lee g!p x Fem Reader | +21 R
Late Night Needs | Bada Lee g!p x Fem Reader | +21 R
Secret Pain | Bada Lee x Fem Reader | fluff, angst
Burn it down | Emma Huch x Fem Reader | Fluff OG
Fear | Audrey Lane x Fem reader | Fluff R
Only You | Kirsten Dodgen x Fem Reader | 21+ OG
Amnesia | Audrey Lane x Fem Reader | Angst OG
Yours Truly | Audrey Lane x Fem Reader | +21
CROSS OVERS & others
Lure | Kirsten x Bada x Fem Reader | 21+ R
Teach me | Yeni Cho x Fem Reader | smutty fluff OG
More work coming soon. Thank you for your patience 🫶🩷
P.S. do not copy my work plz! I’m more than happy to help with your own work but I work too hard on mine so please be respectful of others work!!
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rc-catalog · 1 month
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🖊️: fanfiction; 🖼️: moodboard; 🎨: art/edit; 🧵: web weaving; 👥: character profile; ⚡: flash fic friday; ☕: motivation monday
Rating: General, Teen, Mature, Explicit
A Carefully Crafted Persona by @mrsdmitry |🖊️| Nova x Shen | TW: angst, light swearing | G
Starved by @agattthaa |🖊️| Audrey x Cassiel | TW: explicit sex | E
The Morning After by @ratanslily |🖊️🎨| Audrey x Cassiel | TW: slight suggestive content | T
Untitled by @fenharellll |⚡| Lane x Cain | TW: blood mention | M
Rain by @agattthaa |🖊️| Deviya Sharma x Doran Basu, Deviya x unrequited Ram | TW: unrequited feelings | T
Attached by @agattthaa |🖊️| Vyxaria x M!Walter | T
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rc-catalog · 16 days
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🖊️: fanfiction; 🖼️: moodboard; 🎨: art/edit; 🧵: web weaving; 👥: character profile; ⚡: flash fic friday; ☕: motivation monday
Rating: General, Teen, Mature, Explicit
And the Roses Will Bloom Again by @ratanslily |🖊️| Audrey x Cassiel | TW: mentions of blood, self-loating, angst | T
On Cain and Lane: Part One by @webanglikethat |🧵| Lane x Cain | TW: cannibalism as a form of love | T
On Cain and Lane: Part Two by @webanglikethat |🧵| Lane x Cain | G
Dmitry and Cain by @lanesrequiem |🎨| TW: guns, taxidermy, religious symbols | M
Cain x Lane by @mynameisemma |🖼️| TW: Blood, religious imagery | T
Cain x Lane by @taemcains |🖼️| TW:  Blood, occultism, disturbing imagery | M
On Lane and Possession by @mynameisemma | TW: non-sexual nudity, disturbing imagery, religious imagery | E
Daddy Luci by @dutifullynuttywitch |🖊️| Vicky x Lucifer | G
Question by @agattthaa |🖊️| Vyxaria x Walter | T
Vyxaria by @dxrkimpulse |🖼️| G
Walter by @dxrkimpulse |🖼️| G
Vyxaria x Vincent by @mynameisemma |🖼️| TW: suggestive imagery, occult imagery | M
On Luna and Minhyuk by @doobaysbride |🖼️| Luna x Minhyuk | T
Awake by @a-cloud-for-dreams |⚡| Devi x Ram | TW: bloody wound, near - death experience | T
Leather String by @agattthaa |🖊️| Lada x Dragan | T
Give Me a Chance by @dmitryswifey |🖊️| Lada x Dragan | TW: intense emotional conflict, grief, death of a loved one, unhealthy relationship dynamics | T
Nova by @dxrkimpulse |🖼️| G
Renato by @dxrkimpulse |🖼️| G
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Below the cut are various plots I would like to do. If anyone is interested in taking on one of them, please shoot me a message. I hope that you all find something that piques your interest, and that everyone will want to join me in plotting. I’ll mark out plots as they get taken, so people are up to date. In the meantime you can check out my what I do page and possibly send me some requests and ask while you’re at it. Thank you for looking!
Book Inspired Plots:
Harry Potter Series by JK Rowling: I am up for some many different kinds of Harry Potter plots. I love these characters and this world immensely. I am totally open to both canons and original characters.
Macbeth by William Shakespeare: I just want a Macbeth and Lady Macbeth inspired ship because I am terrible.
Never Let Me Go by Kazuo Ishiguro: Let’s cry over clones and lost loves and maybe make a mumu or a small group together.
The Secret History by Donna Tartt: Please. I love this book. Obviously. I would love a small group that’s a murder clique. Could be canon or totally original characters.
The Time Traveler’s Wife by Audrey Niffenegger: This book is angst personified and I just love it.
Wuthering Heights by Emily Bronte: I am gothic romantic trash and this book has been a favorite since I was 14. Come be trash for this book with me please.
Comic Book Inspired Plots:
Peter Parker/Mary Jane Watson 1x1: I have played Mary Jane before and I miss her. I would love to have a Peter to play opposite her again. So far I have Madelaine Petsch and Jessica Chastain planned for college-aged and older MJ.
