#james devlin
wawamouse · 6 months
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peach-tea-honeybee · 2 years
I swear I love this game. It's one of my all time favorites and yet I see little to nothing done with it on a fandom perspective. I've see 1 piece of fanart and like 1 appreciation post. I will write fanfics or something to keep this fandom alive. But I want more people to see this game I enjoyed so dearly.
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re-readingcomics · 2 years
Comics Read 7/18- 31/2022 
I recently read two trade paperbacks I have had for over a year. I got them for familiarity with the authors and brand loyalty reasons. It’s harder to draw a direct notes of autobiography to these than what I read in the past couple of entries. So I am going to go straight into a discussion.
First up is Tomorrow written by Peter Milligan with art by Jesus Hervás and colors by James Devlin. I know Milligan is pretty controversial writer, but I often find myself surprised by how much I like his work, so I keep seeking it out. The plot involves a virus that leaps from the internet and kills almost all the adults in the world. But the book seems uninterested in the virus and most of its online origin. At first I was disappointedly comparing it to Milligan’s earlier, (sadly truncated) comic New Romancer, about a modern day computer programmer for a dating site accidentally bringing Lord Byron, Ada Lovelace and Cassanova into the modern world. There is a video game called Tomorrow within the comic, and the game’s creator is one of the main characters. This seems like something that would tie into the larger “how did we get here?” plot, but it doesn’t.  But then I thought maybe Milligan wanted the readers to just bring our own online experiences of dehumanization and outbreaks of violence. The larger question of how are we rearing children by rearing them online? From my time on Twitter, there I often see an oscillation between “the children will save us!” and “the children really don’t know how to screen for misinformation and it’s getting worse!” By the end of Tomorrow, thinking about this was really resonating to me. 
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Even with this interpretation, I don’t think the comic really works. The scenes of violence often feel gratuitous. There are too many characters with too little interaction to really get invested. And there are just too much dialogue about race and sex that is cringe inducing. Its depiction of neurodiversity, which is tied to the plot, is also bad. It feels like it was created for some kind plot points, but little sense of lived experience. Two the the characters are a set of fraternal twins. The boy is portrayed as being on the spectrum. The girl isn’t. They are physically cross country from each other  when the plague hits, but they have a real twin psychic connection. This gets severed by the social events that happen in the plot. It feels like there is an idea there worth exploring. But it isn’t really done in this comic. The plot here sort of stops. There isn’t even rushed wrap up like there was in New Romancer. I don’t know if there were or are plans for a follow up arc, but I don’t really want more. There was a plot involving a corporate retreat that I just couldn’t care enough about to remember from issue to issue. I also really disliked the art. It’s over detailed in a way that keeps things from coming together. I read in the the bio that Hervás trained as an engineer. It reminded me of some architects vs. engineer debates, with engineers likely to dismiss architects as just there to pretty up their scientific work. I am familiar with the work of a couple of trained artists turned comic book artist, Gabriel Rodríguez and Mikel Janín. Based on these comparisons alone, architecture is better training for switching into comic book art.
My next read was The Low, Low Woods, written by Carmen Maria Machado, with art by Dani, and colors by Tamra Bonvillain. This, like The Dollhouse Family, is another example of comics under the Joe Hill curated Hill House Comics published under DC’s Black Label imprint. Now that I have read three of the titles, I have to say how impressed by how different these horror comics all are in their styles, settings type of stories they tell. I also have to start by saying I really like Dani’s art. This isn’t just in comparison to having read a comics where I hated the art, directly before it. That comparison really made me appreciate how Dani knows when to leave things more suggested than filled in. The art is evocative and moody. In some ways it reminds me of Eduardo Risso, though with a fair helping of early Sandman artists like Mike Dringenberg. This befits the mid nineteen nineties setting.
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The  comic takes place in the fictional coal mining town of Shudder-to-Think, Pennsylvania and concerns two teenage girls trying to figure out about some lost time at the movies as well as the other strange parts of their town such as the skinless men in the woods. Things that everyone knows about but no one talks about. Starting with the town’s name there are a lot of places with names that would be too on the nose if it wasn’t about familiarity creating blind spots.
