#james farrow x oliver marks
divno · 1 year
I'm not afraid
Long live all the mountains we moved
I had the time of my life fighting dragons with you
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I was screaming, "Long live the look on your face"
And bring on all the pretenders
One day we will be remembered
-Long Live by Taylor Swift
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spardalighieri · 1 year
ok one more to add to the list of dark academia obsessions:
I just read "If We Were Villains" and reading that much poetry, the deep unspoken feelings between James and Oliver, made me remember that line of Herakles by Euripides:
"Stop. Give me your hand. I am your friend."
"I fear stain your clothes with blood."
"Stain them. I don't care."
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excerptum · 2 years
The clock on the mantel struck twelve, and we stirred, one by one, like seven statues coming to life.
M. L. Rio, If We Were Villains
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poppletonink · 9 months
Best Quotes From 'If We Were Villains'
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"You can justify anything if you do it poetically enough."
"You can't quantify humanity. You can't measure it - not the way you mean to. People are passionate and flawed and fallible. They make mistakes. Their memories fade. Their eyes deceive them."
"I don't know, it's like I look at you and the sonnets make sense. The good ones, anyway."
"Do you blame Shakespeare for any of it?" The question is so unlikely, so nonsensical coming from such a sensible man, that I can't help but suppress a smile. "I blame him for all of it."
'She says, “Were you in love with him?” “Yes,” I say, simply. James and I put each other through the kind of reckless passions Gwendolyn once talked about, joy and anger and desire and despair. After all that, was it really so strange? I am no longer baffled or amazed or embarrassed by it. “Yes, I was.” It’s not the whole truth. The whole truth is, I’m in love with him still.'
'I need language to live like food - lexemes and morphemes and morsels of meaning nourish me with the knowledge that, yes, there is a word for this. Someone else has felt it before.'
'Below was the motto: Per aspera ad astra. I'd heard a variety of translations, but the one I liked best was Through the thorns to the stars.'
"We cracked up. [...] But we didn't really shatter until we were all back together again."
'The clock on the mantel struck twelve, and we stirred, one by one, like seven statues coming to life.'
'Actors are by nature volatile - alchemic creatures composed of incendiary elements, emotion and ego and envy. Heat them up, stir them together, and sometimes you get gold. Sometimes disaster.'
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posalis · 8 months
when oliver marks said "i didn't want to leave him" and "he seemed so fragile i was afraid to touch him" and "i wanted to give richard ten bruises for every one he'd put on james" and "[i] was still holding james but not sure why" and "i wanted him [...] unhurt and unafraid more than i wanted richard alive" and "james, are you okay?" "you okay?" "something's bothering you?" "are you sure?" "are you alright?" "can you tell me what's wrong?" "i just want to help, let me help, okay?" "you can tell me. even if it's bad, even if it's really bad" "it's okay" "it'll be okay" "we'll find a way to fix this" "we'll sort it out" "we'll figure it out" "you know why."
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victorssharpie · 2 months
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iicarusflew · 30 days
that scene where oliver confronts james after he broke his nose ... it's a love confession. god. it is. you’re like a bird. this fragile, elusive thing. if i could catch you, I could crush you.
(why is this romantic as hell and back? nothing anyone would ever say to me would be as romantic and crushing and full of terrible desperate yearning as this)
and then james says that line from romeo & juliet balcony scene. something something about it translating into i hate myself because i’ve done something hateful to you.
it's like when oliver told colbourn that as actors they felt two things at the same time, what their characters felt and what they were feeling. so james is trussed up and confused with his actions and in love with oliver and quoting ROMEO MONTAGUE. this isn't duality, it's parallel. it's one thing on top of other.
...and of course the scene ends with oliver holding james's hand over his heart and james staring at it like he's just realised... the enormity of this. this unspeakable thing.
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bvrtysbvtches · 1 year
no bc the bi panic oliver must’ve been feeling when he saw both his crushes hate making out with each other
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halleyys-comet · 1 year
Oliver: goes to prison for 10 years in order to keep James safe and happy
James: *drowns himself*
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mlmshipbracket · 4 months
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Oliver x James art by goldfionch on Twitter
Shen Wei/Zhao Yunlan:
You’ve got the world's most disaster bisexual man who cannot sit properly to save his life and you've got an omnipotent professor guy who is obsessed with him and they somehow make time to solve mysteries between longingly staring at each other
The love that crosses time, the kind of love where their souls are drawn to each other no matter what form they take. Shen Wei has loved Zhao Yunlan for 10000 years. He waited for him to be reborn for TEN THOUSAND years! [SPOILERS] and yet after all that, they still didn't get their happy ending in this life. But they'll get another chance, they'll try again, and they will end up loving each other in every lifetime.
Oliver Marks/James Farrow:
Theater kids getting in big trouble, sticking to each other and falling in love while playing Shakespeare, not necessarily in that order.
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sainz5516 · 1 year
there’s something magical about same two characters falling in love over and over again in different universes-
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divno · 1 year
How could we explain that standing on a stage and speaking someone else's words as if they are your own is less an act of bravery than a desperate lunge at mutual understanding?
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-M.L. Rio, If We Were Villains
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mcqueenrry · 2 years
can’t stop thinking about how oliver marks went to jail for james, to protect him only to have james farrow absolutely lose his mind over it and die.
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theforeverdaydream · 9 months
"You want me to stay?" I asked. I didn't want to leave him.
"Please," he said.
- If We Were Villains
"Tell me," Kit said. Tell me what you need.
"Put your arms around me," said Ty. His hands were pale blue blurs in the air, as if Kit were looking at a time-lapsed photo. "Hold on to me."
- Lord of Shadows
Because they just can't let each other go, can they?
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stilessbaseballbat · 7 months
Okay just finished If We Were Villains
Don't talk to me for the next 5-7 business days.
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posalis · 8 months
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oh i love those boys so much
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