Kate Bishop/Tommy Shepherd 1x1: I just love them. Kate is my baby. Tommy is precious. Let’s make it happen.
Movie Inspired Plots:
10 Cloverfield Lane: I love this movie and would adore something based on it. I think it would work well for a mumu/small group.
Ginger Snaps: Werewolves, sisters, drug dealers, and angst. Sign me up for this. We could even make this a mumu/small group. I’m game for either.
Basically anything from this list I wrote.
Musical Inspired Plots:
Little Shop of Horrors: Come be my Seymour and make me swoon. Audrey and Seymour were my first musical OTP. Anything based on them would be adorable.
Spring Awakening: A modern SA AU? Please. Ilse is my child. This would make one rad small group. People still say rad, right?
Song Inspired:
“From Eden” by Hozier: There is so much potential here, and I need it.
“Carin at the Liquor Store” by The National: This song owns me these days.
Television Show Inspired Plots:
Twin Peaks: Mumu or small group inspired by Twin Peaks and it’s characters? I think that would be one damn fine idea. (Currently working on a Twin Peaks inspired group.)
The X-Files: Someone be the Mulder to my Scully or the Scully to my Mulder or someone who wants to go hunt aliens and all that jazz.
My plot ideas tag can be found here if none of these are interesting you. Thank you for looking!
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Below the cut are various plots I would like to do. If anyone is interested in taking on one of them, please shoot me a message. I hope that you all find something that piques your interest, and that everyone will want to join me in plotting. I’ll mark out plots as they get taken, so people are up to date. In the meantime you can check out my what I do page and possibly send me some requests and ask while you’re at it. Thank you for looking!
Book Inspired Plots:
Harry Potter Series by JK Rowling: I am up for some many different kinds of Harry Potter plots. I love these characters and this world immensely. I am totally open to both canons and original characters.
Macbeth by William Shakespeare: I just want a Macbeth and Lady Macbeth inspired ship because I am terrible. 
Never Let Me Go by Kazuo Ishiguro: Let’s cry over clones and lost loves and maybe make a mumu or a small group together. 
The Secret History by Donna Tartt: Please. I love this book. Obviously. I would love a small group that’s a murder clique. Could be canon or totally original characters.
The Time Traveler’s Wife by Audrey Niffenegger: This book is angst personified and I just love it. 
Wuthering Heights by Emily Bronte: I am gothic romantic trash and this book has been a favorite since I was 14. Come be trash for this book with me please. 
Comic Book Inspired Plots:
Peter Parker/Mary Jane Watson 1x1: I have played Mary Jane before and I miss her. I would love to have a Peter to play opposite her again. So far I have Madelaine Petsch and Jessica Chastain planned for college-aged and older MJ. 
Kate Bishop/Tommy Shepherd 1x1: I just love them. Kate is my baby. Tommy is precious. Let’s make it happen.
Movie Inspired Plots:
10 Cloverfield Lane: I love this movie and would adore something based on it. I think it would work well for a mumu/small group. 
Ginger Snaps: Werewolves, sisters, drug dealers, and angst. Sign me up for this. We could even make this a mumu/small group. I’m game for either.
Basically anything from this list I wrote. 
Musical Inspired Plots:
Little Shop of Horrors: Come be my Seymour and make me swoon. Audrey and Seymour were my first musical OTP. Anything based on them would be adorable.
Spring Awakening: A modern SA AU? Please. Ilse is my child. This would make one rad small group. People still say rad, right?
Song Inspired: 
“From Eden” by Hozier: There is so much potential here, and I need it.
Television Show Inspired Plots: 
Twin Peaks: Mumu or small group inspired by Twin Peaks and it’s characters? I think that would be one damn fine idea. 
The X-Files: Someone be the Mulder to my Scully or the Scully to my Mulder or someone who wants to go hunt aliens and all that jazz.
My plot ideas tag can be found here if none of these are interesting you. Thank you for looking!
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ao3feed-brucewayne · 4 years
Awakening the Phoenix Within
read it on the AO3 at https://ift.tt/3gu3qHC
by Machijc021599
All hell broke loose in Marinette’s life since the events of Miracle Queen. Everything in her life goes downhill, Adrien is dating Kagami, Lila & Chloe becomes the center of the frustration venting, making her life as a civilian life a living hell. With Chloe she gave more insults whereas Lila spreads bad rumors about Marinette thus planting seeds of doubt on everyone about her reputation. So with the kwamis' help, she teleports to the temple to continue her guardian training there, leaving all that she knows behind her. After her training, she goes on a soul searching journey around the world meeting people, developing her skill all while occasionally teleporting back to Paris for akuma fights.