Last year I read Machado’s memoir, In the Dream House, about recognizing that she was in an emotionally abusive lesbian relationship and the need for representation of the bad aspects in life. There are similar themes here, with less academic citing and more supernatural occurrences. In part of the In the Dream House she discusses how the stress of that relationship affected her writing style, making her out put mostly fragmentary. The initiating incident of known memory loss does create a stress in the characters life that complements the one she described in her memoir. I definitely intend to read more of her writing. 
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justawanderingfan · 6 months
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Screw canon they’re all bisexual (to me)
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windrixville · 10 months
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achillesapple · 25 days
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being a derry girl, well, it's a fucking state of mind
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vices-aand-virtues · 5 days
Incorrect Bridgerton Quotes
Colin & Penelope: *kissing*
Eloise: What the actual fuck?! Oh you sick, sick bastards.
Penelope: Listen, Eloise–
Eloise: This is incest!
Colin: No it's not!
Eloise: Yes it is, Colin!
Colin: We're not related!
Eloise: Oh and that makes it okay, I suppose??
Colin: Well it makes it not incest!
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ncutisgatwas · 12 days
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Derry Girls (2018-2022) Season 3 | Episode 1
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sydneyadmu · 17 days
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It's Bridie's corpse. It's Bridie's dead corpse. It's just a dead body, James. We're all going to be one someday.
DERRY GIRLS - S02E04: The Curse
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nourtarts · 1 year
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derry girls!!!
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hanisaway · 1 year
i find it so cute when the 5 called uncle colm to the investigation & when their plan succeeded, they all celebrated him & he was smiling saying, "any time, weans! any time at all!" :)
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wawamouse · 6 months
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honestly there were a lot of options to choose from but in the end i tried to include some less obvious characters (like obviously chris is edgy thot and toby is the entire bitch row in rotation. we know this.)
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dunyun-rings · 4 months
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I just finished watching Derry Girls for the first time and now I can’t stop thinking with an Irish accent
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lavenderbanisters · 10 months
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rewatched derry girls earlier this year and it made me wanna draw the bestiesss
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fanaticbitchhh · 6 months
aye, gag me with a spoon will ye?
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james maguire x fem!quinn!reader
warnings: fluff, mentions of blood
notes: this was so rushed but i wanted to get something out for james because we're lackin' james appreciation on this app !!
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it was early in the morning, well 11 am but still early for y/n. she was packed and ready to go to portnoo with the rest of the derry girls, and james of course.
her and james have been dating a little over 6 months now, they couldnt be happier. they had awesome friends, well michelle was still a bit of a bitch towards james but he could deal, and he had the most perfect girlfriend he could ask for.
y/n headed downstairs, excited to see her boyfriend as she heard his voice from the living room. she wore relatively comfortable clothes, a pair of james' sweatpants and his hoodie did her just fine.
as she bounded towards james, she failed to notice the tent in her way and she tripped over it. she was absolutely mortified and felt blood trickling from her nose at the impact from the floor.
"oh god, y/n, are you okay?" james panicked, rushing to her side.
"aye dont worry yourself jamie, im fine. just excited to see you is all" she smiled to the worried boy infront of her.
"c'mon, lets get you cleaned up." he said, taking her hand and leading her up to the bathroom.
she reluctantly sat on the counter, waiting for james to do whatever he was to do so she could kiss him without blood going all over him. eventually, james ripped off a bit of toilet roll and shoved it under her nose to catch the blood.
they sat there for a few minutes, admiring eachother with lovesick smiles on their faces before james pulled the tissue away.
"you're alright, yeah?" james asked, kissing her forehead.
she hopped off the counter and stood by the door way.
"with you here, im always okay." she smiled, booping his nose softly.
he blushed and laughed a bit, he always got shy when she flirted with him, or did anything remotely romantic. it was foreign to him, he was so used to michelle always saying he'd never find love that when he actually did, it was hard to accept it.
he kissed her softly, smiles playing on both their faces as they did so.
"i love you jamie" she smiles as they break away.
"i love you too y/n/n, more than you know." he smiles back.
"aye, gag me with a spoon will ye?"
the two jump away from eachother.
"michelle!" they exclaim as she chuckles almost like a witch.
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windrixville · 5 months
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