Words: 1605, Chapters: 1/?, Language: English
Series: Part 1 of Journey of a Guardian
Fandoms: Miraculous Ladybug, Marvel Cinematic Universe, DCeased (DC Comics)
Rating: Teen And Up Audiences
Warnings: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings
Categories: F/F, F/M, Gen, M/M, Multi
Characters: Marinette Dupain-Cheng | Ladybug, Adrien Agreste | Chat Noir, Chloé Bourgeois, Allan (Miraculous Ladybug), Allegra (Miraculous Ladybug), Claude (Miraculous Ladybug), Gabriel Agreste | Papillon | Hawk Moth, Nathalie Sancoeur, Alya Césaire, Nino Lahiffe, Juleka Couffaine, Rose Lavillant, Mylène Haprèle, Sabrina Raincomprix, Lila Rossi, Nathaniel Kurtzberg, Ivan Bruel, Lê Chiến Kim, Max Kanté, Alix Kubdel, Kagami Tsurugi, Wayhem (Miraculous Ladybug), Aurore Beauréal, Mireille Caquet, Ondine (Miraculous Ladybug), Marc Anciel, Luka Couffaine, Tom Dupain, Sabine Cheng, Tomoe Tsurugi, Anarka Couffaine, Le Gorille | Adrien Agreste's Bodyguard, Jagged Stone (Miraculous Ladybug), Penny Rolling, Clara Nightingale, Prince Ali (Miraculous Ladybug), Nadja Chamack, Manon Chamack, Roger Raincomprix, Audrey Bourgeois, André Bourgeois, André Glacier, Rolland Dupain, Gina Dupain, Lila Rossi's Mother, Caline Bustier, Ms. Mendeleiev (Miraculous Ladybug), Principal Damocles (Miraculous Ladybug), Ella Césaire, Etta Césaire, Nora Césaire, Otis Césaire, Marlena Césaire, Chris Lahiffe, Félix Graham de Vanily, Amélie Graham de Vanily, Emilie Agreste, Marianne Lenoir, Master Fu (Miraculous Ladybug), Tikki (Miraculous Ladybug), Plagg (Miraculous Ladybug), Nooroo (Miraculous Ladybug), Duusu (Miraculous Ladybug), Trixx (Miraculous Ladybug), Wayzz (Miraculous Ladybug), Pollen (Miraculous Ladybug), Mullo (Miraculous Ladybug), Stompp (Miraculous Ladybug), Fluff (Miraculous Ladybug), Roaar (Miraculous Ladybug), Sass (Miraculous Ladybug), Longg (Miraculous Ladybug), Kaalki (Miraculous Ladybug), Ziggy (Miraculous Ladybug), Orikko (Miraculous Ladybug), Barkk (Miraculous Ladybug), Daizzi (Miraculous Ladybug), Xuppu (Miraculous Ladybug), Nick Fury, SHIELD Agents & Staff, Tony Stark, Peter Parker, Pepper Potts, Morgan Stark (Marvel Cinematic Universe), Carol Danvers, Steve Rogers, Thor (Marvel), Natasha Romanov (Marvel), Clint Barton, Bruce Banner, Vision (Marvel), Wanda Maximoff, T'Challa (Marvel), Shuri (Marvel), Stephen Strange, Scott Lang, Hope Van Dyne, Avengers Team (MCU), The Team (Young Justice), Justice League (DCU), Bruce Wayne, Selina Kyle, Dick Grayson, Koriand'r (DCU), Mar'i Grayson, Tim Drake, Jason Todd, Damian Wayne, Raven (DCU), Barbara Gordon, Jim Gordon, Stephanie Brown, Cassandra Cain, Alfred Pennyworth, Harleen Quinzel, Pamela Isley, Gotham City Police Department Officers, Rogues Gallery (Batman), Clark Kent, Lois Lane, Jon Lane Kent, Diana (Wonder Woman), Hippolyta (Wonder Woman), Order of the Guardians (Miraculous Ladybug), Edna Mode, Original Miraculous Ladybug Character(s), Original Miraculous Holder Character(s), Original Akumatized Character(s)
Relationships: Sabine Cheng/Tom Dupain, Penny Rolling/Jagged Stone, Chloé Bourgeois/Marinette Dupain-Cheng | Ladybug, Allegra/Chloé Bourgeois, Selina Kyle/Bruce Wayne, Clark Kent/Lois Lane, Adrien Agreste | Chat Noir & Marinette Dupain-Cheng | Ladybug, Plagg/Tikki (Miraculous Ladybug), Tim Drake/Dick Grayson/Jason Todd/Damian Wayne, Dick Grayson & Mar'i Grayson & Koriand'r, Pepper Potts/Tony Stark, Peter Parker/Tony Stark
Additional Tags: Guardian Marinette Dupain-Cheng, Abandonment, Betrayal, Fluff and Angst, New Miraculous Holders, Badass Marinette Dupain-Cheng | Ladybug, Hurt Marinette Dupain-Cheng | Ladybug, Time Travel, World Travel, Mystery, Post-Episode: s03 Miracle Queen (The Battle of the Miraculous Part 2), Aged-Up Character(s), Miraculous Ladybug Love Square, Kwami & Miraculous Lore, Bad Parenting, Bullying, Identity Reveal, Final Battle, Time Skips, Nightmares, Flashbacks, Chloé Bourgeois Redemption, Lila Rossi Bashing, Lila Rossi's Lies Are Exposed, Lila Rossi Lies, Yandere, class salt
read it on the AO3 at https://ift.tt/3gu3qHC
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